#same tags as before cuz the sentiment is still felt
saintbarou · 2 years
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im thinking of him again…ignore the tags im going to go crazy
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twost3ps · 5 months
Lucifur is gonna be in a pit of a pinch....
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A sneak peek into more of my Scott Pilgrim au!!!
Still tweaking their designs but this is what I've got so far!!! This is a sketch and not final >>>>:(
But let's goooo I just need to choose one more character >>:3 to make the 7
I've gotten a few suggestions so far:
Alastor- it would be funny. Just so funny. And it makes Lucfir question when and how. it's brilliant. Idk how their dynamic would work for this one. Or when really but I'd still consider it o3o
Alastors mom- same as alastor, it's funny. And then it also let's me make lucifur fight Alastor so instead of a 1v1 it's a 2v1. Alastors mom is super scary :)
Valentino- not a lot of history, but it makes the roster start off easy. Possible hilarious character interaction. For one, easy win and second, fast punching bag. Still thinking about the dynamic, but for sure Adam and him have a rocky relationship which let to him to further solidify his hate in sinners and how irredeemable they were also some platonic holydust excuse
Dumah -angel of vindication, and I'm making him Azraels twin brother. He and Azrael will have similar scenarios. When they picked up Adam from earth, he kinda found them kinda hot. Both are ruthless and do share a similar sentiment about sinner, Dumah more so because he's the one judging them. He def hates Luficur and thinks he's pathetic and is not taking his job- the one God so graciously gave him- seriously at all. Even after the fight, Dumah would still not respect Lucifur all that much
Satan- assuming that they meant Satan, as the sin of wrath, makes Luci question again how Adam was able to do this this whole time. Adam got with him, like Mammon, by chance during an extermination. I don't think any of the sins actually care for the exterminations- they're not their people. Why should they? It implied that Lucifur didn't either until Charlie expressed her desire for redemption. Satan liked Adam's wrath and fighting spirit. Thought his weapon was cool too. He could feel all the anger and hate in Adam and was intrigued. Adam thought Satan was really cool too. Also pretty hot and both kinda get off on how much rage they have and their destructiveness.
Still considering:
St. Peter- guys. It's funny. Promise. It's the 'he was a punk, he did ballet' and Lucifur is surprised how they even got together in the first place. He's watching them and wondering what pulled them together. Peter is just glad to see that Adam is actually alive and not dead once he's brought into fight. Lucifur thinks it's gonna be easy before St peter reveals that he's actually a UNIT. Adam and St Peter got together because Adam was sent to train him to gaurd the gate. Yes, Peter is there to let ppl in, but he was also placed there as a surprising first line of defense. They train and ig one thing led to another over time and they got together. So when Luci fight him, he's very shocked at how capable St peter is
Lute- again, I still think that they have a funny father and daughter dynamic but then a saw malaierba's tags and it opened my eyes a bit and made me reconsider putting her on the roster. Adam was Lute's experiment relationship. Dated for like a week, at best, before Lute said "nah I'm gay" and it felt weird for both of them cuz they really just saw eachother as family. Lute is mad protective toward Adam and the fuel of believing that Lucifur is the reason Adam is in hell makes her all just a bit (very) more feral
Depending who I choose will moved them up or down the roster but eyyeyey
Im still open to suggestions!! I might retract the limits I said before just in case.
If I still can't choose, I'll open a poll or something :p
Next post will prob be about the background of everyone else on the roster so far o3o
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bebx · 4 months
Hey there! I hope you are doing well. I don't mean to bother you again as you are gonna figure out I am the same person who asked about your unexpectedly but hopefully temporary drifting away from ST sub fandom hehe. So I decided to do my homework and see if you probably left some clues or hints regarding your hiatus from it before but unfortunately I couldn't find any unless my dumb@$$ missed it despite thorough research as if I was looking for easter eggs in a deeply layered show like ST. My search report :- It had been going well on your side even when there was a drought in HC contents but slowly it lost the 'momentum' which I feel you played a key role in wonderfully building up yourself, ironically right at the moment of D-day which honestly feels like if reality had tv drama like loopholes lol.
So all I have now is what you last said to me that you are busy with stuffs and other things like hyperfixation on a character from Harrow series { although I haven't watched it yet but based on your enthusiasm which mostly resonates with my own interest, I have added it in my watchlist :) Cuz Bingo I can't tell you how happy I was when I found you with the same sentiments as mine after watching Damsel! } plus point is you did mention how he is certainly still in your heart and you are planning to make more posts and fanfic about him in future. So I decided to wait, months passed with more tempting Henry Creel info pouring while I still kept up with *patiently waiting for my favorite Tumblr user's ST fandom era to resurface as well as coexist with her new obsession of Harrow series*, so that one hyperfixation won't have to be sacrificed for another still worthy subject of hyperfixation :) Hence it has been quite an introspective and empathetic time but now I am like "okay at least lemme just ask her how she has been and what exactly is the status", to stifle my other apprehensive thoughts forming with the passing time as well as disappearing silver lining( as there is no sign of either Henry or JCB these days at all lol apart from Jamie Bower World Domination post) out of overthinking.
I always felt your contribution to this fandom has been immensely valuable and even though others may or may not have been enough reminding you that as I can see I am probably the only anonymous seeker regarding digging this matter up, I miss you and your blogs about it. I have mostly been a lurker kind so I never interactively participated in any discussion or thread but I have always inwardly appreciated people with a good taste of art. So even if anonymously, this is a great deal to me, sharing my wish embedded in vulnerability. *nervously chuckles* Idk if this is a stretch but given how what Jamie manually allows to be displayed on his tagged section had most of your posts, tells me that he must have subconsciously felt your absence lately too. The fact that this is true tho, makes it a reasonable theory.
So now after hopefully doing a great job at explaining the deep context behind my "ask away" here are the main deal of questions xD;-
How are you, once again? (I don't want to pressurize you into rejoining it earlier than you planned according to your life and schedules uk. Besides I don't wanna interrupt your balancing of multifandom fascination.)
Is there any particular reason behind this seemingly complete "switch off mode" which you can share? ( because my Spidey senses keep feeling it's more than what it is, could be false alarm tho) Could it be potentially because Stranger Things is so addictive, it is not possible to keep a track of its updates while continuing with hyper fixating on other fandoms?
If the aforementioned fear is unfounded, then here are my other theories and questions, have you stumbled upon the TFS spoilers of any kind?
If no, are you planning to watch it LIVE soon or later? (as the canon play is gonna stick around for a long time) is this why have you been avoiding discussions as they would involve major spoiling of the experience?
Or are you planning of watching it whenever it streams on Netflix as technically it just has to one day?
Have you been weakly following any ST S5 leaks? ( as we finally got a very *greatest leak of all time* kind of leak not even exactly 24 hours ago lol) [to tell you the truth- this is exactly what triggered me to get some clarifications from you, as despite knowing that I would open your page only to be greeted by Harrow, deep down I felt maybe you would say something about it because it directly involves JCB and it's quite making waves already.]
Did you check out the VR Game released this February?
Or are you taking a complete long break for a while because once S5 release date inches closer, there is no going back from its fever for another 2-3 years anyways? haha ( ngl this is my most optimistic theory I am clinging onto)
(optional question xD) Am I seriously the only one approaching you by bringing this old buried fascination or others have felt the same way too and they express their perplexity in your inbox instead?
(anyways I will be very grateful if you respond to my plethora of mystified emotions even though I think it would secretly answer to many other lurkers like me who found a sense of kindred spirit through you but are too busy abiding by their lurking policy)
hi, I’ve been looking at this for…. a while, because… oh my 😅 I understand that it’s been so long since my Stranger Things era, and I know some of my followers follow me for my Henry / ST content. I just didn’t know my silly ST posts actually have this much impact that they stay in people’s memories even after it’s been a long time. so this ask actually brings back so many memories. and I really appreciate that you’re still sticking around. really. I had to take a moment to just sit here and stare at this ask in my inbox and go “whoa” — but it’s a good kind of whoa. I am touched that you still remember, because gosh how long has it been since my ST days!
to answer your questions, I am fine and I am doing well. thank you. I didn’t mean to “abandon” my interest. and I AM still interested in the show. I still love Henry, even though I don’t really talk about him on here anymore. it’s funny because a part of me is kind of sad that I don’t talk about him on here anymore? to tell you the truth, anon, I don’t exactly know why? I mean… sure, my blog currently focuses on something else, but I never really stop loving Henry as a character. this sounds extremely cliche, but it’s the truth. I still love him and I still think about him and those time I spent writing fics about him.
I don’t know if there’s any particular reason behind this, according to you, seemingly complete "switch off mode" on my blog. but there’s no conspiracy theory or anything, if that’s what you’re worried about? I just kind of focus my attention on something else, for the moment, but again, I still do love Henry. just because I don’t talk about him here like I used to does not mean I love him any less. rest assured. he’s still in my heart.
I haven’t stumbled upon any real TFS spoilers, but that’s probably because I don’t follow many blogs that talk about it so it rarely reaches my dashboard anyway.
and I don’t live near the place where the play takes place, so unfortunately I don’t see myself traveling there to watch it live, as life has been a little busy for me here to take that kind of vacations. but I would have loved to. if the time were right. I do look forward to streaming it when or if it becomes available on Netflix though.
I haven’t been following ST leaks much, I can’t see “weekly” because I kind of just look at them if they reach my dashboard here or my twitter’s/X’s timeline. but I don’t actively go search for it nor do I avoid it for fear of any potential spoilers either. but I did just see the leaks you talked about, and I’m actually very excited. it actually reminded me of my fic “Salvation” — I’m not sure if you’ve read it, but yeah. gosh I am genuinely very excited.
though I haven’t checked out the VR Game. I mean… I don’t really play video games so that might explain why.
and no. I’m not “taking a long break” because I think there is no going back from its fever for another 2-3 years after season 5 is released. I don’t even know why I’m “taking a break” except that my mind has just been focusing on something else, currently.
also, yes, some people have asked, and I haven’t had the chance to answer them (I’ve been meaning to, though), so this might be the answer they were looking for as well? there’s no “real reason” behind my lack of activity when it comes to ST fandom, except that I’ve been focusing my attention on something else lately, but that doesn’t mean I love the show — or especially Henry — any less. I still am a fan of the show and of Henry. and I still love Jamie with all my heart, obviously. I still keep up with him and his music and I am so incredibly proud of him as an artist and a person.
I am super excited to see Henry again when season 5 drops. I don’t know when or if my hyperfixation will come back, so I wouldn’t wish to make any promises. but what I can say for sure is that, even though it’s not exactly a hyperfixation, I still love Henry just the same. I hope I will start making lots of posts and writing fics about him again one day.
last but not least, I will always love and support Jamie in everything he does. and he will forever be my source of happiness that keeps me going when things are difficult.
I also want to thank you for reaching out. it means so very much to me. if there is any further matter you wish to talk or discuss with me about, you are very welcome to drop by my inbox anytime.
(and yes, I still love talking about Stranger Things and Henry here. anybody is more than welcome to drop by my inbox to talk to me about Henry — who knows, it might re-spark that hyperfixation within me…)
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joltai-showa · 19 days
a bit more of a serious post today, but i was scrolling through some stuff before sleep and came across some certain sentiments which i would like to talk about
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not outright reposting cuz not too sure if this person would be okay with me doing it, so i'll just say what i think should be said
please don't be ashamed of your hyperfixations. thinking of them and engaging with them is and always should be something fun and enjoyable for you. yes, they come and go, but the memories of them stay with you, the joy that you felt from it will be with you even if you change fandoms and many years have passed.
i've been in many fandoms over almost 10 years, for some of them I can even barely remember the names of the characters in them, but I still remember sending tons of pics of one same cutesy boy to my bestie, drooling over him and how we both joked about of current hyperfixations. since I was 14 I was studiying in some of the best schools in the country and proceeded to do a double degree bachelors. life has been stressful as shit, i am in my early twenties and already have a ton of gray hair, but unironically it was my hyperfixations that helped me to get through that all. i don't regret being unhinged about one evil guy for a year or two or five, because it made me happy in the moment. maybe i will no longer scroll all those thousands of pics of the same dude over and over, but they will remind me of the fun I had, no matter how weird or "cringe" I would get about it.
kill the inner cringe. be free to enjoy the moment. and who knows, one day this hyperfixation might just grasp you in its hold again. it did happen to me a few times :) keeping interest in the same piece of media is not easy, especially if there is barely any content on it. i try to juggle a few interests at the same time and have fun with each of them, it really helps with the possible burnout
p.s. and to the author of the tags, because i think the fics mentioned might concern my works: nope, you aren't cringe. long thorough comments are my (and I guess any authors'?) absolute favorites, because it not only shows that someone took the time to read through my work, but they REALLY resonated with it, they actually cared about a lot of stuff you've spent time putting into the work. you aren't stupid for showing your love for the work, in fact, you're already better than a lot of other people for actively engaging with the fic. i am not trying to shame people simply leaving kudos on the work, it's nice to see their count grow, but after a few days they turn into a single number that is simply there. comments, on the other hand, can be read and reread repeatedly, they're my little stars of honor that truly make my day better. and your comments are not deranged, it's lovely that you can write so much about many many scenes in a single chapter, because personally, I would not be able to do this, so you're awesome for that and a treasure for any author.
p.p.s. i also tend to remember "regulars" under my chapters, so i do get pretty worried that something might have happened to them irl if they don't interact with the new chapter for longer than usual :( you don't have to write extensive commentary every time, you can leave a short list of moments that you liked and maybe return at a later date with a longer comment if you wish so.
tl;dr all comments are valid
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nekoannie-chan · 3 years
As long as you’re mine
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Pairing: Steve Rogers X Mutant!Reader.
Word count: 918 words.
Summary: You and Steve decided not to sign the Accords, and so you experienced new feelings you had never had.
Warnings: Few angst but happy ending.
A/N: This is my entry to @pagesoflauren​‘s I love y’all 3000 Challenge with the song:
“As long as you’re mine” by Idina Menzel and Norbert Leo Butz from Wicked
My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistake, please let me know and I will correct it.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics be posted in other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other's people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and is not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
My other media where I publish: Wattpad, Ao3, ffnet.
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Tags: @sinceimetyou​ @navybrat817​ @angrythingstarlight​  @shield-agent78​ @charmed-asylum​  @pandaxnienke​ @real-fbi​ @smokeandnailz​  @white-wolf1940​ @tenaciousperfectionunknown​ @xoxonotme​ @bluemusickid​ @leyannrae​  @harrysthiccthighss​ @marvelatthisone​​ @Anacindadouble
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You laughed as you closed the last suitcase, things weren't supposed to have been like this, you always believed that the creation of the New Warriors and Thunderbolts teams on Ross' orders was a bad idea and you weren't wrong.
Not to mention that you never felt like you belonged to the Avengers especially when Stark made his stupid jokes about mutants, however, you and Steve were an excellent team, the best team indeed.
No one would realize until it was too late that your stuff and Steve's were gone, you would run as far as you could. You contacted other mutants from the first time you heard of the Accords, they were in a place that few people knew and wasn’t listed in the Accords, so it would be a safe place for you, plus unlike Krakoa it didn't matter if the person who came and wanted to live there was a mutant or not.
You remembered the beautiful sunsets that were in that place; you lived there for a few years of your childhood and you always found it particularly beautiful, it was like entering a paradise. Very rarely did you see someone being rejected by the same place, although that was because it wasn’t a good person who had been rejected. Therefore,  even if they went to look for them there (although you doubted that they could somehow find them) the place simply would not allow them to access, so it was a one hundred per cent safe place for you and those who wanted to accompany you to flee the Accords.
You should not even be in that place, but it was easy to confuse others with your powers, no one would notice that they returned for their belongings, nor would they appear in the video that the security cameras recorded what happened in some Compound’s areas.
Steve entered the room and saw you, the time was numbered, you couldn’t and shouldn’t take so long, you didn’t want any suspicion, apart from the fact that you still had to go to other places before disappearing completely, or at least that someone could find you.
"Doll, we must to...-
“... Hurry up, I know, this is the last suitcase, if you want to get sentimental and say goodbye to this place ahead, I already want to leave” you interrupted it.
"Yes, but I never believed that things would end this way," he said sadly, you hugged him.
"I know, I know there are many stories here, I know what this place came to mean to you, what others mean to you, but we cannot make them change their minds, nor do they know what it is to be persecuted by the Sentinels or to fear or believe that you have no right to exist because you are different.
"You're right, if they don't understand us and they don't care about us, they don't have to care about us, it's time to leave, others are waiting for us.” You took his hand, you had to be quiet, you wanted to avoid extra steps and expend more energy and strength than necessary.
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Your heartbeat fast during the journey, it wasn’t easy, you had to take care of those who could discover you, especially because you knew that you were now considered a criminal and everyone was looking for you to get the reward.
You smiled when you saw your mates who were already waiting for you, although they weren’t all, however, you also understood the reasons of those who had decided to surrender.
But you were tired of following all the rules, of doing what everyone expected and that no one recognized everything you did.
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You sighed when you arrived at that place, at last, you had achieved it, you were already safe, there they were free, you wouldn’t have the same obligations or responsibilities as in the past, but you could start a new life, do what you always wanted.
You showed everyone what your new home would be, it hadn't changed at all since you left, everything remained the same.
You saw Steve folded his arms, he didn't seem entirely happy, you walked over and hugged him.
“Are you okay?” you asked.
"As long as we are together everything will be fine,” he replied.” Do you think we are doing the right thing?"
“We are doing what is best for us, what goes according to our ideals.”
“All I know is that we will be together forever and as long as we are like this, we will overcome any adversity.”
"You know Stevie, after all this I think it's happened, I finally feel like people say we're the mutants," you said all of a sudden.
“Y/N, don't say that doll, you are none of that, don't believe what they say, if only they knew you and knew how they are...”
“No, I don't mean that, let me talk, I mean for the first time in my life... I feel... wicked," you continued as you smiled. “Oh, come on Steve! Don't see me like that, we always follow the rules and what they wanted us to do and behave, for the first time we are free.”
"And we can have the life we always dreamed of,” Steve concluded.
"And we can have the life we always dreamed of," you repeated as you held his hand, you began to walk towards the horizon to see the beautiful sunset that marked a new beginning in your lives.
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justcourttee · 4 years
Daminette soulmate au where Damian really doesn’t want a soulmate cuz of the league and Mari doesn’t know why but doesn’t wanna be a burden and just pushes away everything and the class is being horrible and she gets depressed and when Damien realizes he’s just like fuck. I’m in the mood for angst
This one comes with a bit of a trigger wanner, super angsty, at least I tried. There is so mention of suicide, but no description. I don’t want anyone to read unless they feel comfortable knowing that. 
I hope this is something like what you had in mind. 
A Moment Too Late
The first time Damian had heard the voice of his soulmate, he was only six years old. Her indecent squeals distracted him from the oncoming blow earning him a black and blue cheek and a week of cleaning duties for failing to end his opponent. 
He hadn’t let anyone know what had happened, after all, the league had forbidden contact with the outside world, soulmate bonds included. Damian recalled seeing hundreds of men and women die for contacting their soulmates or allowing them to become distractions that led them astray from the League’s mission. Just because he was the grandson of the Demon Head, it didn’t mean anything in regards to the rules. 
So he did his best to block out her thoughts or outbursts, only focusing on his current tasks, silently begging her to block him out as well. It worked for a little while, but as they aged, she seemed to become more observant of his silence. 
He was eleven years old when his mother first discovered that he had been on the receiving end of his soulmate bond. Marinette, as he soon learned, was trying to coax him into a conversation when Damian snapped, begging her to shut up. The very next day, he found himself drugged and on a boat floating in the dock of Gotham City. 
Never once did he blame his mother for his predicament. No, she was just trying to protect him. After all, if his grandfather had found out, Damian would have been beheaded in front of the others. The only one to blame was Marinette. 
The next time she would contact him would be her last. She tried to reach out, ask him if he was okay, but the sentiment only fueled his rage.
“Don’t you get it? I never wanted this bond! I begged you mercilessly to leave it alone. I begged you to shut up, but you just couldn’t could you? I lost everything because of you, you hear me Marinette? If you just would’ve shut your damn mouth, I would still be able to see my mother. I hope you never use this bond again, I never want to hear from you again.”
There was no response, but it didn’t bother him. This was what he wanted for so many years, for her to never utter a sound to him again. It was a blessed day, one filled with silence as he entered Wayne Manor for the very first time. 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
“Grayson, can you stop mumbling to yourself? You look like an idiot.”
Dick reached back, swatting at where Damian once stood, the goofy smile on his face not wavering. 
“Oh little D, you just don’t understand. If my soulmate wants to talk, I’ll drop everything to take a moment for her.”
“A truly asinine thought, really.”
Damian rolled his eyes as he perched on the edge of the roof, gazing lazily over the darkened city streets. Personally, Damian wasn’t too fond of his brothers using their bonds while on patrol. It was as if they didn’t understand how much of a distraction it could be. No, it was much better to set boundaries, let them know where they stand. 
“Hey little D, have you contacted your soulmate yet?”
Dick squatted beside where Damian was perched, his smile pulling tight as if he already knew the answer to his question. 
“I told you, Grayson, I burned that bridge a long time ago. She hasn’t used the bond since we were eleven and I do not intend to be the first one to break that streak.”
“It sounds like you are too prideful to admit to her that you were wrong.”
“I was not wrong!” Damian could feel the red rising to his cheeks as he turned to avoid Dick’s piercing gaze. “She was the reason I had to leave the league, there is no denying that.”
His voice dropped slightly as he kept his eyes downcast knowing that no matter how many times he told himself that, it only got harder to believe as time passed. 
“Yeah, yeah, same line, less sincerity each time.”
Damian turned, ready to spat a venomous insult when a sudden wave of nauseous hit him like a truck. Doubling over, he could barely make out Dick’s words, the only thing monopolizing his mind was one piercing voice, one he hadn’t heard in years.
“I just want to die! Why won’t you let me die?”
Later, Dick would cry from the fear of the sight of Damian curled tightly on that rooftop, his eyes bloodshot and wide as if he’d seen a ghost. But, in that very moment, he knew that his main priority was to get him back to Alfred in hopes he could figure out any way to save Damian from the haunting phrase that slipped through his lips a hundred times over. 
“It’s all my fault.”
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
It was close to three in the morning when the pain subsided allowing Damian to slip away from the pestering of his family. His movements were still stiff as if he was just a hollow man trying out his own legs for the first time in years. Her words seemed to be stuck on repeat, even though he was sure that she wouldn’t still be muttering them hours later. 
He couldn’t figure out what had happened to leave her at this last attempt. He couldn’t figure out if he should care or not. 
His gut was still throbbing as if he had been stabbed and the wound wasn’t sure if it wanted to be healed. As he slid down onto his favorite bench in the gardens, he remained locked in a fight with himself as to whether he should reach out or not. Hesitantly, he checked his surroundings before drawing in a deep breath concentrating all of his thoughts on her. 
“Are you okay Marinette?”
It was silent. 
Damian let a minute pass and then another. With a sigh of defeat, he closed his eyes pulling his legs into his chest. Of course she wouldn’t answer, it had been years of silence and carrying the guilt that he so carelessly placed on her.
 Shaking his head, he gingerly lifted it to allow his chin to rest on his knee. No, maybe he was a small part of her problem, but she couldn’t have banked her entire existence on a soulmate. Just what had happened to her over all these years. Certainly, he had been through worse, but even as the words crossed his mind he could hear Dick chiding him, reminding him that everyone carries burdens differently.
“I do not know if you can hear me, but I wanted to apologize for my outburst so many years ago. I blamed you for a lifestyle I was born into and that wasn’t right. Please, I’d like to start again, Even if it’s just as friends.”
The biting wind of the night nipped at his bare arms as if it were her answer itself. She obviously wanted nothing to do with him. Just as he stood to leave, a soft voice tickled the back of his head, so quiet that he almost missed the harsh words. 
“I don’t have friends or family, hell, I don’t even have a soulmate who wants me. Don’t bother trying now. I’m sorry if my emotions got the better of me earlier, but it was no guilt trip and I don’t need your pity. I just want to be gone and leave Paris a brighter city for it.”
Damian could feel the wheel’s turning at the mention of her home. A private plane could make it to Paris in just six hours. She might not want his pity and he wasn’t sure if he had any to give, but one thing was for certain; he could not let her die no matter what she wanted. 
“What will you be doing in six hours?”
His heart was racing a mile a minute as he waited desperately for her response. 
“I’ll be leaving school I suppose.”
Damian couldn’t stop the smile that pulled at his lips as he turned toward the manner, racing at full speed. 
Six hours. He could meet her in six hours. He could change her life in six hours. 
He couldn’t even focus on his clothes as they lay strewn across his bed, each missing his suitcase as he tore through his closet. Six hours felt like a lifetime knowing the stakes, but it was something he had to try. Even if he had to scour the entire city, Damian would find his soulmate. 
He just hoped that he wouldn’t arrive a moment too late.
Permanent Tag List:
@ash-amg @rebecarojas07 @heaven428 @long-lost-peace @thequeenofpotatoeunicornss @moongoddesskiana @nach0ava @iamablinkmarvelarmy @seraphkitty @clumsy-owl-4178 @pawsitivelymiraculous @mialuvscats @leagrey @smolplantmum @animegirlweeb @glitterflowercat
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lovelytarou · 4 years
kiss me thru the phone — bakugo katsuki
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— katsuki always calls you on the phone, making sure that it's his voice you hear when you wake and the one you'll listen to as you fall asleep.
pairing: bakugo katsuki x reader
tags: established relationship, swearing? cuz this is bakugo hehe. not proofread!!
genre: fluff, kinda angst
word count: 1.4k
a/n: 1/7 of the 200 follower event, i can just see him doing this lmao. sorry if the header doesn't look good, i tried my best (˘・_・˘) not at me saying i'll upload this yesterday night but it's already 2am here. it is what it is.
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bakugo katsuki is a busy man. 
even when he was in his UA days, you always see him training by himself and excusing himself early to go study and then eventually, sleep. his friends often tease him for being a grandpa and not having time to go and have fun, but when he met you that's when he really started to let himself free and experience fun things with his friends albeit he's masking it as having “no choice but to join” under the guise of watching over his friends as to not make themselves look like idiots, but you know better. you know that when he says he doesn't care, you understand the meaning that he actually does. and deeply too.
he's just a big tsundere who cares a lot for the people he loves. 
now that he's a pro hero working his way up to the top, hectic times and cancelled dates cannot be helped. he has to always excuse himself and apologize over and over for not going to the date you both planned as promised and you always have to say that it's alright, that you understand over and over. and if anyone knew bakugo, it's that he would never settle for less. a simple ‘okay’ isn't enough for him. 
so when you woke up one morning to the ringing of your phone and the rare photo of your lover smiling instead of your cacophonous alarm, you knew it had to be one of those days where bakugo was feeling particularly soft for you.
rolling over on his side of the bed, you answered the call with a smile on your face despite him not seeing it. the warm streaks of sunlight coming through the windows illuminated your face, making you shut your eyes for a moment.
“hi, baby.” you croaked, voice scratchy and raspy upon waking.
you heard his chuckle on the other end before he greeted you as well.
“good morning, sleepyhead. it's 10am already, you should be getting your ass out of bed,” he scolded you. you rolled your eyes as you lied on your back, staring up at the ceiling while you twirled a piece of your hair like a lovestruck schoolgirl talking to your crush. 
“i know, i know. but the bed's still warm and i wanna stay in bed for a bit.” you whined, even pouting for effect that you knew he wouldn't resist. 
you heard him click his tongue in annoyance at your statement. knowing him, he's probably shaking his head in disapproval at your lazy behavior. 
“get the fuck out of bed or else your breakfast will get cold. you don't want to eat cold food, do you?" 
“wait, you made me breakfast?” you felt your stomach do flips at the thought of bakugo waking up early and even having the time and effort to cook for you. 
you heard him scoff at that, “course i did. i know your dumbass will complain about how i didn't cook you anything before i left if i didn't. so eat up, okay? i know i'm not always at home to eat with you and this is the only thing i can do to make you feel that you're not alone. and i'm sorry about that. i promise one of these days, i'll take you out for dinner, alright?” 
he can only hear sniffles and soft sobs on the other end as you nodded. 
“oi, are you crying?!”
“yes! why the hell are you so sweet? and it's too early for me to be crying like this!” you wailed, tears streaming down your face like a waterfall, trying your best to wipe them away with your night shirt. 
“i'd like that very much. you're the best, katsuki. take care and good luck at work!” 
“i know i am, babe. take care as well, don't wait up for me tonight, i'll call you.” you both bid your goodbyes with words of love before he hung up to do his hero work and for you to get ready for the day. you ate your breakfast with a smile on your face and heart feeling much fuller than your stomach with the thought of katsuki.
some days, when he's away on a mission, he'd love to call you randomly and he wouldn't even care if you're doing something or if you're busy. what he knows is that he needs to hear your voice more than anything. 
on a particularly busy and dreadful day, bakugo had called you during work and you picked it up without second thoughts, worry already clouding your mind. 
“tsuki baby!” you greeted in a joyful tone. your smile evaporated when he didn't return the sentiment.
“katsuki? are you okay? what's up, baby?” you tried to make your voice as soothing as possible, knowing that any other unwelcoming approach might set him off.
he sighed on the other end, and you can only guess what happened.
“i'm fine...just...i missed your voice,” his own had a low timbre to it, sort of a deep vulnerable tone he only let you hear when he wanted you to see his true self without the facades and the mask. 
“i'm here now, katsuki. do you wanna talk?” being a pro hero can be stressful as much as he loves it. he's also human, and he can only handle as much when faced with a lot of obstacles in life.
“yeah, that'd be nice. tell me about your day, how are you?” he might be diverting the topic towards you instead but you indulged him in his request and started to tell him about your day – from the time you wake up to the time you arrived to work.
“oh! and um, i also bumped into my old friend a while ago. they asked me about you and i told them that we should meet up someday, you know, like a double date?” 
“sure, yeah. i'd love to meet them. they seem like a cool person.” 
“they are! anyway, what about you? anything happened in there on the mission?” you waited patiently for his response which he appreciated a whole lot than what you realize. 
“it was okay. the mission was going smoothly with everyone helping and then...i just, we rescued this man and his...wife got–” he faltered, you heard him choke a sob through the phone and you can only wish you can hold him right at that moment if you weren't only miles away from each other. 
“it's okay if you don't wanna continue, tsuki. i understand this is heavy for you. i'm sorry you have to suffer through that alone. i wish i can be there for you,” in your head, you're imagining that you're comforting him and kissing his worries away as he's nuzzling into your neck. and you'd tell him that everything will be alright and that you'll always be there for him.
“i'm sorry...thank you, for staying with me and being in my life. i wouldn't know what i'd do without you, honestly. maybe be the same asshole that i was before we met,” he joked, chuckling at the fond memory that felt like ages ago today. 
“no worries, babe. you know i'm always here if you want to talk. i'll listen and you can never talk my ear off because i love listening to you sexy voice.” you teased, knowing it would make him as red as a tomato. the both of you laughed and it felt like you're together, probably at home as you lounged in the living room without worrying about anything.
“whatever. i like hearing your voice too, i guess. anyway, i gotta go in a few minutes. i'm calling again later before you sleep, make sure you don't doze off on me!” you can practically imagine the smoke coming out of his ears as he yelled at his phone.
“yes, yes, i will. i already told you i'm sorry! go kick some villain ass in there, baby. i'll be waiting for you back home.” 
“good. goodbye, i miss you. stay safe and always lock your door and the windows! don't stay up too late or i'll swim there to make you sleep myself–”
before he went on a tangent about his usual scoldings you told him that you still had work to do and he can save them for later, but you felt warm inside knowing this is how he tells you he loves you without really saying them. time and distance may keep you away from each other, but your love can travel through great distances and defy all odds. 
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Taglist: @chibishae34
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cqlfic · 4 years
I saw in the tags of your most recent ask that you said not to send the same ask to multiple fic rec blogs, but then you deleted the tags. Can I ask why you deleted them? No pressure to answer!
ahaha you saw that? sharp eyes wang yibo-style 😅 no, dw i don’t mind that you asked i’m pretty impressed cuz i deleted those tags pretty fast
the tags in question were something like... i don’t think you should send the same ask to multiple fic rec blogs. basically. BUT i deleted them since putting it in the tags felt (1) like i was scolding anon (not intended) and (2) upon reflection might speak more about me, than anything about the act itself. like for big blogs, sending them an ask someone else has already answered/might answer before them is lowkey a waste of their time, especially since open-ended fic searches can take a lot of time and effort. this isn’t as MUCH a problem with me since i’m pretty dinky, don’t get many asks at all, and gave myself some leeway by setting a low bar of “at least 3 fics per request”. so! my reservations end up being that i feel useless 😂😂😂 this is kinda just a me thing though: my own feelings of inadequacy of My Searching vs. (just as an example!) Crowdsourcing Answers
so that’s why i deleted the tags! i still stand by the sentiment, but i didn’t think the tags were where the sentiment belonged
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coalessscence · 7 years
tagged by: @innocentmanwithabounty tagging: ummm @thepeopleversus; @patriiiarch; @allwcsted; @traumeriin; and anyone else who wants to!
repost ! don’t reblog !      put your music player on shuffle for ten songs and list them; attempting to relate the songs that come to      your muse(s) in some way!
1. Fantasy Serenade  // Triumph/Rik Emmett  [ ► ]
..... this is an instrumental so i don’t know How to do that lol. Although it is a good song, and I think Jennifer might like it?
2. All Your Love // Gary Moore  [ ► ]
uhhh this feels like it couLD maybe apply the overall ship of piper / roach / seaborne @piper-aileen-lenox ??? CUZ U KNOW. NEITHER OF THE BOIS HAD /REALLY/ had solid relationships before and esp roach would be like !!! all this love stuff is great !!!! seaborne would act like it’s Nothing but i think he would agree??? either way idk. 
3. Allied Forces // Triumph  [ ► ]
tbh this is kinda split between being a good song for andy or a good song for johnny. i don’t think johnny would /listen to it/ per se, but i do think he’d say something very similar to what the song says on the air some time. i do think andy would listen to it, for much the same reasons.
4. Reelin’ in the Years // Steely Dan  [ ► ]
i’ve said this a long time ago i think but @innocentmanwithabounty; this song reminds me of vin @college!herb for like the first half. until it starts talking about the romantic relationship XD but lines like “you been tellin’ me you’re a genius since you were seventeen; in all this time i’ve known you i still don’t know what you mean” or “you wouldn’t know a diamond if you held it in your hand” or “the things you pass as knowledge i can’t understand”
5. Just Get Through This Night  // Styx  [ ► ]
i mean. it’s a good bop but ??? i have no idea how it could be related to any of my muses riP i mean it has sOME ruby x herb sr vibes but....... not really ???
6. A Little While // Yellow Days  [ ► ]
this is actually a pretty good song for everyone’s favorite notp, ruby & herb sr.
7. Sing for the Day // Styx  [ ► ] 
again i’ve said this before but this reminds me a bit of herb @ his daughter, bunny, sentiment wise at least.
8. Starring Role // Marina & The Diamonds  [ ► ]
this is, again, a good ruby @ herb sr bop. a sad bop.
9. Stone Cold Believer // 38 Special  [ ► ]
this sounds suspiciously like the viewpoint of andy tbh ???? i mean i wouldn’t say he actually IS any of the things described in the song, but that’s who he thought he was- or felt he should be. this is who he knew he had to become to meet the success he wanted to, and who he had trouble accepting he wasn’t when it came crashing down on him.
10. Urgent // Foreigner  [ ► ]
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omgnsfwisnsfw-blog · 5 years
NSFW #2.1 It All Begins Again
OOC: title is intentional :P
A few months ago, the two of them watched from their knees as their world was ripped away from them. After that, John felt it was necessary to reevaluate his worldview. A source of their misery had confided to them that now they finally understood the lesson he was trying to impart. To be like him. Those ideals would soil their legacy as champion just as John believed they defined this person that while he begrudgingly respected, cared very little for. And so he wanted to go home. His request was obliged by his partner, a person who, deep down, couldn’t deny him anything. If John Bishop Church asked for the moon, Mike McGuire would find some way to pull it from the sky for him, catastrophic tidal activity be damned. Yet, even though they granted him what he asked for- the immediate cessation of their current occupation- it didn’t sit well with them. Far from it. The abrupt loss of something they’d loved so much for so long, for the second time in their life no less, filled Mike with a heaving sea of bitterness. One night’s full expulsion in the form a destructive eruption of white-hot temper should have quelled it, at least they’d hoped. They didn’t want to direct their anger at John, as he’d had enough denied him in his life. And after a long discussion, Mike resolved to let it go, to get over their bad feelings over leaving what was, in truth, a toxic environment and start over. No more complaints were made on Mike’s part, no sulking or wanton destruction. There was, however, a slightly distressing amount of Labatt Blue. John noticed. Usually sat in his recliner and read as Mike imbibed. Whatever was on the television became the subject of their anger. The Mets losing. The Bruins winning. The worst though is when Mike flipped to their previous employer. The anger was laser focused. Two weeks prior to their sudden reemergence, it had been a night just like that. “Motherfucker.” Green eyes, slightly hazed over, glared at the handsome Texan brandishing the ornate gold belt, their lips curling into something between a sneer and a snarl. The ugliness being directed at the screen seemed out of place in the cozy, if not mismatched, living room. Their hands balled up into taut fists- well, one did, and the other gripped the amber glass bottle so tightly that it seemed that it might shatter. “Look at that fuckin’ pukestain. Sittin’ pretty at the top of the goddamn heap. Somebody shoulda knocked him into the fuckin’ pits by now. And a’course the tag division’s going down the diarrhea dumps. All that fuckin’ work for shit. Good job, guys, fuckin’ A.” There was a mild slur to their words, though it was hard to tell as they spoke through gritted teeth. The bottle was raised to their lips, sucked dry of its last dregs, and dropped to the side of the couch, clinking against two of its previously drained fellows. John looked up from Sue Monk Kidd’s The Invention of Wings. He adjusted his reading glasses on the bridge of his nose. “You could always change the channel.” Mike blinked as if they seriously had not considered this as a possibility, eyes flicking to the remote on the end table, staring at it bemusedly before picking it up and starting to idly run through the channels, little split-second mismatched bits of programming fusing themselves into an incomprehensible chain with every flick of their finger, before finally sighing hotly and clicking the TV off altogether. “Or turn it off,” he turned the page. “...don’t it piss you off at all, though? We busted our fucking nuts to make something outta nothing, and the moment we leave it’s just as big a pile of shit as before. It ain’t just pointless, it’s fuckin’ disrespect.” “Yes. We said as much,” John didn’t look up. He agreed to the joint statement but he also thought it gave people false hope as if the two were coming back to right a wrong. But that is where the business decision came in. He had concluded that they would never be featured and that tag team wrestling would never be taken seriously. It would always be considered an afterthought or a contingency plan. Jealousy was an ugly emotion to confront but it felt justified here. So he let go. Something tugged at the corner of his mind and it was an obvious declaration at this point, “Why not go somewhere else?” If they’d still been holding their beer bottle they would have dropped it, and legit surprise seeped its way into their somewhat drunken expression.“Are you serious? I mean… I mean I thought you were done, outside the one-offs here an’ there. All that stuff you said about not knowing how much you had left in the tank an’ not wanting to push it.” He remembered as such. Part of him enjoyed playing local celebrity. There wasn’t a day out there when someone didn’t ask about about NSFW. About reclaiming what was theirs. They shared his partner’s drunken sentiments. John marked his place and set the book aside, “You’re right. I don’t know what I have left. But I believe that leaving this unsettled could cause issues.” As if in a moment of sudden clarity, Mike glanced briefly down at the trio of empty bottles, and thought about the few others dropped into the recycle bin at various points in the day. Giving a soft sigh, they looked down at their hands, teeth nipping at their lower lip, “If it’s just because of me I don’t wanna do it. Look, I’m sorry. I’ve really been trying and maybe I ain’t being altogether fair. But I said I’d deal and I’ve been doing my best. It’ll come in time, I just don’t...” They swallowed, sighed. Looked up almost sorrowfully. “...don’t want you to do something you really don’t want to just cuz I’m being an ass who can’t cope like a normal person.” John leaned back in the recliner, “No, that’s not it. I wouldn’t still be training. But beating on kids fresh out of Race’s school at the fairgrounds is starting to lose its appeal. One of them asked for your autograph right before you broke his nose.” “His nose oughtn’a been in the way of my fist. Learn to dodge, kid, fuck,” Mike laughed, the peal fading off into a sigh, albeit a lighter one than before. “Alright. So if this is something you really want- and you know I’m on board- then where do we go? I mean we’ve been getting offers from everywhere from Atlanta to fuckin’ Zanesville, and I… heh. I may have been holding onto ‘em in case you changed your mind.” “I’ve seen those,” John didn’t mean to be dismissive of Mike’s excitement but he had seen those offers. Middling gigs that were of little substance. Although, a few weeks ago, they’d been walking out of the aforementioned fairgrounds. Someone, he couldn’t remember their face, handed him a flyer. The slip of paper had a curious logo on it. An inverted triangle made up of three letters. For some reason, John kept it. He retrieved it from his wallet and handed it to Mike, “But what about something more international?” They took the piece of paper, gave it a once over, and smiled broadly, “Valor Pro, huh? Shit, some of the best times we’ve had’ve been travelling the world. Let’s do it.” With business conducted, the newly minted Valor Pro Wrestling tag team looked ahead to a major challenge. Church and McGuire had talked a big game and their new employer clearly took notice. These sort of sessions between the two were usually private. But something about this place compelled them to be more intimate with their discourse. And so propped up on a kickstand, Mike’s phone filmed their discussion. Start of next month, NSFW would make their official debut in the capital city of Morocco. There was a palpable excitement between the two as they wouldn’t be hand held through a corporate approved set of appearances. Their promotion would be their own. That rush dissipated as the pair sat at the dining room table with an open manilla folder between them. Bio sheets of their opponents, scribbled with John’s notes and Mike’s doodles. Berlin’s mustache suddenly had roguish curls while Brenna had devil horns and a forked tongue. Mike gestured to the former. “If you want me to be honest, an’ I know you do? I got no clue what to make of this guy. I mean, Brenna we know, kinda. She’s dangerous as shit and just as unpredictable. This Berlin dude, though… damn. Might’s well be an alien landscape.” Mike looked up to their partner- he’d always had an uncanny gift of insight that would definitely serve them well here. “What do you think?” “It’s what we wanted.” “I know that. New places, new people. I’m excited. But what I mean is, I can’t get a bead on Berlin and you’re really fuckin’ good at reading people. You see something I’m missing?” “He seems nice.” Mike sighed, shaking their head with a mild chuckle. That, it seemed, was that. “Yep. He sure does. So… how do we approach this, you think?” John looked at the still photos of Brenna and Berlin. Notably, the warm expression lent towards Berlin after coming up short just moments prior. His fingers touched them briefly, “That’s new. Well, not new,” he shrugged and closed the folder. For a brief moment, John’s eyes steeled, “We aren’t here to make friends. These two are in our way.” “Good eye. But I’m wondering if the same kinda tactics people tend t’ try and use on us- the separate and destroy shit- would be an advantage or an invitation to get ourselves killed. Unless…” Mike’s eyes found their partner’s, a devious grin flicking over their lips. “...the one on the ‘destroy’ end is the one most likely to get all murderous-like.” “It’s a matter of not hesitating,” John answered, “because she won’t. Our association with her has always been at arm’s length and her career aspirations have always been unclear. And while these two have a history, she’s shown that walking out on her partner isn’t out of the realm of possibility.” “Yeah, just because she’s flirty as shit with me doesn’t mean she won’t beat me up. Nothing personal, but it is what it is,” Mike shrugged, “For that point, Berlin doesn’t seem like the type who likes being tied down to anything either. Talks a lot about nomadic wandering and shit.” “And so why is he here?” John’s question was rhetorical. Mike picked up on the flicker of sarcasm but not many others would, “This is our chance to reestablish just who we are. The premier tag team in this sport. And what I’ve seen out of Berlin thus far is a kind of lip service towards this business. Coasting on an undeniable level of ability. Thus far, I get the inclination that he thought he had it easy coming up on his last time. And for the first time, he faced some real adversity and the result was…” He tapped his fingers on the table three times in an all too familiar cadence. “And Mike, believe me, we’re a brick wall.” Mike nodded, beaming, “They’re good, but they’re still two guys. We’re a team. We’ll show ‘em what the difference is. This ain’t a hot date, this is a Number One Contendership shot for those gorgeous-ass Chimera Tag Team belts. They belong to a team who eats, sleeps, and breathes tagging, not just another combo of two people tagging cuz it’s convenient. I mean, fuck. It’s not like being a couple alone makes for a good t--” They stopped themselves. “And that, I think…” They looked to the camera, their palm hitting the lens in an abrupt cut to black.
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