#sappy Lynx moment
lynxthewolf1 · 4 months
Wrote this at like 2am yesterday and I’m feeling sappy so screw it I’m gonna be sappy for a second. This probably gonna be a lot of me repeating myself I tried my best to make this coherent but this post is long and it’s almost 2am again
I don’t think it’s fully processed that fables story is over but when it does hit im gonna be sad but until and after then Im so thankful for being able to meet the people I have through Fable Smp. If any friends/moots I’ve met though fable sees this y’all are so cool and I’m so glad I got to met you. If someone told me when I started watching fable I would be as active in the community as I am even tho I’m a lurker who occasionally appears to ramble about my thoughts and feel so at home here I would’ve thought ur lying and honestly teared up at the thought a community like that could exist. Now I can sit here teary eyed knowing I found that place and people I can talk 2 who get the emotional pain that is fable smp. Also they’re all just neat and fun to hang out with and talk to.
I was in a really dark place when I found fable and ended up gravitating a lot to certain characters I related to a lot at the time Caspian and c!Athena mainly. Seeing there stories progress and the characters get through what they have gave me the confidence to deal with my own personal stuff and situation. I remember watching my first stream it was ether S1 Halloween or a bit after that seeing it the whole way through has been such an incredible and emotional experiences of trying not to cry and rooting so hard for these characters to have one nice thing. Through this community I found a the safe space and in a sense that I gave up looking for. Thank you to the cast for giving me and so many others a safe space and comfort series and characters that we can watch to get through the hard times and representing not just minorities but struggles that aren’t shown often and the different ways it effects people.
I don’t think I’ll ever be able to describe the feeling of Rae and Caspian show not telling the fact they’re Demi and going “they’re like me! It’s not just a me thing there’s a name for it??” And feeling so seen. After being called weird and broken for what I found out was because I’m demiromantic aroace was such a moment I remember being so excited because for once I didn’t feel broken. It felt like if a fictional character I relate to is Demi then why should I care what other people think of how I feel about people. Whisper duo was my wake up call to my own situation with my “friends” that I needed at the time and overall this series showed me how much family isnt blood it’s the family you make and I found a home in this community as a lurker who sometimes appears to ramble on Tumblr and go back to the void.I wanted to feel seen and fable did that through its characters.
Thank you to the cast for making a series and community that so many people can enjoy and characters who feel like call outs even tho anytime I relate to a character in any way I take 1d6 physic damage (/j) and a safe space for people who was looking for it or found it by accident and now we’re in the rabbit hole. I don’t plan on leaving this fandom I’m gonna continue to rewatch fable and just cry about it. For prob not the finale time my counsler and friends will be hearing about how much fable Smp has changed my life for the better /pos.
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penny-p-pen · 5 years
Coming out
The younger male took a shaky breath as he looked at his brother, “Griff I- there’s something I- I need to tell you.” Ash Lynx was usually never at a loss for confidence, never stumbled over his own words but today was different. Today his voice wavered, his hands trembled.
Griffin looked over at his brother raising an eyebrow, “yeah… you know you can always talk to me. Aslan… what’s going on?”
Ash gulped, his eyes darted around for a moment. He was trying to determine if he could flee, give up on what he started. “I- uh… well Griff I…”.
“Ash,” he set a hand on his brother’s shoulder “talk to me. Please.”
He let out a slow deep breath, “Griff I- I think I’m… I’m bisexual. I- I dunno I might be asexual but I think I’m bi I just- I dunno and everything feels so messed up and I don’t want to let you down or cause anyone hurt or-“
“Ash. I’m going to stop you before you say anything more. You will never let me down.”
Ash’s lower lip trembled “Griff…”
“Come ‘ere,” he held his arms open for Ash but he didn’t move. “Come on Aslan, Come here.”
He quickly fell forward into his brother’s arms and tears slowly made their way down his cheeks.
“Griff… I’m-“
“Hey, easy Ash... it’s alright. Let’s unpack this all okay? So you think you’re either asexual or bisexual?”
He chuckled slightly, “just like you Ash....”
He pouted “what do you mean?”
“You either don’t want it at all or like both.”
Griffin laughed gently rubbing Ash’s back. “Hey, I had to lighten this a little, you know I don’t do tears well.... guess I got that from dad huh?”
He sniffled nodding “Yeah but I think we all are bad at emotions....”
Griffin smiled “alright see, not so bad okay? Now…” his voice softened, “talk to me.”
Ash took another deep breath before pushing blonde locks away from his face. “…I think… I think if it’s… for romance, for my own pleasure it’s… it’s something I like then… then I think I’m attracted to women and men... but I don’t know if it’s okay.”
Griffin paused a moment, thinking about what Ash had told him. “…by it you mean-“
“Yeah sex.... just weird to think about you know?...”
He nodded again, “Alright. We can figure this all out okay?”
“Wait- you’re-“
“Not mad? Of course I’m not. Why would I be mad at you?”
“I dunno. You’re a soldier. A tough guy who… who… just…”
“You’re strong too Ash. Plenty strong. Stronger than me. Liking women doesn’t make you more of a man. Liking men doesn’t make you less of one. Ash, I’m your brother, I want you happy.”
He nodded biting his lip.
“Now,” Griffin grinned. “Is there anyone you like right now?”
A light blush colored Ash’s cheeks “…n-none of your business!”
Griffin laughed warmly, “man you can lie to yourself but your big bro here- he knows everything. You’re in love with someone.”
Ash tried to keep a serious face but it broke as a grin appeared. “Fine! You know Eiji, that Japanese guy I brought over once?”
“The photographer?”
“Yeah well uh… I really like him.”
Ash looked away, still expecting some sort of negative reaction from Griffin. Instead he smiled and nodded to himself. “Nice. Invite him over again sometime. Think you’re both good for each other.”
Ash rolled his eyes but still chuckled “geez Griff- getting sappy in your old age huh?”
Griffin laughed, playfully punching Ash “oh hush up.”
So I wrote this as part of a college AU my friend and I are writing with Banana Fish characters as well as a few others.
Wanted to have Ash come out to Griff, who in this AU is alive because I can’t have anyone dead. 😆
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weakeninghope · 6 years
Kiss me (whispering words of love) chapter 5 -last-
Pairing: Ash Lynx/Eiji Okumura
Rating: Teen
AO3 link here
Summary:  They take a bath together and Eiji comes to a resolution.
Notes: Hello! this story has come to an end and I hope you've enjoyed it! Thank you for all the support I've received <3
I have a question for you though, would you be interested in a sequel? Like, in a sequel in which Ash becomes a singer and idk, things happen? Eiji takes pictures of him and stuff? If so, let me know! I really loved writing this AU.
Sorry if the ending feels rushed but I really didn't think this story needed more.
Comments and kudos are much appreciated <3
Also remember that my requests for Asheiji are always open! I'm currently thinking about one in the I bet universe hehe
see you soon <3
fic under the cut!
As he tried to wake Aslan up -he fell asleeep in the table again- Eiji still couldn't believe what had happened the night before. When he woke up next to a half-naked Aslan, blurry images of what they had done came to his mind. He remembered the heavy make out sessions, hands roaming over naked torsos, Aslan's head between his legs, going up and down his length... Damn, it was all too much, and Aslan was pretty hot.
“Aslan” he tried again. He'd have to wake up, eventually.
Eiji had snorted when he saw his head fall straight to the plate containing the avocado shrimp salad he had made for him, as he almost dropped his head in the food. Eiji would lie if he said that it wasn't funny, even though at first it wasn't like it.
“Aslan” Eiji dragged his name again, only to earn a sleepy “hmmm” from his boyfriend -Eiji was still having trouble acknowledging the new status of their relationship-
“Oh, seriously!” Eiji exclaimed as he dragged the chair Aslan was sitting on towards his direction. After that, he carried Aslan bridal style, since his boyfriend was so light and Eiji was still strong from when he used to be an athlete.
On his way to the bathroom (the apartment wasn't really big, as he had seen the night prior) Aslan made a few sleepy noises and snuggled close to Eiji's naked torso, and Eiji found it to be the cutest thing he had ever witnessed; it was like a kitten curling up in their sleep. It just took Eiji a few steps along the corridor to reach the bathroom and to toss Aslan in the bathtub.
“A shower should wake you up.” Eiji said, staring at his half naked boyfriend, half sitting on the bathtub with only his black boxers on (he remembers how eager he was to strip his boyfriend of the piece of clothing the previous night and he blushes).
He the locked the door, and a few seconds after that, he heard a loud thump.
It couldn't be.
He opened the door and he saw what he thought he'd see; Aslan had fallen asleep again and was curled up facing the wall; he could even hear the blond breath.
For a second, Eiji was tempted to turn on the water, but instead of that, he just got close to his boyfriend and shouted his name again.
“Aslan!” He screamed “Take these off!” He said, again pointing at his boxers.
“That's what you said last night” Aslan replied with a wink, now fully awake.
“Seems someone's fully awake now.”
“What do you expect me to be if you toss me in the bathtub and then shout about stripping me off my underwear.” Aslan said in a husky voice.
Eiji gulped, if this went on for much longer, things could escalate quickly...
It was late in the morning so he didn't want a late-morning wood. He'd have to keep everything from growing too hot since he'd leave after breakfast to talk to Ibe-san.
Right. Ibe-san. The missed phone calls. He still had to make up an excuse as of to why he spent a whole night somewhere else without answering his phone or saying anything.
He'd have to explain he'd gotten excited after hearing his (now) boyfriend sing, that they kissed and that they...
they... had sex.
But it was amazing and he still could feel the touch of Aslan's hands, his firm, yet lean hands, his skillful fingers playing with his length and his whole body...
“What are you staring at, do you really want to see me get undressed? Didn't know you were so eager, Eiji.” Aslan said. That boy...
“I-I'm waiting for you to turn on the water and to take a shower already!” Eiji said, embarrassed, even though he shouldn't be considering what they had done.
“Make me” Aslan taunted, standing up and going off the bathtub, then, he took a few steps towards Eiji.
“What if I do make you and take a bath with you” Eiji said pointing at his boyfriend.
“You mean as in 'two bros chilling in a hot tub 5 feet apart 'cause they're not gay'?” Aslan singsonged, pulling finger guns at Eiji.
This was the boy he was dating.
And he was so fucking proud of it.
“You're unbelievable”  Eiji remarked.
“Shut up and take your clothes off already” Aslan demanded daringly, shifting closer and closer to Eiji.
“That's what you told me last night” Eiji said, copying Aslan's line from before
“That was my line! You thief” Aslan exclaimed feigning being ofended, leaning backwards with a hand on his chest
“Well, you started being a thief.” Eiji said, pulling Aslan closer for an embrace “since you stole my heart the first time I saw you.” After that, they shared a soft, short kiss.
“You know that was a very sappy way for you to tell me to strip for you, right?” Aslan said as he fumbled with his boxers. Eiji got rid of his, too.
“I know. But right now I just want to be with you. Just being close to you is enough.” Eiji said, caressing Aslan's face. “Shall we turn the water on?”
Aslan nodded and no more words were needed for Eiji to open the faucet. They exchanged kisses and remained sharing a tight hug with the running water as a background noise until the bathtub was finally full.
It was a cramped space, so Aslan sat with his back facing the opposite end of the faucet and Eiji put his back on his chest, but it was comfortable, the water was clean, comfortable and the temperature was perfect.
The moment was perfect. He wanted to be by Aslan's side for a long time, to share moments like this one...
“Forever.” Eiji whispered
Eiji cursed himself for saying all the sappy stuff out loud. This had happened a few times and it just kept happening. Damn it.
The dark-haired expected Aslan to mock him, but instead, he wrapped Eiji's naked torso with his arms and whispered forever in his ear.
Everything was perfect.
Until they heard the door, remembered they hadn't locked the door of the bathroom and Aslan's brother saw them naked taking a bath together.
“Sorry to interrupt.” He said, chuckling. From the other end, Aslan and Eiji heard him shouting 'Max! They've hooked up already!”
Aslan and Eiji stared at each other, agape. Speechless. A while after that, they got out of the bathtub and dressed up, only to find Max and Aslan's brother -Griffin- on the couch. And someone else was there.
“Ibe-san!” Eiji exclaimed.
“You know you can talk to me about your crushes, Ei-chan! Why didn't you tell me about this?” Ibe-san asked.
“Seems your little Ei-chan isn't that little anymore, huh Shunichi?” Max asked, patting Ibe-san's back.
“I just didn't know what to say”
“And what about you, Aslan?”
“Why did I have to tell you?”
“Because I'd find out anyway, Max is usually at the café, and he found out how you hooked up and looked at each other, and he told me, and he told Ibe. In fact, I spent tonight with Max so as to leave you two alone.” Griffin stated with a wink. Seems the winking thing was something from the Callenreese siblings.
Eiji blushed impossibly redder, but that wasn't important. What mattered was that he'd look for a label for Aslan to sing for and that he'd be by his side.
He'd live his dream about sharing his music with people, he'd find freedom, and they would do it together.
And Eiji would be able to fly again, since now he had wings and a hand to hold in the blue sky.
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syxjaewon · 6 years
the first one kinam tells about his leaving, besides yongsun and lynx who managed to figure it out on his own, is jaewon. he knows his captain doesn’t care for why he is leaving, he would probably even call him an idiot if he realized why he was really leaving, so if only it’s out of respect and gratitude for the ship and the family jaewon has built for himself. this way his decision is final, leaving the passengers little to no time to try and convince him otherwise or try and pull him into hugs as they say their sappy goodbyes.
kinam walks in with two books and a blanket clutched in the hands that he hides behind his back, needing a couple of seconds to search for the right words after he sits opposite of jaewon. “i’m leaving,” he eventually says and spreads the books and blanket out across the table, “in a couple of days already, when we make the next layover.” he doesn’t bother explaining why or with who because he knows it isn’t important to jaewon, instead he rolls his shoulders up into a shrug before he continues. “it’s a lot sooner than i expected, but dex is a good pilot. he’ll manage to hold his own until you find a new pilot.” kinam stops there and, unlike others that had left, doesn’t make the mistake of suggesting a promotion for a kid isn’t ready for it. he’ll leave it up to jaewon to take that kind of risk.
“either way, i came to gave you this.” he holds out the blanket first, the one he had so often draped around his shoulders before he went to crash in eph’s room. “it’s for ephy, in case he ever returns. he never said goodbye so i couldn’t give it to him myself, but i don’t want to leave it with the witch lady either.” he explains and for the first time in all the years he’s known jaewon his eyes are pleading. eph meant a lot more to him than most people realized and he still regrets not trying more before he left. ��and these are for you.” a little smile curls around his lips when he hands jaewon the books. one of the books is titled ‘the catcher in the rye’, not necessarily a book with the happiest of endings. it’s dark and a little sinister, but he hopes jaewon will come to enjoy that. the other book is called 'how to swim for dummies’ and essentially it’s the reason for the playful smirk that’s plastered on his features. but it dies down and soon all there is left for him to do is give jaewon a little nod.
“see you around, cap’.”
jaewon ignores kinam at first when he walks in, as the captain is apt to do on a regular basis whenever anyone approaches him, never one to make the first breech of silence unless he is the person doing the approaching, his gold eyes still pinned to his cortex comm, reading a news article as always, the remnants of an apple slice being slowly chewed between his teeth. kinam’s presence unsettles him slightly, although he can’t pinpoint exactly why, not until he hears the words fall from the pilot’s lips and land in jaewon’s lap with a dull thud, the syllables heavy and unwanted, digging into him like a butter knife, and he winces a bit, parts of his face curling and tensing for a moment, without lifting his gaze.
he says nothing in response to this declaration, but at least he is paying attention, despite however much like a lie that seems, his eyes still downcast, his lips still pressed together, arms still loose over the rests of his chair, but to anyone who knows how to look, he sits so still he might be trying to sink down into the wood, his lungs refusing to inhale the same space kinam exhales, his eyes no longer flitting over the virtual pages, but stuck on one letter, unable to move forward. he hears kinam mention days and their next landing, dex and whatever new pilot jaewon might pick up soon, and it makes the captain want to spit, want to snarl, want to growl.
instead he moves not a centimeter, not until the blanket is offered, the fabric gleaming with sentimental value jaewon almost doesn’t even want to touch, but slowly reaches out a hand over anyway, scarred fingers closing in around the piece to bring it closer to himself, and then also the books, which is when he finally puts his comm down and looks them over, reads the titles. he’s never heard of ‘the catcher in the rye’ but the other one, ‘swimming for dummies’ isn’t that difficult to figure out and his teeth click together wryly, the joke not lost on him but still unappreciated. “well at least now i’ll have something to practice my swordplay on.” or use for kindling, if he ever finds himself in need of burning something for a fire.
setting the books down, he finally looks up at kinam and sighs, keeps his thoughts to himself, keeps his yawning darkness to himself, all the words a man would say to someone they consider a friend locked up and coiled tightly inside his chest, a ball of wire, a ball of tension, something only to be swallowed down and buried deep under the core of him. instead, he simply nods. “thank you for your service and for a job well done. we’ll touch down on angel in less than a week, so you’ll have a decent amount of carriers to get you to wherever else you want to go. good luck, kinam.”
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utameiday · 7 years
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Hi there! Today I noticed that I’ve hit-
So I’ve put up a little compilation of screenshots taken through the year! Sadly, I’m no artist in form of drawing nor editting, and economy doesn’t really allow me to give mogstation prices at the moment, but how about story time?
Uta Mei is by far my character that has been around the longest now clocking in at just a few days past 11 months. There has been a lot of trial, error, ups and downs that lead to her creation. While I won’t take too much time talking about her as a character since I’ve already posted tons of bios and character sheets, I will say that she has been an amazing outlet for my musical dreams. On the other side of the monitor, I am mostly playing one of my many instruments, and the ability to express what I can’t in real life through Uta is an amazing thing I enjoy. I want to tag some people. I could probably flood this post to it’s limits, but since I don’t want this to be put under a cut, I will only tag a few~ I will try (YEAH RIGHT) to not make it too sappy and infect your dashboards with pesky good vibes <v< @nharuya My dude. I could make this whole post about you if my fingers wouldn’t break. You were the one who first pulled me into the grand, open RP scene on FFXIV, as I had formerly only been closed in a small FC. Through the whole ride, you were an amazing RP partner with a compelling and intriguing character, and you never failed to put me in awe over your knowledge and grasp of the game’s lore. When there are fallouts, you handle them with respect and maturity, and my respect for you know no bounds. I can with good confidence say that Uta is a good character in the grand scheme of things, and she wouldn’t even have been near that point were it not for what you have taught me. I hope you’re okey and that life treats you well. ;v; @rokachan We met more or less by a spontaneous interaction and suddenly those jokes became the best ship I’ve had the pleasure of roleplaying. We have laughed together, cried together(I KNOW I DID), and I fondly remember going home from work in fridays knowing that we had some of that good good sweet sweet cookierug RP scheduled. It started with a bang, it went out with a bang, just how we like it. I’m still moved by seeing Tobi still having an impact on Roka through asks I see here and there, and I hope you are as pleased with the roleplay we had as I am. You are the goodest egg of every egg. I hope you are proud of yourselves, and that happiness finds you, because you deserve all the world can give.♥
@dmlynx The illest lynx on the block. I was initially made somewhat nervous by you, and the fact that we started talking hit me like a blast of glitter. (You know... Like... It’s sparkly... You blink a lot... You get a bit disoriented... But then you have a burst of glee ‘cause everything is SO PRETTY. right?). We had a *ton* of OOC banter, and you are a pure joy to talk to. I’ve also had the pleasure of seeing both rivalry and kindhearted roleplay with my favourite suncat, and it has given me an insight into your character that I still hold dear to this day. I hope you keep doing you, because whatever you’re doing is damn good. Please take care of yourself, and make sure you munch some of that good good kebab whenever you have the chance.♥
@rockodopolous MY MAN. MY TOMATO. Back when SAM and RDM came out, you took me in as the irezumi artist of your FC. Since then we’ve had tons of RP together. Tears and feels, joy and laughter. You’ve gone out of your way to help me, and you’ve spared time to listen to my rambling at 2AM through whiskey and guitar chords. You’ve recently made me an officer of your FC and I’m still proud to have had this impact on you... And I also dare say that we have become rather good friends. You express fondness of my characters, you dish out as much bullshit at me as I do you, and I’m just generally extremely happy to know you and have you around. I hope you do well on finals- I KNOW you will do well on finals, because you’re a hardworking man and deserve the best payoff it can grant you. qUq
these are very good people, and everyone needs to know, so there you are.
I hope I can continue to post content inbetween my OOC antics that appeal to my followers. While I’ve only tagged a few, there are many more I can speak fondly of!! You are what strives me to run this blog, and what gets me excited as I rip out my hair over reshade settings and gpose not doing what I want it to do.
Thank you, I love y’all. Peace♥
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