#sailor metal papillion
zponds · 3 months
Sailor Moon Sailor Stars and Sailor Moon Cosmos - The Sailor Animamates
Once again, @sailormoonrewrite and I had another conversation, this time, on the Sailor Animamates. Since the original version of the classic sailor moon anime focused WAY TOO MUCH on the Starlights, the Animamates were neglected and weren’t really that focused on, especially since the Animamates are the next batch of villains after Queen Nehelenia was rehabilitated. HOWEVER, with my rewrite on the classic Sailor Moon anime, that means that the Sailor Animamates will be more focused on as the next batch of villains after Queen Nehelenia is rehabilitated, and those Sailor Animamates are…
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Sailor Iron Mouse
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Sailor Aluminum Siren
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Sailor Lead Crow
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Sailor Tin Nyanko
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Sailor Heavy Metal Papillion
Now Sailor Iron Mouse, Sailor Aluminum Siren and Sailor Lead Crow will be in season five (sailor stars) and Sailor Tin Nyanko and Sailor Heavy Metal Papillion will be in season 6 (cosmos). And since Sailor Heavy Metal Papillion has “Heavy” in her name, I bet that she’d be the strongest of the Sailor Animamates, and it’d make since for Sailor Heavy Metal Papillion to be the final Sailor Animamate to go against the 10 Eternal Sailor Guardians and 3 Sailor Starlights before the 13 heroes go against the next batch of villains; Sailor Phi and Sailor Chi.
As a quick side note; with the Sailod Animamates being in rest of season 5 (Sailor Stars) and the first several episodes of season 6 (Cosmos), that’ll allow for more room to further flesh them and their characterizations out. On top of that, they’d be picked off one by one when Sailor Galaxia takes their arm bracelets off, taking their lives when they fail her. And the looks of fear and desperation on their faces would show that Sailor Galaxia is an absolute monster with no shame, remorse, compassion, empathy, sympathy or fear.
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animenostalgia · 1 year
News - In the latest Sailor Moon Cosmos promo video, we now have visuals AND cast listing of Sailor Galaxia's Sailor Animamates! Cast listing includes:
Sena Koizumi as Sailor Iron Mouse
Ayumu Murase as Sailor Aluminum Siren
Yōko Hikasa as Sailor Lead Crow
Mariya Ise as Sailor Tin Nyanko
Haruka Kudō as Sailor Heavy Metal Papillion
Shiori Mikami as Sailor Lethe
Kanae Itō as Sailor Mnemosyne
Fumie Mizusawa as Sailor Phi
Yuka Komatsu as Sailor Chi
Some of these characters have never been animated before, as not all of them were included in the 90s anime adaptation. Still no word on an English release, but hopefully that will change soon!
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silvermoon424 · 1 year
Shadow Galactica trailer for SM Cosmos just got released. So excited for Lethe, Mnemosyne, and Heavy Metal Papillion.
God why is Shadow Galactica so ICONIC, they slay harder than every other evil organization in Sailor Moon imo (ofc there are individuals who still slay just as hard, like Queen Beryl, Black Lady, and Mistress 9)
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amanda-multifandom · 6 months
And now, here is the final arc for Sailor Moon Defenders, and hopefully, we get some closure here. (Only the stand-out characters will be tagged as tags have a limit)
The final arc begins when the Starlights and Princess Kakyuu try to fight Galaxia and Zorelda but fail. So then, Kakyuu flees to Earth before the Starlights are eliminated.
Kakyuu warns the Defenders and the Sailor Guardians about Sailor Galaxia and Zorelda.
Hsdea, Rick, and Jedda prepare the Netherworld for the enemy upon notification.
Baylin is nearly killed during a battle but lives to tell, and she loses her left arm in the process.
Rick is killed by Zorelda protecting Jedda and the twins, and Galaxia takes his Quasar star seed/sailor crystal.
Sailor Moon decides to deal with Galaxia and Zorelda at the Sagittarius Zero Star to save Rick; Mamoru gets killed by Galaxia moments later.
While the Outers check things out at their respective planets, the Inners decide to aid Sailor Moon, Sailor Chibi Chibi and Kakyuu on their quest. First Sailors Venus and Jupiter are eliminated, followed by Sailors Mercury and Mars.
Galaxia then takes out Sailors Pluto, Uranus and Neptune; before her death, Pluto sends Sailor Saturn to the future where she summons Sailor Chibi Moon and the Sailor Quartet to help her help Sailor Moon in the final battle.
Sailor Lethe and Sailor Mnemosyne are eliminated by Sailors Phi and Chi; Sailor Heavy Metal Papillion is eliminated by Sailor Saturn and Sailor Chibi Moon and her guardians; Sailor Phi is killed by Kakyuu, Sailor Chi kills Kakyuu and Sailor Moon eliminates Sailor Chi.
Then Sailor Moon has to fight evil versions of Mamoru and her friends and destroys them after they destroy Sailor Saturn.
Krotan sacrifices himself for Jedda during an intense battle, leading Jedda to obtain the Cosmos Chalice.
Jedda helps Chibi Chibi use the chalice to stop Galaxia from melting the Sailor Crystals in the Cosmos Cauldron.
Zorelda is eliminated for good when she tries to destroy Sailor Moon; Chibi Chibi reveals herself to be Sailor Cosmos.
Sailor Cosmos helps Sailor Moon heal Galaxia from the darkness and Galaxia decides to find a purpose in the universe with the second chance she was given.
Sailor Cosmos then sent Sailor Chibi Moon and the Sailor Quartet back to the 30th century before sending her powers to revive Rick, Mamoru, and the Sailor Guardians.
Months later, the Sailor Guardians return home to Juban and talk with the Defenders time to time.
Jedda and Rick are safely at the Netherworld ruling with their kids.
That's the conclusion of Sailor Moon Defenders.
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stealthnoodle · 2 months
asking about papillion??? :>
The mental journey behind it:
I can't believe I've never written a Sailor Moon fic, I should get on that
I fucking love my barely-there queen Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon
Spelling is hard
No one can stop me from writing her planet's people as bugs that look human after metamorphosis
I don't have much in the doc but this is probably the opening:
In the earliest wave of dawn, between the flutters of the queen's wings, the sky shimmered, and for an instant, there appeared to be something above it. Nymphe first glimpsed it at the cusp of her second instar, when her eyes were still wet and vague and her limbs still nubs. She squirmed toward it, winding her way up her mother's leg. For this she was scolded and wrapped back among the leaves. "But I saw something," she said. Only the canopy, she was told, same as it ever was. The eternal cocoon, as exempt as the queen from the cycle of metamorphosis. Wasn't it lovely to have something steadfast in the world?
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candy-pink-kisses · 4 years
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misshotaru · 6 years
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Artist:  stoneumbrella instagram
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mintymoondrops · 6 years
I am sure that lots of manga themed chracters will be appearing from now on, since almost all “important character” have been already released. My predictions are on manga Neo Queen Serenity (with white hair and a different dress), manga Uranus and Neptune (which don’t convince be at all since changes are very small, but could still do it as playable characters). Which characters do you think could be adapted as manga versions?
Hmm...there’s the Sailor Quartet, Lethe and Mnemosyne (they could be a pair character!), Kakyuu in Senshi form...and I say Cosmos every single time but gosh dangit I want a Cosmos. ;-;
Those are the ones that spring to mind first but there were a bunch of manga-only characters who I think would be adorable in Drops style! Though it might be a little weird to have, say, Heavy Metal Papillion without any of the other Animamates...by which I mean give us the Animamates please and thank you Drops.
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kibumkim · 7 years
Cats are basically easy!! But it surprises me like they have SUCH different personalities I'm really lucky to have had understanding parents like I had 3 cats at once growing up!! &Luna is sooo different then them! But if you take good care of them their love is so precious ;_; even if they get poop on the floor sometimes, LOL. I remember that about stars! That it was kinda mind blowing that usagi was like not the only princess and there were so many other senshi!!
im gonna get a cat someday omg u had three?? thats so cool !!!! im jealous lol i couldn't convince my parents to get us a pet until i turned like 19 lol and by then i was gone!!! also yes!!! the fact that there are so many other senshi is really cool like i love sailor moon the sailor animamates are super cool too imo like sailor ironmous is my fav but sailor heavy metal papillion has like the best design of them omg also sorry for the late reply!!! i like fell asleep right after i answered ur first message!! my bad!!!
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zponds · 1 year
Classic Sailor Moon - season 6 - Sailor Moon Cosmos
In my previous sailor moon post, I mentioned about the possibility of expanding the classic Sailor Moon anime to 6 seasons and 4 movies long, and below is the list in order.
Sailor Moon (season 1)
Sailor Moon R (season 2)
Sailor Moon R The Movie
Sailor Moon S (season 3)
Sailor Moon S The Movie
Sailor Moon Super S (season 4)
Sailor Moon Super S The Movie
Sailor Moon Sailor Stars (season 5)
Sailor Moon Sailor Stars The Movie
Sailor Moon Cosmos (season 6)
And this list shows how big the classic sailor moon anime would be regarding my rewrite of it. Now lemme explain
First of all, Sailor Galaxia’s major involvement would be in Sailor Moon Cosmos, where as in Sailor Stars, she’d act as a mysterious force (only seen in super closeups and only hearing her voice), while the Sailor Animamates take up the main antagonistic role of Sailor Stars after Queen Nehelenia is rehabilitated. Now Sailor Iron Mouse, Sailor Aluminum Siren, Sailor Lead Crow and Sailor Tin Nyanko take up the antagonist role in the rest of Sailor Stars… while in the sixth season; Sailor Moon Cosmos, Sailor Heavy Metal Papillion takes up the antagonist role in the first part of Sailor Moon Cosmos. And as for the Sailor Quartet, they’d make their grand (re)entrance in the final few episodes of Sailor Moon Sailor Stars, after the Amazon quartet changed their ways (in Sailor Moon Super S), they became the Sailor Quartet, consisting of Sailor Pallas, Sailor Vesta, Sailor Juno and Sailor Ceres.
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Also, Sailor Phi (left) and Sailor Chi (right) would make their appearance in the classic Sailor Moon anime in Sailor Moon Cosmos, as these two are Sailor Galaxia’s strongest and most trusted servants… and these two would be the next set of main villains after the Sailor Animamates and before Sailor Galaxia herself.
Although I should mention that Sailor Moon Cosmos would be 50 episodes long, ranging from 201 to 250.
Now as for Sailor Moon Sailor Stars The Movie, I’ll go into further detail and explaining about that in a separate post… and I’ll go into much deeper detail and explaining about Sailor Moon Cosmos in a different post, so stay tuned for those.
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candy-pink-kisses · 4 years
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silvermoon424 · 3 years
Are we forgetting the fact that Sailor Heavy Metal Papillion is a mother?! What happened to her child during the Sailor War and after the war was over? How could Naoko just leave something like that in the air?
I've always thought it was so interesting that Naoko included that detail! Sailor Heavy Metal Papillon is the only Senshi (fake or otherwise) besides Usagi who is confirmed to be a mother.
It's a popular headcanon (and subject of fics involving Shadow Galactica) within the fandom that Heavy Metal Papillon only joined Galaxia so Galaxia would spare her child. I think that's a super interesting plot point that I really wish Naoko could have delved into.
Actually, I really wish all of the Sailor Animamates/Shadow Galactica in general got more backstory. iirc the only ones who are given any semblance of a backstory (other than Galaxia herself) are Sailor Lethe and Sailor Mnemosyne, who are true Senshi and represent two conjoined planets. The planets were constantly at war and bloodshed reigned supreme, until Galaxia came and annihilated everything. Left with no other choice, the twins joined Galaxia on her galactic conquest.
I'd love to see a side story that delves into the other backgrounds of the Shadow Galactica Senshi!
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silvermoon424 · 3 years
So this may be a stretch, but since Lead Crow is the evil counterpart to Phobos and Deimos and Tin Nyanko the evil counterpart to the Moon cats, I get the feeling that Heavy Metal Papillion is the evil counterpart to Sailor Saturn. Papillion guards the souls of deceased Senshi, which are in the form of butterflies, which is alao her motif, and her theme color is purple. Meanwhile Sailor Saturn is the Senshi of death, her name "Hotaru" means firefly, which in Japanese culture, are seen as souls of the deceased, and her theme color is purple.
I've never thought of that before and I think that's a really cool idea!
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silvermoon424 · 3 years
who's are your favorite sailor moon villains from each arc?
Classic/Dark Kingdom- Queen Beryl and Nephrite (I don't have particularly strong feelings towards the villains of this arc btw)
R/Black Moon Clan- Black Lady
S/Infinity- Mistress 9 (LOVE her)
SuperS/Dream- CereCere and the Amazon Quartet in general
Stars- Sailor Galaxia, Sailor Aluminum Seiren, Sailor Lead Crow, Sailor Heavy Metal Papillion, Sailor Lethe, and Sailor Mnemosyne (as you can tell Shadow Galactica is my fave evil organization lol, I love so many of them!)
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silvermoon424 · 4 years
You know, there are so many characters that have interesting facts about them or are just interesting in general (like Guardian Cosmos or Heavy Metal Papillion being a mother and Lethe and Mnemosyne's tragic backstory). I want to know more about these characters.
Totally! The other Sailor Senshi and characters are rich with potential. I would love a spinoff series that focused on the secondary/tertiary characters and explored their backstories. 
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