#sachi's walk
seishiroed · 1 year
giggling to myself thinking about all the straw hats + law carefully picking out their outfits for the onigashima raid. like did penguin have to roll up law’s sleeves on his shirt??? sanji having to do an emergency iron because his shirt is not in supreme condition, and zoro making him do his stuff as well. luffy digging around in the storage of the sunny to find that coat because he hasn’t worn anything that isn’t shorts and a vest in so long.
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saintobio · 4 months
sy11 | sneak peak.
“Did you have fun in Monaco with Toji?” Satoru was crazy for going straight to the point, and he knew his question was tasteless too, yet he couldn’t help but start a conversation about the thing that kept him up for days.
As for you, with your peace in the balcony now ruined, you briefly opened your mouth to respond, but held back against it as you met Gojou’s eyes with a distant stare. You were even quick to look away and sigh, like he was not worth the conversation.
And man, did that hurt his ego.
So, for a very stupid reason, he felt the need to hurt yours in return. “Do you know Sachi calls Akemi ‘mama’ in his sleep?”
Your eyes remained empty. “Good for you, then. You won’t have a hard time getting him accustomed to it.”
“Y/N.” Satoru’s voice came out as a warning, and he was about to start an argument on why you were abandoning him and Sachi over Toji, but he was interrupted at the appearance of Akemi who was holding Shoko’s bouquet as she tried to search for her lover. This meant that the conversation with the ex-wife was over.
But as he glanced between you and Akemi, his bitter past and his sweet present, why did Satoru’s heart still lingered with you when it shouldn’t?
“You should go,” you briefly muttered, walking on the opposite direction, “Your future wife’s looking for you.”
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 7 months
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♡ chronicle #4 : welcome back ♡
wc : 5338
somehow, you've gotten used to living without your dragon man.
it shouldn't have been that hard to began with, you reason. since you'd only been living with him for a couple of weeks. you'd spent your whole life without this rude, bratty, infuriatingly handsome dragon guy. it really shouldn't have been hard.
you wake up to get ready for work feeling more tired than usual. this had been the case for the last two weeks now. you're lost at work, you've been really close to coming late more than once. you're coworker sachi has also asked if you were sick at least 5 times in one week, so you assume you don't exactly look your best right now.
you grab some leftovers from the fridge, hastily throwing them in the microwave to check up on your coffee. when you're done eating with the only background noise being the tv playing some game show reruns, you put your plate in the sink and remember a little too late that no one's there to clean them up for you anymore. you feel stupid, staring at the dishes like they'll suddenly wash themselves.
you'll wash them when you get back.
work goes by in a blur. you hardly remember what you did, who you'd talked to or what you had for lunch. the trip back home feels unfamiliar, like someone else was controlling your body for you. you don't mind as long as you can go home and sleep.
when you walk through your door, you check your couch reflexively, even though you've reminded yourself multiple times no one would be waiting there for you. the tv's turned off like it was when you'd left, there's nothing cooking on the stove, and there's no one on your couch.
despite reminding yourself.
you really need some sleep.
you order take out and eat while watching your favorite show for the 5000th time. it feels boring instead of comforting like it usually is, so you end up skipping a bunch of episodes straight to your favorite.
sometimes, you feel like it was all one big dream. falling in love with a dragon only for him to leave you seemed like something you could really only see in your own fantasy. but you know it isn't, because if it were you'd be able to forget about it. about him. but you can't.
it isn't painful, it doesn't feel like your heart is about to burst. it just feels so lonely. you feel like a part of you is missing, like a piece of your heart was filled to the brim with warmth only for that part to be taken away from you and leaving you cold and hollow. you don't like feeling like this. you shouldn't feel like this over someone you'd technically just met.
but it wasn't like that with him, it didn't feel like you'd just met. despite only living with him for a few weeks, you felt like you'd known him all your life. it was like you were catching up with an old friend the more you spoke to him. everything in you felt good with him. everything felt so right with him.
before you know it there are tears clouding your vision, you will yourself not to let them overflow. you hadn't cried since the day he left, you'd been distracting yourself with work not to. your favorite part of the episode comes up yet all you can do is focus on not bursting into tears. you can't go to bed feeling like shit since you've got work tomorrow. you decide to head to bed early tonight.
you'd like to think you can fool yourself into believing you've gotten used to living without katsuki. but unfortunately, you have to admit you aren't that good at lying to yourself when the first teardrop hits your pillow.
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katsuki feels incredibly wrong.
it's way past the time he's usually asleep, but despite tossing and turning he can't keep his eyes shut because every time he does he sees you.
you, with your stupid bright smile. you with your stupid puffed out cheeks and pout when you'd caught him nabbing your food too late. you with your bright eyes when you come back from work to see he's made your favorite.
and you, with your glossy wet eyes when he told you he was leaving.
he really needs some fuckin' sleep.
for the last two weeks, he's been telling himself that this was better for you—for you both. he knows he could never truly be good for you. no matter how well he'd learn to cook your favorite meal. no matter how many movies and tv shows you watch together. no matter how good it feels to be with you, you'll always be a human and he, a dragon.
you're different beings made for different lives. he wasn't raised for battle, but it is a primary part of the dragon code, especially in his faction. survival of the fittest and whatnot. you were made for office jobs and midnight take out and romance movies, not for anything he was.
his friends were more than happy to see he'd finally come back home. they had basically choke-slammed him to the ground to hug him, and he can't deny he felt really a little bit happy to see them again.
he'd expected his mom to nag his ear off like she usually does but he was more than shocked to feel her wrap her arms around him tightly. she had told him she was happy to see he hadn't caused any trouble for himself and he could hear the quiver in her voice and feel the slight shakiness in her tightly strung limbs. he hadn't said anything and simply quietly held her back. his father had joined the group hug soon after and katsuki closed his eyes, indulging in the warmth of his parents' love.
this is good. this feels nice. this is where he's supposed to be.
it felt nice at the time, he recalls. but it didn't feel right.
for the last two weeks, he's been trying to tell himself that despite how much he aches, how much he yearns for you, you aren't made for him.
unfortunately, besides admitedly being a horrible liar, katsuki will forever be a selfish dragon. he only focuses on what he wants, and he wants you more than anything. he needs you more than anything.
" fuck this.." he mutters, throwing and arm over his eyes. he starts absentmindedly rubbing at his hair, like you used to. but it doesn't feel as comforting, so he huffs again.
he'd been told he unfortunately couldn't do anything about the tournament, but on a better note the guy he faced off again would be disqualified from participating since he did end up getting something from a witch, like katsuki thought. kirishima had wrapped an arm around his shoulder and told him it was a good thing. but to be honest, katsuki had almost fully forgotten about that shitty tournament. his father told him there would always be a next one. the next one in ten years. the thought of not seeing you in that time crosses his mind at makes him feel like he swallowed something sour. there's a bitter taste in his mouth at the thought but he can do nothing but try to ignore it.
just as he's about to turn to the other side of his bed a knock his door startles him. his mom walks in shortly after, opening the door halfway before walking in when she sees him awake.
" i didn't say you could come in." he grumbles half heartedly, sleep riddled voice slightly groggy. mitsuki simply sits on his bed near him, patting at his leg over the covers.
"m'not allowed to check up on my runaway son ? don't want you to leave again." she jests. katsuki knows she's joking, but he still feels a pang of guilt in his chest. he grumbles something unintelligible in response.
no words are exchanged for a moment, then mitsuki pats her son's leg a little harder, he snarls at her but she simply smiles at him.
"what do you say we go get some air ?"
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the night air feels good.
soaring through the sky feels comforting. feeling the way the wind rushes through his scales feels almost therapeutic to him. it can be thrilling to soar through the air the same way it can also be calming. it provides him serenity he can't quite put into words.
katsuki finds himself wishing he could fly like this with you like when he brought you back home from work. he remembers how you'd screamed your lungs out, clutched onto him so tightly and when you'd landed back home with wobbly legs and messy..everything, you'd proclaimed it was the first and last time you'd ever go for a dragon ride. he remembers how hard he laughed and he chuffs to himself unconsciously at the memory.
flying around when he was irritated or stressed wasn't uncommon for him but he only remembers a handful of times he'd went flying with his mother. other than the times he was younger and still learning how to get the hang of it. he has to admit that that feels good, too.
they decide to rest on a nearby mountain they saw in the horizon. as soon as they land katsuki changes back into his human form, stretching as he let's out a yawn. the only remaining traces of his dragon form being his red horns and scaley tail accompanied by large red wings. he hears his mom flap her wings behind him as she also let's out a little yawn of her own. she sits down onto the gravely bottom and katsuki raises a brow before taking a spot next to her.
it's quiet as they both silently stare at the moon. it's a little chilly out but katsuki doesn't mind much.
"so," mitsuki sighs, taking a large gulp of the fresh air " you gonna tell me what happened when you went on your little expedition?" she bumps her shoulder with his playfully, katsuki growls but doesn't snap back like he usually would.
he simply shrugs "it wasn't an expedition." he gulps, it feels like a knot grows in his throat. "it wasn't anything." he doesn't notice the way his hands are tightened into fists, but his mother does.
"that so ?" she utters. she speaks in a nurturing way. that soft tone that only a mother could use for her child. it upset him even more as the knot in his throat tightens.
"i.." katsuki starts "i was around a lot of humans.." he admits. his mother hums in response, urging him to continue. "saw a lot of things, tried a lot of human stuff."
"human stuff ?"
"human foods and desserts and stuff. and movies. they're people moving around acting inside a big box that they call a tv." he tries his best to explain it in the simplest way considering it took him a while to grasp the concept of electronics himself. he can tell his mother doesn't really understand, but he's thankful she simply nods and let's him continue.
"it wasn't too bad." he concedes. " i didn't wanna kill too many of them." he jokes, his mother chuckles in response.
"anything else happen ?" she asks with a smile. katsuki can already tell shes's onto him. screw this mother's intuition shit.
he opens and closes his mouth a few times, nothing he wants to say seems to come out right.
"ma.." he starts, she hums " when you--how did it feel for you when you fell in love with pops ?"
her eyes widen at his question. she sits and thinks about it for a minute, then a smile grows on her face. " it's not something i can really explain. i just knew it when i saw him, i knew he was meant to be mine."
"even though he's a human..?" he mumbles quietly. his mother doesn't seem fazed, her dazed smile remains.
"yeah." she answers simply.
"it didn't bother you ?"
"nope." she immediatly answers, popping the p.
"it wasn't weird ?"
" it took a little gettin' used to." she hums "we're completely different after all. his family wasn't exactly on board with it. but they didn't say anythin' when i showed 'em my dragon form, i think they were just really amazed." she laughs at her own joke and katsuki fights an eyeroll.
"how'd you do it then ? how'd you..get used to it ?" he asks almost urgently.
her smile hasn't faltered since the beginning of the conversation. it seems to have gotten even wider and even brighter. " i didn't do anything. i loved your father, i still do." she sighs dreamily " when i was around him i didn't worry about anything. i didn't worry about what others thought to begin with, but i didn't worry about that. i wasn't scared of the future or anything."
"there was nothing for me to be worried about when i was around him. it always just felt like things would work out. we made each other happy, and when i was around him it all felt so.." she can't seem to find the right word to use but katsuki finds one for her immediatly.
"right ?" he finishes.
"yeah" she smiles, eyes softening as she looks at her son "yeah, it felt really right."
for the last two weeks, katsuki's been trying to deceive himself. by now he knows it isn't working. at all. he'd been trying to keep his mind quiet. he's been spending time with his friends and it's been nice. but there's clearly something missing. something he knows that his parents or his friends can fill, despite them caring so much for him. and he feels bad because he cares, he really does. but there's something he needs.
you're the one he needs.
"i think.." katsuki jumps a little when his mom speaks up again "i think there's somewhere you need to be, isn't there ?" she asks, though that knowing look she gives him clearly says she already knows the answer.
katsuki bites his lip, looking down towards the ground below. he can't see the bottom.
"i'm scared, ma.." he admits, meekly. mitsuki's heart squeezes at her little boy's heart showing in his eyes, scared of the unknown despite trying his best to convince himself he isn't.
his mother places her hand ontop of his and squeezes " i know, i know you are.." she comforts.
"w-what if it's too late and i messed shit up ?" she shakes her head, shushing him.
"you didn't, i know you didn't." she speaks carefully "if that person is the right one for you, then there's absolutely no way you have." she pulls him into a hug and he hugs her back tightly. no more words are exchanged as katsuki and his mother sit there. she pulls away and presses her forehead to his.
"you get goin' now, okay ?" she feels him nod after a moment and her smiles grows wider. she ruffles her son's hair and he grumbles, pushing at her arm and he fights off a smile.
he's sure, he knows what he needs to do now.
he gets up with vigor and stretches out his limbs and his wings as they flex and expand on his back. before he takes off though, he hears his mom call for him. he turns to look at her proud smiling face.
"you'd better come and visit !" she grinned, sharp fangs on display. katsuki smiles back at that, sharp grin rivaling hers.
" obviously !" he affirms, before taking off.
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you wake up like you'd had the best sleep in your life. probably because you cried yourself to sleep.
you're awake an hour earlier than you usually are and you can't seem to get back to sleep. so bitterly, you decide to just get up and start your day an hour early.
you're definitely not getting ready for work at this hour, so your hello- kitty jammies are staying on. you remember you have a half eaten tub of vanilla-caramel-brownie ice cream in the freezer and it makes you a little happier. you walk over to your fridge with a little skip in your step.
when you sit down on your couch and turn your tv on you can already see the sun rising from your balcony. and it makes you dread having to go to work in an hour and a few minutes, you do your best to ignore it and watch a rerun of some old drama tv show you found.
you take your first bite and hum to yourself happily. the ice cream melts on your tongue and the flavours burst onto your tastes buds. if you could you'd eat ice cream every single day.
but katsuki would scold you for it.
it feels a little harder to swallow down your next bite.
the female and male lead on the show are arguing about something. the man says he only has eyes for the lady. he says that it's always been her, that if he were reborn in another life, in another country, he would still always find his way back to her.
you quietly keep watching, taking smaller and smaller scoops of ice cream. the lady is doubtful, she asks the male how she knows he won't break her heart. he responds that she only needs to trust him, that she needs trust herself.
"what is your heart telling you right now ?" he asks.
"it's telling me.." there's a dramatic pause " that i love you..!" she declares.
the two share a hug and an old ending song plays, you can hear an audience clapping like you sometimes do in old sitcoms. you really wish you could go back to sleep when you check your phone and see that only twenty minutes have passed. you wonder if you can call in sick as you play around with your ice cream, but you draw the line at that. that'd be too childish and you're too grown to be faking sick just because you got your heart broken.
you switch through a couple of channels before you land on an animal documentary. it's about red panda's and red panda's are adorable, so you shuffle on your couch to get comfortable and scoop up another big bite of ice cream.
the moment you bring your spoon to your lips though, you suddenly feel a big gust of wind. accompanied by a loud crash. and a giant hole through your fucking wall.
your spoon stays frozen against your lips, it's cold but you can barely feel it. slowly, you turn to look at something coming out of the cloud of smoke caused by the debris.
or no, it's a someone. you can see them stand up straighter as huge wings stretch on their back along with huge pointy horns and—actually maybe it is a something after all.
except you squint and you realise that it isn't a something.
it's katsuki.
it's katsuki and he's looking at you, bright red eyes focused solely on yours. he's here, he's here with you.
and he's once again blasted a hole through your wall.
you almost want to laugh, but you're afraid if you do you'll start crying. so you simply stare at him. he takes a deep breath and opens his mouth
“hi..” he exhales.
he’s heaving, taking in the force at which your wall was blasted into pieces one could assume it was probably because he was flying really fast, and he was. but this wasn’t really going all out for him. frankly, katsuki bakugou is heaving because he’s so incredibly nervous.
“h-hi..” you utter back, wide eyed. katsuki zones in on something on your face and furrows his brows.
“you’re eating that cold shit that early in the morning ? you’ll get sick.” he chides. this time you do laugh, because he’s so insanely ridiculous, how could you not.
“yeah well, no one was here to stop me so..” he knows the other meaning to your joke very well and his heart hurts at the sadness in your eyes when you fully realize he’s actually here.
“why did you—i thought you had to go home ?” you stutter. he takes a hesitant step towards your couch, towards you. his hand twitches, wanting to reach out to you, to touch you, but he holds back for now.
“yeah i did.” he nods “so here i am.”
your heart feels like it’s beating while being held down under a huge weight. you want to do so many things. you want to cry, ask him so many questions and kiss his mouth off but you can only bring yourself to ask “why ?”
katsuki frowns at the way your bottom lip wobbles and he immediately decides he can’t have that. he walks up to you and grabs your hand to pull you towards him, you stand up with a squeal as he pulls you into him. you’re ice cream long forgotten as neither of you notice the tub hitting the floor.
right now you’re only focused on him and he on you.
“i-i tried to tell myself that i didn’t need you at first, that it was better if i didn’t. we both know we’re—more than completely different,” he chuckles humorlessly. “tried telling myself that i didn’t need you because i didn’t need you my entire life, so why should meeting you, a human, change anything ?”
"but then—i don’t know, i realized that i’d spent so much time with you and your normal human life. with your weird habits and routines and your cheesy animal love stories. and then suddenly i just—" he stops himself mid rambling, he’s still heaving and he can’t seem to calm down. until you reach up and place your hand in his hair.
in seconds it’s feels like he can breathe again. your hands in his hair feel like taking a flight in the dead of night. your entire being is like the way it feels when the wind rushes through his scales.
he needs you, he needs you, he needs you, he needs you and he needs you so bad.
he plops his head against your shoulder and you hear the purring sound from when you’d first pet him in your office building. when you didn’t really know why you did, and that it just felt right to.
“suddenly i realized that i couldn’t be without you. i couldn’t see myself without you and your stupid smug face whenever you’re being a smart ass. without you and your weird taste in movies and your hands in my hair and your smile and—" he cuts himself off again. seemingly realizing he’d said too much. you don’t want to embarrass him too much too soon so you hold back the giggle bubbling up in your throat.
“i thought you liked my taste in movies.” you joke, playing with the hair on his nape. you feel him huff a chuckle against your shoulder.
“never said i didn’t like it. said it’s weird.”
“is there really a difference?” you snort.
“hell yeah there is,” he retorts “ya go from watchin’ that weird demon cat on your phone to watching the conjuring in the same breath.”
“ that just means i'm open to a lot of genres, it’s a good thing !” he snorts then grumbles some kind of agreement under his breath “and don’t you insult hello kitty like that ! she’s done nothing to be classified as a ‘demon cat’.”
“ it’s fuckin’ weird. why doesn’t it have a mouth ? and why are it’s black beady eyes starin’ into my fuckin’ soul ?”
“ quit calling her 'it' ? and she’s adorable !”
“she’s freaky is what she is.” you groan.
"you're insufferable. so incredibly annoying." you grumble in defeat. he lifts his head up to look at you then, his award winning cheese on display with a tiny fang poking out.
"yeah, maybe..but you missed me." he counters. you huff, but you really can't lie "yeah, yeah i did" you say. it comes out sadder than you'd wanted it to, and he seems to notice it. his eyebrows furrow and the remorseful look on his face makes your heart burn. your expression mirrors his as you speak.
"i really did miss you, katsuki. i really did." you whisper sorrowfully. you feel him wipe the tears you didn't even know where about to spill from the corner of your eyes. he grabs your cheeks in both of his large hands and wipes at your eyes, then rubs at your cheeks softly. his eyes burn with unspoken words and feelings and you don't need to hear him say anything to understand. you understand him better than anyone. human or dragon.
and that's all you need.
"i know." he leans in until you're inches away and your eyes flutter closed when he nuzzles his nose against your tenderly. he places his forehead against yours in a way you can only describe as loving. "i know." he whispers again.
"but i won't leave again. i promise." he vows, rubbing his nose against your cheek. the gesture feels very animal like and you giggle a little. he huffs against your cheek in amusement. "you're mine, you've always been. i know that—i'm sure of it now." he corrects "so i'm not goin' anywhere." he's so close. just like that night.
you want to let go, want to give yourself to him and trust him but there's something holding you back. katsuki can tell you're doubtful. he nudges his head against your softly, "talk to me." he urges.
"i just..i'm scared.." you admit "what if things don't work out ? i really, really like you katsuki." your voice trembles and your bottom lip wobbles the slightest bit "i don't want you to go away again.." he shakes his head adamntly, his hair tickles against your forehead. he breathes a sigh and pulls back just enough to look you in the eyes properly.
"i don't know how the future will turn out, or what's gonna happen." he knocks his forehead against yours again "but that doesn't scare me. mostly cus i'm not scared of anything," you roll your eyes but you can't help the chuckle that rips out of you. he smiles, obviously proud of his joke.
"but also because i know you're it for me. no matter what happens, i trust that i'll always come back to you." he seems to realize he's been awfully out of character. a cute blush grows on his face but that doesn't deter him in the slightest, as his eyes stay fixed on you. it makes chills run down your spine.
"you..were made for me. that's all i need." he closes his eyes, embarrasment catching up to him. you smile at how adorable your cranky dragon man could be when he wanted to be.
that's all he needs. you're all he needs. the thought fills your body with so much warmth and love.
you bring your hands up to his cheeks. he opens his eyes. looking down at you with half lidded eyes and so much affection it makes you giddy.
"what is your heart telling you right now ?"
you smile up at him, a watery giggle slips past your lips.
" i love you."
you trust yourself. you trust katsuki. you trust your love for him.
his eyes widen. and suddenly he's leaning down and all he gives you as a warning is a breathy whisper of your name. you don't think twice when you nod your head fervently and then he's closing the distance and kissing you.
in a second it's like you feel whole. it's like he breathes life into you with the kiss he presses onto your lips. and the next one, and the one after that.
he pulls back to catch his breath for no less than three seconds before he's stealing yours away again. but you don't mind in the slightest. you'd give all of yourself up willingly to him. you wish you could stay close with him, holding onto him like this forever.
but then there's a sudden sharp pain in your lip.
"ouch !" you yelp. katsuki immediatly pulls back, eyes racking over your face until he notices red on your lip. you lick at your bottom lip and taste blood. you look up at him, a mix of amusement and suprise on your features. after a second, you let out a chuckle.
"guess you missed me lots, huh ?" you laugh some more when he growls at you. trying his best to seem somewhat intimidating despite the state he's in. he's breathing heavy and he's sweating a little bit, cheeks fully red.
"b-be quiet, human." he leans down and licks the blood off your lip. it flusters you despite him meaning it innocently, dragons are way more direct when it comes to physical affection, it seemed. "i'll roast you alive."
"no you won't, liar." you answer arrogantly. you bring your arms to rest around his neck, your hands play around with the hair on his nape. "you like me too much."
"you're gettin' real cocky, aren't ya ?"
"am i wrong ?" you counter. he narrows his eyes at your challenge but lowers his head in defeat soon after. he shakes his head with a chuckle. "no, guess you're not." he concedes.
"you guess ?" you tease.
"don't push your luck, loser." he nips at your nose, and you giggle. he snarls at you when you tug at his horn, but he can't hide the smile on his face.
"i—uh." he looks away, off to the side towards your tv "love. you. too..or whatever you humans say.." he confesses shyly. too much direct eye contact for one day, it seems. you giggle, then lean in and press a sweet kiss to his lips. it takes him a second before he eases into it. slowly, just as passionately as the first time, but you both know there's no rush to let each other know how you feel. you've got all the time in the world together.
"i'm glad.." you say once you pull away. "so, can i assume that means you're back now?" you joke.
"i told you i'm not goin' nowhere. you're mine." he asserts " i'm back." he states with a fanged grin.
you smile wider at his words. you're smiling so hard your cheeks start to hurt but you really don't mind "welcome back." you answer lovingly.
this feels right. this feels like where you both belong. he's back.
back where he belongs.
you pat his nape "to make yourself back at home, you can make me breakfast !" you chirp. "you owe me at least twenty five homemade dinners too, so you'd better get to work." you laugh out loud when he pokes at your side with one hand, with the one on your face squeezing your cheeks out.
"cheeky brat, already puttin' me to work, hah ?!" he grins "i guess i do owe you dinner though, but definitely not fuckin' twenty five of 'em !" you both laugh at each other some more and you wish all of your days with him here could feel like this. but even if they don't, you're not worried. as long as you're together, you know everything will be okay. you trust that with all your heart.
"katsuki ?" you start after a moment. he hums in response, urging you to continue while he nibbles and presses smooches on your shoulder. you smile, you're so incredibly happy.
"fix up my damn wall, would you ?"
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and here it is yall, the final chapter ! thank you all sooooo much for the overwhelming amount of love for this silly lil series. i couldn't be happier that you guys liked this fic just as much as i did writing it ! and i hope this ending makes yall happy (cuz some of yall were losin it last chap LOLOLOL) take this super fluffy ending as an apology for that then !! much luvv <333
taglist ! : @sikuthealien @rosemarygalaxy @guccirosegold @queenpiranhadon @k0z3me @katsuisbaby @lovra974 @katsus-mistress @briokayama @sixxze @lupikekee @nymphsdomain @berryvioo @roboticsuccubus83 @yao-ai @haruesme @omayrac @raatass @touyasprettydoll
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grandline-fics · 1 year
Shifting Focus
DESCRIPTION: The moment they began to see you as more than just a crew-mate
CHARACTERS: Sanji, Law | Shanks,Kid, Smoker
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Another battle done, another town unexpectedly saved and the Strawhats were front in centre of a celebration banquet thrown by the thankful civilians. Never one to turn down the chance to enjoy themselves with a good party everyone in the crew savoured every moment of it before they’d have to set sail again. Chopper, Luffy, Franky, and Usopp were laughing and joking around as usual. Zoro had found a relatively quiet place to drink while still enjoying the atmosphere. Brook stood with the musicians, already he’d picked up on their songs and was able to join them perfectly. As always Sanji’s first priority was the food, looking over everything appreciatively and talking to the cooks to learn any new flavour combinations or techniques.
The sound of cheering pulled him from his careful examination of how the meat was prepared. Across the town square he watched as you, Nami, and Robin were being taught the dance moves of a local dance. You were getting the hang of it but when you were meant to kick your leg out, you twirled which knocked you into Nami. Together the two of you were knocked towards the ground only to be stopped by Robin’s summoned limbs. The three of you laughed along with the other dancers. Sanji couldn’t help but let out a soft chuckle, that was you all over. 
Even when you stumbled you still found a way to find a positive about it all. After getting untangled from your crew-mate you wandered over to the food table and grinned happily at Sanji. “Were you blown away by my amazing dance skills?” you asked playfully, eyes trained solely on his face.
“I couldn’t take my eyes off you.” Sanji admitted with a flirtatious grin, returning your intent stare with equal attention for emphasis. He took in the way your eyes sparkled under the soft light of the lanterns hung above your head, the way your lips spread out into the brightest smile that was too infectious to fight. All around him he could hear the laughter and sound of other women and only now did he realise that you were the only person he wanted to pay attention to. Suddenly the sound of the music changed into something fast and you gasped excitedly, reaching for Sanji’s hand. “Wh-”
“C’mon Black Leg, dance with me!” you urged, tugging him towards the centre of the square. Slowly you looked over your shoulder to fix him with a challenging look. “Or do you think you can’t keep up with me?” Sanji stared at you and prayed he wasn’t misreading the hopeful glint in your eyes. Could it be your words held more weight beyond the light-hearted flirting he’d been used to? 
Not wanting to let the chance go, he tightened his grip on your hand and twirled you effortlessly while walking with you to the dance floor. “Oh I’m with you every step of the way.”
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Law was exhausted and yet even with being a doctor, he chose to push himself further instead of actually taking the free time they were between islands to rest. He sat hunched over his desk, gaze pouring over multiple medical textbooks and charts of the islands they could end up at. Absently he heard the sound of footsteps in the hall but kept his tired eyes focused on the pages in front of him. “Captain? You haven’t gone to bed yet?” A low sigh came from his lips before he looked to Bepo. His deadpan expression telling the bear that obviously he hadn’t. He knew the crew was concerned for this awful sleeping habits but this was something that needed to be done.
“I’ll go soon.” He told the navigator and dropped his head back down, nothing more needed to be said. At least that was what Law thought. Two hours ago he’d promised Sachi he’d ‘go to bed soon’ and Penguin was promised the same an hour before that. It was getting out of hand so Bepo walked through the corridors of the Polar Tang in determination. Twenty minutes later the door to Law’s study opened and he snapped his head up. “Bepo I said-!” he shut his mouth to see you entering. 
“Oh dear, Captain, we might need to get your eyes checked if you think I share any resemblance to him.” You teased while approaching the table. Law kept his head down but was acutely aware of you standing behind him, your gaze sweeping over what was causing today’s lack of sleep. Offering nothing more than a small hum of interest you set a cup of tea and a snack beside his elbow and stepped around to the opposite side of the table again. His stare moved from the offering to you as you sat on the edge of the table, one of the texts lifted into your hand. 
“Aren’t you going to tell me to go to bed?” he asked with a frown, watching as you flipped the page and shook your head. “Why not?”
“Not much point in doing that is there, Captain?” You asked innocently with a knowing smile. “You never listen. I mean it’s fine, you know best.” Law folded his arms and continued to watch you. “There’s actually a bet now.”
“A bet?” Law repeated in interest and slight worry. Bets among the crew were standard, something to help pass the time but when it was about him, it was something he couldn’t ignore. You nodded and turned the text around to face him, lightly tapping a passage for him to read. Law’s eyes flickered down briefly to note the page and saw it was exactly what he was looking for; notes about a virus that was common in one of the islands they were heading to along with it’s method of treatment. But that wasn’t the pressing matter anymore he found. “What’s the bet?”
“Oh just just the guys betting what time you’ll actually fall asleep at. Whoever guesses right wins a date with me.” You answered so casually and leant over the table to grab another textbook. He observed you so intently, trying to hide his shock at the terms of the bet. He stared at you hard, searching your face for any trace that it was a lie but the twisting knot was growing in his stomach. He all but flinched when you unleashed the full force of your stare at him. “If you go to bed now, they all lose.” Your voice was low, practically urging him to make a decision. Whether you were lying about the bet or not, Law’s body acted immediately. He got to his feet and strode to the door, leaving you to smirk triumphantly. “Night Captain.” 
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marimology · 5 months
One piece men catching you walking around in their boxers
Law, sanji, bartolomeo
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warnings : a little nsfw on sanji’s part, GN! reader , can be read as either afab or amab
note : I’m back with a quick drabble….uni has truly been kicking my ass
- was wondering what happened to his limited edition spiderman undies
- your cooked, corazover even
- His boxers would smell like flowers and it wouldn’t bother him until he realizes “wait I don’t use a flower scent”
- At first he thought it was penguin and sachi playing a harmless prank and shoved it off
- But he was doing work at his desk like making sure his nakamas records were up to date with current health, but then you came in in nothing but a baggy shirt and boxers that he just KNEW wasn’t yours
- “Y/n-ya lift your shirt up”
- “Nah I don’t feel like it”
- “ROO-“
- “fine fine ,better?” you said with a fake pout lifting it up to reveal the missing boxers.
- this fucking pervert
- you want those specific boxers ? You can have them he’ll just walk bare ass until the next island it’s fine
- You just wore them because you couldn’t find yours? Well now he isn’t going to wash them because they smell like you or he will but he’ll just spray your signature smell on them
- maybe he’ll let you wear them again but there will be cum stains on it
- Gets hard almost immediately and almost fucked you while you were in them , but the others were nearby and he has decorum he isn’t like zoro
- “y/n are those my boxers”
- “Do you want them ? I can give them back”
- feels a sense of pride
- Like “hehe yes my partner is wearing my boxers”
- Is very smug possessive it , to the point where if you wear them you can’t wear anything over them
- Are you ashamed of his elmo boxers or something??
- no bitch if you are going to wear his shit wear it with PRIDE
- That’s to say that he owns a pair of boxers anyways
- When you wear them be prepared for him to not listen to a single word you say because he’s distracted
- one of his crewmates was with him as you walked by and noticed he was looking and went “Bart what color shirt are they wearing”
Bartolomeo : “ain’t nobody looking at that shit”
- who’s to say he even owns boxers let’s be fr
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lehguru · 8 months
request: them asking the reader to be their partner + luffy, zoro, sanji & law
info: gn!reader, i forgor how i characterize them so bear with me, also this is me trying to crawl back to one piece so im sorry if its rlly bad; not proofread!!! (i should start asking ppl to beta read those istg)
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monkey d.luffy didn't really straight up asked you to be his partner. luffy being luffy, he walked up to you one day and said that you were his partner. you, having feelings for the captain for a really long time now, chuckled nervously, asking "what do you mean?". as he explained that nami told him that if he liked you, then he should ask you out, you could hear the red head sighing from somewhere—you knew at least half of the crew was watching you two right now. you laughed softly at the proud smile he wore and nodded, agreeing to be his.
roronoa zoro was almost the same as luffy, but at least he had the decency to actually ask you about it. during a beautiful day, you were on one side of the little garden that was built in the thousand sunny's deck, helping robin to water the plants. out of nowhere, a shadow was cast upon your crouching form; looking up, you noticed the green haired swordsman and smiled at him, getting up. "yes, zor—"
cutting you off, he asked in the same stoic tone he almost always had: "do you want to be my partner?". your eyes went wide and you let out a small exclamation of surprise. taking that as a denial, he turned back and started to walk away, but you managed to yell out his name. "yes! i will be your partner." the man huffed and nodded, but you could see a slight blush dusting his cheekbones.
when the subject is romance and love, you always expect sanji to be a master at it. out of everyone, he should be the one knowing how to ask someone to be his significant other, but he has never felt this... strongly about someone like he feels about you. when he approaches you to ask that, he's holding a little box with your favorite dessert, his long slender fingers shaking a little as words seemed to catch on his throat for the first time in front of someone he loves. he took a deep breath, a bead of sweat dripping down the back of his neck, you touching his arm and asking 'is everything okay, sanji?' with your sweet voice sent him over the edge. "do you want to date me?", his words were clear for him, but for you, he simply spat all of them out at the same time. you told him to breathe and say it again, and he did, his eyes looking at the floor with the shame of the rejection that would surely come his way. your head almost bumped on his as you jumped on his arms, screaming a yes and giggling loudly. he hugged you and spun you around, giggles of his own leaving his pink lips.
trafalgar d.water law didn't want to acknowledge his feelings for you. you were one of his closest friends, one of the few people he trusted the most—you knew things about him that he never told another soul; so he was afraid of losing you. terrified even. he had lost enough people that he loved during his life and he couldn't bear to lose another one. but... his other friends knew a little too much about his "silly" feelings.
"c'mon man, go ask them out." law saw himself being cornered by penguin, sachi and bepo one day, all of them with playful expressions. "the worst you can get is a punch."
he tried to ignore them, ignore how his cheeks seemed to be heating up, but they were being so obnoxious and annoying, he couldn't handle them anymore. with a burst of rage, he yelled at them, "can you shut up? i don't like them and they don't like me, either!"
"like who?" your voice made his heart leave his body and he felt like stabbing the three men—and bear—that were running away now. "no one." law replied, scoffing to himself for the slip up. "torao! tell me! come on!" now you were the one bugging him and he rubbed his face with his hand. you poked his cheek, giving him a little pout. "law, please!"
"it's you." he snapped, making you freeze. "it's you, dumbass." surprising the man, you started to giggle, making him go from annoyed to even more embarassed. "what?" you kissed his lips softly and started to walk away, saying that you accepted to be his partner.
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2024 © content belongs to lehguru, but the characters used in them belong to their respective creators!!
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emmyrosee · 9 months
Rintaro watches Kaiya, and nine times out of ten, he's the most through, loving husband and father you could ever ask for. He’s mindful of what he’s doing with his daughter, but still leaves her a small amount of independence that lets her little six year old mind thrive.
But one out of ten, he crumbles. This time, is the one.
Rintaro’s finally splurged money on this game to play with osamu and akagi, and both of them are finally on, so he happily sets up Kaiya next to him while he plays, giving her coloring books and toys to make do with quietly.
When she gets bored with that, she curls up on Rintaro’s lap, tiny hands playing with his hair and hitting him with pillows.
Then, finally, after too much normal… she speaks.
"Yes, angelface?"
"Wanna be like you," she says, climbing off the couch and rocking back and forth on her heels. “Wanna look like you daddy…” Rintaro flashes a smile and turns to her, pausing the game and turning to her, leaning forwards to kiss her tiny nose akin to yours.
“Kaiya, you can be anything you want to be,” he says, reaching out to ruffle her hair. “Mommy and the twins are gonna be home soon, so let’s surprise her, okay?”
“Okay daddy!” She squeals excitedly, her feet toddling back down the hall to the playroom. Rintaro chuckles and shakes his head as he unpauses his game, shooting the enemies and doing a terrible job of censoring when he loses.
He barely processes when you get home, only snapping him out of his zone when you kiss his head and he jumps a foot in the air.
“Hey momma,” he says, pausing his game and stretching. “How was the pediatrician?”
“Look dadda!” Sachiko says, showing him her arm which is covered by a my little pony bandaid.
Rintaro blows his eyes wide, “woah! My brave girl!” He reaches up to pinch her cheek playfully, which she giggles from. “How about you Sachie, you got one?”
“Ripped it off in the car,” you chuckle. “Where’s our other terrors?”
“Akito’s playing his games and Kaiya’s playing dress up,” he answers, flashing you a smile. “She wants to be like me.”
Your brows raise playfully, “oh she does, does she? Wants to be a pain in mommy’s butt?”
“Always,” he says, grinning.
You jostle the twins, “come on, let’s go check on sissy!”
“Otay mumma!”
Rintaro watches as you walk away with the tiny humans, shaking his head and turning back to his game with a smile, satisfied in his fatherly duties and he can’t wait to take pictures with his little mini-me, dressed in his clothes and-
You scream. Rin’s heart stops.
Immediately, your shriek rocks the house, making Rintaro absolutely leap off the couch, not even bothering to pause his game and making a dash up the stairs to meet you.
He sees the bathroom door open, his tiny twins watching in awe on the floor now while your hands cover your mouth in horror, and akito laughing into his fist having also been roused from his video games. At least he found this amusing.
When Rintaro pokes his head around the corner to see the action, his jaw slacks as his beautiful six year old, his tiny little mini-me and smart little stink-
Has officially cut her hair.
Just like his.
“Kaiya!” He begins, more in shock than a scold, “what did you do!”
“Wanna look like you daddy!” She cheers happily.
The two twins waddle into the room to play with the fallen hair from Kaiya’s head, gathering wads of it and trying to pass it to you.
Akito lays a hand on your shoulder, “Ma? You okay?”
Rintaro rubs a hand along your back, “babe…?”
“I leave you… with her… for FIVE. MINUTES!” You scream, and thankfully, it’s met with laughter from the three littlest children in the room. “What-! I don’t even-! When did-! RINTARO-“
“Hey hey, it’s alright!” He says easily, pulling you in for a hug, “it’s just hair baby, it’ll grow back!”
“But she didn’t-“
“Don’t even start defending, Rintaro,” you snarl, and with fury you walk over to Kaiya and scoop her into your arms to inspect her.
Akito claps a hand on Rintaro’s back with a fresh, “good luck,” before turning on his heel to leave the bathroom and let his father be scolded. Rintaro sighs and moves to pick up the twins in his arms, watching you like a scolded child as you check her for injuries.
“I really didn’t know,” he says softly, planting a kiss to Sachie’s hair. “I just thought… she’d play dress up or something. Wear my jersey or something.”
You sigh and fist your hands tightly, “it’s got nothing to do with the actual hair cut, Rin,” you explain. “And you know I don’t care about leaving her for a bit to play video games. But she could’ve gotten so hurt! Where’d she even get scissors!”
Your teeth are gritted together roughly, so tight he wanted to massage your jaw to make it better.
But he’s positive if he touched you, you’d bite him.
“We were doing arts and crafts,” he answers quietly.
You take a deep inhale in through your nose, then slowly release it from your mouth, “come on Kaiya. Show mommy your crafts.” You bounce her slightly with a smile, “daddy’s gotta go stand in time out until he’s 40!”
She giggles while you two leave, leaving him with the twins playing with the collar of his shirt.
“Mumma mad?” Sachie asks.
“Oh yeah,” he chuckles.
“Dadda bad?” Sachiko asks.
Once again, he chuckles and plants a kiss to their heads, making them giggle and plop wet kisses on his cheeks, “ohhh yeah…
“He sure is, girls.”
Tagging 🥺🩷 @reverie-starlight @wolffmaiden @thoreeo @aliensknowmyillusions @tutuwusworld @lavishcherie @sassycheesecake @cheolattes @rrairey @dira333 @unknownspecies @fluffytriceratops
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mschoiyuki · 7 months
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Trafalgar Law x f!reader
tw : angst. angst. angst. just angst. SFW
wc : 5.1k
a/n : Law is a foolish man. Interaction with the Straw Hat Pirates. I'm not good at writing summary, sorry ( •̯́ ₃ •̯̀) And I'm sorry for the grammar error. Actually I've been thinking so hard, should I make it a happy ending or not. But... Oh well...
It's best to read this while listening to :
❆ Taylor Swift - You're Losing Me (From The Vault)
❆ Bruno Mars - It Will Rain
❆ Paloma Faith - Only Love Can Hurt Like This
Enjoy ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
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Law used to smile to you like that.
Law used to gave lingering touch to you like that.
Law used to sits next to you like that.
Your heart used to beats faster when you were with him.
But one day, everything suddenly change. You want to ask him why, but sadly you're just his crewmate. Law is your captain. Nothing special between you.
Even though he is your captain, you will give your life for him in a heartbeat. Maybe for Law it's just a natural things to do. Yes, another crewmates will also give their life to protect their captain. What's so special with you giving your life for him too? Nothing.
One day on midnight, it's your turn to on watch. You bump to Law on the hallway. There's some sweet perfume wafts from his body. You clench your fist, greeting him with a smile, "Captain." And off you goes, not wanting to hear any responses from him.
The next week when Polar Tang docked at an island for supplies. You bump at Law again at dawn. You can see a red mark on his neck. You just smile and greets him, "Morning, Captain." And you walk away.
You walk fast to bathroom, letting out whatever it is in your stomach. Slouching on the sink, gripping your arms tightly, you cry in silent. You don't want anybody to finds out.
From that day onwards, you made up your mind. Shoving that feelings deep down, sealing it on your pandora box, throw away the key far far away.
You act like a true crewmate, no feelings attached. Every mornings you wake up, you will perfecting your smile in front of the mirror. You train the muscle really hard, you must to make it as natural as possible. So no one knows it's fake. It has to be perfect.
No eye contact. You will answer Law question short and sharp. Giving your best smile without meeting his eyes.
No lingering touches. You will keep your distance an arm length from Law. As natural as possible. Even you try to eat first or later to not sit at his side.
Week turns to month.
Until one day, you witness it with your own eyes. When you leave the bar and want to go back to Polar Tang, you see him. Your beloved captain, Trafalgar Law, walks to a motel with a woman. His hand on the woman waist.
Your body trembling. Your head dizzy. You want to let out the beers you drank out from your throat, tears are threatening to falls. You clench your fist until it's turning white.
Sachi, Penguin and Bepo walks out from the bar, want to follows you back to the sub. But they halt their steps. Following the direction of your gaze.
They knew. Knew Law been to the bar. They knew there's always a girl at his side. They've confront him about this, but he told them to shut up, Law told them to not meddle his personal life.
You take a deep breath and blinks away the tears. And you start walking back to sub.
The man that you loved for years, breaks your heart to pieces. You even haven't confess to Law. Yet you already has the answer.
Then what's the point to stay at here? Why you have to torture yourself more than this? The answer is clear. You chuckle to yourself. Why are you so foolish. You're just a crewmate. Even if you're gone they won't make a fuss.
"Let's just wait for another chance." You thought to yourself.
That night, your heart losing it beats. It's not beating faster when you think about Law anymore. When you wake up with tears stain on your pillow, you lost your voice.
Strangely you're not panicking. Because you remember you read it on a book at Chopper's library, it can due to trauma or it can be from shock that your brain or heart produce.
The others panics. The trio runs to Law, telling him about you lost your voice. Law's face darkened hearing the news. Law immediately rushing to you.
"What happened?" Law try to reach your arm, but you take a step back. Avoiding his touch.
Don't touch me with those filthy hands. Those hands that touched other women.
You close your eyes and take a deep breath, you smile and shrug. You write on the sketchbook "No need to panic." And you walks away from him resuming your duty.
Law just stand there, stunned. He remember this scenes long ago. Just like Cora-san when they first met. But are you really lost your voice? It can be you just faking it like Cora-san.
The trio know what Law's been thinking, Sachi breaks the silence "No, Captain. It's real."
Penguin chime in, "We already check on her, we try to prove it. It's real."
Bepo just start to panic and want to cry.
Law's minds been busy, thinking the way out to get your voice back.
But Law doesn't know about your plan.
You know Law's sleeping schedule, mostly Law will be at his office until morning. He rarely sleeps on his bed. Before dawn you slip something under his bedroom door.
While the other are busy getting ready to submerge, you walk out slowly without making any sounds to avoid bumping to other crews. Off to the fresh dawn air. Then you see a merchant ship docked at the harbor not that far, they starts to pulling their anchor.
You start to run faster to the merchant ship, after you reach them you write to them that you need a lift to another island to find your "husband". They agree to help you and they start to sail.
You look back again to the direction where the yellow sub docked behind a hill, the place that been home for you for years. The place full of happy and sad times. The place where your loved one is. The place where your heart used to beats full in love there.
You left your home. You left your family. You left the man you loved. You left your heart there.
When Law enter his bedroom, he step on something. He picks up a piece of paper and open it. His eyes widened and he start to search for you in every corner. Even your room is empty though your belongings still there. Law can't find you anywhere.
"Hakugan! How long have we been submerged?" Law slams the control room door, out of breath.
"Around six hours, Captain." Hakugan clench his heart, shock with the sudden burst and scared if he makes any mistake.
"Fuck! Turn back! Turn back to the island! NOW!" Law is furious now. How can he oversleep until this late? If only he didn’t stayed up late last night.
Sachi runs and stumbling at the door, "The letter... Captain.." Sachi tries to catch his breaths because he runs as fast as he can.
Penguin arrive behind Sachi, holding out the letter, "We found this."
Law snatch the letter and read it. It contains a simple words,
Thank you for the memories ꨄ︎
There's no doubt in it. This is your handwriting. The handwriting that Law always brush lovingly and memorize. The same handwriting on your letter that you left for him.
I loved you.
Law yell the order to Hakugan again, "Turn back to the island!" He walks back to his room, Sachi and Penguin follow behind him. When Law open his door, he rush in and slam the door right in front of Sachi and Penguin face. He doesn't need any lectures now.
He slides down from the door, sitting and read your letters again. The letter for him, I loved you. Loved. That means you don't love him anymore? Did he made a mistake? All of this is his fault? He stare hard on your letter, LOVED.
And suddenly a droplet of water stain the letter. Law choke on his own tears. He want to scream, he want to rips his hair off. But he can't. He punch the door in frustration, there a small yelp behind the door that goes unnoticed by him.
Six hours. Law prays that you're still at the island. He will take you back no matter what. If you ask him the reasons, he will tell you. He will tell you everything you want to knows. As long as it can takes you back to him. He will tell you his true feelings, his feelings toward you. He will do everything, anything. For you. He will make it right this time.
When Law arrive at the island he waste no time to cast his power. He use all of his energy to cast a big "ROOM" that envelopes the whole island. He close his eyes, he wish, he hope, he prays that you will appear in front of him. And he cast the "Shambles".
You don't appear in front of him.
He tries, tries, and tries again.
Penguin grabs Law shoulder, "She's gone, Law. She's left. Let's go back inside."
That moment, Law feels like his heart being torn apart to pieces. It's all his fault he lose you. How could he be so foolish?
Why would he think being with another women will keep you safe? Why he didn't realize your pain? Why he didn't realize your changed attitude towards him? Your smile, your distance, no more lingering gazes and touches. Why he just realize it now?
It's too late now. He hurts you, he lose you too.
Penguin and Sachi follows Law to his bedroom. Law just sit at his bed with his hands in his face. Penguin and Sachi look at each other. Seeing their friend like this broke them too.
"Do you realize all the women you pick resembles her, Law?" Penguin break the silence.
Law still hide his face. "Their height, features, hair colors and lengths it's all resembles to her, you know." Sachi take a step forward.
"I didn't slept with all those women. I couldn't bring myself to slept with them. It never feels right, those women is not her. They can’t give me what I want likes her" Law shoulder is shaking.
Penguin kneel in front of Law, "Then why did you that, Law?"
"I just want her to be safe. You know I've got a lot of enemies. I'm so scared that I can't protect her. What if I lose her?" Law mutter, his voice is cracking.
Sachi sit next to Law, gripping his shoulder "You already lose her, Law."
Law can feel a sting in his heart, the pain almost unbearable. Being so broken Law poured all his heart out to his best friends.
"I shouldn't have let those women get close to me, let their stinky perfumes on my clothes. Gave me mark on my neck. She must've seen it. She must've knew."
"She saw you took a woman to motel, Law." Penguin sighs.
Law freeze and lift his face in horror, "What? When?"
"Night before she lost her voice." Sachi fills in.
"What? Then it's my fault she lost her voice?" Law whisper, his voice thick with sadness. Law can feel the anguish slowly engulf his heart and mind.
Sachi and Penguin wants to comfort him, saying it's not his fault. But the words just won't come out from their mouth. So they just stay there with him, watching Law stare blankly at his hand and crumble.
He will take you back, no matter what. He will travel around the New World again to find you. All he want is just for you to be safe. He prays to all the Gods for your safety, and to gives him your forgiveness.
For four months, Law lost his direction. He will only comes out from his office to give orders and then shut himself at his office. Sachi, Penguin and Bepo try their best to help Law. They will bring foods for him, dragging him to take a bath. If he force himself to sleep at his bed, he will just curls up clutching tightly on your letter praying that he will meet you on his dreams, smiling and holds him tight. He will gives you all his love for you. Hell, he even will says the three words to you. Even if it's just on his dreams. He drifts off to the dreamland with tears to meet you there.
Every times they reach an island, Law will cast the "ROOM", if there's no result he will order them to move to the next island immediately. Sachi and Penguin even beg to Law to stay for a couple days at the island to get some supplies and rest before resuming their journey. They understand Law impatience, but they still try to persuade him.
They think Law is just like a ghost now, losing half of his soul. The only thing that can cure him is you. They also prays every times they reach an island, hoping you are there. To end Law misery. They really want to tell him to give up, but they got tongue tied every times they see his face.
The first month after you left Law, you stay at the island for awhile to collect some berries for your next journey. Sometimes you will help the local doctor, or working at the diner as cook.
When the berries is more than enough, you will move to another island. Maybe you runs away from him, if you stay at the island longer you afraid you will meet him. Heh. There's no way he will looks for you. Who the hell are you? You're not that important to him. You're just a crewmate. Stop thinking so high and mighty about yourself, Y/N. You chuckles and shake your head in disbelief.
The second months, you meet the Sun God. The person you least expected to meet.
Luffy is so happy to meet you again after years. He wraps his arm around you, "Does this mean Torao also here with you? I want to meet him! I miss him!" Luffy chirps.
You just give him a sheepish smile, and you write, "No, I'm alone. I'm no longer Heart Pirates crew."
Luffy just stare and tilt his head, confuse why are you using that sketch book, and you explain to him that you lost your voice. Luffy then drags you to Sunny, "Chopper can help you! Let's go!"
You try to let out your voice, to tell him no but the voice is not coming out. You just let him take you to Sunny.
The other crews are so happy to meet you again. Nami, Robin and Chopper embrace you so tightly. They rush you to the infirmary to check your health. They are so shocks hearing Luffy's information that you lost your voice and no longer Law's crew. As you try to calm them down, "It's okay, it's not a big deal. I'm still strong even without my voice." You give them weak smile while show them the sketch book.
Nami and Robin knows there's more into it. They exchange glances and hugs you, Nami gives you pat on your head while Robin stroke your back. As if they know your real reason. As if they know your pain, your heartbreak. Chopper just hugging you too without knowing why.
For the first time after two months, you cry your heart out. Sobbing in their embrace. You want to let out all of your screams that you've been hold back for months. But you can't. There's no voice coming out. You cry until your throat is hoarse and dry, and fall asleep on their embrace.
The next morning you wake up with swollen eyes. Sanji rushing to get ice packs for you, "A beautiful lady like you mustn't cry, Y/N-chan. Tell me if there's something you crave, I will cook it for you in no time." And he kiss the back of your hand. Nami warned to the other crews to not mention Law's name. It's a forbidden word at Sunny, whoever utter that word must pay a huge amount of berries to her.
"Eeh. Whyyy?? Why can't I say Torao name? I want to ask her about how he's been doing." Luffy whine to Nami. Nami grab Luffy's collar and threaten him, "If you says his name one more time, you won't get allowance for a month. I dare you." Luffy zips his mouth tightly.
"Just stay with us, we won't say anything to him." Luffy sincerely say it while all of them gathering waiting for lunch. You can feels the tears are forming at the corner of your eyes, you mouthed "Thank you." and try to blinks away the tears.
Even though you're not sad anymore, the crews know you changed. You're not the same person as they met back ago when the alliance with Law's formed. Your smile is not the same, you're not the cheerful person like back then. What had happened between you and the Heart Pirates Captain?
One day when you, Nami and Robin enjoying Sanji's dessert at the deck, she can't help her curiosity so she cautiously ask you, "Did both of you broke up?" You put your spoon on your lips and write "We're not together. We're just crewmate and captain." Nami and Robin stunned with your words. Nami try to pushed again but Robin pinch her with her extra hand. They just don't understand why both of you are not together. They saw how Law gazed at you. How Law always following close behind you every where you goes, like a lost cat. But they didn't push further, maybe you're not ready to tell them yet.
Days by days pass peacefully, some part of you think maybe it's not that bad you get on board with Luffy. It's almost makes you forget about your pain. You can saves more berries, maybe someday you can settle down at some island and enjoying the domestics life.
Some days, you help Sanji with preparing foods or wash the dishes. Other times you watch Luffy antics. There's no days pass without fun on Sunny.
Until one day, Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Brook and Franky make a fuss with the sea king monster. In such a chaotic mess, Nami hit their head until two lumps appear at each heads. And she yell at them, they just lowered their head until a soft breeze blows and Luffy raises his head to hold his precious straw hat, "Oh! Y/N is laughing!" The others snaps their head to you, seeing you laugh for the first time. The real and genuine laugh.
Nami and Robin jumps at you and hug you. The others also laugh, Sanji's heart eyes appear at the sight, and there's a slight tinted blush at Zoro face, and he smile. Even though they can't hear your sweet voice, at least you're laughing now. They just hope you will turns to the old you.
They never thought of you as a guest at Sunny, they treat you like their nakama. When you're down, they will try to cheer you up. Zoro sometimes offer you to clean your katana, or even training together. The girls watching Zoro's behavior and it's so strange for him to interact with someone on his accord.
Nami pulls him and threaten him, "What're you doing? What's your intention, Zoro?"
He deadpanned on Nami, "Nothing, just offer her some companion?".
Nami point her finger, "If your intention is not clear, or you just need someone to warm your bed you better back off."
Zoro takes a step closer and gives Nami a stern look, "I'm. Not." Zoro growls. Maybe he just pitied you, or maybe he just want to take care of you, or maybe he just want to protect you. He doesn't know himself why.
As months goes by, you're getting a little bit cheerful like the old days. And you even gets closer to the crews.
When Luffy see an island holding a festival he decide to dock. Before Luffy and Chopper can scurry off to the town, Nami hold them and tell Luffy to bring one or two crews with him. To watch over him to not cause any ruckus.
Zoro voluntary says he will go with Luffy making the others screech. Nami turns to you "Y/N, can you please go with them? Me and Robin will go later and catch up with you guys." You nods and go to change your outfit. Wearing white shirt with a short and sandals. You run off to Luffy and the others whose been excited to enjoy the festival, “Let’s go!!” Nami shouts from the back, “Zoro!! Please don’t get lost! I’m counting on you, Y/N! Have fun!!” Zoro just rolls his eye at Nami and you giggle while wrapping your hand to his arm. Zoro jolt at your sudden touch and eyeing you, you mouthed “So you don’t get lost.” You grin and lead the way. Zoro just huff and shake his head, hiding the subtle smile.
Tagging along with Luffy that want to eats all of the foods on every stalls, and Chopper want to try all the attractions makes your heart full. “Look! That roller coaster is so cool! Let’s try it!” Chopper shouts and excitedly point at it. “I’m gonna pass on this one. To tired. I will wait for you guys down here.” Zoro already sits on the bench and cross his arms.
You feel bad leaving him behind and want to stay too, but Zoro just shoo you to go with them, “Just go, it’s okay. It won’t take that long.”
Then you go with Luffy and Chopper to enjoy the roller coaster. But when you guys come back down, all of you are drenched. You guys just laugh while Zoro dumbfounded looking at you guys. Zoro put his cloak on your shoulders, “Your shirt become a see-through.” As he looks away from your body. Your face flushed and mouthed “Thanks.”
As you guys walking back to Sunny with hands full with foods, there’s two people looking at you from afar with their jaws dropping. They can’t believe their own eyes. They exchange glances to make sure it is really you.
“Should we call Captain?” Sachi already takes out the mini den den mushi.
“Ugh.. Wait! But look at her! She’s laughing! She’s happy, Sachi!” Penguin grab Sachi hand.
“Guys! It’s-!” Bepo suddenly appears and shout but Sachi and Penguin quickly shuts his mouth.
“Sshh!!!” They gesture in unison.
“Should we call Captain??” Sachi press again.
Penguin is still in agony. “Peng! Captain needs her!” Sachi getting impatient now because he almost lost you on the crowds.
"Fine!! Fine! Call him." Penguin surrender, still unsure if this is the right things or not. Because he also knows you are suffering from Law.
When the news reach Law, he immediately teleport to the shore. He use his power to teleports here and there, to find the Sunny.
And he sees you, draped in Zoro's cloak, your hand grabs on his arm. And you laugh. You laugh with them. The smiles that he missed so much, the smiles that you used to gave to him. You looks... Beautiful. You looks... Happy... Are you with Zoro now? He can feels his heart clench. He will finds out himself.
This time, he will make it right.
Suddenly you see a blue orbs envelopes all of you. You freeze, gripping Zoro's arm. You know damn well this blue orbs. And he appears in front of you. The man that you loved with all of your heart. He looks like a mess. His eye bags getting more darker.
Law so relieve when he see you this close. Finally... He can take you back with him, he moves his hand to reach you but Zoro take a step in front of you and stand between you and Law.
"Move, Zoro-ya." Law stand tall against Zoro.
But Zoro doesn't move an inch, and you still clutching on Zoro hiding behind him. When Luffy and Chopper see Law, they excitedly shouts, "OOH! TORAOO!!" But Zoro prevent them to get close to Law.
"What do you want, Torao?" Zoro still in his defensive stance.
"I don't have any business with you. I'm here for Y/N." Law still looking at you. "Let's talk, Y/N. Please." He's pleading now, you never hear his voice this soft. You still consider should you talk to him? Part of you don't want to talk to him, you don't want to see his face. But maybe this is the time...
You come out from behind Zoro and you nod. You point to a big stone under the shade and you gesture to him to follow you there. You write to Luffy, "I'll be back."
You and Law walk to the shade, you lean on the stone and write, "What do you want?" You shove it to him, but you didn't look at him at all.
Law furrow his eyebrows. It hurts. "How you've been, Y/N?" He reach for your face but you avoid it. It hurts so bad. He clench his fist and take it back to his side. "Please, look at me, Y/N." His voice cracking.
You freeze and slowly turn your head to meet his gaze. There they are, the grey eyes that you used to loved is filled with tears now. But it makes you furious and without you realizing it you hit his chest with your both fist. Law lets you hit him, if it can makes you feel better then it doesn't matter. If it can makes you back to his side, then it's fine. He will take it all, your furious, your hits. Everything.
Your head hung low while you still hitting him for God knows for how long. But Law realize you've been crying. He grabs your wrists, "Look at me, Y/N. Please." You lift your head, still sobbing. Law's eyes quiver with the sight, he pulls you right to his chest. He hug your trembling body tightly, he will not let you go.
"Please come back, Y/N" Law whisper beside your ear.
You snap your eyes open realize this is not right. You shove Law then you wipe your tears with your sleeves and write in a quick pace, "I'm not coming back. You should go back."
"Y/N, don't do this. Please come back to me." Law reach out his hand for you to take it, he looks so sorrowful. You shakes your head furiously. Law take a step toward you still reaching out his hand, "Why are you doing this, Y/N? If you love me then just come back to me." He slowly walking to you.
"I'm not! I don't love you anymore!" You write then tear the sheet and you throw it to Law. Then you write another one and throw it again. He picks it up and read it “I hate you.” Law’s eyes widened and he clutch the sheet, “Lies. You’re lying.” He stands in front of you.
“I’m not lying.” You look straight into his eyes.
“I don’t love you. And I’m not going back. Leave. Go back, Captain. I’m just one of your crew-mate, you don’t have to waste your times for me.” You starts to walk away from him.
Law grabs your wrist and turns you to face him, “I love you. I love you, Y/N. Please come back to me.” He’s crying. Trafalgar Law is crying in front of you.
You try so hard to hold back your tears. You tell yourself, don’t cry, not now. You shakes your head and yank your wrist, “It’s too late. Goodbye, Law. Take care.” You leave Law standing there in silence.
You walks back to Sunny without looking back at the man you loved. You thought you’ll be strong to leave him again for the second times, but why these tears just won’t stop? As you reach Sunny you quickly wipe your tears.
“Can we sail out now, Luffy? Please?” You write to Luffy. Luffy just nods and tells Nami to set off.
You storms to your shared bedroom and lock the door. You throw yourself to your bed and cry your heart out, screaming to the pillow. The crews freeze when they heard your wailing. When they wish they can hear your voice again, they don’t mean it like this. Not your voice when you’re in pain. They just stand at the deck looking at each other, they can feel your pain. But they can't do anything to erase your pain.
Law walks back to Polar Tang in tears with your sketch sheets in his hand, it feels like he reminisces the old days. The days he cried when Cora-san died. You left him too. If only he could be more honest with you. If only he didn’t act like a jerk. If only he didn’t hurt you. None of these will happen. If only…
When the crews see Law coming back alone they don’t utters a single words to him. He just walks to his bedroom in silence, only the trio follows Law. Law slumps to his bed, covering his eyes with his arm, the other hand still holding on your sketch sheets tightly at his chest. Penguin being the brave one to break the silence, “Is she?” Law answers short, “No.”
Sachi continue, “Do you tell her everything?”
“It’s too late. She hates me. She doesn’t love me anymore. She left me.” Law curls up holding your sheets tightly.
Law can't get you return to his side again. He can't have your heart forever. He can't see you anymore. He can't hear your sweet voice anymore. At least he want to hear your voice before you go.
Law doesn't know you get your voice back again.
Law summon "ROOM", the blue orb surrounds him and he cast "SILENCE".
For the first time Sachi, Penguin and Bepo see their Captain crying in despair. They just hope their captain can get on his feet again.
It's too late now...
Is it too late now?
This is the end...
Is this the end?
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Part 2
dividers by : @saradika-graphics
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lawqual1ty · 9 months
Heart drawings (Trafalgar Law x GN!Reader)
Pov: After finishing your duties you end up hanging out with Law during his work but end up getting bored which results in you adding a little something to your captain's skin.
Warning: too much fluff (go get some insulin), reader has (implied) ADHD symptoms
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You had never been known to be a person that could sit still for long, whether it was moving your leg around or playing with something in your hand you had to always be doing something or else your brain would go insane, which got you to offer your helping hand in a lot of situations once you joined the Heart pirates.
However there would always be days, like today, that there was not much you could do even if you asked to, so you had to stick to reading or studying for the most part after you finished your daily duties.
You were in your room reading a few of the medicine books that your Captain , Trafalgar Law, had generously lent you for your free time, however well... You were struggling... And a lot.
"Wait... What was I reading...?" You grunted, this was the third time in a row you had read the words on the book only to forget seconds later what exactly you had read with great speed. You were getting irritated. You wanted to learn more about how to create different types of medicine so that you could help your crew but your brain was having a hard time concentrating, you rubbed the bridge of your nose with annoyance.
"I need a break..." You muttered as you softly closed the book, a light tap from the cover giving you the signal that you could head off.
You wandered around for a while looking for something to do, many of your crewmates were already hanging out with each other, chatting, drinking and some even helping out to clean the medical bay, you wanted to offer a helping hand in hopes of entertaining your inevitable boredom.
"hey, what are you guys doing?" You asked softly approaching Sachi and Bepo who were cleaning a few medical supplements, the latter turning to look at you.
"Oh, we were just cleaning and sharpening some of our usual tools in case we get an emergency" Bepo tilted his head slightly "Did you need anything Y/N?"
You smiled at the sweet gesture of Bepo, shaking your head slightly at his question "Nope, I was just wondering if you guys needed any help"
Bepo looked over at the different tools placed in display, seeming to think about your question a bit too much before turning to look at you with an apologetic look on his face "Not really... I'm so sorry"
He apologized as usual, his tone shifting to a more melancholic one making you chuckle nervously, you never enjoyed seeing him like this but he was just so sweet that you understood where this attitude of his came from, you shook your hands in front of you in a way of excusing yourself, almost as if the one that had to be apologizing should be you "No no it's okay, no need to apologize Bepo..." His eyes lit up with relief as you didn't seem mad at him for rejecting your help, it made you feel relieved yourself.
You sighed deeply with a soft smile "Anyway, good luck you too" Sachi smiled at you warmly as well as Bepo
"Thank you! We'll make sure that everything is right! Oh..." You were about to leave when Sachi's words seemed to try and stop you in your tracks "If you go see the captain tell him we are lacking some oxygen tanks".
Your eyes widened at his words, why did he think you were going to see the captain? Out of shock you just nodded with a soft but shy smile "Sure thing, I'll make sure to inform him once I see him" with those last words you waved at the duo and walked away.
A sigh escaped your lips as you kept walking, you didn't originally intend to see your Captain but now thanks to Sachi and Bepo you sort of had an excuse... Right? You made your way through the cold but oddly comforting halls of the Polar Tang, you had not been here for long but these halls had definitely grown on you... Maybe they weren't the best looking but the people around them made it feel like a home to you.
You finally arrived at the office door of your captain, you were a tad bit nervous to interrupt him but... You had a job to do so you might as well shake that nervousness off and knock, which you did.
"Come in..." A light husky voice invited you inside, you breathed softly.
"Please excuse me..." You muttered before placing your hand in the door handle and opened it, a light creak welcoming you inside to the sight of your captain with big eyebags under his eyes as he drowned in paperwork, he didn't even raise his eyesight to acknowledge you "Yes? What is it Y/N-ya?".
You took a deep breath before speaking.
"Sachi informed me that we are short of oxygen tanks"
"Oh right... Write it down on the paper list and we'll get some more on the next island..."
He didn't even budge, and honestly neither did you... You knew that after this interaction you wouldn't have much to do later which made you a bit sad... So you just stood there, staring at your captain for a bit. He seemed to notice it, after all an exasperated sigh escaped his lips, his grey eyes slowly rising to look at you with a piercing cold gaze "Anything else?" He spoke, cold and firmly, questioning why you were still there in the first place... That should have been the end of your interaction, informing him was the only reason you came in there after all, right? Then why didn't you respond...? Your mind started racing...
"Captain..." Before you were fully aware of your actions you took a step forward and spoke "Do you... Mind if I stay for a bit?"
You caught a glimpse of surprise in your Captain's eyes, those grey spheres seeming to warm up for a moment at your offer. But just as quickly as it appeared it went away only for his attention to shift back to his paperwork.
"I... I'm sorry..." You were quick to apologize, your voice wavering ever so slightly
"I didn't mean to--"
"Go on."
You froze "What...?"
"I said you can stay..."
His words snapped you back to reality, he was... Allowing you to stay, you had no space for words, you just nodded and moved a chair over next to his desk taking a seat politely next to him as he kept on working.
He didn't budge at all, if anything it seemed like his concentration increased thanks to your presence, the mere idea made you happy as you sat there next to him.
Unfortunately you started getting bored once more, as thrilling as it was watching your captain work through his paperwork with graze, not budging at all, it had gotten boring after a few minutes.
You started looking around finding yourself with a pen, you softly took it into your hands and started fiddling with it... Suddenly, an idea sparked in your brain. You took the cap off it and started scribbling in your hand, trying to see if the pen was smooth enough to draw on your soft skin, you smiled brightly once you confirmed your suspicions: it was a good pen and it drew a perfect black ray on your skin with ease.
Once you discovered this you started drawing on your hands, starting off with a skeletal hand to practice the location of different bones in the hand to less professional stuff like hearts and small animals. You were entertained by your own scribbles when all of a sudden you were interrupted by Law grunting and leaning backwards on his chair.
He had his left arm laid across the chair, his tattooed hand dangling in the air, while his right arm stroked his face with obvious frustration. You stared at him then back at the pen you were holding, slowly but steadily a smirk formed on your lips.
Without a warning you scooted closer to your Captain, he didn't even realize you were closer to him until he felt your hands take a hold of his left arm, he flinched but didn't move his arm at all... They say curiosity killed the cat ... And curiosity had definitely gotten to him as he looked at you take his arm with your hand and start passing the pen around his skin in delicate but firm traces.
"What are you doing?" He questioned with a furrowed expression
"Drawing" you spoke bluntly as you focused on the piece of art that you were doing in his arm "I got bored..."
Your response caught him off guard, his eyes wide as he stared at you for a bit. A small smile formed on his lips "I need to check your medical record..."
His soft tone was like a way of signaling you something...of what he really meant: he didn't mind you drawing on him... You looked over at him for a moment only to smile and return to your drawing, you didn't know much what you were doing you just followed your heart as you scribbled. Slowly but steadily the drawing took form into a star surrounded by wavy lines that formed what almost looked like a tattoo design, you even went out of your way to draw small hearts, a secret confession of your feelings to your Captain (not that he would notice... Right?) You leaned back with a satisfied smile as you looked at your work, you looked over at Law who seemed entranced into one of his books, he hadn't budged during your whole art process. Once you leaned back he hummed softly, his eyes never leaving his book at all "You done?" He asked politely, you nodded.
"Yeah I did!"
"Good... My arm was starting to fall asleep..."
You couldn't help but laugh at his snarky comment "At least you now got another cool tattoo"
He huffed with a slight smirk "Doubt it..." You acted offended at his words giving him a light push on his shoulder winning a soft laugh from him.
"You haven't even seen it!"
"I don't need to..."
"Oh come on... You have seen my drawings!"
A soft chuckle was the only response you got, it made you smile, although he acted as if he probably didn't like it you knew that he did... Or that's what you'd like to believe...
And trust me he did...
A few days after the drawing incident you were wandering around the Polar Tang heading to the kitchen to get something to eat as you were pretty hungry.
You waltzed around when a characteristic husky voice caught your attention in an instant, it came from the kitchen. Following the voice you peaked through the door finding your captain talking with Penguin about something you didn't quite catch, all you knew was that it was something serious judging by Law's and Penguin's expression.
You stood there for a bit waiting for the right moment to enter when all of a sudden you noticed a small detail on your Captain's left arm, your eyes widened and your cheeks flushed a light pink...
What did you see?
Well, you saw your drawing tattooed onto his arm... That was the only reasonable explanation as to why it still looked so bright and vivid, after all a few days had passed since you did it and unless Law had taken extreme care of it it should have already been at least a little bit vanished, just like the drawings you did on your own skin from that same day.
Penguin was walking away once he had finished speaking to Law, which was your signal to pounce.
You slowly made your way towards Law catching his attention once you were hovering behind him, he glanced at him over his shoulder "Y/N-ya...?"
His question was left in the air once you took his left arm rising it to your face, much to his surprise, you scanned the drawing carefully confirming your suspicions: he had indeed tattooed it onto his skin. You turned to look to a flustered Law with a bright smile.
"You actually tattooed my drawing?!" You asked in both surprise and excitement, Law covered his face with his hand, a blush creeping its way to his cheeks in an instant
"Shut up..."
You laughed.
Maybe you should draw on him more often when you get bored...
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o-sachi · 3 months
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Isagi Yoichi ₊⊹ Headcanons
ଳ Character; Isagi Yoichi (Bllk)
ଳ Tags; (random) regular/platonic hcs
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— He’s the type of person who avoids stepping on the cracks on the sidewalk whenever he goes out on his usual walks. Whenever he does accidentally step on a crack, he lets out an audible ‘tsk’ and is a bit annoyed by the fact.
— On the top shelf of his cabinet, there’s a reused cookie tin where he chucks all the cool rocks he found on his walks. He has had the thing since childhood and now he doesn’t know what to do with it. So it has been collecting dust there and he’s pretending that it doesn’t exist.
— He’s a plain texter, but not a dry one. The only shortcuts he uses are otw, brb, ty, and btw. He’s guilty of overusing this emoji 🙂 and he unironically uses this one 😊. He uses both in a non-sarcastic manner. His top 5 emojis are: 🙂👍🏻😂😕⚽️
— His room is neat and tidy which his parents constantly praise him for. However, the colors are a bit dull. The only eye-catching area would be his manga shelf. He’s proud of his collection and enjoys rearranging it whenever he buys new manga. He arranges them by genre, so he can easily find something to read to fit his mood.
— He is a MAJOR sweet tooth. He’d eat sweets exclusively all day if he could. The only thing that’s stopping him was that one time he got extremely sick after eating too much kintsuba as a little kid. “Moderation is key,” he’d say while eating sweets.
— Despite being a sweet tooth, he’s not a picky eater. He eats anything his mother cooks which he is praised for as well. He doesn’t particularly hate any kind of food, but he’d prefer not to have bitter stuff. Even though he’s an active and growing dude, he isn’t much of a big eater. He actually gets full pretty fast.
— He likes to tell dad jokes which he stole learned from his dad. His personal favorite (which makes him chuckle a bit before saying it) is, “What has 4 wheels and flies? A garbage truck!” The only person who has laughed at that joke was his younger cousin that came to visit them at their house some time ago.
— His parents keep an odd doodle of a cyborg-looking creature picture framed in their kitchen. It was one of Isagi’s drawings from when he was just 6 years old. He gifted it to his mom on her birthday because he thought she loved his art.
— His biggest pet peeve is people who chew loudly. Somehow he can hear it more compared to other people. It irks him so much to the point that it makes him lose appetite altogether. He usually eats faster, so that he can relieve himself of those horrid sounds.
— Whenever he goes to the mall, there are 3 places he absolutely needs to visit. The first one is the sporting goods store so he can check out some new football equipment he might like. The second one is the 100¥ store (dollar store). He likes to look for cool trinkets and kitchen tools for his mom or tools for repair for his dad. Lastly, he has to go to the sweets shop that sells his favorite kintsuba.
— Much like on the field, it’s like Isagi transforms into a different person whenever he’s playing multiplayer games. It doesn’t matter if it’s the enemy or his teammate—they’re all catching some fire.
— Sometimes he can’t fall asleep quickly because he’s thinking up of scenarios (he does this to fall asleep quicker, but it has the opposite effect). He likes to repeat events if they didn’t turn out well or if it wasn’t as vivid as he wanted it to be.
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ε( ε ˙³˙)ɜ 。° ⚬ 。 Likes and reblogs are appreciated
o-sachi © 2024
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veala2 · 9 months
✦ “ᴄᴏɴꜰᴜꜱɪɴɢ ꜰᴇᴇʟɪɴɢꜱ.” ✦
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fluff (angst?) prompt: “You have something in your hair, umm… Do you want me to get it out?”
SYNOPSIS - It was your choice, and he didn’t like it. After coming back from helping your allies in Wholecake, tensions grow between you and your captain and your interactions become awkward. The now freed Wano gives you and Law the chance to speak to one another and express both of your true feelings.
CW - spoilers! mentions of stuff from Wholecake to the end of Wano, gn!reader, usage of “Y/N”, mentions of arguments, reader fights off and kills a beast, mention of fainting, holy this is a lot more angsty than I imagined.
A/N - Sorry guys, a lot is happening in my life rn so if I’m not posting that much that is why. Hope you all enjoy this :))
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To say your captain is always stressed is like saying a cat likes milk. It’s just so common. Unfortunately, Law’s stress levels currently were as common as a pig that can fly.
The Heart Pirates made it to Wano just a week prior. You’d decided to follow the handful of strawhats to Whole Cake to help them retrieve their friends and the poneglyph that Big Mom kept in her protective castle.
Much to your captains dismay, to say the least. The two of you fought before you left. He hadn’t wanted you to leave, and you wanted to do something to help with your friend's crew.
Words were said. He argued the strawhats as not being their friend, and how you should “join them if you loved them so much” while storming off. Leaving you saddened and upset. As the mission went on, you couldn’t help but worry for your crew.
Well… more for your captain than crewmates.
Due to the strong currents of Wano upstream entrance, you crash landed in the country and were now searching for your crew in an attempt to keep yourself out of any danger. Which was a lot trickier than you imagined, being that you were venturing through a forest that was packed with dangerous animals. Leading you to your current situation.
“Take this!” You exclaimed, taking your weapon and striking the creature. It screeches in pain, dropping to the ground and effectively disabling it for good.
You take a second to breath, walking up to the beast and dealing the finishing blow. The rush of adrenaline slowed and you steadied your heart rate. All of a sudden, you hear a loud sound of feet coming towards you. Without a second thought you ripped the weapon from its place from the beast's corpse. Ready to attack. When the threat you had thought was completely different.
“Y/N! IT’S US! DON’T ATTACK!” Called a voice that you had remembered. You jumped with joy as you ran over to your crews very own first mate, Bepo. As he wrapped his soft body around you in joy.
“Bepo! Oh my god- I missed you so much!” You gushed. From behind, Sachi and Penguin came up and hugged you tightly as well. It wasn't long before your captain came.
“Captain…” You mumbled. He kept his gaze on you, a frown displayed prominently on his face. Though, you could make out a hint of sadness in his eyes.
Law was always a very proud man. Things not going his way would be difficult for him, and he’d say and do stuff he soon regrets later. He has his faults for sure. But he always made up for his mistakes. In his own Law way.
His silver eyes looked you up and down. You couldn’t help but notice his hands that slightly shook. It was clear his eyebags had gotten heavier and darker since last you saw him. You wondered if it was because of the plan or you.
Before you could say anything, he walked up close towards your direction. Your heart rate increases once again. His arm reached up, causing you to close your eyes in a knee jerk reaction. After a couple of seconds you opened your eyes. Only to find your captain holding out a leaf in front of you, and a lingering feeling of a hand in your hair.
“You had something in your hair.” He states, tossing the leaf aside. A blush came on your face, and you awkwardly laughed.
“Ah. yeah, I guess so. Thanks, captain.” You sputtered. Walking away, you turn your head back to your captain talking to Bepo.
He turns his head to you, and your eyes lock together for a second before the both of you let go. A sinking feeling surfacing in your stomach. It felt bad… but also felt good. A confusing feeling for sure.
Trafalgar Law was at a standstill. For one, he had a pounding headache and his stress levels almost made him feel nauseous. At the same time, he felt funny at the sight of seeing you again. He couldn’t tell if he was happy or upset.
It was just a confusing feeling for sure.
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The war was over.
After days of preparing, planning and fighting, the country of Wano was free and it was the perfect time to party and rest.
At the sound of Kaido defeated, you fainted. The fight took everything out of you. You had awoken to the sound of your friends cries for you to wake. And it had taken a moment before you realised you weren't dead, and your crew was cheering with joy and not fear.
After wandering around you had caught your captain. Sat upon an engawa that viewed the entirety of the Flower Capital in its joyous and festive mood.
He sat with his clean kimono and usual hat put off to the side. Letting you gaze at the back of his raven hair. He seemed content with his relaxed gaze peering over the city.
With caution, you waltzed over to him and lounged next to him. Not saying a word. He glanced over in your direction.
“Oh, Y/N. You’re awake.” He says, surprised. You keep your mouth shut and keep on looking ahead. He starts again, taking a long breath before.
“Y’know, those idiots wouldn't stop crying about you. They kept asking if you were awake every five minutes. God, they’re so annoying…”
You figured he was talking about Bepo, Sachi and Penguin. As they burst into tears at the sight of you awake and well.
“The whole country is celebrating after everything. It’s ironic how they’re the same people who supported the bastard.” He comments, with a scoff.
“I can still feel the pain from before. All that planning and strategizing went to waste thanks to Strawhat- ya’s idiocy. What would he know about a good plan? He invited you to go on that stupid rescue mission.”
“God, I was so furious when you left. You were reckless, stupid and a fool. So adamant about “helping a friend” and “doing it for us”. You didn’t have to prove that you were a good person by leaving.”
“You have no idea how worried I was. For our plan to work, for us to come out of this alive… for you. I’m still a little shaken from everything.”
“Why did you leave us? I’m still…”
“Damn it, Y/N, will you say something!?”
He asks, loudly and with a hint of anger behind his eyes. Along with another hint of sadness. You couldn't help but smile at his silvery eyes as they tried to pierce through your own. But with no avail.
Your hand went up, a finger pointing towards his messy, black hair. You giggle.
“You have something in your hair, um… do you want me to get it out?” You ask, smiling.
A small blush forms on his pale blue cheeks, stretching out to the very tips to his ears. He slowly nods and lets you gently remove the pale pink sakura petal out. A stark contrast to his hair. You giggle once more and with a soft blow, you watch the petal fall down to the restless crowd below. Disappearing into the Flower Capital.
“And this time I asked.” Adding on with the question. Making him embarrassingly scoff and look away. Like a little boy.
“Yeah, thanks…” He mumbles, crossing his arms together.
Without hesitation, you scooch in closer towards him and rest a head on his shoulder. Mainly to test the waters to see what he’ll do. Law tenses, but lets you do what you please. A shaky breath leaving him.
“Law, listen,” You start, gaining his attention by him turning his head to you, “I just wanted to say I’m sorry. I know how much stress I put you under, really. The guys wouldn’t stop talking about it. And- for the record- you weren’t the only one worried. I couldn’t leave the thought of something happening to you in the back of my head.”
His eyes widened. Not leaving your illuminated face. You look over to him, smiling.
“And… for the record again, I was mainly worried about you. You and your stupidly cute worried face.”
A pregnant pause took hold. You wondered if you said something wrong, your heart skipping a beat. Glancing over, you guessed a not so pleased Law. But instead, you were given a captain with a smile. A growing and bright smile.
“God, that’s so stupid. Just like your stupidly cute face, too.” He says, repeating your last sentence in a way that made you playfully nudge him in the shoulder.
The two of you spent the night together just sitting and watching the night progress. After your confessions, everything seemed to go so smoothly. Laughing at your friends partying and tripping while under the influence. It made you feel like parents, in a sense. Watching over your stumbling kids. Law takes a long breath before speaking again.
“Please don’t leave me again, Y/N. I love you too much to lose you.”
“I love you too much to make you worry. So, don’t worry about it, Captain.”
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henrioo · 8 months
I hope the following request isn't too much to ask:
Can I please have a Law x trans!male!reader story with hurt and comfort?
Plot: Reader's binder accidentally got put in the dryer and is ruined now. Reader therefore has a crisis and doesn't want to leave his room anymore. Law is extremely worried about his boyfriend.
Thank you very much in advance! 💙
꒰ SYNOPSIS ꒱ : "When your binder is ruined the only person you know that will always be at your side to help you is Law, your boyfriend"
꒰ WC ꒱ : 4k
꒰ NOTES ꒱ : Me just delivering a ask after months? Nha... I would never... Hm... Well, then enjoy! I really loved writing this one, besides I have some blocks in some parts so take several days to really finish the story, but I hope you like! Thanks for making a ask with me and sorry for the delay! :D
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Law knew it was time to stop working when he blinked his eyes and in the next moment all he could feel was his head hitting the wooden desk in his office. He yawned as he stretched, his muscles were all sore and his body was extremely tired from hours of working without a break, he knew that now not only did his body need a rest, but his mind as well.
All he wanted was to drink some tea and lay on top of you wrapped in soft blankets, being able to sleep for hours on end listening only to the sound of the ocean while you stroked his hair. A smile instantly appeared on his face. Law might be a man known for his rigidity and even for being extremely rude, but when it came to you — his boyfriend — things were very different. Law could never yell at you, much less be rude or aggressive, even when you did something that irritated him the most you would get would be a worried lecture instead of pure anger.
He couldn't help it, after years of having everything he loved taken away from him, he became extremely paranoid that every night with you could be his last. Determined to never again regret not saying or expressing enough to the one he loves — especially when he entered into a serious relationship with you — he worked hard so that he could make it obvious with every word, action or even a look that he loved you deeply and would do anything for your happiness.
Even if he didn't like to show it publicly, it wasn't too difficult to figure out that he had an extremely soft spot for you.
Soon he was walking through Polar Tang, determined to get to the room you shared and simply sleep until they reached dry land. However, he was stopped when he found Penguin and Sachi fighting right in front of the room, they had extremely worried and nervous faces and seemed to be arguing about something very intensely. They had done something wrong. Law had lived with and been captain of these two for enough years to be sure of that.
“What did you two do now?” He said and his voice was probably more hoarse and scary due to tiredness.
"Captain!" Penguin squeaked in terror at the sight of the man and they both looked as white as the polar bear that sailed with them.
“What did you do wrong?” He raised an eyebrow, getting angrier by the second. Now was not the time Law wanted to spend dealing with those two, all he needed was a hug from his boyfriend, not two crew members who were always getting into trouble.
"Wrong? Haha, who did something wrong? Nobody did anything wrong! Pfff, everything is fine, very fine… extremely fine” Sachi said, giving the biggest smile he could while laughing so nervously that he looked like he might faint at any minute.
Law decided he wasn't going to deal with that now. Regardless of what they had done, he would find out after resting, so he just walked past the two and approached the door, trying to open it to find his objective. The problem was that the door was locked, which was strange since you never locked your room without Law being in there with you. Getting a little worried, he knocked on the door a few times trying to figure out if something was wrong.
“(Y/N)-ya? You are here? Can I enter?" He asked, maybe you were just changing your clothes. Law knew it was still difficult for you to do this in front of him regardless of how long you had been together.
The silence was making him increasingly nervous, when he called your name again — a little louder this time — he was greeted by you screaming.
"GO AWAY! I DON’T WANT TO SEE ANYONE!” Law could tell when you were crying from miles away, and that shaky voice as you screamed told him clearly that you had been crying for the last few hours at the very least.
"What?" He stuttered confused and worried “What’s wrong?” He asked, getting nervous.
“EVERYTHING IS WRONG! I'M WRONG! MY BODY IS WRONG! I HATE EVERYTHING! I HATE MY BODY! I HATE MYSELF! I HATE BEING BORN!” You screamed again, but this time a tearful scream was heard at the end. Your scream was so agonizing that Law felt his body shiver, now you were crying so loudly that it seemed like you were being attacked by someone.
Law's first thought was to use his devil fruit and force himself into that room, but he clenched his fists until he cut himself and forced himself to calm down. Taking a deep breath he quickly analyzed everything before making a wrong decision, if he forced his way into the room you would probably hate him for not respecting your privacy, besides, you hated being disturbed during your sensitive or crisis moments. As much as you needed support, you liked to calm down on your own first, crying and venting until your body got tired. So when you calm down a little, then you would allow other people to come and give you support so that you could remember that you were safe and loved.
So Law couldn't insist on helping you before making sure you were calm and ready to accept the help. That only left one last option: finding out what had triggered your crisis and finding some way to resolve it so that you could calm down more quickly. Of course, the trigger of a crisis wasn't always something that could be resolved, but most of the time a little logic always helped your brain calm down and decide better how to deal with your feelings. That's what he always tried to do, be your stable rock of logic when your feelings overwhelm you to the point where you're unable to think logically.
As soon as his mind calmed down enough, which wasn't particularly much, Law went in search of what had caused his crisis. And with that said he just turned with a death glare at Penguin and Sachi as his entire face silently said, “what the fuck did you two do this time?”
If the two men weren't panicking before, now they were feeling their life draining from their bodies. The two didn't even have saliva to swallow, and as Law glared at them deathly but silently they stared at each other trying to decide how to explain the situation in a way that wouldn't make their scary captain steal their hearts and throw them into the ocean and then use their bodies as a snack for the kings of the seas. After a silent debate and desperate tears, Penguin appeared to be the loser in the debate between who would be the first to sacrifice himself.
“W-Well… C-Captain, you see? Haha… Today… Well, today is laundry day… Right?” He stutters more than a girl going to confess for the first time and Law would have laughed mentally if he wasn't completely irate.
"And?" Law asked not understanding exactly where this could be going. Had they stained your shirt? Stolen underwear? In fact, these two possibilities were impossible, as everyone knew not to touch their clothes on wash day. There were two members who washed individual clothes, Law for valuing his privacy and Bepo for having too much hair and needing individual washing, when you quickly came out you became the third member. After all, everyone understood that someone touching your clothes could give you a crisis or paranoia, so you wouldn't need to be nervous about someone seeing something you shouldn't have. In the end, when you and Law started dating it got even better, as you started washing your clothes and his together.
"And huh... Today was Ikkaku's day to take care of it... but well, you know, we kind of made her take care of the clothes last time and she got really angry this time..." Sachi laughed nervously as he continued his friend's story.
“So she made you guys come out this time, right, what’s the problem?” Law could think of many possibilities, he just hoped no one had come out wearing pink clothes like the last incident.
“And it's kind of huh… We were like, you know… We took everything and just threw it into the machine… You know?” Penguin laughed again and now he was cowering and trying to use Sachi as a human shield.
"And?" As long as the uniforms weren't covered in Bepo's fur he couldn't imagine such a bad scenario.
“And we kind of took some of (Y/N)'s things by accident... Like his binder” Sachi gave a huge desperate smile as he silently begged his captain not to kill them.
“What the fuck did you guys do?!” Now all of Law's 'friendly' aura was gone. His face was serious and his voice couldn't control his anger, he felt his fist clenching as he became more nervous. Now things started to make sense about why you were so bad that you locked yourself in your room and even prevented your boyfriend from entering.
“It… shrank… a little” Sachi whimpered nervously seeing Law's anger “And it kind of… It doesn't fit anymore”.
Law stopped. His heart stopped beating and his head was dizzy, so that's what happened. It made so much sense now about the phrases you shouted and the way you acted.
It turns out that one of the things you admitted bothered you was your breasts, although Law called them pecs you still hadn't gotten used to it. You hated the size and hated even more that they made your shape very feminine, initially the surgeon offered the removal surgery, the famous top surgery — of course it wasn't something he had done before or had experience with — but Law liked to call himself one of the best surgeons in those seas for a reason, he studied what he did.
Of course, if he were to perform the surgery on you, he would study as much as possible and if you still didn't trust him, it wouldn't be difficult to find an island with a doctor specialized in this. Money wasn't a problem, your boyfriend would steal a king if that would buy something that would bring you happiness and comfort with your own body. The issue was that you didn't feel ready for surgery, it was an extreme change and you weren't taking enough hormones for it. In addition to being a very difficult recovery, you thought it would be difficult to have peace to recover when you were a pirate and sailed through dangerous seas.
You could be attacked at any time and you were incapacitated on the bed without being able to move your upper body. So for now you considered surgery to be out of the question.
Said that, you didn't give up, both Law and you wanted to find a solution to this issue that bothered you so much. It was when on an island you heard about them, it was a type of elastic top with a lot of compression that helped reduce the volume of the breasts, as well as giving them a masculine appearance. They were sold for all kinds of purposes, for women who had too many breasts, for people with chest problems... Or for men like you, who needed physical support to deal with some discomfort in their appearance.
Law did some research and he agreed that you could use it on the condition that he constantly checked you, as the band was really tight, you both agreed that you wouldn't use it for many hours a day, in addition to not using it to sleep, much less using it in battles. So if you were attacked immediately you should run away instead of trying to fight with something that could break your ribs. You were too happy to deny whatever condition your doctor boyfriend had, all you wanted was to experience it and feel comfortable in your body for the first time in a long time.
You would have the memory of that moment forever. When you put on your shirt and looked in the mirror, your chest was flat, no curves or feminine volume. Your chest was extremely straight and smooth like that of Law, Penguin, Sachi or any other man in the crew, it was smooth exactly like a man's chest.
After that day everything was like flowers, you followed Law's orders and could wear your headband for most of the day, walking around smiling without being insecure about your appearance. On the islands everyone could see that you were confident, you were confident in yourself. You even wore more clothes now, nicer clothes with fewer layers that used to feel like armor to protect yourself from possible judgmental looks. Trafalgar could thank the gods for how happy you were, the way you smiled and spoke and acted. You were even having more physical touch, letting Law lay on your chest when you used the binder or cuddling more knowing that your breasts wouldn't get in the way.
So knowing that your binder had been washed incorrectly and now made it unfit for use justified much of your actions. You had only bought one out of fear that you wouldn't adapt, and besides, you had already left the island for days and were even more days away from another island. Which meant you would be without the binder for days on end until they could dock and search again, even if they turned around now they wouldn't get to the last island quickly. Everything seemed perfect for you to continue with an unresolved crisis.
Breathe and inspire. Law calmed down a little and thought about what he could do, you might even be able to calm down, but you would still be fragile and sensitive because you were without his protection, without what made you feel capable of living with dignity. He needed to do something or you would go back to that dark, insecure bubble of not being able to validate yourself.
“You two” Law said looking at him deathly “Cleaning the ship for the next three months.”
"But!" Sachi was going to argue until his mouth was covered by Penguin's hands, who told him to shut up, probably grateful that they would only have to clean the submarine rather than be thrown overboard. Now it was time for Law to find a solution to his problem.
You felt bad for yelling at Law. You really did, if it was in another situation you would have immediately left to apologize and resolve the situation. However, at that moment it wasn't just any situation, you were having a panic attack and you couldn't even think logically, your head felt like a minefield where every second a bomb exploded right in front of you.
You had to fight and control yourself a lot to not do something bad to yourself, thanks to many “therapy” sessions with Law, you gradually learned to control yourself during crises so as to at least not hurt yourself physically. So you did exactly as he taught you, you screamed into the pillow, punched the bed mattress, threw the pillow from side to side, Las had even said that you could break the entire room if that could stop you from getting hurt.
You cried a lot, looked at yourself in the mirror to the point of screaming in anger and shrank in a ball thinking about never leaving the room again. When his body started to feel tired and even more nervous after yelling at Law, you slipped into his clothes and lay down on the bed trying to calm down. Now you had woken up much better and without being panicked, who knew that sleeping could solve almost all problems, you decided it was time to look for your boyfriend and apologize for what happened earlier. Besides, of course, you obviously want a little comfort and want some kisses and hugs.
The problem was finding him, how was it possible for that tall man to get lost in such a small submarine? You looked in the control room, his office, the kitchen, even the dorms together! Damn! You were lucky everyone was asleep so you didn't need to be embarrassed about your swollen face and Law's baggy clothes, but now you kind of wished someone was awake so you could have help looking for him. How was it possible for him to disappear like that?!
Luckily giving up isn't in your blood, so you took another deep breath and thought about where Law could have gone if he wasn't in any of the main locations on the submarine. A little fear and insecurity at the thought that your boyfriend could have really been upset with you even crossed your mind, but you knew Law better than that, he would never do something like that and you would rather die with a false faith than doubt him. So as you thought more deeply about all the existing rooms you remembered the storage rooms, they were about three very small rooms where everyone kept various things that were not being used or that were useless for now.
There were some crew overalls in general sizes for new members, there was plenty of fabric and makeshift sewing supplies, there were some weapons if anyone wanted to learn how to fight, lots of books on geography or history of specific islands. Practically any trinket that no one really needed urgently was there, there was another storage room with really necessary and useful things, so now other small rooms were more of a trash deposit or mess room, call it what you want.
It didn't take long for you to get to them. The path was basically to the bottom of the ship where the repair and machine rooms were, then through a narrower and unused corridor you would reach the three rooms. Thinking about it, just considering the difficulty of getting there, it was pretty obvious why no one used those warehouses to store useful things, you couldn't blame the crew.
The first warehouse had a broken light and even in the darkness you didn't find Law, the last one seemed to have its door closed and there were even some boxes in front of it, so the obvious answer was the second warehouse which had its door open a little. . You opened the door completely and stuck your head inside while looking for your boyfriend, but the scene you found was definitely far from your expectations...
Law was sitting on the floor with a weak lamp near his lap, it seemed that that warehouse also had a broken light and he had improvised his light source, he was under a shelf and there were so many things around him that just looking you imagined how uncomfortable it was for Law's big body to be stuck in the middle of so much junk. He had a serious and focused face as he sewed something in his hands, there were some sewing supplies around him, needle balls, threads and pieces of fabric. The thing is, you've never seen Law sewing before and you were pretty sure that wasn't one of his hobbies.
“Law?” You called out to him worried, maybe that was the real Law? A soft boy who likes sewing and knitting? You laughed at the idea, but now you were curious to know what he was doing.
Law jumped when he heard your voice calling him, which made him hit his head on the shelf just above his head and also pierce his finger with the needle he had in his hand. He quickly cursed as he patted his sore head and placed his bleeding finger in his mouth, he lifted his head to curse whoever it was when he saw it was you. Immediately his eyes widened in surprise and shock, soon mixing with concern, you had left the room! He couldn't help but be more relieved seeing that you looked fine, even with your face swollen and red you had a simple smile which perhaps showed that you weren't so bad now. And well... he couldn't hold back the heat rising in his body and his red cheeks when he saw you wearing his clothes as pajamas, damn you were so cute...
“(y/n)-ya!” He exclaimed happily and considered getting up, but realized that was impossible in his current state. “Are you okay? Are you hurt? I can-” he decided he should get up and check you up, but as soon as he hit his head on the shelf again he fell into a sitting position and decided it was better to stay that way.
When you just laughed at his clumsy manner, Law felt like a teenager discovering his first crush, his heart was beating fast and his face was burning, damn you with all that power over him. When you calmed down you moved closer, kneeling as close to him as possible so that you were together side by side.
“I'm fine... I just overdid it a little, I ended up falling asleep I think...” you admitted a little embarrassed and guilty as you fixed a place for you to feel close to him amidst all the mess.
“You never exaggerate, we have no control over that” he said sincerely and in his eyes there was only empathy, making you remember again why you loved him so much. “I'm glad you managed to get some sleep, I didn't want to disturb you so I couldn't check if you were better afterwards…”
“I'm fine... I... I'm sorry... Sachi and Penguin must be very disappointed in me, I would understand if you three were angry” you sighed hugging your legs as you looked at him, in Law's view you looked perfect wearing his clothes, he would definitely make you repeat it later.
"What?!" He looked at you with an incredulous smile “Do you think they are disappointed or angry? In fact, they were worried that you would never forgive them for ruining your binder, besides, your reaction was completely consistent with the situation, don't cover yourself too much” he said, poking your forehead as a loving way of scolding.
"Really? I… I thought I overreacted, since it wasn't their fault” you sighed, but you already felt a little better.
“Yes it was” Law said with an irritated snort. “They never do things right when they have to, at least now they will be twice as careful if one day I allow them to take care of the clothes again” he said bitterly. “And I could never be mad at you, not even if you stole my heart and stepped on it.”
“I would never do that” you smiled at him.
“I know…” he said, smiling along and going back to sewing, you shifted your attention to his hands and what he was working on. It was a long strip of fabric with a skin tone somewhat similar to yours, although not quite. Law seemed to be sewing zippers into it, that piece was strangely familiar.
“What is that…” you asked, confused and curious.
“Your binder, we only bought one and it was ruined... I'll see tomorrow about going back to this island, but I don't know if we'll make it due to the distance” he sighed as he finished sewing “I'm not that good at it... But I tried to copy yours old, someone here must know how to sew better than me, but… I… I wanted to do this for you” he admitted with red cheeks as he handed you the strip of fabric that now looked extremely similar to your old binder.
Of course it wasn't perfect for numerous reasons, the size probably wasn't ideal, the tone of the fabric was also different and it wasn't the same fabric as your old binder. The elastic on the edges and the zipper were improvised, but hell, even if it was the worst thing ever sewn before it wouldn't be any less perfect in his eyes. There was something that your boyfriend had made with his own hands just to help you, he had done it because he understood your limits and discomforts, he understood that you needed that. And he really stepped out of his comfort zone doing something he wasn't used to just for you.
“(y/n)-ya?” He asked and only then did you snap out of your trance, you saw tears as you looked at your boyfriend. His face showed just everything you felt for Law, the purest and most genuine love possible.
“Thank you” you smiled “It’s perfect…”
Law smiled embarrassedly as he scratched the back of his head, he reached for your hand holding it lovingly, he caressed yours fingers as he felt his own heart calm down. You're okay, you were there with him and everything was okay.
“You are perfect… The perfect man and boyfriend” he admitted looking at you with love and you were sure you would never want to be anywhere else but with Law.
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caxsthetic · 1 month
WITH EACH FLAW — hirugami sachirou
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In which Hirugami believed everyone around him was perfect. And he wanted nothing but to be like them. Especially when you were also one in his eyes.
Hirugami Sachirou always strived for perfection.
Ever since he saw the way his older brother got into prestigious schools, well-known to be the star athlete, beating even his upperclassmen — Sachirou believed he could do the same. He always adored volleyball. Seeing how those boys and girls his age were flying so high to either block the incoming ball, or spike through the opponent’s field.
It was always a mesmerising sight. Especially the tears in those eyes after a match. Whether their team wins or loses, each drop of it becomes a proof of their hard work.
He wanted to be a part of it so bad. To feel the euphoria, the fiery emotion of those who play volleyball passionately. It took him years to realise that maybe, he wasn’t cut out for it.
His calloused fingers subconsciously caressed his left knuckles. Covered with gauze as he once again, accidentally scraped the back of his hand to the stone walls he passed when he walked home from school. 
If Hoshiumi heard about it, oh he knew he was in for a scolding. That friend of his wasn’t really the quiet type of guy. But he could be like a little angry bird yapping about how he shouldn’t have done it. 
Sure Hoshiumi was calm and collected when he first saw the middle blocker do it for the first time back in the day. But when he found his friend did it again sometimes, he would grit his teeth and shout at him to take care of it.
It wasn’t like Hirugami was a man who liked to hurt himself. The act was more like some kind of punishment to himself. His subconscious mind did it. Whenever he felt like a failure that day. Probably from not being able to focus one hundred percent at practice or feeling god damn awful at some sparring match with another school.
Just like today. Stupidly, just like today, of all the time this week.
It was the time where you would visit him. The last time he saw you was three months ago. Before the start of Spring High-Nagano Prefecture Representative Playoffs. Now, Kamomedai has of course made it to the top 16, and will be participating in the Spring High National Tournament.
He wondered if you would be there too. Supporting your high school. Just like how you always did back when you wore the same uniform as his. 
“I will miss you.”
The day finally came. Hirugami thought he would be ready for this moment. “It’s weird to not be able to go to school with you, Sachi.” But as he hugged you tight, patting your head to ease your mind as you sob in his arms, he realised he wasn’t. 
“Hey now, it’s just a four hour ride between us.”
You had known him since diapers. Your house was basically side by side, spending every day together as both of your parents had been best friends since your family moved here. But now, you have to move again. Your father got a promotion and was assigned to Tokyo.
There was nothing you could do but follow them. Much to your dismay.
It was time for you to go. But your parents let you say goodbye to the Hirugami family. They knew how much you cherished your time here. Your childhood was a great one, filled with laughter and love from a lot of people. So for you to leave it behind, leaving Sachirou behind — it would need time for you to adjust to your new life.
The sun hadn’t even come out from its hiding place. No one could see the tears glossed in his chocolate orbs as he kept you there in his embrace. The sky was still dark. And none of you had the heart to let go of each other. “We will text each other, (Y/n). You don’t have to worry about anything.”
You nodded. He could feel it with the way your head was still snuggled deep on his chest. “I’m not going anywhere.”
He felt like his heart was so close to failing. Hirugami thought he would have time to be with you. He already made sure no boys ever get too close to you. His figure by your side was enough to intimidate them. But now, you would be a hundred miles apart.
It tortured him when he had to pull away. The footsteps of your parents reminding you and him that it was time to go. “I will see you later, (Y/n).”
There was no goodbye. He believed there wasn’t. Not when he could always take the train. Not when you could also do the same, visiting each other once in a while.
The two of you would make time.
Even though perhaps, it wouldn’t be much, but… he was glad the bond between you two never snapped. He just hoped that one day, it would be stronger. Even compared to now.
“Sachi~!” He flinched when he heard that familiar voice calling out his name. His hand immediately found its usual hiding spot – his pocket. “Hey, Sachi! Auntie said you have practice today, so I decided to check on it. Is it over?”
“Hey, (Y/n)! Yes, it’s done, actually.” There you were. Always a sight to see. His lips curled into a smile when you met him halfway. Jogging excitedly towards him once he looked at you. “Sorry.”
“Why in the world would you apologise?!” You hissed. Your banana coloured tracksuit made you look so bright under the evening sky. Then again, even if you wore all black, he would still think you were brighter than the stars up there. “I should have asked too before. I could tell my Coach that I needed to go to Nagano, he would have understood.”
You met his pace. Walking beside your childhood friend with the usual comforting atmosphere surrounding the two of you. “I am sorry too, for not being able to visit the last few months.”
“You shouldn’t have to apologise too.” He chuckled, seeing the pout that now formed on your face. “We were both in different school, different cities now. Both also teenagers who had too much on their plate. Busy with activities, right?”
Your eyes darted towards his figure. No longer on the road. Hirugami was afraid that you could see him through sometimes. Your eyes were calculating, always being able to read people’s mind with their behaviour and choice of words. But thankfully, you never poke him about it. Being mindful of his — issues.
“You’re right.” 
You kicked the pebbles on the street, probably hitting yourself in the head for not being able to make time to visit. It wasn’t like you were the only one. Hirugami was supposed to be the one who went to Tokyo this month, and yet he couldn’t with how stressful the sparring matches were these days. 
Even before you moved out of town, you often blamed yourself when things didn’t go how you wanted it to be. For example, in the first year of middle school. You helped your school volleyball’s team get footage of the opponent’s match. There was an option to send it, or you could pick it up.
You chose the former. But it never arrived even until the match ended.
It ended with a loss from their team, and he found you crying outside the gymnasium a few minutes after. You were not even the manager, just a girl whose best friend was a part of the volleyball team. Nothing else but that.
And yet you were so hard on yourself. Putting the blame on you, even when you weren’t the one in the field. 
In a way, Hirugami realised that the two of you were similar.
Not the same, but quite mirroring each other.
Always picking on one’s flaw, the mistake that was made. Even though it was probably not something to be considered as a mistake to begin with. 
The walk back home was always filled with silence. Most of the time it was. And the two of you never complained about it. The comfortable silence was one you always missed. Nagano wasn’t like Tokyo. The night wasn’t as bizarre and loud. It was peaceful here.
Just like all the time you spent with Hirugami. And oftentimes, you wondered if he knew how much of the effect that he had on your life.
“Do you want to buy something?” His voice was gentle as he pointed his hand towards the convenience store. “That one is new, and there’s a strawberry ice cream.”
“Oh, you would love that, wouldn't you?” You let out a chuckle, remembering how he used to eat that flavour every time you went out somewhere. “Sure, let’s go!”
You bought one strawberry ice cream in a cup, while he decided to go with the cone one. Unlike him, you couldn’t eat fast. You once bought the cone with him back in middle school, a chocolate flavoured one. It was all dripping down the road like some kind of blood on the pavement.
Whenever you walked past the garden near the suburb, you would be able to see it. Despite four years having passed ever since then, the remnants of such a tragic waste of an ice cream was still visible. “I can’t believe it.”
“Yeah, it’s never gone.” Hirugami knew what you meant by your exasperated sigh. You sat on the same bench from that time, and your eyes instantly went down to the tree across from you. “It’s cute, isn’t it? Only the two of us knew what the dots meant. Do you know that some kids said it was blood from scary killers that the murderer never found?”
“That thing exists?!”
“Uhuh! They believed it when their parents used it to scare them away. To make sure those kids didn’t roam around alone, you know?”
“Adults, I swear to God.”
Then another silence engulfed the two of you. You were often curious when the talkative Sachirou slowly lost its will to talk. After your parents had to move away to another town, you followed them. Despite still being in contact with your childhood friend, just like what he said, it wasn’t the same.
Not when you two, who used to spend every waking hour together, reduced to be mere friends who were one type away. You wouldn’t lie that sometimes, you missed that childhood of yours. But people come and go, indeed. You should have been grateful he never truly left.
Ever since you walked with him. Your eyes kept going to the hand that he kept inside his pocket. You wanted to ask. So many times you were curious why.
But if he didn’t want to talk about it, then, who were you to ask?
You were not that close anymore. Despite how every time you spent time with him felt like you never parted ways, you knew the bond between you two wasn’t as tight as before. It wasn’t as grandiose, getting thinner by each day that passed.
“How is your day in Tokyo?”
“Itachiyama is hella good indeed.” You whispered under your breath. Hissing a bit when the ice cream numbs your gums for a second there. “I watched the Volleyball team practise sometimes. Everyone is top notch. They came from private middle school, most of them are.”
“Anyone caught your eye?”
“There is this one guy…”
Hirugami was only trying to tease you. He didn’t expect that immediate answer. “Sakusa Kiyoomi. He’s a little bit weird, closed off and all.” He didn’t expect his heart to ache when you continued your words. “But I never saw someone as resilient as him at the court. His body’s also flexible, like a human thin metal.”
This was what he always feared ever since you moved to Tokyo. For you to find someone to admire, to spend your time with. Replacing the place that once belonged to him.
He shouldn’t have felt jealous when he saw you talking about someone else. Shouldn’t have been so upset when he never said anything regarding his feelings towards you. It was his fault for not making a move, always believing there would be a proper time for that.
Now though, for someone who could read the action that the opponent would take at the court, he couldn’t even read this predicament he had with you. He was unsure how the future would unravel. No longer he hoped things would bloom into something more between you and him.
“He sounds perfect.” He whispered, finishing the strawberry ice cream that started to drip down the pavement. “The perfect athlete, I knew him. Saw his profile in one of the magazines a few months ago.”
His voice was slightly laced with bitterness. If you notice it, he was glad you didn’t try to point it out.
Sakusa Kiyoomi. A man he never was. An athlete he could never be. He wondered what was going inside your mind when you talked about the man. There was this amusement visible on your face. He was curious, but he didn’t want to ask about it.
Hirugami was afraid that the answer — would only tear the last part of his confidence of having you.
“Perfect, huh?” You mused, your peripheral vision caught his slightly slouched figure. “I don’t think there’s ever a man who could be considered perfect. Humans were bound to have flaws.” Your friend was deep in his thoughts, probably one that ruined himself. 
“Flaws, I don’t like having too much of it.”
“I know.” You whispered, barely above a whisper because you never once wanted to reveal this part of you. “It’s instinct sometimes. We want to do our best when we do something, especially the one that we love.”
“Yeah, it’s awful if I can’t do things right.’
“Is it volleyball?” Hirugami was taken aback by your question. “Or is there something else that you are trying to say to me?” The way your eyes lingered on him this time as you scoot closer to him on this small bench. “Which flaw is running in your head this time, Sachi?”
Every one of them.
He wanted to say it out loud. He wanted to just tell you that he had this huge storm that never once ended. That threw him to the ground whenever he just spread his wings to fly. And maybe, that same storm was the reason why never said anything about his feelings harboured towards you.
Because how would he be supposed to love you when even he couldn’t love himself entirely? He couldn’t give everything, not when he too was unwhole.
He could only give you slivers of his heart. And for someone who cared for him with every fibre in their being, you didn’t deserve to receive just some specks of dust.
“It’s volleyball.” He lied again. “I made a mistake today. I calculate their movement wrong. My fingertips couldn’t reach the ball on time, and—”
“Just one.” In the middle of having his mind running hundred miles per hour, he didn’t realise that you took his left hand out of his pocket. “You only made one mistake, Sachi. It was nothing compared to all of your success in the match today, I am sure of that.”
He panicked inside. The way your fingertips gently traced his covered knuckles. It warmed him up inside, but, Please don’t ask. Don’t ask about it, please. Please. Please. He wasn’t ready if he had to answer what happened.
“But I—”
“You are still the Sachi I knew since I was a kid, despite all of the flaws and mistakes you have made along the way.” Your words became a lullaby. Allowing the creepy monster residing in his head to sleep for a while. “Aren’t I the same in your eyes? I made mistakes too, Sachi, I did things that I can’t even forgive myself sometimes, but I am still your childhood friend, right?”
“Of course.” He could answer it in a heartbeat. “You will always be my — friend.”
You peered at his face, smiling softly that if he couldn’t compose himself, the tip of his ears might redden. There were so many things running inside his head. Worry, anxiety, anger, everything were addressed to himself.
Only when he was around you that sometimes, that negativity slightly pushed under the rug. He hoped that one day, he could brace himself to let you in completely.
After he healed himself, maybe he would.
After he was ready to embrace the fact that perfection wasn’t something a human should ever strive for, he would.
His chocolate orbs locked with yours. You two always ignored the physical boundary in between you two. Snuggled with each other to find comfort. Your chin rested on his shoulder, and he couldn’t help but boop your nose with his forefinger, earning a small glee to tumble down from your lips.
Hirugami was honestly unsure of how the future would unfold between you and him. He knew he had to grow, to be a better person. Before he asks you out properly, you deserve the whole part of him first. 
But he didn’t have to be - perfect, now he knew that.
Because despite all of the flaws he had, you would never look at him less.
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spacebaby1 · 28 days
I do have a prompt for you though, it's that Ace survives but has lasting injuries/malnutrition/infections from his imprisonment in impel down and couldn't actually fight when escaping. He hardcore blames himself and his 'weakness' for all the deaths at marineford, but even after everythings said and done he needs Major medical care and recovery that he doesn't think he deserves
I live this idea of Ace surviving 😔enjoy!!
Holding back Ace as he fought to free himself from your hold weakly, begging to be let to fight for his crew, "Captain, orders?" You screamed, catching Law attention as he was waiting with a stunned look staring down at the ongoing battle. Marco had managed to bring both Ace and Luffy on your ship for medical care since there was no chance that they would be able to fight with such injuries. Law snapped out of his thoughts, turning to find your white operating uniform covered in Ace's blood, "Can you handle the injuries?" Law said walking past you as Ace had finally lost his ability to fight you back. You nodded frantically before both you and Shachi took Ace to the other operating room before he bleed out.
The moment you both settled Ace on the bed, he groaned, trying to sit up, and you gently pushed him down, but he slapped your hand away, screaming in pain, "L-Let me f-fight I I can-"
"You're gonna bleed your heart out and die!" You snapped as Shachi injected with a medication to calm him down, and he was out within seconds before you started operating on him. "He's bleeding so much. We need blood." You told Shachi, and he nodded, rushing to the freezer. You took a shaky breath, keeping your focus on the operation following every step your captain Law had taught you. This wasn't the first time you saw Ace, you've met him in Alabasta before you met your crew. He didn't seem to remember you, and he was absolutely less panicked then. Placing a gentle hand on his forehead, you sighed, "Let me save you, please." He was captured and badly treated. He looked nothing like he did in Alabasta.
After seven long hours, both you and Shachi sat on the room floor, completely tired, but at least you managed to keep Ace's conditions in control; for now, he was breathing and alive. Law entered the room to find you sitting near the floor full of blooded clothes. Sachi spoke, "Don't mind us, we are fine, Captain." Law sighed and looked at you, and you looked at Law, "he lost a lot of blood. How's Luffy?"
"Alive, you did good. Take a re-"
"No, I want to stay with him for a bit, I mean to make sure nothing happens, is that okay?"
Law nodded, and Shachi followed him when he left the room while you sat on the chair, pulling it near the bed watching Ace.
The next day, you woke up early to check on Luffy, then Ace, since Law was a bit busy, so you decided to take some work off his hands and tend to Luffy before heading to check on Ace. You were checking his condition and the moment you felt his forehead, still unconscious he let out a painful groan making you immediately jump at his sudden reaction forgetting that your devil fruit powers are capable to pull out anyone's feelings when you touch them. You fell holding your heart at how much agony you felt almost knocking a few tools with you as you fell. After catching your breath, you stood up holding the bed and saw Ace's eyes twitching to open. He was fighting to wake up as he groaned in pain. Law had told you not to pressure your devil fruit powers since you were still new to them. But you knew that you can for sure transfer his pain in yourself; vice versa. Taking a shaky breath, you took your gloves out and placed your palm on his chest where you had stitched yesterday. You felt the shooting pain right in your heart, knocking blood out of your mouth as you completely fell on the ground with a thud that was heard by Law when he was walking by the room. He immediately rushed in to find you on the floor, coughing blood holding your chest with the other hand. "Y/n-ya!" He rushed to help you, and you just shook your head telling him it's fine as he held your head straight, making sure you didn't chock. "What are you doing? I told you not to use your devil fruit powers. You could've gotten yourself killed." You caught your breath and spoke, "I-I accidentally placed my hand on him and felt his pain. He's in so much pain, Captain." Law sighed, "that doesn't mean you need to take that pain away, Y/n-ya, please be selfish for once." You smiled weakly at your captain, "I'll be fine."
The next few days, you would check on Luffy as usual and then stay with Ace. It was just another morning, and you were up early, like every day on the deck, lost in your thoughts as you stared at the blue ocean when you heard the sound of things falling. You rushed to find Ace Barley sitting on the bed, trying to pull the machines off of himself but struggling.
"No, stop it-"
He pushed your hands off him causing you to stumble on the table beside the bed but you still returned to stop him from pulling the needle out, he tries to grab your hand on his with the other free hand, "l-let go of-of me. Let me g-go." He dug his nails in the back of your hand, scratching you till it bleed, but you didn't stop. Instead, you pushed his both hands and dropped him on the bed, caging him as he cried in hopelessness of not being able to sit back up, "Stop! Please! You're hurting yourself. You're still not recovered -"
"Everyone's gone because of me! LET ME DIE! WHY DID YOU SAVE ME?" He yelled at you, tears streaming down his bruised cheeks, "LET ME GO!" He headbutted you so hard that you fell on the floor, knocking your head on the table side. In his own rage, Ace didn't notice that he hurt you and you were bleeding now. Before he could get up, you stood up and grabbed him down again, "Stop! It's not your fault, stop." Ace shool his head eyes shut as he cried, "Everyone's dead, it's my fault. I want my brothers. I want them back, I can't lose Luffy, too!" He cried hysterically, kicking his legs. You held his face, making him look at you, "shhh, you didn't lose Luffy! H-he's fine, he's here, I promise." Your words made him blink at you before speaking, "Lu-luffy is here? Take me to him, I need to see my brother. Please, please -" he stopped when he saw the blood dripping down to your eyes. You didn't react at all. "I will take you to him, but you need to rest now -"
"I-i hur- you're bleeding-"
You shook your head, gently pushing him down and caressing his hair, "I'm fine, don't worry. Just rest. I'll take you to Luffy." Your words calmed him back to sleep as he closed his eyes, and you sighed, backing away to clean the blood off your face. Bepo had heard the commotion and came to check on you panicking, but you reassured him that it's nothing serious as he helped you clean up the mess Ace caused.
Later that night, you stayed by Ace's side, and he slept all night while you sat on the chair dozing off every other minute. The next morning, Ace woke up feeling the oxygen mask on made him breath on panic, causing you to flinch from your sleep and immediately case his head, "shhh, breath. Just breath. It's okay. In and out." The panic in his eyes disappeared as he calmed down, "I'll take it off for you. Can you keep breathing like this for me?" He nodded, and you watched his breathing evening in the monitor, "good, you're doing good, just breath." He reached to grab your hand shutting his eyes as he breath, you didn't pull away not even when he squeezed your hand closer to cracking your bones, instead you held his hand caressing the back of his hand with your thumb. "L-Luffy, take me to see him, please." You hummed, "I would, but you can't move. Your stitches haven't healed yet. You'll bleed out and snap them." He shook his head, tears threatening to fill his eyes, "P-please, I need to see my little brother."
"He's resting, I promise you he's well taken care of, and you too need to rest and get better, so you won't worry, Luffy, right?"
He shook his head, "I don't want him to see me, I'm weak and helpless. I let my cre-"
"It's not your fault, Ace. And it's absolutely nothing wrong with being weak at times, but you weren't weak. You saved Luffy's life as much as he tried to save you."
He shook his head, hiding his tears, "You should've let me die, I don't deserve to l-"
"You saved me in Alabasta. You didn't let me die." He looked at you confused, "I-I saved you? I can't remember anything." You shook your head, "you don't have to remember. Don't push yourself to remember. Now you need to rest, eat, and gain back your strength. Okay?" He nodded weakly at you. "Good, I'll get you something to eat, don't try to move. Please."
You sat on the chair after carefully helping him in sitting position and fixing the bed to make it more comfortable, "do you feel any pain here?" You placed a little pressure on his chest, and he shook his head. You noticed how his cheeks flushed at your hand resting on his chest, but he said nothing. "Here?" You moved your under his neck, and he shook his head again, "good, that's good. You need to eat so much and be strong again. Okay?" You fixed the spoonful of rice towards him but his eyes were fixated on your forehead where you hurt yourself when he pushed you, "I'll get you the same cartoon bandage if you eat all this rice." You joked but he felt bad for pushing you like that when you were just trying to help him then he noticed the scratch marks on your hand that was it for him and he burst into tears unable to look at you. You placed the plate on the table, "Shh, it's okay. It will become easier. Maybe not today, but soon." He shook his head, "I'm sorry for hurting you, I need to apologise properly -"
You took his hands in yours and smiled, "it's okay, it's my job as a doctor to take care of you, and we doctors don't mind if we get hurt. Your anger and pain are valid. You were hurting, so I don't hold Ill feelings towards you. These cuts will heal, nothing but a scratch. You don't need to worry so much, you're more important than them. Now, you need to eat humm?" He nodded, sniffling the tears away.
The next few days, Ace kept asking you to take him to Luffy, but again, he wasn't able to fully walk. "I can try? I can try to walk. Please let me try." His stitches had slowly started to heal so you decided to let him try to walk, helping him sit on the bed you moved a bit further still close, "Okay, now try to walk towards me but slowly, tell me if it's hurts you anywhere?" He nodded before placing his feet on the ground. Taking shaky steps, he yelped before sitting back, and you rushed, "You help him, "it's okay, it's okay. I got you." You carefully wrapped your hands around his waist, "Okay, hold on to me and try to move your feet, one by one. Don't worry, I got you." He nodded as he struggled to move at first but took small steps as you moved backwards he had his arms wrapped over your shoulder for support. You stood in the middle of the room, "Are you okay? Anything hurts?" He shook his head. "Can I walk more? Can you take me to Luffy now?" You nodded before coming to his side, "Don't let go, small steps, okay?" He happily nodded before you two finally made it to where Luffy was. Opening the door, you saw your captain trying to feed Luffy the medication, but Luffy kept moving away and complaining that he didn't need it and it's not tasty. You saw Ace's face light up when he saw his brother, but you held him before he ran and fell. "LUFFY!"
You helped him walk to Luffy's bedside and wrap himself in his little brothers arms the moment he sat on the bed. You watched both brothers cry in each others arms, but at least they had each other now.
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mschoiyuki · 7 months
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Let Me Hear Your Voice
Trafalgar Law x f!reader
tw : a sprinkles of angst to fluff. alcohol consumption. SFW
wc : 5.2k
a/n : Second part to Silence.
Let's just say the set is when Luffy becomes the King of Pirates, and all of them just enjoying life peacefully now. And Law gets his sub again.
At first I want to keep it short, but I got carried away. I hope it's not to cheesy. I'm sorry for any grammar errors.
It's best to read this while listening to :
❆ Bruno Mars - Talking to the Moon
❆ Taylor Swift - Red (Taylor's Version)
❆ Taylor Swift - Don't Blame Me
Enjoy ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
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"Law! Look! This polar bear looks like Bepo." You tug Law's sleeve and show him the polar bear keyring, eyes beaming and smiling ear to ear. Law can feel the light thump at his heart when he see your smile. Law raise his hand and reach your face. When his hand touch your cheek, you vanished into thin air. Law eyes widened and he frantically try to grasp the place that you stand just a moment ago, "No. No.. Y/N... NO!!" Law shouts and open his eyes, his hand up in the air as if he tries to reach something, someone. He can feel his tears rolling down to his cheeks, his breathing ragged. He sits up trying to catch his breath, he looks out at his opened window, feeling the afternoon breeze.
Law wipes the tears and pinch the bridge of his nose. He sighs feeling his body getting heavy. Law lays back and try to sleep again, just to meet you. Just to see your smile again, just to hear your voice, your sweet voice calling his name.
"Heh. So pathetic." Law drape his forearm to cover his eyes, biting his bottom lips until he can taste the blood seeping out. He tries so hard to not cry again.
How many days has passes since you walk away from him? How many days and nights you always come to his dream? How long he has to endure this torture? Is there really no hope for you to come back to him? Does what he said to you is not enough? I love you, is that not enough? Do you really don't love him anymore?
"Umm, Captain." Bepo knocks on Law door cautiously.
Law let out a long sighs, "What, Bepo?"
Bepo slowly opens the door enough for his head to pop in. Sachi and Penguin also pop their head in to check on their captain. "It's almost dinner time, you should come out and eat." Penguin try to say it with a cheerful tone.
Law lays on his side showing his back to the door, "Not hungry."
They sighs quietly and looking at each other, then they close the door leaving their captain.
"So... What are we gonna do about this?" Sachi scratch his head as they walks to the dinning area.
"No idea. We even don't know what he's been thinking. Does he still can't get over Y/N?" Penguin cross his arms.
"Why does that matter?" Bepo innocently ask.
"So then we can think what are our next step is. You stupid." Penguin and Sachi says in unison.
"I'm sorry." Bepo hung his head down.
"We should talk to him. We can't let this goes on. He looks terrible." Sachi shakes his head.
"We should talk to him after dinner." Penguin nods to Sachi, agreeing with how terrible Law is right now.
As the night comes, Penguin and Sachi strides to Law's room bringing his dinner as excuse. They knocks and let themselves in. They thought Law will be still at the bed, turns out Law is sitting on his desk chair being absentmindedly staring at his scattered papers. His left hand propped at his jaw while the right hand is holding something.
“We brought you dinner, Captain.” Sachi put down the tray in front of Law’s face.
Penguin and Sachi can see clearly now what’s Law been holding and staring. Your letters and the sketch sheets.
“Law, we need to talk. As a friends. Not as subordinates.” Penguin taps his finger to Law’s desk to get his attention.
“Not hungry.” Law keep staring at your letters without looking at them.
Sachi just sighs, tired with Law antics, “Do you still love her?”
Law jolt at Sachi question, he glances at his friends, “Why?”
“Just answer it. Yes or no will do.” Penguin getting irritated.
"Yes..." Law murmur, glancing back to your letters.
"Let's try again, Law. Let's try to win her back again. For the last time." Penguin tries to persuade Law.
Law brings his full attention to his friends now with a frown adorn at his face, "She already hate me, what's the point to do that?"
Sachi lets out a dramatic sighs, "Seriously, Law? You're smart but how can you be so dense?"
Law glare at Sachi, but Sachi won't back down, "You haven't try it yet then why are you so sure that she really hate you?"
"Because she said so herself! Right in front of my face!" Law slams the desk making Penguin and Sachi shrieks.
"Calm down, Law. That day when you talked to her, we saw her walked back to Sunny and she wiped her face." Penguin tries to soothe Law anger.
"What? Do you mean she was crying? After she left me?" Law squints his eyes doubting his friends, "Did you just make it up so I don't get so depressed?"
"We saw it, Law. She wiped both of her cheeks. If it's not crying then what?" Sachi tries to convince.
"Come on, Law. This is so not like you. You looks like a living corpse right now. You should try again. You always make a great plan to everything. So why not try to make a plan to win her back again?" Penguin gives his long lecture.
"One more time." Sachi tries to persuade again.
Law stare and graze your letters, "Yeah.. One more time."
Sachi and Penguin fists bump under the table. They pray this time you will be back for sure. Because they know you are the only one that can save their Captain and makes him get on his feet again, gives love to him, a true love.
“But before that. We need to know what’s you said to her that makes her said she hates you.” Penguin leans his body forward.
"Wh- Why you guys have to know about it?" Law's face turn red with the unexpected question.
"So... We can know did you do the rights things or not back then." Sachi shrug.
Law scratch his nape and tell them everything that happened that day.
Sachi and Penguin looking each other with mouth agape, "Oh. My. God... No wonder she said that besides what you did to her." Penguin clasp his mouth and Sachi shakes his head in disbelief.
"I said I love her, what's wrong with that?" Law furrow his eyebrows.
"You see, Law.... A real gentleman should know how to apologize. You leads her with your hints and you hurt her too with you being a jerk. Instead of sorry you jump to said you love her. And you didn't explained to her about WHY you did that stunts, right?" Penguin preach with his serious face.
"Seems like it's quite a long way to go, Law. Since you have to start again from zero." Sachi sighs and shakes his head.
Law just realize how stupid he is. Being so impatient to brings you back he forgot the crucial word. And he even didn't explain all the things to you.
"Right. I haven't apologize to her. I need to explain everything to her." Law face brighten by thinking of the chance to bring you back this time.
"Hear me out. Here's the plan...." Law starts discussing the plan to both of his friends.
Law prays that this plan to works and you will back. He doesn't dare to think what if this time the plan didn't work. He need to success this time.
Let's try it again one more time...
When you wake up from your slumber with another puffy eyes and headache, you also feels your throat hurts and hoarse. Your voice is finally back. Funny how Law is the reason you lost your voice and yet he also give your voice back.
You greet the crews with hoarse voice and small smile, to reassure them you're okay. Sanji already serves you lemon water with honey for your throat, ice pack for your eyes. Chopper brings you medicine for your headache. "Luffy, just drop me at the next island. I don't want to burden you guys more than this. You guys already done more than enough for me." You cough, still not getting used to speak again after a long time.
"You are never a burden to us, Y/N. We've been fighting together at Wano too. Just stay. It's okay." Luffy reassure you in a calming tone.
"Thank you, Luffy. Really, I'm really appreciate it. But I don't think I want to be at sea for the time being. And I'm even not your crew, this is just makes me a little bit uncomfortable. You guys help me a lot. I even don't know how to give my thanks to you." You try to convince Luffy.
"Umm... I'll think about it, but for the time being just stay with us." Luffy tilts his head and pout.
Nami tells Luffy to dock at the next island. Saying you need a breather from the mess.
When Sunny docked at another island, Nami and Robin wants to take you to the village to do some shopping. They just want to makes you feels better, to forget the second heartbreak.
When you guys walk not to far from Sunny, Nami forget to bring some treasure to exchange it to berries at the pawn shop, "You guys go first! I'll catch up later!" And she run back to Sunny.
After she find the treasure and passing by the kitchen the den den mushi rings. Luffy being the one that sitting near the den den mushi picks it up immediately, "Hello! You're are speaking with The King of Pirates, Luffy!"
The others just drops their jaws with how Luffy answer the call. "Mugiwara-ya, this is me. Trafalgar Law." the den den mushi speaks.
The kitchen falls to dead silent when hearing the name, thankful that you're not on board now. Nami snatch the speaker and answer it with icy cold tones, "What the hell do you want, Torao?"
"Nami-ya, I need to discuss something with Mugiwara-ya." Law answers with a calm tone.
"You can discuss it with us now." Nami fuming, gripping the phone tightly.
Law sighs, "I need to brings Y/N back with me."
"Not gonna happen! After whatever dirty things you did to her, she's not going back to you." Nami yells to the den den mushi.
"It's not you to decide she will comes or not. It's her decisions. And I'm still need to straighten some things with her." Law still tries to compose himself.
"He's right, Nami-san." Sanji lights up his cigarette, "Even though Y/N-chan is hurting but you can see at her eyes, the longing eyes." Sanji puff out the smoke and talks in whispered tone so Law can't hear it.
"Everyone deserve a second chance, Nami-san." Brook tries to calm Nami's rages.
"But he doesn't deserve it." Zoro chime in at the corner.
"Nami-ya, just let me talk to her. For the last time." Law sounds desperate now, trying to convince the group.
"Fine. What's your plan, Torao?" Luffy takes back the speaker.
"Let me join you guys for awhile. Let's just say that we form another alliance or something. Where are guys right now? I'll meet you there." Law tries to hide his excitement.
After Nami gives Law their location, she tries to warn Law again, "If you do something stupid to hurt her again, I swear that I'll let Luffy and the others kill you."
"I won't." Law click the den den mushi off.
"Should we tell her about this?" Nami ask them.
"I don't think we should tell her. If she knows in advance maybe she will leave again? Who knows." Sanji put the cigarette back to his mouth.
"Fine. But I still don't like this idea." Nami furrow her eyebrows.
"Me neither. If he does something uncomfortable to her I'll slash him immediately." Zoro sips his sake.
"What, Marimo? Don't tell me you like her?" Sanji smirk teasingly to Zoro.
And the bickering starts between them. Nami goes back to the land to find you and Robin.
After Luffy agrees to help Law, he immediately tells Bepo the island and they starts their journey to find you. To bring you back to where you belong.
Two days after the calls, the other crews just enjoying the island. They keep their mouth shuts about the calls from you. But they still try to cheer you up in their own ways. Since you don't want to burden them with your heartbreak, you just helping them here and there. Trying to enjoy the funs with them.
At the third days, after you've done helping Chopper at the infirmary, you walks to the deck to join Nami and Robin to enjoy the afternoon snacks prepared by Sanji and to enjoy the breeze.
Then something emerged from under the sea. The yellow sub you know damn well whose it belongs to. You freeze and grips the glass tightly it almost break. Suddenly the man who breaks your heart appear at the Sunny's deck.
When Law arrives, his eyes searching for you. There you are, the woman he loves yet he hurts so badly. Looking gorgeous as ever. Law really wants to walk straight to you, to hug you, to brings you back to him. But he has to take this slowly, he needs to follow his plan.
Luffy jumps on Law when he see Law, "TORAO!! Long time no see!"
To prevent Luffy ruin his plan, Law takes him to the kitchen after he greets the other while glancing over you.
You try to calm down with his sudden appearance, maybe he needs something with Luffy, don't think he is here for you. Nami and Robin glance at you, this time Nami can’t help but ask you, “Can we know the reason why you left him, Y/N?”
You grips the spoon and peer at Nami and Robin from the parfait glass, pondering should you tell them about your feelings to Law and the reason you left him? You decide to tell them because you never told anyone about this, not even the Heart Pirates crews.
After hearing your story, Nami and Robin just realize how much a fool Law is. "Then, do you still love him?" Nami leans in.
"I don't know." You stirs the parfait without looking back at Nami.
When dinner time comes, you still finds Law at the Sunny. You scowl and pretending he is not here. You take your seat and Law casually sits next to you. You can smell his cologne that you used to loved. Still, you try to stay calm down and ignoring him.
"Eh.. So, Torao will be with us for a couple days because we need to discuss something." Luffy awkwardly announce it.
The others just awkwardly answer him with any kind of gibberish. Strange... But you can't protest or anything, because you're just a guest here.
You can feel Law has been staring at you, you try to finish your dinner quickly and left the dining room. You scurry off to the library and lock the door, your back facing the door, you try to calm your heart beats.
Then there's a knock, "Y/N, open the door. Let's talk. Please." Law leans his forehead at the door. You keep silent. Law tries to plea again, "Please, open the door. Or I will teleport myself inside, Y/N."
You unlock the door and open it. Law sighs and let himself in. Law stands in front of you and sees you're not bringing your sketch book with you, "How you've been, Y/N? Did you get your voice back?"
You just stare at the ground keep your mouth shuts because you don't want him to know and you don't want to talk to him.
Law take a step forward, "Please, talk to me." You take a step back.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. For being a jerk to you. For everything I did to you." Law takes his hat off and ruffle his raven hair, he's desperate.
You widened your eyes with his sudden apology. You looks at him and scowl, still keeping your mouth shuts.
"Finally, you're looking at me now." Law let out a relieve sighs and smile. "I owe you an apology and an explanation for everything." Law moves forward again slowly this time. You're not breaking eye contact with him, but still with anger evident in your face.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. I mean it. Penguin Sachi told me about that night." Law scratch his nape.
When Law tries to open his mouth to explain everything, suddenly the door burst open. "Y/N, it's your turn today to on watch with me.” Zoro leans at the door.
You relieves with the “rescue” and quickly run away from Law. Law just stand there, gripping his hat tightly, "Damn it, Zoro-ya."
"Thanks for the rescue, Zoro." You let out a long relieve sighs.
"Don't mind it." Zoro offers your his sake, "To calm you down."
"Thanks." You take it and sips it. Both of you didn't talk to much, and you thankful for Zoro companion.
Law has been keeping all night to wait for your shift to end, he's getting a little bit impatient. He's afraid that you really don't love him anymore, he's afraid what if you and Zoro... He slams the book shuts that he's been staring for God knows how long, he pinch the bridge of his nose. He takes a deep breathe and prays that hopefully that's not gonna happen. He really can't, he don't want to imagine it. It's the worst. He swears if that's happen, he's going to lose his mind for sure.
When he hears your footstep, he immediately open the library doors and blocking your ways to the girls room. You jolts and you can see his tired face in the dawn light. "Can we talk now, Y/N? I beg you, don't avoid me anymore." Law voice is full of tiredness.
You swear you can hear a thump at your heart. A beat that usually beats when you're with him. "Shit. This is bad." You thought to yourself. You can feel your heart waver. You sighs and nods, you walks in to the library and stands at the middle.
Here you are again, same place with same person. You turns on your heels to face Law and cross your arms. Law walks to you, closing the gaps, he takes a deep breath, "Please, just listen to my explanation, Y/N. I never slept with all those women. I swear it."
You squint your eyes, still not believing his words. Law notices it, "It's true. I swear." Law tries to reach you, but you take a step back. Law clench his fist, "Believe me, Y/N. It may sounds stupid to you, but I did it to protect you."
"By hurting me??" You grit your teeth, hissing to him.
Law stares at you wide-eye, jaw dropping, "You.. Your voice is back?" Law can't hide his happiness because you regain your voice again, "How's your throat? Did it hurt somewhere?" He grabs your shoulder to examine you.
"Don't touch me!" You try to free yourself from his iron grips, "Don't touch me with those filthy hands!"
"Wha- What do you mean filthy hands? I swear to Gods I don't slept with them, Y/N. Please, trust me." Law grips become more firmly, he scares if he let you go you will run away again from him.
"Then why did you hurt me?" You whisper, you can't hold back the tears that swelling up at your eyes.
"I want to protect you. I know my way to protect you is wrong, I know. But trust me, I never want to hurt you." Law sound helpless now, he tries so hard to convince you. "My enemies won't come to you if they think you are just my subordinate, Y/N."
"Then so be it. I'm your ex subordinate now, Law. You don't need to protect me anymore, I can protect myself. You can sleep with whoever you want." You squirm harder now to break free, but Law still tries to hold you, "Please, Y/N. I never want to sleep with other women unless it's you, I just want you. Not only your body but also your heart. Believe me." Not only his voice is shaking, his hands that hold you is also trembling.
"I really love you, Y/N. I've been in love with you for a long time." Law leans his head on your shoulder, "I'm sorry that I hurt you. I will do everything to earn your love again, I will do everything to takes you back with me."
"Prove it." You clench your fist.
Law shoots his head up, his eyes beaming with a little hope you give him, "I will. You should go rest, you must've been tired from your duty here. I'll see you later." Law release his hold on you and walks you to the girls room, "Good night, Y/N." Law scrapes his neck.
You close the door with your back on him, without saying the greeting back to him. You walk over to your bed and lay down, you can feel your heart beats is coming back, the rhythm that always beats when you're near him, "I hope I'm not making a mistake." Both you and Law go to sleep, get ready to welcome the new day, the day where Law's tries to earn your love back.
As soon as you wake up and head over to the kitchen, he brings you warm lemon water with honey, “For your throat.” You can hear Sanji grumbling at the kitchen bar. And Law has been following you around.
Chopper need your assistance? He’s on it.
You’re on watch duty? He’s coming with you.
Law even stay at the Sunny when Luffy decide to goes to the next island. After everything that he did for you, you still don't talk to him. Still ignoring him.
When Luffy waiting for Sanji's desserts, Law coming in to the kitchen to get your desserts. "So, Torao... Did you really coming here to takes Y/N back with you?" Luffy tries to steal the desserts. "Of course I am, Mugiwara-ya." Law slaps Luffy's hand.
"But it's almost a week and she still ignoring you." Sanji chimes in.
"It's fine. I deserved it, and I'm still trying to get her loves back." Law murmur and looks at the side. He finds it awkward to share this kind of thing with other people. Unbeknown to him, someone is standing outside at the kitchen door and overheard their conversation.
When Sunny arrive at the island at night, Nami and you decide to hop to the bar for drinks to relieve some stress. Law and Zoro wants to tag along. Zoro mostly wants to drinks, Law of course coming with you for your safety.
Nami told them to not get close to both of you, since their appearance are to eye catching and tell them to not get any troubles. Nami and you opted to sit at the bar because it's convenient to get the refills.
Minutes turns to hours and Nami hasn't drunk yet but you get a lil bit tipsy. The bar getting more crowded with newbies pirates as midnight comes. Some of the pirates get the nerves to try to flirt with you and Nami. Worst part is they are getting handsy, before you can draw your katana out there's already a katana and nodachi at their necks, "You better gets your hands off from my girl before I split your head off from your body." The ex Shicibukai putting a little bit pressure of his Kikoku until there's a blood seeping out from the guy neck. The guys scurries off after they realize who are they facing off.
My girl... That one word slaps you back to reality, making you fully sober now. Nami sighs with the chaos they created, "The funs is over now, let's go back to Sunny." As soon as Nami finish her words, you stands and run first to Sunny. Law follows you closely, "Y/N, you're drunk. Don't run like that or you will fall."
"I'm not drunk! Stop following me!" You halts before you can reach Sunny. "Go back, Law." You can feel your heart throb. Why is it hurts?
Law slowly walks to you, "I'm not going back until you're coming with me, Y/N." He stands in front of you, "I will say it thousand times, I will not go back without you."
Thump... Thump... Thump... There it is. The beats when you're around him. "Why? Why did you do all of this?" You try to hold back your tears.
"Because I love you." Law tries to reach your face but hesitates, when you don't take a step back he finally touch your face and lift it up. "Because I love you, Y/N." Law wipes the tears from the corner of your eyes, "I will do everything to get your forgiveness, to get your love back, to get your trust on me again, to get you back to my side again."
"Will you hurt me again?" You hiccups and the tears still keep rolling down.
"Over my dead body." Law wipes it.
"Will you leave me and go see to other women again?" You touch Law's hand that was on your cheek.
"Never. You're the only one for me." Law rubs your cheek.
"I don't want to wear the boiler suits. It's too hot." You're still crying.
Law chuckles and wipes your tears again, "Anything for you, princess." Law kiss your temple.
"So does this mean you forgive me?" Law gives his loving stare to you.
"Yes. This is the last time." You glare at him.
"Thank you. And I'm sorry for hurting you." Law press his forehead to you, his lips almost grazing with yours, "I love you, Y/N."
"I love you too, Law."
Finally Law can hear those words from you, his heart beats faster now. "Can I kiss you?" Law murmurs with his low and deep voice.
"Yes." You breathe out the word, slithering your arms to his neck and tip toeing.
Law gently capture your lips, his hand slides down to your waist to gets you closer while the other on your thigh to lift you up. Law deepen the kiss and hold you tightly, saying I love you countless time between the kisses, making you giggle.
"Let's go home now, Y/N." Law pecks your lips again, and you hugs him tightly, hiding your face at the crook of his neck. “Yeah. Let’s go home.” You murmur.
The Straw Hat crews and some of The Heart Pirates crews has been watching the scenes from the deck, they cheers and whistles. Law groans and walk you back while you still in his arm.
“Wait. I need give my thanks to Luffy and the others, I also needs to say goodbye to them.” You hops off and run to the Sunny, Law still follows you closely.
After you says thanks and goodbyes to them, you also gives Nami and Robin hugs. Before you go Nami tells Law, “Don’t make her cry again or else someone will take her from you, Torao.”
“Not gonna happen.” Then Law walks back to the sub with you, linking his pinky with you.
“Well, seems like you lost your chance huh.” Nami nudge Zoro.
“Heh. Maybe in another life I get a chance.” Zoro smirks and just shrug it.
When you arrive at the sub, the crews all welcome you with tears. Ikkaku jump on you giving you a bear hug. Finally their captain misery is ended. No more looking for you from island to island.
The chaotic trio also tries to jump on you to give you a group hug, but Law quickly grab you and put you behind him, “Alright you guys can chat with her tomorrow. Off you go to your duties!” Law bark the order to them, you can see his ears are getting red and you laugh at him.
“Don’t laugh. Come on let’s go to sleep now.” Law tugs you and lead you to his room.
“Wha- Why are you brings me here?” You try to stop him before he goes in.
“What? You’re my girlfriend, isn’t it obvious you’re sleeping at my room from today onwards?" Law smirks, he knows you’re being shy and he can’t help to tease you.
“But what about the others? They will gossip about us.” You stand still at the door.
“Let them be. It’s true though you’re my girlfriend. What’s wrong with it? I’ll just punish them if they tease you. Come on, I’m tired.” Law carry you in bridal style, making you shriek.
Law puts you down on his bed and he lays down beside you. "Umm. Don't you think this escalate to quickly? You take me to your room as soon as you get me back." You try to slips away from his bed.
Law grabs your wrist, "No. It's not. I don't want to waste anymore times more than this. I want to make up with the time I loss with you." Law tugs you down and lay you on his chest embracing you. "Stay here with me, Y/N." Law kiss your forehead.
You smiles and snake around your arm to his body, "I will." You peer up at locking your lips with him, as you pulls away you can see Law gazing at you with eyes full of love. "I love you, Y/N. Always." Law tighten his embrace. "I love you too, Law." And you both fell asleep in each other embrace.
When the sunlight hits Law's face, he scrunch his eyes and slowly open it. The first sight he see is you in his embrace, sleeping peacefully.
He may not find the One Piece, but he find his precious treasure. It's you. He won't trade anything than this precious moment with you. He kiss your temple and holds you tight, trying to get more sleep again with you.
When you both arrives at the kitchen for lunch, the crews starts to cheers again. "Shut up! Eat your lunch and get back to your stations!" Law orders them with a tint of red at hir ears.
You giggle and making a beeline to where Sachi, Penguin and Bepo sits.
"Ahh. So glad that you're back again, Y/N." Sachi wails. "We've been hell you know since you're gone." Penguin lets out a long sighs. "Yeah, captain looks like shit!" Bepo cheerfully fills in.
"Bepo!" Law tries to shut him up before he says unnecessary things to you.
"I'm sorry." Bepo pout.
"Well, at least me and Penguin plans works. Right, Captain?" Sachi push his luck by teasing Law. "That's right. You owe us, Captain." Penguin chimes in.
"Yeah. A toilet duties for you both for a month sounds right." Law casually eat his onigiri.
"EEEHH!!!! NOT FAIR!!" Sachi and Penguin tries to persuade Law to consider the punishment and asking for a rewards.
You laugh at their antics. Even though you're having fun at Sunny with The Straw Hats, there's nothing to beat the fun you have at your "home" with your loves one.
Law glances at you and smile when you're laugh happily. He secretly intertwine your hand with him under the table, you glance back to Law and gives him smiles. Smiles that he loves so much.
He never thought that he will be this happy with you by his side. He should've done this sooner.
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dividers by : @saradika-graphics
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lawqual1ty · 9 months
How? (College AU! Trafalgar Law x Gn!Reader)
Pov: You're a college student at the Grand Line college, thanks to how far you originally lived you had to get an apartment close by resulting in you rooming with Trafalgar Law which raises a few questions along the line...
Warning: Corpses (briefly mentioned), Morgue, Curse words, bare chest(?), but besides that it's mainly fluff (enjoy!)
This fic has a part 2! Here
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You have been a criminology student in the Grand Line college for the past two semesters. Thanks to how far away from home your building was you had to get an apartment close to your classes.
This brought you to share a dorm with your current roommate, Law: a reserved Medicine Student that seemed really close to bursting at any given point of time... That or fainting near to your house due to lack of sleep resulting in you being framed for attempted murder (cops aren't always that smart and you knew that).
It took a while but after a year and a half you managed to get on friendly terms with Law, well as friendly as you could get with someone as cold and distant as him. Your friendship basically consisted of you both complaining about the medical and juridical system, sometimes you getting under his nerves, and hanging out in his room while the two of you study for your so feared finals.
He was never one to talk much so you did most, if not all, of the talking although neither you nor him mind... It was nice for a change.
You've come to discover that besides you, Law didn't have many friends, he had a few scattered around as you came to meet, and befriend, Bepo, Sachi and Penguin: Three of his closest friends. Learning this was a bit depressing according to you but then again looking at Law you really got to understand why plus, they say it is better to have few friends that are loyal than having plenty and they are all fake right? So you just shrugged it off and was happy for him.
What didn't seem to get into your brain was how this man was still single...
Yes, sure he was cold but whenever he cared for you thanks to your random injuries or thanks to the dangers you faced whenever you had to go to the morgue for practices that doubt always rose up.
Your doubts were confirmed one time as you were walking down the hall and a crowd seemed to form around a window area. You were pretty sleepy so you didn't pay it any mind until you heard quite a squeaky voice yell into your ear.
You physically cringed at the loud yell... But wait... You blinked for a bit...
Did she...
You quickly turned your face towards the window only to find out that what the crowd was watching was none other than your roommate... You froze at the sight.
He was playing basketball with Sachi and Penguin, it was a casual play through, you could tell thanks to the relaxed demeanor the three of them had, your eyes focused on Law... His forehead had some sweat rolling down his skin, he was wearing a tank top showing off his strong arms covered in tattoos that you rarely got to see and... Did you get a glimpse of a chest tattoo?! If it wasn't for the window you're sure as hell you would've fallen off the building thanks to how close you were leaning to the edge...
You quickly shook your head and walked off even more confused than before.
A few days later you were hanging out in the living room as you waited for the oven to beep signaling that the cookies you had impulsively made were done.
It was a Sunday in the morning so you didn't have much to do and decided to have a chill day with some cookies, a blanket and a random movie you were probably gonna fall asleep to. Your mind was wondering when you suddenly heard the door to the bathroom open with a light thud followed by footsteps approaching what you thought was Law's room, you looked out of the corner of the eye to find Law looking for you on your bedroom... The problem? His chest was bare... All he was wearing was a pair of sweat pants. Your eyes widened as you noticed him approach you on the couch with a sleepy look on his face, his tattooed hand resting lazily on the back of his neck.
"Hey do you have any more sunscreen? Mine ran out..."
Your eyes wandered through his entire body. His chest was covered with a heart tattoo that went from his collarbone down to his bellybutton, it was quite the sick tattoo you had to admit, he had abs that could be envied by a Greek god thanks to how marked they were... Your mind started racing with confusion as you looked back with a blank stare to a pretty confused Law. He snapped his fingers in front of you.
"Earth to Y/N-ya"
"YEAH I'M AWAKE!" You yelped, he couldn't help but sigh as he stood mere inches away from you.
"Jeez... What the fuck has gotten into ya'...?" He placed his hand on your forehead "You haven't been sleeping right?"
You quickly leaned back avoiding his contact as your face flushed a bright red, much to his surprise. You closed your eyes rubbing the bridge of your nose, silence was the only thing that surrounded the two of you as he looked at you very confused.
You quickly jolted up to face him, if he had a shirt on you would have pulled on it but he wasn't so your only option was to squeeze his face with your hand and pull him closer. This action made Law blush a bright red as he looked at you confused.
"How are you still single?!"
His mind started racing as he tried to understand the reason behind your actions "Pardon?!"
"You heard me! Like..." You let go of his face and let yourself fall onto the couch with a grunt as you hid your face on your hands. He looked over at you with a raised brow, a sigh escaping his lips. "All I did was ask for sunscreen..."
"And you're half naked!"
"Don't be a baby... You've seen more naked bodies than me, what is a half one have to do with-"
"They weren't alive man! That doesn't..." You grunted
At your words he finally understood where your reaction was coming from, a soft chuckle escaping his sadistic smile.
"Shut the fuck up!"
He laughed very loudly this time making you even more flustered. "Just tell me where your sunscreen is" He said softly, a hint of amusement still on his voice "I need to take care of my tattoos"
You raised your arm and pointed towards the direction of your room "Second drawer, in the hello kitty bag..."
You didn't even turn to look at him but you knew he was smirking like the little asshole he was, clearly enjoying how flustered you were thanks to him.
"Thanks..." He muttered quickly and walked over to your room, the footsteps signaling you that your interaction was over.
Suddenly the oven beeped snapping you back to reality and out of your thoughts...
"Oh right the cookies..." You muttered as you stood up and headed over to the kitchen, you could still feel your cheeks burning up as you remembered the image of your roommate's half naked body. You could even feel your mind going numb with the image.
"You made cookies?" His yelling voice made you jolt up just as you were taking the cookies out of the oven burning yourself in the process.
"SHIT!" You yelled out as you dropped the cookie tray on top of the kitchen counter with a loud clank noise coming out of the impact, Law almost bursted out of your room as soon as he heard you curse with a worried look on his face.
"You okay?!"
You gave him a thumbs up as you rubbed your hand "Yeah..."
Although you told him you were okay he quickly approached you and took your hand into his, making your heart skip a beat at the sudden contact.
"It's a light burn..." He answered softly, stroking your skin with such care that you were surprised by it "Let me get some cream and you should be fine..."
As he walked off your gaze followed him with clear curiosity in your eyes... He quickly got back from the bathroom and started placing it on the small place you had burned yourself, his hands avidly stroking your skin. Once he was done a small smile formed on his lips as your eyes narrowed.
"My point still stands..."
Your words confused him but the same question still lingered on your head as you looked at him, the cold feeling of the cream on your skin making the sting of the burn go away in an instant. You then sighed and turned around to focus your attention on the cookies.
"You want some...?"
He nodded silently in response, a small smile still on his lips as he found your level of confusion amusing in some way.
Maybe the mystery of how he was single would go forever unsolved...
But that morning you sure as hell had a great time enjoying those cookies together...
It almost made it seem like you were a couple.
But... Nah that wouldn't be possible...
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