#sakiru the alchemist
otherworldy-insect · 4 months
hey guys….. i redesigned moruka a tad bit….. (i wanted it to look a little more “zoralike”… idk it looked way too much like its in game counterpart)
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anyways infodump below cut:
(also i already have been gushing about this fanfic for like. idk how long but uhhh most of the info was based off of this ig??? + the peepaw fanfic…)
8 years prior to the attack of the Calamity, Astor found Sakiru in the Spirit Temple, and introduced him to the Blights (who have personalities for some reason in this au…)
Moruka was just an infant at the time, too.
Sakiru grew close to the Temple Bosses very quickly, and they developed a “Grandfather-Grandchildren” dynamic.
I don’t know how the Temple Scourges/Blights lived for the 100 years it took for Link to awaken LMAOOOO (but im assuming it’s magic)
Because the Blights were conspiring with the Yiga Clan to resseruct Calamity Ganon (The Blights were actually looking for Ganondorf. They are aware that the Calamity is a leak from the seal holding Ganondorf, but can’t locate the source), the Temple Scourges were practically members of the Yiga Clan.
Moruka doesn’t have bones lol
Also, Moruka does still have its muck shark form, except it’s much more “zora-like” (I was too lazy to draw a reference)
After the Blights were defeated by Link (They die just like they do in the OG game. lol karma), the Temple Bosses were very well aware of their parent’s deaths. The death of the Blights motivated them to find Ganondorf.
They succeeded, doing what the Blights could not. However, it wasn’t until the Upheaval that Ganondorf broke from his seal.
Shortly afterwards, Ganondorf SOMEHOW communicated to them, he saw potential in the Temple Bosses. He then tasked them with seizing the Sacred Stones, to spread his influence.
They of course, did, their powers amplifying to the point where it can affect whole regions. However, the power of the Sacred Stones mutated the Temple Bosses (example: Gyba used to look like a normal Gerudo, but taking the Sacred Stone caused her to gain buglike traits, and a vulnerability to the elements.)
Moruka’s mutation was less on the outside and more internal, their bodies producing excessive muck, causing it to throw up muck occasionally. It’s also quite painful for it, and sometimes causes breathing difficulties
After Link defeated the Temple Scourges with the Sages, they died and became resurrected by the Blood Moon, becoming effectively immortal until Ganondorf dies.
However, Sakiru was the only Scourge to not get resurrected by Ganondorf. Obviously, the Scourges were literally depressed post-TOTK. (i mean… their dads are dead, so their grandpa had to adopt them… and he fucking died too lmao)
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Faces Of Eons
more for Sakiru, this is kind of a follow up to Return. here we have Sakiru meeting the main silly guys of the AU :3
(for @bugger-loz's dungeon boss AU, Dark Disciples)
Word count: 1268 Characters: Sakiru, Astor, Original characters (the blights and temple bosses), Kohga and Sooga (briefly) Warnings: None
The four stood there in silence, facing Sakiru and the apostle with exaggerated expressions ranging from bewilderment to annoyance. Not knowing what to say, Sakiru stood there and studied their features.
There weren't many collective similarities between them. They were all different shapes and species- a thin and lanky gerudo who appeared to be a man, A built and stocky goron, a tall-statured zora, and a barrel-chested rito. All of them were flicking their eyes between Sakiru and the robed man.
After a minute of silence, the apostle spoke. “I told you that the Demon King’s alchemist turned himself into a construct.”
“I… guess that is a construct… but you at least could’ve told us what that meant! We weren’t exactly expecting a full on robot, ya know?” “What were you expecting?” He threw their hands in the air. “I don’t know, but it damn well wasn’t that!”
The apostle sighed and rubbed his forehead. “Enough. The point is that he’s here now. You may call him Sakiru. That was the name that he took in life.”
“Sakiru,” The rito murmured under his breath.
The apostle turned his head to Sakiru. “I wanted you to meet these people. These are the ones who call themselves The Blights, followers of Calamity Ganon. Each of them serve as their respective element.”
He gestured to all of them, one by one. First the gerudo. “Raedihn is the blight of thunder.” The rito. “Thyelli is the blight of the winds.” The zora. “Ahvesus is the blight of the waters.” The goron. “And finally, Kohlasi is the blight of fire.” He crossed his arm over his chest and bowed. “I am the prophet of doom. You may call me Astor.”
Sakiru looked from Astor to the blights. “...That’s not all of them. What do you mean?”
Astor stood up from his bow, masking his confusion with false confidence. “I assure you, that is all four of them. Each counteracts a certain person, a general in our enemy’s army. Every single one is accounted for.”
“But what of light? What of spirit?”
A smirk tugged at the corner of his lips, but he still kept some of that confusion. “You’ve been down there quite a while, you must not be up to speed. There is no ‘spirit’ that you speak of. The light, Princess Zelda, is opposed by the calamity itself.”
Before Sakiru could ask any questions, Ahvesus cut through with a sarcastic laugh. “Look, prophecy man. We don’t have all day. This isn’t exactly, you know, time for a little history lesson.” They hissed that part through gritted teeth. “So can we please get to the point?”
Astor nodded. “Of course. Right this way, Sakiru.”
He opened the wooden doors and let them out. The quiet of the room they were in seemed infectious, the bustle of the outside going silent in nearly a second. The strange masked men clothed in red suits stared at them and shuffled out of their way to clear a path.
While they walked, Sakiru perked his mechanical ears up. He noticed two men in the crowd: one of them significantly taller than the rest of them, the other jumping around and waving his arms in the air. “Sooga, lift me up! I wanna see em!”
The tall man named Sooga picked him up by the armpits and lifted him to about the height of his chest. The other man, wearing a more extravagant mask and noticeably more stout than the others, put a hand at his forehead to shield his eyes from sunlight that wasn’t in the underground hideout. “Woah! What in Ganon’s name is that? Is that the alchemist guy that Astor was talking about?”
The man stopped speaking and demanded to be let down when Sakiru looked at him. Before he could fully squirm out of his position, they entered the next room.
Just like the one that they met in, this room had no masked men in it. There were three mounds of blankets and cushions, along with a wooden tub of water clearly separated from the fabrics. As they walked in, Astor jingled the jewelry in his hair.
The four beings in the room perked up, intrigued by the noise. They were… babies. A gerudo girl, a goron pebble, a zora fry, and a rito hatchling. They crawled a little closer to Sakiru. Fascinated, but wary of danger.
The Blights looked at each other and waited for one of them to say something. Thyelli took that responsibility. “...These are our children,” she said. “Moruka, Gohrra, Gyba, and my son, Colgheri. You… can imagine why this is so important to us.”
“I see…” Sakiru rasped as he kneeled down. Gyba got a little closer and reached out. Her little fingers grasped one of the zonaite prongs at the end of his arm. She giggled as he raised his hand a little bit, lifting her a few inches off the ground. 
The other kids joined their friend to meet the newcomer. Ahvesus picked up their child as they waddled over. “This is war. If anything goes wrong… yeah, not risking it. We can’t fight and take care of them at the same time.”
“What about these masked men? There’s plenty of them.”
Astor scoffed. “Sakiru, let’s just say that I wouldn’t trust those buffoons with a dog, much less children. The Yiga are a bad influence, and I doubt they’d feed them anything but bananas. We only work with them out of necessity.”
Ahvesus wiped off a bit of water that Moruka spit in their face. “We need our futures and legacies to be protected, unless the calamity doesn’t go entirely to plan. Since you have no counterpart, could we rely on you?” Sakiru picked Gohrra off of the floating pieces of his arms. “For fellow disciples of darkness, I will do what I can.”
“What do you mean, ‘no spirit’? What happened to the fifth sage?”
Astor and Sakiru were alone now in the quiet of the night. Everyone else had gone to bed. The only sound accompanying them was the wildlife in the highlands.
“I found out about you through the stone archives in the temples I’ve unearthed. I’ve seen depictions of the ‘sages’ you speak of, but I assure you that there were only four. Perhaps something has been lost to time.”
“But you spoke of Princess Zelda, I remember her… It can’t have been that long.”
“Interesting. It seems there really is more going on here than I imagined…” He turned back to him. “But it really has been that long. Based on the age of the archives, you’ve been in that temple for at least ten thousand years.”
“T- ten… ten thousand years…”
Sakiru couldn’t move his arms. His whole body seized up. His heart stopped beating in its jar.
“It’s a lot to take in, but-”
He cut Astor off. “Ten thousand years…! Ten thousand-! TEN THOUSAND YEARS!”
And with that, he threw his glass head back and looked up towards the sky. From his jaws, brought from the air itself, he let forth a cackle like he had never laughed before. Such a deep and throaty noise that didn’t travel through his severed neck, not coming from jarred lungs that never filled with air to create it. All through the night, he laughed and laughed up towards a sky full of stars that he didn’t recognize anymore.
Rauru was dead. Mineru was dead. Every single hylian under their command was now the dirt that his zonai feet walked upon. It didn’t matter. He did it.
He was immortal.
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otherworldy-insect · 3 months
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@master-kohga-dating-sim’s sakiru and river zora mipha…. silly little guys
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Back to back, birds of a feather
@bugger-loz the moment you've been waiting for,, the whole family photo after they stole the purah pad :3 smile for the camera, Sakiru!
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otherworldy-insect · 5 months
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also funny fact abt my dark disciples au!!!
they all look like freaky little bugs because they corrupted their respective sacred stones and used them, causing them to develop wierd bug traits!!! (moruka barely changed, it was more of an internal one, where their body produces muck involuntarily in their organs which is kinda painful for them… idk i fucking love body horror like that)
btw if you haven’t noticed i changed their names
sakiru (the skull robot guy) belongs to @master-kohga-dating-sim!!! also RESD THEIR WRITING ITS DELICOUS
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otherworldy-insect · 3 months
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originally this was going to be sakiru but i feel like cetan would do this
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Something About Legacy
something for @bugger-loz,, I got bored and decided to write something for Dark Disciples lol. Bit of lore and stuff for Gyba here ft. Kohga being a gayass
Note: the blights names have been changed; thunderblight is Rajan now
Word count: 973
Characters: Gyba, Sakiru, Sooga, Kohga (briefly), Rajan (mentioned)
“I'll show you how to do it first. Watch closely.”
Sooga nodded to the footsoldier in front of him. Gyba watched him cross his katanas in front of him to block the oncoming broadsword. When the opposing blade didn't recoil, he slid his swords apart with enough force to send the footsoldier stumbling back. Gyba nodded in confirmation.
“Good. Let's do it together now. Copy my movements.”
He nodded again. This time, both footsoldiers lunged forward. Gyba crossed her scimitars like how Sooga did, just in time for the broadsword to collide with them. Her wrists strained to suppress the blade. It inched a bit closer to her face before she gained the strength to split her swords and stagger the opponent.
“Good!” Sooga said. “Remember, timing is key. Don't wait too long after the blade hits to push back. Now, try to utilize the opening it gives you as an opportunity to strike. Watch me.”
Sooga did the same thing again, crossing his swords to block and attack. This time, once the footsoldier recoiled, he lunged. Three reverberating thumps sounded through the arena as Sooga's swords beat against the footsoldier’s projected shield.
They continued like that for a while, Sooga demonstrating a new move and having Gyba repeat it until she got it right. Off to the side of the ring, Sakiru and Kohga watched them closely. Gyba's hand became steadier with each swing of her swords. Like melting metal, her movements turned from stiff to fluid before Sakiru's eyes.
He looked down at the Sheikah next to him. Kohga was staring just as intently, attention unbroken by Sakiru moving. His mask hid his eyes, but Sakiru could still tell for sure… he wasn't looking at Gyba.
Gyba followed suit as Sooga sheathed his swords. As she hung a towel around her neck, he unzipped the front of his uniform a bit and took a swig from his canteen. “I think that'll be it for today. Next time, we'll work on your form a bit more.”
Sooga left with Kohga, the shorter man’s gaze still clearly fixed on Sooga's open uniform. Gyba joined up with Sakiru and stretched. “How was that? Pretty good, huh?”
Sakiru nodded as they turned and walked away. “Mhm. You're getting a lot better with reaction time. It's good to see you improving.”
Gyba nodded and puffed out her chest in satisfaction, crossing her arms. “Yeah, I'm getting real good at this whole thing. I’m pretty talented, aren't I? I can do some real damage.”
“You're still not going on Sooga's missions.”
She slumped over and groaned.
Sakiru sighed. “You're not ready yet. It's still too dangerous.”
“You always say that,” she grumbled.
“You're fifteen years old. You can't just go out onto a battlefield at that young. Real fighting isn't like your training, there's a lot of real risk that you're not going to be prepared for. For now, you will stay here and train with Sooga.”
Sakiru's explanation didn't do much for Gyba. When they got back to the main part of the hideout, she went back into her room without a word.
Now that she was alone, she had a chance to get out for a little bit. As soon as she couldn't hear Sakiru’s footsteps anymore, she ran over to the Yiga tapestry above her bed and lifted it. The break in the stone bricks was still there, just wide enough to get through if she crawled on her stomach.
The passage was tight and full of bugs. Spiders, beetles, ants, sometimes centipedes or scorpions. It would be revolting to anyone else, but it instilled a strange sense of pride in Gyba. The way that the little creatures scurried out of her way made her feel royal, like all her little subjects were clearing a path for their queen.
She was hit with a cool breeze as she emerged from the tunnel. The ledge it led to was the perfect spot- nestled in the corner of the plateau, just low enough to be out of the snow. Off the edge, the sprawling desert was laid out before her. Twisting dunes and ancient ruins that spoke of her past were hardly of any concern to her- all she wanted to see was the swirling sandstorm and the beast lurking within.
Even so far away, Vah Naboris’s calls were just loud enough to reach Gyba's spot. The sheets of sheikah stone rattled with each massive step and kicked more sand into the air. Through the haze, the familiar magenta glow of the Divine Beast’s eyes found the pilot’s daughter.
“Hey dad,” Gyba said, trailing her fingers through the sand. “I'm doing okay, I guess. Sooga taught me how to block today, that's pretty cool. But Sakiru still won't let me go out.”
Another cry from Vah Naboris. She waited for it to finish before she kept talking. “Yeah… I just think I'm getting really good and that I could handle something like that. I'm supposed to go and find the source, yeah? That's not gonna be easy, shouldn't I get some real practice instead? That training ring's no good for me. It's just getting boring at this point.”
Both her and the desert were silent for a minute. Vah Naboris kept walking, the weight of its legs pounding the desert. “I hope you're doing alright in there, dad. I know…” she thought back on when Rajan was still around, that thing he always said when he’d brag about how he got the scars on his chest and stole the Thunder Helm from right under the chief’s nose. “...I'm gonna be like you. I'm not gonna let anyone stop me, and I'm gonna find that source. Just you wait, just everyone wait and see.”
The Divine Beast cried out again. Gyba smiled.
“I'm gonna make you proud.”
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follow up :3 here is Sakiru, the seized construct in @bugger-loz's dungeon boss AU
lore dump below cut
While Rauru was king and Mineru was the construct builder, there was a third zonai sibling named Sakiru, the alchemist. Sakiru was obsessed with the idea of immortality, much to his sibling's chagrin. He took Zelda's appearance from the future as a sign and construct pieces started disappearing from Mineru's workspace. They broke into Sakiru's laboratory and found out that he gave himself a new pair of arms with them.
Slowly, Sakiru added more to himself as the days went on. Things didn't get any better once Ganondorf surrendered and swore loyalty, as the two of them got along and started conspiring with each other. Sakiru ended up having a big argument with Mineru, saying "I thought you'd understand my endeavor, Mineru! Bodies turn to dirt, but zonaite is forever! You know that, you create the vessels! Why won't you listen to me!?"
At this point, he was starting to cut off his own limbs and replace them with construct pieces. Once Ganondorf killed Sonia and became the Demon King, Sakiru was able to use some of his power to complete the final step: severing his head from his body and placing it into a jar full of liquid. When Rauru and Mineru saw what became of their sibling, they knew he was too far gone.
Sakiru worked for the Demon King up until he was sealed away by Rauru, causing the alchemist to take shelter in the old Spirit Temple. There he remained for thousands of years, his head slowly degrading into a skull in the jar, yet his improvements not letting him die. Up until one day, when a mysterious man in a black robe discovered him and introduced him to four people: a goron, a gerudo, a rito, and a zora, along with their infant children.
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@bugger-loz i may have drawn,, the silly,,,
we really should give this guy an actual name but this is in fact part of Bug's dungeon boss AU :3
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ooooo Sakiru pre-construct oooooooo.. bitter old man who hates his family
(for @bugger-loz's dungeon boss AU, The Dark Disciples)
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otherworldy-insect · 5 months
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ANYWAYS. LOOK AT ME STRUGGLING TO FIND A GOOD DEISGN FOR ZORA!WATERBLIGHT (i mean they kinda resemble a hammerhead shark LMAO) also wip for gyba/gerudo!queen gibdos ref sheet.. featuring @master-kohga-dating-sim’s fanfiction for this au, faces of eons + return. seriously they had to make the baby temple bosses so silly.l. ‼️‼️/lh /pos
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And here we have more silly in its natural habitat
Cabinet Man sakiru. It just fits you know
this is for @bugger-loz's au :3
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gh. sakiru brainrot. i lov he
+1 below cut (GORE WARNING)
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otherworldy-insect · 2 months
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peepaw sakiru doodles
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I wrote some stuff for Sakiru because i can't stop thinking about him,,, my silly guy i love him
This is for @bugger-loz's dungeon boss AU :3
Word count: 626 Characters: Sakiru, Astor Warnings: Body horror (talk about someone's flesh rotting while they're still alive), talk about someone intentionally causing pain to themself
Click, click, click, click.
There wasn't really any way for Sakiru to describe the noise other than a click. When it started, he would've called it a drip. Each little drop of water hitting the ground, drip drip drip. But as time went on, the sound became less discernible. Somewhere between a drip and a click. Not a pat or tick or plip, it had to have that strong ck sound. As the white noise turned into words, words and letters lost their meaning as they melted to color and faded into the blackness.
Click, click, click, click.
When the drip of the water became nothing, the pain spoke up. All of Sakiru’s ugly organs were safe in their jars, leaving his remaining flesh to scream at him and beg not to be left behind. Of course, he ignored it, and of course, time ignored it. The rancid meat cried and wailed as it slowly died around him, but it left the zonaite and bones in their full purity. Once it was all gone, the pain would subside. Sakiru had no sense of days or weeks; he marked days by points of interest. Pain increasing, pain subsiding, the loss of feeling in his head, his body freeing itself from larger and larger swathes of meat. 
Click, click, click, click.
Sometimes the pain was to Sakiru’s advantage. The dying flesh was his only friend, its screams his only conversation. He found that by moving the zonaite, grinding the meat between the plates if need be, he could create more pain. Rhythmically, he did so between his brief periods of sleep. He made songs from it. At first simple patterns, but eventually he learned to create full orchestrations. Different kinds of pain- burns, stabs, stings, crushes, all in different intensities, the different instruments on the stage. A constant low hum of it, the bass. He made melodies from the movements of his body, masterpieces that would never be heard by a single soul.
Click, click, click, click.
He had no idea how long it had been. Ever since the Demon King had been sealed away and he had fled into the Spirit Temple down below, his world had been darkness; the depths of his mind. His life was the movements of his body, the songs of pain, his being slowly purifying. All up until that one day, when the stone doors scraped and pushed to the sides. Everything stopped, the music went quiet, as Sakiru was bathed in the light that he had forgotten the feeling of.
No more click.
A hylian man was standing there, obscured in black robes. All Sakiru could see was his face. His features were carved, blanketed with uncannily pale skin. Braids of straight, black hair decorated with gold rings hung at the sides of his head. What caught Sakiru’s attention about him was the gold circlet he wore, framing an eye similar to that of his old master.
Sakiru tilted his head. The liquid within the glass rushed by his face, making him realize that the bones were now bare. An apostle? Another disciple of the Demon King? Hadd the seal finally broken, had his master returned?”
The man spoke. His voice was thin, yet smoky. “Are you the alchemist?”
Sakiru rolled his jaw to try and get the movements back. Raw bones clicked and popped against each other. Though his vocal chords were missing, he still found words. It was as if his voice rumbled from the air itself. It was raspy, rusty. “My name is Sakiru, I… I am the Demon King’s alchemist.”
A smile pulled at the corners of the apostle’s thin lips. “Wonderful”, he said, beckoning outwards. “I have someone- many someones, in fact- to introduce you to.”
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otherworldy-insect · 4 months
sakiru/zonai seized construct belongs to @master-kohga-dating-sim!!!! (im so normal about peepaw…)
also featuring baby gohrra from this specific fanfic because im so normal about it (lying)
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we need more grandpa seized construct.
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