burninlovebutler · 2 years
Hi bestie! 11 for the drabble prompts?
- Sage 💚 (@sagesolsticewrites)
prompts here✨
thank you sageykinz for the request 🥰
why i thought reblogging FLUFF and DRABBLE prompts was a good idea when i can’t write anything sweet or short 😭 idk but here it is
this came out kinda long so it’s actually more of a drObble , i apologize - also sorry if it sucks 😅
[i also kinda changed the wording of the actual prompt sorry 😅]
‘We’re friends now, sorry, there’s no escaping it.’
“That’s not how you’re supposed to do that.” You frustratingly grumbled looking over at your irritating co-camp counselor Austin’s dumpster fire that didn’t resemble neither an art or a craft.
You two were sat at the back of a cabin monitoring the adolescents messing around with glue and glitter in front of you. It was only about a week before camp was over and you never had to see this annoying blonde ever again. Between the kayak incident – which you were still finding chunks of seaweed out of your hair – and then there was the bonfire incident… and he even cost you the ‘Most Honorable Camp Counselor’ award. You couldn’t wait to get home and start your summer internship. But here you were, building popsicle stick huts with the menace that had been assigned to you.
“You ever think maybe I want it to look this way?” He gave a sly smile back, carefully placing a glue covered stick atop the mess he called a house.
You glanced over and tried to stifle a giggle at how ridiculous it looked, but promptly regained your composure.
“Ah see!” He laughed nudging his boney shoulder into you, “You do think it’s a masterpiece!”
How someone could be so infuriating and have such a cute laugh, you had no idea. But you hated it. At least that’s what you’ve been telling yourself all summer.
“I never said that,” Returning your attention to your pristine popsicle stick home. “But maybe yours isn’t that bad.” Hiding a tiny smile as you added some puffballs to your roof.
Just as you were about to put your final touches on your wooden home, the blonde stealthy slid your homes together, gluing them to one another. “Austin!” You gasped and smacked his arm, “I worked hard on that!”
He just gave you a playful smirk, “Look we gotta be friends, we’re neighbors now.” Then shrugged with a big grin, “There’s no escaping me.”
Even more annoying than the boy himself was the flutter in your tummy when he smiled at you like that. But you rolled your eyes with a groan, “Fine. But if we’re neighbors I have two conditions.”
“Shoot.” He said confidently like he was on the edge of a victory, ready to cross the finish line.
“No parties,” You pointed a finger at him and narrowed your eyes, “And no kayaks.”
He chuckled remembering the entire boat tipping over and your high pitched screaming, “No promises.”
(i was also requested a Part 2 to this, if you wanted<3)
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sagesolsticewrites · 2 years
hi sageykinz !!!!! i was craving some austin x reader x olivia content & then i was like i know the exact person for the job!
so i have 2 for ya (if u want!)
#5 - “I hate Christmas shopping.” - “I love Christmas shopping!” (i thought this would be cute with austin vs olivia lol)
& ice skating!! (i’m imagining austin/reader/olivia r just vvvv attracted to each other here 👀)
but do whatever u want, i just need some trio magic 😭
- @burninlovebutler 😘😘
being poly myself I love love lovee writing poly x reader fics 🥰
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(actually putting these under a cut bc they ended up much, much longer that I’d anticipated oops 😂)
Send me drabble prompts!
5.) “I hate Christmas shopping” / “I love Christmas shopping!”
You skipped into the kitchen, humming happily as you checked the final few things off your list.
“What’s got you so happy, sweetheart?” Austin asked from the kitchen table where he and your girlfriend were sitting.
“Oh nothing,” you smiled, “Just got all my Christmas shopping done. It feels good to check things off the to-do list. Hey, how’s your Christmas shopping going, my loves? I know you two have been busy lately,” you say, genuine sympathy in your eyes.
They very casually assure you that their Christmas shopping is mostly done, just one or two small things they need to get for their other friends, and you nod, “Well, that’s good. As long as you two remember to take some time for yourselves, please? I don’t want you stressing yourselves out just for a little holiday.”
Austin and Olivia both assure you they’re fine, and you vanish back into your room to finish wrapping presents for your family.
As soon as you’re gone, they lock eyes.
“I haven’t had time to go Christmas shopping.”
“Me neither.”
“I hate Christmas shopping!”
“I love Christmas shopping!”
“Wait, what?” They say in unison.
“How can you hate Christmas shopping?! Getting to pick out the perfect gift for someone you love, everyone around you in the holiday spirit..”
“See, Liv, you just listed the reasons I don’t like it,” Austin says with a chuckle, “There’s so much pressure to choose an absolutely perfect gift, and there’s so many people, and everyone’s stressed out, it’s just… it’s a lot.”
Olivia thinks for a moment, then it hits her. “Hey, what if we just did it together?”
“Did… what together?”
“Christmas shopping, silly! We’ll split off to get each other gifts if we need to, but we can do the rest of the shopping together, and maybe it’ll be at least a little more enjoyable for you that way?”
Austin beams at his girlfriend. “I’d love that. I can’t believe we didn’t think of that before.”
“Come on, Aus, you know I’m the one with the brains in this relationship,” Liv teases, leaning over to give him a quick peck so he knows she doesn’t mean it.
“Sweetheart, I love you, but I think we both know who actually has the brains in this relationship,” Austin laughs, already grabbing his coat.
“Y/N,” they both chorus in unison.
Austin heads down the hall as Olivia gets her coat and shoes, knocking on your door before opening it just a crack to peek inside. “Sweetheart, Liv and I are gonna head out to do some last-minute shopping, are you gonna be okay here?”
You look up from the partially wrapped box, hastily taping a corner down before turning your full attention to your boyfriend. “Oh yeah, of course! Have fun and be safe,” you remind him, coming over to the door to give him a kiss before he leaves. You poke your head out into the hall and call towards Olivia, “Have fun babe, be safe!”, making sure to blow her a kiss, too.
“We will!” she calls back, and both you and Austin can hear the smile in her voice.
“Oh, and,” you place a hand on Austin’s arm, gently stopping him as he starts to walk away, “Would you mind picking up something for dinner on the way home? I don’t feel like cooking tonight,” you ask, almost apologetically.
“Of course sweetheart,” he assures you with a nod as he heads back down the hall, “We’ll let you know when we’re on our way home!”
At the mall, Austin does okay for the most part. It’s much better with Liv there than if he was alone, but eventually all the hustle and bustle of the shoppers and the tinny Christmas carols being piped through the mall speakers start to get to him, and he starts getting antsy. He really wants to go home, but he tries to hide it when Liv decides she wants to stop by one of the candle stores to see if they can find anything after they’ve bought all the gifts they need.
They’ve only been in there for a few minutes, however, when she starts picking up on his less-than-cheery mood, and finally decides it’s time to go home.
“I’m sorry that took so long,” she says as they get in the car, gifts securely tucked away in the trunk, “But it wasn’t too bad, was it?”
Austin gives her a soft smile, “No, it wasn’t that bad. Though it was definitely just because you were there.”
“Well, I’m happy I could be of service,” she teases.
On the way home they stop at your favorite restaurant and bring home a veritable feast — Christmas shopping apparently works up an appetite.
Gifts securely hidden away, they spend the rest of that night cuddling with you on the couch, eating dinner and watching all the cheesy Christmas movies you want.
17.) Ice Skating 🥰
“How are you so good at this?” Austin said, exchanging surprised glances with Olivia as they took in the way you glided across the ice like it was nothing.
Sure, you had sounded incredibly excited when you suggested an ice skating date that weekend, but neither of your partners had expected… this.
“I dunno,” you shrugged, facing them with a grin as you turned smoothly into a backwards glide on the less crowded portion of the rink. “I grew up with ice skating lessons and went to open skate at the rink back home pretty much every weekend when I was a kid. Guess some of it just stuck with me.”
Slowing down, you moved so you were skating alongside your partners, assessing how they were doing so far. Olivia was doing fairly well, she was confident enough to move away from the wall lining the ice a bit, but Austin… sweet California born-and-raised Austin was struggling, clinging to the wall for support, though he was clearly trying to make it seem like he was against the wall on purpose.
Exchanging amused glances with your girlfriend, you moved so you were skating between them, linking hands so both of them had support from you.
“Don’t worry, we’ve got you Aus,” you teased gently, adding a squeeze of your hand so he knew you were being genuine, that you would be there if he needed you.
“Thank you, sweetheart, I appreciate it,” he laughed, returning the squeeze, which soon turned into a chain of hand squeezes between the three of you as you tried to tease each other while keeping your balance, eventually ending with the three of you collapsing into giggles as you glided aimlessly along the wall.
Soon, though, you could sense that both Austin and Olivia were getting tired, and you suggested stopping for the day and grabbing some hot chocolate at the stand nearby to warm up. They took your suggestion gratefully, and you soon found yourself squashed between them on a bench just outside the rink, each of you holding a cup of steaming hot chocolate.
“This was fun, baby,” Olivia said, tucking a stray wisp of hair back into your hat from where it had escaped, “Thank you for suggesting it.”
“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” you smiled, leaning to rest your head oh her shoulder, her faux-fur lined hood proving a more than satisfactory pillow.
Your head shot right back up, however, as you perked up seeing the Zamboni come out to clean up the ice. You were hit with a sudden longing to get back out onto the rink. It had been so long since you’d skated on glass-smooth ice…
Your excitement isn’t lost on your partners, as Austin nudges your shoulder with a knowing smile.
“Go on, get back out there. I know you want to.”
You turn to see Olivia giving you a grin matching Austin’s, and she takes your hot chocolate from your hands gently. “Go ahead sweetheart, give us a show,” she teases gently.
You feel your face heat up, a sweet, warm feeling that has nothing to do with the hot chocolate spreading throughout your body as you realize just how easily your partners can read you.
“Fine, fine, if you insist,” you playfully sigh, quickly slipping back into your skates and making your way back to the ice.
It’s late, and everyone else seems to have left for the evening. It’s just the three of you left as you step onto the ice and begin to glide, unable to stop a smile spreading across your face at how your movements are that much smoother and cleaner on recently swept ice. You feel Austin and Olivia’s eyes on you, and you let out a laugh as you hear them whooping and cheering for you as if you’re an Olympic skater. You warm up with a few laps around the rink, playfully blowing kisses to them every time you pass.
You decide to show off for them a little by doing a few of the jumps you remember from when you were younger, and though you don’t quite stick the landing on all of them, you know Austin and a Olivia are incredibly impressed, if their dropped jaws are anything to go off of.
Eventually you come off the ice, beaming, a rosy glow in your cheeks.
Your partners come to meet you, Olivia still holding your abandoned hot chocolate.
“So that was…” Austin begins, somewhat speechless.
“Incredible!” Olivia shrieks as you untie your rented skates and slip back into your winter boots. “Babe, how come you never told us you could do that?”
You shrug shyly, “I guess it just never came up?”
“Well we definitely need to go ice skating more often,” Austin says, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and pulling you close as you make your way back to the car, “Especially if we’re gonna get a show like that every time.”
You feel your face heat up even more as the two of them shower you with praise, and you decide to turn the attention back to them.
“Well I’m just glad I got to spend today with my two favorite people in the world,” you say, squeezing their hands clasped in yours, “I love you guys.”
“We love you, too,” they murmur, and as snow begins to fall on a moonlit winter night, you pull each of them in for a sweet kiss, joy filling your chest with warmth.
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burninlovebutler · 2 years
Hi bestieeee I know I already requested one but I’m taking the chance to appeal to your angsty side with #6 from the drabble list (“Ah yes, betrayal.  I am familiar with that.”) 🥰😇
- sage 💚 (@sagesolsticewrites)
taking xmas themed drabble prompts -> ❄️
thank you sageykinz for exercising my writing skills!
this one also turned into a drObble bc idk how to write anything concisely lol so sorry if its longer than a drabble 😅
in the same vein this is a continuation from the other camp counselor themed drabble ~ we’re friends now, sorry, there's no escaping it
“Ah yes, betrayal. I am familiar with that.” though I changed it to -> "Ah yes betrayal, I know it well."
It had been a week since you and your irritating co-camp counselor, Austin, had become ‘friends’ over the art of popsicle-stick home building. And you found that once you stopped hating everything he did, the more tolerable he was and the better you worked together. It had been the best week all summer and whether you wanted to admit it or not, there were butterflies buzzing in your tummy whenever you both were alone. Like when the two of you were cleaning the camper cabins and he kept hitting you with pillows. You were almost grateful that he was defeating you because it hid the blush that nestled across your cheeks.
And then there was the night trip to the lake – the kids had long been asleep, and you sat on the edge of the water. Some of the time talking, laughing at whatever mischief the young campers had done that day. But then there was the glaring quiet of watching the moon reflect off the lake. The only noises that filled the quiet were the ripples of the water lapping against the edge and the dancing fireflies around the trees. It was in that silence that your fingertips had just barely threaded, and you swore your lungs had malfunctioned.
But he was still just your irritating co-counselor…right?
It didn’t matter anyway because tomorrow you’d be off to your separate cities, and you’d never have to see this absolute menace of a human ever again. Which was exactly what you’ve wanted all summer but if that’s truly what you wanted…why did it feel so somber now?
It was the traditional smores bonfire to send off the summer and you were sat next to the blonde. Your body was riddled with a plethora of feelings you didn’t understand – sadness, nerves, butterflies. You kept quiet in thought as you watched him roll a marshmallow-pierced branch over a roaring fire.
“Well, kinda sucks that we won’t be neighbors anymore.” He sighed joking about your glued together popsicle stick homes, “Bet you’re happy ‘bout that huh?” Pulling the mallow from the fire and taking some melting excess on his finger and took it into his mouth.
“Hm, I don’t know, you’ve been a pretty good neighbor so far.” You remembered that you’re supposed to be roasting your own marshmallow, so you lean your branch in.
“You know what? You’re right.” He proclaimed proudly, beginning to build his own sugary sandwich. “There have been no parties and most importantly, no kayaks.” Grinning wide.
The goddamn kayak incident
Any other day of that summer the memory your kayak being purposely tipped over would’ve made you furious all over again – but now it almost brought a nostalgia. Nostalgia over a memory that wasn’t even old enough to be nostalgia. In the reminiscence of the not-so-long-ago past, you forgot about your now blazing marshmallow.
“Shit.” You immediately pulled it from the fire, desperately fanning and blowing at it trying to put out the flame, which only earned unhelpful chuckles from Austin.
“See what the freakin’ kayak curse does! Look what ya did.” You smack the back of your hand against his arm then finally put out the fire but you were now left with a solid black marshmallow. “Well unfortunately, it looks like I am gonna have to evict ya.”
“What! Evict me!” His hand overly animated despite having a smore in his hand, “Over me and… and my perfectly made smore!”
“Okay.” You said simply and stealthily reach up to snatch the sandwich from his hand. As soon as you had secured the snack you took a healthy bite from it. “Evicted!”
“Ah yes, betrayal.” Austin just shook his head with a faux-defeated smile, “I know it well.”
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burninlovebutler · 2 years
@sagesolsticewrites when i went to take pics of the magazines, my kitten decided to join and then STARTED BITING THEM
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he said, ✨yum snack✨
i said, valid same
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truly his mother’s son LOL
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burninlovebutler · 2 years
- @sagesolsticewrites
send me a 🥀 for a random sentence from a WIP 💕
Thank you sageykinz!
i’ll give you a teeny bit of fluff 😅💕
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*whispers* this is from just an intern part 3 👀🫣
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burninlovebutler · 2 years
hi bestieeeee 🤍 abelia, chamomile, papyrus for the get to know me asks? hope you’re having a good day! 🫶
- @sagesolsticewrites 💚
-> get to know me asks✨
thanks sageykinz!
abelia ⇢ do you have a particular piece of jewelry you always wear or can’t part with?
I have a couple pieces I always wear!
-first is a ring my boyfriend gave me 💗
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I rotate between second & third which is:
-a silver harry styles 'matilda' necklace - that song has a huge significance to me so, its extra comforting to wear 🥺
-and an elvis guitar pick necklace 🥰
(i have an extra one that i keep on my rearview mirror lol)
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chamomile ⇢ what kind of things do you like receiving as gifts?
gifts are my love language so i really love any gifts! i love getting gifts of things that reminded someone of me
but i really love getting plushies or really anything cozy (blankets, etc)
recently someone gave me a watermelon plush bc they call me Melon 🥹 & so it was perfect 🥹
papyrus ⇢ if you put your ‘on repeat’ playlist on shuffle, what’s the first song that comes up? what do you like about it / associate it with?
🥲🥲 this song obv reminds me of Elvis but also the meaning of the song about loving someone who doesn’t love themselves - i see a lot of myself in the person she’s singing about so 🥲
my fav lines are:
‘Turns up the music so thoughts don't intrude
Predictably winds up thinking of Elvis
And wonders if he believed songs could come true,
I'm asking for it if they do’
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burninlovebutler · 2 years
💌 Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 💌
-sage 💚 (@sagesolsticewrites)
this was really cute and i never posted it 😭 im sorry sageykinz, i love you sm
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burninlovebutler · 2 years
Happy Thanksgiving bestie!!! I’m so thankful we started talking, I honestly can’t imagine my day without scrolling through your blog and yelling with you about how pretty Austin is. Hope you have a day thats as wonderful as you are, Mel!
- sage 💚 (@sagesolsticewrites)
happy thanksgiving sageykinz 😭😭
i’m grateful that we started talking too, you’re such a wonderful & kind person. i’m so happy we met through such amazing men lol <33
i can’t imagine my day without that either, thank you for dealing with my ramblings (and screaming) lol
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burninlovebutler · 2 years
MELLL omg did I hear something about a villain arc 👀 I’m so here for this lmaooo 😏
*insert Elvis smirk here*
- sage 💚 (@sagesolsticewrites)
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burninlovebutler · 2 years
pumpkin, mint, babybel wrapper, ourple:)
- sage 💚 (@sagesolsticewrites)
pumpkin - ‘sorta kinda fangirl every time u post’
bestie i sorta kinda fangirl when u post too 😏
mint - ‘this is a threat we’re gonna go bake cookies :D’
i’d love to bake cookies w ur domestic libra ass ofc
babybel wrapper - ‘get in loser we’re gonna go frolic through the woods’
only if it’s to the tune of folklore 😤
ourple - ‘why r u so funny it’s not fair’
being complimented on my humor is the highest compliment anyone could ever give me so thank you, glad i can make someone laugh LOL
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burninlovebutler · 2 years
Melllllll bestie beloved I hope you’re having a good day!! I fully haven’t stopped thinking about those new bts pics I’m just akdjksdhkdjd Ruby is truly blessing us 🥹
- sage 💚 (@sagesolsticewrites)
girl she is NOT blessing us she is TRYING TO KILL US ik she be gigglin seein everyone freak out
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burninlovebutler · 2 years
we’ve talked for literally all of 3 days but when I see your URL I just think “🤩!!!!! Bestie Mel!!!!” I hope you’re having a good day ☺️💛
- sage 💚 (@sagesolsticewrites)
i really fucking suck at replying to asks LOL
ily bestie sage 🥺 same to you 😭
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burninlovebutler · 2 years
hey bestieee!! 14, 20, & 28 for the asks? (Though I feel like I know the answer to the last one lmao)
- @sagesolsticewrites 💚✨
-> unusual asks ✨
thank u sagey! ily💓
14 - what’s your coffee order? vanilla caramel macchiato/latte ! i also really love café con leches! 🇨🇺
20 - describe your blog in 3-5 words? hmmmmmm lol
chaotic, sad, violent, h*rny and gay? lol
28 - what celebrity would you rate a PERFECT 10? 🤔 hmm ………………….. gee i can’t think of one! 🤭😂
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burninlovebutler · 2 years
for the ask game: 📺🥵🐷
hope you’re having a good day bestie!
-sage 💚 (@sagesolsticewrites)
thank u sageykinz! 🥰
ask me q's -> here
📺 - Favourite show? oof i have so many tbh but my comfort show is Will & Grace 🥰 i even have a will & grace tattoo!
🥵 - Would you rather be too hot or too cold? from a floridian id much rather be cold than hot lol you can always add layers to cold but theres only so much you can take off if you're hot lol plus u get SWEATY 😭
🐷 - What’s your favourite animal? fav pet would def be cat, i'm 100% a cat person but exotic animals i love penguins, otters, snakes!
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burninlovebutler · 2 years
hi bestieeeee i hope you’re having a good day! ☺️ 7, 9, 18, 41, 46 for the weird asks?
- sage 💚 (@sagesolsticewrites)
ask me weird questions 🥳
hiya sageykinz!! thanks for the asks 🥰
7 - hair-ties or scrunchies? scrunchies for sure! i think they’re cuter & don’t give me headaches 🤗
9 - which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee? COLD almost always, like 9/10 of the time i gotta be in a specific mood for hot (& i really only like the way my uncle makes it💜)
18 - what hair products do you use? i have thin wavy/curly hair my go-to’s as of recent are:
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those r my ride or dies can’t say enough good things about them (the wonder water is literally magic i genuinely don’t understand how it works)
41 - how do you take your coffee?
i love mixing up my coffee but my default go-to is always a caramel macchiato / vanilla latte — since i’m cuban cafe con leche (iced) has a special place in my heart
46 - favorite holiday film? 😅😅😅
highkey i hate holiday films but i like elf obviously orrr i LOOOVE Deck the Halls (idk i love the chaotic war LOL seems to be a common theme)
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burninlovebutler · 2 years
MEL BESTIE hiiii can I scream with you about a v fluffy idea I got had for a potential sequel to my diner date blurb 👀 👉👈 also I hope you’re having a good day! 🥰
- sage 💚 (@sagesolsticewrites)
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