#still playing with her design idk what all i wanna do with it lol
flutteringfable · 3 months
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new 2d sonic games coming out this fall apperently ?
#not sure how to feel abt it just watched the trailer. im a modern 'classic sonic' hater sorry.#it just doesnt quite capture what i enjoy abt the og games as well as stuff like advance and rush does (well those more take that and build#it up into its own thing (rush especially) but whatever. it still carries on some general things i enjoy about classic sonic design and#all the more recent stuff ive played has not really been my thing. idk what physics engine theyre using but if its the retro engine i will#probably not like it that shit messes with my muscle memory so bad im sorry. i dont like it i wish i did#also the general visual design/art direction just isnt my thing! im not into that kinda stuff ive always disliked it to an extent#ESPECIALLY in 2d it feels very visually overwhelming but that is probably just a me thing.#also idk if the sound design in the trailer reflects what the game is going to sound like but.did not like it . again a personal preference#so i guess im leaning kinda negative overall MAN i hate that . why am i like this lol sorry#i love sonic games i really do but i just Do Not care for the Big Stuff theyve been doing lately it isntreally my thing#the older stuff just plays to my tastes better u_u#also another thing classic sonic gameplay w 3d models has always felt so ? stilted?#rush doesnt count its its own beast. stilted is probbaly The last thing id use to describe its presentation LMAO#but like. all the sonic generations onwards stuff just feels Weird to look at theres no realkick to it. hell i feel like this abt a few#other 2.5d games that are. 2.5d in the visual sense.it just doesnt click right in a lot of cases#so what im syaing is . 3d bad 2d good /JOKE#the multiplayer seems interesting wonder how thats gonna be handled. also im guessing amy plays how she does in origins here#not sure how she plays there but i m glad to actually see her playable in more stuff! i hope her playstyle is similar to her advance 1#gameplay i love that shit so much geneuinely. its a lot of fun to mess around w#i wanna say im sure the game will be fine but also..... its sonic......... theyre always gonna figure out some way to fuck shit up#<- i say that somewhat lovingly but also it is pretty frustrating since most of it does stem from management issues and time crunch. sigh#okay im just rambling abt sonic nonsense now sorry. i try not to get too invested in everything anymore it was really draining when i was#actively trying to keep up w everything but sometimes smthn comes upand my brain goes back into Sonic Mode /silly#inquisitivewaltz.txt#oh god these tags are so long. im so sorry hgfdhsjgfdhs
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campbell-rose · 8 months
Helluva Rewrite (and some of my personal doodles)
Alrighty, so I finally found the motivation to draw up the entire I.M.P crew and finalize their designs! Introducing my version of the new and improved Immediate Murder Professionals!
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I'm so freaking lazy so I didn't add shading or anything extra like that because ughhh. I also decided on some defining traits for imps depending on their ring, but only for the gang and the rings we've seen in the show so far
Wrath imps are larger, stronger, and spikier than other imps. Lust imps have varied bodies, but all have heart shaped barbs on their tails and leathery wings on their lower back. Greed imps are more slender than other imps and often wear jewelry. Gluttony imps are small and fast, high metabolisms so they can gorge. Sloth imps are easy to identify because they usually are just lying there doing fuck all and lack barbs on their tails.
Also, the scarring for imps is the same. White markings indicate scars. In the show I feel like it’s hard to tell what’s a scar (like Blitzo’s facial marks) and what’s a birth mark (like Moxxie’s freckles) so for my own sake, white marks are scars, black marks are birth marks or tattoos, end of story. Millie got her scars from fighting in the wrath ring, Blitzo got his scars from the explosion, and Moxxie’s freckle-like scars are cigarette burns. Should also note that imps are immune to hellfire, but not normal fire because... uhhh idk honestly it just seems more logical. 
~ Helluva cutoff starts here ~
I kinda wanna show off my own imp designs for my little demon thing because helluva boss posts get traction and I just wanted someone to see them, so if you only came here for helluva content, feel free to stop reading lol 
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Okay, so I wanted the imps to all look like the same species but at the same time not at all. Essentially the imps in my series are based more on folklore surrounding them. In christian folklore imps are straight up evil, but I want all of my imps to just be little guys. Look at em, they’re just little guys. Imps were sometimes thought of as the familiars of witches, taking forms of different animals, so I wanted some of the imps to look animalistic, but it’s their behavior that reflects it more (which is hard to show in a still doodle). Also the imps are just color coded here so I know which is which, imps aren’t actually these specific colors in my world. 
Greed imps tend to bind themselves to objects that they particularly adore – in some tellings imps were bound to objects like crystals and could be summoned by their masters. So Greed imps often have a specific item bound to them that they guard with their lives.
Sloth imps are the most harmless when they’re tired, it’s when they’re awake that they become the full on imps of folklore. They’re often paid in sugar cubes and used as servants in the sloth ring. 
Gluttony imps are alluding to the fae origin of imps in Germanic folklore, having wings and being generally bug like and little shits. I wanted them to look like pixies almost.
Envy imps are the more attention seeking type who play tricks on humans to garner a reaction. Tricks such as attempting to drown people and such – harmless fun, you know? They’re actually a little based on Kappa I'll admit. 
Lust imps have the habit of snatching babies, as in a lot of demons associated with lust (such as Lilith) tend to be obsessed with babies/pregnancy. The lust imps are nearly infertile, so they love taking babies to raise, then discard them once they’re annoyed.
Pride imps are based on the Lincoln imp (in short an Imp threw a rock at an angel and got turned into stone). They’re fluffy and covered in shiny fur since they live in the frozen layer of hell. Their horns are the largest of all imps, and their biggest source of pride – like if they break their horns, they’d rather die than live with the shame because their horns don’t grow back. 
Wrath imps are based on the old art of imps you can find – bald little creatures with horns and tails. They’re the more feral animalistic imps, often acting on pure instinct and lacking much social structure. They do tend to exercise in their own way, as strength is their greatest feature. 
Anywho if you read all that omg thank you for feeding my ego teehee. But for real, as much as I hate digital, I did enjoy drawing out the imp gang, I might (keyword MIGHT) draw out some rewritten scenes in comic format the most daunting part is actually doing it lmao.
I probably won't shove my own stuff into posts too often, I mostly did it because I wanted to compare my ideas for Imps to Viv's because I think mine are better sorry not sorry lmao. I like to actually research what I'm doing and incorporate it into my art and creations because i think of it like little easter eggs for people who like the things I like. Viv's version of Hell is my least favorite mostly because everything she does feels like bible fanfiction written by a middle schooler who thinks shouting penis in class is the peak of comedy.
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homriette · 19 days
Hi, I just wanna say that your art is fantastic! The colors pop and look so nice! Your OC arts are nice as well, but if you could spare a little time, I’d like to ask a question.
Do you have any tips for drawing and/or making OCs? i’m sorry if this is a bit of an odd question per se, I’d just like a few tips on OC making, that’s all. :)
Thank you very much for liking my art! Let's see...I'm not sure if I'm the most indicated person to respond to this, but I will anyway lmao.
I guess one of the important things for me in drawing ocs is try to make them different from each other. I want each character to be able to carry themselves, regardless if they are important or not. I like when ppl can see my (big) repertoire of ocs and pick their faves bc that means hey! they are different enough to cater to different tastes and that's cool. That doesn't mean I try to appeal to everyone but I think it says smth about how each oc can have their own "thing" I guess
I really like color coding when it comes to ocs and their differences, so I play with that a lot lmao.
I don't have the most varied style but I still try to vary my ocs quite a bit, body types, hair types , even eye styles! I feel like is very fun and very good for stylization practice.
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(I feel like my latest magical girls are a bit of a example of that. I tried to vary their shapes)
I always start with a concept idea but I like giving the concept a twist " Oh . she is a witch. Ok. What if she was the mushroom witch, or she was the witch of dreams" thinking about a concept and attributing that to an oc kinda helps me with what would their design might look like or be based on and then that evolves into their personality, and then even a story!
One example is my frog witch. Overall she was just that. So I designed her with things I associate frogs with. A raincoat, water lilies, mud, bright greens etc... However I worked on her personality and story , where she is a magical student, and is the reason why she has a school uniform underneath. She is also very clumsy , so I wanted to give her a bit of a naive/innocent look
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Idk if I'm making sense, but I hope this suffices. Overall I think drawing things that you like and wanna see is the most important thing of them all !! By no means I'm an expert on this topic but thanks for the question ^^ I would put more ocs examples but then we would be here everyday LOL
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rosyfingered-moon · 4 months
Sejak episode 14
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He really went "guys, I think we should stop the king from interrogating people. I mean, think about the poor spy when he's caught 🥺" and they all just accepted this as a normal, not at all suspicious thing to say
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The poison was on the yongpo!!! How very Count of Monte Cristo!
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HE GETS CREEPIER FOR EVERY EPISODE AND I LOVE IT. Please let Lee Gyu-hoe play the villain in every sageuk from now on, he's so incredibly persuasive at this brand of delulu evil!! I love the long ass Rasputin beard fluttering after him whenever he storms off feeling that he has been Humiliated and must Seek Revenge
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I'm so happy that this new and improved Mong-woo can read between the lines 🥰
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But if she is gonna be as ride or die for Yi In as she claims, I think a good first step would be to tell him about this plot that she personally set in motion and is still ongoing behind his back, idk.
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The devil works hard but the torture gnomes work harder!
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Lol honestly very relatable that he forgot Master Chu's face. Finally some representation for the prosopagnosia community!
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When I tell you I had goosebumps throughout this entire exchange. They are both such marvelous actors. Also wanna give a shoutout to the sound designer! The musical score has probably been great all along, but this was the first episode I watched with headphones on and my god
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It's so funny to me that he seems to be genuinely impressed and delighted by how evil Minister Park is. He's like "I can only hope to be as evil as you one day daegam 😍 I served the others for personal gain, but you... I'm serving for love"
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Very ooc for Myung-ha to even consider this cursed alliance. Like didn't you learn anything from trying to plot with other people?? Just do your own thing man! Get creative!!
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Another terrific actor. I love her polished, arrogant diction that is so entirely at odds with the haunted look in her eyes.
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My darling Dong!! If no one will protect you I will!!!
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Sorry writernim for thinking there would be catty jealousy drama... I should never have doubted you. (Very amusing though when she stomps her little foot on Mong-woo's proffered handkerchief and Mong-woo looks shocked that her gentleman rizz has failed, lmaooo)
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LIPSTICK POISON!!! Even better than the robe! But as always with this trope I wonder: how on earth can it kill the person being kissed and not the person wearing it? I assume this is a different poison from the one she used on the former king, since that was clearly more slow-working than this could be supposed to be... and simultaneously strong enough to seep through several layers of fabric which would reasonably then also cross through the protective barrier of Dong sanggung's plump and lovely lips. Much to think about.
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There's manspreading and then there's this
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I'll be honest I did experience a few bisexual emotions while watching this scene. I assume he's got her all figured out here and will shove her away with his virtue intact in the first seconds of ep 15, but the sexual tension between him and the Toxic Lipstick is pretty intense lol. I feel like he considered going for it, just for like 2 seconds. Not a bad way to go after all.
Also, remember what I said about the sound design because it really goes extremely hard in this scene!! Those ominous strings! A most excellent episode!
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death-himself · 5 months
ok episode 6 thoughts
decent episode, doesn't top episodes 4 or 5 for me but it was good
kronos being portrayed by his headmaster is an interesting choice
the iris message is so much blurrier than I always imagined i'm crying
144p iris message you would think it would be clearer but nope that's so funny to me
with how involved rick is with the show that means that's always what he imagined iris messaging looking like I can't iris messaging is ruined for me
we didn’t get percy talking to the zebra T-T it’s fine tho i forgot that even happened in the book until i checked after watching
their whole conversation while watching the animals escape i love them
their chemistry is perfect in this episode
i get people wanted poker face, but the dua lipa song is perfect, it’s like a slightly more modern version
i don’t know fashion throughout the centuries so i can’t really say anything about the costume designs, but i kinda wish there were more obviously out of place outfits in the lotus
is augustus mentioned at all in the books? i don’t remember a satyr named augustus so i guess he was made just for the tv series?
luring grover in with pan is a cool change
grover slowly losing his memory was played pretty well
i keep getting impressed by how good these kids are as actors
i honestly don’t know why people hate on lin manuel miranda so much, i think he made for a pretty good hermes this episode
but also the way they’re portraying hermes feels a little bit off?? i don’t really know how but something didn’t feel right about his character
i do feel like he’s the most “human” out of the gods introduced so far, and i think that came through pretty well
“to be so close to someone you love, knowing neither of you has any choice but to keep hurting each other?” that line is just-
as someone with a really complicated relationship with my dad that line just hurt goddamn
the flashback percy had??? i feel like that line doesn’t 100% relate to percy and sally’s relationship, but i see how that’d be how percy would feel
unless i’m dumb and that was referencing his relationship with poseidon lol
ok the end of their talk with hermes i wanna talk about that a bit
parenting sometimes being watching your kid struggle and being powerless to stop it: completely true
“we’re all just doing the best we can” now that’s some godly bullshit
the difference between that first quote and gods being parents is that they’re literally capable of doing anything
they could be more present in their kids lives, they just CHOOSE not to, that’s how it works in the books
sure it’s coming from a place where he thinks interacting will only make things worse but???
i can’t articulate my thoughts, i liked this scene tho, my thoughts on hermes are mixed as they should be
“i’m multi-talented” I LOVE HER
percy forgetting grover felt so unsettling to me
hermes driving a taxi so real
percy trying to drive, i’m not gonna lie, that scene went on a little too long for me, but i was laughing the whole time so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
ok percy getting 4 pearls instead of 3??? idk why but that change pissed me off
i paused to get out the book, and i guess it makes more sense then hades just deciding to return her
but at the same time there’s the line in the prophecy, he’s supposed to leave her in the underworld for that part of the prophecy
are they just going to end up accidentally breaking one of the pearls or trading it or something? that’s the only way i can see that still working out
i feel like these episode reviews always turn out sounding more negative than positive, but i swear i’m enjoying the hell out of this series, i just have trouble articulating joy lol
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hibiscussoupbowl · 5 months
Yk what ive already made all my statements abt the teen wolf movie on instagram but imma say it here
As much as i love and breath teen wolf, its not the perfect show which is fine bc recognizing that is what makes its good. The thing is the movie? Godawful. The one thing i can appreciate is that the movie had an opening and the graohic design was cool
My problems with it?
-the plotline being abt allison. I think alisson (is it allison or alisson?) Is a fine character especially in s3, however, you killed her off. That whole s3 ending was abt her dying and isaac leaves BECAUSE of allison dying. Now ur gonna reopen that plotline that was TIED OFF? Ur not even gonna get stiles or isaac back into play even tho theyre arguably the most important for that season. And ur not gonna tell us how s6 ended??? Even with a flashforward of 2 years??
-the fbombs. Im sorry, what? U make a show that doesnt use f bombs at all and u make it creepy and horror but when u make the movie thats r rated meaning u can go even harder... u use it on fbombs? Might i add in the worst way possible. "Darkness motherfucker" wow. It just sounds so cringey. Either use it once meaningfully or dont drop one at all. U managed to make s3 be creepy without it do it again
-why the absolute fuck was liam in japan. By the hour and a half mark that question wasnt explained and it never was. Him and this girl hikari (whos gr8 actually) are just in japan and i guess own a bar??? I dont even know what they are to eachother let alone how they ended up there. I only knew that they love eachother bc they say that in jpn but like still??? Is it a sibling ily or a were dating and ily?
-the actors. Im sorry but if ur gonna get all these actors like masons and parrish and malia and whoever but u give them like what one line? Mason had legit like 2 lines in that movie. And u dont even know how he beacme a police officer! He just is! And they dont even say anything abt corey??? U could easily get his actor i know he aint doin anything rn. Liam and hikari? Also have like 3 lines in the movie
-personal thing lol but not everyone looks good with a beard and a shaved head
-lydia and stiles. Just bc u coudnt get dylan obrien cuz hes like the most succesful does NOT mean u just break up the couple that u built for six. seasons. You couldve said literally anything you couldve said stiles was dealing with some fbi shit or another supernatural disaster. Lydia having the dream? Tragic but stiles wouldnt have cared bc he loves her and wouldve just wanted to be with her forever.
-how can u not tell us who elis mother is. We ALLLL wanna know who derek banged im sorry but he slept with the enemy like three times and with his history and family history everyone just wants to know who it was.
-dereks death. WHAT THE FUCK this man survived a *pipe* going thru his back for like 10 minutes and survived, got brutally slashed and survived and ur telling me he died by magical fire. Sure teen wolf sure.
-if ur gonna introduce a character like alec in the season finale, bring him into play somehow recast him idc but do smt. Even nolan! Someone !
-what was with the whole nogitsune temple thing?? It was so... not scary at all and it looked bad. Like idk it was just so kiddy. Like oh noooo we re trapped bc we re tied to a pole with rope -_-
-sorry but again why continue a plotline that has been tied off? And not continue with the one that was open ended when u cant even get the significant actors for the s3 plotline? Bring daniel sharman into play, medicis over he has the freetime.
-malia and scott breaking up is also stupid bc again they were "endgame" and they had no reason to break up other than the fact that allison was alive again and for plot reasons.
-harrison coming back was so stupid i was so glad they killed him off even tho i guess they never found his body. I was hoping
-are argent and melissa not dating anymore? Its been like 3 months since ive seen the movie so i dont rememeber that but if they arent, why are the writers/producers, whoever, so desperate to break up everything great they had goin at the end of the show.
The interesting parts of the movie were
-the intro
-elis backstory with his dad, except why would u hate derek its literally tyler hoechlin
-and scott having an animal clinic bc i think thats funny
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okay so I know I said I’d have a post for Monday but stuff happened (nothing bad don’t worry) so this is late and also not what I had planned. but it’s something at least while I’m working on drawing and trying to actually finish a drawing for once in my life
anyways without further ado: more Voltron dragon prince AU shenanigans because that is still very much a thing that I want to do and am going to at least have some “official” art done for at some point in the year.
I only have an idea for Shiro’s design right now, but I have so much more to talk about in this post.
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Shiro doesn’t really have a direct parallel to anyone in the dragon prince, but he’s still important (obviously) and he still goes missing. I can’t really say too much about him because of story and plot reasons but there is gonna be Cool Stuff happening. I decided to make him a moon shadow elf because it makes the most sense, and also I just thought he would look cool as one. He’s still engaged to Adam, and he still goes missing with Sam and Matt Holt.
That’s all I can say about Shiro for now, but I still have other characters to talk about.
Adam is going to be playing an active role in this because I want him to and also he won’t fucking die because I think he should live. As a treat.
In this AU, Adam is human. A huge part of his whole deal is that he will be looking for a Shiro and Keith alone because they’re the two most important people in his life and he wants to find them.
Also, Adam and Shiro’s relationship is secret, only Keith knows that they’re together and that’s a huge motivation as to why Adam goes searching for them alone since he’s kinda trapped since he can’t exactly go out and get help finding Shiro and Keith. Anyways, that’s enough about those two, let’s get on to everyone else I’m talking about today
I’m just going to make a quick bullet point list of characters I don’t have much to say on in this post but I still wanna say what their deal is in the AU:
Coran is going to be Opeli (the like, advisor in TDP). He’s the royal adviser, but he also helped raised Lance and Allura. I don’t really have much to say about him other than he will still very much be himself and I love him
Matt is a scholar or something of that type along with his father, and they meet Shiro while doing research and end up befriending him (thank you Aeon for this suggestion your brain is great)
Romelle is going to be the equivalent of Ellis (the kid with the wolf). Also trans Romelle because I am a trans Romelle truther
Veronica is going to be this AUs Amaya but not going to be exactly like her (also, please let me know if you guys think that I should make Veronica deaf like Amaya since I would like having a deaf character in this but idk if it should be her or another side character that would most likely be an OC)
Krolia is going to be missing/MIA
The BoM are going to be the moonshadow elf assassins, but without the whole knowledge or death deal since. I just don’t want them to have that and it’s my AU I get to do what I want
Honerva is dead lol
Zarkon will be Viren
Ezor, Zethrid, Narti and Axca are still Lotor’s Lesbians and I have Several Ideas for them
I still have a lot that I wanna do, like learn how to draw dragons because Whoops I made an AU that has dragons and a lot of them but I don’t know how to draw them, and I have a lot to talk about when it comes to certain decisions I made for this, like Zarkon and Honerva and some things I have in mind for them. This is probably going to be a project that will take a long time to even officially get started because I don’t know how to write but I so desperately want to tell the story I have in mind and have it be enjoyable.
I’ll make another post soon with more in-depth descriptions and ideas for Zarkon, along with something I like to call the “kill-die scale” and also some ideas I am still struggling with
Also as always, thank you to @deuxaeonn for the help, your brain is so good and ik this hasn’t been worked on for a while but still lmao
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yellowhollyhock · 1 month
More O'Neil Technologies thoughts
Irma will of course still be boy/girl crazy. Maybe I will even think about some people for her to date.
Also more importantly she will randomly be like "I could do that" about the craziest things. Like I mean for a certain thing they're designing they're working with miners because they need this very specific mineral and it turns out it is usually mined unethically and so now they have a social justice side quest which they will approach by designing safer means but they are also in touch with the mining company's union and yeah anyway it's a whole side quest. And Irma is very involved because it's all very administrative, but the whole time she's very clueless because of all the technical language, following April around like 'what did he say? why are they upset? oh did we make the deal are we done? no? ah beans. well when's lunch'
But at the end of it when things start working out, what all she's been observing starts to sink in and she's like 'I could be a miner'
And other just random things like that. Leatherhead has her help him hold Timothy still to put a bandaid on him Once and she's like 'I am a medical assistant :)'
idk I'm thinking about Super Irma and Donatello's Degree and I just love an Irma who is a healthy daydreamer and a little bit full of herself.
April is used to this from their college years, deeply admires it actually, her general response is like 'cool keep me updated.' Casey takes everything anyone at O'Neil Tech says seriously except for Timothy anf the Neutrinos, so he's often scratching his head like 'is Irma quitting?? Oh no I get it she's just moving departments! Do we have a, uh, mining department?'
Donny gives her heck about it. Of course at first he's a polite little sweetheart but as he gets to know her and starts to feel more comfortable in his role as technically-her-boss, these two are going to banter so much
Irma: I think I could be a scientist
Donny: Sure, I'll train you right after Timothy becomes a ninja.
Irma: Thanks! I--wait a minute
Donny: lol
Irma: I could be a truck driver.
Donny: You know you'd be driving your own truck, not in the passenger seat next to the hunky men, right?
Irma: Hey, leave me alone. It's easy for you, you already have a cool car and a hunky girlfriend.
Donny: I'll build you a truck if you stop daydreaming on the clock (he jests)
Irma: I'll call HR on you
Donny, deadpan: No, please, don't, I'm terrified of mutants.
Irma 😈: I'll tell him how many coffees you had today.
Donny, suddenly sincere: No wait please don't call Leatherhead--I was just kidding honest go back to daydreaming I'll leave you alone.
Irma, picking up the phone
Donny: I'm going I'm going!
Irma: You know, I could probably learn acupuncture. Do you think I could learn acupuncture?
Donny: I'm sitting on pins and needles
Irma: But do you think I could?
Donny: I'm glad I have a shell
Irma: I could probably be a politician.
Donny: A politician? Are we that miserable to work for? Do we need to negotiate a raise?
Donny: Wait let me guess.. it was the men in suits 😑
Irma: You don't understand his teeth--
Donny: Aaahshd I don't wanna hear this!
Irma: They literally sparkled like a cartoon character~
Donny: You need to raise your standards.
Irma: I want a 15% raise.
Irma: What? I'm raising my standards :3
Donny, squinting: Well-played, Langenstein. Well-played
('No but seriously,' he will say later, 'We need you in the role you're in. You could easily be a politician or even a miner probably, but we'd be losing an administrator with unmatched negotiation skills, the ability to pick things up quickly, stay level in any kind of situation--we can't afford to lose you.'
'Alright alright I'm not going anywhere. But do feel free to tell me anytime how invaluable I am to the company.'
Harold, watching the exchange: 'Well Donny certainly can't negotiate')
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greenxgloss · 3 months
Honey To The Bee
Clyde (Electrik children)
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Y/N and Clyde have feelings for each other but y/n is unsure if he’s being genuine in his confession
A/N: i haven’t written and posted in a really long time so excuse any mistakes or inconsistencies i’m way too tired to proofread i just wanted to get this out lol just an idea i had idk. sorry for being MIA and like popping in and out of tumblr so much i honestly thought i’d given up on writing lol also though i’ve been on here a while i still don’t know how to write the warnings and stuff so please bare with me
warnings?: Fem reader, mostly fluff, clyde being very slightly pervy yeah i didn’t feel the need to add smut today lol
“what’s going on between you two?” johnny asked clyde as he closed the door behind their closest friend. he blushed trying to keep a straight face. “man nothing it’s never like that with her.” he lied. he sort of has a massive crush on you and it had increased ever since you’d met.
“you act like we’re not bestfriends and roommates.” johnny said glancing over at him for a moment waiting for clyde to fill him in on something that clearly happened. but clyde just sighed, rolled his eyes and retreated to the bathroom to wash his face to cool himself down.
y/n was a block away in her car, equally as red as clyde but she has no one around to ask questions so she quickly slowed her heartbeat. he probably wasn’t even being serious she thought as she drove. he was probably playing a joke like usual. either way she wasn’t gonna let it bother her so she headed in to work.
y/n worked at a tattoo shop, designing tattoos. she loved watching the modded people walk in covered in silver, colors and ink. they were everything she wanted to be but she was too scared of doing too much and going overboard. clyde, johnny and snow always said it would suit her. they maybe didn’t say it so appropriately but that was the idea.
tonight johnnys band had a show and clyde was supposed to be going on stage to escalate the mood. he wanted y/n to do his makeup so she sat in her office looking through pinterest for inspiration after drawing up her last tattoo. “hey you busy tonight?” asked her coworker from the door. “yeah i got a gig.” she replied. “how late you gonna be out? i need you to pick something up for me.” he asked. y/n thought it over before just agreeing.
clyde was excited for the show. he’d been on stage with the band before but he wanted it to be more of a permanent position since he had to attend all their gigs because he’s their driver. y/n always felt her knees go weak when she watched him on stage. to her he looked so free and so happy and his happiness always made her happy. but he also looked really fucking hot. that’s when her feelings for him started. the first time she saw him on stage.
as she picked up her makeup bag and headed to clyde’s van outside the venue she began sweating. clyde had confessed feelings for her and though she had feelings for him too she was worried that maybe he was joking. that snow or lola told him and he was playing a trick on her. so before she was in view of the van she called snow.
“so.. clyde told me he likes me. but it didn’t feel genuine. and listen i won’t be mad but did you or lola tell him i have feelings for him?” she asked the moment the ringing stopped. “what no?! he actually told us he likes you and asked how he could ask you out.” she laughed. y/n turned red. “clyde’s a great guy so i think you should go for it. you trusting us with telling us you like him is a big deal to us we wouldnt betray that.” she informed y/n and she felt relief wash over her.
once they hung up y/n proceeded to the van. "hey you're almost late." clyde said as he opened the van. "yeah sorry i was on the phone with snow." she laughed. "do you wanna talk about earlier?" he asked. y/n stayed silent and set up her makeup. "maybe not yet." she still had to think about how it would affect the friend group. he nodded and sat back. she sat next to him and began the clown makeup she'd thought up before playing billie piper on her phone. "whats this music?" he asked quietly trying to hold still for her. "i actually dont know i found out billie pipers a musician and ive had a recent interest in 2000s pop." she said, applying the white foundation. he hummed in response.
"wouldnt this be easier?" he asked as he pulled her on his lap. she blushed, getting comfortable. "just not so much movement i assume." she joked but it made him blush. they stayed quiet for a moment while she focused but all she could think about was his hands inching down her back.
“woah watch it.” she said, pulling his hands up and he giggled and lightly gripped her making he jump slightly. she willed herself to continue his makeup when they made eye contact and she leaned in to kiss him. it was the sweetest kiss she’d ever had. though the position they were in was very compromising it felt gentle and warm dare i say wholesome?!
they pulled away and sat it a comfortable silence before giggling. “we’ll at least now i know for sure you weren’t joking earlier.” she looked away sheepishly trying to hide her fluster. “i have no idea how you thought i was messing with you. have i not been obvious?” he said, turning her head to look at him. she shrugged, thinking back to all the moment when he laid his hand on her lower back to guide her or got her a meaningful gift that only the two of them would understand or how johnny described to her the excitement clyde would suddenly have when he knew she was coming over.
“there was just so much overwhelming me. i didn’t want to put our friendship at risk.. ours or with the group.” she said sitting back up and looking at him. “well i definitely risked your makeup i have to start over.” she laughed wiping the black lipstick off his chin. “i’m definitely not mad at it. i like this type of alone time.” he let his hands rest on her thighs.
she grabbed a wet wipe and took the mess off of him, wiping gently to not irritate his skin. she’s done his makeup so many times before, sitting on his lap but it’s never felt the way it does now.
LAST A/N: sorry if this was short i usually make these so long that i just lose interest and never finish them so this is the best i can do right now. i’m still organizing my tumblr even after what like 3 years of being on here? welcome to all the new followers i do intend on continuing posting at least for a while lol i really enjoy interacting with anyone and i will take constructive criticism ofc :)
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fluffytheocelot · 5 months
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Yeah Ik it’s not even January anymore SHUT UP-
It’s been a hot minute since I’ve drawn preexisting characters as cats and it was SO FUN getting to stretch my character design muscles again!!
Carmen Week day 7: Classic
The 94 series and Treasures of knowledge are the 2 I’m most familiar with, so those are the ones I picked!
And hoo boy do I have thoughts on both of them lol
Also for the most part across the Carmenverse, Carmen doesn’t seem to want to physically harm anyone, at least not too badly. There’s probably exceptions but that’s my main observation
94 series:
I’ve watched all four seasons (they’re on Tubi in order for free if u haven’t seen em, I think they’re also on YouTube) and in conclusion: Carmen loves her kids detectives lol
*watching Zack and Ivy try to chase after them*
VILE member: Your children are very… Spirited
Carmen: They’re rescues
Seriously Carmen lost her mind when Lee Jordan put em in danger lol. She was *this* close to breaking her own no murder rule lmao
Also I’m pretty sure she’s set it up so that Zack and Ivy will inherit VILE?? Like that was a whole episode lol
Good to see Mama Sandiego carried thru the 2019 series lol.
Treasures of Knowledge:
So I bought the game, and I’ve only played thru a couple of missions, but oh my god why do Carmen and Julia feel like exes. Literally from what I remember a lot of dialogue from Julia is just talking about “oh Carmen liked this. She really believed in this. Carmen used to-“
And Carmen is NO BETTER!! Like, she leaves notes and video messages directly for Jules lol. And they are ridiculously flirty lol.
And it’s been a hot minute since I played it, but I’m pretty sure the opening cutscene of the game has the two of them bantering/flirting??
Anyways these 2 were dating while Carmen was in ACME, she wants to prove something (idk), leaves, asks Jules to go with her but doesn’t. MMM THE ANGST POTENTIALLL. Maybe Carmen starts acting more hostile, trying to get Jules to hate her, hoping that’ll make leaving easier on both of them. It doesn’t.
They still love the other, but each thinks the other hates them.
Lol everything and nothing has changed with these 2 istg
Idk drop an ask if u wanna know more lol, headcannons or cat designs. I have Thoughts on both ‘94 and TOK lol
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frenzyarts · 1 year
Could you talk a bit about how you design your OCs from a visual level? I really love their designs. Only if you have the time and energy of course <3
Thank you so much omg 💕 I was trying to think of a good way to answer this question, but the truth is my methods are very nebulous and hard to define! I’ll do my best though 🥳
Some characters come to me very easily, some go through a few revisions, and some go through a meat grinder of revisions lol. Rune was easy, her design was just in my head right off the bat from years of drawing/thinking about demons. Yorick was a little different. Awhile back I played a ttrpg and designed this character:
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Look familiar? This is prototype Yorick!! (I have this on my portfolio at a higher res if you wanna zoom in or something idk) She was a character who was kind of elfin and was a clown who controlled shadows. When I started pinning down the stories and characters of A Slowly Beating Heart I KNEW I had to put a demonic clown in there, and I thought of this design.
A phase I go through when designing characters when im not sure how they’re gonna look is doing a bunch of iterations based on vibes. Here’s some of the earliest Yorick sketches I could find, you can see how they don’t quite look “right” yet:
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Like the vibes were there but that’s not our Yorick! Here’s what I think might be the first or second sketch I did where they look right:
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I used the old Yorick I had designed but finally modified the outfit and design in a way that pleased me. I went with this design, and went through some minor edits with the colors, and boom, the demon clown was born! (Though even in this image they aren’t quite right, in the final comic I got rid of the lines on their horns and saturated the green parts of their eyes):
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Melody is another story. Versions of Melody had also been living in my mind for almost as long as Rune, but never as a solid design. I have a zillion sketches of Melody that don’t look at all like how she looks now. It wasn’t until right before her appearance in the comic that I actually decided to refine her character design. Since I had never quite solidified how she looked in my mind, getting her on paper was quite the task. Her hairstyle was already on my mind, but I did a bunch of different versions of her halo and outfits. I put a bunch of designs together and sent them out to my friends to ask them to vote on their favorite outfit to help me decide 😂:
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In the end Melody’s outfit didn’t quite look like any of these, because they’re all somewhat complex, and I need things to stay really simple for comics. Once I had designed the outfit the struggle still wasn’t over, cause now I had to do colors. Here’s just a small sampling of the color pallets I went through:
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I guess if I was gonna break down my process into steps, it would be like this:
1. Sketch a bunch of ideas based on vibes
2. Choose my fav and then refine it further by tweaking the outfit/hair ect
3. Try out a lot of different colors and keep adjusting them until they look right
4. Give birth to my Art Child 💃✨🙌
I don’t always do all that, and some of the design processes for certain characters happen a little differently. But that’s basically it! Sorry this was super long, I hope it helped!!
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twoa-plus · 1 year
i mentioned a while ago making a rotai au but i haven’t read rotai in like forever and the idea is still half baked so i’m just gonna throw out everything i have so far and either come up with more ideas bit by bit or take suggestions if u guys have any !! sorry for inactivity in the mc/mcd community btw social anxiety’s been beating my ass lmao
SO. au time. everything in the very beginning of the book is the same, but when archie gets to the top of that weird mountain and finds the orb he’s like “oh those are terrible vibes no thanks” and just Leaves (once the spiders are gone ofc). yes i did just make up this whole au bc i thought it would be funny how can u tell. anyways, no longer having a tribe, he just kinda runs off into the woods and does his own thing. we love a foraging king. also strong independent archie supremacy (i’ve always headcanoned him as an adult and a pretty competent one at that, just wanna play around w/ the idea of him being left alone for once). does he have funky animal friends? what weapons does he use? has he figured out agriculture? who knows! certainly not i
someone else gets the orb. is it thord, is a walda, is it goddamn karl, i have no idea. either way bad things happen and must be stopped but archie doesn’t really care he’s just chilling
at some point this random hero comes across him and, being the weirdo she is, is like “oh look. a lone illager. youre my friend now :)”. if anyone remembers me posting violet in the discord server this is her BUT i wanna change her name bc there’s already a lot of cool canon and fanon characters w/ v names and i don’t wanna like. copy anyone lmao. anyways she’s like “surely u have to be lonely out here :(“ and he’s like “no actually i’m pretty alright” and she’s like “nah. we’re leaving :)” and that’s that. he does go back to his weird little treehouse or whatever eventually i just like the idea of him getting dragged around against his will to help fight against evil or whatever LMAO. definitely the most helpful of the protags here in terms of combat skills (again. competent archie supremacy. they never said he was bad at fighting he just didn’t like it), but the whole time he’s just like “yes i am going to teach you how to use a sword and yes i am going to hate every second of it. die” (they are besties)
third protag is yumi bc i like her. hero drags archie to the closest village she can find, archie nearly gets sent into the stratosphere by an iron golem, and yumi comes out like “sorry broski my bad lol”. somehow she ends up agreeing to help them idk why i haven’t thought abt it that much (she is insanely difficult for me to write i still do not even have a consistent design for her). “isn’t violence against, like, villager code or whatever?” “well, technically, I’M not the one doing the violence-” *gestures vaguely to army of iron golems*
anyways that’s pretty much it. world’s bravest villager, illager who Does Not Want To Be Here, and a hero who has no clue what she’s doing, bless her soul
if anyone has suggestions lemme know lol. also i wanna make it more fantasy-ish bc i love fantasy so dw abt sticking to canon worldbuilding. this is all for funsies i have zero prior storytelling experience lmao
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masonsystem · 6 months
the next game i plan to play is TWEWY. unlike the other games ive been playing recently i will not be going into this game blind bc that is impossible for me, cuz ive lived with the worlds biggest twewy fan who is my brother. literally have memories from 2009/2010 of hearing the twewy ost from his ds first thing in the morning. he has also told me the entire lore of this game multiple times. i also tried to play it before in like 2016 or 2017 cuz my brother rly wanted me to and he was like 'its shorttt you can do it'. He Was Lying. and i also watched like 80% of his neotwewy playthru.
so im going to try again now as a More Experienced Gamer. hoping to finish before the end of january cuz thats when i see him again and i wanna hv scholarly discussions abt it with him. and maybe ill play neotwewy if i feel like it (i doubt this). for fun i want to list down everything i know abt the game from my brother so after i finish it i can revisit this post and laugh at it
- "What's a meme?"
- i dont actually know what a meme is. i remember this gameplay mechanic confusing me
- everybody is DEAD and this is PURGATORY or something like that. i still dont really understand what the reaper's game is despite knowing abt twewy for like 16 years
- this game is not a week long my brother LIED. i thought the game would end after one week which is why i tried it back then LOL i know that theres three weeks.. i think..
- shiki doesnt actually look like that thts actually the appearance of her toxic yuri friend or something. i remember this Very vividly bc its like the biggest plot reveal from week one and i remember being like WOAHHHH and jaw-dropped and it was so awesome. its still so awesome! im excited to experience that again
- beat and rhythm are hit by a car but the cars look like sharks bc uh.. hm...
- i actually dont know why the enemies look like that. i know theyre like..... Negative Spirit Energy or SMTH LIKE THAT but why they take the form of animals... idk
- Calling..... Someone is Callinggg 🎶
- the music is really good
- fashion fashion that mechanic is fun. you need bravery in order to crossdress which gives you epic stats. which i think is very fun!
- also fuck im realizing that this is a squarenix jrpg meaning im gonna have to be planning members stats and all that shit again. and while i do miss doing that, i hope twewy's 2008 (2007?) design isnt too asswater and is actually functional
- THE COMBAT IS HARD i remember having to draw shit with my left hand while my right hand had to tap buttons! like what!!! according to my brother the combat utilizes every part of the ds, even things like the microphone and closing the screen, and is why he likes this game so much. i hope i can like it as much as him
- im nekuuuu and im rude and unfriendly and i cant remember anything and im mean but I'll Become Kinder as the game progresses
- neku chokes shiki??? i think he was trying to kill her??? so he could leave the game or something.. and she was floating? i have levitation powers???
- i dont remember if i get epic powers.. i feel like thats something i shouldve remembered
- i dont know what the math dude does in this game. i dont remember what all the dudes with the wings are called or what their deal is but ohhh i remember them all pissing me off
- THE FUCKING PIN GAME pins??? badges?? bottlecaps??? i dont remember but i remember that minigame pissing me offff. fuck im gonna have to experience squarenix minigames again
- there is so much dialogue wohfuisdhfjk Squarenix JRPG.
- shiki DISAPPEARS at the end of the first week.. for some reason.. and neku plays a second week so he can bring her back. and that happens again for the third week where i think??? beat and rhythm disappears at the end of the second week? but this time neku isnt just betting on bringing his friends back HES BETTING ON THE FAITH AND GOODWILL OF THE ENTIRE WORLD somethinggg like that
- joshua is the new partner for week 2 and he is such a gay boy.
- Mother and father calls me Joshua ohohohoho
- only dead people can enter the reaper's game and if you win you get another chance at life or something?? idk why tho..
- beat and rhythm entered the game bc they were running away from home cuz they have shitty parentsss and then they got hit by a car
- and shiki attempted suicide i think
- and neku can't remember how he entered the game.. oh... so mysterious....
- it was because joshua shot him with a gun
- and joshua is God because this is a Squarenix JRPG
- joshua wanted neku to show him humanity's worth or SOMETHING cuz neku was a kid who had lost faith in humanity or something like that??
- and joshua disappears in the ending i think very ambiguousss
- The World Begins With You....
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guacomelon · 1 month
I wanna ask about the JSaBsonas, actually! I'm intrigued about all of them, so if you could say a few words about each one or at least how they came to be, that would be nice, but if you want to focus on a specific one - I'm curious to know more about the sunny one, top right.
we'll be going in this order: 006, "Sunny", "Crown", and "Pae-ki" Here we go. Forgive me for using the same old art, it's the only rendered stuff I have of them 😅
🎵 Dancing on Our Disasters by Calavera
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alt song: 🎵 Granite by Shirobon
The very first was 006, or "Six". All the way back in Sep 2021, I had the idea of creating a shapesona. At the time I had certain.. feelings, about JSB and my identity surrounding it. I definitely see those feelings represented in the character now.
Six is a professional JSB player in a world where the game is in AR. They're reclusive, obsessive. Attention seeking. And they dance. Oh, they dance until they no longer can.
Some of you had the chance of talking with them on April Fools of 2022; I liked that. It was very fun to write them, and I wish I could do it again. Maybe in the form of their own roleplay/ask blog, just like I always intended.
🎵 A New Day by Danimal Cannon
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alt song: 🎵 Same Song by DEFENSE MECHANISM
Second persona is a character I've nicknamed "Sunny."
I started a continuation of a previously failed project under a pseudonym, a persona. It wasn't until Jun 2021 when I gave that persona her design... I think it helps when I'm writing as them.
There's currently not much character story to them, other than she exists in the same world as Six. She gets burnout often but never gives up. It's not over til it's over.
I'm sure you've seen a certain one of my projects so far. Maybe it was obvious from the beginning, maybe it just clicked now, or you're still lost. Those who know, I want you to know this aswell: I'm not being sneaky, I'm just anxious. When I'm tired of pretending and gain the confidence to put my face on these projects, I do plan on just using them as the mascot.
🎵 Ecstacy by Nitro Fun & Rob Gasser
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alt song: 🎵 Fracture by Shirobon
Third is the crown. It doesn't have a name, and it probably won't - Jan 2024
Ok, this ones strange. I've been invited to play a certain fangame a few times, and one of their available shapes is a crown. The crown is just the shape I played with. Nothing else, nothing more. It will never be something greater, involving me.
So what about that art...well.... I think I'm just going through post-JSB:FE depression 😭 ... Recently I've been thinking about the "maybes", alot of "what ifs" And if I'll be honest with myself, I need to let those go.
🎵 happy camper by laamaa
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And last, but not least, is my actual JSB/shapesona!
They currently have no real name (idk you can call them my ingame name "GUAC" lol,) but for records sake I've been using "Pae-ki". I first drew them up in Oct 2023, around when I first played The Fangame.
They are just, me! Lover of 'Close to Me', unreasonable hater of 'First Crush', and protector of triangle players. An "OG god" as some say. (I'm not sure what else to say that isn't just me talking about myself. idk, I still play Challenge Runs, come join me on NSwitch or Steam)
I'm still working on their design.. I wanted to incorporate mementos from all the JSB-like things I got to do. They were always going to have a crown.
[it's been 3 months I'm not working on this ask anymore, I'm just happy to have it out GOOD LIRD]
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zims-left-antenna · 4 months
HI !!!! :D
(this is gonna be a short "about" post xP)
hi ! im ninikins !! (she\her) and this is my personal blog, where you'll find fandom stuff, memes, my rambles, and idk what else ! i dont even know !
im an artist !! my art blog is @w4fflerapt0r (and formerly @chocolate-cake-and-waffles). i also post my art on instagram as _ninikins_
other things i like are:
WAFFLES !!!!!!!!!! and just food in general !! yum :P
languages !! currently im studying C1 English !! also im learning japanese (beginner) !!! next im planning to learn german, hopefully soon. im a native spanish speaker btw
i also am learning to code websites and its starting to grow on me !
videogames !!! and cartoons !!!!! I LOVE ART especially when it sillay
MUSICAL THEATERRR !! :D (I watched Hamilton on Disney+ and heathers on youtube,, and I wanna watch more !!)
old technology !!!
also I like some scene stuff like skelanimals, so so happy, kandi bracelets (and the rubber bands ones too),,
frutiger aero is sooooo nice, I luv it :3
FASHION !!!!! like, I'm not soo into it nor do I know all about it, but I think it's neat that there r so many genres (?), and outfit combos I wanna try out too
fandoms that im sure ill always be in:
club penguin
super mario (yes this includes everything !! especially the mario & luigi series cuz it's my fav !! didn't finish all the games thoo)
invader zim (maybe its too soon to say that lol but !! i think i see myself still being here)
ace attorney (didn't finish the second game YET ! I'm trying to avoid spoilers lol)
i play club penguin journey from time to time, u can find me there as "nakota" !
other fandoms !! or actually just things I also like lol (this may be subject to change and also may be "dormant", like for a while I'm not super into them and then one day I get SUPER into them for a while and repeat):
MLP !! (luv ponies, they're cute !!)
ghost trick (didn't finish the game yet but it's so COOL !!)
pokémon and pokemon special :D (im on the start of the ruby arc)
eddsworld !
super smash bros
animal crossing
danganronpa but like only the first game + nagito komaeda xD
undertale and deltarune !!!!
geometry dash XD not really but I wanna keep up w the game sometimes + it's funn
brooklyn 99
the good place (im on season 3 !! i think..)
lemon demon
do old technology and operating systems...have fandoms.......pls XD i don't know everything about em but i think they're neat, especially OSes and their designs and sounds :D :P
spongebob is neat too :D not into it but I like watching it when i remember XD
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