#sara from the comic shop
I've got Milo's World on the brain. I know I'm not alone in saying its such a good episode of Milo. It brilliantly highlights our main cast and how they perceive Milo and handle Murphy's Law. If there is any episode that I'd say gets across who the character's are its that one.
Neal is someone who doesn't know Milo very well yet, but wants to learn more. Milo's the little brother of the girl he likes, and him and his condition are important to Sara (and informs who she is). Neal's a nice guy, if a little unaccustomed to it like everyone else is (not unlike Zack in the first few episodes), whose finding out about Murphy's Law as someone who wants to get used to it being in his life. He's going into this knowing full well it's possible to deal with, has seen what it's capable of, but whose first experience with it was largely positive.
So it's fitting that as the second newest to all this Zack shares his perspective. All things considered Zack answers the question directly just with a little embellishment. How does Milo handle Murphy's Law? He handle's it with the power of his backpack. Zack's assessment of Milo as a Wizard is pretty accurate all things considered. He says he's a Wizard "without all the wizardy stuff" and when describing him, basically just focuses on that he's got a backpack that holds everything. And by all accounts, cartoon logic is fully in play and he holds stuff that shouldn't be held in there. It is literally a bag of holding. He's not wrong. He also uses Wizardy in the sense of someone who takes a wide variety of mundane supplies to work wonders. Melissa, asserts that a Wizard without the wizard stuff, isn't really a wizard it literally is just Milo, which I think demonstrates how literal and close to reality Zack's interpretation is. Zack's just describing Milo but he's using particularly flowery language (which matches his character mind you). Sara also backs him up later on the wizardy thing, without even known about what Zack had said. While first she just shares her assessment that Milo is just a person, he's just got a condition, and a particular personality type. She finishes it up with the potential of him being magic. It's clear she's not saying that to be taken seriously. But she does acknowledge him as impressive. But Milo describes her with that same language, for doing the same kind of thing that he's doing. And she accepts the descriptor and returns it. Showing that the use of that sort of supernatural descriptions applied to him, at least coming from his family and friends, is not very othering, but rather a form of praise. He's impressive, because he does that as he is. Not because he has any sort of power.
Melissa's assessment of Milo being a robot, while untrue, does demonstrate an understanding, if exaggerated, about how Milo lives. He's familiar with things due to experience, and is able to come up with solutions due to experience (the very first episode highlights how Milo's experiences inform his solutions, when he has the route memorized because it has happened before. I also think the Llama incident). He is a bit more physically capable than the average person, due to all the near death experiences, and due to those experiences is quick to notice problems and act, which could make him seem more like a robot. But even if she thought Milo might be a robot, she doesn't seem to have every dehumanized him for that (which tracks considering she and all the kids see CIDD as a person). It's another piece of Melissa's story, from cautiously curious about Milo, to thinking he's the coolest, to wanting to help him deal with Murphy's Law, to understanding its a part of who he is… and maybe taking advantage of it as it. But despite her understanding being relatively close to reality to begin with all things considered, by the present, she immediately agrees with Bradley that thinking he was a robot was ridiculous, (and in the next episode vehemently emphasizes that he isn't a robot to Doof). She may have started with a viewpoint of seeing him as something other, but cool and worthy of friendship, but has grown to recognize him as her best friend, a kid just like her whose just as worthy as teasing too. Even her wildest ideas of who Milo is aren't far off, and she knows that understanding is wrong. She contentiously emphasizes how ridiculous everyone's stories are and tries to shut them down. Not that far off from Sara, whose brief description of Milo focused on him being like everyone else. Highlighting how well Melissa knows Milo, and understanding that rivals his family.
Bradley is the perfect character to counter Neal's genuine desire to understand Milo with a misleading story about who Milo is, describing him as a villain. I reiterates the perspective Bradley has on Milo and his role as Milo's psuedo-foil. Bradley believes that Milo's an attention hog who takes all the attention away from him. He describes Milo with the worst possible language. Villain instead of show off or attention hog. And it's not that he's wrong… technically in the sense that all Milo does is clean up the messes he caused (even if it's more complicated than that), and doesn't get punished and even gets praised for it some times. That said, I do want to be clear that it still kind sucks to be Milo to have to clean up the messes that he doesn't directly cause. And people are rude to him about it. It's just Bradley who mostly sees him at school surrounded by generally accommodating classmates and staff (and also refuses to acknowledge truth's unless it fits his viewpoint) doesn't see that. But ultimately he doesn't describe Milo to be doing anything he isn't he just phrases it in a way that makes Milo seem bad. It foils Zack's (and later Sara's) description of Milo as a wizard, not in the sense they believe him to be more than what he is but that they apply positive language to him because they see him in a positive light. It's only fitting that Sara shows up around this time to mildly put Bradley in his place. Sara who knows Murphy's Law as a force, not something tied only to Milo and whose probably spent her life causally shutting down people needlessly rude to her family. Side note: Sara knows Bradley and his personal Milo beef, but generally speaking, she along with everyone else doesn't care enough about Bradley to really take his beef with Milo seriously just, calling him petty and ignoring his feelings. Which ironically the dismissal of his importance is exactly the beef that he has with Milo being the center of attention. (Even if they're dumb… like Carla… probably says something that he got that attached to something that literally couldn't reciprocate his attention.)
Anyway too much Bradley. Mort's Mort (has his head in the clouds and is big into spirituality), who does generally like Milo. But also doesn't really have a lot to say about how he thinks he lives his life. (Though we do see him dismissing Murphy's Law to blame for things going wrong blaming a blocked chakra instead... self centered but in a positive way?) And Chad's Chad. Dramatic, easily manipulated a fan of conspiracies who does. We see Chad spend a lot of time conspiring about Mr. Drako, more than anyone in class. So it does reason that he thinks about Milo too. But, it does show that rather than actually getting to know Milo, he comes up with conspiracies and explanations not based in truth. It is especially egregious. While Chad doesn't dislike Milo, and generally sees him as a person, he's the only one to straight up get facts about how Milo lives wrong, the only one to deny the existence of Murphy's Law instead of simply taking Milo's word for it. He comes up with a conspiracy about Milo's backpack with exactly NO evidence. Something that Zack and Melissa never really questioned, and that they (and we the audience) actually do know the real story behind. Chad is like Bradley in focusing on what information fits what he wants to be true, rather than actually getting to know Milo. (Also bigfoot continues to be of dubious canonicity, never actually appears despite things like Klimpaloon and Santa existing, has an episode dedicated to him. Apparently has a cousin who lives in the tri-state area (but that's dubious for a couple reasons).
Sara doesn't really have a story about Milo. She commentates on Bradley's, dismissing him and providing some insight into Milo's genuine perspective (the idea of cleaning down). Clarifies that Milo is just an ordinary kid (like how Melissa's been shutting down all the unusual stories), and backs up Zack's description of him as a Wizard. She also demonstrates an understanding of Murphy's Law by helping him out with it herself, even if he was supposed to be helping her. To her, Milo isn't "Milo the great" or "Milo the villain" or "Milo who sees dead people", but Milo her "little bro". They're siblings who are alike where it counts. They're both wizardy. Murphy's Law, while manifesting differently in their lives, colors both of them and isn't what makes him unique, so much as how he handles it. Milo is a whole person, and at no point in her life would she have mentally broken him down into such a box, no matter how fancy the box.
It's also interesting how NONE of the stories account for the fact Murphy's Law is a genetic condition, passed from father to son, despite all of them having met Martin (except Neal). None of them account for the fact that Milo isn't alone in this. Chad doesn't bring up how Martin might also see dead people. Bradley doesn't take any time to villainize Martin, or view Martin as an example of someone who has Murphy's Law but isn't a villain. Because he doesn't deal with him. Milo's life beyond what they see, beyond what effects them, might as well not exist to them. Melissa's robot thing wouldn't make any sense but she admitted as such. And Sara just brushed of the question, and Zack was just being dramatic in answering Neal's question by likening how Milo handle's Murphy's Law to an RPG but wasn't literal.
Milo showing up in the end. Just doing his thing same as always, not as a Wizard, or Robot, or a schemer, or a exorcist. Just being himself, and impressive for who is is, not what the coolest explanation is.
Also the last viewpoint shows the most important thing that Milo is. Diogee's treat dispenser/go home orderer.
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pistachions · 3 months
Tobogganssss aren't typically where you look for romanceee
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timegays · 1 year
If you’re still doing them doodle with mml pride headcanons like at a parade?
No pressure
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These bitches gay! Good for them. Good for them
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kazoosandfannypacks · 8 months
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kazzy's otp valentine's- day five: milanda, zalissa, saneal
decided to kill three birds with one stone today. zack and melissa have a high place in my heart, but i couldn't pass up the opportunity to draw milo and amanda and sara and neal as well!
feel free to save and share, but do not repost
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samtheacesheep · 11 months
Work Description:
Sara and Neal are sure that their families are as different as night and day. But maybe they aren’t as different as they thought.
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milfjagger · 4 months
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posting this on its own as well :) template and idea from @trollmaiden and full guide/sources under cut
"La Belle Dame sans Merci” by Henry Meynell Rheam
by Ayami Kojima 
“The Fairy Lovers” by Theodor Richard Edward von Holst 
Gnomes from the novel The Little Grey Men, written and illustrated by “BB” (Denys Watkins-Pitchford)
Nyform Norwegian troll
“Little Red Mischief” by Amy Brown
Faery from “The Hallow” dir. Corin Hardy, SFX by John Nolan
Ariel from Shakespeare’s The Tempest, illustrated by Jane Ray
The Beast from Over The Garden Wall, created by Patrick McHale
“Morgan Le Fay” by Clive Hicks-Jenkins
Unicorn foal sculpture by SovaeArt https://www.deviantart.com/indigo-ocean/gallery
Faery from Good Faeries, Bad Faeries by Brian Froud
“Dusk” by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law
Honeythorn Gump from “Legend” dir. Ridley Scott
Oona from “Legend” dir. Ridley Scott
Flora, Fauna and Merryweather from “Sleeping Beauty”, art direction by Eyvind Earle
Bilbo Baggins from a Dutch edition of JRR Tolkein’s The Hobbit, illustrated by Kees Kelfkens(?)
Selkie depicted on a Faroese stamp
Chortlebones from Bella Sara, illustrated by Lynn Hogan
Huldra from the game “Year Walk” 
The Sprite from Fantasia 2000, segment directed by Paul and Gaëtan Brizzi
and 23 Costume designs for Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream by Robert Courtneidge
As above
Tinker Bell from Peter Pan (2003) dir. PJ Hogan
Hoggle from Labyrinth, designed by Brian Froud and created by Jim Henson’s Creature Shop
Mr Tumnus from The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe dir. Andrew Adamson
Tom Bombadil from JRR Tolkein’s The Lord of the Rings, illustrated by Tim Hildebrandt
The Green Man (source unclear)
Illustration for Terry Pratchett’s The Wee Free Men by Robyn Haley
Truffle from Adventure Quest
 Littlest Pet Shop fairy
Woodland Furby made by me :) Please do not call him cursed
The Psammead from the BBC’s TV adaptation of E Nesbitt's Five Children and It, dir. Marilyn Fox
Thranduil, King of the Wood Elves from The Hobbit, dir. Arthur Rankin Jr. and Jules Bass
Nøkken by John Bauer
Gizmo from Gremlins dir. Joe Dante, creature design by Chris Walas
Gollum from JRR Tolkein’s The Hobbit, illustrated by Tove Jansson
Soot Sprite from Spirited Away dir. Hayao Miyazaki
“The Junk Lady” from Labyrinth; concept art by Brian Froud
Domovoi by Vladimir Chernickov
Falkor from The Neverending Story dir. Wolfgang Petersen, creature design by Patrick Woodroffe
Cherry Fairy from Webkinz
Titania from Vertigo Comics, illustrated by Matt Dixon
Wind Drifter, My Little Pony G1
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clinchcoverenthusiast · 4 months
Lots of things I'd been looking forward to reading came out in May so it was a decent reading month. I got back on my KU bullshit early in the month thanks to a three months free offer and promptly struggled/vague blogged my way through The Home Smirker Wrecker. This was one I was looking forward to for the messy polyamory and it was not a good time due to writing/editing issues.
Highlights of the month were Love, Lies, and Cherry Pie, the Starlight's Shadow series, Happy Medium, and Ruling Sikthand. In order to finish Beneath the Trees, I had to go support my local comic shop by buying numbers 4 and 6 because Hoopla finally updated but only with #5. The Home Wrecker was KU and everything else was from either Hoopla or Libby.
Annie Bot - Sierra Greer
The Angel of Indian Lake (The Indian Lake Trilogy #3) - Stephen Graham Jones* **
Love, Lies, and Cherry Pie - Jackie Lau* **
Hunt the Stars (Starlight's Shadow #1) - Jessie Mihalik
Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees #4, 5, 6 - Patrick Horvath
Eclipse the Moon (Starlight's Shadow #2) - Jessie Mihalik
Happy Medium - Sarah Adler
Remember: The Science of Memory and the Art of Forgetting - Lisa Genova
Ruling Sikthand (Clecanian #7) - Victoria Aveline
The Home Wrecker (The Goode Brothers #2) - Sara Cate
The Hunger and the Dusk #6 - G. Willow Wilson
* = author(s) of color
** = main character(s) of color
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innerslumber · 2 years
I went to the Marvel: Universe of Super Heroes exhibit and wanted to share for anyone who has not seen it. I am under the impression that the installation changes from location to location so I wanted to show this snapshot in time. I fully admit to being biased in what I will post so if you want to see a particular character, please let me know! Apologies ahead of time for my crappy photo taking skills.
Peter Parker (Spider-Man)
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There was a very large section dedicated to Spider-Man but I saw him scattered all throughout the tour. Which makes sense because he's such a long standing and popular character. Trying to take this picture with no one in the shot was pretty tricky but I did it! 😊😊😊
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I did feel that among superheroes that were living the double life, Spider-Man had it pretty hard. I think most people would already be struggling with school/job/loss of family and then add the vigilante crime fighting? Oof.
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This display was really cool. It showcased the various artists who have drawn Spider-Man, starting with Steve Ditko to Sara Pichelli who drew the Miles Morales version of Spider-Man.
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And speaking of Miles...
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I absolutely adore Spider-Man : Into the Spider-Verse. They had a wall of different concept and character designs too. It's definitely a movie worth multiple repeat watchings.
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And of course they had a Spider-Man suit! This particular one was worn by Tom Holland for Homecoming. The material looked so thin! Omg I think he probably got cold if he was filming anywhere with a cool breeze. The webshooters were pretty neat.
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The image on the left is Spider-Man playing his own console game in 1983. I was cracking up over the magazine name though: Blip. Guess Marvel didn't just pull that term for Thanos.
The picture on the right was an interactive display where you can vote for your favorite character. Guess who was #1?
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Yup! It was Spider-Man! I was surprised to see Groot so high in the ranking but maybe that's just me being salty that he beat Captain America. (And yes I voted for Steve...)
Honestly there was A LOT of Spider-Man through the exhibit and there's no way I could have put it all in here. Have to say though, finishing the tour with the comic panel of Gwen's death was an omfg moment.
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Literally a hallway with giant projected images on both sides and this was the last thing I saw before entering the gift shop! Not me crying my Andrew Garfield tears as I took the pic. Thanks a lot, Marvel exhibit. 😝😝😝
All joking aside, I had a blast! There was a lot of Spider-Man comic book lore that I didn't know about until I saw this exhibit. Educational AND fun! Peter Parker would approve.
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theemporiumreport · 1 year
Grand Opening of The Emporium Report!
Hello and Welcome to my blog!
My name is Wayn (They/Them) and I started this blog because I just wanted a place to formally store my thoughts about certain comic issues or comic events!
A little about me, I'm:
21 years old
Currently in university as a Technical Theatre Major and a Creative Writing Minor.
Although I am a Creative Writing Minor, I'm really bad at grammer and overthink a lot so if I write terrible sentences, no I did not <3 :). Other than reading and thinking about comics, I love playing video games such as League of Legends (sadly) + related games, Dark Souls, Resident Evil, Bayonetta, and so much more! (I may from time to time write about these games, but that will be in the future ;)
Little more fun facts:
Favorite Food: Sushi or my mother's sisig
Favortie Musician(s): Wolf Alice, Beyonce, Doja Cat, Rina, plus my monthy music obsession (which is Janelle Monae's The Age of Pleasure)
Favorite Color: Love a good blue, purple, or red
Favorite Movie: At this moment? Across the Spider-verse (EEAO is VERY close behind)
Favorite Show: The Magicians
Now to get into my comic journey and experience!
Comic History
My first exposure to the comics, or at least superheroes, was the Fox X-Men movies! My family had the 2000's trilogy on DVD and it was the one of the only things I liked watching alongside with Spongebob and Ben 10. I would always watch these movies on loop at my father's work on those portable DVD players. Looking back, it was such a fun and simple time!
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As I grew up, I watched more Marvel related media such as Ultimate Avengers (2006), Super Hero Squad, Agents of Shield, and even played Marvel Heroes Omega for years until its sad shutdown in 2017. But enough of what I watched or played, the very first comic I read was in 2014 with All New X-Men #18!
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But why this particular issue? Well I purely blame Stuart Immonen and his beautiful artwork! I remember seeing this particular cover and loving the new costumes of the O5! The futuristic unitard with each person color coded was very appealing to young me! I also liked that I knew the central characters: The Original Five X-Men. I specifically loved Jean Grey and had an unhealthy crush on Scott Summers (I even read is solo series :o). But this issue is what brought me into comics and when re-reading the run today, I get great flashbacks and memories!
Now here are some personal comic fun facts:
Favorite Character(s): Illyana Rasputin (Magik), Danielle Moonstar (Mirage), Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch), Ororo Munroe (Storm)
Honorable Mentions: Kwannon (Psylocke), Jean Grey, Rachel Summers (Askani), Jessica Drew (Spider-Woman), Gwen Stacy (Ghost-Spider), Miles Morales (Spider-Man), literally all the New Mutants (except Magma...)
Favorite Writer(s): Chris Claremont (past), Jonathan Hickman, Vita Ayala, Leah Williams, Steve Orlando
Favorite Artists: Russell Dauterman, Bill Sienkiewicz, Kevin Wada, Kris Anka, Joshua Swaby, Sara Pichelli
Favorite Limited Comic Run: House of X (2019) by Jonathan Hickman
Favorite Issue: New Mutants #41 by Chris Claremont
What is The Emporium Report?
To elaborate more on the purpose of this blog, I just wanted a place where I can write and write and store my thoughts. Out in the real world, I don't really talk about comics as the community around me are not really fond of comics (theatre people D:). So, I made a twitter (@emporium_report) that I ramble on about comics. But, I wanted to make a full report or essay about certain issues (such as the brilliance of New Mutants #41) so I made this!
Prepare to read:
Analysis on single issues or characters
Reactions/General Thoughts on Comic Runs or Events
Personal deepdives into characters
Possible video game analysis/reactions and such
and more!
Lastly, why is it called The Emporium Report?
Well, I am a really big Scarlet Witch fan (will probably go into my history with her later) and I found her new shop in Orlando's run to be quite neat! The mystical shop is called Emporium and now this page is called The Emporium Report!
Thank you for reading all the way to the end!
I am currently looking for any comic friends so apply away! :D
But in all seriousness, thank you and I hope that I stay comitted to this page!
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monotremeinafedora · 2 years
Okay so I’ve been doing an mml rewatch this week, and I have made a discovery:
In “World Without Milo,” Elliot tries to get Sara to remember him by saying they went to high school together and that he was a senior when she was a sophomore. This implies that Sara should at least be a junior which typically means she would be 16 or 17.
In “Milo’s World,” Neal from the Comic Shop tells Zack and Melissa that he’s only 2 years older than them. We know that Milo is 13 because he reminds Brigette that he is 3 years from getting a driver’s license in “Now I Am A Murphy” making would make Neal 15.
This means either Sara is at least a year older than Neal or Elliot has no idea what he’s talking about. Unfortunately I can’t think of any evidence to confirm either way.
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lavalave · 1 year
ok I already sent an ask but here’s my more obscure ones:
Sara/Neal (I mean this is canon it’s not obscure at all but there’s not much content for it)
Eh, you can send as many as you want I don't mind, I like it actually
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Sara From The Comic Shop:
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No bingo but these are all really interesting to be honest!
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crack theory
Cavendish is descended from Neal and Sara. He's had a similar hair color as Neal (before he went grey) and the same general, long face shape. He has light blue eyes like Sara. Canvendish is a pretty big Professor Time fan, in the same way Sara and Neal are Dr Zone fans. And you know. That whole thing about him dying might just be latent Murphy's law from generations prior.
And him being oblivious. 95% of those deaths were him being an idiot, but I think its worth mentioning.
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normallyxstranger · 2 years
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Fictober22 (@fictober-event) Day 19 — "Do we have a deal?"
featuring Carla Carlyle & Sara Minder — characters from The New Ashton Chronicles, written & role-played by F.R. Southerland (@normallyxstranger | @frsoutherlandauthor | www.frsoutherland.com) © October 2022
original fiction
general warnings: strong language, violence mention
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     Of all the people that could’ve walked into The Other Realm Comics shop, Sara was the last one she expected—and the one she most loathed.
     No, not people. Not a person. Demon. Carla had to remember to correct herself on that because Sara was… very different. Carla knew demons—she worked for one, after all—but Dylan was a different sort. He was able to act remotely human, showing some sort of capacity for emotion and even seemingly enjoying the time he spent among humans in their world. Sara, on the other hand…
     She could see the hate the second she entered the shop via the backroom. Her nose went up in the air and her dark eyes stared down at everything, but especially at Carla. 
     “Oh. You’re here,” she said with clear disdain, exhaling an exaggerated sigh.
     If it was anyone else, Carla would not have hesitated to answer with her usual snark. Knowing Sara would kill her in two seconds flat, with just a swipe of those sharp—but finely manicured—nails, she thought it best to have some respect along with her fear. Sara certainly wasn’t Dylan and wouldn’t react at all in the same jovial way.
     “Yes. I am,” she stated, working to keep her voice completely flat, even. “I work here.” As if that wasn’t clear from her position behind the register, the stupid name-tag. 
     The demon’s eyes swept the room. “Hmm.”
     Carla took in a deep breath, biting her tongue to hold back a nasty comment. “Is there something I can help you with?” She put on her best customer service smile, the tightness of the feigned friendliness straining her cheeks. 
     “You? Help me?” She gave a sharp laugh and strode forward, past Carla and the counter and toward the shelves of comics and graphic novels. “I doubt it. I don’t need the help of a human.” She spat the word out, as if Carla were a roach or a bug or some disgusting thing that shouldn’t exist.
     That just about did it. She very nearly threw back her own harsh words, but managed to hold back. She searched her mind for something to say, some counter that wouldn’t further incur her wrath or ire or piss her off any more. The only thing she could think of was another question. “What are you doing here?”
     For a few moments, Sara’s gaze continued to look over the bright covers of the comics on display, before she turned to her. “Obviously, I’ve come for him. Dylan. He was not upstairs, I thought he might be here, but I was clearly wrong.” Her upper lip drew back in a sneer. She stood a little taller, her lithe form having all the grace of a black cat ready to pounce. “I’ve decided to wait for him. Leave.”
      There was no question in that. No request. It was a demand. Ugh. Demons.
      Unable to hold back any more, Carla scoffed. “Uh, no. I’m not leaving. I’m working my shift and I have a right to be here—”
      “Go or I’ll slice that thick neck of yours.” Her lips pulled into a tight, humorless smile. “I don’t offer a choice often but because he likes you, for some reason, I’m willing to play… nice.” A pause. “Do we have a deal?”
     Well, Carla wasn’t gonna argue with that. She could just think of this as… paid time off. A much needed day to herself. She didn’t even need to think about it. It was leave or die and she was not fucking dying today in this damned comic shop.
     “Just let me grab my purse.”
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stories-me · 2 years
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Potential Character for Mrs. Kelsey and Tumblr 11-25-2022: 
 Jeremy Duncan, Would-Be Rock Musician: 
 What he’s from: Zits (a comic strip). 
Appearance: (See above). 
Stuff about him (from Wikipedia): 
Jeremy Michael Duncan is an intelligent, 17-year-old high school junior (earlier a 15-year-old freshman) who aspires to be a rock musician. He is named after Jeremy Clyde of the 1960s rock duo Chad and Jeremy (although one strip shows his parents named him after a lyric in “Joy to the World” by Three Dog Night, “Jeremiah was a bullfrog”) and was once mentioned to have an older brother named Chad, who is away in college. Jeremy spends much of his time with his friends and trying to impress love interest and part-time girlfriend, Sara Toomey. Jeremy was once told by his mother he was conceived to the Led Zeppelin song “Stairway to Heaven”. When not at school or with his friends, Jeremy is often embarrassed and/or lectured by his parents, Walt and Connie Duncan. For example: 
Jeremy: Mom, will you take me shopping? 
Connie: (with a tear) You don’t know how long I’ve waited to hear those words come out of your mouth! 
Jeremy: To clarify: “Take me shopping” means I shop, and you wait in the car. 
He is shown as having an ability to tell who is calling on the telephone and for what reason when it rings (sometimes even before it rings), as when he told his mom to say hi to an aunt who hadn’t phoned for weeks, only to have the phone ring and Connie tell him to “stop that!”. 
He usually wears his purple shirt over a black T-shirt, blue jeans, and fat tongued Sneakers. He is also extremely tall, even when slouching. Jeremy spends time restoring a 1962 Volkswagen Type 2 van with his best friend Hector Garcia, which they hope to drive across the country when they turn 16. The van is in running condition but doesn’t run very well considering its age. Jeremy is also the lead singer and guitarist of his garage band, which goes by many names including “Chickenfist”, “Goat Cheese Pizza”, “Jughead’s Hat”, and “Angry Dwarfs”. In May 2017, his band received their first business engagement – a 6-year-old’s birthday party. It was after the band debuted in a Battle of the Bands competition that Jeremy received his first kiss from Sara and the relationship took off. Since then, Jeremy and Sara have gone through many arguments, breakups and reconciliations. For all of Jeremy’s flaws, however, he retains a high sense of morality and integrity as can be seen in the story arc where he steals a signpost with his name on it, only to return it to the police to free himself of the guilt he feels (although he uses Hector’s name when turning it over). On another occasion, Jeremy is overwhelmed by a school essay he has to write and all the other commitments he has made. A fellow student, Phoebe, suggests he use a website to pull a bootleg essay off the Internet. In the end, however, Jeremy’s sense of ethics overcomes the desire to plagiarize, and he spends the night writing the essay himself. In late-2000s strips, Jeremy received his learners’ permit. In September 2007 strips, Jeremy’s mother refers to his being a sophomore in high school. As of 2009 strips, Jeremy is claimed to be 16. On the August 23, 2009 strip, his driver’s license was shown. 
How he is like me: 
We both have ambitions and dreams (he wants to be a professional musician and I want to be a professional author), and have good hearts. We also both get told what to do by parents (which we both sometimes resent). We also have occasionally had trouble with criticism, but, for the most part, take it well. 
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usagirotten · 5 months
Witchblade Reborn: A New Era Begins with Bennett and Cafaro
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Fans of the iconic supernatural series WITCHBLADE can rejoice as Top Cow Productions announces a bold reimagining of the beloved comic. Scheduled to launch in July 2024, the new WITCHBLADE series promises to captivate both long-time enthusiasts and new readers alike. The renaissance of WITCHBLADE is spearheaded by New York Times bestselling writer Marguerite Bennett (Animosity, Batwoman, DC Bombshells) and renowned artist Giuseppe Cafaro (Suicide Squad, Power Rangers, Red Sonja). Together, they are set to honor the legacy while charting a fresh course for the series.
A Legacy Reimagined
In the new WITCHBLADE #1, readers will follow Sara Pezzini, a New York City Police Detective whose life is irrevocably altered by her father’s murder. As she delves into the city’s criminal underbelly, an encounter with an ancient force transforms her into something beyond imagination. The question remains: will Sara master this power, or will it consume her?
Modernizing a Universe
The creative team is not only revitalizing the character of Sara Pezzini but also the world around her. With input from original co-creator Marc Silvestri, the WITCHBLADE universe is being updated to reflect contemporary themes and aesthetics.
A New Chapter for a New Generation
Bennett and Cafaro’s collaboration is set to introduce new story arcs and character developments that resonate with today’s audience. Their vision for WITCHBLADE is described as “sleek, vicious, and ferocious,” with a narrative that explores power dynamics in the 21st century.
Mark Your Calendars
WITCHBLADE #1 is slated to hit comic shops on July 17th, 2024. This series marks a significant moment for Top Cow Productions, as it rekindles the energy that fueled the '90s Image Revolution and shaped a generation of creators. Fans old and new are invited to witness the rebirth of a legend. WITCHBLADE is back, and it’s more powerful than ever. Stay tuned for more updates and sneak peeks as we approach the release date. For now, mark your calendars and prepare for the return of a powerhouse in the comic book world.  
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doamarierose-honoka · 9 months
Free Comic Book Day is rapidly approaching, marking a time of year when comic book fans come out in droves to support their local shops.
There’s been some form of a Free Comic Book Day every year since 2002, with comic shops and comic pros coming together to make it an event that includes signings, contests, and more.
A lot of that success is thanks to the involvement of the publishers, who offer up some of their biggest titles. FCBD is now where the biggest storylines and newest titles are teased first, meaning this is the go-to event if you’re looking forward to 2024’s biggest stories.
What is Free Comic Book Day?
Always held the first Saturday in May, Free Comic Book Day is an annual event where retailers offer up free comics as promotional items. The event tends to be fairly massive, even more so than events like Batman Day.
The first Free Comic Book Day took place in 2002, organized by comic shop owner Joe Field and Image Comics co-founder Jim Valentino. The original event was scheduled to coincide with the release of Spider-Man as a means of capitalizing on the positive interest in comics being generated by a new wave of successful comic book movies, like X-Men and Blade.
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Ultimate Spider-Man takes center stage for Marvel’s FCBD 2024 offerings.
The original release date stuck as a tradition, with every FCBD taking place the first Saturday in May (the lone exception being 2004’s event, which was shuffled to July to the release of Spider-Man 2).
The comics themselves are free, but retailers do still pay for them, albeit at a heavily discounted rate, with publishers covering the production cost of the comics. As such, many fans consider it good etiquette to support your local store by buying a few comics while you’re there for the freebies.
Availability of the comics can vary based on location. To find out where your local store is, you can check out at Comic Shop Locator.
Every available Free Comic Book Day 2024 title
Free Comic Book Day takes place May 4, 2024. Here’s every comic that will be offered through Diamond Distributors for FCBD 2024.
Every FCBD 2024 Gold Title
Blood Hunt/X-Men #1
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(W) Jed MacKay, Gail Simone (A) Sara Pichelli, David Marquez (CA) Kael Ngu
Time once again for a shot of all-new Marvel goodness, absolutely free! First, witness the overture to this summer’s major crossover event starring the Avengers – Blood Hunt! And then get a glimpse of the future of mutantkind as Jubilee learns that you cannot go home again!
Exclusive Original Material
Rating: Teen
The New Adventures of Encanto/Turning Red #1
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(W) Bill Presing, Sloane Leong, Amparo Ortiz (A) Andrea Greppi, Sergio Algozzino
A double-sided preview featuring new stories that continue the adventures of Encanto and Turning Red. In Encanto: Tall Tales, Mirabel, Camilo, and Antonio battle a bully by spinning a yarn about an even bigger baddie…with magical results! Meanwhile, in Turning Red: Panda Problems, Meilin Lee struggles with containing her inner furry self. Her friends and family are her only hope to battle these hairy emotions!
Preview Material
Rating: All-Ages
DC FCBD Special Edition
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It’s an exciting new project from DC, but it’s being kept under lock and key for the time being. Stay tuned for more details in the coming months!
Energon Universe Special
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(W) Robert Kirkman, Daniel Warren Johnson, Joshua Williamson (A) Lorenzo De Felici, Various (A/CA) Ryan Ottley
Discover three all new stories from the Energon Universe, with stunning revelations for the worlds of Transformers, G.I. Joe and Void Rivals from the biggest names in comics.
A perfect jumping on point for new readers and a can’t miss for long-term fans.
Hellboy/Stranger Things
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(W) Mike Mignola, Derek Fridolfs (A) Mark Laszlo, Jonathan Case (CA) Mike Mignola
Um . . . stories from Mike Mignola’s Hellboy, AND Stranger Things? Yes, please! In Hellboy, “The Fortune Teller,” Hellboy consults a crystal ball-reader for help solving a murder, but things go off the rails when she gets distracted reading Hellboy’s own future. Then, in Stranger Things, “Deliver Me From Evil,” Argyle and Jonathan swap fantastical and scary tales as they make one last pizza delivery for the night.
Original Exclusive Material
Rating: Teen
Jonny Quest
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The fantastic scifi-adventure exploits of 11-year-old Jonny Quest as he travels to exotic locales around the world with; his scientist father Dr. Benton Quest, his adoptive brother Hadji, his bodyguard Race Bannon, and his faithful dog Bandit. Join the Quest team in tackling new government assignments, solving mysteries and apprehending sophisticated villains for the betterment of mankind.
Pokemon Adventures: Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire/Splattoon
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Awesome Pokémon adventures inspired by the best-selling Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire video games! Sapphire and Emerald need Ruby’s help to stop a crisis of planetary proportions-a meteor hurtling toward their home! Can three Hoenn Pokédex holders stop a crisis of epic magnitude?
Paired with all-new adventures featuring the beloved characters from the hit Nintendo Splatoon video games! Goggles is back with new friends and new battles! Goggles travels to the Splatlands, meets an inkling named Braid, and embarks on a fresh series of adventures set in the world of Splatoon!
Preview Material
Rating: All-Ages
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
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It’s been four decades since Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird released the very first issue of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in May 1984. Join us as we kick off a brand-new era for the Heroes in a Half Shell with two all-new short stories and a preview of what’s next in the IDW comics.First, there is a new masked vigilante in New York, looking to carry on the tradition set by the Turtles themselves. Get a special prelude of the new miniseries, straight from the mind of Juni Ba (Harley Quinn: Black + White + Redder; Monkey Meat).
Second, a blast from the past! A brand-new tale told in a classic IDW style, featuring fan-favorite talent Paul Allor (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles vs. Street Fighter) and Andy Kuhn.
Finally, there will be an exclusive preview of what’s next for TMNT!
Exclusive Original Material
Rating: All-Ages
The Worlds of James Tynion IV
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(W) James Tynion Iv (A) Eryk Donovan, Michael Dialynas, Werther Dell’Edera
On the eve of the 5-year anniversary of Something is Killing the Children and the 10-year anniversary of The Woods and Memetic, celebrate James Tynion IV’s iconic run of horror classics at BOOM! Studios in this exclusive FCBD special.
Featuring a curated line-up of some of his most terrifying and thought-
provoking stories, alongside exciting teases of what’s to come and an exclusive collectible cover, this is one issue that fans will not want to miss.
Reprint Material
Rating: Teen
Ultimate Universe Spider-Man #1
(W) Zeb Wells, Deniz Camp (A) Juan Frigeri (A/CA) Ryan Stegman
Just weeks ahead of Amazing Spider-Man #50, get the first taste of the return of the Goblin! Plus, prepare for the next evolutionary step of the Ultimate Universe as a powerful new hero debuts! But it doesn’t end there! Oh no, there are some surprises up our sleeve on this one!
Exclusive Original Material
Rating: Teen
Unicorn Crush
(W) Dana Simpson (A) Dana Simpson
Love and magic are in the air in this enchanting collection of Phoebe and Her Unicorn comic strips featuring Phoebe and her one-of-a-kind unicorn friend, Marigold Heavenly Nostrils. Young readers will enjoy the caring and comedic adventures of this colorful duo as they rediscover the magic in themselves and in each other. Whether you’re a devoted fan or new to the spellbinding world of Phoebe and Marigold, Unicorn Crush will leave you with a smile on your face and a warm, sparkly feeling in your heart.
Preview Material
Rating: All-Ages
Witches of Brooklyn
(W) Sophie Escabasse (A/CA) Sophie Escabasse
The smash-hit Witches of Brooklyn series returns! Join Effie and friends on a one-of-a-kind, magical adventure in this new story from Sophie Escabasse. Featuring fun activities, new and existing fans can jump right into this exclusive comic!
Exclusive Original Material
Rating: All-Ages
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