scpaesthetics · 9 months
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SCP Aesthetics: A Wandsman in the Court of the Hanged King (requested by @a-blessed-feline, written by Metaphysician)
Symbols, I remind myself, have power to such creatures. (black/sepia, unease, hidden faces)
requests are closed.
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notallsandmen · 1 year
“Somnus” (1925), by Perham Nahl (1869-1935)
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eversorthewry · 5 months
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A buncha Sleepy Princesses!
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werewolfbarista · 1 year
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totally forgot i was shipping my shifters........ aelyis x roi indulgence from last february
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hermeneutas · 2 months
olá eu apreciaria muito um posto sobre o deus dos sonhos, morfeu, epitetos, algo mais sobre ele. Desde já agradeço.
Khaire philos!
Agradeço a solicitação de conteúdo e sinto que é preciso falar aqui sobre os daimones-sonho como um todo, os chamados oneiroi (singular: oneiros, do grego antigo, sonho). Morfeu é uma figura da literatura e mitologia romana com relatos apenas presentes no livro Metamorfoses, de Ovídio, onde aparece descrito ao lado de Fântaso e Fobetor/Ícelo. Morfeu é descrito como um sonho que toma a forma de pessoas, Fântaso de objetos inanimados e Fobetor, de animais e feras. O valor religioso das obras de Ovídio é, no máximo, debatível, mas vemos a representação dos oneiroi desde os mais antigos escritos, como a Ilíada. Entretanto, nestes escritos, não há nenhum nome como Morfeu atribuído ao deus-sonho que preenche a mente do general Agamemnôn na Ilíada, mas quem o guia para a mente do homem é Hermes, o Deus-mensageiro. Além disso, é dito que os oneiroi podem vir do portão de marfim ou do portal de chifre, o primeiro dá vazão aos sonhos proféticos enviados pelos Deuses, enquanto o segundo dá a sonhos enganosos ou fantasiosos. Quando olhamos mais de perto do relato dos cultos de Hipno (temos um post sobre ele aqui), o Deus do sono e Asclépio, o Deus da cura, vemos um relato de Pausânias sobre a representação de Oneiros (O Deus-Sonho, no singular neste caso) junto a Hipnos Epidotes (Abundante, do grego antigo). Os sonhos, ou seja os oneiroi, eram particularmente importantes no culto de Asclépio, pois através deles os devotos e sacerdotes interpretavam as curas necessárias para seus males a serem tratados, um processo chamado de metanoia. Uma famosa por isso também é Selene, a Deusa-lua, que na antiguidade tinha um santuário com uma fonte de água sagrada que, caso o consulente bebesse e adormecesse no local, obteria respostas através dos sonhos sobre suas indagações. Estes daimones queridos nos entregam mensagens, apresentam nosso conteúdo interno e as mensagens dos divinos. Apreciemo-los juntos aqui! Espero que esta resposta tenha sido informativa, embora não tenhamos focado em Morfeu especificamente!
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luunare · 2 months
Can dreams about the future be a sign from the gods?
Hey there!~
Though you asked me, I want to make it very clear that this is my personal opinion. You, Anon, as well as anybody else reading this, are allowed to disagree with me. I'm not an expert in this field! Just a young person who found comfort in this faith
Dreams are interesting, and they've been the topic of a lot of religious, spiritual, and philosophical debate for what feels like forever.
The Oneiroi, daimones I think you may be interested in looking into, were spirits or personifications of dreams. Emerging each night from Erebos, they fly through one of two gates - one which is the source of prophetic, god-sent dreams, and one which is the source of false, meaningless dreams.
Theoi.com is such a good place to start your research into the Oneiroi, but from there alone we are given some ancient myths and sources referring to the Oneiroi as sending revealing or prophetic dreams to people. However literally you decide to take any of this, we can see that prophetic dreams are not unheard of as a concept in ancient times.
I'm only beginning my own research into the topic, as I begin my reading about Hypnos and Somnus as well, so I don't have much to say. Personally, I believe that the gods can communicate in many ways, dreams absolutely being one of them. However, I tend to consider that sometimes, things are just mundane. Dreams can just be dreams, and what we interpret as signs may just be things happening around us.
Ultimately, though, I think that this is really up to your own discernment. I'm not you, and I don't have the context in which this ask was sent. I don't know the dream or your perception of it, or even your relationship to the gods. I think this requires personal thought, and maybe even communication in some form with the gods whom you feel may be sending a sign.
I hope you find your answer x
feel free to chime in with any additional information or thoughts regarding the topic x
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Onerioi of Nightmares
Somber Icelus
With your nocturnal tribulation
Shadowy beasts bring terror
With a feather
Clasped in your hands
You whisper
"Herefore lies within me"
"The shadow of myself"
Gifting the one who he cares for so
Visions of truth and understanding
He cradles them in his arms
Safe from all negative emotions
Loving them
Protecting them
Straddling the line between fear and ferver
He coaxes them with a gentle hand
They take his call into the wafting shadows
He is the primal instincts
Left to be buried
But now
They arise from the depths of being
Living amongst our subconscious
The Shadowy One
The Giver of Trials
The Bearer of Omens
My dear Icelus
This is my poem for you
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|Confusing names|
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Epiales is his Greek name (considering I got a lot of flack for saying Icelus is a separate deity from Epiales I'm just going to see them as the same because the first mention of Icelus/Phobetor's name was in a Roman writing "Metamorphosis" by Ovid. So technically, he is Roman but was still around in Hellenistic Paganism as Epiales in spg(possibly upg* but not sure tbh). But he prefers the name Icelus in my own personal experience so I am going to call him that
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|My Experience|(*UPG)
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*The freakazoid crazy but lovable uncle going through a midlife crisis. He is known to show up in dreams as beasts and animals. So I took meltonin, which apparently gave me night terrors, but I needed to see Icelus/Phobetor, so I had a dream, and this pale skinned, dark eyed being appeared in my dream . It was not Morpheus taking on the form of Dream of The Endless cause he had a fancy headdress with a red jewel in the center and long black hair with black lipstick and a sinister smirk. He was in all black but didn't know what exactly he was wearing since it was just his head and shoulders. But I knew who it was... Icelus. So apparently, he was the giving me the night terrors, not the meltonin cause the dream was calm and not as chaotic as usual when I take meltonin. I think Morpheus kept his word and kept his rowdy brother in check, so he had no choice but to stay in the form that he usually takes . It wasn't a beast it was him in his (human like(?)) Form . I think his true form is something so terrifying that mere mortals die or go insane from upon seeing it. He is rough around the edges(he has a mouth like a sailor) but is actually sweet....in his own way. Usually, he teases Morpheus (or me sometimes) to make me laugh, especially when I'm feeling upset. But he guides by bringing tribulations to help you get stronger and to bring you closer to understanding.
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He has a wild flamboyant personality, which is a complete contrast to me and Morpheus who are more quiet and introverted. He is a major troll to me sometimes cause when I asked him for a sign, he acted like he didn't want to, but then a couple of days later, he sent a brown recluse spider. Icelus, compared to Morpheus dresses, very elegantly. He is usually seen in suits or elaborate robes with 6 horned headdresses with a red jewel crowning his forehead, but sometimes he opts for a simpler but still bedazzled headdress. Icelus used to have long waist length black hair but lopped it off when he saw Papa Emeritus 3 of the band Ghost. Those three markings under each of his eyes....well....they are eyes as well. This makes sense to me since he likes spiders and spiders instill fear in many people . Icelus has fangs, of course, but his wingspan is significantly shorter than Morpheus's since yes, he is shorter than his brother but still a bit taller than me by a couple of inches He is the youngest out of the three named Oneiroi
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*Note that this is UPG*
Ravens and Crows
Nocturnal rodents like raccoons and Possums
Spiders(To me, his main animal he associates with)
Just creepy crawlies in general. The more legs, the better!
Dragons and Monsters
Black colored animals(how he appears to me in dreams)
He is known for appearing as beasts and animals in dreams, so yeah, he loves a lot of animals
Misc Objects
Skulls and skeletons
Gothic decorations
Bug and creepy crawlies decorations or toys
Anything Halloween or spooky
Anything related to Beetlejuice or the band Ghost
Also, he loves memes and cursed images
Sweets like chocolate and cookies
Jewelry (with gothic designs )
Uranus(he picked it, not me)
Heavy metal
Dark vaudeville/Circus music
Anything that is annoying to his brother Morpheus
Meme songs
Ballads(only a few so far)
He loves Shanklin Freak Show , Ghost , Skrillex , Marilyn Manson ,
Tarot card
The Tower
Black tourmaline
Red colored gems
Herbs and flowers
"Anything that bites back" is what he told me
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|Working and worship|
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Icelus tends to like dark spaces, which I learned by Clairsentience he likes to lurk in an unused bathroom in my dorm or currently in my apartment bathroom, laundry room or closet, so I tend to keep the light off in those area's. And whenever I turn on the light, my clairaudience picks up on him hissing. So keep that in mind when it comes to altar placement. Also, he is very good for shadow work and inner child work. He teaches me how to laugh and have a sense of humor since I'm usually very serious. He can be vulgar and rude at times, so keep that in mind . Icelus can be brutal at times, but through tribulations, he brings you to understanding. When it comes to banishing bad spirits, he will tear them apart, lol. Ie he very good at that!
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Also bonus:
Icelus, to me, sounds like Alex Brightman as Beetlejuice from the musical . Imagining Icelus doing and singing "The Whole Being Dead Thing" makes it even funnier cause it's not hard tbh
This gif reminds me of Icelus
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fanficsbysenneres · 1 year
"I've been told you have... pertinent information." He poured himself a generous finger of brandy. "And I must say, you've made a wise choice in coming to me..."
He finally turned to look at her, just as she slipped the hood from her head.
Scarfield froze.
The brandy glass fell from his fingers, smashing into several wet fragments on the floor...
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According to Ovid's Metamorphoses, the Oneiroi (or Oneiri) were the name given to the children of Hypnos, the god of sleep.
Hypnos was said to live in a cave in the underworld, and from this cave came the River Lethe, whose waters had the power to make one forget everything.
For El Infierno, I reimagined the children of Hypnos as non-human creatures who are still able to pass as human in the sunlight, but on the nights of a full moon (just like werewolves) they absolutely return to their real forms and are driven to feed - especially if they are forcing themselves to remain in human form the rest of the time, and therefore are not meeting their 'dietary requirements' regularly.
I created similar abilities between the Oneiroi in El Infierno: such as the ability to hypnotise, the ability to mentally and physically paralyse (similar to the heavy feeling you get when you fall asleep), and the ability to devour the life force of their victims by literally eating it out of them as the victim is paralysed.
They also have other abilities: like stealing memories, sending nightmares, and living for a Very Long Time; which, unfortunately, I did not have time to pursue more in El Infierno. Pacing reasons and such.
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olympianbutch · 2 years
Hello there! can you tell me what di ancient Greeks // Greek mythology says about dreams and what happens during sleep, please?
Hello! :D
I'll be honest—I haven't really done a deep dive on this. The little I do know about the ancient Greeks and their dream beliefs comes from Sarah Iles Johnston's "Ancient Greek Divination."
Near the beginning of the book, she talks about the different philosophical approaches to the art of divination; basically, some schools of thought outwardly opposed, defended, or were indifferent to the practice. In what I've read, I've gathered that dreams were considered to be more reliable conveyers of prophecy than mechanical divination, often being on par with/compared to the induced prophetic state we see the Pythia undergoing at Delphi.
That said, some dreams were regarded as meaningless. It entirely depended on the context of the dream: who was having it, where/when it was experienced, potential circumstances that could've influenced/induced the dream, etc.
Again, my knowledge on this is very limited. If it pleases you (the anon and my audience), I could do some more research and make a post about dreams in ancient Greece, and the gods who were said to bring them. I also have some prophetic/divinely inspired dreams from Greek antiquity rattling around in my brain that I'd be more than happy to discuss! :)
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verdantlyviolet · 2 years
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Fleeting Oneiroi, beyond our unravelling I beg for shelter from your melas oneiros Come to me with peaceful tales And ease my mind from day’s work
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rte-66 · 2 years
reliable news source
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starbuggie · 7 months
dreamt daniel jean wagner was at my wedding, stoned, watching a video on his whole ass laptop about what happens to cookies in the oven
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werewolfbarista · 1 year
can i get a funny or cool fact about a few of your ocs?
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homestuck au lee is a limeblood disguised as a burgundy! she works making what's basically automail, and she performed surgery on herself to attach her own prosthetic arm :) for a funny. she has a candy stash in her room and it's just fucking . troll pixy stix. she loves them for some god awful reason
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oneiroi is part of what i call THE DREAM TEAM . which is basically just a bunch of dream deities. she's their daughter!! she's one of the antagonists in an old rp i had going w my bf a few years ago. she's not exactly a bad person, she just sticks to whatever side she thinks is winning (or, at least, whichever one will make her less dead in the end). she met the other antagonist in a bar, where she broke his nose for hitting on her to get information out of her or st. he fell 4 her instantly lMAO
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lazili is one of my purpleblood ocs!!!!! they're super naive and they spend all their time sleeping or doing gigs :) ultimately pretty harmless, just a lil dude
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this is ariadne, oneiroi's mom!!!!! xe splits hirself into two almost-human vessels xe makes every so often to live amongst humans because xe thinks they're neat (veteran's discounts to anyone who remembers andromeda and phobos). the last time xe did this, those two fell for a couple dudes in this found family they ended up getting absorbed into. some fucky stuff happened and the two ended up fusing back into aria way earlier than intended. hir two halves' boyfriends couldn't get it together and my bf's monsterfucker historian oc, eli, snatched aria from BOTH of them. trans rights
here they are holding hands :)
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el-cadejos · 8 months
I dreamt the male partners of a lot of my friends had married them for a long run plan to eventually kidnap and torture them. They broke all my fingers and kept me as a hostage in exchange of not hurting the others. Eventually, a joint effort allowed me to be released, and them punished
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katybwrites · 9 months
Probably going to start posting inspo for another original story I'm working on. It doesn't have a title yet but it's heavily based on Greek Mythology.
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yan-u · 2 years
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🧿The oneiroi wish to 🧿
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