#same with seraphim being treated as singular
tired-fandom-ndn · 6 months
I don't usually give a crap about grammar but I DO think it's important to try to show the bare minimum of thoughtfulness and respect when using words from languages that are from marginalized ethnic groups or often appropriated from in your own culture, especially when those words are often misused in harmful ways.
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cerezzzita · 2 years
Half angel reader? BET! I like to think they have the same/similar power buffs as Dante (accelerated healing, strength, ect) but would they have an equivalent to Devil Trigger? Would could they turn into? Also which basis of angels would like to use? Like the scary biblical angels, the pretty ones in old art, or based in a game that has angels (my mind goes straight to Bayonetta and its lore)
Notes: *bayonetta's voice* Morning! Yeah, that's me finally answering this, um, request? It is more like an headcanons post, so here I brought y'all some headcanons of my own of what and how angels/half-angels would be in DMC Universe. It took me, at least, months and months of researching because goddamnit- it doesn't looks like, but angels have so many informations about them from Christian to Abrahamic religions, yet I think most of my hcs here came from Christian concept with a mix of DMC Universe, I think. I hope I don't offend anyone with this, btw.
So! Let's rock! Thank you for requesting and enjoy the experience as much as you can! (Again, this is more of an general hcs post, I'm just adding this 4Dante gif bcs it's somewhat I aimed to, y'know, relate + I love 4Dante with all my strength <3)
✦ Sidenote/To start off: Angels in the Devil May Cry universe do not "exist", they're treated like mythological beings and are mentioned throughout the whole series frequently. The DMC wiki suggests that demons once were angels, then there's The Fallen on DMC3 whose appearance is very angel-like and their description says they were in Heaven once. There's also The Seven Deadly Sins — said explicitly that they fell from celestial grace — Lucia's DT, the Angelo Knights (although they're demons but "Angelo" is the Italian word to angel, anyways you got the deal) and many more. I personally believe something happened to them, like, all of them fell and turned into demons, they're hiding somewhere or they were purely extinct… Also, this post is an open-one, that means y'all can reblog and add another headcanons of your own as much as you want!
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These celestial creatures and their descendants match with the demons in general abilities such as superhuman strength, speed and durability, healing regeneration, and elemental control. However, there are facts that differentiate them from the infernal creatures, and they are:
Mortals faithfully believe that angels are humanoid beings of ethereal beauty with a singular and grandiose pair of wings. Depending on their placement in the angelic hierarchy, they range from human-like bodies to the most animalistic ones, and those that are "equal" in having a human shape are indeed heavenly beautiful. As for their wings, an angel can have one or more pairs of wings — again, all according to their position in the Celestial Spheres.
Contrasting with the demons' dark color palette, they have a more loaded palette of light tones such as white, blue and gold and in certain cases, brown. In their Angel Trigger, their bodies may or may not evolve further from their humanoid and animal-like molds with a kind of armor made of angelic stone that makes the most "human" angels vary between female and/or male silhouettes, their halos are on display and their faces take on a texture similar to a marble sculpture and do not move as they speak and express emotions; they're also able to control elements such as fire — restricted only to seraphim —, lightning, nature and ice.
As stated before, their ATs are usually able or not to evolve their basic bodies. For example: the cherubim are large and leonine, when they have the Angel Trigger activated, they become a triple combination of angel, eagle, a human head and four pairs of wings of divergent sizes. Seraphim, with a body that merely resembles a human one and with elements of fire for their clothing, become extensive flaming serpentine figures with six pairs of wings.
Angels are literally cold-blooded. Their natural icy blood differs from the warm blood of demons so they can withstand the lower temperatures of high reliefs, cold weather environments, and Heaven itself. Still, it's not a total benefit to the hybrids as thanks to their human half, they constantly need to be warmed up when exposed to these low temperatures for too long.
The halo of angels is made of light and a part of their soul, as it is what carries their identity according to their function in their respective Celestial Sphere, going from the most detailed to superior positions — seraphim, cherubim, thrones — to the simplest for lower positions — principalities, archangels, common angels. Halos, when exposed, can make the angel vulnerable to greater amounts of damage and in extreme cases on a battle, lead them to death.
All hybrids have only one pair of wings, regardless of which angel they descend from. They can measure between 5 to 8 meters in length and the color of their feathers can be entirely white or have brown, golden, silvery or bluish shades. Although they can be summoned at will, they only appear when a hybrid "matures" — around fourteen or fifteen years old —. It's not a pleasant process, the wings don't magically appear, they literally rip the flesh off the back and break some rib bones. Due to the high amount of damage, not all hybrids survive during the appearance of the wings, and those that have resisted the pain are able to regenerate in around two to three hours.
The term used to designate the hybrids, "Nephilim", is extremely offensive since its concept comes from the fallen and impure angels who failed to hide their children from the supreme forces of Heaven. It also refers to the infernal giants that, by their angelic reminiscent appearance, were associated with the heavenly creatures. "Nephilim" is commonly used by demons as a way of offending and despising their children, a remembrance to the angels' hypocrisy. 
Angels and Demons cannot touch each other when using their powers or activating their Triggers during battle. This is also valid for half-angels and half-demons. Once their opposing essences collide, accidentally or not, the sensation will be the same as having been fatally burned, the place hit will present purple and/or blue veins with a golden energy for the angels and another fuchsia for the demons.
ꗃ special tagging: @tefimaysimp @aldryrththerainbowheart
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cerezzzita©, 2022 · all rights reserved ⓘ do not copy, edit, steal or claim as yours
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burts-baked-bees · 4 years
{If The World Was Ending          You’d Come Over Right? }
Author: ohhey-mishamigosx
Relationship: Cas x Reader
Warning : Violence, swearing, ANGST, idk what else, its for big kids. 
Word Count :  4404
A/N: I’ve been meaning to post more stories on here cuz AO3 is trash. This song gives me major SPN vibes so I made this. Its divided into 3 parts. The male sung verse/chorus is Cas’ POV, the female sung is Y/n’s POV, the part sang together will be both of them!  This took me a while to write and I’m so happy with how it came out! So enjoy! 
Summary: (A story written to the song lyrics of “If The World Was Ending”by JP Saxe &  Julia Michaels) Castiel and Y/n have had a complicated relationship since day one, but now Chuck is wiping out the world they know, and Y/n is nowhere to be found. 
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                                                                         - PART ONE - CASTIEL’S POV - 
( Bold is Song Lyrics ) 
( Italics is Flash Back )
I Was Distracted, and In Traffic 
    The room was impossibly silent as a lone figure stood in a dark and dismal room, their head tilted to the heavens. Flashes of red were seen in the night sky, clouds outlined by the blood soaked light sending eerie shadows on the world below. The harsh flashes outlined the fabric of a worn trench coat and even older suit, the vessel wearing them was no stranger to the feeling of fear that filled his bones as the impending doom danced across the skies. He had been present for many of the earth's cleanings; from the Great Flood to some of his father’s more recent attempts at wiping the slate clean. But, in all those mass killings, those end of days times, he had never felt nearly as much dread as he felt in these very moments. 
I Didn’t Feel it, When The Earthquake Happened
As his blue eyes followed the red lighting across the ever expanding skies, he found himself thinking back to one singular person. 
   One small human of the billions on this planet had captured his mind and held it in bittersweet captivity. He just knew she was somewhere halfway across the country he was in, her eyes also fixated on the skies. And he, an angelic host of the Lord, prayed that she too was thinking of him, but he knew that to be far from the truth. He would know, he remarked, if she was sending out her thoughts to his almost graceless form. 
   The earth shook. 
   Castiel felt the very ground beneath his feet cry out in pain as a rumble filled his ears. He grabbed ahold of the wall next to him and dug his fingers into the plaster. He watched as dirt erupted from new forming holes and cracks in the surface of this once calm planet. He knew it was drawing to a close. He knew his father had had enough of the foolery of his creation, and now he was striking back. The end was near. 
   And he was alone. 
But It Really Got Me Thinking
“Well, look who’s back.” Her voice was soft, but bitter and it sent a shiver to the angels' very core. He turned his head from Elieen and met her gaze. The ghost of a smile was seen on his cracked lips as he took a step to face her fully. 
  “Hello Y/n.” He rasped, his blue eyes twinkling. Her expression didn’t change in the least bit as Sam came to rest behind her. He pursed his lips into a flat line and raised his brow at Castiel, making his confusion with her temperament known as well. Eileen signed something to Y/n and she responded quickly, too fast for Sam to see and unknown to Castiel. She stepped away from Sam and past Cas to lean her weight against the map table. 
  “What brought you back? Thought you and Dean were mad at each other again.” 
Sam looked to Castiel confused as the seraphim looked to his feet, then back at the woman across from him. 
   “I was told that Sam needed help with his….. Unusual wound ...” The words left his mouth like a plea for any form of relaxed conversation, but it met Y/n’s ears like a deflection of what she truly wanted him to say. She narrowed her eyes at him and smiled dryly while nodding. 
  “Yeah…” She pushed her weight off the table and brought her body impossibly close to his. Castiel felt his grace flare for a moment, the proximity of Y/n to him was affecting him in more ways than one. Her e/c eyes were fixated on his blue ones as he felt her body heat enter his own personal space. His Adam's apple bobbed as he tried his best to keep his eyes on her’s and not her weather beaten lips.  
      “That’s exactly what I thought you’d say…” Castiel felt like a spike of ice had entered his vessel. Her words cut him deeply as she made her way around him and out of the room. Sam, Eileen, and Cas watched as the hunter left the room with her arms crossed. The way she carried her obvious sour emotions resembling that of Dean, and giving Castiel yet another taste of the discomfort of being in the presence of this family. 
Were You Out Drinking?
Were You In The Living Room Chilling
Watching Television?
    The sky was growing darker and brighter all at once as the lone fallen angel made his way through the musty afterglow of the earthquake. His mind drifted to thoughts of Sam and Dean, and what they must be doing now. They always seemed to be at the center of earth shattering events, and this time must not be an exception. He imagined them throwing caution to the wind and pulling out all the stops in order to bring his father’s plans to its knees once again, like a never ending story book that had no definitive plot. He wondered however, as he looked to the rubble around him, if this time God had truly given up. If this was to be the ending to the creation he had hid from for so long. 
   “I’ve never seen this planet so calm.” His voice drifted over the restless land and floated into the air with no real destination. He wondered how Heaven and Hell would react to the coming end, and to add the Empty to the mix was a frightening thought. He had gone face to face with that entity before, and hated every minute of it. That disgusting abyss had taken more than one friend from him; from brothers and sisters, to the only soul that had ever come close to calling a son. He recalled the way Jack used to interact with Y/n. How he looked to her for comfort and compassion when the Winchesters lacked the knowledge of how to tap into those emotions. She was so kind to the young boy. She treated him like family, and Castiel couldn’t help but see him and her as the parents that Jack deserved. 
      There she was again.
    The world was crumbling around him and all he could bring to his mind was a girl that had rejected him long ago. She was all he could think of. Her world was coming to a close and he feared she may be alone in this chaos. He feared most of all that he hadn’t crossed her mind once. 
It’s Been A Year Now
  “You don’t get it Cas! After all this fucking time you still don’t get it!” Her voice was rough and raw as she screamed at the angel across from her. He stood rigid and tall, his suit jacket and trench coat were placed on the edge of her bed, his frame looking impossibly naked with his white sleeves rolled and tie loose. He clenched his jaw as the words left her mouth and he looked to the door before looking back to her; blue eyes ablaze. 
   “I am not some ignorant child Y/n. I may not be human, but I assure you I have a firm grasp on the nonsensical emotions you all seem to share!” His hand was raised and pointed at the door as if referencing the Winchesters just a step outside. She laughed dryly and with venom in her lips, she marched at him and got right in his face as he straightened up and met her gaze with a passion. 
  “You’re not a child Castiel, that much is true, but you’d be a fucking liar to say you weren’t ignorant.” She spat the last few words, and Cas felt each one strike him like a knife to the chest. She went to walk past him and out the door but she was stopped by his hand grabbing hers. She went to pull away when her eyes found his face. His blue eyes were fogged with tears and his brows were knitted together in what could only be pain. Her entire mood changed at the drop of a hat as she took in the look on his face. His messy hair was falling in his face from the heated fight just a few moments ago, and his chest was shaking from ragged breaths. 
   “Please…” He choked as Y/n stopped moving, “I Can’t do this….. Not with you…” His once strong and dominant voice was nothing more than a whisper now as a lone tear made its way down his cheek. Oh, how the mighty have fallen. The angelic beast once proud of his inability to feel, was forced into experiencing the most human of emotions. 
Y/n let her guard down and let a sob slip past her lips. Castiel looked up at her with a look of confusion, but relief all the same. She gave a hard tug on his arm and brought his body crashing into hers. Castiel deflated and let her hold him. He felt himself give into her completely as they fell to the floor in a mix of limbs and tears. 
I Think I Figured Out How 
How To Let You Go And Let Communication Die Out
“It’s a shame. Of all the ways for our father to dismantle this planet, he chooses earthquakes and fire from the heavens.” Castiel spun around, his shoes sending a groan through the gravel he was standing in, his angel blade dropping from his sleeve like an extension of his arm. “Well, nice to see you haven't changed brother.” The words left the girls mouth as Castiel sighed and lowered his weapon. 
  “Iaoth.” He breathed, “You caught me off guard.” The seraphim stiffened up upon seeing his sibling.
  “I’m surprised to see you alone.” She remarked as she brushed a bit of soot off her shoulder, “I’ve been told you’re very fond of humans. Seeing that you threw away heaven and all of us for them.” Her mouth was smiling but her eyes shot daggers, Castiel glared at his sister with a deep anger. Her emerald eyes darted around the torn and beaten landscape, “So after all this time, we finally get to see our mighty fathers breaking point…” Her hand reached to a decaying flower sprouting from the ground. Castiel watched her intently, his grip on the silver angel blade never wavering. She picked the rotting plant from the ground and crushed it in her hand. “His breaking point was his biggest mistake.” 
 “Why are you here Iaoth?” Castiel spat, his jaw clenched and eyes ablaze. She laughed at his demeanor and wiped her hands on her suit jacket. 
  “I could ask you the same thing ‘Oh Fallen One’.” She turned from his gaze to look upon the fire filled skies. “Heaven, as you know, is very much in shambles. You and I are some of the only ones left alive. Naomi is having a party up there with what's left.”  She looked to Castiel, her teeth barred in a sinister smile. Cas took a step to his left, circling her as she moved the opposite direction. “It’s so sad to see you like this brother.” Castiel could hear her wings ruffling, as if she was preparing to take flight; or fight. “I can almost smell her human vile on you.” Her wings extended to their full length, the lights from the sky illuminating the silken feathers. Cas felt a primal fear alight in his gut, this wasn’t the first sibling of his to try and kill him since this all began. So many seemed to blame him for the way things were coming to an end. His vessels hands were drenched in the blood of his fallen brothers and sisters, and his angelic form was scarred from the ending of his own kind. Iaoth’s words stuck Castiel to his very core as he allowed the human Iaoth spoke of to take shape in his mind; a misty form reaching out to him in the midst of chaos. 
 I Know, You Know, We Know        
        “The whole of the heavens is ending, your celestial home, where you were created and raised, and yet your mind is lingering on the vile mistake that is human kind?!” Iaoth’s words were strong and soaked in rage as she squared up the much smaller Castiel before her. 
  “Iaoth. I don’t want to fight you.” Castiel spoke, his deep voice unwavering. The woman's laughter flooded the air like a bolt of lightning, 
  “You really think you have a choice?!” She spat. “Look at you! A broken and grace stripped seraphim! You don’t stand a chance against me or my TRUE brethren.” Her wings were now fully visible. All six of the deep grey spans filled the air like dark clouds, and Castiel let his heart drop as he considered the condition his own wings were in. Iaoth laughed again as Cas allowed his own wings to spread out, the once proud black feathers holding more gaps than anything else, and scarred flesh beneath them. “All that…” Iaoth spat, “For humans. You must be so proud…” Her words dripped with sarcasm as she lunged at the fallen angel before her. 
You Weren't Down For Forever And It’s Fine 
The motel room was dusty and old, large pieces of dust hanging in the air were seen best around the yellow lamp light, setting a almost frozen in time feel about the place. Castiel looked ahead of him through drooping lashes as the frame at the foot of the bed unbuttoned the last of the flannel shirt that hid her form. The yellow light illuminated every inch of skin as she made her way up from the foot of the bed to mere inches from the angel's face. He could feel her breath fan over his face as she moved his hands to rest on her hips. He exhaled shakily as he closed his eyes, his fingers digging into the flesh of her hips. His own name filled his ears like a breathy sigh as he shot his blue eyes open to meet her e/c ones. 
  “Do you want to do this?” She asked, her voice barely above a whisper. He could see in her eyes that she was genuinely asking him, out of fear of frightening him away. He gave a smile and brought his face closer to hers, his lips ghosting over hers. She held back a low moan as he rested his forehead against hers, their noses brushing. 
  “More than anything.”  In an instant their lips crashed together, moans and staggered breaths filling the air of the motel room. Y/n straddled Castiel’s lap atop the bed and worked his white dress shirt off his torso. Cas brought his hands to her hips and brought her roughly down against his heating core. She let out a gasp and broke the kiss. With a smirk she reached for the bedside lamp and wrapped her fingers around the switch. Castiel grabbed her wrist and held her back from snuffing the light. She looked to him with confused eyes, only to be met by rough lips against her own. The stubble around his own face dragged down her neck as she let her hand drop from the light. 
  “Want to see you…” He growled as he pressed more kisses to her neck. With a smile she brought his eyes back to meet her own. 
  “Then let's get started.” 
I Know, You Know, We Know 
We Weren't Meant For Each Other And It’s Fine 
Iaoth spit a mouthful of blood to the cracked and dry earth as Castiel stood above her, his hand wrapped firmly in her hair bringing her gaze to his own blood splattered form. She laughed through red stained teeth and took a shallow breath, 
  “You pack quite the punch little brother.” Castiel brought the butt end of his angle blade down on her swollen face a few more times, the sick crack of bone filling the hot air. 
  “I’m not going to sit here, Iaoth, and watch you die but you should know that it’s out of pity,” He brought his face closer to hers in order to whisper the final statement, “And not because I consider you anything close to family.”  He released her hair from his fist and let her fall to the ground. His hands were red with the paint of war as he wiped them clean on his coat and began staggering away. Iaoth was on the ground on her back, sputtering blood as she cackled at seemingly nothing. Cas ignored the sound and kept walking, finished with the mere thought of her. 
   “She’s-- She’s going to die alone. On this forsaken slab of creation. Thinking of why you didn’t save her…” 
Castiel froze. His eyes were wide as he turned his head to the side, taking in the sickly form of his dying sister. “That human girl you bonded with like an animal,” Her words were choked, “The word back home is that Naomi is offering safe passage to a parallel world to the one who brings him her filthy head.” 
 “SHUT UP!” Castiel boomed, bringing his boot in contact with Iaoth’s jaw and sending her reeling to the ground. More broken laughter left the dying angels mouth as Castiel breathed heavy, his shoulders rising and falling in a dramatic manner. He stood over her, his eyes ablaze by her words,
   “That hunter whore is going to die drowning in her own blood and her filthy body is going to burn with the rest of this world.” That was the straw that broke the camel's back, with a deep guttural scream Castiel drove the shimmering blade in his hand through Iaoth’s chest. Her own scream ripped through the skies as her eyes and mouth broke forth with a bright glow, a small reminder of the grace that once filled her. 
  Once the screams died down, the dark haired angel stood from the lifeless body beneath him. He looked to the burned imprint of her wings upon the ground and wiped a spot of blood from his own face. His mind was reeling, wondering if what Iaoth said had been true. If there really was a price on Y/n’s head, as some sort of sick joke by Naomi’s hands, he had to find a way to get to her. 
    To warn her. 
   He wasn’t even sure if she’d want his help at all…
But If The World Was Ending You’d Come Over Right? 
Dean placed a hand on Y/n’s back as he helped her stumble to the car. His eyes were laced with concern as Sam opened the back door for her, worry upon his features as well. 
  “Guys, I’m really fine.” She slurred, her head spinning from blood loss. “You don’t  need to panic…” Her knees gave out as Sam jumped forward and helped Dean catch her. She chuckled a bit at her own expense and allowed the boy’s to help her into the back seat. Sam looked to Dean and they both decoded that he would ride in the back with her. 
  “Hey Y/n. Keep those eyes open.” Sam cooed as he brushed the side of her face. She smiled at him and scrunched her nose. 
  “Trust me Sammy, I’m not dying in the back of this car. That’s nor nearly exciting enough for me.” Sam laughed at her blind optimism and met Dean's eyes in the rear view mirror. 
   “You die in the back of my car, and I’ll kill you.”Dean joked, taking a glance behind him at her ever shrinking form. Sam felt her squeeze his hand and looked to her now closing eyes. 
  “Hey!” He shouted, “No, no,no,no, don’t go to sleep Y/n.” He shifted so his hands were holding her face. “Goddammit don’t go to sleep.” 
 Dean began to panic in the driver's seat as the sounds of Sam’s protests filled his ears. 
  “Dammit Sammy, don't let her sleep!”
  “I’m trying!” Was the angry response. Y/n shifted in Sam’s grasp as she forced out a few more words. 
  “You guys are such idiots…” Her eyes drifted closed. 
You’d Come Over And You’d Stay The Night?
Castiel practically flew down the stairs as the Winchesters came into view. His eyes were wild as he searched the room for any sign of loss or pain. Sam smiled at him and took a step forward. 
 “Hey, easy buddy.” He placed his hands on Cas’ shoulder and held him steady. Cas looked to Dean who pursed his lips, cocked his brow, and gestured to the chair Sam’s body was blocked from his view. Cas moved from Sam’s hold and froze upon meeting the gaze of Y/n, wrapped in one of Dean’s hoodies, and face littered with stitches and bandages; but still smiling. 
  “I lived bitch.” She spoke in a horse voice. Dean laughed out loud at her statement and sat down beside her, nursing a half empty beer.  Sam sighed and ran a hand through his hair,
 “Wow that was so sensitive, considering he thought you were actually dead.” Y/n shrugged and felt tears brim her eyes as Cas raced to her. He pulled the chair around and knelt down at her feet, taking her hands in his. 
  “I - I really thought I lost you.” He looked up at her with big blue eyes, also brimming with tears. Dean shifted away just slightly, a look of fake disgust on his face from the romantic display. “If you ever do anything like that ever again-” 
 “Oh, I guarantee you I will.” Y/n cut him off, “But we’ll be a bit more careful next time.”   
Would You Love Me For The Hell Of It? 
All Our Fears Would Be Irrelevant. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever felt this way about anyone before.” The words sailed off with the breeze as Y/n scratched an itch on her face. She glanced to the angle beside her, his body leaning against the tan car behind him. His trench coat was wrapped around Y/n’s shoulders, and she noted how utter naked he looked without it. “Sorry if that's too forward.”
  Castiel looked out at the sunset and sighed, his eyes soon traveled to the human beside him, wrapped in his essence. “Y/n…” He began. She looked to him with hopeful eyes. 
  “In all my eons of existence, watching civilizations rise and fall, watching your kind like a child watches a bee in the garden…” He looked to her, “I’ve never seen a more perfect example of the wonders my father is capable of making…” His hand wove together with her’s. 
                                                        “... Then you…” 
            If The World Was Ending You’d Come Over Right?
   The sky let forth a loud cry as the earth beneath Castiel's feet shook. He looked skyward and took witness as large chunks of flaming stone began falling from the heavens. He watched in the distance as the stone crashed to the ground and set a sick crack through the air. He watched as the sky began falling to the ground, and he was helpless to stop it. He swallowed hard as the soft sound of ringing filled his ears, and he reached for the almost forgotten phone in his inner pocket. 
  “Dean?” His voice bellowed over the sound of earth breaking all around him. 
    “Hey Cas! You seeing this?! Where the hell are you two man?! Me and Sam are dying over here!”  
Castiel furrowed his brow and shielded his eyes as dirt few up all around him. 
 “Dean? I’m in Montana! Are you two still at the bunker?” His voice met Dean’s ears like a long lost prayer and the hunter sighed. 
  “Yeah! How is Y/n?” Cas froze, his face scrunched up in confusion. 
   “What do you mean? I thought she was with you?!” 
  “Why the hell would she be with us?! Isn’t she your soulmate or whatever?” 
 Castiel felt his heart drop. 
The Sky'd Be Falling And I'd Hold You Tight 
And There Wouldn't Be A Reason Why 
“I wasn’t supposed to tell you…” Jack mumbled from his seat at the dinner table. Y/n felt a lump grow in her throat as she forced back tears. 
  “Don’t worry Jack, sweetheart…” She looked to the ceiling as she viciously fought her tears.
 “Castiel, he didn’t want to. But it was the only way. It seems selfish, but it’s not. He saved so many. I really wasn’t supposed to tell anyone. He made me promise…” Jack let his head fall to the table, his mind not at unease. 
 “I would have found out sooner or later.”  
  We Would Even Have To Say Goodbye
  “You are the biggest idiot I’ve ever met.” Y/n spat as she slammed the car door, the force shaking the whole vehicle. Castiel didn’t even flinch as he watched her walk from the parked car to the small lakefront just beyond the car. He felt his heart ache as she sat on a small bench and placed her head in her hands. 
  “I know…” He whispered to the empty car. 
If The World Was Ending You’d Come Over Right? 
“The Empty will take you.” She sobbed as she looked to the water in front of her. Castiel stood behind her, his own eyes filling with tears. “Take you the next time you feel joy.” She laughed, a last stitch effort to mask her pain. “How- How the fuck am I supposed to live with that?” She spun around to look at him, and he saw first hand just how much pain he had caused her. 
“But that was months ago Castiel.”  He tried to take a step towards her but she stood. 
“Months ago! And you're still here!”  She let a few sobs rack her chest as she looked down, tears falling like rain. 
 “So…  Since that day when you sold yourself over. Everything we’ve done. All the moments we had, that filled me with an immeasurable amount of love and joy… You’re still here. So...” She looked at him, her pain turning to hurt, turning to anger. 
 “You're not happy?” 
If The World Was Ending You’d Come Over Right?
Castiel held the phone to his ear, his mind blank. 
“Cas?!” Dean shouted on the other line, “Cas?!” 
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demonstuck-rp-blog · 5 years
Angels and Their Sub-types
 Angels are the creators of the universe as we know it. With their strange and mystifying powers; they create planets, life, and many assortments of things to inhabit all that they have. As of now, there are only two sub-types of angels in existence. The first are the Seraphim -  close to the common concept of angels - and the Cherubs, who differ in ability and appearance. Above them all stand The Archangels. They are the most ancient and powerful of the angels, though all started out as either a humble Seraphim or a gentle Cherub.
No matter the type, certain traits are shared between them all. The first is that all angels are cold to the touch, having evolved to deal with the brutally low temperatures of space and Prospit (know to humans as Heaven), in which they reside. Due to this natural immunity to the cold they can survive in subarctic conditions, though they struggle slightly in warmer areas of the Earth. Another common trait of an angel is their halos. The halos of the Seraphim and Cherubs rest above their heads, while the Archangels halos hang more behind their bodies, due to the fact that their halos are incredibly large. To top all of this off; all angel blood is starkly a white, and is known to glow.
The wingspan of an angel will vary depending on what type they are. A Seraphim will have medium sized wings that are large enough to carry them, as well as to allow them to easily glide along the air. They are situated on their upper back near their shoulder blades. Cherubs tend to have smaller wings which are situated on the lower or middle of their back. These wings allow them to fly and hover, though they find it harder to glide. Archangel wings are the largest of all of the angels. Archangels may also have multiple sets of wings rather than just the singular set of two that the other angels have.
The Cherubs (singular: Cherubim) are emotion based creatures of Prospit, similar to The Concubus. They give the virtue they possess to humankind, and each Cherubim is separated into one of seven sub-categories: Diligence, Humility, Chastity, Forgiveness, Temperance, Charity, and Kindness. The more a Cherubim is exposed to their virtue, the more powerful they become. Once discovering a human in need of the trait they possess, the Cherubim will bless said human with this virtue. However, doing this can cause major personality shifts in a human. Cherubs are very social, and enjoy the company of other Cherubim as well as humans. However, they prefer to bond and mate with their own kind. They find most humans to be too boring to ever appease them. Though they do grow possessive of the humans they bless, treating them almost like a pet they are fond of. They are tricksters by nature, and love to play good-natured pranks on others.
Cherubs, like all angels, have two forms: human and angelic. No matter the form they always have an unearthly beauty to them that dips slightly into the uncanny valley. Their angelic forms consist of tiny wings that can either come in a set of one or two on their lower or mid back, and a tiny halo. Their skin usually matches up with human skin tones. If their skin is lighter, then their limbs color will fade to a pure white the farther it gets from the body. The same is true for darker skin tones, but with gold instead of white. Their eyes resemble a humans, but with stranger colors. Cherub eyes range from a shocking white, to a wondrous gold, to a jet black. A Cherubim may also have taloned, bird-like feet, though this is uncommon. Their human form resemble the features a Cherubim has while in their true form, minus the angelic attributes and other unnatural features. Note that a Cherubim, while disguised, will always feel cool to the touch. Their skin will always be soft, like silk, and when they jump? They seem to stay up there for just a little too long!
Cherubs are the sympathetic beings of the holy types. Along with flight and being able to withstand low temperatures: they have empathic abilities that allow them to read the emotions of others and understand those they read better. With a careful touch or gentle words, a Cherubim can give their holy energy to heal minor wounds and bruises that a creature may have. However, if they give too much of their energy to others, they will exhaust themselves to the point of passing out, or even need to be taken back to Prospit to recharge. A Cherubim can only heal others when in their true form.
Cherubs share the same weaknesses that all angels do. They are susceptible to hell fire and damned artifacts. When placed around them, Cherubs can be contained within circles of pepper or fire. Demons (and other angels) can hurt Cherubs, and weapons made from the bones of a demon or angel can cause life-threatening harm. When presented with things that are considered unholy (upside down cross, pentagram, ect.) for too long, their human form will be forcibly removed from them for a period of time ranging from an hour to three days.
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The Seraphim (singular: Seraph) are about as close as you can get to the common concept of angels; Virtuous (and often prideful) beings which make up the vast bulk of the angelic populace and exist in order to serve a higher purpose - or at least, they believe themselves to. Due to their sheer numbers, their range of mystical abilities vary as much between individuals as their roles do. In their true forms, the Seraphim can be described as “eerie”. Modern earthly depictions capture the set of feathery wings emerging from their backs, as well as the glowing symbol (typically a circle or crescent) fixed above their heads. Their eyes are pupil-less, while their skin has a smooth, almost silky quality to it and will feel quite cold to the touch while also being any color under the rainbow. It can be human tones, but if not, they will usually stay in a pastel range. Uncommonly (albeit not unheard of) are Seraphim who take on an additional animalistic aspect to their visage - manifesting in the form of features such as multiple sets of spider-y eyes, a lion’s mane, or an expanded, bird-like plumage.
The powers of The Seraphim depend on their aspect. The aspects are attributes that define an angels or demons powers. Every creature is created with an aspect, however, that does not mean that every creature draws from it. Humans do not have the capacity to do so, while Cherubs and Concubus draw from virtues and sins respectively. Seraphim can mold their powers to manifest in many strange, unexplainable ways. Some can see the future, while others can manifest beams of energy to attack their foes. The infinite possibilities that are held within these strange creatures can be wondrous… but deadly as well.
Though powerful, Seraphim do suffer a number of distinct weaknesses. Like all angels, they are susceptible to hell fire and damned artifacts. Pepper can be used to trap them when placed around a Seraph. Normal fire can also contain them. Demons (and other angels) can hurt Seraphim, and weapons made from the bones of a demon or angel can cause life-threatening harm. When presented with things that are considered unholy (upside down cross, pentagram, ect.) for too long, their human form will be forcibly removed from them for a period of time ranging from an hour to three days.
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The Archangels (singular: Archangel) are beings of legend. They are pious creatures that stand holy above all, overlooking all of Prospit in judgment as the long-lived originals of their domain. Their power is overwhelming among the average human population, their presence bringing with it a sense of helplessness, despite the easing of their words. Often times a mist-like vapor eases from them, rolling over the ground in the immediate are to consume all in its wake.
Still, more collected Archangels can hold back their mystifying power to a degree. Their calming voices counteract their own immense presence. This makes it possible to communicate more easily with the common folk, though typically well-trained hunters have a much less difficult time in the presence of Archangels. This is especially true if they often hunt either Angels or Demons, as It allows them to be physically and mentally prepared for the surging difference between these beings and mortals.
Their power ranges over all angelic prospects: virtues and aspects alike. Whilst it’s true that the other angels and their connection to these abilities make them strong, an Archangel can take these further. They dig into the very cores of their power and drag out abilities thought impossible. Archangels possess a greater understanding of their aspects and virtues, and can draw out greater potential within those who seem closest to them.
Say an Archangel’s aspect is Time, and a human they come across possesses the same aspect within them then the Archangel may bless them and draw out more of this trait. Though humans are of course limited by their mortality, you are far more likely to be struck by lightning five times in two seconds than get blessed by those who see themselves far above your race.
Though they stand tall among their peers, when one flies too close to the sun… well, with great power comes great weakness. The lesser angels have a closeness to earth still that Archangels simply do not possess, and with this being the case they are far more susceptible to unholy weapons. Being undiluted creatures, any demonic weaponry or influence can have stronger effects on an Archangel than they might on a Cherub. Visually an Archangel will leave one stunned and at a loss for words. Their sizes vary from an average human to a 20’ tall being, a multitude of feathery wings gracing their backs while a large halo illuminates the area from behind them. They can bear similar traits to their other angelic counterparts: eyes without pupils, nearly flawless and perhaps golden-toned skin, silken hair, and even bird-like feet with large talons. Their faces can bear multiple sets of eyes as well, or even none at all. They are the pillars of Prospit, and they stand out even within the golden city itself.
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