#sadge moment
kyomon0 · 8 months
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Doodle done in response to me starting the homework that was assigned 4 months ago. I am a great student. I am also a liar. Hahahahaha.
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scruus · 1 month
*slams table*
*throws laptop*
*wails and bawls*
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summercourtship · 1 year
don't you just love clicking on a promising reader-insert fanfiction only to immediately click away when it's in first person
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nemesispixie · 8 months
i have a storyboard of a hollyleaf animatic i wanna do that’s been sitting in my files for like two months now and i really wanna finish it bcs yknow it’s cool seeing final products but also animation makes me wanna die a little bit every time i look at the frames i’m working on 💀
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mobblespsycho100 · 11 months
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got arlan AND blade on my first 10 pull on his banner love and light
WHAT THE FUCKK OH MY GOSH UR LUCK IS CRAZY I LOVE THAT FOR U !!!! blade is so fun honestly (guy who keeps using him in supports)
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askct · 11 months
I know, I was being sassy >:)
Anyways, "you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar" is just a saying. It means that the majority of the time you can get what ya want if yer nice.
Now I guess I ought ta ask another question.
Hmmm... How about...
Is Napstablook here? If so How is Blooky?
.....blooky...yes....they were....-mtt
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I apologize
Genre: angst
Tw: mentions of blood and major character death
Pairing: Diluc and Kaeya (platonic)
Characters: Diluc, Kaeya, Klee and a random knight
Story: please don't go.
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The following morning arrived quickly. The sun rose slowly over the horizon, casting a warm light across the winery. Birds chirped softly in the trees, their melodic songs filling the air with a gentle serenity.
He glanced around aimlessly, his hands trembling with either anticipation of rebuilding his friendship with Kaeya or dread that Kaeya would not forgive him.
The reason behind his trembling hands eluded him, but he pushed aside his concerns and set his mind to making things right with Kaeya. He breathed in deeply and began to rummage through his clothes.
Changing his clothes, thoughts ran over his head over lots of possible ways that asking for forgiveness could go. He shook his head, telling himself that it won’t happen.
As Diluc stepped out from the cool interior of the winery, he shielded his eyes from the bright sunlight and took a deep breath of fresh country air.
With a small smile on his face, he began to walk down the winding gravel path that led toward the city. He felt a sense of tranquillity wash over him as he listened to the gentle rustling of the leaves and the distant chirping of birds.
As he passed through the gates, the sound of lively chatter filled his ears. The carefree conversations of the people around him perfectly reflected the spirit of the city - a place known for its love of freedom.
Unknowingly, he found himself standing before the massive doors that guarded the Knights of Favonius building. With a sense of apprehension, he hesitated for a moment before the doors, contemplating whether to turn back.
However, he quickly dismissed the idea and reminded himself of his commitment to making amends with Kaeya by 6 PM, and he was determined to follow through on his promise.
With a gentle push, he slowly opened the doors and walked towards a familiar face.
“Klee, darling do you know where Kaeya is?” Diluc inquired.
The blonde girl's eyes widened in surprise as she recognized the owner of the winery they used to pass by. Confused, she blinked a few times before asking, "You mean Mr. Kaeya? Our Cavalry Captain?"
"Yes, that's him," the redheaded man replied, feeling anxious.
Klee's face lit up with excitement as she replied, "Oh, Mr. Kaeya is out on an expedition!"
Diluc's shoulders sagged with disappointment at the news. "Do you know when he'll be back?" he asked, hoping for a chance to make things right with Kaeya.
"Yep! Master Jean said he would be back in about two hours!" Klee replied, beaming with joy.
Diluc breathed a sigh of relief at the information. With two hours to spare, he could use the time to think about what he would do. He bid Klee goodbye and started to walk outside.
Before he could even touch it, the door swung open on its own, causing him to stumble back in surprise. Standing in front of him was a knight, who appeared to be in a state of panic, their eyes darting around frantically.
“Where’s Master Jean!? It’s an emergency!” The knight screamed out loud.
“What happened?” Diluc asked sternly.
The knight's head snapped towards the sound of the voice, and his eyes widened in shock at the sight of his former Calvary Captain standing in front of him. Stumbling over his words, he could only manage to say, "Kaeya...help...expedition...emergency," as he tried to catch his breath.
It was clear that something urgent had happened, and the knight was in desperate need of assistance. Diluc stood still for a few seconds, pondering what the knight could have meant.
Diluc made up his mind and without wasting any time, he sprinted towards Klee who looked lost in thought.
"Klee, did Jean mention where he's going?" Diluc asked, his tone laced with panic.
Klee shook her head, confusion etched on her face. "No, I'm not sure. She did say something about a star, though," she replied, her voice trailing off uncertainly.
"Starstatch cliff," Diluc muttered.
Diluc dashed out of the building in mere seconds, leaving Klee standing there, bewildered and alone. His heart was pounding in his chest with every step he took, and he tried to shake off the overwhelming feeling of anxiety.
"Kaeya's going to be fine. He's strong, he won't get hurt," Diluc repeated to himself as if trying to convince his own mind.
As he came closer, a chilling sight unfolded before him. The lifeless bodies of knights were scattered around the area. His heart sank, dread filling every part of his body.
Frantically, he scoured the surroundings, desperate to find Kaeya, until at last, he spotted the unmistakable tuff of blue hair amidst the desolation.
"Kaeya!" he bellowed from afar, a surge of relief coursing through him, knowing his beloved brother still drew breath.
Kaeya widened his eyes when he heard the voice of his dear brother. Slowly turning his body to take a closer look.
Unbeknownst to Kaeya, the treasure hoarder crept up behind him, wielding his blade with determination, ready to unleash a devastating blow.
But Diluc, with senses sharpened by an unyielding vigilance, perceived the impending doom. Time seemed to decelerate, in almost a mocking manner, stretching each agonizing moment.
“Kaeya watch out!” he screamed, holding out his hand in a futile attempt to intervene.
Yet, before his desperate grasp could make contact, the malevolent blade had already pierced Kaeya's defenseless back, sealing his tragic fate.
“No no no no!” Diluc shrieked, seeing his brother on the ground like that.
Diluc quickly killed off the treasure hoarder and ran to his brother in a panicked state.
Desperation and anguish mingled in Diluc's voice as he whispered pleas for his brother to hold on, refusing to accept the cruel reality unraveling before him.
"Diluc..." Kaeya's voice barely above a whisper, strained with pain.
"No, no, Kaeya, don't apologize, please. Just hold on…" Diluc choked out, his voice thick with sorrow.
Kaeya weakly lifted a hand, reaching out to touch Diluc's tear-streaked face. "I... I love you, Diluc. Always... remember that..."
Tears streamed down Diluc's cheeks, mixing with the blood staining Kaeya's hands.
"No, Kaeya, don't leave me, please, don’t leave me…" he pleaded, his voice breaking.
Diluc's heart shattered into a thousand irreparable pieces as the light dimmed in Kaeya's eyes.
His pained cries pierced the silence of the surrounding chaos as he clung to his brother's lifeless body, cradling it, not wanting to let go.
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-> I completely forgot about this 👁️👄👁️
<- back
<- happy ending
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I don't like reminding people that I have a birthday sometimes. Like, I'll tell them and then they forget and I'm like "Aw, darn, my friends forgot my birthday!" But I don't blame them because I forget theirs too. And if they remind me I'll just say happy birthday to them and maybe get something for them. I just don't like reminding people so I don't seem selfish. Plus my birthday is at like the beginning of the school year (September 16th) so people don't really think of us September kids much.
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sunfishsiestalah · 1 year
oh....there was an open application for a cod fanzine earlier this year and i missed it completely
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colossal-red · 2 years
Beau is on her Sad Arc ;(
(Context: Tomathy Inside of It has gotten a new girlfriend, Olive from Love Or Host, thus leaving Beau sad, and now angry apparently as I’m writing this-)
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starzy-drawz · 2 years
What’s gonna be sad is when I somehow stop making Godzilla art.
That’s the sad thought/realization of today
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millymoonstar · 2 months
No power...
Saturday night at 10pm I lost power, and as I write this we still don't. They only reason that I can update everyone now is because of course school has power.I'll do a lil update when we get it back, but who knows how long that'll be as two lines near my area are down,,
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peanutypowers · 9 months
I hate seeing some hot person following me and then it just turns out to be some bot. Honestly a travesty tumblr. Why can’t I have really cool women just follow me like a normal person?
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askct · 10 months
..............it's so empty.......maybe....just maybe....I should delete this blog.....they are busy enough....oh well....I'll wait a little longer...-glitch.
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peachcandraw · 11 months
i changed my mind college sucks my dr pepper exploded on me in the middle of class and i was too embarrassed to go to the bathroom to clean my dress so i just sat there
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reallytinyhideout · 1 year
i got a new phone but neither of the cases I got line up correctly and it makes me want to cry because now I can't listen to music 😭
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