#samson tyler
toyourhometown · 1 year
Samson returns to the Tyler estate looking exhausted and stressed. Damien asks how his date went. He mumbles in response. Damien comments it must have sucked.
Samson weakly mumbles Thera's sister walked in on them. Julian quips that must have stopped their fun times. Samson, flustered, tells them to stop talking so crudely! Then questions what are they even doing here so late.
Julian's face falls. They reveal their father has decided, since Ana is close to graduation and eighteen, he won't be paying for the apartment anymore so, they're going to be homeless soon so they're drowning their misery currently.
Both Tyler twins rush over to Julian, both shaking their limp body demanding
Both: WHAT?!
Julian: yeah
so the whole Seirah conversation is put on hold for a while as the two panic over the revelation that a few of their friends are about to go homeless on one foul swoop
Although in the back of his mind, something tells Samson that's not normal. Thera is an only child, right?
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minawakitten · 1 year
thinking about himb
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noyzinerd · 1 year
My Sterek snippets-Part 2
As promised, two more, separate, but related, snippets from my wip "Pseudology" (that I have no idea how to connect).
"So, let me get this straight. You know that I like you?"
"And I now know that you like me?"
"But you and I aren't ever going to do anything about it?"
"Because we like each other too much…? And since getting together is only going to end badly for the both of us, we're not even going to try. Am I getting this right?" He couldn't help the exasperated, annoyed tone that came out with those words.
Even if he didn't outwardly show it in his words, Derek's tight lipped half smile was more than enough of an indicator that he understood Stiles' feelings way too well. "Exactly."
Stiles roughly scratched his short nails over his scalp, through his hair, at the mere thought of how close he had been to having Derek this whole time, to still being able to have him, if it weren't for the unbelievably aggravating cock-block that was their morals.
Derek liked him. He had liked him. Stiles was having a really hard time wrapping his head around this new revelation. Around the fact that Derek goddamn Hale had feelings for him. Moreover, it actually sounded like Derek was friggin' head over heels, over the fucking moon for Stiles! The guy had been for years! YEARS! At the same exact time Stiles had been pining over him too. He had had a chance and he hadn't even known it.
What was worse was that, not even 20 whole minutes after finding out this lost opportunity of a lifetime, Derek was telling him that 'they' weren't going to be a thing. 'They' were never going to be a thing, because Derek was scared that trying to 'keep' Stiles was going to make him lose him forever. Derek had come up with this crazy plan for them to ignore both of their feelings and pretend like they weren't attracted to each other. For the rest of their lives.
And that wasn't even the craziest part about all this.
No, the craziest thing was that Stiles had goddamn fucking agreed to this! Because his stupid, overwhelmingly noble set of principles knew that, no matter how easy it would be to just lean in and kiss some sense into Derek, Stiles could never force him to do something he was so opposed to. Derek's mind seemed pretty set on yearning for Stiles from a distance until they both either moved on or died.
Hence, their current predicament.
Both desperately wanting to be with each other.
And at the same time, also desperately wanting to be anything but with each other.
Wanting to always be there to protect each other.
But also wanting to be as far away from each other as possible. To protect each other. From each other.
So, basically they wanted each other, but they also didn't want to want each other, while also not wanting to not want wanting each other.
God, this was all making his head hurt.
The sigh that left his body took most of his fight with it as it blew out his mouth. Stiles took a second to clench his hand painfully in his hair with a muffled, frustrated "AAAARGH!!!" into the elbow of his sweater (slightly startling Derek in the process), before composing himself and making one of the hardest, stupidest decisions in his young life.
"Okay," he said resignedly.
Without looking over at the man next to him, Stiles stared ahead wearily towards the gently sloshing pool as he forced himself to take all of the feelings of hope he had ever felt for him and Derek and smush them like a firefly under a really heavy book. He imagined catching every 'what if' scenario floating in his head in a butterfly net, tying off the overstuffed net, and drowning them all in a big jar of water. No more thinking about their hands accidentally brushing in the Jeep. No more happy thoughts about what it might have felt like to lay on Derek's broad chest as they read a book together. No more thinking about what it might have been like to have strong arms hugging him from behind. Or what it might have been like to steal Derek's toast from out of his hand in the morning because Stiles was late for work. Or elbowing each other at the sink they shared as they fought to brush their teeth at the same time. Or hearing someone whisper tenderly in his ear 'I love you' and actually mean it for once.
As painful as it was, Stiles knew that it would be worse moving forward with the want of something more when he knew he and Derek weren't going to happen. He had to accept that. It would be unfair to keep pushing his expectations onto Derek, knowing that Derek couldn't give him that, and Stiles wasn't sure he would be able to survive another Lydia-esque type of relationship of desperately throwing himself at someone for ten years until he finally got deemed worthy enough for attention.
In the end, this was what would be the best for them.
It had to be.
Stiles couldn't afford to think otherwise.
"Okay, you know what? That's it." Stiles jumped to his feet, whirling angrily to stare down at Derek. The conviction in his eyes was eerily similar to the fed up, no-nonsense, 'here's how this is going to go' look Stiles had leveled him while 'harbouring his fugitive ass'. Derek had already known he wasn't going to win this argument the moment Stiles had opened his mouth. Even though Stiles hadn't laid into him yet, he knew he wouldn't stand a chance against all the well-thought out, overanalyzed points Stiles had probably gone over in his head thousands of times. Derek was going to lose and Stiles would end up being his boyfriend whether he liked it or not, and there was nothing he could do about it. A part of him was scared shitless at the idea, fully preparing to go down claws swinging.
Another part of him was on the edge of its seat with perked ears, desperate for Stiles to prove him wrong.
"I. Am. So. Done. You hear me? I'm tired, Derek. I'm tired of always being the responsible one. I'm tired of investigating glowing keys instead of making out with hot girls. I'm tired of studying werewolf migrations while Scott makes out with whatever girlfriend he happens to be with. I'm tired of stopping Alphas when I finally get first seat in lacrosse. I'm tired of driving the girl I've wanted for years to a dance to show up her ex. I'm tired of letting a girl work out her PTSD on my dick. I'm tired of getting carpal tunnel from writing six extra pages of notes for everybody in every class because being a werewolf apparently means never having time to study and dropping out of classes on a dime! More than anything, I'm tired of being miserable for the sake of everyone's happiness and then pretending I'm not miserable, because me having problems in my life would be inconvenient for everybody. Especially when an ID tag needs to be pickpocketed or blue prints need to be printed out. I've stepped aside for you and the rest of the pack for years and dammit if I can't get to have at least one thing that makes me happy. We're done doing what you want this time, Derek, alright?"
"Stiles, I'm not just going to go back on what I believe is best for us just because you find it unfair. You think I like teaming up with Peter every time Beacon Hills has a crisis? Do you think I like living with that son of a bitch? Sharing the same air as him? The bastard killed my sister! We all have to do things we don't want to do, put up with things we don't like, because we have to. Life is unfair. Some of us don't get to go to the Winter Formal, let alone take the girl of our dreams, because some of us no longer had a place to live. You want to complain about school, lacrosse, problems with your best friend? You're lucky to have had any of those at all! You have so much to be happy for. You don't need me to have that. In fact, you have more to lose being with me. So much. Being with me is just going to fuck it all up, Stiles. Why can't you see that?"
"Alright, Derek. Kid gloves are coming off. Wanna play hard ball? I'll play hard ball. You have three reasons why we can't be together. One: you think you'll get me hurt. Two: you think you're a bad relationship magnet. Three: you think all the terrible supernatural stuff that happens to me is your fault. Let's break 'em down. Number one: I'm going to get hurt with or without you. When you were here, we were attacked by the Kanima. When you left for South America, I was possessed by the Nogitsune. When you were here, I was attacked by Gerard Argent. When you were gone, I was attacked by a chimera and the ghost riders. Not everything is about you, Derek. I get hurt. The people of Beacon Hills are just in a hot spot of weird and that's not your fault. Number two: you're not the only one of us that's been in a string of awful relationships. They happen. But, you know what? That doesn't mean good relationships and good people don't exist. The moment you doubt the likelihood of your relationship, you're dooming it to fail. And finally, number three: if there's anyone to blame for not having a normal life, it's me. I was the one who dragged Scott into the woods because I was a dumb kid that wanted to see a dead body, which I can't even begin to apologize for, and who abandoned Scott in the woods to be attacked. I got him into this whole werewolf mess in the first place, not you. If you want to get technical, Peter was the one who bit him if you want to blame someone. My point is: all of your reasons are stupid and are just there to keep up your brooding aesthetic, so you're going to shut your trap, quit displaying your dominance over everything, and listen to what I have to say for once. When—not if, when—we get out of here, you, Derek Samson Hale, are going on a fucking date with me. You are going to hold my goddamn hand while we watch a movie on my couch, preferably Star Wars but I'm willing to haggle. We are getting greasy take-out food, going out for ice cream cones, and looking over some kind of sparkly body of water or bright star constellations or-or city lights from a cliff or whatever twinkly shit is romantic that night until it gets way too cold. And don't think I'm taking it easy on you either. Oh, no. I'm going to be the cutest, most charismatic motherfucker you've ever seen. I'm talking full head-on-shoulder action during the movie, nonstop little half-smiles all day long, dropping a shit-ton of quarters out of my wallet while trying to find a bill smaller than a 50, and if you think for one second that I'm not going to boop you on the nose with my ice cream when you least expect it before licking it off your face, you better think again. I fully intend on charming the pants off you. Whether or not that's literal is up to you. That all okay with you?"
It was scary and new and he felt vulnerable and raw and it hurt to hope, but Stiles—smart, beautiful, cunning Stiles—was finally ripping down all of his carefully crafted excuses and telling him that it was okay to chase after something that made him happy.
[Part 1 of snippets]
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musicmags · 1 year
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sluterainspo · 1 year
tag dump.
❝ ship  ╱ ship name.
❝  character  ╱ name.
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eludin-realm · 11 months
Character Name Ideas (Male)
So I've been browsing through BehindTheName (great resource!) recently and have compiled several name lists. Here are some names, A-Z, that I like. NOTE: If you want to use any of these please verify sources, meanings etc, I just used BehindTheName to browse and find all of these. Under the cut:
A: Austin, Aiden, Adam, Alex, Angus, Anthony, Archie, Argo, Ari, Aric, Arno, Atlas, August, Aurelius, Alexei, Archer, Angelo, Adric, Acarius, Achilou, Alphard, Amelian, Archander B: Bodhi, Bastian, Baz, Beau, Beck, Buck, Basil, Benny, Bentley, Blake, Bowie, Brad, Brady, Brody, Brennan, Brent, Brett, Brycen C: Cab, Cal, Caden, Cáel, Caelan, Caleb, Cameron, Chase, Carlos, Cooper, Carter, Cas, Cash, Cassian, Castiel, Cedric, Cenric, Chance, Chandler, Chaz, Chad, Chester, Chet, Chip, Christian, Cillian, Claude, Cicero, Clint, Cody, Cory, Coy, Cole, Colt, Colton, Colin, Colorado, Colum, Conan, Conrad, Conway, Connor, Cornelius, Creed, Cyneric, Cynric, Cyrano, Cyril, Cyrus, Crestian, Ceric D: Dallas, Damien, Daniel, Darach, Dash, Dax, Dayton, Denver, Derek, Des, Desmond, Devin, Dewey, Dexter, Dietrich, Dion, Dmitri, Dominic, Dorian, Douglas, Draco, Drake, Drew, Dudley, Dustin, Dusty, Dylan, Danièu E: Eadric, Evan, Ethan, Easton, Eddie, Eddy, Einar, Eli, Eilas, Eiljah, Elliott, Elton, Emanuel, Emile, Emmett, Enzo, Erik, Evander, Everett, Ezio F: Faolán, Faron, Ferlin, Felix, Fenrir, Fergus, Finley, Finlay, Finn, Finnian, Finnegan, Flint, Flip, Flynn, Florian, Forrest, Fritz G: Gage, Gabe, Grady, Grant, Gray, Grayson, Gunnar, Gunther, Galahad H: Hale, Harley, Harper, Harvey, Harry, Huey, Hugh, Hunter, Huxley I: Ian, Ianto, Ike, Inigo, Isaac, Isaias, Ivan, Ísak J: Jack, Jacob, Jake, Jason, Jasper, Jax, Jay, Jensen, Jed, Jeremy, Jeremiah, Jesse, Jett, Jimmie, Jonas, Jonas, Jonathan, Jordan, Josh, Julien, Jovian, Jun, Justin, Joseph, Joni, K: Kaden, Kai, Kale, Kane, Kaz, Keane, Keaton, Keith, Kenji, Kenneth, Kent, Kevin, Kieran, Kip, Knox, Kris, Kristian, Kyle, Kay, Kristján, Kristófer L: Lamont, Lance, Landon, Lane, Lars, László, Laurent, Layton, Leander, Leif, Leo, Leonidas, Leopold, Levi, Lewis, Louie, Liam, Liberty, Lincoln, Linc, Linus, Lionel, Logan, Loki, Lucas, Lucian, Lucio, Lucky, Luke, Luther, Lyall, Lycus, Lykos, Lyle, Lyndon, Llewellyn, Landri, Laurian, Lionç M: Major, Manny, Manuel, Marcus, Mason, Matt, Matthew, Matthias, Maverick, Maxim, Memphis, Midas, Mikko, Miles, Mitch, Mordecai, Mordred, Morgan, Macari, Maïus, Maxenci, Micolau, Miro N: Nate, Nathan, Nathaniel, Niall, Nico, Niels, Nik, Noah, Nolan, Niilo, Nikander, Novak, O: Oakley, Octavian, Odin, Orlando, Orrick, Ǫrvar, Othello, Otis, Otto, Ovid, Owain, Owen, Øyvind, Ozzie, Ollie, Oliver, Onni P: Paisley, Palmer, Percival, Percy, Perry, Peyton, Phelan, Phineas, Phoenix, Piers, Pierce, Porter, Presley, Preston, Pacian Q: Quinn, Quincy, Quintin R: Ragnar, Raiden, Ren, Rain, Rainier, Ramos, Ramsey, Ransom, Raul, Ray, Roy, Reagan, Redd, Reese, Rhys, Rhett, Reginald, Remiel, Remy, Ridge, Ridley, Ripley, Rigby, Riggs, Riley, River, Robert, Rocky, Rokas, Roman, Ronan, Ronin, Romeo, Rory, Ross, Ruairí, Rufus, Rusty, Ryder, Ryker, Rylan, Riku, Roni S: Sammie, Sammy, Samuel, Samson, Sanford, Sawyer, Scout, Seán, Seth, Sebastian, Seymour, Shane, Shaun, Shawn, Sheldon, Shiloh, Shun, Sid, Sidney, Silas, Skip, Skipper, Skyler, Slade, Spencer, Spike, Stan, Stanford, Sterling, Stevie, Stijn, Suni, Sylvan, Sylvester T: Tab, Tad, Tanner, Tate, Tennessee, Tero, Terrance, Tevin, Thatcher, Tierno, Tino, Titus, Tobias, Tony, Torin, Trace, Trent, Trenton, Trev, Trevor, Trey, Troy, Tripp, Tristan, Tucker, Turner, Tyler, Ty, Teemu U: Ulric V: Valerius, Valor, Van, Vernon, Vespasian, Vic, Victor, Vico, Vince, Vinny, Vincent W: Wade, Walker, Wallis, Wally, Walt, Wardell, Warwick, Watson, Waylon, Wayne, Wes, Wesley, Weston, Whitley, Wilder, Wiley, William, Wolfe, Wolfgang, Woody, Wulfric, Wyatt, Wynn X: Xander, Xavier Z: Zachary, Zach, Zane, Zeb, Zebediah, Zed, Zeke, Zeph, Zaccai
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companion-showdown · 1 year
Who had the most tragic departure?
This is specifically about the events which led these companions to stop travelling with the Doctor long term, even if we saw them again later, so as an example, Rose's departure is Doomsday, even though we see her again a few times after that. (for some characters this might be a bit ambiguous, pick whichever one is the most devestating)
But who am I kidding? I can't tell you how to vote, use as much context as you like from what we know of them after, and vote with your heart for whichever exit makes you feel the worst.
Donna Noble vs Adric
previous rounds under the cut
Jamie McCrimmon vs Donna Noble
Adric vs Lucie Miller
Peri Brown vs Jamie McCrimmon WINNER: Peri Brown
Donna Noble vs Sara Kingdom WINNER: Donna Noble
Dodo Chaplet vs Adric WINNER: Adric
Missy vs Lucie Miller WINNER: Lucie Miller
Peri Brown vs Katarina WINNER: Peri Brown
Jamie McCrimmon vs Clara Oswald WINNER: Jamie McCrimmon
Donna Noble vs Zoe Heriot WINNER: Donna Noble
Fitz Kreiner vs Sara Kingdom WINNER: Sara Kingdom
Nardole vs Dodo Chaplet WINNER: Dodo Chaplet
River Song vs Adric WINNER: Adric
Oliver Harper vs Missy WINNER: Missy
Lucie Miller vs Bill Potts WINNER: Lucie Miller
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Amy Pond vs Peri Brown WINNER: Peri Brown
Katarina vs Chris Cwej WINNER: Katarina
Jamie McCrimmon vs Charley Pollard WINNER: Jamie McCrimmon
Roz Forrester vs Clara Oswald WINNER: Clara Oswald
Donna Noble vs Bret Vyon WINNER: Donna Noble
Samson & Gemma Griffin vs Zoe Heriot WINNER: Zoe Heriot
Mike Yates vs Sara Kingdom WINNER: Sara Kingdom
Fitz Kreiner vs Rory Williams WINNER: Fitz Kreiner
Nardole vs Gillian & John Who WINNER: Nardole
Ace McShane vs Dodo Chaplet WINNER: Dodo Chaplet
River Song vs Susan Foreman WINNER: River Song
C'rizz vs Adric WINNER: Adric
Astrid Peth vs Oliver Harper WINNER: Oliver Harper
Sarah-Jane Smith vs Missy WINNER: Missy
Rose Tyler vs Lucie Miller WINNER: Lucie Miller
Jack Harkness vs Bill Potts WINNER: Bill Potts
You can find links to previous tournaments here
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werezmastarbucks · 5 months
she has the bluest eyes
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pic credit
author's note: obv i do not own any of these people and feel kinda weird writing about actual humans. but i am inspired, so what can i do. they'll never see this anyway, and this lore has been with me for some time.
warnings: a lil bit of incest, mercy killing
word count: 2679
On Friday aunt Anne-J and her husband visited. The relatives were concerned about the parents’ absence. But there was also a special kind of unease in their presence in the house; the aunt, this awesome girl, their mom’s younger sister, she had the bluest eyes the world has ever seen. Her eyes were like two deep aquariums, and when the light shone upon them from the side, they exploded in color. It was hard to bear. With these eyes, Anne-J saw the boys through and did not trust them very much. Kai was the main reason she moved out at the age of twenty-two, three years ago. Sam was still an awkward schooler back then, but Kai was already of age, and he creeped her out. Little square mind she had, aunt Anne-J. She felt something bad about him, like an animal, and did not look further. Although she felt worried about Sam who was growing up to be a fucking weirdo, and Tyler, who was always obsessed with her, she abandoned the two younger nephews. And Kai took over them completely. It’s not like they could have a different fate.
When she found this cool, mature guy with an earring in his nose and an exceptionally stoic demeanor, she got a little bold and started visiting. And now, it felt more like a doctor house visit than anything else. She was trying to sniff out what was going on. She hasn’t heard from her sister in a month and a half. And she started getting agitated.
They (Kai) baked a cool apple pie and made lots of food. In spite of all one might think about the three Parkers, they enjoyed a good family evening. Be it boardgames, or a little concert, a roll down the hill or a dinner. Tyler was helping in the beginning, but then he couldn’t stand anymore; the black oily substance was crawling up his chin, and his head was throbbing with so much pain he had to take a record-breaking amount of painkillers. It was a miracle he was still in his right mind or never got poisoned from so much medication. He laid on the couch with his eyes half-opened and watched Kai performing his usual wonders in the kitchen: rotisserie chicken, cheesecake, a Greek salad and tuna salad, and a pie, and lots of home-made chili sauce. Samson went around the house cleaning and moving things around, as if trying to cover up a crime scene, although there was none.
“Ask the creature to give you a break for an evening”, Kai said, passing by the couch towards Sam, who stood at the far window and was trying to adjust the curtain according to a standard, known only to him. Tyler moved his head, looking through teary eyes, as his older brother started wrestling with his younger. Blurry. He lifted himself up on the couch with one hand and had the urge to sing again. But for now, all he could do was sit up and keep looking at them.
Yes, actually, he could do that. He should do that. Have a conversation with this whoever that was trying to peck his way out through his skull. If only he knew the language, he could have a row with him and discuss conditions. The roar in his head told him the language would sound like the raging ocean, or like the whisper of blood.
At five-thirty, Anne-J and her husband, Adam, arrived. They brought lemonade and wine, and some flowers. Anne-J really liked flowers, and she left them everywhere she went. They were the impressions of her footsteps. Seven yellow marigolds, she put them into the vase that she took out of the higher cupboard, to Kai’s displeasure. He knew that Anne-J knew. And it angered him.
Now the yellow flowers stood in the middle of the table, irritating Sam’s sensitive eyes and mood. He kept tilting his head in order to see everyone at the table. Anne-J sat with her back to the window, her pearl-white hair and her ocean-blue eyes, and was scanning them tirelessly.
“Well, not even a text message?”
“Nah”. Kai shook his head. Tyler’s sight was amazingly clear after another portion of painkillers finally kicked in. Oh, his blood would reek of pills if someone wanted to drink it. He was watching his aunt, eating quietly, but was on the lookout for his older’s moods.
“They did say that they want a thorough rest from our bullshit”, Kai continued. He was being uncharacteristically peaceful; no babbling, no witty hints, no special looks.
“Incorrect”, Sam chimed in, “the note said, we want to stay away from the calamity of this house for a while”.
“Not very parenty of them”, Kai grinned. Tyler scratched his temple, chewing the salad. He and Adam had the understanding that the two men usually have, who love one woman. The resentful, but very deep understanding. They exchanged silent looks and returned back to eating.
“Well, you’re not the easiest children to have”.
“Anne-J, it’s been a while since we’ve been children”, Tyler said suddenly, straightening his back. She sighed, as if saying that he knew what she meant.
“That’s right. We can take care of ourselves. Don’t our poor parents deserve a long cruise around the world? I think that’s what they’re doing. They did mention something about… water…” Kai lifted his face, thinking, “no, not the water. Ice. Maybe they’re…”
“Not right again”, robotically corrected Sam. One could think, by the way he moved his head to face the table, and by his tense shoulders, that this irritated him. But correcting others was a happy activity for him. “I don’t remember anything about ice”.
“Well, Samson, that’s because…”
“Stop egging him”, Tyler pleaded.
“You always do that”, Anne-J agreed, “you make him make a scene”.
“You don’t know me”, in Kai’s smiling voice was now just a pinch of warning. She withstood his stare. Then he went on cheerfully. “But I do though. So, how’s everybody liking the main course?”
“Amazing”, Adam said sincerely. “Do you order it from places?”
“No, I cook everything myself”.
“You gotta give it to him”.
“Tyler really wanted to help”, Sam joined, “but he got so excited that you were coming that he got a headache again and laid on the couch the whole day”.
“Excited?” Anne-J smiled. Kai gave the youngest a warning look, but unfortunately Samson didn’t notice. He was deep in conversation.
“Oh yes, he loves when you come by. He loves you so much that he even started dating our neighbor who looks like you”.
Adam’s food got into his throat and got stuck there, so he started coughing furiously. He dropped his fork and covered his face with his hands. Anne-J’s cheeks went rosy-pink. Kai has failed to avert this, so now, naturally, he just accepted the fun. Tyler’s nostrils flared.
“Incorrect”, he mimicked his brother, not very successfully.
“I am not dating her, and she doesn’t look like Anne-J”.
Her bluest eyes darted towards Tyler finally. Her hand was still lying on her husband’s back.
A loud noise came from the street. It was unusual for the neighborhood. Someone’s car was drifting and swerving, and then there was a crash.
They all jumped, except for Kai, who first finished his chicken leg and then wiped his mouth with a napkin. Sam ran outside and Anne-J let him out like a dog that’s too excited. Adam, still a bit reddish, already had his phone in his hand.
In the end of the street, a white Honda was lying on its side, smoke coming out like stage effects. They grouped on the road at first, looking, questions and thoughts swirling in their minds. Kai walked towards the accident spot confidently, waving his hand at the neighbors who started peeking out or exiting their houses.
“Call the ambulance”, he recommended, “or don’t. I don’t care”.
That was the thing, he liked to kill. He would use any opportunity to kill someone, and mercy killings of crash victims was some of his favorites.
A girl, Anne-J’s age, and a guy who was at the wheel, were lying on the road next to a car. A picture that has been in his mind for some time. What is up with these blonde dreamy girls, and why are they following him? When she was like that, her legs spread out on the ground, face angelic, covered in blood, she really reminded him of his aunt. He really wanted to kill her, for the longest time. This was perfect to soothe that urge for a while. Anne-J was a nuisance, he thought, as he squatted next to her, feeling for the pulse. Behind him, Tyler was trying to distract Sam from saying out loud what Kai was about to do.
She had a little bit of a heartbeat. Wounds on her elbows and her shoulders told him she had been thrown out of the car and slid on the road a foot or two. Kai put his palm on her little face, and she opened her eyes. Disappointingly brown, coffee-brown, like Sam’s. He got angry with this bitch, for not meeting his expectations. The guy next to her was already dead. Neither wore seatbelts, naturally.
They had a pact, Tyler and him. Road-nearly-kills are his. After those, he could go on without murders for almost a month.
“Is she breathing?”
The steps behind him were approaching. Adam was already talking on the phone, the chatter around indicated neighbors’ desire to be in the thick of things. He was covered by the shade of a tall linden tree and the carcass of the smoking car.
“What are you doing?”
Anne-J fell on her knees next to him as he removed the hand from her face. He sighed deeply, feeling the calm shooting down his arms and legs, his head a little light. Only his heart raced.
“She was dying anyway”, he said simply.
“What?!” Anne-J’s voice was shrill as she fell on her ass, looking at him with horror. Kai caught Tyler’s glance and motioned for him to approach. Brother looked like he was a prisoner on his way to his lethal injection. They all acted like he made their lives so awful.
“Look at her injuries. Both legs broken, and you’re literally sitting in the pool of her blood. Her spine is broken. This is no quality of life”.
Adam looked concerned as Tyler tried to pick Anne-J up. His black fingers stained her white cardigan. She was still looking at Malachai.
“You really are out of your fucking mind. I’m reporting you to the police”.
“To say what?”
She was fighting Tyler feebly as he was trying to balance her and make her stand on her own. Her eyes were pulsars, and Kai kind of understood why she was constantly on Tyler’s mind. But she was honestly such a normie.
“That I was feeling the pulse of a dying woman? It’s a tragedy, Jenna. I mean, Anne-J”.
He smiled. He liked getting people’s names wrong on purpose. Made them inflate like balloons.
Neighbors were chattering in horror, clutching their necklaces and collars. Adam was in his own kind of zoo, as it turned out: as soon as he finished his call to the police, Samson started lecturing him on the reasons and processes of accidents like this.
“Seatbelts, seatbelts were not invented for no reason”, he was saying, mindlessly, ignoring Adam’s white lips, “some people refuse to wear seatbelts because, upon the impact, a seatbelt may cut off a breast off a woman. But what they fail to see is that, had it not been for the seatbelt, a lot more would have been chopped off. If the seatbelt impact strikes you with such a force, it means that you would surely be dead without it”.
Adam put out his hands and hugged Anne-J, looking at the black and red stains on her shoulders, her jeans and sleeves.
“Cluster. We haven’t had the dessert”, Kai said joyfully. And went back into the house.
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Anne-J was furiously rubbing the sleeve of her cardigan under the cold water when Tyler squeezed himself into the bathroom. She turned with a swing, and calmed down immediately as she saw who entered.
“Are you sure you’re leaving now?”
“Yes, Tyler, we’re leaving”.
Her voice was shaking.
His head was hurting again. Now, this time it’s been less than four hours. It was getting alarming. The amount of painkillers he had taken in order to get through this evening was astonishing. Tyler supported himself on the sink, and Anne-J instinctively moved away a little.
“Whatever you think you saw, Kai would’ve used it to fuck with you”.
“Oh, so you’re telling me he knew immediately what I thought he was doing, read my mind, right? And played into it? He was sitting there with his palm on her fucking face, covering her nose, Tyler”.
“I think you were seeing things because of shock”.
She splashed the water angrily, and Tyler’s blackness raised its head.
“Don’t gaslight me”, she said, looking at him in the mirror. “This house is fucking nuts. What’s going on with you, Tyler?”
“Don’t ask”.
“Is it your headaches?”
It came like a syncope. Suddenly Tyler had no time to run away or even move. It shot through his arm that was resting on the edge of the sink, right into his brain, at raging speed. The black filled his eyes for a second. He knew that this was the night that the creature would finally show itself. Anne-J’s face was distorted, but she still did not look too concerned. She was trying to get to him, bowing slightly. Tyler saw himself in the mirror: black neck, blurry features. He couldn’t see clear anymore. The voice said,
“I had to break through”.
And then he jumped.
Kai threw the door open, simultaneously pushing Adam away. Sam was useless. He was just an information machine and could not help effectively. Adam was trying to get to his screaming wife, and Kai couldn’t let him. Not human life, not his relatives, nothing was more important than his brothers, pieces of himself.
He jumped inside and pulled on Tyler’s shoulders. He couldn’t even see what Tyler was doing; maybe he was kissing Anne-J, or maybe choking her; maybe he was trying to eat her face. As he spun his brother around to slap him out of the episode, the face that stared back at him made him think of wormholes. It was a good thing Kai did not fear a single thing in this world, otherwise he would scream. Now, he just frowned, thinking. Adam pushed him into the wall and ran into the bathroom where Anne-J collapsed on the floor, crying.
“The fuck are you?” he asked, pulling Tyler into the corridor. It was like he was moving his head so quickly that a human eye couldn’t catch it.
“I am”, the hollow voice said.
“You got a name?”
He pushed Tyler further, and his body moved aimlessly. Adam was dragging Anne-J from the bathroom silently, helping her, and she looked unharmed, but very stressed out.
“What’s going on? Oh”, Sam moved away to let them pass, unaffected, “he has a blurryface?”
“Stop swallowing and get my incest-loving stupid brother back”, Kai suggested.
“I think I saw it before”, Sam approached them, so carefree that Kai got concerned for a second. What if he remembers now?
“You’re the blurryface, the alter-ego of Tyler”, he said. Tyler moved his head as if looking at Samson.
“swallowing things”, the voice was coming from the depths of this being, otherworldly and metallic.
“never easy. He fights me”.
Kai gave him a slap on the back of the head with his ringed palm.
“Last warning, dude. Get Tyler back online”.
His body started shaking, and the boy collapsed, like a pile of clothes, on the floor. Sam looked at Kai with big surprised eyes.
“So, there’s four of us now?”
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whatdoyoudoieat · 1 year
And the Doctor watched as her face blurred and changed. And he was facing Clara Oswald. Who smiled, blurred and became Amy Pond. Who blurred and became Rory Williams, then River Song, then Wilfred Mott, then Donna Noble, Martha Jones, Jack Harkness, Mickey Smith, Rose Tyler, Cinder, Molly O’Sullivan, Tamsin Drew, Lucie Miller, Crizz, Charlotte Pollard, Samson Griffin, Gemma Griffin, Mary Shelley, Grace Holloway, Ace McShane, Hex, Mel Bush, Evelyn Smythe and so many others … face after face, his past companions swam into existence and out again, getting faster and faster so he couldn't discern them all until, with a final flash, there was one face. Small, dark-haired, elfin featured, a big grin on her face. ‘You came back after all, Grandfather.’ she said.  Then she too was gone.
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dogmetaph0r · 8 months
Canis Vulgaris: A "Sic 'Em" Playlist
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"Of course you must learn to love, to love always and love entirely and to be wounded by nothing so much as the violence of your own love."
- Andrew Kane, How To Be A Dog
A/N: Tadaaa! This is going to be somewhat of an ongoing project as Sic 'Em evolves and as I find more music (one of the benefits of a music-friendly workplace is that spotify is always giving me new material lollll). I've categorized each song by what it mainly connects to and tried to organize them in a roughly chronological order to show how everything has developed over time.
Song list below:
Florence-Maria Lee
Sisters - Saint Motel
My Kind Of Woman - Mac DeMarco
$20 - Boygenius
Ophelia - The Lumineers
This Woman’s Work - Lady Maisery
Brown Eyed Girl - Van Morrison
Gap In The Clouds - Yellow Days
Baby I’m Yours - Cass Elliot
Never Grow Up - Taylor Swift
Samuel Lovell
Youth - Daughter
Blackbird - The Beatles
Saint Bernard - Lincoln
Northern Attitude - Noah Kahan
Gale Song - The Lumineers
West Coast - Lana Del Rey
It’s Called: Freefall - Rainbow Kitten Surprise
Army Dreamers - Kate Bush
Sam Lovell x Florence-Maria Lee
Lay Me Down (cover) - Hozier
Bruno Is Orange - Hop Along
The Night We Met - Lord Huron
Work Song - Hozier
See You Again (alt. intro) - Tyler the Creator
A Pearl - Mitski
Anything - Adrianne Lenker
Chemtrails Over The Country Club - Lana Del Rey
Vampire Empire - Big Thief
Silver Springs - Fleetwood Mac
I Bet On Losing Dogs - Mitski
All The Burning Lovers - Isaac Gracie
Samson - Regina Spektor
In The Kitchen - Renée Rapp
A House In Nebraska - Ethel Cain
Lay Me Down - Sam Smith
Sam Lovell x Thomas Shelby
Satanist - Boygenius
It's Only Sex - Car Seat Headrest
One Of Your Girls - Troye Sivan
Caroline, Please Kill Me - Coma Cinema
Fido, Your Leash Is Too Long (cover) - Light Sleeper
Jealous - Labrinth
To Someone From A Warm Climate - Hozier
Papa Was A Rodeo - The Magnetic Fields
Sober To Death - Car Seat Headrest
Love Is Like A Bottle Of Gin - The Magnetic Fields
Moon Song - Phoebe Bridgers
Doomsday - Lizzie McAlpine
Me and the Devil - Soap&Skin
I’m Your Man - Mitski
Burning Hill - Mitski
Midnight Doomer Cruise - Any Two Words
I Will - Mitski
Chapter 1: Fetch
De Selby (Part 1) - Hozier
Chapter 2: Speak
De Selby (Part 2) - Hozier
The Distance - Cake
D is for Dangerous - Arctic Monkeys
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toyourhometown · 1 year
“What are you talking about?” Samson questions, bewildered by the notion that Julian would actually think he would watch anime with a dub, or subbed for that matter. “I watch it raw. My Japanese is rather good, despite not visiting my mother’s homeland, if I do say so myself.” He’s a bit flustered to admit his studies have gone well despite the rare practical use of it.
“So, you take it raw.” Julian questions, their tone completely flat and lacking of emotions.
“Yes?” He replies, raising a brow, wondering if the young adult blacked out in the middle of their conversation with how they stare at them with a blank look. However, unexpectedly, Julian cups a hand around their mouth and proceeds to shout down the aisle.
“Hey Damien!” The young man in question pokes his head out from around the corner at the aisle’s end cap.
“Yeah?!” The teen shouts back. Samson watches in rapt horror as the two continue to shout in a public place, getting the attention of the other shoppers within the vicinity. He knows Evelyn and Elijah are in the next aisle and he can only imagine what they’re thinking. He looks to Thera in disbelief for some sort of aid but she simply shrugs, chalking this up as a normal occurrence between her friends. And perhaps it is.
“Samson said he takes it raw!” Julian shouts. Damien’s face screws up in disgust.
“Just because you’re too cowardly to get pegged doesn’t mean it’s a bad time.” Thera adds with a dramatic huff. Julian breaks out into an ugly wheezing laughter. Samson looks between the three of them, baffled by this joke. He thinks it’s a joke? Julian’s reaction seems to imply as much but he was talking about anime raws. It’s a good way to practice his Japanese and he can hardly understand how that could be funny.
“Thera, what does that mean?”
“I’ll let you know when I find a good one.” She sighs.
What does that even mean?!
“A good… a good one what?” He gets no answer and is simply patted on the arm.
What is happening? Why is this happening? All Damien did was take control of the supermarket’s unprotected Bluetooth stereo ( again ) to blast Sailor Moon’s opening and he started to sing, which prompted Julian’s question… but what does it mean? What does any of this mean?!
“Uh, you guys need to calm down or I’m gonna have to ask you to leave.” An employee sheepishly mumbles approaching them all. God. If he could melt into the ground right now, he would.
“I’m sorry. We won’t disturb anyone else.” Samson bemoans, his expression torn between embarrassment and agony. The employee looks dubious but also far too exhausted to actually deal with this anymore than they already have.
If Logan hears of this, he’s going be so disappointed in all of them…
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azure1234 · 2 months
Welcome to my blog
Info about me
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/him
Sexuality: Straight as a ruler
Questions: Open
Requests: Open (but I'm kinda picky so make sure your requests are interesting)
Favorite things: Object shows (mainly BFDI, II, HFJONE, Animatic Battle, etc), The Venture Bros, DC, Marvel, Star Wars (only the OG trilogy), Smiling Friends, Adam Sandler/Seth Rogen movies, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, The Boys, Invincible, Playstation, Tom Hank movies, Wes Anderson movies, LEGO, Mario, Sonic, South Park, Spongebob, anime (mainly Dragon Ball or One Piece), The Boondocks, Total Drama, Nintendo, etc
Favorite characters: Brock Samson (Venture Bros), Fanny (BFDI), Subway Seat (HFJONE), Kenny (South Park), Batman (DC), Paintbrush (II), Gwen (Total Drama), etc
Favorite music: Rap/rock n roll/heavy metal/jazz
Favorite artists: Currensy, Tupac, Freddie Gibbs, Biggie Smalls, Green Day, Weezer, Tally Hall, MF Doom, Tyler The Creator, Rick Ross, etc
DNI: Proshippers, racist, zoophiles, pedophiles/groomers, rapists, perverts, zionists, etc
What I do: I'm the co-creator (along with my friend JustFrost) of The Adventures of Death PACT Again (a sitcom based around the team Death PACT Again), and I'm an up and coming animator/artist
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dear-indies · 11 months
Hey Cat. I just found out about Sarunas Jackson (brother of Keke's Palmer's disgusting ex) and the absolute bs he pulled recently. Can I please get some alts for him? Thanks in advance!
Sinqua Walls (1985) Afro-Jamaican, some French and Unspecified Native American, possibly other.
Tyler Lepley (1987) Afro-Jamaican / German, Italian, English, Irish, Scottish, some Swiss-German.
LaRoyce Hawkins (1988) African-American.
Nathan Mitchell (1988) Trinidadian and Jamaican.
Kendrick Sampson (1988) African-American / English, Scottish, German, Cajun/French, Danish, Norwegian.
Brandon Michal Smith (!989) African-American.
Jacob Anderson (1990) African-Caribbean, English.
Paapa Essiedu (1990) Ghanaian.
Laith Ashley (1990) Afro Dominican - is a trans man and asexual.
Shamier Anderson (1991) Afro Jamaican.
Samson Kayo (1991) Nigerian.
Dominic Goodman (1992) African-American and White.
Lucien Laviscount (1992) Afro Antiguan / English.
A.J. Saudin (1992) Tanzanian.
John Boyega (1992) Yoruba Nigerian.
Keith Powers (1992) African-American.
Phillip Mullings Jr. (1993) African-American.
Stephan James (1993) African-American.
Kofi Siriboe (1994) Ghanaian.
Philemon Chambers (1994) African-American - is queer.
Kelvin Harrison Jr (1994) African-American.
Mandela Van Peebles (1994) African-American, Italian, Greek, German, English.
Aaron Pierre (1994) Jamaican, Curaçaoan, Sierra Leonean.
Trevor Jackson (1995) African-American.
Mason Gooding (1996) African-American, one quarter Afro-Barbadian / English, some German.
Michael Evans Behling (1996) Nigerian / German.
Jharrel Jerome (1997) Haitian / Dominican.
For context, he's been accused of abuse.
Hope these are helpful anon!
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vicedmuses · 3 months
below the cut is a list of the new muses added ( for now )
(    * YAGO FONTES.    )
(    * SAMSON LI.    )
(    * PORTER NEXUS.    )
(    * ASHTON SANDERS.    )
(    * XANDER LAKEWOOD.    )
(    * MASON CLARKE.    )
(    * ISAAC BERG.    )
(    * VICTOR ESCOBAR.    )
(    * ZACKARY THOMAS.    )
(    * ZANDER THOMAS.    )
(    * WILLIAM O’CONNOR.    )
(    * TYLER LAKEWOOD.    )
(    * MARCUS CLARKE.    )
(    * FRANKIE ROSS.    )
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nolanhattrick · 7 months
tyler "biblical samson" bertuzzi
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medium-observation · 11 months
November Release
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Beetlejuice - First US National Tour
October 31, 2023 - Medium Observation
Justin Collette (Beetlejuice), Isabella Esler (Lydia Deetz), Megan McGinnis (Barbara Maitland), Will Burton (Adam Maitland), Jesse Sharp (Charles Deetz), Kate Marilley (Delia Deetz), Lexie Dorsett Sharp (u/s Miss Argentina), Abe Goldfarb (Otho), Brian Vaughn (Maxie Dean), Kris Roberts (Maxine Dean/Juno), Jackera Davis (Girl Scout), Lee N Price (Ensemble), Eric Anthony Johnson (s/w Ensemble), Haley Fish (Ensemble), Kenway Hon Wai K. Kua (Ensemble), Sean McManus (Ensemble), Katie Lombardo (s/w Ensemble), Trevor Michael Schmidt (Ensemble), Corben Williams (Ensemble)
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Good capture of Halloween! This was filmed on the aisle so you can see some people getting up and walking around at times. LOTS of latecomers during ready set I had to get up to let people into the row, so there is no video there. The guy in front of me wouldn't stop moving so his head can come in and out of frame at times but it's always worked around.
NFT Date: May 1st, 2024
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Screenshots: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjB1KLh
Video is $20
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Mean Girls - Second US National Tour (Non-Equity)
October 26, 2023 - Medium Observation
Natalie Shaw (Cady Heron), Maya Petropoulos (Regina George), Kristen Amanda Smith (Gretchen Wieners), MaryRose Brendel (Karen Smith), Alexys Morera (Janis Sarkisian), Ethan Jih-Cook (Damian Hubbard), Joseph Torres (Aaron Samuels), Shawn Mathews (Kevin Gnapoor), Kristen Seggio (Mrs. Heron/Ms. Norbury/Mrs. George), Justin Phillips (Principal Duvall), Justin O'Brien (Mr. Heron), Justin O'Brien (Coach Carr/Glen Coco/Math Moderator), Thalia Atallah (Dawn Schweitzer), Victoria Mesa (Lizzie Therman/Caroline Krafft), Lucas Hallauer (Tyler Kimble), Jonah Nash (Christian Wiggins), Mikey Corey Hassel (Shane Oman), Oshie Mellon (Sophie Kawachi), Megan Arseneau (s/w Caitlyn Caussin), Brandon Moreno (Jason Weems), Tyler Jung (Marwan Jitla), Reagan Kennedy (Taylor Wedell), Joi D. McCoy (Rachel Hamilton)
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Nice Capture of the new non-equity tour! There can be a head in the way at some points but it's worked around well. The video can be somewhat grainy at times due to how far I was + how dark the show was. Overall a great video of this incredible cast.
NFT Date: May 1st, 2024
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Screenshots: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjB1e1L
Video is $20
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Come From Away - Second US National Tour (Non-Equity)
October 30, 2023 - Medium Observation
Addison Garner (Beverley/Annette & others), Shawn W. Smith (Kevin T./Garth & others), Andrew Hendrick (Claude & others), Danny Arnold (Oz & others), Hannah Kato (Janice & others), Trey DeLuna (Kevin J./Ali & others), Stanton Morales (Nick/Doug & others), Molly Samson (Diane & others), Candace Alyssa Rhodes (Hannah & others), Kristin Litzenberg (Beulah & others), Kathleen Cameron (Bonnie & others), Jason Tyler Smith (Bob & others)
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Incredible capture of the new non-equity tour. No obstruction, very little washout in wideshots. Overall a perfect video of a great new cast.
NFT Date: May 1st, 2024
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Screenshots: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjB1DyY
Video is $20
Videos can be purchased through me at
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