#erika guevara rosas
El primero de diciembre de este año Amnistía Internacional dio a conocer un informe llamado “La policía no me cuida”, que se ocupa de las atrocidades cometidas por las fuerzas estatales como parte del indignante y desastroso manejo que le dieran al paro nacional de 2021.
Aquí una entrevista que Santiago Rivas hace a la abogada Érika Guevara Rosas, Directora para las Américas de Amnistía Internacional, quien se expresa con la seguridad y claridad de quien conoce muy bien el tema del que habla, por lo cual resulta muy ameno escucharla, si bien los temas expuestos son terribles.
De cuando en cuando llegan noticias acerca de cómo a Iván Duque (ese personaje que con patética carisma —y, claro está, apoyo de poderes políticos tradicionales que son como quistes en las sociedades colombianas— engatusó a buena parte del país para encaramarse en un puesto que jamás debió ostentar) se le llena la boca alabándose a sí mismo y asegurando que, de haber podido presentarse a elecciones presidenciales, las habría ganado nuevamente; mientras tanto, de ese supuesto gran líder, Érika Guevara señala: “Por otro lado, lo que nosotros documentamos durante el paro nacional, con el gobierno del entonces presidente Duque, es que, efectivamente, el presidente le declaró la guerra a su población. Con la incapacidad de dialogar con una ciudadanía que reclamaba derechos en las calles y rendición de cuentas, utilizó la fuerza violenta. Permitió no solo un uso excesivo de la fuerza sino un uso de la fuerza letal, salieron a dispararle a la gente, salieron a matar. Es por eso que, por ejemplo, cuando documentamos el caso de las lesiones oculares, quedaba muy claro el patrón de ataque generalizado”.
La Dra. Guevara también nos recuerda que “en América Latina [nuestras sociedades] siguen siendo sociedades machistas en donde imponen un rol específico a mujeres, a persona LGTBI, y cuando esas personas, esas mujeres y esas personas LGTBI, rompen esa norma, es decir, salen a protestar, salen a ejercer derechos, pues son castigadas. [...] los casos que documentamos no se trataba de, como le dicen, “manzanas podridas”, se trataba de un operativo que tenía la intencionalidad de castigar a las personas que protestaban. Hubo mujeres que fueron violadas por más de seis oficiales de la policía del ESMAD en el mismo momento. Eso te habla de la intencionalidad de castigo. Y eso te habla de cómo un gobierno le declaró la guerra a su población”.
En la entrevista también se tocan temas como el miedo de las víctimas a denunciar en un país donde, en el papel, la justicia parece ideal, pero en la práctica se asemeja más a una inequidad rampante, así como también se habla de la revictimización que pueden llegar a sufrir las mujeres que tienen el valor de señalar a personas del Estado como perpetradores de crímenes. (Y no deja de ser curioso que la Dra. Guevara, tras experiencias en Haití y Venezuela, señale sorprendida el miedo de las víctimas a llevar a cabo denuncias en el país del Sagrado Corazón.)
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dodypaz · 2 years
Amnistía Internacional alerta sobre el aterrador panorama en Cuba con la entrada del nuevo Código Penal
Amnistía Internacional alerta sobre el aterrador panorama en Cuba con la entrada del nuevo Código Penal
“Hace muchos decenios que las autoridades cubanas usan sistemáticamente la legislación penal —o la amenaza de usarla— para silenciar la disidencia”, dijo directora de Amnistía Internacional La organización no gubernamental Amnistía Internacional (AI) alertó este viernes sobre la entrada en vigor del nuevo Código Penal del régimen cubano este 1 de diciembre, y enfatizó sobre las consecuencias de…
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homoquartz · 2 months
More big news today.
The International Court of Justice has declared Israel's occupation of Palestine unlawful, and that Israel is responsible for apartheid.
I assume, similar to the genocide ruling, not much will be done about this. But it is another damning arrow in the quiver of people arguing in favor of Palestinians.
"Erika Guevara Rosas, Amnesty International’s Senior Director for Research, Advocacy, Policy and Campaigns, said:
“The International Court of Justice has issued its opinion and the conclusion is loud and clear: Israel’s occupation and annexation of the Palestinian territories are unlawful, and its discriminatory laws and policies against Palestinians violate the prohibition on racial segregation and apartheid.
“This is a historic vindication of the rights of Palestinians who have endured decades of cruelty and systematic human rights violations stemming from Israel’s unlawful occupation.""
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drsonnet · 5 months
All states must pressure Israel to immediately halt its ground operations in #Rafah and ensure unfettered access for humanitarian aid in line with their obligations to prevent genocide
Erika Guevara Rosas, Senior Director of Research, Advocacy, Policy and Campaigns
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Rafah is “Gaza’s southernmost governorate” - and in continuation of the disturbing trend of the Israeli govt. and military telling civilians in Gaza to move south only to bomb supposed “safe zones” (PBS) - four strikes already occurred in Rafah by Feb. 12, 2024 (Amnesty International).
“Entire families were wiped out in Israeli attacks even after they sought refuge in areas promoted as safe and with no prior warning from Israeli authorities. These attacks illustrate an ongoing pattern of Israeli forces brazenly flouting international law, contradicting claims by Israeli authorities that their forces are taking heightened precautions to minimize harm to civilians,” said Erika Guevara-Rosas, Amnesty International’s Senior Director of Research, Advocacy, Policy and Campaigns.
There is a reason that the ICJ ruled it “plausible” that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza - as inadequate as that ruling is without demands for a ceasefire (NPR). That reason is being illustrated awful detail right now in Rafah, not to mention the starvation conditions in Gaza (the Associated Press) generated not just by the bombing but by the Israeli government creating obstacles to the distribution of aid (CNBC).
I cannot stress enough the imperative to demand a ceasefire, with the understanding that a ceasefire can only be the beginning. Keep pressuring your governments, keep boycotting, and keep advocating for justice everywhere.
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humanrightsupdates · 5 months
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Israel/OPT: Global Day of Action to demand states #StopSendingArms fuelling violations of international law
On 2 May a joint NGO Global Day of Action is mobilizing a global coalition of human rights and humanitarian organizations, arms experts, activists, journalists, academics, legal professionals, and students to call on all states to stop the transfer of weapons, parts and ammunitions being used to fuel violations of international law in the occupied Gaza Strip.
Amnesty International has a longstanding call for a comprehensive arms embargo on Israel, Hamas and other armed groups participating in the war in Gaza.
“The Global Day of Action must serve as a wake-up call to states that continue to supply arms to all parties to the conflict in Gaza that they are at risk of being complicit in war crimes and other violations of international law,” said Erika Guevara Rosas, Senior Director for Research, Advocacy, Policy and Campaigns at Amnesty International.
Israeli forces have carried out unlawful attacks in Gaza, including indiscriminate attacks, contributing to a staggering loss of human life and extensive destruction and damage to civilian infrastructure. Amnesty International’s research has documented the use of US- supplied weapons by Israel to carry out unlawful air strikes that caused mass civilian casualties.
“Following the conclusion by the International Court of Justice that there is a plausible risk of genocide in Gaza and in light of the obligation under international law of all states to prevent genocide, governments that continue to supply arms to Israel may find themselves in breach of the Genocide Convention,” said Erika Guevara Rosas
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kp777 · 23 days
By Edward Carver
Common Dreams
Aug. 29, 2024
Guterres said Israel's "large-scale" operations in the occupied territory were "deeply concerning" as human rights groups also condemned the attack.
United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres late on Wednesday called for an immediate stop to Israeli military operations in the occupied West Bank, which continued into a second day on Thursday, leaving at least 18 Palestinians dead after two days of escalated attacks.
Guterres' remarks came as human rights groups condemned Israel after it launched an incursion into the northern West Bank on Wednesday morning—reportedly the largest attack on the territory in decades. Guterres said the "dangerous developments" were "fueling an already explosive situation in the occupied West Bank and further undermining the Palestinian Authority," according to the U.N.'s news service.
"Latest developments in the occupied West Bank, including Israel's launch of large-scale military operations, are deeply concerning," the U.N. chief wrote on social media.
"I strongly condemn the loss of lives, including of children, and I call for an immediate cessation of these operations," he added.
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The Israeli assault has included the bulldozing of infrastructure and a wide array of attacks on at least four cities. Guterres was one of many international actors who condemned the incursion over the last two days.
"Israel's launch of a major coordinated military assault on cities and towns across the occupied West Bank follows an escalation in unlawful killings by Israeli forces in recent months and will put more Palestinians at risk," Erika Guevara Rosas, a senior director at Amnesty International, said in a statement.
Guevara Rosas expressed concern that the incursion will destroy critical infrastructure and increase forced displacement of Palestinians in the West Bank—methods that she said were "key pillars of Israel's system of apartheid."
Kenneth Roth, former executive director of Human Rights Watch, said that he was worried about a displacement crisis like the one in Gaza.
"The last thing that we want is this kind of massive displacement taking place in the West Bank, too," Roth toldAl Jazeera.
"Frankly, 'the dream' of the far-right ministers in [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu's government is to 'solve the problem' of the West Bank," he added. "'Solve the problem' of the apartheid regime that Israel is maintaining there, by just getting rid of the Palestinians. That would be a massive war crime."
Rights groups have also expressed concern about an increase in arbitrary detentions of Palestinians in the West Bank, which have already been at a high level since October 7. Those who are detained are often horribly mistreated; more than 50 have died. B'Tselem, an Israeli human rights group, issued a report earlier this month that documented systematic torture in the detention centers.
Israeli forces have detained 25 Palestinians in the northern West Bank in roughly the last 24 hours, Al Jazeera reported, based on data from watchdog groups.
Israel has occupied the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza since 1967. In an advisory opinion last month, the International Court of Justice declared the occupation of the Palestinian territories illegal.
Jeremy Corbyn, a member of parliament in the United Kingdom and former leader of the Labour Party, argued that Western governments were complicit in Israel's attack on the West Bank and should implement an arms embargo.
"Israel knows it can commit war crimes with impunity," he wrote on social media. "That is why it has launched its largest assault on the West Bank since 2002. We are witnessing the total erasure of Palestine—and our government is shamefully complicit. End all arms sales to Israel, now."
So far, the U.K. and the U.S., Israel's main arms supplier, have done no such thing. The Biden administration did on Wednesday sanction Hashomer Yosh, an Israeli settler group, and three of the group's individual members, calling out "extremist settler violence."
While much international attention has shifted to the West Bank, Israel's assault on Gaza continues apace. Israeli forces killed at least 15 Gazans in overnight attacks, including two girls who were struck by shrapnel, Al Jazeera reported. Israeli forces have killed more than 40,000 Gazans and more than 600 Palestinians in the West Bank since October 7, when Hamas and allied militant groups massacred more than 1,100 Israelis.
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Brazil: Authorities must immediately cease and investigate highly lethal police operations
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The Brazilian authorities must immediately stop the lethal police operations in which 45 people have been killed in the last few days in the states of Bahia, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, Amnesty International said today.
“These highly lethal operations are further evidence of the Brazilian state’s systemic inability to put an end to unlawful killings and other serious human rights violations committed in the context of police work. The nation’s governors and police chiefs need to reshape their security policies to ensure that the use of force is compatible with guaranteeing human rights, starting with the right to life, protection from injury and personal safety,” said Erika Guevara-Rosas, Americas director at Amnesty International.
In the state of Bahia, police operations carried out in the cities of Salvador, Itatim and Camaçari between 28 July and 1 August resulted in the deaths of 19 people. In Rio de Janeiro state, a police operation launched on 2 August left 10 people dead and four injured in Vila Cruzeiro, a neighbourhood associated with one of the deadliest operations in the state that left 25 people dead in May 2022.  
“These highly lethal operations are further evidence of the Brazilian state’s systemic inability to put an end to unlawful killings and other serious human rights violations committed in the context of police work," says Erika Guevara-Rosas, Americas director at Amnesty International.
Continue reading.
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hotnew-pt · 1 month
Venezuela: A escala e a gravidade dos crimes em curso exigem ação urgente por parte do procurador do TPI #ÚltimasNotícias #Venezuela
Hot News A Amnistia Internacional emitiu hoje uma carta aberta dirigida ao Procurador do Tribunal Penal Internacional, Karim Khan, solicitando-lhe uma acção urgente contra a prática de crimes ao abrigo do direito internacional na Venezuela. A este respeito, Erika Guevara Rosas, diretora sênior de pesquisa, defesa, políticas e campanhas da organização, disse: “O silêncio do promotor Karim Khan…
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plethoraworldatlas · 5 months
The straightforward demand consistently made by human rights experts, a top European Union official, and college students across the U.S. and in a growing number of countries formed the basis for a Global Day of Action on Thursday, with 250 groups organizing direct actions to call on governments around the world to "Stop Sending Arms" to Israel.
Groups including Amnesty International, the Norwegian Refugee Council, and the Center for Jewish Nonviolence helped organize actions in at least 12 countries, "with a strategic emphasis on countries with significant arms exports" and an "aim to resonate globally."
Protest events including rallies, "die-ins," and the projection of messages and images on government buildings were organized in countries including the United States—the top supplier of arms to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF)—Canada, Germany, Australia, South Korea, and Slovakia.
"The Global Day of Action must serve as a wake-up call to states that continue to supply arms to all parties to the conflict in Gaza that they are at risk of being complicit in war crimes and other violations of international law," said Erika Guevara Rosas, senior director for research, advocacy, policy, and campaigns at Amnesty International.
The groups and their supporters amplified the global campaign on social media using the hashtags #StopSendingArms and #CeasefireNOW.
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hrexach · 5 months
Terrible Tuesday Thoughts .... "Walid Daqqa -- 'Death in Custody' .... "!!
~~April 9, 2024~~ ANOTHER ISRAELI WAR CRIME Death in custody of Walid Daqqah is cruel reminder of Israel’s disregard for Palestinians’ right to life. Responding to the death in custody of Walid Daqqah, a 62-year-old Palestinian writer who was the longest-serving Palestinian prisoner in Israeli jails after having spent 38 years imprisoned, Erika Guevara-Rosas, Amnesty International’s Senior…
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bloghrexach · 5 months
Terrible Tuesday Thoughts .... "Walid Daqqa -- 'Death in Custody' .... "!!
~~April 9, 2024~~ ANOTHER ISRAELI WAR CRIME Death in custody of Walid Daqqah is cruel reminder of Israel’s disregard for Palestinians’ right to life. Responding to the death in custody of Walid Daqqah, a 62-year-old Palestinian writer who was the longest-serving Palestinian prisoner in Israeli jails after having spent 38 years imprisoned, Erika Guevara-Rosas, Amnesty International’s Senior…
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agendaculturaldelima · 6 months
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🗯 El Centro Cultural de San Marcos (CCSM) te invita a disfrutar de una jornada teatral única junto al talentoso elenco del Teatro Universitario de San Marcos [TUSM]. ¡No te pierdas estas emocionantes obras para toda la familia!👪🤩
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🕔 5:00pm. “La Zorra Vanidosa” de Bárbara Lindsay (Estados Unidos), a cargo de Antonio Ramírez García, Liyber Félix Galindo Potocino, Rocío Lizbeth Guizado Mena, Ariana Alarcón Ancajima, César Fermín Romaní, José Santaria Jota y Ginger Medalith Huerta Aguilar, Dirección: Cristina Lozano.
🕕 6:30pm. Ese infierno llamado amor (tres obras cortas): “Pequeños peces” de Bárbara Lindsay (Estados Unidos), a cargo de José Santaria Jota y Ginger Medalith Huerta Aguilar / “A la Luna por favor” de Diana Son, a cargo de Walter Junior Porras Díaz y Patricia Rosa Emilia Chávez Ortiz / “Interrogatorio” de Ismael Contreras, a cargo de José Santaria Jota y Ginger Medalith Huerta Aguilar.
🕖 7:30pm. Campeonato de improvisación teatral: “Copa San Marcos” a cargo del Elenco Impro de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos.
🕗 8:00pm. “Don Dimas de La Tijereta” 🎩👿
✍️ Autor: Ricardo Palma
🔎 Género: Comedia
📝 Adaptación Teatral: Áureo Sotelo Huerta
🗯 Argumento: Un escribano de la Real Audiencia, anhela ser joven para casarse con su adorada visitación, una jovencita de tan solo veinte años, y para lograrlo realiza un pacto con Satanás, quien después de tres años, regresa cobrar, lo establecido en dicho acuerdo. Esta historia es una advertencia sobre los peligros de la ambición y la traición, además de reflexionar sobre la importancia del amor y la fe.
👥 Elenco: Arturo Villaverde Ríos (Dimas de la Tijereta) / Antuané Chacón Mucha (Petronila) / Deysy Ramírez Soto y Anais Sivipaucar Peceros (Visitación) / Elizabet Gamboa Vargas y Milagros Huamán Mota (Tía de Visitación) / Antonio Ramírez Vergara (Satanás) / Erika Ochoa Ccalla (Lilit) / José Santaria Jota (Lucifer) / Jhulyo Guevara Varela (Pretendiente I) / César Flores Romaní (Pretendiente II).
📢 Dirección: Cristina Lozano Cuba
© Producción: TUSM.
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📅 Miércoles 27 de Marzo
🕕 6:00pm. a 8:00pm.
🏛 Teatro Universitario San Marcos (jr. Lampa 833 - Cercado de Lima)
🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️ Ingreso libre
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jhavelikes · 8 months
Amnesty International’s research also found that Israeli forces obstructed medical assistance to people with life-threatening wounds and attacked those attempting to assist injured Palestinians, including paramedics. Over the past few months Israel has stepped up deadly raids across the West Bank and tensions have skyrocketed. In one recent incident Israeli forces carried out a raid masquerading as medical staff. At least 507 Palestinians were killed in the West Bank in 2023, including at least 81 children, making it the deadliest year for Palestinians since the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) began recording casualties in 2005. “Under the cover of the relentless bombardment and atrocity crimes in Gaza, Israeli forces have unleashed unlawful lethal force against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, carrying out unlawful killings and displaying a chilling disregard for Palestinian lives. These unlawful killings are in blatant violation of international human rights law and are committed with impunity in the context of maintaining Israel’s institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination over Palestinians,” said Erika Guevara-Rosas, Amnesty International’s Director of Global Research, Advocacy and Policy.
Spike in Israeli lethal force against Palestinians in Occupied West Bank
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speedyposts · 8 months
Israel’s ‘chilling disregard’ for life in occupied West Bank: Amnesty
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Israel has unleashed unlawful lethal force against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, carrying out unlawful killings and displaying “a chilling disregard for Palestinian lives”, Amnesty International says.
The human rights organisation said in a report released on Monday that Israel’s actions in the territory have intensified during its war on Gaza and its military and other bodies are committing numerous illegal acts of violence that amount to clear violations of international law.
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Dabiri-Erewa warns Nigerians against irregular migration, Especially to Canada
The Nigerians in Diaspora Commission (NiDCOM), Abike Dabiri-Erewa, has urged Nigerians travelling abroad to go legitimately and with proper documentation
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The world’s eyes are mostly on the Gaza Strip, where the Israeli military has killed more than 27,000 Palestinians, mostly women and children, since the start of the war on October 7. But Israeli forces are also carrying out unlawful killings in occupied Palestinian territories, Amnesty said in the report.
The document was compiled with remote interviews with witnesses, first responders and local residents as well as verified videos and photos.
“Under the cover of the relentless bombardment and atrocity crimes in Gaza, Israeli forces have unleashed unlawful lethal force against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, carrying out unlawful killings and displaying a chilling disregard for Palestinian lives,” said Erika Guevara-Rosas, Amnesty International’s director of global research, advocacy and policy.
“These unlawful killings are in blatant violation of international human rights law and are committed with impunity in the context of maintaining Israel’s institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination over Palestinians.”
Palestinians in the West Bank were already experiencing deadly Israeli raids on a regular basis even before the war, but there has been an explosive increase in the number of Israeli attacks since October.
According to figures by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), Israel killed at least 507 Palestinians in the occupied West Bank in 2023, including at least 81 children, making it the deadliest year since the organisation started recording casualties in 2005.
UN numbers also show that 299 Palestinians were killed from the start of the war until the end of 2023, a 50 percent increase compared with the first nine months of the year. At least 61 more Palestinians, including 13 children, were killed by Israeli forces in January, the UN said.
Amnesty International’s analysis of a 30-hour-long Israeli raid on the Nour Shams refugee camp in Tulkarem that took place on October 19 demonstrates the tactics employed by the Israeli military.
In that raid, Israeli soldiers used a large number of military vehicles and soldiers to storm more than 40 homes. They destroyed personal belongings, drilled holes in walls for sniper outposts, cut off water and electricity to the refugee camp, and used bulldozers to destroy public roads, electricity networks and water infrastructure.
By the end of the raid, they had killed 13 Palestinians, including six children, four of them under the age of 16, and had arrested 15 Palestinians.
One Israeli border police officer was killed after an improvised explosive device was used against a military convoy.
Among those killed during the raid was an unarmed 15-year-old named Taha Mahamid, whom Israeli forces shot dead in front of his house as he came out to check whether Israeli forces had left the area, Amnesty said.
“They did not give him a chance,” said Fatima, Taha’s sister. “In an instant, my brother was eliminated. Three bullets were fired without any mercy. The first bullet hit him in the leg. The second in his stomach. Third in his eye. There were no confrontations. … There was no conflict.”
Taha’s father, Ibrahim, tried to carry his son to safety while unarmed but was shot and suffered serious internal injuries.
“This unnecessary use of lethal force should be investigated as possible war crimes of wilful killing and wilfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health,” Amnesty said.
But that was not the end of the Israeli operation for the family. About 12 hours after Taha’s killing, the Israeli military stormed his family’s home and locked his family members, including three children, in a room under the supervision of a soldier for about 10 hours.
They also drilled holes in the walls of two rooms to position snipers overlooking the neighbourhood. One witness said the soldiers searched the house, beating a member of the family, and one was seen urinating on the doorstep.
The extensive damage done by Israeli bulldozers to the narrow streets of the refugee camp meant that ambulances could not get through, hampering medical evacuation of the injured.
Amnesty also documented instances in which Israeli forces directly opened fire on ambulances and medical staff.
The obstruction of medical assistance to Palestinians by Israeli forces is now “routine practice”, the human rights organisation said.
It documented one instance in which Israeli soldiers prevented ambulances from reaching victims who ended up bleeding to death.
“The victims were later collected by an Israeli military ambulance, and their bodies have yet to be returned to their families,” Amnesty said.
The organisation also documented how the Israeli military cracks down on peaceful Palestinian protests held in solidarity with the people of Gaza, firing live bullets and tear gas canisters into crowds.
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Dabiri-Erewa warns Nigerians against irregular migration, Especially to Canada
The Nigerians in Diaspora Commission (NiDCOM), Abike Dabiri-Erewa, has urged Nigerians travelling abroad to go legitimately and with proper documentation
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nadiasindi · 11 months
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