y-umire · 7 years
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tomato boys~
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jujubanana · 7 years
Saeran: I don't care what your parents are like, it's your decision to be a prick!
Seven: yeah! Our parents were shitheads and we turned out fine!
Saeran: *looks skeptically at Seven*
Seven: Yeah, you're right. We need professional help.
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yullen · 7 years
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Say what you want but I’ll never regret making this decision. (I did the opposite on Seven’s route, so this was only right.)
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sehyunseok · 7 years
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Kitty choi bois :D
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unknown-saeranchoi · 7 years
Choicest Discord - Open
Hello! I am reopening access to join @deeciphered and my's choicest discord!!
Everyone is welcome but we do not lurkers (meaning we want people who want to be active.)
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cordmonochrome · 7 years
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"mischievous twins " spends a lot of time sketching them😂 practicing colors again.
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anas-tasiaa · 7 years
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“ I am you, and you are me ” —————————— They watching the starry night sky together ~ 😊💕 I really admire how Saeyoung really care about his brother. As if one of them left, the another one will be start to break tho ;(
P/s: This took almost my time. I am such a slow drawer. (T_T |||) ///knocks head on the table///
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princeofvelvet · 7 years
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I was 100% stalking your blog @choicest-for-life idk why tumblr didnt notify me of this ;-; 
ok so Saeyoung keeps reassuring Saeran that he’s “compdtedy fiiiide~ I promise, the great Seven Zedo Seven doesn’t get si--ACHOO!”
Saeyoung is aware Saeran’s not buying it but he still insists on taking care of himself. “I dont need to be in bed, I’ll make food for myself just you---” thud.
Saeran rushes to his side and checks for vitals. As he expected, Saeyoung’s got really high fever, trembling on the cold floor and barely keeping it together.
The first time he regains consciousness, he isn’t even sure where he is. He might be floating in space with how comfortable he feels, and the relief on his head lulls him back into a deep slumber almost immediately. He doesn’t know how long he remained unconscious. To him, it felt like seconds. But his body was beginning to strain, every time he tried to move, his hair clung to the back of his neck, sticking like it’d been glued. It sent shivers down his spine, causing him to retreat further into his blanket.
He must have made his discomfort obvious because a pair of hands shifted his pillow. A towel gently wiping the sweat rolling down his temple.  And suddenly he was back in heaven, sure that, were he to open his eyes, he’d see an angel.  
He did.  
His vision was blurred until he could only make out a red-haired silhouette sitting next to his bed. He'd been so sure he wouldn’t need glasses to see in heaven, apparently he was wrong. And he also must have said that out loud because a voice that wasn’t his own responded.  
"Go back to sleep. You need rest.” He thought he’d lost feeling of his body, but his hand twitched in search for contact. He wanted the soft hands tending him to hold him.
“Will you still be here when I wake up?”  
“Yes. Now sleep.”  
He couldn’t go against an angel’s commands.  
The third time he woke up, his head felt lighter than ever before. He first became aware of the ceiling before taking in the rest of his surroundings. When he tried to breathe he found his nose had cleared, as well, and the pounding in his head had ceased.  
That's when the background noise also became a clear voice speaking in the distance.
“I’ve been changing it! Don’t tell me not to worry when he’s never been so-- Oh, [MC]? I’ll call you back later...”  
He didn't have the strength to lift his own body. He settled for turning his head towards the door, where his brother had just appeared holding a phone.  
"You promised you'd be here when I woke up..." He barely recognized his voice, but his hand managed to weakly reach for Saeran.
A faint smile tugged at Saeran's lips. "Well I am here now, no?"
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sugarcoatedpoop · 7 years
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Here is my sinful contribution to Choicest Week 2017 :)
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choicest-sins · 7 years
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(๑•́ ₃ •̀๑) 
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y-umire · 7 years
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Belated merry christmas~ 
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kkaeki · 7 years
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shootaimedstars · 8 years
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fuck!!!! fuck...........! fuck fuck fuck!! 
based on seven’s third bad end............. 
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sehyunseok · 7 years
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Its a redraw of  THIS 
but i drew it without Saeyoung’s glasses xD 
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unknown-saeranchoi · 7 years
Choicest Halloween
// Collaboration between me and @honeybuddah-icecream for @spoopychoicest #ChoicestHalloween2017 event
Prompt: Horror Story 
Saeran’s eyes were open wide as he stared intently at his twin brother his pillow held tightly against his chest. The blanket that the two had draped over them separated them from the outside world and only drew Saeran in more. He was clinging to every word that Saeyoung uttered as the golden light from their flashlight created a glow on him and the book that was placed in his lap. Today was a special day, according to Saeyoung though Saeran did not understand it. It was ‘All Hallows; Eve’ and the older twin suggested the read a scary story to celebrate. At first, Saeran was unsure about this due to the fear of getting scared, but he loved when his brother read to him nonetheless so he eagerly agreed.
Saeran rested his head on his brother’s shoulder, listening carefully to the story, focusing on the details, the soft lull of Saeyoung’s voice, the thin blanket they were hiding under so mom wouldn’t see the light from the flashlight they’d stolen from the closet because Saeyoung had insisted on reading to him by flashlight. It was a bit difficult to focus on where the story was going, but he didn’t mind that much. It was nice being read to, comforting, even if he had trouble following the exact plot of what he was being read. Part of him was aware that his brother hadn’t turned the page in a good ten or fifteen minutes and was likely coming up with the story as he went, but he didn’t mind. Saeyoung was a good story teller.
The story started out innocent enough; a little boy named Sae and his brother Ran went on a journey through the forest to retrieve apples. However, it was starting to get more spooky causing the younger twin’s heart to beat a bit faster than his normal rhythm. The feeling of fear was not foreign to Saeran, it was something he felt everyday, but something about the scary story drew him in and made him want to know more despite beginning to feel anxious.
Even in the dim lighting it was easy to see the glint in Saeyoung’s eyes as he told the story. He was clearly amused at how his brother clung closer to him hiding his face ever so slightly in Saeyoung’s shoulder, despite saying that he wasn’t afraid at all. Saeran wasn’t really afraid, that much was for sure. There a difference between the nerves that made his chest feel tight from the mind numbing terror that came along with upsetting their mother. What Saeran was feeling now surely couldn’t really be called fear.
Saeyoung’s voice got really quiet causing Saeran to pay close attention to what he was saying.
“And then...Boo!” Saeyoung exclaimed causing Saeran to scream. Almost immediately after, Saeyoung started to giggle. Saeran’s face turned red in embarrassment before he started to hit him half heartedly with his pillow.
“Saeyoung! Don't scare me like that!” Saeyoung continued to laugh as he shielded himself from the pillow assault he was receiving.
“Sorry, sorry I just couldn't help it!” Saeran pulled his pillow back up to his chest and glared at his twin. Saeyoung’s laughter gradually died down. “It’s just a story Saeran, nothing scary.”
“Well you put us in there!”
Saeyoung rolled his eyes and laughed. “If you want I can stop?” His tone was somewhat teasing as it normally was, but there was a hint of honesty to his words. Saeran knew he didn’t actually mean to make him uncomfortable, that if it actually started to make him uncomfortable, he’d stop and Saeyoung would shift the topic to talk about all the good things that would happen once they got out of their mother’s house. Once they were free.
Maybe he’d talk about what Halloween would be like for them.
They’d be able to dress up and go out like the other kids to stay up as late as they wanted telling stories and building blanket forts and drinking hot cocoa with extra marshmallows, just like they’d gotten that one time Saeyoung had taken him to the park the year before from the man selling coffee. Saeyoung hadn’t had enough change then, but the man had given them their cup anyway and had offered them a small smile, making Saeran wonder if he suspected anything about their less than normal upbringing.
Saeran forced himself to focus back on the reality, on the question that his brother had asked that he still hadn’t answered. Saeyoung gently shook his arm, just enough to get his attention. “Keep going?”
The door opened with a bang as it slammed open against the wall. The boys scrambled to lie down as quickly as possible with the least amount of movement necessary. Saeyoung pressed the flashlight into the thin mattress of their shared bed and moved so he was lying on the light. It wasn’t a very good cover. Their mother had almost certainly heard them talking and she’d never just leave it at that.
His heart was pounding in his ears, both of theirs were, loud enough that they were certain their mother could hear the telltale signs of their guilt. Saeyoung could have sworn his heart stopped the moment he heard her slur out a swear. The amount of alcohol that she had consumed was evident in her words.
“You fucking brats! why the fuck are you being so loud!” In the blink of an eye, their shield of protection was ripped off. Saeran’s eyes wide at the sudden loss of the blanket. The woman the twins had the unfortunate luck of calling their mother grabbed the younger brother by his ginger hair and dragged him out of his brother’s hold. “You worthless piece of shit, if you want to fucking scream, I will give you damn good reason to.”
Saeyoung bit his lip, resisting the urge to shout for her to leave Saeran alone. He knew that would only make things worse. There wasn’t much they could do to defend each other when their mother was around, instead they’d comfort each other and tend the other’s wounds once she’d grown tired of assaulting them.
Saeran knew better than to struggle; that would only anger her more, still his throat felt tight with terror and he was already struggling to breathe. How could he have thought Saeyoung’s silly story was scary just a few minutes ago; a story about two young boys wandering in the woods. At least they were safe from her, free to travel wherever they wanted. No, this was something to be really afraid of.
The look on their mother’s face was one of absolute disgust as she looked down at Saeran. Saeyoung couldn’t help but notice how small his brother looked in his oversized grey sleep shirt with their mother holding tightly to his hair to keep him upright.
“Answer me! Saeran!” All Saeran could do was whimper, knowing if he spoke it would only enrage her more. His mother tightened her hold on his hair before tossing him into the wall. “Worthless piece of trash! If I hear another sound from either of you, I will make you wish you were dead!” With those angry words, she opened their bedroom door and slammed it shut behind her. Saeyoung waited for a few moments before running over to his twin and pulling him close.
“Saeran, I am so sorry...this is all my fault.” Saeran wrapped his arms shakily around his brother, sobbing into his shoulder and shaking violently. Now that she’d left the room he couldn’t keep himself from breaking down. Saeyoung held him close as they layed back down in their bed, and wrapped the blanket around them, tight enough to be comforting without being suffocating and rubbed his back. His other hand moved to gently play with his hair, brushing it away from his face as he sobbed.
“Y-you didn’t do anything wrong,” Saeran said between his sobs, voice cracking. It was true. It wasn’t Saeyoung’s fault that their mom had come it. It wasn’t his fault that Saeran was the weaker twin. It wasn’t his fault that their mother hated him most of all. He didn’t say any of that. He hoped that the meaning between his few words would reach his brother, that the deep understanding that they had for each other would span to this as well.
Eventually, Saeran’s breathing evened out as it always did after facing their mother and Saeyoung pulled back ever so slightly to offer him a small smile and wipe away his tears with his thumb, making Saeran smile shakily back at him.
“...You know Saeyoung, maybe your story was right.” Saeran whispered careful to not be heard which turned out not to be a problem. His voice still weak from crying. .
Saeyoung looked up, eyes wide in confusion. “Huh?”
“...We do live in a horror story, don’t we?”
Saeyoung pulled his brother into a tighter hug then before, holding Saeran to his chest in what he hoped was a comforting gesture. He hated that Saeran thought that, even if it was true. He hated that his brother had to be genuinely afraid of anything. “I’ll always protect you Saeran, horror story or not,” he promised, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of his little brother’s head.
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cordmonochrome · 7 years
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"for the love of ice -cream😘 " saeyoung x saeran mini fancomic. read left to right enjoy❤ pen /sketchbook
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