#s4 zr spoilers
justanothercricket · 2 years
I just ran Mission 11 of Season 7 the other day, but I ran a lot of Season 6 in a stressed and overworked haze, and I just realized that I kind of have no memory of what happened since you-know-what in the last episode of Season 5, so...does someone want to give me the SparkNotes version of the entirety of Season 6 and first few episodes of Season 7? Looking at you @scorrigan
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notebooksnshoelaces · 4 years
Moonchild: "Remember Five, if you die, I die."
My Five: "Well, atleast there's that."
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Appreciate the thought anyway, Ronnie
From the s4 mission “Down, Down”
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only-mostlydead · 4 years
I feel like we haven’t spent enough time on the fact that Sam having an anti-zombie tattoo on his ass is canon.
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"𝓟𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓮 𝓽𝓮𝓵𝓵 𝓶𝓮 𝓼𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓭𝓪𝔂 𝓘'𝓵𝓵 𝓪𝓽 𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓽 𝓫𝓮 𝓪𝓫𝓵𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝓼𝓵𝓮𝓮𝓹."
hoo! silly lil fake tarot card i finished a while back for season 4 runner red bc it was fitting, with 2 versions bc i like the filters lol
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mrs-elijah-wood · 4 years
fair warning that i’m starting my replay of zrs4 tomorrow so this blog is about to become a 100% steve sissay thirst zone
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enbeast · 5 years
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thotmachinebroke · 7 years
Runner Five at some point probably: If I get oNE MORE VOICE in my goDAMN HEAD
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goodplace-janet · 3 years
some kinda general zombies run! thoughts. no actual spoilers, only the most vague meta comments on seasons/story arcs over the years.
i'm thinking about stories where the writer has a plan for the end and is able to wrap everything up in a satisfying way (the good place, leverage from what i've heard?) versus stories that get canceled before they can do that (pushing daisies) versus stories that drag on so long that they go WELL past the shark-jump stage (fucking supernatural)
and as much as i love zombies run! and wish it could go on forever... if i'm being completely honest, i feel like it's already fallen into the gone-on-too-long category, for me?
seasons 1-3 were a solid, coherent arc. i LOVED s5 and had problems with s4 and s6, but if i look at them as another arc i can appreciate it as a whole. s7 and beyond... i'm not really enjoying it as much anymore, and i can't pinpoint at this moment exactly what is missing that i feel the story used to have, but yeah. i can see where they could have ended on a good note after s6, instead of carrying on past that.
I'm not a confident writer lmao but i wish i could write a little like, post-s6 series finale that addresses all the characters and settings and how they're doing and how they're moving on after the events of the story, how they're looking towards rebuilding the uk and finally reaching out to other communities around the world. and then i would just hang onto that as my own personal headcanon while we lowkey slog through the rest of whatever the fuck is going on with actualcanon.
[sorry this is so very negative, and truthfully, I still love zr and it would take something extraordinarily egregiously offensive to make me ever quit it.]
another option would be for them to end abel township's story, but tell stories from other communities? like the hebrides season and the tunisia season with the red fungus arc could have been a separate thing that didn't involve abel, because shoehorning these characters into these situations has led to breaks in continuity? (mostly in s9, to be clear.) maybe that doesn't make sense, especially factoring in the listener perspective character, but idk. I'm just thinking out loud at this point in the post.
i do feel like the app is switching focus to the new adventures, which is a shame (for me personally lol) because i don't actually care for those.
I don't know how to end this post... i will end with a disclaimer that i don't hate zr lol. I'm just noticing my feelings about it and how they've changed over time.
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crownleys · 4 years
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And they are done! I finally had a chance to draw Ren’s progressions over the seasons of ZR. Trying to figure out each of their looks was really fun. They’re a very versatile lil gremlin. My next goal for their character refs is gonna be some outfits! Their S4 and S8 haircuts are pretty close to what I draw them in as a default, just for a little consistency. They like the lil-ponytail-and-floppy-bangs look.  Lil flavor text for each haircut under the cut! Not spoiler free
S1: Ren shows up at Abel. Thier hair’s floppy and overgrown after a year or so of living in Mullins, partially to hide behind. They’ve always been a lil self conscious of their heterochromia and that doesn’t fade for a while
S2: Ren get a haircut from @puptart‘s Five. This is the closest look to their pre-apocalypse hairstyle, and it’s something familiar
S3: Things have gone just a lil bit to shit. With their hands so full and with all the heartbreak that’s happened with the end of S2, they haven’t bothered to keep up the more high-maintenance short look. Awkward growing out phase pt. 1
S4: They’re back to a pretty comfortable length, with more attention given to keep their bangs out of their eyes
S5: Getting a haircut is hard when you’re on the run
S5 pt 2: When they get captured by Sigrid she has their head shaved both as a test of loyalty and to make them look a bit more “professional” and intimidating
S6 - 8: The process of growing their hair back out post Season-5
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runfive · 4 years
here is an extremely dumb which zr villain are you quiz for all your quarantine needs 
spoilers through s4! 
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notebooksnshoelaces · 5 years
I just met Steve Sissay... Serious Sara Smith vibes.
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dorkylittleweirdo · 4 years
i change the entire canon of zr bc y’all wouldn’t stop asking
spoilers for season three and season five
five and simon would already have Some Type of relationship established before s3. so right after s3m10, the man who sold the world, instead of going back to abel, five stays with simon. everyone in abel now thinks that five is dead, so there’s some Angst right there for you. they vibe with simon, get closer, all that. more angst when they both roll back up bc everyone at abel is like “five you left us to go with a traitor??? that’s Sus”. Even More Angst when five is under moonchild’s control and then when simon has to chase them while they’re tripping absolute dicks (just imagine simon’s whole “i don’t think i’m your idea of a dream date” and five looks him dead in the eyes, completely lucid for like three seconds just to reply with “are you sure about that” before proceeding to go back to having the worst trip of their goddamn life). And then s3m60 when simon sacrifices himself, he doesn’t really even do it to save all those people, he does it bc he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if five died and he could’ve done something to prevent it. maxine pretty much has to drag five away from him. and now five thinks simon’s dead
s4 is pretty much just five being really bitter about what happened. shuts everyone out, keeps to themselves, refuses to talk to anyone unless they Have To, kind of an asshole in general. they promise themselves that they’ll never let anyone get that close to them ever again. so then s5 comes along. and this peter guy seems kinda familiar?? but five can’t quite place him, and they’re Sus bc that’s a New Person and they don’t want to vibe with him. but peter remembers them, of course he does, and he’s kinda like “oh yikes they’ve changed A Lot but that’s okay” and slowly starts chipping away at the walls five’s built. five is Annoyed at first bc dammit, why can’t he just leave them alone? but they give in after a while, and the more they talk to him, the more they’re like “he kinda,, seems like simon???????” but at this point they don’t know if they’re onto something or if they’re just seeing what they wanna see. and it doesn’t even matter by that point, bc shit, they’re catching Feelings after they vowed to never get close to anyone. five tries to pull away from him, but peter won’t let them. cue five tearfully telling him that they can’t be anywhere near him and that he needs to leave them alone bc everyone they love dies. accidental confession ftw. then peter, knowing full damn well that he’s Literally Immortal, just kinda shakes his head and goes “i’m not going anywhere. you’re stuck with me, i’m afraid”. And Then They Kiss. and then s5m30 when peter confirms that yeah, he’s simon, five just wraps him in the Tightest hug, whole ass just Lifts him up. calls him an asshole for letting them think that he was dead. they’re just in their feels, probably kissing in the damn graveyard, and janine is just like “great that’s so great for y’all but there’s literally zombies like two goddamn feet away from y’all so um.  R U N ? ? ?”. like they straight up Fall In Love Again throughout s5 and i’m 👌
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only-mostlydead · 4 years
I finished my writing replay of ZRS1 and I have some THOUGHTS:
There is not enough Janine. Why isn’t there more Janine?
Why did they wait so long to introduce Simon? 5imon brotp hijinks could've abounded this whole time
Maggie Doane deserved better
You pick up on things that seem innocuous but become relevant later. Like, oh, Finland has no Rofflenet? Really?? How strange! (Sigrid you bitCH)
The flip between “I am actively plotting your demise” Sara and “I would trust you with my life” Sara is so wild but also feels completely natural and I love her
I am not prepared to deal with the emotional roller coaster that is Archie Jensen again
Were we really supposed to think Van Ark was a good guy? His name is Ernest Van Ark for Chrissakes. Was Evil Van Badguy taken?
Ed and Molly are underutilized
Major De Santa's big damn hero entrance gives me chills every time
S2S absolutely banked on people continuing to play because they made us fall in love with Sam
Also I only have three chapters left on The Cave, HOW
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Ok, but get this: All of the voices in Five's head simultaneously having conversations, which really bothers Five at times, bc let's be honest, it's hard to focus with all that noise going on inside your mind. But then, it devolves into bickering and then straight up arguing. We've got Sara yelling at Simon to shut the fuck up for some reason, you've got Archie trying to defuse the situation, Evan just like... "Why...? Why can't we go one day without a fight breaking out...?" AND THEN THERE'S MOONCHILD. Sipping herbal tea in the background as loud as humanly possible, just to be extra annoying, because even in the afterlife, she HAS to be a huge pain in the ass. And god help poor Five when they need help from the voices in their head. Sara, Archie, Evan, and Simon, Aka Dead Friends Club: "Left, Five, Left!" Moonchild: "No, go right!" Dead Friends Club: "Why should Five listen to you?" Moonchild: "I'm smarter than all of you combined." Dead Friends Club: "And you mind-controlled Five, made them kill a bunch of people before they broke free of the mind-control, then you just straight-up tried to kill Five and everyone the care about, so...?" Simon: "Yeah, you're like, nineteen levels of crazy, Cynthia." "DON'T CALL ME THAT! MY NAME IS MOONCHILD!" Five, cringing at the voices bickering inside her head: I so didn't sign up for THIS shit. Sam: Five, you OK? You have a weird look on your face. Five, trying to keep calm: I'm just peachy-keen, Sam.
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mrs-elijah-wood · 4 years
Also some speculation about the time in-between zr season 4 and 5! spoilers for s4 and the beginning of s5
tldr; there was only one bed mattress <3
so obviously five + the abel crew did not leave s4 off in a good situation but i was thinking: in one of the first episodes in s5 someone mentions that five, sam, maxine, and janine have been away from abel for about a month
living in the camper van right?
and in m3 sam mentions that they found an “extra” mattress so obviously for that entire month until the first attempt to retake abel...
there was only one bed mattress
think about the logistics of that for a second. specifically the 5am logistics. janine on watch in the driver’s seat, maxine sleeping in the passenger’s seat, five and sam dogpiled in the back.
five and sam giggling awkwardly, trying to give each other as much space in the back of the van with all the comms equipment as they can, only to sprawl out over each other five minutes after falling asleep. maxine sighing bc these idiots still haven’t confessed their feelings for each other??? it’s been years???
also if you can live in a camper van with someone for a month and not want to murder them on sight, you know that’s love <3
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