diorsbrando · 11 months
Hey Sosa! I got a question! So whenever reader is mad at byakuya how do you think he’s make up for it? Does he buy her things and grovel at her feet? What’s your take on it?
me folding like a sheet and looking for a byakuya bot on c.ai to talk to when u sent me this..................KJKDJS BUT HIII NONNIE! i can't begin to express how excited and hype i was to receive this ask and you explicitly want my take on it. i mean, me???? of all people??? i am HONORED.
i truly love this question like eek! excited to talk abt byakuya <3 i'm gonna assume that you saw my recent post answering an ask from a mutual about rich bf / fiancé!byakuya soooo i'm just gonna build off that, but i still think this can apply to him regardless of that.
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so, if and when you get at him for something (maybe you got into an argument w him or something) there's just....silence at first. like he is soooo prideful it's almost kind of sick, and you're just very persistent in wanting him to see things from your point of view so this segues into you being petty and not talking to him for the moment. his face remains stoic, as if he doesn't really care and he'll let you "blow off steam" but deep down......he is...he doesn't like it. doesn't like you being upset or mad for any reason, especially not at him. it breaks his wittle heart :(
he starts to question if whatever he did or said was wrong, and when he does realize the mistake, this is when he'll resort to buying you things to make up for it because byakuya kuchiki is a man of (silent) action and not words. he's never really been good at words in instances like this.
so he'll gift you a bracelet, necklace, or some other kind of jewelry here, maybe your favorite foods, some accessories, new clothes (because he IS the partner that knows your exact size in everything), and he may even give you just straight cash to have you buy whatever else you wanted.
but to stand your ground, you don't accept anything he gives you. and this hurts him even more because he was confused on why you were refusing him in this manner too. that's when he realizes you were really serious,...and really upset with him. he almost resembled a disappointed child that has been lied to all their lives.
byakuya is such a....he broods when you're upset with him. like anyone that comes in his vicinity can feel the sadness and melancholic energy emanating off him, and if someone rubbed him the wrong way even a little, he'd be meaner than he usually is.
this is when he finally does his very best and talk to you.
when you enter his vast penthouse, the moment you start to make a beeline away from him, he grabs you gently by the wrist, and your head slowly turns to look at his handsome but somber visage. his head is lowered, eyes preferring to look at your legs rather than your face, and a hand clenched in his pocket, his eyes fluttered closed for a moment before reopening them again.
"my love...let us-- let me stop this. i...i apologize. i didn't mean to upset you, nor did i mean for this silence to persist for this long." he would gently tug your body closer, until you were nearly pressed up against each other. he looked down at you with solemn silvery gray eyes and his lips hovered near your face. "let us talk about this properly. i promise to keep an open mind, and will not act the same as before. i admit it was somewhat childish of me."
"i miss you." his deep voice would lower in tone as his lips brushed against yours. and you missed him too. when you breathed out his name in a barely audible whisper and closed the distance between your lips, you knew you had already forgiven him <3
and when he attempts to spoil you again this time with gifts, you gladly accept with a kiss on his cheek :)
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ngc-5194 · 23 days
hey. you. take my quiz
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evilkaeya · 9 months
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grrr @nnavia shakes u thanks for the rec
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disposal-blueeee · 8 months
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VARGASTOBER - day 1 : edgar vargas
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unculturedswine69 · 3 months
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sooooo i finally got gaiden which means i have been getting back into yakuza again!!
here are some sketches that i coloured cuz i do not rlly have the motivation for much else currently <3
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shakerofthebutt9000 · 10 months
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fuck i just realised this means his double on the "forever quest" (that's what they called it if i remember correctly) probably ended up dying the same way
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sparklingchim · 5 months
making a girl wake up at 6am should be illegal. im just a girl. i am just a girl and need my sleep and u are making me do things. arent u ashamed 🫤
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icarus-star · 3 months
bein honest here, most rory characters r probably, definitely straight.
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avacynthia · 2 months
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ooc. woke up to half a foot of snow on the ground. thanks a lot, sinnoh 😊
(BIG shoutout to the midwesterners who still rip lightspeeds down the road while there's snow and ice all over it. something about the weather must debuff all of their stats. my favorite kind of people.)
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franken-loser · 2 months
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Erm,, not the first (I think) botanical daughter fanart being Simon and Gregor making out in the rain😨😨
The part of the book this is based on is under the cut!!!
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teddybeartoji · 4 months
weighted blanket is all fun and games until you have to change the covers😐😐😐😐😐😐 okay but out of my silly little guys toji and jason and tecchou would make THE best weighted blankets..... tojiii🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴 he would suffocate me and that's exactly what i need save me big man save me
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earlgodwin · 6 months
sorry for posting juan gifsets on a daily basis, it'll happen again 🙏
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Vincent Price as Cardinal Richelieu - The Three Musketeers
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cha1cedony · 5 months
Another no writing day :’) Tomorrow I’m mostly free, though, soooo I should actually be able to get some work done!
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e77y · 3 months
The fact that you can just write words.. and then post them… the internet is a beautiful animal
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jellyjays · 1 day
scar wuwa headcanons masterpost
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it happened chat
so. let's talk scar wuwa.
first of all let me say that i have been able to play only his first interaction-- where he does that story about the lambs and the village after kidnapping your beautiful platonic wife. this is all based on all the possible info i could find through story and dialogue publicly available online. :3
everything (and it's a lot) under the cut v
we'll start with
this is the one i currently have the most fleshed out for.
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[ID: on the left, there's a traced sketch of a wuwa screenshot of scar. it's been edited heavily and stylized to fit the attributes listed to the right of it. the list starts with a heading of MOST, under which is listed hooded eyes, cowlicks, lazy scar eye (and in parenthises, prosthetic with a question mark), black lipstick, smile lines, lip cleft, dimples, and nerve damage/unresponsive tissue. then under that is a heading that says "Less", under which is listed ponytail..., lashes, stretched piercing holes, and brow shape. END ID]
i stand by this list draft, with the only exception being the hooded eyes. in practice, the eyes i draw him with have monolids. i would add a few things to the list now-- we'll get to that. i'll start by explaining each of these choices, in detail.
this one... i just felt it in my soul. there's nothing more to it than that. but in practice, when drawing him, i want to mention that i do try to make it stay somewhat loyal to his eye shape from in-game model.
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[ID: a low-quality screenshot with two eye drawings. the one on the left says "traced" above it, and is more stylized than the one on the right. it has a slight fold on the inner upper lid, and is more slanted up at the outer corner than the eye on the right. the eye on the right says "mine" above it, and the eye has a monolid with a clear fold. it is less pointed and slim, and has stylized eyelashes on the lower lid. END ID]
demonstrated above-- i wanted to keep that kind of shape that felt correct for him, which softening it up. his in-game model eyes are almost predatory, which is interesting, considering his story.
so if you look at his model hair, it's very Anime Boy Spiky, which is silly, but i just kept getting draw back to the shapes of it, and... i just think it's really silly. look at him.
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[ID: screenshot of scar from wuwa. he's grinning lopsidedly, facing the camera. his hair is flat and hangs straight down in the front, save for large hair vents. his hair is very spiky in the back, sticking out away from the head, in contrast to the hair in the front. END ID]
(side note, this specific fucking screenshot of him appears when i close my eyes now. i have it on 7 different fucking layers of my CSP scar bible file. he'll be there when i sleep tonight.)
LOOK AT HIM. i know it's typical anime boy gravity defying hair but. to me, that is so so silly. so in my headcanons, i kept the energy in that he has some cowlicks in the front of his hair that he CANNOT for the life of him style away, that curl the hair right out to the sides in a way that looks ridiculous when his hair is too long or too short-- he had to learn to work with it. it's sosososo silly to me AGRGRHRGRH
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[ID: the same traced sketch from earlier in the post, but this time, it's been slightly edited. highlighted in red are the cowlicks, that go out and up, sticking out noticably in the silhouette of his hair. the cowlick on the left wasn't in the traced sketch from earlier, i had to edit it in. END ID]
yeah i had to edit the left cowlick in cuz i forgot it... still. illustrated by above, his cowlicks are very noticable and he has to work to make them work with the rest of his hair, which is very wavy. they still look a little ridiculous sometimes.
BONUS about his hair:
if you look at him and his hair... you give that shit 2 or 3 weeks, maybe 4, and that is a full-blown bonafide mullet. i love that so dearly. i think he just Has a mullet, but he wears it in a scraggly-ass little ponytail. to keep it off his neck.
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[ID: drawing of scar wuwa, with the cowlicks mentioned above. he's looking down and to the side with a big grin, which means his tiny ponytail is now visible. it's very small, and the red hair and white hair from different parts of his head mix, making it dual-colored. END ID]
this sketch kinda illustrates it, and i think it's perfect.
we're at the point now where i've realized this is going to be a doozy of a post. yay. ANYWAY.
with this, i'm going off the logic that scar has not one but TWO scars over his right eye. the first looks like a nasty burn, and covers a large portion of that side of his face, and the second could be a lot of things, but the most important thing is that it goes STRAIGHT through his eye.
it's highly likely that that eye is no longer responsive or functional. so i draw it as a lazy eye that never follows the same direction as his good eye, usually resting in a forward position.
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[ID: a drawing of scar wuwa. he's tilting his head to the left, pouting and squinting in thought as he bites his cheek, rubbing his chin in thought. his good eye looks at something closely, very observational. his other eye is lolling to the side, slightly askew from forward. END ID]
here you can see it pretty well, i think. i think it just adds a little bit to his character and look,,, yeah
i liked it. i thought it was very him. he's a diva boything he needs to slay
you can see it in all these drawings, but for those using ids/screenreaders, he has black lipstick on only his top lip, kinda reminiscent of shego.
i'm grouping these together.
anyway, scar is a guy who smiles a LOT. i mean we've only gotten to see him while he's in his element at work, but he SMILES. and yes when we see it it's frequently somewhat crazed and evil-looking, but i think the smiles are a HIM thing. i think he's a smiley guy. i think he's got smile lines and dimples that accentuate his smile a lot. (this comes back into play when i talk about his expressions later.)
this is mostly me headcanoning that the scar goes through his eye AND the left of his mouth because yeah, and it takes a chunk of flesh out of his bottom lip that's very noticable. it's entirely a personal headcanon cuz Yeah
(can you tell i'm being speedy and using less images now cuz i wanna get through all of this before i go to bed?)
this is essentially a personal headcanon that he has nerve damage (and associated chronic pain, but that's for later) from the burn (?) scar on the left of his face, and as a result, that side of his face doesn't emote nearly as much-- somewhat reminiscent of a stroke victim. whenever i draw him, the left of his face is somewhat slack-- all his smiles are lopsided, and whenever his face scrunches in any way, it's uneven.
he's got big ass gold earrings he wears ALL THE TIME ALL DAY EVERY DAY. no way he wears those heavy things regularly and his piercing holes aren't even a little stretched out. i think he could comfortably fit a 6-8G plug in those holes. (truthfully that's one of my favorite things to draw about him.... idk why)
other stuff:
i think he's got fangs and a tooth gap. sharp teefs. yeah.
god i'm getting tired writing this so remind me to continue with part 2 of 4 tomorrow morning. thank you for reading
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