#samdean shipper survey
milfsamwinchester · 4 years
here are the results for the survey of wincest shippers from 2 weeks ago! there were 902 responses. the results are formatted on a carrd so you can click on individual pages and zoom in on the pie charts
if you’re able to, please reblog this to spread the results so as many wincest shippers as possible get a chance to look at them :D enjoy!
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prince-of-elsinore · 4 years
A few personal thoughts on the Samdean shipper survey results (which overall I very much enjoyed reading):
1. Season 2 supremacy :))))
2. I'm just a little surprised at how many more fans favor Sam than Dean, but there are a few things it has me considering: 1) this is only a snapshot of Wincest fandom at this point in time and I seriously doubt this was the case in the early days. Obviously once D*stiel became so big it drained a lot of Dean fans off into that ship. This is very specifically people involved in fandom in the post-finale era, and I wonder if Dean's death may have been a further drain on Dean-fan engagement. And 2) sample bias, maybe? The survey did get a lot of results, but considering it was made by a Sam stan and circulated heavily among other such blogs, I wondered whether that would skew results. Of course it's impossible to say. And 3) not sure if this is, again, sort of an accident of timing (with many Dean stans disliking the finale) but it seems to me like Wincest tumblr itself is surprisingly Sam-leaning and I'm curious whether that really reflects the wider Wincest fandom (I don't say Bibro b/c to me, you have to love both to be a Bibro) or whether they've naturally migrated towards each other on this particular platform and are therefore over-represented here. I have no idea what twitter or discord fandom is like. Finally 4) I'm REALLY curious to know how different it would look if Sam and Dean equally had been an option. I'm guessing that most people only favor one brother very slightly (me!) and might rather choose that, or do genuinely love both the same. I would guess that Sam and Dean together would receive nearly as many votes as either separately--but maybe not! Maybe stan mentality has permeated fandom too much :\
3. It would be really interesting to see how favorite character lines up with top/bottom preference. I think I'm an outlier in that I prefer my fave (Dean) as a top 😳(not a stickler about it though)
4. Now for just a little salt lol: guess my fandom annoyance answer got subsumed into sam v. dean drama, which I'm surprised didn't get more answers tbh. Never saw dean negativity named as an annoyance but saw dean negativity itself in the answers...🙄 The man is far from perfect but wow am I ever tired of seeing the word "abuse" thrown around (I mean I expected to see it, and it was just a couple answers but I still had to read 'em lol. Sometimes I wish I'd never dipped my toe into this fandom so I would still be blissfully ignorant of this take). Also if I had done that survey more recently I think I would have had more to say, I've sort of just recently put my finger on some fandom trends I don't like. I don't wanna go into detail but... suffice to say I think a lot of things some (especially younger?) Sam stans are very into, I am not into. Love Sam a lot, but often just don't vibe with the sort of headcanons or takes his stans push, and it's why I unfollowed some stan blogs a while back. Feel much happier now in my Bibro/Wincest/Platonic Weird Brothers corner 😌(All love to you if you favor Sam, no skin off my back. It's not the fact of favoring Sam that I dislike, it's more to do with other tastes that somehow seem associated and circulated heavily among certain blogs, but aren't common to all Sam fans. Safe to say if you're in my notes regularly this doesn't apply to you)
5. Okay finally to end on some positivity, I'm happy to get such a long fic rec list and felt inspired to share a few of my fave Wincest authors, along with stellar fics of theirs. Just the first ones that come to mind:
Dyed_Red--Squint into the Sunset | Glare into the Gloaming lovetincture--Collision Course Morgan--Midwinter Montana sonofabiscuit77--A Life Most Ordinary (all their AUs are great) thecapn--Baba O'Riley and Eleanor Rigby walk into a bar (their AUs are also great) killabeez--Carry Me Over the Sky (one of my first fandom faves!) 
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samsflannel · 4 years
i may be the only "i don't ship wincest but yall make salient points" respondent to your survey (i ship deancas but i'm mutuals with a few samdean shippers). hope i didn't pollute ur results skdjfksdjfsdf
i appreciate your ass don’t worry we stand in solidarity
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milfsamwinchester · 4 years
calling everyone who ships sam and dean! even closeted shippers. have you ever wanted to find out if the majority of samdean shippers are sam stans? if most of us liked the finale? i’m doing a survey of samdean shippers! (yes i ship them myself)
it closes on 2/28, results will be posted on 3/05.
please reblog this to spread it around! i know there’s no way to survey every single sam and dean shipper ever, but it would be cool to get a lot of responses
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milfsamwinchester · 4 years
I'm super excited for the survey results!!
i have 7 more charts to make/analyze, then i'll post the link, thank u for your interest !!
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milfsamwinchester · 4 years
How's the survey going?
it’s going well !!! i’m reading through all the write-in responses and have made 13/42 charts so far and am on track to posting on the 5th :)
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milfsamwinchester · 4 years
600 responses in under 24 hours on that samdean shipper survey omg there's a lot of us 😳❤️
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milfsamwinchester · 4 years
Your survey q about who I see as a bottom really reminded me that I come from the early days when twink!Sam was all the rage. I see them switching now, and it’s what I chose, but I used to see Sam as mainly bottoming.
omg i’ve noticed that too from talking to friends who were there then, now most samdean shippers are behind switching
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milfsamwinchester · 4 years
just wanted to say thank you for the survey, i just sat and read through all the responses and had so much fun reading everyone's thoughts! i literally cackled at some of the responses. i really appreciate the time and effort you put in <3
ahh thank you i’m glad you enjoyed !!!! samdeans truly can be fucking hilarious :D
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milfsamwinchester · 4 years
Is your Sam & Dean survey for anyone who ships it or for people who OTP it? Sorry if that was explained already 😅
anyone who ships it !!!!!! someone pointed out that the phrasing of the question “if you have one, what's your favorite ship after sam and dean?” pushes the idea that it has to be your main ship, but that wasn’t my intention, feel free to read that as “if you have one, what’s your favorite ship besides sam and dean?” <33
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milfsamwinchester · 4 years
I'm so excited about your survey results!! can you do another poll too and make a playlist of underrated samdean songs? everyone names songs like brother and etc for sam & dean but, have u ever considered I want you by mitski? I want to know what other people have in mind
thank you :D i have 3 more questions to analyze (it takes between 30 min and 3 hours per question) , i’m going to put a link in the results asking if people are interested in another survey yeah !
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milfsamwinchester · 4 years
will you publish the written answers of your samdean survey (the ones that are not super personal like you mentioned)? i'd love to know people's favorite fanfics and their specific opinions about the ship
yeah the additional answers to every question will be published on a google doc linked below each graph !!! i think everyone’s favorite fanfics will make a pretty nice fic rec list :D
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milfsamwinchester · 4 years
I have to be on anon but ty for making the Samdean survey I'm a super closeted shipper and it was nice to talk about if for once
i was a closeted shipper for a few years so i get you !!! you’re welcome, i hope this could give you some sense of community ! :3
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milfsamwinchester · 4 years
truly i stan u for all the hard work u did on that survey <33
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thank you !!!!!!!
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milfsamwinchester · 3 years
Hiiiii Cas :) i have a Very important message: ily2 and thank you for the new survey, it looks really fun!!
thank u katie !! 🥺
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milfsamwinchester · 3 years
heyyyyyy can you add ruby for the samdean threesome question? thank you, fun and sexy quiz btw! 💞
YES ADDED :D i literally love samdeanruby and ruby and dean both trying to one-up each other i can’t believe i forgot them omg
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