#botw blight ganons
otherworldy-insect · 4 months
hey guys….. i redesigned moruka a tad bit….. (i wanted it to look a little more “zoralike”… idk it looked way too much like its in game counterpart)
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anyways infodump below cut:
(also i already have been gushing about this fanfic for like. idk how long but uhhh most of the info was based off of this ig??? + the peepaw fanfic…)
8 years prior to the attack of the Calamity, Astor found Sakiru in the Spirit Temple, and introduced him to the Blights (who have personalities for some reason in this au…)
Moruka was just an infant at the time, too.
Sakiru grew close to the Temple Bosses very quickly, and they developed a “Grandfather-Grandchildren” dynamic.
I don’t know how the Temple Scourges/Blights lived for the 100 years it took for Link to awaken LMAOOOO (but im assuming it’s magic)
Because the Blights were conspiring with the Yiga Clan to resseruct Calamity Ganon (The Blights were actually looking for Ganondorf. They are aware that the Calamity is a leak from the seal holding Ganondorf, but can’t locate the source), the Temple Scourges were practically members of the Yiga Clan.
Moruka doesn’t have bones lol
Also, Moruka does still have its muck shark form, except it’s much more “zora-like” (I was too lazy to draw a reference)
After the Blights were defeated by Link (They die just like they do in the OG game. lol karma), the Temple Bosses were very well aware of their parent’s deaths. The death of the Blights motivated them to find Ganondorf.
They succeeded, doing what the Blights could not. However, it wasn’t until the Upheaval that Ganondorf broke from his seal.
Shortly afterwards, Ganondorf SOMEHOW communicated to them, he saw potential in the Temple Bosses. He then tasked them with seizing the Sacred Stones, to spread his influence.
They of course, did, their powers amplifying to the point where it can affect whole regions. However, the power of the Sacred Stones mutated the Temple Bosses (example: Gyba used to look like a normal Gerudo, but taking the Sacred Stone caused her to gain buglike traits, and a vulnerability to the elements.)
Moruka’s mutation was less on the outside and more internal, their bodies producing excessive muck, causing it to throw up muck occasionally. It’s also quite painful for it, and sometimes causes breathing difficulties
After Link defeated the Temple Scourges with the Sages, they died and became resurrected by the Blood Moon, becoming effectively immortal until Ganondorf dies.
However, Sakiru was the only Scourge to not get resurrected by Ganondorf. Obviously, the Scourges were literally depressed post-TOTK. (i mean… their dads are dead, so their grandpa had to adopt them… and he fucking died too lmao)
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mx-legend-of-faye · 1 month
Wouldn’t it be just horrifying for the guardians of the Silent Realm in Skyward Sword to be corrupted by either malice or gloom from BotW/TotK and thus looking essentially like the blights that killed the champions?
And wouldn’t it be so fun to make Sky and Wild have to face that horrible combination of what’s probably somewhere in the top five of their worst nightmares?
Just imagine it, the Silent Realm bleeding through into the regular realm on Skyloft. The color slowly draining away into that haunting bluish-grey of the Silent Realm. Eerie bells ringing in the air. Gloom seeping onto the floor, because the Silent Realm has been corrupted, and it’s no longer a place Hylia has any control over.
The guardians of the Silent Realm with gloom covered weapons, eyes dripping gloom from them, and bodies becoming more and more coated in gloom as the guardians flicker in and out of view near the Light Tower on Skyloft.
And then the guardians awaken. You know, the guardians that have never been fought before and therefore have no known method of defeating them?
Yeah :)
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enigmaticfossil · 1 year
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Windblight Revali
Nintendo missed a viscerally heartbreaking opportunity to fight your blight possessed friends and comrades bodies. I was obsessed with this idea when BOTW first came out, and I’ve seen some amazing variations of it!
I just never felt comfortable enough with my art to draw the version in my head. But with all the bird man practice I’ve been getting, he’s here at last! (Plus he’s relevant to my Revalink RP with my partner~)
Anyway, I’m sad now so I’m gonna go cry abt it.
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nagasriel · 1 month
Headcanon/theory - The Blights - Aoc/botw
Just here sharing a thought i had in mind for quite a while now :
Blights were actually way stronger during calamity - aka by the time they killed the champions.
This is emphasize by their designs in aoc (yes this is an AU but i think it's still nice to take that into account) :
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You can clearly see how they all glow, seemigly full of energy while in botw they're rather "pale" and seem powerless.
They lose power probably due to :
Their fight with the champions
Waiting 100 years doing nothing
Zelda fighting Ganon in the castle
And thinking this is actually kinda scary because that would mean the blights we fight in botw are weaken versions of them. (also looking back and forth around i feel like everyone kinda agree the blights in aoc are buff compared to botw)
Which is probably the reason why Link (and be extension us) can take down the blights easily (that and MANY other factors like Sheika runes or the fact they aren't made to fight Link to begin with so don't take this as the only reason aefhpaeihfpahe)
That's it ;w;
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creativesplat · 1 year
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Mipha using her powers in the fight and confusing the heck out of Waterblight. 
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ganymedesclock · 2 years
This is not at all a theory for Tears of The Kingdom, because I don't think it's at all plausible, but I do think it would be very fun as a what-if.
So, canonical information (or logical conjecture)
In BotW, Guardian Lasers basically obliterate what they hit.
Link was struck in the chest originally.
Some combination of the original wound and the Shrine of Resurrection left some sort of scar on Link's torso that is not obvious to the player or casual onlooker, but Robbie knows to look for it.
Link seems to be, despite everything, stronger in some ways post-reanimation- he is able to parry Guardian Lasers, his inability to do so in the past took him out. (for the purposes of this post I will not respect Age of Calamity. neener neener you're noncanonical)
Heartbeat motifs are increasingly obvious, especially in the trailers for Tears Of The Kingdom, and Ganondorf's actual true body is being held down by a hand clamped around where his heart should be. Calamity Ganon's incubation sack resembles a heart conspicuously.
The shrine of resurrection and Calamity Ganon's incubation sack strongly resemble each other.
Link, and Calamity Ganon, reemerged at the same time.
Now, on that last point, the implicit causation is pretty clear to us that Zelda held on as long as she possibly could while Link healed in suspension, and when her power weakened, with ClamGan surging, she had to wake Link up early, implicitly resulting in things like his disoriented memory and physical weakness. Because of our POV being limited to Link, we don't fully get that though; we can only observe Calamity Ganon active and dangerous after Link has been woken up. Others mention, IIRC, that things have been getting more dangerous for a while, but we don't know if what they saw is the same as what we are seeing now.
I propose a hypothesis:
What if the Shrine of Resurrection gave Link a heart transplant? It would likely be the heart and lungs that were the most damaged. But of course, it'd seem odd this shrine just, has a viable heart ready to go when it's an ancient thing not used in a long time.
Unless the Sheikah tech system stored throughout the land happened to have a heart that it had removed from someone, that would survive outside of its host?
Or to be more direct: What if the entire time in BotW, Link is running around with Ganondorf's heart inside his chest and he doesn't know, because the only external indication is a heart surgery scar from technology that almost nobody else in the setting would know to look for?
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
Love how every zelda has a special interest and that special interest saves the world.
#Like whether it's piracy or history of light magic or ninjas or technology or art zelda ALWAYS gets super interested in the one thing#That'll save her and the kingdom down the line. Like oot zelda 100% idolised impa and demanded to be taught shiekah techniques#And disguise only for those skills to become vital during the 7 years link was gone.#Tp zelda had the most knowledge of light magic it's history and applications and spirits by FAR and all of those enabled her to save midna#And summon light arrows#If ww zelda was sitting pretty on an island instead of roaming the seas with a loyal crew and several cannons link would have been screwed.#If botw zelda had been allowed to pursue her fascination with shiekah tech or even science as a whole who knows what they might have manage#Ganon might not have been able to take them over at all. She might have learned to channel her power through artifacts or learned to mimic#The energy flow of the shiekah magic which is directly derived from hylia/the tf of wisdom! She wouldn't have been stranded at the mountain#When ganon attacked if she hadn't been forced up there on her birthday. She could have outfitted the champions with better weapons that#Would have been more effective against the blights. She might have unlocked the slate or the shrines. She would have been more confident#And thus less abrasive with link. They would have been able to bond sooner and faster. Link would have been more relaxed and ready.#The shiekah might have been able to rework teleportation instead of 106 years late.#I am salty about rhoam banning her. It never would have worked out well.#Never keep a zelda from her special interest okay!!!!#Like as soon as she and link got to do whatever they wanted the problem got solved within a few months.#Never tell a link to behave or a zelda she can't research#loz#legend of zelda#tears of the kingdom#Totk#loz totk#loz tears of the kingdom#Botw#loz botw#breath of the wild#Zelda#princess zelda#loz zelda#loz link
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link-is-a-dork · 1 year
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doodlboy · 1 year
Ppl get so pissed that botw and totk's music isn't "iconic" enough like the older games, but like
*grabbing you*
Look me dead in the eye and tell me you want to hear the exact same 1 to 3 minute loop of notes over and over and over for several hours while you're trying to do literally anything at all.
Like- completionists, you're going to all the shrines [120 in botw, 152 in totk], collecting all the korok seeds [900 in botw, 1000 in totk], doing side quests, finishing your hyrule compendium and so on. That takes a long ass time, do you really want to hear a song you might not even like for a minimum of 190 hours?
Botw and Totk are very audio focused games in terms of gameplay anyway. The devs put a lot of effort into the sound design of the game. How are you supposed to feel like you're sneaking through a dangerous area when you have a constant tune playing in your ears 24/7.
Besides, with how sparse the main overworld music is, it makes the parts of the game that have actual songs in it count so much more. Instead of having constant noise and 1 or 2 songs that stand out, now you have more impact because the music kicks in when its important for it to be there.
Ik people were probably gonna hate the botw/totk ost if it was like the older games anyway because of those points. So it's a double-edged sword, but the way the ost is now? It's supposed to be like that. It fits the format, the sound design, and the length of the game. Which was the point.
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uncreativebean · 1 year
I love how in the Champions Ballad quest you fight all the blights with what the other champions had as their weapons/defense just to see how difficult it was. I just really like that touch and oh my gosh it made me so freaking sad
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millaneyy · 1 year
Why TOTK Ganondorf is the best Ganondorf in the series
This became a bit of an essay by accident hehe
Goes without saying: HUGE MASSIVE SPOILERS FOR THE FINAL BOSS AND ENTIRE STORY!!! All the gifs used are my own, and even though they're a bit crunchy, feel free to use them as you wish!
Anyways, starting at the start.
The Character
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I'm not exactly a long time Zelda fan (botw was my first proper zelda game), and therefore didn’t know that much about Ganondorf before I saw him in the trailer and decided to research the lore like a crazy person. Based off of that, I think that Wind Waker Ganondorf is the best by far.
He had such an interesting aura to him- less like a power hungry madman and more like a wise old king who was also very evil, and his motivation made it difficult to see him as a true villain. As they say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. His whole plan revolved around the fact that the Gerudo people, his people, were left to suffer in the desert while the rest of Hyrule prospered, and he decided to take action. At least, that's what I remember. Please correct me if I have that messed up!!
Anyways, I think that motivation is what makes WW G-man cool- he's a total asshole, yes, but he has this kind of twisted honour that almost makes you feel bad for him. And this brings me to my one little gripe about TOTK Ganondorf- he doesn’t really seem to have a motivation? At least, not that I heard of. So in that sense, he doesn’t really feel as driven as WW Ganon. We never learn WHY he wanted to rule over Hyrule, he kinda just did. He wanted power, that much was obvious, but that was it. On the other hand though, it’s always fun to have a villain who’s evil for the sake of being evil, and it didn’t detract at all from his presence in the game.
And boy, is he a PRESENCE. Some of his lines are incredibly cold- "I will rule. That is what a king must do" WITH THE ORGAN IN THE BACKGROUND AND HIS DEMON KING TITLE ON THE SCREEN, or "Do not look away, you witness a king's revival" (the line that drove the whole community insane for a little while- if you know you know) as he draws his sword with all the confidence of a centuries old evil incarnate.
Even better- "I will be taking far more than your arm this time", as if Ganondorf, through the Calamity, hasn't taken away everything Link knew and loved already. This dude is crazy.
(And a little bonus that I found out about right before posting this- apparently in the Japanese version, he does have a very clear motive? But it was lost in translation? I need to research that a bit more though. If you know anything about that, do tell!!)
Now, with that out of the way...
The Build Up
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Thematically, I think that the build up to his fight is pretty awesome, even compared to the other three G's. If you did the entire story (geoglyphs included) beforehand, then you know that this dude:
a) straight up killed someone with his bare hands (he wasn't holding the knife when he killed Sonia, so I kind of just assumed he broke her spine or something)
b) is so powerful that 7 of the strongest warriors in Hyrule WITH secret stones couldn't defeat him, and was only taken down by sealing his power away- which is still only a temporary solution
c) lived on after reawakening despite being an actual emaciated corpse
d) was so busted that even in (kind of) death, the essence of his power (the malice) that leaked out of his seal was strong enough on its own to completely DECIMATE Hyrule
So yeah, I was a little scared on my way down because I knew this guy was going to kick my ass (spoiler alert: he did).
The little gauntlet of monsters to fight as you descend was pretty sick, and serves as a fairly good warmup for the army later on. The silver lynel totally caught me off guard though. As you get closer to the lowest point in Hyrule, you end up amassing some of the most powerful weapons imaginable thanks to all the silver enemies, which got me feeling so goddamn strong! That's important later.
And eventually, getting to the Forgotten Foundation and realising that I was back in the prologue area as that scary music started back up sent chills down my spine.
And the music. THE MUSIC.
Give this a listen (youtube because soundcloud links are jank, sorry)- skip to about 2:00 because that's the bit I'm talking about!
As you get deeper and deeper, the music gets more and more intense- and if there’s one thing I absolutely adore about TOTK, it’s the dynamic music throughout (see example: THE DUNGEON THEMES). The use of music that changes as you go- and this is by far the best example.
At first, you don’t really notice it while you’re preoccupied. You’re more focused on weapons and monsters and all that mess. But the first time I really noticed it was, as I said, when I realised I was in the prologue. The cut up voice clips and the drone in the background are a little creepy, and remind you of what happened the last time you tried to fight this guy,
Then, it starts to develop once you walk past the mural. There’s the choral singing, the drone in the background picks up into something with more melody, and the entire run up to the boss is completely enemy free- it gives you time to let the circumstances sink in as the music swells and you approach the heart of the depths. Also, the music builds as you get deeper and deeper, which from what I know is a subversion from the usual "music building as you climb his tower" or whatever he's in normally. Very nice.
Idk about you guys, but I slow walked down there for the DRAMATIC EFFECT.
At about 3 minutes into the video is how it sounds when you dive into the imprisoning chamber, where it all started (and I'll talk more about the parallels between this and the prologue another time... THE TORCH AUGHHSYWJHFH) and keep trucking on through the gloom, the horror movie piano kicking in as you walk through the final tunnel and stand on the precipice overlooking the dark, unknown pit below...
And jump.
Then the track finally reaches its climax as everything starts to overlap, the bells and organ (i think thats what it is?) screaming at you in the background as you fall, making the song feel like an epic of vengeance. There's so much dread, and an underlying ominous/threatening feeling that encapsulates the fact that Ganondorf is the embodiment of an ancient evil, one that has tormented Hyrule for centuries- but at the same time, there's an element of finality and inevitability, because you're going to put that evil down, and make up for all the grief and the death and loss that constantly follows in his wake.
I mean, just listen to the last 30 seconds or so of that track and tell me you don't feel excited. In awe. Because I deadass teleported back up to the mural just to hear it again.
I think I got a little carried away there, but moving on to the bit you probably came here for…
The Fight
Phase one - The Demon King's Army
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Remember how I mentioned that the earlier monsters and busted weapons make you feel powerful? This is basically that x10.
The whole sequence feels very epic, ESPECIALLY after the build up, and with the appearance of the Sages mirroring the attack of the Champions from BOTW, it almost feels like victory is assured already as you cut down hordes of monsters with practically no effort, all while the strings in the background kick in and get more intense with every wave.
This serves to make you feel even more like God- taking out waves and waves of fairly tough enemies made me feel like I was on top, like nothing could stand in my way. It's pretty cool, a good way of integrating the monster army you keep seeing in the cutscenes, and manages to keep the energy from the descent going pretty well, while also being a casual reminder that this Ganondorf bloke can summon world ending horrors at will. ESPECIALLY when the dungeon bosses come back to life and force the Sages to stay behind.
Phase two - The Menace Unleashed
Once again, the music goes absolutely crazy. The first phase feels intense, but still like the fight is only just beginning. Just an ambient drone, near silent as he approaches, picking up as you start to duel. No one is here to help- no Sages, no Zelda- just Link and Ganondorf, a rematch that's been in the making since 2006.
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If the army battle makes you feel powerful, then the first few seconds of this fight are what takes that power away- because this guy is a total damage sponge and moved a lot faster than I could predict. Additionally, you can't fast travel outside to heal gloom hearts if you have medallions set up (i thought i was so smart for that too), so if you used all of your sunny food during the army, you're doomed.
Most of his attacks in this phase are fairly simple, with only one or two for each weapon he can wield (and tbh the switching weapons really threw me the first time), but like I said, he goes pretty fast. Therefore, if you're like me and can't differentiate some of his tells, you're also going to lose a lot of hearts very fast. And did I mention he gives you gloom hearts instead of normal damage? Again, no sunny food = death of the instant kind.
On top of the general stress of trying to get the timing down, there were a couple of moments in this phase alone that had me yelling something along the lines of "WHAT THE ACTUAL SHIT"- one of which being some of the tricks he pulls under certain conditions. For example; a standard looking sword attack where he swings once, then as you lower your shield to get a hit in, as you naturally would, he swings at you again. He also kicks you if you hang too close, and fires off some of his gloom attacks faster if you're trying to attack him as he charges. It makes him feel more like an actual person you're fighting, and stops you from hanging close and swinging wildly the whole time.
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(i was going to make this a video, but tumblr only lets you add one. anyways, see what i said about him swinging again if you lower the shield?)
As well as that, he taunts and mocks you when you get hit- make any misstep or stumble into an attack, and he'll laugh and insult your skill while he casually walks up to you like the absolute gigachad he is. It's not like the Twilight Princess walk where it feels a bit slow- this walk made me feel THREATENED. Circling in the opposite direction when he circled me with the spear made me feel like a pro swordsman. On one hand, I thought the taunting was super cool as a mechanic! On the other hand it made me want to kill him even harder.
And the other moment that made my jaw drop? This guy. Can DODGE your regular attacks AND FLURRY RUSH. And by flurry rush I mean take a really tough/fast swing at you. BUT STILL.
For as long as I can remember, the perfect dodge and flurry rush have given Link an unfair edge over most enemies and bosses- it's an opening to deal mass damage with no counters. It’s made link OP against everything the game throws at him- up until right now. This highlights the fact that Ganondorf is no pushover- him and Link are evenly matched, and you’ll need some actual consistent skill to take him out. The good news is that your own flurries are still pretty powerful, and 5 or 6 are enough to start the next phase.
As the fight progresses and his health starts to go down, the music starts to build up more (at about 1:25 in the video above)- the barely present drums starting to speed up and get louder, accompanied by sporadic piano, more choral snippets, and an ominous undertone as their duel grows more intense, eventually building to a climax and slowing down a tad (2:45) as he activates his secret stone and transforms, beginning the third phase.
Phase three and four - Master of the Secret Stone
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Well this one was certainly something. Once again I jumped out of my seat and YELLED when his health bar started to refill past the normal amount, all the way off of my screen. It just didn’t stop. There are no words to describe the primal fear of realising how insanely busted this dude was. I tried to get it on the gif up there, but that made the video too long to convert :(
The music here is my favourite bit of the whole phase- as you face down the powered up Ganondorf and his phantoms, you hear the familiar but melancholy motif of BOTW/Dark Beast playing around the same time the Sages show up once again to deal with said phantoms (at about 3:22). For a second it's just that- melancholy, encapsulating the same kind of hopelessness that followed Calamity Ganon 100 years ago. But at the same time, as your squad comes to assist, you're reminded of the Champions and their aid, and suddenly it feels like you could still turn the tides of this seemingly impossible battle. Just like you did with the Calamity.
Yes it was cool, and yes I nearly cried.
The phantoms were actually the worst for a minute or so- it takes a while for the all of the Sages to appear and lighten the burden, meaning that you end up needing to take on 2-5 of these guys at once as well as the real deal. This got me killed more times than I'd like to admit. Once all the Sages arrive, the arena becomes a complete warzone with everyone duking it out at once, the real Ganondorf’s attacks start to get faster and harder hitting, and he starts to dodge and rush you more often- even dodging more of your attacks and forcing you to flurry him, so if you don’t have your timing down, this is awful. Not to mention, it's very easy to lock on to the wrong Ganon, which makes it harder to block the real attacks with a shield.
And also, this is the point where he starts destroying literally all of your shields in just a few hits, meaning that if you can't dodge or parry, then it's only so long until you're left defenceless.
Aside from that, this phase plays out like the Phantom Ganon fight in the Castle until you get his health bar down about halfway, when he recalls the phantoms and biden blasts the Sages away, beckoning Link forwards and starting phase four, which is basically phase two again but insane.
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This is where the fight- for me, at least- became incredibly difficult, since Ganondorf not only dodges your regular attacks, but also dodges your flurry rushes and counters with his own EVERY SINGLE TIME, forcing you to flurry rush again to hit him. Not only does this require perfect timing, but is also the only way to damage him for the remainder of this fight (unless you cheese it with arrows or sneak in some hits in while he's switching weapons- but the latter is dangerous since he still attacks faster when you're close).
A little video to emphasise the flurry rush thing; the timing for that second dodge had to be dead on. What you can't hear is me yelling something along the lines of "GOD, FINALLY" after dying to this phase many times and mashing the y button like my life depended on it. LOOK HOW FAST THAT MF IS ON THE SECOND ATTACK
The soundtrack becomes super crazy again, this time using the motif of Calamity Ganon/the Blights (starts at 5:00, and you can also hear it in the video above) and bringing back that sense of hopelessness again- but this time with with a strong side of excitement since you're now in the final stretch of the fight. Because the Blights were supposed to be the equal match for each Champion, this bit of the theme makes it feel like Ganondorf is an equal match to Link- which I know I've said already, but that's kind of the thing that's blown me away the most about the whole battle.
It's the fact that you can't just wail on him and spam flurry rushes without him countering you in some way- which in this case mostly consists of him dodging you and attacking back at an insane speed. This isn't like Calamity Ganon where you just hit and dodge for five minutes, this is an actual proper swordfight, and exactly what I'd been hoping for from the final boss!
Additionally, the Blight/Calamity motif (well, more like entire theme) represents his ties to Calamity Ganon, the force of nature that took Link 2 tries to beat (with death included), and it's use in this part of the battle tells you that right now, Ganondorf possesses the same level of destructive power as that thing- and he's sure as hell going to make sure you know that.
As well as the whole "dodging the flurry rush and forcing you to pull it off twice" thing, he also pulls out a few more projectile based attacks. These aren't too bad (WE GET THE RETURN OF ARCANE PING PONG FROM OOT), but he usually follows them up with a quick swing, making them a distraction that takes a while to get used to.
And finally, as a last little surprise, getting hit by any of his gloom projectiles in this phase takes away one of your maximum hearts. PERMANENTLY. Not like the gloom hearts, where you can get them back and then heal. Nope. That shit is gone gone.
Once you finally whittle down his ridiculous health bar, we launch into the customary "massive beast" style phase as he straight up just rips the secret stone out of his head and eats it, giving up his mind, body and soul for the sake of defeating Link, becoming a Dragon and escaping through the top of the arena.
Phase five - Draconified Demon King
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So like I said above, the Demon Dragon is basically Dark Beast 2, except it's so much cooler! The cutscene does a great job of highlighting the insane size of this guy- it's like 3x the size of the already massive elemental dragons and emerges from the depths in a way that eerily resembles the Calamity, right down to the glowing yellow eyes. And yeah, that's probably the point, but it's still cool.
Luckily for Link, Zelda/the Light Dragon swoops in and rescues him from the jaws of death (literally), taking him high up into the air so he can attack from above. It's an absolute spectacle, and the epic style remix of the game's main theme that plays makes it even better, instilling the same level of awe that Dark Beast does- at least for me.
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Just like DB, the fight has you up against a massive malice/gloom infused monster (the dragon, in this case), getting close and attacking it's weak points and then finishing it off by destroying the secret stone on it's head. There's a lot of downtime, which is kind of to be expected with this style of fight, but I honestly don't mind because these colossal battles are supposed to feel less like a Dark Souls boss and more like a victory lap- like a "you're Link, the legendary hero, slaying this massive beast in the name of Hyrule" kind of thing.
My personal favourite bit of this whole phase is the fact that when you dive down to the Dragon's weak points, Zelda dives down next to you to get underneath and catch you afterwards. So sick. I also really like the use of skydiving! It pairs super well with the music and made me think of that final trailer we got in April- like THIS is the epicness we were promised.
(and also dodging the fireballs was way more fun than slowly sidestepping a laser. sorry dark beast, but i gotta say it </3)
Final thoughts
I'm gonna be honest: I kind of forgot to compare his fight to the other 3 mainline ones, but doing that now would make this way too long! I just love the TOTK fight so much and needed to get it out.
While I'd still say that each Ganondorf (in the mainline games) has their own unique trait that makes them cool: OOT Ganondorf is the original, and the most cunning, WW Ganondorf has the best character and TP Ganondorf is the most evil by a mile- TOTK Ganondorf feels like a combination of those best traits (minus the characterisation) paired with the greatest final boss I've ever seen in a Zelda game, which makes him the best for me.
The first phase in particular was my favourite- wayyyyy back in April when I saw big G in the trailer, my first thought was "oh man i hope we get an actual sword fight boss instead of calamity ganon 2.0" AND MY PRAYERS WERE ANSWERED!!!
Ganondorf literally just rolled up, delivered some cold lines, and then kicked my ass with his cool sword. Many times. And I think that's exactly the kind of boss fight he deserves. I'm just so happy that it feels like we're in an actual duel, mano a mano, instead of just being able to chance a win like with Calamity.
thank you for reading my zelda obsessed rambles! i just beat the boss last night and have been working on this on and off all day, so any reblogs or shares would be massively appreciated <3
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otherworldy-insect · 5 months
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i already yapped abt this au on this blog (expect me to start hyperfixatimg) BUT eurghhg lemme explain this au ONE MORE TIME because i love to infordumo… hrhghgho (also so all of the current info abt my au is all in one post so it’s easier to understand)
so erm instead of being a creation of ganondorf, mucktorock/morcka is actually a follower of him, as well as the other temple bosses. i might expand on why morcka (since it’s not a creation of ganon i feel like giving it a name would be cool ig) is but for now let’s just say it joined for the evil doings (SO SCARY 😨😨)anyways morcka still has its icky yucky sludge powers ofc, everything’s mainly the same except for its shark form. it resembles a zora bc i fucking had to lol. but i imagine morcka would wear its disguise as a weird ass bodysuit and stuff, also small tad tiny weeny little fun fact, morcka is usually in its shark from even when it doesn’t need it (especially around the other temple guardians) it does this because it’s short as hell and is very pissed about that.
anyways the regional phenomena was able to happen cus morcka was told to steal the secret stone of water by ganondorf, so ofc it did because it was evil. this resulted in the secret stone becoming corrupted, since morcka had been hanging out with ganondorf so much it actually became a source of corruption. this also resulted in morcka’s sludge powers amplifying to the point that its powers could affect a whole fucking region , though not that much because of the initial corruption. anyways yada yada yada and link beats the shit out of morcka with sidon, and morcka fucking dies, and the two take the secret stone back and purify it. however morcka is resseructed by the blood moon, and ends up in the depths. this causes it to have “scars” (more like its wounds being patched up by gloom), and stuff. idk
also side thing, i made a separate au back where it was the ganon blights that were the same species of their champions and were ALSO followers of calamity ganon , instead of being creations of him (idk i thought zora waterblight would be cool…) i kinda abandoned that au, and recycled it into this lol. BUT i wanted a way to bring that au back, so i thought of making it again but NO @master-kohga-dating-sim CAME UP WITH THIS GODAMN IDEA /pos
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im probably going to actually make the blights their parents, but idk. but it seems like a really cool idea!!!! (also so i could make this lmao)
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anyways credit to @kollieflower for the inspo!!!!! and @master-kohga-dating-sim for the potential idea!!!!
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nb-n0v4 · 1 year
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TotK comin out got me back on my combining stuff with my hyperfixation grind
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enigmaticfossil · 1 year
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Waterblight Mipha
The next addition to my post-death, blight possessed champions set 💔 with my tied for top favorite champion, Mipha. Who—literally deserved the world ; v ; Zora’s Domain was the first area I visited when I played the game after it came out and she just broke my damn heart.
I wanted to go more untamed agony with hers, where Revali’s was emanating precision rage.
I’ll probably post them all together when they’re done, but here is Revali if you missed him!
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triple-u-vvv · 11 months
Just a reminder for fans of anything really, underdeveloped and lackluster characters have sooooo much potential for headcanons and fan fics, so here’s more of these notorious guys.
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Seriously, I know botw hype died a long time ago, but they need more posts
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golvio · 2 years
Another thing about the trek towards Zora’s Domain is that almost every monster capable of using a bow is using Shock Arrows. They take advantage of how wet the rainfall’s made the ground by spamming the one enchanted weapon that’s the known weakness of the Zora, which several Zora tell you multiply times they are so sensitive to that they can’t safely handle these arrows with their bare hands.
If Calamity Ganon really wanted to dispatch Mipha as quickly as possible, he should’ve just sent Thunderblight there. The fact that he didn’t suggests two things.
First, that there might be some kind of elemental affinity required to pilot the Divine Beasts, let alone override their pilot’s permissions and hack into the controls. He functionally had no choice but to play an elementally themed matching game with which piece of himself he sent where.
Second, and this is way less likely and more speculative, he didn’t just want to defeat the pilots. He wanted to prove that even a splinter of himself was vastly better than the originals at their jobs (from a twisted perspective of “better”). Like, it wasn’t enough for him to just stunlock Mipha in place with his homebrew Cryonis rune. He had to make Waterblight Mipha, But Moreso, with a piercing spear type weapon with a superior reach to hers (A fishing spear, no less, which seems extra cruel to his aquatic opponent). Thunderblight mimics Urbosa’s classic sword-n-shield fighting style, but is also way faster and more efficient at activating his stunlocking electricity magic than her, and shows that off at every possible opportunity. Fireblight doesn’t just mimic Daruk’s shield, but can also create explosive vortexes by manipulating the oxygen he’s burning into creating blowback and enchant his own weapon, even turning his own hair into a weapon to make up for his lack of mobility and speed compared to the other Blights. And Windblight is a frickin’ anti-air laser cannon in addition to being just another aerial combatant in a realm where everyone else can fly and shoot.
He just rolls up into Vah Ruta all “I have mastered all four elements, and I’m going to prove I’m better at Water than you, the princess of the Water people! I am going to be the very best Water Boy!” If this is actually what he’s doing, then he’s not just figuratively teabagging upon the Champions’ remains, he’s also actively griefing Link, Zelda, and the communities each Champion came from.
I mean, as a vengeful ghost, this fits his MO, assuming he’s got enough marbles left that there’s more than a simple search-and-destroy algorithm happening in that ghostly, gaseous head of his. There are loads of stories of yurei, onryo, and even tatarigami not just lashing out at anyone available to receive their unresolved anger, but actively going out of their way to psychologically torment their targets as well, driving them to desperation and even death. Clambo Gambo’s not just out to destroy everything, but is also repeatedly twisting the knife to try to get his opponents to pay attention to him and keep paying attention to him for as long as he allows them to live. He’s like some kind of horrible outside-context internet troll. Only, in a world that’s completely forgotten the internet ever existed, a troll loses the luxury of self-justification through “irony” and trying to prove how much smarter and more in control they are than their marks, because all everyone else sees is a huge asshole being a real jerk for seemingly no reason.
But, also, if come TotK this specific iteration of Ganondorf doesn’t end up being the funniest motherfucker in the whole game, I’ll be a little disappointed.
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