#sadly not sensetale
alright this is finally out! i wanted to show what i’ve been doing since i haven’t been able to work on the sensetale comic due to lack of ability to make sprites and such, it’s a fan game for the old preboot storyshift, i just wanted to make it because i really wanted to see something for storyshift based on either the comic or the write up and i just have a soft spot for the preboot comic so i made this! hope y’all enjoy
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Please take your time. Creative work takes time and in the end it will be worth it. Don't waste yourself for your fans, take care of your mental and physical health. Don't waste your holidays with work. Don't do the same mistake I and several other people did.
to be fair i don't think anyone is pressuring me, it's more or less just i feel i didn't want to make people wait this for content and you're all very nice and wonderful and i wanted to make something for everyone. thank you and everyone else for your concern i'm fine, and i don't think sensetale is affecting me too much mentally
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just started reading and the au looks cool! my one question is why all the music links are broken, they all have unneeded spaces that make them not work anymore.
oh it's simple! you see i put the links in as normal and then, because imgur is a very silly and wacky website decides it needs to break the link and there's literally nothing i can do about it! i understand it's like so... people don't go clicking on unsafe links or whatever and you need to have a certain number of website points to use it properly but it's just so annoying to deal with sometimes and yeah i can't do anything about it, you simply just need to copy and paste the links and get rid of the like 2-3 spaces it adds and it should work
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What is your fave under tale song/theme. Can be from aus
mad mew mew's theme i wish toby gave it a proper name but it's one of the themes i wish was remixed more without being compared to spider dance, yes they use the same motif but mew mew's is modified and the style of the song feels so much better to me than spider dance! a close second would be undyne's beta theme, it gives a good intimidating vibe to it and while i think her current theme is better fitting for her but her beta theme sounds so good
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How many people work on sense tale?
well! there's me. the owner, tammy. the musician who works on most of the tracks, tammy. the person who makes most of the sprites, tammy. the person who writes the scripts, tammy. and finally! our concept artists, swapswappy and funside! yeah it's mostly just me there are other people who help from time to time but aren't full time works on sensetale, big big thank you to moonstriker for helping out, they don't work on the au anymore but they still help with designs for sense and even big plot stuff, if it wasn't for them sensetale would have never had got this far. there have been tons of people who have inspired me wither it be through small means or directly helping me out, thegamerTG and dorked being some of them
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Do you have a fave under tale character
yes i do! my favorite undertale character is mad mew mew followed up closely by undyne and then papyrus i honestly just really like the idea of mad dummy finding a body that was truly just themselves and it fleshed out MD a bit more instead of just being a random side character and heck the undertale alarm clock gave them even more development plus they just have a rocking theme
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What do you use to make the comic?
i use a lot of different things but mainly i use paint.net (it's a program not a website) and piskel for some animation and making sprites and such but i only use paint.net when putting stuff together because it has access to text objects and it's a lot more precise when i wanna place stuff going a little past that any music made by me is made in fl studio and i write all my script stuff just on like the default note pad stuff
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Radio check?
hi hi hi yes i'm still alive, sorry a lot has been happening both in my life and mentally and it's been very hard to work on parts or even answer the questions y'all are giving me, right now my sleep schedule is fucked so posting stuff at times people are awake is hard too, don't worry i'll try to get back to posting stuff again and working on the comic, i haven't forgot it and i'm making small things here and there towards the next part but it still might be a bit
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Happy Halloween Tammy.😊
happy late Halloween, i hope you all had fun, sorry i don't really have anything to give you all but until i get some better at like doing all of those a little faster planning for events like this is a little hard
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Who is muffet
well you see she's from this popular game, you really should play it. she's sorta a minor character since she was a reward based characters but she has a pretty nice theme and a cool boss fight.
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Я не знаю, розумієте ви мене чи ні, але можу поставити запитання, чи чули ви такую ау, як модтале. I don't know if you understand me or not, but I can ask if you've heard such an au as modtale
yeah sorry i don't speak Russian at all but thanks for the translation yes i have heard of modtale and i help with the comic from time to time, mostly just proof reading and helping with ideas TG is pretty cool
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frisk takes sans role
sorry but i gotta stop you there. listen, i'm interested in au's and stuff but this is NOT the place to post your stuff. submissions are for fan-art, songs, or other general things relating to sensetale. if you wanna make your stuff more public, then please just post it on your own account and ask some friends to share it around or something that isn't sending this stuff to an au that has nothing to do with what you're talking about. any other au content i share on this account is because i made it personally or they're from a friend who i don't mind advertising. i'm sorry to use this post as an example but i did get another unrelated thing in my submissions, it was a slideshow about chara not being evil or something? either way this is not the place to share that stuff and you shouldn't be putting it in the submissions of every au that has one as i believe FMS also got that chara thingy on their poppy blog so assuming you see this and to anything who doesn't get it. do not use the submissions to advertise your au stuff if it is unrelated to the au, not just mine, but any au creator that has a blog. it's annoying and most of the time it's just going to be deleted if it's unrelated to the au, there's nothing wrong with sharing your stuff, in fact i encourage you to continue to make stuff and work on your sprites and concepts but this isn't the place to do it buddy.
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Have you ever though of uploading sensetale on mspfa? imo it has a better reading experience there instead of imgur plus you can put music on the bg
hmmmm perhaps? i enjoy imgur's system over MSPFA but i guess i could look into it for people who like that system better? and honestly the music situation would be a lot better on it either way...
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Would you post the ost on spotfy?
i am like 0% sure how the rules on spotfy work, so i couldn't tell you if it's even possible to get my music on there but i didn't have any intentions of posting my stuff there.
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Is therw a way I can donate to you guys? I love this Au. Its my favourite and I wanna support you guys
while i do apricate the thought and it would be nice to get some donations, i'm not sure i deserve it honestly, at least give me some time to think about it and let undyne move through the ruins before i do anything like that. i just wouldn't feel right taking people's money when the au is still so early on. after that i may open a... patreon or something
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What do you use to make music
i use FL studio for making music, of course it is a really expensive and really weird program to use but if you can't afford it then i'd suggest LMMS it has some good stuff in it and it should be free, it can't do everything FL can but it sure can make music
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