iunsei-moved · 4 years
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Sabigiyuu Week Day 02: Tattoo
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lyykaia · 4 years
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sabigiyuu week day 1: childhood
sparring buddies 🤜🏼🤛🏼
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smolkoos · 4 years
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Day 1: 𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗱
f*ck canon, they survived
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cheesecake12 · 4 years
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@sabigiyuuweek day 5: fantasy au
someone’s excited to show off the new spell he learned...
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ann-pendragon-love · 4 years
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Sabigiyuuweek2020, firsth day : Childhood. I decided to work it on traditional Art.
I hope you like it 💕
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panravenc · 4 years
ballet, sabigiyuu.
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type: one-shot.
character(s): tomioka giyū, sabito, urokodaki sakonji, makomo.
warning(s): none.
a/n: hi. i've returned. i'm not dead. and i don't know if this counts anymore as "sabigiyuu week of 2020" but who cares. it's still 2020. laksjdhf. anyways, thanks for reading and i hope you liked it!! sabito is whipped lol. the prompts come from @sabigiyuuweek.
love y'all,
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Sabito has a sister.
This is how the disaster starts.
(And no, it's not really a disaster, that's just Sabito being his usual over-dramatic self.)
Sabito's sister, Makomo, likes watching ballets. She loves seeing the shows, and she keeps saying that she will play someday for one.
(Makomo plays the clarinet like no one else, and she's determined—Sabito just assumes she's going to do it once she's older and moves on.)
They live in a fairly small city, so it isn't a surprise that most of the ballet shows Makomo likes so much aren't represented in their stages. Sakonji, their father, is the one who always goes with her to the larger city, which is about fifty kilometres from theirs.
But Sakonji can't, not with a meeting at his work that starts at the same time the show does—and so, he asks Sabito to do it.
Sabito says yes because he loves his sister and watching about two hours of ballet can't be that bad. He doesn't have an idea of the terrifying events that are going to lead to his demise yet, so he's relaxed and doesn't worry too much about it.
(That's, of course, Sabito's usual over-dramatic self. Nothing terrifying happens, nor does his demise.)
"Are you ready?" He asks Makomo a few hours later.
"I am!" She exclaims from the living room, and runs to the entrance where Sabito is waiting, ready to to go—almost jumping, too.
Sabito ruffles her hair, unable to stop himself, and they both get on their father's car. Sabito, thankfully, has a driving license, so there's absolutely nothing illegal going on.
(Note how suspicious that was? Yes? Then don't.)
They arrive with time to eat before the ballet show starts and decide to go for a typical McDonald's meal, quick and cheap.
Sabito prefers japanese food, but Makomo looks pretty happy with her fries so he keeps his mouth shut and teases her about going fat.
After eating, it's almost time for the show to begin, and Makomo's eyes light up at the sight of the theatre the ballet company is performing in.
It's beautiful, Sabito has to admit, inside and outside, and that's something he can certainly appreciate.
(What Sabito doesn't know yet is that by the end of the night he's going to be too mesmerized by the main dancer of the ballet to be paying any attention to the theatre's sculptures.)
The ballet begins after a quick announcement of silencing the phones and to enjoy the show.
(And oh, Sabito does.)
Sabito hasn't gone to many ballets—he has to admit, he's not an expert on them. This one is kind of boring, at least he thinks so, but Makomo's eyes are sparkling so apparently she doesn't share his opinion.
Then everything changes.
He enters the stage. His demise, Sabito's tragedy, the reason why he's going to end up dead before the two hours and a half the ballet show lasts are up.
Here's the thing: he's beautiful. Sabito doesn't mean in the way dolled-up people are —though they are very pretty—, nor in the way flowers are, delicate in their beauty.
No, this dancer is beautiful for the strength behind each move he does, for the fluidity, for the snow-like skin that seems oh so breakable but shows muscle definition behind its appearance.
Sabito's hooked.
In the back of his mind, he thinks, I understand ballet now.
(He doesn't, but let a man dream.)
With each stroke of the dancer, Sabito falls. It's enticing, though not romantic in its nature—the ballet is fury, is anger and betrayal and nothing about it whispers soft love, and maybe because of that, the dancer manages to leave Sabito breathless.
Seriously, he's going to need oxygen soon.
Makomo nudges him in the stomach and Sabito chokes, only to find her looking at him with amused eyes and a smirk that screams of teasing.
(She has blackmail material now—not that she didn't before, but still. Now she has more.)
"I didn't know you were into dancers," she says, voice deceivingly light.
Sabito feels his cheeks burn. "I, uh— I'm, I'm not?"
Makomo raises an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed, and shifts her focus back to the ballet.
(Sabito can feel himself die, but the dancer moves again and it seems that's enough for him to revive.)
Sabito spends the two hours and a half of the ballet watching the dancer in question, which luckily for him, seems to be the main one, and blushes furiously when Makomo turns her attention to him again and says: "You're drooling."
When it ends, he's torn between disappointment —because it has ended— and the dazed feeling of breathlessness. Because—wow.
Like. How is that even possible. How. He's—he doesn't even have words for how he's feeling about the show.
In almost autopilot, he leads Makomo back to the car.
"Did you like it?" He asks, because the whole point of going was Makomo, no matter how he feels about the main dancer.
His sister nods, happiness obvious in her features, and though he feels the disappointment of not watching whoever that dancer was longer, there's satisfaction in knowing she's enjoyed the ballet.
"I don't need to ask you to know you did as well, though," she teases.
Sabito groans, half-embarrassed of being seen like that by his sister. "How does someone like him exist," he says, before continuing. "What was even he, blessed by the gods themselves? How can someone be so beautiful—"
Makomo laughs and doesn't stop until they're near the McDonalds they ate in before. "Oh, stop, I want more fries."
He rolls his eyes, because of course she does, and parks the car about five minutes away from the fast-food establishment. "You better thank me for this."
He accompanies her—because hello, she's fourteen, it's past midnight, and there are creeps everywhere. Soon enough, his sister has fries in her hands and they're heading back.
They're about five meters from the car when it happens.
(And that is when Sabito dies, he's sure of it.)
"Excuse me?"
Sabito and Makomo both look towards the voice, and—
And Sabito's brain dies.
Because there—
He's the dancer.
The dancer. Of the ballet show they've just watched.
That dancer.
"Uh— hi?" Sabito manages to say, completely flustered.
The beautiful, gorgeous man seems a bit uncomfortable but holds himself straight, staring directly at Makomo's fries. "Would you direct me towards the McDonald's, please?"
Sabito nods, but the words don't seem to get out of his mouth. Makomo notices and takes charge, because she's like that.
"Yes, of course! But, aren't you the main dancer of A Field of Hydrangeas?" Taken aback, he nods, and Makomo's eyes sparkle once more. "We just came from it! Oh, it was amazing!"
The man nods in acknowledgement, and he softens his stance, though not noticeable to the untrained eye—Sabito just happens to be studying him right now. "I'm glad you enjoyed it," he says. He shifts his gaze towards him, and Sabito knows he has to say something.
"It was— uh—" he starts, before coughing in an attempt to collect himself. "It was breath-taking."
Clearly, that attempt at collecting himself didn't happen, because he just blurted that in the face of the most gorgeous man he's ever seen and wow, okay, the ground can swallow him now.
The man blushes under the admiration, and Makomo watches between the two in suspicion.
(Could it be?)
"Thanks," he says awkwardly, his gaze diverted from Sabito's. After a moment of silence, with his cheeks still red, he clears his throat. "The, uh, McDonald's?"
Sabito would like it very much if some outer force could abduce him right now, please and thank you.
"A-Ah, yes. It's, about 300 hundred meters away? That's what Google Maps said, anyway. You just gotta continue straight until the second crosswalk and turn to the right, and there's a tea house close to the street you've got to take, which is by turning to the left, and then—"
Makomo elbows him before he can continue, which she should've done before, but sometimes she forgets how bad her brother is at instructing anything not involving kendo.
The man's wearing a dumbfounded expression she can sympathise with, and she takes the reins once more.
"You don't have Maps on your phone?" She asks, her voice gentle.
The dancer's cheeks, which were devoid of flush seconds ago, turn red again. "My phone's dead."
Oh my god, he's adorable, Sabito thinks. And truly, it's unfair. Both looks and an adorable personality? How.
(Sabito's death is going to be because of this man and he will die a very, very happy man.)
"It's okay," she says. "We can accompany you if it's no bother?"
Sabito would be gaping at her if he wasn't so mesmerized by how beautiful the man looks under the lights of the night.
The man looks at him discreetly, and the only reason Sabito catches the fleeting stare is that he can't do anything but stare at this gorgeous man who has stolen his breath and is mere steps away from stealing his heart as well.
He nods. "That's—" he clears his throat. "Thank you."
Makomo waves the gratefulness away and starts walking.
"I'm Urokodaki Makomo, by the way," she introduces herself, before pointing him out. "This is my brother Sabito."
(Because obviously Sabito can't introduce himself—he's way too busy appreciating a moonlit ocean in human form.)
The man nods again. "Tomioka Giyuu."
And wow, okay, now Sabito knows his name. He knows his name, and it's Tomioka Giyuu, and he's going to remember that name for the rest of his eternity.
(Which is going to be really short if he keeps this up, because Sabito's only mortal and this man, Tomioka, is clearly not.)
"So, how did you get into ballet?"
From there, Makomo pulls question after question, and by halfway Sabito starts asking as well. He stutters and makes a fool out of himself, and he can feel Makomo's amused stare as he does so. But Tomioka responds in kind, flushed cheeks and nervous fingering, and Sabito's nervousness settles into wonder because not only is he beautiful, gorgeous, and adorable—he's also interesting.
When they arrive at the McDonald's, Sabito's crushed.
(Okay, maybe just disappointed—he wants more time with this out-of-this-world man, it's completely understandable.)
"Are you and your company going to be here for long, Tomioka-san?" Makomo asks, more out of sympathy for her brother than curiosity.
Tomioka shakes his head. "We're established here." He looks briefly towards Sabito as he says this, and oh, boy, she's fairly certain on what's about to happen. "I, uh. I live here."
And you didn't know about the McDonald's?, Makomo wants to ask, but she won't. She won't even raise a suspicious eyebrow, because she's determined to get her brother a date, and the probabilities seem to improve every second that passes.
(Honestly, Makomo should be suspicious. Fortunately for her, Giyuu's just a shut-in who's lost a bet with Shinobu of all people and now has to buy a McDonald's meal for her.)
"Oh, we, we live a few towns over," Sabito stammers. "Would you—would you like to hang out sometime?"
Sabito's as red as a tomato and with his already ginger hair, he doesn't think it's a very flattering look. But Tomioka nods anyway, and the whole interaction ends up with him having Sabito's number.
(Sabito's going to die, and it'll be the sweetest death ever.)
Makomo's smiling like the cat that ate the canary, and Sabito can't help but feel like he's in danger.
"S-See you, then!"
As Tomioka enters the establishment, Sabito hooks his arm with his sister's and runs. After a hasty retreat, Sabito looks at her—and she smirks at him, and that's when he knows she's going to be lording this over him for a long, long time.
"I think you're the one who has to thank me for wanting more fries."
Sabito makes a sound between why-would-you-ever-say-that and oh-god-please-no —that sounds more like a dying whale than anything— and pleads to the gods to take him now, before his state as a living being allows his sister to terrorize him even more.
(Deep, deep down, though, he's grateful.)
(Did she really get him a date —hang out, whatever— with the most gorgeous man he's ever seen?)
(By the look on her face, he's going to go with yes.)
(Just— wow.)
(He's already dead, isn't he?)
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stifcha · 4 years
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Day 1+2: gift/fireworks
Sometimes Giyuu drinks too much...
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aikafuwaa · 4 years
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happy birthday, giyuu!!!! you deserve every happiness ♥ i included tsutako bc why not
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sabigiyuuweek · 5 years
Hello everyone! I made some changes for this week! (due to nsfw content issues) I hope you like them!! 💕 ( I added new prompts ) Please read the prompts and rules 😊
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dorksmithery · 4 years
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Sabigyuu Week: Day 4, Unrequited Love, Stars, Ballet
StS!Kny AU
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josefo-judas · 4 years
SabiGiyuuWeek 2020
Día 2: Niñero/Fuegos Artificiales/Artista de Tatuaje
En toda la ciudad las calles se encuentra en rebozando de alegría, puesto que ese día iban a dar una pequeña celebración dedicada a la creación del mismo lugar, en donde en el centro de la ciudad de colocan videos puestos de comida y juegos para los niños. En donde alas 8 de la noche se va a dar un bello espectáculo de cierre.
En una de las calles de encuentra un nuevo local de tatuajes, el cual a solo 9 meses de inaugurarse se ha vuelto muy popular. Siendo este creado por un grupo de 4 amigos, los cuales nombraron a su local The Demons Slayers. Entre ellos se encuentra un chico de 21 años de cabello melocotón muy simpático.
Decir que se encuentra feliz es muy poco, cada parte de su cuerpo irradia una alegría y calidez a todo aquello a su alrededor. Incluso sus clientes del día dejaban la tienda de tatuaje con una sonrisa es sus rostros y sintiéndose mejor de como entraron.
Un buen tatuaje y una buena actitud.
-¡Si que estas emocionado, Sabito! Hasta pareciera que te preparas para salir corriendo en cualquier momento – Menciona uno de sus amigos y el actualmente dueño (elegido por sus amigos) y socio, Kyojuro Rengoku, un chico de estatura promedio de cabello amarillo y rojo, quien cariñosamente es apodado “El chico búho” y quien me sonriente a su amigo.
-Tsk, si tan solo pusiera esa misma energía en su trabajo todos los días y no perder el tiempo soñando con su novio emo – Habla el más malhumorado de los chicos, Sanemi Shinazugawa. De cabello blanco y una expresión de enojo plasmada en su rostro y también socio, es el 2do chico comas tatuajes de los 4, con dos peces Koi en su torso, una espada en su pierna derecha y una dragón a lo largo de su espalda.
-Eso no es nada llamativo viniendo de alguien a quien no tiene pareja por su carácter no tan llamativo – Le responde el último de ellos, Tengen Usui, el más alto de ellos y quien tiene más tatuajes, 2 Rosas (1 en cada brazo), el nombre de sus 3 prometidas (si 3) en su pecho, una hermoso pavoreal a lo largo de su espalda, un tatuaje en su rostro y próximamente uno en su pierna.
Kyojuro siendo el 3ero con un retrato de su madre en su pecho, y un dos búhos, uno grande y uno pequeño abrazos, con plumaje amarillo y rojo, en representación de el y su hermano menor. Mientras Sabito aún no tiene ninguno.
El chico de cabello melocotón ignora, cada 5 minutos dirige su mirada al reloj de la Sala de trabajo, esperando ansioso la hora de dar por terminado su trabajo y poder encontrarse con su amado novio de hace 4 años. Después de 2 meses de no poder tener una cita decente, gracias a la fila de clientes que últimamente ha obtenido el local por el excelente trabajo y buena asistencia de los chicos. Además de que su novio ha Estado estudiando para los exámenes finales de su carrera de pediatría.
Por ello se encuentra feliz, podría tener tiempo de calidad con su amado chico de cabello oscuro. Nada podría salir mal.
En eso la campana de la puerta principal suena dando a entender que alguien a entrado.
-¡SABITO NII-CHAN! – Se escucha el coro de dos voces por parte de dos niños y se ve envuelto en un abrazo por parte de 2 pares de pequeños brazos.
… Habló demasiado pronto.
Ahí sosteniéndose de su cintura se encuentran los pequeños hermanos Kamado, Tanjiro de 8 años y su hermana menor Nezuko de 7, quienes lo ven con mucha alegría. Sin poder evitarlo, se agacha y levanta a los pequeños cada uno en un brazo y tenerlos a la altura de sus ojos.
-Hola, Sabito, siento llegar tarde – Escucha la voz de su novio quien tiene una expresión Serena en su rostro pero la cual Sabito que lo ve como una disculpa.
-¡Hoy nos quedaremos a dormir con Giyuu nii-chan y Sabito Nii-chan! – Dice un emocionado Tanjiro, mientras su hermana asiente en afirmación.
Si bien no esperaba que el par de niños formasen parte de su cita, no podía enojarse con el par de pequeños angelitos, además de que ama cuidar de ellos cada ve que puede.
-Muy bien. ¿Están listos para ir al Festival con Giyuu y conmigo? – Su respuesta fue un par de sonrisas para luego poner en el piso a los niños y poder despedirse de sus amigos y socios.
-¡Adiós! – Se despiden los 4 y sin más se dirigen al centro de la ciudad.
Sabito lleva de la mano a Tanjiro quien sostiene la mano de su hermana menor y esta última su otra mano es sostenida por Giyuu. Cualquiera que los viese y no los conocería, dirían que son una joven y hermosa familia de 4.
La primera parada que hicieron fue en un puesto de Dangos, donde un hombre con una máscara de un aspecto peculiar les atendió y quien les dijo casi como un regaño lo delicioso y exquisito que son los Mitarashi Dangos, en especial los que el hace y que son orgullo vende.
Hotaru, es el nombre de aquel simpático y agradable sujeto (según palabras del mismo Sabito y Tanjiro mientras Giyuu los vio con una expresión extraña) y quien les dio una tarjeta de presentación para su otro negocio de artesanía.
Luego de ello, se dedicaron a caminar por todo el lugar, de vez en cuando a saludar a uno que otro conocido. Y también el acercamiento de algunas fans y clientas anteriores de Sabito quienes elogiaba su trabajo como artista del tatuaje.
En cierto punto se detienen, en un puesto de juegos en donde si logras atrapar a un pez con una red de papel, te puedes llevar el pez a cada. Los dos niños con permiso de la pareja se dedican a jugar entre risa.
-Lo siento, se que querías que fuese solo nosotros dos en esta cita pero fue de un momento a otro el cuidar a Tanjiro y Nezuko – Le dice Giyuu a su pareja mientras ve a los menores.
Sabito observa a Giyuu y con una sonrisa, sostiene la mano derecha del de cabello oscuro, captando su atención y le dice – No tienes por que disculparte, sabes bien que no me molesta cuidar de los niños contigo – Se acerca al rostro del contrario – Con tal de que estés conmigo a mi lado soy feliz – Sin más le da un beso en los labios, que al igual que su primer beso, sintieron como un millón de fuegos artificiales explotaran.
Se separa al escuchar pequeñas risas provenientes de los niños quienes lo ven sonrientes y mejillas sonrojadas, aunque también con 2 pecesitos en una bolsa sostenida por Tanjiro.
Después de aquellos, las risas no faltaron en el pequeño grupos, incluso Giyuu participó en una competencia de vencidas, donde se ganó una cinta de primer lugar, Sabito entró al concurso de medir la fuerza en donde ganó el primer lugar tomando como premio un peluche de un zorro de mediano tamaño a quien se lo obsequio a un tímido y sonrojado Giyuu.
Ahora a pocos minutos de ser las 8, el pequeño grupo se encuentra sobre una pequeña loma, los hermanos sentados unos pocos metro delante de los adultos quienes se encuentran abrazos y disfrutando del ambiente, esperando al espectáculo de cierre.
-Giyuu – Llama a su novio quien se separa un poco de el y lo ve los ojos – Solo quiero que sepas que eres lo mejor que me ha pasado en la vida, eres la luz que ilumina mis días y la fuerza que me hace seguir adelante –
El de cabello oscuro le ve sonrojado, puesto que aquello que le ha dicho es justamente como Sabito le hace sentir todos los días desde que son amigos y más desde que comenzaron a salir juntos como pareja.
-Sabito… -
-Te amo, Giyuu –
Los dos jóvenes adultos se dedican a besarse en los labios, esta vez acompañados por una lluvia de hermosos fuegos artificiales los cuales iluminan el cielo creando una bella armonía entre su luz y la oscuridad de la pequeña loma donde se encuentran.
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iunsei-moved · 4 years
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Sabigiyuu Week Last Day: Some Tamen de Gushi reference
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lyykaia · 4 years
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sabigiyuu week day 3: rock band
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thelackvoid · 4 years
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#SabiGiyuuWeek2020 day 01: first kiss
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ann-pendragon-love · 4 years
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Lamento la ausencia, creo lo único bueno que he hecho a sido participar en la Sabigiyuuweek 2020, no sé si está shipp les guste, pero yo la amo 💕 así que publicaré mis dibujos partiendo mañana, mientras dejare este que hice extra del día 2: amor no correspondido. Para mí, no ser correspondido como uno espera es como si te dieran una golpiza 🤕😐 emocionalmente, claro.
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panravenc · 4 years
rock band, sabigiyuu.
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type: one-shot.
character(s): tomioka giyū, sabito, urokodaki sakonji, makomo.
warning(s): none.
a/n: this is for the sabigiyuu week (again) and this is for day 3, even though i’m late lol. hope y’all like it and enjoy it. the prompts come from @sabigiyuuweek.
love y'all,
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At fifteen, when Sabito had come to him with that certain seriousness on his face —the kind of seriousness he only wore when he had an idea stuck inside his brain and wouldn't let anything nor anyone get in the way of fulfilling it— he'd resigned himself to follow his best friend's lead and get carried on whatever it was that he wanted to do.
It had been like that when Sabito had told him he wanted to try kendo, and that of course, you're coming with me, right, and it had been like that when Sabito had told him he wanted to be a part of the student council, and that we'll do great there, and it had been like that when Sabito had told him he wanted to learn sign language and flower arrangements and—
Well, you get the idea.
And so they had formed a rock band along with Makomo, a girl from the wind instruments club Sabito had convinced to play the drums.
(Not that it required much convincing, with how enthusiastic about it the girl seemed.)
Sabito had, somehow, learnt how to play the electric guitar and how to sing —because yeah, he had a pretty voice, but apparently that wasn't enough— and roped Giyuu into learning how to play the bass. Which worked really well, apparently, because it didn't demand attention like the guitar or the vocals, nor did it have the loudness of the drums.
Then they had gotten more involved in music and went from playing on their school's cultural festival to playing on their city's festivals, and started to write their own songs, and—
And now they were famous.
Don't ask Giyuu. It's a nightmare, and he wants out.
He enjoys music, enjoys playing, enjoys the friendship he and Makomo struck and loves how Sabito looks under the lights, but the spotlight is sometimes too much for him, what with his inability to communicate with other people that aren't the ever-so-cheerful Makomo or his best friend Sabito.
(Who he's also head over heels for, but whatever.)
"Mh? What's this?" Asks Makomo on one of their reunions, holding on her hand a notebook Giyuu could have sworn he'd burnt. "These are good! Are they yours, Giyuu?"
Those are—
Sabito looks over her shoulder, reading some of the content. His eyes widen, and Giyuu is ready to throw himself out of the window to avoid the following situation.
"Are these—" Sabito starts, a bit struck. "Are these love songs?"
Giyuu nods, blushing and embarrassed because that's the only way he's ever been able to canalize his feelings for the peach-haired man who entered in his life at thirteen and has yet to leave.
They're only lyrics, and some are way too mushy, but that's the ones Giyuu wrote on all the three am's he's had thinking about Sabito, about his feelings and his wantings.
"We can use some of these for the new album!" Makomo exclaims, a light rosy tint on her cheeks at reading some of the more— sensual lyrics, and looks at Giyuu like a cat who caught the canary.
Sabito nods, though he has a pensive expression on his face. "They're really good, Giyuu. I didn't know you felt like that about someone?" He says with a confused tone, a tint of sadness in his eyes.
Giyuu's still too embarrassed and red to do anything but nod.
Later, they talk with the manager about it, and the tracks number three, four, six and nine are songs that come from that thrice-damned notebook. Urokodaki, the manager, likes the lyrics, says they've got heartfelt emotions written on them, and guess, Giyuu blushes again.
Weeks pass while practising, writing the music, producing and recording the album, and those are ones of the busiest weeks Giyuu had ever had.
(Giyuu dies a bit on the inside every time he listens to Sabito sing one of the songs dedicated to him without having a clue about it, but he manages in the end.)
Sabito seems distant, on those weeks, and Giyuu tries to reach out to him.
"Are you okay?" He asks, because subtlety has never been Giyuu's forte.
But Sabito only smiles, a pain behind it that hurts Giyuu more than the lie he spouts right after. "I am, just a bit under the weather."
"I see," he says instead of insisting because Sabito knows him well, but Giyuu knows him just as much, and if he doesn't want to say a thing, then he won't.
Giyuu will know sooner or later, either way.
(Because they're best friends and nothing happens to one without the other realizing.)
(Except for falling in love, because they're both a bit too dumb when it comes to one another.)
(Makomo realized this at eighteen, in the middle of a concert, and she almost messed up because of it. Honestly, boys.)
(Yeah, girls are much better in her opinion.)
It all culminates on the day of their first concert of the new tour, when they play for the first time on stage the new songs.
Giyuu almost messes up when he listens to Sabito sing the lyrics he composed while thinking about him in front of all their fans.
It's a private thing, he realizes, but it's far too late—
And he doesn't mind letting out all these feelings, not really. Yes, he would prefer it if those lyrics had never seen the light of day, but it's a weight off his shoulders.
And that's fine.
When the concert ends Giyuu retires to the backstage, ready to have some peace and quiet. He's resting on one of the sofas when a voice startles him.
"A bit bold, don't you think?" Sabito asks —because of course it's him— and he leans on the now-closed door. He's wearing that expression, the one he knows so well, the one who's going to end up with him being carried onto another one of Sabito's ideas.
Giyuu asks with a glance what is his friend talking about, confused.
"Making me sing the love songs you wrote about me," he answers, a smirk on his face and a smug voice.
(There's a tremor on it Giyuu can't help but notice, too.)
Giyuu's heart stops and sits up quicker than lightning. "Wh— What—?" He stutters, face going redder by the seconds.
"You heard me," Sabito says, serious. "You love me— No, you're in love with me."
By now Giyuu's a tomato, and he averts his eyes from his best friend's.
Slowly, he nods, affronted.
(Because what can he do, other than that?)
(He doesn't hear the sigh of relief, doesn't feel the elation going through Sabito's body, doesn't see the grin he hides after it comes out.)
Hiding his head between his knees might not be something a grown-up man should do, but this is Sabito, so Giyuu does it anyway.
He hears Sabito's footsteps, and they seem louder than usual. Giyuu knows Sabito's got put on his face that determined, strong gaze he has whenever he wants something and knows he always ends up getting it, especially if Giyuu's involved on it.
"Giyuu," he says, almost a whisper, once he's by his side. "Look at me."
Giyuu does, still red-faced.
Sabito's expression is serious.
(His eyes are the most gentle Giyuu's ever seen them be.)
Then, Sabito smiles, soft and grateful and loving, small by a grin's standards yet the most beautiful Giyuu's seen from him.
And then Sabito kisses him.
Giyuu's brain stops, decides it's all a hallucination, and that if he's already gone this far for his best friend then he should just stop working altogether because there's no way he can function over all the thoughts of SabitoSabitoSabitoSabito—
It's a peck, nothing, really.
(Tell that to the freaking out Giyuu has going on, though.)
"You— What— How—" Giyuu manages to say, a bit lost and confused and still not working at all.
Sabito chuckles. "I'm in love with you."
Giyuu looks at him incredulously, because after eight years of pinning what do you expect, and blushes all over again.
Sabito laughs this time, open and heartily, a warm sound Giyuu adores. "Yeah, oh. Be my boyfriend?"
Giyuu has never nodded so fast in his entire life.
After that, they kiss again. And again. And again, and countless times after that, because they're a couple and they love each other and they need nothing more.
And, well, Giyuu's always gone along with Sabito's ideas, the ones he had when his face turned serious and would not let anything nor anyone get in the way of fulfilling them. This time, though, he's not going along—he wants this just as much, just as fiercely.
(It's going to be difficult, because they're famous and life is never easy for them, and the media's scrutiny won't ever let them live in peace, but well—)
(It's worth it, it's all worth it.)
(Especially if they can keep kissing like this, loving like this.)
(When Makomo enters the backstage after talking to Urokodaki about the concert, she closes the door immediately.)
(Fucking finally.)
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