#saitou dousan
odaclan · 2 years
Saitou Dousan’s will, ceding Mino province to Nobunaga before his death
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There exist this document that was supposedly written by Saitou Dousan, giving the lordship of Mino province to Nobunaga before his death. A copy is preserved in Myoukakuji in Kyoto, and another in the Osaka Castle Museum. There is a third source, purporting to be a copy of the will, that is recorded in a text called Gonouki 江濃記, the chronicles of goings-on in Mino and Oumi in the Sengoku period. 
What makes things sketchy is that apparently the contents of the letters differ from one another, and the writing style looks “wrong”. Of course, there’s a possibility that Dousan wrote 3 wills, and customised each letter instead of just rewriting the same text 3 times. As for the writing, it’s also possible that the original deteriorated, and subsequent generations copied it down for preservation.
However, it’s undeniable that documents where the handwriting is “strange” are things to be suspicious about. Case in point, the Bukouyawa, which according to the Ikoma family is a certified fraud. 
The summary of the will is to hand over the ownership of Mino to Nobunaga (thus giving Nobunaga the justification to attack Saitou Yoshitatsu), and also advising “Kankurou” (supposedly Dousan’s youngest son) to enter priesthood in Myoukakuji. Indeed, the 19th head priest in Myoukakuji, Reverend Nichijou 日饒上人 was rumoured to be this very same Kankurou.
Considering how Nobunaga’s favourite lodging in Kyoto is Myoukakuji, which he used more often than Honnouji, some people thought there might be some merit to this story. 
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Hello there Saitou Dousan fans.
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otaku-mccartney · 1 year
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Um sonho vale menos que nada se você não tem ninguém com quem compartilhá-lo. - Dousan Saitou, Oda Nobuna no Yabou
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The doctor’s name is “Minase Douzan”
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There’s been this very strange recurring error where the staff keeps mis-writing doctor “Minase Douzan”’s name 水無瀬道三 as “Saitou Dousan” 斎藤道三. This is also happening in the NPC events in the Japanese app. I’m not sure why this is happening, because despite people pointing out the error in the comments multiple times, they never realise the error.
“Saitou Dousan” is Nobunaga’s father-in-law. Or, just a former Oda ally in the game, since Nobunaga’s wife is non-existent. 
(I don’t have screenshots of the English event anymore, where his name is shown on-screen, I only have the Japanese screenshot)
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daeva-agas · 2 years
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Oh, of course they’d make Nouhime pull a knife on Nobunaga. Because, you know, Strong Woman. Or that stupid ass legend about Saitou Dousan giving her a knife and saying “Hey if your husband is stupid kill him”. 
No, I don’t care I don’t have any context for this. There’s no explanation that can recontextualize this scene to make it “okay” for me. There’s enough of it in the trailer that makes this look like a "You know that I know that you’re making empty threats” scenario, and I still don’t like it.
Please stop with the trope of “The suitable woman for Nobunaga is a tough girl who would pull a knife on him or sock him in the face or yell at him”. It’s been done a bajillion times, it’s boring, I’m fed up by this trope, and even worse, it’s not realistic. If Nouhime really did pull this, the only reason Nobunaga won’t kill her is because it would make Saitou Dousan angry/break the treaty. 
It’s the same trope as the typical bad shoujo romance where the oresama love interest gets socked in the face by the ~feisty~ heroine and he goes “inTerEsting”. In reality, someone with a hot temper and a lot of pride would only get angrier if confronted aggressively like this. Maybe even turn violent, depending on how nasty the man’s personality is. I don’t know if this is someone’s girlboss fantasy, but it’s not mine, so I’m just annoyed by this trope.
If you want to make a scenario where Nobunaga doesn’t get mad by a vicious woman, it’s only if you write Nobunaga as a very very patient or gentle character who just doesn’t get angry easily.  
I don’t know what it is with movie makers and why they keep doing this. I remembered that in the Nobunaga Concerto live action (forgot if it’s movie or drama) they turned Nouhime into this Tomboy Not Like Other Girls (TM) character too, even though in the original manga she’s an elegant and gentle woman, and a bunch of the manga readers got pissed off by this. 
Other manga like Nobunaga no Chef also portrays her as this noble and elegant woman, with pride and dignity, and she still looks like someone who can stand next to Nobunaga on equal terms. Power doesn’t have to mean knives and swords and stabbing people. 
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Damn, I wish I can watch this episode immediately and without VPN 😭
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brincandodeserfeliz · 3 years
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"Um sonho vale menos que nada se você não tem ninguém com quem compartilhá-lo".
Dousan Saitou, Oda Nobuna no Yabou❤
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gobureis · 3 years
My personal SW5 impressions of characters after playing the game once (plus some lol)  
note: I’m talking about all of them as characters in a video game. 
Nobunaga - ngl I love him. I feel his depiction might become a bit controversial among fans, but as a story it’s great imho.
Mitsuhide - I love him too lol deep down he’s pretty similar to his SW4 counterpart, but he also isn’t. He made different choices, and there are different settings (i.e. Akechi castle being burned down and his whole family dying) that made a difference, and then there’s his relationship with Nobunaga [but it isn’t just Nobunaga who influences Mitsuhide]
Hideyoshi - he’s such a fun character. It’s always a hit or miss with Hideyoshi and me in various media, and I admit i wasn’t a big fan of some parts of SW4 Hideyoshi, but this younger version who is all about making it big and becoming a powerful daimyou is refreshing and fun. There’s some rivalry between him and Mitsuhide (mostly one-sided), and respect for Ieyasu. The Hashiba group (Hideyoshi, Hanbei, Kazuuji, Kanbei) are very warm and almost family-like
Ieyasu - he’s also a nice character. I liked SW4 Ieyasu and the Tokugawa clan a lot, and you can still feel the bonds here as well. He’s very, not serious, but he knows he’s not good enough and he works really hard to become a good samurai. He’s very loyal to Nobunaga, and he’s like a puppy around him. It’s cute.
Imagawa Yoshimoto - he’s pretty much there only to be a villain
Shingen - I was never particularly interested in Shingen (and Takeda clan and Sanada clan as a whole in SW4) so having Shingen as the enemy officer only is like shrug (he’s fun in the Uesugi vs Takeda stage in Mitsuhide’s chapter, but his presence isn’t strong overall, I know there’s one Ieyasu stage where Takeda are with them but I forgot what it’s about)
Kenshin - LOL this time Kenshin got some Kanetsugu’s characterization so he’s very loud, very opinionated, and all about righteousness, which isn’t GI this time but TADASHIKI. At the moment, he’s a bit annoying (but I also felt that way about SW4 Kanetsugu at the beginning, and he’s among my faves now, so...)
Mouri Motonari - he’s also there to be a villain and he does it well. He’s not a nice grandfather, he’s dark and shrewd, and it’s very different from SW4. 
Azai Nagamasa - he’s different, I’m still not sure if in a good or bad way
Matsunaga Hisahide - he’s fun lol (I mean I liked his SW4 version, and I like his SW5′s one too) He’s not really a joke character anymore, and he’s VERY interested in Mitsuhide. I’m glad he stayed as a playable character.
Nouhime - (no one calls her Nouhime lol ETA: Sena does) she is a great character but unfortunately her ‘screen time’ is way too short. Her interactions are mostly limited to Nobunaga, but I guess I just need to trigger more in battle dialogues. I like what they did with her in the IF stories.
Mitsuki - she was such a delightful surprise. She’s written well, and I really like her story, and also her involvement in Nobunaga and Mitsuhide’s story
Toshiie - he’s pretty much the same as in SW4, he’s Nobunaga’s childhood friend and just follows whatever Nobunaga orders, without questioning it much (the furthest he went was before Hiei-zan, but nothing really came from it anyway). He has bigger role during the early chapters, after Mitsuhide joins Nobunaga, Nobunaga apparently forgets he already had a BFF? idk lol 
Katsuie - he became more handsome, but at the core, he’s pretty much the same Katsuie too. But this time they decided to make Katsuie loyal primarily to Oichi and make him her bodyguard (probably to avoid any potential creepiness considering Oichi’s age this time). Toshiie and Katsuie don’t really have any familial relationship, and Hideyoshi calls him “danna” lol
Oichi - she’s a... child, basically (and I did like the mother-like figure in SW4, especially in SW4-2), but she keeps growing on me. 
Saitou Toshimitsu - he’s extremely loyal to Mitsuhide and he follows him no matter what. They have a nice lord/vassal relationship very different from all lord/vassal relationships that were in SW4, so it’s refreshing
Yamanaka Shikanosuke - he’s a great character, he’s friends with Mitsuhide, and they both swore under the moon to become stronger, so they could protect those who were important to them, and that promise made them move forward. It’s a great friendship, but tragic. (as everything in this stupid game is) Although, I admit that at this time, more than his relationship with Mitsuhide, I’m more interested in his relationship with Mori Motonari and Kobayakawa Takakage.
Hanbei - omg I love this version of Hanbei a LOT. I feel like in SW4 he wasn’t around that much, and when he was I just focused more on Kanbei, but do I love him in SW5. His characterization is basically the same, but he’s also more soft? And more on equal ground with Hideyoshi, whom he calls ‘Hideyoshi’, and while their relationship isn’t THAT different, Hideyoshi’s personality and age makes it different, and I love it. Because of his time with Dosan, he gets a lot of ‘screen time’ this time around, so that’s great too.
Kanbei - Kanbei is... young LOL He appears pretty late in the game, so I didn’t have much time to really focus on him because this time, I focused more on Hanbei. Their senpai-kohai relationship is cute though
Nakamura Kazuuji - he’s... there. He has a nice relationship with Mitsuki, but we also never really see them interact properly or hear about their past (maybe the citadel events?), and he’s very loyal to Hideyoshi, so that’s cool too. Like I said above I like the Hashiba group. 
Sena - Sena is great, different from the other girls in this game, more mature. 
Tadakatsu - he’s like a big loud puppy who follows his master Takechiyo. I didn’t focus on him much tbh I’ve always preferred Ieyasu’s relationship with Hanzou, and that didn’t really change. And this time there was also Sena, so... Tadakatsu was... just there, more like an older brother than a vassal
Hanzou - also great. The age difference this time made some changes with his relationship with Ieyasu, and there’s no ‘shadow to Ieyasu’s light’ symbolism this time, but it is still a nice relationship. 
Sandayu - he’s a character that’s very present and he goes from a nice big brother figure to ********, but I haven’t really made an opinion about him yet. He’s a good character, but I like others more, basically.
Kobayakawa Takakage - hahahahaha he’s very self-centered and at first I was like you’re so annoying, but he also started to grow on me, so we’ll see (I definitely do prefer SW4 though). Although, this Kobayakawa and this Hanbei would work quite well together. I need to replay the Hashiba VS Mouri stages.
Saika Magoichi - he’s a nicer version of his SW4 version with no weird womanizer thing thrown in (yet). Unfortunately he only serves as a villain and you don’t really get to know his story, but he’s a person with integrity
Yasuke - Yasuke only joins at the very end of the game, and he’s very cool. He definitely works better than Ranmaru for what this story is about.
Oda Nobuyuki - he was a nice character. tbh they could have made him fully playable because he was present for two whole chapters but well... 
Okabe - idk you fight against him
Katsuyori - I like that Shingen calls him ‘Jirou’ LOL otherwise it didn’t really matter to me if he had a special design or not (but like I said I’m not interested in Takeda clan) - he’s voiced by the same guy who’s voicing Kobayakawa so when I don’t particularly pay attention I’m like why is Ieyasu fighting Kobayakawa? lol
Kikkawa Motoharu - ??? he’s there. he’s the muscles to Kobayakawa’s brain, I guess
Mouri Terumoto - he’s young, he feels the burden, but he doesn’t have much presence
Dousan - well, Dousan is Dousan
Saitou Yoshitatsu - at one moment he’s laughing like a cartoon villain
Asakura Yoshikage - he’s so good. He has a bigger presence that Nagamasa, and it’s a shame he wasn’t made fully playable. But he also never joined Nobunaga... he’s a really nice lord who cares about his territory and people, and does everything to protect them
Ashikaga Yoshiaki - your usual incompetent shogun, I guess
Mitsubushi Fujihide - I love him! He’s very loyal to the shogunate and Yoshiaki and does everything to protect him. (even though the shogun is the way he is)
aaaand done. Future me, how did your opinions change?
TOP 5 characters: Mitsuhide, Nobunaga, Hanbei, Hideyoshi, Toshimitsu
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professor-tammi · 4 years
I've been having a discussion with @metalgear2solidsnake on which characters are likely to make it into SW5, so here's my personal take, for fun :D!
Nobunaga: just have to say I've been dying to see young Nobunaga in an SW game. thank you koei I love him. im crying
Mitsuhide: pretty big change design-wise (though at least his face and VA seem to be intact haha), so we know they're not shying away from shaking things up!
Nouhime: okay, not technically confirmed, but the butterfly hairpin, the purple colors, and the dagger just gives her away. seems to be a younger, perhaps more tragic incarnation of Nouhime, and it's clear they're still going for the assassin angle -- very intrigued to see what they do with her!
Hideyoshi: the guy we see in the trailer is highly likely to be Hideyoshi. He has Toyotomi colors (yellow!) and the smirk gives off a young Hideyoshi vibe, too.
Ieyasu: mostly confirmed (blue + Tokugawa mon) by recent screenshot, and the most drastic redesign by far. Ieyasu has mostly been portrayed quite sympathetically by Koei but has never been well-liked, so this may change things up!
Highly likely to appear
Oichi: she's a no-brainer. Koei are bound to want female characters to include, and her ties to the Oda are obvious. Oichi actually brings up how different Nobunaga used to be when he was younger in WO3, and if they can play up the estranged siblings tragedy aspect of their relationship, I think we could get something very interesting here. She's also a character Koei could very well change up a lot if they wanted to, because historically, Nobunaga actually described her as being rather warrior-like.
Nagamasa: since Oichi is so likely, I'd argue Nagamasa is as well, unless she's changed up a lot (which is still possible).
Nene: Nene is the most likely identity of the woman who appears in the trailer for a few reasons: for one, her outfit has fishnets, suggesting a ninja a la old SW Nene; two, she appears shortly after Hideyoshi is shown, again suggesting a possible link; and three, while she's quite different from the SW Nene we know (orange hair!?), she's still probably the closest fit. Nene as an Oda officer would allow for Koei to explore her friendship with Nobunaga, too!
Shingen: likely pick for a total redesign and a major adversary of the Oda. Surely has to be in.
Kenshin: if Shingen is in, then so is Kenshin, I'd say. Kenshin is someone who's design Koei could turn upside down, given historical accounts of him looking like a woman.
Fairly likely to appear
Toshiie: an important Oda officer, but SW has never utilized him well and with young Hideyoshi already giving off Toshiie vibes, I wouldn't be shocked if he's skipped over. :(
Katsuie: much like Toshiie, Katsuie is also a character SW has often struggled to really include in its storylines. The whole "second marriage" deal with Oichi feels like something Koei have always poked at but never fully went into. (Don't get me wrong, SW actually has a good amount of Oichi/Katsuie content in its side games, but it's always been very ambiguous whether or not it's reciprocated, which makes me wonder...)
Magoichi: Mago could easily be played up as one of Nobunaga's adversaries again, but he's not a must for his story, so I've got him at fairly likely.
Tadakatsu or Hanzou: with Ieyasu confirmed, they'll surely want him to have one or two retainers. Tadakatsu or Hanzou (or even both!) seem like the safest bets.
Hanbei / Kanbei: Hideyoshi will also want retainers, and ryoubei have always been massively popular (especially Hanbei). I don’t see one getting in without the other, so I’ve put both here. (Kanbei is more likely to get a significantly different redesign of the two...)
Masamune: very iconic historical figure, and I could see a younger Masamune making an appearance here (though maybe not quite as young as SW1 Masamune...)
May or may not appear
Ranmaru: a lot of people view Ran as a shoo-in, but I don’t, for several reasons. For one, the game clearly wants to focus on Nobunaga’s relationships with Mitsuhide and Nouhime (these are the three featured characters on the cover art, even), which means Ran could “interfere” with the focus on these relationships, hence making him redundant. In fact, SW has -- to my chagrin! -- never properly delved into his relationship with Nobunaga, so why would they do so now? Further, Ran isn’t really in need of a reboot from a design standpoint (though they could do interesting things with him gameplay-wise, the big sword was always unwieldy :P). Given all this, I wouldn’t be surprised if Koei decide it’s simpler to cut him entirely.
Motochika: kind of a similar issue to the above; SW Motochika has always been very close to Mitsuhide, which could be construed as superfluous in a game that wishes to focus on Nobunaga and Mitsuhide’s relationship instead. I’m hoping I’m wrong here, because I’ve always enjoyed SW Motochika, but I think he’s a “maybe”.
Keiji: if Toshiie is in, then I think Keiji is fairly likely to be included as well; if not, I think he’s just a maybe.
Masayuki / Yukimura: Shingen will want retainers, and I think one of these two is the most likely pick. Masayuki makes more sense for the time period, but Yukimura has the bonus of, well, being ex-poster boy Yukimura.
Kanetsugu / Aya: most likely retainers for Kenshin. Maybe we’ll get both?
Gracia: Gracia with young Mitsuhide seems a bit awkward, so I think she may only get in if Koei decide to include an aging system as they did in Sanadamaru, which isn’t a guarantee. However, she’s massively popular, which increases her chances.
Ina: I could see her returning if Tadakatsu does, but her old weapon choice seems pointless now that Nou has a bow as well, so she’s very much a “maybe”. She might end up with a big redesign if she’s back, at least gameplay-wise.
Mitsunari: literally the most popular character in the series, which is really the only reason why he’s here. SWC3 experimented a bit with Mitsunari as a retainer in Hideyoshi’s earlier days, so Koei have been willing to include him in the earlier Sengoku period before. Probably not a long shot at all.
Sakon / Yoshitsugu: again, characters who are popular at least partly due to their links to Mitsunari. If Mitsunari is in, I expect at least one of these two to make a comeback.
Probably won't appear
Characters who are either less popular, or who make little sense for the time period, or who lack a strong link to the Nobunaga/Mitsuhide focus:
Goemon, Okuni, Kunoichi, Yoshihiro, Toyohisa, Ginchiyo, Muneshige, Kotarou, Musashi, Kojirou, Kiyomasa, Kaihime, Ujiyasu, Motonari, Masanori, Takatora, Naotora, Naomasa, Munenori, Nobuyuki, Hisahide, Kojuurou, Kagekatsu, Takakage, Hayakawa, Koshoushou
Possible new additions
These are all women for the simple reason that I fully expect Koei to want to balance out the male/female character ratio at least a little bit.
Matsu: if Toshiie is in, I’m hoping to see her! :D
Chiyome Mochizuki: would make a lot of sense for a Takeda retainer, esp if Kunoichi is gone.
Ikeda Sen: if Ran is in, she’s entirely possible.
Probable UNPCs
Saitou Dousan
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newsintheshell · 5 years
Kochoki: Wakaki Nobunaga, pubblicato un nuovo trailer della serie
Il progetto originale di Studio Deen andrà in onda a partire da luglio.
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Diffuso un secondo video promozionale di “Kochoki: Wakaki Nobunaga”, nuova serie originale targata Studio Deen, il cui debutto è previsto per luglio. L’anime reinterpreterà in maniera audace la vita e la figura storica di Oda Nobunaga, partendo dalla sua gioventù e seguendo la sua ascesa come condottiero.
Il trailer anticipa sia la sigla di apertura "Shissou", a cura di Rib, che il brano di chiusura "Kiba to Tsubasa", cantato da May'n.
Svelati inoltre altri membri del cast:
Oda Nobuhide: Taiten Kusunoki
Shibata Katsuie: Hidenari Ugaki 
Hirate Masahide: Mugihito 
Hayashi Hidesada: Kenichirou Matsuda 
Hayashi Michitomo: Kousuke Toriumi
Sakuma Nobumori: Ryohei Kimura 
Sakuma Morishige: Atsushi Tamaru 
Oda Hidetaka: Ayumu Murase 
Dota Gozen: Masako Katsuki 
Saitou Dousan: Tesshou Genda 
Il progetto vede riunito lo staff dietro al franchise Hakuoki, è infatti Noriyuki Abe (Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, Arslan Senki) a dirigere la serie, seguendo la sceneggiatura curata Ryota Yamaguchi (Ao no Exorcist), Megumi Sasano e Kaoru Sawada (Itou Junji: Collection). Il design dei personaggi è invece quello di Atsuko Nakajima (Tokyo Ghoul:re, Sakamoto Desu ga?).
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odaclan · 2 years
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「恋愛戦国ロマネスク ~影武者姫は運命をあやなす~」
Ren'ai Sengoku Romanesque ~ Kagemusha-hime wa Unmei o Ayanasu ~
Website: https://koiroma.renaigame.jp/
Look at the top poster. Which one of those characters is supposed to be Nobunaga, do you think?
If your answer is the menacing-looking black-haired individual at the back, you’re wrong. That’s Shingen. Nobunaga is the one with reddish-brown hair in front.
This romance game app was, well, one of the avant-garde adaptation types. That is, by using “alternate universe/multiverse” as an excuse, they can still keep the Sengoku samurai names and a vaguely Sengoku-esque setting, but forgo history facts beyond the barest of minimum (Shingen being the Tiger of Kai, Nobunaga won against Yoshimoto in Okehazama, and other primary school level minimal facts).
My previous post is also another one of these wild adaptations. I don’t know if the creators thought that the audience are tired of the “old tropes”, or if they just want to run wild and create original fiction, but use the samurai names as clickbait. There are many people who would flock to a product just because a famous samurai’s name is on it.
According to the summary in promotional material, the heroine “timetravelled” from modern Japan into an alternate reality where Nobunaga’s conquest is not entirely successful because Shingen lived and managed to push back against him. Upon seeing the heroine, Nobunaga formulated a strategy where he will release a propaganda saying that “Oda Nobunaga is actually female”, and hire the heroine to play the role of that “fake female Nobunaga”.
I’m not sure how that’s supposed to work, but I imagine from this point on it will just essentially be an original fiction with little to no semblance to actual history.
Whatever happened to change the “history as we know it” also changed the lineup of the clan alliances. For some reason Ieyasu broke off his alliance to Nobunaga, and is now part of the Shingen faction. Hideyoshi is already an indenpendent lord, who seems more or less on equal standing with Nobunaga in this universe, although he didn’t turn into an enemy (as far as I know). He seems to be still “Oda ally”. 
The weirdest part of this whole thing is probably Saitou Dousan being not dead and also a romantic option. I mean, naturally he is depicted as a quite handsome man here, but when I think of his usual depiction of a big, bald old man... I'm having a hard time reconciling the two.  
”Oda unit”: Oda Nobunaga, Akechi Mitsuhide, Saitou Dousan, Azai Nagamasa
”Toyotomi unit”: Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Katou Kiyomasa, Kuroda Kanbei, Chousokabe Motochika
”Takeda unit”: Takeda Shingen, Uesugi Kenshin, Sanada Yukimura, Tokugawa Ieyasu
“Other”: Saika Magoichi, Tachibanaya (another timetraveller)
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blobofcolour · 7 years
Watching now: Nobunaga Concerto (2014)
ep 1 was alright. I was a little doubtful of how they are going to turn Saburo into a convincing Nobunaga of history. Saburo is a good kid with heart but that’s not enough to achieve world peace (or at least Japan-peace) during those turbulent warring times. 
ep 2 ok now I’m invested. Saitou Dousan (Kichou’s dad) turning out to be a fellow time traveler was a surprise. The father/daughter plot in this ep was touching and seeing the life of Saito Dousan before him was a catalyst in moving Saburo to really put his mind to living life properly as Nobunaga. And Tsune-chan! He likes Kichou too... awwww.    
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daeva-agas · 3 years
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I’m so happy Ikesen and Tenka didn’t turn off other companies from trying to make new Sengoku games. I always welcome new variety.
Main Site: https://koiroma.renaigame.jp/
I dunno what’s with game companies creating a massive cast from the get-go. I guess they did enough stats to be assured that they can handle doing it for the long haul. This one has 14 people planned straight up. More might come later if the game is a success. 
Guess which one is Nobu?
If you thought it was the scary one with the black jacket at the back, NOPE. That’s... actually Shingen. 
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Nobu is the red one in front. Silver-hair is not Akechu, it’s Hideyoshi. Blondie is tan00k Ieyasu as usual. Saneiketsu unite!
Oh yeah, obligatory weird love interests: SAITOU DOUSAN
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I mean, because otome we’ll ignore Nouhime as usual I guess but... WELLP. 
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But oh yeah, we actually need an Akechu too. Here he is!
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Historically, Saitou Dousan was Nobunaga’s father-in-law. Since we’re going to ignore Nobu’s real-life wife and concubines in this game, never mind that!
Now about Mitsuhide’s involvement with Dousan. What he said was more or less true to history, if simplified. 
Apart from being a retainer, some sources say that he was Dousan’s nephew. Dousan’s wife was the sister of Mitsuhide’s father. And then after Dousan died, there were a heck lot of other things that happened, and Mitsuhide’s life is a bit vague at this point. The generally-accepted account is that he went to serve someone named Asakura Yoshikage, and afterwards became involved with the shogun. There were also popular traditions saying that he became a ronin (wandering masterless samurai) for some time too.
(by the by, pardon if I flip-flop between Mitsuhide and Akechi. I normally refer to him as “Akechi”, but since in-game he’s "Mitsuhide”... I try to go with that)
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so.... a friend of mine give me Oda Nobuna no Yabou, i watched it and i somehow found that the romance between The Monkey (whoever that guy name is) and Nobuna was similiar to Toradora. IMO tho
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odaclan · 2 years
Sengokushi: Indie Sengoku manga (English/Japanese)
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A manga artist is independently serialising a Sengoku manga, and they've also had it translated to English. I'm assuming this is self-publishing, because I don't see any publisher or corporate names anywhere, it's all just under the artist's personal penname.
It's mainly Nobunaga-based, but it does show extensive scenes about Hideyoshi and Mitsuhide.
This author accepts the theory of "Mitsuhide used to serve Saitou Dousan", and so the Mitsuhide chapters also covers the Saitou family narrative, such as Dousan's rise to power and his conflict with his son Yoshitatsu.
If you want to support the author, you can buy their manga on Amazon Kindle.
They also post free pages/chapters on their Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/yasu__e_e__/
It's not a smooth read, because they post step-by-step processes and drawing timelapse videos in between the pages, but it's an option if you want a more extended preview than what Amazon gives you. Also like and follow the author to support them!
The manga is also released in "animated picture" format on Youtube, which you can watch here: https://www.youtube.com/@user-yn5ml3qw6e/videos
The animation is limited, similar to the technique used by the Nobunaga's Ambition opening cutscenes. It's very well-made. It even has "opening sequence" like an anime.
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