shakahuquinho · 9 months
Bem vindos ao mundo Zulu!
Olá pessoal, ou como dizem na língua zulu Sanibonani! Como vocês estão? Bem-vindos ao meu primeiro blog, o Shaka Huquinho. Bem, essa primeira postagem vou me apresentar para vocês e contar um pouquinho sobre o motivo da escolha temática do meu Tumblr...
Primeiramente, creio que poucas pessoas me conhecem, afinal minha família tem personagem BEM famosos por ai, como meu Tio Donald e meu Tio-avô Patinhas (sim o pato mais rico do mundo haha). Além disso tenho mais 2 irmãos, Zezinho e Luizinho. Abaixou deixo a "árvore patologica" da nossa família.
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Somos mais reconhecidos por ter participado dos Ducktales: Os caçadores de aventura, que era uma série animada sobre diversas histórias que vivemos com nossos icônicos tios (aconselho a verem nosso desenho, é MUITO divertido e com certeza irão memorizar a abertura de cada episódio haha).
Sem mais enrolação, meu blog irá tratar sobre uma rica e importante cultura africana: Os Zulus. Mas porquê sobre eles devem estar se perguntando, não é? Bom, era uma noite chuvosa e Tio Donald deixou eu e meus irmão em casa para ir ao caixa-forte do Tio Patinhas o ajudar a polir suas moedas da coleção de numismática, ele tem tantas moedas tem uma sala só para expo elas (Tio Donald ficou resmungando por horas, após saber que o pagamento era um sanduiche de sardinha...). Acontece que eu e meus irmãos não nos animamos a sair de casa por causa daquela chuva, e cada um foi para seu computador jogar ou ficar nas redes sociais até que... BOOM, a energia acabou haha e ficamos sem internet e tampouco eletricidade para fazer qualquer outra coisa. Estavamos super entediados e Luisinho estava até com medo da escuridão haha, bom até que EU tive uma ideia! De brincarmos de ser guerreiros e enfrentar aquele breu com poucas velas que achamos e distrair enquanto a energia não voltava e ajudar meu irmão a suportar aquele medo. A brincadeira era de fingirmos ser guerreiros de qualquer período da história e encararmos o personagem. Luisinho como é bem criativo quis ser um T-800 (eu sei, isso nem existe, mas deixamos ele ser o famoso robô de O exterminador do futuro) que segundo ele poderia enxergar no escuro assim haha.
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Zezinho por sua vez, sendo o mais aventureiro de nós, quis ser obviamente um soldado espartano! Quem nunca ouviu falar dos famosos guerreiro da cidade-estado de Esparta da Antiga Grécia.
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E finalmente eu, sendo taxado como nerd por meus irmãos, escolhi ser um guerreiro Zulu! Assim, cada um de nós pegou um objeto para fingir ser nossas armas (eu usei uma vassoura como lança e travesseiro de escudo) e assim brincamos até nosso Tio chegar e por coincidência a energia voltar.
Ah, eu me imaginei assim! haha.
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Agora vocês mais uma vez se perguntam, por que Huquinho quis ser um guerreiro Zulu? Bem, eu sou muito curioso, e acabo lendo muitos livros e vendo vários documentários sobre a cultura do planeta, e nesses estudos uma vez vi sobre como um Reino Africano resistiu ao Império Britânico no século XIX, estes eram os Zulus! A partir dai meu interesse por eles cresceu, afinal como guerreiros considerados “ultrapassados” enfrentavam um exército com armas de fogo?   
Assim, mês passado foi meu aniversário e de meus irmãos e Tio Patinhas por incrível que pareça nos disse para escolhermos uma viagem de presente! Eu como estava empolgado após nossa brincadeira naquele dia chuvoso, percebi que mal conhecia sobre os Zulus, a não ser que eram bons guerreiros. Então pedi para meu tio-avó uma viagem para à África do Sul na província de KwaZulu-Natal, consideram a terra natal dos Zulus.
Com isso, vocês já devem ter percebido o motivo do meu blog, em? Então, fiquei de olho nas próximas postagens onde irei contar sobre minha convivência com os Zulus e tudo o que aprendi com aquele povo. Até mais pessoal!
Ah, vou deixar com aqui um videozinho bem legal, só para vocês sentir um gostinho sobre a cultura Zulu.
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griots-tales · 2 years
Put Sum Respeck On her Name!
Summary: A teenage Shuri accompanies her brother and his girlfriend on a trip to America... where she's antagonized by some incels, who soon regret it.
Word count: 2000
Warning: portrayed misogyny and bodyshaming
Characters: Shuri, Nakia, T'Challa, Okoye
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Her attire stood out from the bleak morning crowd of Upper East SIde; her gait almost announced the Royal blood in her veins, and her company only confirmed the fact that she was someone important: Princess Shuri of Wakanda strolled down the pavement in full style and Okoye in tow, sipping some coffee together.
"Finally, got some Starbucks, eh?" She grinned at her General and confidant.
Okoye shrugged but smiled softly as she answered, "Bast, it might be the only American thing that I like."
Shuri brought her lesbian flag-themed (cherry and tangerine meringue) drink to her lips, scowling as the sun hit her directly in the eyes. "Is this the place 'Kia was talking about?"
"I believe so, Inkosazana..."
They faced the kebab stand beside them, and watched its owner set it up for the day. Nakia was familiar with the landmarks around, and had suggested that they chill in the city for a while as they made plans.
"Sanibonani, babies!"
The person in question had arrived, sashaying down in her bespoke maroon and olive pantsuit. A pair of gold rimmed sunglasses framed her eyes, protecting it from the flashing sunlight.
"Sawubona! Where's my douchehead?" Shuri greeted, referring to T'Challa.
"Oh he's on his way," Nakia replied, proceeding to wave at the vendor cheerfully and socialize with him. They waited for the King and also their delicious-smelling lamb kebab order around a plastic table.
Minutes passed in small talk, and T'Challa ended up arriving only just in time to start eating along with them.
"I was helping this old lady with her car," he explained.
"And it took this much time?" Shuri complained.
The King rolled his eyes. "It was parked a little too far into the side of the road, and it was stuck in the mud. Her arthritic self wasn't the best candidate for the job."
"Pulling a car out would take you, like, five seconds."
"She thanked me for at least five minutes," He replied and turned towards his sister, irritated now. "Also, would you stop making such a fuss about the time?"
"And what if I don't?"
"I will stop bringing you along on any of my trips to nice places." T'Challa retorted, annoyed.
Okoye sighed audibly, knowing that both siblings were aware of how tiring they could be when they bickered. "I say we should discuss what we saw in the city, right now... it's a relatively leisure trip but we have serious work at the back of this."
"You're right," Nakia caught on, helping Okoye dispel the can't-stand-you vibes the siblings had today. "There is still a lot to observe, but we now have an idea of what kind of teams to dispatch to analyze the society. Putting up an outreach center will be of no use if it doesn't cater to the nuanced needs of each unique neighbourhood they're placed in."
Shuri seemed to cut her attitude down for Nakia: "There's a lot that can be improved infrastructurally, but the main problem seems to be the usual one. I did some research beforehand, and there is a clear trend of systemic causes behind the low paying jobs and increasing crime rate. Not any lack of resources."
"I agree," Nakia nodded. "That, along with more engaging and applicable education for the kids in the hood. These schools don't really provide them with everything they need."
Their discussion went on, and T'Challa took notes on a Kimoyo bead disguised as a phone. They came to some conclusions about how the resource planning and channeling should take place, and took them down on an agenda to discuss with the council and the WIOC team.
They got up from their chairs and thanked the vendor, who was now swarmed with more customers than seemed usual, probably because of the accidental sponsoring the expensive looking Wakandans did by eating there.
Speaking of looking expensive, T'Challa noticed that they stood out a little even though they had tried to dress more Western. "We should use something more casual..." He suggested, dipping into an alley and pressing a Kimoyo bead to turn his subtly patterned overcoat and leather shoes into a printed hoodie and sneakers. The others did the same, checking for any surveillance before using their technology to tone their outfit down a little. Only Nakia's pantsuit remained more or less the same, as her experienced ass actually knew what to wear outside.
They split up again, now T'Challa and Okoye going together to navigate some lesser known places.
Nakia accompanied Shuri on their second round of the city, interlocking their arms as they chatted about different things and browsed items in the Black owned stores, keeping some in mind to buy from later. They spent about an hour at a local art exhibition, noting how it helped recognize small scale artists.
When they felt hungry again mid-morning, they stopped by a ice-cream-parlor and ordered a pair of brownie sundaes to cool off with. There were way more people around, now, including a trio of twenty-something-year-olds in identical-looking sweatpants and t-shirts standing just outside the parlor.
**tw colorism, bodyshaming, misogyny**
The War Dog had caught bad vibes from them even as she passed them, but didn't acknowledge them the least. They stayed out of their way only until she first stuck her ornate little spoon (a speciality of the store) into the chocolatey ice cream.
One of the men, a lanky one, sat up in his chair and stared shamelessly at the two women.
"Whew chile, I thought it was the darkness of the void " He sniggered and munched obnoxiously on his half-eaten ice cream cone. "Man why she even dressed up? Is she going out with someone?"
His group guffawed lazily, leering at Nakia.
"Bruv I'm more worried about the other one... how her ankles ain't snapping?"
"No shit, sis ain't got no ass!" The first guy continued, talking loudly to make sure Shuri could hear him. The princess didn't even turn to look, raising a cold eyebrow as she stiffly let the dessert melt in her mouth. Nakia was tired of this already, but prepared to tell them off to protect her friend. However, she turned around and realized that she didn't need to:
A large hand came firmly to rest on the back of the leader's chair; and the mere presence was enough to make him believe that the long fingers were just a second away from reaching his neck and snapping it. The vibranium rings were still on, and though neither asshead knew anything about them, they fell silent as they took in the new arrival.
"Hello there." T'Challa's voice was as smooth as a blade held to one's throat.
"Sup, mister..." The shitface's voice cracked a little.
"Don't you have anything better to do?" He growled, "...like finding your eyebrows?"
They all stared back at him, bug eyed. The ashy fellow truly lacked any definite eyebrows, and seemed shocked at the fact that his natural features were being mocked.
Shuri giggled at her brother roasting the shit out of the incel. Nakia joined in, grinning as her boyfriend turned on the other two.
"And you. I saw you just an hour ago, sucking on the same damn soda can; Bast knows what your teeth look like now." He observed that the other idiot's tongue had immediately darted somewhere inside his mouth where he was definitely missing a tooth.
"Get outta here, N----" The third one said, in a brave and foolish attempt to make T'Challa back off.
He was returned with a glare that seemed to cut through him with no effort.
The King didn't need to speak a word before the first man made a run for it, jumping out of the chair and followed by the others, swiftly following his lead. T'Challa kept his gaze on their backs until they were completely out of sight, before looking back at Shuri and Nakia.
The War Dog smiled at him as she licked some vanilla cream off her spoon, to which her boyfriend slowly came out of his stoic-aggressive state. Shuri waved at him to join them, and he did.
"Ubhuti, I didn't know you could throw shade?" Shuri teased once he sat down on a stool between them.
T'Challa grinned. "I've been throwing shade before you were even born, sister what are you talking about?"
" 'Go find your eyebrows' !" Nakia chuckled, "I was actually gonna use that, by the way"
She watched the smile slide off a little from his face as it took on a serious expression. " They had no right to speak to you two like that, though. "
"I've seen worse." Nakia admitted darkly.
"I haven't." Shuri shrugged, and a little shakily, T'Challa observed. Her voice was concerningly smaller than he was used to.
Both their statements hurt his chest a little; and he took their hands in each of his own.
"The next time anyone says something like that to you, they might have to go find their lower jaw." He whispered, leaning to Shuri, earning a snicker that indicated her good imagination.
"And Nakia," He addressed his girlfriend, not letting go of Shuri's hand, "You don't need brush anything off if it doesn't respect your worth. Like I said, they'll spend days searching for their mandibles."
Nakia's beautiful lips widened in a humored smile, inspiring him to bend forward to plant a kiss on them. She was returning a brownie flavored one when-
"EURGH! Not in front of my salad!"
Shuri ripped her hand unceremoniously from her brother's in faux disgust at the PDA.
T'Challa rolled his eyes to the back of his head. "That is an ice cream, Shuri."
"It's the ice cream version of a salad!"
"Are we really doing this?" He groaned, going back to finish the kiss.
Shuri made it a point to make retching noises as they went on for a few seconds before breaking apart.
"This actually tastes good... can I have some?" He murmured flirtatiously to Nakia, completely ignoring his douchebag of a sister.
"Here take mine, I don't want to eat anymore!" Shuri joked in the background, over reacting. T'Challa pretended to steal it to tease her, but she swiftly moved it out of his reach and began eating it faster under the threat.
Nakia shook her head endearingly at their antics, giggling as she scooped some brownie and ice cream to feed T'Challa with. The King accepted it with a momentary, but pointedly seductive eye contact as he practically sucked the fancy spoon: throwing hints like these weren't uncommon between them.
Having a (now, thankfully and unfortunately) loud and annoying teenage sister around wasn't the best way to get sparks going through dessert metaphors, but it did help keep up the vibe for the rest of the morning until noon, where they met Okoye again at Sylvia's for some good soul food.
The General was inevitably livid when she heard what happened to her Princess and her friend.
"Kumkani, you should have cut his tongue off-" She stabbed her barbeque ribs as though they were his.
"It would have been a legal complication, and he had also taken his chance to run. I decided against it." the king explained.
The Princess smirked, "But you looked like you were gonna do it. He low key deserved it, too."
T'Challa shrugged. "Andazi, kungcono ukuba asimfaki ezingqondweni zethu"
"He's not wrong... we have better things to think about." Nakia nodded, digging into her macaroni.
"You can always talk about it if it bothers you, though. Don't hold back." He corrected himself slightly.
Shuri smiled, and looked at Okoye as the General took her hand.
"And if you want him impaled, I have no problem-"
They all laughed, but knew that the Dora wasn't bluffing, since they had enough experience of her dutiful brutality. Shuri felt warm inside for once, feeling the security of her family and friends again. In the recent years of turmoil and instability in her country, it wasn't many nights that she could lie down and sleep without feeling the weight of the country in her gut.
Ironically, in this strange land which she had been (rightfully) warned about before, she found a day and night of peace. Harlem buzzed and stirred constantly around her, as she could see in the bird's eye view from her personal suite that night. T'Challa visited again to check on her before leaving her to the perineal buzzing of her own mind.
No shit! Sis ain't got no ass!
The words echoed again in her mind. But this time what bubbled in her throat was mirth.
"Who, me?" She said to herself, chuckling at the mirror. "Bitches be assless and brainless but come at me, damn!"
Her full length reflection smiled back at her: And she loved herself more than anything at the moment.
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24kuhlso · 2 years
Pinky and the Brain by Luhle Cimenco Via Flickr: Sanibonani ,Hello ,Hallo, Mholweni... I am back with more goodies from this weekend's shopping sales. -Hair- Wasabi // Beach Bum FLF Ed. Hair - Absolute Pack LM-http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Coraline/127/149/55 -Outfit- Top Blueberry - [TSS 7/30] Solstice - Lace Bikini - Classic Pack LM-http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lenox%20and%20Blueberry/243/127/24 Shorts-Addams // Victoria Denim Short with Fishnet // FATPACK LM-http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Addams%20Clothing/170/111/26 Garter {minuit} Taylor Garter [FATPACK] LM-http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Shinigami/180/34/4 Shoes Phedora ~ Marine Plats ~ LM-http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Thorin/192/55/21 -Accessories- e.marie // Hedra Rings - Golds & e.marie // Keylani Earrings - Golds LM-http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/xoxo/87/128/41 Rosary nails LM-http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/FOXCITY/137/53/22 Eyes LOTUS. Healing Eyes LM-http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Moonfight/115/147/1201 Body skin- VELOUR: The "Ipanema Body" for eBody Reborn (Chocolate) LM-http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/VELOUR/93/115/83 Face skin- PUMEC - FILYA (LELU EVO X) - AUGUST LM-http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Rave/124/130/22 Mesh Section- Head LeLUTKA Prim Head 3.1 LM-http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/LeLutka/128/128/31 Body eBODY - REBORN LM-http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/eBody/191/64/2003
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nasirtumb · 1 year
Sawubona bangane baseNingizimu Afrika, sanibonani sanibonani ebusuku. Sicela ujabulele ividiyo.
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ketso · 1 year
Episode 55
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I'm warming Melo's bottle as Khotso has her in his arms. We are still at the royal house as I have to be makoti for I don't know how long. Senzi and Wandi had gone to a funeral and are only coming back today. I don't mind staying with the baby. I never got to do all of this with Wandi. I was arrested before I could even take her home from the hospital as a newborn. I didn't even know how to warm a baby bottle or make one... Khotso taught me. He's so hands-on and teaches me a lot too. But I'm not having another one. I'm sure my eggs are not even okay to have another one. But the way Khotso is sooooo broody! Hai! Then there's also Rena who is obsessed with being an aunt and Moloko who can't wait for this baby to be able to play so he could actually do something with her. Lol! My little family.
"Sanibonani", Wandi and Senzi walk in and greet us.
"Hello", we all greet them happily.
Senzi goes straight to his daughter.
"How is the little princess?" Senzi.
"She's been an absolute gem. She doesn't believe in night sleep though." Khotso says, handing the baby to Senzi.
Senzi and Wandi sit next to each other and bond with their baby. This is so beautiful, man.
"How was the funeral? I heard it went down", Khotso asks them.
"Yoh, baba! Can you believe ukuthi the same community that set that house alight is the same one that was there everyday ukuzodla nokucula amagugu? Abantu kanti banjani?" Wandi.
"I don't think we all have the same level of reasoning capacity nje as people." Khotso.
"Morafe lost it! She completely lost it. I've never seen Morafe like that before. Wabaxosha kabuhlungu kanjani... and she told them that if they even set lemiqonjwane yabo nje at the funeral, she will find them and kill them by setting them alight one-by-one." Wandi.
"UMorafe?!" I'm so shocked.
"Mah! Morafe!" Wandi.
"I was there. I saw and heard it all for myself", Senzi.
"Yoh!" Me.
"So what's going to happen now with that house, her mother and the surviving children? Is it even safe for them to go back and live there after this entire ordeal?" Khotso.
"Heh! Baba... kodwa you didn't hear this from me neh", Wandi mara. Where else would Khotso hear this from?
Khotso and I are already laughing.
"UMmaKB, uMahali and umama kaThabang... baphakathi ejele sikhuluma nje. Baboshiwe nalabantu abatholiwe ukuthi bashisile laphaya." Wandi.
"Umaka wena!" Khotso. I'm just as shocked.
"Modimo keMorena!" Where the hell did Wandi learn that phrase from now? Weh!
"So, according to Morafe... the day that the house was set alight, Thabang’s mother phoned Thabang to inform Thabang about it. But the way in which she delivered this message just made Thabang suspicious that she had something to do with it because the Mothipa family hates Morafe a lot right now. Thabang has served the other two wives with divorce papers because the whole Mothipa family made Thabang’s wives sleep with Thabang’s brother-
"WANDISA, WOAH! My head is spinning right now. What?!" Khotso.
My mouth is still open from one shocking sentence after the other.
Senzi is laughing at our reactions. He even says, "Imagine how I felt when I heard all of this."
"Where did I lose you, baba?" Wandi says. These two and gossip!
Now I see Rena and Moloko walk in.
Yoh, Rena is going to hear such things about her man. Ja neh.
"Let's start at the divorce part." Khotso. He couldn't care less that Rena is here. I'm sure he actually wants her to hear what her man is capable of.
"So, Thabang overheard an argument between MmaKB and Mahali. In this argument, they both confirmed that neither of their kids were Thabang’s kids. And their plan was to ensure that Thabang never found out." Wandi.
"All one million of those kids?" Khotso.
I even giggle.
"Bonke baba! Bonke. Lapho sekuphenyiwa khona ukuthi kahle hle ubani ubaba wezingane, it was found that Thabang has a fertility issue that his wives couldn't bring to his attention, so they brought it to the attention of the family instead. Tumelo was then hired to smash amakhosikazi kamfowabo, then the babies would be Thabang’s."
"Without Thabang’s knowledge?" Khotso.
"Cabanga! And that's not where it gets good! It turns out that Thabang was forced to marry Mahali because she got pregnant. So how is it possible that both her kids are Tumelo’s if she was already pregnant when she got married?"
Khotso starts laughing.
He's proper entertained.
I want to know.
"Turns out that Mahali was sleeping with both brothers at the same time when she and Thabang were just messing around. When moghel got pregnant, Tumelo’s wife was not yet ready to accept a second wife, so the mother decided that she should be Thabang’s wife. But she obviously went back to Tumelo for round two because baby number two came."
Yoh! Yoh! Yoh!
"So Thabang is pretty much done with his family and the wives. They all want Morafe to change his mind. Apparently, the wives did nothing wrong and this is not uncommon when there is a fertility issue. Now Thabang cut all of them off, told Tumelo to deal with all his baby mamas all alone. Mothipas are mad. Mama-Mothipa senior used her influence to go at Morafe's family with the intent to hurt Morafe then get her to do what the family wants her to do. This is where we are now."
"Yeses. We should actually take the chieftaincy away from Mothipa. He doesn't have his own house in order, how is he even leading that community? It's all those fifty million wives that he has. He has too many internal issues to apply himself to being a chief outside of his own house. Now his wife, who's also a legal authority in that community, has committed a crime herself? A cruel one at that against community members, just to settle a score le makoti? Ke masepa fela!" Khotso.
We are all quiet.
"Lefatselabarena, do you see the calibre of people you want to become part of? You've actually insulted us. How do you go from us to that?! And that boyfriend that just sleeps with everyone! Bona jwale wentseng in his own brother's marriage?" Khotso needs to leave Rena alone.
I shake my head at Khotso.
We are all just quiet now.
Khotso has been on the phone with Ona all morning discussing the possibility of dethroning Mothipa.
I've just finished showering and getting dressed. I'm meeting up with Thabi, Letlali, Fifi, Sonia and Teboho for lunch to discuss the launch of the school. Thabi decided to name the school Onaleruna Khotso Mohale College: Preparatory and Senior School. As soon as the name was accepted, Thabi unveiled it to Khotso and Ona. They feel honoured. As they should. But now there is even more pressure to open a similar school here in Tholoana Kingdom. Thabi finally decided that she will do it. She will open a similar school here in the kingdom. She has left it in Fifi's hands to lead on the Tholoana Kingdom side. The decision to make it Fifi's baby came from Fifi having such a strong teaching and education management background. She's even hired an assistant already. Wandi recommended Basetsana - one of her friends. With her experience in admin and as an assistant, Fifi found her perfect for the job. Now that her husband finally found a PA and she had become a housewife again, Basetsana embraced the opportunity with both hands and is super excited to be working with Fifi.
Because I'm still in my "dresses and doek" phase of being a Mohale wife, I've decided to wear a beige body-hugging dress that's just above the knee. I wear skin-toned stockings just to make the look is a bit more respectable. I pair this dress with a baby pink knee-length blazer jacket. The jacket's material is pure wool. Yep, it's knitted very beautifully in Italy. I wear my black Versace Pin Pump heels. My doek is beige with brown seshweshwe prints. I just let my 32inch straight wig hang loose underneath it.
"You look so hot, baby", Khotso says to me.
Oh, he's done with his call.
"I'm trying to make the whole seSotho makoti look work", I say.
"Well, its making me want to put you back in bed. Look at me, baby, I'm so hard." He says.
I laugh and say, "tell your soldier to relax. We have things to do."
"Kancane nje, baby. Five minutes. Please."
"No", I say. I laugh then say, "but I'm glad ukwazi nokucela ngesiZulu.”
He laughs then says, "I'll find someone nice to use it on ke. Akere wena hawubatli?!"
I give him a look.
He laughs aloud.
I shake my head.
"So baby, what are you guys going to do about this Mothipa situation?" I ask him, distracting him really so that hard penis of his can calm down.
"Ey, that idiot of an old man." He says. His penis is calming down.
"We will go and see him tomorrow. He's been notified that we've summoned him to his chambers. We will give him an opportunity to respond to our concerns. Then we might decide to take him to council, and other chiefs can vote on whether or not he's still fit to be a chief. We already know that he has allegiances in at least five other chief-run provinces. So we already know that there might be internal wars against the other chief-run provinces who have chiefs that either don't like him or don't support him. We will try to manage the blood bath that may come from the threat of him being dethroned, but if it comes to it, we might loan soldiers to the ones who want him out. Ona and I want him out. But if he risks war, we will banish him from this country should we win... him and his entire family."
"It's how it works, baby."
"But there are kids involved in this. What about Morafe and her family?"
"We will talk to Thabang. If he's serious about turning his back on his family, we might actually just give the chieftaincy to him if he's interested. If he's not, we will appoint a whole new family. But he will be safe. We plan to make sure of that."
I shake my head.
"But we have other issues, love", he says.
"Other issues such as?" I ask.
"The church", he says.
"Pope is not well. I'm not sure if it's old age or if he's just sick. But he's not good. This thing of his came at a terrible time because..."
"Our people in Spain are in shit." He says.
"How deep is the shit?"
"Very deep. We can't even go to Miami this time. And that shit... it's put international police, international intelligence and the FBI on our asses. They've started arresting people. And they have an inside person spilling the beans and leading them to us."
I look at him.
"We need another escape plan. We need to run the fuck away and disappear for real." He says.
"Just us?" I ask. I need to understand who I have to think for.
He nods his head. Then he says, "I spoke to Ona. He says he's only taking Thabi."
"And Sonia?" I'm so shocked.
He shakes his head then says, "he suspects that she's the inside person. So, if you find a place baby... it's for our family, Ona and Thabi. Reahile and his family too. That's my kid. Mohato and Zari are Thabi's softest spot, so I think include them too. But us gents... we all spoke. We need to be separated for some time. We agreed."
I nod my head.
Should I even be going out at this point?!
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Ona, Thabi and I traveled together to Dithabeng. We were driven here in one car. Thabi was actually very pleasant. I think that he's genuinely happy. She and Ona are even more... physical. She hasn't moved back to the kingdom permanently as Ona had asked her, but they seem to be in a much better place... much to the detriment of Ona's marriage to Sonia. I personally believe that Ona is not able to love two women at the same time. He just likes women and he likes as many skirts around him as possible, but he's incapable of keeping more than one woman happy at a time. For Sonia to be happy, Thabi must be mad. For Thabi to be happy, Sonia must be mad. Ai!
"Dumelang", some girl says as we walk into the Mothipa chambers. Thabi is the only person that greets her back - as I said, she's very pleasant. Ona and I ignore her. Who is she again?
"I can show you where to sit", she says, intentionally brushing my dick with her ass. Isn't this harassment?
"Sorry ausi... wetsang?" I ask her. And I'm loud because I want her to feel embarrassed. What the fuck is this?!
Thabi and Ona look at me like I'm crazy. The other chiefs and leaders are also focused on us now.
"Nna?" The lady tries to deny it.
"Do you really want me to spell out what you've just done? And are you really going to lie before a chief leader, a queen and a king?" Me.
"I made a mistake. Ke kopa tshwarelo, Moholo waka", she says.
"Bona mo wena, I'm a married man. A happily married man. I don't appreciate what you've just done and I don't believe that my wife would appreciate what you've just done. Had I done that to you, I'd be accused of sexually harassing you. I don't appreciate this kind of behaviour", I say.
I'm actually very angry hey.
"Ke kopa tshwarelo, moholo. It will never happen again", she says.
I click my tongue in annoyance then move to go find my chair. Ona is with me. Thabi is with that girl. She's mortified, but she will be fine. Maybe she thought that I'd take her to bed instead. Am I really that much of a slut? Do women no longer respect me so much so that when they see me, they see a dick that's a jackpot to their financial challenges?
"What did that girl do?" Ona asks me.
We are sitting next to each other.
"She brushed her ass against my dick. Intentionally."
Actually, I'm not angry, I'm embarrassed. I feel... dirty... violated even. I even want to tell my wife so she can come here and deal with her.
"And you are this angry?!" Ona mara.
"Ona, this is not funny. Clearly, that little slut doesn't see a leader in me. She sees a male whore who has a useful dick to her problems... she doesn't see moholo... she sees a thing with a dick that she can violate as she sees fit."
He stops seeing humour in this, and seems slightly more serious.
"Nx!" Me.
Ona let's it go. I think he just doesn't understand.
This meeting finally starts. I'm the one who starts speaking.
"Mothipa, as a nation at large, why do we know more about your shit in your household than what it is that you are doing in this region? Worst of all, the shit in your household has now spilled over into the streets and has resulted to civilians dying because you can't keep your house in order."
He looks at me.
He's actually shocked that I know this.
"To bring everyone up to speed on what has happened -
"No, moholo. Please." He stops.
"Ey madala! Do we look like we are here to play games with you? When we leave here, we need to have decided whether or not you will be kept as a leader in this country... a chief at that! And with all the rumours that are flying around regarding your family that are spreading like wild fire, we need to understand what are facts, what are opinions and what are not true at all. From there, we decide if you are still fit to rule." I say.
Some people agree with what I've said. Some people are a bit difficult to read.
"We need leaders that we can trust with the well-being of our people. Yes, mistakes happen and we all have things that happen in our personal lives that sometimes distract us, but I'm concerned that your challenges in your house are now overpowering what we as a community need to see happen from your house to this community. What concerns us further, chief Mothipa, is that your wife - a chief legal advisor for this community - is one of the main instigators for what happened at the Letuka home. Your wife and your daughters-in-law. That, I cannot forgive nor can I turn a blind eye on", Thabi says.
This man doesn't know how to respond.
Other chiefs also raise their challenges, some challenges that we were not aware of. As these come up, I'm blown away even more. Ona and I keep looking at each other. Thabi is quite annoyed. Her family is also here representing the Merementse chieftaincy house. They actually phoned us and asked us how we'd like them to vote. So they are already on our side.
After three hours of just putting issues forward, we take a break. Thabi, Ona and I are outside discussing this. We don't even trust the water served here.
"What's our plan if we dethrone Mothipa, abuti?" Thabi asks me as Ona and I smoke.
She's complained about our smoking until she realised that she's not going to win. She tried to get Phuthi on it, but Phuthi honestly doesn't care that I smoke. So Thabi let it go.
"Maybe your family can take over this place." I say to her.
Both she and Ona look at me.
"Think about it... Dithabeng and Merementse are relatively close to each other. The Sebata chiefdom will have more land. Your family's council is big enough to run this place and Merementse, plus they'll have funds for both regions." Me.
"They'll be fine with it. They'll actually be happy with it. But do you think Mothipa would go without putting up a fight? Phela this will take away his wealth, his land and possibly the businesses that are sustaining his family." Thabi.
"That idiot's son fucked my daughter and he believed that it wasn't an issue worth addressing. Fuck Mothipa! I'm actually glad that now, I'll really make him and his son pay for that shit that happened with Rena", Ona.
He and I fist-pump each other.
"Vele vele vele Thabang doesn't want to be chief? He's with such an ambitious woman in Morafe. How is he so..." Thabi.
"Maybe his idea of ambition is not being anything like his father. And let's be honest, if your template was Mothipa, you wouldn't want what he has neither", Ona.
We actually laugh at this.
My phone rings. I don't even recognise this number.
"Hello?" Me.
"Hello? Speak man... the fuck?!"
"Sawubona", a voice.
Sawubona?! On my phone? I don't know anyone who would ever dream to phone me and say Sawubona.
"Who's this?!" I ask.
Now Thabi and Ona look at me.
"UNkosinathi, mfowethu."
Now I'm quiet. Because the only Nkosinathi I know pisses me off unprovoked. I'm wondering where he would have got my number from and why the hell he would even dream of phoning me.
"Usekhona?" He asks me.
"Ubatlang?!" I ask him.
"We need to talk", he says.
"You and me? About what?!"
"You live with the mother of my daughter, my daughter and my granddaughter... and you don't think we have anything to talk about?"
Yerrr I hate this guy.
"Uskang'tlwayela masepa wena. I live with my wife, my child and my grandchild."
"Eh ndoda, I didn't call you to fight."
"So why did you call me? Because you've already wasted five minutes of my time ka masepa!"
Ona takes my phone and puts it on loudspeaker.
"I'm dying." He says.
Ona, Thabi and I look at each other.
"I've been diagnosed with cancer. I've also decided that I won't be going on any treatment. I'm going to let this thing just do what it needs to do."
"I'm sorry, dude." I say.
"Ngiyabonga. Lalela ndoda, ngiyazi ukuthi ubaphethe kahle oPhuthi benoWandisa noMelokuhle. Ngiyabonga."
"Ke msadi waka, ngwana waka le setloholo saka. I don't need a thanks or acknowledgement for doing what I'm supposed to do."
I'll also speak my sotho as he sticks to his Zulu.
"I didn't mean it that way... I just meant that please continue to do so. I always thought that I'd be their backup plan if you flopped and didn't do right by them." He says.
Dai mahn o ntlwayela masepa.
"But now I'm no longer going to be here if anything goes wrong. All I'm asking is that you continue to look after them like this. You are now the only man in their lives that they have... the head of their house. Please... don't disappoint them."
I'm quiet. Because again, o ntlwayela masepa.
"I also have a favour to ask", he says.
Now we probably get to the core of this call.
"My sons... Khanya and Khosini."
"What about them?"
"Please look after them. I know that I've messed up so much that they are in this position. Thandeka's new boyfriend is abusive towards Thandeka and probably towards my sons too. I just don't want anything happening to my kids. My sins are punishing me and it's okay, I'm ready to die. But please... if not for me, please do it for Wandi. I know you hate me. But Wandi loves her brothers. And I know that she won't be okay if anything happens to them."
If I'm being honest, I don't need another child in my hands. Let alone two. I have three kids and that's more than enough for me. This one will have to be a "taking care" from a distant.
"Your kids are old, monna. Tell them you are dying so they have a chance to say goodbye. They are also old enough to manage themselves. They'll be fine." I say.
"They still need guidance. All I'm asking is that you be that for them. That's all."
"Ey whatever dude. We will do what we can. I have to go now. Shup."
I hang up.
Ona, Thabi and I look at each other.
I know this is completely distasteful, but we honestly just laugh.
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pagzsix · 2 years
Miano Sanibonani Mp3 Obtain Right here is one other new model of hip hop jam from songwriter Miano launch new jam titled Sanibonani That includes Younger Mafia, Mandla Ka X, Vinox Musiq & Tumiracle is right here so that you can get pleasure from and obtain. Pay attention and Obtain beneath.     Obtain Mp3
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safarihike · 3 years
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Herzlich Willkommen liebes 2021 ❤️🪅 2020 war ein schwieriges Jahr, das uns aber auch viel gelehrt hat. Gleichwohl wünsche ich uns allen ein einfacheres 2021 🪅❤️ . . . #goodbye2020 #welcome2021 #welcome2021goodbye2020 #newyear #silvester #sylvester #2020 #2021 #neuesjahrneuesglück #neuesjahr #eswatini #swaziland #sa #swasiland #happynewyear #jahreswechsel #2021goals #sanibonani #sanibonaniafrica #sanibonani👋 (hier: Kingdom of eSwatini) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJgK39MnPoi/?igshid=1s7bznx2lswy0
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mypinkbumper · 5 years
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That nose wrinkling Zebra made my day ♥️ #zebra #blackandwhite #whiteandblack #mlilwane #mlilwanewildlifesanctuary #mlilwanegamereserve #mlilwanews #mlilwanenaturereserve #eswatini #eswatini🇸🇿 #eswatinitourism #eswatiniwildlife #mypinkbumper #sanibonani.de #worldofwanderlust #wildlifephotography #eswatinithroughmyeyes #swaziland #biggameparksofswaziland #biggameparks #womentraveling #vanlife #outdoorlife #dachzeltnomaden #dachzeltnomadeafrika #nosecorrection #funnyface #zebraofinstagram #zebraofinsta # (hier: Mlilwane Wildlife Sanctuary) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4U1Q9dHF29/?igshid=zw9yy69v298x
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martin-phiri · 5 years
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#Sanibonani #Goodmorningdearfriends🤗😘🙏🏽🤝 #Mayyouhaveasuperblessedday☕😉💞🙏🏽✌🏽🤝😘 https://www.instagram.com/p/Br1ykzVFsbi/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xkq7ubusn1lt
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shakahuquinho · 8 months
Sanibonani! Eai galera como estão? Como prometi vou contar para vocês minhas experiências que vivenciei na melhor viagem da minha vida em KwaZulu-Natal. Bem vamos lá?
            Bem como vocês sabem eu ganhei de presente do meu Tio Patinhas uma viagem e eu ainda podia escolher onde (estranho, mas por algum motivo meu tio abrir a mão dele haha), sendo assim, arrumei minhas malas e parti para o aeroporto de Patopólis com viagem direta para à África na cidade de Durban, que aliás é a 3° maior cidade da África do Sul, localizada na província de KwaZulu-Natal.
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Eu achei essa cidade incrível, pois é um lugar bem multicultural com vários museus, galerias e muitas opções de atividades esportivas (considerada a capital dos esportes), não é atoa que serviu como sede dos jogos da Copa do Mundo de 2010 com um estádio super moderno. Há também uma variedade de atrações noturnas como bares e afins. Durban possui cerca de 4 milhões de habitantes (muito mais que minha pacata Patopólis), e contem estruturas muito belas, é uma cidade que vái além da equivocada noção que as maiorias das pessoas têm sobre à África. Há e outra curiosidade! Durban tem o porto mais movimentado do continente, imaginem como há vários acordos comerciais e troca de culturas devido a isso. E também é uma cidade que recebem alunos de intercambio de todo o mundo que desejam aprender a língua inglesa. Durban além ser em si uma cidade tão bonita com suas construções também possui vastas praias para quem curte tomar um solzinho e um banho de mar e aproveitar suas águas mornas, que segundo os locais têm um verão de 230 dias haha. Ou seja, destino ideal para praianos. Após passar um tempo na cidade, eu já estava ansioso para visitar Shakaland, ao norte de Durban (Shakaland é um resort temático que recebem visitas de todo mundo para transmitir os valores tradicionais da cultura zulu).
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            Assim que cheguei lá, notei como eles conseguiram recriar uma aldeia bem parecida de como os zulus viviam séculos atrás, com choças em forma de cúpula e que são fáceis de desmontar e montar, quando necessário, e não possuem janelas, o interessante é que fiquei sabendo que quando algum membro da família vem a falecer eles são enterrados sentados com os olhos virados para essas cabanas. Dentro da aldeia fui recebido de forma bem agradável entre as pessoas, nota-se como eles vestiam-se da forma tradicional dos zulus. Essas roupas são feitas de fibras de palha e algodão e além de utilizarem peles de animais, e toda vestimenta tem nomes próprios.
O Isicholo: é um chapéu utilizado geralmente pelas mulheres casadas como sinal de respeito.
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A Isidwaba: é uma saia de couro decorada com miçangas.
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O Uhbulahlu: São cocares com colares de miçangas.
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E o Amabheshu: que é um avental de couro, que é usado pelos homens.
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Além disso, cada cor de vestimenta têm um significado, como o branco representando a pureza ou o azul que remete a lealdade. Por outro lado, cada tipo de roupa também comporta o estado social ou civil de cada um, por exemplo, mulheres jovens e solteiras usam vestimentas mais brilhantes e coloridas, já as casadas usam o Isicholo na cabeça. Os homens usam uma espécie de capa de diferentes tipos de pele de animal para demostrar o mesmo, se estão “pista” ou não. quac, quac!!
            Logo já fui fazendo amizades com as crianças da aldeia que me deram de presente colares e pulseiras de miçangas! As miçangas para quem não sabe não é um mero adereço, mas para grande parte da cultura de povos da África tem grande significado: Elas podem simbolizar beleza, identidade, poder e diversas outras qualidades. As crianças também me contaram como as miçangas tem registros históricos desde 75.000 anos atrás (quanta história e significados elas possuem em?) e também durante algum tempo foram usadas até como moedas de trocas, imagino que se meu Tio Patinhas estivesse aqui ele adoraria ouvir sobre essa parte quac quac!”. Não só, dentro da cultura zulu o pessoal me contou sobre o significado das miçangas para eles – funciona como uma espécie de código –
Os adereços grandes remetem a riqueza, e cada cor uma característica.
As azuis aumentam a fertilidade.
As vermelhas são reservadas para cerimonias importantes.
As pretas significam sabedoria e idade (são usados pelos mais velhos e sábios).
O Amarelo pode indicar vida longa.
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E também as miçangas servem para transmitir uma identidade entre as pessoas, como se uma mulher é casada ou se um homem é um ancião ou guerreiro, e mais, em casamentos por exemplo esses adereços são dados ao noivo para a noiva como um presente e simbolizar a união, outra coisa interessante é que os noivos zulus não tem o hábito de se beijar, então durante a cerimônia eles só se comunicam através das miçangas, incrível, não é? E por fim, as crianças e algumas mulheres me ensinaram a fazer minha própria miçanga, que foi utilizado um fio de fibra que é transpassado por objetos naturais como conchas, pedras e madeira, além de ser trabalhados cerâmicas para miçangas lisas. Eu resolvi fazer uma miçanga de vermelho que significa também inspiração, que toda vez que eu olhar vou lembra do meu herói Shaka Zulu e amarelo que também pode significar saudades, algo que vou ter daquele lugar ao ir embora!    
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            Esse foi meu primeiro dia só galera, na próxima postagem vou trazer mais coisas interessantes e curiosas para vocês sobre minha estádia em Shakaland.
Ah, quase me esqueci, vou deixar uma postagem bem legal sobre as miçangas para vocês que gostam sobre esse forte significado que elas comportam.
JOHNSON, Tinisha. O significado das miçangas africanas. 2021. Disponível em:
https://www.ehow.com.br/significado-micangas-africanas-sobre_271553/. Acesso em: 3 out. 2023.
CARACTERÍSTICAS do povo zulu. 19 out. 2016. Disponível em: https://revistaraca.com.br/caracteristicas-do-povo-zulu/. Acesso em: 2 nov. 2023.
KWAZULU-NATAL. Disponível em: https://saspecialist.southafrica.net/br/pt/modules/entry/pt-br-kwazulu-natal. Acesso em: 2 nov. 2023.
TRAJES característicos da etnia Zulu - África. 8 mar. 2012. Disponível em: https://claudio-zeiger.blogspot.com/2012/03/trajes-caracteristicos-da-etnia-zulu.html. Acesso em: 2 nov. 2023.
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siphemdakane · 4 years
SANIBONANI to my fellow Community stumbling upon this post. On the 1st of Nov2020 i will be hosting an Art exhibition in Capetown, Kuilsriver to be specific and this how I prepared 4 it. Hit me up if you want to come by & check the art gallery out. See you Sunday. CAMAGU.
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khoelly · 4 years
Word of Welcome
Thobela! Sanibonani! Hello, welcome to my blog. I’m looking forward to having tons and tons of fun!
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77725 · 1 month
We're Starting a Book Club in Centurion, GP
Sanibonani Zakhamuzi Zase Mzansi Afrika. Lesi Yisimemo Sokuhlanganela Ukufunda Izincwadi Ezilotshwe Ngaba Nsundu Kuphela. Nakhu Okungokwethu! This is a very special invitation to our very first Story Weavers Club to be held at Thatchfield’s Black Woman owned Bootlegger Coffee Company. Our first selection for this revolutionary bookclub initiative is none other than Nthikeng Mohlele …We will…
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busabuntu · 7 years
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The Eyes Of Concrete Faune © BBP #Ndiza #Sanibonani #Ekhaya #SecondVisit #WingedPoetry 🖖🏾💙✊🏾👁🕴🏾🌌🌬 (at Johannesburg, Gauteng)
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ketso · 1 year
Episode 40
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“I remember it was around this area”, I say.
Wandi and I are sitting at the back. Khotso and Senzi are sitting in the front. Khotso is driving. Rena and Moloko are at Wandi’s house with the domestic workers. Khotso trusts them. They used to work at the royal house, and he recommended them for us.
We are in the dodgiest of places in Ethwathwa. This place is called Barcelona. It’s just shacks everywhere. It’s filthy. There are no roads. They just took a sganga and put shacks on it. People are selling stuff; some are just living their lives. We are here to look for my dad. Khotso is serious about this lobola thing, so we have to find him. I would have asked my mother’s side of the family. I know where they are – street name, street number, konke. But I hate them. All of them. They do not deserve the respect that Khotso wants to give to people who raised me. My father didn’t raise me neither. But at least he did not abuse me, rape me, or allow people around him to rape me as a child. He just left. Hopefully, after taking the Mohale money and making sure that I don’t have bad luck in my marriage to Khotso, he will disappear again. I’d love to have a relationship with him, but I also don’t want to get my hopes up. He left us. He didn’t just leave my mother… he left me too. What makes me think that he will want me now? He has other kids that he loves, and he forgot all about me… his eldest daughter… if I’m even that!
“I just don’t know which shack to go to”, I say.
Wandi holds my hand.
“You guys need to go back to the house. I need to do this on my own.” I say.
“Wandisa ukhulelwe. I shouldn’t be exposing you to this. You need to be at home resting! And I don’t know if I’m ready for you guys to see this part of me.”
“We are your kids! Bab’Khotso is about to be your husband! What are you still hiding from us?”
“Wandi, I don’t want you here. Please respect that! Please.” I snap.
“You two go ahead. I’ll stay with her”, Khotso says.
“I don’t want you here neither, Khotso”.
“Well, you are not doing this alone. Not after what you’ve told me. So, it’s either we all stay, or it’s just me. Take your pick.”
I’m annoyed.
“I’m with Bab’Khotso on this one”, Wandi.
I just get out of the Maserati.
The car drives off.
Khotso is with me.
I take a deep breath.
“I’ve organised a car for us. It’s on its way.” He says.
After asking around for about an hour - even our car arrived while we were still searching - we finally find my dad’s shack. It’s so…. And everyone who lives here is so cadaverous – well, the people we see.
Khotso parks this black Jeep in front of the shack. There’s no gate. There’s nothing. The shack is falling apart. I’m instantly down. Khotso looks like he feels for me.
I get out of the car.
Khotso is right behind me.
The door is open.
“Knock knock.” I shout at the door.
Khotso has one hand on my lower back.
“Sanibonani”, some lady says as she sees us. She came from somewhere in this place… behind some curtain even.
“Sawubona mama. Sifunana noTobias Ngwenya.” I say.
“UTobias wami? Indoda yami? Umncane kanje?! Ntombazane, amasimba engizokwenza wona for ukudlalela kwindoda yami! Umncane kanje?! Rha!” She’s yelling at me.
Khotso and I look at each other. He really wants to laugh. But I’m quite irritated. Why would I want her man when mine has his hand located on my lower back? And did she not see the car parked outside? Or how I’m dressed? Or my Hermes Birkin bag? I have a handbag that costs over R800 000 on my arm, a car that costs more than the value of her life, and a man who’s a prince next to me… what the fuck am I doing with a man who lives in such conditions?!
“EY WENA SFEBE NDINI?!” She’s still yelling.
“Mah, uTobias Ngwenya ubaba wami. Ngifuna ubaba wami.” I say.
To say that she’s shocked would be an understatement. Khotso is busy laughing under his breath here. What’s funny?! I don’t understand!
She finally lets us in.
The kitchen and TV room are in one room. There’s only one two-seater couch and a crate. Khotso sits on the crate. I just stand.
“Can I offer you water? Our juice is finished”, she says.
“Cha mama, siyabonga. Ukhona ubaba?” Me.
“I’ll call him.” She says.
She heads behind the curtain.
She’s talking to some man.
I can’t believe my dad lives in such conditions – especially because I can more than afford to give him so much more than all of this. I guess it serves him right for just leaving my mom and me when I was just a kid. But you know what… I can’t be like that. I did enough time in prison as well as away from my only child to be this judgemental without hearing his side of the story. I know my mom’s side of the story very well. She made sure that I knew it so well that I could recite it in my sleep. I haven’t heard anything from him. I’m angry, but I’ve lived enough to know when compassion and mercy are due. These living conditions… they are a cry for mercy and compassion.
He comes out from behind the curtain, limping and smelling like he hasn’t bathed in days. Where is the toilet and bathtub by the way?
“Maphuthi?” He even cries.
“Sawubona baba. Ngihamba noKhotso. He wants to be my husband.” I say.
My dad shakes Khotso’s hand. Khotso stands up and addresses him with respect that he doesn’t deserve.
My dad sits on the couch. His girlfriend sits next to him. I’m still standing. Khotso is comfortably sitting on this crate hey!
I don’t know how to be.
I don’t know what to say.
“You are very beautiful, Maphuthi”, the girlfriend.
“Thank you”, I say.
“I heard you were in prison”, my dad.
“I was. I did fifteen years behind bars.” I say.
“I’m sorry I didn’t come to see you.” He says.
“Why didn’t you? Why did you even leave mama and me?”
“Your mom kicked me out and kept me away, Maphuthi.”
“That’s not true. We needed you. You left us for younger women”.
“I’d never leave my only child willingly”.
“Mama told me you had many more children. You left us for them and their mothers.”
“You are the only child that I’ve ever had, Maphuthi. I lost my job and could no longer provide for you and your mother. She kicked me out and called me useless. She told me to stay away. I’ve never been able to tell my side of the story to you.”
“What about when I was in prison? I was grown. Mom died at some point. Why didn’t you come and see me? Tell me your side of the story?”
“I didn’t think you still wanted me”, he says.
“Baba, mom’s brother raped me. From when I was twelve years old. It never stopped until I ran away. Her sisters protected him, including mama. They did that because you were not there to protect me anymore. That’s what you left me to.”
He gets emotional.
I’m emotional too.
“I don’t want them in my life. I don’t want them part of this journey. I love Khotso. He loves me. He wants to marry me. And he wants to do the right thing… with you. Do you think you can at least open your heart to that?” I say, wiping my tears.
“Yebo. Kodwa, I also want me and you to try again. I’m dying, Maphuthi. I’m sick. I can’t afford medication. We live off money that Celia’s children are prepared to give us in a month for groceries. And it’s okay. It’s just… I never thought I’d ever see you again. Kodwa here you are. You are so grown and so beautiful…”
“Yena muhle kakhulu untombo!” Celia says. I didn’t even know her name until he said it.
“I just want a phone call every now and then. I want my child back.”
Khotso looks at me as if I should do something about his situation.
“What’s wrong with you?” I ask him.
“Ey ntombi… it’s kidneys. He needs a donor. He needs dialysis. The clinic sometimes turns us away. So, he’s not getting dialysis the way that he needs it. And as for a kidney donor, I don’t know if he will ever get it.” Celia explains.
I take a deep breath.
Khotso looks at me as if to say that we can get a kidney off the organ trading the church runs. I nod my head because I agree with him. But I need to get him to a hospital, and I need him to be treated.
“Baba, I’ll take you to a hospital. You need medical attention. You’ll go to a private hospital.”
“Maphuthi, that’s not what I want.”
“You are the only surviving parent that I have. I’m not going to lose you. You owe me that much.” I say.
He sees that I’m serious.
He nods his head.
“And I’m getting you out of this place. You can’t live here.” I say.
“Serious?!” Celia is so excited.
“Maphuthi, cha!” My dad.
“Why not, Tobias? Ukuzala ukuzelula! Ingane wants to!” Celia.
“This is my child. And I don’t deserve her kindness!” He says, crying.
Khotso and I look at each other.
I go to where he is sitting.
I kneel down before him.
“Baba, let me take care of you. Uwena kuphela umzali enginaye! I have three beautiful children. My eldest is Wandisa. She’s expecting a child. Cabanga baba, ngizoba ugogo. Mina! Wena, uzoba ukhokho.”
He laughs.
“My second born uLefatselabarena. We call her Rena for short.”
“Cha, lona linzima igama.” He says.
“Yeah. Yena and my baby, uMoloko, are Khotso’s babies. Umama wabo washona. Kodwa, blood couldn’t make us any closer. They are my babies. You’ll be in their lives too. They can’t wait to meet you. They must find you healthy. They must visit you in a bigger house. UKhotso owasebukhosini. Mabazo lobola, baba, I want you to be proud of your home. Umam’Celia has kids. We all need a home to visit our parents in. Our kids need a home to visit their grandparents, make you run around everywhere and exhaust you. I can afford to help you, baba. I have money. I have a good job. I have a nice home. I have nice cars. How can I be all of that when my father lives like this? Hai baba! Mus’ ukubukisa ngami.”
He is crying.
“Kulungile ndodakazi. I’m sorry I didn’t protect you. I’m sorry I left. I’m sorry I lost my job and couldn’t provide for you like you are providing for me now. I’m sorry I couldn’t take care of you like you are taking care of me now.” He says.
I just take a deep breath. I stand up.
“Singahamba?” I say.
“Okay. Ningasilinda phandle. I’m just getting my bag.” Celia says.
Khotso and I step outside.
“I’ve just texted for someone to start looking for a house. It will be in a quiet place, perhaps still in the township. Celia looks like she enjoys the township life.”
I just laugh.
“Do you think I’m doing the right thing?” I ask him.
“Come here”, he says to me.
I rest on his chest.
We hug for a while. Then he says, “You did the greatest thing. I’m proud of you.”
We kiss.
“We are ready”, Celia says. She’s holding my dad’s hand.
We open the doors for them. Khotso and I sit in the front. They sit at the back.
We leave.
My dad is admitted at a private hospital in Benoni. He even looks better. A lot better! The drip is doing wonders for him. I asked Wandi to bring him pyjamas and toiletries. She walks in with Senzi, Rena and Moloko. They have the stuff. Senzi even has food with him - food for all of us.
In no time, dad and Celia have met the kids. We are all eating and are chatting together. Khotso confirms that the house has been bought. Celia is so happy, she even dances. Wandi is the one who entertains her. She has an iPad out and she is helping her choose furniture for the place. She’s beside herself shame.
Nkosinathi walks in.
We all look at him.
“Hey baba.” Wandi greets him.
“Kunjani, baby girl?” Nathi.
“I’m good. Umkhulu lo. Mom’s dad. This is glammy Celia.” Wandi.
“I’m happy to meet you.”
“Ubani wena?” My dad.
“UNkosinathi lo, baba. Ubaba kaWandisa wegazi.” I say.
“Ngiyabona. Manje ufunani la?”
“He’s a doctor.”
“A specialised physician. I’ll be working with your nephrologist to make sure that you heal well.” Nathi says.
“You are using words I don’t understand.” My dad.
“I’m part of the doctors that will be helping you, baba.” Nathi.
“Cha. Umkhwenyana yena uthini?” My dad.
This hurts Nathi a bit. Khotso giggles. I’m glad my dad is receiving Khotso well.
“Baba, with all due respect -
“He is paying for my stay here. If he’s not happy with you as my doctor, nami angikufuni!” My dad.
Nathi is pissed.
“It’s okay, baba. Let’s let him do the only thing he probably ever does right.” Khotso.
Nathi is not okay!
Wandi and I just look at each other. These two! Hai!
Visiting hour is over. We were here all day, so we don’t give them a hard time when they ask us to leave.
We leave Celia at her hotel room. We told her that we will be leaving together in the morning. She’s just so happy, shame. I told her she could even eat at the restaurant in the hotel. It’s all paid for. Lol! Khotso and I are staying at the same hotel. Wandi, Senzi, Rena and Moloko leave us here then head back to Wandi’s and Senzi’s place.
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This is why I honestly love Phuthi… she doesn’t dwell in victim mentality. Yeah, she’s had a rough life, but she doesn’t blame the world for it. She understands that shit happens, and you must just deal with it. I’m most proud of her for how she’s dealing with her dad. She’s helping him out. Today, they are moving into the house that we bought for him. The dad is still in hospital. It seems he’s going to be there for a few more days. The wife is… ja neh. Being around her is honestly like going to a comedy show and not having to pay for it.
Phuthi wanted to go clean and move shit. Nah! People must stop being stingy with job creation. We got cleaners and movers to do all of that. Senzi and I are at the house overseeing this. Moloko is here with us. The women have gone to the mall to buy groceries and whatever else is still missing. The problem with this is that these movers keep asking us how things should be positioned. I don’t think any of us here are close enough with any woman to understand interior design. We keep telling them to ask the ladies that are cleaning in there for input. We all don’t know.
Food arrives for us. I ordered for everyone. The movers are very happy; so are the guys that are putting the fence around the house as well as the gates we requested: one pedestrian gate and one big gate leading to the driveway and the double garage. I got them beer with their food. They are very happy. The ladies, I got them Coke, Fanta Orange and Sprite. Senzi said these drinks are usually safe with women. Everyone is eating now.
Phuthi phones me as we also eat. Moloko is having juice, not beer. Phuthi would kill me if I even gave him a taste.
“Hey baby”, I answer my phone.
“Hey love. How’s everything going there?”
“The people are done. The fence and gates are also done. Now we just need to figure our way around the alarm system. The people showed me, so I have to show the owners of the house.”
“Okay, that’s good. A truck with beds and carpets is going to arrive shortly. They have instructions on where to place the beds and carpets”, she says.
“Baby, how far you guys? The people keep asking me where things should be placed and what they should face. I have no fucking clue on how to direct them.”
She laughs then says, “We are done shopping. We are just going back to the shack to get clothes that they’ll still want to wear then we are coming.”
“Didn’t you say that you are buying them new clothes?”
“I did buy them new clothes. But they want some of their old clothes.”
“Phuthi, please hurry, babe. Please. I know nothing about interior design. I didn’t even do it in high school as a subject. Please.”
“Baby, an hour tops… we will be there.” She says.
“Okay. I love you.”
“I love you, baby.”
We hang up.
“They need to come back now”, Senzi says texting Wandi.
Good, he must add pressure.
“Can I go play with those kids?” When did Moloko get ideas to play?
“Do you know them?” I ask him.
He shakes his head.
“Okay, I’ll go with you”, Senzi.
“There’s no way that the two of you are leaving me here alone with all of these people. It’s not happening.” I say.
Moloko seems upset.
Senzi wants to laugh at me.
This is shit!
The ladies finally arrive. Now it’s a session of offloading the car and packing things into new cupboards. Celia packs their clothes into the cupboard. Phuthi and Wandi unpack the groceries. We have to carry the washing machine, fridge and weird other essentials. Celia then also puts linen on the beds. The house is very nice. It’s a three-bedroom house. It has two bathrooms. It has a kitchen, dining area, TV room and laundry room. It has a really nice garden as well as a veranda. If I were as old as Phuthi’s dad, that veranda would be my favourite place.
We got them a domestic worker who will come in every morning then knock off every afternoon. They are old. They shouldn’t be cleaning and all that by themselves. By the time that everyone is done with everything, it’s visiting hour at the hospital, and we must all go to see the old man. That man better not charge me an arm and a leg for lobola. Does he know what I had to go through today?
We were in Gauteng for two weeks. The dad is home and he’s very happy with the house and everything in it. Celia is now acquainted with quite a few people on the street already. We are now headed back to the kingdom. The dad has even said that he’s ready for the lobola date. He even gave me a date.
Today, we initially came here to say goodbye. But Celia cooked. And she invited her children and their partners.
We all briefly met. The kids hit it off well. The young ones are running around. The teenagers are chilling in the garden outside.
I’m with the dad in the TV room. He’s watching soccer on the 75inch TV we bought for them. He’s also busy complaining about Celia’s children. She has two sons and one daughter. He keeps saying that he doesn’t want her kids to be frequent in his house because when they were down and out, they were not around; and when they did help by sending R200 once every three months, it was like pulling teeth. I just feel like this lunch will be dramatic.
Phuthi is in the kitchen, helping Celia cook. She does this everywhere we go. She says it’s because my kids and I have a specific diet. But also, I’m from a royal family. My food is a very sensitive issue and I’m very happy that my woman understands this.
Phuthi serves my kids and I specifically first. Celia’s kids look at her weird. Oh well. I’m not about to explain myself. Celia gives Phuthi’s dad food. The kids dish up for each other and their children. Now we are all at the table. Moloko, as usual, is next to Phuthi. I swear he thinks that Phuthi is his girlfriend. Phuthi has already cut his meat for him. It helps with the braces situation.
“Do you see what other kids do for their parents?” Celia says, looking at her kids.
They don’t say anything.
“That’s why she’s so fortunate. She drives nice cars, she has a lot of money, she lives in nice houses… even her children are beyond blessed. And you know what, her blessings will never end because she looks after her parents. Nina nizophelela la elokshin, driving your small cars and never affording what you think you can afford… living off credit cards and debt all over the place.”
“Hai mama, sizwile ke! Phuthi is amazing. We get it. You’ve been telling us since two weeks ago.” The daughter.
“Yes. She’s amazing. She’s an example. What do you do for your family?” Celia.
Phuthi and I look at each other.
“Just so we are clear, I don’t expect you to be frequent in my house. I want you to be as scarce as you were when we lived in the shack. I hope this suddenly won’t become the on your way home stop or where you drop your kids when you have things to do. Stay away like you’ve always stayed away.” Phuthi’s dad. I really thought that he was going to keep that shit to himself.
“You can’t keep us away from our mother”, the daughter. I’m learning that she has the biggest month.
“I’m not keeping you away from your mother. I’m keeping you away from my house. I have every right to do that.” The dad.
They are quiet.
We eat and finish.
Phuthi does the dishes. The daughter helps her, but they don’t talk much. I’m chilling in the kitchen because I wanted to chat to Phuthi, but hey… there are strangers here. Now I’m just on my phone. I’d go to the TV room, but Phuthi’s dad is here so I’m choking with him.
By the way, we bought him a car to get around. It’s a Mercedes Benz E-Class and it’s white in colour. Celia complained and said now he’s women issues will start all over again. Apparently, he lives for skirts. Phuthi is not even trying to understand.
“Mama”, the daughter says to Celia.
Celia looks at her.
“Can we talk? Privately?”
“Yini? Uding’ imali?” Celia.
Which part of privately was misunderstood? I don’t want to hear this!
“Hawu mah! Why make an announcement?”
“When you call me and speak to me with a small voice, I know it’s for money. You are never that nice to me.” Celia.
The daughter is quiet.
“How much?” Celia.
“I need to settle school fees for the kids. I also need to -
“Where does your mother work, Charity?” Phuthi’s dad.
“I’m talking to my mother, Tobias! Angazi wena ungenaphi!”
“You are talking to your mother who doesn’t work… who has never worked! That’s who you ask for money. Where do you think that money comes from?”
“Tobias -
“Ungazothi Tobias wena mntwana ndini! Your mother borrows that money from umashonisa. She’s never able to pay it back and as a result, my entire furniture ended up being confiscated by people because of izikoloto zakho! I don’t know why she doesn’t put your house and possessions as collateral! Now you come here. You see my car that my ONLY child bought for me. You see the house and all this furniture that my child and my mkhwenyana bought for me, and you feel like ubambe i-lotto! Lalela la wena, angizusebenza wena mina! I’m not going to be having people take my possessions because you live a life that you cannot afford. And wena Celia, just know that if you go and borrow any more money for this child, I’ll kick you out of my house niyosogola ninodwa le!”
“Mama, are you going to help me?” Charity.
“Anginamali, Charity. You know that.” Celia.
“You must go and find a job like everyone that is your age does”, the dad.
“Just shut up wena!” Charity.
“Charity, kukwami la! You will not disrespect me in my own house.” The dad.
Celia looks at Phuthi… hopeful.
“I would help, mam’Celia. Kodwa after witnessing how your children treat my father when I don’t even treat you that way, I’ll let life continue to humble them until they know abantu abadala.” Phuthi says.
Now Charity is very regretful. She’s realising that she would have got hectic money from Phuthi, but she couldn’t behave around new people… now she’s lost out.
“Ngiyaxolisa sisi. It’s just that a lot has happened”, Charity says to Phuthi.
“I don’t care. This is my father. No one talks to him like that and gets to be acquainted with me. No one.” Phuthi says.
Then Phuthi looks at me and says, “Ready to go?”
I nod my head.
“Celia, please tell your kids to leave too. I need to rest.” The dad says.
Celia is so sad. I even feel like helping. This person probably just needs 35k. All this for a mere 35k?! Hai man!
The kids have left.
I know Phuthi gave her dad cash. She told me that she was going to do it. Now we are being walked to our car. Celia is making so much noise, making sure that everyone comes out to see us - or rather see her see off her successful kids. She’s so weird.
“Please phone us when you arrive”, Celia yells.
“Nihambeni kahle. Thank you for everything.” The dad says.
“Rest, baba! Please! And make sure that you go to your dialysis and all doctors’ appointments. I’m going to phone them and ask. Your medication will be delivered first thing ekuseni!” Phuthi.
“Yebo ndodakazi. Don’t worry. Ngizophila. I owe you a lot.” The dad.
“Bye Mkhulu”, my kids says. So, they speak Zulu now?
“Nizeni phela bazukulu! Ngifuna kugcwale nina la, si zwe ngomsindo wenu!” The dad.
“Sizofika mkhuku!” Rena.
Hai! This is not happening! Phuthi is laughing at me.
We finally drive off!
I’m glad we did this. I’m glad that Phuthi found her father.
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phumlanipm-blog · 7 years
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It's another week started with a lot things happening in our nation and around the world 🌎 . A lot shocking and unbearable scenes, but in all and above all there is a solution in everything and the very solution for everything is God.... Rev Elias Ndeda says "If God people 'by creation' can turn and be transformed into God people 'by covenant' there wouldn't be any much disastrous incedences, unhealed sicknesses, spiking crime rate and the likes...no matter how much sophisticated technology can be introduced to combat crime, but it won't succeed unless people come back and humble themselves before the Lord and renew their covenant." 🙌🏼 Such an amazing season of engaging and reaching out to nations for souls for Christ (one soul at a time) as part of what God has put in our Prophet's heart @ssmdominion. Yesterday it wasn't a coincidence during two of our Homecell meetings when the same message and scriptures (Habakkuk 2) were shared that the man of God Pastor Sakhiwo Rala is sharing under a very interesting message "THE DEMANDS OF SUCCESS" 🙌🏼🙌🏼..(pic). God Omnipresent thank you Jesus!. Get your copy of @drummagazine and first read the editor's note and straight go to the Spiritual Corner section and get to know what God is saying for your relevant and accurate direction.... In a glimpse, read more on your own on the shared topics : a) HAVE A VISION b) BE CLEAR c) BE DILIGENT and d) BE TEACHABLE all under the above earlier mentioned message.... Thanks @mugandbeancafe for #Tropicalbreakfast that has all the vitamins and nutrients I need for my morning 😊😀 all at less than R60 ... So choose wise and eat healthy 😉😉.... #GodOfPeaceWePrayForReconcilliation #ThankYouForYourBloodJesus #GoeieMorëAlmal 😊 #Dumelang #Bonjour #Namaste #Molweni #Sanibonani #LordYouLeadWeFollow ❤️❤️ (at Durban, South Africa)
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