#sahar tries his best
hyunverse · 5 months
hiiiiiii eren baby HAPPY 5K AGAIN 💖💖💖💖💖💖 you deserve itttt!!!!!! i was thinking of my ideal date while walking home today TO TELL U UR EVENT HAS BEEN ON MY MIND… anyway, it deffo involves going to a museum because talking about the art works and interpreting them with someone is the most fun and it tells you a lot about how they think.. then, a stroll by the beach while eating ice cream is always nice (and romantic 😁) then sushi!!!! always my fav food, just a really chill date that allows deep convos to flow nicely hehe have funnnn with this!!! i love U congrats again <333
— the cupid's heard your wish, your match is hwang hyunjin .ᐟ
note: hi sahar bae <33 YOU'RE SO SWEET THANK U T_T sending you so much love 💞
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baby i'm yours by arctic monkeys ・ sweet creature by harry styles ・ my kind of woman by mac demarco ・ i want to hold your hand by the beatles ・ moonlight by ariana grande ・ can't take my eyes off you by frankie valli
what if. What if. sahar what if i give u. nerd hyune. nerd x popular trope!!! hyunjin's like super surprised that the cool girl he's been admiring from afar likes art just like him and plans the best date ever <3
picture this. nerdy hyune who'd stare at you from afar, blushing everytime your eyes meet in a lecture.
at one point, he stirs up the courage to finally talk to you and he's pleasantly surprised that you like art like him too!!
once you start dating i feel like he'd bring you to see all the exhibitions he wants to see. hyunjin loves the way you'd stare at the artworks with sparks in your eyes, loves discussing about each piece with you.
lots of picnic dates too!!! count on him to bring you your favourite food.
omg trying to make homemade sushi with him would be funny too. ends up failing and y'all will just eat the ingredients.
can and will draw you all the time. a lot of the pages of his sketchbook has little sketches of you. he's an obsessive boyfriend tbh he'll make his entire personality about you.
the kind of boyfriend to bring you up in every conversation. oh my girlfriend taught me this, oh my girlfriend likes that brand, oh my girlfriend showed me this meme. all the time!!!
100% gushes about you to his friends. you'll meet changbin one day and he goes, "oh yeah how was the new cafe you tried out?" like hyunjin will tell his friends abt you so much that it's like his friends are now yours too.
you're forever his muse. whether it be the inspiration to his paintings or his songs, you're on his mind always.
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eliezersaul · 1 year
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L: Me (June 16, 23) - - R: Sahar Kazes, IFBB. Since I was a teenager, I've had 3 or 4 goals that haven't changed with the years ... One of those goals, is to ... Yep, to become a musclebro. Or a gymbro. Or whatever people call them now - - I mean, my brother used to be a personal trainer back then, and I loved seeing him getting massive, and all the good vibes and positivity he used to exude. Then, he left the fitness world because of, well... Things unrelated to what I wanna say. I tried the musclebro thing back then, but my brother never understood I was just a newbie with a lot of stuff and problems on his mind... So, everytime I went to his gym, I ended up sore for two weeks!. So, long story short... I avoided training with him like if my life depended on it! ... and ironically, didn't have a lot of motivation or self esteem to go anywhere else to workout. My cousin followed my brother steps though, and he is right now what I still want to be. A biker musclebro. We don't talk a lot, but I feel happy for him. Genuinely happy.
But, anyway... The thing is, I've kinda hated when people have told me silly things (and this is an understatement!) for talking about this goal. Not a surprise that many people assume that: Bodybuilding/Going to a gym/Getting muscled = Becoming arrogant, dumb, or an obnoxious man... Sure, some dudes who go to the gym are that way, and some like to be that way but because (according to my own theory) they already were that way! Besides, there's always SOMETHING to learn about this world: Either a new routine, or a diet, or how your muscles work, or which workout will help you with which muscle, or the chemical components of what you eat daily, how to do a correct meal prep, supplements... Even those who use roids have to learn A MASSIVE TON of stuff. I remember my brother used to train a couple dudes when they were getting ready for a competition, and, maaaaan... Tons and tons of information.
Started going approximately a year ago, and, well... My diet is not the best one... Yet. But I like the testosterone rush I feel everyday after a good workout... And I don't consider myself a brainless, dumb dude... Nor planning/thinking about going that way.
...Honestly, F those who disencourage YOU from doing what you'd love. Get your gymspiration (or whatever inspiration you need to do good things) anywhere you need it!
And, yes. Getting big, hairy (test, minox... you name it), a couple tats, a sweet bike when cash allows it... BEING HAPPY WITH THE WAY I LOOK... I mean... Why not? I love that idea. Maybe I fell in love with the action stereotype from the 80s (yep, 80s/90s kid… Former trust fund kid anyway but that's a VERY different story mwhahahahaha), and, seeing that, and my brother, made me love it until today. I still want that!. The roid thing... I'm not exactly partial to it for myself. If it makes your boat float, go for it dude! In my case... Well, MAAAAAAAAAAYBE if I were a pro bodybuilder, an IFBB one, maybe/whoknows/i'dtryit/whatever... I'm not condoning its use, though! But, my motto is never say never!
For me, well, right now, seeing those giants at my current gym is a MAJOR inspiration. Can't talk to them or befriend them because, well... Issues to make friends, can't/don't know how to... (Thanks high school, you damaged me so much my ability to make friends got ruined forever).
Anyway... Just wanted to talk a bit about it.
So, yep. Still wanna be a musclebro, bro. PS: If anyone reads this, I'd love to read your comments! Thanks for making it this far!.
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whitestopper · 1 year
Something I don't see people talk enough is not that Ben and Darcy are different but that they are two extremes that ironically end up meeting.
Ben wants to remain closeted to the extent that he won't even acknowledge Charlie as a casual friend or challenge Harry's homophobia (which, regardless of your opinion on Ben, can be enough for rumours to start circulating) and will date girls whom he doesn't fully - if at all - like just to throw up smoke and mirrors. On the flip side, Darcy's agenda when she meets Charlie for the first time is to make friends with another local gay person.
This is one thing when it's out Charlie (though it should be noted that he was outed as opposed to coming out and therefore might not have been entirely comfortable being approached for that alone) but another thing when she needles him about Nick, though it's largely laughed off because she is correct that there's something between them and lots of people find her wanting to associate with fellow gays relatable (which is... fair). However, it slowly becomes more of a nuisance; first when she tries to set up Elle and Tao on the triple date (which Elle does not want even though she does like Tao), then when she insists that there is something romantic between Isaac and James (which there isn't, at least not on Isaac's end) to Elle's discomfort and Isaac's frustration respectively. Ben won't tell you a thing about himself at the risk of being picked apart, while Darcy will gladly pick at you if she thinks you'll tell her something good (especially something gay).
In some sense, both Ben and Darcy use relationships to affirm - Ben to affirm his (illusion of) heterosexuality with girls and his gayness with Charlie, and Darcy to affirm her gayness and self-worth with Tara (though I absolutely discourage the idea that any relationship mentioned - especially Tarcy's, built on a five-year friendship - is that shallow). This sentiment is something that I sometimes see, though implicitly and hidden underneath a joke - the idea that a romantic relationship 'done properly' is inherently a step in the right direction and even inherently feminist. This is something Heartstopper halfway/accidentally deconstructs - Ben isn't willing (or fully able) to acknowledge what's happening even when he and Charlie are alone, Charlie has the idea that he owes other people more than he should give reinforced by his relationship with Ben, and Darcy mistakenly thinks whether you like someone or not is the only thing that matters when it comes to dating. [I say halfway because Heartstopper is built on shipping but... C+ for effort?]
Another similarity is how Ben and Darcy shield others from their home lives. Sure, Darcy is more than happy to go to Tara's house in a way Ben is not for Charlie, but she stays there to avoid being at home where (proximity to) gayness is curbed - moreover, Tara and Darcy have been friends for five years, Darcy has been out as a lesbian for years, and the two have been dating for at least a few months... and yet Tara at best has never known about the extent of Darcy's tumultuous relationship with her mother, something that sticks out as Tara is the more emotionally aware one. In other words, Darcy has been hiding her home life for years despite her easily being closer to Tara than Ben is to Charlie - Ben and Darcy are swimming in the same river of denial.
While I understand that hiring extra actresses would be another cost, it's a shame that we never get to see Tara and Darcy's friends. They tell Elle that "a few of their friends" know and that she can be considered "part of the inner circle" yet we never see the rest of that circle. Sure, we get them interacting with some people in the girls montage, but apart from the four main girls (five with the addition of Sahar in S2) and that one teacher, Higgs is just a school of extras talking about how lesbians are disgusting only to suddenly cheer and woop at Sports Day. I think seeing more of Darcy's (and Tara's) positive interactions with peers would help elaborate on why Darcy feels comfortable with being out in a way that Ben cannot and help contrast the lesbophobia that Tara notices later.
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ser0tonins · 7 months
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is  that  golshifteh  farahani?  oh,  no,  that’s  nasrin  shirazi,  a  forty  two  year  old  doctor  at  valparaíso  centro  médico  who  uses  she/her  pronouns. they  currently  live  in  valparaíso,  and  the  character  they  identify  with  most  is  sloan  sabbith  from  the  newsroom. hopefully  they  find  their  own  little  paradise  here  in  el  país  de  los  poetas!
name  :  nasrin  shirazi. nickname/s  :  nas/naz,  sahar  (“dawn”  in  persian),  rinni.  pronouns  &  gender  :  she/hers,  cis  woman.  sexuality  :  biromantic/sexual.  date  of  birth :  november  2,  1982  (  42  ).  place  of  birth  :  california,  united  states.  current  residence  :  valparaíso,  chile.  ethnicity  :  iranian/american.  religion  :  non  practicing  muslim. language/s  :  english,  farsi,  spanish.  occupation  :  doctor  @  valparaíso  centro  médico,  the  all  knowing  meme  mom, mo  salah’s  #1  fan. 
mbti  :  intj.  temperament  :  choleric.  (  +  )  :  determined,  humble,  mischievous,  loyal,  observant.  (  -  )  :  stubborn,  hypocritical,  argumentative,  private,  distant. likes  :  long  drives,  fresh  fruit,  cute  stationery,  tres  leches  cake,  day  trips,  reading,  discounts,  slow  mornings. dislikes  :  the  smell  of  disinfectant,  traffic,  arrogance,  meetings  that  could’ve  been  an  email,  stairs,  late  shifts,  sirabi.
height  :  5'6".  eye  colour  :  brown.  hair  colour  :  dark  brown,  mostly  worn  in  a  ponytail/bun  while  at  work,  and  worn  down  during  her  days  off.  piercings  :  ears  only. she  did  consider  a  septum  piercing  in  medical  school,  but  knew  her  mother  wouldn't  hesitate  to  fly  over  to  kick  her  ass  (just  like  she  did  to  her  younger  brother  when  he  actually  went through  with  his  👀  #dumbass). wardrobe  :  low  maintenance  is  the  key. if  it  takes  more  than  five  minutes  to  put  together,  she’s  not  interested!  jeans,  plain  shirts,  simple  dresses  —  a  neutral  colour  palette  is  preferred,  but  she’s  also a  sucker  for  cute, bright  prints/colours.
father  :  amir  shirazi. mother  :  jamileh  shirazi  ( née  kasebi ). partner  :  aksel  hėroux  (  the  most  adorable  grump  around  town  ). children  :  aleksei  (  the  light  of  her  life  ). siblings  :  nozar  shirazi  ( older  brother—ate  her  last  chicken  nugget  when  she  was  six. she  cried  for  two  hours  straight ),  nasim  shirazi-li  ( older  sister—nags  just  as  much  as  mom ),  navid  shirazi  ( younger  brother — dresses  similarly  to  dad,  which  is  horrifying ). other  :  mina  shirazi-li,  alice  shirazi-li,  rachel  shirazi  ( nieces, an absolute hoot in the family group chat );  jonathan  shirazi,  nathaniel  shirazi  ( nephews, ate the last baklava at the last party. she's still bitter ). various  cousins,  aunts  and  uncles  scattered  all  over  the  globe.
the  expectation  is  there,  left  unspoken  yet  certainly not overlooked. her  parents  have  done  too  much,  sacrificed  too  much,  to  be  rewarded  with  absolutely  nothing. it’s  only  fair,  then,  that  the  second  youngest  seek  to  make  use  of  the  opportunities  handed  to  her  in  a  country  they've  considered  ideal  for  her  and  her  siblings  to  flourish. to  be  good,  to  be  great,  to  be  somebody. 
her  youth  is  often  spent  following  in  the  footsteps  of  her  older  siblings,  listening  in  on  their  conversations  as  they  discuss  grades  and  classes  and  other  topics  that  she  can't  quite  wrap  her  head  around. it's  a  feeling  that  doesn't  sit  well  with  her,  of  not  having  a  clear  idea  of  what  she  plans  to  do,  though  they  reassure  her  that  she'll  figure  it  out  soon  enough. 
they  may  not  have  much,  but  her  father  tries  his  best  to  fill  the  emptiness  with  what  he  can offer. friday  nights  are  spent  crowded  around  their  tiny  dining  table,  fruit  juices  and  milk  boxes  in  hand,  as  he  leads  discussion  on  school  and  friends  and  whatever  plagues  the  mind  of  his  children. it's  a  tradition  that  is  maintained  throughout  the  years  (  and  one  she  chooses  to  adopt  for  her  own  family  ),  and  keeps  everyone  close,  despite  the  various  paths  they  take.
she's  regarded  as  filial  yet  mischievous,  bright  yet  blessed  with  a  sharp  tongue  that  never  fails  to  leave  her  mother  shaking  her  head  in  disapproval. her  reputation  in  school  is  quickly  established  as  the  go  getter  :  the  sports  captain,  the  vice  president,  the  reliable  debating  team  member. nothing  remains  out  of  reach  for  long,  not  with  her  desire  to  succeed  in  whatever  she  gets  her  hands  on.
as  her  older  siblings  venture  further  along  with  their  chosen  pathway,  she  decides  to  carve  her  own. an  avid  interest  in  science  leads  to  a  desire  to  pursue  medicine ;  a  journey  that  prompts  her  to  pack  up  her  belongings  and  relocate  away  from  everything  she's  known,  everyone  she's  known. (  it  takes  an  entire  year  for  the  loneliness  to  wear  off  ).
it  becomes  a  running  joke  in  the  family  that  her  whereabouts  can't  often  be  pinpointed. whether  she's  working  at  a  part  time  job  or  backpacking  in a country  halfway  around  the  globe  or  merely  lingering  off  the  grid  somewhere,  no  one's  not  too  sure. what  they  are  sure  about,  however,  is  that  she'll  always  turn  up  with  something. new stories, new gifts, new dreams.
routine  is  comfortable,  but  it  quickly  bores  her. residency  is  partially  spent  wondering  if  she  can  achieve  more  or  if  this  is  the  price  to  pay  for  being  a  pain  in  the  ass  during  her  teens. at  the  suggestion  of  a  colleague,  she  tries  her  luck  to  look  elsewhere  to  regain  some  sense  of  belonging  and  finds  herself  relocating,  permanently,  to  a  place that  feels  right and  with  a  family  she  adores  wholeheartedly.
while  close  with  all  her  siblings,  her  younger  brother,  navid, holds a special place in her heart.  mostly  due  to  the  fact  that  they  were  both  born  in  the  states  compared  to  her  older  siblings,  and  there  was  a  different  set  of  expectations  that  were  bestowed  upon  them. and  because  he  entertains  her  with  funny family pictures  when  she's  working  late.
keeps  up  with  the  latest  lingo,  thanks  in  part  to  her  nieces/nephews  who  explain  it  in  detail  whenever  she's  confused,  and  also  because  there's  no  way  she  wants  to  be  out  of  the  loop  when  lex  runs  through  his  day.  
an  early  bird  who  enjoys  waking  up  at  5  am  to  make  a  tea  and  prepare  herself  to  be  a  productive  human  being  (  can't  relate  ). 
despite  her  busy  schedule  at  times,  nasrin  will  always  insist  on  attending  all  the  school  events,  remembering  all  the  teachers  and  committing  to  memory  classroom  gossip  for  future  reference.  it's  important! 
has  travelled  extensively,  counting  kenya,  laos,  finland  and  chile,  of  course,  as  some  of  her  favourite  places.
incredibly  sentimental.  she'll  keep  whatever,  receipts  to  clothing  tags  to  candy  wrappers  as  long  as  it  has  a  happy  memory.
listen,  she  doesn't  lose  her  cool  often,  but  on  the  days  when  lex  rocks  up  with  homework  that  doesn't  make  sense  and  she's  tried  to  decipher  it  from  8438498  different  angles,  she  has  to  stick  her  head  out  of  the  window  because  "why  can't  they  write  shit  normally????" 
can  cook  pretty  well,  ranging  from  your  typical  spaghetti  bolognese  to  bozbash  that  her  mother  used  to  make.  she's  big  on  adding  spices  to  things  for  a  lil  "extra  feeling". 
once,  mo  salah  waved  at  her.  she  cried.    
a  friendship  group  who  meet  up  often  for  dinner  and  drinks  because  she  doesn't  have  much  of  a  life  outside  work  +  family,  haha.  
the  bff  who  sees  through  her  cool  doctor  facade  to  the  idiot  underneath  (  don't  be  fooled,  it's  there  ).  
youths  who  need  a  responsible  parental  figure  to  keep  them  on  the  right  path  and  pack  them  cute  mini  lunch  boxes.  
frenemies/rivals  because  while  she  tries  to  be  the  better  person  on  most  occasions,  she  can  be  preeeeetty  petty.  
former  friends  who  maybe  had  a  fallout  or  aren't  as  close  due  to  their  different  paths?  idk  i  just  love pain.  
patients  she  sees  around  the  hospital  more  than  usual,  like  "you're  back?  again?  seriously."
totally  won't  object  to  any  cousins  wandering  around  (  happy  to  discuss  potential  fcs  btw!  ).  
i  like  brainstorming,  so  i'm  always  interested  in  popping  across  ideas  that  could  work  for  both  of  us!!!  
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dullweapons · 4 months
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𝐁𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐊 ⸻ apostle ! ray
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In my line of darkness, your poison's kind of useless Old Mr. Corpse is rotting in the room with us I've been tortured, crawled out of purgatory Tell me honestly, is there something wrong with me ?
WARNING : child abuse
ray was born as ayrin to lamatar & anacanoa & was a troubled child from the start . things only worsened when his mother died & he was stuck with his father who had grown more & more twisted . he would beat ayrin , use him as a tool to bring people into the woods to kill & force him to do much worse . often ayrin would try to escape , only to be dragged back into the woods . sometimes he managed to make it to a nearby farm where he would meet the young & beautiful sahar . he would do his best to visit her ... it seems like that was the only time he felt happy . he swore he would marry her one day & run away from all of this . he just needed to kill his father & he could be free .
every attempt to stab or poison him failed & only resulted in being beaten over & over again . feeling at his wits end , ayrin set the forest on fire . he tried everything to make sure his father remained in the forest as it burned , not caring that his own skin was melting & that his lungs could barely get air . but his father refused - screaming out he damned his son . ayrin was beatning into an inch of his life and as the fire burned around him with his father on top of him , he reached to his fathers necklace .
a odd necklace in the shape of an egg with eyes & mouth on it ... a green behelit .
a voice asked him what he wanted . he wanted the power to kill his father & never ever be hurt like this again . the voices asked what he would give in exchange . anything , he said . they asked : even her ?
even her .
now an apostle he slaughters his father & feels strong for the first time in his life .... but he refuses to leave the forest . partly out of shame or guilt for what he's done for this power , partly because he now feels like a monster who should not be seen .
ray isn't too far from the capital of midland living deep within the woods that most humans refuse to go near because of him . they believe he is a nature spirit that protects the forest in the shape of a large deer when in reality its just him prowling & hunting wildlife for his own amusement .
out of pure willpower he often refuses the call of the godhand .
sometimes his fellow apostles will go through his woods looking to get to falconia — he’ll point them in the right direction but doesn’t understand why they want to go there .
his released form resembles a deer with a headless torso for a face — based on the creature from the ritual but i would add wings .
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astraystayyh · 6 months
sahar bby hi!!
It's so random but I like sending you messages so meh 👽
But have you ever tried watching any Studio Ghibli Movies? I feel like you would love them. You're so Studio Ghibli coded if you ask me. Pretty, well thought out and favoured was God when he made you, like how directors create Studio Ghibli movies. The art reminded me of you and I suddenly had to inquire!!
If you do think of watching, or haven't seen these yet, then here are some recommendations:
+ Howl's Moving Castle
Best movie on planet earth, this movie sends me to a different dimension and Merry Go Round of Life??? JOE HISASHI POPPED OFF WITH THAT MUSICCC
the prettiest girlie like you. Loved this movie so much as a child and I still do
+ Ponyo
Cutie patootiee
+Princess Mononoke
The main characters are actually so hot what 🌚
The reason I'm doing this? I have a warm and fuzzy feeling and sometimes even tear up by the end of these movies, especially Princess Mononoke and Howl's Moving Castle, and it really reminded me of your writing. It reminded me of how I feel as I read your well written masterpieces and I thought if you've ever seen any such movies.
If you like these, I'll be more than happy to tell you some more, that is if you want to ;)
Take care bby and drink lot's of water!! Ilysm 🤍
BABYYYY i left this ask for so long here because i wanted to watch all ur recs before answering but 😭😭 life did not cooperate ;;; but FIRST you are so sweet to me hello??????? if u keep on describing me like this i might actually pass away I LOVE YOUUUUU 💖💕💕💖💕
and i watched howl’s moving castle!!!! i actually live reacted to it here on tumblr 😭 and i loved it SOOOO MUCHHHH wahhhh it was so heartfelt and full of symbolism which i love (and howl reminded me of hyune…) i also watched The boy and the Heron and it made me so so emotional :,)) and my neighbor totoro (on a channie movie date BACK WHEN WE HAD IT ALL ;;;;;)
i noted down your suggestions and ill make sure to watch them tooooo <333 i’m so honored u think my fics are even remotely close to these beautiful movies :( that’s one of my favorite compliments ever HOW DO U ALWAYS MAKE ME FEEL SO HAPPY ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
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taminoarticles · 2 years
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— Tamino for Rolling Stone France (x) (x) (Original French text)
Tamino “Launching Thought Lines"
Discovery of the year in 2018, thanks to an unstoppable single, the songwriter from Antwerp returns with a new, even more original opus. Interview.
TAMINO PREFERS TO MAKE his own path and let his music do the talking. In terms of music, precisely, if we oscillate between pop, rock, folk and oriental influences, finding a classification for it would be nonsense. He loves music, musics. All. “We tried to find a label, to compare myself, nothing helped,” laughs the singer from Antwerp. Whether he has a guitar or an oud in his hands, the artist remains the same, he sings, clearly, with passion, composed, thoughtful and with a unique natural grace. Admittedly, music is a family affair for the grandson of Muharram Fouad, a famous Egyptian singer, but regardless of his origins, the universalist aims of the songwriter are clear, he speaks to everyone. With elegance.
Your new album Sahar, presents a very thoughtful, very natural production and, although remaining in the spirit of the previous one, already brings a kind of renewal...
It's quite different in my opinion. And if, on the music side, we stay in the same atmospheres, I have evolved a lot in the writing of the texts. And above all, for the first time, I really focused on the vocal assonances, that each word could generate its own melody, its own sound transforming into an instrument, while trying not to lose the meaning of the original text. It's a very long job, but it's really exciting. The goal was not fluidity, just music.
Your texts have matured...
They are very well elaborated because, with the pandemic, I had time ahead of me to achieve the result I expected. These new songs are more thought out, more thoughtful than on my previous work. And, as you mention it, I feel like I made my first album a hundred years ago, it's so far away, and it has the same effect on me every time I listen to it. But it allowed to launch avenues of reflection, I am no longer the same, I improved my working techniques and I think that we feel the consequence directly in this disc.
You live in Antwerp, Belgium…
And that's why I sing in English! (Laughs) My French is really not very good… I grew up in Belgium, and I have Egyptian and Lebanese origins, which also explains the presence of oriental sounds, like my oud, in my music. I grew up listening to Arabic as well as classical music and, of course, rock and pop; and I always stay connected to these musics. You know, I love Leonard Cohen, who is one of my main influences, but there are so many others, especially from across the Mediterranean. Even if I have a certain attachment to artists, it is more their music that fascinates me before their personality. Well, Cohen aside! I devoured his biography, written by Sylvie Simmons, a real literary treat, and probably, in my eyes, the best book ever written about him. Clearly, the work comes first.
We've seen you play in groups as well as solo, in Paris, Belgium or Quebec… Do you have a preference?
Ah, it's not at all the same exercise, the repertoire varies, but I readjust. There, in a few days, I'm going on a tour of the United States, before returning to Paris. I leave with my guitar and my oud and I tour solo in small venues. Then, of course, it will be with the group for the next dates at the Trianon. But, overall, I don't really change my style; and I am comfortable whatever the formula. Still, in small venues, you see people's faces and sometimes that intimidates me, whereas in large venues, it's more anonymous!
“Even if I have a certain attachment to artists, it is more their music that fascinates me before their personality. Well, Cohen aside!”
Have you given yourself a career plan?
We have dreams, goals, but also the reality of facts: the creative power over which we have no control. I don't have any crazy career dreams actually. Just doing what I love, but I never say to myself “I want to do that” and therefore produce a certain type of album. I don't work with a slew of producers looking to plan my career, so I just go with it. There, today, with this new album I have reached a certain point and let's see where all this will take me!
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ok ik that I'm probably gonna get hate for this but I'm not like a huge fan of season 2 of heartstopper.
like don't get me wrong I loved the 1st season. it was the reason I got into the whole omniverse. but I kinda have mixed feelings about the second season (and yes ik I'm very late to this) so I'm autistic and I. can't really handle change and yes I do fully understand that everything can't be fully lined to the comics and has to be some changes because it's a fucking tv show. but there were some changes, mainly in the second season that like really bothered me and I'm just trying to see if it was just me or not.
i really kinda hated the extra stuff leading up to Elle and Tao getting together. like the whole "first date" thing literally almost made me wanna die. mainly cause I feel the books portrayed them getting together very well and it just wasn't needed.
on defense of the second season I will say that the Tara and Darcy extra scenes and lk storyline was amazing and very good. like the whole thing with Darcy's mom was incredible. and the after prom thing where they're playing that Taylor swift song was genius. (if u can't tell they're both some of my favorite characters) and I'm not just putting Elle and Tao down cause I don't like them as much. I absolutely adore Elle and her entire personality in the books and Tao in the books and show us just fucking adorable. and it wasn't the actors fault at all they did an amazing job. another defense for it was the acting. the acting for like 5× better than the 1st season in my opinion, especially the nick&Charlie kissing scenes those were 6× more like realistic and shit. another issue i have with it was the casting. like ik u can't get it absolutely correct I fully get that but they were givin a pretty good description of what each character was supposed to look like. and I'm not saying they did that with every character. the casting with Tara and Darcy was absolutely perfect. but with Elle mainly her description is very shown and ik I'm not in a casting department had to be absolutely perfect and shit but... they could have tried harder to find a trans egyptian actress. mainly cause ik that middle eastern representation is kinda hard to find and they only found a mixed girl to play her. no shade to Yasmin, she's fucking gorgeous I just would have liked for them to have that representation.
also I was kinda annoyed with the added Ben parts. BUT the scene where Charlie told Ben that he never gave his consent for Ben to kiss him was pretty cool and I give them a lot of credit for that. I am also a huge fucking Imogen fan and seeing her be the fucking bad bitch she is was amazing. I just didn't like when nick and Ben were paired up together BUT I did like when nick said that he literally fucking assaulted him and it was cool that they said that literally and didn't leave it as an inference. *tw rape (also unpopular opinion on the assault scene if nick hadn't been there I think it's safe to say that Ben woul have raped the little angel charlie) so that was good that he dad that but I felt those scenes just weren't needed. and yes once again I do know that the comics themselves can't make the entire show cause it just wouldn't be long enough BUT almost all the season 2 episodes where like 10-15 minutes longer than any season 1 episodes. so....
also I didn't think that elle going to art college was like needed. like I didn't feel that that extra drama was needed in the show. oh I almost forgot to say this I absolutely hate the prom scene with all of my heart. EXCEPT the very not straight Sahar and Imogen scene when Imogen is kinda staring at her like Sahar is the best thing in the world (wich she is). but I hate the costumes for prom. like Charlie's made me want to scream into a pillow. and Tara's could have been 7× better. but it just wasn't super nessasary in general
also sorry if my spelling is absolute shit I can't spell to save my life
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sonseulsoleil · 2 years
I would love to see something with 13, 17, or 20 from the summer prompts please! Dealer's choice.
Hello, I'm sorry this took so long! But here is a little oneshot from the prompt "lifeguard"--though I may have stretched things a bit. Also I suppose content warning for cold water and mild hypothermia symptoms. But this is really just the Paris Squad being chaotic.
“Are we sure this is a good idea?” Tara eyed the pool suspiciously. The water rippled gently, glinting in the moonlight. 
“It’s a fantastic idea,” Darcy answered, throwing open the gate to the pool. No one was quite sure how she managed to nick the keys from the Higgs’ P.E. teacher, but they all thought it best if they didn’t ask.  
“What if we get into trouble?” Sahar bit her lip. “It’s after midnight!” 
“Exactly,” Darcy nodded. “No one’s going to come out and check on the pool this late. We won’t get caught.” 
Charlie pursed his lips. “What if someone gets hurt?” He asked quietly. “It’s dark, and—” 
Darcy flipped on the lights. “You were saying?” 
Nick squeezed Charlie’s hand–which he’d been holding for the entire walk from Tara’s house to the Higgs/Truham shared pool. “Don’t worry, Char,” he said softly. “I’m CPR certified. I took an emergency medicine course a few summers ago.” 
Charlie blinked up at him. “You are? You did?” 
“Yeah,” Nick blushed. “You know how rough rugby lads can get—”
Darcy snorted. “I’m sure he does.” 
“Darcy!” Charlie choked out, and at the same time, Tao began to make loud faux gagging noises. 
“Anyway,” Nick said, voice firm but not sharp, a voice he’d developed on the rugby pitch and perfected with his friends. “I thought it would be smart to know what to do if someone got really hurt. It ended up being a good thing because one time Christian took a nasty tackle and I was the only one who knew how to test for a concussion before the medics arrived.” 
“See, there you have it,” Darcy grinned and clapped Nick on the shoulder. “Nicholas here is basically a lifeguard. What’s the worst that could happen?” 
Tao groaned loudly. “Don’t say that!” 
Elle patted her boyfriend gently on the shoulder. “There, there,” she said dryly. 
At this point, the entire gang had made their way through the metal gate and onto the pool deck properly. The bright white of the fluorescent lights burned Nick’s eyes slightly, and he briefly wondered why they even had lights out there. Why would anyone be swimming at night? 
Besides them, of course. 
Nick shrugged off the backpack he’d brought, containing towels for both him and Charlie, as well as a water bottle and a couple of granola bars just in case. The rest of their friends did the same, shrugging off clothes and setting out towels, as if it was the middle of a summer afternoon, and not after midnight in the middle of September. 
Charlie was the first to the pool, as he was the only one who didn’t have anything to take off or put down. He rolled up his black jeans, perched at the edge and slowly dangled his feet into the water, before instantly recoiling and yanking his legs up onto the cement. 
“Jesus fucking Christ!” 
Everyone stopped. 
“You alright, Char?” Nick asked, already jogging across the pool deck towards his boyfriend. 
“I’m fine,” he rolled his eyes. “But the water is fucking freezing.” 
Tara threw her arms up. “I told you this was a bad idea!” She turned to start packing up her stuff, ready to throw in the towel on her girlfriend’s harebrained scheme. 
But Darcy Olsson was nothing if not stubborn. She dipped her toe in and shrugged. “It’s not that cold.” 
Elle, Tao, Isaac, and Nick all followed suit. Tao and Isaac recoiled, the same as Charlie, but Elle seemed to take a moment to consider. It was definitely unpleasantly cold, but it was tolerable, in Nick’s opinion. 
“I guess…” He sighed, trying to be as even-handed as possible. “It’s cold, but it’s really not that bad.” 
Charlie gasped. “Betrayal!” 
“I agreed that it’s cold!” Nick tried, running a hand through his hair. “I just think it’s tolerable, at least for me.” 
Charlie giggled. “You’re so cute when you’re flustered.” 
“Hey!” Nick huffed. “That’s mean!” 
Whatever Charlie was about to say was interrupted by a loud splash. Nick and Charlie looked over just in time to see Darcy’s head surface in the middle of the deep end. 
“Come on in!” She called. “The water’s great!” 
“Hm,” Nick shook his head. “No, thanks!” He looked back at Charlie. “I’m good right here!” He punctuated his statement by pressing a chaste kiss to Charlie’s lips. 
Tao rolled his eyes. 
“Got a problem?” Nick asked, a teasing lilt to his voice. 
“Besides that nauseating display of affection?” Tao quipped, though there was no real bite to his words. At this point, after over a year of friendship, Nick knew that Tao was secretly quite invested in his and Charlie’s relationship. 
“Yeah,” Nick grinned. “Besides that.” 
“Well, you said yourself the water’s not that cold,” Tao pointed out, smirking slightly. “If that’s the case, what’s stopping you from taking a swim?” 
“Tao,” Charlie said. A warning. 
“I dare you to jump in the pool,” Tao said, his smirk growing into an evil grin. “I bet you can’t do it.” 
Charlie dropped his head into his hands, knowing full well what Tao had just done. Nick Nelson prided himself on being, for the most part, pretty levelheaded. He wasn’t like some of his mates on the rugby team, who recklessly threw themselves into dangerous and stupid situations. But there was a series of words that, more than anything, made his brain immediately switch into what Charlie dubbed Idiot Rugby Lad Mode. 
And Tao had just said it. 
Nick was up from his seat next to Charlie and standing back at the edge of the water in a flash. “How much do you want to bet?” 
“I bet you £15 that you can’t jump in the pool and stay there for at least twenty seconds.” 
“Make it £20 and you’ve got a bet,” Nick responded, putting his hand out to shake on it. 
“£20?” Tao scoffed. 
“One for every second I have to stay in the water,” Nick answered easily. “Why? Are you worried you won’t win?” 
Tao’s face hardened. “Obviously not.” 
“So, then?” Nick raised an eyebrow. “Do we have a deal?”
Tao pursed his lips. “Fine. We have a deal.” 
They shook hands on it, and Nick reluctantly stepped away from his boyfriend. He pulled off his shirt, kicked off his flip flops, and approached the edge of the pool. 
“Ready to concede?” Tao asked. 
“You don’t have to do this,” Charlie said. 
Nick took a deep breath. “I’m sorry, Char, but you know I have to do it.” 
“I know.” Charlie let out a deep sigh, covering his eyes with his palm. “I can’t watch this.” 
Finally, Nick dove into the pool. The water was a shock to his system, almost painfully cold. Immediately, he felt his heart rate jump. He surfaced, gasping for breath, already shivering. “Fucking Christ! Jesus fucking fuck!” He yelled, unable to hold back. 
“Twenty seconds, Nicholas!” Tao called out. 
“I know!” Nick shouted back. 
He glanced around the pool. At some point, Darcy had admitted to how cold the water was, hopped out, and was now shivering in Tara’s arms, so it was just Nick in the pool. He tried to tread water, but his muscles felt heavy and sluggish from the cold water, so he moved until he could stand flat instead. 
“Ten more seconds!” Tao yelled, waving the stopwatch on his phone. 
Nick’s brain stopped working. Vaguely he heard his friends counting down from ten, but his thoughts were slow, and couldn’t keep up. Until finally, Tao shouted once again. 
“Alright, Nicholas, get out of there!” 
Nick swam to the stairs as quickly as he could (which wasn’t that fast) and pulled himself out of the water. Immediately he was wrapped in a warm towel and a firm embrace. Charlie. He became aware of a clicking sound, which he realized belatedly was the sound of his own teeth chattering. 
“I can’t believe you did that,” Charlie scolded him. “What is wrong with you?” 
Nick shrugged, and looked up, looking for Tao. “Where’s my twenty pounds?” He spat, stuttering slightly with his chattering teeth. 
Tao huffed and pulled out his wallet, pressing the money into Nick’s open palm. “Can you take this?” He asked, handing the bills to Charlie. “I’m still wet.” 
Charlie nodded, taking the money and shoving it in his pocket. “Can we go home now?” 
“Yes,” Nick answered immediately. “I’m so fucking cold.” 
“Same,” said Darcy, who was still shaking slightly. 
Tara and Charlie exchanged a glance. 
The group (except for Nick and Darcy, who sat, wrapped in towels, shivering) collected their things and packed up their bags. Tao walked home, and took Elle and Isaac with him. Tara drove herself, Darcy, and Sahar home. Which left Nick and Charlie. 
“Please don’t call my mum,” Nick begged, giving Charlie his best puppy dog eyes. 
“Nick. I’m not having you walk home sipping wet,” Charlie shook his head. “We’re calling your mum for a ride.” 
“Ugh,” Nick groaned. “Fine.” 
Nick pouted in silence as Charlie spoke to his mum.
 “Yes Sarah, he’s fine—no, no, I think all he needs is a hot chocolate and—yes, thank you. See you soon.” Charlie slid his phone back into his jeans pocket. “She’ll be here soon.” 
Nick nodded. “Okay,” he said, unable to say much more as a wave of fatigue flooded him. 
“Hey,” Charlie put a hand on Nick’s cheek, wincing slightly from how cold his skin felt. “You alright? You know she’s not going to be mad.”
“‘M tired,” Nick managed.
Charlie frowned. “Jesus, Nick. I think you’ve got mild hypothermia.” 
Charlie stripped off his jumper—which, as usual, was really Nick’s jumper—and handed it to Nick. “Put this on, you big idiot.” 
Nick did as he was told. “Won’t you be cold?”
“Not as cold as you are,” Charlie responded. 
Nick wrapped an arm around his boyfriend. “Thank you, I love you.” 
Charlie frowned at him. “You’re an idiot.” 
“Char,” Nick whined. 
“But,” Charlie’s frown turned up into a smile. “I love you, too.” 
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icharchivist · 1 year
genuinely shook that someone as absent and awful as bahamut managed to have a child that is such a good and doting and loving and caring parent
lbr Orologia has big energy of "big sibling who had to take care of all the little ones when the parents left them alone and ended up developing major parental instinct from it"
Like, Logia woke up before all of the 6 dragons, and was looking for a path where all 6 dragons would awaken one day and have personalities that would be inclined to help MC and humanity. Logia is technically the oldest one who tried so hard to raise their siblings right. And they did a good job.
(though can we talk about the irony of Logia and Lu Woh being the closest of the bunch while Lu Woh is the one dragon who almost killed MC in Old Bonds? Still want to see Logia go to Lu Woh like "i know it was the best path but how dare you threaten my baby >:(" and without missing a beat Lu Woh goes "how dare you force your baby and all of us to kill you." and Logia can't defend themself because Lu Woh's defense is too on point.)
If we see Bahamut's direct folks as his children, i feel like there's like.
Sahar and Shalem who were the first born twins. The Morning Star and the Dawn Star, the beginning and the end, the day and the night. Bahamut actually did a lot of effort with both of them, but maybe not as children, until he felt betrayed by Shalem challenging him and punished her, and then ended up disappointed with Sahar and abandoned him.
Then he had Logia. Time itself. probably the noisy one, who's frail at that, who knows too much, too wise, too smart, too kind.
Then the 6 dragons (probably in order of Light (Life) and Dark (Death) and then the 4 tetra elements. Who get to die and be reborn, so constantly have their feelings disregarded by Bahamut. Probably the kids who have been the most neglected by Bahamut.
So Logia took care of them.
Sahar and Shalem always worked for Bahamut and with Bahamut. Their focus was to be Daddy's good little soldiers, with the own burden that came with it, but they weren't older siblings.
Logia was. Logia was the one who took care of everything that came out afterward.
And then there's Vyrn that Bahamut disregarded right away.
Most disfunctional family of all time.
But what i'm coming at is that, by being the eldest of a family of folks who are constantly neglected by their father, maybe Logia just became the best parent figure because they had to be when Bahamut just decided not to bother with them.
Logia MVP, Logia is the parent that stepped up, all love for Logia for a thousand years.
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vsnotresponding · 2 years
púlsar fake dating au ii - ready to go
tag // intro post // part 1
Right, so, dating. 
Luckily, Níniam was right and they do know each other. Not intentionally, mind you. Níniam just likes to talk about the people he loves, so they’ve both heard about each other’s lives.
Karma knows Ira would do anything for Níniam, that her work runs her ragged, that she’s sharp and prickly and doesn’t play nice to strangers. She’d rather hang out with stray cats than real people, and if she has to be around people, she’d rather argue with them than just talk. 
She scares him a bit, to be honest.
And Ira knows Karma, too. She knows of his work (Níniam has read her some of his articles in spite of her not understanding half the things argued in them), and of what he does for Níniam’s rock club. She knows he’s painfully shy, and a mess at times. And, most importantly, that he cares for Níniam like she does. In her modest opinion, that’s more than enough to categorize him as someone who’s okay to hang out with (and not be overly rude to).
So yeah, they are doing this.
After the initial shock of it all, Karma had some time to think, mind still reeling. Sure, meeting strangers (or as much of a stranger as Ira is) scares him, but she’s doing this for him (well, for Níniam). Doesn’t matter. He’s grateful, extremely so. He’s a stranger to her as much as she is to him, and he’s doing him a favor, so Karma resolves to be The Best Fake Boyfriend To Ever Walk The Earth. He has no idea how to accomplish that, he’s never dated anyone before, but he figures that talking to her without Níniam as an intermediary might be a good start.
So they text.
It’s at odd times, mostly when Ira has some minutes to spare at her job and volunteering work, but at least they do. Well, Karma tries and Ira takes pity on him, answering in kind and “please tell me you aren’t asking me questions you googled”. 
And then, one day, Karma opened their chat and just started ranting about the paper he had been writing for a week. He usually did that with Níniam, or Sahare if it was somewhat related to engineering, but the former was busy with finals, and the latter stressed with wedding prep. He apologized after he was done, two hours later, chat still unread.
It wasn’t until hours later when Ira got out of work and actually answered his messages. Like, asked questions and stuff and seemed interested, even if she didn’t fully get what his rant was about. After an afternoon of wallowing in self-pity, he almost cried at her response.
And then it all kinda just followed its own course from there. She started sending multiple photos of the stray cats that live near her work. Like, lots of photos. Daily. There’s a three-legged cat that’s in most of them, gray and all scrunched up. Ira calls him Kitty, even if the cat’s ancient, older than all their ages combined. Karma's gallery is now 93% cat photos, he's run the numbers.
He won’t complain about it.
There’s also serious texts, like, “hey what am i supposed to do exactly?” and “you mean party party or rich people party?” and “yes karma there’s a difference” and “srs all of this because two people are getting married” “and i thought the wedding and an engagement party was already too much wtf”.
Because, yeah, there’s lots of engagements Karma must go to. There’s the most casual parties, which Karma argued they didn’t actually need to go to, but Níniam made them. To sell the whole dating thing, he said. And then, well, the Actual Big Events, where they need to dress up and go to an outrageous expensive place to mingle with people Karma either doesn’t know or dislikes. And the wedding, of course, held at the beginning of June.
After that? It’s anybody’s guess, they’ll figure it out when they get there.
And then, there’s the video calls. Níniam informs them, more than suggests, what their ‘dating history’ is like. He introduced them, of course, and they just clicked. Karma didn’t tell his friends because he wasn’t sure if it was going to go anywhere, and once Ira made the first move (because let’s be honest, no one would believe Karma did), he figured out he’d wait until some party came up to introduce her. 
A reasonable story. Plausible. Karma’s not specially religious, but he prays every night his friends will believe it.
“So,” Níniam explains on a call Friday night, “we have most of it ready to go. There’s only one thing missing.” 
Karma looks at his friend through the screen. Níniam and Ira are on the sofa in their tiny living room, the ugly pink and green pillows next to them making his screen do weird things. Ira’s head is on her brother’s shoulder, her eyes closing until they open again when Níniam moves his arm to jolt her awake. She’d told him they’d had a little crisis at work today, and that she’d left work much later than what she should have. That’s why they are having a meeting at almost 1 am.
Ira yawns, and groans.
“You guys need to, you know, actually meet in person.”
Oh right. Right. In between cat photos and nerd rants, he had forgotten. They are supposed to be dating.
Well shit, Karma hadn’t thought about that.
Ira and Níniam bicker back and forth, but Karma can’t hear a word they say. He’s never liked physical touch. Sure, he remembers cuddling with his mom when he was a kid, and he lets Níniam and Sahare hug him in greeting, but nothing past that.
The mere thought of holding her hand paralyzes him, and he can feel his neck and ears blush.
Oh gods, will they have to kiss?? He might pass out. Right now just because of thinking about it and on the spot if it happens. Oh shit.
“You are not suggesting we need to practice holding hands.”
“Actually, I am.”
Their voices bring him out of his stupor. He really hopes they can’t see how panicked he’s about the whole situation, a mute hope, by Níniam's knowing look. At least Ira isn’t even looking at the screen, just deadpan staring at her brother.
“You are kidding.”
“I don’t—I mean—I don’t think he is.” She turns to him with the same look in her face as she was looking at Níniam. “I’m not—I struggle with stuff like… that.”
A few seconds pass. Then:
“Oh you are serious.” She pinches her nose bridge. “Okay, yes. Right, shy and awkward.”
“I heard that.” He says, not very shyly but very very awkwardly. Ira smiles.
“I think I can manage to get out of work early tomorrow—”
“Tomorrow or tomorrow tomorrow?”
“I’m not having this conversation with you again, Níniam. It’s almost 2 am.” She does look miserable as he turns back to the screen. “Sunday morning works good for you?”
“Then I’m fucking out. Night Karma,” she nods to him as she stands up. “Annoying little brother.” Ira messes up Níniam’s hair before leaving.
Karma waits until they can hear her bedroom door close.
“‘Tomorrow or tomorrow tomorrow?’ What’s that?” Karma whispers, even if Níniam plugged in his headphones as soon as Ira left.
“Yeah as in, she meant tomorrow as in Saturday, but it is already Saturday.”
“We still haven’t gone to bed, tho.”
“That’s her argument.” Níniam’s grin almost reaches his ears.
“It is a sound argument.” For some reason, he’s blushing again.
“Yeah, but it’s funny to annoy her as her younger brother, you know.” Now it’s Níniam who yawns. “I'd stay, but I think she stuck her sleepiness on me. Anyways, talk to you later.”
“Later as in tomorrow or tomorrow tomorrow?” His friend snorts.
“G’night Karma.”
He goes to sleep smiling.
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sophaeros · 2 years
Tumblr media
— Tamino for Rolling Stone France (x)
English translated text under the cut:
Tamino “Launching Thought Lines"
Discovery of the year in 2018, thanks to an unstoppable single, the songwriter from Antwerp returns with a new, even more original opus. Interview.
TAMINO PREFERS TO MAKE his own path and let his music do the talking. In terms of music, precisely, if we oscillate between pop, rock, folk and oriental influences, finding a classification for it would be nonsense. He loves music, musics. All. “We tried to find a label, to compare myself, nothing helped,” laughs the singer from Antwerp. Whether he has a guitar or an oud in his hands, the artist remains the same, he sings, clearly, with passion, composed, thoughtful and with a unique natural grace. Admittedly, music is a family affair for the grandson of Muharram Fouad, a famous Egyptian singer, but regardless of his origins, the universalist aims of the songwriter are clear, he speaks to everyone. With elegance.
Your new album Sahar, presents a very thoughtful, very natural production and, although remaining in the spirit of the previous one, already brings a kind of renewal...
It's quite different in my opinion. And if, on the music side, we stay in the same atmospheres, I have evolved a lot in the writing of the texts. And above all, for the first time, I really focused on the vocal assonances, that each word could generate its own melody, its own sound transforming into an instrument, while trying not to lose the meaning of the original text. It's a very long job, but it's really exciting. The goal was not fluidity, just music.
Your texts have matured...
They are very well elaborated because, with the pandemic, I had time ahead of me to achieve the result I expected. These new songs are more thought out, more thoughtful than on my previous work. And, as you mention it, I feel like I made my first album a hundred years ago, it's so far away, and it has the same effect on me every time I listen to it. But it allowed to launch avenues of reflection, I am no longer the same, I improved my working techniques and I think that we feel the consequence directly in this disc.
You live in Antwerp, Belgium…
And that's why I sing in English! (Laughs) My French is really not very good… I grew up in Belgium, and I have Egyptian and Lebanese origins, which also explains the presence of oriental sounds, like my oud, in my music. I grew up listening to Arabic as well as classical music and, of course, rock and pop; and I always stay connected to these musics. You know, I love Leonard Cohen, who is one of my main influences, but there are so many others, especially from across the Mediterranean. Even if I have a certain attachment to artists, it is more their music that fascinates me before their personality. Well, Cohen aside! I devoured his biography, written by Sylvie Simmons, a real literary treat, and probably, in my eyes, the best book ever written about him. Clearly, the work comes first.
We've seen you play in groups as well as solo, in Paris, Belgium or Quebec… Do you have a preference?
Ah, it's not at all the same exercise, the repertoire varies, but I readjust. There, in a few days, I'm going on a tour of the United States, before returning to Paris. I leave with my guitar and my oud and I tour solo in small venues. Then, of course, it will be with the group for the next dates at the Trianon. But, overall, I don't really change my style; and I am comfortable whatever the formula. Still, in small venues, you see people's faces and sometimes that intimidates me, whereas in large venues, it's more anonymous!
“Even if I have a certain attachment to artists, it is more their music that fascinates me before their personality. Well, Cohen aside!”
Have you given yourself a career plan?
We have dreams, goals, but also the reality of facts: the creative power over which we have no control. I don't have any crazy career dreams actually. Just doing what I love, but I never say to myself “I want to do that” and therefore produce a certain type of album. I don't work with a slew of producers looking to plan my career, so I just go with it. There, today, with this new album I have reached a certain point and let's see where all this will take me!
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charamult1aes · 18 days
litterature muses.
BILLY DUNNE, lead singer of the six, twenty-thirties/forties, sam claflin, bisexual. CAMILA ALVAREZ/DUNNE, photographer, twenty-thirties/forties, camila morrone, bisexual. MARGARET/DAISY JONES, lead singer for the six, twenty-thirties/forties, riley keough, bisexual. EDDIE ROUNDTREE, guitarist/bassist for the six, twenty-thirties/forties, josh whitehouse, bisexual. GRAHAM DUNNE, guitarist for the six, twenty-thirties/forties, will harrison, bisexual. KAREN SIRKO, keyboardist for the six, twenty-thirties/forties, suki waterhouse, bisexual. SIMONE JACKSON, disco queen, twenty-thirties/forties, nabiyah be, lesbian. WARREN ROJAS, drummer and stoner for the six, twenty-thirties/forties, sebastian chacon, bisexual.
EMORY SCOTT, eighteen/twenty-five depending of the verse, college student/architect who owns a company with damon torrance, have lot of issues and loves to reject boys/girls, bisexual, Reiña Jacinta Silva. ERIKA FANE, eighteen/twenty-five years, future mayor of thunder's bay, survived the horsemen ( send them in prison, but who cares? them. ) independant and isn't afraid of dying. bisexual. jessica alexander.
NINA RIVA, nepo baby ( unfortunally ) eldest daughter of singer mick riva and mother june riva. love surfing and doesn’t like to be the center of attentions. loves her sliblings so much, she would do anything for them. twenty/thrity, victoria bronova, bisexual.
ALLIE HAYES, drama queen of briar and college student, twenty, chloe rose robertson, bisexual. BRIAN CROWES, hockey player of briar and college student, twenty, jacob elordi, bisexual. DAISY ABRAHAMS, hockey player for the girl of briar and college student, twenty, benedetta porcaroli, bisexual. GARRETT GRAHAM, stars of the hockey team of briar and the bruins, twenty, froy gutierrez, bisexual. HANNAH WELLS, singer of briar and college student, twenty, diana silver, bisexual. IVANA LOVESLANGE, influencer of briar and college student, twenty, sahar luna, straight, ship exclusive with. JAKE CONNELLY, stars of the hockey team of harvard and the bruins, twenty, joshua orpin, bisexual. JOHN LOGAN, stars of the hockey team of briar and the bruins + garagist, twenty, corrado martini, bisexual. SABRINA JAMES, baby mama of jamie and law student at harvard and briar, twenty, cindy kimberly, bisexual. DEMI DAVIS, twenty-one years old girl who loves to show confidence, nailea devora, bisexual. TAYLOR MARSH, twenty-one years old, loves educating children from hasting’s elementary school, olivia scott welch, pansexual. CONOR EDWARDS, surfer and hockey player from briar , twenty-two, neels visser, pansexual. SUMMER HEYWARD-DI LAURENTIS, sunshine who’s living her best life at briar, twenty-one, valentina zenere, bisexual. GRACE IVERS, twenty-one years old girl who likes to talk on radio and make list for people when they deserve to be forgiven, loves Paris as well and would like to have her own radio station some day. bisexual, marissa long. DEAN HEYWARD DI LAURENTIS, hockey players who likes to party like an animal and tries to get better. loves to seduce and annoys people, he doesn’t have his tongue in his pocket and likes to says thing that he isn’t afraid of twenty-three years old, bisexual, matthew noszka.
ALICE CULLEN, vampire who’s a little bit lunatic at times and psychic, nineteen in apparence but 186+, ashley moore, bisexual. ROSALIE HALE, beauty queen who’s a little bit cold but is a cinamon, twenty in apparence but 73+, samantha logan, bisexual.
EVELYN HUGO, porto-rican godess who hated everything about herself so she build an image of perfections, actress, twenty/thirty/forty, ana de armas, lesbian ( closeted at the begining )
DIANA MEADE, witchy woo and student, twenty, shelley hennig, bisexual. FAYE CHAMBERLAIN, witchy woo student who loves magic too much for her liking, like making deals with devils, eighteen/twenty-five, bisexual, phoebe tonkin.
DAMON SALVATORE, brooding brother who’s obessessed with a evil vampire, +500 years, kaden hammond, bisexual. KATHERINE VON SWARTZSCHILD, she is german who is born during the renaissance era to baron von swartzschild and was turned against her will due to a sickness and is now trying to survive among others. still is manipulative and like to seduce and lure men or women ( she likes both, ) so that she can get what she wants, money, power and glory. +1000 years, bisexual, hannah dodd.
THERESA LYNN YOUNG, student and writer, eighteen years old girl who tries not to attact attentions but doesn’t suceed, bisexual, olivia dejonge.
CHASE CARTER, twenty-two years, likes to pushes men against ice rinks when they says outrageous and bad things about women, bisexual, elmo o'dwyer. BAILEY JAMES, twenty-one who got dumped on her birthday and hates her own college, so, likes to hang with the enemy, bisexual, marissa grace long.
THOMAS, subject a2, the leader, greenie, chuck’s older brother, runner from the glade, group a, impulsive at times, will do anything for his friends and people in general. seventeen-nineteen. bisexual. dylan o'brien. MINHO, subject a7, keeper of the runners, is thomas’s and newt’s sidekick, will do anything for his friends, people in general. bisexual, seventeen-nineteen, ki hong lee, BRENDA, the only girl that jorge let lead, seventeen/twenty years old, can beat cranks like a champ, is a skilled badass who knows how to fight and find secured area, will do anything to protect people from wicked, is not a teresa lover and would avenge newt's death until her last breathe. bisexual, martyna balsam.
RHYS LARSEN, thirty-one years, former military now a bodyguard, stoic broody and arrogant, is pretty good at his joband tries not to let it get too personal, bisexual, hakan adalı.
PIPER MCLEAN, piper is a demigod, meaning she is the offspring of a mortal and a god. her parentage is revealed later in the series: she is the daughter of Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty. piper’s father is Tristan McLean, a famous actor. seventeen-nineteen, bisexual, madison bailey. JASON GRACE, jason is a demigod, born to the Roman god Jupiter ( the equivalent of the Greek god Zeus ) and a mortal woman named Beryl Grace. he was raised at Camp Jupiter, the Roman counterpart to Camp Half-Blood, where Greek demigods are trained. like his Greek counterpart Percy Jackson, Jason plays a crucial role in the events that unfold in the series., seventeen-nineteen, bisexual, rudy pankow.
CATRIONA CORDELLA, gryphon flier, niece of viscount tearus, syrena cordella’s Sister. she goes to cliffsbane academy and is third in line for the throne of poromiel. know for her elegant figure and flawless features, she is also strong and determined. skills are noteworthy, especially in runes and mind work, where she demonstractes exceptional proficiency. twenty-two years, bisexual, bruna marquezine. VIOLET SORRENGAIL, dragon rider, bonded to both tairn and andarna. is in the riders quadrant at basgiath war college and is in second squad, flame section, fourth wing. she is smart but also pretty reckless. twenty-one, bisexual, chase sui wonders .
KENDALL HOLIDAY, eighteen year old college girl who parties only on thursday and monday but read books on nights at her shifts to the college library, bisexual, sabrina carpenter.
HAYES CAMPBELL, twenty-five years, lead singer of the biggest boyband of the planet, august moon. charismatic, magnetic, is an activist who loves nature and is a hopeless romantic, bisexual, nicholas galitzine.
FEYRE ARCHERON, twenty something huntress who’s ready to do anythng in her power to save and provide for her family, half fearie as well, she’s not afraid of showing other how witty she can get. bisexual, kornelia ski.
ARES HIDALGO, nineteen/twenty-five years old boy who likes his name and hack onto people’s wifi. even though he is rich but it’s only to interact with others he is obessessed with. bisexual. julio pena.
CARRIE SOTO, tennis woman who is her father’s blessing, who think love is so overrated and think works is more important than letting her feelings get in the way, twenty-thirty, bisexual, priscilla quintana.
JAMES BEAUFORT, heir of the beaufort empire, would do anything to save his family names, even falling in love with someone who isn’t from his wealth. loyal, not patient and actually would wait for the love of his life to let it all in, eighteen, bisexual, damian hardung.
ANASTASIA ALLEN, ice skater girl who likes shiny things and would marry you in paper rings. is against people who likes to hurt people for their own needs and wish to be the next champion of america. twenty years, bisexual, candela gallo.
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mult1aescharas · 2 months
litterature muses.
BILLY DUNNE, lead singer of the six, twenty-thirties/forties, sam claflin, bisexual. CAMILA ALVAREZ/DUNNE, photographer, twenty-thirties/forties, camila morrone, bisexual. MARGARET/DAISY JONES, lead singer for the six, twenty-thirties/forties, riley keough, bisexual. EDDIE ROUNDTREE, guitarist/bassist for the six, twenty-thirties/forties, josh whitehouse, bisexual. GRAHAM DUNNE, guitarist for the six, twenty-thirties/forties, will harrison, bisexual. KAREN SIRKO, keyboardist for the six, twenty-thirties/forties, suki waterhouse, bisexual. SIMONE JACKSON, disco queen, twenty-thirties/forties, nabiyah be, lesbian. WARREN ROJAS, drummer and stoner for the six, twenty-thirties/forties, sebastian chacon, bisexual.
EMORY SCOTT, eighteen/twenty-five depending of the verse, college student/architect who owns a company with damon torrance, have lot of issues and loves to reject boys/girls, bisexual, Reiña Jacinta Silva. ERIKA FANE, eighteen/twenty-five years, future mayor of thunder's bay, survived the horsemen ( send them in prison, but who cares? them. ) independant and isn't afraid of dying. bisexual. jessica alexander.
NINA RIVA, nepo baby ( unfortunally ) eldest daughter of singer mick riva and mother june riva. love surfing and doesn’t like to be the center of attentions. loves her sliblings so much, she would do anything for them. twenty/thrity, victoria bronova, bisexual.
ALLIE HAYES, drama queen of briar and college student, twenty, chloe rose robertson, bisexual. BRIAN CROWES, hockey player of briar and college student, twenty, jacob elordi, bisexual. DAISY ABRAHAMS, hockey player for the girl of briar and college student, twenty, benedetta porcaroli, bisexual. GARRETT GRAHAM, stars of the hockey team of briar and the bruins, twenty, froy gutierrez, bisexual. HANNAH WELLS, singer of briar and college student, twenty, diana silver, bisexual. IVANA LOVESLANGE, influencer of briar and college student, twenty, sahar luna, straight, ship exclusive with. JAKE CONNELLY, stars of the hockey team of harvard and the bruins, twenty, joshua orpin, bisexual. JOHN LOGAN, stars of the hockey team of briar and the bruins + garagist, twenty, corrado martini, bisexual. SABRINA JAMES, baby mama of jamie and law student at harvard and briar, twenty, cindy kimberly, bisexual. DEMI DAVIS, twenty-one years old girl who loves to show confidence, nailea devora, bisexual. TAYLOR MARSH, twenty-one years old, loves educating children from hasting’s elementary school, olivia scott welch, pansexual. CONOR EDWARDS, surfer and hockey player from briar , twenty-two, neels visser, pansexual. SUMMER HEYWARD-DI LAURENTIS, sunshine who’s living her best life at briar, twenty-one, valentina zenere, bisexual. GRACE IVERS, twenty-one years old girl who likes to talk on radio and make list for people when they deserve to be forgiven, loves Paris as well and would like to have her own radio station some day. bisexual, marissa long. DEAN HEYWARD DI LAURENTIS, hockey players who likes to party like an animal and tries to get better. loves to seduce and annoys people, he doesn’t have his tongue in his pocket and likes to says thing that he isn’t afraid of twenty-three years old, bisexual, matthew noszka.
ALICE CULLEN, vampire who’s a little bit lunatic at times and psychic, nineteen in apparence but 186+, ashley moore, bisexual. ROSALIE HALE, beauty queen who’s a little bit cold but is a cinamon, twenty in apparence but 73+, samantha logan, bisexual.
EVELYN HUGO, porto-rican godess who hated everything about herself so she build an image of perfections, actress, twenty/thirty/forty, ana de armas, lesbian ( closeted at the begining )
DIANA MEADE, witchy woo and student, twenty, shelley hennig, bisexual. FAYE CHAMBERLAIN, witchy woo student who loves magic too much for her liking, like making deals with devils, eighteen/twenty-five, bisexual, phoebe tonkin.
DAMON SALVATORE, brooding brother who’s obessessed with a evil vampire, +500 years, kaden hammond, bisexual. KATHERINE VON SWARTZSCHILD, she is german who is born during the renaissance era to baron von swartzschild and was turned against her will due to a sickness and is now trying to survive among others. still is manipulative and like to seduce and lure men or women ( she likes both, ) so that she can get what she wants, money, power and glory. +1000 years, bisexual, hannah dodd.
THERESA LYNN YOUNG, student and writer, eighteen years old girl who tries not to attact attentions but doesn’t suceed, bisexual, olivia dejonge.
CHASE CARTER, twenty-two years, likes to pushes men against ice rinks when they says outrageous and bad things about women, bisexual, elmo o'dwyer. BAILEY JAMES, twenty-one who got dumped on her birthday and hates her own college, so, likes to hang with the enemy, bisexual, marissa grace long.
THOMAS, subject a2, the leader, greenie, chuck’s older brother, runner from the glade, group a, impulsive at times, will do anything for his friends and people in general. seventeen-nineteen. bisexual. dylan o'brien. MINHO, subject a7, keeper of the runners, is thomas’s and newt’s sidekick, will do anything for his friends, people in general. bisexual, seventeen-nineteen, ki hong lee, BRENDA, the only girl that jorge let lead, seventeen/twenty years old, can beat cranks like a champ, is a skilled badass who knows how to fight and find secured area, will do anything to protect people from wicked, is not a teresa lover and would avenge newt's death until her last breathe. bisexual, martyna balsam.
RHYS LARSEN, thirty-one years, former military now a bodyguard, stoic broody and arrogant, is pretty good at his joband tries not to let it get too personal, bisexual, hakan adalı.
PIPER MCLEAN, piper is a demigod, meaning she is the offspring of a mortal and a god. her parentage is revealed later in the series: she is the daughter of Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty. piper’s father is Tristan McLean, a famous actor. seventeen-nineteen, bisexual, madison bailey. JASON GRACE, jason is a demigod, born to the Roman god Jupiter ( the equivalent of the Greek god Zeus ) and a mortal woman named Beryl Grace. he was raised at Camp Jupiter, the Roman counterpart to Camp Half-Blood, where Greek demigods are trained. like his Greek counterpart Percy Jackson, Jason plays a crucial role in the events that unfold in the series., seventeen-nineteen, bisexual, rudy pankow.
CATRIONA CORDELLA, gryphon flier, niece of viscount tearus, syrena cordella’s Sister. she goes to cliffsbane academy and is third in line for the throne of poromiel. know for her elegant figure and flawless features, she is also strong and determined. skills are noteworthy, especially in runes and mind work, where she demonstractes exceptional proficiency. twenty-two years, bisexual, bruna marquezine. VIOLET SORRENGAIL, dragon rider, bonded to both tairn and andarna. is in the riders quadrant at basgiath war college and is in second squad, flame section, fourth wing. she is smart but also pretty reckless. twenty-one, bisexual, chase sui wonders .
KENDALL HOLIDAY, eighteen year old college girl who parties only on thursday and monday but read books on nights at her shifts to the college library, bisexual, sabrina carpenter.
HAYES CAMPBELL, twenty-five years, lead singer of the biggest boyband of the planet, august moon. charismatic, magnetic, is an activist who loves nature and is a hopeless romantic, bisexual, nicholas galitzine.
FEYRE ARCHERON, twenty something huntress who’s ready to do anythng in her power to save and provide for her family, half fearie as well, she’s not afraid of showing other how witty she can get. bisexual, kornelia ski.
ARES HIDALGO, nineteen/twenty-five years old boy who likes his name and hack onto people’s wifi. even though he is rich but it’s only to interact with others he is obessessed with. bisexual. julio pena.
CARRIE SOTO, tennis woman who is her father’s blessing, who think love is so overrated and think works is more important than letting her feelings get in the way, twenty-thirty, bisexual, priscilla quintana.
JAMES BEAUFORT, heir of the beaufort empire, would do anything to save his family names, even falling in love with someone who isn’t from his wealth. loyal, not patient and actually would wait for the love of his life to let it all in, eighteen, bisexual, damian hardung.
ANASTASIA ALLEN, ice skater girl who likes shiny things and would marry you in paper rings. is against people who likes to hurt people for their own needs and wish to be the next champion of america. twenty years, bisexual, candela gallo.
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n0velaescharas · 2 months
litterature muses.
BILLY DUNNE, lead singer of the six, twenty-thirties/forties, sam claflin, bisexual. CAMILA ALVAREZ/DUNNE, photographer, twenty-thirties/forties, camila morrone, bisexual. MARGARET/DAISY JONES, lead singer for the six, twenty-thirties/forties, riley keough, bisexual. EDDIE ROUNDTREE, guitarist/bassist for the six, twenty-thirties/forties, josh whitehouse, bisexual. GRAHAM DUNNE, guitarist for the six, twenty-thirties/forties, will harrison, bisexual. KAREN SIRKO, keyboardist for the six, twenty-thirties/forties, suki waterhouse, bisexual. SIMONE JACKSON, disco queen, twenty-thirties/forties, nabiyah be, lesbian. WARREN ROJAS, drummer and stoner for the six, twenty-thirties/forties, sebastian chacon, bisexual.
EMORY SCOTT, eighteen/twenty-five depending of the verse, college student/architect who owns a company with damon torrance, have lot of issues and loves to reject boys/girls, bisexual, Reiña Jacinta Silva.
NINA RIVA, nepo baby ( unfortunally ) eldest daughter of singer mick riva and mother june riva. love surfing and doesn’t like to be the center of attentions. loves her sliblings so much, she would do anything for them. twenty/thrity, victoria bronova, bisexual.
ALLIE HAYES, drama queen of briar and college student, twenty, chloe rose robertson, bisexual. BRIAN CROWES, hockey player of briar and college student, twenty, jacob elordi, bisexual. DAISY ABRAHAMS, hockey player for the girl of briar and college student, twenty, benedetta porcaroli, bisexual. GARRETT GRAHAM, stars of the hockey team of briar and the bruins, twenty, froy gutierrez, bisexual. HANNAH WELLS, singer of briar and college student, twenty, diana silver, bisexual. IVANA LOVESLANGE, influencer of briar and college student, twenty, sahar luna, straight, ship exclusive with. JAKE CONNELLY, stars of the hockey team of harvard and the bruins, twenty, joshua orpin, bisexual. JOHN LOGAN, stars of the hockey team of briar and the bruins + garagist, twenty, corrado martini, bisexual. SABRINA JAMES, baby mama of jamie and law student at harvard and briar, twenty, cindy kimberly, bisexual. DEMI DAVIS, twenty-one years old girl who loves to show confidence, nailea devora, bisexual. TAYLOR MARSH, twenty-one years old, loves educating children from hasting’s elementary school, olivia scott welch, pansexual. CONOR EDWARDS, surfer and hockey player from briar , twenty-two, neels visser, pansexual. SUMMER HEYWARD-DI LAURENTIS, sunshine who’s living her best life at briar, twenty-one, valentina zenere, bisexual. GRACE IVERS, twenty-one years old girl who likes to talk on radio and make list for people when they deserve to be forgiven, loves Paris as well and would like to have her own radio station some day. bisexual, marissa long. DEAN HEYWARD DI LAURENTIS, hockey players who likes to party like an animal and tries to get better. loves to seduce and annoys people, he doesn't have his tongue in his pocket and likes to says thing that he isn't afraid of twenty-three years old, bisexual, matthew noszka.
ALICE CULLEN, vampire who’s a little bit lunatic at times and psychic, nineteen in apparence but 186+, ashley moore, bisexual. ROSALIE HALE, beauty queen who’s a little bit cold but is a cinamon, twenty in apparence but 73+, samantha logan, bisexual.
EVELYN HUGO, porto-rican godess who hated everything about herself so she build an image of perfections, actress, twenty/thirty/forty, ana de armas, lesbian ( closeted at the begining )
DIANA MEADE, witchy woo and student, twenty, shelley hennig, bisexual. FAYE CHAMBERLAIN, witchy woo student who loves magic too much for her liking, like making deals with devils, eighteen/twenty-five, bisexual, phoebe tonkin.
DAMON SALVATORE, brooding brother who’s obessessed with a evil vampire, +500 years, kaden hammond, bisexual. KATHERINE VON SWARTZSCHILD, she is german who is born during the renaissance era to baron von swartzschild and was turned against her will due to a sickness and is now trying to survive among others. still is manipulative and like to seduce and lure men or women ( she likes both, ) so that she can get what she wants, money, power and glory. +1000 years, bisexual, kennedy walsh.
THERESA LYNN YOUNG, student and writer, eighteen years old girl who tries not to attact attentions but doesn’t suceed, bisexual, olivia dejonge.
CHASE CARTER, twenty-two years, likes to pushes men against ice rinks when they says outrageous and bad things about women, bisexual, elmo o'dwyer. BAILEY JAMES, twenty-one who got dumped on her birthday and hates her own college, so, likes to hang with the enemy, bisexual, marissa grace long.
THOMAS, subject a2, the leader, greenie, chuck’s older brother, runner from the glade, group a, impulsive at times, will do anything for his friends and people in general. seventeen-nineteen. bisexual. dylan o'brien. MINHO, subject a7, keeper of the runners, is thomas’s and newt’s sidekick, will do anything for his friends, people in general. bisexual, seventeen-nineteen, ki hong lee.
RHYS LARSEN, thirty-one years, former military now a bodyguard, stoic broody and arrogant, is pretty good at his joband tries not to let it get too personal, bisexual, hakan adalı.
PIPER MCLEAN, piper is a demigod, meaning she is the offspring of a mortal and a god. her parentage is revealed later in the series: she is the daughter of Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty. piper’s father is Tristan McLean, a famous actor. seventeen-nineteen, bisexual, madison bailey. JASON GRACE, jason is a demigod, born to the Roman god Jupiter ( the equivalent of the Greek god Zeus ) and a mortal woman named Beryl Grace. he was raised at Camp Jupiter, the Roman counterpart to Camp Half-Blood, where Greek demigods are trained. like his Greek counterpart Percy Jackson, Jason plays a crucial role in the events that unfold in the series., seventeen-nineteen, bisexual, rudy pankow.
CATRIONA CORDELLA, gryphon flier, niece of viscount tearus, syrena cordella’s Sister. she goes to cliffsbane academy and is third in line for the throne of poromiel. know for her elegant figure and flawless features, she is also strong and determined. skills are noteworthy, especially in runes and mind work, where she demonstractes exceptional proficiency. twenty-two years, bisexual, bruna marquezine. VIOLET SORRENGAIL, dragon rider, bonded to both tairn and andarna. is in the riders quadrant at basgiath war college and is in second squad, flame section, fourth wing. she is smart but also pretty reckless. twenty-one, bisexual, chase sui wonders .
KENDALL HOLIDAY, eighteen year old college girl who parties only on thursday and monday but read books on nights at her shifts to the college library, bisexual, sabrina carpenter.
HAYES CAMPBELL, twenty-five years, lead singer of the biggest boyband of the planet, august moon. charismatic, magnetic, is an activist who loves nature and is a hopeless romantic, bisexual, nicholas galitzine.
FEYRE ARCHERON, twenty something huntress who’s ready to do anythng in her power to save and provide for her family, half fearie as well, she’s not afraid of showing other how witty she can get. bisexual, kornelia ski.
ARES HIDALGO, nineteen/twenty-five years old boy who likes his name and hack onto people’s wifi. even though he is rich but it’s only to interact with others he is obessessed with. bisexual. julio pena.
CARRIE SOTO, tennis woman who is her father’s blessing, who think love is so overrated and think works is more important than letting her feelings get in the way, twenty-thirty, bisexual, priscilla quintana.
JAMES BEAUFORT, heir of the beaufort empire, would do anything to save his family names, even falling in love with someone who isn’t from his wealth. loyal, not patient and actually would wait for the love of his life to let it all in, eighteen, bisexual, damian hardung.
ANASTASIA ALLEN, ice skater girl who likes shiny things and would marry you in paper rings. is against people who likes to hurt people for their own needs and wish to be the next champion of america. twenty years, bisexual, candela gallo.
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zeynatura · 6 months
With all the news of my bg3 campaigns with family and friends, I forgot to announce I finally finished the game my self lmao
Spoilers under the cut
So Sahar, my storm sorcerer ended up sacrificing Orpheus to defeat the Absolute (as in Orpheus became a mindflayer and then Sahar killed him as he was asked to do), respected Karlach's desire to die and was there for her (I cried), romanced both Shadowheart and Halsin and i truly believe in my mind they would visit Halsin, Thaniel and the kids (I finally found where the "they call me Daddy Halsin" comes from!) at every change they get, and adopted the owlbeard cause ofc.
I also was so scared of my allies dying in the last fights I didn't summon most of them LMAO
Only summoned the dragon :v Yurgir and Dame Aylin :D
Very proud of our bestie Astarion for his character development, didn't ascend him cause when I tried I didn't like that he didn't treat me as a friend anymore more like an asset or a pawn (I was fine with the being evil part but why can't we be evil and besties together!?)
Gale is a god lmao cause Sahar definitely do not like deities, in general, he does not believe Gale should have sought forgiveness from Mystra cause screw her but as long as Gale still remembered Sahar and all we did together (unlike Astarion) they approved of Gale becoming a God and he did do that, so grats
I feel betrayed because Mayrina said she was gonna name her kid after me and ended up naming them after her husband 🥲 gurl u were my second fav npc
My fav npc is definitely Arabela, Sahar was like their godparent in magic and felt proud of her (also I love how she calls Sahar "hero person" 😭 adorable)
It really is noticeable how much the pronouns of your character change how they address you specially if you watch cis people play the game and notice the differences when they call them gendered terms, but if you play the game with they/them pronouns it's unnoticed in the best way possible and that's me playing in english, just recently found out that neo pronouns/ neutral pronouns are implemented in the Spanish version as well, I bet that is gonna be more noticeable and if the translation were more neutral spanish or even latam spanish I'd play that version on my own time
The game as solo player is great, but playing with someone else always makes it a better experience imo, and the only way I've been able to do that is transporting my ps5 to my brother's house every Saturday to play with him and his bf 😭 Larian please, I need crossplay
Also bg3 is serving as a snack for my dnd hunger in the meantime cause we haven't been able to play in so long 😭 I have even been creating more dnd ocs, it's crazy
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