#sailor moon orangeat
smvillainsweek · 30 days
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abbidavisart · 4 years
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Dream Fairy/Oneiroi Redesigns (from the Sailor Moon Super S Movie) Part two Here Delia belongs to me Perle, Poupelin, Banane, and Orangeat belong to Naoko Takeuchi Design Notes and Mythological allusions under the cut
So! There’s very little canon information on these guys, which makes them PRIME REAL ESTATE for OC and worldbuilding. The information we do know is this: -They can draw energy from sleeping dreamers -They use instruments to create illusions/control people -They turn into birds when defeated (though this doesn’t seem to kill them) POINT THE FIRST. All four, but especially Banane and Orangeat, are a reference to “The Pied Piper of Hamlin”,  who used a magic pipe to lure children away out of revenge. “Pied” is an old word that refers to multicolored clothing; think like how medieval jesters and harlequins dressed. However this doesn’t explain the connection to dreams OR the turning into birds; which brings us into: POINT THE SECOND. Dreams are not often connected to characters in literature, but there are two major exceptions. A “Mare” or “Mara”, is a creature from European folklore that brings bad dreams i.e. “nightmares”. Another is the Greek “Oneiroi” (literally, “Dreams”). In Hesiod’s Theogony he refers to Oneiroi as the fatherless children of Nyx (the night) They are described as shapeshifting “black winged daemons”. Now, I dunno about y’all; but “shapeshifting into a winged creature” sounds a whole lot like “turning into a bird” to me. Now that we’ve reviewed the canon information and mythological allusions, it’s time to get into headcanon.  General species notes are as follows -In antiquity species with feathery “winged” ears, modern Oneiroi lose their ear feathers as they grow, leaving bare pointed ears. -The first generation of Oneiroi had dark features, dark extremities, and large physical wings. Over time and with the influence of other populations, they’ve developed a wider range of body types, coloration, and have lost permanent corporeal wings. Instead they developed smaller semi-corporeal, magic formed wings (i.e. “fairy” wings), the size and presence of which depends on the individuals magic development. In short, Perle has wings because his magic is stronger than his brother’s. -Oneiroi are from the planet Limina, in the  Deneb star system. Limina is called such because it is a magic hotspot and has several “liminal spaces”, where the dreamscape overlaps with reality. More on that another time. DESIGN NOTES I didn’t actually do too much for these redesigns, the biggest challenge was in making Banane and Orangeat’s designs look slightly more unified with Perle and Poupelin’s. Perle’s shirt has been simplified to a white tunic with translucent crop top Poupelin’s ribbons are all shorter. Banane has baggier pants, a more geometric tunic design, and a multicolored turban-like cap instead of whatever the hell his original hat was. Orangeat’s hair and accessories make more sense, and I’ve replaced his cape/shawl with a translucent orange sash. He’s also got shorter, puffier pants to make his silhouette more interesting.
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setteidreams · 4 years
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Scans of Perle, Poupelin, Banane, Orangeat, Bonbon Babies and Queen Badiane from the Sailor Moon Materials Collection.
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Personajes:  Banane y Orangeat
Artista: Javier García
Pagina: https://www.facebook.com/icelandic31design/
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