#sakusa as dad
omi-boshi · 6 months
"you gotta let me go, lovebug." kiyoomi rumbles, attempting to gently wiggle out of your baby's grasp. the lovebug in question only gurgles, happy to have her father's attention on her. it quirks a smile on kiyoomi's face. his amusement is short-lived, however, when the grip on his finger seemingly tightens in response and tightens even more when he wiggles just a tad harder.
his rising panic amuses you to no end.
at the sound of your quiet giggles, kiyoomi tears his gaze away the baby cradled in your arms to look you in the eye.
"a little help would be nice, you know?" he frowns. "our food's gonna be here any minute."
"i would love to but there's nothing i can really do when she's clinging like that, kiyo." you send him the most sympathetic smile you could muster with the laughter still bubbling up your throat. "you know how she gets."
and kiyoomi does—he really does. your daughter got it from you, after all.
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natriae · 1 year
Dad!haikyuu is everything! I imagine Omi being your fake date to a family gathering and he swoons at your interaction with the kids until an auntie shoves a baby in his arms and he’s like UHHHHH 🧍🏻”don’tcrushthisbaby don’tcrushthisbaby” And now everyone including yourself can’t take their eyes off him 😭😭😭😭
warnings: fake dating, fluff, cue flustered kiyoomi
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One month ago Sakusa Kiyoomi took you aside during one of your usual hangouts with Atsumu to ask if you could pretend to be his girlfriend. Your brain told you over and over that this is a terrible idea, but you couldn't help yourself and said yes. Plus, it was one night at his mom's house. You already knew his family it wouldn't be to shocking to see you by Kiyoomi's side.
That's the thing. Your heart strings started to be pulled on the moment the two of you walked through the door and Kiyoomi let out a short, quiet "we're dating now." His mom's only response was to pull you into a hug and explain how she's been waiting forever for this. After greeting the two of you she told everyone the good news.
You felt terribly guilty for lying to her but Sakusa seemed unbothered. Maybe you were just being dramatic about the whole situation.
Somehow mid-way through the night you ended up spending most of your time with Kiyoomi's sister's kids. She was your favorite Sakusa. She also was the only one who knew you had a crush on her brother since middle school. She would help you get pretty for him, but it never worked. She claimed it did, but you never saw any progress. You and the children were in the basement playing with toys while a random kids TV show played in the background. The characters would sing and save the day successfully holding the attention of the youngest Sakusa. She isn't even one yet, but she has the whole family whipped except Kiyoomi of course. For some reason he tries to stay away from her leading you to never actually meeting the little one til today. She was adorable. She'd bounce her arms up and down while babbling to the song. In front of you was her older brother, and Kiyoomi's first nephew. He had toy trucks and a few random characters from animes you know and some you don't. You were helping zoom the cars around the basement, crawling on your knees still you looked up to see Kiyoomi has finally decided to spend time with you. You could have swore you saw his lip twitch before he stepped pass you and sat on the couch switching the TV channel.
Kaia, the youngest, immediately started crying when she couldn't hear the joy of a few cartoon pups saving the day. Quickly you ran over to her picking her up to help calm her down. You lightly bounced her on your hip while giving small shushes to the baby. You walked away from Kiyoomi because your pretty convinced by his actions that he doesn't like children. Which tears a bit of you heart knowing that you always imagined what having kids with him would be like. What a great dad he would be, but that's all in your imagination. The little girl begins to quiet down as you lift her up so she can stuff her head into your neck.
From across the room Kiyoomi watches you calm the baby with a red face. How are you so good at this? He's never seen you with a baby and from what he knows your not an aunt of any sort, unless you count Atsumu's dogs. He finally lets out a small smile as he watches you bring the baby up so she can snuggle into your neck, but as if the gods are against him. You turn around to see him watching you, and you tell the baby with a slight smirk, "baby I think your uncle Kiy wants to apologize," you walk over still holding the baby like a natural. Finally setting her down to crawl over to him on the couch. The older man trys to hold the baby like a puppy. He's never done this before and he's never felt embarrassed in his life. You giggle softly at his nervous face and tell him, "Kiyoomi that's not how you hold a baby," he can barely focus on your words when your giggles are enough for him to worship the group you walk on. He swears he enters heaven the moment he hears that sound. "it's good that your holding her butt but i think she wants to be facing you," You say as you scoot closer and reach to try and show him the proper way.
Kiyoomi leaned back on the couch and attempted to correctly hold the baby on his chest. One hand on her back and the other holding her butt up. As if Kiyoomi was a sleeping pill the little girl immediately closed her eyes and fell asleep on the tall man. "see it's not hard. Do you wanna take her to her momma? She seems sleepy," you said with small smile on your face. Not forgetting the little boy playing behind the couch you glanced over to make sure he was okay. God, Kiyoomi could help but want to ask if you wanted to be a mom right now.
Unmoving Kiyoomi stiffly shakes his head no at the though of having to hold this baby while moving. You srunch your eyebrows together in thought trying to understand why he's so stiff. noticing your confusion he squeaks out, "What if I break her?" and at first you thought he was joking but there was genuine panic in his features. He thought he was this cool collected guy, but you could honestly read him like a book.
"i'll be right here, okay? You're not going to break her," You nodded your head while you spoke to him in the calmest voice you could muster. Slowly he stood up and you redirected his hand so that it held up some of her head too along with her back. "you need to keep her head up. Baby's head's are weak," he nodded his head at your words like they were the gospel. Anything you said he would take it as the truth. If you said it, it was right. Cautiously walking up the steps to the family room. His whole family seems shocked to see the large man holding such a delicate baby. He takes a deep breath while he tries to pass the sleeping girl to his sister.
"whoa, what did you do to her? She never sleeps this heavy." His sister said in shock, "Kiyoomi you need to hold her more often," she continued. Then did you finally take in how red his face was. He was so flustered it was adorable. Quickly you took your phone out and snapped a picture of the boy without his knowledge.
It was late and about everyone at the gathering had left except for Kiyoomi's immediate family. The baby girl was back in your and Kiyoomi's lap trying to decide who she wants to get attention from. You and Kiyoomi were shoulder to shoulder and at one point he brought his arm over to hold you even closer. After falling a few times on Kiyoomi and then gripping his shirt like a life line the little girl turned and crawled into your lap. You let a small Ha at Kiyoomi for her ultimately choosing you, but you take it back once the little girl tried pulling the top of you dress down to get to your boob. Kiyoomi quickly grabs the little girl and she starts crying sad that she didn't get fed. If you heard correctly you swore you heard him tell the little one that you would have milk soon but not now.
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beangfrisky · 2 years
singledad!kiyoomi found out recently that he would be the sole provider of his two small kids. taking on the role of ceo for the family business has caused enough stress in his life. but he decided no matter what he was going through his kids needed a good dad. so he was doing his best to be one.
singledad!kiyoomi scrambled into the coffee shop hands full of a car seat in one hand and a diaperbag over his shoulder. he held his daughter’s hand as they walked up to the counter to order together.
singledad!kiyoomi overheard you asking for any job openings while he got out his card to pay. something as simple as reaching in his back pocket was a struggle these days. he wasn’t sure how he was going to survive the entire working day while also caring for his kids.
singledad!kiyoomi looked up at you and caught himself staring for too long. you were beautiful. and young, maybe in your early twenties. his brain quickly decided he could solve both of your problems in one go.
singledad!kiyoomi offered you a thousand dollars to join him and his little ones at his office for the day. you certainly seemed suspicious but quickly got distracted by the cute baby he was holding. you followed him back to his work and played with his children all day in an empty office room.
he really hoped this would be the nanny that worked out. not only for his kids, but also his own selfish reasons.
atsumu kuroo iwaizumi osamu
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sunaluv · 2 years
I need more “come get your man” posts👏 it doesn’t matter when but they give me life🗣️🗣️
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ask and you shall receive
part 1 part 2
pairings: bokuto, baji, sakusa
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“me and kotaro would look good, no?”
the table consisting of you, your best friend, the girl and her best friend turned to look at the girl who hasn’t felt the need to hide her infatuation with your boyfriend.
“what are you talking about?” your best friend.
“i don’t know,” she twirled her locks around her finger, looking upwards in thought. “we’ve known each other nearly all our lives, i feel like it’s inevitable.”
again, silence.
“is that not your boyfriend talking to bokuto right now?”
the girl sighed. “i don’t care about him, after all i just settled. the one i really want is right there.”
you didn’t need to follow her finger to know where it was pointed. the sound of your boyfriends boisterous laughter reached your ears, such an opposing atmosphere to the one you were sat in right now.
‘at least one of us is enjoying ourselves’ you thought.
“he doesn’t think of you that way.”
the tension was suffocating as all three heads turned towards your stern scowl.
her eyes widened. “damn i kinda forgot you were his…” she waved her hand, refusing to acknowledge the fact that the man she wants has already been claimed. “when you’re done with him, send him my way yeah,”
whether the smirk on her face was joking or serious, you didn’t know and quite frankly didn’t care.
before you could retort, a loud voice called over to you. “baby, come here a sec!”
like a flipped switch, the loving smile oh so familiar to your kotaro made an appearance on your face as you left the table, itching to get as far away from the girl as possible.
she nervously watched as you engaged in conversation with your boyfriend and ‘what she settled for’. hands fiddled with themselves under the table as she watched you whisper something to the two, causing bokutos smile to drop, and her boyfriends eyes to harden in disbelief.
three pairs of eyes stared her down, one angry, one disappointed and one challenging.
there was no point in defending herself, she had already known you relayed her message on to her soon to be ex boyfriend, but what hurt more than being caught was the disappointed look that pierced her heart, the look coming straight from the man she loved.
"hey girlie can i give you some advice real quick?"
you were dreading this. a small get-together with your boyfriend and his friends suddenly turned into a side eye fest when baji's self-proclaimed 'bestie' showed up. ever since the stern look over she gave you when she greeted you, you could tell she was bursting at the seams to give some 'girl to girl' advice on your outfit choice.
now that baji reluctantly left your side to hover in the kitchen, she made her move.
"i love your sense of fashion and stuff, you know how you just don't care what anyone thinks of your outfit, buttttttt i just wanted to let you know thank kei isn't into that stuff, he's more into the innocent barbie kinda look, d'ya get what I'm saying?"
you gave a once over at her outfit: oversized, pink sunglasses sat atop her dead straight blonde hair, she wore a bralette miniskirt two-piece with an oversized hoodie covering her arms.
not to stereotype, but she's describing herself. maybe not so much the innocence, but the barbie look described her for sure.
"he's also into blondes," she snapped her gum. " since we've been friends forever, i can tell you now all the girls he dated, or showed interest in were blonde. not to tell you to not be yourself or whatever..."
"maybe that's why he went for something different this time," you shrugged. "the ones before me didn't work out."
she played off her surprise with a laugh. "that would make sense yeah..." she tucked her hair behind her ear awkwardly, leaving awkward silence between you.
"why are you guys sitting in silence." keisuke made his presence known, holding two solo cups.
as he walked past, the girl leaned forward ready to thank your boyfriend for the drink, but he walked past her without looking back, making her shrink in embarrassment.
"for you, my lady." he bowed dramatically.
"you're so silly kei," you chuckled, pulling him into you. "hey do you like blondes?"
he almost got whiplash from your sudden change of topic. "i like what i like."
"and what do you like,"
"i like you... i guess"
"what do you mean 'you guess'" you jokingly mocked, hitting him lightly after setting your drink down.
"nothing, nothing" he chuckled, wrapping an arm around you. "why ask anyways?"
you subtly glanced at the girl who watched the whole interaction in silence, shooting her a smug smirk.
"no reason."
"your boyfriends so good looking," a voice so quiet, you were sure you weren't meant to hear it.
you turned your head towards the manager's daughter who had the audacity.
she jolted at your hostility "did I say that out loud? whoops, I meant the guy next to him."
the practice match had now ended, and sakusa began to make his way towards you as the team now had their break.
"sakusa!" she waved him over, thrusting a bottle towards him. "good work out there, have a drink!"
"no thanks."
he walked passed her and straight towards you, taking the bottle you had brought with you from your shared home.
"would you like a towel?"
damn she was persistent
"no thanks" his voice remained the same. "i'd rather use things i can trust, from my own home."
she watched enviously as he took the towel from your hands, wiping the sweat from his chiselled face. not a word was spoken between you, but the warm and loving smiles and the faint blush covering his cheeks said enough.
"you know i can do so much more for you than she can," she started. "does it not make more sense to be with me? you literally play for my team."
though her words were sharp and precise, they didn't hit the intended target. your face held the same expression, save for the daring look you shot her, challenging her to continue.
before you could speak up to her, kiyoomi spoke.
"you know its better to date someone you love, right?" his mocking words took the same format she used. "and i don't play for you, i play for your father, and I'm sure he would love to hear about his bothersome daughter whose uncomfortable advances are messing with my play." he basically threatened.
if heartbreak had one expression, she would be wearing it. whether it was the way he declared he didn't love her or the way he used her trump card against her, her expression was firm, then slack, then firm again.
her open mouth twitched, debating on whether or not to try to win him back. 'to win his heart or to leave him be, to win his heart or to leave him be?'
'leave him be' she came to the conclusion.
smart girl.
though the tension lingered in the air, she did not speak for the remainder of the day, to you or kiyoomi at least.
"didn't know you had such a mouth on you, kiyo," you smirked, liking this new side of your boyfriend.
his big palm pressed to your face, pushing you away before you could see the way the red on his cheeks deepened.
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lowkeyremi · 1 year
Haikyuu men as fathers pt 3.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 4
Ft. Sakusa, Iwaizumi, Kageyama, and Osamu.
The age range of the kids will differ for each character but it’s from babies up til like 17 or 18 (also sometimes I model the parenting off of the way my parents were w me n my little sibs lol)
CW: Indication of pregnancy, relationships, marriage, certain styles of parenting,
Enjoy lovelies <33
Sakusa Kiyoomi:
The panic on his face is pure gold. “Babe… Babe she’s drooling on me!” You whip out your phone so fast. “Smile for the camera, Kiyo!”
He’s pouting, but you don’t really care. Not after you told him to grab her bib because she might drool. He insisted that ‘my little girl won’t drool on me.’ And now here he is panicking about it.
It’s not that he minded her saliva… it’s that he’s in uniform because he wanted to hold Kokomi before heading to work.
Your nine month old daughter is clapping her hands at her dad. You’re sure she finds this whole ordeal hilarious just like you do.
“Stop recording me and get the bib. It’s gonna get on my uniform.” He says with his eyebrows furrowed. “What happened to ‘oh she won’t drool on me’ I thought you didn’t need the bib.” You mock your boyfriend of three years.
He frowns and sets Kokomi onto the floor. “Go crawl to mommy, yeah?” She immediately starts crying and you knew this would happen. Your baby is most definitely a daddy’s girl.
“Kiyoomi, pick her back up. She wants her daddy.” He glares at your statement because you’re still mocking him. “This is not funny.” He states. Just as you were about to make a comeback Kokomi took the both of you by surprise.
She was crying and crawling over to Kiyoomi, “Da- DAA!” Both your eyes widen at the realization that’s she’s saying ‘da da.’ You open up your phone and press record. “Kiyo! Make her say it again.”
“I can’t just magically make her say it.” He says sarcastically and you roll your eyes. “That’s not what I mean! Start walking away I’m sure she’ll say it again.” Kiyoomi walks very slowly so she has time to catch up by crawling and sure enough she says it again, “DA DA.”
You stop the recording and clap your hands. “Good job, princess! That is da da!” Kiyoomi picks her up and wipes her tears with his hand.
“Don’t cry little one, da da’s right here.” He assures her and she claps again.
And for the next couple of weeks all Kiyoomi heard was “da da.”
Sure you were bummed she didn’t say “mama” first, but guess what? You aren’t the one who has to go help her when Kiyoomi’s around because all your little princess wants is her “da da”
He’s so sensitive abt her, for example he cries on her first birthday because “she’s growing so fast”
He teases you for being jealous of your daughter, but you can’t help it! She’s getting all his attention :( (he tends to you later <3)
He seems like the type of dad to sign his kid up for a bunch of sports/activities so he can try to find something for her to become good at
He has tea parties with her, she loves when you play the charming prince and kiyoomi plays the pretty princess 😂
OMG whenever she has nightmares he’ll follow her back to her room and sleep in her bed w her (you keep telling him he’s gonna break it lmfao)
Doesn’t let her date for a LONGGGGG time
He spoils her absolutely rotten
He cried tears of joy when he saw his little girl walking down the aisle being the cutest little flower girl at your guys’ wedding
SUCH A SOFT DAD, she’ll ask for something and you’ll give him that look so he’s like “N-no.” And she gives him those eyes and he’s like “baby, how I can say no to those eyes?!”
Iwaizumi Hajime:
“HIGHER DADDY, HIGHER!” Your seven year old daughter screams as Iwaizumi launches her into the air and catches her.
“Sato has to have his turn, pumpkin.” He sets his little girl down and comes over to you with grabby hands for his son.
“He’s one Haji, that might scare him.” You reason. He takes him anyway and you shake your head.
He throws Sato up into the air, it’s not too high. He catches the chubby little baby and you wait for the crying. It never comes though, because you hear your little boy giggle.
”What’d I tell you, sweetheart?” His face is smug because he was right.
“Daddy lift me up too! Mommy says you’re very strong!” She too has grabby hands. “Oh really?” He says smirking. The brunette lifts up his daughter so he’s holding both children in his arms.
You’re staring, hard. You and Iwaizumi have created a beautiful little family that’s bound to grow bigger at your surprise.
“Take a picture, Mommy. It’ll last longer.” His tone is laced with smugness. “Yeah yeah.” You roll your eyes. Even though his statement was meant as a joke you pull out your phone and take a picture anyway.
As he’s about to set them down you stop him, “wait we gotta get one more with me in it!” You say walking over to them to take a selfie.
“We don’t want our other little one to feel left out, now do we?” It takes him a second to realize what you said. It was too funny not to document his response so you snap pics of his surprised face.
“You’re pregnant?!” He says in shock. “Yeah, thanks to somebody.” Your daughter is next to speak.
“It’s because of the baby fairy, right?!” She asks excitedly.
Iwaizumi laughs, “yeah, the baby fairy is bringing you another little sibling.” Iwaizumi explains with a big smile on his face. You want to flip him off but not in front of the kids.
He’ll take his little girl to the gym (and his son when he gets older) and use her to do his work outs (She’ll be on his back while he’s doing push ups, “five more, Daddy!”)
teaches his children the importance of health
i can see him empowering his daughter and telling her if someone hits her then she has permission to hit back
sometimes he misses his children’s events but he’ll make up for it with something fun
He seems like the type to want a lot of kids (enough to have his own little volleyball team lmao)
He’s always telling them to not be like their uncle oikawa
ALWAYS taking pics of the little cuties
Idk what it is abt him but Sato it his only boy, something abt him just makes me think he’d have almost all girls 😂
Invested in a suv so he can drive the kiddos to school
such a fucking dad boss, he goes to all the parent teacher conferences, etc etc.
I’m 1 mil percent sure he makes his kids wearing matching pjs and they love it at first but they hate it when they get older lmao
he’s the strict but nice dad (pretty chill until one of the kids fuck up or if he isn’t a fan of something)
Not only does he get on his kids for eating junk food he nags you about it too
has all his kids stuffies names’ memorized “daddy! Popcorn has a boo boo!”
he’s big on family outdoor trips (you suggested glamping and he told you that’s such an oikawa idea and your fam is gonna do camping the right way)
Hesitant on letting his kids use technology, he didn’t want them to become fully dependent on tech (they aren’t 🫶🏾)
Kageyama Tobio:
“That’s my boy. When you’re setting you don’t want to slap the ball up with your palm, it’s more like slightly tapping it with your fingertips, uhhh does that make since?” Kageyama tries to explain to his twelve year old.
“I think I get it?” Kaito says in a questioning tone. Kageyama scratches his head. “I wonder when your mom will get home with the girls.” Kageyama thinks aloud.
Kaito shrugs and returns to practice setting the ball. He’s done it a few times and Kageyama praises everyone of his sets, even if some of them are really crappy.
“Dad, you don’t need to praise the bad ones. It doesn’t make me feel better. If you praise my trashy work then I’ll settle for being trashy.” Kaito explains to his father. Kageyama puts his hands on his hips, his face turns into a smirk.
“If you want real practice don’t get upset when I criticize every little thing. You know I’m nit picky when it comes to volleyball.” With that he removes his hands from his hips. His steps were even and he asks his son for the ball.
“Mom says you’re bitchy about volleyball. She says it’s gotten better though.” Kaito says, meaning little harm. He knew that would get Kageyama riled up.
“Huh? You’re joking, right?!” Kageyama’s squeezing the volleyball and Kaito is suppressing a laugh.
“Well she says that’s what uncle shoyo says and she agrees with him.” Kageyama mumbles something about you and Hinata. Kaito is sure it’s something along the lines of, ‘I’ll show them a true bitch.’
Kaito gets some good practice in, mainly because his dad is somewhat upset.
You’re finally home with your twin daughters who are two. You find your husband and eldest in the backyard together playing volleyball.
“Kaito, you’ll be as good as your dad one day!” You praise seeing the results of Kageyama’s practice with him.
“What’s this talk about me being bitchy when playing volleyball?” Kageyama confronts and your eyes immediately land on your son.
“Kaito! You cannot keep a secret for the life of you, huh?” You say with a chuckle.
“I get it from you, Mom.” He says seriously.
“Babe, it’s nothin serious. Just a small observation of Shoyo. It’s not supposed to be in a mean way.” You try to coax him. He isn’t having it though.
He starts fussing so you tell Kaito to get his sisters and take them to go play with toys.
As soon as they’re out of sight you walk up to your husband and give him a warm, loving kiss.
“Tobio, you are not taking this to heart right now,” a small chuckle leaves your lips. “As your wife I make comments about you all the time cuz you know as well as I do that I mean it in a loving way. I’m still not over you calling me a swelling balloon when I was pregnant!” You rant, the ending part of your rant earns a snort from your husband.
“You’re my swelling balloon.” For some reason that almost sounded sexy but you aren’t going to let it slide. You give him a playful punch.
“Can you guys quit being saps?” Kaito yells from the door.
“It’s your night to help potty train.” You say with a wink and Kageyama groans.
If he sees his child showing any interest in volleyball he’ll do his best to make his kid a next gen star
he despises that you make the family match for holidays and you send the photos out to family
He lets his kids run around butt naked when they’re little (until you scold him)
he wouldn’t see the problem in letting the twins have ice cream for breakfast
he learned how to do hair so he can braid his little girls’ hair 🥺
he and his son argue abt the dumbest things (got that Kageyama and hinata energy)
Also the competitive dad who wants his kids to be better than everyone else’s kids
he will literally bully any little kid to the point where they cry if they mess w his kids
I don’t think he’d freak out when his daughters start their period he’s just like “okay. I think ur mom has pads somewhere 🧍🏻”
Miya Osamu:
“Pa! Come quick!” 6 and a half year old Haruki yells from the bathroom. When Osamu hears him he comes running up the stairs and into the bathroom.
“The heck ya doing in here? Yer ma’s gonna tear ya a new one!” Osamu examines the mess his son has made with finger paint. “I was trying something, Pa. Then my tooth came out cuz I was wigglin’ it!”
It isn’t until his son says that sentence that he notices there’s a small empty space in his mouth where his little tooth should be. “Huh? This yer first tooth?” Osamu asks.
“Pa, I been talking about this darn tooth for weeks!” His son responds with sass.
“well ‘cuse me for forgettin’ little man.” Osamu says with a roll of his eyes. This boy has got your attitude big time.
“You stay right here, ima go get ya some warm salt water. Don’t ya move.” Osamu warns as he goes to fetch some water for his son.
“So I can’t even breathe?” He asks sarcastically.
“Quit bein’ a lil smart aleck.” Osamu demands with a little bit more strictness in his tone. He’s usually pretty laid back with his son but sometimes Haruki hears the way his Uncle ‘Tsumu talks to his dad and he thinks he can talk that way.
Osamu runs down the stairs to the kitchen and scrambles around for a cup. He finds the salt and sprinkles some in. He puts the cup in the microwave for about a minute and it feels like the longest minute of his life.
“Hurry, Pa! The blood’s gettin’ everywhere!” Haruki yells out of worry.
Osamu retrieves the cup from the microwave and stampedes up the stairs to the bathroom.
“Here, swish it. All of it.” He commands.
“Pa I don’t wanna swish all this salt water it won’t taste good.” He explains to his pa.
“Do ya want the blood to go away or nah?” Osamu asks and Haruki shakes his head yes.
Your mini me began to swish the water as Osamu cleaned up the bathroom.
“Yer lucky I saved ya. Shoulda told yer ma ‘bout the mess you made.” Osamu snorts.
“Do ya think my baby sister will look like you or ma?” Haruki asks instead of thanking his father for cleaning his mess.
“I reckon she’ll get my beautiful eyes that drew yer ma to me n my thick brows.” Osamu says proudly puffing his chest.
“‘s not the only thing ma calls thick.” Haruki mutters which makes Osamu look down to him.
“Whaddya mean?” He asks his eyebrows scrunching up.
“She always talks to Uncle Rin ‘bout how thick ur butt is but she says it with two c’s at the end instead of T-H-I-C-K. What does the one with two c’s mean, Pa?” Haruki asks out of pure curiosity.
Osamu’s face goes red and he covers his face.
“It don’t mean nothin’ at all son. Don’t listen to what yer ma says that’s just her talking crazy.” Your husband explains.
“So when she tells me to go to bed-” Osamu cuts him off.
“I outta pop you for how smart yer acting.” Osamu says firmly.
“Sorry Pa, I’ll stop.” Haruki has a cheeky little smile on his face. He knows Osamu isn’t going to do anything. You handle all the discipline.
Osamu’s phone buzzes loudly in his pocket and he takes it out to answer it.
Osamu’s face goes still and then his eyes about pop out his head. “Slow down honey one word atta time.” Haruki hears you yell over the phone.
“We’re on our way right now.” Osamu says in quickly.
“Let’s go pack yer bag Haruki, yer staying with Uncle ‘Tsumu.” Haruki doesn’t move a muscle but then his dad gives him the look that says ‘do not test me right now’
“Is Ma okay?” Haruki asks his dad slightly worried.
“As okay as you can be goin’ into labor.” Osamu responds. For Haruki’ age he’s an advanced child but he’s picked up on the twins vulgar language and their accent. He knew what it meant when Osamu said you went into labor.
“My sister’s comin’?!” He asks excitedly.
“Mhm, now go pack yer bag. Ya need three shirts, three pairs of pants, some underwear and matching socks. Yer uncle will take ya to school. If I don’t come get you within the next three days just ask yer uncle to wash yer clothes. We’ll most likely see ya tomorrow but yer gonna stay with yer uncle to yer ma’s outta the hospital.”
Osamu explains all at once. “Okay Pa!”
let’s his kiddos get away with a lot more than they should
teaching them to cook was like his favorite thing to do
he lets you handle the punishments because Osamu is a soft dad
Whenever atsumu is over and you aren’t around he’s swearing like a sailor to his brother and his kids pick up on it 😭
100% a cuddler (Haruki acts like he hates it but he doesn’t)
idc what y’all say but he takes his daughter shopping like prom coming up? He’s there when she’s trying on dresses
no phones at the table enforcer (believes in quality family time)
he was relieved to not have twins like his brother did 😂
always teasing Haruki (for example he hates seeing u guys kiss so Osamu purposely kisses u in front of him just to upset him lmao)
the poor man tries his best w homework but geometry doesn’t make any sense “why are there shapes in math ya only really need to know how to add, subtract, multiply, n divide”
something just tells me he has a bird feeder and he enjoys drinking his coffee in the morning (little ones have hot chocolate) and watch the birds come and eat
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tahdashi · 1 year
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✫ ft. dad!akaashi, osamu, sakusa, and kuroo
✫ a/n: more dad!hq hcs bc they're all i think about !!! they're all girl dads here, and i imagine their daughters to be around 4-5 years old!
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✫ AKAASHI's eyes widen the second he hears his baby girl's sweet voice, her words not making it through to his head completely. keiji looks at her attentively, silence lining his lips. "why do you want a boyfriend, sweetheart?" his mind starts to race. he begins generating countless possibilities of what brought this up — perhaps he isn't giving her enough attention? he has been staying later at work... he starts thinking about how lonely she must feel at daycare as she waits for her dad to come pick her up. her little hands grab at his pant leg, pulling him out of his trance.
"i wanna wear a wedding dress!" she squeals — unlike her father, she's the most excitable ball of energy he's ever witnessed (but second to his best friend, of course). he's at a loss for words. the thought of his little angel wearing a wedding dress takes years off his life, not to be dramatic. his heart beats rapidly in his chest, and he crouches down to her level, pulling her close to his chest.
"i can get you a pretty dress, love. no need to worry about boyfriends, okay?" he consoles her, and she jumps up and down at the thought of wearing a pretty white dress. the next day, keiji picks her up from daycare with a large shopping bag. and when his baby peers over the top of the bag, she sees a big, fluffy tulle dress wrapped around a tiny crown. he kisses her round cheeks, telling her that she's always going to be his princess.
✫ OSAMU puts his spoon down gently before reaching over the table to wipe sauce off her chin. "a what?" he guffaws, not knowing if she's joking or not.
"a boyfriend!" she repeats, crossing her arms and looking up at her dad from her little seat at their dining table.
"because," she shrugs. she goes back to eating as if she never said those heart-stopping words.
"because?" at this point, osamu's lost his appetite. there's no way his little girl who asks her papa to hold her up to the sink so she can wash her hands and sing her "clean-my-hands" song is asking for a boyfriend, of all things. she stands up on her seat and puts her hands on her hips (which is nothing new to osamu — she's always been this sassy).
"i wanna marry suna, so he has to be my boyfriend first." osamu brings his fingers to his temple, rubbing circles there before correcting her.
"uncle suna."
"suna! he said i could call him suna," she replies, playing with the animal-shaped vegetables on her plate.
a deep sigh escapes osamu's chest, and he's rubbing at his temple even faster than before. to make matters worse, she jumps off her seat and runs to her dad's room to grab his phone, hitting suna's contact on the way back to the table. watching it all go down, osamu frowns when suna greets his daughter with a "hello, miss miya~."
"hello, suna! papa thinks i'm not allowed to call you suna. can i?" suna's affirmative hum only baffles osamu more, and he can't help but smile at their odd friendship.
"alright, alright, no phones at the dinner table, missy," he grabs the phone from her little hands before hanging up on suna. she whines, but climbs back into her seat to shove a spoonful of rice into her chubby cheeks.
"see! he's gonna be my boyfriend," she chews her words. "and! i'm gonna make him pinky swear to marry me."
and with that, osamu picks up his plate and brings it to the sink, a stress vein popping along his forehead. that night, he holds her a little closer than usual, wanting her to stay this joyful forever.
✫ SAKUSA comes to a halt, stopping her in her tracks, too. his hand grasps hers just a little tighter. she looks up at him through her dark curls, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion (just like his).
"why do you want a boyfriend, angel?" his thumb runs along the back of her hand to calm himself down, really.
"my friends have boyfriends! i want one too!" her fingers tug at his tightly, urging him to keep walking towards the playground.
"oh, yeah? well, they're too young for boyfriends," kiyoomi reasons with his daughter.
"but i'm 5! that's older than before," she stomps lightly. and if it wasn't for this conversation, he'd pinch her cheeks and tell her to take a deep breath before letting her frustrations take over, but he's somewhat entertained at her thoughts. she just wants to be like her friends, and that's understandable, but the thought of her getting close to a boy makes him take a few deep breaths.
"wait 10 more years, and i'll consider letting you talk to boys," they continue to walk, and kiyoomi doesn't miss the way she rolls her eyes like he does when he's stuck in traffic. and when she starts to plead, shaking his large hand in both of her own, kiyoomi decides that a trip to the toy store can make up for his refusal. he picks out a stuffed animal for her to fill the spot she desires so badly. that night, when she cuddles her new toy instead of him, kiyoomi considers extending his condition.
✫ KUROO's laugh fills the room at her question. ("dad, can i have a boyfriend?" she had asked him with her best puppy-dog eyes after she watched an ad for a new drama on TV).
"sure you can," he pulls her onto his lap as he relaxes on the couch before bed. "but may you? no." tetsuro smiles at his own response, proud of how he handled her silly little question.
"please?" she asks, clasping her hands together and giving him sadder, rounder, cuter puppy-dog eyes.
"oh, don't do that," he tries to avoid eye contact, but she ends up laughing that cute giggle that reminds him of her first smile (he heard it one night he was trying to help her sleep, cooing at her and tracing her cheek with his finger. oh, he loves that sound so much.) "what kind of boyfriend do you want? i'll try to look for one next time i go out," he jokes, patting down her messy hair.
she beams at his words, getting up on her feet with excitement. "i want mr. spark from my TV show!"
"isn't he the bad guy?" tetsuro raises his eyebrow and holds back a toothy smile.
"but he's nice to the girl," she thinks out-loud, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
"baby, that's his boss. he has to be nice to her or he'll be unemployed."
"what does that mean?" she looks at her dad with wide eyes, as if he's telling her all the hidden secrets of her favorite show.
"if he doesn't listen to her, he won't get money to buy sweets," tetsuro whispers in her ear like he's passing along confidential information. she gasps — her hands cover her mouth and she thinks for a minute.
"then i need a boyfriend who is nice to me... and buys me sweets," she concludes. tetsuro pulls her in for a hug, and she doesn't fight back like she usually does with his bear hugs.
"you're a smart girl," he whispers into her head, hoping she'll let him buy her all the sweets in the world for just a little longer.
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emmyrosee · 1 year
i think sakusa being like this to his cute and precious baby girl is canon. to me.
Something seemed off when you walked in.
It wasn’t like Kiyoomi to be asleep before 11, yet the entire house was dark and silent. You plant your eyes down and make your way deeper to check on the loves of your life.
Your heart jumps in your throat to see the bed of your daughter, empty except for her teddy bear and pillows. Her nightlight is off as well, and part of you is horrified something has happened to her, the other part of you knows she’s more than likely with Kiyoomi.
Regardless, you’re quick to shuffle into your bedroom and waste no time in making your way over to Kiyoomi’s side, planting a knee down and gripping his arm.
“Omi?” You whisper, shaking his shoulder lightly. He grumbles and curls closer on his side. “Omi, wake up, where’s Keina?”
“Who’s Keina?” He murmurs half asleep, though the way he’s not sprinting up in terror is plenty to tell you that she’s more than fine. You deflate in relief, glad that the dark keeps that hidden from him.
“Our two year old, Kiyoomi. Her bear is in her bed, her nightlight is off and uh, she’s not in it,” you say, trying to hide your smile. He gives another tired grunt, but his brain can’t stop you quick enough when your hand grips the sheets covering his shoulders and yanks it down, exposing the blissed little face of your child. You snort, and Kiyoomi smirks sleepily. “Kiyoomi!”
“We agreed she’d be in her big girl bed, that’s why we bought her the big girl bed!” You scold softly, but the smile on your face doesn’t dare budge.
Kiyoomi grabs the blanket and moves it to cover them both again, “you go sleep in it if it bugs you so bad. She’s fine.”
You reel back in a playful challenge, humming in agreement when he suddenly blinks his eyes open and lets out a quick ‘im kidding, please don’t sleep in her bed.’ With a chuckle, you peel the covers back again to look at her peaceful face, and you gently run your nails over the covered slope of her spine. “She does look comfortable,” you say, gnawing at your lip. “But she needs to go to bed.”
“She is in bed,” he says, resting his chin on her head possessively. “You should be too. Get in your pj’s and come on.” In her sleep, she slowly turns towards you as if to wake up, and Kiyoomi gasps in worry before flicking the blankets back over them both. “You wake her up, I’m gonna bite you.”
“Oh are you?”
He opens his mouth to tease you more, but he’s cut off by an absolutely feral noise coming from her, his jaw slacking in shock. “Did… did she just rip one?”
“Have fun in your Dutch oven.”
You stand up to go get ready for bed, smirking to yourself when you hear kiyoomi plead for you to take the child to her own bed now.
With pleasure, you ignore him completely.
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o-vera-nalyzing · 7 months
smart atsumu is so near and dear to my heart. like he’s so lowkey about it but then one time when he’s hanging out w msby + osamu and suna at a bar someone is joking to kiyoomi for going to college before playing pro and is asking him all these math questions and he’s like ‘just cause i went to college doesn’t mean i can do long form division in my head😫😫😫’ and osamu is just like ‘ATSUMU CAN’ (he loses all ability to not boast about his twin when drunk) and everyone zeroes in on atsumu and inunaki is like there’s no fuckin way and atsumu just starts saying the answers to all the previous questions they asked omi
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dokifluffs · 2 years
Reaction to Their Kid(s) Reacting to Their Cardboard Cutout | Ushijima, Sakusa
Pairings: Ushijima X Reader (female), Sakusa X no one, he’s a dilf 
Genre: domestic fluff tehe ehe
Author’s Note: dilf sakusa barkbark get fed
Hinata, Bokuto // Kageyama, Atsumu 
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gif from @rivaillerose​
The whole country buzzed as the world began to watch Japan as there was only less than a week until the olympics that had been pushed back a whole year, was finally happening
Energy, pressure, excitement was picking up in everyone, especially the Japan Volleyball team, all for everyone except your husband - or at least that’s what it seemed like to you
He was always calm and composed, his face stoic but you knew inside he did feel something - he wasn’t just a statue people assumed him to be
Team practices had surrpisng;y been the same, although you did think that they would be extended or longer since it was the olympics after all
But no
Today was Sunday, a rare rest day before your husband would be off at the games, playing multiple until there were only 2 teams left, where only one team would prove to be the best in the world
The two of your guys’ hands were being held by your three year old son as he ran and would jump while you two would swing him occasionally
But everything about today felt so nice - Sundays were just so nice, like nothing could go wrong when you got to be with your small family
The cafe door chimed as the two of you walked in, finding it surprisingly empty
“Welcome~” the baristas welcomed the three of you as your son bounced around your side, holding your hand
“Good morning,” the two of you greeted as you two stood, looking at the menu, reading through the options to see what would be good
“Papa, I wanna see,” your son whined, his cheeks puffy and lips pouty as he tugged on his dad’s fingers
“Alright,” he lips pulled into a light smile as he lifted his son, holding him against his side
The little boy was curious as he peered over, holding onto his dad’s shirt as he looked behind the glass, eyes gluing themselves into the sweet pastries and cake pops that were assorted beautifully for display
He pointed, eyes wide but staying silent as he just looked, wanting the sweets but it was far too early for such sweetness
You and Toshi had ordered your guys’ breakfasts before finding a comfortable booth deeper inside the cafe
It was so nice with their false floral decorum strung up and wrapped around the wooden beams, giving it a nice natural aesthetic although the location was in the midst of the city
There were also even cardboard cutouts of the Japan volleyball team, through only a few, and Wakatoshi stood in the dining area, “smiling”
Yet the cafe was surprisingly empty, except for the baristas so it didn’t take long at all for the food to come out after a short wait, with the porridges and egg sandwiches and hot coffees and juice for S/N
The three of you got to eating, taking your sweet time to simply enjoy each other’s company’s after quite a long time
Occasionally, your son would stare at either you or Toshi, silently signaling how he wanted a bite of your guys’s food even though it was the same as his but but two would take turns, feeding him a bite to satisfy him
When the food was done and the table was cleared, aside from the coffee, you two talked about errands to go, maybe a walk around to just really feel like life was as simple as possible
You really missed your husband despite him being right there, right here in front of you but you could feel yourself slowly healing, filling back up the longer his olive green eyes looked into your own, witnessing his pupils dilate whenever you spoke or when you reached your hand and intertwined your fingers with his before he covered both of your guys’ hand with his other one
He really had you falling in love with him all over again
And then there was the human embodiment of your guys’ love
Your son scooted himself safely off the short chair and walked over to the cardboard cutout of your husband and stood at his legs, his small head leaned back to look all the way up the board
“Papa, you’re here too.” The little boy turned around and pointed up as the son smiled a little before turning back
“Indeed.” Your husband smiled as his hands squeezed around yours, his touch so warm as it had always been
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gif from @rivaillerose​
“Ready for this, baby?” He looked down to his daughter who followed him, smiling and looking up to him with grabby hands
“Atta girl,” he smiled through his mask as he pulled it down and knelt before the walker
He applied sunscreen to her precious face, maybe putting a little too much over her chubby cheeks but better to be safe than sorry
Plus he just couldn’t get used to how puffy and soft they were
“You got little mocha cheeks, moch,” he scrunched his nose as he playfully pinched her cheeks, wanting to bite them out of how cute they were to which she just smiled at the comments
But there was also a subtle brush of pride in him that surfaced knowing that this was his baby
This adorable little girl that had dark, curly/ wavy hair like him was his baby
He carefully put on her sun hat, making sure it didn’t pull on her hair or hurt her head in any way
And finally, put on her own little mask that he handmade after painstakingly pricking himself with the needle but watched and learned how to make face masks for kids
It was secure enough that she wouldn’t breathe in anything harmful to her but loose enough so she could breathe easily
He slid the door onto the backyard open, his body hunched toward the ground as his daughter held his hand as he led her out the door and onto the patio
on the other hand, held his cardboard cutout at an arms distance away, along with a bottle of disinfectant spray, walking to lay it onto the grass, which he covered a plot of it with a tarp
He laid himself down in the sun as his daughter stood behind him, a few feet away
The edges of his rubber gloves slapped his wrists as he shook the disinfectant spray can
He sprayed the cardboard cutout with the disinfectant before letting it lay in the sun for a bit, even wondering why he had listened to bokuto and atsumu on taking it home, especially with the pandemic
He sighed knowing there was absolutely no use for it
And then he felt the familiar feel of his daughter hold onto his leg and she shyly got closer
Kiyoomi looked down as a gentle breeze blew through, making the grass in the yard move in a wave as his little girl’s hair was all in her face, her hat no longer on her head and on the floor on the patio
He removed his gloves as he squatted down to clear the hair from her face
“There you go,” he smiled a bit as she rest her dainty hands on his leg, staring at the cardboard cutout of her dad
“Papa,” she spoke quietly, her voice kind of muffled through the fabric of the mask as she pointed, squatting down beside kiyoomi before looking back up to him, squinting cause of the bright sun
“Why’d you take off your hat, germ?” He scoffed lightly as he raised his hand above her head, providing shade for her face from the sun
Still in her squatting position, she waddled closely and tested the waters, extending her finger to the cardboard cutout of kiyoomi and looked back
“Mmhm, that’s me..” he  dodged before his eyes fell back on the thing… there really was no use for it.. sigh
She patted her hand on her dad’s cardboard cheek, mesmerized by it
Kiyoomi watched as she tilted her head back and forth as another breeze blew by, making her short hair dance in the wind
But also thankfully, the disinfectant spray had dried so it was perfectly safe for her to touch
The two of them stayed squatted in the grass, feeling the summer sun’s warmth and breeze come and go
But she had been looking at his cardboard face a little too long
“Hey, butterfly.” He gently tapped onto her back, getting her to turn around and lose her balance, making her sit on the grass
“Is that papa?”
She processed what he had asked and looked back to it then back to him and nodded
“Who am I then?” He pointed to himself, pulling down his mask
“Papa.” She said, standing herself up and walking over to him, standing in between his squatted legs as she held onto his shirt
He brushed off the dust and grass off her bottom
“Who’s the better papa, then?”
“You!” She jumped, making a smile spread across his lips as he pulled her in to hug her, pressing a kith to her chubby mochi cheeks
“Hm, what a smart little butterfly,” he hummed before lifting her up into his arms to bring her inside
“Let’s change and eat some lunch.” He walked back in, leaving his cardboard cutout outside
~~~~~ Thanks for reading! Masterlist for more! Please do not repost anywhere else!
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nishisun · 3 days
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2. How you met him & how he broke your heart.
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NOTE (2024): this was made over 4+ years ago when i was a beginner writer so the writing is pretty much horrible. but im feel nostalgic and this has been sitting for the drafts for years that i thought, why not post? anways pls enjoy my very mediocre attempt at writing. there’s multiple parts so ill post until there are none anymore
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On December 21, your parents told you that they were separating. Your father claimed he fell out of love with your mother and already had a family in the US. You were devastated, to say the least. But mostly, you were confused. How could he? How could he do this to you, your sister, and your mother? They seemed so happy together. They never argued, well, not in front of you and your sister at least. They were the perfect couple. You looked up to them. You wanted to have what they had with your future significant other, and now your parents were telling you that they are separating because your father fell out of love?
Your father said he was leaving to go to the states in 6 months. Out of anger, your mother decided it was best to move, without leaving a trace of your father. She called this a clean slate. Moving meant you had to transfer schools. You were a third year, who was now going to be attending Itachiyama Institute, while your younger sister who was still in junior high was attending Okojo Middle School. Still, you couldn’t believe it. Your own father, the person you looked up to the most, was abandoning you, your mother, and your sister. Why weren’t you guys good enough for him? How come it’s so easy for him to leave? It just wasn’t fair.
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What is love? Well, there are many ways to interpret the word “love”. When we love someone we experience positive thoughts and experiences with them bur we also experience a deep sense of care and commitment towards that person. Love means to be deeply committed and connected to someone or something. The feeling of love should be mutual with you and your significant other.
You loved Sakusa Kiyoomi. He was your first love.
You remembered the day you met. It was your first day at Itachiyama Institute  and your previous school was Nekoma High. You were the manager for Nekoma’s volleyball team, which meant that you’d go with them to practice camps, games, and you’d stay after school hours to help out, which was why you were so close to Kenma and Kuroo. You met Kenma and Kuroo when you were a first year, you and Kenma were in the same class and you volunteered to be a manager for the volleyball team, which resulted to you becoming bestfriends with Kenma and Kuroo. You both were now finally third years, Kenma was captain of the team after Kuroo left and Kuroo couldn’t have been more proud. At first, Kenma didn’t want to be the captain because he claimed it was “too much work”, but once you and the other team members forced convinced him to try it out, he ended up loving it.
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Your first day at Itachiyama was okay, you didn’t talk much, or really make new friends. It was the same old, you’d introduce yourself in front of the class, then they’d greet you and ask you questions on how your previous school was or why you moved. At lunch, you sat outside, alone, until you saw two boys walk in front of you. One was wearing a mask and the other was smiling and waved at you.
“Hello! My name is Komori Motoya and this is my cousin. We have class together, right?” he said as he brought his right arm out, offering to shake yours.
“Oh, um yes, we do! Hi Komori, my name is L/N Y/N.” you said, shaking his hand. Once you both let go you looked at Komori’s cousin who was standing next to him, but was slightly behind him.
“You must be Sakusa Kiyoomi, right?” you said walking towards him. He didn’t say anything, he just nodded while his hands were placed in his pockets.
“Uh, how did you know that?” Komori asked as he chuckled, scratching the back of his head.
“Well, I know your name too. I’ve seen you and your team play! You guys are really good.” you explained, Komori shook his head in excitement.
“Oh, really? Are you into volleyball? Do you play?” He asked.
“Well, I’m not really good at it. I used to play in junior high, but I stopped once I got into high school. I love watching the games though! I was the team manager at my previous school.”
“Really? That’s amazing! Our team is looking for a team manager! You should really apply, i’m pretty sure the coach would be happy.” Komori said.
“Oh! Well, that’s great! I’ll check definitely come visit tomorrow after school.” You said as you started to pack your things because lunch was ending soon.
“That’s great y/n!” he said, “Well, we’ll see you around in class.”
“Yeah, bye!” You waved at the two and they waved back.
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“Everyone, gather around! Meet the new addition to the managers for the team! The coach said.
“My name is L/N Y/N! I’m new here and I just transferred from Nekoma High!” you said, bowing your head. Some of the teammates were whispering once they heard you mention Nekoma. “I’m hoping to get to know you all better! I’ve seen you guys play before and it’s an honor to be working with you all! you said.
“she talks a lot.” Sakusa thinks, having a bored look on his face and makes a mental note of this.
“Trust me y/n, the pleasure is ours!” the coach chuckles.
You suddenly realize how the gym is full of boys who are basically towering over you and awkwardly laugh back, followed by an awkward silence. You then remembered about the homemade granola you had made for the team, which you had been carrying this whole time.
“Oh! I almost forgot! I made some homemade granola bars to show my gratitude towards you all.” You started to pass the bars out to each team member as they thanked you and praised you for how good the bars tasted. You were making your way to give a bar to the last person who hasn’t received it yet, which was Sakusa Kiyoomi.
He was taller than his other teammates, wearing a mask and it almost seemed as if he was giving you a look of disgust, judging by the way his face was scrunched up. He looked intimidating, but you didn’t want to judge someone off of their looks, so you walked up to him and tried to start a conversation with him.
“Hello, Sakusa! I just wanted to thank you and Komori for coming up to me yesterday. It meant a lot considering the fact that I was new and i’m not very good at making friends-“
“You talk a lot.” Sakusa interrupted, his cousin heard him since he wasn’t that far away from you both and quickly walked up to him.
“Sakusa! It wouldn’t hurt you to be nice and not so upfront all the time!” his cousin said.
“I’m kidding!” sakusa says to his cousin, shaking his head and chuckles, then turns back to you.
“I’m kidding,” He repeats once again, “Sorry that I wasn’t really talking yesterday. I’m not good with people either.” He says and you both laugh. “I’m pretty sure you’re the person i’m supposed to be showing the school around to tomorrow.”
“Oh, yeah. You don’t really have to if it’s going to-“
“You really do tend to ramble a lot.” he interrupts once again. He won’t tell you, but he finds it cute how flustered you get, you seem so innocent.
“Sorry, it’s a bad habit of mine.” you scratched the back of your head and laughed a bit.
“All right everyone, Time to pack up!” the coach said, getting up from the bench.
“See you tomorrow?” Sakusa says.
“Bye Y/N!” Komori says as he waved at you. You waved back and started to pack things up and went home.
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1 and a half years later.
“Omi, have you seen my shampoo? I left it here at your place and I checked the bathroom and it wasn’t there anymore.” you said as you walked out of his bathroom, wearing nothing but a towel.
“No babe,” Sakusa says, “Just use mine. It isn’t that big of a deal. We can buy you your shampoo once you finish taking a shower if it’s bothering you this much.”
“It’s fine. I was just checking to see if you saw it, it isn’t that big of a deal.” you assured him with a smile.
“Maybe I should join you in the shower?” Sakusa suggested, “saves more water.”
“You’re too much.” you laughed, “let’s go shower!”
You and Sakusa finally graduated high school and decided to take a year break before attending college to spend time together since Sakusa wasn’t planning on going to college. You guys didn’t live together, He had an apartment of his own that was near your house and you’d stay there most of the time. Which meant, more sex.
Of course, it took sakusa some time to be comfortable to have sex with you, but he trusted you a lot. he knew you were clean and you took proper care of yourself
not staying abstinent from sex is something you regret, but are happy that you forgot to take the pill that one day. If you had, you still would’ve been with Sakusa. But since you didn’t, you ended up pregnant and gave birth to the person that makes you the happiest, your daughter.
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You remember taking the pregnancy test, your heart dropped.
“fuck. i’m fucked.” you muttered.
Your hands were shaking as you held the pregnancy test, which said “positive” and your fingers were slowly becoming more cold by each passing seconds and your anxiety was getting the best of you.
what is sakusa gonna say? he already said he didn’t want kids. what was your mother going to say? Oh, your mother was going to kill you. Sakusa isn’t gonna like this at all. Maybe he will? Maybe he’ll tell you everything is okay and that he’ll be with you every step of the way. Should you tell Komori to tell him? No. Sakusa won’t believe him and it’ll result in him asking you anyways. Kenma! text Kenma. Then text Akira. They’ll know what to do. Wait! you need to make sure you’re 100% pregnant. This is only one test. there’s no way you’re pregnant.
So you took 2 more test. All of them were positive.
“shitt.” you took a deep breath in and closed your eyes. Tears were threatening to spill and the once appetite you once had was now gone. You were in Sakusa’s apartment bathroom, he had gone to go pick up the food you had ordered for the movie night you and him were planning to have.
You quickly got out of the bathroom and made your way to your phone to call Kenma and tell him. By now you were sobbing.
“Y/n, are you 100% sure you’re pregnant?” he said in a firm voice. He too was trying not to panic.
“Y-yes! I’ve taken like th- three test now!” you said, you were breaking down and it was hard for you to even speak clearly. “Kiyoomi i-is not going to be happy at all. I only missed one day of not t-taking the pill.”
“Y/n, i’m going to need you to breathe for me. You may not believe me now, but everything will be okay. You have to tell him. He will still love you. Isn’t it his baby?” he asked, this annoyed you. Why did he even ask that? obviously it was his. Kenma didn’t mean any harm when he asked you, but you took it to offense.
“O-obviously kozume. Why would you even ask that?” you were pacing around in the living room, trying to calm yourself down. “Kenma he’s here. He just texted me he’s outside and he’s-he’s coming. I’m scared, i don’t know how to handle this.”
“Y/n, please breathe. Everything is going to be okay please calm down, okay? You got this. If you want me to come over I can. Do you still want me to stay on the line?” he asked.
“N-no, I’m fine. Thank you Kenma. I’m gonna hang up now.”
“You’re welcome y/n. I love you.” he said, a smile resting on his face.
“love you too.”
you quickly went back to the bathroom to throw the pregnancy test away and hid it further in the trash so Sakusa wouldn’t find it. You quickly washed your face, so it would look like you weren’t crying and if he asked you why your eyes were so red you’d just say soap got in your eyes. Right when you finished washing your face, Sakusa entered the place, immediately heading to the kitchen sink to wash his hands.
“Hey,” he said grabbing the soap next to him and rubbing it with his hands.
“Hey.” you said softly, placing one hand on your opposite arm and walking towards him to embrace him.
“Happy anniversary, I love you so much.” He said, hugging you and burying his head in the crook of your neck. 
“I love you more, Kiyoomi.” you said. He pulled away and stared at your face in mischief and then squinted. 
“You don’t usually call me Kiyoomi unless you’re upset or worried about something. What’s up?”
It was a bad habit of yours. When something was bothering you, or when you were upset, you’d usually call Sakusa, Kiyoomi. Usually you’d call him by his nickname, which was Omi.
“It’s nothing, Omi. I’m hungry! Let’s eat!” you say as you tried to hug him again, but he doesn’t budge.
“y/n, come on, i know you.” he says softly, as you both stood in the kitchen. He stares at you for a little longer, tucking the strands of your hair behind your ear, easing your tenseness so you could feel comfortable enough to talk to him and then cupped your cheek. “Talk to me- wait, have you been crying?”
you’re crying again. you’re crying really hard. Sakusa starts to panic at the random burst of tears that are falling at a rapid pace and pulls you in for a tight hug, not caring that you haven’t washed your hands yet.
“hey, hey, y/n shh, it’s okay.” Sakusa says, stroking your hair softly. “baby, talk to me. Tell me what’s wrong, please.”
You sob on his chest, he slightly cringes at the thought of your tears wetting his shirt, but he doesnt mention it.
“N-no, I cant. You’ll hate me.” you say, burying your face in his chest. Sakusa lets out a sigh of confusion and continues to stoke your hair.
“I’m pretty sure there’s nothing you could do that would make me hate you y/n. I love you, dummy.” he chuckled, you laughed as well and let go of him and wiped your tears. You took a deep breath and then let a out a forced laugh and then faced Sakusa.
“Okay,” You said letting out a sigh, “I’m,”
“Never mind, I cant do this.” you walked away from him and ran to the bathroom and locked yourself there and started breaking down. Sakusa was quick to follow you, but you locked the door. You were confusing the hell out of him. He thought you were trying to break up with him.
You couldn’t tell him. Not when he had already told you he didn’t want kids. Did you even want kids? Aborting the baby was not an option. Knowing the type of person you are, you’d probably feel too guilty and you didn’t need that guilt following you for the rest of your life.
“Y/n, I understand you may need space right now. Whenever you’re ready please talk to me, I love you.”
Why was he so good to you?
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About 30 minutes later, you finally come out from the bathroom and you see Sakusa scrolling through his phone. The food he had ordered was still on the table, probably cold by now.
“Hey,” you said walking up to him and sitting next to him on the couch.
“Hey,” he smiled, “you ready to talk to me now?”
“uh, yeah.” you took a deep breath, and Sakusa patiently waited for you to speak up.
“So, you know how I’m on birth control?” you asked, he cocked his head and furrowed his brows, wondering what birth control had to do with what was bothering you.
“Oh, okay.” you said, you took another deep breath in, then out, then you closed your eyes because you felt tears rushing down again.
“Y/n,” sakusa says softly, You rest your head on his chest once again, and he continues to softly rub your back. “Y/n, you’re scaring me. Are you breaking up with me?”
“No!” you say as you lift your head up to face him. You cup his cheek gently and give him a soft smile. “no, i’m not baby.” You put your hand down and faced forward, while sakusa was staring at you from your side. Sakusa gives a sigh of relief.
“I’m pregnant.” you blurted out.
“what?” he heard you, he just didn’t know if he heard it right.
“Kiyoomi, i’m pregnant. it’s yours.” you’re facing him now, but he looks away. He lets go of the hand that was once holding yours and faces forward.
“Omi, please say something.” you say, you started to get worried and you felt a weird sensation in your stomach as if you were about to throw up.
“Are you sure y/n? Is this some type of prank because if it is-“
“no, it’s not a prank. i’ve taken three test and they were all positive, kiyoomi. i’m pregnant.”
“holy shit.” is all he mutters, he places both of his hands together and they land on his face and the face he was currently making was unreadable. You couldn’t tell if he was mad or upset, but he certainly didn’t seem happy one bit.
“is that seriously all you’re gonna say?” you scoff, he doesn’t look at you, he’s still facing forward.
“take another test,”
“take another test,” he repeats, now getting up from the couch and pacing up and down the living room. “you need to take another test.”
“i already told you, i took three and they were all positive-“
“just take another test y/n, damn it!” your eyes widen at his sudden burst of anger, he’s staring at you, boring his eyes onto you and then he quickly looks away and takes a steady breath in. “i need to see this for myself, just take another test, okay?”
you scoff.
you wipe of the tears on your face and you walk to the bathroom rather quickly, sakusa following not far along.
you open another one of the test that you haven’t used yet without saying a word to sakusa, he’s leaning on the bathroom door with the same bored expression he usually has on his face.
once you’ve finished, you wait a few minutes for the test to see it’s results.
“are you satisfied? or do i need to take another test?” you mutter, sakusa looks at the test that is now placed on this sink, crossing his arms.
“we can’t keep this baby-“
“what? what are you talking about?” you interrupt him. Is he being serious? He doesn’t have a say on what whether you keep the baby or not.
“y/n, think about it!” he explains, walking closer to you, “we’re 18, and i have a career that i’m working hard on and you have college-“
“are you being serious right now, kiyoomi?” you raise your voice and back away from him with a hurt expression on your face.
“Y/n, it wouldn’t be smart to keep this baby. We can’t be parents right now. I’m not ready to be a dad yet,” he’s not raising his voice because he’s trying his hardest to avoid an argument. “I cant- i can’t do this.”
“w-what?” you feel tears forming again. What can’t he do? What is he trying to say? “Kiyoomi, look, I know this is a lot. Trust me it’s a lot for me too! But i’m keeping this baby. It’s our responsibility since we weren’t responsible enough.”
He scoffs at this and shakes his head “we? we weren’t responsible? last time i checked, you were the one who didn’t do your part. all you had to do was take one damn pill. is it seriously that hard?”
He can’t seriously be blaming you right now.
“I’m sorry y/n, but i seriously can’t be a dad. We already said that we’re not having kids. They’re messy, annoying and not to mention, they cause too much stress. You have to abort the baby-“
“I don’t have to do shit,” you interrupt once again, you were crying, you were so upset. This was so unlike kiyoomi. you felt nauseous, and it wasn’t the baby. “And i never said i didn’t want kids, we never even agreed on that, you just said you didn’t want them. What happened to you? Yeah, we’re young, but i’m willing to make that sacrifice. All you’re worried about is your stupid volleyball career. I told you i’m keeping this baby and if you aren’t okay with that, then maybe we should break up!” You were yelling, too caught up in the moment to realize what you had just said, it was a lot for Sakusa to process. It’s only normal that he’d be suprised but it doesn’t mean he had to put all the blame on you. You were already aware it was partly your fault, and now you were willing to own up for your mistakes. Why wasn’t he? He looked at you in shock, then walked back and forth and you kept your eyes on him wondering what he would say next.
“you think so?”
“There’s no point in being together if you don’t want to be in this baby’s life, Kiyoomi. You know this.”
“So what, you’re just gonna let go of what we have that easily?” he asked, everything he was saying was getting on your fucking nerves.
“You think it’s easy, Kiyoomi?” you let out a humorless laugh, “You think it’s easy for me to let you go? You are literally my the love of my fucking life. The first person who made me have butterflies in my stomach when all you’d do is just stare at me. Now that a baby is on the way things are obviously going to be changing and i need to put this baby first before everything and you’re obviously not willing to do that and It hurts- it fucking hurts that you didn’t even assure me that everything was going to be alright. That you’d still love me and be right by my side even though Ive decided that i am keeping the baby. I had to call kenma right before you came and even he said you’d assure me, but you didn’t. I’m not even upset at you for being suprised, but there are better ways to react Kiyoomi, especially in situations like this. You saying you’re not ready to be a dad is okay, but the fact that you aren’t willing to make the sacrifice hurts. So don’t say it’s easy for me when you’re the one that’s letting go.”
By the time you finished speaking, you were choking on your own sobs and you could barely even speak clearly. Sakusa looked like he was on the verge of tears, but he probably didn’t want to cry in front of you. He didn’t say anything either or make eye contact with you either. He just headed to the kitchen and started cleaning out any leftovers that were too old in the fridge. You aren’t even suprised. You see, Sakusa doesn’t like opening up to people. The thought of being so vulnerable and opening up like what you had just did scared Kiyoomi. He wanted to be the one that would cheer you up when something was bothering you but when it came to him, he’d keep his emotions or how he was feeling to himself. It was a bad habit of his but you still loved him and understood that it would take some time. Yes, it does hurt that he didn’t say anything after you literally opened up, but maybe this was how it was supposed to end.
You looked at him with such disbelief. You scoffed and then wore your jacket and shoes and left.
He didn’t chase after you, it’s not like you would listen anyways. All he did was say that he wasn’t ready to be a parent and how you should abort the baby. Did he think you were ready? Because you weren’t. But you were willing to make a sacrifice for this baby of yours. There’s no point in forcing him to become a father if that’s clearly not what he wants. That’s fine though, you know you’d have other people support you, even if it meant that Sakusa wouldn’t be supporting you anymore.
“Goodbye, Kiyoomi.”
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misstooru · 1 year
OMG!!! look! look! look what I found in instagram!!! this is just so adorable like imagine haikyuu men as girl dads!
POV: haikyuu men came home from work / training / business trip and their little girls came rushing to welcome them 🥺
POV: a day in a life of haikyuu men as dad
tbh ushijima, iwaizumi, meian, bokuto, kita, kenjirou, and daichi gives so much girl dads energy for me! especially iwaizumi with 3 girls cutiiieeee! 🥺💗😭
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natriae · 6 months
part 2 of this since silly bear's birthday is soon
Several years later
By now your sure Kiyoomi has a dog pile of children on him. Tonight is your daughter's 1st birthday, as well as Kiyoomi's. Loe and behold all the children flocked to your unsuspecting husband's lap while he watched a US volleyball game. As well your adult child Atsumu.
By now you're use to the sight of Kiyoomi trying to push the setter's legs off of him as he holds his daughter in his opposite arm. Kaia's already five running round your living room giggling as the big samoyed dog chases her. Her brother now eight holds on to his mother's leg while she talks to Bokuto's sisters. Mei's birthday was a big event or so she thought since her little brain told her all these people were her friend's not her dad's.
The large man sits on the couch with Osamu's two year old twins resting their heads on each of his thighs. Their binkys bob in rhythm while they dream. Atsumu's 3 year old some how ended up on behind Kiyoomi's head leaning on the wall while he pulls at the dark curls. Kaia's lost interest in the puppy and walks over so Kiyoomi's left arm now holds her to his side. Mei not leaving his other arm.
If you told highschool Kiyoomi he'd be a child whisper by his thirties and enjoy it. He'd assume he must have gotten a pretty harsh concussion, but all is well in Sakusa Kiyoomi's brain.
"Mei this one's for daddy. Your cake is next," the little girl crys in her papa's arms. It's her birthday why can't she blow out the candles? Her arms begin to flap against her sides as she tries to get up from Kiyoomi's lap, but Kiyoomi's quick in wrapping his arms around his daughter.
"sing it fast," he says while he holds his squirming and squealing baby close to his chest. He quickly blows out the candles before Mei's superhuman baby strength allows her to break free. The little girl screams as her little eyes begin to cry more. She's gonna be a drama queen for sure. Wonder which parent she got that from?
You quickly bring in her cake with a big number one candle on it and she immediately quiets down. She twists in Kiyoomi's arms trying to get closer. Everyone laughs at the baby's antics and her scrunched up face. She huffs and puffs as Kiyoomi sets her down to sit on the table.
When the lights go out her hands clasp together and her eyes close. Maybe you shouldn't have taken her to the shrine recently. When the singing finally comes to an end the baby girl blows out her candles and joyfully laughs enjoying every moment of attention.
Thank god today was successful. Only one hissy fit and no scratching, at least it's a win for you. Walking back from walking out the last guests you find Kiyoomi back on the couch this time only one baby rests on him. Mei's little hands are balled up into fists while she lays on her dad's chest. Her eyes shut and her binky bobbing lightly.
"today was a long day for her," you say sitting on the floor next to Kiyoomi's lying form. He huffs out a small laugh and looks down at his babygirl. "she didn't leave your side once! I'm a little jealous Kiy," you finish looking into his eyes.
"hey, it's not my fault i'm really comfortable," he says softly rubbing his hands along his baby's back lulling her into a deeper sleep.
"you're not wrong," you respond, leaning down to leave a kiss on his lips. "happy birthday Kiyoomi,"
"thank you, my love"
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mrshigurumasshop · 2 years
You’re A Mean One | K. Sakusa ~ the one where he wasn’t into the Christmas spirit
➤ pairing: husband!sakusa kiyoomi x mom!reader w/ daughter Kami
➤ mentions of: a tiny bit of angst bc sakusa is a grumpy man, fluff/comfort
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Growing up, the holidays was something you and your family cherished together. It made you want to continue that tradition with your own family when the time came.
And that time is finally around after your five year old daughter, Sakusa Kami was old enough to want to participate in being festive this year.
Your little doppelgänger nearly jumped out of her seat during breakfast when you told her that you and your husband, Sakusa Kiyoomi will be taking her out to find a christmas tree.
So here you all are, outside in the snow looking for the perfect tree that you swore to your daughter that she would get to choose. “Mama! Do they come with the snow?” Kami called to you as she stopped in front of one of many trees.
“No, baby. The snow will melt off when we bring it home,” you smiled at her.
“And it’ll cause more of a mess that it will already do…”
Ah… You forgot that your husband wasn’t too fond of the idea of getting a real tree so he’s been in a mood. He uses the excuse that he wasn’t too into the holiday spirit growing up due to how busy he was with volleyball but…it didn’t hurt for him to at least try.
“Honey, can you not please?” you murmur to him so your daughter doesn’t hear, “She’s excited.”
Sakusa sighs as he shoves his gloved hands into his jacket. “I know,” he says, “But we could’ve easily gotten a fake one that wouldn’t make a mess in the house.”
You pierce your lips in a tight line to keep yourself from snapping at him. It irritated you how much he was in a negative mood especially when he was the one who agreed to look for a real tree. So you just opted to not say anything else and watch your daughter happily run around the lot of trees to choose.
“What ‘bout this one,” Kami pointed towards a rather…dead looking tree.
“It’s dead, Kami,” Sakusa said straight out.
Kami pouted slightly as she looked at the tree. Even though it was dead, he didn’t have to bluntly point it out. “If we get that tree we won’t be able to put all your pretty ornaments you made for me and papa. Try looking for a greener one,” you encouraged her.
She nodded with a small pout on her face and continued to walk ahead of you and Sakusa. Once you see she’s far enough away from you guys, you look at Sakusa with a pleasing look.
“Why did you agree to this if you’re just going to ruin the experience for her?” you ask.
“The experience of looking for a tree?” he rolls his eyes. “Baby, this will be too much work to maintain and I’m not going to be the one to clean all that mess up.”
You took a deep breathe to prevent yourself from yelling at him in public and in front of your daughter. “I get that but you agreed to this so please keep it at a minimum,” you pleaded at him.
“Fine,” he mumbled.
It was quiet for a moment as the three of you continued to look for a tree but Kami just couldn’t find the perfect one. Just like you when you were little, she wanted to find the most festive looking tree just like the ones she sees in the movies.
After about 20 minutes of looking around, the three of you rounded a corner into the next aisle of trees and finally you heard a happy squeal.
“Mama! Papa! Look!” she pointed with a happy smile towards a green and full tree. The pine tree was so full that you could barely see through the branches so it was perfect to your eyes and your daughters.
But that happy moment didn’t last forever the moment you heard a scoff beside you. “No. Absolutely not. Do you realize how many bugs might be hiding in there. I’d rather you pick the dead tree than this,” he grumbles as he looks at you.
“Kiyoomi!” you snap. But before you could scold your husband you hear some sniffles. You and Kiyoomi nearly break your necks hearing the familiar sniffles coming from Kami. “Baby… Don’t cry…,” you pleaded.
Fat tears. All of the fat tears she could muster spilled out of her eyes. Kiyoomi’s dad instincts kicked in and went straight to comfort her but she shook her head with her hands out in front of her.
“You’re so mean, Papa!” she cries, almost making you want to cry, “Yur’ a grinch!”
Kiyoomi’s heart throbbed hearing Kami’s cries. He knew what she meant by being called a grinch. He watched to American movie with her for the first time a few weeks ago and it made it feel guilty.
“Hey, princess,” he said in a comforting tone as he slowly walked up to her again, “I didn’t mean it-,”
“NO!” she screamed. You knew she was on the verge of throwing a tantrum in public so you walked passed your husband to pick up your daughter who immediately wrapped her arms around your neck and legs around your torso.
“Shhhh, Kami it’s okay,” you comforted in a hushed tone as you rubbed her back. You turned back around with anger in your eyes as you looked at Kiyoomi. “Let’s just go home,” you said which only made Kami cry harder and Kiyoomi feel even worse.
“Baby-,” he pleaded, “I didn’t mean it like that.”
“What else did you mean, Kiyoomi,” you snapped, “I ignored your ignorance while we were dating and before we had Kami but I’m tired of it.”
You then walked away from him towards the car as you tried to calm your crying daughter down. Sakusa was left in the aisle by himself standing in a pool of guilt covered snow.
Yes, he wasn’t looking forward to the mess and possible bugs a real tree would bring into the house but he knew it wasn’t right to let it get to his head. He felt even worse knowing that you sucked up his grinch like personality all these years and continued to have the holiday spirit so he walked behind you towards the car in silence.
The car ride and the rest of the day going into the night was quiet in the house. Kami calmed down during the drive back home because she ended up crying herself to sleep. She needed to get her nap in anyways so you were kind of relieved but it still made you sad that Kiyoomi didn’t even want to mask how much he didn’t want a damn tree.
So you ignored him throughout the day. You couldn’t even look at him either so you stayed with Kami in her room as she slept and left him to sit in guilt.
Kiyoomi stared at the ceiling in the living room in silence as he tried thinking of ways to make up for his grinch behavior but he knew a simple sorry wasn’t going to cut it. He stressfully rubbed his eyes with the heel of his hands with a groan before looking at the time.
3:14 pm; he needed to go to practice soon but he didn’t want to leave you guys like that after what happened. So, he had an idea.
You didn’t realize that you fell asleep till you woke up with something poking your cheek. You hummed in question as you look over to your right and see your daughter with the same pout on her face.
“Hi, baby,” you smiled at her as your cupped her swollen cheek. She looks like Kiyoomi when she wakes up from her sleep, you thought. “Are you feeling better?” you ask.
She shook her head no and laid down on top of you. You could only say so much to console a child so you physically comforted her which seemed like something she wanted anyway.
You looked out her window to see that it wasn’t snowing anymore but it still stuck to the ground so you thought that maybe going to the park to play in the snow would lift her spirits. “Why don’t we go to the park? We can build a snowman,” you kissed her head.
Kami lifted her head with her sweet smile finally on her face with a nod. So you tell her to get ready while you left her room to let Kiyoomi know but he wasn’t home.
“Asshole left without saying anything,” you mumbled to yourself. You assumed that he went to practice since he doesn’t like driving in the snow too much so you brushed it off and got ready yourself.
After you and Kami got ready, you both left to house to walk to the park. Being there seemed to lift her spirits even more as she made snow family and snow angels. Kami also enjoyed you throwing into a pile of snow which what Kiyoomi would do in the backyard.
About an hour or so went by and it was starting to get colder so you and Kami decided to walk back home hand in hand. Kami kept giggling as she heard the crunch of her footsteps against the snow. You were lost in thought as you guys came up to the house to lost to notice that Kiyoomi’s car was in the driveway.
“Papa’s home!” Kami called out.
Your eyebrows scrunched together in confusion because he wasn’t gone as long as he usually is for practice. You brought your keys out to unlock the door and immediately went into shock.
Kami squealed in excitement as you were too stunned to speak. The whole inside of the house was covered in Christmas decorations galore. You almost couldn’t see your furniture because of how much lights and other decor was taking up every crevice in the house. And as if your daughter couldn’t scream any louder, there it was…the exact tree she pointed at earlier.
“Mama! It’s the tree!” Kami screamed as she ran towards the decorated plant as you remained at the front door too stunned to speak. Kami was too busy eye boggling the tree that was covered in the ornaments she made at preschool to notice how quiet you are.
“I had the team help me get it done,” a soothing voice said to you.
You looked over at Kiyoomi who you assumed came from the shower due to his wet curls. “Why,” you ask out of disbelief.
“Well,” he nervously laughs, “Hearing that your daughter called you a grinch is a good wake up call. And I found a cheap blanket to put the tree on top of to catch any of the dirt. I’m sorry about today… It was uncalled for…”
You couldn’t help but look at him in admiration despite how much you want to be mad at him. You couldn’t help it. You have seen you’re home decorated like this since you moved out of your parents house so many years ago. It felt like you were home again.
“Baby?” Kiyoomi calls to you due to your silence.
You instantly smile at him almost wanting to cry on the spot due to how happy you are. “It was uncalled for but I love it, ‘Omi,” you said to him.
You can see the stress leave his body as he let out a sigh of relief. It made you laugh a little bit seeing how hung over he was over the incident earlier. He walked over to you and wrapped his arms around your shoulders to put you into a tight hug. “Thank god,” he murmured into your head.
“Don’t get too relieved, my love. You still have your daughter to say sorry too,” you giggle.
“Ah…,” he smiled as he turned around to look at Kami who was still mesmerized by the tree with you still in his arms, “How does it look, princess?”
Kami turned around with her pretty smile — your smile, he thought. “It’s pwetty, Papa!” she said happily as she ran into his arms, “I love it so much!”
“Good,” he kissed her cheek, “Am I still a grinch?”
Kami giggled and shook her head no. “No more Grinch, papa. Pinky promise?” she held out her tiny pinky.
“Pinky promise,” he smiled as he locked his pinky with hers, “Now go get undressed, we’re having a movie night.”
Kami ran out of Kiyoomi’s arms with happiness radiating off of her. You couldn’t help but smile at the sight. You swear your cheeks were going to fall off.
“Hey…,” Kiyoomi whispered to you. You looked up at him with a soft smile silently answering him. “Look up,” he said as he pointed up wit his eyes.
You looked at him in question then up towards the ceiling to see a mistletoe attacked to the doorframe. Your cheeks flushed in red because even after all these years of being with him, you e never kissed Omi under a mistletoe. Kiyoomi smiled softly as he gently cupped your cheeks in his warm palms.
“I love you, Y/n,” he whispered against your lips before pressing a loving kiss on your lips.
You smiled into the kiss and even as he pulled away. “I love you too, Omi,” you said before he leaned his head down to give you another but longer kiss
“YUCK!!!” Kami gagged in the background.
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beangfrisky · 1 year
sakusa kiyoomi that wasn't as successful in his vball career so he had to take over the family business when he turned thirty. being ceo of a multi-million dollar company was never something he wanted to do. but he always stepped up to the plate so he went to work doing the best job he could at learning the business.
a year after he took over as ceo and he was finally feeling comfortable. profits were higher than ever and his rigorous schedule of practically living in his office felt more manageable. or as manageable as running a company this big could feel.
then walked in a woman he hooked up with almost a year ago. she walked right into his corner loft apartment at noon on a sunday with a baby in her hands.
she sets the car seat down on the floor and casually lets sakusa know the kid is his and she wants nothing to do with it. an argument later and sakusa is left standing alone in his apartment with a tiny baby... girl? boy? he leaned down to greet the kid.
the next morning he is walking into his usual coffee shop with a car seat and two diaper bags filled to the brim with anything he could possibly need. he's struggling to carry all of the bags and car seat while getting his wallet out to pay for his coffee.
while waiting the baby starts crying and in walks you. you offer to help while he grabs his coffee and he hires you on the spot to please come to his work to help take care of his kid. after looking him up and down you can't help but take pity on the hot man and agree since you need a job anyway.
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arikakuku · 1 year
Dad Kiyoomi who sometimes just sits down in the middle of his children's play room, and in a tiny voice asks them for a hug, his 3 kids drop everything they are doing and run towards their daddy because he is sad and sad = in trouble so they become his knight in shining armor and save their prince!
Atsumu who is busy doing laundry suddenly notices how the kids have gone silent, and goes to check on them and just stops as he sees the most precious heart clenching scene, his 3, no 4 kids snoring on the floor!
Atsumu used all the tips Rintarou gave him on photography that day! And after his impromptu photo session, he joins them on the floor!
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emmyrosee · 1 year
kozume maesi?????
Kozume Maesi!!
(For anyone who’s keeping track for fun, we’ve got)
Kozume Maesi
Miya Hisako
Kuroo Hanako and Hanae
Suna Akito and Kaiya
Ushijima Reina
Bakugou Kamiko
Sakusa Keina
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