#sam o'nella academy
brewstewfilms · 4 months
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already posted this on Reddit Dot Com but fuck that
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17-noodlebird · 5 months
Aaron A. the RNA Game Show Host
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Voice Actor: Sam O'Nella
Hey, kids. Meet the very first YouTube guest star based on Sam O'Nella Academy, Aaron A., the host of The Ace Of Clubs's most popular game show, Trivia Torrent! Aaron A., alongside Gala Decker, are the second batch of villain NPC's, or bosses that the Digital Circus members have to defeat. He's a pretty chill and laid-back guy for someone who is in a money laundering scheme alongside the de Monte couple and Jonathan Flusher. He's the not-so-doting boyfriend of Gala Decker, as his sleazy demeanor and inability to care for others often irates the latter in the relationship. He's incredibly smart in terms of knowledge and facts, including the fact that he's an NPC, thus making him sentient and aware, but not smart enough to prevent Pomni from uncovering his fraudulent scheme of gaining profit through unethical means, as he (along with his now ex-girlfriend) gets arrested, along with Jonathan Flusher and the de Monte couple. His game show gets cancelled as a result of his actions, and everyone is none the wiser from it, seeing as despite its popularity, it was never all that great since no one actually ever won his game show up until then.
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Here's a voice sample for Aaron A.!
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very-uncorrect · 6 months
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mysweetestobsessions · 6 months
chat sam o'nella's birthday is today apparently
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happy birthday to that fucker/pos
just look at him and his stupid fucking face
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maybe i'll draw something later
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RIP Silas Bitchtree, you would’ve loved Sam o’nella Academy
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Sam O'Nella Academy is back again
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astroprompts · 2 years
“Some philosophers have called boats the airplanes of the sea.”
“You’re the reason I grew up with a lingering resentment towards authority!”
“Okay, rough start. But definitely not a sign of things to come.”
“The vast nexus of pointless diversions we call the internet actually has a couple productive things to do on it.”
“Fate is a fickle thing. Some of us may try to defy it’s will, but there are enough small businesses with Pizza Hut roofs out there to tell you that such a thing is ultimately futile.”
“Hmm, all the rich guys I know are in positions of power. I should run for office!”
“It ain’t so easy living in a place where plants can’t grow and being naked for an hour means certain death.”
“Welp, so much for real life.”
“Apparently ‘I’m mad butthurt’ isn’t a valid reason for prosecution.”
“Well, when your devotion to God has failed you, there’s only one path in life left; time to become a lawyer!”
“You can’t always get what you want. Unless that thing is getting everyone to hate you. That’s extraordinarily easy!”
“Y’know who likes pointless novelties like that? The incredibly rich!”
“As we know, with great power comes great tomfoolery.”
“Was there ever a human soul as profoundly asinine and willfully ignorant as Amelia Bedelia?” 
“After peanut butter and chocolate, my favorite combination of two things is probably gross incompetence and high explosives.”
“In the words of Danny DeVito; when I’m dead, just throw me in the trash!”
“Oh god dammit, not you again.”
“I’d love to stay and chat, but I saw some trash outside that looked delicious.”
“Y’know what, kid? You’re alright.”
“Say, how’s about we ditch this musty old mausoleum and go back to my place?”
“Fuck you, don’t try to downplay my suffering!”
“I just got shin-bashed in the dick bag! THAT is the proper level of vulgarity relative to the situation!”
“My very being is on fire, and my only desire left is for death himself to bless me with merciful relief.”
“And just when things looked like they couldn’t get any worse, they got worse.”
“Don’t eat strange bread. You could trip balls and die.”
“Fuck you, you cheeseburger slut!”
“We all have our guilty pleasures in life.”
“The human spirit is a very powerful thing.”
“I’m like 90% certain that if I’m ever forced to dance with death, my soul is pussying out to the great beyond first thing.”
“Stories about wayward corpses have certainly carved their niche in today’s media.”
“My personal favorite part of the holiday experience is where we systemically brainwash children into thinking there are supernatural beings who judge their every move and invade their house at night.”
“After reviewing our data, I've come to the scientific conclusion that uh... Yeah, we got a goddamn demon on our hands.”
“Not all stories have a point to them. Sometimes they're just sad and disgusting from beginning to end.”
“If I learned anything from my middle school career, it's that what may seem like a good idea initially will often be remembered only as a foolish mistake.”
“Cartoons are the arbiters of deceit.”
“Excuse me, would you kindly cut the shit?”
“Hey, free drinks are free drinks.”
“Even if I could wrap my head around all this, it'd probably be boring as hell.”
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321bogwater · 2 years
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paradoxlemonade · 2 years
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cyllenity · 2 years
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nightmonkeysstuff · 2 years
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kittycatcarla · 2 years
Holy shit 8 can't believe someone actually transcribed Sam's videos and posted them as songs on Genius
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djpumpkinsoda · 2 years
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here guyz. your food
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very-uncorrect · 2 years
Wow, Sam O'Nella's back
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