siixkiing · 2 months
@samadhifire {☯}
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"Why not? I think it suites me rather well after all, really speaks to me on many levels~"
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newdleboya · 1 year
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❝ Care to explain THIS? ❞ Red Son, pointing to the many stacks of dishes on the counter: / @samadhifire​
▬▬▬ ☁      MK stood in front  of  Red  Son,  a  vacant  expression  on  his  face  as  he  slurped  up  the  last  of  his  noodle  bowl.  He  knew  he  was  in  for  it  now.  But  still,  he  needed  to  go  about  this  carefully  --  
                             ❝  Those ---  ❞  He  took  a  few  steps  past  Red  Son,  putting  his  now  empty  bowl  on  the  counter  with  the  rest  of  the  stacks  &&  turned  to  face  his  roommate.
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                             ❝  --- are dishes.  ❞
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redbcy · 2 years
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@childpyre​ @samadhifire​
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clicktogether · 2 months
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@samadhifire sent ;;
" What were you all thinking? " the fire demon has to stop himself from exploding, his hair flaring in agitation as he looks to her in concern. He's just gotten context for everything and everyone, and the fact these two consistently put themselves in danger... ugh, his feelings are showing again. " You should have...! ...ugh. I should have BEEN there-- " / mei </3
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she   had   come   to   pick   up   her   phone   after   realizing   she   had   left   it.   while   she   was   going   through   all   the   notifications   she   missed,   she   had   been   idly   recounting   the   adventure.   to   be   honest,   everything   began   to   kind   of   wash   over   her   --   this   was   the   closest   they   had   gotten   to   death   and   ...   she   felt   kind   of   numb   to   it.   after   all,   what   more   was   there   to   stress   about   ?   the   world   was   saved   and   they   even   had   mk   back   !   she   wanted   to   laugh,   she   wanted   to   cry   --   but   she   was   trying   to   remain   calm   to   counter   red   son's   anger.
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❝ red   boy,   it's   okaayy   !   the   day   was   saved   and   now   we   get   to   spend   more   time   together   !!   ya   know,   hang   out   !   have   fun   !   next   time   there's   a   world   ending   adventure,   you'll   be   the   first   to   know   !   ❞
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newdleboy · 2 months
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@samadhifire asked: " MK. " The fire demon's voice is low, gaze stern and calculating as he kneels down next to the other. He's been observing things for a while, or at least in the short time they've had--something is brewing, he just can't place it. And something tells him if he doesn't do something about it now, this idiot is going to try and do things all by himself. " We need... to have a discussion. "
▬▬▬ ☁      When Red Son approached, MK tensed up just the slightest bit. It was out of habit honestly. He'd been spending so much time avoiding any serious conversations or anything at all that would mean him thinking about everything going on or what he'd been through. All he wanted was to forget about it all. Compartmentalizing only worked for so long. So he offered the fire demon a nervous chuckle.
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                              ❝ Whaaaaat? Discussion about what, Red Son? There's no time for discussions! There are way better things we can do with our time-- ❞
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diisccvery · 1 year
❛  i'm here for you ... always.  ❜ / red son, sappy around mei? unheard of
Her eyes widened at the softness in his voice, an empty gulp of air sliding down her throat as beads of sweat rolled down the side of Mei's very red face. She was used to the teasing and taunts, but whenever things got to serious it was as if she forced herself to a pause.
That dreaded hesitation that made the words vaporize and for the warrior's mind to turn to putty.
Taking a deep breath she forced herself closer, reaching out to hold his hand with a shaky squeeze.
"I..want..I want to be with you too..."
Scratching at her cheek she offered a timid smile, batting long eyelashes at the demon.
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canon-fcdder · 1 year
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❝ But… I thought… ❞ Red Son trails, expression contorting into that of confusion. The puzzlement on his face having long since shattered into trembling heartache and disbelief, he looks over to MK, who wields the staff so flawlessly. Voice turns quiet, low. ❝ It was supposed to be me… ❞ // hands u red sun au
-  ✩   「 @samadhifire​ 」   ✩  
「 ☆ 」   This… can’t be right.
This has to be a mistake. MK can feel his soul screaming at him for daring to think such a thing. For hoping it, mostly because of the utter devastation upon the others face. All his desires, his indulgent imaginings and selfish prayers, are somehow coming to fruition. Not only the legend of the Monkey King, but MK actually playing a role in it. Being chosen to do something as important, as worthwhile, as wielding the legendary staff. It’s mind-boggling how a day like any other could transform into a realization of destiny— of his wildest dreams… and how, during what should be the happiest, most ridiculous moment of his life, his stomach is sinking.
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This isn’t his role. He’s stealing it. He doesn’t mean to, but intention doesn’t change the staff in his grip. Light as a regular stick, with a mind of its own that MK is choosing not to focus on. With everything happening right now, he can’t afford the headache of pondering a possibly-sentient staff.
Grip on it grows a bit tighter, nerves and a fear of relinquishing one if the few pieces of proof that he’s worth something— mistaken as it may be —causing his hold to turn shaky.  ❝  Well— Maybe it is!  ❞  MK blurts out before his brain can process it, clumsily spoken words sounding as if he’s trying to convince himself. Panic beading upon his brow and slickening his grip, he hastily wipes one of his palms against his shirt. That has to be it. A mistake. Who in their right mind— do staffs have minds? —would choose HIM to wield Monkey King’s staff? Especially if there’s already someone lined up for the position.
That guy is probably a better choice. Why else would he have been put down this path? A path MK can’t just destroy from beneath him… MK has done well enough being a nobody for this long. What’s the rest of his lifetime? What’s giving up on his lifelong, previously-impossible dream? It’s no big deal. It’s… fine.
This will all be FINE. For both of them.
❝  Maybe this is a fluke! Y’know? The staff’s just confused…  ❞  Laughing nervously, MK rests the staff over his shoulder and shrugs,  ❝  I mean— I’m not even trying to do anything. It’s kinda just- happening…  ❞  Unaware that his reasoning likely isn’t helping things, he swiftly swings the staff over, aiming the end of it towards Red Son with a grin,  ❝  Here! You take it! If I can use it without even doing anything, then you’re bound to be able to since you’re actually trying. Right?  ❞
Desperate for his shaky logic to be proven correct, smile strains as he awkwardly shakes the staff, silently urging the other to take it away from him. Because if anyone should be holding it, it’s not the guy who both knows he should NOT be doing-so and yet also would kinda maybe really like to hang onto it for a bit longer…   「 ☆ 」
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hismentor · 2 years
❝  whoa,  kid  !  you're  really  taking  these  lessons  seriously.  ❞  he  grins,  hands  still  behind  his  back.  although  red  son  was  certainly  going  to  become  a  challenge  for  himself  soon.  aahh,  the  mentee  becoming  the  mentor...  or  however  the  saying  goes.  still,  wukong  couldn't  help  but  feel  a  little  proud.
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❝  see  ?  i  told  you  fighting  those  demons  would  make  you  a  stronger  fighter.  ❞  eh,  making  the  protégé  do  a  little  bit  of  your  spring  cleaning  --  no  big  deal. / @samadhifire​
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lmkarchive · 3 months
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Official concept art for Red Son posted on Twitter (X) by Xiaodong Wen (温笑冬)!
Link to the original post!
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Tweet transcript: “Red son first concept. With famously feared parents, as the controller of SamadhiFire, and the future of the baddies in JTTW, he is actually a rebellious boy under all kinds of pressure. He contradicts parents, wants to prove himself but also cares about his family and friends."
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nic-liveblogs · 9 months
okay so they havent been mispronouncing his name this whole time theres a difference 😭 @samadhifired
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peachshadows · 2 years
OK so I got a couple of new questions that were actually be something that came up with immediately after the other two, but I wanted to wait and give you time to answer is my first two questions well first
1)- how would SDPiggzy react if MK had told him that the Piggzy  of his world is more like a father to him then this world’s version of Shadowpeach, as the Piggzy of his world is the one that raised him same thing applies to Tang 
2)-how would literally everybody in the sundown a you that he interacts with react if they found out that the Mai of his world is actually the wielder of the samadhifire?
sd!Pigsy: it's...it's truly an honor to have raised the prince-
MK: for the last time, I am not a prince!
I feel like it'd mostly be confusion since the samadhi fire was sealed away for the betterment of the entire world. Yeah there's some awe but mostly confusion on how Mei was even able to master and hold the samadhi fire because if it's not Red Son who's the wielder then how come it's the heir of the dragon clan?
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newdleboya · 1 year
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" It was meant to be me, " his words are sharp and blunt as he glares at MK, though a brief moment passes, and they're words he soon forgets. Red Son clutches his wrist, turning away -- he'd worked so hard, striving to be everything Sun Wukong had wanted... NEEDED him to be. And now, he's being replaced. He's trying not to be angry, after all it's root of his mentor's actions... but -- " I was supposed to wield the staff. I was supposed to be Sun Wukong's successor. I was -- " / red sun au (: / @samadhifire
▬▬▬ ☁      He didn't mean for this to happen. It's not like he planned to swoop in && suddenly gain the powers of the Monkey King -- it wasn't what he wanted. Sure, MK loved the legend. It was so incredibly cool && awesome that this legend was actually real too! Meeting the Monkey King was probably the best moment of MK's life. There were a lot of upsides to this. But when it came all the way down to it, MK didn't get why it was him.
                              At the end of the day, MK was just a noodle delivery boy. There was nothing special about that! He was just a guy. So when Red Son spoke, MK frowned. This wasn't his fault. But he wasn't angry at the demon. He felt... bad. He could sympathize. Red Son had worked for this, obviously! If anyone deserved this power to be bestowed upon them, it was him. What had MK done? Absolutely nothing. && yet here he stood, staff in hand; trying to figure out his entire purpose. Of course it wasn't all bad, but down at his core, MK felt unworthy.
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                              ❝ I didn't -- I didn't mean to take this from you. I wish there was something I could do. But I can't.. I can't do anything about how this turned out. But I am sorry. I hope you know that. ❞
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redbcy · 2 years
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@samadhifire sent: if you stay here, you'll die. do you understand?
prompts for angsty conversations (accepting)
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Inferno refused to leave Blue Son alone as he snapped, "Absolutely not, brother! I am not leaving you, Wildfire, Mother, and Father!" The fact that they were dealing with intruders that was about to infiltriate their home at any moment now was terrifying to him but he refuses to leave Blue Son and the others alone. "If you stay here, you'll die too as well!" His hands were flickering with flames as he was filled with fear and anger altogether. "We can take them! I-...I know we can! If you go down, I go down with you! That's how this works, right? That's what brothers does for each other!"
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clicktogether · 2 years
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❝ Why? ❞ he asks, quietly, looking at Mei with confusion. Oh, how times have changed since their first meeting; Red Son would have never expected them to get to this point. It boggles their mind. What made her think they had potential? ❝ …why did you give me a chance? What made you think, that… ❞
        i knew you’d come around eventually. // @samadhifire​ 
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❝ WELL... i didn’t want to trust at first, if we’re being honest, ❞ not like she WASN’T transparent about how she treated him before their truce. but, could anyone blame her ? before their agreement to help with the spider queen, he was an enemy !  ❝ you were a TOTAL BAD GUY despite being a little silly about it. seriously -- talk about OVER DRAMATIC. ❞ not that she was one to talk. then again, perhaps he has rubbed off on her since they met. training with him only seemed to worsen it.
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❝ but it turns out you’re a totally COOL guy ! putting my trust in you isn’t something i regret. I WILL TOTALLY SACRIFICE MYSELF FOR YOU if needed. same with mk, but i’m sure you know that already. ❞ she speaks so casually about sacrifices.
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newdleboy · 1 year
continued from here because tumblr is rude !!! / @samadhifire
▬▬▬ ☁      Usually when Red Son was around, MK was in a good mood! He liked hanging out with him && being in his presence. But right now, all he wanted was for the demon to go away. Every word out of his mouth was stressful. He wasn't wrong, of course he wasn't. But that was the issue. Everything Red Son was saying was correct && MK just wasn't ready to face that. This was exactly why he didn't want to be around anybody.
                              He didn't want to take anything out on him, but there was only so much MK could handle right now. His form flickering back && forth between monkey && MK, finally he snapped.
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                              ❝ Just STOP! ❞ Flicker. ❝ Stop talking! I don't -- I can't --- I'm just -- I'm MK. That is IT! I don't want any of this! I never wanted any of it! Can't you just leave me alone?! ❞ Flicker. Flicker.
                              MK wasn't sure he was even yelling at Red Son anymore. Maybe he was now yelling at himself.
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diisccvery · 1 year
EXCUSE ME @samadhifire
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