#sabo gloves….. love
otaku553 · 7 months
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More king sabo au :) thinking about the changes to the sabo koala relationship…
So plot-wise, this is after the second reverie that Sabo ever attends, at the age of 22. This is also the reverie where a lot of shit goes down— the five elders kill king cobra, Vivi and Wapol go into hiding with Morgans, and the Revolutionary Army invades and successfully declares war on the Celestial Dragons, and retrieves Kuma.
In this AU, Sabo manages to befriend Vivi by talking about Luffy, and finds a way to hide and watch the confrontation between Cobra and the five elders + Imu, the way that Wapol did. But perhaps not quite as thoroughly, so he’s seen, and forced to hide, and cannot return to Goa. Unfortunately Cobra is not saved, as Sabo isn’t strong enough without his years of training as a Rev to even attempt to save Cobra. But Sabo manages to hitch a ride to Kamabakka with the Revs, most likely as a stowaway, and reveals to them as soon as they land about what he saw. Dragon agrees that it’s unsafe for him to return to Goa, and lets him stay with the Revs for the time being as he figures out what to do next.
Now during this time, Koala, soon to be promoted to Chief of Staff, meets him. But she is also incredibly angry at him, and takes it out through “friendly spars” that Sabo agrees to because he wants to get stronger. It’s through these spars that he eventually returns to being able to wield a pipe with proficiency, but the first few really are just him getting absolutely destroyed by Koala.
This all comes to a head at some point when Sabo asks why Koala always beats him down so thoroughly— so angrily— when they spar, and they end up getting into an argument over ideology during a spar. Koala asks, what reason does she have to not be angry at him? He, who became king to a country under some misguided notion that he could help people, who has been king for 5 years and yet has not been able to make any substantial changes to Goa that would help the people. What has Sabo achieved, beyond becoming one of the people that the Revolution seeks to overthrow? Did he have slaves at the castle? Did he ever try to free them?
The problem is that Sabo could have become a Revolutionary much much sooner. He could have asked, and the Revolutionary Army would have sent a small team or something to extract him—he was a strong child and he is still pretty strong, and his heart’s in the right place. But at some point Sabo fell into so many logical fallacies, that he was weak, that he was trapped, that even if he ran he would never escape his noble upbringing, that eventually he believed that the only way he could be useful was as an informant, and in the meantime, clung to and maybe even enjoyed the luxuries he could have as a young noble in Goa.
This verbal (and physical) beatdown from Koala is what eventually gets him to ask Dragon if he can become a Revolutionary. Dragon says that the Revolution has always had its arms open for him.
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Is it so hard to ask that sabo follow his dream he had when he was a kid? IS IT??????
Also, his boat was commissioned from Franky! And he did a great job :)
Design talk:
Im gonna start with just sharing his canon designs
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Something i want to call attention to is the blue and black in his design.
When he was young, Sabo wore his heart on his sleeve. He had a dream for himself and was taking steps to complete it. Likewise, that blue on his coat is on full display its bright and vibrant and saturated. But also theres that dark blue, almost black, thats underneath it thats being hidden by that coat, the pants, and his tattered cravat. Likewise again, Sabo is hiding his darker side. He has secrets he doesn’t want his brothers to know of and he lets his aspirations and relationships he has with them outshine his past.
In his present design, that blue that was representative of his dreams, is now the one being hidden. Its covered by a complete black coat, a representative of the darkness in his life that now is drives him. This color switch up is symbolic for how he’s put off his dreams and kept it locked up (belt), while choosing instead to pursue a life of darkness for the greater good.
Also, these pictures of young sabo and young adult sabo, you can visually see how less saturated it is. The blue is duller of the coat/undershirt and even more-so with the pants. You can see how he’s much less vibrant than how he was.
In my Post-Story idea, what happens leading up to it is that Sabo succeeds in taking down the world government and after he’s sure the world can move on without him, he goes sailing alone as a pirate to write a book about the world, like he’s always wanted to do. Also, Luffy returns his straw hat to shanks.
So in my design, sabo wears a vibrant blue coat again. He’s living his dream and has nothing holding him back from doing it. The black is still used, and its not being covered, but its on his pants and his gloves. He still has that darkness, but he doesn’t use it as protection or as something to hide, rather as something he moves forwards and progresses with. He will never forget what pain and hardship he went through and he’s not trying to. However, whats underneath all the layers is not darkness or dreams, and its not necessarily being hidden either, its light. Not BRIGHT, but light. Mellow and calm. The settled true nature of a healed man.
I took more colors from his child design than i did with his young adult (YA) one, too. I wanted to show how he’s reconnecting with his younger self by bringing them through to his Post-Story look!
Also, since his journal is his dream, it is blue, as well.
Items of Clothing:
In both of his canon designs, there is a sense of properness. A top hat, cravat, tailcoat, etc etc.. Its all properness. But more than that, its the idea of responsibility.
Whether he acts responsible or not isn’t what matters in his case, instead its that he wants to look responsible. He wants this because a) he was a little kid who wanted to grow up too fast and be taken seriously, and b) because he has an incredible amount of responsibility being the second in command of the revolutionary army.
To further prove that, I would like to point out his silly little cravat. I love his cravat. But how the hell is that practical for his line of work? Sabo is concerned with being practical, hence his baggy/movable pants and leather gloves. Additionally, just the waist/trench coat, belt, top hat combo would suffice for a proper looking person, but it’s taken excessively with the cravat. The cravat is purely for appearances.
Further symbolism with his cravat, i think, is that this appearance is visually choking him. Its wrapped tightly around his neck when he was a child and when he was most under control of a much higher power. However, when he’s a YA, it’s a lot looser. He’s got some agency, but he’s still being suffocated by responsibilities.
On with my design.
I took away his cravat. Im sorry but it is SYMBOLIC!!!!!!! He is not worried anymore with appearances, he is Free.
I took away his top hat but not his goggles, too. I think that after Luffy gives back the straw hat, Sabo forgoes his hat as well. In solidarity, maybe. If you think about it, the top hat isnt what makes his hat so special, its the goggles. So i got rid of the hat and kept The Goggs. Although it is sad that they are no longer Hatted, as that is one of the beautiful appeals of ASL, they are no longer ASL.
I wanted to keep aspects of his YA design, since even though it is very perforative, its still a style that he’s stuck with since childhood, so he’s gotta like it in some capacity. I just tried to make everything look a lot looser/open on him.
Lastly, i gave him a bit of a beard cuz i think he deserves it.
Alright! If you got this far, thanks so much for reading my insane ramblings!!!! I fr feel like this rn 👇
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Visually, sabo’s design is not too complex, at least not when you look at him next to Ace, but theres a lot of depth to it. I didnt even think of half of these notes before i started typing this up, its just the more time i look at it, the more i noticed!
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
Asking Them: “Ass or Tits?” (NSFW-ISH?)
Black Fem Reader in Mind
Ft. Zoro, Sanji, Luffy, Ace, Corazon, Sabo, Shanks, Law
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“Ti—-a—boobi—no ass…I—“
“Just pick a damn—“
“Your tits—-“
“No wait your ass is beautiful! Literally—-“
“Sanji please..”
This man literally cannot function he just leans over the counter debating the both all day.
“Can I feel for comparison?”
“Alright I’m done.”
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“Your pussy—“
“Okay fine…ugh…let me think..”
“Well it depends on my mood—“
“Oh here you go—“
“No no hear me…some days I do love how the twins—talking about your tits by the way— bounce and shake when you ride me—“
“Shanks please—“
“But when I get you from behind your ass is fucking amazing—“
“Just pick…One.”
“…Tits….I think….nope wait—-ass.”
“Final answer?”
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“Wow really no hesitation?”
“Why Ass ?”
He shrugs, “Mmhm, yours looks good.”
“My tits don’t look good either?”
“They do, but I Like how your ass feels against my Dick more than your tits.”
“Fair fair.”
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“Why can’t you ask me normal questions.”
“So Ass or tits which one is your favorite?”
“….your thighs.”
“Not an answer, buddy.”
“Your ass….”
“Aww…wait is it because they’re connected to my thighs?!”
“Get out.”
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“You’re a pervert.”
“Why not?”
“Because it’s either or you dumbass.”
“Who the fuck wants only either or?”
“Really?…you seem more of a tit guy…”
“Because look at these damn hickies you left on em!”
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“I—um…like which feels better or?”
“Just in General which is your favorite?”
Mf has a mid life crisis trying to decide
“I—y—your um…your!—yourrrrr…”
“Rosi Just Pick—“
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“Hmmm…interesting question…I suppose if I had to choose based on which gave me the most pleasure…”
He pulls you onto his lap, his gloved hands teasingly rubbing your inner thigh giving your body a sly smirk
“Your breast of course..”
“Because last night when I sucked on them you came faster than you did when i spanked you.”
“Oh my gosh..”
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“I don’t know…never really thought about it.”
He circles you looking at your body with a look of serious thought, you didn’t mind it until he wraps his arms around you and grab your cheeks under your dress.
“Sssh im thinking…”
After a nice rub he pulls away and then goes for your breast, casually rubbing your nipples as well.
“Your boobs!”
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cyborg-franky · 9 months
Fixing their clothes before they leave the house
Sabo x GN Reader Mihawk x GN Reader SFW
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Your boyfriend was a grubby goblin of a man dressed in the finest clothes you’d ever seen. It still baffled you that someone as unhinged as Sabo, the thing of marines nightmares could wear such a soft and sweet angelic smile and a cravat. Who has ever been scared of a man in a cravat? 
At least he pulled it off, somehow. 
He was getting ready for a mission, he was off with Koala again and you had your own duties to attend to. He brushed out his wavy hair and set his hat on top of his head, hands on his hips as he looked at his reflection. This was another thing that always presented a conflicting image of Sabo. The way he fussed over his appearance but cared so little about what people thought of him, just focused on making the world a better place.
You didn’t make a big deal of it though, you liked he felt confident to wear whatever he liked, sometimes it made you jealous, and you wished you had the nerve to go out into the world in just whatever you felt like.
Sabo slipped on his gloves and you watched him preen, ensuring his waistcoat was buttoned properly and his coat smoothed down. You noticed something when he turned around to show himself off to you, okay, maybe he did care about what some people thought about him.
“So? Looking good?” He asked as you walked over.
You tip-toed and kissed him on the lips, soft and gentle, he moved closer chasing the kiss and wanting more but you chuckled, a coy smile forming as you reached up. Sabo blinked when you started to fuss with his cravat, sorting out the bunched area and making the outfit look complete.
“Perfect,” You hummed and kissed him again, wrapping arms around his neck this time.
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Flawless and fierce were just a few words you’d use to describe him. No one looked more elegant and breathtaking with such ease. His wardrobe was that of a vampire you had been so sure of it. If you didn’t notice wrinkles every so often you would be convinced he was a vampire. 
That and he enjoyed garlic in his food way too much to be an actual member of the undead. You watched him walking towards you, his coat billowing out behind him, each step was measured, a sharp yet casual urgency in every click his boots made on the stone floor.
You almost forgot to breathe by the time he reached you, eyes fixed on you, expression neutral as he waited for you to say something, lost in the stammering mess he still even after years of being a couple was able to make you. The shadow of a smirk on his lips as he waited for you to get your breath back, blink a few times, and let him know you were in there after all.
“Going out?” You asked, he chuckled at how silly the question was. He had his sword strapped to his back and looked ready to take on the world with one sweeping motion. “Perhaps,” he drawled, his humor as dry as a desert, though you knew he meant it in jest.
“Wait, hang on one second,” You motioned for him to lean in closer to you, you reached up and adjusted the plume of feathers that trailed from his hat, you pulled a single speck of something that shouldn’t have been there before making sure it cascaded down his back gracefully.
“Thank you love,” His voice was soft as he kissed your forehead. You smiled glad you could be of help to him.
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fanaticsnail · 12 days
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Come and celebrate with me!
As a gift for myself, all I really want is you guys with me. I love this community here, and I hope you enjoy the month of October. I have been working extremely hard to get all these prepped and ready to go. With a variety of 'x reader' characters for you to become, come and enjoy being taken on a writing journey while I explore a variety of our favourites - all absolutely NSFW.
If you feel inclined to gift anything to me in return: Reblog any of the works on my Masterlist and tell me what you liked about it in the tags. Art will always be welcome for my works: if there's a scene that lingers on in your mind, I would love to see your interpretation. If there's ever a fic that you feel could be expanded on with words: upload what you write and tag me so I can get all giggly alongside you. Send me asks with your thoughts on characters, and I will appreciate all of them so much.
Tobiuo, my OC, is always on my heart. You're welcome to draw her, write about her, and enjoy her with me. Whether it's her ship (Tobiuo x Heat), platonic with her crew (Heart Pirates), or being alongside your own in any capacity: friends, enemies, lovers - I would love to see your interpretation of her.
Mdni, NSFW, 18+, characters and prompts below.
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The Dinner Menu:
Beckman: Hair Pulling (Oct 1st)
Law: Exhibitionism (Oct 2nd)
Shachi & Penguin: Caught Masturbating (Oct 3rd)
Doflamingo: Humiliation (Oct 4th)
Bartolomeo: Pet-Play (Oct 5th)
Wire: Coaching (Oct 6th)
Sanji: Boot Worship (Oct 7th)
Killer: Sensory deprivation (Oct 8th)
Heat: Feet (Oct 9th)
Koby: Discipline (Oct 10th)
Garp: Age Gap (Oct 11th)
Sabo: Gloves (Oct 12th)
Caesar: Aphrodisiac (Oct 13th)
Kuzan: temperature play (Early Release)
Bepo: Ursusagalmatophilia (furry) (Oct 15th)
Fujitora: Suspension (Oct 16th)
Katakuri: Food (Oct 17th)
Lucci: Marking (Oct 18th)
Jinbe: Double Penetration (Oct 19th)
Crocodile: Spanking (Oct 20th)
Cracker: Mommy (Oct 21st)
Zoro: Cuddlefucking (Oct 22nd)
Cross-Guild: Free Use (Oct 23rd)
Franky: Body worship (Oct 24th)
Buggy: Chastity (Oct 25th)
Mihawk: Knife-Play (Oct 26th)
Reiju: Drug-Play (Oct 27th)
Tashigi: Face Sitting (Oct 28th)
Robin: Overstimulation (Oct 29th)
Borsalino (Kizaru): Roleplay (Oct 30th)
Kid: Bondage (Monster Edition) (Oct 31st)
Rosinante: Love Confession (Nov 1st) My Birthday
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🎶Happy Birthday to me🎶
If you would like to send funds to put towards my caffeine and bubble tea addiction, my Kofi link is here.
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portgasmalia · 1 year
𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐃𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒 ﹙including: sabo, trafalgar law, eustass kid, roronoa zoro﹚ ﹙theme: smut, pure smutty headcanons. mdni!! ﹚
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flame emperor sabo
oh, he did not need any instructions about what you wanted or needed to reach the most intense orgasm. with his position as the second in command, sabo knew exactly how it felt to be in control of people. and god, he loved that control way too much to let it slip so easily in the sheets with you. what he did not expect was how you obeyed to his words. the seductive syllables that slipped from his warm tongue past his wet lips. and so sabo did not need to instruct you on how to place your hands while your legs were wrapped up around his waist. his palms were flatly placed on the sheets beside your head, calloused fingertips dug into the white fabric underneath your intertwined bodies. your hand was perfectly placed underneath his slender underarm, the manicured fingernails wrapped so tightly around his wrist while sabo‘s hips snapped into yours. over and over again, the flame emperor coaxed out the whiny sounds of your tightened throat. he could watch how your face twisted with pleasure, how each of your muscles twitched when he hit the perfect spot, and how the beads of sweat trailed down your temples. sweet cries repeated his name, the memorable sound ringing in his ears as your nails scratched along the sides of his wrist and dug deeply into the soft skin. a beautiful reminder to the revolutionary, once he pulled the brown leather gloves on or off and saw the crescent-shaped, or sometimes lined, marks.
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roronoa zoro
there is no denying that zoro loves to pound into you from behind. watching how his thick dick disappeared between your legs, squeezed tightly by your welcoming, gummy walls. or how perfectly your ass cheeks jiggled with each rough thrust of his hips which also resulted in his favorite position. sprawled out on the bed, the head turned to the side and the watermelon pink stained cheek pressed against the soft fabric of the square pillows. zoro‘s scared chest pressed against the curve of your back, his hips slamming against the soft flesh of your butt with each thrust. you witnessed each second, he fought the urge to unload his seed after your gummy walls squeezed his thick dick so deliciously tight. it happened multiple times in this particular position, as zoro pressed his hips further against your backside and the way his grip on your hand tightened. your palm was placed beside your head, manicured nails dug into the soft fabric of the sheets. zoro‘s large paw placed above yours, calloused palm against the back of your hand and fleshy fingers laced with your slender ones. as soon as the feeling of your cunt around him became too much, and the swordsman slowed down the pace, his fingers stroke through yours, slightly squeezing. he might not realize the little gesture but you were thankful for how he held your hand and gave you an inaudible insight on how well you made him feel.
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trafalgar d. water law
he loved how eagerly your fingernails clawed at his upper arms or his back, he admired to see your attempts to stop the rough pounding you earned by teasing him, or interrupting his exhausting studies once again. but what the doctor loved much more, is the feeling of having you struggle against him while being completely overstimulated by his actions. trapped underneath his body as he pounded into your sore cunt. you could not remember how many orgasms you already went through, the punishment started hours ago and law wasn't even halfway through with it. hands placed effortlessly beside your head, not having enough strength anymore to fight against your boyfriend's relentless movements. "see, i told you punishment would be worse than waiting a couple of hours longer," he would mutter against the shell of your ear, placing soft kisses along your jawline. law's hands were placed around your wrists, fingers lazily wrapped around your soft skin while the pointer finger laid perfectly in your palm. it all belonged to his plan. giving him a chance to always know that you're still feeling good about what he was doing. one pinch of pain was enough for the doctor to stop. slowly, tapping the tip of his pointer finger against the soft skin of your palm and waiting for the slightest squeeze as an answer. all he needed was the little measurement to snap his hips stronger against yours and hunt down his own orgasm.
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eustass 'captain' kid
being with kid meant to prepare for the worst. not in the way that it was not pleasing at all what he did with his towering body, it happened to be the entire opposite. the snap of his hips against yours was rough, burying himself to the hilt inside of your warm, gummy walls. stretched out again, never really prepared to take his girthy length but you loved the feeling he forced upon you. there was no need to deny how kid dominated you in each situation of life. as a captain, he gave you orders. as a friend, he gave you advice. and as your boyfriend, he certainly took control in the sheets without questioning. your hands placed above your head if he was sprawled out on top of you. one hand beside your head to keep his towering, muscular body from crushing you while the other held your hands together by the wrists. the calloused and rough palm of one of his large paws was enough to capture both of your slender arms in a tight grip. always giving him another glint of power, another strong beam of pride about how muscular and tall he was, compared to you. the way his fleshy fingers overpowered you without having to use his entire strength to hold your in place became kid's little act. if he towered above you, roughly snapping his hips against yours as skin slapping against skin filled the captain's chambers. or while you were on all four, the damp, flustered span of your cheek pressed against the soft sheets with the ass high in the air. kid was pressed tightly against your jiggling ass, admiring how the flesh of your butt wiggled with each forceful thrust. arms neatly placed on the curve of your back, wrists held together tightly by the large hand of your boyfriend.
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honeyshiddendesire · 5 months
Pet Name Headcanon List
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Sabo x Female Reader - Bitch
Warnings: HEAVY degradation!, hair pulling, dirty talk, brat taming, spanking, dick sucking, deep throating/gagging/choking, glove kink Dom!Sabo, mad Sabo, vaginal penetration, fingering
@acatamathesia I really hope I made this okay lol everyone makes Sabo so sweet so I hope no one minds this side to our blonde hottie
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“Stop being such a fucking bitch! What the fuck. Is. Your. Problem!” Sabo growls out between heavy smacks to your ass. “Little bitch!” His gloved hand made your ass sting wildly as the other hand pushed your head further on his cock till you gagged and choked. You whimpered around his heavy length making him hiss as he slapped your ass even harder. “Such a fucking bitch never knowing when to keep your damn mouth shut! You could’ve blown my fucking cover! How fucking dare you!” 
Sabo’s hits had your eyes watering along with his cock that choked you, your nose working overtime to breathe and you gagged even more. “Mmph!” You groaned as he forced you further down on his length that only twitched at all your little sounds of struggle.
“Can’t even do a fucking undercover mission right. I told Dragon! I fucking told him your little stupid ass would fucking ruin it and look! I was right! Bitches like you don’t deserve anything but a bloody ass and that’s what I’m going to fucking give you.” Sabo’s gloved hand going between each cheek delivering heavy hits that only made you whimper and cry. 
He hated whenever you acted up, he hated even more that for once Dragon didn’t heed his warning that you’d be awful at your first undercover mission especially when it was so important. Sabo only knew one way for you to understand your mistake and see his anger. A spanking always got through to your bitchy little attitude. His teeth grinding together as he gripped the flesh of your ass roughly before delivering another hard slap. Gloved fingers dipping down to feel your cunt soaked and he only scowled. 
“Nasty bitch getting wet by something like this. It’s fucking disgusting you know that? You are fucking disgusting.” Sabo bites out, hissing as he feels you moan around the base of his cock just how he loved. Sabo could only go so hard on you for so long, his gloved fingers moving down to rub at your aching clit instantly causing you to squeal and shake in surprise. “Stop moving or I’ll stop. Do you hear me bitch?” 
You make a sound around his cock in understanding and he only groans as he twitches in your mouth. Three fingers roughly filling your cunt making you whine at the stretch so abruptly but he doesn’t care, it was still a punishment after all. “Awe, am I being too rough on the poor little bitch’s pussy?” Sabo taunts but his voice is breathy as he moves your head up and down on his cock, hand roughly in your hair. He was great at multitasking as he fingered your pussy quickly while the other moved you up and down on his cock. 
“To bad sweetness, that’s what you get for being a disobedient bitch to your wonderful boyfriend.” Sabo groans as he forces you down on his cock that spurt ropes of cum deep in your throat. “Fuck baby there we go. Good little bitch ~ better swallow every drop or I won’t let you cum.” His words make you obey happily with a loud moan as your eyes rolled back, his fingers curling in your cunt moving quickly. 
“Come on bitch cum now or you won’t get the chance later. I’m feeling nice.” Sabo chuckled as he popped you off his cock making you whine. His hand pulling you up by your hair for a kiss that had you moan like a whore into his delicious mouth, your arms moving like lightning to wrap around his shoulders. Your hips moving back against his fingers causing him to smile against your lips, pulling back a bit to whine out a small, “I’m sorry Sabo~!” Your words turn to a scream as you cum on his fingers only making him smile. 
His lips kissing all around your face as you shake in his arms, his fingers removing from your sensitive cunt to spank your one last time. “Don’t let it happen again okay sweetness~”
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gojo-mochi · 1 month
Softy I see you’re doing requests and I thought about it long and hard but the only thing I can think of would be sending Sabo a spicy text at a meeting >.> idk if you can do anything with that but the gloved man came to my mind
OMG I imagine it's a Meeting with Dragon too, a serious meeting at least. That requires all of his attention and focus…You can read this as a modern AU or in canon where they have cell(snail)phone that can text and send pictures etc
TW: Slight Voyuerism, Sexting
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Usually at these sorts of meetings, no one is supposed to be on their phones, but Sabo tends to get bored when the older people go on long tangents during their spiel. So during the slow times of meetings, Sabo would secretly go on his phone under the desk. 
Pretending to keep all eyes on the speaker while actually just scrolling through Twitter or messaging you about how boring this meeting is. Dragon is the only one who notices when Sabo isn’t paying attention, but he doesn’t mind it since Sabo can pull his own weight when push comes to shove. 
You and Sabo were texting back and forth for a bit about mundane things when an idea popped into your head. You were getting bored waiting for him to come back home, so you decided to be a little cheeky today and send him a little bit of motivation~
You had to prepare your treat, so you left Sabo on hold for a bit, which he did not like. Sending you sad pictures of cats, increasing in volume with every minute you were gone. The latest sent picture is somehow sadder than the last cat. 
You come back to your phone notification going off, rolling your eyes at his antics. You text him to calm down and that you needed to go do something, while Sabo retorts back with that nothing is more important than alleviating his boredom. Then he quickly adds that unless you got hurt, someone broke in, or the house is on fire, then please feel free to ignore me until you are safe and healthy again. 
You smile at his message, sending him a quick “<3” and then posing on the bed to take a selfie. It took a couple of tries, but you finally got the right angle, lighting, and pose all in one. You quickly sent it over to Sabo before he sent another barrage of sad cat memes. 
Sabo, at the time of receiving that picture, had been called on by one of the other members at the meeting. They sought his opinion on the topics they had just discussed. Luckily for him, Sabo was good at lying and manipulating; he just sprouted out some fancy nonsense with enough charm, and mostly everyone would believe him. 
The other members all nod their heads and murmur agreements before moving on to the next topic. Sabo sighs under his breath and checks his phone, noticing that you sent a picture. Curiosity gets the better of him, and he opens it up without a second thought. Finding you posed on the bed, sitting on your knees with your legs spread, wearing only his dress shirt. Which was opened, revealing everything underneath in a tasteful manner, of course, a tease if you will. 
You were giving the camera a bashful look, making straight eye contact with the lens, so it would look like you were looking directly at Sabo when he opened up the picture. All your hard work paid off handsomely, as Sabo immediately felt his pants tighten. He curls his fist in as he breathes in heavily, trying not to show on his face that he has a hard on right now. 
Dragon silently quirks an eyebrow his way, but Sabo ignores him as he sees another text coming from you.  
“Miss you so much… could you please send me something back too, love?” 
The message was followed by a sad cat meme, almost causing Sabo to laugh out loud, but he quickly caught himself. Should he send something back? He can’t ask to excuse himself to go to the bathroom since this is somewhat of an appointment meeting. 
His heart started to pound a bit faster as an idea popped into his head: he could just take the pictures right now, under the desk, where no one would be the wiser.
So he does just that, slowly straightening out his back and flexing his fingers as he tries to focus on whoever is speaking. Sabo begins to slowly undo his belt buckle and unzip his pants, suppressing a groan as he shimmers down his pants to expose more of his boxer. He could feel the wet spot forming on his tip as he pulled down his boxer just slightly to expose some curly blonde pubes. 
He takes a few photos as best he can, just giving you a little tease of what's to come. He sends them over, and soon after, you reply with another set of your own photos. A shot of your chest, a shot of your dripping cunt, and one last shot of you playing with yourself. 
Sabo bit his lips hard upon seeing them, deciding to go even further as excitement and arousal started to heat up inside of him. He slips his gloved hands under his boxers and fully pulls out his throbbing cock. The cold office air hits his leaking tip, instantly causing Sabo to shiver. 
A member notices this and asks Sabo if he is alright. Sabo replies back smoothly. 
“Ah, don’t worry, it's just colder here than I expected.” He smiles at everyone and adjusts his coat. The members resume their chatter. 
Sabo softly sighs to himself and avoids looking at Dragon for the rest of the meeting. Still, he was determined to get one last set of pictures to you, if it was the last thing he did. He lets a few more minutes pass before going right back to his cock once more, wrapping his glove around his length. His hands were too shaky to get a stable photo, so instead he decided to take a video instead. 
The video starts off staring at the floor, slowly panning up Sabo’s leg until he finds the right angle to perfectly capture the full view of his cock. His other hand still on it, pristine leather now covered in precum, as he rubs his thumb on his tip. The precum almost seems to make the leather glove shine in the video, as he uses it as a makeshift lube. 
Stroking up and down on his length, his hands were trembling more and more with each stroke. Causing the video to shake heavily as he almost reached his climax, stopping himself by squeezing his shaft almost painfully tight so he doesn’t paint the underside of this table white. He cuts off the video there and sends it off, quietly shimmering his pants back up and zipping it close, not bothering to redo his belt though. 
The meeting ends soon after, and Sabo stays behind to wait until everyone else leaves first before he gets up. Dragon is the last one to get up before Sabo, as he gives Sabo a heavy look and shakes his head, murmuring to himself about how the youths of today are getting crazier with each generation. 
Sabo ignores all that, hurrying home to you, as he needs help cleaning off his gloves after today. And he knows what your tongue can do to help with that.
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macbethsymphony · 3 months
Charlou my beloved you indulge me too much <3 Now let me tell you about something that's been on my mind today *insert evil laugh* Office setting. Sabo just craving to see you unravel. You're all proper and stone cold all the time and this man just wants to see you break also like GLOVE KINK ok bye~
MILLIE!!! My love keep them coming I love it! Also babe we're on the same wavelength it's literally the plot of my WIP Overworked & Underfucked (but kinda not an office setting, you are Dragon's secretary though) NOW you are absolutely EVIL for sending this to me at 9am, on a day we both know I'm spending at the office... babe you had me thinking about this man all day long BUT I'll still indulge you. Who am I to refuse your amazing ideas?
MDNI, 18+, Sabo fantasizes about fucking you 💕 Wrote this on my phone, excuse the shit grammar
As Sabo fisted his cock he couldn’t help but imagine how you’d look beneath him.
He craved to see you unravel, craved to see that stone cold exterior crack. You, always so prim and proper, you, always so composed and efficient, forever found a way to enrapture his attention. Every meeting was torture, unable to concentrate on a single word uttered in them, the entirety of his attention drifting to the thought of fucking you on that table.
Fuck he’d do it in front of everyone too if it meant he could have you right there and then.
He couldn’t help but wonder how your jaded gaze would look broken by rapture. He couldn't help but imagine how you'd look under him.
He’d draw out the moment, gloved fingers in your dripping cunt, always stopping as you’d approach ecstasy. He’d make you beg.
Oh yes, he’d make you beg. Implore him for release.
Gods above, he yearned to hear you plead. Words broken by sobs, your pretty lips reddened by your teeth biting into them in bliss.
The thought of your cheeks stained by makeup blurred tears made his hips twitch, a loud groan escaping his lips and a bead of precum forming at his tip.
He bet your moans were the sweetest sounds to ever grace the earth.
Were you the type to mewl out in pleasure at every touch? Or were you the type to keep silent? Didn’t matter if you were, he’d simply shove his fingers down your throat if you denied him the pleasure of hearing you. Keep those lovely lips open, make it impossible for you to muffle out your moans.
He tightened his grip so not to come too fast, the pleasure of his fantasy too sweet to let it go right away.
Fuck he was close.
He longed to feel you twitch around him. He’d make you come again and again. Once for every orgasm he’d denied you. He’d have your eyes rolling at the back of your skull and your toes curling in pleasure. He’d fuck you so hard he’d have to remind you to fucking breathe.
By the time he’d be done with you, you’d be a twitching mess, thighs trembling, hole spasming as he’d come inside you once again. He bet there’d be a pool of both your arousals staining that shitty wood table. Staining your pretty thighs, dripping to the floor.
But even then he wouldn’t be done with you.
Oh no, then he’d quench his thirst by eating you out. He’d suck on your oversensitive clit and hold your thighs open as you’d struggle against him, body twisting in oversensitivity.  Yes, he’d eat you out until you passed out.
His hips twitched, brow furrowing into concentration.
Maybe he’d go at it again after that. Make sure you’d come back to the land of the living with your back arching and your hole spasming around his cock.
Fuck yes.
He craved you. Hungered to break that frozen façade.
The movements of his hips were erratic, cum staining the leather of his glove, a shaky moan, and unsteady pants filling the storage closet he was hiding in.
He hastily grabbed a random rag, cleaned himself up quickly, and rearranged his tipping hat before casually strolling out of the closet as though nothing happened.
He was, after all, already late for his next meeting.
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sabokunsmalia · 11 months
anon's request: Hiii. I feel like w the amount of times I drop I should sign off w an emoji lololl. But anyway I wanted to drop in and say that I hope you’re having a good week and leave a lil request for you. If you could write a fluff w ace or sabo where like they wake up early in the morning and are looking at the reader and reminiscing about their relationship. It kinda hits them that they’re in love and wouldn’t change a thing. Again hope you’re having a good day/week 🤗 hi it's malia: i couldn't decide, both are heavily underrated so doing both was the best decision. i even added luffy because this felt like a beautiful asl brother thing to do, lol. please, take yourself an emoji of the endless list, i would be pretty happy and probably crying happy tears if you were my very first anon. ♥
featuring: flame emperor sabo, portgas d. ace, monkey d. luffy
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ʚ flame emperor sabo ɞ
↷ the bright rays of the golden sun forced sabo to wake up from his slumber, totally against his will. he just came back from a three-week mission yesterday, and couldn't wait to spend at least two days by your side without interference. his soft fingertips, protected from the roughness of his mission by the thick leather gloves, caressed the skin along your spine. you were still heavily asleep, face pressed against his naked chest, your warm breath fanning across his skin. you looked beautiful, so peaceful, so different from what kind of moments and things sabo has seen in the past weeks. or better, his entire life since dragon pulled him out of the water. sabo wanted to become the perfect chief of staff, training and working harder than anybody else to keep his position, to make his savior proud. hell, most of his actions were way too risky to be acceptable. but the nobleborn man did not care about his own life as long as the revolutionary army could change the slightest thing in the world, he would be satisfied. until you popped up, your presence stepped in his sight and scolded him for being so careless about his own life.
↷ that night, sabo had to ask you out on a date. he didn’t have much time but he would definitely give you the couple of hours he had off. the sun rays cascaded hues of gold across your unblemished skin the day he took you to a fancy restaurant — confronted with the same image right now, sabo could not stop the trail of memories embedded in his mind. you infiltrated any given space, intoxicated him, and lured him into a paradise. like a siren but with love and a happy ending to it. your body jerked away from his touch ever so slightly when his fingertips grazed over and around your hipbone. a silenced chuckle left his mouth, remembering exactly the night you slept in his room and bed for the first time. oh, your trembling body made it difficult to cuddle properly, the sudden waves of anxiety always pulling you away from sabo's touch and warmth. the little things, he remembered so clearly as if they happened yesterday. the amount of times, he wanted to confess his love but couldn't find the courage to speak his mind. it happened way too often, the small glances you shared across the room, the several ways koala tried to set you two up. god, the poor girl was completely exhausted from dealing with the shyness of two people when it came to adoring someone.
↷ sabo had the slight hope of finding a lover on an island far away. he would not be able to spend much time with them, but it would be worth it to know they are safe. the world nobles and the marine's were a strong enemy, attempting to find the revolutionary army and stop their movement. but when the chief of staff's eyes landed on you, he couldn't stop his heart from beating faster, his head from imagining having you by his side and certainly not himself from falling in love with you utterly fast. his eyes anchored on your sweet face, so calm and relaxed while sleeping, as the memories of the past weeks and months sprawled out in the back of his head. pictures of moments, he would never forget, or dare himself to change. your story together was perfect, and while it was dangerous to share romantic feelings with someone in the same position, sabo would never change the slightest thing.
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ʚ monkey d. luffy ɞ
↷ as the captain of a wanted pirate crew, luffy had very few moments to rest and calm down from the constant fights. but when he got the chance to stay in bed longer than usual, the straw hat had his arms wrapped up tightly around your body. you sprawled out on top of him, one leg on each side. cheek pressed against his toned, naked chest while inhaling and exhaling deep breaths. you always begged him to calm down once in a while, and rest from the fighting and the punches, but luffy was very bad at listening. for almost two years, you asked and he denied it with a chuckle and no words. one of his hands reached up, the calloused fingertips which became rougher over the course of time brushed the thin strands of hair out of your face. the corners of your mouth lifted slightly, almost invisible, as you exhaled a deep breath. even in your sleep, you bathed in the softness of luffy's touch. certain little things, luffy picked up over the course of your relationship.
↷ no one around luffy thought he was capable of feeling love for anything else than his occupancy as a pirate. but when the straw hats visited your island, and luffy shared a look with you, it was certain that the boy fell head over heels for your precious self. throughout the events of the past months, you gave luffy enough strength to fight further and stronger. even after losing ace, you were his glimpse of hope. a smile crept its way onto luffy's mouth, remembering the nights, you stayed on deck with him. falling asleep in his arms while watching the wide ocean sway around the thousand sunny. the days, you brought him food when he didn't join the crew for dinner. something which didn't happen before, he would never let a meal get wasted. memories, he carried with him like pictures on a wall. framed with golden ornaments and attached to his heart. moments, luffy used as a reminder to always keep fighting, to stay strong in the worst fights.
↷ his dilated pupils were locked on your statue on him, so small, so beautiful and so admirable. his slender and warm fingers combed through the mess of hair, adoring the way you made him feel safe between the enemies that wanted his head. luffy could agree to many alliances, could laugh at way too many people, yet, most of them wanted to murder the straw hat behind his back. the million little things you've done for him, no matter if the days were good or bad, they pulled luffy deeper into your spell. he fell harder for you with each given day, and while becoming the king of the pirates was his priority task, you quickly changed the placement. the straw hat did not except to experiment love on his journey to the one piece, and yet, luffy would not trade this life for anything else, he would never change any step of your love story and relationship together.
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ʚ portgas d. ace ɞ
↷ there was not one calm night on the moby dick since the commanders gathered for an arranged party. music boomed across the deck of the main ship, and spread across the vast ocean. colorful lights, red and blue cascaded through the darkness and announced the ship to any other pirate crews or marine admirals. those feasts were ace's greatest pleasure. he loved drinking booze and eating meals until passing out. but those past days, it was somehow different. seated in the corner, the glass tightly in one of his hands, ace watched his friends and family interact with you. dancing around with marco, and having long conversations with pops or thatch. the night was a long one again, the third in a row and it was no surprise the next morning when you were still asleep. cuddled up in ace's arms while pressing your back further against his naked chest. warmth spread underneath the thick blanket but also from ace's logia devil fruit powers. a walking heater, who watched closely how your chest rose while you inhaled and exhaled.
↷ the second division commander felt the tingling in his right arm, knowing that a couple more minutes could increase the slight pain. but he wouldn't dare himself to wake you up from a much-needed nap. after dancing way too many hours with marco, and even being forced to dance another round with ace by your side, your legs were hurting badly. his unoccupied hand wandered from your hipbone towards your thick thigh. smirking to himself as you carefully pushed yourself further against his body, ace massaged your unblemished and soft skin. he didn't think about taking advantage or doing anything sexual, the shaggy black-haired decided to give you something back. he remembered clearly how many times you decided to massage his tense shoulders and back when he returned from another long mission. standing on the small boat which only worked with his particular devil fruit powers didn't allow him much of a comfortable position. days passed, sometimes even weeks or months while you waited for him and hoped for ace to return well.
↷ over the months of dating, ace reminded himself of the small things you have done for him. it always kept him alive and awake when needed, knowing that returning to you was his greatest desire. he wouldn't want to see your soft face stained by the tears from your eyes. this time, he promised to stay longer by your side, to decline leaving the ship so easily and quickly. his rough fingertips caressed along the skin of your thigh while his eyes drifted over the small statues on the shelf close to the bed. little gifts that ace brought along when he was on a mission far away. you occupied his mind, kept him awake and forced his nightly dreams to enter his days. being in a relationship as a pirate always caused problems, fearing for the well-being of you more than his own. and yet, ace wouldn't change a fact, wouldn't change any steps of the past that you shared together. each return to the moby dick came with new shivers, heavy goosebumps and a quick heartbeat. feelings, ace only got when your face popped into his mind, when you occupied his head.
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zorosbeau33 · 7 months
You get sick~ Omegaverse One Piece Headcanon Part 1
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❖ Todays stars: Sabo/Luffy x Omega gender neutral reader
❖ Headcanon, fluff, comfort
❖ Tw: Illness
❖ wc: 1100
❖ Part 2 Coming soon! ❖ Masterlist ❖
. ⋅˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ ⋅˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
I hope this brings you a little bit of laughter and a smile!
. ⋅˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ ⋅˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
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Now then, this alpha baby gumgum drop button over here…so many people think he would miss the signs at first. And perhaps he’d miss that you are slightly quieter than normal. Or that your sneezes are a bit more frequent. Maybe even that you slept in way later than you normally would have. 
EXCEPT this man is enamored with you, and one of his favorite things is burrowing his face into your neck to take deep breaths of your scent. 
The moment you get sick your scent betrays it, and his frown shows he has noticed before you even feel any symptoms. Thus despite you having assured him you are okay Luffy is secretly on guard.
Its not obvious to anyone really unless like Robin they analyze every bit of his body motions. 
He has a hand or arm around or on you at all times
Constantly checking his volume isn’t too loud for you with subtle glances
He is paranoid a little and keeps snuffling your throat far more than usual
Once your symptoms hit he is wrapping you up in his arms and carrying you quickly to Chopper. All previous consideration for his volume level gone as he screams for the medic and for Nami. 
He holds your hand the entire time (unless you and Chopper allow him to wrap himself around you like a boa constrictor. Clinging out of worry and need to protect).
If its to soon to tell what you have he gets slightly distressed. He doesn’t want to wait for you to possibly feel worse in order for you to be able to get treatment. His whining will know no ends
If they do figure out what is wrong he for once will listen to every word Chopper says and try to stick to them to a T in order for you to get better
If Chopper mentions a warmer climate or cooler climate will do you good he instantly commands Nami to find the safest path to such a climate asap
Yes safest, the need to ensure you can properly rest, swaddled up in your nest out of a possibly dangerous path is tantamount to him
He does leave your side often. To spare with the others or check with Chopper if there's anything else he can do for you. His boundless energy needs to be let out, but the minute he feels he can he rushes back to you for snuggles
You have never smelled more like Luffy a day in your life
He is constantly nuzzling and scenting you to assure you of his presence and care.
Nothing will stop him from this unless it causes you actual pain (maybe the illness gave you sensitive skin)
He understands that you need a certain diet of food too to get stronger and he’s trying to understand it. Hounding Sanji to make you “CHICKEN SOUP WITH LOTS AND LOTS OF GINGER CHOPPER SAID BLAND FOOD AND LOTS OF THINGS LIKE GINGER AND TUMURIC-” 
Thank gods for Sanji, because Luffy doesn’t in his panic comprehend that putting five pounds of fresh ground ginger into the soup would in fact make it not bland 
Overall Luffy is very tender and loving. He looks like a lost puppy the entire time you are sick and tries to talk quietly for you even if you say it's okay to make noise.
He doesn’t get sick with you but goodness if he doesn’t feel awful seeing you suffer
GOD FORBID someone outside the crew/pack gets too close to you during this time. Luffy will either knock them out with his Haki or if they withstand that, the savage alpha growl that leaves his chest and the look of murder in his glowing eyes will have them peeing themselves
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This happy-go-lucky Alpha? His professional smile falls immediately
The guilt of holding you in his arms nearly crushes him. Heart sinking into his toes as he gently cradles you into his chest, rushing you back to your shared nest. Gloved fingers suddenly bared as he blames himself for your current state.
He is so tender and gentle regardless of how well or bad off you are. This isn’t like when you get wounded in battle, this hurts him in new unforeseen ways.
His scnet muddled with worry as he whispers soft promises to make you feel better as quickly as he can.
Sabo’s mind is full of self doubt and blame. Maybe if he was home more, or if he hadn’t taken you on that mission to the Icy Plains of the Northern Isle. But he just feels this is all his fault for being far too busy all the time. Maybe he would have noticed sooner and been able to stop it before this point if he had paid a bit more attention?
Even if you assure him it's not his fault. These things just happen sometimes he is still frowning fingers trailing gently down your cheek, he doesn’t recall getting sick like this, that is after he Ace and Luffy learned how to cook and no longer gave themselves food poisoning.
If you are ill with something he doesn’t know how to treat then he will enlist Koala and Dragon. Not one or the other both, you are too important to risk any more details being missed or possible treatment options.
He is so delicate when he treats you, loving to hold you in his arms as he helps you bathe. And no you can’t talk him out of this, it's his way of atoning for not noticing sooner.
The best food and medicine he can get his hands on will be yours. He curls around you and watches you rest, ensuring you are comfortable and his soothing scent is right here for you whenever you want a whiff.
He doesn’t scent you too much, he doesn’t want to rub all over you and jostle you.
However, if you ask him he will push his scent out and tuck your face into his neck right against his glands. There is never a moment before this that his scent ever smelled so tender.
Koala took several photos before his growls turned into fiery glare and she ran away.
He does still ask her for help, calling it an equal exchange for her snooping. She’s a good friend and does take on a huge chunk of his work so that he can be with you.
She and Hack are both secretly glad, because even though he’s fretting he is also finally getting some rest
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LASL Building a Snowman
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Word Count:253
Law watched from the distance as his lover was helping his crew create a snowman. The Heart Pirate crew surrounded you, as they started working on the base of the snowman, the snow was just the right constituency for the snow to hold. He watched as you blew on your fingers and rubbed them together, the cold getting to you. You had forgotten you gloves in the Tang.
He held out his hand, “Room,” he whispered holding a rock in his hand, a dome surrounded him and the Tang, “Shambles,” he threw the rock in the air, and it replaced with your gloves. He called your name, distracting you as you had your fingers dug deep into Bepo’s fur trying to stay warm.
You blinked surprised when your gloves landed in your hand and stared at Law who nodded. It caused you to blush and look of course your captain was looking out for you, you were his cremate he would do that with everyone.
“Captain, bring me my scarf as well,” Shachi called out, “I am feeling a bit cold,” Law raised, and Penguin elbowed his friend Shaking his head.
“You know he only will only help, Y/N,”  Shachi said teasing their captain causing the both of you to blush.
“We should add Captain’s hat to the snowman,” you joked running towards your captain. The snowman was finished Law stopped you his fingers tangling with your hand stopping you.
“I think there are better hats to put on,” he kissed your forehead.
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Word Count:207
Ace smiled at you as both of you were patting the snowman trying to round out his body, his fingers every once in a while, brushing over yours to bring warmth to your fingers. He would blush and move his finger away apologizing to you before both of you finished rounding out the body.
Your snowman was nearly done all that was missing was a few accessories.  He stepped back as the snowman was a bit lumpier than expected, you could clearly see Ace’s hand prints as he ran on higher heat thanks to his devil fruit.
You rubbed your fingers together blowing on them to keep them warm as the chill was starting to get to you even as you were wrapped up in several layers of clothes. You took a step closer to Ace taking in the warmth his body radiated.
Ace was scratching his head, “I think he is messing something,” he said.
“He needs a hat and some freckles,”  You joked pocking Ace’s cheek causing him to blush a bit.
He wrapped his arms around your waist his head resting on your shoulder, “I think we can add those extra touches…in a minute,” he saw you shiver and deiced to share his body heat.
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Word Count: 250
Sabo was helping you build a snowman, as you and him were finishing the final touches to the face. He put the button eyes and wrapped the scarf around the snowman. He kept you entertained with stories about his brothers and his childhood in the winter.
“I had to fight Luffy not to eat the yellow snow,” he said straightening the scarf of the snowman. He had found one of his old hats from his child hat, “but in the end managed to take a bite into it before he spit out,” he laughed at the memory of his little brother so eager to try lemon snow thanks to a lie Ace told him.
You laughed as he shared his memories, he had surprised you when he invited you to build a snowman with him. He had such a boyish charm to him it was hard to say no. It wasn’t shocking when he was organized and had everything ready and knew the greatest spot.
He always shared stories of his childhood whenever he planned a date, it kept you entertained. You finished putting the buttons on for the snowman and gave him a gentle pat.
“Did you ever try yellow snow?” You teased.
His cheeks became a lovely shade of pink answering your question. You giggled a bit kissing his cheek as he wrapped one arm around your waist and rested his head on top of yours, “I am feeling for hot chocolate now,” he said admiring the snowman.
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Word Count:249
Luffy was once again throwing adding another body to the snowman as your guy’s snowman was having strange round body looking more like a caterpillar that was somehow balancing.  “How about a bucket for a hat?” Luffy questioned his body wrapping around the snowman and balancing on and not having it and not break it.
“Sure,” you answered as you smiled at him, you have long given up on putting any sort any of the vegetables for the face.
Luffy grabbed a bucket from the table and placed it on top of the snowman both of you created. It was a competition between the Straw hats as they formed teams. Luffy choosing you right away wrapping his rubbery body on yours. It caused your heart to race as your captain chose to rub his cheeks next to yours.
“You call that a snowman,” Ussop called out having a more elegant snow sculpture, “That thing can barely stand right,” he taunted.
“Yeah but at least, he is standing,” Luffy said throwing a snowball at Ussop knocking the poor boy into his sculpture. Luffy chuckled before your guy’s snowman started crumbling thanks to the uneven weight.
“Luffy,” you shouted as both of you laying under a pile of snow. Your snowman was no more all was left was the hat and scarf.
“I am sorry,” Luffy said wrapping his arms around your waist and hugging you as he still chuckling. He pushed you closer and soon the both of your laughing.
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Grand Line Crew Modern Au Gang!
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i hope yall enjoy, this took a while to get all together, here
ASL post
East Blue Crew post
Friends we made along the way 1 post
Friends we made along the way 2 post
i dont have many additional headcanons for this lot, but i did write a short story with them :) enjoy
Brook only wears the absolute grooviest of clothing at all times.
Brook only wears the absolute grooviest of clothing at all times.
Brook only wears the absolute grooviest of clothing at all times.
That’s just gonna have to be there 👆 tumblr likes to glitch out my posts.
Dont give chopper caffeine. He’ll either have a heart attack or operate on 5x speed, its a gamble every time.
robin and franky love watching home improvement shows, house hunters, how its made, myth busters, and other technical shows together.
When Luffy shows robin memes on his phone, she takes out her reading glasses and holds the phone like a mom does. Ya know that squint. You know.
Jinbei used to be a trucker and had a convoy with s bunch of his truckin’ buddies. They had matching leather jackets with “the sun truckers” embroidered on the back
Franky has a wig closet. It is vast. If you went in there you'd think you were in Narnia or something
Chopper is BEYOND CONVINCED that Sabo is a vampire.
One day, sabo volunteered as an assistant in a medical class chopper was taking. He was acting as chopper’s patient as he was learning the patient procedures of a checkup.
It was all going fine, chopper got all the patient identification out of the way and next was to acquire blood pressure, breath count, and heart rate. But the stethoscope and pressure monitor wasn’t working, and it make it seem like Sabo,,, didnt have a pumping heart,, or blood,,, or really breathed at all(he doesnt take very visible breaths).
Chopper was stricken with fear at this and assumed the absolute worse as he looked in horror at Sabo’s naturally pale complexion and long canine teeth. Chopper simply jotted down the average count of each recording instead of getting new equipment, and tried not to think about it, but
“huh, all of those numbers are usually lower than that. Maybe all that Special Concoction™ i drink is finally catching up to my heart rate.”
“how much have you.. drunk?”
“like for today? Or since I woke up.”
Chopper is fucking horrified. Sabo woke up to being a vampire and drinks blood as a special concoction. He cannot believe this.
”Never mind, I don't need to know, its all normal, you're normal.”
“Wow… that's the first time a medical practitioner has called me normal. My brothers are gonna get a real kick outta this.”
CHOPPER IS FUCKING HORRIFIED. HE HAS BRETHEREN??? Chopper just keeps his head down and finishes up the check up practice as Sabo remarks he has another class in the blood bank, which was lemon in the paper cut for chopper.
For a month or so after that day, Chopper didn’t see Sabo at all, and he forgot about his fear for a little while. However one night as chopper was hanging with Luffy and a few others in the straw hat friend group, there was a knock at the door. Chopper happily said “I’ll get it~” as the rest of the group continued in conversation.
Chopper skips over to the door and when he opens it, he sees the figure of Sabo standing in front of him. Tall and opposing, smiling a big toothy grin with bright blue eyes shining from the overhead lighting. He’s wearing a long trench coat with the collar popped and an ascot was wrapped around his neck.
What chopper was seeing before him.
Was the vampire.
He let out a scream right out of a horror film and promptly fainted.
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A minute or two later, he awoke laying on the couch, feet elevated and vest unbuttoned, to his friends looking at him from the foot of the couch.
He goes to stand up, but a strong gloved hand stops his movement and guides him back down
“Don't get up too quickly, little man.”
Chopper looked next to him and saw The Vampire. What was he doing in his house?!?!?
“Are you alright, bud? You opened the door for me, screamed in my face, and then passed out.”
“I’m fine, thank you,” Chopper said with the highest voice-crack to word ratio in his entire life.
“Right. Well again, dont get up too quickly, if you need water or anything let your friends know. I just came here to pick up Luffy cuz some family stuff came up. Have a good night!”
“…you too, and thanks for taking care of me…”
“No prob!”
“One last question?” Inquired chopper.
“What's up?”
“Did someone invite you in?”
the end
PS: Sabo's "special concoction" consists of Red Bull and Espresso. He hasn't slept in 72 hours. This will have lasting effects on his health.
thats all for now! thanks for reading~
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thus-spoke-lo · 3 months
cw: gn!reader. yandere behavior. reader restrained, gagged. using prompt from here. // Yandere Minific Masterlist
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Sabo’s gloved hand caresses your cheek, the rich, supple leather smooth against your skin. His eyes glimmer, his body radiating a heat that feels like it may consume you if it builds any further. A breath hitches in his throat as his fingers trail down your skin, lingering at your clavicle, dancing over your bare chest. He thinks you’re perfect like this—stripped bare, standing nude before him, every inch of you exposed to his hungry gaze.
“The first time my eyes grazed your form,” he speaks, just above a whisper, “I knew what it meant to be utterly and ardently in love.”
You try to huff a rebuttal, but it only comes out as an unintelligible whine—the fabric stuffed in your mouth and the rope holding it in place, tied lovingly and securely around your head, prevent you from doing much more. You shift and struggle, your arms bound behind your back to the post in the center of the room, but he’s left you very little leeway and your muscles strain and give out before you can make any progress.
Sabo shushes you, pressing his forehead to yours. “I know, my darling, I know—but it’s for your own good. I can’t have you trying to run away again, now can I?”
He steps back and surveys your form, and the delicate map of ropes that adorn it, holding you perfectly in place. He walks around you, tightening a knot here and there, sighing contentedly as he does. You’re a work of art, one for only him to enjoy, a statue carved from stone meant just for him to worship and adore, the ropes that adorn your form only serving to highlight all the parts of you he loves the most. It seems the two of you don’t quite seem eye to eye on his methods of keeping you right where he wants you—but you’ll grow to appreciate it soon enough, he’s sure of it.
Sabo kisses you on one cheek, then the other, and moves to put on his coat. You whine and struggle again and regret fills his chest—if only he didn’t have to leave, if only he could stay right by your side until you accepted this, everything would be perfect. But it will be, one day.
“I’ll only be gone for a day or two,” he says, forcing a smile and already missing the sight of you. “Be good while I’m away and perhaps we can take the gag out—I’d love to hear your pretty voice tell me just how much you missed me.”
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Sabo x Marine!Reader. Ya know like enemies to lovers
Sabo x Marine Reader
Authors Note: Hey as requested, here is my attempt at Marine Reader x Sabo, enemies to lovers. I blame Yamato for my marine character being the daughter of Akainu Sakazuki, because fuck that guy, and I bet his kids would hate him. Marine Reader also  kind of seems like a female version of Koby. Anyways, attempt at enemies to lovers as requested. Let me know your thoughts below, next time I may do Sabo x Subordinate, because I love an authority figure. Not sure I got Sabo’s voice quite right, I haven’t watched episodes with him in them in awhile. Hope you like it. Let me know your thoughts or requests below. Thanks Friends!
Def some fluff and for sure some NSFW. Daddy issues for days with this marine reader.
Warnings: MDNI, Daddy issues, penetration, vaginal sex, breeding kink, fingering, strip search, glove kink, finger sucking, I do not own these character, messy aftercare, I hate Sakazuki
You were a vice admiral in the marines, promoted for your valor at Marineford. A decision not suggested by your father, the new fleet admiral, Akainu Sakazuki. He’d taught you from a young age to believe in justice, however you never embraced his views of absolute justice. You failed to see life as only black and white, as he did. Rather, you saw a world full of color. With this view you knew there were reasons behind criminal actions. Your desire to help others was why you joined the marines like your father. Continuing your beliefs under your father’s regime had been hard, especially, when you came face to face with a criminal you had met before. A criminal who, by your father, was wanted desperately to be made an example to the world, for his crimes.
You stood in a hallway on an upper floor overlooking the socializing plaza at this year's Reverie. You were assigned to guard the hall, a floor above the meeting rooms for the Reverie, you didn’t expect much trouble. You listened vigilantly and walked the hall of your post, occasionally looking out below at the socializing royalty in the courtyard below. You’d been on duty a few hours and so far, nothing roused suspicion. Looking at the people below, you took particular notice of those from Fishman Island, Arabasta Kingdom, Cherry Blossom Kingdom, and Dressrosa. These characters were all from areas Strawhat Luffy had been to. You found it fascinating how they had found and flocked to one another.
To you, Strawhat Luffy was an interesting character, a pirate in what seemed like name only, he helped people. Yet, he declared war upon the world government, the agency you worked for. He also had done a great job of making your world government look bad for its involvement with pirates and in pirate affairs. You knew changes could be made and hoped that in your slow rise to power, you could help change them. However, you knew with your father in charge everyone was in danger. Trying to have open discussions on justice as a child with your father led to more training hours and more meals you were left unfed.
As you stood and stared out the window, you reflected on those discussions. Your train of thought was broken by the sound of a small chuckle from behind one of the columns down the hall from where you stood. You gasped and turned your head in the direction of the noise, your hair whipping behind you as shifted. You looked on as a man with a top hat and burn mark to his left eye stepped out from behind a column. Your breath caught in your chest as you studied him.
“Sa-Sabo, Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army.” You stuttered out through gritted teeth.
You unsheathed a (weapon of your choice) and ran at him. He laughed harder as you came hurtling towards him. As you were about to strike, he stopped you by grabbing your wrists. Hands still in the air mid-strike, you fought through gritted teeth to hit him with your weapon. The two of you panted and stared directly into one another's eyes.
“That’s no way to treat an old friend. It’s good to see you again, Y/N.” Sabo said to you with a smile in his calm voice.
“Friend? Sabo, you are part of the Revolutionary Army working against the World Government. I’m a Marine, thus you fight against everything I believe in! You’re no friend of mine.” You replied as you lifted a leg to kick him.
Sabo took the hit, but didn’t budge from his position. He chucked again and easily overpowered you for your weapon, tossing it down the hall behind you. As he took your weapon, you lost your footing and stumbled backwards.. Sabo caught you by the waist, ensuring you didn’t fall.
“Well the last time we met, you let me go.” He replied as he looked deeper into your eyes, now holding tightly to your waist.
You shoved him off you and took a step away from him. Your eyebrows furrowed as you tried to calm your angered breathing. Your eyes fluttered to the ground then back to the man before you, who was now thumbing at his top hat.
“Shut up. I thought I told you to forget about that and never speak of it…” You said with a pause.”I’d seen enough bloodshed at Marineford. I wasn’t ready for another execution… another war.”
“As you wish, vice admiral. That look suits you by the way.” He replied as he examined your outfit up and down. 
You were wearing the signature white Marine coat over your shoulders, a low cut top, and short skirt. You felt your outfit displayed your femininity while proving you were still ready to throw hands at any time. Sabo looked down to adjust his gloves, then returned his gaze to meet yours.
“Although, I don’t hate the World Government. I hate Celestial Dragons and what they do to the world.I hate that the World Government protects them.” 
Sabo stopped speaking and stared at you with more intensity. You took another step back as your mind raced through strategies to get your weapon back. Without it, you knew your actions were fruitless. You were willing to fight in hand to hand combat, but you had seen first hand the strength of Sabo’s dragon claw when you last met. You weren’t willing to take your chances with that, you had too much good to do in the world still. You breathed through gritted teeth as Sabo shook his head at you.
“I don’t think our views are all that different if we broke it down.” Sabo said.
“What are you doing here Sabo? Come to ruin the Reverie? I thought the Reverie would only help your cause, it’s a meeting for countries to discuss their issues and broker peace.” You argued as you aggressively took a step towards him.
In the gray walled hallway intermixed with square windows, you stood alone with Sabo. You looked at the wall behind Sabo and studied a tile, remembering that the hallways that connected to where you were stationed were empty of fellow Marines. This portion of the floor was guarded by you and you alone. You could try to scream, but that would make you look weak. You wrinkled your nose at the man in front of you and thought harder of ways to get back up to assist you. With your weapon, you could deal some damage, but you knew how strong Sabo was. You’d need an admiral to face him, especially now that he had the flame-flame fruit. Who knew if he was alone or if he had backup nearby. It of course, had to be one day you had grabbed your regular handcuffs instead of your sea prism ones. 
Suddenly, you remembered the transponder snail in the pocket of your coat. If you could just manage to call someone and let them hear you in casual conversation with Sabo, surely, they would send an admiral to help you. You didn’t know what your father would do to Sabo, but coming to Mary Geoise during the Reverie meant he and the rest of the Revolutionary Army were up to no good and needed to be stopped. Peace was at risk. 
“Well I’m here on business that won't affect the Reverie, I assure you, but it needs to be done. I saw you standing here all alone and wanted to say Hi, and thank you for last time.” He spoke with a smile as he tipped his hat to you. “So thank you, Y/N. I’ll be taking my leave now. I hope we meet again.” Sabo added as he began to turn and walk away from you.
You quickly shoved your hand in your pocket and grabbed for the transponder snail. Your thumbs began to dial before it was out of your pocket, knowing the precise number to call. In an instant, a hand was grasping your forearm and blonde hair fell into your face.
“AGH!” You yelled as you were slammed into one of the hallway walls. 
Sabo’s hands were pinning your wrists above your head. You squirmed, trying to break free from his grasp, but to no avail. The transponder snail fell from your hand with a thud. Sabo shifted his arms, holding your wrists above your head in one of his hands and searching your coat pockets with the other. Your legs separated father apart as you squirmed against his hold, and he Sabo stood between them. 
“Now, why would you go and do something like that? All I was doing was thanking you. I’ve searched your coat pockets, but be honest with me… do you have any other weapons or ways of making calls hidden under your clothes? You know besides those weapons of mass destruction.” He said as his eyes trailed down to admire your breasts through your low cut top.
“No.” You replied through gritted teeth, still trying to wiggle your way out of his grasp.
“I never thought the man who killed my brother would have such an attractive daughter.” He replied with a small chuckle.
“Brother!?” You asked with a gasp, pausing momentarily from fighting his gloved hands that confined your wrists above your head.
Sabo looked down at the ground between the two of you. Then returned his gaze to you. His grip loosened slightly. He took a deep breath as his eyes turned to meet yours.
You gasped.
“Then are you also….” You began with widened eyes as your jaw fell closer to the floor.
“Brothers with Strawhat Luffy? Yes.” He replied with a nod.
You sank down the wall and as your breath caught in your chest from the news you had just received. Sabo put his other hand around your waist to keep you from sliding to the ground. He smiled at you then looked down the hallway to where earlier, you had been gazing at the socializing plaza.
“I saw you. That group of people you were watching out there, they were all brought together by my brother. That’s what he does. He may be a pirate, but he helps people and brings them together to make the world better. He’s going to be King of the Pirates and the World Government isn’t going to be able to stop him… or I’ll be the first to stand in their way and I won’t be the only one, but I won’t let anyone take his dreams from him.” He responded, returning his gaze to meet yours. 
His gloved fingers tightened on your waist. A small breath escaped your lips as you stared at Sabo. There was so much love in his eyes. Love and determination, like what you had seen from Ace and Luffy that day at Marineford. Before your father had… Your eyes started to water as you looked at Sabo’s kind features. He let go of your wrists, allowing your hands to fall to your side. You reached for Sabo’s shirt, gripping it tightly between your fingers. A gasp escaped his lips as he looked on at your eyes filling with tears. You shook your head as tears started rolling down your cheeks.
“Sabo, I didn’t agree with it. I didn’t want Ace to be executed. I still can't believe it… He was such a nice guy. Hell, he convinced me to keep being a marine when I was over my fathers justice tirades. He thought I should go after my dreams if it was what my heart longed to do.” You yelled, looking at eyes glistening wet with tears.
“What?” Sabo asked, gasping as he took a step back from you and the wall.
“In my early days of being a marine, I had a night off and went to a bar to cool off. I was frustrated with my fathers expectations. I sat next to a guy at the bar who noticed how upset I was. He listened to me and told me to go after my dreams. Little did I know until I saw him again atl Marineford… that day it was Ace, the FireFist himself… just in a crappy disguise. A pirate telling a marine to keep being a marine, just because it’s what she longed to do. That’s not someone who deserves to die because of who their parents were.” 
You looked down at your hands on his chest. You could feel how chiseled his chest was through his shirt. You slowly let go as you started to realize you were enjoying being this close to Sabo, you liked the feeling of his hand on your waist. He was your enemy, a sworn enemy of the World Government, a sworn enemy of what you believed in. Yet, here you were having a meaningful conversation with him and enjoying his touch.
“That’s Ace for you. Luffy’s just like him… Never give up on your dream, Y/N. If you ran the World Government I know the world would be in better hands. Keep making your way. Understand, knowing that though, I can’t stop living my dream either. Even if it opposes yours. I have to keep fighting for a world not ruled over by Celestial Dragons.” 
He took a step closer to you and wiped your cheeks. His calloused fingers felt comforting against your soft water covered cheek. Fireworks shot through your body as he moved his hand from your cheek back to your waist. You straightened up against the wall and pulled him closer to you. Your eyes met his as you nodded in understanding about what he had just said. 
“You never answered my question about the weapons…?” Sabo prodded as he slid a hand up your torso.
You laughed. Your stomach filled with butterflies as you stared into his dark caring eyes. He, an enemy, just wanted you to pursue your passion, and he thought you’d make the world better for doing it. He was so handsome standing before you, so commanding in his white blouse and jacket. His typical expression, full of determination and rage, but in other moments, you could see the softness he was showing you now. You bit your lip as you began to notice his lips inches from yours. You took a deep breath as you let the warmth of his touch envelop you with courage. 
“Guess you’ll have to search me.” You replied, raising your eyebrows.
His lips raised to a smirk. Sabo nodded his head and sighed. 
“As you wish, Vice admiral. I tried to offer you the easy way, but you’ve chosen the hard way.”
Sabo’s hands roamed their way from your waist to the base of your plump breasts. Your head leaned back to hit the wall at the feeling of his caress. He squeezed and began to play with your covered breasts. His lips fell to your neck where he placed wet kisses and took small nibbles until he reached your collarbone. A moan escaped your lips causing your hands to fall from his chest to the wall behind you. He continued to study your breast with one hand while the other circled your aroused nipple that poked through your shirt and bra. You let your legs spread and lifted one hand to run through his hair as he nibbled at your cleavage. 
Your right breast continued to be played with as his other hand traced down your torso and waist to your thighs. At your thighs his hand rubbed up and down your skirt a few times, stopping as he lifted his head from your chest to look you in the eye. You nodded at him as his hand played with the hem of your skirt. His hand rubbed up your thigh until it found your core. Your hands fell back against the wall as his hand traced your wet core through your panties. 
“So wet for me already… A wanted man is making you this wet… who knew the vice admiral could be such a rule breaker.”
“Did you find what you were looking for..?”
“Not yet, I’m going to have to do a more thorough search.”
You grabbed Sabo’s wrist to stop him from moving further. You bit your lip and raised your chin to look him in the eye. 
“Come with me.”
Sabo nodded back at you, allowing you to take his hand and lead him from the empty hallway. You turned a few corners, stopping to look for other marines before you did, finally stopping in front of a doorway. You rummaged through your pocket and pulled out a key. You opened the door and flipped on the light inside the room. The light revealed inside the room sat a desk with some paperwork and a picture frame on it, a desk chair, a bar cart, and a few pieces of artwork. The art on the wall mostly quotes about justice. You entered the room and sat on the desk, crossing your legs as you did.  Sabo stopped in the doorway and looked around.
“What is this?”
“My dad’s office.” You said, blinking your eyes at him. “Not his main one, just an auxiliary one. Just remember, we aren’t friends and don’t thank me for it next time. I’m a vice admiral, Sabo. So next time… I’m turning you in. I’ll train, so I’m strong enough. You’ll be my ticket to admiral.” You said with a smirk.
Sabo stepped into the room, closing the door behind him.
“And this time..?
  You shoved some papers off the desk onto the floor and rested your hands on your crossed legs. Sabo rested his top hat on the bar cart and stared at you.
“This time? You can show me what being a Revolutionary means.”
“I like the sound of that. Now where were we? I think I was still searching for weapons and communication devices.”
Sabo approached the desk. You leaned back, relaxing on your hands which rested flat on the desk surface, supporting your weight. Sabo’s gloved hand caressed your knee and pulled your legs apart, spreading them wide. He stepped between your legs, his lips slamming against yours as his hand inched its what up your legs to grip your thighs. His tongue tickled at your bottom lip waiting to be let inside. Your lips parted slowly, letting him in and  allowing his tongue to take over yours. Your breathing grew heavy as you reached for his neck, pulling him deeper into your embrace. His pelvis rubbed against your still clothed core causing his pants to grow tighter against you. Your hand fell from his neck to his waist where you felt at his hardening member through the fabric of his pants. 
Your lips separated from his, allowing you a moment to breathe. Sabo’s lips trailed down your neck as one of his gloved hands slithered up to your heated core. A finger pulled your panties aside and began tracing your wet folds. You moaned as his fingers slid upwards and began circling your clit. His other hand roamed its way to your entrance and teased at your folds. Lost in the sensation of his fingers, you were caught off guard as his teeth dug into your shoulder.
“Sabo.” You moaned in his ear from the mixed sensations from his body parts.
“Do you want a criminal to finger you, marine?”
You nodded against his shoulder.
“Fuck me, Chief of Staff Sabo.”
“Never knew a marine to beg like this, but I like it.”
Sabo pressed his lips back to yours and ran his fingers through your hair. He bit at your  lip causing you to moan louder against his kiss. You moved your hands down his chest to his waist, where you started to unbuckle his belt. His hands met yours and forced them to wrap around his neck.
“Not yet. Have to search you first.” He said with a smirk before pulling at your clothes.
Sabo pushed off your coat and lifted at the hem of your top. Once your top was removed all that remained was your purple bra. A smile formed across his lips as he admired it for a moment before his lips established connection with yours again. Calloused fingers danced on your back until they found and undid your bra clasp. He pulled your bra off you in one swift motion. His tongue fought yours for power as he began playing with you exposed sensitive nipples. You moaned against his wet lips causing him to laugh against yours. Kisses began trailing down your chest until they found your nipples, where Sabo began taking small nibbles. As the tingle in your abdomen began to grow, Sabo’s still gloved hands trailed down your waist back to your exposed thighs.
In another smooth motion, Sabo lifted you from the desk and pulled your skirt and panties off. His lips still pressed to yours, as he returned you to the desk. He began rubbing his thumb in circles higher and higher up your bare thighs. His hands froze just before your core. You moaned with desire pulling out of the kiss to rest your head against his cheek and catch your breath. Sabo stood up tall and admired the view before him.
“I wouldn’t have guessed that’s what you were hiding under there.” 
“Well, what are you going to do about it? Such a high bounty, you have to be good for something.” You said with a chuckle as you bit your lip. 
Sabo’s gloved fingers moved up your thighs and slowly traced your entrance. You needed him. Your hips bucked towards his at the start of the new sensation. You moaned as a second hand began drawing shapes over your clit. You leaned back on your elbows against the desk. Your breathing grew heavier and more rapid.
“Sabo.” You moaned.
His gloved middle and ring fingers moved between your folds and pushed inside you. You moaned at the feeling of the cool leather and new thickness inside you. His fingers steadily pumped in and out of you, while his other hand began tapping and rubbing at your clit. Your hips bucked furiously against him as your craving for his fingers to stay inside you grew.  He chuckled and brought his lips back to yours. This time your kiss was sloppy as drool began dripping from your lips as he finally began giving attention to your sensitive spot. You loved his fingers, especially with his gloves still on, but you couldn’t help but wonder what was under his trousers. As his lips easily overpowered you, Sabo began switching between tapping and holding pressure on your sensitive spot with his gloved fingers. Sabo’s left hand slowed its motions against your clit as his other hand played with your sensitive spot. You moaned against his lips as the heat built in your abdomen.
“Sabo, going to cum.”
With that Sabo removed his fingers from your folds and removed his lips from yours. You whined at the loss of thickness within your walls. He deviously looked at you and brought his gloved fingers to your lips. 
“Sabo, need you.” You begged, hips bucking towards him and hands grabbing at his waist.
“Look at the mess you made. Better clean it up.” He instructed as he pushed his fingers into your mouth.
You licked and sucked on his gloved fingers, swallowing every last drop of your wetness. When he was satisfied he removed his digits from your lips and began unzipping his trousers.
“Now, I have somewhere to be, so we have to make this quick. You were so tight against my fingers, I can’t wait to feel you clench against me. Are you ready?” He asked as he dropped his pants and briefs to his ankles. 
You licked your lips as his hard member flung out and hit your throbbing core. He was big, and you questioned whether you could take all of him. You sat up and reached for his member, pumping it a few times. He grunted as you moved it up and down your wet folds. He repositioned as you played with his length at your entrance and grabbed your thighs with his gloved hands.
“Put your hands on my shoulders. You, marine, need to learn what your enemy is capable of.” 
You nodded in response. Sabo took his member from your grasp and as he did, you placed your hands on his shoulders. Slowly, he began pressing his pink tip against your entrance. You clenched your jaw as the girth of his member was a bit painful as it entered you. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. You wanted this, so you smiled through it. Sabo stopped and looked at you, having noticed your breathing had changed.
“Can’t handle me, Y/N? Want me to stop?” He asked.
“No, Sabo. Need you.” You said as your eyes fluttered open and you pulled his lips against yours.
Sabo gently pushed his length in further. He stopped your kiss as your walls began to clench around him. He grinned as his length began to twitch inside you. Once your walls had relaxed some, he started to move his length in and out of you. His pace was moderate at first. You saw passion build in his eyes. He pulled your hips closer to his, forcing you to lie back some. His hips began to buck furiously against you causing his length to hit your cervix and the desk to shake. His balls slapped against your pelvis and perineum.
“Sabo” You called as your eyes widened.
Your head fell back in pleasure as he slammed against your cervix again, causing a picture to fall off the desk. Your hands moved to grip the edge of the desk for dear life, as the heat in your core built again. Your eyes started to water at the mix of pleasure and pain from Sabo’s pace combined with his deepness.
“Can you handle this?”
“Yes! Sabo!”
Sabo continued thrusting into you. Your breasts jiggled in his face, when he was at his deepest point within you. You moaned with every entrance, your eyes starting to water. Your thighs tried to clench around his arms, but he fought you, continuing to rail you deeper and deeper with his long thick dick. Your walls clenched harder around him.  Your hips fought his hand trying to buck against him for more friction on your clit.
“Sabo, going to cum.” You cooed through gritted teeth as he railed you faster.
“Me too. Going to finish in you and let it pour out onto this desk.” 
Sabo slammed into you twice more, as he did a tear rolled down your cheek.
“SABO.” You moaned loudly as you felt the heat in your abdomen burst.
Your juices dripped out of your entrance and down your thighs. He pounded you through your ecstasy. As you came down from yours, you felt a warmth explode inside you. His length twitched and he dropped your thighs to grab the desk, for support as he rode out his ecstasy inside you. The two of you panted, still intertwined. Steadily he removed his length from you allowing both your juices to drip from within you and pool on the desk. 
Sabo reached for a towel from the bar cart and wiped himself off, tossing a fresh one to you when he was done. You sat up and wiped yourself down, then reached to clean up the desk. You paused and looked up at him.
“I’m going to leave the mess, I want my father to know someone was here. I want him to know someone was ravaged on his desk.”
“Not, so innocent yourself, aye, Vice Admiral?” Sabo questioned as he zipped his pants and placed his top hat back on his head.
You crossed your legs and stared at him as he adjusted his coat. He was handsome for a criminal and he sure knew what he was doing when it came to pleasing a woman. That still didn’t tell you why he was here. He certainly had not come all this way to fuck you in your dad’s office.
“What are you doing here, Sabo? This was a fun detour, but you know I can’t let you go again.” You said as you stood up from the desk shakily.
“Why do you think I fucked you, so hard?” He said with a devious smile. 
You reached for the desk drawer knowing your father usually left a back up transponder snail inside. Sabo pinned you back onto the desk and threw the drawer open. He found the snail and put it in his pocket. Before removing himself from you, he smirked as he once again admired your still naked form.
“Shame I don’t have time for a second round, Y/N. The first was fun, but I really must be going. Until next time.” Sabo said as he slammed his lips against yours once more and squeezed your breasts in his gloved hands.
Sabo removed himself from you and ran out the door. You sat up and groaned. 
“My goodness, am I going to let that man get to me like that everytime?” You thought to yourself.
You stood up and put your clothes back on. Once you were dressed you turned off the lights, exited the door, and locked the room behind you.
“He said he wasn’t here to wreck the Reverie, but what could he be here for..? Well, he did take care of me, I think that warrants the head start I just gave him.” You whispered to yourself.
You took off in the direction of your weapon. Once you had your weapon in hand, you headed for the other side of the floor to find a transponder snail you could use to report the intruder. 
“Better start coming up with a cover story now… He was too fast for me? He pleased me into submission? He overpowered me and took my transponder snails? That’s it. Not too far from the truth, there may just have been a little detour.” You thought to yourself as you ran.
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grandlinedreams · 1 year
You have one of the cutest habits.
In Sabo's opinion, at the very least ㅡ but even of his own admission, his opinion of you is biased, swayed for the fact that he loves you.
But it isn't that skewed, because you have the knack of charming the people around you with an easy smile and determination to do what you think is right.
He admires you for it, loves you for it ㅡ but that one habit of yours is his absolute favorite. The first time you'd done it, it was before you were together ㅡ you'd tracked him down as he was getting ready to leave on a mission.
"Seeing me off? I'll be back before you know it," he'd said, slipping his arms into his coat.
"I have no doubts," you answered, "but I just wanted to wish you good luck before you left."
He wanted to tell you that he didn't need something like luck, but you stepped towards him, your own gloved hands against his cheeks ㅡ and your lips against his forehead.
Chaste and sweet, you pulled away just as he registered what you'd done, giving him a smile.
"Good luck," you said, leaving him to stare at you, starstruck with lingering warmth on his forehead.
(Looking back, it's what part of what gave him the little kick to realize he had feelings for you.)
Now, he has no problems in requesting your quaint ritual, watches as you roll your eyes in fond exasperation at the way he even removes his hat.
"It's tradition," he almost whines now, as if the press of your lips is what determines the outcome of his efforts.
"I think that's why you like me so much," you tease as you lean up, kissing his forehead. "You just like my kisses."
"Well, yeah," he admits, eyes bright and smile wide, "but that's not the only reason."
He isn't done with you yet when you pull away, however, snagging his fingers in your own jacket to keep you close. His mouth is on yours with the ease of long practice, no longer the shy, clumsy ones he'd shared with you at the start. Now, he takes pride in the pink of your cheeks, the faint daze to your eyes.
"That's another," he tells you, dodging your indignant half-swipe at him with a laugh. "What can I say? Your kisses are as important as air!"
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