#anti extreme stans
moonlightdancer26 · 1 month
One thing that never fails to shock me is how many Marauder stans I’ve seen hating on Draco for saying this line to Hermione in GoF:
“Granger, they’re after Muggles,” said Malfoy. “D’you want to be showing off your knickers in midair? Because if you do, hang around . . . they’re moving this way, and it would give us all a laugh.”
Yet somehow they can’t apply that same logic to what happened in SWM:
James whirled about; a second flash of light later, Snape was hanging upside down in the air, his robes falling over his head to reveal skinny, pallid legs and a pair of graying underpants.
Many people in the small crowd watching cheered. Sirius, James, and Wormtail roared with laughter.
I’ve seen Marauder stans who bash Draco and call him horrible for “making a SA joke,” but then go ahead and defend what the Marauders did (which was ACTUAL SA, not just a gross joke) in SWM as if that’s not much worse. The irony is ridiculous.
That’s always confused me because… they can clearly see the harm in a character making a SA joke, but they gloss over or even justify their favourites characters actually doing what said character joked about??? Make it make sense.
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dameaylins · 8 months
on my "anti elain/anti elriels are allergic to reading comprehension" tirade; taking the word of nesta (who is literally proven in the same book to be unreliable when it comes to her perspective of elain with her "elain is like a dog" comment that cassian later disproves) on blind faith about how elain would love the spring court or that it was "made for someone like her" simply because it has flowers when, in the first book, we are explicitly told that there is no gardening done in the spring court- which is what elain actually enjoys about flowers, the actual process of gardening and getting her hands dirty. it's like sjm is trying to tell us something about elain and how fundamentally no one in the inner circle (cough, besides azriel, cough) understands her as a person.
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soraya-snape · 16 hours
I don't know how many times I have heard a Marauders Stan tell me and other Snape Fans that we only like him because of Alan Rickman. Which is funny because they are the exact same people who only like the Marauders and also death eaters like Regulus because of their hot fancasts. And I don't even have a problem with it because yes Alan Rickman did play a part in me liking Snape and I believe you can like pretty much every fictional character because they are fictional. The difference is that I don't excuse Sev's behaviour because I think he looks good unlike these Marauders Stans.
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lukesfrag · 5 months
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c//a shippers remind me of atla fans who ship azula and ty lee. like azula threatened to drop ty lee into fire and ty lee only agreed to join her posse because she was terrified of azula but sure, they're such hot lesbians.
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overqchiever · 4 months
you guys are still arguing over people liking izzy? IT'S BEEN SEVEN MONTHS. GET OVER IT.
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ratethednpvideo · 6 months
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“i know damn well” you know nothing lmao. no i wasn’t talking abt your post, i’ve never even seen you before, thank god. my air quotes were just paraphrasing the general idea of the post, it was not verbatim, but if the shoe fits well…
since you encouraged me to be brave, these are the screenshots from the post i was talking abt
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talking about bravery when you tagged me and then blocked me is fucking hilarious. you won’t see this unless you have another blog or something, but here’s the attention you wanted so badly😘
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pinkpinkmermayyy · 6 months
elvis presley stans feel like johnny depp stans tbh
(terfs and radfems fuck off from this post btw)
@punkeropercyjackson @weirdo09 @thisismisogynoir
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I strongly disagree with any sentiment that Feyre destroying the spring court was rash, out of line, or poorly thought out. Everything in the text prior to Tamlin's tantrum during the HLs meeting points to destroying the spring court being the best move to ensure the safety of Prythian. Tamlin had made a bargain with Hybern so powerful that if he had attempted to go against it his powers as High Lord and entire court would have been forfeit, Feyre checks to make sure this is true and even consults Lucien on it before going through with her plans. Making it so that Hybern did not have access to spring court support was essential seeing as there was no real way for Tamlin to outwardly go against Hybern. His actions caused the wall to fall and many many innocent humans to die. Perhaps they could have used the Spring Courts army in the war, yes, but how would they have even used it if Tamlin can't go against Hybern without losing the spring court entirely? Tamlin's actions caused the wall to fall, the deaths of many many humans, entire towns of his people in the west to have to pack up and leave, and the attack on Adriata.
Feyre didn't open his court up to Hybern. He did. Destroying the spring court was necessary. Not to mention there's zero evidence beyond assumption that Feyre's actions caused the death of spring court civillians but there is evidence of Tamlin's actions causing the death of civillians.
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kittenfangirl20 · 1 year
It may sound harsh, but I don’t trust someone who unironically supports Team Green.
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daybreakmusings · 1 year
I find it so interesting how Cassian can be outraged on Nesta’s behalf at the suggestion that it would be better if she was exposed to the dangers of the Trove instead of Elain.
Going so far as to even yell at Azriel when he voiced concern for Elain instead of Nesta.
Azriel stiffened, an outright sign of temper from him as he said quietly, “There is an innate darkness to the Dread Trove that Elain should not be exposed to.” 
“But Nesta should?” Cassian growled. Everyone stared at him. He swallowed, offering an apologetic glance to Az, who shrugged it off.
But that same righteous anger seems to be absent every time the story brings up Nesta’s childhood with Feyre. It isn’t fair for Nesta to face the dangers of the Trove in Elain’s place...But it would be completely reasonable for her to hunt so close to the wall as a young girl instead of Feyre.
Cassian’s rage is directed to Nesta for not endangering herself over her sister as a child. But somehow he crosses the line at Nesta endangering herself with the Trove over her other sister.
It’s even more shocking when he shows awareness of her trauma and her reason for hesitating:
“[...]But you have to understand that Nesta was deeply affected by what happened during the war—Elain was taken by the Cauldron after she scried. You can’t blame her for hesitating.”
But somehow, he turns a blind eye to Nesta’s trauma as a child and only sympathizes with Feyre and how she was severely impoverish and starving. Never once taking the moment to reflect that all the sisters were in the same condition.
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hussyknee · 4 months
What would it be like to be hyperfixate on a piece of media whose fandom isn't horribly triggering I wonder.
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dwtdog · 5 months
exactly?? because it's interesting how THEY used to say the exact same words, and now they are going completely opposite of it "talk is cheap." " practice what you preach." Ya Okay !?!?
it's just so dumb like sorry i'm not going to take ur 'criticisms' seriously if i know u would have defended the exact same thing a month ago lollll
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capsiclesteebrogers · 2 years
i am posting this here because i really do not want rabid team bl*ck stand in my quotes on twitter. but it baffles me the way team green fans always have somebody from team bl*ck in their quotes even when the post/tweet doesn't say anything bad about the characters they like. sometimes it's just an opinion or short analysis that actually makes sense and can start an interesting conversation and doesn't "attack" any character and here they come ready to post their dumb takes and make sure the user doesn't forget that team green is absolutely evil and if you dare like any of them you are a garbage human being and don't deserve to have opinions. oh and alicent is to blame for everything, she is awful and deserves everything that happened to her (just in case they haven't said it today). and it's incredibly shitty. let people discuss and enjoy characters in peace. make your own posts and stop being absolute losers.
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shvroyism · 11 months
You will never get me to feel sorry for Aegon, and i say this as the number one Alicent defender…
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