#sab mail
crazyunsexycool · 1 year
Val! Heya love.
So, for your birthday ask game. I was gonna choose a trope from the office relationship, but it got out of hand when I liked more than 5🥹.
Can we please have something for Steve and Reader, where at SHIELD they’re incredibly close and have feelings for each other?
Lots of sticky notes on laptops, doodles on briefs, texts to one another under the table about coworkers, fixing ties and hair, and maybe sporadic texts about something to do with“work/meetings” when they really just want an excuse to talk to the other?
Sab, darling!!!
A/N: I loved this request so I hope you like what I wrote for it. Also send in all the other request I promise I don’t mind!!
Between sticky notes, meeting rooms and elevators.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Warning: pining and fluff, some America puns (I’m so sorry they’re only like two but I couldn’t help myself)
You were late and your boss hated when you were late. It didn’t help that when you finally got to the briefing all eyes were on you when you got to the only available seat.
“Thank you for gracing us with your presence, Ms. Y/L/N. Now we can finally get started.” Your boss announces.
You take a deep breath as you look up to find Steve sitting right across from you. He raised an eyebrow at you and shook his head in mock disappointment. You rolled your eyes and smiled before your eyes landed on the disposable coffee cup in front of you. There was a little smiley face with your name on it in Steve’s handwriting. You mouth a thank you and he winks at you before turning his attention to the front of the room. Those pesky little butterflies that made your stomach their home since the day you met Steve took flight again.
“Hey Y/N,” Steve calls out to you as soon as the meeting is over. The sea of people in the hallway parts for him. “So how was your morning?” He smiles, the mischief behind his eyes lets you know he’s just joking.
“It was wonderful. My alarm didn’t go off, traffic was horrible and I had this meeting right at the beginning of the day with the most annoying of my boss.”
You hear someone clear their throat behind you. Steve is already holding his laughter as you turn around with a horrified look on your face. Your boss glares at you for a moment.
“Don’t let your tardiness become a habit Ms. Y/L/N.” he states before walking away.
Steve just gives a long whew as he watches your boss walk away. You cover your face behind the files you’re holding before Steve pulls them away in order to hold them for you.
“Did you know he was standing behind me?” You look up at him with a pout.
“Absolutely not. I would never let you embarrass yourself like that even though it was entertaining.”
You just glare up at him, mostly playfully. He laughs as you both get on the elevator. As others get on you’re pushed back more until you end up back to chest with Steve. His free arm comes up and around your waist to keep you up right. You hope he can’t hear your heart beating faster the longer you stand that close to him.
Once you are on your floor you get out while Steve stays on the elevator. Neither of you would really look at each other so you couldn’t see the pink tint on his cheeks and the sheepish smile that played on his lips.
“I’ll-uh I’ll send those reports to you as soon as I can.” You say.
“I’ll be waiting for them.”
“I’ll see you later.”
“Yeah, see you later.” He says and then the doors close.
Just as you said the reports were ready for Steve. With a pep in your step you go up to his office to drop them off even though there is someone that can do that for you. You frown when you get to your destination as you see that the lights are off. Grabbing a post-it you always carry with you and a pen you write a quick note and leave the file in his drop box.
A few minutes later you get a text.
Steve: Thanks for the vote of confidence.
Attached to his text was a picture of the sticky note. It was a drawing of a stick figure saluting and it says. ‘I know you ameriCAN do it.’
Y/N: You’re welcome. ☺️☺️
Y/N: let me know you make it back safe!
Steve: Always do. 😉
You smile at your phone before putting it away and working on the next set of reports.
Steve: This guy’s voice is so monotonous that he's making himself fall asleep.
You try to hide your laugh behind a cough while Steve has the nerve to send you a message shushing you.
Y/N: not fair! Don’t make me laugh like that.
Steve: 🤷🏼 it’s true though… don’t look now but I think Linda from accounting is asleep with her eyes open.
You slowly look over and you watch as one of her coworkers nudges her. She starts slightly and then sinks into her chair further.
Y/N: 💀💀 oh maybe you should recruit him for the avengers. He could just give this speech to any bad guy and they’ll turn themselves in just to avoid hearing him anymore.
It was Steve’s turn to huff a laugh and try to cover it by clearing his throat. You were seated in different sections because of your jobs but still managed to be in each other's line of sight. Every time you looked over he would pretend to be nodding off, you shook your head every time before looking away.
“I thought that guy would never stop talking.” You say as you meet Steve in the hallway.
“Yeah, that was painful.”
“Oh, here are those analyses you requested.” You hand him a few folders. “Everything is arranged from what I thought would need priority down to low grade issues.”
“Thanks. Here are my completed reports.” He hands you a folder. “Everything is signed, all it needs is your review and it can be filed.”
“Thanks. I guess I’ll see you later.”
“Yeah, see you later.” He smiles at you. That boyish grin that makes your knees weak.
When you get to your desk and open the first folder you laugh. Paperclipped to the first report was a doodle of the speaker from earlier except Steve has made him look like a sloth. You take the doodle out of the folder and place it in the small box you keep all of the doodles Steve gives you.
“Hey Steve,” you say as you look over some information that he needed. “I have that report you requested but you aren’t in your office.”
“Oh yeah, I was called back to New York for a mission with the avengers.”
“Oh, I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
“No,” he shakes his head even though you can’t see him. “You’re never an interruption. Is everything ok?”
“Yeah I just wanted to know what you wanted me to do with the report , you know, since you’re not here.”
There was a protocol in place for this occasion. You knew that and so did Steve. Still neither of you could wipe those dopey grins on your faces as you spoke to each other.
“Why don’t you hold on to them and I’ll get them once I get back?”
“That works.” There’s a small silence before you break it. “Well I’ll leave you to it. Please-“
“I don’t have to hang up yet. I mean if you have time, we can talk.”
“I’d like that.”
“Have I missed anything in the office since I left?” He asks as he sits back in his bed at the tower.
“You mean in the three hours since you left?”
“Of course you did. Now you didn’t hear it from me, but rumor is that Linda from accounting is having an affair.”
“Yes. And you’ll never guess with who?”
“Who?” Steve asks excitedly.
“Sloth man.”
“There’s no way.”
“It’s only what I’ve heard, it hasn’t been confirmed.”
“I wonder what she sees in him.”
“A good night's sleep.” You murmur.
Steve throws his head back and laughs. Once he calms down he starts giving you theories about the supposed rumor. Then the conversation turns into other topics. Before you know it you’ve been on the phone for at least two hours when he needs to leave.
“Please be safe.”
“I will. See you in a day or so.” Steve says before hanging up.
The day had dragged on. Maybe it was because you didn’t have much work for the day. But you had a sneaking suspicion that it had to do with a certain blond haired, blue-eyed super soldier not being around.
It wasn’t until late in the evening and you were working extra hours that you received a very long overdue break. There’s a little knock at the end of your desk. You push yourself a little bit to turn your chair around. Words die on your tongue when you see a bruised up Steve standing there.
“Oh my god what happened?” You raise your hand to lightly touch a bruise on his cheek.
He wraps his fingers around your wrist and you immediately realize how inappropriate it is. When you go to pull your hand away he doesn’t let you. His thumb is drawing a lazy circle on your wrist as he brings both your hands down.
“Just some bad guys. Nothing I couldn’t handle. Why are you still here?”
“I think my boss is still mad that I called him annoying and I’m stuck doing more paperwork.” You shrug your shoulders.
“Well I hope you haven’t had dinner yet.”
“Good.” He smiles at you and then pulls a bag from behind his back. “Because I brought your favorite.”
“My hero.” You beam before turning and clearing a spot on your desk. Steve places the bag down and pulls a chair from an empty desk and sits down with a bit of a grunt. “So spill it.” You motion to him.
“Just a mission.”
“I need a play by play. Come on please. I read all of your reports, they’re basically a book at this point and I need the next chapter.”
He huffed a laugh. “Fine. But it’s rather boring.”
“You could never bore me.”
“Could I get that in writing? I’d like to have proof for Tony.”
“Sure, I’ll even have it notarized.”
He laughs again and shakes his head. Then he starts talking about the mission. You could sit there listening to Steve talk about anything. After he finished that story you moved on to other topics, work now long forgotten.
As much as you hated it, Shield was requiring a certain number of their employees from each department to attend a gala. Because your boss still had it out for you, you were selected to attend.
You were fiddling with the necklace you’d paired with your dress as you walked through the already crowded venue. Someone grabs you by your forearm and pulls you into an empty hallway while you try to throw a punch.
“Woah calm down, it’s just me.” Steve said as he let go of you.
“Why would you grab me like that?”
“I’m sorry I just didn’t want anyone to realize I was here. Please don’t be mad.”
“I’m not mad, it’s just I thought I was being kidnapped.” You frown a bit.
“I’d never let that happen.”
Heat rushed to your cheeks, you knew he meant it as a friend but sometimes you wish it was more than that.
“Is everything ok?”
“Honestly, I’m kind of nervous.”
“You are nervous? Why?” You ask incredulously.
“This function is for World War Two vets. I don’t know it’s not the same as if I was dealing with someone that didn’t fight in it. They ask questions and I can play it down a bit but with the vets… It makes me feel exposed.”
“Is there anything I can do to help?”
“I have to give a speech. If I find you a seat closer to the stage would you take it?”
“Of course.”
“Thank you .”
“Don’t mention it.”
His large hand takes yours and he pulls you down the hall with the intention of leading you to the seat he mentioned. You tug on his hand so that he stops and turns to you. Pulling him a bit closer you reach up and fix the bow tie. Then your hands instinctively run across his shoulders and down his chest in order to smooth out his tux. He smiles at you then. His eyes light up when he sees you return it. The moment is far too intimate for two friends to be sharing but it feels right nonetheless.
Steve graciously walks you to an open seat and heads to the stage. Just like you knew it would, the speech was a success. Still every once in a while he’d look down at you and you’d return an encouraging smile.
“May I have this dance?” Steve had his hand stretched out in front of you.
“Why yes you may.”
You place your smaller hand in his and he leads you to the dance floor. Steve places one hand on your waist and the other takes your hand. As a slow song starts playing he begins to lead, the scent of his cologne is intoxicating in the best ways.
“I thought you didn’t dance.”
“Only with the right partner. Besides, Sam bet that I wouldn’t dance with the most beautiful woman here. I had to prove him wrong.” He says just as he turns both of you and Sam comes into your line of sight, raising a glass of champagne and smiling.
“You don’t have to say anything. I just thought it was time I told you how I really felt. It’s ok if you don’t feel the same but I learned my lesson the hard way.” He spins you around and pulls you back in. “I like you as more than just friends. Seeing you makes my day, I can literally be having the worst day and you make it better. If it weren’t for you working at Shield would have been a nightmare. You saw me for more than just Captain America and I don’t think you realize what that means to me. It’s never bothered you to have to do things differently or having to spend time teaching me something because I just don’t know about all of the new technology. Most importantly you don’t mock me for it, you accept me as I am. And I’m so grateful you’re in my life.”
Steve dips you and as he pulls you back up all you can do is stare up at him with wide eyes. He smiles fondly at you as he takes your hand and presses a kiss to your knuckles.
“I have to go on a mission. But would you be willing to talk about this some more when I get back?”
You just nod, all words had escaped you at the moment. How were you supposed to respond? You adored Steve but never in a million years did you think it was reciprocated. Steve leans down and kisses your cheek before walking towards Sam. Then you watch as they both walk out. By the time you leave the gala you’re still reeling and trying to figure out how to respond.
Steve didn’t get back until Tuesday. It had been four days since the gala and since he told you how he felt. He was supposed to be back today. You knew for a fact he was because some of the people on your team had mentioned seeing him. Without being able to take much more you rush to the elevator and press the button for his floor.
Everyone around you rushes out but you are glued to your spot. Standing at the doors is Steve, looking as handsome as ever. His eyes light up when he sees you even though there’s a really bad bruise on his cheek and it’s obvious the mission was worse than expected. Still he steps into the elevator and no one dares walk in, leaving the two of you alone. The elevator starts to ascend but Steve pushes the stop button.
“Hi.” You manage to squeak out.
“Hi, I am free tonight by the way.”
“Oh, good.” You say as you try to hide your smile.
“But another America joke really?” He holds up the post-it note you had placed inside a folder for him to find.
It simply reads: on a scale of one to America, how free are you tonight? With a few stars drawn around it.
“You are Captain America, I have to use that to my advantage.” You giggle at his fake huff of annoyance. “Since you’re a superhero does that mean you’re super free tonight?”
Steve genuinely laughs this time before he turns to you. He finds that you’re already looking up at him with a soft smile.
“You’re lucky you’re so cute.”
“Oh so you think I’m cute.”
“Yup.” He takes a step towards you, forcing you against the wall. His hands rest on the small handrail, effectively caging you in.
“How cute would I have to be to get you to kiss me?”
“I think you’re there already.” Steve says before his lips are on yours.
It was better than what you had imagined. His lips were soft, the kiss was sweet. Unfortunately it was short lived.
“If you two are done holding up the elevator, I’d really appreciate seeing Captain Rogers in my office. Now.” Director Fury’s voice came through the speaker and you pulled away quickly.
You giggled at the fact that you had been caught. The butterflies in your belly were in full flight as Steve smiled at you. When the elevator came to a stop he pressed a kiss to your cheek and stepped out.
“I’ll see you tonight.” You smile at him as the doors close. A few seconds later you get a text.
Steve: It's a date. 😉
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savethegrishaverse · 25 days
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Back to Grisha School: we present our new physical mail campaign, in tune with the beginning of school year enthusiasm that every wizard student awaits!
There is seldom a fantasy fan that at the beginning of autumn isn’t nostalgic about all things magic, whether it be about brewing rare potions, escaping to a secret abode in the middle of the woods or invoking the spirits of the ancestors’. But nothing quite encompasses this cozy sense of belonging like a school of magic.
When for Grisha there was no safe place, Aleksander promised that There will be. When Grisha scurried fearfully across the lands, no haven in sight, the Darkling vowed: I will make one. And that’s how The Little Palace came to be.
So pick up a pen and tell Netflix how the Grishaverse has made you feel included or how the fandom is a space of belonging for you, just how The Little Palace is for the Grisha and how at the start of autumn you can’t help but long to be a new Grisha enrolling or a new student at Ketterdam University. Remind them that this fan beloved theme - the school of magic - is right there among their adapted stories, awaiting continuation!
Use the following Mailing Address to send a letter or postcard to Netflix:
Sunset Bronson Studios
ATTN: __________
5800 W. Sunset Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90028
Choose one of the names below for ATTN:
Bela Bajaria: Chief Content Officer
Cole Galvin: Director of Original Series
Jinny Howe: VP, Original Series
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alright GW2 folks, be smarter than me. I know the coin looks VERY tempting but...
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get THIS one instead because guess what...
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this pack has the coin, too + even more stuff for the exact same price.
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it's too late for me, but... may you all learn from my mistakes...
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osachiyo · 9 months
"shh, you have to be patient, sweetheart,” — when dazai said this i actually died in his arms bc HE WOULD SAY THAT. i swear it's canon this man is into dragging out everything for so long that sex with him is just hours of him edging you. i would know
"a strained laugh left him, you could tell he was trying his best to keep his restraint" — AND IMAGINE HIM STRUGGLING TO KEEP HIS COMPOSURE AS HE'S TEASING YOU. *drops mic*
“oh, my pillow princess wants to be an impatient brat now? hmm.. fine then, no more playing nice" — i will jump off a roof bc dazai x bratty!reader is the best pairing on earth and u captured it perfectly AAHHHGGHHhhhh. i can imagine dazai smirking as he says this omg
"almost slipping in before he cruelly pulled back, and repeating the action" — ok so i forgot where i read it but there was this one headcanon that dazai has insane self-control and can edge u for hoursss even if it means delaying his own pleasure AND STOP BC WHY IS THAT SO HOT
"he'd do this thing where he'd fuck your thighs, thrusting his cock between them until he's on the brink of cumming— before pushing only the leaky tip past the tight ring of your cunt and shooting his load inside" — messy sex with dazai messy sex with dazai messy sex with dazai
"you felt like you were going insane— the torturous feeling of having your orgasm ripped away from you had you sobbing, begging dazai to just fuck you— let you cum. but of course, he didn't listen— only chuckling mischievously before grinning at you, reminding you that you brought this upon yourself" — this entire paragraph reminded me that dazai's so.. so... yknow (i forgot what word i was looking for) and oh mygod i hate this man but i also can't live without him AND HE'S SO IN CHARACTER AGH
"oh— fuck, how're you s-still so damn tight—" — u r driving me crazy bc i will think about the dialogue in this fic for ten million years. i will be on my deathbed (with dazai) and our kids will wait eagerly for my last words and i will say "go.. go read tumblr user sachiyoh's dazai fic.. go, my children.." and then one of them will pull the plug on us. anyways
"but he had to make you cum first, you earned it, after all." — DAZAI REWARDING US WE WON WE WON
and then zzz we fall asleep but no i stay up and think about this fic forever and ever. anyways
PLSSS SABS TJIS IS THE NICEST THING I'VE RECEIVED EVER 🥹 so glad u like it !! the fact that you quoted some of the parts WITH feedback is just— *explodes*
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ninacarstairss · 1 year
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crying and screaming over the fact that jack wolfe is not included sadly
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mournersandfunerals · 2 years
Do you think it'd be weird if someone were to knock on all the doors in an apartment building and ask everyone to stream shadow and bone like a crazy sales person? Asking for a friend
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thatdammchickennugget · 4 months
Girl I’m too shy to talk to you first but I’ve been following your blog for a while and I would die to be your friend 😭
Literally pls message me because I have no idea who this could be but I would love to chat😭 I'm a little awkward and shy too when I first start talking to someone but I love talking to you guys sm😭💞
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fleursbending · 2 years
SABBBB HELPXZN SHE'S DEFINITELY SOMETHINF 🫶🏻 everyone say hi to marcy my pupper !!
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manebioniclegali · 2 years
I have thousands of drafts from being on this platform for 7+ years and I can't even access the older stuff cuz it lags too much, and then if I even think about making an edit in order to post, it kicks me up to the top so I have to start all over again. I wanna see the drafts I made 6-7 years ago, damnit :(
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dreamtigress · 10 months
Please consider streaming/watching Shadow & Bone on Netflix! It is an amazing show and cast.
From Discrod RE saving SAB...
1. Don’t cancel Netflix.
> We should __NOT__ cancel Netflix as a statement. It won’t matter. Even if every SAB and SOC fan cancelled their account, it would barely be noticed.
2. Stream Shadow and Bone.
> Netflix wants to see new viewers. They are more likely to reconsider their decision if the show gets back into the Top 10 (and stays there for as long as possible) and has unique __NEW__ viewers who are watching the show from start to finish. The easiest way to do this is by streaming the show ourselves. When it trends, subscribers will see it as well and hopefully watch the show.
3. Use the hashtags and talk about the show.
> Engage potential new viewers and spark conversations by talking and hashtagging about the show on Twitter/X, Instagram, TikTok, etc. Share why you love the show and characters and why it's important we get it back to finish their stories. Talk about the representation, the diversity, what it means to you, how much the cast and crew and writers love it and want to continue with it, etc.
4. Engage with the writers, cast, crew, etc.
> Industry folks are not happy about how SAB was canceled, and they are done with keeping quiet. Conversations are being had, and Netflix is trying to calm relations, especially since they’re under a lot of industry scrutiny since the strike ended. This is a very unique anomaly that works in our favor, and we only have a small window of opportunity to make a big impact, so we have to act fast. Engage with the writers and cast (be respectful, friendly, and kind!) and keep them talking about the show, cancellation, etc. (to us and/or in their industry circles).
5. Send physical mail.
> Send (respectful) letters and physical items to Netflix HQ because those are things they can't ignore since they have to be physically sorted through (letter information can be found in <#1175231261569204245>).
6. Work as a focused team.
> We have to be a **COHESIVE** unit as a fandom. If everyone is split apart, it will not help because we won't make the impact or numbers Netflix needs to see. Prioritizing SAB over SOC (or vice versa) isn’t what will convince Netflix to save SAB or green light SOC. Netflix will make the final decision, but they won’t even consider until they realize that we as a fandom are one formidable, united force.
7. Focus on Netflix.
> At the moment, all efforts must focus on convincing Netflix to reverse their decision. Netflix does not like to give up the rights to its shows, and unless they do, other platforms can’t step in to save our show instead. Other platforms will notice anyway if we make enough noise, but focus specifically on Netflix!
Starting soon, we will be having dedicated watch parties and daily hashtag parties. We will give you more information on what 3rd hashtag to use and when.
Be vocal. Keep using our main two hashtags #SaveShadowAndBone and #SixOfCrowsSpinoff
Thank you all so much for your efforts, and keep it up!
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crazyunsexycool · 7 months
Another one…
Do you remember my request about the part 2 of Steve x Reader fic from the war? When she comes back to the present after being kidnapped by Hydra?
Is it here yet? Pweaseee *pouts like lottie*
Yes I do remember. I write for it little by little because I’m so worried it won’t be as good as the first part 🥺🥺🥺. But I finally had a breakthrough on the plot so hopefully it will be done soon!
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savethegrishaverse · 5 months
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Use our NEW postcard template to send Flowers for the Grishaverse to Netflix!
We've made it easier than ever for you to participate in the Flowers for the Grishaverse mail campaign with our brand new postcard template!
Simply print it out, jot down your message, and you're ready to send flower-themed mail to Netflix!
This physical mail campaign aims to remind Netflix of the deep connection between the Grishaverse and its fans. So take a moment to reflect on what Shadow and Bone means to you—the captivating characters, the immersive world-building, the thrilling storylines—and then let Netflix know why this show deserves to be saved.
And don't forget to snap a photo of your postcard and share it on social media under our hashtags to inspire others to join in. Together, we can #SaveShadowAndBone and greenlight the #SixOfCrowsSpinoff!
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gojonanami · 6 months
i viscerally hate the fact that you've been getting hate mail.
it actually really upsets me.
i almost think it's a little hard to comprehend how upsetting it can be when you've never received such hate mail.
like a bad email is enough to dampen my mood, so imagine receiving something that insults and berates you and the people you care about?
it's really awful.
and all for what? two two-dimensional characters?
even though personally i don't see satoru and suguru as lovers or boyfriends, i would never even think to just go into someone's inbox and spew hate.
so horrible.
i'm rather weak-hearted, so receiving full-on hate would really upset me.
you have a strong heart, sab.
aww bb you’re so sweet 🥹💕 yeah it doesn’t bother me too much honestly it’s more of a minor annoyance — as someone who was bullied as a kid, I have a thick skin haha.
it’s really ridiculous to send hate for liking a ship or not liking one — what does it matter? It’s fiction. anything goes and it doesn’t matter? there are more important things happening 🤦🏾‍♀️ anyway I appreciate you babe and it’s truly fine! I’m fine lol — I’m more like shocked at the audacity 🙄
love you 💕🫶🥹
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osachiyo · 8 months
anons will really make everything about them sometimes bc why r they so upset that u have a life outside of tumblr dot com 💀
no ur so right tho sabs 😭 idk how some ppl cant comprehend that just because i don’t want requests FOR THE MOMENT, doesn’t mean i don’t care about my followers or the requests i receive 😶
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digitalsigils · 5 months
Sigils for Palestine
I am home for the next two weeks because I am recovering from surgery (I'm fine)-- so I just wanted people to know that if they want a sigil request, and they include proof of donation to any of the following charities for Palestine, I will make a sigil for you.
Normal rules for requests and commissions still apply, but if your request is something I won't do, I will work with you to reword or focus it on something that I will do.
Pious Projects:
eSims (Note: Crips buys the eSims for you and handles the sending them over, and allows people to donate for less than the amount of a full eSim so that they can purchase bulk options):
Edit: This is not just for the next two weeks, btw. I will continue to do this for as long as there is a need in these charities.
Edit 2: Please email your proof of donation to addaideyn at the usual g of mail *finger guns*
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mashriqiyyah · 1 year
Pichhle saal yunhi September ki ek baarish me mujhay wo baat yaad aayi, jo pehle kabhi seekhi thi...Kay Insan ka dil Allah ki do Ungliyon me hai, wo jab chahay, usay palat Saktay Hain...jaise...wo waqt, jab mujhay baarish pasand aanay lagi. Bachpan se maine Baarish par muh banaya tha. Shayad school baarishwale dinon me start hua karta tha isliye, aur phir ground ke kichad me meray polished jootay aur safayd Uniform, dhuli dhulai cycle ke tyres, sab kichad-aalood hojate thay. Bag bheeg jata lekin waterproof tha to khayr thi, kitabon me lekin nami reh jati. Meri kitabein, jinko mai apni jaan se zyada sambhala karti thi. Mai nafasat pasand rahi hun aksar. Bachpan se. Phir college ke dinon tak, Baarish ka ye kichad aur uljhan mujhay bahot bezaar karte rahay hain. Aangan me gilay, gale hue patton ka phailna, har shay geeli aur numm. Gharme raho to neend aajati, khelne baahar koi jaane nh deta aur phir thandi baarish se beemar honay ka ehsas. Bezari si bezaari. Phir ek waqt wo aaya, jab apne shehar se door ek aisi jagah rehna pada, jahan door door tak aasmaan, Pahaad aur sookha maidan nazar aata. Apne mehfooz ghar, kichad walay school se door, anjan logon ke beech tanha hue jab maine wahan baarish hotay aur pani ki chhoti chhoti nehar banke ek taalaab me jaa miltay dekha.. Uss lamhe mein, mai pehli baar bezaar nahi hui. Pehli dafa kichad se uljhan nh hui, na hi ye fikr rahi ke saaf kapde maile hojayengay ya kitabein bheeg jayengi. Pehle ek haath aur phir saari ki saari mai, uss baarish me khari hogayi. Uss waqt nafasat ko nahi bhuli thi, bas ye eham nahi raha tha ke jootay, kapde aur cycle inki safai kabhi mustaqil hogi... Inn cheezon ko saaf rakhte rakhte shayad mai ek waqe'atan khubsoorat ehsas se door rahi thi. Meray dil me ye itminan aaya ke ye Allah ki rehmat hai, jisme mai bheeg rahi hun, mehaz pani nahi. Iss waqt mere Rabb ki tarafse sabse bada waseelah hai jissay mai Usko apne qareeb mehsoos kar rhi hun. Gharke, gharwalon ke tahaffuz se door, uss bijliyon aur garajti baarish me Allah ne mera dil badal diya tha. Yun jaise Do Ungliyon me bas chutki si bajayee ho. Uske baad se aaj tak, Baarish ne mujhay kabhi bezaar nahi kiya. Na hi kichad aalood juton ne, na hi meray maile hue safayd libas ne na hi bag me kai tahon me chhupi meri numm kitabon ne. Aaj jab mai aasman se barasti boondon ko dekhte iss bareme sochti hun, to samajh aata hai ..ke Uss din ki baarish ke zariye sirf baarish ke liye muhabbat hi nahi mili thi mujhay... balke ek mazeed ilham bhi mujhpar hua tha... Ek aur baat thi, jo wo baarish mere liye Allah ki tarafse paigam ki surat lekr aayi thi. Ye, ke koi jazbaa, koi insan, koi shay, koi haalaat itne mustaqil nahi hotay ke aapka ussay dil na uthhay. Har wo shay jisko aap chhorna chahte hain, lekin dil ke haathon majboor hain, aap Allah se kehden. Wo aapka dil badal Dengay. Ek aisi baarish, jahan saari umr ki bezari khatm hojati hai. Allah se wo baarish maangein.
©️ mashriqiyyah
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