#santiago rivas
El primero de diciembre de este año Amnistía Internacional dio a conocer un informe llamado “La policía no me cuida”, que se ocupa de las atrocidades cometidas por las fuerzas estatales como parte del indignante y desastroso manejo que le dieran al paro nacional de 2021.
Aquí una entrevista que Santiago Rivas hace a la abogada Érika Guevara Rosas, Directora para las Américas de Amnistía Internacional, quien se expresa con la seguridad y claridad de quien conoce muy bien el tema del que habla, por lo cual resulta muy ameno escucharla, si bien los temas expuestos son terribles.
De cuando en cuando llegan noticias acerca de cómo a Iván Duque (ese personaje que con patética carisma —y, claro está, apoyo de poderes políticos tradicionales que son como quistes en las sociedades colombianas— engatusó a buena parte del país para encaramarse en un puesto que jamás debió ostentar) se le llena la boca alabándose a sí mismo y asegurando que, de haber podido presentarse a elecciones presidenciales, las habría ganado nuevamente; mientras tanto, de ese supuesto gran líder, Érika Guevara señala: “Por otro lado, lo que nosotros documentamos durante el paro nacional, con el gobierno del entonces presidente Duque, es que, efectivamente, el presidente le declaró la guerra a su población. Con la incapacidad de dialogar con una ciudadanía que reclamaba derechos en las calles y rendición de cuentas, utilizó la fuerza violenta. Permitió no solo un uso excesivo de la fuerza sino un uso de la fuerza letal, salieron a dispararle a la gente, salieron a matar. Es por eso que, por ejemplo, cuando documentamos el caso de las lesiones oculares, quedaba muy claro el patrón de ataque generalizado”.
La Dra. Guevara también nos recuerda que “en América Latina [nuestras sociedades] siguen siendo sociedades machistas en donde imponen un rol específico a mujeres, a persona LGTBI, y cuando esas personas, esas mujeres y esas personas LGTBI, rompen esa norma, es decir, salen a protestar, salen a ejercer derechos, pues son castigadas. [...] los casos que documentamos no se trataba de, como le dicen, “manzanas podridas”, se trataba de un operativo que tenía la intencionalidad de castigar a las personas que protestaban. Hubo mujeres que fueron violadas por más de seis oficiales de la policía del ESMAD en el mismo momento. Eso te habla de la intencionalidad de castigo. Y eso te habla de cómo un gobierno le declaró la guerra a su población”.
En la entrevista también se tocan temas como el miedo de las víctimas a denunciar en un país donde, en el papel, la justicia parece ideal, pero en la práctica se asemeja más a una inequidad rampante, así como también se habla de la revictimización que pueden llegar a sufrir las mujeres que tienen el valor de señalar a personas del Estado como perpetradores de crímenes. (Y no deja de ser curioso que la Dra. Guevara, tras experiencias en Haití y Venezuela, señale sorprendida el miedo de las víctimas a llevar a cabo denuncias en el país del Sagrado Corazón.)
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reitsportportal · 10 months
Julien Anquetin siegt im Longines Grand Prix von La Coruna 2023
Julien Anquetin (FRA) – der Schnellste im Stechen des Longines Grand Prix von La Coruna Für die Entscheidung hatten sich insgesamt 15 Reiter-Pferd-Paare mit einer fehlerfreien Runde im Umlauf qualifiziert.  Den Anfang im Stechen machten Alberto Zorzi und Cortez van’t Klein Asdonk Z . Sie blieben in 42,15 Sekunden fehlerfrei. Der erste spanische Reiter, Santiago Nuñez Riva , blieb auch ohne…
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soulshines · 2 years
spanish  surnames   :   a  masterlist   
below  the  cut  you’ll  find  a  list  containing  #  150  spanish  surnames  sorted  alphabetically  .  these  are  some  of  my  personal  favorites  so  please  enjoy  and  consider  giving  this  post  a  like  /  reblog  if  you  found  it  useful  !
de aguilar
de alba
de carvajal
de la vega
de lucena
de narváez
de peralta
del río
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Round 2 is over! Let's recap:
A Bracket, Day One: Easy Pete crushed Santiago's post-presidential assassination aspirations in a landslide; Red Lucy avenged Maj. Elizabeth Kieran's incredibly close Round 1 loss by similarly crushing the poll's most pathetic man, Beagle, in a victory for feminism; Old Ben climbed further in the ranks with a close win over Manny Vargas*; and Ranger Ghost sailed into Round 3 over Tommy Torini.
A Bracket, Day Two: Heartthrob Harland desecrated Pvt. Kowalski in the round's first of several dramatic upsets; the #TRASHSWEEP continued well apace by laying waste to Pacer; Swank and his big ol' eyes saw a win over old Ranger Andy; and the love for 10 of Spades carried him to victory over his fellow NCR soldier Maj. Knight*.
A Bracket, Day Three: The Hadrian Gang unfortunately could not survive against the high-seed monster, Fantastic; Rotface gave Boxcars a tip: get eliminated from the tournament; the Garret Twins made a smear on the sidewalk out of bubbly Brotherhood initiate Melissa Watkins; and Ignacio Rivas's* good nature wasn't enough to take down Trudy from Goodsprings.
A Bracket, Day Four: Fan-favorite Keely utterly crucified houndmaster Antony, which has knocked every member of Caesar's Legion who isn't a slave from the tournament completely; Mr. RADical successfully just laid there while Jimmy* from Casa Madrid couldn't impress; Regis from the Great Khans just barely eked out the W to make Cliff Briscoe extinct; and Mick & Ralph pulled an overnight upset against Old Lady Gibson to punch their ticket.
B Bracket, Day One: Daisy Whitman blew up Raquel; Ringo wrecked Ramos; preliminary fave Angela Williams pulled off an astonishing upset against number two seed Oliver Swanick; and Allen Marks' victory over Crandon & Jules goes to show that the corpses keep winning.
B Bracket, Day Two: Beatrix Russell ate Chomps Lewis; Emily Ortal left Pvt. Kyle Edwards in the radioactive dust; The Lonesome Drifter drifted easily into Round 3 over Michael Angelo & Kate; and Siri beat Malcolm Holmes but not without a surprising amount of turnout for the cap-collecting good samaritan.
B Bracket, Day Three: No-Bark Noonan opened up the all-Khans bracket by kicking Oscar Velasco out of the tournament; Jessup & McMurphy successfully defeated a frail and sickly child; Melissa Lewis succeeded where her father had failed the day before with a victory over Cannibal Johnson; Doctor Usanagi proves that STEM is more valuable than an English degree by giving Jerry the Punk another beating.
B Bracket, Day Four: Big Beard & Little Beard trounce the Gundersons, probably because Heck was the only one with a beard; Chris Haversam throws Meyers back in the clink; Mister Holdout couldn't hold out against Sarah Weintraub; and finally, in the single most massive (624 votes) and close (tied as late midnight with 500 votes) and polarizing (just check the notes) match-up in the entire tournament so far, Calamity the ghoul pulled an upset over Cpl. Betsy*, who's probably dealing with her loss in therapy. Hopefully Dr. Usanagi doesn't bring up her own win.
*Happy Pride Month, losers! The first round of June and literally every canonically queer character (except for Red Lucy, bisexual [edit: and Sarah Weintraub, also bisexual!]) got voted out, and that's hilarious. Funniest possible thing that could have happened on here, the gay and transgender website, during the gay and transgender month, in a tournament for the gay and transgender video game. (Beatrix Russell and Old Ben might also be exceptions, but it's minor; I only can't remember if you can sleep with them as the same sex or not when they're working at the Atomic Wrangler, but even then they may just be gay4pay. Not that there's anything wrong with that!)
You can see all of the Round 2 polls here, and the tournament bracket has been updated so that you can get a preview of the matches yet to come in Round 3. Voting will pause for a bit while I prepare graphics and bracket posts, so use this downtime to mourn the fallen, celebrate the risen, and submit designated cheerleader endorsements for your favorite remaining characters in their upcoming rounds. It's only going to get more tense from here!
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ripempezardexerox · 6 months
Y no voy a dar nombres.
(Laura Rivera, Andrés Otelo, María Núñez, Carolina Fuentes, Juliana Ortiz, Néstor Jiménez , Vicente Rubio, Johan Peña, Lina Avellaneda, Luis Vélez, Javier Rodríguez, Pablo Herrán, Marta López, Carlos Martínez, Felipe Cifuentes, Clara Penagos, Amanda Villalba, Elisa Sánchez, José Bustos, Nicolás García, Eduardo Acevedo, Gonzalo Suárez, Marina Bolívar, Valeria Hurtado, Susana Pacheco, Rodrigo Velandia, Kevin Osorio, Ruth Urrutia, César Domínguez, Jesús Correa, Santiago Puertas, Alejandro Restrepo, Omar Rivas)
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hvnyz · 1 year
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 if you’re hearing LAKE EFFECT KID by FALL OUT BOY playing, you have to know SANTIAGO ESPINOZA (HE/HIM;CIS MAN) is near by! the 38 year old POWER HITTER FOR THE ROCKIES has been in denver for, like,TEN YEARS. they’re known to be quite INDULGENT, but being BENEVOLENT seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble CARLOS MIRANDA. personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those WARM SUNKISSED SKIN, THE CRACK OF A BASEBALL BAT, FIVE O’CLOCK SHADOWS AND LED ZEPPELIN ON A RECORD PLAYER  vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around the LAKERIDGE DISTRICT long enough
pinterest ||connections and wanted connections
FULL NAME: Santiago Emmanuel Espinoza NICKNAME(S): Santi, Tiago AGE: 38 DATE OF BIRTH:  May 4th 1985 PLACE OF BIRTH:  Syracuse, New York CURRENT LOCATION:.  Lakeridge District ETHNICITY: Nicaraguan GENDER: Cis Man PRONOUNS: he/him SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Bisexual RELIGION:  raised christian, not as strictly, but still practicing. OCCUPATION:  Power hitter for the Colorado Rockies FACECLAIM:  Carlos Miranda
HEIGHT: 6'0 WEIGHT: 187 pounds HAIR COLOR: Brown  EYE COLOR: brown PIERCINGS: no piercings TATTOOS:  just this one on his hand SCARS|MARKS: one small scar on the left side of his head, just near his hairline, and another healed gash on his right knee. SIGNATURE SCENT: Jazz Club by Replica
MOTHER:  Alma Espinoza (nee Rivas) FATHER:  Cesar Espinoza SIBLINGS: none, he is an only child. RELATIONSHIPS: tba PETS: a bulldog named bear
ZODIAC SIGN:  Taurus MORAL ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good FAVORITE FOODS: his grandmother's vaho, picos, a hot dog from the guy at the stadium FAVORITE COLOR: burnt orange LIKES:  laying on the beach on a warm day, the smell of onions and garlic cooking, a cold citrus radler after a game, morning runs with bear. DISLIKES: sweet tea, horror films HOBBIES: beach volleyball, boxing, board games.
Santiago loves history and will watch the history channel or read history books in his free time. Gets his best sleep on airplanes. truly believes a late-night run with his favorite playlist will cure any negative emotion he has. calls his abuela every Sunday after she gets home from church, he hasn't missed a day since he moved out at 18. She was one of his biggest cheerleaders growing up, and he always confides in her. She is his safe space. Santi is a nice guy generally, but has a bit of an ego, years of being told you were a star will do that to you.
tw death
Santiago Emmanuel Espinoza is the first, and only child of Alma and Caesar Espinoza. Born in May of 1985 in Syracuse, New York, Santi came from fairly "normal" beginnings. His mother worked nights as a nurse, and his father during the day as a mechanic.
On the weekends in the summer, Santi and his father would go to Yankees games. Sitting in those seats, watching the game play out, sometimes well after sunset with a hot dog and a soda, those are some of Santi's fondest memories.
The obvious course was little league, when he wasn't watching a game, he was playing one, running around with his peers getting dirty and having a good time. What else was there to a perfect summer? Santi can still remember the taste of the vanilla soft serve ice cream after a long game.
When Santi's coach realize that there was a talent in him, more talent than was expexted out of his seven year old body, they suggested extra training. 'He could be something', he remembers his coach saying to his father, and Santi will never forget the look on his father's face. The pride he held that day, it was a rush.
Santi threw himself into it, baseball consumed him, even from such a young age, he knew that if he did well, if he lived beyond his potential, then he could make his family proud, and in turn, makke himself proud.
He played baseball through out middle school, and high school, and eventually, it got him into college, Vanderbilt University offering him a full ride to play for them. His mother cried the day he was offered his scholarship. His father hugged him for the first time in a while.
Tennesse was a big change compared to Syracuse, and initially, Santiago didn't adjust well. He felt like a small fish in a big pond. All of those boys on the team were recruited for a reason. It wasn't like high school where he was a standout player. He would vent his troubles to his abuela every Sunday morning over a cup of coffee during their weekly phone calls.
Eventually, things got better. Santi was able to prove himself to be worthy of his spot, and his teammates soon became some of his closest friends. His studies were fine, he kept his grades up enough to be able to play ball, the only class he was really enthusiastic about was history, his grades stayed consistently good for that one.
Santi's rise to fame wasn't effortless, no matter what anyone tells you. He worked hard, but from the outside, he looked like his scholarship, and then, his getting into the major leagues, was handed to him. He figured by then he had proved himself, but in the midst of him getting asked to play for the Chicago White Sox, he lost a few friends who thought they deserved it more.
Santi was young, and fresh faced when he began to play for the Sox, and although being the new kid was humbling, the notariety that came when he was able to prove how good he was got to his head just a little bit. People were showing up to games just to see him. People flocked to him at bars for dates or nights together. It all felt good, he felt like he was on top of the world.
| TW DEATH | It would all come crashing down when he had to take a year off because his father died in a car crash. Santi went back home, and he helped his mother, and his abuela, rebuild their lives with out their husband and son. He reconnected with his roots, and promised them both that he'd continue to make them, and his father proud. |END OF TW|
He was welcomed back to the team with open arms, but he wasn't sure he was fully in it. He wasn't sure he could go back. It wasn't until his first game, everyone cheering his name, the city skyline lit up ahead of him, that he knew he made the right choice in coming back.
Santi has been a power hitter and a star player for the Colorado Rockies for the last ten years. He loves the game, and his life, but he isn't sure how much longer he wants to play. Retirement is looking like it's somewhere near on the horizon. But who will he be when he's not playing? What will he do? All of these questions have been weighing on him since before the season even started.
Santi lives in the Lakeridge District with his bulldog named Bear.
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cada-atletismo · 1 year
Cierre Listado de Participantes de los GPS
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La CADA anuncia el listado de participantes de los GPS “Andres Calonge” y “Hugo Mario La Nasa” en Concepción del Uruguay para los días 9 y 11 de junio.   100 metros llanos mujeres                           GPS 11.45                    de Jesus Azevedo                             BRA 11.52                    De Bassi Anny                                   BRA 11.64     +0.7       María Florencia Lamboglia             FAM 11.67                    Torrez Torrez Guadalupe                BOL 11.68     +0.1       María Victoria Woodward                             COR 11.71                    Martina Coronato                            URU 12.03                    Gimenez Gustale               Macarena            PAR 12.04     0.8         Belén Fritzsche                                 FAM 12.06                    Hiebert Klassen Xenia                      PAR 12.06     0.6         Valentina Napolitano                      FAM 12.08     0.8         Sofía Tamara Casetta                       FAM                                    TOTAL 16 12.17     1.0         Noelia Giselle Vera                           PAR 12.22     0.7         Leslie Tamara Lucero                       COR 12.47     1.1         Malena Arantza Gobbo                   SF 12.60                    Baez Barrios Ruth Andrea               PAR 12.52                    Iara Milagros Aro                             SL   200 metros llanos mujeres                           GPS 23.69                    de Jesus Azevedo                             BRA 23.69                    De Bassi Anny                                   BRA 23.87     -0.5        María Florencia Lamboglia             FAM 24.23     -0.5        María Victoria Woodward                             COR 24.44                    Torrez Torrez Guadalupe                BOL 24.46                    Hiebert Klassen Xenia                      PAR 24.55     -0.5        Camila Roffo                                     FAM 24.77     1.3         Melanie Soledad Rosalez                FAM 24.93     0.0         Sofía Tamara Casetta                       FAM 25.41     1.6         Noelia Anahí Martínez                    COR                                      TOTAL 18 25.44     1.0         Sofía Ximena Ibarra                         FAM 25.45     1.0         Valentina Napolitano                      FAM 25.46     1.6         Leslie Tamara Lucero                       COR 25.47     1.3         Camila Molocznik                            FAM 25.53     -0.7        Iara Milagros Aro                             SL 25.59     1.0         Malena Arantza Gobbo                   SF 25.59     1.1         Paulina Knees                                   FAM 25.66                    Contrera Rivas Araceli                     PAR   400 metros llanos mujeres                           GPN 54.84 a                 Leidy Lorena Sinisterra                    COL 55.76                    Camila Roffo                                     FAM 55.81                    Noelia Anahí Martínez                    COR 56.21                    Martina Daniela Escudero                             RN 56.96                    Camila Leonela Correa                     FAM 57.04                    Sofía Ximena Ibarra                         FAM                                     TOTAL 10 57.24                    Paulina Knees                                   FAM 57.66                    María Emilia Batalla                         FAM 57.92                    Celeste María Molina                      BA 57.99                    Gisela Hernández                             ER   100 metros con vallas mujeres                    GPS 13.70     -0.1        Leticia de Lima Gaspar                    BRA 14.02     1.2         Helen Bernard Stilling                      FAM 14.55     -1.7        Valentina Polanco                            SL 14.81     -1.7        Candela Beláustegui                        FAM 14.87     -2.0        Violeta Antonella Aranda                FAM 15.06     -0.6        Miranda Recalde                              FAM                                     TOTAL 9 15.08     -0.6        Camila Luciana Zita                          FAM 15.69     1.3         Lucía Aylén Zurdo                            BA 15.77     1.7         Malena Bustamante                        BA     100 metros llanos varones                           GPS 10.14                    Deliser Espinoza  Arturo                  PAN 10.31                    Almiron Escobar Cesar                    PAR 10.35                    Zalazar Ayala Misael                        PAR 10.43     1.8         Franco Florio                                    FAM 10.47     -2.1        Daniel Rodrigo Londero                   FAM 10.52     0.5         Tomás Pablo Mondino                    SF 10.56     0.5         Lucas Adrián Villegas                       SL 10.60                    WolK Retmer Jonathan                   PAR 10.61 a  1.6         Gustavo Alejandro Mongelos         PAR 10.63                    Maidana Pedrozo              Fredy                   PAR 10.63                    Adrian NIcolari                                 URU 10.69     0.5         Tomás Ariel Villegas                        SL 10.72     0.7         Pedro Rodríguez Merlo                   FAM                                     TOTAL 22 10.76                    Agustín Nahuel Pinti                        MZA 10.76                    Matías Agustín Elizaincin                FAM 10.80                    Facundo Santos                                URU 10.82     0.7         Felipe Harte                                      ARG 10.87                    Tobías Pereyra                                  FAM 10.89                    Alejo Pafundi                                    SF 10.90                    Alvaro Piñeyro                                  URU 10.93                    Francisco Santinelli Ildarraz            BA 11.06     1.5         Matías Agustín Castro                     LRI   200 metros llanos varones                           GPS 20.61                    Zalazar Ayala Misael                        PAR 20.73                    Almiron Escobar Cesar                    PAR 21.12     1.1         Bautista Diamante                           FAM 21.16     1.2         Tomás Pablo Mondino                    SF 21.19                    Maidana Pedrozo              Fredy                   PAR 21.25     1.1         Matías Falchetti                               FAM 21.26                    Deliser Espinoza  Arturo                  PAN 21.36     0.1         Juan Ignacio Ciampitti                     FAM 21.46                    WolK Retmer Jonathan                   PAR 21.47     0.1         Agustín Nahuel Pinti                        MZA                                     TOTAL 17 21.73     0.5         Tomás Ariel Villegas                        SL 21.78     1.5         Francisco Santinelli                          BA 21.90     1.6         Julián Pereyra                                   FAM 21.99     1.0         Pedro Rodríguez Merlo                   FAM 22.09     -0.2        Lucas Adrián Villegas                       SL 22.17                    Renzo Salvatore Cremaschi            MZA 22.58                    Alvaro Piñeyro                                  URU   400 metros llanos varones                           GPS 45.53                    Eliean gaspar Larregina                   BA 45.75                    Padrino Villazana Kelvis                  VEN 45.98                    Mendes Da Silva Douglas                BRA 46.91                    Alfredo Emilio Sepúlveda                CHI 47.63                    Rodriguez Osorno Jonathan           COL 47.58                    Matías Falchetti                               FAM 47.79                    Pedro Emmert                                  FAM 48.58                    Matías Gónzalez                              URU 48.65                    Julián Pereyra                                   FAM                                     TOTAL    12 48.86                    Marcos Andrés Villagra                   CHU 49.28                    Mateo Durán                                    FAM 49.49                    Oscar Santiago Castro                     FAM   110 metros con vallas varones                    GPN 14.21     -0.3        Renzo Salvatore Cremaschi            MZA 14.78     -1.7        Julián Berca                                       MZA 15.04     0.3         Santiago Ezequiel Riveira                SL 15.20     -0.1        Joaquín Olmos                                  FAM                                     TOTAL 8 15.74     -0.3        Guillermo Quintero                         MZA 16.02     2.0         Matías Ledesma                               BA 16.06     0.3         Lorenzo Rossetto                                            COR 16.39     1.5         Germán Rivero Fernández                             BA   400 m con vallas varones                                            GPS 49.62                    Sepulveda Alfredo                            CHI 51.18                    Bruno Agustín De Genaro               SL 52.09                    Damián Gabriel Moretta                 FAM                                     TOTAL 6 56.56                    Andrés Mendoza                                            SF 56.77                    Rodrigo Joel Bordón                        FAM 51.50                    Guillermo Ruggeri                            MZA   800 m  Mujeres                                              GPS        2:05.47                Calderon Maza Andrea                    ECU 2:08.19                Martina Daniela Escudero                             RN 2:09.06                Poma Mendoza Anita                      PER 2:09.24 a             Leidy Lorena Sinisterra                    COL 2:10.09                Evangelina Luján Thomas                CHU 2:11.35                Fabiana Salomé Gramajo                FAM 2:12.26                Juana Zuberbuhler                           BA 2:13.33                Sandra Maia Gómez                        FAM 2:13.57                Karen Ailén Rocca                            BA 2:14.21                Nazarena Firpo                                 URU 2:14.31                María Paz Romero                           CTS 2:14.87                Delfina Olivero                                  FAM                                    TOTAL 17 2:16.62                Victoria Olives                                  SF 2:18.99                Joaquina Durá                                   BA 2:19.33                Celeste Pampillón                            ER 2:19.54                Delfina Morena Molina                   BA 2:20.09                Camila González                              FAM 1500 m Mujeres                                             GPS 4.20.16                Micaela Levaggi                                BA 4:20.80                Daiana Alejandra Ocampo              FAM 4:25.29                Poma Mendoza Anita                      PER 4:28.24                Antonella Janet Guerrero                FAM 4:32.14                Fabiana Salomé Gramajo                FAM 4:37.48                Karen Ailén Rocca                            BA 4:38.80                Sandra Maia Gómez                        FAM 4:42.64                Noeli Vicintin                                    BA 4:43.01                Juana Zuberbuhler                           BA                                        TOTAL 15 4:44.26                Karen Marianela Cejas                     BA 4:45.72                Iara Becker                                        FAM 4:47.15                Camila González                               FAM 4:47.29                Brisa Nicole Trecanao                      RN 4:47.60                María Paz Romero                           CTS 4:47.68                Renata Dolhare                                 FAM   3000 m c/obstáculos Mujeres                     GPS 10:13.63                             Carolina Lozano                                SF 10:15.03                             Clara Macarena Baiocchi                 COR 11:23.31                             Shalom Eunice Lescano                   BA 10:39.58                             Stefany Paola López                         COL 11:58.58                             Emilia Gigón                                     SF                                         TOTAL 8 12:16.11                             Juliana Itatí Romero                         CTS 12:18.79                             Greta Victoria Rodríguez                 ER 12:45.22                             Luana Ayelé Britez                           MNS 5000 m Mujeres                                             GPS 15:49.90                             Micaela Levaggi                                BA 15:57.24                             Daiana Alejandra Ocampo              FAM 16:06.66                            Carolina Lozano                                SF 16:47.02                             Florencia Lorena Cuello                   MZA 17:08.78                             Antonella Janet Guerrero                FAM 17:12.32                             Stefany Paola López                         COL 17:12.69                             Nélida del Carmen Peñaflor            SDE 17:30.70                             Nair Gisele Dianes                            BA 17:35.15                             Karen Marianela Cejas                     BA 17:53.60                             Catalina García Paul                         FAM 17:59.56                             Renata Dolhare                                 FAM                                     TOTAL 18 18:06.59                             Constanza Garrido                           BA 18:20.78                             Gisela Cristina Díaz                          SDE 18:38.41                             Ainhoa Roldán                                  BA 18:39.77                             Ximena Anahí Simeone                   ER 18:48.05                             Camila Farinelli                                 FAM 18:50.27                             Sofía Ailín Costa                               SL 18.51.05                             Maria Belen Cordoba                       BA 800 m varones                                                GPS 1:45.42                Abreu Paes Lutimar                         BRA 1:49.25                Julián Alberto Gaviola                     FAM 1:50.41                Gonzalo Gervasini                            URU 1:50.35                Montes de Oca Santamaria            ECU 1:50.67                Jairo Moreira                                    URU 1:50.70                Rodriguez Osorno Johnatan           COL 1:51.56                Uriel Rodrigo Muñoz                       BA 1:51.69                Leandro Ismael Paris                       SL 1:51.69                Franco Gastón Peidón                     BA 1:52.32                Augusto Mariano Cochet                FAM                                    TOTAL 22 1:52.46                Diego Matías Leones                       SF 1:53.09                Estanislao Mendivil                         FAM 1:53.09                Pedro Emmert                                  FAM 1:53.20                Leonardo Leonel Pérez-Lazarte      BA 1:53.46                Edgar Emanuel Valdez                     CAT 1:53.66                Tomás Mirón                                    FAM 1:54.07                Víctor Fabián Colazo                        FAM 1:54.09                Preciado Moreno David                  COL 1:54.82                Rodriguez Espinel Santiago             COL 1:54.64                Vicente Gómez                                 FAM 1:55-58                Matias González                              URU 1:55.85                Fabricio da Rosa                               URU 1500 m varones                                                            GPS 3:39.94                Abreu Paes Lutimar                         BRA 3:43.00                Matías Antonio Reynaga                 ARG 3:45.29                Leandro Leonel Pérez-Lazarte         BA 3:45.78                José Zabala                                        SF 3:46.40                Fabián Manrique                                            FAM 3:48.96                Gonzalo Gervasini                            URU 3:49.18                Montes de Oca Santamaria            ECU 3:50.56                Agustín Alejandro Contreras          BA 3:50.92                Sebastián Agustín De Zan               FAM 3:52.00                Pablo Agustín Toledo                      SDE                       TOTAL 19 3:52.00                Rodriguez Espinel Santiago             COL 3:54.23                Uriel Rodrigo Muñoz                       BA 3:55.34                Manuel Rojas                                    BA 3:55.90                Alexis Gabriel Corrías                      RN 3:56.56                Lautaro Ocampo                              SF 3:56.66                Franco Gastón Peidón                     BA 3.57.83                Juan Ignacio Dutari                          COR 3:58.00                Preciado Moreno              David                    COL 3:59.81                Edgar Emanuel Valdez                     CAT 3000  m c/obstáculos varones                     GPS 8:41.91                Palomino Greta                                PER 8:55.24                Tomás Vega                                      BA 8:55.89                Carlos Augusto Johnson                  SF 8:57.30                Fausto Alonso                                  FAM 8:58.03                Germán Vega                                    BA 8:58.63                Marcos Julián Molina                      SF 9:15.00                Bolivar Latorre Camilo                     COL 9:29.16                Jerónimo Pedro Peralta                   COR                                      TOTAL 12 9:32.03                Jonathan Ezequiel García                BA 9:37.71                Hipólito Pereiro                                FAM 9.49.09                Gabriel Corda                                   BA CT                         Daniel Oscar Penta                           ARG   5000 m varones                                             GPS 13:44.58                             Matías Antonio Reynaga                 SAL 13:47.00                             Marcos Julian Molina                      ER 13:57.82                             Fabián Manrique                                            FAM 14:14.49                             José Zabala                                        SF 14:15.97                             Edgar Felipe Neri-Chávez                SDE 14:21.80                             Daniel Toroya                                   BOL 14:28.04                             Ninavia Mamani                               BOL 14:29.61                             Alan Esteban Niestroj                      FAM 14:30.37                             Ezequiel Chavarría                           TUC 14:31.97                             Pablo Agustín Toledo                      SDE 14:34.82                             Rodriguez Espinel Santiago             COL 14:37.12                             Tomás Vega                                      BA 14:43.85                             Agustín Alejandro Contreras          BA 14:43.86                             Gustavo Martín Villafañe                SJ 14:44.71                             Read the full article
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ohwarnette · 2 years
share ten different favorite characters from ten different pieces of media in no particular order, then send this to 10 people (anon or not, your choice) 🎥🎬📺
thank you kinga!! 🧡🧡🧡 ( in no particular order)
janine teagues ( abbott elementary)
victorie desgraves ( babel or the necessity of violence
killian jones ( ouat )
camilla dunne ( djats)
nina riva ( malibu rising )
delilah bard ( shades of magic )
pam beesly ( the office )
amy santiago ( b99 )
kaz brekker ( soc )
tommy shelby ( peaky blinders )
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cffabioblog · 2 years
Violencia Rivas en...  “Muy Mala Loches a Toos”
Imagen ref.
Cancion Original (© Azul Television, Cronica TV, aRCHIVO Prisma RTA, ETC..)
 (© de RTA / Canal 7 / Capusotto,  )
Nota: ven como material de consulta y referencia para más información.
Mi Versión
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Location  Studio 7, CPdRCATV Prydain, Santiago Del Estero, XXXVII Región 
Después de una presentación de unos "Ninjas" muy particulares, Llega al estudio la Cantante Violencia Rivas,en que después de  años canta, pero para insultar, en especial a ellos. Canta un tema llamado "Que Desgracia La Tuya"(con la melodía de "Que Suerte"),  Metete Tu Cariño En El ... y Soretes Para La Cena. Antes, de la presentación, Capusotto explica al publico a la presentadora, a Nosiglia sobre esta particular gesto, porque le dieron a ella una fortuna económica (USD $20.000.000,00) para cantar, ademas de insultar al publico, como a los presentadores, y ademas destruye una de las cámaras de televisión. Cámaras RCA TK+ (4K) Grab En El Estudio 7 "Porcel-Olmedo" del CPdRCTV (Centro Di Produzzione De Radio, Cinema, Animation y Television) de Prydain, Comuna de Prydain, Santiago Del Estero. XXXVII Región. Copyrights
Violencia Rivas© Capusotto. All Rights Reserved. Megan Cruz, Karmi and Hiro Hamada© Disney / Marvel / Man Of Action.  All Rights Reserved.
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ttantta · 11 days
Es decir que, para mí, todo es un collage.
O mejor, el collage es el proceso mental mediante el que hacemos todo cuanto existe, nuestra forma favorita de procesar las ideas. Es perfectamente visible: los noticieros son un collage, nuestras conversaciones eternamente inconclusas en las redes sociales son un collage, los memes son un collage. Incluso cuando no parece que estamos recordando y pegando elementos u organizándolos en un papel, estamos definitivamente haciendo ese ejercicio con todo lo que pensamos.
Santiago Rivas en bacanika.com 24.06.11
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stealiesjam · 1 month
The Aggrolites @ Ogden Theatre- Denver 7/27
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Art by Paula Beltran Review by Santiago Beltran Los Angeles based quintet The Aggrolites graced Denver’s presence for the first time in a half decade this July, exhibiting their excitement to be back in what they call “one of our favorite spots”. Supporting The Aquabats, this opening set was packed to the brim with audience participation and uproarious energy seldom seen from an opening act. Cathartic frequencies fill the room when the soulful yet fiery vocal style of Jesse Wagner and throwback organist Roger Rivas coalesce. Their sound is a very nostalgic one- a time capsule harkening back to vintage rocksteady ska from the 60’s. 
This short but sweet song selection included the opener ‘Funky Fire’, from their landmark ‘06 self titled album - as well as the trademark ‘Countryman Fiddle’, ‘Mr Misery’ and the absolutely glorious oldie ‘Dirty Reggae’. Showcasing their sublime brand of soul and funk- laced reggae is something that comes all too easy for these cats. The world needs a constant reminder of what roots reggae truly used to sound like, and this is the band to do it. Dont keep us waiting for the next headlining tour , y’all. 
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torosytoreros6 · 2 months
‘Escondido’, un torrente de casta que se ganó la vida en Valencia
Román indultó al bravo cuarto de Santiago Domecq esta tarde en Valencia, un toro que fue un torrente de bravura. Así hemos contado en directo cómo fue el animal: Escondido de nombre el cuarto, número 24, de 545 kilos y segundo del lote de Román, embistió frío en la capa. Ovacionado el picador Ángel Rivas, … La entrada ‘Escondido’, un torrente de casta que se ganó la vida en Valencia se publicó…
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noticiasdelcanar · 4 months
Compras Públicas del Municipio recibió varias ofertas para construcción CRTV
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En las oficinas de la Dirección de Compras Públicas, con la asistencia de proveedores, Concejales y funcionarios municipales, se realizó la apertura de ofertas de profesionales locales y nacionales que participan en el proceso de construcción de Centro de Revisión Técnica, obra que estará emplazado en el sector de San Pedro y en donde funcionarán las oficinas de la Dirección de Movilidad y su Unidad de Matriculación, con dos pistas universales mixtas para la revisión de los automotores, livianos y pesados. La Comisión está presidida por el director de Movilidad, Paulo Sacoto, quien resaltó la importancia de la obra para Azogues, por lo cual la administración del alcalde, Javier Serrano, desde el inicio de su gestión trabajó para la consecución de los recursos ante el Banco de Desarrollo. Con la concreción de la obra se generará además gran cantidad de fuente de empleo. Dio a conocer los oferentes y los montos propuestos: Ramírez Castro Juan Carlos, $1.448.490,53; Consorcio VG, Valdivieso Guzmán Pablo Eduardo, $1.490.256,87;   Consorcio RTV V, Sánchez Martínez Mauro Fernando, $1.516.868,62; Consorcio Rio Jubones, Ramírez Rojas Cristian Adrián $1.541.621,09; Consorcio CRVT, Serrano Vásquez Diego Luciano, $1.561.991,70; Consorcio del Sur, Jiménez Arévalo Richard Secundino, $1.543.301,94; García Pozo Bolívar Roberto, $1.494.962,94; Consorcio Atenas UB, Uguña Rosas José Emilio, $1.621.940,70; Consorcio Obras CRTV, Verdugo Silva Manuel Francisco, $1.549.271,39; Consorcio Azogues AI, Amaenergy Service S.A, $1.566.308,31; Consorcio CRTV AZ, Ochoa Cárdenas Fausto Ezequiel, $1.410.893,33; Carangui y Saltos, Equiconstrucorp S.A, $1.397.646, 91; Rodas Márquez Wilson Santiago, $1.590.810,58; Vega VGA Constructores Cía. Ltda., $1.612.970,48; Ramos Hernández Edwin Patricio, $1.412.763,22; Consorcio Real Project, Moscoso Novillo Fernando Andrés, $1.534.125,75; Consorcio Guacamaya, Ordoñez Iglesias Carlos Gustavo, $1.542.221,68; Cantos Ormaza Wilman Jacobo, $1.261.968,25; Consorcio BET EL, Pesantez Ochoa Juan Pablo, $1.527.390,84; Consorcio Cycdar, Domínguez Quinteros Juan Patricio, $1.514.912,65; Consorcio V Y J, Villavicencio Salinas Bolívar Gerardo, $1.587.654,29; Consorcio Piña Ortiz, Ortiz Zuña Osvaldo Xavier, $1.601.408,07; Consorcio de Niro Internacional Company, Guerrero Macías Marlon Segundo, $1.661.556, 20; Consorcio Azogues MMZ, Zhindon Andrade Alberto Javier, $1.519.101,35; Consorcio OP Ordoñez, Tapia Hernán Patricio, $1.552.538,37; Rivas Cordero Esteban Patricio, $1.468.005,05; CONSORCIO MMAJ, Moreno Ortiz Francisco Javier, $1.514.025,20; Avecillas Maldonado Bayron Patricio, $1.651.794,99 dólares. La directora de Compras Pública, Lucy Guachamín, luego de informar que cerca del 50% de las ofertas corresponden a los profesionales de la ciudad y provincia, dio a conocer que el proceso se ha realizado con total transparencia y con la autorización de la Contraloría General del Estado. Indica que la intención de la alcaldía de Azogues es que la obra se ejecute en 180 días, con la aspiración de que en el mes de julio se dé el proceso de adjudicación y puedan iniciar los trabajos en agosto, para a finales de este año 2024 pueda estar terminada la obra. La aspiración de la administración municipal es que el CRTV esté equipado con tecnología de vanguardia para que se cumpla con toda la normativa vigente en el país y se pueda así atender a 19 mil vehículos catastrados que cuenta actualmente el Cantón, así como se vayan sumando de otras partes del país, es decir con una aspiración para atender a 21 mil vehículos. Read the full article
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diarioelpepazo · 7 months
La albirroja se impuso en el Brígido y se alza campeón del Preolímpico Sudamericano IVAN KLEBERG La Vinotinto sub 23 no logró el objetivo de clasificar a los Juegos Olímpicos París 2024. El combinado nacional cayó este domingo 2-0 ante Paraguay en la jornada final del Preolímpico Sudamericano disputado en el Estadio Nacional Brígido Iriarte. Diego Gómez y Marcelo Pérez fueron los autores de los tantos del Paraguay. Los dirigidos por Ricardo Valiño fueron ampliamente superados por el conjunto guaraní. En el primer tiempo la selección albirroja fue dominador del balón, pero Venezuela supo aguantar aunque se vio muy desdibujada. Al inicio de la segunda mitad, una mano clara de Renne Rivas dentro del área provocó un penal, que posteriormente convirtió Diego Gómez al minuto 48′. Al 76′ un error de comunicación, entre Andrés Ferro y el arquero Santiago Rodríguez, le dejó el arco libre a Marcelo Pérez quien definió a placer y poner la pizarra a favor de Paraguay 2-0. Con esta derrota, Venezuela se quedó en la última posición del Preolímpico 2024 al sumar un punto en la fase final. Paraguay finalizó invicta con siete puntos y se coronó campeón del certamen. La albirroja se une a Argentina como los representantes de Conmebol en los Juegos Olímpicos París 2024. Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/Líder
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elsoldesantiago · 9 months
Policía Nacional verifica detención de influencer en Santiag
Santiago,- El portavoz de la Dirección Cibao Central de la Policía Nacional, Fernando Pérez Valerio, confirmó la detención de Anro Rivas “El Popi” durante el pasado fin de semana. Fue acusado de presuntamente sustraer una cartera en una discoteca en Santiago. Pérez Valerio informó que el joven fue detenido, se le llenó un acta y posteriormente fue remitido a la Fiscalía de Santiago debido a un…
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SUMARIO:-1°. La conformidad manifestada por el acreedor ante el Juez de la causa de que su crédito está constituido en metálico, se le abone mitad metálico y mitad papel, importa novation y el pago en tal caso debe hacerse con arreglo a lo estipulado en la última obligación. 
2°. La manifestación de la conformidad del acreedor hecha en esa forma, no puede considerarse resta, sine qué es y debe reputarse explícita.
En Buenos Aires, a 22 de enero de 1880, reunida la Suprema Corte de Justicia en acuerdo ordinario para pronunciar sentencia en el recurso de inaplicabilidad de ley interpuesto por el curador de Da. Justa y Da. Josefa Montalvo y representante de D. Ponciano Mon- talvo en el incidente de la testamentaria de Doña Ana Pesoa seguido por D. Adolfo E. Carranza sobre cancelación de un crédito hipotecario, y de sentencia dictada por la Cámara 1. de apelaciones, se procedió á practicar la insaculación prescripta por el artículo 171 de la Constitución, y 325 de la Ley de Enjuiciamiento, resultando de ella que en la votación debía guardarse el órden siguiente: Doctores Villegas, Gonzalez, Martinez, Kier, Escalada.
En 1831, Doña Ana Pesoa y don Santiago Gutiérrez, como tutores de los menores Montalvo y Pesoa, otorgaron escritura de obligación en favor del convento de Monjas Catalinas en Córdoba, por la suma de mil ps. fuertes al interés anual de 5 por ciento; hipotecando en seguridad del crédito una finca es la calle Riva- davia (f. 27.) Este crédito pasó al dominio de D. Adolfo Carran Voluntad (f. 11 & 20 y 50 á 52.) Carranza entabló su acción contra la testamentaria Peioa, y la cuestión sobrevino después sobre la clase de moneda con que debía cancelarse, si todo 6 una parte del crédito debía satisfacerse en plata efectiva.
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