#sabrina replies
benasabrina · 2 months
A prompt for you: Phoenix and Maya attend Trucy and Pearl's high school graduation together.
Ooh, fascinating idea, anon! Let's see what I can do with this~
slight edit: Link to the fic on ao3!
The alarm blared right in his ear. It is Friday and there are no cases to investigate for, no trials to be had. So, why did he have an alarm on for six in the morning? Phoenix would have pressed snooze to sleep in longer but that was not going to happen.
As soon as his finger pressed the snooze button, two figures entered his and Maya's room and immediately jumped on top of his side of the bed, and even him.
"Oof!" Phoenix gruffed out and groaned groggily. "G'mornin'," he mumbled and blearily opened an eye to see Trucy and Pearl staring at him.
"Daddy! It's time to get up! It's graduation day!" Trucy grinned as she silently yelled at her father, not wanting to disturb Maya who was still sleeping. "Mama needs to get up soon too..." she mumbled and rested her chin on Phoenix's raised leg. Pearl giggled softly and peered over Phoenix to see Maya on her side, snoring softly. "The pregnancy must be taking a toll on her if she's still sleeping through this," she whispered and glanced over to Phoenix.
Phoenix couldn't help but feel some pang of guilt... despite knowing that they both wanted this. He just didn't expect her to fall pregnant with twins right off the bat. With a sigh, he motioned the girls to move off of him and he sat up. "You both finish getting ready. I'll get ready then get Maya up when I'm done."
The girls nodded then dashed out of the room.
Maya ended up waking up as soon as Phoenix was in the shower and opted to join him to freshen up (and to wake up as well). She played nice and decided to not rile him up since they're technically on a time crunch for both Trucy and Pearl's high school graduation.
After the shower, they both finished getting dressed, Phoenix decided to wear just a plain light powder blue dress-shirt with this sleeves rolled up and a pair of dark blue jeans. Maya on the other hand wore a white t-shirt with a light purple maternity over-all sun dress. She looked over herself in the mirror and sighed softly.
Phoenix took note of this. "Everything okay, Maya?"
She grumbled and tried to suck in her belly a bit, but to no avail. "I'm fine, just feeling a bit fat right now." Maya rubbed at her large belly and sighed again. "Can't they just come out now? I'm tired of being pregnant."
He couldn't help but chuckle gently. "You say that now, but you know for a fact that once they're out, you're going to miss them being in there."
Maya's eyes narrowed. "Fair point. This is all your fault, you know."
"My dear, it takes two to tango," was all Phoenix said in reply. "Now come on, we can't let those two be late for their graduation."
"Yeah, yeah."
The graduation is a bit of a strange one this year. While Trucy attended the local high school, Pearl did not. Pearl actually attended the continuation school near the office so she too can get an education. Thankfully, she was homeschooled, but that can only get her so far. Kurain was not exactly suited for "higher" education as some of the elders put it. So with Phoenix's help, Pearl was enrolled and sped through the courses since she was such a fast learner. Both schools decided to merge their graduations so families can see their teens graduate together rather than picking and choosing.
Once they arrived at LA High, the girls went off to find their classes while Phoenix and Maya went to where the families were made to sit. They arrived at a decent time and found open toward the middle aisle where they both knew the girls would walk down to get their diplomas (and also in case Maya had to get up to use the restroom at any point during the ceremony).
Phoenix breathed out gently and tried to keep his emotions in check about the two girls. No use getting worked up since he knew Maya would also be an emotional mess. But... It felt like only yesterday he met Pearl and also took in Trucy. He glanced over to Maya as she adjusted her sunglasses to just above her bangs. Her gaze caught him staring at her.
"What?" she asked innocently.
He shook his head and smiled gently back at her. "Nothing. Just thinking about the girls and how different our life would be without them. Well... at least without Trucy." His glossy eyes almost gave him away.
She noticed his glossy eyes, but didn't say anything about it. "Our life is going to be even more different once these two are out," Maya replied with a grin. "For better or worst, I think we'll be okay, no matter what."
Phoenix took her left hand and marveled at the wedding ring on her ring finger. He placed a soft kiss there. "For better or worst," he replied and waited for the graduation ceremony to begin.
The ceremony was beautiful and went by rather quick. Both graduating classes were somewhat small. Once it was all said and done, Phoenix and Maya held hand as they got up and went to find their graduated girls and give their congratulations. They did not have to search long because as soon as they rounded a corner, Phoenix was tackled and hugged by Trucy and Pearl.
"Daddy! Mama! We did it! I can't believe it's finally over!"
"Mr. Nick!! Mystic Maya! Thank you for helping me!"
Phoenix and Maya both laughed. Maya joined in on the hug as best as she can, maneuvering her belly so she can hug them tightly. "You girls did this all on your own! We're so proud of you both!" Maya grinned and kissed the top of their heads.
Seeing his little family brought a tear to his eye. Phoenix wiped at his eyes quickly and coughed into his fist. "I think it's time to celebrate! Where do you girls want to go? We can go anywhere you want to!"
Trucy and Pearl looked to each other and grinned. "Korean Barbecue!" they both said in unison.
Maya cheered alongside them and tugged at her husband's shirt. "Let's go, Nick!"
He chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, let's go!"
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simdreams · 4 months
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore ♥♥♥
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thank you so much for the ask!! <3
I spent some time thinking about which sim I should pick (lol) and decided to start with the one OC that opens up the thing I've been writing and hiding from all of you.............................
Sabrina's random trivia
1. she has three siblings, two older sisters and one younger brother, and always felt like the ugly duckling of the family (which sort of explains why she thrives on the attention people give to her online) 2. she took horse riding lessons as a child but her father refused to let her continue with it after her brother got involved in an accident. she still resents that 3. one of her dreams is a fancy beach house in Malibu, but she would take any other tropical getaway 4. she can copy people's handwriting easily, which may or may not have been useful when she was a student 5. her sense of direction is amazing, which is very useful when traveling
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petrichoraline · 12 hours
#also id say im vanilla and i think i started spacing out at one point i was overwhelmed bahah
petri, that’s so valid bc same 😭😭😭
no cause maybe i dont remember love in the air that well but it feels like fortpeat brought so much more this time around (and they were already deliveringg in lita); like i get the characters are suppsoed to be more intense and the fact it happens so soon in the show adds to the shock factor but good golly, they are doing things i dont even think some real couples would attempt and in front of a bunch of people and cameras tooo
the intensity and the fact the hot scenes were still happening 20 minutes in but they gave us breaks was fun, i don't remember someone doing it like this, it's usually a single hot scene or a whole episode of more intense flirting (phumpeem in the latest we are ep embodied that well i think lol) but they gave us the most intense part in the beginning and then we got the cute, the fun and the sincere, as well as the sad and the care; and i didn't really wonder whether they were gonna go at it at any other point (we got that scene before going out at sea but we knew nothing was gonna come out of it with a third person there)
but the steamy scenes themselves are meant to make you go will they wont they and when they do its just so much at once. when the new interesting things are happennig im paying attention (the thumb in mouth, the bandage part) but when smth more familiar is taking place im taking note but kinda mostly worrying about my phone volume lmaoo
during the shower scene at one point i literally was like "yeah yeah turn him around, we know how it goes from here" bahah, when they got to the bed it got my attention a bit and then i was spacing out again, i just need constant stimulation it seems or for it to be lovemaking? though i think i space out during those too? i think it's important that all angles, motions, looks and carresses, background music and setting need to have intention and peak interest a bit.
all this blabber just to say im enjoying the fun elements, the comfortable acting and the choreography of the scenes and for now theyre gonna keep me yelling and hiding my face but if they want to really get me it's gotta be some sincere love affirming action and not a writing tool lol
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heartsbreaking · 6 days
"i'm not trying to make it hurt," sabrina laughed. she also wouldn't consider what she was doing to be poking and prodding. she was just trying to clean and patch up the wound. "i'm glad it doesn't hurt anymore." she reached into her kit and pulled out the butterfly bandages. "it's not deep, you should be healed soon enough if you don't reopen it."
REPLY to @itsbuck / buck *
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snitchesnsneeds · 1 month
Bethany's Bizarre Miraculous Short Thing: Mail Day
Based off of this
Ladybug: Hey, Kitty! You know what today is!
Chat Noir: Yeah, today we're letting the cat out of the bag!
Ladybug: That's right! Mail day! We're going to be answering your questions, sent in by the Ladyblog!
Ladybug: This one's from OtakuGreg1987. "Dear Ladybug and Chat Noir,"
Ladybug's face turns to disgust and fear as she reads the letter
Ladybug: "what do your feet smell like?"
Ladybug puts the letter down with a look of horror on her face.
Chat Noir: I'll handle this one, Milady.
Chat Noir: While writing on a paper with pencil "Dear OtakuGreg1987, sleep with one eye open tonight, you might get to see me take out Paris's garbage!"
Chat Noir: "Dear Chat Noir, how does it feel knowing you're the inferior sidekick to Ladybug? From Sabrina lastnamelastname."
Chat Noir: Well Sabrina, I've seen you dress up as me before, so I'm sure you know all about that!
Ladybug: These questions have been really bad so far.
Alya, behind the camera: Do you want to take a break? I picked these questions at random. I can sort out all the bad ones if you want.
Ladybug: No, no. I'll do just one more.
Ladybug: "Dear Ladybug, who did you vote for in the last election?"
Ladybug: Well, I can't vote, but my p-associates voted for Andre Bougeois, because he was the least bad candidate.
Ladybug sighs
Ladybug: As always.
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famejauregui · 4 months
lauren: hey my beautiful butterfly, how're you doing? lauren: i just watched a compilation of your exit lines at your shows and you're hilarious as hell @carpenterbrinas
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autumnwritcs · 1 year
for @ofginjxints ;; continued from HERE
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The only downside to her job was the travelling part, while it gave her enough opportunity to get to know places, it didn't allow spending a lot of time with friends and people like Jason, Sabrina missed constantly and wished it was easier to get together. She missed the times when they'd hang out almost every day and she missed how he made her feel. There was added component that she was drawn to him for more than his friendship but what with their lives, the moving from one place to another and past partners, Sabrina never dwelled more than what ifs that cheered her up when she felt homesick. Besides, last thing she wanted was to ruin their friendship if she suggested something else, given the competitive nature of her job, she had very few real friends in the industry and Jason was at the top of the short list.
"You could never!" Sabrina laughed, cupping his cheeks to look at him in the eye. "Okay, I got to take some pictures and a quick talk with the team, itll take me twenty mins top. Then I'm all yours, pick anywhere you wanna go to eat and we'll catch up. I've got some interesting stuff to tell you."
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tomaturtles · 1 year
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Oc brushtest doodles :)
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2truehearts · 9 months
mwah <3
im back in your inbox my darling <3
i know rn you're going eep peep, but i love you and you can't escape me <3
UPDATE me and my boyfriend will have our one year anniversary in 4, almost three, days
(october 4th for reference (us little trans mascs fell in love in october HEHE))
also I'm going to send you an ask
(or if u turn them off tag you in a post)
whenever I finish a movie because I'm watching all of the studio ghibli movies!
I just finished porco rosso <33 Gina my love <33 I love porco rosso it's one of my favorites
rn is pom poko. so silly. so fun. I'll come back when I finish :)
I swear I'm going to send you so many asks you'll be sick of them <3
I love you! have a good eep peep kazuzu, my darling orange blossom <3
never gonna want to escape u anyways my lovely, lovelyy shroom dearest <33
WAAAHHHH WOWOWIOEWOEWIOWOOWWW HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY TO U TWO !!! this feels like celebrating the coming of two wonderful guardian angels or smth cause i feel so happy WAAAAAHHHHH SHROOM :''D (that reminds me of the song by girl in red !! n i hope u two luvly trans mascs have every joy the world has to give 4 evermore <33 !!!!)
OOO porco rosso is gonna be added 2 my watchlist along w the others u sent now hehehe !
I LOVE U TOO !! n i did have a good eep peep (after the pain of stomachs n all ough) shroom, my ever so sweeting guardian angel <33
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nosensedit · 2 years
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⊹ ִ࣪ এ credits on twitter ִ࣪ ⌁ like or reblog if you save! ♡ ¸. • *
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benasabrina · 2 months
Could u write about Kakashi coming home from a long mission and see Anko sleeping with a tiny baby bump ty<3
ANON, MY DEAR FRIEND!! I am writing this fluff thanks to yooooou!
Edit: IM SO SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG!! I hit a writing funk for like two years 🥺🥺 But here’s the fic!!
Ficlet under read more~
Kakashi had always thought he'd be used to long missions away from Konoha. It gave him some quiet time, away from everyone, to reflect on his past and things he could do for his future.
But, this time around, he has someone waiting for him at home. Someone he's happy to call his significant other, despite them only doing so in private. Kakashi's still happy all the same, regardless.
It has been a long three and a half months and while the mission was successful, he just wanted to go home and embrace the woman he grew to love even more while being away.
"Anko..." he breathed and decided to pick up the pace to make it home by morning. A faint smile formed under his mask as he jumped from branch to branch. Hopefully, she'd be happy to see him too.
As the sun light broke over the horizon, Kakashi crossed the gate into Konoha. He skid to a stop, faint dust picking up behind him, and took a moment to catch his breath. The silver-haired Jonin glanced over to his left and saw the guardsmen. Nodding his head in hello, Kakashi took in one last breath and calmly walked the rest of the distance to see her... to see Anko Mitarashi.
While they both haven't been sending each other messages via hawk, snake, or hound, Kakashi knew that Anko was fine... right? At least, he hoped. Truth be told, not hearing anything for those three and half months made him a bit nervous. Things were fine between them. They had to be.
Soon enough, he saw her apartment coming up and jumped the rest of the distance to her door step. Since it was so early, he opted to using the key she gave him and slipped in quietly. Once entered, he took off his sandals, backpack, and discarded his flak jacket. Kakashi decided to say good morning to her before he decided to take a shower (thankfully he has some toiletries at her place) and removed his headband. Blinking to restore some sense of vision in his Sharingan eye, he sighed then made a beeline to Anko's room.
He cracked the door open and smiled at the sight of her. His eyes travelled along her body and came to rest on... "Huh?" he whispered and tiptoed to see her closer.
The blankets were resting at her hips and left a soft mound exposed on her abdomen. Had she put on some weight? he thought to himself. No where else seemed so… plump. Her face was still slender as were her arms and thighs.
But her belly? He shook his head. Even if she did put on some weight, he loved her all the same! Kakashi’s gaze traveled back up to her sleepy features and he smiled once again. He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on her cheek.
This caused her to stir. An eye opened up blearily and suddenly both eyes shot open when she realized who was in her room. “‘Kashi?” she mumbled tiredly. “You’re home already?” Anko stretched and carefully contorted herself to sit up. She pulled the blanket up and ended up not bringing up her belly. “I thought you weren’t coming home til the end of the week?”
Kakashi shrugged and stretched as well. “Mission ended up ending earlier. So I made a beeline here.”
She smirked. “I can tell, go shower.”
He laughed and lowered his mask, then he felt the need to get serious. “Are you okay?” Kakashi asked gaze going towards her abdomen.
Anko blushed and looked away. “Yeah… I am. I’m perfectly healthy still,” she mumbled. “I’m just pregnant.”
“Ah.” Kakashi stood to head to the bathroom then stopped in his tracks. The Jonin immediately turned around, eyes wide as saucers. “Wait, pregnant?!”
“Yeah? I mean, we did do it right before you left on your mission.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
Anko shuffled a bit uncomfortably. “Because I didn’t want to distract you from the mission..?” She felt like she was getting scolded and she groaned. “Plus I didn’t feel this would have been appropriate to, ya know, just send through hawk or dog mail.”
“Pregnant,” Kakashi trailed off and padded over to Anko once again. He looked to her for permission and once he received a nod from her, he lowered the blanket and placed a hand on her belly. “Woah.”
“Our baby is growing in there.” Anko looked to Kakashi to try and gauge his reaction. “Just letting you know, you’re not leaving me, ever. This is your kid too, and you’re stuck with the both of us.”
His gaze went to Anko’s chocolate brown irises. “I would never plan on it. You’re both stuck with me too.”
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safeandsound · 7 months
17, 19, 35, 43, 75 :-)
17. hard times by ethel cain
19. nonsense by sabrina carpenter
35. tornado warnings by sabrina carpenter
43. lonesome by sabrina carpenter
75. opposite by sabrina carpenter
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evermoredeluxe · 1 year
thank you for bringing all the good eras tour tiktoks to my dash so i don’t have to brave that app myself 💖💖💖
hahah ofc i love posting them
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cxnsiglixrx · 8 months
Closed Starter
Cont from here
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"That's understandable, my lady. But in the heat of battle, you won't have the time to think. Your body just needs to know." The guard stated with a serious tone, before the familiar smile crept in once more. "Don't worry. I'll spar with you as long as I have to." Alisha had been Sabrina's guard for close to 2 years now, and while she maintained a respectful distance, the two had gotten rather close. "Has it been decided on when we are heading South, my lady?" // @autumnwritcs
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unitcd · 9 months
💋 maybe a lil drunk kiss from sab to connie 👀
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Okay, they'd be hanging out lately, after their first slightly awkward encounter. Everything was better now, Conrad had to admit. He hadn't opened up, but he'd loosened up quite a bit since the first time they'd spoken. The weed probably helped. . . but so did alcohol. Sitting by the bonfire, he had his eyes trained upon the flames until he heard someone come and take a seat in the sand beside him. "Hi." He greeted once he'd turned his head and registered that it was Sabrina. There was a small smile on his lips, but before he could say anything else, her mouth was pressed against his in a kiss. Taking no time to process, he kissed her back, a hand coming up to rest on her arm before he pulled back. "You taste like beer." He chuckled. Not that it was inherently a bad thing, he was just making an observation. "It's a good thing I like beer." Conrad commented before leaning in and kissing her again.
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shoheiakagi · 1 year
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aww ty 🥺♥️ @animeloveroc
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