#s1lver bullet
caramialunaestelle · 2 months
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@s1lver-bullet sent:
Jowi walked Mikan through the Omenpath, holding her hand and assuring her everything would be fine, so long as she held onto him, he could steer where they were going. He wanted her to meet his parents. Well, not exactly his parents, but a version of them. Turned out there was aversion of Mikan on his earth, so she couldn’t actually go there.
Mikan stayed close to Jowi, holding on tightly as he slowly guided her through the Omenpath. She'd never seen something like this before despite her experience with Magic.
"I hope they like me..." she mentioned nervously, looking around them. "I'm n-not very pretty, and I stutter a lot... Th-they might think I'm too stupid to b-be dating their s-son...."
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iibarahiime · 9 months
@s1lver-bullet || Liked this Starter Call!
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She'd been warned of the Ashcrafts. The Garden was strict in their warnings that if she should encounter anyone with strange-looking eyes that more-than-likely she was the next target of the infamous assassin clan. And here was a young lady with striking eyes right in front of her now.
"AhasjhdalkhlKLDGdgkDKJKkjhasdjhjhgajKSDHGJSH buh buhbsjhdgaksjhgdka..." Yor began, eyes wide as she watched the girl approach. "I-I-I-I-I-I have a husband and child!"
As if that would stop her from being murdered. She needed to fight back! She was the Garden's most skilled assassin. She could easily fight back!!
Instantly, Yor's expression changed - taking on a more deadly expression. She didn't have her signature ice picks with her, but that wouldn't matter.
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"If this is how it's going to be then I won't go down without a fight."
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hxpelessnurse · 8 months
@s1lver-bullet || Nozomi & Mama Continued!
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A wave of emotions she'd never felt before washed over her as the boy turned to look at her. It was the first time he had ever acknowledged her and while she was more than fine with being a ghostly presence in his peripheral - never quite crossing that threshold and moving fully into his view - she was more than thrilled to see he'd taken the plunge into curiosity.
He must have heard her. That's the only reason he'd turn her way. And now that she had a better look at him...
"A spitting image of your father. But you've got my eyes."
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queenxfjustice · 1 year
@s1lver-bullet || The Date Part 2: Electric Boogaloo
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It was rather strange to be waking up beside him. Even more so that she felt incredibly at home curled up next to Jowi like this. She contemplated rolling over and going back to sleep for a moment. But with a cursory glance at his alarm clock, she knew she'd better not. Makoto sat up slowly, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she glanced around his room. Everything was just as it had been the day they'd split, it was like no time at all had passed.
Silently, so as not to disturb him, she slipped out of his bed and made her way to the bathroom. The t-shirt he'd lent her for the night felt more like she was swimming in a giant cotton sheet, but it felt comfortable. She paused at the bathroom sink, running her finger through her messy hair in an attempt to fix it before washing her face and rinsing her mouth out with mouthwash.
When she returned to his room to get dressed, she noticed he was awake. "Good morning," she greeted awkwardly, trying hard not to get flustered. "Did you sleep well?"
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redheavxn · 1 year
@s1lver-bullet || Liked this starter call!
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Creeping down a hallway of the Racoon City Police Department, Claire kept a steady hand on her revolver. She checked, then double-checked her back pockets for the pack of handgun bullets she kept there. The last she checked, she had 20 bullets, but there was one of those freaky zombies lunging toward her in that last tiny room and she had no choice but to put three bullets into its head.
She took another step before pressing her back against the wall and quickly peering around the corner. Her eyes widened, and she quickly raised the revolver, hoping - praying - that the looming creature ahead of her in the shape of a man wasn't hostile.
"Arms up where I can see them!" She called out.
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“Woah-!” Ren stumbled forward as he bumped into the much taller person, the lukewarm coffee in his hand spilling all over the both of them. The large crowds of Shibuya were still something he was getting used to, and run-ins like this were unfortunately rather common.
“Ah fuck, I’m so sorry. My fault, completely.”
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wxnnadiie · 4 months
@s1lver-bullet || Continued from Here!
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"You think I don't know that? Do you plan on galavanting around the universes and just leaving me behind? Not a chance. I'm coming whether you like it or not I don't give a shit if I have to kill. I've done it before and I'll do it if I have to. I'm not against it. I just don't want to do it for the wrong causes."
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@s1lver-bullet inquired: Jowi met eyes with Naruko. A big mistake. He should have been more careful. Just because most people wouldn’t recognize him, or think twice about walking past someone his size in his home plane didn’t mean it couldn’t happen. “I’m sorry… you must be mistaking me for someone else, miss.”
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⁕| Unprompted |⁕
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There was no way she was mistaken. Naruko was good at faces, and she obviously would know the face of her twin sister’s boyfriend. After all, the two of them were friends as well. But it had been years since anyone had seen Jowi… It certainly seemed impossible, but Naruko knew that there was likely more to the story than she knew. This had to be Jowi… After all, he was quite recognizable.
“What are you talking about..??” Naruko demanded as she reached out to grab Jowi’s wrist and try to stop him. She was much stronger than before. After all, she was an adult now, and she had been training to fight since she was thirteen. She was quite strong but still nowhere near as built as Jowi. If he wanted to leave, she wouldn’t be able to overpower him. But…she hoped he wouldn’t run away.
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“Why are you trying to hide from me..?? I haven’t seen you in years, and now you’re acting like we’ve never met..??” This didn’t make any sense… Naruko thought they were friends. Why would friends act like this..?? “Where have you been?? Nezuko has been worried sick over you.!! I have been worried sick over you!!”
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webbedphantom · 6 months
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hxterochromiia · 2 years
@s1lver-bullet​ || Starter!
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“Japan’s cold as hell this time of year,” The brit hissed, rubbing her hands together and blowing into them. She kept her head up as she weaved through the crowds. How on earth she’d ended up here was anyone’s guess. People here looked strange and deformed, yet somehow no one seemed hostile... yet.
“Excuse me?” Ellie asked, her Japanese rusty and sounding strange coming from her. “Where can I find the Concordia Extraction Company’s head office?” She offered a small polite smile toward the woman she’d asked but the other just gave her a strange look and told her she’d never heard of the CEC before. 
A loud noise broke their conversation, an explosion ringing out into the streets. Ellie turned to gaze on what looked to be a large man in a hoodie fighting with a mutated dragon-like other.
“What the fuck is going on?” Ellie whispered to herself, in proper British English of course. “Where the fuck am I?”
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chloriineheart · 6 months
It’s (almost) Christmas! Karla has appeared to give her girlfriend a hug, and a present! Inside the gift bag Asahina is presented with is a gift card to her favorite donut shop, and a donut-themed one-piece swimsuit, much like the kind Hina races in!
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"You didn't have to get me anything!!!" Aoi responded as she began tearing into the package. "But this is definitely, totally, the mostest bestest Christmas gift I have ever gotten! Thanks, Karla! I love you!!"
Aoi threw her arms around the other girl and planted a nice big kiss on her cheek. "I got your gift here!! Open it!" She handed her a box messily wrapped. Inside, Karla would find a beautifully hand-crafted charm bracelet with several charms attached already, including a small diamond-encrusted pool floatie and an onyx crow pendant.
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caramialunaestelle · 6 days
@s1lver-bullet sent:
“So, they sent you to finally try to stop me? I suppose I left enough clues. But you actually came? You’re not gonna win this fight, Maki. I have my job to do. Your bosses? They’re all dead. They just don’t know it yet.”
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Her facial expression was blank. She never let her emotions overcome her while she was on a job. Maki had made a promise not to mix her professional and private lives yet here she was, her crossbow aimed directly between her best friend's eyes. She took a step further into the room.
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"I don't want to do this, Karla. I told them I didn't want to... But I have to," Maki stated. There was no emotion in her tone. She was simply following orders.
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iibarahiime · 8 months
@s1lver-bullet || Liked this Starter Call!
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"You had a rather eventful day at the park," Yor cooed to the nearly sleeping child in her arms. "Let's get you home so you can have a nap before Loid comes home and makes dinner."
"Want.... Mama's stew..." Anya mumbled sleepily as she rubbed at her eyes.
"Ah, we could do that tonight. I'm sure Loid will appreciate it too."
Yor had just started off toward the park exit when she noticed a familiar face nearby. "Oh! Hello again, Karla!!" She called out, waving with her free hand as she approached her fellow assassin. She didn't recognize the taller man Karla was standing with. "Is this a friend of your's? It's nice to meet you, I'm Yor Forger and this is my daughter, Anya."
Anya was far too sleepy to read their minds at the moment, instead giving them a rather goofy-looking sleepy grin instead.
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hxpelessnurse · 8 months
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"Remember the sound that could wake the dead? But nobody woke up at all. Somebody died for this Somebody died for Just One Kiss..."
S1lver-Bullet Hxpelessnurse Jowi Tycho && Mikan Tsumiki Indie MHA OC Indie Canon SDR2 Rules Rules
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queenxfjustice · 1 year
@s1lver-bullet replied to your post “I could be doing drafts but.... sims 2.”:
Drafts go into the pit
​I'm still haunted by The Pit™
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skullmother · 2 years
“Hey, mom… sorry about… being in the hospital for over a month… I hope you didn’t worry too much.” (From Jowi)
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"Of course I worried 'bout ya. Yer my son, after all. But I'm glad yer doin' better. Yer dad told me all about it, so y'don't gotta explain it. But I'd appreciate it if ya avoided getting into big, big fights like that. At least for a little while so I ain't havin' a heart attack every two weeks."
She leaned in and pressed a kiss to Jowi's temple before ruffling his hair. "Now whattya want for dinner? I found some beef on sale at Seiyu yesterday so how's Yakiniku sound?"
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