#sam uley blurb
sethsclearwater · 9 months
I knooooww you don’t prefer writing Sam (so ignore me if you’re just like “STOP ASKING ABOUT THIS MAN” 😭😂)
But could you do a poly sam & paul where sam “gets back” at paul and like shows him how it’s done (wink wink if u know what I mean?) as paul watches basically??
something smutty and sort of like “I’m the alpha” bc Ngl it would be hot LOL
i appreciate the fact that y'all know i can't stand that guy💀💀
"princess tell sam how quick i made you cum with my mouth this morning," paul mused cockily as he leaned back in the kitchen chair he was sat in, looking over to sam who rolled his eyes.
you blushed, shaking your head as you thought about how absolutely ridiculous you'd sound if you told your other imprinter, "princess," paul teased, sliding his hands over your hips to tug you into his lap, "you gonna be a good girl and tell sam for me?" he asked, pressing a soft kiss to your temple as he waited for your response.
you thought about it for a moment before slowly nodded, always wanting nothing more than to be a good sub for both your imprinters, "3 minutes," you whispered, peeking up at sam who offered you a smile, suddenly much more interested in the conversation.
"3 minutes?" sam repeated as he stepped over to the two of you. you nodded, cheeks an even deeper red as you processed just how stupid it was that paul managed to make you cum so quickly using just his tongue.
"sunshine go lay down on the bed for me, would you? wanna show paul who can make you cum quicker," he asked softly, letting out a breathy laugh when you looked up at him with wide eyes.
you didn't see it but paul was grinning, absolutely loving that sam had finally bought into one of his competitions he always seemed to be having. "c'mon princess," paul mused, standing up and helping you get your footing before he was guiding you into the bedroom, sam following shortly behind.
"always look so sexy," paul mused as he helped you lay down on the bed, hooking his fingers around the thin band of your sleep shorts and panties before he was pulling them down and tossing them to the side.
you let out a soft sigh as you felt the cool air hit your exposed cunt, slowly letting your legs fall open as paul stepped out of them in favor of sitting down in the chair in your room while sam took his place.
"paul," sam started as he got himself situated between your thighs, "start a timer would you?" he asked, not waiting for him to respond before he was diving in between your thighs and licking your pussy like his life depended on it.
at the first touch, you let out a loud moan, immediately knotting your fingers in his inky hair and drawing your legs closer to you, "oh my god-" you whined as sam pulled your clit into his mouth, allowing his teeth to just barely graze over the sensitive bud before he was thrusting his tongue into your heat.
"sam please-" you whimpered, tightening your fingers in his hair as he set a steady pace of fucking your pussy with his tongue while he made sure to suckle at your clit every few moments. within a minute, he had you teetering right on the edge of your second orgasm of the morning.
"cum on me sunshine," sam encouraged, only pulling his mouth away for a moment before he was diving back in and desperately lapping at your soaked cunt.
he had barely finished his sentence when the coil in your belly snapped and you came undone on him, letting out a loud moan as he continued fucking you with his tongue to help you ride out your orgasm.
as you came down from your high, sam's gentle touch helped recenter you, "hey sunshine," sam cooed, sliding his hand up and down your side, "i think you broke your record," he mused, pressing a soft kiss to your hip before he was looking over his shoulder at paul who had what could only be described as a flabbergasted look on his face.
"what the hell were you even doing to her?" paul asked, both boys letting out laughs as they processed just how quickly you came undone on sam's mouth.
"how long was that?" sam asked as he grabbed a hand towel from the bedside table to clean you up with.
"2 minutes," paul responded, rolling his eyes as he came to sit behind you on the bed and gently tug you up, in between his legs so he could hold you while sam got you cleaned up.
"felt good?" paul asked softly, pressing a gentle kiss to your temple as you nodded, dopily smiling up at him as you continued working at coming down from your orgasm.
paul chuckled at your expression, "i love you," he mused, pressing a quick kiss to your lips as sam got settled back between your thighs.
"i love you too," you murmured, pressing a soft kiss to his shoulder that had him chuckling again at the gentleness of your touch.
sam got settled back between your thighs, gently running the towel over your thighs to help you adjust to the sensation, "i love you too," you said as you turned your attention to sam, giggling as he smiled to himself.
"i love you too sunshine," sam reassured as he got ready to clean you up.
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mxlti-lover · 11 months
Sick {Paul Lahote}
Summary: You fell sick with a really bad cold, but how were you supposed to tell your werewolf boyfriend you didn’t want him to cuddle you?
Warnings: none, just a sad Paul.
Word Count: 1059
(P.S. please don’t judge too hard if this is terrible, I haven’t written in a while and I’m a little rusty…)
*do not steal or copyright any of my work pls and thank you*
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You woke up that morning feeling horrible. Your nose was so clogged you could barely breathe and you had the worst honking cough.
You laid in bed, curled into a ball watching your favorite Disney movie. You knew you should tell Paul, but you didn’t really want him at the moment. Don’t get it twisted, you loved Paul to death, I mean, he was your mate, but when you got sick like this, his body heat didn’t help.
You knew he would want to cuddle you, give you some scalp massages as he checked up on you every minute of the hour, but right now, you just wanted to be alone.
That is until you heard the front door opening.
“Y/N! Baby! Where are you?!” Paul shouted.
You knew he probably sensed you weren’t okay as he still had an hour before he usually got home from patrol. Probably talking Sam into letting him leave early.
“I’m upstairs!” You called out the best you could, your throat feeling raw from coughing.
You heard footsteps rush up the stairs and soon Paul’s tall figure stood in the doorway, scanning you over, a frown on his face.
“Baby…why didn’t you tell me you were sick?” He asked softly as he made his way over to the bed.
He sat on the edge of the bed as he leaned over kissing your forehead and cheek softly, checking if you had a fever.
“You’re burning up baby.” He spoke sadly, sitting up again to look at you.
You knew you weren’t a pretty sight as you hadn't gotten up at all that morning. Your hair probably a tangled mess, your nose probably red and chapped from how much you had to blow it and your face looking as pale as a ghost.
“I didn’t want to bother you..” You lied, as you spoke barely above a whisper. Your voice raspy as you knew you were probably gonna lose it soon.
“Baby, you wouldn’t be bothering me at all. I would rather be by your side taking care of you, than on patrol.” He says frowning at the idea of you being alone all morning like this.
You sigh as you rub your face sitting up, his hand coming down to softly push you back down.
“You’re not getting up baby. Whatever you need I’ll get for you. Now, have you eaten at all today?” He asked, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
You shook your head no as you leaned into his touch, his warmth radiating against your skin.
“Okay, I’ll be right back.” He says as he gets up and his figure disappears from the doorway.
You sigh as you curl back up into a ball, watching the movie again, guilt washing over you. You knew he would want to cuddle you, as his love language is definitely physical touch. Especially when it comes to taking care of you.
But you didn’t want his cuddles at the moment. Your skin was already burning underneath the thin blanket you chose, let alone having your own personal heater of a boyfriend coming to lay next to you.
You took a deep breath as you let that thought slip your mind for now, closing your eyes as your body needed sleep. That is until you struggled to breath again, groaning softly as you sat up, blowing your nose for the hundredth time that morning.
A few minutes later you heard Paul coming back into the room with a small tray. On it sat a bowl of chicken noodle soup and a glass of apple juice - your two favorite things to have when you were sick.
You smiled up at him as you sat up in bed, fluffing up the pillows behind your back to sit more comfortably.
Paul set the tray down carefully into your lap as you immediately dig into the soup, humming softly as the warmth from the soup soothed your throat.
“Thank you.” You whispered as you looked up at Paul.
“You’re welcome baby girl.” He says sitting down next to you as he leaned over to kiss the top of your head.
He looked over at the TV as he chuckled softly at the movie that was playing. “Should’ve known you were watching this.”
“It’s my favorite movie to watch when I’m sick.” You protested shooting daggers at him as he raised his hands up in defense.
“I know my love, I was just messing with you. Now finish up your soup and I’ll give you some well deserved cuddles, yeah?” He says leaning over kissing your cheek.
You nod as you put on a fake smile, sighing into the bite of soup you took. How are you supposed to tell your boyfriend that you don’t want him to cuddle you?
~ ~ ~
It’s been 10 minutes now since you finished your soup and your boyfriend immediately pulling you into him to cuddle.
Your head laid on his chest, as your arms wrapped around his torso like you usually would. Your legs tangled with one another.
You will admit that it was nice for the first few minutes, sighing contently as you closed your eyes. But now, it was starting to become unbearable. Your skin felt like it was on fire, as you began to squirm uncomfortably.
“Paul, can you please let me go? I can’t do this anymore, you’re making my skin burn up more than it already is.” You mumbled as you tried to get out of his grip.
He looked down at you, hurt. He let go of you as you moved away from him, panting softly to yourself as you enjoyed the cold air hitting your body.
You knew Paul was hurt, and you didn’t mean for it to come off so harshly, you just needed to get away from him.
Paul watched as you relaxed feeling terrible that he made you feel even more uncomfortable than you already were.
“I’ll be downstairs if you need anything..” He spoke barely above a whisper, as he leaned over, kissing the crown of your head softly, before getting up, exiting your room.
“Paul, don’t leave! I still want you with me.” You begged as you tried to reach out for him, but he continued to walk out your room, upset with himself that he made his girlfriend uncomfortable.
~ ~ ~
I hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading!🫶
- Paige
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wordofthewicked · 2 years
Showtime- Paul Lahote
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Fic description: A chance meeting one sunny afternoon on La Push brings you face to face with Paul Lahote. Your strange connection with him, and the fact that it was his soccer ball that broke your nose, you were wrapped up into an unseen world that lived in tandem with yours. How far are you willing to go for true love? How far are you willing to go to protect the people you love?
TW: Slight NSFW, making out, nothing crazy
Showtime Masterlist
General Masterlist
Part Six
Part Seven
Being away from Paul was harder than you anticipated. You found yourself much more agitated than usual, snapping at your parents when they asked you questions, and finding it hard to sit still. You did your best to hide this, not wanting to give your parents any more reasons to be suspicious. Still, they took your new attitude to heart, and one night at dinner, they decided to approach you about it.
“Sweetheart, we’re just worried about you. You’ve been… different the past few weeks.” Your mother began, gently placing her fork down on her plate.
“Oh have I? I haven’t noticed.” You grumbled, pushing your mashed potatoes into a pile before flattening them down again.
Your father sighed, shaking his head. “Y/N, please don’t be difficult. You’ve been so hostile and closed off recently. We just want to know what’s going on in your life. How are your friends?”
“They’re fine. I only see them during lunch, so I don’t really know what’s going on with them.” You answered curtly, not having the will to give them additional information.
Your parents shared a look, before returning their gaze to you.
“Is this about that boy?” Your mother questioned, picking her fork up and shoveling peas onto it. “I can’t imagine another reason for this behavior.”
You laughed a little, which surprised them. “You really can’t? Mom- you grounded me and took my phone away during the last few months of my senior year. All I do is go to school, then sit alone at home until you guys get off of work. I can’t even talk to anyone to pass the time, so I just sit and reread everything on my bookshelf. Of course I’m going to be annoyed all the time. It has nothing to do with Paul.”
“You understand we’re just trying to keep you safe, right?” Your father asked, his voice soft for such a bold statement.
“Yes. You’re keeping me safe from the dangers that Bella made up.”
Your mother sighed, her voice heavier than your fathers. “Charlie said Bella had expressed the same concerns to him, Y/N. Why would she lie to her father, the chief of police, about these people being dangerous?”
“Because she was hurt! Her and her friend Jacob got into a fight, so she was worried it was because he had fallen into a bad crowd. She realized she was wrong, and she apologizes to me every time I see her. Yes she told Charlie what she thought, but she still spends everyday on the Reservation with them! Charlie’s best friend is Jacob’s father, who is more than knowledgeable about that everyone is up to. They both know that no one’s in a gang or doing drugs.” You argued, frustration sweeping over you.
Both of your parents seemed unsure of what to say, so the conversation fell away. You finished eating and headed up to your room once you had cleared the table and washed the dishes.
You had finished your homework during the day, and it was too early to go to bed. You felt restless- like an animal with their arm caught in a trap.
You’d barely been able to talk to Paul, except the few times during lunch you would borrow someone’s phone to call him. He started recognizing the numbers, and usually picked up during the first ring. You knew he should have been sleeping, since nights were spent patrolling, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care much about disturbing him, since you knew that both of you were struggling being apart.
The hold that the imprint bond had on you wasn’t something you were prepared for. Aside from feeling bummed about not seeing Paul, you didn’t think much else would happen. Yet, after the first week of being grounded, you started having problems falling asleep. You’d lay awake at night and wonder where he was, what he was doing. It was like he had consumed every thought you had- everything led back to him. You knew in your heart that he must be in even worse shape than you were, and with his head clouded by thoughts of you, worry over his safety became unbearable. He was out hunting vampires- how could he do that while spending all of his time thinking about you?
After a while of being lost in your own thoughts, you heard a knock at your bedroom door. You grabbed the book that was on your nightstand in attempts to look busy, and called them to come in. Both of your parents appeared in the doorway, small smiles on their faces.
“Hi honey. Can we come in? We wanted to talk with you.” Your father spoke, entering your small room anyway.
You crossed your legs to give them room to sit on your bed, and they both did. They looked at each other coyly, before handing you your cellphone without a word.
“Woah- wait. What’s going on?” You asked, clutching the phone in your hands.
“We… talked to Charlie a little bit ago, and he corroborated everything you said. He apologized for Bella’s behavior and any inconveniences she may have caused, and said that the boys on the reservation were probably better influences than the boys in Forks. We’ve decided to unground you.” Your mother answered, reaching out to grab your arm gently.
Your father cleared his throat, his stern eyes looking at you over his glasses. “There are some more rules, however. We would like to meet this Paul fellow as soon as possible. We trust you as an adult to make your own choices, but we are still your parents. You seem to care quite a bit about him, and I’d imagine you’ll want to have him around here, too. If you’re hanging out at our house, you need to stay in the living room. He needs to leave by 9 during the week, and 11 on the weekends. Additionally, if you are going to out, your curfew is still 10 on school nights. However, seeing as you are leaving for college soon, we’ll extend your weekend curfew until midnight. You need to keep your phone on you at all times, and respond when we call, alright?”
You squealed a bit and lunged forward, taking both your parents in a huge hug. “Thank you, thank you, thank you! You have no idea how much this means to me.”
They hugged you back lovingly, your mother whispering to you. “We love you.”
“I love you guys too.”
The next day at lunch, you sat down at the table, and pulled your phone out of your pocket, holding it up triumphantly.
“No way! You got your phone back? Does that mean you’ll stop using my minutes?” Jessica asked, her eyes wide with excitement.
“Yes! Aaaaand, it means I’m officially no longer grounded.” You yelled, smiling widely.
Everyone cheered, Mike especially since he had been so keen on breaking you out of your house.
Bella sat down in the middle of the commotion, and eyed everyone weirdly. You filled her in on the news, and a wave of relief visibly coursed through her.
“Oh good. Paul will stop moping around when he finds out you’re ungrounded. Have you talked to him yet?” She asked, picking up her sandwich and taking a bite.
You shook your head, “Actually, I was thinking of surprising him. I need your help.”
Bella readily agreed, seemingly wanting to do whatever she could to make up for the chaos she inevitably caused. You didn’t mind that she felt she needed to make it up to you, even if you weren’t upset anymore.
You finalized the details for the next day with her and Jacob, before your lunch period ended.
Jacob was going to get the pack to First Beach the next afternoon, where you and Bella would show up and surprise them. You could imagine the look on Paul’s face when he saw you, and the thought of that alone made you giddy.
You glided through school, all thoughts consumed by the boy with the leather jacket and kind heart who was waiting desperately to have you back in his arms.
Bella pulled into the first parking spot she found, and you were practically bouncing in your seat. As soon as the engine was off, you were out of the truck and moving toward the beach. She laughed at your excitement, smiling at the way you couldn’t seem to help yourself.
When you actually got onto the sand, there wasn’t anyone else around besides the pack. They were lounging around by the water, laughing and joking with each other loudly.
You would recognize Paul anywhere, just by seeing him from behind. He was half heartedly kicking a soccer ball around with Jared and Seth- his slumped shoulders evident even from across the beach. He looked tired, much more than anyone else did. His movements were slow, like he was on autopilot instead of actually meaning them.
The familiar tug in your chest pulled at your heart, beckoning you to get closer. You couldn’t help yourself, essentially moving at full speed to run to him, leaving Bella behind.
The sand on the beach was damp with fresh rain, so it made it easier for you to move quickly. Jared noticed you first, and he called out to Paul, telling him to turn around. He did, just seconds before you had made your way over to him. He didn’t even have time to react to seeing you before you jumped into his arms. He picked you up at once, and swung you around, pulling you tightly against his body. The two of you laughed, happy to be back in one another’s arms.
“It’s you. Jesus it’s actually you.” Paul murmured, once he placed your feet back underneath you.
“It’s me.” You breathed, inhaling his scent as deeply as you could.
Paul rested his chin on the top of your head, and the two of you stayed entwined. You felt the stress of the last few weeks melt away at his touch, and high at the feeling of being with him once more.
Paul pulled away to look at you, smiling widely. “How are you here? Did Bella break you out of prison for the day?”
“I’m actually free. My parents talked to Charlie, and he told them that you guys aren’t gang members or drug addicts. Plus they were getting annoyed with my constant moping around the house.” You responded, resting your hands against Paul’s large chest.
At this, he pulled you against him again, and whispered to you. “I’ve missed you so much.”
“I’ve missed you too.” You responded, “More than I think I should have.”
He released you with a kiss on the forehead, and you felt your face warm up at the gesture. He took your hand and intertwined your fingers together, tugging you over to sit down on one of the many beach blankets they had laying around.
Leah gave you a soft smile, “Glad you’re here, Y/N. Paul’s been absolutely insufferable without you.”
Bella had finally made her way over to the pack, and she sat next to Jacob, their sides touching. “Yeah, Y/N wasn’t much better.”
You shrugged in response, letting your shoulder rest against Paul’s. “What can I say? I’ve grown fond of this idiot.”
Everyone laughed lightly, shaking their heads at the way you and Paul seemed to glow together. The pack filled you in on the last few weeks apart, and you and Bella gave them updates on your life.
“Oh by the way, are you coming to Tyler’s party next weekend?” You asked Bella, tilting your head.
She shook her head in response. “I didn’t know Tyler was having a party. I wasn’t invited.”
You rolled your eyes. “It’s a party, Bella. You don’t need an invitation, there’s not going to be a bouncer.”
She laughed lightly, smiling at you. “Oh, I guess you’re right. Parties aren’t really my thing, though. Not a fan of the whole teenage drinking culture.”
“Totally understand. Tyler’s parties usually get out of hand, anyway. The amount of times it ends with us running from the cops is bad. Probably better to stay away.” You answered honestly.
“Yeah, Mike had filled me in. He’d been really stressed about you not being to go, for some reason.” She responded, but then immediately looked like she regretted it.
Paul stiffened at this, and you could tell that he was imminently jealous of Mike, and his desire to be near you. You knew Paul didn’t have anything to worry about, but you also kind of enjoyed the way he was becoming protective of you.
“Yeah, Mike and I are kind of a package party deal.” You shrugged, tossing the hair off of your shoulder. “Jessica and Eric are much more… tame when it comes to parties. So Mike and I have to work together to do as much stupid shit as possible before they stop us.”
“That is wildly concerning.” Bella replied, furrowing her eyebrows. “What do you even do at parties? The ones in movies always seem so dramatic and fictitious.”
You groaned in excitement, sitting up. “Uhm, Bella. They are exactly like the movies, and completely not. If you’re drunk enough, it feels empowering and exciting- like the lights are there for you, and you’re the only one that matters. If you’re not drunk enough, it’s a bunch of sweaty teenagers dry humping each other in someone’s living room. It’s awkward and weird and fantastic. You should really come to Mallory’s graduation party. Big of a bitch as she is, she knows how to throw a damn good party. Last summer, her jungle juice was so strong, I ended up…”
Jacob and Sam had both sent you slight glares, and you cleared your throat uncomfortably.
“Maybe that’s a story for another time.” You spoke, your face heating up.
Emily laughed a little, shaking her head. “Didn’t realize you were such a socialite.”
You blushed at her words, feeling perhaps that the pack was carrying much more important things than high school drama and shitty house parties. “Sometimes.”
“Should you really be using your new found freedom to go to a party like that?” Paul asked, looking down on you with concern.
“It’s not my friends that my parents were worried about.” You shrugged, dismissing his words. “Plus, I only have so long before I’m heading off to the other end of the country. How likely am I to see everyone together like that?”
Paul hummed, frowning a bit. “Right, college.”
“Have you made your official decision yet?” Emily asked, her curiosity seeping through her tone. “I know you have one in mind as your top school.”
You shifted a bit, suddenly feeling anxious about your future for the first time in a while. “No… I haven’t made anything official yet. I’ve declined a few schools, but that’s about it. I’ve applied to a couple more in Washington, too.”
“Washington? I thought you just said you were heading to the East Coast?” Kim questioned, glancing between you and Paul.
“That was the plan, but things change, you know? Better to be prepared and have plans than for your life to come to a grinding halt.” You answered, brushing nonexistent sand off of your pants.
Paul tensed slightly, and when you looked at him questioningly, he smiled and kissed the top of your head. You melted into his touch, the euphoria of being around him almost overwhelming.
The afternoon sun was waning, and Emily suggested that the group should pack their things and head back. Paul pulled you aside, smiling coyly.
“Would you wanna come over? We can ditch everyone else and watch a movie at my place.” He suggested, brushing your hair behind your ear.
“Your parents won’t mind?”
He shook his head, his eyes darting from your lips to your eyes. “No one else is home.”
Your eyes widened at that, and you agreed quickly. Paul seemed visibly excited, and he announced that you two were heading off on your own, and he’d drop you home later that night. You said your goodbyes to the group, as he dragged you off the beach and towards the street.
You could barely keep up with Paul’s long strides, your short legs failing you. You laughed at his relentless pace, but didn’t say anything about it. His house was only a short walk away, and as soon as you had shut the door, the silence was heavy between you.
“Er, we can watch a movie down here if you’d like. Or I have a tv in my bedroom, as well.” He offered, gauging your reaction.
“Your bedroom would be great.” You answered, letting him lead you to the back of the one story home.
When you entered his room, you could see how absolutely fitting it was for him. The walls were mostly bare, and there wasn’t much furniture aside from his bed, a night stand, and the dresser that held the tv. You immediately took off your shoes and coat, dropping yourself onto the plush covers of his King sized bed.
Paul laughed at your movements, and turned the tv on. A movie was already loaded into the VHS player, and he rewound it, unconcerned about whatever title it was. When he reached the beginning, he pressed play, and joined you on the bed.
You noticed how he kept a bit of distance between you two, and you felt your chest heat up at the notion. It was obvious your comfort came first to him, regardless of what intentions he may have had for the evening.
You sat in silence as Pulp Fiction continued on, both of you unsure of what to do with yourselves. You weren’t completely certain if it was the feeling of being by his side again, or some deeper connection, but you couldn’t stop imaging his hands running down your body. Your thoughts were plagued with dirty images of what could happen while you were alone, and the realization that you could make them come true dawned on you.
Carefully, you turned over onto your stomach, moving closer to Paul so you were nestled into his side, with your faces only inches apart. He cocked an eyebrow at your movements, but you just smiled slightly at him instead. You glanced at his plush lips, and the sudden urge to have them against yours took over.
Like lightening striking, you kissed him deeply, pushing yourself upwards a bit to be closer to him. Paul didn’t question you, his hands instead sliding up to rest on your hips, squeezing them gently. Since you hadn’t kissed since his near phasing, you had forgotten how absolutely addicting he was. You wanted to drink him in, become absolutely intoxicated on nothing but his taste.
Your hands came to rest in his hair, and you pulled on the short locks gently, causing him to moan into your mouth. The sound stirred something inside you, and you yanked harder this time.
Paul groaned, and his hands grabbed your body, moving you so you were entirely pressed on top of him. You slid your legs open, so you could straddle his waist comfortably. He pulled away from your lips, bringing his mouth down your neck, and biting slightly.
“Fuck, Paul,” you moaned, tilting your head to give him better access.
He took the opportunity to bite down harder, before his warm tongue darted out to soothe the red skin. He trailed kisses down lower, finding your sweet spot just above your collarbone.
The room was unbearably warm, and you pushed him back so he was laying down fully again. You reached for the hem of your shirt, and tugged the garment off, tossing it behind you. His eyes widened at the look of your bare chest, your boobs spilling over the cups slightly. He sat himself up then, scooting you both back so he could lean against the headboard. His hands trailed to your back, unhooking your bra swiftly.
Paul’s eyes trailed over your bare form, and he licked his lips as a toothy grin broke out on his face. “You’re going to the the death of me.”
Tag List:
@sorrow-and-bliss @fangirling-4-ever @emme-looou @swidkid @sunsetevergreen @yourwonkywriter
Reply to be added! I don’t respond to replies since this is a side blog, but I’ll see it and add you!
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amazingmaeve · 3 years
sᴀᴍ ᴜʟᴇʏ
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— here’s the link to the twilight main masterlist.
— ✧ means smut if you’re under 18 please don’t read, or if you’re not comfortable with reading it. (sorry for the so many warnings)
— feel free to request!
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baseballbitch116 · 5 years
Alpha’s Imprint
Pairing: Sam Uley x reader
Word Count: 1813
Warnings: Angst
Request: “Could you do a fic w/ Sam uley and reader when he is still dating Leah and you and her are friends and after he shifts you see him and he imprints. And it can be angsty as he breaks up with Leah and you both feel bad but he tells you that you’re it for him and then be like fluff because you have secretly liked him. Sorry I’m just really into the pack rn and there is like no Sam Fics anywhere. If you don’t, that’s okay! Thanks! Love your writing, have a good day ❤️❤️”
Prompt List | Submit A Request
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Over the past few months you had begun to grow closer to the tribe, after accidentally witnessing Paul shift during a temper tantrum. That was how you discovered that you friend Leah was a werewolf, and in turn, you began to see her pack more often than not. She had introduced you to everyone by this point, but you certainly wouldn’t say that you were friends with all of them.
You typically hang around Leah, Seth, Embry and Jake when you are on the Reserve. You have met her boyfriend, Sam, the Alpha of the pack, a handful of times, but he didn’t seem all that fond of you. He was nice and polite, but he didn’t really speak to you. Then again, he didn’t speak much to anyone, as far as you saw. 
It started off as just a regular day. You hung out with Leah and her brother on the beach, the boys eventually joining for a game of soccer. You guys went cliff diving, which Sam actually participated in. He even spoke to you too. “You sure you wanna risk this, Y/N? You could get hurt.” He warned as you stripped off your t-shirt. You gave him a look and jumped off the side without another word. 
At the end of the night, Paul had started picking a fight once again, brewing a fight between himself and Jacob. Leah warned you to stay by Billy’s house as the two wolves fought viciously in the field. But it ended up getting a little out of hand, so much so that Sam actually shifted and had to break it up, making Paul cower and bow to him, surely going to regret forcing Sam’s hand later. You watched as the two wolves headed off to shift back in the woods, and you stepped down from your spot on the balcony, approaching the group again.
Sam was still in his wolf form though, and when he made eye contact with you - the weirdest and most unexpected thing ever happened. You saw his big wolf eyes get wide and him whimper. You got startled, thinking he got hurt, but he didn’t. He stared at you for a few moments, and then you heard “You have GOT TO be KIDDING me?!” Your head shot to Leah, who got so angry that she shifted, fairly close to you. She startled you and you fell on your behind, much too close to the angry wolf. You heard a loud growl and the big black wolf version of Sam came to your side, growling at Leah.
You had never been so confused in your life. Jacob jogged over to you, helping you to your feet and moving you far away from where Leah was growling and snarling at her Alpha/boyfriend. “What the hell is happening?!” You exclaim. 
“I can’t believe he did that.” Embry mutters.
“He can’t control it.” Quil says.
“He is dating Leah!” Seth exclaims.
“What the hell am I missing?!” You holler at the boys, and all eyes turn to you.
“Sam just imprinted...” Jacob responds. You feel your heart twist a little, jealousy stinging at your heart. You had formed a bit of a crush on your friend’s boyfriend, as horrible as it sounded. You ignored it the best that you possibly could, and you had been doing good. It sucked to hear that he imprinted on Leah, though.
“Wait, then why are they fighting?” You question, completely lost.
Jacob gives you a confused look, looking at you as though it was so obvious.
“He imprinted on you, Y/N.” Paul scoffs, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes.
It feels like your heart just dropped right out of your chest as your gaze immediately falls on Sam and Leah, who are now facing you, still in their wolf forms. You watch with a heavy heart as Leah whimpers sadly and starts running off into the woods. “Leah!” You holler, but she doesn’t stop. Sam watches you for a few moments, then heads off behind the house, probably to shift again.
“Wha-...He...But... How?” You mutter, at a loss for words. How could he imprint on you?! He’s dating Leah, he loves Leah. How could he?
“It just happens. It’s not his fault.” Jacob explains, but you just don’t understand it.
“But he loves her.” You say. You see him heading over in your direction and gulp nervously. If he wasn’t one of your close friend’s lover’s, you would be ecstatic. You like Sam, you’d love to date him - but not like this. You feel horrible for Leah. You can’t even imagine how she must be feeling.
“Yeah, but imprinting is different than that.” Quil mutters, taking a step back, averting his eyes from Sam.
“Y/N...” He mumbles, clearly not sure what to say.
“I- I don’t even know what to say.” You mutter, shaking your head as you look at him sadly.
“Let us have some privacy.” Sam instructs, dismissing the other guys. Half of you almost wants to tell them not to go, you feel so guilty - even though you haven’t done anything wrong.
They jog off, clearly not wanting to be there any longer anyway - who could blame them, this was awkward.
“Leah...” Is all you can mutter. “I feel so bad. I need to find her.” You mutter, unable to look at Sam.
“Y/N.” He says, grabbing your arm as you try to walk away. You look between him and his hand, and he removes it, sighing. Everything has changed now.
“She is my best friend. You are her boyfriend.” You say sternly.
“She is angry. You have to wait for her to calm down.” He says, and you know he is right. So you start to walk over toward where your jeep is parked, leaning against it with a huff.
“This is so unfair.” You mutter to yourself. You can hear Sam approaching you again and wish he would just go after Leah instead of bothering you. Yes, you would love to date him. Yes, you are inwardly swooning over the fact that he imprinted on you. But you can’t stand the fact that it means that he just broke your friend’s heart - and you are the reason why.
“You haven’t done anything wrong.” He says, standing in front of you as you lean on your truck. You scoff and cross your arms.
“So what does this mean? You’re gonna dump her and try to get me to go out with you? I can’t do that to her.” You say. You feel bad for being a bit harsh with him, it isn’t really his fault. But you can’t help it, either.
“I don’t expect you to.” He mutters. You look up and see him rubbing the back of his neck, seemingly distressed. He looks upset, you feel guiltier now.
“I’m sorry. I know you can’t control it...” You mutter, reaching out and touching his bicep. He looks at your hand, then at you, and you quickly remove it. “It’s not like I don’t want to...” You continue with a sigh, looking down at his shoes. “But I can’t hurt her like that. She’s been good to me, she introduced us. It’s so wrong.” You say.
“Yeah, it is.” You hear, and you snap your head over to see Leah standing there, a very unpleasant look on her face.
“Leah, I’m so sorry.” You call out, heading over toward her. She puts up a hand and glares evilly at Sam.
“What are you apologizing for?” She asks, giving you a look. You stop in place and open your mouth to speak, but quite honestly, you don’t know what you are saying you’re sorry for.
“Well, uh, I don’t really know. But you know I would never come between you two. Just tell me what I can do to make this right? Do you want me to leave? Just tell me.” You plead. Leah softens just a little, understanding that you care for her and that you haven’t done anything wrong. And she even knows that Sam hasn’t either, but she can’t admit that right now.
“No. I just... Need time. I’m gonna go...” She mutters, starting toward the house.
“No, Leah, please.” You call out, going after her.
“I need to get away. Are you forgetting I can hear everything he is thinking? I know it isn’t his or your fault. But you belong together. That’s the point of an imprint. There’s nothing I or you can do about it. You’re gonna replace me no matter what, so why make things harder than they’re already going to be.” She rambles, not making eye contact with you. And before you can comprehend what she said, she starts running off and shifts again, letting out a long howl as she disappears back into the woods.
You feel a tear slip from your eye as you stare at where she ran off. You probably just lost your best friend... You feel a hand on your shoulder, and you don’t push it away. “I’m sorry.” He mumbles gruffly behind you. You nod, blinking away the tears, holding in the sob threatening to come out. You are feeling so many different emotions, your body can’t take it.
“Is that true? Is it that set in stone? Even if I’m just a human?” You question, not facing him, your voice quiet and raspy. He removes his hand and you hear him shuffle his feet a little.
“Basically, yeah. I know you’re going to need time... I’m not forcing you to do anything. I’ll do or be whatever you need me to be.” He says. You finally turn around and look at him, and it makes it all the harder not to cry. He looks so sad, you feel so sad, it’s just a horrible combination. 
“Sam,” You mutter, looking at him through your blurry vision. He sees a tear fall down your cheek and it breaks his heart. He opens his arms and you throw yourself into them, allowing him to envelope you in a tight hug.
“Shh, everything is going to work out. She’ll be okay, we all will.” He comforts, rubbing your back and holding you against his warm, hard body. Something about him is very comforting and you can feel your heart speeding up again. Sam imprinted on you... That basically means you’re his soulmate... Sam’s...
“I don’t know how this is supposed to work...” You mumble into his chest after a few minutes. He strokes your hair gently and nods against the top of your head.
“We’ll figure it out.” He assures you. And in your own weird human way, you could believe that he was your soulmate. Something had changed between the two of you, and as devastated you felt for Leah, you felt happy for yourself.
Let me know if you would like to be added to my Twilight taglist AND if you guys would be interested in reading a continuation of this request <3
@comphersjost @fangirlsarah16 @emogril @tmntnerd2016 @seokmin97 @lookinsidemyhead @gryffindorshadowhunter @hopegallifreyasong @mistyrosemimi @bbooks-and-teas @lukes-legs-are-life @dizzydest1206 @limbozqueen @porter1204 @mayakblack @mcscuse-my-french-bitch @katpatrova17 @awesome-monica @proud-slytherin-ghost @elisha-chloe @alligator-person @kawaiislimetoadfarm @taylorswiftloverforever13 @loki-thehobbit @animeislife518 @icantstopreblogging @fancyxfangirl @gold-raven-123 @a-dorky-book-keeper @theandroid-sent-by-cyberlife @chaindeyes @mixedmoony @classyasssuperbitch @bribribrianna678 @honeysam2002 @shycupcakealissa @wolfbloodlovers 
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imaginingyourfandom · 4 years
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13. “Fuck you.” “Is that an insult or a to do list?”
“You’re being dramatic.” Sam spoke as he rolled his eyes.
“Fuck you.” You spat at him.
Sam smirked, “Is that an insult or a to do list?”
“I’m on my period, I get to be dramatic. Everything hurts, I don’t have an appetite, my head is killing me, my cramps are so painful and my back hurts so bad. You’re supposed to be taking care of me, not judging me.” You pouted.
Sam exhaled heavily before sitting down next to you, “You’re right. I’m sorry. I’ve made you something small to eat, I also brought you a stack of chocolates, I’ve filled your heating pad and I’ll give you a massage. How does that sound?”
“That’s all I wanted. Why do you enjoy annoying me so much?” You whined.
Sam laughed, “I know but you also enjoy making fun of me, why can’t I return the favour?”
“You can when I don’t feel like complete shite.” You replied.
Sam shook his head in amusement, “What do you want me to get first?”
“The only thing I want right now is for you to lay down next to me and cuddle me until the cramps and pain in my back goes away. Please?” You asked with a soft pout that you knew he couldn’t refuse.
“The things I do for you, love.”
“You say that like it’s such a bad thing.”
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wolvesandfanfiction · 6 years
Headcanon 11
I think that after the pack realized how common imprinting was, they would all be waiting for their imprints. Like, it would go from a question of “If” to “when”. I think this would prompt all of those not imprinted before the end of Breaking Dawn not to date anyone seriously unless they were their imprint. 
I could see friends with benefits relationships being okay, but I think a lot of the guys would feel guilty about dating a girl knowing that one day their feelings would change at the drop of a hat. I think this is an especially poignant thing for them considering that they’ve seen Leah’s experiences from a first-hand perspective. 
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bellaslilpapercut · 3 years
Oh boy New Moon! I've got some Thoughts a brewin' babey:
1. Smeyer: you do not need to remind your audience what happened last book, they aren't stupid. Imagine if SC started catching fire with ANOTHER explanation of what the hunger games are and that's the vibe of the first chapters of new moon. We remember james, we know what vampires are, we know that Bella is white, stop reminding us!
2. Bella has the worst self esteem of all time. Every bad thing that has happened to her since the Van Incident has been Edward's fault but she still blames herself and idk if this is Intentional Insecurity or if smeyer is protecting edward's "character" or both but gdamn it's depressing.
3. The reason I said Jasper was Inconsistently Written jumped out at me again. Smeyer dedicated a whole paragraph to pointing out how terrible jasper is at the diet or whatever but in the guide, smeyer tells us jasper actively tried to starve himself in the past because of how difficult his gift made feeding. He was one of only two Cullens to show bella empathy, he smelled her blood before, why does he attack her? The weakness of this decision is pointed out in the exposition: if it really were likely that Jasper would attack Bella, she wouldn't have needed a superfluous paragraph dedicated to telling us how bad he is at self control. If the story had convinced us of that beforehand, we would have believed the attack without the addendum.
4. The party is my least favorite part of the whole series and I will die on this hill: edward should have attacked bella. Bella should have tripped into something glass and edward should have lost it because he tasted her blood before and couldn't help himself. That way: edwards self loathing makes sense and he's forced to recon with his superiority complex from the ending chapters of twilight AND bella's self blame makes sense. A vamp who was able to starve himself before he even heard of the cullens should not have lost it around someone he spent days in close quarters with, building rapport and friendship. Edward got too high and mighty after he fed from Bella in Twilight, that should have had real consequence.
5. The writing is getting a little better as we near Edward leaving. "Better" isn't a good word actually but it's getting closer to the prose in twilight (which was flowery and annoying but at least it didn't constantly feel like being spoonfed exposition every paragraph). Hm wrote this blurb while I was still on chapter 3 and the vibe of being spoonfed reminders has not really dissipated lmfao.
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We remember Sam Uley, smeyer, you introduced him four chapters ago. Just quick question: did anyone proofread this?? I think it's fair to say: when she isn't reminding us of things that we remember the prose is more similar to twilight. A little annoying but interesting enough to forgive the errors (or at least move past them easily enough lol).
6. I'm on chapter 8 now (I'm gonna break this up into three parts so I don't forget stuff like I did during the twilight reread) and there's a very heavy Vibe that smeyer is setting Jake up to be a parallel for twilight-era Bella. This line here is a pretty clear parallel for Bella telling Edward not to hold his breath in Twilight when he tells her she might get tired of him.
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7. This line here "almost happy in a shallow kind of way" really jumped out. What Bella's narration says about Jacob versus her conversations with him (and her one paragraph about his happiness being effortlessly contagious) are at odds. It doesn't read like shallow happiness when she's with Jake. However, Smeyer is also a bad writer, she thinks the story she's telling us is literally what the narration says and not what the action shows and I think she realizes this in Eclipse (but obviously I'm not there yet so I can't say for sure).
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8. I really can't get over the drop in writing quality. I know that she had already mostly finished Forever Dawn by the time Twilight was published (or was halfway done, I think her website said she had over 300 pages of forever dawn complete when she found out Twilight was getting published). I think the writing quality really reveals that she was not prepared to write New Moon. It's sloppier than Twilight in a way I'm not able to articulate (by that I mean I personally have a more intuitive than technical understanding of grammar and syntax so I don't have the language to break down the differences). Twilight itself is ripe with technical errors and plot errors and awkward exposition so it's not an overt drop in quality but I think it very much reads like a rushed writing job. She was committed to forever dawn, her publishers wanted New Moon, it shows.
9. I think New Moon was when I first started physically editing my copies of the saga lol. Even reading it now I'm so tempted to open up a word document and cut half of the useless shit out and fix all the grammatical mistakes. I can't even talk shit because I am also a comma-abuser but I hoped an editor would at least catch the errors before publishing. Guess not! Brevity is very clearly not meyers strong suit and this would have been a much stronger sequel if she had been able to reign herself in a bit. New Moon isn't supposed to be as narration heavy as twilight, there's already more action in the first seven chapters than the there was in the first 19 of twilight but she always delivers exposition via awkward dialogue or Bella's narration. Again, we already got a lot of the exposition in twilight, we know how vampires work et cetera. You can show us how bella feels instead of making her tell us and the story would run a lot more smoothly.
10. I'll end on a nice note! Little treat!
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This is my favorite part of the book so far. I whited-out the useless dialogue tag because the line reads better without it ( line originally ends with "I emphasized" but she could have been brief and just ended the dialogue with an exclamation point for the same effect). The dialogue is natural and shows the J/B relationship that lives in my head way better than anything else I've seen on the page at this point. Like, I literally love this line more than any dialogue that preceded it (including twilight) lol.
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sethsclearwater · 10 months
Hi! Would you be willing to write some fluff for either Sam or poly!SamxreaderxPaul? If you're not, that's totally fine.
sam and paul would literally have the FUNNIEST dynamic ever💀💀
i not gonna regularly write for this pair but this was too funny to pass up😭
"such a good girl," paul murmured breathlessly, gently running his hands up and down your thighs as you two came down from your orgasms.
paul had convinced you to sneak off into the bathroom while your other imprinter, sam, and pretty much the rest of the pack were in the living room of your house trying to create a new patrol schedule.
"you okay princess?" paul asked softly as he pulled his softening cock out of your pussy. you nodded as he pulled his sweatpants and boxers back on before grabbing a hand towel to wipe up the mess he made between your legs.
"felt good," you murmured as he got back between your legs. paul let out a breathy laugh as your comment before gently running the towel between your legs to quickly clean up his release.
"you should tell sam that, yea? let him know how good i just made you feel," he teased, both of you letting out soft laughs at his comment. despite sam's ignorance of paul's constant competitions he created in his own head, paul never failed to find something to compete with sam with.
"alright there we go," paul mused as he finished cleaning you up, quickly helping you back into your panties and shorts so the two of you could get back to everyone else, "you okay to go back out there?" he asked softly, cupping your face in his hand so he could scan you for any discomfort, knowing how emotional you could get after sex.
though, when you hummed and your expression seemed to match your tone, paul released you with a small smile, "that's my girl," he mused as he opened the bathroom door, sliding his hand down to your lower back so he could guide you back into the kitchen.
as the two of you stepped back into the living room, it seemed like everyone was taking a short break because sam was up and heading into the kitchen and everyone else was either lounged around the couches or eating something themselves.
"sam," you smiled when you saw him, immediately stepping away from paul and into sam's arms so you could hug him tightly.
sam pulled you into a gentle hug, pressing his lips to the crown of your head as he sucked in a deep breath before releasing you, "did you seriously just-" he started, sliding his hands up to grab your biceps so he could scan you up and down, "did he seriously just fuck you in the bathroom?" he asked incredulously, looking from you and then over to paul who had taken a seat on the couch with embry and quil and was cluelessly talking with them.
you blushed, immediately feeling a bit bad about your decision but sam was quick to shut that down, "you're okay sunshine," he reassured, pulling you back into a tight hug, "he knows he shouldn't be doing that with you," he grumbled as he rested his chin atop your head, slowly rocking you back and forth as he took a few deep breaths.
sam was always very against the idea of either one of them having sex with you when they didn't have time for proper aftercare, always paranoid that you'd end up in a bad headspace or experiencing a sub drop if they weren't careful enough with you. paul, although he was well aware of sam's concerns and agreed with them to a certain extent, always stood by his opinion that quickies in the bathroom weren't going to do anything to you.
"i'm okay," you whispered with a soft giggle, pressing a gentle kiss to sam's chest, "felt really good," you added, peeking up at him when he lifted his chin from your head to look down at you.
"felt good?" he asked teasingly, letting out a soft chuckle when you nodded and stood up on your tip-toes to press a quick kiss to his lips.
"mhm!" you hummed enthusiastically, "promise," you reassured, giggling when he rolled his eyes and pulled you back into his chest for a tight hug.
"you're gonna sit with me for a while then, right?" he asked softly before adding, "don't want you getting all worked up on me," he murmured, still clearly paranoid about the possibility of you experiencing a sub drop after your quickie with paul.
you nodded, refraining from rolling your eyes at his overprotectiveness, "promise i'll sit with you," you reassured, smiling when he released his grip on you in favor of sliding one hand to your lower back so he could guide you back over to the living room and you two could sit with everyone while they finished up the new patrol schedule.
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sethsclearwater · 1 year
Sam x pregnant reader plsss🙏 im really not picky so you can choose the story if you would like and tysm i love your work🫶
so short but cutie🥺🥺
you let out a heavy sigh as you sat down at the kitchen table, dropping your head back as you took a few deep breaths and rubbed your protruding belly with your hand.
"everything okay?" sam's voice caught your attention as he crouched down in front of you, resting on hand on your knee and the other on your belly.
you nodded, offering him a soft smile, "jus' tired is all." you explained, sliding your hand on top of his and squeezed it gently to reassure him.
he nodded, pressing a soft kiss to your belly when he felt the soft flutter of your baby's kick under his touch, "you should lay down." he suggested, getting up and taking your hands, helping you up.
you knew better than to argue with him, instead just letting out a breathy laugh as he guided you over to the living room, "you're gonna need to get those muffins out of the oven in a few minutes." you explained as he helped you lay down on the couch.
he nodded, sitting down next to you and offering you a small smile when you laid your head down in his lap, "i'll get them." he reassured, leaning down to press a soft kiss to your temple before threading his fingers through your hair, gently massaging at your scalp.
you let out a soft sigh of pleasure, eyes fluttering shut at the feeling. sam smiled to himself, happy to know you were able to relax despite being 8 months pregnant with his (very active) baby.
"we need to finish the nursery tomorrow." you murmured, eyes still closed as you relaxed into his lap, loving having him stroke your hair.
he hummed in response, "i'll do it, don't worry." he reassured and you nodded, happy with his response, "get some sleep. you need it." he said softly and you smiled, not needing any more convincing before you drifted off in his lap.
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sethsclearwater · 1 year
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synopsis: the (very) popularly requested sam uley smut
warnings: smut, dom-ish!sam, sub-ish!reader
notes: if y’all didn’t already know sam gets on my nerves so bad lmao💀💀 but ik y’all have been begging for this for forever now so i figured i’d write this as a thank you to y’all for always supporting me and my page! 
word count: 1.24k
“sam!” you squealed as you felt your fiance’s familiar hands slide over your waist, “‘m tryna cook.” you giggled, spinning around in his grasp so you could face him.
he just smiled, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead, “what’s got you all riled up?” you asked teasingly, running your fingers up his chest as you patiently waited for his response.
sam was a man of few words and you were not an exception to this rule so you learned to read his body language pretty well, “nothing.” he murmured, pressing another soft kiss to your temple which had you giggling because you could feel the bulge in his jeans pressing up against your abdomen.
you raised your eyebrows at him, “really?” you giggled, letting out a squeal when he picked you up, not saying a word as he carried you into your bedroom, kicking the door shut behind him before he was laying you down on the bed and wedging himself between your legs.
you cupped his face in your hands, taking in his features for a moment before tugging him down to kiss you. sure enough, sam was as eager for you as you thought he was and he ran his free hand up your shirt, tugging it up and over your head before he parted his lips from yours in favor of suckling at your nipple when he realized you’d opted not to wear a bra.
you let out a loud moan, threading your fingers into his jet-black hair as he swirled his tongue around your nipple, taking the other one in his hand and rolling it between his fingers. you whined, rolling your hips against the bedsheets as you desperately tried to create any kind of friction, failing miserably as sam grabbed released your nipple in favor of grabbing your hip to hold you in place.
“sam-” you whimpered, knowing he’d understand what you meant without you needing to explain yourself to him.
he pressed a quick kiss to the fatty part of your breast before sitting up to tug your shorts and panties down, quickly diving in between your thighs and licking a stripe up in between your sensitive folds which had you squirming under him.
“fuck,” you whimpered, tightening your fingers in his hair as he suckled at your clit, not wasting anytime between he was dipping his pointer finger into your cunt, curling and twisting it in all the right places, knowing exactly how you loved to be touched.
he was quick to add a second finger, gently scissoring them apart to stretch your tight walls out for him, “sam-” you whimpered his name again, letting out a loud moan when he hummed in response against your clit, sending waves of pleasure up your spine.
“sam ‘ m gonna cum,” you whined, rolling your hips down against his lips as he set a steady pace, thrusting his fingers in and out of your cunt as he continued sucking at your clit.
“go ahead.” he murmured against your clit, knowing you were trying your damndest to hold back your orgasm until he gave you permission, something he had you well trained to do at this point.
with his permission, you finally let your orgasm wash over you, letting out a loud whine as you came undone on him. sam slowed his fingers, gently pulling them out of you as you caught your breath. 
a few moments later, you felt his gentle touch against your thigh as he got back between them. you noticed that he had kicked his jeans and boxers off while you were coming down from your high, smiling when you saw that he was pumping his length in his free hand, “you okay sunshine?” he asked softly as he lined the tip of his cock with your aching entrance.
you nodded, wrapping your arms around his neck and legs around his waist, “jus’ want you.” you murmured, both of you letting out loud moans as he pushed himself into your heat, sheathing himself in you in one thrust.
sam buried his face in your shoulder as he allowed you a moment to adjust to his impressive size, both of you taking deep breaths, “just let me know when you’re ready.” he murmured after a moment, lifting his head when he was sure he could look at you without cumming. his hazel eyes scanned yours for any signs of pain, waiting until you nodded and pressed a quick kiss to his lips before he pulled his hips back to thrust.
as he set a steady rhythm, you quickly became a mess under him, doing your best not to mark him up but failing miserably as you scratched his back, both of you moaning as he adjusted himself a bit so the tip of his cock was hitting your cervix with each thrust.
“so good,” you whimpered, gasping when he reached his free hand down to press down on your clit, rubbing slow, tight circles against the sensitive bundles of nerves as both of your orgasms neared.
“you can cum sunshine,” sam murmured, his breath hot against your ear as you whined under him, walls tightening as your second orgasm of the night quickly approached. “’m right behind you.” he gritted out, quickly figuring out that you were trying to wait for him to meet his own release before finding yours.
comfortable with his statement, you found yourself quickly coming undone on his cock as he continued rolling his hips against yours. as your walls pulsed around him, sam buried his face in your shoulder to muffle his groan as he spilled his seed inside of you, both of you riding out your highs together.
sam was the first to come down from his high, gently stroking at your cheek while he patiently waited for you to come back to reality. you mewled, leaning into his touch as he slowly pulled himself out of you heat, both of you letting out soft sighs at the emptiness. 
he rolled over, grabbing one of the rags you had in your nightstand before he allowed you to curl into his side, “spread your legs for me sunshine.” sam murmured, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head as praise for spreading your legs for him so he could clean up the mess me made there.
“good job,” he murmured as he ran the rag through your sensitive folds, letting out a breathy laugh as you whined when he used his pointer finger to push some of his release back into your walls, “there you go.” he whispered, tossing the rag to the side before he pulled you back into his chest, holding you close.
“you going to sleep?” he asked softly and you nodded, yawning as you curled up with him, happy to fall asleep naked with him. he just let out another soft chuckle, happy that you were happy, and pressed a soft kiss to your temple before allowing you to drift off in his arms.
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sethsclearwater · 1 year
lil spicy but how about a headcanon with the favorite sex positions for the wolfpack boys? 😮‍💨 👀
sam uley - missionary. 1 million percent. he absolutely loves that stupid fuckin position a bit too much. (if you couldn't tell this mf gets on my nerves like no one else lmao)
jared cameron - reverse cowgirl. ass man 1000% and loves being able to grab and knead at the fatty part of your ass while you ride him.
paul lahote - doggy. no doubt in my mind he is also an ass man and absolutely loves how you look bent over for him while he absolutely wrecks you from behind.
seth clearwater - cowgirl or faceoff. loves having you on top while he holds your hips and helps guide how you ride him while also being able to watch the pretty expressions you make when he hits your cervix.
jacob black - mating press. no doubts here either. he's always got you all sorts of fucked up after sex from the weird positions he's putting you into.
embry call - flatiron. this man loves watching you work to stretch out for him so when he's got you face down in the bed and your walls are even tighter than normal, he loves the little whines that you let out when you're working to accommodate him.
quil ateara - spooning. loves the intimacy of it and that he can hold you close to him and also roll your nipples between his fingers or rub at your clit without too much effort - especially when it's early in the morning or late at night when the two of you are tired.
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sethsclearwater · 9 months
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coming soon
the one where sam makes you cum quicker ❊
the one where you and paul have a quickie ❊
❊ = smut
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sethsclearwater · 1 year
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sunshine ❊
the one where you’re pregnant
❊ = smut
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sethsclearwater · 1 year
Jacob’s imprint and s/o plays a prank where she wipes off his kisses and jacob’s reaction to it
jake cracks me up in the same awful way that sam uley does😭😭
you were at jake's house helping billy out with some random things around the house while you waited for jake to get back from patrol. he absolutely loved how considerate you were when it came to his dad and was always so grateful for your help.
unfortunately for jake, you were best friends with paul and jared which oftentimes led to a lot of unnecessary shenanigans. the previous night, you'd (very unfortunately) lost a bet to the two of them and ended up needing to play a harmless prank on your boyfriend as penance.
so when jake, paul, and jared all came bustling through the door, you knew you were done for. paul and jared both wore matching grins on their faces as they leaned up against the kitchen counter, watching as jake came over to you.
"y/n," he smiled, stepping over to pull you into his arms.
you giggled, hugging him back and allowing him to hold you close to him for a few moments, "i missed you." he mumbled against your hair before loosening his grip on you so he could hold you by your biceps, "so much." he added before pressing a soft kiss to your cheek.
you glared at paul and jared, already knowing you were done for. "jake-" you giggled, brushing his kiss of your cheek with the heel of your hand.
the way his jaw dropped had paul and jared bursting into laughter, "what happened?" he asked softly after a moment, completely ignoring jared and paul's laughter as he instead slid one of his hands up to your jaw to inspect your face for any signs of discomfort or irritation.
you giggled, almost immediately folding when you saw his expression, "'m sorry," you murmured, giggling again, "lost a bet to jared and paul." you whispered which had jacob rolling his eyes before he pulled you close to his chest.
"what the hell is wrong with you two?" he grumbled to paul and jared, huffing when the two of them continued laughing as they made their way over to the living room to sit down on the couch.
"'m sorry jake," you giggled, peeking up at him, smiling when you saw how his gaze softened when he looked down at you.
"not your fault," he reassured, bending down to press his lips to yours for a soft kiss that had paul and jared gagging.
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sethsclearwater · 1 year
okay, so hear me out a horny embry having uncontrollable steamy thoughts about his imprint on duty 😉
"what are you-" sam started as jared came into the house, just having barely pulled his shorts on as he stepped into emily's kitchen.
"i can't listen to that guy's head anymore," jared cut off sam to explain, letting out a loud groan as he sat down in the chair next to you as he turned to look at you, "like i love you both but holy shit i did not need to see an image of you naked like that," he groaned again, dropping his head back and closing his eyes as he took a few deep breaths.
you let out a quiet giggle, looking over to emily who also laughed, "he was thinking about y/n?" emily asked softly, a teasing tone lacing her words that had you giggling again as you waited for jared's response.
"not just thinking about her," he grumbled, "the insane sex positions that man was thinking about you in is going to be hard to wash from my mind," he whined, throwing his arm over his eyes as he tried to get the mental imagine out of his head.
jacob chuckled from his spot across from you, "worse than the one of paul and rachel?" he asked teasingly, sam and jared both letting out loud groans at the obscene memory paul now had in all of their heads.
"definitely worse," jared grumbled, eliciting a round of laughs from all of you. you rolled your eyes with a giggle, getting up and heading outside only to see embry walking towards you with just a pair of low hanging sweatpants on.
"embry," you giggled, squealing when he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder, "i heard you were having some lewd thoughts," you laughed as he carried you over to your car, quickly getting you in the passenger seat before coming around to the driver's side.
"couldn't keep thinking about it anymore," he quickly explained, leaning over to press a quick kiss to your lips before he was driving back to your apartment to show you just what he was daydreaming about.
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