anbukunoichx · 3 years
Naruto: Where have you guys been? We’ve been here for over two hours!
Ino: Sakura got us arrested.
Sasuke: Excuse me, w h a t ?
Sakura: Ino tried to talk us out of it but managed to make things worse.
Sai: Are you guys okay?
Naruto: Are you hurt, Hina-chan?
Hinata: Oh don’t worry, I actually wasn’t with them. I had to bail them out.
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lablee-artsy · 3 years
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Beautifully B A D A S S
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In canon, Hinata loves to garden so InoHina makes sense, Sakura is named after a flower so InoSaku makes sense. So doesn't that mean InoSakuHina is the perfect ot3?
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secondfireshadow · 4 years
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.。.:*・ SakuIno/InoHina matching icons ・*:.。.
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• Hope you enjoy it.
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ari-artsquare · 6 years
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Three stars before Naruto ended
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raendown · 7 years
Aesthetically it’s a beautiful, hot af ship and I am totally down to stare at them all together. 
On the other hand I’m not all that interested in Hinata as a character. The show very much stomped all over any possibility she had for character growth, which really frustrated me because I think if they had continued developing her I could have really gotten to like Hinata. She would have been this amazing role model for personal growth and learning to be confident in yourself similar to how Sakura became.
Unfortunately now the only impression I’ve been left with is a weird stalker girl who watches Naruto from afar and says she loves him but is never shown to actually know him. It was never even alluded to that they spent any amount of time together so I was always a little skeptical that her love was anymore than a schoolgirl “teehee he’s cute” kind of crush. To be honest she just kind of bores me for the most part because she only seems to be given one gimmick every time she appears onscreen.
Buuuut that wasn’t your question. 
Personality-wise I think this ship would have a lot of potential for helping Hinata grow as a person. Ino and Sakura both turn out very confident and not at all afraid to compliment people who they think deserve it. With both of those girls at her side constantly telling her how amazing they think she is, hopefully Hinata would slowly learn to love herself and be only who she wants to be, rather than who she thinks she should be. 
I also think that while Sakura and Ino would be totally fine with her wanting to stay home and be the little housewife, they would actually encourage her to use that time to read up on custom and law so that she could fulfill Neji’s and her own dreams of dealing with the main family/branch family issues within the Hyuga clan. Perhaps she would assume head duties or perhaps she would still leave that to Hanabi but Hinata would be the perfect person to step in and say “Look, this isn’t right, let’s affect some serious changes here.” Sakura and Ino would be a great pair to help her out with that. 
From another perspective, Hinata would also be good for both Sakura and Ino as well. She’s quite calm and down to earth and she would be a very good anchor for both of the other two, who can get really high-strung. I’m sure the three of them would be a great support system for each other. 
Not really one of “my” ships, per se, but a very healthy and delightfully pretty ship nonetheless. :)
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scifielves · 4 years
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Hinata is ultra soft and 100% is always destined to become a milf no matter who she’s in a romantic relationship with (though Sakura/Hinata is my favorite)
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frostmarris · 8 years
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local lesbians save the day
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vesperlionheart · 6 years
Your AU’s are amazing and you have so so so many stories that I don’t think I will ever catch up with! It’s amazing that you pump out this much content and your mind and motivation are just so powerful it’s truly admirable! I’ve known about you (your writing) for quite a while now more than a year or two I think! You have so many it’s hard to keep track so I have a question! Do you by chance have any Sakura W|W stories written out? Or plan to? I know Confluence of Stars has a sprinkle of it.
Thank you anon for the sweetest words and your compliments as well as your question. I live to create and you’re right about it being a lot to keep track of. 
In regards to your questions I had a hard time finding a number of the fic I meant to share with you, because I have written a SakuraTenten and a InoSakuKarin piece before but can’t find where they are on my tumblr. The one with Tenten is just smut for FemslashFeb I did way back when, and the InoSakuKarin one was on my A03 for a while before I, regretfully, took it down do to lack of reader interest(reviews) and I can’t find the one with Tenten, [likely because I went through and purged my smut]
My current project A Confluence of Stars  is a OT3 pairing with Choji, Sakura, and Yugito Nii. The pairing becomes more explicit and integral to the story as time goes on and Yugito and Choji both realize they have romantic feelings for Sakura. (It’s sprinkles now, but it’s just the first part.)I love it too much to stop publishing it even though I average about 2 comments a chapter which is by far the worst turnover for any of my stories and something that would have broken my spirit several years ago. The pairing is too crack and the AU is too weird so I get it but still…it’s hard as an author to put something out there and get silence when you know if you change the pairing you end up earning more validation. 
I do want to leave you with some links so you don’t go away empty handed, and I hope you enjoy them even though the list might be meager (and anyone else want to add a comment with a rec is more than welcome!):
@frostmarris​ has some of the best wlw stuff likeBirds of a Feather :  [Magical girl!AU SakuHinaIno]Cherry Bomb : [MultiSaku] Looking Glass  : [KonaSaku]
And It’s My Whole Heart (And It’s an Old Scar) by jaylene  (SakuKarin)halcyon days by jaylene (IndraSakuAshura endpairing but Sakura has kisses with girls along the way.)
I Knew a Girl With Copper Veins by Katlou303 is a NejiTen but has SakuKarin as a side pairing 
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narutoshitpost · 7 years
i dont even know the name of Ino's child, but! I know enough to say it's not Sai's and I stand by that.
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anbukunoichx · 3 years
Ino: My clit is itching like a bitch
Hinata: What’s a clit?
Sakura: //appearing out of nowhere// Clit is short for Christian literature! Ino is itching to be one with the Lord! Walk His path! Share His word! Hallelujah! 
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quirkfrop · 5 years
SakuIno is super high tier but SakuHinaIno is super ultra mint condition high tier
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gentlestrike · 6 years
Im here to put SakuHinaIno vibes on your dash
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sasucommunist · 9 years
Do you ship SakuHina? Or saku/hina/ino poly?
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H E L L  Y E A H  M O T H E R F U C K E R
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zepelii-archive · 10 years
"naruhina is so bad narusaku is way better and more plausible" uh don't y'all know naruto is already married to and joint hokages with sasuke and sakura hinata and ino are together?? don't you guys know this?????
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Not a huge fan of Hinata in all honesty. This is the main reason why i usully don't post NH or Hinata on my blog. Why? I rather not talk about it.
But you know what, every single time I see Hinata and Sakura interact like sisters for life made my heart go doki doki. Like can't you see how fucking cute they are together? That little scene between Hinata and Sakura in the trailer just melts my heart and made me go 'awwww'.
TBH after seeing that scene, I realized that deep within my heart I never really truly hate Hinata. What I hate though are the constant fandom wanking and all those tards who hate on Sakura by making unnecessary comparison between these girls.
SasuSaku is my ultimate OTP but sometimes I wish I could take these two girls away from this fandom and write my own story where the the two of them (including Ino cos I love her) are best friends/sisters. There is absolutely no fucking way I'll be including male characters there because screw those boys!. *Sigh* I just want both of them to become really really really really good friends without the fandom ruining that image for me.
(Yeah i think Im officially a SakuHina shipper or SakuInoHina)
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