#sapphire road
oktaviaslabyrinth · 3 months
Victory Road // Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire (2014)
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gemville · 8 months
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'Silk Road Carpet' Necklace by Sylvia Furmanovich
18k Yellow Gold, Diamond, Blue Topaz, Sapphire and Aquamarine
Photo Courtesy: Sylvia Furmanovich
Source: forbes.com
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pokemaster91 · 3 months
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After training really hard, me and my Pokémon are back stronger than ever! Wally & Gardevoir have trained up to be fierce competition!
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bluejaygryphon · 2 years
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I can't go 5 seconda without buying a new g1 project to match a vaporwave skin. RIP my wallet but she was simply too pretty </3
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yarningss · 2 years
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Giving ye old art blog a new coat of paint, so here’s some older art that’s all headshots!
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boy-armageddon · 14 days
Personally I think the little phenomenon w/ Johnny Whitney writing a just genuinely sort of devastating song once per every record or so (or twice! take, well, Take Me to the Sea 4 example. actually three times maybe. talking about specifically georgia + my organ sounds like… here and also bonetrees and a broken heart a little. also also As Brass And Satin just feels utterly melancholic in its near entirety) is that he just wakes up face down covered in blood in the studio, his own or someone else’s he can’t tell, shaking and grasping some shoddily scrawled out lyrics on a rlly very old piece of paper. The rest of the band might be like “johnny what the fuck happened” and he just springs 2 his feet like “oh haha nothing :> im fine don’t worry. nothing happened!!!!!!! anyways i have this cool new idea 4 a song wanna hear” and any time anyone tries 2 ask about it he immediately dodges the question and moves on2 a diff topic. He can explain what it’s about, but any time someone asks about the inspiration he gets nervous and is like “ohhh ummm. I 4got! Any other song though lol” and doesn’t wait 4 an answer. that’s just a theory though a Seattle theory
#evil neighing compilation#only exceptions I can think of r like… March on electric children and the rlly early bbs stuff. not vade though that stuffs filled w/#inexplicable sadness#I can’t say much regarding hologram jams or soiled life since I haven’t lsitened 2 them in full#‘r you 4 real saying that this adultery has a devastating song on there’ yes I am in fact! im singling out time for tenderness here. what#the hell happened 2 them when they were like 17-19 (that’s my guess 4 the age range anywho) 2 write that. is it just me who feels like that#about time for tenderness or#crimes. doesn’t make me feel sad per se. but the title track and beautiful horses I just. understand So Much it gets 2 me rlly bad#bpib should be obvious. the shame. but also every breath is a bomb once you know the context of who it was partially written about#especially Jordan’s part :-(#young machetes… actually not giant swan or street wars/exotic foxholes 4 me though I suppose I get the sense that I’m supposed 2 feel sad#about them#it’s camouflage camouflage 4 me!#what else what else. oh yeah Johnnys solo stuff. that entire little acoustic mixtape thingy is very sad feeling 2 me in some way#but esepcially at the end of the road there’s a sapphire pit. genuinely made me bawl my eyes out the other night. jfc it’s gr8 but it makes#me feel a little sick 2 my stomach sad#OH MY GOD I 4GOT. NEON BLONDE LOL#that’s also a p obvious choice. chandeliers and vines#it’s a sort of sarcastic song one could suppose. that’s true 4 a lot of Whitney’s work (especially in tbb though Tbf)#still sort of gets 2 me#ya know#done tags rambling my bad
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Sapphire Greens presents beautifully crafted 3 BHK apartments in Raipur, Chhattisgarh. Enjoy spacious layouts, contemporary design, and exceptional amenities in a thriving community. Perfect for families or anyone seeking a sophisticated urban lifestyle.
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reno-matago · 7 months
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Source: Pislices.ca
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angryisokay · 1 year
I hope the Cosmonaut Blue color isn’t restricted to the ZR2 option, it’s pretty and I think more of the trucks should be that color.
The matte grey/silver looks nice as well, but there are enough black/white/grey vehicles.
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nicegaai · 1 year
ame/ri/pan banan/a fi/sh au where its the 80s and alfred is a child prostitute turned new york mafia lord and kiku is a young reporter on overseas assignment doing a story on gang violence in the usa for a japanese newspaper and then they fall in love. i just think they deserve this send post
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theloverstomb · 12 days
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‘Fragile Microbiomes’ by bio-artist Anna Dumitriu
1. SYPHILIS DRESS- This dress is embroidered with images of the corkscrew-shaped bacterium which causes the sexually transmitted disease syphilis. These embroideries are impregnated with the sterilised DNA of the Nichols strain of the bacterium - Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum - which Dumitriu extracted with her collaborators.
2. MICROBE MOUTH- The tooth at the centre of this necklace was grown in the lab using an extremophile bacterium which is part of the species called Serratia (Serratia N14) that can produce hydroxyapatite, the same substance that tooth enamel is made from.
The handmade porcelain teeth that make up this necklace have been coated with glazes derived from various bacterial species that live in our mouths and cause tooth decay and gum disease, including Porphyromonas gingivalis, which can introduce an iron-containing light brown stain to the glaze.
3. TEETH MARKS: THE MOST PROFOUND MYSTERY- In his 1845 essay “On Artificial Teeth”, W.H. Mortimer described false teeth as “the most profound mystery” because they were never discussed. Instead, people would hide the stigma of bad teeth and foul breath using fans.
This altered antique fan is made from animal bone and has been mended with gold wire, both materials historically used to construct false teeth (which would also sometimes incorporate human teeth). The silk of the fan and ribbon has been grown and patterned with two species of oral pathogens: Prevotella intermedia and Porphyromonas gingivalis. These bacteria cause gum disease and bad breath, and the latter has also recently been linked to Alzheimer’s disease.
4. PLAGUE DRESS- This 1665-style 'Plague Dress' is made from raw silk, hand-dyed with walnut husks in reference to the famous herbalist of the era Nicholas Culpeper, who recommended walnuts as a treatment for plague. It has been appliquéd with original 17th-century embroideries, impregnated with the DNA of Yersinia pestis bacteria (plague). The artist extracted this from killed bacteria in the laboratory of the National Collection of Type Cultures at the UK Health Security Agency.
The dress is stuffed and surrounded by lavender, which people carried during the Great Plague of London to cover the stench of infection and to prevent the disease, which was believed to be caused by 'bad air' or 'miasmas'. The silk of the dress references the Silk Road, a key vector for the spread of plague.
5. BACTERIAL BAPTISM- based on a vintage christening gown which has been altered by the artist to tell the story of research into how the microbiomes of babies develop, with a focus on the bacterium Clostridioides difficile, originally discovered by Hall and O’Toole in 1935 and presented in their paper “Intestinal flora in new-born infants”. It was named Bacillus difficilis because it was difficult to grow, and in the 1970s it was recognised as causing conditions from mild antibiotic-associated diarrhoea to life-threatening intestinal inflammation. The embroidery silk is dyed using stains used in the study of the gut microbiome and the gown is decorated with hand-crocheted linen lace grown in lab with (sterilised) C. difficile biofilms. The piece also considers how new-borns become colonised by bacteria during birth in what has been described as ‘bacterial baptism’.
6. ZENEXTON- Around 1570, Swiss physician and alchemist Theophrastus Paracelsus coined the term ‘Zenexton’, meaning an amulet worn around the neck to protect from the plague. Until then, amulets had a more general purpose of warding off (unspecified) disease, rather like the difference today between ‘broad spectrum’ antibiotics and antibiotics informed by genomics approaches which target a specific organism.
Over the next century, several ideas were put forward as to what this amulet might contain: a paste made of powdered toads, sapphires that would turn black when they leeched the pestilence from the body, or menstrual blood. Bizarre improvements were later made: “of course, the toad should be finely powdered”; “the menstrual blood from a virgin”; “collected on a full moon”.
This very modern Zenexton has been 3D printed and offers the wearer something that genuinely protects: the recently developed vaccine against Yersinia pestis, the bacterium that causes plague.
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estellan0vella · 10 days
Dating Them ❀ includes: Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Choso, Sukuna, Toji, Yuta, Yuji, Megumi & Toge with special addition: Maki (REQUESTED) Masterlist
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Satoru Gojo
Adventurous Dates: Gojo loves excitement and adventure, so expect dates filled with thrill-seeking activities like skydiving, bungee jumping, or exploring abandoned places. He'll always keep you on your toes.
Sense of Humor: Despite his serious demeanor in battle, Gojo has a playful and mischievous side, so be prepared for lots of witty banter and playful teasing during your dates. He'll keep you laughing all night long.
Spontaneity: Don't be surprised if Gojo suddenly whisks you away on a spontaneous road trip or decides to try out a new restaurant on a whim. He loves living in the moment and hates sticking to strict plans.
Confidence Booster: Gojo's confidence is infectious, and he'll always make you feel like the most important person in the room. He's not afraid to shower you with compliments and affection, boosting your self-esteem whenever you're feeling down.
Listener and Advisor: Despite his carefree attitude, Gojo is a great listener and always offers sound advice whenever you need it. Whether it's about school, work, or personal issues, he'll lend a sympathetic ear and help you work through any problems.
Protective Nature: As a Jujutsu Sorcerer, Gojo has a strong protective instinct, and he'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe from harm. He'll always have your back in dangerous situations and will go to great lengths to ensure your well-being.
Intellectual Stimulation: Gojo is incredibly intelligent and well-read, so expect deep conversations about a wide range of topics, from philosophy and history to pop culture and current events. He'll challenge your mind and keep you intellectually stimulated.
Romantic Gestures: Despite his playful demeanor, Gojo knows how to be romantic when the occasion calls for it. Whether it's surprising you with flowers and chocolates or writing you heartfelt love letters, he'll always make sure you feel loved and cherished.
Respect for Independence: While Gojo loves spending time with you, he also respects your independence and understands the importance of having your own space and interests. He'll never try to control or smother you, allowing you to pursue your passions freely.
Unpredictable Romance: Dating Gojo is anything but boring. With his unpredictable nature and boundless energy, every day is a new adventure filled with surprises, laughter, and love. Get ready for a whirlwind romance unlike any other.
Drabble: You and Satoru Gojo are strolling through a bustling street market, the air filled with the aroma of exotic spices and the chatter of vendors. His hand is intertwined with yours, his thumb gently tracing circles on your palm as you browse the colorful stalls.
"Hey, check this out," Satoru says, his eyes sparkling with excitement as he leads you to a stall selling handmade jewelry. You watch as he sifts through the intricate designs, his enthusiasm contagious.
"This one would look perfect on you," he declares, holding up a delicate silver necklace adorned with a small sapphire gemstone. You smile, touched by his thoughtfulness, and let him fasten it around your neck.
As you continue exploring the market, Satoru's attention is constantly drawn to the most peculiar items—a jar of glowing fireflies, a mysterious-looking mask, a book with a tattered cover. He's like a child in a candy store, his curiosity endless and infectious.
Eventually, the sun begins to set, casting a warm glow over the bustling market. Satoru suggests grabbing dinner at a nearby ramen shop, and you eagerly agree.
As you sit across from each other, slurping noodles and sharing laughs, you can't help but feel grateful for moments like these—simple yet unforgettable, filled with love and laughter. With Satoru by your side, every day is an adventure worth savouring.
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Suguru Geto
Mysterious Dates: Suguru is not one to reveal everything about himself easily, so dates with him might involve a lot of mystery and surprise. He enjoys keeping you on your toes, planning unexpected outings or adventures that make every moment with him thrilling.
Intellectual Conversations: Geto is highly intelligent and well-read, so conversations with him are never dull. Whether you're discussing philosophy, literature, or the latest supernatural phenomena, he always has something insightful to contribute and enjoys engaging with your ideas and perspectives.
Dark Sense of Humor: Geto's humor tends to be on the darker side, often laced with sarcasm and wit. He appreciates someone who can match his dry humor and isn't easily offended by his sometimes macabre jokes.
Protective Nature: Despite his aloof exterior, Suguru cares deeply for those he's close to, and he's fiercely protective of his loved ones. He'll go to great lengths to ensure your safety and well-being, even if it means putting himself in danger.
Occasional Disappearances: As someone involved in the dangerous world of curses and sorcery, Suguru may occasionally have to disappear for extended periods to deal with supernatural threats. While it can be worrying, you understand that it comes with the territory and eagerly await his return, knowing he'll always come back to you.
Emotional Walls: Suguru has his fair share of emotional baggage, and he's not always quick to open up about his feelings. It takes time and patience to earn his trust, but once you do, you'll find a deeply caring and loyal partner beneath his stoic facade.
Romantic Gestures with a Twist: Geto may not be the most conventional romantic, but he has his own way of showing affection. Whether it's leaving cryptic messages for you to decipher or surprising you with a carefully curated selection of dark poetry, his gestures always come with an air of mystery and intrigue.
Drabble: You sit across from Suguru at a dimly lit cafe, the ambient chatter around you blending with the soft jazz music playing in the background. His piercing gaze flickers over the menu, lips quirking into a faint smirk as he considers his options. You watch him, captivated by the way his mind works, always calculating, always one step ahead.
When he finally looks up, his eyes meet yours, a hint of amusement dancing within them. "What do you recommend?" he asks, voice low and smooth like velvet.
You suggest a specialty coffee, and he nods, signaling the waiter with a subtle gesture. As you wait for your drinks, conversation flows effortlessly between you, shifting from mundane topics to the esoteric mysteries that both fascinate and haunt Suguru's world.
He leans in closer, his breath brushing against your skin as he confides in you, sharing glimpses of his past, his fears, his hopes. It's a rare moment of vulnerability, one that you cherish, knowing that he trusts you enough to let you in.
When the coffee arrives, Suguru takes a slow sip, savoring the rich aroma before meeting your gaze once more. "Thank you," he murmurs, a genuine warmth softening his usually guarded expression.
In that moment, you realize how much he means to you, how his enigmatic presence has woven itself into the fabric of your life. You reach across the table to brush your fingers against his and he grabs your hand, intertwining your fingers with a small quirk of his lips.
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Kento Nanami
Loyalty Above All: Nanami values loyalty immensely, so in a relationship, he's the epitome of a faithful partner. Once he commits, he's all in, prioritizing his partner's happiness and well-being.
Reserved Affection: While Nanami might not be overtly affectionate in public, he shows his love through thoughtful gestures and actions. It could be something as simple as making your favorite meal after a long day or leaving little notes around the house.
Understanding and Respect: He's someone who deeply respects his partner's independence and space. He understands the importance of individual growth and encourages you to pursue your passions and dreams.
Quality Time: Despite his busy schedule, Nanami makes a concerted effort to spend quality time with his partner. Whether it's a quiet evening at home or a spontaneous weekend getaway, he cherishes these moments together.
Shared Interests: Nanami appreciates having common interests with his partner, whether it's enjoying a good book together, going on hikes, or simply binge-watching your favorite shows.
Trust and Communication: Trust and communication are non-negotiables for Nanami. He believes in open and honest dialogue, discussing any concerns or issues that may arise in the relationship calmly and respectfully.
Sense of Humor: Despite his serious demeanor, Nanami has a dry sense of humor that catches you off guard. He loves sharing witty banter and inside jokes with his partner, finding joy in those little moments of laughter.
Supportive Partner: Nanami is your biggest cheerleader, always there to support you through life's ups and downs. Whether you're facing challenges at work or personal struggles, he's by your side, offering guidance and encouragement.
Surprising Romantic: While he may not be the most overtly romantic person, Nanami has his moments of surprising you with heartfelt gestures or unexpected romantic outings, showing that he truly cares and appreciates you.
Security and Stability: In Nanami's arms, you feel a sense of security and stability. His calm and composed demeanor serves as an anchor, providing you with the reassurance that no matter what happens, you have each other's backs.
Drabble: As you walk through the bustling streets, the weight of the day's stress begins to lift at the mere thought of returning home to Kento Nanami. The door creaks open, revealing the comforting glow of the living room lamp, casting soft shadows against the walls.
"Welcome back," his voice, warm and soothing, washes over you as you step inside. His presence alone brings a sense of calm, grounding you in the present moment.
You watch as he sets aside his paperwork, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. It's a silent invitation, one that you eagerly accept as you join him on the couch.
In the quiet intimacy of the evening, you find solace in each other's company. His hand finds yours, fingers intertwining effortlessly as if they were made to fit together. There's no need for words; his touch speaks volumes, conveying a depth of affection that words could never capture.
As you rest your head against his shoulder, you feel a sense of belonging wash over you, a feeling that this is where you're meant to be. In this moment, surrounded by his love, you realize that home isn't a place—it's the warmth of his embrace, the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, and the unwavering presence of Kento Nanami by your side.
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Choso Kamo
Protective Nature: Choso is fiercely protective of his loved ones. When in a relationship, he would prioritize the safety and well-being of his partner above all else. Expect him to always have your back in any situation, whether it's fighting curses or dealing with everyday challenges.
Reserved yet Affectionate: Choso may come off as aloof or distant at first, but once he opens up to you, his affection knows no bounds. He expresses his love through subtle gestures, like cooking your favorite meals or silently watching over you when you sleep.
Deep Conversations: Choso is not one for small talk. He prefers deep, meaningful conversations where both partners can share their inner thoughts and feelings. Whether it's discussing philosophy, the mysteries of life, or simply sharing personal stories, he values intellectual stimulation in a relationship.
Physical Affection: Despite his stoic demeanor, Choso craves physical affection from his partner. He may not initiate it often, but he appreciates moments of closeness, whether it's holding hands, cuddling, or sharing a comforting hug after a long day.
Respectful of Boundaries: Choso respects boundaries and understands the importance of personal space. He won't pressure you into anything you're not comfortable with and will always communicate openly about his own needs and boundaries.
Adventurous Spirit: Dating Choso means embarking on thrilling adventures together. Whether it's exploring new places, trying exotic foods, or facing dangerous curses, he enjoys the excitement of discovering the unknown with his partner by his side.
Loyalty and Devotion: Once Choso commits to a relationship, he is fiercely loyal and devoted. He values honesty and integrity, and expects the same from his partner. Trust is paramount in his eyes, and he will do everything in his power to uphold it.
Emotional Support: Choso may not always know the right words to say, but he's a great listener and offers unwavering emotional support. Whether you're celebrating successes or facing hardships, he'll be there to lend a comforting shoulder to lean on.
Drabble: As you stroll through the bustling streets of the city, Choso walks quietly beside you, his presence both calming and reassuring. The neon lights illuminate the night, casting a soft glow upon his stoic features. You steal a glance at him, marvelling at the way his eyes gleam with a quiet intensity.
"Have you ever been to this part of town before?" you ask, breaking the comfortable silence between you.
Choso shakes his head, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "No, but I'm enjoying exploring it with you."
His words warm your heart, and you find yourself drawn to him even more. As you continue your journey through the labyrinth of streets, you can't help but feel grateful for this moment, for the simple joy of being by his side.
Suddenly, a gust of wind sends a flurry of cherry blossoms swirling around you, creating a magical spectacle of pink petals dancing in the air. Choso reaches out and catches one, his hand closing around it gently.
"For luck," he murmurs, sliding the flower into your hair.
You blush, feeling a surge of warmth spread through you at the simple gesture. In that moment, you realize how lucky you are to have Choso in your life
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Ryomen Sukuna
Protective Nature: Dating Sukuna means having someone fiercely protective by your side. He may not openly admit it, but he's always keeping a close eye on your surroundings, ensuring your safety without you even realizing it.
Unexpected Gentleness: Despite his fierce reputation, Sukuna has moments of unexpected gentleness reserved only for you. Whether it's a soft touch, a tender word, or a protective arm around your shoulders, he shows his affection in subtle but meaningful ways.
Adventure Seeker: Sukuna isn't one to shy away from adventure, and dating him means embarking on thrilling journeys together. Whether it's exploring ancient ruins, seeking out powerful adversaries, or simply wandering through the wilderness, every moment with him is an exhilarating experience.
Shared Secrets: As someone with a complex past and deep-seated secrets, Sukuna doesn't open up easily. However, as your relationship grows, he begins to trust you with pieces of his past, sharing intimate details and vulnerabilities that he hides from the rest of the world.
Fiery Passion: Passionate doesn't even begin to describe Sukuna's intensity in both love and war. When it comes to you, his passion blazes like wildfire, consuming everything in its path. From heated arguments to fiery embraces, every moment with him is electrifying.
Balancing Act: Dating Sukuna requires a delicate balance between his human and demonic sides. While his demonic nature can be intimidating, his human side craves love and companionship. You find yourself navigating the complexities of both, knowing that even the slightest misstep could have dire consequences.
Mutual Growth: Despite his centuries of existence, Sukuna is still capable of growth and change, especially with you by his side. As you navigate the ups and downs of your relationship, you both learn from each other, evolving and becoming better versions of yourselves in the process.
Unwavering Loyalty: Once you earn Sukuna's loyalty and affection, you have it for life. He may be ruthless to his enemies, but he's fiercely loyal to those he cares about. Knowing that he would do anything to protect you gives you a sense of security like no other.
Drabble: You sit beside Sukuna, watching the flames dance in the darkness. His presence is both comforting and electrifying, his aura tinged with a dangerous allure that draws you in like a moth to a flame.
"You're awfully quiet tonight," he remarks, his voice low and rumbling like distant thunder.
You glance at him, a small smile playing on your lips. "Just enjoying the moment," you reply, leaning into his warmth.
His gaze softens, a rare tenderness flickering in those crimson eyes. Without a word, he pulls you closer, his arm wrapping around your shoulders protectively.
In that moment, surrounded by darkness and danger, you find solace in his embrace. With Sukuna by your side, you know that no matter what challenges may come, you'll face them together, bound by an unbreakable bond forged in fire and passion.
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Toji Fushiguro
Quiet Moments: Despite his rough exterior, Toji enjoys quiet moments too. You'll often find yourselves enjoying peaceful evenings together, maybe watching the sunset or stargazing. These moments allow him to open up in his own way, sharing thoughts and stories he might not otherwise.
Late Night Talks: Despite his busy schedule, Toji cherishes the quiet moments he gets to spend with you. Late at night, when the rest of the world is asleep, he'll open up about his past, his dreams, and his fears, trusting you with his deepest thoughts and feelings.
Cooking Together: Toji might not be a master chef, but he enjoys cooking together with you. Expect lots of experimentation in the kitchen, with varying degrees of success. Even if the meal doesn't turn out perfectly, the experience of working together and laughing over mishaps is what matters most.
Protective Nature: Toji's protective instincts run deep. He'll always prioritize your safety and well-being, sometimes to the point of being overly cautious. While it can be frustrating at times, you appreciate knowing that he always has your back.
Surprising Affection: Toji may not be the most outwardly affectionate person, but he has his ways of showing you he cares. Whether it's a gentle touch, a stolen kiss when he thinks no one's looking, or a thoughtful gesture that catches you off guard, his love for you is undeniable.
Equal Partners: Toji sees you as his equal in every way, and he'll treat you as such. He'll never belittle your achievements or dismiss your ambitions, and he'll always support you in pursuing your goals, no matter how big or small they may be.
Respecting Independence: Toji respects your independence and values your individuality. He'll never try to change you or smother you with constant attention. Instead, he encourages you to pursue your passions and dreams, offering his support every step of the way.
Blunt Honesty: Toji is known for his straightforwardness, and that doesn't change in a relationship. He'll always tell you exactly what's on his mind, even if it's not what you want to hear. But his honesty also means you'll never have to second-guess where you stand with him.
Unconventional Romance: Your relationship with Toji is anything but conventional, and you wouldn't have it any other way. From his blunt honesty to his unexpected gestures of affection, every moment with him is an adventure filled with surprises and excitement.
Drabble: You're sitting together on the rooftop of your apartment building, the city lights twinkling below like a sea of stars. Toji's leaning against the railing, a cigarette dangling from his lips, his eyes fixed on the horizon. The night air is cool against your skin, but his presence beside you radiates warmth.
"You ever think about the future?" he asks, his voice low and contemplative.
You tilt your head, studying his profile in the dim light. "Sometimes," you admit. "But right now, I'm just happy to be here with you."
Toji quirks an eyebrow, a ghost of a smile playing on his lips. "Smooth talker," he teases, but there's a hint of fondness in his tone.
You reach out and gently bump your shoulder against his. "Seriously though," you say softly. "As long as I'm with you, the future doesn't seem so scary."
For a moment, Toji is silent, his gaze softening as he looks at you. Then, he stubs out his cigarette and turns to face you fully, his hand finding yours in the darkness.
"Guess we'll just have to take it one day at a time," he says, his thumb tracing circles on the back of your hand. "Together."
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Yuta Okkotsu
Protective Nature: Yuta is fiercely protective of those he cares about. He'll always have your back in any situation, whether it's a dangerous cursed spirit encounter or just offering emotional support during tough times.
Adventurous Spirit: Yuta loves to explore and try new things, so dates with him would often involve exciting adventures like hiking in the mountains, exploring hidden shrines, or trying out exotic cuisines at hole-in-the-wall restaurants.
Gentle and Considerate: Despite his tough exterior and his past struggles, Yuta is incredibly gentle and considerate towards his partner. He'll always listen to your thoughts and feelings, and he'll go out of his way to make you feel loved and appreciated.
Shared Interests: Yuta is a big fan of movies, especially horror films, so movie nights with him would be a common occurrence. You'll find yourselves curled up on the couch together, popcorn in hand, watching your favorite films or discovering new ones.
Training Together: Yuta takes his training as a sorcerer very seriously, and he'd love to share that part of his life with you. You might find yourselves practicing martial arts together or studying curses and exorcism techniques side by side.
Supportive Partner: Yuta understands the weight of carrying burdens, and he'll always be there to support you through yours. Whether it's helping you overcome your fears or chasing your dreams, he'll be your biggest cheerleader every step of the way.
Quiet Moments: While Yuta enjoys thrilling adventures, he also cherishes quiet moments spent together. Whether it's sitting together under the stars, taking a leisurely stroll through a park, or simply cuddling up together on the couch, he treasures these peaceful moments with you.
Unwavering Loyalty: Once Yuta commits to a relationship, he's in it for the long haul. You can always count on his unwavering loyalty and dedication, knowing that he'll stand by your side through thick and thin.
Surprises: Yuta might not always be the most vocal about his feelings, but he shows his love in thoughtful gestures and surprises. Whether it's leaving little notes for you to find or planning spontaneous weekend getaways, he's always finding ways to make you feel special.
Growing Together: Yuta believes in growing and evolving together as a couple. He's open to communication and compromise, always striving to strengthen your bond and build a future together filled with love and happiness.
Drabble: As you sit together in the dimly lit room, the soft glow of the TV casting shadows across the walls, you can't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over you. Yuta's arm is draped around your shoulders, pulling you closer as you both watch a suspenseful horror movie. Despite the tension on the screen, you feel safe and secure in his embrace.
Every now and then, Yuta steals a glance at you, his eyes filled with warmth and affection. You catch his gaze and share a smile, a silent exchange that speaks volumes. In moments like these, words seem unnecessary. It's the quiet comfort of being together that matters most.
As the movie reaches its climax, you find yourself instinctively leaning into Yuta, seeking solace in his presence. He tightens his hold around you, offering silent reassurance. And in that simple gesture, you realize how lucky you are to have him by your side.
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Yuji Itadori
Food Lover: Yuji has a huge appetite and loves trying different foods. He'd enjoy taking you to his favourite food spots and would always be open to trying new cuisines together. Expect lots of foodie adventures and maybe even some friendly competitions to see who can finish their meal first! (Spoiler alert: it's never you unless he lets you win)
Supportive Partner: Despite his tough exterior, Yuji is incredibly caring and supportive. He'd always be there for you, whether you need someone to listen to your problems or just want a shoulder to lean on. He's a great listener and would go out of his way to make you feel loved and supported.
Training Buddies: Yuji takes his training seriously, and he'd love having you by his side as his training partner. Whether it's hitting the gym, going for runs, or practicing martial arts together, you'd both push each other to become stronger physically and mentally.
Goofy and Playful: Yuji has a playful side and loves goofing around. He'd enjoy teasing you in a lighthearted way and would always be up for silly antics and inside jokes. His infectious laughter and cheerful personality would make every moment spent together full of joy and laughter.
Protective Nature: As a Jujutsu Sorcerer, Yuji has a strong sense of justice and a desire to protect others. He'd prioritize your safety above all else and would do whatever it takes to keep you out of harm's way. Knowing that he's always looking out for you would make you feel safe and cherished.
Heart of Gold: Despite facing many hardships in his life, Yuji remains kind-hearted and optimistic. He'd always see the best in you and would love you unconditionally. His sincerity and warmth would melt your heart, and being with him would make you feel truly cherished and valued.
Drabble: As you stroll through the bustling streets, Yuji's hand finds yours, fingers intertwining naturally. His infectious energy radiates, filling the air with excitement.
"You hungry?" he grins, eyes sparkling with anticipation. Without waiting for an answer, he leads you to a cozy ramen joint he's been raving about. Inside, the aroma of savory broth and spices envelops you, and you can't help but smile at Yuji's enthusiasm.
As you slurp noodles and share laughs, you realize how effortless it feels to be with him. His presence is comforting, like a warm embrace on a cold day. You find yourself drawn to his kindness, his unwavering optimism.
Later, as the sun sets and the city lights twinkle like stars, Yuji takes your hand again, his touch gentle yet reassuring. In this moment, surrounded by the hustle and bustle of the city, you feel a sense of peace, knowing that wherever life takes you, Yuji will be there, holding your hand every step of the way.
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Megumi Fushiguro
Reserved Affection: Megumi might not always be the most expressive verbally, but he shows his affection through small, subtle gestures. Expect random acts of kindness like making you tea or remembering your favorite snacks.
Quiet Understanding: He's a great listener. Megumi may not always offer advice right away, but he'll listen intently to whatever is on your mind, and when he does speak, it's often profound and thoughtful.
Adventurous Spirit: Despite his serious demeanor, Megumi enjoys exploring new places and trying new things. He might surprise you with impromptu trips to quaint cafes or hiking trails on weekends.
Protective Nature: Megumi takes his role as your partner seriously and will go to great lengths to ensure your safety and well-being. He might not show it overtly, but he's always watching out for you.
Shared Interests: He appreciates having common interests but also respects your individuality. Whether it's a shared love for animals, literature, or martial arts, he enjoys bonding over mutual passions.
Balanced Independence: Megumi values his independence and understands the importance of giving you space to grow and pursue your own interests. He's supportive and encouraging of your personal goals and aspirations.
Trust and Loyalty: Once you earn Megumi's trust, he's fiercely loyal. He values honesty and integrity in a relationship and expects the same in return.
Emotional Depths: While Megumi may appear stoic on the surface, he has deep emotional complexities. He's not afraid to open up to you about his fears, dreams, and vulnerabilities, trusting you with his innermost thoughts.
Comfortable Silence: Sometimes, the most comfortable moments with Megumi are the ones spent in silence, just enjoying each other's presence without the need for constant conversation.
Slow-Burning Romance: Megumi's love is steady and enduring. It may take time for him to fully express his feelings, but when he does, it's genuine and unwavering. He's in it for the long haul.
Drabble: You stand beside Megumi Fushiguro, his quiet presence both comforting and intimidating. The sun sets, casting a golden glow over his dark hair and serious eyes. You try to catch his gaze, but he’s focused on the horizon, deep in thought. There’s a certain stillness to him, a calm that makes your heart race and your thoughts scatter.
“Megumi,” you say softly, almost afraid to break the silence. He turns to you, his expression softening just a bit. You reach out, your fingers brushing against his. For a moment, he hesitates, then his hand closes around yours, warm and reassuring.
“Let’s stay a little longer,” he murmurs, his voice low but filled with something you can’t quite name. You nod, squeezing his hand gently. In this fleeting moment, under the fading light, everything feels right. You don’t need words to know that he feels it too.
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Toge Inumaki
Communicative Gestures: Toge uses a mix of hand signals, notes, and texts to communicate with you, and over time, you become fluent in his unique language. A simple tap on your shoulder or a gentle squeeze of your hand speaks volumes.
Protective Streak: Despite his calm demeanor, Toge is incredibly protective of you. His cursed speech is a last resort, but he won’t hesitate to use it if you’re in danger. He’s always watching over you, ensuring you’re safe.
Quiet Comfort: You two enjoy a lot of quiet moments together. Whether it’s cuddling while watching a movie or sitting in a café reading books, Toge’s presence is soothing, and you find peace in these silent moments.
Thoughtful Surprises: Toge loves surprising you with little gifts and notes. He might leave a flower on your desk, a favorite snack in your bag, or a sweet note with a simple “Salmon” to brighten your day.
Cooking Together: He enjoys cooking with you, using his knowledge of food to whip up delicious meals. You bond over trying new recipes, and he loves seeing the smile on your face when you taste something new and delicious.
Supportive Partner: Toge is always supportive of your dreams and ambitions. He listens attentively when you talk about your goals and offers silent encouragement through his actions and expressions.
Playful Side: Though he often seems serious, Toge has a playful side that he shows only to you. He enjoys teasing you gently, making you laugh with his quirky sense of humor.
Shared Training: You train together, and Toge teaches you techniques to improve your skills. These sessions bring you closer, and you appreciate his patience and dedication.
Protective Hugs: Toge’s hugs are tight and reassuring. He pulls you close, wrapping his arms around you in a way that makes you feel safe and cherished. Drabble: You sit beside Toge Inumaki on the grassy hill overlooking the city. The sun is setting, painting the sky with hues of pink and orange. Toge hands you a bento box he prepared, filled with your favorite foods. His eyes sparkle with a hint of mischief, and you can’t help but smile.
“Salmon,” he says softly, his way of telling you to enjoy the meal. You take a bite, savoring the flavors, and he watches you with a contented expression.
You reach out and take his hand, squeezing it gently. He responds with a light squeeze back, his thumb tracing small circles on your skin. The silence between you is comfortable, filled with unspoken words and shared understanding.
He pulls out a small notebook and writes something, then shows it to you: "Beautiful evening, beautiful you." Your heart swells at his words, and you lean in, resting your head on his shoulder.
Together, you watch as the stars begin to appear, one by one. In this quiet moment, you feel completely at peace, knowing that Toge is by your side, silently loving you in his own special way.
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Training Together: Maki values strength and skill, so training sessions together become a regular part of your relationship. She pushes you to your limits, but also knows when to offer encouragement and praise.
Tough Love: Maki has a tough exterior, but she shows her affection through small acts of care. She might grumble while bandaging your wounds after a tough fight, but her touch is always gentle.
Competitive Streak: She’s fiercely competitive, and you often find yourselves in playful contests, whether it’s sparring, running races, or even silly games. The banter that ensues is always light-hearted and fun.
Supportive Partner: Maki is incredibly supportive of your goals and dreams. She understands the importance of fighting for what you believe in and stands by your side through thick and thin.
Protective Nature: Maki’s protective nature means she’s always watching out for you. She won’t tolerate anyone who disrespects or threatens you, and she’s quick to step in if needed.
Soft Moments: Despite her tough demeanor, Maki has a soft side that she shows only to you. Quiet moments together, like watching the stars or simply holding hands, are when she lets her guard down.
Cooking Together: Maki enjoys cooking with you, though she’s more practical than creative in the kitchen. She loves seeing you happy, especially when you’re enjoying a meal you made together.
Shared Interests: You bond over shared interests, whether it’s training, strategizing, or discussing the latest mission. Your conversations are always engaging and meaningful.
Genuine Laughter: Maki has a dry sense of humor, and you cherish the moments when you make her genuinely laugh. Her laughter is rare but precious, and it makes your heart swell with joy.
Affectionate Gestures: Maki isn’t big on public displays of affection, but in private, she’s more affectionate. She enjoys holding you close, resting her head on your shoulder, and stealing kisses when no one’s looking.
Drabble: You find yourself sparring with Maki under the dappled light filtering through the dojo’s windows. She moves with precision, her every step calculated, her eyes never leaving yours. You’re out of breath, but you push yourself to keep up, driven by her relentless determination.
“Come on, you can do better,” she taunts, a smirk playing on her lips. There’s a challenge in her gaze, but also an undeniable warmth.
You manage to land a hit, and her eyes widen with surprise before she grins, a rare and genuine smile. “That’s more like it,” she says, her voice softer now.
After the session, you both collapse onto the mats, breathless and laughing. Maki’s laughter is a sound you cherish, rare and beautiful. She reaches over, her hand finding yours, fingers intertwining. The callouses on her palm are a testament to her strength and dedication.
“You’re getting better,” she murmurs, her tone filled with pride. You squeeze her hand, feeling a rush of warmth at her words.
“Thanks to you,” you reply, meeting her gaze. There’s a moment of silence, charged with unspoken emotions, and then she leans in, pressing a quick, soft kiss to your lips.
“Let’s keep pushing each other,” she says, determination and affection mingling in her eyes. You nod, knowing that with Maki by your side, you can face anything.
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lakefu · 2 months
A Perfect Warmth 🕯️
Summary: Astarion and Tav take a well deserved break away form the chaos of their adventures at an inn inside Baldur's Gate. They need to clean up and get back on the road but they keep getting distracted. Perhaps plans could be delayed for a night of passion...
Pairing: Astarion x female!Tav
Tags: 18+, Explicit, fluffy smut, brief Astarion trauma response, PIV, erogenous elf ears, scent kink, blood + biting, a bit of praise, a bit of edging... a sprinkle of cockwarming...., these guys are in love...
Word count: 3.5k Note: This was my first fic originally uploaded on Ao3 on 11/27/23, inspired by the patch #4 dev note mentioning adding sponges to clean your companions. I've made edits from the Ao3 post.
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“Remind me to sell this junk next time we pass by a merchant, would you dear?” Astarion was seated at the edge of the bed and rummaging through his traveler’s pack, placing various items on the nightstand for further examination. Two silver forks, an old necklace, and a handful of various polished stones ended up on the table before he plucked out an intricate sapphire ring and held it up to the sunlight peeking through the window.
“Good taste,” he muttered to himself. He placed the ring on his pinky finger in amusement and resumed the scavenge. 
“It’s going to get difficult sneaking up on people if I have to lug this heavy thing around you know.” He threw over a glance at Tav, who was preoccupied with gathering laundry together in preparation for the next day.
“It wouldn’t be so heavy if you didn’t pocket nearly every shiny thing we came across,” she teased, without even looking over at him.
He gasped dramatically. “Framed by my own lover? Quite the scandal. Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten the near dozen times you’ve asked me to hold onto your things because your own pack was too full.”
“Hmm. Maybe. I guess that might sound sort of familiar…” She giggled to herself and walked into the bedroom to catch his eye, meeting him with a mischievous grin. 
“Why are you such a- oh! Now, what’s this you’re wearing?” Astarion blinked and scanned her up and down, clearly enthralled by the wardrobe change. She stood there in an old linen robe that was yellowed with age, definitely unlike anything he had ever seen her in before.
“Just some old thing I found in the dresser here, isn’t it just fabulous?” Tav's words were dripping in sarcasm and yet she smiled, performing a grandiose little spin in the middle of the room as if she was wearing the most beautiful ball gown in the world.
“I… it’s just so different from your usual armor or that drow nightwear you fancy so much. You look so… domestic.” His eyes were locked onto Tav intensely, with brow furrowed as he seemed to be confused by his own words.
She felt her heart skip a beat and a flush run to her face.
“And you think that’s a good look for me?”
His eyes softened and he paused a moment before quietly answering.
“Yes… I do.”
Tav watched as his smile faded and the gaze of his eyes became increasingly more distant. The atmosphere seemed to shift and a slight panic ran through her body. Did she do something wrong? No... and it didn’t require a tadpole connection to get an understanding for what had brought down his spirits.
Astarion hadn’t considered a comfortable domestic life was possible for someone like him. Even the slightest concept of such a thing had been buried for over a hundred years, and he never expected it to resurface. Was he worthy of such a thing, and was it even possible? 
Oh, it was possible. The evidence was standing right in front of him, spinning circles in an ugly bathrobe. He could see glimpses of a happy future that was so close to being a reality he nearly felt nauseous. Not because he was unsure of himself, but because there were still too many unresolved matters they had a duty to attend to. Too many missions and stupid little quests that could now go wrong and threaten this idea of a happy ending he never even knew was possible.
Everything was different now that he realized what was possible, and he suddenly felt an unknown and uncomfortable pressure. All he knew was that he couldn’t afford to lose in the upcoming battles. Battles that some would say were impossible, suicidal even. The thought of loss at this point was beyond unbearable. It was sickening just to think about.
“Hey!!” Tav ran up to where he was sitting on the bed and took his head in her hands. She placed a delicate kiss on his forehead, knowing she had to get him focused on something else.
“Why don’t we go to the shop right now and get rid of that stuff,” she motioned to the collection of items that had been gathered on the nightstand.
“Wouldn’t hurt to get some more coin in our pockets, right?” She looked at him expectantly and felt a huge relief as a light seemed to return to his eye and meet her view.
“Please tell me you aren’t going to wear that horrid robe to see the merchant,” he sighed and looked up at her pleadingly.
“Of course not!! I’ll change and- oh gods!!! We’ve got to get this blood off your face, the merchant is going to think we are trying to kill him!” Tav exclaimed as she lightly shook his shoulders, and quickly began examining his body to see how much cleaning would have to get done before they could leave.
“Blood… on my face?” He raised an eyebrow and brought a finger to his cheek.
“Yeah!! Well, it’s all over you really, dontcha remember earlier today, fighting those cultists?? You sneaked up behind one of ‘em and BAM!!! Just obliterated with a single strike, it was amazing!! You’re so strong…you know.” Her pulse was racing at the mere memory of the event as she delicately traced the side of his face with her fingers and ventured down to his chest. 
“Ah of course. That was all so terribly easy I’d nearly forgotten,” he said proudly, adjusting his posture and keeping his eyes on Tav’s hand movements sliding across his chest. Her soft touch was becoming more firm as her fingers made their way toward his arms, giving his biceps a teasing squeeze before leaning her face into his and teasing a kiss.
Before their lips could touch, Astarion wags a finger in between their faces as if to remind Tav of the task at hand.
“Alright my sweet, let’s clean up shall we? You’re my mirror after all. So, go on then.” He took her hands into his own and gave them a kiss before placing them back at her side, encouraging her to go and gather whatever it was she needed to get him cleaned up.
Right, the supplies. It was nearly impossible to remain focused after moments of intimacy with him, no matter how brief they were. She quickly moved into the other room to acquire the washcloths and bucket of soapy water that she was using for herself not too long ago. Hands full, she scurried back to the bedroom to meet her lover, who hadn’t moved an inch.
As she approached him, Tav could feel the tie on her robe becoming increasingly more loose with each step that was taken across the floor. The embarrassment hit her as she realized she didn't have any hands free to do anything about it. She quickly tried to put the bucket down by the bedside, but the bending movement only resulted in the robe slipping off one of her shoulders, exposing a bare breast.
“Oh? You haven’t got anything on underneath?” Astarion cocked his head in amusement, eyes unmoving from the newly exposed skin.
“Ye-yeah that’s the whole point of robes isn’t it? I was doing laundry earlier ya know and umm,” She laughed nervously and started to fix the wardrobe malfunction but was quickly stopped by a hand over her own. Astarion reached out toward her until both hands were around her waist and pulled her in close to his body. Fangs were peeking through his devious smile while determined eyes looked her up and down. With a singular finger he crept over to the loose knot of the robe’s tie and flicked it completely undone with one swift movement.
Tav shuddered and felt her body starting to run warm despite now being suddenly exposed to the cool air of the inn. She was completely revealed to him now, the robe only just clinging to her arms and draped across her backside.
“Gods, you’re beautiful,” he sighed and began kissing her stomach and caressing the curves of her waist. “Come here.”
Tav gasped as she felt his cold grip around her waist tighten as he expertly lifted her up onto his lap with ease. Pleased at the new angle, Astarion shifted his attention to kissing the crook of her neck and started moving down her chest. He delightfully found her nipple with his mouth in no time, and teased it in circles with his tongue just as he knew she liked it. His gentle sucking continued for only a few brief moments before he suddenly withdrew and cleared his throat.
“Ah, well. You can reach my face better up here I’m sure. For the cleaning of course,” he said smugly. The elf leaned back and admired the view of his lover, nude and flustered, perched oh-so perfectly on top of him.
“The cleaning…” Tav nodded and remembered she still had a warm and soapy washcloth in her hand. The urge to throw the stupid cloth into some unknown corner of the room was nearly undeniable. All she wanted in this moment was for him to take her completely, in any way he wanted, it didn’t matter as long as she ended up getting fucked into oblivion. So fine. On with the cleaning.
She raised the washcloth to his temple and slowly began to wipe away the dried blood by working down his face. His cheeks were a bit sunken as usual but flushed adorably in this moment, clearly enjoying the tender rubs of cloth on his skin. She continued rubbing down toward his chiseled jawline, across to his lips, and back up the other side to repeat the process once more. She ran her fingers through his silver curls and noticed his ears would need cleaning too. 
One hand caressed the pointy ear to keep it in place and the other brought the washcloth in for a gentle scrub. A quiet moan suddenly escaped the vampire’s lips.
Oh? She had seemingly discovered a sensitive spot and noted that she would have to continue her work carefully. The scrubbing continued but Tav couldn’t keep her eyes off his face now. His eyes were closed but still noticeably moving behind their lids, and his lips were slightly parted with his breathing becoming increasingly heavier and more noticeable. 
Astarion was in his own world of pleasure. What in the hells had he been doing these past weeks, aimlessly scrubbing himself clean alone in the river when they could have been doing this the whole time instead?
He opened his eyes just to make sure it wasn’t all a dream. She was still there of course, diligently and lovingly taking such good care of his body. A wave of maddening lust rushed through his core and he needed her closer. He needed her as close as physically possible and even more so after that.
Their eyes met, revealing intense desires. Tav lowered her hands and she spoke slowly, “Can you take your shirt off? There’s a spot I can’t get to with it on…” 
She wasn’t fooling anybody, but he obeyed without hesitation. The shirt was gone in seconds, revealing his pale and perfectly sculpted chest. It was a sight that Tav never tired of admiring, and was in fact the subject of distracting daydreams on the daily. She shifted her body closer to his and continued scrubbing his neck and chest, despite it becoming increasingly more difficult to focus. Deep breaths.
She had always been fond of his cologne that he was quite proud of concocting himself. The scent of aged brandy, bergamot, and rosemary was now forever an Astarion specialty that she could never forget. Even during times of battle or travel, a gust of wind could carry his essence to her and bring along with it a sense of reassuring familiarity. As she continued to wipe him down, however, a different scent began to come to the forefront.
It was something that did not seem completely foreign, but it wasn't immediately identifiable either. There was something about taking it all in that felt forbidden. Tav tried to pinpoint what she was experiencing. He smelled earthy… raw… unnatural… it was without a doubt, the undeath.
An undeniable heat rose through her body as she engulfed herself with this pure scent from her lover. The washcloth, the bed, the entire room seemed miles away, and nothing felt coherent except for a craving to be even closer to him. Nothing else existed except their bodies and her overwhelming desire to-
“Eager, are we?” A sultry voice snapped her back into reality, where piercing red eyes amusingly greeted her return. She suddenly became aware of a presence between her thighs and glanced down, realizing she was sitting atop a clothed bulge. His hands had a firm grip on her backside and his encouraging movements made it clear she had been absentmindedly grinding on him during her trance. 
“Shit, I got carried away…” She hadn’t taken her eyes off his crotch and began to notice that her excitement had left a dampness on his clothes. Embarrassment nearly overtook her, but a gentle yet confident hand grabbed her chin and brought it up to meet his gaze. He leaned into her with a grinning open mouth and kissed her passionately, tongues intertwining.
She felt his fangs briefly scrape against her tongue every so often until a metallic taste became increasingly noticeable. She didn't mind the blood, especially since it seemed to enhance his arousal as noted by his hips continuously jolting faster up into her exposed crotch. Tav was soon pleasantly overwhelmed between his deep kisses and desperate hands groping her at every curve of her body. She longed to give him everything; her blood for his hunger, her body for his pleasure. 
Tav released herself from the kiss they had been locked into and tilted her head so that her neck became exposed as an undeniable gift. His mouth lunged at the presented spot as soon as it was noticed, fangs immediately sinking in deep. Tav cried out at the initial impact but soon was reveling in the experience. It was a perfect mixture of pain and pleasure that she was only capable of experiencing from him.
He remained on her neck for a while, still tightly holding on to her body and keeping one hand free to reassuringly caress the back of her head. It was only after the blood flow slowed to a near stop did he cease his medley of licking and sucking at the wound. Blood dripped down his chin and onto his exposed chest, but he was ultimately unfazed. He leaned back, clearly happy and mostly satisfied, but there was still a different type of satisfaction he had left to chase.
Astarion's throbbing erection was begging to be released from its clothed restraints. He quickly untied his pants and shifted his underwear to finally free it. He moaned a few incomprehensible words of relief and stroked himself a few times before looking up at Tav for approval.
Tav had been staring at his length from the moment it was exposed, an impressive size for an elf, no doubt. Her eyes fixated on his perfectly pink tip, glistening with precum just for her. She immediately fantasized of shoving him down her throat until she choked and cried, but that was a fantasy for another day. In their current position, they both knew there was only one simple way of how to continue.
“Astarion,” she whimpered. “Fuck me.”
Tav sat up on her knees and positioned herself so that her entrance was just nearly grazing the head of his dick, ready to take him in completely at any moment. She grabbed ahold of his shaft and guided the tip back and forth through her folds until he was covered in her slick. The new sensation of the friction between them left them both gasping and desperate for more.
Suddenly, finally, his arms wrapped around her body as he pulled her down onto him with one firm motion. Astarion grunted through his teeth while Tav moaned unapologetically, focusing on relaxing enough to allow her body to adjust to his length inside of her. 
The temperature differences between their bodies only heightened the feelings of pleasure whenever they became one. Her warmness was intoxicating to him, granting a sense of safety and bliss that was impossible to achieve anywhere else. He was already so close to the edge in this moment, but was not ready to give in just yet. He wanted this moment of heaven to last as long as possible.
Meanwhile, Tav was having the time of her life riding her man like there was no tomorrow. She had no intent to slow down until a pair of large hands suddenly gripped her hips in a way that prevented any further movement.
“I’m not done with you yet, love. Didn’t you notice the mess I’ve made after feasting on you?” Astarion took a finger to his chin and smeared a bit of Tav’s fresh blood down his neck.
It was true, he had made a mess. Quite uncharacteristically of him in fact. Tav had assumed he had simply gotten careless in his horny and feral craze but no- it was clearly all calculated. 
“Just be still and sit nice and pretty on my cock. Finish the cleaning, then I’ll take care of you myself. How does that sound?” 
How does that sound? His words echoed in her head, which was already spinning plenty enough as it was. She was unsure if it was from the blood loss or her seemingly never ending carnal desires, but perhaps it was both. One thing was certain, however, he could convince her to do damn near anything speaking in that low and lustful tone of his. Without uttering a word she slowly brought the washcloth up to his chest. 
“Good girl,” he whispered. He felt her body twitch around him in response to the praise, and he leaned back to relax and enjoy these final few moments of intimacy. 
It had taken everything in Tav's power to remain still while she worked. It wasn't exactly easy to focus- she was being split in half by a whimpering vampire beneath her after all. Astarion’s skilled fingers had been dancing around her swollen clit the whole time, just enough to keep her stimulated but never enough to let her come.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the blood was all cleaned up. She hadn't even realized when it happened or how he did it, but his pants were completely gone now. She reached over to place the cloth down and awaited her reward of sweet release.
Astarion’s hands moved to the knees that were straddling him and slowly pushed them farther apart, spreading Tav’s legs open bit by bit. She inhaled sharply as she took him in deeper. He opened her up more and more until she lost her balance and fell backwards onto his expectant embrace. 
“Relax darling, I’ve got you,” He purred in reassurance. 
Astarion took her entire weight in his arms with ease and laid her down amongst the soft pillows of the bed. He nestled himself comfortably between her legs, making sure their bodies were flush with one another. Nearly smothered by his body now, all Tav could do was claw at his back and arch her hips into his powerful thrusts. His mouth frantically traveled across her lips and neck with desperately wet kisses until he settled near her ear with a playful nibble.
“You’re so beautiful…” He whispered tenderly, while the rhythm of his lovemaking became increasingly sporadic. “So fucking perfect… Gods…just for me… I love you… so much...”
“Star, I- ah!” Her words cut short as she felt something snap within her. Pure ecstasy- she was falling and flying somewhere a million galaxies away and never wanted to come back. Obscene noises and curses filled the room as they rode out each other’s high in tight embrace. The smell of sex lingered in the air as their bodies heaved with labored breaths, finally collapsing on each other in exhaustion. 
They laid together a while longer, exchanging soft kisses and enjoying the short moment in time where nothing else in the world mattered. Eventually, Astarion rolled out of the bed and stood up to stretch. 
“Tsk, looks like it’s my turn to clean you up my dear,” He said with an accomplished grin, eying how her thighs were dripping with his sticky mess.
“I’ll be right back, don’t move an inch. Actually, I doubt you can move at all after that, ahaha!” He laughed and leaned over to brush aside a strand of Tav’s sweaty hair that was stuck to her forehead before walking over to the other room. 
“Shut up… dummy…” she smiled to herself and rolled over, feeling at ease enough that the weight of sleep was starting to overtake her.
“I love you too, Astarion.” Her eyes closed as she drifted off into a peaceful slumber, knowing that her lover would soon come back to her side like he always did, and always would.
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bluejaygryphon · 2 years
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I can't go 5 seconda without buying a new g1 project to match a vaporwave skin. RIP my wallet but she was simply too pretty </3
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pucksandpower · 10 months
Ties That Bind
Charles Leclerc x royal!Reader + Max Verstappen x sister!Reader
Summary: life as Princess of the Netherlands is pretty perfect but when health issues become a (literal) royal pain, you discover a familial connection that will change your life forever
Warnings: struggles with infertility, child abandonment, serious health issues, medical procedures and treatments
This is what happens when I’m insane enough to try juggling writing an 8k+ word fic with studying in medical school
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The night was a cascade of ethereal snowflakes, each one glistening under the pale moonlight, landing gracefully upon the earth. The silver car glided along the road, its headlights illuminating the path through the thick curtain of snow, like two piercing eyes navigating through sorrow.
Inside, Prince Frederik of the Netherlands drove in silent contemplation, the weight of the day’s news pressing heavily on his heart. Beside him, Princess Marianne stared out of the frosted window, her reflection capturing swollen eyes that glistened with fresh tears. Her fingers trembled slightly, crumpling yet another now irrelevant medical report indicating one more failed IVF attempt.
“I thought this time would be different,” Marianne whispered, her voice quivering. “I truly believed it.”
Frederik’s grip on the wheel tightened. He turned to his wife, pain evident in his eyes. “I know, my love. I know.”
As they drove, Frederik’s eyes caught a glimpse of something unusual by the side of the road. “What’s that?” He murmured, slowing the car.
Marianne followed his gaze. “It looks like a bundle ... stop the car!”
Frederik brought the vehicle to a halt. They both jumped out and hurried over to the mysterious object. As they approached, Marianne gasped. “Oh my God, Frederik ... it’s a baby!”
She quickly bent down to scoop the tiny, shivering form into her arms. The baby’s skin was cold, blue lips barely parting for shallow breaths as the thin pink blanket wrapped around it did little to fight the chill. “Who could do such a thing?” Marianne cried, holding the child close for warmth.
Frederik’s face hardened. “We need to get her to a hospital. Now.”
Back in the car, Marianne cradled the baby, trying to transfer her warmth. “Stay with us,” she murmured, tears spilling. “Please, stay with us.”
As they sped towards the hospital, Frederik reached over and held Marianne’s free hand. “It'’s a sign,” he whispered. “After everything we’ve been through today ... finding her like this ... it’s fate.”
Marianne looked down at the baby, her fingers gently brushing the soft wisps of hair on the child’s head. “Our little miracle in the snow,” she whispered back.
Frederik smiled faintly, squeezing Marianne's hand. “Yes, our snow angel. We’ll take care of her and she’ll take care of us.”
“You know, every time it snows, it feels like the world is celebrating the day we found you,” your father, now King Frederik, remarks, gazing out of the vast palace windows at the flurries descending from the sky.
You smile, reaching for a delicate pastry from the breakfast spread laid out before you. “And every snowflake reminds me of the warmth of this family that saved me from the cold.”
Your mother, Queen Marianne, hair now threaded with silver, gives you a loving glance. “Our snow angel, right when we needed you most.”
“Speaking of snow,” you muse, “I’m thinking of wearing the ice-blue gown for tonight’s gala. Thoughts?”
Your father raises an eyebrow, “For the Children’s Foundation event? Perfect choice. It complements the theme and matches the tiara your mother has picked for you to wear.”
You grin, “Who knew you had such a fashion sense?”
Your mother chuckles, “It’s a king thing. But he’s right. And with your sapphire necklace, you will be the talk of the gala.”
You take a sip of your tea, thinking of the evening ahead. “I want to ensure my speech captures the essence of our foundation’s work. It’s more than just another royal event, this is about making a real difference.”
Your father nods, “It always is for you. That genuine desire to impact lives, it’s how I know you will be a great Queen one day.”
You blush slightly, “I learned from the best.”
Your mother, with a hint of mischief, remarks, “And speaking of learning, have you decided on a dance partner for the first waltz? There’s quite a line-up available.”
You laugh, “Oh, Mom! Let’s not start matchmaking before breakfast is over.”
Your father joins in the mirth, “Give her a break, Marianne. Our snow angel must not melt.”
The regal hallways echo with the gentle patter of your heeled footsteps. Lately, the palace, your lifelong sanctuary, feels more like a maze. A sudden wave of dizziness makes you pause, leaning against a gilded wall for support.
“You okay there?” a soft voice calls. It’s your mother, her face etched with worry.
“Just a bit dizzy,” you mumble, attempting a reassuring smile.
She hurries over, her gown flowing. “You’ve been looking pale these past few days.”
Before you can reply, a sharp sensation pricks your nose. Touching it, you’re shocked to see blood on your fingertips. “Oh no,” you whisper, panic creeping into your voice.
Your mother’s eyes widen. “We need to see a doctor.”
“But the gala—”
“Forget the gala!” She interrupts. “Your health comes first.”
Inside the royal clinic, the room is a tense silence. Your father paces while your mother sits beside you, holding your hand tightly.
The family physician finally arrives, his expression somber. “Your Highness, Your Majesties,” he begins, “we’ve run several tests.”
“And?” Your father demands, halting his restless walk.
You take a deep, shaky breath, bracing yourself.
The doctor hesitates for a split second. “You have aplastic anemia.”
The room seems to close in. The words hang heavily, turning the opulent clinic cold.
Your mother’s voice trembles, “What does that mean?”
“It’s a condition where the bone marrow doesn’t produce enough new blood cells. This leads to fatigue, higher risk of infections, and uncontrolled bleeding,” the doctor explains.
Your mind races. The symptoms make sense now — the fatigue, dizziness, the nosebleed.
Your father’s face hardens, searching for hope. “What’s the treatment?”
The doctor looks grim, “The most effective treatment at this severity is a bone marrow transplant. We will need to find a matching donor.”
Your mother’s grip tightens on your hand, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. “We’ll find one. We have to.”
Your father nods. “We will move mountains if we have to.”
You muster a small smile, drawing strength from your parents. “One snowstorm at a time.”
“How long does it usually take to find a match?” Youu inquire, voice trembling ever so slightly.
Dr. Van der Meer, the lead hematologist on your case, sighs, “It varies, Your Highness. Some find a match within their family, others from the global database. It can take days or even months.”
Your mother breaks in desperately, “But surely, with our resources, we can expedite the process?”
Your father adds, “Every avenue, every connection we have at our disposal is yours to use, Doctor.”
Dr. Van der Meer nods, “I understand the urgency, Your Majesties. We’ve already started to search within the national database. Meanwhile, we advise immediate family to get tested first.”
You interject, a sense of realization dawning, “But I’m adopted. Our genetic makeup differs.”
Your father and mother exchange a heavy look, the weight of your situation pressing down on them.
“We still have a vast network, a whole nation even,” your father muses. “Surely someone out there is a match.”
Dr. Van der Meer hesitates then says, “Actually, there has already been a hit from the database. A potential match.”
Your heart skips a beat. “Who?”
“We maintain confidentiality, Your Highness,” he replies. “But once we confirm the match and receive their consent, you will be informed.”
Your mother’s voice is tinged with hope. “So there’s a chance? A real chance?”
You lean forward eagerly. “When will we know more?”
Dr. Van der Meer offers a comforting smile. “Soon, Your Highness. For now, patience is our ally.”
“It’s been weeks, Doctor. Why haven’t we heard from the potential donor?” The frustration is clear in your mother’s voice.
Dr. Van der Meer looks up, choosing his words carefully. “The potential donor ... has some reservations.”
Your father’s brow furrows. “Reservations? Isn’t saving a life more important?”
The doctor clears his throat, “It’s a bit more complicated than that, Your Majesty. The potential donor is someone you’re familiar with.”
You lean forward, your curiosity piqued. “Who is it?”
There’s a momentary pause, the silence thickening. “Max Verstappen.”
Shock ripples through the room. The name isn’t just any name. It’s a name known to every Dutch citizen, celebrated in every corner of the nation.
Your mother blinks in disbelief. “The Formula 1 racer? We’ve met him multiple times at the Grand Prix. But why would he have reservations?”
Dr. Van der Meer hesitates, “There’s more to it. We ran some further genetic tests, customary for close matches. The results were ... unexpected.”
Your father leans forward in anticipation. “Go on.”
The doctor takes a deep breath, “Max Verstappen is not just a match. He’s ... he’s your half-brother.”
The room goes still. The revelation hangs in the air, too staggering to fully comprehend.
You feel your world tilt. “That’s impossible.”
Your mother’s voice is a whisper, “How can that be?”
Dr. Van der Meer clears his throat. “The genetic markers were unmistakable. Given the rare degree of compatibility and the markers we found, there is no doubt.”
Your father runs a hand through his hair, trying to process the news. “So all these years, at every Grand Prix, we’ve been cheering for ... family?”
You chime in, a flurry of emotions whirling inside, “And he doesn’t know, does he?”
The doctor shakes his head, “No, not yet. That’s the reservation. Revealing this ... it changes everything for him too.”
Your mother is contemplative. “We’ve celebrated his victories, felt the pride of having him represent our country. And now, knowing he’s family ...”
You interject, “And now, we need him more than ever. Not as a driver, not as a national icon, but as family.”
Your father’s resolve strengthens. “We need to tell him. He deserves to know.”
“How do you even begin a conversation like this?” You wonder aloud, staring at the blank screen of your laptop.
Your father, deep in thought, answers, “Honestly, directly, and with sensitivity. It’s uncharted territory for all of us.”
Your mothers adds, “Perhaps start by expressing your genuine feelings, without the weight of our titles or his fame."
You nod slowly, fingers hovering over the keyboard. “Dear Max,” you repeat out loud as you begin typing, then pause. “Too formal?”
Your father shrugs, “It’s sincere. And that’s what matters.”
Taking a deep breath, you continue:
Dear Max,
This isn’t a typical letter and I struggle to find the right words. By now, you might have been informed by the medical team about our unexpected connection. I wanted to reach out personally, not as the Princess of Orange, but simply as ... family.
Your mother reads over your shoulder, “That’s a good start.”
I cannot imagine how jarring this news must be. It was for me too. All these years, our paths crossed, shared smiles exchanged, never knowing the deeper bond we shared.
“Maybe mention the Grand Prix, how it has been a tradition for us,” your father suggests.
Every year at the Dutch Grand Prix, my parents and I cheered for you, felt immense pride in your victories. The realization that those cheers were for family adds a layer of emotion I can’t quite put into words.
I understand if you need time to process this. But I want you to know that this revelation changes nothing about the respect and admiration I hold for you. However, it does add a depth of connection, a newfound kinship.
Your mother, her voice choked with emotion, suggests, “Maybe let him know why it’s important now, about your condition.”
The reason I am reaching out now is not just about our newfound connection but also because of a pressing health concern I am facing. I need a bone marrow transplant, and as it turns out, you are my best match.
“Reassure him,” your father adds. “It’s a big ask.”
I understand the weight of this request. There is no obligation, only hope. No matter your decision, I want you to know that discovering this bond, this link between us, is a gift in itself.
Please take all the time you need. Whatever you decide, I respect and cherish the connection we have discovered. Wishing you all the best on and off the track.
Your father, visibly moved, murmurs, “It’s perfect.”
Your mother nods in agreement, tears shimmering. “It’s from the heart. Now, we wait.”
The roaring engines on the racetrack outside fade as the door to the private lounge close behind you. Max Verstappen stands there, his usual confident demeanor replaced with apprehension. The weight of the recent revelations is thick in the air.
“You look different without the crown,” Max remarks, a faint smile tugging at his lips.
You chuckle softly, “And you without the helmet.”
The initial ice broken, the two of you sit. A beat of silence passes. Then Max, eyes searching yours, asks, “Why now?”
You take a deep breath. “I’ve always known I was adopted. Every snowy day, my parents would recount the tale of how they found their snow angel. I grew up surrounded by love and privilege, never lacking anything.” Your voice trembles slightly, “But there were nights ... nights I’d wonder about the person who left me there, in the snow. Why didn’t they want me? Why did they abandon me to the whims of a storm?”
Max’s expression softens, his own memories surfacing. “I grew up with my father’s strict guidance. Racing wasn’t just a passion, it was life. There was little room for anything else. I always thought I understood my family but this ...” He sighs, looking away. “It makes me question everything.”
You nod, shared uncertainty bringing you closer. “But through all this confusion, one thing is clear: we’re family. Blood, it seems, has a way of revealing itself.”
Max smiles ruefully, “You know, I have a sister, a full sister. Growing up, we were close but our paths divided. Racing consumed me. Now, discovering I have another sister, you, it’s ... overwhelming.”
You chuckle, “Two sisters. Lucky you.”
He grins, “Twice the protective instincts.”
The humor fades, replaced by raw emotion. “You know,” you whisper, tears brimming, “Despite everything, I’m grateful for our paths crossing like this. Even if it took a lifetime.”
Max reaches out, taking your hand. “Me too.”
The weight of the moment presses on both of you. You look at each other, eyes brimming with tears, souls bared.
In a sudden rush of emotion, you step forward, collapsing into Max’s embrace. He holds you tightly, as if trying to shield you from all the past hurts, regrets, and questions. The warmth of the hug contrasts sharply with the cold memory of that snowy night. In his embrace, the years of wondering, the pain of abandonment, seem to melt away.
Pulling back slightly, you look up into Max’s eyes. With a tearful smile, you whisper, “Brother.”
He grins back, “Sister. How would you feel about attending the next race, not as royalty but as my guest?”
You hesitate, the memories of previous races filled with formalities and protocols. “It will be different.”
Max wraps an arm around you shoulders, “Very. But I promise, you will see the world of racing like never before.”
The roar of the engines, the excitement of the crowd — it was all distantly familiar. Yet, standing beside Max, everything feels different.
As you walk through the paddock, Max’s pride is evident. “Guys,” he calls out to his mechanics, “Meet my sister.”
They look up, surprised, then smiles break out across their faces. “It’s an honor, Your Highness,” one of them greets.
Max nudges him, “Just call her by her name.”
You laugh in agreement, “It’s nice to meet you all without the formalities.”
Max continues his introductions, his enthusiasm infectious. When you reach Christian Horner, he looks pleasantly surprised. “It’s been a while,” he remarks, “Though our meetings were always, well, more formal.”
You nod, “It’s a different world from this side of the track.”
Max beams, “And she’s getting the full experience today.”
When the race starts, every moment feels magnified, more personal.
And then, the checkered flag waves for Max.
The Red Bull garage erupts in jubilation. During the celebration, Max, still in his car, locks eyes with you from across parc fermé. You can see the moisture, the emotion in his eyes. The moment he is out of his car, he races over, pulling you into a tight embrace.
“This win,” he whispers hoarsely, “it’s not just for me this time. It’s for us. For family.”
As the Dutch anthem plays during the podium ceremony, tears fill your eyes. The anthem, a proud symbol of your country and kingdom, now also symbolizes the new, ever-growing bond with your brother.
Max, standing tall on the podium, catches your eye and winks. And as the ceremony concludes, he suddenly turns, aiming his bottle of champagne right at you. The spray catches you off guard, laughter bubbling up as the cold liquid soaks you.
“You had to, didn’t you?” You laugh, wiping away the liquid before it can sting your eyes.
Max ruffles your hair, “It’s my new duty as your older brother!”
“Hey, there’s someone I’d like you to meet,” Max says, pulling you towards the thrumming heart of the afterparty.
The vibrant lights and chatter fill the room but everything seems to slow as you’re introduced to a lean figure with tousled hair and hypnotizing eyes. “This is Charles Leclerc,” Max grins, “One of the toughest guys I’ve raced against.”
Charles offers a charming smile, “Pleasure to meet you. Max speaks highly of you.”
You raise your glass in a mock toast to your brother. “Glad to hear that my bribe has been paying off.”
Charles laughs, “Well, considering today’s win, you might just be his favorite person.”
The two of you share a laugh, an effortless ease settling between you as you barely notice Max walking off with a wink shot your way.
“You’ve been to several races, haven’t you?” Charles asks, sipping his drink.
“In a more official capacity, yes. But today was ... different.”
He nods, his gaze intense, “Being family changes the perspective.”
Charles leans in, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “Now that you’ve seen me on the track maybe I should show you some of my other talents?”
You raise an eyebrow, the thrill of the night’s excitement mixing with his words. “Oh? What other hidden skills do you possess?”
His voice drops to a sultry murmur. “Well, I make a mean pasta carbonara. Maybe I’ll whip it up for you someday.”
You laugh, the warmth of the moment spreading through you. “I’ll definitely hold you to that.”
Max, watching from a distance, nudges Carlos, “Look at them. Told you they’d hit it off.”
“You know, I’ve always been curious about the life of a princess,” Charles muses, a playful glint in his eye. “Is it all tiaras and tea parties?”
You smirk. “It’s more boring than you would think. But for a driver like you, every day’s a thrill, right? Speeding cars, roaring crowds, adoring fans?”
He grins, leaning closer, the proximity making your heart race. “Most days. But some nights, the thrill is ... elsewhere,” his gaze deepening, locked onto yours.
The two of you are drawn into a world of your own, the party’s noise fading into the background.
He brushes a stray hair behind your ear, his fingers lingering just a moment longer. “Have you ever considered doing a hot lap? It’s quite the rush.”
You laugh, feeling the warmth of his touch. “I don’t know about getting in a race car but I can think of something else I’d love to ride right now.”
As the club’s pulsating music envelops you, Charles leans in, his voice husky over the beat, “Care for a dance?”
You accept, and as you both move to the rhythm, the world around seems to disappear. The close proximity, the electric energy on the dance floor, and the feeling of his body moving against yours is intoxicating.
“Right now,” Charles murmurs, his lips brushing against your ear to be heard above the music, “I feel like the winner tonight.”
You smile, your gaze locked onto his, “The night is still young. Let’s see where it takes us.”
“I’ve noticed you’re attending more races lately,” Max comments, a teasing glint in his eyes as you both walk through the paddock.
You shrug, feigning innocence. “Well, I’ve developed quite an appreciation for the sport.”
Max chuckles, “Or for a certain Ferrari driver?”
Blushing, you retort, “Can’t it be both?”
Before Max can respond, Charles approaches, his smile brightening as he spots you. “Good to see you again,” he greets, though his eyes convey a warmth that words can’t.
“You too,” you reply in a voice softer than intended.
The three of you share some casual banter before Max excuses himself, leaving you alone with Charles.
“You know,” Charles starts, “it’s become the highlight of my race weekends, seeing you here.”
You smile, “I’ve come to realize that there’s more to F1 than just the thrill of the race. There are ... other attractions.”
Charles grins, “Is that so? Any attraction in particular?”
You playfully nudge him, “Don’t get too confident, Leclerc.”
Weekends spent at circuits become a regular fixture in your life. While you’re initially there for Max, the increasing time spent with Charles deepens your bond. The stolen glances during press conferences, the private moments away from the limelight, and the late-night conversations make the connection undeniable.
One evening, after a particularly intense race, Charles pulls you aside, his face flushed from the adrenaline. “Every time I cross the finish line and look towards the other garages, I hope to catch a glimpse of you.”
Your heart skips a beat. “And if you do?”
He smiles, “It either makes victory all the more sweet or the sting of defeat not quite as painful.”
“You’ve made the front page again,” Max remarks dryly, handing you a tabloid during breakfast.
You glance at the headline, The Princess and the Racer: F1’s Fairytale Romance accompanied by a candid shot of you and Charles out to dinner.
Charles groans, “They make it sound like a soap opera.”
You sigh, “It’s the price we pay, I guess.”
As weeks go by, the media scrutiny intensifies. Every public appearance and every minuscule gesture, is analyzed, often blown out of proportion. The weight of the world’s eyes strains the joy of your newfound relationship.
One evening, after a particularly invasive article speculating about a rushed engagement, Charles pulls you aside, his face drawn with concern. “I noticed you’ve been pale lately, more tired. Is it the stress from all this media attention?”
You hesitate, biting your lip. The truth is, it’s more than just the media. Your health has been deteriorating and you’ve been trying to hide it.
“It’s not just the media,” you admit.
His eyes are filled with worry. “What is it?”
Max, overhearing the conversation, interjects, “It’s her health. She didn't want to worry you.”
Charles looks at you in disbelief. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
You take a deep breath, “I didn’t want to add to the pressures of the season, to be another burden.”
He reaches out, holding you close, “You’re never a burden. We’re in this together.”
You take a shaky breath, drawing strength from his words. “I’ve been diagnosed with aplastic anemia. It’s a condition where my bone marrow doesn’t produce enough new blood cells.”
Charles pales, “That’s ... serious.”
You nod, “After this race, I’m starting chemotherapy to destroy the dysfunctional bone marrow in preparation for a transplant.”
Silence envelops the room. Charles processes the weight of the revelation, the enormity of the situation sinking in. “Why now?” He finally asks.
“Timing is crucial,” Max chimes in, “She’s been putting it off, not wanting to disrupt the season. But we can’t wait much longer.”
Charles runs a hand through his hair in frustration. “I just wish you had told me sooner.”
You reach out, touching his arm, “I didn’t know how. Everything was happening so fast — our relationship, the media attention. I didn’t want to add more stress.”
Charles pulls you into a tight embrace, his voice choked with emotion. “Promise me, no more secrets.”
You nod, tears streaming down your face, “I promise.”
“Are you sure you want to be here for this?” You ask Charles as you both sit in the sterile hospital room, awaiting the doctor who would be overseeing your chemotherapy treatments.
Charles takes your hand, squeezing it reassuringly. “Every step of the way.”
The door opens and the doctor walks in, a gentle but serious look on her face. “Before we begin, there’s something important we need to discuss. The chemotherapy might affect your fertility. It’s not certain but there is a significant risk.”
You freeze. You had expected side effects, the potential hair loss, the fatigue. But this? This was unanticipated. This ripped your heart out of your chest.
Charles tightens his grip on your hand, his face pale. “Is there ... any way to mitigate that risk?”
The doctor nods, “We can retrieve and store your eggs. It’s a procedure done before chemotherapy in some cases. You will need hormone injections for about 10 to 12 days to stimulate the ovaries.”
You look at Charles, your eyes filled with tears, “It’s another delay.”
Charles brushes a tear from your cheek, “We face this together. I am here for you no matter what you decide.”
The days that follow are a whirlwind. Charles is by your side every step of the way, providing both emotional support and administering the daily injections.
Each evening, he carefully prepares the hormone shot. “Ready?” He asks, looking into your eyes.
You nod, trying to put on a brave face. But the physical discomfort is nothing compared to the emotional toll. Still, with Charles by your side, each day becomes bearable.
One evening, as he administers the injection, he whispers, “I’m so proud of you. Your strength amazes me every day.”
Tears spring to your eyes. “I couldn’t do this without you.”
Charles pulls you into a tight embrace, his warmth enveloping you. “You’ll never have to.”
“Are you sure about this?” Charles asks, his fingers brushing yours as you lay on the hospital bed.
You take a deep breath, meeting his gaze. “I am. It’s a step towards preserving a potential future, one I hope to share with you.”
His eyes soften. “Every step, I’m here.”
The medical staff move around in the background, preparing for the procedure. The hum of machines and the sterile environment contrast starkly with the intimate bubble you and Charles share.
As the procedure begins, Charles holds your hand, his thumb drawing comforting circles on your skin. “Remember our trip to Monaco?” He murmurs, attempting to distract you. “The sea, the laughter, the little café by the pier?”
A smile tugs at your lips, even as you nod for the OBGYN to proceed. “The one with the overly sweet pastries?”
Charles chuckles, “That’s the one. Imagine us there, a decade from now, two kids in tow, arguing over whether chocolate or vanilla is better.”
The image he paints eases your tension, providing a temporary escape from the clinical room. The retrieval is swift but the emotional weight lingers.
“You did great,” Charles murmurs, brushing a stray hair away from your face.
You smile weakly, “One hurdle crossed.”
The next phase comes swiftly the following day: chemotherapy. The treatment center is full of artificial warmth — the walls painted a deep yellow and the heater working overtime to keep patients as comfortable as possible — but it does nothing to counteract the chill of fear that has taken over your body.
When the nurse enters with the IV bag for your chemotherapy, Charles stands up, his stance protective. “How does this work?”
She explains the process, her voice soft, “The medication will enter her bloodstream and target the rapidly growing cells. There might be some side effects but we will monitor her closely.”
You feel a pinch as the needle is inserted and soon the clear liquid starts making its way into your veins. You blink rapidly, willing the tears away before Charles can see them.
Attempting to lighten the mood, he starts recounting some of his funniest moments from racing. You chuckle at his anecdotes, grateful for the distraction.
Hours pass. The room is filled with a mix of medical beeps and Charles’ voice, offering a counterbalance of cold reality and warm comfort.
As the IV bag nears empty, you feel a wave of fatigue. Charles notices. “Rest,” he urges softly, his thumb caressing your hand.
You nod, closing your eyes, “Thank you for being my anchor.”
He leans in, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead. “Always, for every challenge, every step. Always.”
“I still can’t believe you made him go,” your mother murmurs from the chair next to you. The hum of machines and the sterile scent of the hospital room are in stark contrast to the roaring engines and burning rubber of the track that you can almost sense through the television screen.
You manage a weak smile. “He belongs on the track, Mom. This race is crucial for the championship.”
“He wanted to stay,” your father adds. “He’s racing with a heavy heart.”
“I know,” you whisper, a tear trickling down. “But he’s strong. And I want him to win, for both of us.”
The room falls silent, save for the rhythmic beeping of the machines. You can feel the potent cocktail of drugs coursing through your veins, sapping your strength but a necessary step to fight the disease within.
The TV in the corner broadcasts the race. You hear the commentator’s voice, “... Charles Leclerc, giving it his all today. You have to wonder where he’s drawing this intensity from.”
You know the answer.
The laps go by. With each turn, each overtake Charles makes, you can sense his determination, his desire to win not just for the title but for something else … someone else.
“You should rest,” your father advises, noticing your drooping eyelids.
But you resist, wanting to witness Charles cross the finish line.
The final laps are intense. Charles battles fiercely, and as he takes the checkered flag, the room bursts into subdued cheers.
“He did it!” Your mother exclaims.
You feel a swell of pride. “For us,” you whisper, before fatigue takes over and you drift into a deep sleep.
As consciousness slowly returns not too long after, the first thing you notice is the gentle vibration of your phone on the bedside table. Groggily reaching for it, you see a new message notification from a group chat with Charles and Max.
It’s a photo of Charles and Max, still in their race suits, grinning ear to ear. Charles holds up his first-place trophy while Max proudly displays his second. They’re both covered in champagne, evidence of the post-race celebrations.
These are for you. For our champion.
With shaky fingers, you type back:
My heroes. Thank you for being my strength. So proud of you both. Can’t wait to see you again.
Your mother, noticing your reaction, peers over your shoulder. “Those boys,” she says with a fond smile, “they really adore you.”
You nod, wiping away a tear. “I’m so lucky.”
“Hey, sis,” Max’s voice is soft, tinged with a mix of worry and hope as he sits beside you in the pre-op room, “Ready to share a bit more than just DNA?”
You manage a small smile, despite the anxiety. “As long as you don’t start claiming we share driving skills.”
He chuckles, squeezing your hand. “Promise.”
The doctor enters, clipboard in hand. “Both of you understand the procedure, correct? Max, we will be extracting bone marrow from your pelvic bone. It’s a relatively straightforward process but you might feel some discomfort.”
Max nods resolutely. “Anything for her.”
You swallow hard, emotions swirling. “Thank you, Max. This ... it means everything.”
He looks at you, eyes filled with a brotherly love that’s grown exponentially over the past few months. “We’re family. We look out for each other.”
As Max is wheeled away for his extraction, he offers a brave smile. “See you on the other side.”
Hours later, as you sit by his bedside, watching him slowly come around post-procedure, you squeeze his hand. “You okay?”
He groans, “Feels like I’ve done a doubleheader race without any breaks. But it’s worth it.”
Then comes your turn. Max, despite his exhaustion, insists on being present. The stem cells he donated are infused into you through a central line. It’s a simple procedure but one filled with so much hope and emotion.
Max watches closely, gripping your hand. “You got this,” he murmurs as the life-saving cells flow into your body.
You try to show a convincing smile before closing your eyes and praying to whoever’s listening that this works.
The pale blue walls of the hospital room have become all too familiar, the rhythmic beep of machines a constant in the background. You’re reclined on the bed, an IV line dripping nutrients and much-needed blood transfusions into your system. As your body adjusts to the new bone marrow, these are crucial.
Max is seated beside you, a crossword puzzle in hand. The chairs aren’t particularly comfortable but he’s still rarely left your side.
Max taps his pen against the paper thoughtfully. “Alright, here’s one for you. Seven letters: someone who is always there, no matter what.”
You raise an eyebrow, pondering. “Is it brother?”
He grins, “You’re getting good at this.”
You chuckle, “Well, I can’t help it when the answer is so obvious …”
He leans in closer, dropping his voice to a conspiratorial whisper. “I snuck in some of those chocolates you like from that little shop in town.”
Your eyes widen in mock horror. “You rebel. We’ll be banished from the kingdom.”
He winks, producing a small box from his bag. “Worth it.”
As you both indulge in the illicit treat, you realize just how much these little moments, these shared smiles and inside jokes, make the ordeal bearable.
Max notices your contemplative expression. “Hey, what’s on your mind?”
“Just thinking about how lucky I am to have a brother who sneaks chocolates into a hospital for me.”
He extends his pinky towards you, “Always. Until the end of the race.”
You intertwine your own pinky with his to immortalize the promise, “And beyond.”
Just as the two of you are finishing the last of the chocolates, the door swings open quietly. Charles steps in, his eyes immediately seeking you out. There’s a bouquet of fresh flowers in his hand, their vibrant colors standing out against the sterile environment.
“You two conspiring without me?” Charles teases, setting the flowers on the bedside table.
Max smirks, “Just ensuring she gets her daily dose of chocolate, doctor’s orders.”
Charles moves to your side and presses a soft kiss on your forehead. “How are you feeling today?”
“Better now that my two favorite racers are here,” you reply with a smile.
Charles laughs, “I see. Well, the doctor outside told me your blood counts are improving. Seems the new bone marrow is getting to work.”
You nod hopefully. “One day at a time.”
Charles moves closer, taking your free hand. “Every day is a step closer to getting you out of here.”
Max, sensing the intimate moment, stands up, stretching. “I’ll leave you lovebirds to it. Need to grab a coffee and give that crossword another go.”
Charles smiles gratefully at him, and as Max exits the room, you’re left in a bubble of comfort and warmth with your boyfriend.
“Grant our daughter strength and good news,” your mother’s prayer weaves through the tense atmosphere of the room.
Charles’ grip on your hand tightens and he whispers, “Whatever the news, we face it together.”
“Guide the hands of the doctors, let their knowledge lead to healing.”
Max, on your other side, offers a comforting squeeze, his face betraying his own anxiety. “You’ve come so far already.”
“And bless our family with your grace and protection.”
The prayer lingers in the air just as the door opens.
“Grant her the strength, the health, the life she deserves ...”
The doctor steps in, a manila envelope in hand. Everyone’s gaze immediately fixes on him, the room heavy with bated breath.
He looks around the room, making eye contact with each one of you, then finally says, “The results are in.”
You feel Charles’ hand tremble slightly … Max’s grip tighten … your father barely breathing behind you … a silent prayer still on your mother’s lips.
“The bone marrow has taken exceptionally well. All indicators and markers are positive.” The doctor smiles. “You’re officially in remission. You’re cured.”
A tidal wave of emotion crashes over the room. Tears immediately spring to your eyes, happiness and relief mingling in each drop.
Your mother’s whispered prayer crescendos into a heartfelt “thank you,” choked with emotion.
Your father, the ever-composed king, has moisture in his eyes as he holds you close, “Our snow angel, our miracle.”
Charles pulls you into a tight embrace next, his voice a shaky whisper, “You did it.”
Max is grinning from ear to ear. “Told you, sis. Until the end of the race and beyond.”
“Look at them,” Max says, nudging you as the camera pans over the pit crews, each member prominently sporting a bright red ribbon. “All in solidarity.”
Charles beams, joining the conversation. “It was Max’s idea. The ribbons. Both teams were eager to join in.”
You’re touched, tears threatening to spill. “It’s incredible. Both of you, your teams ... I’m speechless.”
The commentator on the screen picks up on the theme. “For those just tuning in, both the Ferrari and Red Bull teams are wearing red ribbons today in support of aplastic anemia awareness, a personal cause for them given the recent battle of the Princess of Orange with the condition.”
Mid-race, Max’s voice crackles over the team radio, “This one’s for you, sis.”
Charles, not to be outdone, pushes his car to the limit, the red ribbon painted on his helmet clearly visible every time the camera focuses on him.
Later, as you walk back out through the paddock, fans approach, many sporting red ribbons of their own. One young girl looks at you with stars in her eyes, “I wear this for my mom. She’s fighting too, just like you did.”
You pull her into a gentle hug. “She’s got this. I know she does.”
As soon as the statement goes live on the official website of the Netherlands Royal Family, the internet erupts.
The Royal House of the Netherlands is pleased to announce that Her Royal Highness, Y/N the Princess of Orange, and Mr. Charles Leclerc are officially courting.
Your phone buzzes incessantly with notifications. Charles, seated beside you, chuckles, “Well, there’s no going back now.”
Your father enters the room, a smile playing on his lips. “The people seem to be taking the news ... enthusiastically.”
Your mother, scrolling through her own device, adds, “And overwhelmingly positively. Listen to this: We’ve seen them together. Their chemistry is undeniable. Wishing them all the best!”
You exhale, a weight lifting off your shoulders. “I was so nervous about the reaction.”
Charles brushes a strand of hair behind your ear, “We’re in this together, remember?”
Max bursts into the room with his usual energy, “You two are trending. The fans are loving it!”
Screens across the nation flash images of you and Charles — at the racetrack, during hospital visits, candid moments captured by keen-eyed photographers. Talk shows and news channels dive deep into analyzing your relationship, piecing together any crumbs of insight they might have.
A popular racing pundit remarks on a live broadcast, “Their bond is evident, both on and off the track. Charles’ performance has been exceptional since they've been together. It’s clear that they draw strength from each other.”
The public’s fascination is insatiable. Magazines are splashed with titles like Love in the Fast Lane. But despite the media frenzy, what touches you most are the personal messages. Fans share artwork, write songs, and pen heartfelt letters, celebrating love and the winding path that brought you both to this moment.
One evening, as you and Charles sit on the palace balcony overlooking the city, he turns to you, “They’re acting like we’re some sort of fairytale.”
You lean into him, “Maybe we are. It’s our story and I wouldn’t change a single thing.”
“You know,” your father begins, a playful glint in his eye as he slices into his steak, “I had an amusing conversation with Prince Albert the other day.”
Charles, taking a sip of his wine, raises an eyebrow. “Oh?”
Your father chuckles, “He said Monaco might need to extend an invitation for our next state visit given that we seem to have shared interests now.”
The table erupts in laughter. Your mother adds, teasingly, “And here I thought we were simply bonding over diplomatic ties.”
“So,” Max leans forward eagerly. “Any embarrassing stories about Y/N? I have to make up for all of the childhood adventures I’ve missed.”
“Oh, there are plenty! Remember the time she tried to drive a lawnmower and ended up in the rose bushes?” Your father says, trying to look serious.
Marianne chuckles, “Don’t remind me! Those were my favorite roses.”
You groan, hiding your face in your hands. “I was eight! And I thought it was a car!”
Charles grins, squeezing your hand under the table. “I can only imagine a mini version of you so determined behind the wheel.”
“And at her sixth birthday party,” your father recounts with a smirk, “she declared that she’d be ruling the kingdom by sundown and tried to hold a mock council meeting with her stuffed toys.”
Charles nudges you playfully, “Planning coups at six? Should I be worried?”
You swat him lightly, “It was a phase.”
As dessert is served, your mother turns contemplative. “You know, I’ve always believed in destiny. And seeing all of you here, witnessing the bonds and the love, it reaffirms that belief.”
Charles nods his agreement, “Life has a way of bringing the right people together.”
Your father raises his glass, “To family, in all its forms. To the journeys we embark on and the memories we create.”
The clinking of glasses has never sounded sweeter.
Charles, his face flushed with the victory of the 2025 World Championship, stands on the podium, trophy in hand. The cheering of the crowd is deafening but as he signals for a microphone, a hush descends.
“I’ve never done this before,” he starts emotionally, “naming my car, I mean. I watched Seb do it year after year and I always wondered what that felt like, to have such a connection.” He takes a deep breath, his gaze scanning the audience until it lands on you. “This season, I finally understood. My car, the one that just secured this championship, I named it after the most important person in my life.”
The crowd waits with bated breath.
“I named it,” he continues, his voice breaking slightly as he keeps his eyes locked on yours, “after you. After the woman who has been my anchor, my strength.”
You feel tears prickling your eyes as the sheer intensity of his words hits you.
Charles signals and you’re gently nudged forward, guided up to the podium. The world seems to blur, the noise, the people, everything fading until it’s just you and him.
“Every race, every lap, I had two goals: to win for the team and to make you proud,” he confesses, his eyes never leaving yours. “You are my world. And today, in front of everyone here, in front of the world, I want to ask you one thing.”
He gets down on one knee and your hands move of their own volition to cover your mouth. Producing a gorgeous ring, Charles looks up at you, his eyes shimmering. “Will you marry me?”
The world stops.
The deafening cheers of the crowd seem quiet compared to the beating of your heart.
Tears stream down your face as you nod. “Yes. A thousand times yes.”
No sooner have the words left your mouth than Max and Lando, the other two podium finishers, gleefully seize the moment. With mischievous grins, they uncork their champagne bottles, dousing both you and Charles in a bubbly shower. The liquid gold sparkles in the sunlight, adding to the magic of the moment.
Charles pulls you close, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss as you both get soaked.
The grand cathedral, bathed in the soft glow of a thousand candles, echoes with the hushed whispers of eagerly waiting guests. Roses, lilies, and orchids cascade down the pillars, their fragrance mingling with the scent of incense.
Behind the doors of the bridal suite, Max stands beside you, dressed impeccably in a classic tux. There’s a brotherly tenderness in his eyes as he reaches out, smoothing the delicate lace of your dress to ensure that every detail is perfect.
“You look breathtaking,” he murmurs, the emotion of the day making his voice waver.
“You clean up pretty well yourself, Man of Honor,” you reply, squeezing his hand.
As the first strains of the bridal march begin, the doors open, revealing the grand aisle, lined with well-wishers from all corners of the globe. Your father steps up and offers you his arm, his eyes glassy with pride and a hint of melancholy. “Ready, my snow angel?”
You nod, tears of happiness already blurring your vision. The world narrows down to the altar, where Charles stands, back straight in his crisp full dress uniform. As you make your way down the aisle, your eyes lock with his and the universe contracts to that singular point of connection.
Charles’ normally composed features give way as he takes in the sight of you. His eyes, also glistening with tears, convey a depth of feeling that words could never capture. Love, gratitude, wonder — all interwoven in that magnetic gaze.
His voice breaks as he whispers just for you, “You are my dream, my reality, my forever.”
Your own voice is thick with emotion, “And you are my heart, my soul, my love.”
As vows are exchanged and promises made, the world bears witness to a love that defied odds, overcame challenges, and brought together not just two souls but two worlds.
And as you both seal your commitment with a kiss, there is not a single dry eye in the cathedral. Because love, true love, is a force to be reckoned with, and today, it reigns supreme.
The soft whimpers of a newborn fill the air of the private birthing suite. Nestled in your arms, wrapped in a royal blue blanket, the baby prince stirs, his tiny fingers curling around one of yours.
Charles, sitting beside you, gazes down at your son with sheer wonder. “He’s perfect,” he says in a teary whisper.
You nod, tears streaming down your face. “Our little miracle.” The journey, the IVF treatments with your frozen eggs , the hope, the fear — everything culminated in this singular, beautiful moment.
The door opens gently, revealing Max, his eyes wide as they take in the sight before him, and your parents, their faces a canvas of joy and pride.
Max approaches tentatively, his usual confidence replaced by an awe-inspired reverence. “May I?” He asks softly.
You nod, handing over the precious bundle. As Max holds the baby, a bond forms instantly. “Hey there, little one,” he coos, “Your godfather is here.”
Your mother, tears in her eyes, leans in, planting a gentle kiss on your son’s forehead. “Welcome to the world, our precious grandchild.”
Your father, hoarse with emotion, simply murmurs, “An angel for our snow angel.”
And you know what? You decide that the fans were right. Your life really is a fairytale.
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mattsrod · 3 months
' experimenting ' - requested.
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- ; warnings - use of toys, plot(?), smut, established relationships , mutual masturbation,
- ; 11:13 am
you and chris left the house early this morning before matt and nick had even opened their eyes.
usually, you and chris would sleep later than them considering the nights you had together.
but no, last night you two went to sleep extremely early as your morning plans would require you to.
because in the afternoon while you were at work you received a text from your boyfriend.
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and this lead to where you are now.
in a sex shop.
in downtown LA.
at 11:30 in the morning.
- ; 11:28 am
"chris if you get a boner from those sex dolls we are leaving."
"too late."
although he was joking, you still shot him a look.
but he didnt look back.
instead, he was looking at the large array of vibrators infront of you two.
"what are you thinking?" he asked, looking at you attentively.
"of you fucking me with one of these." you turned your head and looked up at him innocently.
"i meant what kind of vibrator are you thinking of getting dumb a-"
"is there anything in specific you two are looking for?" a voice chimed in before chris could finish his retort.
it was a store employee with purple hair and a face adorned with peircings whose name tag read "sapphire"
"im just looking for something to make my girl feel good." chris answered way too casually.
you again, shot him a look, but his eyes were locked onto 'sapphire'
"well, we have a lot of that here!" she laughed awkwardly.
you cracked a smile back.
chris stayed expressionless before saying, "well do you recommend anything for first timers?"
how the fuck is he so casual about this? you thought.
"i think i have just the thing! its on the pricier side.. so let me know if you want something cheaper!"
sapphire then walked to the back of the store where you heard the rustling of boxes.
"damn that bitch talks a lot." you whispered
chris giggled at your remark before the purple haired girl came back with a fairly large box labled: inspiring vibrating wand: powerful vibrations
the box was about a foot tall with a long black well, wand, on the front. it had a bright orange label that had '149.99' on it.
intimated by the large thing, you looked at chris, who was smirking and shaking his head in delight.
"we'll take it." he said like he had done this a million times before.
"alright, perfect! meet me over at the register." sapphire walked over to the counter.
"chris!" you whispered sharply. "thats too expensive!"
you tugged on his hoodie to prevent him from waking over to the counter.
he stopped walking and turned around"hey, anything to make my girl feel good, alright?"
you couldn't help it but get red in the face at this.
you obliged and followed him to the register, thinking about what was to come.
- ; 11:44 am
the ride home was excruciating.
you pressed your thighs together as you thought of how your new item would be used.
"you alright, baby?" chris put his hand on your thigh, not taking his eyes off of the road.
you squirmed impatiently under his touch
"i might have to you the wand on you right when you get home, huh?"
-; 12:00 pm
you entered chris's room and sat on his bed.
chris walked in a few moments later, the box in hand.
he immediately sat down next to you and started opening it up.
he pulled out an instruction manual first, "damn they have a whole instruction manual for this bitch? maybe we shouldve gotten something different.."
you laughed. "it's probably just how to clean it or some shit."
"oh, then we will definitely need that." he looked up at you and smiled, gaining an ego boost after saying that.
you smacked his hand playfully.
then he took out the wand and clicked the button to the highest setting.
the head of it wirred loudly, which startled the both of you.
chris quickly turned it off and laughed, he tried to pretend he wasn't thinking about overstimulating your dripping cunt with it.
but, his manhood gave him away.
"we might just have to use this now." chris said playfully as he discarded the box onto the floor, leaving 6 inches between you and chris.
"but chris" you were cut off by a sloppy kiss on the lips from chris.
he pushed you down on the bed hovering over you, kissing you.
when you finally caught your breath you spoke, "what if matt and nick hear?"
"pfft. they wont be up for at least another 2 hours."
you giggled and resumed sloppily kissing.
lips still interlocked, chris moved to the side so you could take your sweatpants off, and you did the same for him.
the kiss lasted a few more minutes before chris could bear it anymore, and he took his boxers off.
you broke the kiss so you could look at his soaking member.
he stroked it a few times before picking up the wand.
you swallowed, it burned.
he turned it on the second lowest setting and pressed it against your cunt.
"mmh.." you let out a small moan in response.
chris moved the vibrator up and down your clothed pussy.
his cock twitched as he could visibly see how turned on you were by this.
and although you were extremely stimulated by the wand, his aching cock didnt go unnoticed by you.
you grabbed the wand from chris's hand, signaling for him to take off your panties.
he happily obliged to this, taking them off with his teeth, which grazed you as he did so.
he lowered his tounge down onto your pussy, licking it.
you shuddered.
he licked your pussy again, this time with more strength.
he licked again and again and again until he couldnt help himself from sucking.
you moaned loudly.
your hand was getting sore from holding the vibrator, so you brought it down and rested it against chris's leaking tip.
"fuck." he moaned into your pussy, sending vibrations up your core.
this went on for a few more moments until chris's hips started to shudder, and your breathing became more rapid.
chris sat up, taking the vibrator off of its resting place on his dick, and bringing it up to your pussy.
he stroked his cock at the sight of your cunt, and you convulsing.
as much as you were enjoying this, you still wanted to help chris, so you grabbed the base of his cock and moved his own hand off of it, jerking him off.
"oh yeah baby- fuck- just like that" he moaned out as the pace of your strokes increased, focusing on his tip.
you could tell he was getting close.
with he free hand he stuck two fingers into your pussy. curling them perfectly and they explored you.
but with the sight of your boyfriend jerking into your hand, vibrator which was now at the highest setting assaulting your cunt, the feeling you knew all too well crept up on you sooner than expected.
"fuck- chris im cumming!" you screamed, the pleasure washed over your whole body in waves.
you came all over his fingers, the movement of your hand on his cock become sloppy.
this was enough for chris to let out a long moan "shit- me too-"
he came all over your cunt, and the vibrator.
your breathing, although heavy, became synchronized with his.
"i guess we are gonna need that cleaning manual huh?"
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i have no fucken clue where i got this motivation to write so.. this took me like an hour tff😱
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