#same with hawks cuz i like. never draw that guy
flutteringfable · 3 months
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 294: A Half-Assed Escape
Previously on BnHA: Mirio was all “SURPRISE I’M BACK THANKS TO OUR RESIDENT SEVEN-YEAR-OLD WHO RECENTLY EARNED HER BACHELOR’S OF BEING A TOTAL BADASS.” Kacchan was all, “you know what, Dabi’s been trending long enough, time to remind the fandom what a real G looks like,” and he blasted his little bleeding body back into the fray and was all “FROM HERE ON OUT CALL ME DYNAMIGHT!!” Mirio was all, “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... oh, you’re serious,” and Kacchan was all “!!”, and so that’s the story of how my son got murdered twice in one day. Meanwhile in the Todoroki Drama Zone, Deku was all “STOP MURDERING MY FRIEND” and Dabi was all “THAT’S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS” and fandom had a whole big debate about Whether Or Not Dabi Trying To Murder Deku’s Friends And Mentors Is Any Of Deku’s Business, which went exactly how you think it went. Anyway, so then Deku yelled at Dabi, and Endeavor was all moved by his manly words and randomly went to go uppercut Machia in the chin. And, seeing as how the Momoserum finally chose that exact moment to kick in, Machia is now down for the count.
Today on BnHA: The Miriosquad handles the Nearly High End Noumus, freeing up Jeanist to jasphyxiate (okay that one doesn’t really work so well) the rest of the League. Compress is all “TIME FOR THIS MILD-MANNERED SIDE CHARACTER VILLAIN TO SHINE”, except that by “shine” what he actually means is “use his quirk to punch a literal hole right through his own ass to free himself.” The rest of the chapter is basically just a back and forth between him and Jeanist, with Jeanist trying to recapture him, and Compress repeatedly thwarting him by chopping more holes out of himself because HE’S FRESH OUT OF FUCKS, AND THE ONES AT THE STORE ARE ALL SOLD OUT, MOTHERFUCKERS. Anyway, so with Compress basically dying and all, Horikoshi is all “you know what that means”, and delivers a freshly-baked villain flashback revealing that Compress is a descendant of Harima Ouji, a.k.a. the Peerless Thief, a.k.a. some famous guy whom Gentle mentioned this one time for like two seconds back in the day. The chapter ends with Compress finally demasking himself and dumping Tomura back onto the ground, a.k.a. The Worst Possible Place For Tomura To Be. ( •﹏•)
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AIZAWAAAA you’re alive and receiving medical help thank GOD. HOW MANY EYES DO YOU HAVE. AND MIRKO!! HOW MANY LIMBS DO YOU HAVE, OMG
so is this Aizawa dreaming about Crust’s final moments, then?? jesus. with All Due Respect to Crust’s memory, does Aizawa not already have enough misplaced guilt on his conscience as it is?? “nope, we’re gonna keep piling it on. that’s all he is now. three limbs, an indeterminate number of eyes, sexy hair, and Guilt” well shit
motherfucker y’all really out here placing an oxygen mask on Gran Torino’s corpse. fucking shounen characters. each one comes with a lifetime warranty
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for a moment I considered going back and checking my previous recaps to count how many times I’ve already made a joke about Dabi’s fire incinerating Hawks’s wings but not touching so much as a hair on his five o’clock shadow, so that I could calculate whether or not I could possibly get away with making that same joke one more time. but then I realized I could just do it in this kind of roundabout way I’m doing right now instead. so there you have it
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so anyway though, Jeanist is giving a speech about how god knows how many people all worked together to bring Machia down. and now RHA is getting in on those fabric puns too, I see. “A SINGLE STRAND MAY BE THIN BUT TOGETHER THEY FORM A STRONG ROPE” oh so you think you guys are funny eh? I’m a frayed knot
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fffffff. so much for him taking over as the Number One once all this is over. so let’s just recap real quick, because Horikoshi has long since made it clear that one of his plot goals for this arc is to wipe out every single member of the Billboard Top Ten. so how we doin?
Endeavor - was just figuratively eviscerated in front of the entire nation by his homicidal zombiepunk son. also burnt half to death and possibly down a lung. will almost certainly be forced to retire after this one way or the other
Hawks - lying prettily in a medical tent. wings status: gone. hair status: still perfect
Edgeshot - MIA, last seen fighting Re-Destro. I really want him to have kicked RD’s ass because fuck that guy, but realistically they probably fought to a draw at best
Mirko - alive but in critical condition and missing something like 1.5 limbs
Crust - dead, currently haunting Aizawa’s traumatized dreams. now he’s gonna be triggered the rest of his life by people giving him the thumbs up, THANKS A LOT
Kamui Woods - was set on fire which is His Weakness. thoughts and prayers
Wash - last seen floating hospital patients to safety as Tomura’s wave of decay descended towards him. probably dead ffff
Old Man Samurai - haven’t seen this fucker in a hot minute, who even knows where he’s wandered off to
Ryuukyuu - currently being treated for her wounds, looked pretty bad off. but it’s hard to tell how hurt she is since most of the injuries were acquired in her transformed state. SHE BETTER GET WELL SOON
anyways, so yeah. so much for the top ten. guess that’s another reason Horikoshi brought Mirio back now, huh
so there’s a big panel of everyone fighting the Noumu while Machia lies there all “blurgh.” good riddance my dude. it took like twenty chapters and a hundred people to stop this guy so I really fucking hope he stays down. you’ve had your fun
anyway so Jeanist is sending another steel thread towards Dabi! and he’s all “just a bit more!!” fklklj this is gonna go real well isn’t it
meanwhile Mirio’s fighting a Nearly High End with all of these weird rock formations jutting out of its skin. go on and kick his ass then, Mirio
“each of these guys is probably just as strong as the Noumu from Kyuushuu” hold on I thought Ujiko or Tomura or someone said that wasn’t the case? not that Mirio would know I suppose. anyways let’s just hope he’s wrong cuz if not these kids are probably screwed
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WOW, SON. IT’S ALMOST AS THOUGH YOU HAVE A HOLE IN YOUR TORSO, OR SOMETHING!! although listen up, real talk, the fact that Kacchan of all people can’t muster the energy to yell at someone questioning his ability to kick ass is HIGHKEY troubling and we may be in need of an intervention here soon :/
now Jeanist is finally turning his attention to the League! was... was it not already on the League. omg
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hey so um. what the actual fucked up hell. my soul left my body. imagine if you saw the reflection of this panel on your bedroom window. you would never sleep again
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(ETA: just a next-day clarification here, apparently my sleep-deprived ADHD word-skipping brain completely skipped right over the “a” in that last panel, so what I read was, “and Shigaraki’s limp noodle.” so yeah, the moral of this story is always read the speech bubble carefully before you start making running jokes throughout the rest of your post, folks.)
oh wow he’s really freaking out lmao
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to be fair though, I’d argue that Dabi has gotten pre-tty close at this point :’) thrilled for him, really I am
but anyway, well then figure something out you big dramatic robot-armed fiend. didn’t you just say you could touch your own ass? can you not just Compress yourself to break free?? does it not work on you? or would you be stuck afterwards lol
(ETA: I was picturing him compressing his entire body at once, not just chunks of it. ghhhlkh.)
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holy shit Jeanist. are you stupidly trying to cut off their air, or are you going for more of a sleeper hold (jleeper hold??) thing instead. the latter would be way smarter and faster and probably safer as well just saying
but unless Spinner is just being super dramatic, it sure looks like he’s fucking strangling them djslkjlk. this will certainly cement his popularity among the villain stans. good thing you’re not running for office any time soon bud
anyway so I have no idea what these guys are trying to do now. what is this
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do you even have till the count of 5 at this rate. I mean
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jeez, talk about... A HALF-ASSED ESCAPE ATTEMPT :D :D :D hahaha. but real talk though, Horikoshi has clearly never tried to leap twelve feet straight up in the air multiple times in succession with only half his glutes though. everyone, I regret to inform you that this panel right here on the left may be slightly unrealistic
also where the hell is he going to go?? did you pack a jetpack away in one of those little marbles sir. and what about Dabi?? and Skeptic too, I guess, but we don’t really care about Skeptic
(ETA: at this point I had to stop reading for about two hours because I had to go out and take care of something; that’s also why this is being posted later than usual lol. anyways so where were we.)
oh my lord
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the existence of a translator’s note here implies that the earlier line about Compress being able to reach Tomura’s junk was not, in fact, ad-libbed. hmm. hmmmmmmmm
anyway so now he’s grabbing Compress again because OF COURSE HE IS, so now we’re right back to square one! except now Tomura and Spinner are secured inside of little marbles, and presumably Compress is the only one who can release them
oh nevermind he’s just maiming himself again instead, SHEESH
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Skeptic a man is dying please have some goddamn respect
so, uh. is he gonna die, though??
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I really can’t tell wtf is going on here, this is the most confusing the art has been in a while. Horikoshi put all of his spoons into that creepyass close-up panel earlier, that bastard
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so apparently Harima was a Robin Hood type guy who stole from... heroes?? wtf. are heroes the 1% in this scenario. y’all didn’t have any Fortune 500 CEOs to steal from?
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THAT’S THE BLOOD THAT FLOWS THROUGH YOU, OH SHIT. and in a related oh shit, the fact that we are getting a Compress flashback now of all times doesn’t bode super well for him. ffff
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listen here boy if you touch one freaking hair on Shouto’s candy cane head I swear to god --
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(ETA: “masks are removable, makeste” you know what it’s been a long day okay lmao. or I suppose Compress is really the one who is lmao.)
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okay. okay. looooool okay then
as if it wasn’t enough for him to demask himself, he also had to get all shirtless and then do this weird attempt at a sexypose too huh
hard to say exactly how much of his torso is currently missing, but safe to say that’s proooooooobably not good. :///// fuck
on the other hand, Kacchan also has a torso hole and he’s still flying around like he just drank a dozen red bulls, so
this man lost his ass and he’s still out here monologuing like it’s the last two minutes of The Prestige. one might say he is monologuing his ass off
so he let Spinner and Tomura free, but is Dabi still trapped in his marble?? wasn’t he all on fire and stuff?? hopefully he can still turn off his quirk in there because if not that’s a pretty fucked up way to die. somewhere out there Snatch’s ghost is all “YEAH I’LL SAY.” oh how the turntables
last but not least, sooooooo. Tomura. back on the ground. that’s. um. ...shiiiiiiiit
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2-cute-4-school · 4 years
𝙉𝘾𝙏 𝘿𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 : 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙞𝙧 𝙪𝙨𝙪𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙘𝙧𝙪𝙨𝙝 𝙜𝙚𝙩𝙨 𝙨𝙤𝙛𝙩 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙢
 @proseeuhn~aaah its okay if it takes a while! i honestly dont mind! my requests was… how would the dreamies react to their friend/crush who is usually unintentionally quite distant and intimidating being with soft with them and grabbing their hand out of nowhere to just play with it? if that makes sense?? like the friend/crush gets all soft and grabs the dreamies hand and plays with it djskks thank you in advance! ~ Thank you so much for your request (๑>◡<๑) , it was such a fun and original idea, i really enjoyed coming up with scenarios for this (requests are still open btw)
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Mark Lee
so mark may be just a tiny huge bit scared of you sometimes
but that’s mostly because babie doesn’t want to make a fool of himself in front of you  🥺
cuz your rbf gives him THE chills sometimes
you’re the definition of a ‘bruh’ person but somehow that’s a huge charm in mark’s eyes he’s royally whipped been there done that
and the one(1) way mark can fully relax and be in his element is when he’s playing the guitar i’d die to see/hear him
and even after he’s done you’re just ✨ vibing ✨ together in silence
until you suddenly reach out and grasp his hand in yours and bring it close to your face
mark.exe has unexpectedly crashed (((( ;°Д°))))
“woah your fingertips are so calloused from playing”
mark needs a cooler PRONTO (⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾ Д ⁽⁽ ⁰ ⁾⁾)
he’s OVERHEATING FOR REAL and hyperaware of your warm breath fawning over his fingertips
and then you intertwine your hands and bring them into your lap as you brush your thumb against the exposed skin on his hand that you’re able to reach with a small smile on your lips (゚ ω゚//)
and mark is SHOOK with your casual display of affection and softness
he can’t help but stare at the soft curl of your lips, the light twinkle in your eyes, the fingers that grip his own so firmly yet so endearingly ♡‿♡
“you’re so beautiful” it just slips out 
0.0 pause, delete existence, rewind major PANIC
but to his immense surprise a faded hue of red paints your cheeks and ears (๑•́‧̫•̀๑)
“thanks, you’ll get there too eventually “ 
(ノT_T)ノ ^┻━┻  way to ruin a moment
but he does forgive you when he feels the index finger of your other hand trace a faint heart on the back of his hand (*>ω<*)
and mark would spend a lifetime playing his guitar if it meant he’d get to witness this unexpected but very welcomed side of you
Huang Renjun
renjun probably watches you like a hawk 
your distant demeanor sometimes baffles him poor baby
but he likes you too much to give up so easily whipped man ٩(♡ε♡ )۶
and he does everything he can to *subtly* hint about his tiny huge crush but without making you uncomfortable renjun best boi we been knew
but you don’t seem to get the gist AT ALL (>皿<)
and renjun is getting more and more concerned on your lack of affection towards him 
so babie gets lowkey sad (oꆤ︵ꆤo) not allowed in this household
until one blessed time you’re peeking over his shoulder as he inspects one of his unworldly amazing drawings
you hurriedly take a seat beside him and grab one of his hands in yours as you gush over his artwork
renjun’s brain and face is overheating
‘we…we’re holding ha-hands??!? and they called me best artist- wait ‘MY jun’??!?!!??!?!?’ (◎0◎)
and while he’s already shutting down, you decide enough isn’t enough and give  him THE FINAL BLOW
you run your fingers gently over the back of his right hand and you suddenly lean your head on his shoulder as your soft voice registers in his overworked brain
“your birthmark is so pretty, renjun, so unique” (♥ω♥*)
*please bring cold water, towels, a fan, the entire fridge, renjun is burning alive he hot that’s why* 
but renjun makes THE ULTIMATE POWER MOVE and brings your intertwined hands up to lay a *smooch* on your hand  🥺
get a room pls 
Lee Jeno
the members once said they also found jeno intimidating and cold before getting to know him 
so he’s certain that you only need to open up a lil
that’s why no matter how distant and icy you  act towards him 
he never NEVER gives up
just shoots you one of his ^‿^ smiles and carries on
and unconsciously, you start to soften up around him
and there a very specific moment when he started to realize that
you were helping him cut up some fruits and as he was about to grab another apple, you grabbed his hand, intently inspecting it
jeno having a heated internal debate : ‘chill man, don’t give them a reason to catch you off guard’  (ó﹏ò。)
“well i gotta admit lee jeno” 
“huh?” insert that cute confused sound he makes
“i’m really awestruck by you”
jeno puffing his chest internally : ‘well it’s damn time you noticed me senpai’ (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و
“you’ve really got the ugliest tan i’ve ever seen”
‘ASDFKAWDKSAIKAKJW- *passes out* ‘ X.X
jeno just snatches his hand away and grumbles about fruits and bicycles
he’s sulky the entire day but not because you hurt his ego no 
and as much as you love teasing jeno, your growing soft spot for him is acting up and your melted heart just *mush*
so you kick renjun off the couch in order to sit beside jeno renjun tries to protest but you shoot him *that look* and he retreats with his tail between his legs ミ●﹏☉ミ
jeno tries to keep up his deeply hurt act dramatic much
until he feels shy fingers brushing his as if hesitating, before they curl around his firmly
‘ASDFKAWDKSAIKAKJW- *passes out* ‘ x2 because the softness in his heart is just too much for him
later on it becomes a habit neither of you complains
Lee Donghyuck
it’s the 4th time in the past 2 hours
and yes, donghyuck has been keeping count for scientific purposes obv
nvm, it’s the 5th time your hand brushed against his 
and hyuck is  ✨  ABOUT TO LOSE HIS MARBLES  ✨
the demons on his shoulders are arguing by now 
‘this is an attempt to subtly hold your hand dumbass’ (-‸ლ)
‘no it’s not, they would never touch anyone, remember when they threatened to chop chop that guy’s balls for touching them?’
‘it’s not the same thing, you’d let the opportunity if holding your crush’s hand pass by like this?’
‘sure go ahead, and then watch y/n dip it in acid’   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
donghyuck shuddered at the thought
what he doesn’t know is that sure, while sticking a random guy’s hand up his ass for touching you is a ‘been there done that’ for you
hyuck isn’t just a random guy
you’d choke on an asparagus before admitting it, but he has grown on you
sure, he’s still an annoying brat sometimes 
but he’s so much more than that, he understood you in ways other couldn’t, he was patient with you and did his best to comfort and show you he cares in his own way  (。♡ˇд ˇ♡。)
and you grew to care for him too
maybe a bit more than a friend should   ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
“hey hyuck!! my hand is cold, warm it up for me”
you acted on impulse before you could chicken out and before hyuck could answer and slipped your hand in his
demon on left shoulder : ‘ha told ya pay up BEACH’
“you only love me for my warmth” said donghyuck totally not blushing and fangirling on the inside
“pffft i don’t love you, i like tolerate you and just shut up human radiator” said y/n totally not swinging their hands back and forward like kids in love 
Na Jaemin
this man= W H I P P E D
y/n makes an edible omlet? jaemin : this is real taste, 5 star michelin right here!!  stream gods menu cowards
y/n squishes hyuck like a bug for waking them up? jaemin : yes babe whoop go off cutie!!! (•̀o•́)ง
y/n breathes? jaemin : PERFECTION!!!11!!!1!!1!!
so you went from ‘(•ิ_•ิ)? what is this person saying??’
to ‘ (。•́︿•̀。)why isn’t he saying anything’ whenever he omits cheering you 
but in a subtle way
you can’t have him catching on
so one day you’re sitting at the kitchen table and he’s feeding you pieces of fruit you whine about being able to feed yourself but nana knows you’re secretly enjoying it
when you suddenly snatch his other hand and one of renjun’s pencils left around and you  🥺 him
unfair if you ask him, how is he supposed to say no so he doesn’t
and you start doodling on his hand o(^◇^)o
he tries to peek at what you’re doing but you squeal softly and move to cover your drawing 
“nana! wait until i’m done!!!’ (`0´)
he *melts* at your cute reactions and resorts to watching your face expressions fondly as he occasionally prods your lips with fruit
you move away to let him see the cute dolphin you drew on the back of his hand and he gushes about the cuteness of your drawing
but then you shyly start fiddling with his fingers as you explain
“you know how a dolphin helped poseidon find his love? this will make sure you’ll always find me” (๑•́‧̫•̀๑)
jaemin, softly smiling in understanding, curls his own fingers over yours and brings them up to his chest 
“you don’t have to worry about that”
Zhong Chenle
chenle doesn’t seem a very affectionate person either
so he’s not really worried about your lack of affection social distancing
what he is worried about is that you’re also distant on an emotional level
because what if he misreads you?
what if you misunderstand him because of the lack of communication?
what if he isn’t there for you the one time you need him?
this baby just wants you to know he cares (◕⌓◕;)
but at the same time he doesn’t want to act in a different way around you read as doesn’t want to make a fool of himself in front of his crush
also you’re quite close
as friends for now (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
and as he does with all his close friends : he brings you to his home in china!!!!
and this boi has the surprise of his life when you obviously make an effort to open up to his family ໒( ͡ᵔ ▾ ͡ᵔ )७
you smile and chat a lot with his mom and chenle also gets to talk a lot with you since he has to translate so who’s the real winner here
and you know that variety show(?) where chenle dances with his grandpa in the park? you go there too (∗´꒳`)
and while you’re both waiting on the side…
you!!!!grab!!!!his!!!!HAND!!!! and pull him towards the dance floor!!
chenle :��Σ(゜ロ゜;) then looks at you being all : o(^◇^) and chenle turns to : (●♡∀♡)  whipped culture everyone
he barely even breathes until you settle for a comfortable dance pattern, one of your hands on his shoulder, one of his laying gingerly on your waist respectfully cuz he is a manners man 
but most importantly : hands clasped together at the side!!!!!!
and these minutes in which you just dance together without a worry, chenle gets to live his long forgotten childhood dreams 🥺  you know how in cinderella it’s the dance that starts everything? yeah that
chenle marks this date in his calendar and makes it a national day 
Park Jisung
lyin’ is a sin so we don’t do that in dis household
jisung is highly intimidated by you (⌣_⌣”)
as in he likes likes you but he doesn’t dare act on his feelings in any way
so renjun and haechan took it upon themselves to play cupid a horrible decision really
and it seems that their attempts at dr. love only ended up in disasters
locked you together in a rollercoaster together? jisung threw up on both your laps (✦థ ェ థ)ノ
ice skating together? jisung stumbled into you, knocking you over so you left the ring with a bruised chin and sore knees and jisung : (シ_ _)シ
arcade hangout? your competitive self almost made jisung cry you not only ignored him but also kicked his ass in every. single. game
so no one had any expectations when they arranged a horror movie night and invited you to sit beside jisung ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
you were awfully quiet since the start of the movie which wasn’t necessarily unusual but ya know 
but the atmosphere was getting tenser and tenser and you just knew some kind of jumpscare was coming
and survival comes first!!!! so you clutch onto the nearest thing
jisung’s hand ding dong correct!!!!
and you also bury your face in his shoulder subtly (っ⇀⑃↼)っ
you, shitting your pants : not a word to the others
jisung, also shitting his pants : not one
but uh even though jisung is awkward and everything, he isn’t complaining!!
he finds comfort in your death grip and you’re also his crush so DOUBLE WIN!!!  !(•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑
ofc the others notice but they don’t say a word because ✨ you’re cute ✨ so they leave the teasing for later thought you escaped? not a chance beach
and to make it all even more embarrassingly cute, you fall asleep like that
and you wake up the next morning tucked in jisung’s side with a sore neck, clammy hands and 200 notifs on your phone with pictures of you and jisung sleeping from every  possible angle (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
and with a soon-to-be boyfriend too
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otakween · 3 years
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07-Ghost - The World (Part. 3)
Episodes 21-30 of the 07-Ghost radio show! Aww man, I’m really sad it’s over. I had a lot of fun listening the whole way through. It definitely made me a Namikawa Daisuke fan. I look forward to spotting him in another role!
Episode 21
Kuroyuri VA’s second episode. Honestly, she was kind of annoying (sorry!) She wouldn’t stop cracking up at everything and it made the whole episode very chaotic. They started out by discussing: their ideal birthdays and nicknames they’ve had in their lives. They then played a “what would you do?” game where they had to pick the most popular reaction to various scenarios. This time the punishment was to speak like a servant/butler. The loser was...Namikawa of course (lol every time!)
Namikawa failing at keigo was honestly the highlight of the episode for me because, same. Apparently this episode came out close to the end of the anime. Funny that the show would go on for so long after the show was already over. I guess because the manga was ongoing and they still had DVD sales to boost? 
Episode 22
The first no-Namikawa episode in a long time (another scheduling issue). This time though we got two guests: Castor and Lab’s VAs! Saiga called it a “church special” lol. It did feel like a mini reunion. The opening discussion was “what do you do to calm down when you feel stressed.” Lab’s VA said he likes to be alone/have alone time. Castor’s VA said he likes to eat sweets lol. Maybe it’s because Namikawa wasn’t there to react, but they barely read any fan mail. 
For a game, since Lab’s VA was there they played a “flower language” game where they had to guess what each flower signified. Somehow the flowers were also connected to birthdays? I tried to Google this but couldn’t find much. I want to know my birthday flower! Anyway, the final corner was a “Last Supper” where they ate something that was supposed to taste like chestnut and another thing that was supposed to taste like sweet potato. For once, both experiments were yummy. 
Episode 23
In this episode Namikawa comes back and so does Lab’s VA (sorry, I should probably learn his name). I was honestly pretty relieved to hear Namikawa again because he’s really the heart of the show. They discussed their blood types and caught Namikawa up on what he missed in the last episode. I finally looked up what the heck “Namikawa ga Kamu” means (the name of one of the corners) and I think what they’re going for is that he snaps at the listeners who send him ridiculous mail lol. Kamu has a bunch of different meanings so it took me awhile to get that.
They played another flower-themed game. This time they had to guess which flowers out of a bunch listed were currently blooming. They kept saying “ah that one blooms in winter, huh?” and I was like “wtf? Nothing blooms in winter!” Damn you Japan and your higher temps! This time Saiga and Lab’s VA lost and their punishment was to speak like a maiko (I didn’t even know maiko had a unique speech style). The final segment was responding to listeners worries but I honestly struggled to understand what they were saying and spaced out a little, oops! Lab’s VA said he wants to come back, but was disappointed in the lack of food this time around lol. 
Episode 24 
Wow, a Bastien episode, how unexpected. I honestly forgot what Bastien sounded like because he was in so little of the anime, but he has a nice, deep voice. Probably second deepest after Ayanami. It cracked me up how he and Namikawa bonded over how they both voice dead guys. The started the episode out by discussing what kind of food they like to eat in November and then talked about how popular/unpopular they were in their younger years. One fanmail asked what they would give Teito as a birthday present and no one really knew what to say LOL (it is a hard question). Namikawa said a camera and Bastien’s VA said “Mikage” loool. 
I thought the game they chose for the Bastien episode “find the impostor” was clever, but it was hard to play along. It was another game where they had to pick “which one of these doesn’t belong” out of a list of 07 Ghost things, but they didn’t clearly read out the options so it wasn’t super interesting to listen to. Bastien’s VA lost and his punishment was to talk like a country bumpkin for the next segment. They ended the episode by doing the confessional-like corner and listening to listener’s sins. Amen. 
Episode 25 
Another Kuroyuri episode! I guess she was really available lol. This one was recorded around Christmas time so it was slightly Christmas themed. They talked about sock fetishes (for some reason lol) & read some more chaotic fan mail. One girl that wrote in claimed to be from Namikawa’s elementary school and they freaked out. 
The game they played this time around was “what do you want for Christmas” where each person listed a bunch of things they might want for Xmas and then the others had to guess what the correct answer was. Kuroyuri asked something along the lines of “what cup size boobs do most women want?” I’m used to boobs coming up a lot in stupid anime so I was kinda surprised to hear real people have that conversation lol. Namikawa was clearly uncomfortable and gave the “I think size doesn’t matter” speech haha. (By the way, the answer was C cup). Namikawa lost as usual and had to use “reindeer speech” for the following segment. His interpretation of this was to add “tona” at the end of every sentence (because tonakai = reindeer). 
The final segment was Last Supper and they ate things that are supposed to taste like melon when you eat them together (white chocolate + apple juice, cucumber + honey). Apparently neither hit the mark but at least they weren’t too gross this time. 
Episode 26
Jun (Hakuren’s VA) returns! They call him “Jun Jun” which is way too cute. I think he’s one of my favorite guests, just cuz he’s so iconic and has great energy for radio. In this episode they discussed what color each person would be (Namikawa = orange, Jun = black, Saiga = blue). They also discussed New Year’s resolutions because this was recorded around January. They played an 07-Ghost themed version of karuta which was fun to play along with. Guess who lost? (It was Namikawa lol). I totally didn’t get what his punishment was. He had to talk like “maro/daimaro” and I couldn’t figure out via google what the heck that is.
In the final segment they gave advice to listeners. One listener asked what they should do about a mouse problem. Namikawa at first said “move” but then changed his answer to “get a cat” lol. Very inspired. Only 4 episodes to go~!
Episode 27
A rare no-guest episode. Namikawa seemed very fed up and low energy in this one lol. This was recorded in January so they discussed new years again. It’s kinda cool hearing time pass in these. Oh how innocent times were back in 2009/2010. The only thing that really stood out in the beginning of this episode was that one listener called Namikawa “Namikawa D-Cup-san” and Saiga and Namikawa died laughing. This was in reference to a past episode where Namikawa called himself that but he acted like he never said that loool. Honestly, the best part of this show is just hearing everyone laugh at dumb jokes.
The game they played this time around was pretty creative. Basically while one person was blindfolded the other had to help them draw a picture of a 07 Ghost character with verbal instructions. As they did so, they had to stay in-character. It was really funny hearing Saiga switch from polite Japanese to Teito’s feral speech style. You don’t really realize how cartoony anime character’s are until you hear natural speech right next to it (or maybe that’s just me lol). Namikawa lost again (I felt bad for him this time cuz he sounded genuinely disappointed) and his punishment was to stay in Mikage-mode until the end of the episode. He said acting so “pure” was exhausting. 
Episode 28
Another Haruse episode. He was really cute in this one, he admitted that he was nervous about doing radio and was worried his voice would shake haha. They again talked about New Years and New Year’s resolutions. They also took some kind of “psychology test” where they had to describe what color/pattern handkerchief they’d want to receive from a girl. The color handkerchief = the color of panties they like or something stupid like that lol. 
For the game, they had to put 07-Ghost characters in the correct order. Saiga had to order the ghosts, Haruse’s VA had to rank the Black Hawks, and Namikawa had to organize a bunch of characters in the order they’re introduced in the manga. Pretty difficult. Everyone did about the same so they had to do rocks, paper, scissors to decide the loser. The loser was, of course, Namikawa. His punishment was to sing everything like an opera singer for the next segment.
The final segment was giving advice to listeners. One person asked for advice on dating someone older than you and another person asked about giving “the talk” to their younger brother lol. At least I think that’s what they said. These advice portions have some tricky Japanese. 
Episode 29
The first Konatsu episode, it’s interesting to see them bring in new guests at the very end. Konatsu was one of my favorite characters so it’s unfortunate that I found his VA really annoying lol. His style of humor was to just repeat the same obnoxious thing over and over again and I found it really grating. This was recorded in February so they discussed how much you should spend on Valentine’s day chocolate. They also asked Konatsu’s VA what kind of character Konatsu is and he basically said “I had like no lines, so I dunno” lol. Too true. I forgot Konatsu was even in the anime.
For the game they had to pop some balloons and the more hearts they got the better their score was. (I guess they put heart on pieces of paper and stuffed them inside the balloons?) For once the loser was the guest and Konatsu’s VA had speak in a Kansai dialect for the final segment. The episode ended with “The Last Supper” and they ate avocado with vanilla ice cream, which apparently is supposed to taste like mango.
Episode 30
The grand finale! They actually called it that too. I wasn’t sure if they were going to acknowledge this as the last episode but they made it special. They did a lot of reflecting on how far they’d come and how the show seemed long and short at the same time. This was an hour long episode but they basically spent the entire time reading listener mail (which is my favorite part anyway). No games, no guests. Namikawa’s “kamu” corner got special background music for the first time. Most of the listener mail was people saying their goodbyes and being sad that the show was ending. 
At the end of the episode some staff person came into the studio to thank Namikawa and Saiga for their hardwork and to give them chocolate. Very cute. The depressing part is that both the hosts and the listeners were talking about “if season 2 happens...” which obviously never did. Pooor 07-Ghost :’( 
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greatgatsbyhateblog · 3 years
Gdgsgsjjdhsjs I finished my design for my new dnd character and bc I never draw birds or armor ever, he was a complete pain, but!! I’m so happy w how he turned out!!!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
bird man!!!! :))))
(Kaych uses he/they pronouns)
more details and ID under the cut :)
bc I’m a furry, I continue to choose all the animal races in dnd, and this time’s no different! :)
his name’s Kaych and theyre also the third character (not for dnd, just in genera) to have that name, bc I keep forgetting I name characters that and it sounds cool lol
gender‘s a non-binary bird man and pronouns are he/they bc I like confusing the cissy whiteboy in dnd w me who refused to get my last character’s pronouns right (also cuz I’m never gonna make a cis character again :) )
they’re an aarakocra, but bc I needed a reference to draw a bird, he’s also a sharp-shinned hawk.. er.. well.. /inspired/ by a sharp-shinned hawk, since some of the details are iffy lol
A level 1 ranger with a hero complex, and while I was trying to describe their personality, I just kept the phrase “god, I fucking hate you guys (affectionate)” in mind bc that rlly captures him perfectly lmao
[ID: two pictures of the same colored pencil drawing, the second one is just a close-up of the face of an anthropomorphic sharp-shinned hawk in leather armor and a green tunic carrying a bow in one hand, while the first is the full drawing/body. End ID]
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ceruleanchillin · 4 years
Somersault (Kirishima x Reader)
Kirishima Eijiro x F!Reader
Part of my MHA AU established previously.
Synopsis: Glimpses into you and Kiri’s relationship.
Warnings: Implied drug use, Implied smut
A/N:  I don’t really do songfics, but I will tell you Somersault by Zero 7 inspired this chapter. Recommend listening to it, cuz it gives Kiri feels.
 Does anyone else think of Kiri when they talk to jock villagers on Animal Crossing?
|  Give Love To Me |
“I thought we talked about this hmm?” Kirishima gently dabbed at your nose, eyes trained to spot any more blood.
You focused on the taste of poison that congregated at the back of your throat, the pipes that hadn’t stopped protesting since Kirishima had forced them to draw water, and the cracked window letting in chilly night air around the towel stuffed in it. Anything other than your boyfriend’s disappointed sighs and poorly hidden worry.
“Sorry Eiji….I..” you weren’t used to apologizing, or being ashamed, but Kirishima could bring emotions out of you, you didn’t know existed.
“You just made a mistake.” he kissed your forehead, and cradled you to his chest. “That’s why you get tomorrow. So you can try again.”
You sunk lower into the luke-warm water, eyes roaming up to the water stained ceiling. At the time, doing a line had sounded like the only good idea you’d ever heard, and you’d indulged, going against the promise you’d made to your boyfriend. It got you through two sets and made the packed, dingy lounge so much prettier. So much glitter. So much laughter, and it was easier to give real smiles. Why had that seemed like enough in value to disappoint Kiri?
“Hey,” he gently tapped your collarbone. “You ok? You with me?”
“Yeah.” You said hoarsely. “I won’t do it again Eiji...I won’t.” You grasped the arm slung around your torso, dragging your thumbs across the skin as fast as the water and your come down would allow.
“I know you won’t. Not my best girl.” He kissed the back of your head for a long moment, and brought you closer to his chest, caging you in his arms.
And you wondered where he got that bottomless trust from. Why was he so good, and where had he learned to be? He lived in the same streets you did, how did you catch the eye of a saint? Your eyes burned with unshed tears. How could you ever hope to be the woman he deserved?
Kirishima shushed you, rocking you gently. “You wanna tell me who gave it to you?”
Somewhere in the fog of your thoughts, you knew no matter how gently Kiri was asking, it wasn’t simply out of curiosity. “Noooo Eiji.” you slurred. “Don’t worry about it.”
He laughed. “Ok, ok.”
He hid his burning questions behind one of his lopsided grins when you turned to look back at him, trying to see if he meant it. He pressed a purposely sloppy kiss to your forehead until you giggled and squirmed to turn back around. Only then did he let his grin drop.
| The Sticks and Stones |
You were achy, you were chilly, and your stomach kept threatening to make you vomit if you didn’t keep focused on not doing so. You were ready to consider it penance for breaking your promise to your boyfriend, but he’d said “no way!” and saddled you with your favorite warm drink. All-in-all, it wasn’t the best day to be a mover, even if that was the only price for four weeks free crashing.
“So you’re just going to sit there?” Robbie, a friend of Kirishima’s and fellow freelance bouncer, stood in front of you.
You gave him a look that said you thought he was worth less than the effort it took to do so, before pushing your shades up, and severing eye contact.
“Look Primadonna, you’re crashing with us. The least you could do is pitch in.”
You crossed your legs and continued to nurse your latte. Robbie didn’t know it, but the bigger fit he threw, the less likely you’d be to help. And you weren’t planning on it in the first place.
Robbie growled in frustration, and kicked the trunk you were sitting on.
“Hey,” Kirishima grabbed his shoulder and pulled him away, wearing his signature grin, though it was strained. “Lot of stuff still in the truck, let’s finish up.”
“That’s just what I was telling HRH over here.” Robbie jammed his thumb in your direction.
“Don’t worry about her.” Kirishima gave him another grin, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “I’m doing the bulk of the work anyways. I’m working for both of us.”
Robbie threw his hands up in frustration and walked over to the moving truck. His girlfriend had been glaring at you, wanting you to wilt under her stare. You lowered your shades, made eye contact, and maintained it while you lit a cigarette.
“Hey, come on.” Kirishima kneeled in front of you. “We gotta be here for a while. Try to get along.”
You exhaled a white cloud into the cold air, aiming it at Robbie’s girlfriend who was in the process of whining about how “trash” you were.
“I like it when it’s just us Kiri.”
“I know.” he sighed, palms rubbing your chilled kneecaps attempting to bring them warmth. “But this is where we’re at for a while. Remember I told you Bakugo, Midoriya, and I are working on a place-”
“They hate me,” you cut him off, pushing your shades back up. “Especially their girlfriends.”
“They don’t hate you baby,” Kirishima nuzzled your cheek, using that tone he did when he thought you might be hurt. “They just don’t really know you that well.”
Kirishima gave you a grin, this one real, in an attempt to reassure you. He was beautiful, always using his energy to make sure you were secure. It made you feel selfish and ungrateful, and something ugly roared to life within you. It made you want to say something, someone’s name, you knew would hurt him.
“If you would’ve sold what I had left over we’d be better off, but you’re so fucking opposed and moral when it suits you. Pfft.” you took a long drag. “Take care of me my ass. I should’ve gone to Dabi or Hawks.”
Kirishima looked like a kicked puppy, and your entire being clenched in response. That ugly thing inside had gone dormant and left you in the grip of guilt and self-resentment.
You stubbed out your cigarette, and carelessly placed your latte aside. “Oh Kiri,” you gripped his cheeks. “I can be such a bitch...I didn’t mean any of it, I’m sorry.”
He didn’t say anything, and that twisted your insides more. Your desperation made you babble almost uncontrollably.
With shaky hands you shoved your shades onto your head, and pressed your lips to his. “I’m sorry. You’re doing great Kiri, you’re doing great for me. I need you to believe me..don’t listen to me when I’m..”
“I know that’s not really you (Y/N),” he kissed both of your knees, making you go quiet. “Not the real you. She’s still a work in progress, but she’s beautiful.”
You bit your lip hard to fight spouting another word stream. More apologies danced with words of self-criticism on your tongue, begging to be spoken. You wanted him to call you out. You wanted him to find something ugly in himself and take revenge. He would never though. That wasn’t your Kiri, and that revelation only made your hands ache to pull your shades back over your eyes.
“She’s a coffee addict, she takes her showers cold, and she always eats off my plate, even when hers is right there.”
A small smile surfaced at his words, but you could still feel anxiety and regret twisting your insides.
As always, Kiri was in tune with you, and took your hands. “But I love her, and I don’t let anyone call her a bitch. Not even herself.”
| The Unknown and Home |
Kirishima liked bouncing well enough. He’d always been able to take a punch, he was great in a fight, and he liked defending people. It didn’t pay the best in the world, and he saw ugly parts of the city he wished he hadn’t, but he liked it.
Then he met you, and he loved it. The nights where the two of you worked the same club or lounge were his favorite. He often got chewed out by his bosses for being distracted, but that was ok. Kirishima thought you had to be blind or deaf not to be when you took the stage.
Soft songs where you skillfully played your voice up to crack at certain parts, fast songs where Kirishima would have to continuously adjust himself because of your hip movements. He loved it all when it came to your singing.
His enthralled expression slowly changed to one of rage. You were skillfully dodging the hands of an admirer in the crowd, while continuing your song, and the roll of your hips. He wasn’t the only one to appreciate your musical talent and the person it came from. Some were more enthusiastic in their appreciation than others, and that’s when Kirishima took on a vastly different character.
You wore a shimmery gold slip dress like it was made for you, and not stolen from a store across town. Yes, he would admit, under the changing lights you looked ethereal. The problem was, like a porchlight, you were attracting pests, and he couldn’t have that.
The greasy hand that had been reaching for you hung at an awkward angle only seconds later. Kirishima only faintly heard the crunch and your distressed “Eiji!” as he assumed a fighting stance. He’d known creepy patrons to be able to fight through almost anything.
Somehow, the creep had friends, and they were loyal. He was in too deep by that point, and treated them all like they were their friend.
Two bouncers, three barflys, a bartender, and an angry interrupted singer swinging the mic stand made quite the mess. The kind of mess that gets the singer and her boyfriend fired without pay and banned from the establishment.
You huffed your exasperation as you accepted half of his adrenaline-drained weight on the walk home. You could feel how proud of himself Kirishima was, and it made you feel like starting another fight.
“That was so manly the way you decked that guy with the bottom of the mic stand babe.” he murmured.
You could hear Kiri falling in love with you all over again, and as endearing as you found it, you were missing a shoe and a job now.
“I swear only you could eat that many hits and stay up to deal them back. You must be made of rock or some shit.” you huffed again, and tightened your hold around his waist.
“Not quite.” he chuckled and it was then you noticed him grasping his side. What you thought had possibly been bruised ribs could be worse.
“Oh shit,” you stopped abruptly, catching more of his weight at the sudden stop, and almost falling. “Did you get stabbed?!”
“Nooo.” he waved you off, and sighed painfully at the action. “Just scratched, deeply.”
You hobbled in uneven height around him, mind racing to think of a street doctor that owed you a favor in case he was lying. Fortunately he wasn’t.
“I’ll be ok. I heal pretty great, remember?” he grinned a proud, boyish grin, and you felt like you might be falling in love with him all over again too. But you were still pissed.
“You better. I might feel like beating your ass too.” You let him lean into you again as you began your awkward walk back to a borrowed home.
“I’d let you.” he chirped, laying his head on your own.
Patching Kiri up always seemed so useless by the time you got around to it. He stopped feeling pain faster than anyone you’d ever seen, high or sober. By morning his bruises would be a memory he’d barely remember. The only thing to keep an eye on was the cut, which you would, even if it wouldn’t be obvious to anyone but Kiri. He brought out something nurturing in you that was so powerful and foreign, it frightened you, but you were powerless against it.
Kirishima had fought you the whole time, wanting to focus on your minor nicks and scrapes, but you won out like always. You wanted to be homebase to him for a change, whether he felt he deserved that or not.
He was too tired to efficiently put up a fight, and by the time you were done, he’d crashed heavily right there in the corner of the couch.
“I wanted to cuss at you some more.” you murmured mirthfully, brushing drooping red strands from his forehead.
Checking him once more, and realizing you’d done about as well as you could, you fell onto the other side of the couch. Kiri would find his way to you eventually after you both found sleep. For the moment you were going to try to find a comfortable spot on the lumpy nightmare couch, and mourn your lost income.
You spent the better part of thirty minutes trying to assure yourself the opposite of what you knew to be the truth. You were temporarily burned on the nightclub circuit for that evening’s antics. Several hushed phone calls were made, each ending when your pride forced it. You wouldn’t beg when that had never gotten you anywhere before.
Your higher mind cursed you now that you’d be relying primarily on Kiri’s other job for income. It didn’t matter how many times Kirishima said you could rely on him, you hadn’t raised yourself that way, and you couldn’t afford to slack.
No one would call Bakugou divine, except maybe his airhead girlfriend, but he turned out to be the answer to your prayers that evening. He arrived with a pound to the door that you swore sounded like an explosion, his signature knock, and you quickly tried to mitigate any chance of him waking Kirishima.
You slid across yellowed linoleum on socked feet, and cracked the door.
“Come back tomorrow, he’s sleeping and you’re not waking him up.”
You caught his brow twitching in irritation at being told what to do. “Where do you think I’m gonna store this shit?”
He shook a worn duffle bag full of what you knew to be stolen goods.
“I don’t car-”
“Stop being a bitch and get out of the way.” he shoved the door, and you had no hope of stopping him from coming in, but you still grasped his bicep defiantly.
“Don’t.Wake.Him.” you dug your nails into hard muscle and narrowed your eyes.
“He’s gotta move quickly on some of this. Kirishima may have told you the sun rises out of your ass, but it doesn’t, and the rest of us have to survive too.” he stalked over to your sleeping boyfriend, fully prepared to punch him awake.
“Wait don’t!” you barely contained your voice to a loud whisper. “He’s tired, leave him alone.”
He growled low in his throat. “I already told yo-”
“I’ll do it.”
“What?” he snorted, but his face was blank. “You don’t know what you’re doing. You’re liable to get us all burned or worse, go to that shitty patchwork quilt fuck you used to run with.”
“I’ve been on the streets long enough jackass, and I’ve seen Kiri do it a million times. I know what’s worth what and who wants it.” you bristled at him throwing your past connections back in your face. “And not that it’s any of your business, but I don’t deal with him anymore.”
Bakugou rolled his eyes, not interested, and you regretted even answering that. He studied you for a moment, and the flexing of his hand let you know he was mulling it over.
You decided not to wait, grabbing the bag and beginning to drag it into the kitchen. As expected, Bakugo rushed you for his ill-gotten goods.
You jutted your chin up at him. “I can do it. Just let him rest, it’s been a long night.”
He glared at you, judging you in a way that no longer made you want to punch him, before speaking. “Fine, but we’re staying to make sure you don’t fuck it up.”
“We’re?” your face crumpled in confusion, then realized he meant his girlfriend and grimaced. ‘For Kiri.’ you thought.
On any other day Bakugou would loudly and proudly admit he couldn’t stand you. You were convinced he and the gang hated you, that they thought you were cold and you were mostly correct. They loved Kirisihima and he’d made it clear you two were a package deal. He could remember the one and only time Kirishima got violent with him, and it was because he’d called you several nasty names in one fell swoop when he’d been drinking. He remembered laying in his car that night wondering what the fuck about you had his best friend so gone.
That night he thought he’d finally gotten a glimpse. Beaten up, and clearly tired yourself, you were forcing yourself to carefully build an inventory out of the stolen goods he and Midoriya had acquired the previous three nights. You told him what happened at the lounge, and he knew you probably wanted to crash right next to Kirishima, but you wouldn’t. You wanted to take care of him. Watching you squinting your tired eyes in the dim light of that shitty closet kitchen, he decided his friend may not be such a dumbass after all.
| Somersault In Sand With Me |
“Eiji…no, I’m still sore.” you murmured sleepily, curling into a ball under the thin quilt.
Kirishima poked your side again, muffling a laugh. “That’s not what I want babe. Well..yeah I always want that-”
“I know.” you gently kicked back at him, hiding a tiny grin in your pillow.
“I want you to come somewhere with me, it’s important.”
He sounded so uncharacteristically serious, that you allowed yourself to be fully pulled from sleep. You sat up, reaching for your phone charging on top of your bag by the couch.
Exactly 3 a.m.
“Eijiro I swear to god…”
“It’s important, fence’s honor. Now get your cute ass out of bed.” he tackled you in a warm embrace, spread kisses across your cheeks, and released you to get up from the couch bed.
You dropped your phone back into your bag with a groan. It was amazing how out of character this man could make you.
Kirishima helped you get dressed, smirking every time he noticed your slight limp. For every smirk you bit him, and he kissed you. It went against every independent bone in your body, but Kiri dressing you felt like heaven. His soft kisses on your thighs when he helped you slide into your leggings, the soft coos and admissions of love as he slipped you into one of his sweatshirts, and the gentle cradling of your feet as he slipped your feet into your shoes. You couldn’t even be grumpy, not when your personal sunbeam was looking at you like he received his life from you.
Kirishima led you out of the apartment, and before you knew it, he’d scooped you onto his back, threatening to drop you if you didn’t hold on. He took off at full speed with your surprised blend of laughter and shouts behind him.
You barely had any time to work out where he might be taking you that wasn’t planned at that hour before he arrived at the destination. An elementary school playground.
He stooped, allowing you to slide off his back, which you did with confusion. “What’s here Eiji?”
“Everything!” he chirped like it was so simple to see.
You blinked up at him trying to gauge whether he had the signs of having something in his system.
“Come on, we would’ve killed for this as kids. We get the whole place to ourselves, what do you wanna do first?”
“Crack your head open and examine the insides.” you scowled. “I was sleeping, and you want to do what exactly?”
“You’re so adorable when you’re cranky, you’re adorable anytime bu-”
“Kiri…” you narrowed your eyes, contemplating following through on your threat.
Kirishima’s face went blank, but his expression soon returned as a wide grin. “Oh I get it babe, that’s your pride talking. If you’re too afraid of looking uncool….”
“Pfft!” you shot him an incredulous look. “Nice try. Here’s where I try to prove you wrong, thus falling into the trap right?”
“No, my woman’s much too smart for that.” his grin curled into a smirk. “Here’s where I snatch your precious beret and make you chase me for it.”
Before you could register what he said, he followed through and yanked the hat from your head. He took off across the grass laughing almost manically with genuine joy. He was so adorable, it almost made you forget how long you saved for that beret. Almost.
You launched after him, shouting vulgar threats the whole way.
“Come on babe, we do kinkier stuff than that all time, really make me feel it!” he laughed, taking the steps to the pirate ship playhouse two at a time.
“Well, remember it fondly, because that’s over now hammerhead!” you leapt at him only to have him dodge you.
“Then what do I have to live for?” his face contorted into a mock pout. “I should just walk the plank now.”
Eiji doged another lunge from you and jumped from the toy plank that barely hung above the ground. You landed after him shortly and continued to chase him while he waxed poetic about his life being over if he could ‘never take you again’. Between laughter at his silly proclamations and failed lunge attempts, your lungs were on fire. That didn’t stop you from giving the chase your all. Around the merry-go-round, an almost win in the sandbox, an attempted cut off under the jungle gym. You eventually thought of a way to end it by fighting dirty.
Eijiro was headed for the animal-shaped spring riders, and right as he got close you shouted. “Time out Eiji my shirt tore off!”
“Wha-” he looked back at the right time to hit a pink seal and flip over it, landing on his back.
You jogged over, smirking at your win, no matter how ill-gotten.
“Not manly babe,” he groaned, sitting up to rub his back. “Not at all.”
“I caught you!” you laughed, straddling his waist to prevent any escape attempts.
“You did.” he said softly, gazing at you with a look that took your breath away.
It said everything he couldn’t say. Not because he was afraid to, never Eijiro, but because he couldn't always find the words to. That he couldn’t believe he found you, and would die if he lost you. That he was so yours, he felt like he always had been, even before he knew life. That you were his world and you were more than enough for him. You were everything to him.
“Always catch me...yeah?” he placed the beret on your head gently, before he placed a hand to your cheek.
“Always.” you got out around the lump in your throat. Instinct made you hold back your tears, Eijiro’s love made them fall.
End Note:
If you want to let me know what you think should happen in the Midoriya chapter, my inbox is open (with anon on). The established AU is (here).
Dabi is next.
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altissiavibritannia · 4 years
I feel dead inside....
Why is everybody being so mean to me for?! What’d I do...in order for you to tell me to stop liking my favorite things...? Why should I not finish Hetalia for? Besides...Hetalia and Code Geass has helped me out so many times over whenever I was depressed...I have very bad depression to the point it’s not even funny...not this again...I used to be a huge Yu-Gi-Oh GX, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’S, Arc-V and such fan with Yu-Gi-Oh!...until so many people hated my art and stories about it...I still duel and such...but...I dropped out of the fandom and stopped reading my GX manga set (never even finished reading it, left off on vol. 5 or 6...) and stopped writing fics and stopped doing fanart of it completely...Am I not good enough for anyone...? It’s like first my art and story ideas for Yu-Gi-Oh! and now this...it’s like I’m not even allowed to be happy...Yu-Gi-Oh! GX and 5D’s has saved my life, alongside Fruits Basket, Naruto (before this Baruto garbage and the Shippuden stuff happened), and Inuyasha whenever I was age 12....maybe younger than that...but mostly was a Beyblade, Dinosaur King, Tai Chi Chasers, and Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s person back then...cuz it was on Toonzi or 4Kids before they stopped playing them, cuz 4Kids had been cancelled and my favorite animes had vanished, due to me being poor to offord cable and me and my mother had moved a lot...so I’ve only known bits and pieces of those animes whenever Saturday mornings came by...and I watched Yu-Gi-Oh! GX on YouTube whenever I was waiting for Yusei and the signers of 5D’s to come back on whenever I was able to watch it.
I even saw bits and pieces of Fairly Odd Parents, Jonny Cash, Storm Hawks, and American Dragon: Jake Long (before that got cancelled) whenever me and mom had to babysit her friend’s kids and I watched cable with them a few times, whenever I wasn’t in a artistic mood or writing mood...and the only times when it was time for the Adult Swim to show up, she allowed me to watch some Family Guy, Naruto (saw the very first episode when it came on), and Inuyasha...but then mom changed the channel whenever that ever came on and told me to stop watching it...yet I’ve watched only Naruto and Inuyasha behind her back on YouTube whenever I felt too depressed...and I still love these animes but forgot the plot to them, due to not watching them and such...
And now it’s like I’m not to even be alive anymore...due to people not wanting to be my friend...due to all of my health issues and for my ideas...all they want to do with me is make me into their puppet for their own attention...if I have to go back to that...then I’d rather die...had this go on for most of my life and I’m sick of it...and if I’m not allowed to like Hetalia, Code Geass or anything else that I love to death...then I guess I’m not meant to be here or be an artist or author anymore then...even though writing stories/fics is what I do, same with drawing...I’ve been a fucking nerd ever since growing up!
I’ve started doing art by doing finger paints and such in preschool. That was my spark in life, I’ve loved doing art throughout my life, cuz it helps me get rid of my depression and what other feelings I had bottled up. My imagination is what driven me this far in life. Then years later as I was growing up, I loved to read book, even though I hate reading out loud, due to my speech problems and not being able to understand or say hard words. But it drove me to the next level of my creativity, I wanted to become an author someday. As I grew up some more...I quit public schooling, due to being bullied too much and nobody giving a goddamn shit about me...then I felt smart for a bit until I found out that I was really tired...and I didn’t do my homework for the rest of my 7th grade semester. I basically skipped a whole grade, almost 2. I only made it to the last bit of my 8th grade in public schooling, cuz mom got sick and tired of me sleeping too much and not doing my homework. She felt concerned that I needed to try to make friends again.
Sadly whenever I graduated (never showed up, I hate crowds, due to being scared of being made fun off like now...) 8th grade in my middle school that I didn’t stay in after yet another move, they gave me my diploma for 8th grade...and whenever I became a freshman...the bullying got worse and worse...I’ve been blamed for being the bully for once I wasn’t and sure enough I might have a Bakugou  kind of temper and I did say “I’ll kill you!” back then towards my bullies, but I didn’t know better. I was talking about a tickle fight, cuz I figured that tickle fights were less violent than blowing up in others faces and the teachers thought I meant by tooth and nail and then gave me detentions. I even got blame for their wrong doings, even though they have cameras and such. But yeah a few times I had no other choice but to go for tooth and nail, cuz some random ass bitch who I didn’t even know, just grabbed me by the shirt and threw my ass on the ground. I got up crying like a fucking Deku, picking up my books and homework off the ground and guess what the funny shit is?! There was a goddamn teacher there, even though this shit was in the morning when we were getting ready to head inside the building. So, I basically fucking bit her dumb fucking ass, when she punched me for no reason! I let one the Bakugou within me, out! I didn’t swear though, but I fucking fought to the death, I was ready for anything and I mean it! I wanted to kill her so fucking badly, for being such an ugly bitch. Soon the teacher saw this and, gave me a detention for self defense. Until I told her what happened, she then gave that bitch one too, but then that bitch put on an act to blame me for no reason. She got off too fucking easy for no fucking reason!
But you know what the fuck what?! If you fucking hate my fucking Deku guts, then beat it! I will not be defeated yet again! I’m sick and tired of being fucking bullied about who I really am bitches! Shocked on how I got over my depression so fucking fast to the point that I’m super pissed? Well it’s because I swapped personalities! So don’t mess with me, unless you’d like to meet all of my personalities! Sure enough I talk to myself, but it’s due to me not having anybody to fucking talk to!!! I’m always by myself to the point, I become a furry throughout my years and then later on a brony once the first 2 episodes that My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic comes up! I tend to watch anime and MLPFIM for multiple reasons! So you can either love me or hate me, I don’t give a damn fuck anymore! If your ass wants to block me due to my weird ideas and shit, then go right ahead, you’re just going to be bit in the goddamn ass 100 times fold by karma bitch! What comes the fuck around, goes around! Because if you block me, then you’re really missing out on a really good, loving, kindhearted, funny, etc. person! Not to mention, I’m going to be tested for D.I.D. and/or B.P.D. and Autism! Because some of my family has Autism and possibly other health issues that I can relate!
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Something Old and Something New - Chapter 1: Prologue
Marjory is bored out of her fucking mind.
Which is an unseemly sentiment, she knows – particularly when she's meant to be engaged in planning her own wedding. A wedding which she is actually looking forward to, despite her current aggravation. But it's true nonetheless.
Because honestly, there's only so many hours one can spend selecting table linens. At some point, the minute differences between ecru linen napkins and cream linen napkins just don't fucking matter anymore. And that point has come and gone. But Mother and Charles's grandmother are still arguing about it.
At least she can bitch about it to Honoria later. Preferably over a glass of wine. Or a raging bonfire made of the reams and reams of notes Marjory's required to take on every minute, insignificant detail. Details which Honoria, as a lowly bridesmaid, is not made to sit through – lucky girl.
Family politics being what they are, Honoria would be part of the wedding party regardless of how either of them felt about it. But fortunately, they've become quite close friends since that first slightly awkward meeting. And Honoria has remained a staunch ally throughout the many battles of wills that have occurred over the course of planning the wedding of the decade. Because of course the union between the Emerson Winchesters and the Oakes will be the wedding of the decade. And it's Marjory's job to get them there, even if she must wear a wig to the ceremony after pulling all her hair out in frustration over her various relatives' and soon-to-be relatives' conflicting tastes in flower arrangements.
Charles doesn't know how lucky he is getting to stick his hands in people's chest cavities all day. Particularly as the people are unconscious and therefore cannot express opinions on wedding dress style or candlestick height. But they all make sacrifices for the good of the family. And this is her particular cross to bear.
Still, there must me some way to ensure that the actual wedding is more than just a political showpiece.
“Hey, we got invited to the Winchester wedding.”
Trapper looks up from the bills he's paying. “Singly or collectively?”
“Well, it's addressed to both of us. But I imagine they assume we'll each bring someone else as a plus one.”
The question is, who to bring? Sure Hawkeye and Trapper each have a few girls they're friendly with down at the bar. But taking someone to a wedding seems like a pretty big step relationshipwise, and Hawkeye doesn't want to lead any of them on.
“Oh wait, Trapper, there's a note – Dear Hawkeye and Trapper... hope you can come, blah blah, also wanted to let you know we've invited Major Margaret Houlihan so you may wish to get in touch with her about attending before you RSVP blah blah Love, Marjory. So that's that problem solved – one of us takes Margaret and the other takes Kat. All nice and neat and heterosexual.”
“Beats going stag - this way we have someone to dance with. And Kat gets to go. That Marjory's one hell of a smart cookie.”
“And tactful,” Hawkeye adds. “What she's doing with Charles “Oblivious” Winchester, I'll never understand.”
They grin conspiratorially – Charles has interrupted date night several times now and he still hasn't bought a clue.
“Well, there's no accounting for taste. But I'm glad she's on our side.” And Trapper goes back to balancing the check book.
“Only problem now is, what're we gonna do for a wedding present?” Trapper asks after he finishes and looks at the final balance. “It ain't like we can afford something they'd want. Or that they'd want to admit to owning.”
It's true. Even with two doctor's salaries, they don't make anything close to enough to buy a present for the man who has gold-plated toilet paper holders in his bathroom. And they don't want to get something cheap that they'll just throw away – because then they may as well just not buy a present.
“Well,” Hawkeye says consideringly, “if money's an object, we should probably try and pull at the old heart strings. Get them something sentimental that they'll want to cherish forever for all the good memories it evokes or whatever.”
Trapper nods. “That makes good sense, Hawkeye. Who knew you had it in you.”
“Oh fuck off. If you're going to insult me like this, then you can think up the gift idea.”
Trapper always was the idea man of their little duo anyway. Better to leave him to it.
Trapper ponders for a bit. Then says, “What about making them a quilt – and we each do a square. Cuz they've already invited us and Margaret, who knows how many other former 4077 inmates made the guest list. Probably at least BJ and Sidney. And they're all gonna be in the same boat, presentwise.”
“I like it. Killing multiple birds with one gift. And we all know how to sew at least a little – so that shouldn't be outside of anyone's ability.” Hawkeye pauses “Only question now is, who else is on the guest list?”
“Honoria's helping with the planning, ain't she? She might be able to find out.”
“Aha!” Hawkeye exclaims triumphantly. He loves it when a plan comes together. “Honoria and I are meeting up this afternoon – since someone-” he looks pointedly at Trapper “-doesn't appreciate musical theater. I'll squeeze her for information then. You call Margaret and Kat and see which of them is willing to put up with you for an entire evening.”
Trapper flips him off playfully. “You're just jealous Margaret had the hots for me and not you.”
“As if!” Hawkeye exclaims, affronted. “I'm irresistible!”
“Uh huh, whatever helps you sleep at night.” And Trapper heads toward the phone. “Have fun at your interrogation, honey. I'll feel out Margaret to see if she thinks the quilt thing's a good idea or not.”
Margaret had liked the quilt idea – and she and Kat agreed to a double date with him and Trapper. So that's that problem solved. And fortunately, Honoria's willing to snitch for a good cause so Hawkeye gets the guest list pretty quickly. Now it's just down to coordinating everyone else.
Trapper takes one of the pages of the list Honoria'd slipped surreptitiously into Hawkeye's coat at their last little get together. “Looks like Steve and Letta and Sidney all got invited. They're close enough we can just call them up and ask if they wanna go in on the gift, so that's convenient.”
Hawkeye looks at his own page. “More good news, Trapper. Max is on the guest list, too.”
“Oh, thank God - someone who knows what she's doing. Think we can get her to take charge of this whole deal?”
Cuz it turns out that making a quilt involves significantly more work than Trapper had anticipated. And as Max is a professional seamstress, she probably has things like a sewing machine, or batting, or even just a big old piece of cloth to use for the back part.
“C'mon, Trap, let's write her now and ask. And we should write everyone else, to let them in on the plan.”
“I'll write Radar and the Padre. You better be the one to write BJ, otherwise he'll never agree to anything,” Trapper says, a little bitter.
It ain't his fault BJ still hasn't warmed up to him. And it ain't like they've gotta be best friends or nothing, but it'd be nice to all be able to be in the same room together without it feeling like sides are being drawn. With Hawkeye's favor some kinda token to be fought over.
“Right,” Hawkeye says tightly. Hawk's made it clear he ain't much more happy about the situation than Trapper is. But also that BJ's his friend and he ain't about to give that up. “I'll write Colonel Potter, and Donna Parker too since you never met them. Boy, Marjory sure has a sense of humor inviting Charles's former “wife” to his wedding.”
“I'm surprised Father Mulcahy made the cut – given how much Winchester hates the Irish, Catholics, and Irish Catholics.”
Though in fairness, Winchester has mellowed somewhat on that front since Trapper's known him. And the Padre's a pretty unobjectionable guy. But it kinda seems like Marjory – who'd been the one to draw up the list, according to Honoria – had just listened to Winchester's yearly drunken diatribe against all the MASH personnel and invited everyone he'd only pretended to hate outta obligation. Still, Trapper don't mind seeing some old faces – and meeting some new ones – at this shindig, so no skin off his teeth.
Even if it does mean more people to rope into their scheme.
Max gets a letter from Trapper – and it's not unexpected, exactly. They've been writing back and forth since she got back stateside.
First a Christmas card from both Trapper and Hawkeye – who are shacked up together now, surprise surprise.
Then Max wrote Trapper asking about Seong – making sure the kid didn't have anything wrong with him since he still wasn't talking for months and months of being home in Toledo and settled and safe.
And maybe Max knew Hawkeye better at that point. Been closer friends with him than Trapper cuz of going through all the real bad shit at the end of the war together. After all, they had almost two years of keeping each other the right kinda crazy – up till no one could do that for Hawkeye cuz what he'd seen was just too fucked up. And that kinda thing tends to bring folks together.
But Hawkeye wasn't the guy to go to with anything kid related on account of said fucked up shit. And sure, Max could've written to BJ – he's got kids too, and a toddler not kids in grade school already. But BJ'd been normal - the most normal outta all them 4077 folks. And he'd gone back home to his family, back to living his abnormally normal life, like some shining golden monument to God Bless America and apple pie. And she didn't wanna interrupt that.
So she'd written Trapper. Who kept insisting that he wasn't a pediatrician or a psychiatrist – and he'd tried to recommend both, but Trapper knows Max, knows Korea, knows what the kid's been through better than any so-called expert and she felt a lot more comfortable going to him than anyone she didn't know.
Plus, his parenting advice had been sound – the kid's gone from starvation skinny to plump and healthy and he's now babbling away at a mile a minute in three different languages.
And since Trapper's a family man, through and through – just absolutely loves kids, his own and other people's – that asking for advice had turned into writing more generally about family life, swapped kid photos, that kind of thing. Which is nice too, cuz Max don't have a ton of friends in Toledo who got kids she can ask for advice from. And sometimes asking family nets a whole bunch of conflicting advice that ignoring any part of would cause grave insult – so it's just easier asking someone who's hundreds of miles away and not related to her.
So they get to be friends – closer friends than they ever were in Korea. And so, when Max was figuring some stuff out about herself, they'd written about that too. Carefully, of course, and with enough misdirection and double talk to get past any of the army sensors from back in the day - Max still paranoid about other people reading her mail, and both of them knowing what could happen if the wrong eyes got the wrong impression. But they'd written. Cuz again, there ain't that many people out there who'd understand her – all the parts of her – from growing up a poor immigrant kid in the kinda neighborhood where being weak got you dead, to Korea, to being queer.
Hawkeye's really the only other one who maybe comes close. And Max ain't kidding herself that he don't know – that Trapper hadn't mentioned anything – since all Hawkeye's own letters refer to her right. But there's parts of Max's growing up that Hawkeye don't understand as well, so she'd gone to Trapper about it.
And maybe it ain't quite the same thing, the way the two of them are – though Max is married to a woman, so they're more alike that way than she'd though. And what a woman. Soon Li is a diamond – strong and bright and with an edge to her that was forged in war. But she's kind and sweat and gentle, too, when she's with Max and Seong and all the rest of her family.
And when Max realized that she felt most herself as herself – sharp and cunning and with teeth bared for a fight, but also pretty and fashionable and a woman – Soon Li'd just looked at Max like she was an idiot for thinking she'd have to remake herself into something smaller and softer and less just cuz she's a woman. Loved and understood Max for all the parts of her – even the parts that made her a little rough around the edges. Helped Max realize that she could be all the parts of her – even if everyone else said you had to choose.
Trapper'd understood that too, in his own way. Cuz, see, they'd slept together a couple times back in Korea. Just a fun little fling that didn't really mean anything to either of them. But Trapper'd looked at Max like she was beautiful. Treated her like she was pretty and feminine when she'd responded to that – without really knowing why at the time. And then he'd ribbed her good-naturedly at the next night's poker game, like she was still the same person she'd always been – tough and crass and crafty. Like those two things didn't have to cancel each other out.
So Max had trusted Trapper with the truth of herself as she learned just what the fuck that actually was. And they'd grown close on account of it.
So it's not a surprise that Max gets a letter from Trapper – but the subject of it kinda is.
Dear Max, A little birdy told me that you got invited to the Winchester wedding. Well, so did me and Hawkeye and a bunch of other MASH vets. There's a whole list of 'em with addresses included in this letter if you end up agreeing to the proposition I got – and not like that! You're a married woman now. Not that that stopped either of you before, you rogues. (Just kidding, Soon Li. Promise.)
Apparently the letter is from Hawkeye as well.
The proposition is this. See, I figure you and me and all the rest of us wedding guests ain't exactly in a position to buy Winchester anything he wants or needs cuz he's a rich bastard and we're all just culturally defficient plebeians (his words.) So Hawkeye figures that we oughtta get him something sentimental. Something that makes him feel guilty for even considering throwing out. Just really hit him where it hurts emotionally. And I had the idea of making up a quilt. Each of us doing a square of it and then sewing it all together. And Margaret and Steve and Sidney and Letta all think it's a pretty good idea – we're polling the others on it, but it's via letter so we ain't got answers back yet. But it seems like the plan's a go. And I ain't exactly a professional seamstress – not like you are. (I'm buttering you up a little, at Hawkeye's request. Is it working? You're also nice and kind and helpful and did I mention nice? Ugh, this is making me sick. You're a conniving bastard and we both know it – please help regardless.) I maintain it's a solid plan. You just weren't flattering enough, Trap. You've got to really lay it on with a shovel. What happened to the guy who could get nurses to go out with him just with a look? Maybe that's the problem – no eye contact in a letter. Anyway, I got no idea how to put everything together once all the pieces are done and make it look nice. So I was wondering if you maybe wanted to take charge of this little project. Lemme know either way – Hawkeye thinks he can sweet talk Mrs. Potter into doing it if you ain't got time. There's no “think” about it - I absolutely can. I'm a master of convincing people to do stupid things they really shouldn't. And Mrs. Potter apparently has a soft spot for incorrigible pranksters - which explains her decades of marriage to Sherm, I guess. But between those two facts, it's a sure bet. So stop maligning me, Trapper! So no pressure, Max. I know you're busy with running a business and having a family and all. Speaking of, I hope Soon Li and Seong are well – from your last letter, it sounds like the kid's gonna take after you in the smooth-talking department. And in three languages, yet. You must be real proud. Hope to hear from you soon. Your friends, Trapper John And Hawkeye
Max laughs as she reads the letter. The back and forth almost like having a real conversation. She's missed that – missed her friends. So she writes back right away.
Dear Trapper and Hawkeye (who is definitely not reading this over his shoulder), Of course I'll help, what kinda friend do you take me for? Don't answer that. Anyhow, I think the quilt's a real good idea. A little piece of all us 4077 folks together in one place. That's real sappy. Even Dr. Winchester ain't gonna be able to pretend to turn his nose up at it. And you were right to come to me about it – seeing as you don't know a back stitch from a blanket stitch. I'll write all the folks on your list letting 'em know I'm taking over the project and to send their squares to me. And the dozens and dozens of questions I'm sure I'll get. So thanks a lot for that, guys. It's late and I don't got much more to say other than Soon Li and Seong are doing good – I'll send a more detailed report in another letter, don't worry. I've been saving up some real cute pictures of the kid for your refrigerator. So keep an eye out for another letter soon. And I guess I'll be seeing you in person pretty soon too. It'll be nice to catch up face-to-face, you know? Till then, I hope you're both well. Your friend, Max
To be perfectly honest, Max has never made a quilt before either – which in hindsight is pretty stupid, given how cold Korea got in winter. But she does know how to do more than mend holes and darn socks. And she has made a quilted housecoat before and it ain't that different. So.
“Fear not, friends! Maxine Q. Klinger is on the case.” Cuz despite her status as a conniving bastard, Max ain't one to leave friends in a lurch. And it does solve the problem of what to get for Charles “Snobbery is my Middle Name” Winchester.
Soon Li laughs at her, but she'd gotten Max's sketch book as soon as she'd finished reading the letter herself. And all she says is, “Don't stay up too late plotting, jagiya.”
Allah, but Max loves her.
By the time Max comes to bed, she's got a rough sketch of a couple ideas and a whole bunch of scrawled notes. And of course, the final design'll depend on who all's participating in this little venture. But it's a start.
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You Can’t Cross the Same River Twice - Chapter 1
Trapper waits for Hawkeye's train at South Station. He'd gotten a flight home through New York and rather than stay there or go all the way up to Maine - ya know the two places he's got family - Hawk's coming to Boston. Trapper tries not to read too much into that, but he's not really sure he's succeeding. And then the train's pulling in and there are crowds of people swarming the platform and he sees Hawkeye. He looks older - hair starting to gray, skinny frame now gaunt - but it's him. And they're hugging, Trapper completely enveloping Hawk's frame. And Hawkeye buries his face in Trapper's neck, gives him a soft, gentle kiss behind the ear, and it's like all the years, all the miles that separated them are gone.
They disentangle with a few manly pats on the back - just two old war buddies reuniting, nothing to see here folks - and Trapper throws a companionable arm over Hawk's shoulders.
"Hey sailor, buy you a drink?" Trapper's tone is at once joking and serious. The line they've always trod with flirtation. The line they've always had to tread.
"I'm not much of a drinker anymore," Hawk replies. And there's a story there, or maybe multiple stories.
But Trapper ain't one to pry so all he says is, "Buy you a club soda then, unless you're off bars too? But I know a quiet little place where we could go dancing. Like in Tokyo."
He can tell from Hawkeye's expression that he gets the reference. Understands what Trapper's offering him. And he leans a little more into Trapper.
"Ok," breathes Hawkeye. "That sounds nice."
They take the streetcar. Hawk hates confined spaces on a good day and had once told Trapper about losing his shit and his lunch on the New York subway while visiting a cousin. And today doesn't look like a particularly good day for Hawkeye. He has the same kinda glazed look of disbelief that Trapper's sure he wore that first day - or week - back. Looking at everything but not really taking it in. Just lost in the overwhelming non-Koreaness of it all. He only wraps his arm tighter around Hawkeye.
Hawkeye can't believe he's actually here, next to Trapper on a Boston streetcar. Home. He's thought about being back stateside for so long his memories had begun to take on a dreamlike quality. He couldn't quite remember how things looked or smelled or tasted. Places he knew existed started to seem unreal, hazy instead of sharp and clear. But there's no mistaking the sensation of being pressed against Trapper's side, joined from shoulder to ankle, warm and real and alive. Because despite all the letters they'd exchanged, Trapper had begun to feel unreal too. Hawkeye couldn't quite remember the exact color of his eyes or the sound of his voice and he'd started to worry that he wouldn't be able to recognize Trapper anymore. And he has changed. But so has Hawkeye - finally gone sane thanks to Sidney Freedman. And he and Trapper still fit together, even if it's not exactly the same way they used to. And that's a bigger relief than Hawkeye can express. And he's glad Trapper suggested going out, because now he wants to see if they still fit together when they dance.
The bar Trapper brings him to is unobtrusive to say the least - no sign outside, no indication that it's a bar at all. And Hawkeye gets a once over from the guy at the door before a nod from Trapper gets them inside. Hawkeye's barely through the door before he's wrapped around Trapper, holding him so close it's like he's trying to climb into Trap's skin. And Trapper just smiles down at him, eyes so warm they're melting, and holds Hawkeye back just as tightly.
"Boy did I miss you," Trapper whispers into Hawkeye's ear. And then louder, "C'mon honey, we're blocking the doorway. Let's hit the dancefloor."
Because even here, two guys just standing there clinging to one another is a little strange. And there's something soft and schmaltzy playing so they can dance close and sweet and slow. Hawkeye lets himself just drift, just be there in the moment with Trapper. Lets himself stop being Hawkeye Pierce, famed in song and story, and just be. He's glad that they can still move together like this. They've both changed so much in the year and a half the feels like at least eight. Hawkeye is older and grayer and he feels tired right down to his bones. And Trapper is somehow even more built than when he left Korea. But they still fit together, even if it's not quite how they used to.
Trapper isn't sure how many songs they dance to, they all just melt together into the background as he and Hawk do their best to melt into a single person. But eventually something fast and jazzy comes on and he and Hawkeye have danced like that before - and had a lot of fun - but it just doesn't seem right to dance that way tonight.
Hawk must feel the same way cuz he pulls away a little, looks up at Trapper through his eyelashes and says, "I'd take that drink now."
With him looking like that, Trapper'd give him the world. Compared to that, braving the bar for a club soda is nothing. When he's fought his way back through the crowd, drinks in hand, he sees Hawkeye's somehow managed to finagle a booth in the back corner furthest from the dancefloor. Sliding in next to him, Trapper presses close, till they're touching from shoulder to ankle - just like how they used to sit together all the time in Korea. And he feels real right and good and happy when Hawkeye presses back against him just as strong.
Trapper seems content to just sit in silence, sipping at his beer, and Hawkeye is grateful. He used to be able to spin a web of words, ensnaring people, drawing them in, making them do what he wanted. He used to be able to build walls of words so high that nothing could hurt him - not even Korea. But since Sidney walked through his mind, tore down all the false fronts built by his subconscious, the words haven't come easily. They're still there in his mind, but they feel false and Hawkeye can't bear to speak them. But it hurts to cough out the jagged barbs of truth - they leave his throat bloody and raw - so he just hasn't said much since leaving the 4077. Only saying what he absolutely needs to. But there is one more thing he needs to say. A desperate confession. And he knows Trapper will listen. So.
"I don't think I can go home, Trap. Not to Crabapple Cove, not to my dad. I've changed too much."
It feels like a betrayal to say it out loud. It'd been all he ever wanted, all he ever thought about, dreamed about since coming to Korea. But Hawkeye's had a lot of time to think on the boat home, away from people who knew him, had expectations of him. Expectations beyond the professional anyway - and writing VD prescriptions hadn't exactly taxed his medical ability. And Hawkeye had found that free from any perceived notions of who he was, he was a very different person. Quieter. Less desirous of being the center of attention. And the idea of returning to Crabapple Cove, to the people who've known him all his life, to his father, to everyone who'll expect him to be the same old Hawkeye Pierce - it's terrifying. He isn't that man anymore. And maybe he'll change again in the future, free from the war long enough to find a different self, but he can never be his old self again. The war has changed him too much. So he can't go home - and the knowledge feels like betrayal.
And Trapper just turns and looks at Hawkeye. Like he's seeing right down to the heart of him and says, "That's ok, Hawk. You can stay with me as long as you want."
And that's the end of it. Because Trapper may be good with snappy comebacks but he doesn't use words the same way Hawkeye does. Did. When he says that it's ok, he means that Hawkeye's ok just as he is. When Trapper says he's welcome, it means he's welcome, changes and all.
And when Trapper finishes his drink and says, "Let's go home," Hawkeye knows he means it.
Trapper hadn't expected Hawkeye to sleep with him - hadn't expected anything at all really, willing to just roll with the punches. So he'd offered Hawk the guestroom, or the master bedroom and he'd take the guestroom - but Hawk'd just smiled and crawled into Trapper's bed. So now Trapper's laying in bed with Hawkeye all curled up next to him, resting his head on Trapper's shoulder. And when they kiss, Hawkeye tastes like Trapper's toothpaste, and he smells like Trapper's soap, and he's wearing a pair of Trapper's pajamas - the army had lost Hawkeye's luggage somewhere between San Francisco and New York and he's not holding his breath on Hawk getting it back. And Trapper feels like he's been split open along the sternum, his ribs retracted to reveal his beating heart. So full of joy that it almost hurts.
He kisses Hawkeye on the forehead, pulls up the covers, and turns out the light.
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