#s. j. ralston
duckprintspress · 8 months
Meet Aether Beyond the Binary Contributor S. J. Ralston
We’re entering the final week of the Kickstarter campaign for Aether Beyond the Binary, an anthology of 17 aetherpunk stories starring characters outside the gender binary, and we’re still going strong! As I write this, we’re $3,700 shy of our goal – an amount we definitely can raise, but the more help we get spreading the words about this project, the more people will know it exists, and truly that’s the single biggest barrier to hitting our goals: effectively spread the words. So, if you believe in this project, whether you’re a backer or not, we’d really appreciate you taking a moment to share/reblog/retoot/reskeet our posts about it!
Thanks for all your support! Now, let’s introduce another of our contributing authors…
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About S. J.: S. J. grew up in a distinctly weird, distinctly southern hometown, then hied out West for grad school before landing in Texas, where they currently work as a planetary scientist. They’ve been writing original works and fanfiction since they could hold a pencil semi-correctly, and continue to write both whenever possible (as well as still holding a pencil only semi-correctly). In their clearly copious spare time, S. J. enjoys hiking, tabletop RPGs, jigsaw puzzles, and enthusiastically crappy sci-fi.
Link: Personal Website | Tumblr
This is S. J.’s first time writing with Duck Prints Press. You can read another example of their writing by visiting their website to check out Anglerfish, a horror sci-fi story. 
An Interview with S. J. Ralston
How did you pick the name you create under?
It’s a line from the opening of the Aeneid that’s stuck with me ever since AP Latin in high school: “On account of the mindful wrath of cruel Juno.” It’s a synchesis, where the adjectives have been swapped from where you expect them to be; it’s Juno who is mindful and her wrath that is cruel, but rearranging them in such a way elegantly implies the relentless, vindictive onslaught that is to follow.
What do you consider to be your strengths as a creator?
Dialogue and dread.
What do the phrases “writer’s block” or “art block” mean to you?
The state of wanting to create but not having the intellectual raw materials to do it.
Are you a pantser, a planner, or a planster? What’s your process look like?
I would consider myself a plantser. Typically I start with an IDEA, writ large, center of the page. Then some key scenes will populate around it–dramatic moments, fun bits of dialogue, cool setpieces. At that point I get out my corkboard and red string and start trying to piece everything together, and if I’m lucky, the shape of the story will reveal itself to me. Sometimes it’s the classic parabola of rising and falling action, other times it’s been a ring, a tri-fold posterboard, a descending spiral, or a series of concentric circles. Then I fill in until the structure is complete and hope like hell that I can stick the landing.
What are your favorite tropes?
Found Family, Robots With Feelings, Enemies To Lovers, Destructive Romance, Kirk Summation/The Man In The Room
What are your favorite character archetypes?
Brooding Loner Secretly Just Lonely, Lying For Fun And Profit, Badass With An Obvious Dump Stat, Too Old For This Shit, Taciturn But Bizarre, Himbo
Do you like having background noise when you create? What do you listen to? Does it vary depending on the project, and if so, how?
I make a playlist for almost everything I write that’s longer than a few thousand words. Sometimes it’s for listening to while I’m creating (in that case, it has to be primarily instrumentals or I’ll get distracted), and sometimes it’s just for daydreaming to (in which case, the vibes must be correct, so I can construct AMV’s in my head).
Share five of your favorite books. (You can include why, if you want!)
Feet of Clay by Terry Pratchett – Eerie, funny, and poignant in equal measure; a police procedural done right.
Piranesi by Susanna Clarke – Lush with joy, curiosity, and love, yet still remarkably dark, with an ending that will nestle in your brain forever.
Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception by Eoin Colfer – Fourth in the series and the absolute pinnacle thereof. A master-class in shit hitting the fan. 
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu – Everyone, down to the most momentary background character, behaves more like *people* than any I’ve ever read before and it’s *disastrous* and I *love* it.
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson – The classic of classics. The horror of horrors. The transgenderism of it all.
What are your goals as a creator? 
(1) To write something that’s better on the second read-through than it was on the first, and (2) To write something that stays with the reader.
What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
When you finish a first draft and you *know* you’ve got something really good, put it down. For a month, six months, a year; until the glow fades, or you’ve fallen in love with whatever you’re writing next. Then come back and re-read that first draft. Take extensive notes, diagram the plot, profile the characters. Notice the holes, redundancies, missed opportunities, and inconsistencies. Then open up a blank document and *start over.*
S. J.’s Contribution to Aether Beyond the Binary
Title: Razzmatazz
Tags: bipoc, body horror, butch, character injury (non-graphic descriptions), classism, dehumanization, eye horror, horror, humans are the villains, mechanic, minor character death, misogyny, murder (accidental), non-binary, non-human character, past tense, sentient construct (magical), third person limited pov
The thing was damn near unrecognizable, not just as Marilyn Monroe, but as human. People had tweaked the proportions through the years—amateur artists who couldn’t put down the paintbrush. That kind of thing was bad enough on paper, but seeing it in person made Skipper’s butthole clench.
The dress and the curls were Monroe. The rest was something else.
“Shit my ass off,” Skipper said under his breath.
“Yeah,” said Charlie.
“This gets up and walks around?”
“She does.”
“Shit my ass off.”
Maybe it was a trick of the light, a too-heavy head on a too-thin neck, but the Monroe wasn’t staring across the aisle like the others. It seemed to be looking down at Skipper. It put out waves of dare-you-to-start-some-shit energy.
“Is it because they messed with the proportions?”
“Huh?” said Skipper, pulling out of the Monroe’s tractor beam.
“The reason she moves around so much. Could it be because of…” Charlie gestured to its whole body.
“Hell, maybe,” said Skipper.
The Monroe loomed like a landslide, just waiting for the rain. Skipper had a hammer on his belt. He felt like the Monroe was staring at it. If he broke the case, what then? 
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vintagelasvegas · 5 years
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Tumbleweed Motel, 3421 S. 5th St (Las Vegas Blvd S.) – 1947
The 20-unit Tumbleweed Motel was built at the same time as the Flamingo Hotel was under construction a short ways south of the motel site, with one of its same architects Richard Stadelman. The motel was owned by Brasman and Kantor of Los Angeles; R. E. Ralston, contractor. The construction permit was issued Spring '46, and the motel was open by Feb. 47, with a 752-foot well was built on the site by Canemona Drilling of Las Vegas. The motel was located on the northern side of what is now Harrah's Las Vegas.
“I played there as a child with the owner’s daughter. We lived next door in a small apartment. I watched them build the Sands. The Tumbleweed was between the Sands and the Flamingo, where the Strip ended. The city bus turned around at the Flamingo to make its run back up.” - Martha Beecher 
The neon sign and new buildings seen in the postcards below were added in the 50s. The postcards are undated, except for the black & white photo circa Jul. '56.
The motel was renamed Sand Dunes Motel in '66, and was destroyed by fire in '68. Howard Hughes owned the property before it was sold to the owners of Holiday Casino, which later became Harrah's.
Photos and film of Tumbleweed Motel
'46: Construction. Open since at least Feb. '47
'66: becomes Sand Dunes Motel some time after Feb.
'68: Closed after fire destroys 15 units, Mar. Site purchased by H. Hughes, May.
'70s: Property leased as parking for Holiday Casino.
'77: Sold by Summa Corp to Riverboat Casino Inc (Holiday Casino), 6/3/77. Used for Holiday showroom expansion in '81.
Clark County Issues Number of Permits for New Construction. Las Vegas Review-Journal, 4/26/46; Well Drilling Record Set by Vegas Firm. Review-Journal, 2/28/47; Strip Motel Fire. Review-Journal, 3/10/68; J. Brooke. Hughes Sweeps to New Victory. Review-Journal, 5/1/68.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"Cabinet Men, Motor Leaders at Ceremony," Windsor Star. June 21, 1943. Page 10. ---- CANADA'S half-millionth unit of motorized equipment, a battery charger lorry, was completed in Oshawa on Saturday. Above, left to right: Defence Minister J. L. Ralston, Munitions Minister C. D. Howe, Mr. R. Campbell, president of the Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited; Mr. R. S. McLaughlin, president of General Motors Company of Canada, and Mr. C. W. Churchill, president, Chrysler Corporation of Canada. ///
"Ten More C.W.A.C. Girls Enlisted Here," Windsor Star. June 21, 1943. Page 10. --- TEN more recruits for the Canadian Women's Army Corps, six of them Canadians, are shown above as they left for Induction at London. Left to right, front row, are E. J. Scratch, Amherstburg: Sybil Speakman, Detroit; A. J. Conlish, Munroe, Mich.; Patricia Scholey, Windsor, and Tilly Skolsky, Ottawa. Back row are Anne Danowich, Detroit; Shirley Bastien, Windsor: Mrs. Harry R. Nobles, honorary president of the C.W.A.C. Mother's Auxiliary; Colleen LeFave, Windsor: Betty Schmidt, Detroit; Agnes Thibert, Riverside, and Corporal G. M. Becker, of the Windsor recruiting staff. (Staff Photograph.)
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Project Bibliography!!
Cavalcante, A. (2018). Tumbling into Queer Utopias and Vortexes: Experiences of LGBTQ social media users on Tumblr. Journal of Homosexuality, 66(12), 1715–1735. https://doi.org/10.1080/00918369.2018.1511131
Craig, S. L., & McInroy, L. (2014). You can form a part of yourself online: The Influence of New Media on Identity Development and Coming Out for LGBTQ youth. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health, 18(1), 95–109. https://doi.org/10.1080/19359705.2013.777007
Fox, J., & Ralston, R. (2016). Queer Identity Online: Informal Learning and teaching experiences of LGBTQ individuals on social media. Computers in Human Behavior, 65, 635–642. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2016.06.009
Llewellyn, A. (2021). “A space where queer is normalized”: The Online World and Fanfictions as Heterotopias for WLW. Journal of Homosexuality, 69(13), 2348–2369. https://doi.org/10.1080/00918369.2021.1940012
Masanet, M.-J., & Buckingham, D. (2014). Advice on life? Online fan forums as a space for peer-to-peer sex and relationships education. Sex Education, 15(5), 486–499. https://doi.org/10.1080/14681811.2014.934444
McInroy, L. B., & Craig, S. L. (2020). “It’s like a safe haven fantasy world”: Online fandom communities and the identity development activities of sexual and gender minority youth. Psychology of Popular Media, 9(2), 236–246. https://doi.org/10.1037/ppm0000234
Mondin, A. (2017). ‘Tumblr mostly, Great Empowering Images:’ blogging, reblogging and scrolling feminist, queer and BDSM desires. Journal of Gender Studies, 26(3), 282–292. https://doi.org/10.1080/09589236.2017.1287684
Szulc, Ł., & Dhoest, A. (2013). The internet and sexual identity formation: Comparing internet use before and after coming out. Communications, 38(4). https://doi.org/10.1515/commun-2013-0021
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mindfulwrath · 5 years
Good tidings, everyone! After a long and frustrating journey, I've found a surgeon I trust to help me through the next phase of my transition. This is a huge relief, and an exciting time, but it comes with its share of thorns. I have known since before I knew I was trans that I wanted a masculine chest; it's caused me a great deal of pain since I was a teenager, and even though I've found ways to ease a lot of my distress, my body still doesn't fit, and it's still causing me pain. Unfortunately, my insurance doesn't agree with me that the procedure is necessary, so I will have to pay for it out of pocket.
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rhianna · 2 years
Hidden Treasures; Or, Why Some Succeed While Others Fail by Harry A. Lewis
Bibliographic Record
Lewis, Harry A.
Title   Hidden Treasures; Or, Why Some Succeed While Others Fail
Contents   Preface -- Introduction -- Quotations -- Daniel Drew -- Russell Sage -- Cornelius Vanderbilt -- Amos Lawrence -- Horace B. Claflin -- William E. Dodge -- Jay Gould -- John Wannamaker -- Alexander T. Stewart -- Nicholas Longworth -- Robert Bonner -- William G. Fargo -- James C. Flood -- John W. MacKay -- James C. Fair -- Horace Greeley -- Thurlow Weed -- George W. Childs -- James Gordon Bennett -- Phineas T. Barnum -- Mathew Vassar -- John Jacob Astor -- Potter Palmer -- James Harper -- Henry Disston -- Peter Cooper -- George Law -- Darius O. Mills -- Stephen Girard -- Moses Taylor -- William C. Ralston -- George Peabody -- William W. Corcoran -- Nathan Mayer Rothschild -- John Adams -- Thomas Jefferson -- John Marshall -- Alexander Hamilton -- James Madison -- James Monroe -- Lewis Cass -- John C. Calhoun -- Robert Y. Hayne -- Daniel Webster -- Andrew Jackson -- Thomas H. Benton -- Henry Clay -- Martin Van Buren -- Stephen Arnold Douglass -- Abbott Lawrence -- Alexander H. Stephens -- Millard Fillmore -- William H. Seward -- Horatio Seymour -- Winfield S. Hancock -- George B. McClellan -- Ulysses Simpson Grant -- Stonewall Jackson -- General Robert E. Lee -- Henry Wilson -- Abraham Lincoln -- Edward Everett -- Edwin M. Stanton -- Andrew Johnson -- James A. Garfield -- Chester A. Arthur -- John A. Logan -- James G. Blaine -- Samuel J. Tilden -- Henry Ward Beecher -- James Watt -- George Stephenson -- Benjamin Franklin -- Eli Whitney -- Robert Fulton -- Elias Howe, Jr. -- Isaac M. Singer -- Richard M. Hoe -- Charles Goodyear -- Prof. S. F. B. Morse -- Cyrus W. Field -- George M. Pullman -- Thomas A. Edison -- Why some succeed while others fail.
Language   English
LoC Class
BJ: Philosophy, Psychology, Religion: Ethics, Social usages, Etiquette, Religion
United States -- Biography
Release Date  Dec 20, 2006
Copyright Status   Public domain in the USA.
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outoftowninac · 3 years
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The Hotel Morton (150 South Virginia Avenue, Atlantic City) opened its doors in 1923. The area was home to many Quakers, and the Morton was Quaker-owned. 500 feet from the Boardwalk boasting 500 rooms, it had a sister hotel called The Hotel Franklin, also on Virginia, although two hotels on Virginia Avenue was far from a Monopoly. 
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The Hotel Morton was the first and only hotel to have an ocean water pool. For a time, a US Coast Guard Station was located at the hotel. The dining room boasted a Hammond B2 organ; Atlantic City was well known for organ music. The Morton also contained a meeting space originally named New Hall, but later converted to the Quarterdeck Theatre.  That’s where our story begins...
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[Note: Some shows listed here were announced, and later changed. In the interests of completion, I have included all titles.  The order listed here may not reflect their chronological presentation.]
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Although the Quarterdeck Theatre would mainly offer summer stock of familiar plays, it started with a tribute to Atlantic City’s roots - a try-out for a Broadway-bound new play. Sadly, Atlantic City was as close as it got to the Great White Way. The first season was modest (testing the waters) and ended with the warhorse Charley’s Aunt starring future “Laugh-In” star Alan Sues. 
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The Cat in The Cage (World Premiere)
Smilin’ Through
The Silver Whistle
Come Back Little Sheba
Seventh Heaven
Charley’s Aunt ~ Alan Sues
The second Quarterdeck season was and ambitious one. Not waiting for Memorial Day, but kicking off the first week in April. They managed to engage Magda Gabor (sister of Zsa-Zsa and Eva) in her tour of The Play’s The Thing by Molnar as their kick off. A late addition proved unusual summer fare - Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman. “Attention must be paid” to Sylvia Sidney and Luther Adler because they were ideally cast in the long-running thriller Angel Street (aka Gaslight). On deck of the Quarterdeck was young ‘Dickie' Van Patten repeated his 1948 Broadway role of Ensign Pulver in Mr. Roberts. Film seductress Veronica Lake brought her trademark hairstyle to the oceanside venue in the reliable stage vehicle Voice of the Turtle. A pre-Lassie June Lockhart was Claudia, and Ethel Barrymore Colt got away from her “Royal Family” in The Grammercy Ghost. Among the stars was a hard-working resident company featuring Peg Shirley (from the City of Brotherly Love), who later had film roles in Imitation of Life (1959) and The Thomas Crown Affair (1968), among others. From AC she went to Broadway in the ensembles of Show Boat and Guys and Dolls. 
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The Play's The Thing ~ Magda Gabor 
The Happy Time
The Hasty Heart ~ John Dall
Goodbye My Fancy ~ Esther Ralston
Glad Tidings ~ Sidney Blackmer and Suzanne Kaaren
Golden Boy ~ Dane Clark
Detective Story ~ Lee Grant > replaced by Death of a Salesman ~ Leon Stevens
Affairs of State ~ Vicki Cummings
Night of January 16th 
Angel Street ~ Sylvia Sidney and Luther Adler
The Male Animal ~ Nancy Coleman
Mr. Roberts ~ Dick Van Patten 
The 13th Chair
The Philadelphia Story
The Voice of the Turtle ~ Veronica Lake
On Borrowed Time ~ Boris Karloff
Claudia ~ June Lockhart and John Dale
The Show-Off > replaced by Ah, Wilderness
Lo and Behold  ~Albert Dekker
Summer and Smoke ~ Natalie Craveth
Grammercy Ghost ~ Ethel Barrymore Colt 
The Winslow Boy ~ Ken Walken
The Moon is Blue ~ Joyce McCord, J. Mackey Elliott and George Ebeling
By the 1954 season the Quarterdeck was settled into a pattern that concentrated on its resident company of actors instead of star tours. Turning Virginia Avenue into Tobacco Road - even for a week - might have been a stretch. Although the titles were familiar to most, the casts were not. There was, however, one notable exception: 
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Actress Joan Blondell placed fourth in the 1926 Miss America contest in Atlantic City. In 1933, she starred in the now-lost film comedy Convention City with a slew of other stars. Naturally pre-code “Convention City” was actually code for “Atlantic City.” Joan Blondell next played a jobless showgirl sitting out her friends’ hunt for generous men-folk on the train from Atlantic City in the film Gold Diggers of 1937.  In 1954, it seems, the Oscar-nominee returned to the Jersey Shore as The Country Girl.  
Bell Book and Candle
Remains To Be Seen > replaced by Late Love ~ Steve Thomas
Summer and Smoke
The Country Girl ~ Joan Blondell
Jenny Kissed Me
Tobacco Road
Edwina Black 
The Happiest Days of Your Life 
My Three Angels ~ Curtis Wheeler
The Trial of Mary Dugan 
Peg O' My Heart 
Camino Real July 29
Yes, My Darling Daughter ~ Don Draper
The Man 
Separate Rooms ~ Jo Ann Miller 
John Loves Mary 
Let Us Be Gay
Lullaby ~ Vera Tatum
Personal Appearance ~ Cheryl Maxwell
The penultimate season was shorter, and had some substitutions from the announced slate. Again the resident company was the draw. They took a chance on a new play (at least to these shores) Here We Come A Gathering from England. Also from across the pond, their opener, To Dorothy, A Son was a Broadway flop in 1951 and a Hollywood flop in 1954 (retitled Cash on Delivery) starring Shelley Winters. An odd choice as a starter. 
To Dorothy, A Son 
Dial M For Murder 
Here We Come Gathering (a new comedy) 
Wedding Breakfast 
Twin Beds > replaced by The Fifth Season ~ Curtis Wheeler
Gigi > replaced by Night Must Fall ~ Russ Dearborn
Dial M For Murder > replaced by School For Husbands 
Oh, Men! Oh, Women!  ~ Sonia Torgenson
The Barretts of Wimpole Street 
Picnic ~ Sonia Torgenson
Just Married
The Tender Trap ~ Sonia Torgenson
For Love or Money ~ Vera Tatum
The Fourposter 
The final season at the Hotel Morton final saw their planned production of Gigi (the play, not the musical) finally hit the Atlantic City boards (stage not walk). Thank heaven, they started things off right with Anastasia, a hit play still on Broadway at the time. Champagne is usually reserved for launching ships, not sinking ones, but none-the-less the Quarterdeck finished 1956 with the three-hander that lasted just three weeks on the Main Stem, Champagne Complex - or “The Night They Invented Despair". 
Part of the repertory company that season was 26 year-old Robert Prosky. 
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It was a career move for the Philly-born thespian, whose family had a summer home in nearby Cape May NJ.  In 2000, 44 years later, Prosky was named Best Actor in a Short Film at the Atlantic City Film Festival.  The following year, he was recognized again by the New Jersey Film Festival. In 2006 he was profiled by New Jersey magazine. 
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Anastasia ~ Gina Shield and Henry Beckman
Anniversary Waltz ~ Gina Shield and Henry Beckman
The Seven Year Itch ~ Curtis Wheeler and Robert Prosky
To Grandmother’s House
The Bad Seed ~ Arlene Ross, Cheryl Maxwell, and Robert Prosky
Bus Stop ~ Jo Ann Miller
Gigi (play) ~ Delores Quinton
Tea and Sympathy ~ Cheryl Maxwell
The Solid Gold Cadillac ~ Robert Prosky
Dear Charles ~ Marian Primont and Robert Prosky
Champagne Complex ~ Jo Ann Miller, Henry Beckman, and Curtis Wheeler
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In May 1959, the nearby Seaside Hotel and Motel offered a “Free Evening at the Quarterdeck Theatre”.  But the next mention of the space being used for live theatre was a 1962 production of The Fantasticks. 
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In the 1960′s the venue was used for a variety of purposes, including a silent movie festival known as Nickelodeon Night that returned for an encore season. 
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But the Morton’s days were numbered. In May 1968 the hotel went on the auction block. Almost ten years later - still standing - the hotel was placed on the National Register of Historic Places - a glimmer of hope. In November 1978 Metropole Associates announced plans to build a hotel-casino at the site of the Morton Hotel but the plans fell through. The hotel was demolished around 1985 and is now occupied by the Hard Rock (formerly Trump Taj Mahal) Casino-Hotel. No doubt Atlantic City’s new land baron and America’s future President played a part in turning the historic Morton and its Quarterdeck to dust. 
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aryburn-trains · 7 years
Milwaukee Road's Columbia Express Wreck, May 30, 1911 - Marengo, Washington
Milwaukee Road's Columbia Express Wreck, May 30, 1911 - Marengo, Washington by Steve Shook Via Flickr: WRECK ON THE C. M. & P. .S. RY. MAY 30, 11 NEAR MERANGO, WASH. Date: May 30, 1911 Source Type: Postcard Printer, Publisher, Photographer: Cramer (#3) Postmark: None Collection: Steven R. Shook Remark: Note that the postcard publisher misspelled Marengo and listed the initials of the railway incorrectly. Marengo was a railway siding of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad (Milwaukee Road Milepost 1927.0) located in Adams County, Washington, approximately 11 ¼ miles southeast of the town of Ritzville, Washington [47°1'38"N 118°11'10"W]. Note that there was once a community of Marengo also located in Adams County, Washington, but the Marengo mentioned in this postcard was the railway siding. It is believed that the wreck took place at this location on a very sharp curve in the track: 47°0'44.25"N 118°12'52.68"W. The following newspaper item concerning this train wreck appeared in the May 30, 1911, issue of The La Grande Evening Observer, published in La Grande, Union County, Oregon [Volume 10, Number 186, Page 1, Columns 1-2]: NEW MILWAUKEE EXPRESS IN THE DITCH AND TWO KILLED Tacoma, Wn., May 30. -- The Milwaukee's new limited transcontinental passenger, "Columbia" was ditched this morning near Lind, Washington, according to information received here. The engineer and fireman were killed. The train was enroute to Tacoma. The engineer was Talmadge and the fireman Scholenberg. One baggageman and four negro waiters were injured in the wreck of the Columbian express on the Milwaukee road near Marengo. She left Seattle last night. A smoker, tourist and day coach were derailed. The following newspaper item concerning this train wreck appeared in the May 30, 1911, issue of The Oakland Tribune, published in Oakland, Alameda County, California: TWO KILLED IN NORTHERN WRECK. SECOND TRAIN OVER C. M. & P. S. RAILROAD GOES INTO THE DITCH. ENGINEER AND FIREMEN MEET DEATH; LOS ANGELES LTD. DERAILED. Spokane, Wash., May 30. -- Derailed at a sharp curve seven miles east of Ralston and 26 miles east of Lind, Wash., the "Columbian," east-bound passenger train on the Chicago, Milwaukee and Puget Sound Railroad, was wrecked early today the engineer and fireman instantly killed and at least one passenger seriously injured. Reports from the wreck are meager. The dead: Engineer E. H. TALMAGE, of Maiden. Fireman SCHOLENBERG, of Maiden. The injured are being taken to Lind. The "Columbian" is the second through passenger train to leave Seattle over the Milwaukee line since the completion of the road. The train was new and expensively equipped. The engine and two cars were demolished. Engineer Talmadge was Earl Harry Talmadge, the son of Henry J. Talmadge and Lillian Mason Talmadge. Talmadge was 40 years old at the time of his death. Fireman Scholenberg was Harry Shollenberg, the son of William H. Shollenberg and Alice Mary Scott Shollenberg. Shollenberg was 23 years old at the time of his death. Copyright 2014. All rights reserved. This image and associated text may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Steven R. Shook.
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duckprintspress · 6 months
Meet Some of Duck Prints Press’s Transgender Authors!
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Today, March 31st 2024, is Transgender Day of Visibility! We’re celebrating by shining the spotlight on 11 trans authors who’ve published with us, and three more who are contributing to projects that are in the pipeline. Duck Prints Press works with many trans creators, but we never disclose such information without explicit permission – there are way more than 11 trans folks working with us, but the people highlighted in this post all opted in to be included: they’re here, they’re trans, and they’re happy for y’all to know that about them!
Most of these authors have published more than one work with Duck Prints Press; we’re mostly highlighting one story each for this post, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t more to read!
Aether Beyond the Binary is our most recent anthology (Kickstarted in January, expected to go up for sale in late spring or early summer). About half the contributors are transgender or genderqueer, including four who volunteered to be included in this post!
S. J. Ralston, who contributed the story Razzmatazz, about a dystopian Hollywood where robots of long-dead stars are forced to make movies, and about the non-binary mechanic who services them.
Kelas Lloyd, who contributed the story True, about a non-binary teen going to a remedial camp to help them learn to channel aether.
Catherine E. Green, who contributed the story To Hold the World Close, about an established non-binary couple working together to try to take down a corporation that’s trying to control access to the world-wide aether network.
Zel Howland, who contributed the story Flower and Rot, about a world where channeling aether causes human bodies to sprout plants, and about the people who sprout fungi instead.
Meet the other contributors, too!
All of our anthologies have had trans contributors; highlighted here also is And Seek (Not) to Alter Me: Queer Fanworks Inspired by Shakespeare’s “Much Ado About Nothing,” contributed to by Adrian Harley (a character study of modern-day Benedick’s coming out as a trans man) and Nickel J. Keep (a wlw historical story about the characters returning home after serving in World War 2).
You can read about all the contributors to Aether Beyond the Binary here.
And other works by our trans authors…
Of Loops and Weaves by Catherine E. Green: a trans woman works on a knit for her crush.
Sarisa by N. C. Farrell: a bigender he/she mecha mechanic navigates the challenges of a new pilot arriving on the ship. (N. C. Farrell also contributed to our anthology She Wears the Midnight Crown.)
Whispers of Atlantis: A Tale of Discovery and Belonging by Neo Scarlett: a family subjected to bullying because of their mixed elvish/human heritage seek a new places to live.
Chrysopoeia by Zel Howland: what happens when a witch is trapped with her personal demon…
Many Drops Make a Stream by Adrian Harley: one of only four novels Duck Prints Press has released so far, Many Drops Make a Stream introduces the shapeshifter Droplet as she and carpenter Azera search for Azera’s kidnapped friend.
A Shield for the People by Puck Malamud: a trans Jewish man uses his powers to protect the common people from the creatures of the night. (Puck Malamud also contributed to our anthology Add Magic to Taste.)
This Treatment for Chronic Pain has an Unbelievable Side Effect! by Xianyu Zhou: a man gets more than he bargained for when he participates in an experimental treatment plan for his chronic pain… (spicy!) (Xianyu Zhou also contributed to our anthology Aim For The Heart: Queer Fanworks Inspired by Alexandre Dumas’s “The Three Musketeers.”)
LA Photographs Itself by YF Ollwell: a steamy erotica story set in 1970s LA, about an encounter between a photographer and a trans actor.
And we’ve got upcoming projects featuring even more trans authors!
Our next anthology, Many Hands: An Anthology of Polyamorous Erotica is slated to Kickstart in April or May and includes several trans authors, including YF Ollwell, Cedar McCafferty-Svec, and Alex Bauer! Cedar also has a story coming to the Duck Prints Press Patreon this coming week. Meet all the contributors to Many Hands.
The third installment in our Queer Fanworks Inspired By… series, A Truth Universally Acknowledged: Queer Fanworks Inspired by Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice” also includes creators who chose to participate in this post: May Barros, who is an artist, and Xianyu Zhou!
So come check out Duck Prints Press, an indie press that works with fancreators to publish their original works, and support some awesome trans creators this Transgender Day of Visibility!
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pieloudrowsrads1973 · 4 years
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techcrunchappcom · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://techcrunchapp.com/survey-reveals-disparities-in-virus-testing-news-sports-jobs/
Survey reveals disparities in virus testing | News, Sports, Jobs
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By Matt Westerhold
Special to the Times
Some public health directors in Ohio say there’s enough COVID-19 testing available in their communities, while others say the supply is woefully inadequate.
And in many health districts, the only way to get a test is if you’re sick with symptoms of the coronavirus or have insurance or the money to pay the out-of-pocket expenses associated with a test. The Register – along with partner newspapers – is conducting a statewide survey of health directors about the availability of tests.
“We have completed approximately 7,500 tests,” said Mike Samet, a spokesman for Hamilton County Public Health in Cincinnati. “Most of this was accomplished through pop-up sites with the Ohio National Guard.”
Samet said the testing available for Hamilton County’s 480,000 residents is adequate.
“We just launched a county-wide effort using some $18 million in CARES Act dollars to accomplish 175,000 tests by year-end.”
At the opposite end of the spectrum – population-wise – Paulding County in Northwest Ohio along the Indiana border, the public health agency does not provide any testing services for the county’s 19,500 residents. Testing is more available for residents who have insurance or an ability to pay out-of-pocket expenses, said Bill Edwards, nursing director with the county health department.
“Other agencies do offer other options,” Edwards said, referring to hospitals and other private healthcare providers.
But the available testing is “adequate,” Edwards said, and anyone who wants a test can get a test.
Asking questions
The Sandusky Register on Thursday sent questionnaires to 115 public health officials in Ohio, including county and municipal agencies, asking that it be completed and returned by a next Tuesday deadline. By late Friday, about a dozen agencies responded.
A question about the “anyone who wants a test can get a test” statement made by President Donald J. Trump in March drew a mix of responses.
As in Paulding County, the health department in Hocking County in south-central Ohio does not provide testing for its 29,000 residents, but the director there said residents aren’t complaining about wanting to test and being unable to get it.
“It appears that the testing level and availability is currently meeting the needs of our county,” said Doug Fisher, the county health commissioner. “Now that school is back in session and with flu season starting, I expect the need for testing to possibly increase.”
Fisher, like Edwards in Paulding County, could not estimate how many tests that have been conducted in his district since the pandemic began earlier this year, but like Edwards said, anyone who wants a test can get a test.
That’s not the case in Summit County, which has a population of 543,000. The health department, based in Akron, has exact numbers of how many tests it’s been able to deliver to residents at no-cost, and people who want to get tested cannot easily obtain a test.
“The testing capabilities are not adequate for the need,” Marlene Martin, the agency’s public information officer said.
“We have offered mass testing clinics in the past when the testing/lab capabilities were readily available, however, at this time we do not have the lab capacity to do mass testing or test just any community member who wants to be tested.”
The combined total of no-costs tests administered or distributed to the high-risk individuals in Summit County is just 3,927, she said.
“Testing is not readily available to any of our residents without symptoms at this point. I am sure, however, that those with insurance have an easier time getting tested should they show symptoms through their primary care physician.”
Haves, have-nots
Nearly 40% of the U.S. population is considered to be in a “low-income status” category, defined as 200 percent of the federal poverty level. For individuals, that is about $25,000 in annual income and for a family of four, it’s a combined annual income of $52,000 or less. Many in this category do not have a primary care physician or insurance, and for minorities, the problem is even more pronounced.
“So many of the individuals infected are asymptomatic that broader testing would help reduce the spread by those who may experience mild to no symptoms,” Martin said. “As schools start it is imperative we have increased testing opportunities to keep the students in school and stop outbreaks that may occur.”
In Hardin County, in Northwest Ohio, there’s a similar concern.
“The testing in our district is not adequate to the need, we still have people with mild symptoms or no symptoms who have had trouble getting a test,” said Kelsy Ralston, spokesperson for the Kenton-Hardin Public Health Department. “We would like to see testing improve, but will likely see it stay the same or deteriorate as we progress, being a small county our resources are limited.”
Hardin County has a population of 32,000 residents.
“It is still difficult for anyone to get tested in our county due to limited testing sites and criteria.”
Supply chain challenges
The inconsistencies across the state in the response to the pandemic have spawned a host of concerns – some of which are inane and dangerous and others that are real and deadly dangerous. Some Ohio lawmakers want to impeach Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine, making unsubstantiated complaints that he’s violated state law and overstepped his authority.
Dr. Amy Acton reportedly resigned as the state’s health director after proponents of this “hoax” conspiracy and anti-mask efforts – including the lawmakers pushing to impeach DeWine – took aim at her.
“State Rep. Nino Vitale, R-Urbana, called her ‘Doctor of Doom,’ a tyrant and a globalist, which the Anti-Defamation League of Cleveland condemned as an anti-Semitic slur. Lawmakers like Rep. Paul Zeltwanger, R-Mason, called on her to resign,” the Cincinnati Enquirer reported in June.
On Thursday, President Donald Trump accepted the Republican Party’s nomination to be president at the White House in front of a crowd estimated to be from 1,500 to 2,000, most of them not wearing masks. The mask-less event took place despite Trump’s own federal coronavirus response team recommendations to wear masks to slow the spread of COVID-19.
State health officials also support wearing masks and the other precautions ordered by the CDC, DeWine, the state health department and other municipal and state leaders.
“Wear your mask, stay 6 feet away from others, wash/sanitize hands often, stay home if you are sick or experience symptoms and frequently disinfect surfaces,” said Marlene Martin, the spokeswoman for the Summit County Health Department, a theme repeated in the responses the Register received.
The inconsistency in the message coming from Washington, and in testing availability across the state is hampering the pandemic response.
“Testing at the local level has been inconsistent and many variables exist from day-to-day, that impact availability,” said Erie County Health Commissioner Pete Schade. “Local health departments need to be able to obtain consistent supplies in order to carry through with known and well-defined response plans for situations like this pandemic.”
They know how to respond, Schade said, because public health agencies in the state worked together developing emergency response plans. But, the supply chain issues are damaging the effectiveness of that response.
“The pandemic offers many hurdles, and a truly great strategic plan addresses those hurdles. When testing supplies and laboratory use is altered and inconsistent, however, we witness the shortcomings.”
What’s next?
Testing needs to be a priority, now, and health agencies also must start planning for vaccination programs for when a vaccine becomes available.
“There are five key points in order to provide a COVID-19 vaccine to our community, when one becomes available,” Schade said. “Clearly, we do not have any information on a date or a supply or a distribution eligibility protocol, but my point is this: We, as local public health, will need to have an assurance that the vaccine will be available and that we will have the unencumbered ability to provide it to our community.”
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release-info · 5 years
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Scotland has five international airports—Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Glasgow Prestwick, and Inverness—operating scheduled services to Europe, North America and Asia, as well domestic services to England, Northern Ireland and Wales. Highlands and Islands Airports operates eleven airports across the Highlands, Orkney, Shetland and the Western Isles, which are primarily used for short distance, public service operations. Edinburgh Airport is currently Scotland’s busiest airport handling over 14 million passengers in 2018.[312] It is also the UK’s 6th busiest airport. British Airways, easyJet, flybe, Jet2, and Ryanair operate the majority of flights between Scotland and other major UK and European airports. There are currently three Scottish-based airlines: Directflight, Hebridean Air Services and Loganair. Network Rail owns and operates the fixed infrastructure assets of the railway system in Scotland, while Transport Scotland retains overall responsibility for rail strategy and funding in Scotland.[313] Scotland’s rail network has around 350 railway stations and 3,000 kilometres (1,900 mi) of track,[314] a decline of over one-third since the mid-twentieth century.[202] Over 89.3 million passenger journeys are made each year.[314] The East Coast and West Coast main railway lines connect the major cities and towns of Scotland with each other and with the rail network in England. London North Eastern Railway provides inter-city rail journeys between Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Inverness to London.[citation needed] Completed in 1890, the railway bridge over the Firth of Forth has been described as the most iconic image of modern Scotland.[13]:104 The Scottish motorways and major trunk roads are managed by Transport Scotland, while the remainder of the road network is managed by local authorities. Bus transport was privatized in the 1980s.[202] Regular ferry services operate between the Scottish mainland and outlying islands. Ferries serving both the inner and outer Hebrides are principally operated by the state-owned enterprise Caledonian MacBrayne. Services to the Northern Isles are operated by Serco. Other routes, served by multiple companies, connect southwest Scotland to Northern Ireland. Additional routes are operated by local authorities. Scotland’s primary sources for electricity generation are provided though renewable energy (42%), nuclear (35%) and fossil fuel generation (22%).[310] The Scottish Government has a target to have the equivalent of 50% of the energy for Scotland’s heat, transport and electricity consumption to be supplied from renewable sources by 2030.[311] Transport Domestic rail services are operated by Abellio ScotRail The Forth Bridge A Calmac ferry departing Stornoway Main article: Transport in Scotland Scotland has five international airports—Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Glasgow Prestwick, and Inverness—operating scheduled services to Europe, North America and Asia, as well domestic services to England, Northern Ireland and Wales. Highlands and Islands Airports operates eleven airports across the Highlands, Orkney, Shetland and the Western Isles, which are primarily used for short distance, public service operations. Edinburgh Airport is currently Scotland’s busiest airport handling over 14 million passengers in 2018.[312] It is also the UK’s 6th busiest airport. British Airways, easyJet, flybe, Jet2, and Ryanair operate the majority of flights between Scotland and other major UK and European airports. There are currently three Scottish-based airlines: Directflight, Hebridean Air Services and Loganair. Network Rail owns and operates the fixed infrastructure assets of the railway system in Scotland, while Transport Scotland retains overall responsibility for rail strategy and funding in Scotland.[313] Scotland’s rail network has around 350 railway stations and 3,000 kilometres (1,900 mi) of track,[314] a decline of over one-third since the mid-twentieth century.[202] Over 89.3 million passenger journeys are made each year.[314] The East Coast and West Coast main railway lines connect the major cities and towns of Scotland with each other and with the rail network in England. London North Eastern Railway provides inter-city rail journeys between Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Inverness to London.[citation needed] Completed in 1890, the railway bridge over the Firth of Forth has been described as the most iconic image of modern Scotland.[13]:104 The Scottish motorways and major trunk roads are managed by Transport Scotland, while the remainder of the road network is managed by local authorities. Bus transport was privatized in the 1980s.[202] Regular ferry services operate between the Scottish mainland and outlying islands. Ferries serving both the inner and outer Hebrides are principally operated by the state-owned enterprise Caledonian MacBrayne. Services to the Northern Isles are operated by Serco. Other routes, served by multiple companies, connect southwest Scotland to Northern Ireland. Additional routes are operated by local authorities. See also References “Ethnic groups, Scotland, 2001 and 2011” (PDF). The Scottish Government. 2013. Retrieved 9 December 2013. “Scotland’s Census – Religion” (PDF). Scotland’s Census. Retrieved 8 January 2019. Region and Country Profiles, Key Statistics and Profiles, October 2013, ONS. Retrieved 9 August 2015. http://bit.ly/2Zbt6iN “Sub-national HDI – Area Database – Global Data Lab”. hdi.globaldatalab.org. Retrieved 13 September 2018. Collier, J. G. (2001) Conflict of Laws (Third edition)(pdf) Cambridge University Press. “For the purposes of the English conflict of laws, every country in the world which is not part of England and Wales is a foreign country and its foreign laws. This means that not only totally foreign independent countries such as France or Russia … are foreign countries but also British Colonies such as the Falkland Islands. Moreover, the other parts of the United Kingdom – Scotland and Northern Ireland – are foreign countries for present purposes, as are the other British Islands, the Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey.” Devine, T. M. (1999), The Scottish Nation 1700–2000, P.288–289, ISBN 0-14-023004-1 “created a new and powerful local state run by the Scottish bourgeoisie and reflecting their political and religious values. It was this local state, rather than a distant and usually indifferent Westminster authority, that in effect routinely governed Scotland” Duffy, Seán, ed. (2005). Medieval Ireland: An Encyclopedia. Routledge. p. 698. ISBN 9781135948245. Forsyth, Katherine (2005). “Origins: Scotland to 1100”. In Wormald, Jenny (ed.). Scotland: A History. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199601646. Stringer, Keith (2005). “The Emergence of a Nation-State, 1100–1300”. In Wormald, Jenny (ed.). Scotland: A History. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199601646. The earliest known evidence is a flint arrowhead from Islay. See Moffat, Alistair (2005) Before Scotland: The Story of Scotland Before History. London. Thames & Hudson. Page 42. Pryor, Francis (2003). Britain BC. London: HarperPerennial. pp. 98–104 & 246–250. ISBN 978-0-00-712693-4. Houston, Rab (2008). Scotland: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780191578861. Hanson, William S. The Roman Presence: Brief Interludes, in Edwards, Kevin J. & Ralston, Ian B.M. (Eds) (2003). Scotland After the Ice Age: Environment, Archeology and History, 8000 BC—AD 1000. Edinburgh. Edinburgh University Press. Robertson, Anne S. (1960). The Antonine Wall. Glasgow Archaeological Society. Keys, David (27 June 2018). “Ancient Roman ‘hand of god’ discovered near Hadrian’s Wall sheds light on biggest combat operation ever in UK”. Independent. Retrieved 6 July 2018. Brown, Dauvit (2001). “Kenneth mac Alpin”. In M. Lynch (ed.). The Oxford Companion to Scottish History. Oxford: Oxford University Press. p. 359. ISBN 978-0-19-211696-3. “Scotland Conquered, 1174–1296”. National Archives. “Scotland Regained, 1297–1328”. National Archives of the United Kingdom. Murison, A. F. (1899). King Robert the Bruce (reprint 2005 ed.). Kessinger Publishing. p. 30. ISBN 978-1-4179-1494-4. Brown, Michael; Boardman, Steve (2005). “Survival and Revival: Late Medieval Scotland”. In Wormald, Jenny (ed.). Scotland: A History. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199601646. Mason, Roger (2005). “Renaissance and Reformation: The Sixteenth Century”. In Wormald, Jenny (ed.). Scotland: A History. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199601646. “James IV, King of Scots 1488–1513”. BBC. “Battle of Flodden, (Sept. 9, 1513)”. Encyclopædia Britannica. “Religion, Marriage and Power in Scotland, 1503–1603”. The National Archives of the United Kingdom. Ross, David (2002). Chronology of Scottish History. Geddes & Grosset. p. 56. ISBN 978-1-85534-380-1. 1603: James VI becomes James I of England in the Union of the Crowns, and leaves Edinburgh for London Devine, T M (2018). The Scottish Clearances: A History of the Dispossessed, 1600-1900. London: Allen Lane. ISBN 978-0241304105. Wormald, Jenny (2005). “Confidence and Perplexity: The Seventeenth Century”. In Wormald, Jenny (ed.). Scotland: A History. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199601646. Cullen, Karen J. (2010). Famine in Scotland: The ‘ill Years’ of The 1690s. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 152–3. ISBN 978-0748638871. Mackie, J.D. (1969) A History of Scotland. London. Penguin. Devine, T. M. (1999). The Scottish Nation 1700–2000. Penguin Books. p. 9. ISBN 978-0-14-023004-8. From that point on anti-union demonstrations were common in the capital. In November rioting spread to the south west, that stronghold of strict Calvinism and covenanting tradition. The Glasgow mob rose against union http://bit.ly/31e7PqL
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harry-lovebot · 6 years
Thanks @reddie-bitch for tagging me.
a - age: 19
b - birthplace: Grand Rapids
c - current time: 11:42 pm
d - drink you last had: Mountain Dew
e - easiest person to talk to: my mom
f - favorite song: Havana by Camila Cabello
g - grossest memory: probably my brother puking during a car ride all over my blanket.
h - horror yes or horror no: matters the movie
i - in love?: does being in love with fictional characters count?
j - jealous of people?: yes
l - love at first sight or should i walk by again?: walk by again
m - middle name: Ralston
n - number of siblings: 1
o - one wish: if I’m feeling selfish it is to date Tom Felton or Harry Styles (making sure it’s a real and good relationship)
p - person you called last: My mom
q - question you are always asked: why is college so expensive?
r - reason to smile: cats, harry styles, Eddie, Will.
s - song you sang last: Another Brick in the Wall part 2 in my dorm.
t - time you woke up: 6:45am
u - underwear color: why do you care?
v- vacation destination: bora bora
w - worst habit: biting my nails.
x - x-rays: stomach a few times, ankles, feet, & arm.
y - your favorite food: pasta 100%
z - zodiac sign: Sagittarius
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newmaj05-blog · 8 years
Just what makes stirring the pot so addictive and prevalent? Has our sense of humour become so twisted that someone or something constantly needs to be the butt of our jokes? Has the veil of online anonymity awakened an evil nature within a section of our community, that feeds on the misery of others?
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Trolls getting their kicks, Brown 2016.
Well first, what exactly makes a troll? Rafalow 2015 p257 explains that a troll is someone who purposefully breaks some form of online etiquette in an effort to humour themselves or cause some sort of harm. Shachaf & Hara, 2010 p357 elaborate further that trolls are normal people and members of online communities who are hellbent to stir the pot with questionable morals. 
So has the growth of technology and social media meant that more of us deep down always wanted to indulge our inherent ‘troll’ behaviours? Boyd 2014, p. 152 argues that the main perpetrators of cyberbullying and trolling are teenagers through to young adults, and that the ubiquity of technology and social media hasn’t changed their actions, just made it more visible to wider audiences. 
The anonymity that is associated with online trolling is one factor that may lead to its popularity. This anonymity often means that there are no consequences for one’s actions. One such study suggests that online trolls seek satisfaction from their provocative and conflict seeking actions (Maltby et al. 2016). Further motivation for troll behaviour has been attributed to the ‘entertainment’ and infamy gained from the ensuing commenting from other members (Shachaf & Hara, 2010 p357).
One could argue that the full extent of online trolling being acknowledged only in the last few years. Numerous cases exist of young adults, teenagers and even celebrities reporting depression and a complete lack of ability to hide to the online onslaught (Rafalow 2015 p244). Charlotte Dawson’s tragic suicide was attributed to the mental anguish that she experienced from the torment she received from online trolls (O’Brien & Ralston 2014) and young teenager Hannah Smith is another terrible example of what constant online tormenting can drive people to (Huffington Post 2013).
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Still oblivious or are we beginning to notice more? Kanika 2015. 
So serious has trolling become to our wider society that strict rules and laws are being drafted up in an effort to curtail its influence. One such law passed by the Abbott Government stipulates that online bully’s that are caught can face jail time or community service if they underage (Viellerias 2013).
Boyd, D 2014, 'Bullying: Is the Media Amplifying Meanness and Cruelty?', in It’s Complicated: The Social Lives of Networked Teens, Yale University Press, New Haven, USA, pp. 128-52. 
Kanicka 2015, ‘Top 30 Cyberbullying Statistics’ [image] viewed 16 January 2017, <http://www.scoopify.org/top-30-cyber-bullying-statistics/>
Huffington Post, 2013, ‘ Hannah Smith, British Teen, Commits Suicide After Cyberbullying, Trolling; Dad Demands Justice ’, Huffington Post, viewed 15 January 2017, <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/08/07/hannah-smith-suicide-cyberbullying_n_3714687.html>
Maltby, J., Day, L., Hatcher, R.M., Tazzyman, S., Flowe, H.D., Palmer, E.J., Frosch, C.A., O'Reilly, M., Jones, C., Buckley, C., Knieps, M. & Cutts, K. 2016, "Implicit theories of online trolling: Evidence that attention-seeking conceptions are associated with increased psychological resilience", British Journal of Psychology, vol. 107, no. 3, pp. 448.
Shachaf, P. & Hara, N. 2010, "Beyond vandalism: Wikipedia trolls", Journal of Information Science, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 357.
Rafalow, M.H. 2015, "n00bs, Trolls, and Idols: Boundary-Making among Digital Youth", Sociological Studies of Children and Youth, vol. 19, pp. 243.
O’Brien, N & Ralston, N. 2014, ‘Charlotte Dawson Found Dead’, The Sydney Morning Herald, viewed 15 January 2017, <http://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/celebrity/charlotte-dawson-found-dead-20140222-338j6.html>
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“Trial to Determine Control of Club,” Vancouver Province. May 14, 1942. Page 8. ---- Trial opened in Supreme Court Wednesday before Mr. Justice Coady of an action which has been pending a considerable time to determine control of the Railwaymen's Club, 579 Dunsmuir. 
Thomas J. Howarth, salesman, 2270 Fir, seeks a declaration that he and four other members are directors of the club, having been elected April 8, 1940, and that the election on June 28, 1940, of other directors is invalid.
J. A. Maclnnes and C. S. Arnold are counsel for plaintiff; and J. C. Ralston and G. V. Gowan for the 13 defendants. One defendant, Charles P. Dench, died during the course of the action.
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