#salter shinjuku
tamamita · 1 year
I'm new to fate, why does everyone like Jalter than say Jeanne or Salter?
Depends on how you approach it from. You could either give a generic response by saying that Jalter is a gothic waifu character which is more appealing, and you'd be right, she is definitely supposed to be that. But now for a concise response:
Jormal made her debut in Fate Apocrypha, which is one of the lesser popular entries of the franchise due to the poor writing and handling of characters despite having an interesting concept. Jormal wasn't exactly popular, since she was written primarily to benefit the MC, who also wasn't all that popular, causing her to become bland and boring as the story progressed. Some people will often refer to her as bootleg Saber. The problem is that Jormal's popularity saw an increase mostly due to her rivalry with Jalter.
Jalter, on the other hand, wasn't really all that popular from the start, since she made her debut in one of the least popular story arcs. However, this changed when it was revealed that she wasn't really an evil version of Jormal, and since then, Jalter's arc has all been about her becoming her own distinct person from Jormal. What solidified her popularity was the role she had in Summer 3 event and the Shinjuku story arc, which are often cited to be the best events/story arcs in the game. Even if it's contrived, Jalter goes through a whole deal of character development. Now here's the thing I don't think people take into consideration, despite all the whacky tsundere stuff we get to see from her, she's a complex character with an incredible backstory and the concept of her being this vengeful aspect of Jormal is fascinating and relatable; her hatred for the Church, her countrymen and those who betrayed her as she was burned at the stake. Unfortunately, her backstory is overshadowed, if not, forgotten by her later appearances to such a point that she barely comes around as a serious character.
There's no doubt that Jalter's popularity is gonna see a resurgence with the release of the new Fate game, and since she will most likely take on a serious role in the story, I'm stoked to see how they handle her.
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xbuster · 1 year
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YEAH!! It’s cool!!!!!!!
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dailyarturiartfgo · 2 years
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Ko-fi commission for @SquidFood who wanted Salter in Shinjuku going on some hornets rampage. This idea was so cool ngl
Thank you for commissioning!
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tainbocuailnge · 1 year
yan qing walking around wearing salter's titties for like half of shinjuku is still so iconic of him. homeboy unlocking levels of cis+ previously unimaginable
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whoneedsapublisher · 1 year
Asking For a Favour
The penultimate @nasuversepromptweeks Nasuverse Femslash Week fic. This time it's Salter x Jalter, because, holy shit, I still can't believe this bit in Shinjuku is real.
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Anyway, not explicit, but some sexual situations. Prompt was "fake dating/wedding".
Words: ~1100
Summary: Jalter finds herself stuck between a rock and a hard place. Either she has to suffer through a truly insufferable fate… or ask someone for help that she really doesn't want to.
Also on Ao3
“I need a favour.”
Jeanne D’Arc Alter. A dark side that didn’t exist, a fantasy of resentment and revenge dreamed up by a distraught follower who wished on a grail that his idol shared the bitterness he felt. The Dragon Witch. The Devil of Orleans. The Anti-Saint.
Or, as she was referred to by Ritsuka, “Jalter”. A slightly infuriating portmanteau, but one that she had to admit, was somewhat alluring in its distinctiveness. It was definitely better than putting “Jeanne” in her name directly.
And today, Jalter found herself asking for a favour from someone who she very much didn’t want to owe a favour to.
Artoria Pendragon Alter. Unlike Jalter, she was a true dark side. A corruption of Artoria Pendragon by the evils of the grail, but one that reflected a truth of Artoria. The crystallisation of her devotion to duty over emotion, that added “morals” to the pile of things she’d sacrificed in pursuit of being an ideal king. A hero would others would never call by that name, but one who, like any hero, defeated her enemies and claimed victories for her nation. A cruel manifestation of the tyrant that her people had shaped her into and come to fear at the end of her reign.
Ritsuka called her “Salter”, which, frankly, Jalter thought sounded like a bizarre name for a salt shaker more than a dark king of knights, but it seemed to have stuck nonetheless.
Salter didn’t even look up from her book as she flatly rejected Jalter.
“Wha- you haven’t even heard what I was going to ask!” Jalter snapped.
“I don’t care,” Salter said. “Why should I do you any favours?”
Jalter grit her teeth.
“Look,” she said. “You know that the other me is getting married to that ditzy french princess, right?”
“Yes,” Salter said. Of course she knew. How could she have missed it, with how much of a big deal was being made of it? It was all over Chaldea. Apparently Da Vinci had programmed a chapel in the simulator just for this occasion. 
“Master is making me go to the wedding,” Jalter said. “And I am not going alone.”
“You won’t be alone. There’s plenty of other people going.”
Ugh. That was true too. All sorts of servants were being appointed flower girls or bridesmaids or whatever. 
“That isn’t what I meant,” Jalter said.
“So get to what you do mean and stop beating around the bush,” Salter said, finally looking up from her book. “Since apparently you still haven’t learned to take no for an answer.”
“I mean that if I go there single, my other self is going to be unbearable. Being all sympathetic and encouraging me to find someone and all that crap. I’m not putting up with it.”
“Unfortunately, you don’t have any choice. Stop yowling like a wet kitten and deal with it.”
“I do have a choice. Ask someone to pretend to my girlfriend, so Jeanne will leave me alone.”
Salter stared contemptuously at her.
“As usual, you haven’t thought this out at all,” she said. “You can’t possibly expect me to go along with this. I don’t get a single thing out of it.”
Jalter grimaced. This was the part of the conversation she’d hoped she might be able to weasel out of…
“Look,” she said. “You only have to pretend for like, one day. Once the wedding is over, I don’t have to give the other me a chance to lecture me about my love life, so you can say you broke up with me or whatever.”
“I don’t care. I still don’t have any reason to do it.”
“Ahh, jeez, fine! I’ll do anything you ask, okay?!”
Salter paused, a dangerous looking smile on her face.
“Anything?” she said.
Jalter sighed.
“Anything,” she grumbled.
“What the hell is this?”
Jalter held up the strip of fabric that she’d been handed skeptically.
She’d followed Salter back to her room, and then Salter had left for a short while and returned with a small box.
“It’s a costume,” Salter said, handing her a hairband. A hairband with… cat ears? “The castle shut-in made it. Now put it on and beg me to help you.”
“What?” Jalter growled.
“I said, put on the costume and beg. On your knees.” Salter smirked. ”If you can’t, that’s fine with me. I just won’t go along with your little farce.”
Jatler ground her teeth, her fists clenched 
“Fine!” she snapped. “I’ll do it. But at least look the other way while I’m changing.”
“No deal,” Salter said, sitting down in an armchair and crossing her arms. “You don’t have any bargaining power here, dragon witch.”
Jalter ground her teeth hard enough that Salter could probably hear it, but she started to angrily pull her clothes off. “Fine!” she snapped. “Be that way, you stupid pervert!”
It wasn’t a big deal. She was just changing, that was all. Just like any other time changing. She was not doing a striptease for Salter.
Getting naked was humiliating enough. But somehow, putting the costume on after was actually even worse. It barely covered anything, and there was even a damn tail attached to the bottom… she was going to incinerate Osakabehime after this.
“Now beg,” Salter said, one leg crossed over the other as she rested the side of her head on a fist. Every inch the demanding king. Ugh.
“H-Help me out, please…” she mumbled.
“On your knees, little kitten,” Salter said. “And speak clearly.”
Jalter slowly lowered herself to her knees, bowing her head.
“Will you please help me already, you goddamn ice queen?”.
“Is that how they ask for a favour out in the sticks of France?” Salter said. “Please, try to translate your request to proper English manners for me, provincial maid of Orleans.”
Jalter growled.
“Look me in the eye and ask nicely.”
Jalter forced herself to look up at Salter. Towering over her, every inch a king on her throne. Jalter could practically see the crown on her head.
“...Please help me, king of knights,” she managed.
“There, you can do it if you try,” Salter said.
Jalter was utterly humiliated, and absolutely infuriated. 
And also kind of really turned on, which just made her more angry.
“Fine, I’ll help you,” Salter said. “You can leave now.”
“...Right,” Jalter mumbled.
Salter raised an eyebrow.
“What?” she said.
“Nothing!” Jalter said quickly.
Salter smirked. A smirk that said she could see right through Jalter.
“You could leave now,” Salter said, reaching down and gently cupping Jalter’s chin in her hand. “Or… I could start early on pretending to be your girlfriend.”
Jalter grit her teeth.
“Can I at least take the stupid costume off?” she said.
“Leave the ears on,” Salter said.
“God damn you.”
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lunarlagomorph · 2 years
Decided to rank the fgo arcs from most to least favorite
Atlantis - pretty much every character firing on all cylinders. Charlotte and Mandricardo are some od my favorite accompanying servants, and i did really enjoy the relatjonshio between artemis and orion. Ir also just established a really interesting setting lore wise, and added a lot to type-moon lore in general with the olypmians. Also caenis and goredolfs scene was one of my favorites ever.
India - most interesting settibg imo, and i love jinako and laskhimi and the skyboulder. This would be first place but i felt kind of disappointed how they both got over being in the skyboulder within like five seconds. Also pepe is best crypter.
Shinjuku - jalter x salter. Need i say more.
Olympus - this is pretty much like atlantis except it made me want to rip my hair out. Fuck you demeter fucj you demeter fuck you demeter. The gods are great though. And mushashi and caenis gave incredible chemistry.
Salem - great story up ubtil the end. It felt like it kind of flopped on the whole reveal vut i liked how different it felt from every previous (and future) singularity.
Russia - this gets a slightly unfair bonus bcuz im including the prologue with it. Anastasia and kadoc were a great pair of villains, and even if the allied servants were only okay, patxi was one of the best non-servant npcs. Ivan was dissapointingly boring though and even though kirei was present he didnt show up too much.
Shimousa - musashiii. One of my favorite fgo characters. This obe might be higher but i had gotten burnt out on fgo in the middle of it which kind of lessened my enjoyment
SIN - qin shi huang is a very interesting villain, and we got the first true ancestor on forever. Who was inlove with an ancient robot. Other than that there wasnt much going on though.
Camelot - first actually good arc. Love the hassans and its the first time that anything actually felt threatening. I also do like the additional pwrspective it adds onto fate route, in a way.
Babylonia - this ones story was pretty boring but all the characters were top notch. It was kind of just like a fun ttrpg campaign.
Heian-kyo - just kind of a disapointing end for douman. It also felt like auch a fake out because i was ready for a cool grail war and instead it just wasnt one. Best part was the onis.
America - cu alter
Scandinavia - it was juat so boring and uninteresting. Ophelia was the only thing i cared about. And sintonai i guess but she wasnt even in it. Its still betrer than the eaely singularities though
London - better than the bad singularities worse than everything else. Mordred is there at least.
Okeanos - i like orion.
Orleans - no duh its down here. It isnt even jeanne alters best arc despite being her intro.
I didnt read agartha and rome so i didnt put them on but theyd be down here anyways from what i can tell
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doubleddenden · 2 years
I got the luckiest fuck it roll in close to a year
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That's 2 5 stars- one a spook, one from the banner, and finally. FINALLY Salter! I started with her 5 star rider version back when I first started. I got her Shinjuku outfit almost a year ago and I've tried and failed to pull her since at every opportunity that came. I threw a hail Mary and finally got her, and got her in her Shinjuku costume!
And now the goth bitch duo is complete
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I rest now. I've earned this
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gainprincess · 1 year
Does Salter do anything to prep for date nights with Jalter? Hidden little touches that she does to look good?
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"Not particularly. Maybe I'll bring a trough for the hog to eat out of, if I'm feeling kind and caring. She'll appreciate the extra surface area when she's stuffing her face."
She actually puts makeup on, and even goes through the effort of swapping her Spiritron Dress to her Shinjuku outfit so that they get less weird looks when they're out in a Singularity...
but she does also do the trough thing. She thinks it's funny.
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tamamita · 1 year
Boss can I get a top 5 fate characters
Jalter (Avenger) - Her hatred for France seals it for me, also Shinjuku is my fave singularity.
Fake Assassin (Strange Fake) - Absolutely peak design and better written Muslim character.
Salter - I guess I can't say much about her in Stay Night, but I love her in Shinjuku.
Shirou Emiya - I need a hero, I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of stay night
Nitocris - Her role in Camelot and Lostbelt 7
Kirei Kotomine (Stay Night) - C'mon, who doesn't love this asshole
Barghest - Oh man, where do I start.... read Lostbelt 6
Arjuna (Archer) - God, he's such a hater.
Oberon-Vortigern - Literally one of the best written characters.
Tepeu (honorary NPC) - Best written NPC and he's just a Shiki Tohno dino
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omegahopper · 2 years
Jalter for meme
favorite thing about them She's legitimately one of my favorite characters in fiction -- the narrative of someone who's initially made in imitation of someone else without any self to truly call their own, but who eventually finds their own identity apart from what initally defined them? There are plenty of characters in FGO that don't exist within the Proper Human History, but they do have A history they belong to, she doesn't even have that. Moreso than any other character, she's someone who shouldn't exist, but over time you can see her finding meaning in existence despite that. It's high art.
least favorite thing about them Her Shinjuku wardrobe key is stuck in a lite revival event that passed months before I rolled her 😔 On a more serious note I wish she wasn't so confined to FGO the game -- she hasn't even gotten to properly appear in an anime adaptation of an arc, let alone something with an orignal story
favorite line I'm having a hard time pinning them down exactly because she's not actually listed as the speaker for them, but she's got a lot of good introspective musings about the creative process in Servant Fest
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brOTP 1. She and Robin Hood have a friendship forged in the crucible of deadlines 2. Atalanta because of that time they got wasted in Vegas 3. Nobu, because Summer Jalter and Summer Nobu are the pair I use for farming when I don't want to think about class affinities
OTP There's really no option here other than Salter, their Shinjuku dynamic is just too iconic I also think she could be good with Musashi though they've probably never ever even interacted
nOTP Do people ship her with Gilles? If so, that.
random headcanon As the white woman of the year, she's got zero spice tolerance
unpopular opinion I'm not in touch enough with the fandom to know if this is unpopular or not, but I don't care for her third ascension at all, it's way overdesigned
song i associate with them Absolutely drawing a blank here, sorry
favorite picture of them I'd probably have a better answer if I looked at more artbooks, but it's hard to beat that CE of her getting blasted on Christmas
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(It's canon that Saber Alter wants her master to feed her junk food based on her bond lines in FGO. Specifically burgers, just letting ya know-)
That checks out with Salter, given her penchant for burgs in Shinjuku especially
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switch · 2 years
For the character ask: Robin and Jalter?
favorite thing about them
uh i hope including jerker in here is alright but she was great in servafes, how good her story was is one of the reasons i love that event. also she was fun in shinjuku. she has a good concept in general, i like her more than jeanne probably.
least favorite thing about them
can i keep saying bad sprite...? ugh, i dunno. oh, wait, she was partially responsible for vlad's no good very bad day in orleans. sentenced to jail for vlad crimes.
favorite line
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her and jeanne played off of each other well in servafes. i really do think she also needs some new characters to hang out with besides the usual suspects though, just not sure who.
her and salter. also her and brynhildr lol.
unpopular opinion
it kinda sucks how her and salter really felt like they were being used as an enforced apology/compensation for the heavier focus on male characters in shinjuku in certain scenes, but they would have done that with anyone...
favorite picture of them
probably Empieta/The Merciless One. it's really nice art. also a really good CE. thank you jalter.
favorite thing about them
this is highly specific to me and my interests but just him being an old servant with such a funny history to his kit. remember his NP being broken for a while. remember how they had to hard patch his kit. i love when any early servant had something like that happen. good times. he had a good story in extra, too.
least favorite thing about them
eh, i dunno, he's alright? kind of a prettyboy but he's alright.
didn't he fuck circe that one time. that was funny.
favorite picture of them
ascension 1 and sprite 1. like i said i like guys with concealed faces.
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xbuster · 1 year
It's kind of sad, but I genuinely want FGO to die at this point so I have an excuse to stop playing it. I've been playing since 6 months into JP. And it's just a habit at this point to complete events and log in for the daily rewards.
Yeah, that’s literally how I feel about it now too. It should have ended with the final Singularity, I just don’t care enough about the Lostbelts because it felt like the story ended and then they decided to bring it back as a zombie. FGO is years past its prime now. I thought summoning Muramasa would convince me to play more because he was one of the Servants I wanted most (I love Shirou <3), but no. I haven’t played anything story related since LB3. I hope they don’t try to force a THIRD story arc into this shit game, but I know they will. And it will suck. Though beyond the final Singularity, at least Shinjuku was really good. That was peak Salter and Moriarity’s a favorite.
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tanjaded · 2 years
Salter and Jalter are so protective in the Shinjuku Singularity, it's really funny
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doctor-roman · 2 years
Finally cruising through the Epic of Remnant singularities, having made it to Atlantis, and I’m a good way into Shinjuku. Gotta say, I’m a fan of Salter and Jalter, please bully me more goth mommies
I’d hardly call them mommies, but yes, Shinjuku is very good.
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karrarin · 6 years
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Good luck to those who are working on their EoR story!!
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