novanourart · 1 day
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Nour's mother in her teenage years during her time in the Sarkhai Resistance
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squirrel-art · 1 year
Q: What do Jedi wear to the club?
A: Their lightsabers!
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This is probably the most ambitious thing I’ve drawn in like, a year, which is wild bc I couldn’t even be assed to draw the background (it’s one of my own screenshots from Nar Shaddaa). 
I dunno, I just really like the idea of the psychic space monks getting to be hip normal girls once in a while! <3
Sartorial inspirations below the cut, because figuring out how I was gonna dress everyone was part of the fun teehee
Kira: Kira always struck me a little more of a tomboy, and I like the idea of Coruscanti street fashion orbiting the techwear sphere. So she gets the Kim Possible fit. I think she’d want any excuse to show off her abs \o/
Ántonia: Basically a copy of this outfit  (+leather jacket, gladiator heels, & lightsaber belt) worn by Australian model Isabelle Mathers that I found reposted to Pinterest. I wish I could link to the actual post, but I couldn’t find it on her instagram and suspect it might’ve been from a reel that’s no longer available? Apologies for my lack of journalistic integrity TuT And then her cute little mynock masquerade mask is based on this bat mask.
Savtas: Sav’s casual non-robes wear is almost exclusively jumpsuits, for both convenience and comfort, so of COURSE I put her in the successor to Mark Hamill’s gold lamé jumpsuit he wore for that German TV skit in the 80s. I’m in love with it now
Nadia: I just really wanted to put her in something cute with a lean towards 60s retro-futurism! It felt Star Wars-appropriate. Her dress is based on this fantastic little number by Gnyuki Torimaru. I also gave her Dior boots because I saw them on Pinterest & decided they were fantastic. You might also notice she’s changed the design of her face paint to match Sav’s tattoos ^_^
insert that old adage about gay friend groups always looking like they’re attending separate events
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swtorpadawan · 2 years
Letters from Nadia
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Whatever my other issues with the canon Nadia romance, the ending is incredibly sweet.
Its possible she felt the coming events from KOTFE/KOTET.
(Also - its implied that the JC / Nadia relationship isn’t as secret as it should be.)
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queen-scribbles · 1 month
🍒 for whoever you want to gush about? I want to hear about some platonic fluffiness :D
Oh, hmmmm, I have many bff sets, it's so hard to choose. :'D
🍒 (cherries) - Does your character have a best friend? How long have they known each other? What do they like most about each other? How did they meet?
Endrali's best friend is Nadia, they've known each other... 12 years if I'm doing my math right? Maybe 14? even if half that time they were separated, they still refer to each other as "best friend". I joke they bonded over being underestimated bc they're tiny(build 1 solidarity🤝), but that might honestly be part of it. They both feel kinda fish out of water, so there's that too. The galaxy's so different than Sarkhai for Nadia, Endrali is a CHISS JEDI. They're about the same age; I think Nadia's a year older, and both come from cultures with a dismal view of Force users, so lots of similarities + both being Different™ where they are now, bonding was inevitable.
Nadia likes that Endrali respects her and treats her as an equal and doesn't dismiss/coddle her, as well as giving very good advice and guidance about being a Jedi. Endrali likes Nadia's curiosity and positive outlook/believing the best of people, she's extremely glass-half-full and that's so nice to have with everything that is Consular acts 2 & 3. They also make a damn good team in a fight. They tell each other everything, and when they reunite on/after Ossus it picks right back up like they were apart days instead of years.
Bonus: Nadia meets Arcann, sizes him up, and makes some comment about hearing he did a lot of bad stuff, but if Endrali forgives him and loves him that's good enough for her, she's ecstatic for them HOWEVER "you know if you hurt her, I'm gonna have to kill you, right?"
Arcann (who knows better than to underestimate The Tiny Ones bc he's in love with one who could wipe the floor with him): I assume this is if she doesn't beat you to it?
Nadia: Oh, she's too nice. I usually am, too, but I make exceptions for people who hurt my best friend. 😊🗡
Arcann: ...Understood.
Red Emoji Asks
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rikki-roses · 8 months
Fluffy February Day 2: Eavesdrop
Rating: PG
Time period: Sometime during Hoth
Setra pressed her ear to the mostly-closed door as Nadia and her father argued. While the pair tried to keep their arguments discreet, the whole ship knew what they were arguing about: Nadia's Force-sensitivity, and her father's steadfast refusal to allow Setra to train her.
Setra, for her part, agreed with Nadia that she needed training, but she could understand why Tobas would try to rug sweep it - Force-sensitivity was rare on Sarkhai, with Force users generally being mistrusted.
Tobas Grell wouldn't budge; he saw his daughter's skills as "just her silly little quirk", and not something that could actually do damage. Even offering to bring Nadia to Tython so she could find a Master more experienced than Setra didn't sway him.
And so, Setra and the boys had come up with a plan: she would train Nadia in secret, and the boys would distract Tobas so that the girls could do so with some privacy. That way, Nadia could at least get the basics she needed.
When the argument started to calm down, Setra darted down the hall into the engine room; Tobas wouldn't be suspicious if he saw Setra chatting with Qyzen.
As Tobas departed Nadia's quarters, Tharan took the opportunity to distract them, with the two men walking towards the stairs to the upper deck.
Once out of earshot, Setra snuck into Nadia's room. The teenager was sitting on her bed, hands fisted in her lap. fighting back tears.
Setra didn't hesitate; she sat down next to Nadia, letting the girl lean into her.
"I-I just don't understand. Why wouldn't he want me to learn how to control this? You've seen the damage I can do, even accidentally."
Setra took Nadia's hand and squeezed it. "He's worried for you. It's his job to protect you, and it's the one thing he can't protect you from. And if I train you, convince the Jedi to let you join, you'd be away from him for long periods."
Nadia's nose flared as she got up and started to pace. Setra dutifully stayed on the bed and watched her.
"But he of all people should understand! What you do is no different than what he does, really, so the danger level is similar. Besides, you're usually on archaeological digs anyways, which is even safer."
Setra stayed quiet for a long moment, choosing her words carefully.
"What if I told you that I'd be willing to play a small lie? I've talked to the boys already, and they're in agreement. I'd like to train you, but behind your father's back; the boys are willing to distract him so we can practice in peace. You get the training you need without having to leave your father, and he doesn't have to worry about you."
Setra knew she was skating very close to breaking her Codes by taking Nadia on as a secret Padawan.
But it's what Master Yuon would have done.
Nadia's eyes widened, and she looked at Setra excitedly.
"Wait, you mean it? And Qyzen, Tharan, and Zenith will help cover for us?"
Setra nodded, a small smile playing at her lips.
"Can we start now?"
"We can, but we'll be starting with proper meditation techniques."
Nadia didn't care. She was going to become a Jedi.
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long post about Rebels and my personal trauma below cut. The episode was amazing, guys
I don’t think I have any words to say. The rebels ending mural has been my home screen for five years.
The music, the people, the story.
it’s all been a part of my life for so long now.
I was in 6th grade when the show ended, and I was going through a really hard time. And Rebels kept me going. The way Kanan and Hera looked at each, Ezra and sabines banter, chopper the war criminal, Zeb and how he seemed to lose all brain cells when in the same room as Ezra.
I remember how much I daydreamed, that summer. I remember coming up with this whole storyline of how things could go. I picked the legends planet Sarkhai as my theory, I remember that much.
Rebels and SWTOR were my rocks, back then.
Last episode, everyone was saying how much lighter Ahsoka looked, like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. And… I felt like that too. Like seeing her forge herself again healed some fractured piece of my heart with shining gold.
And now, seeing the moment that I’ve hoped and dreamed out for five years, it’s… it’s everything I could have hoped for.
it’s a little whisper to that lost and hurt girl, saying I know it hurts. But you always knew there would be an end to the suffering, and now that end is here.
I’ve come a long way since then. I’m on medication for my OCD, which finally got a diagnosis. I used to be so paranoid at the thought of someone slipping medication into my food or drink that I refused to eat.
I’m back in school. I transferred for seventh grade, and I still remember on the car ride home from the first meeting, I was dreaming again. Thinking about where Ezra was, and how Sabine would find him.
I made it to December before I stopped going to school.
But now I’m back, and I’m a senior in high school! And I’m in drivers ed and I own more than two pairs of clothes and I’m taking back more and more of my life every day!
this isn’t some ‘Rebels guided me through all this.’ If anything helped me move forward, it was Solar Ash.
But Rebels was the teddy bear and blanket while a storm raged outside.
I stopped engaging with Star Wars almost entirely for around a year and a half when I realized that I was getting unhealthily obsessed with it, that was how much I leaned on rebels.
In the end, what Rebels is to me, is a reminder that the child I was isn’t gone. That I’m different now, and older, but my childhood hopes and dreams are still a part of me, and they can still come true.
this is… something completely disjointed that I probably shouldn’t be putting on the internet for privacy reasons, but I just needed to share, to spill it all out into the abyss.
I broke down ugly sobbing when I saw the first trailer, because we were going to find Ezra and why was it live action, why now it wouldn’t be the same people and they all looked wrong and sounded different.
But then I watched the first episode. I curled up on the couch with my friend and we held on to each other and screamed with joy more than once.
I was terrified because it was different, it wasnt that dream that I had held onto through my pain. And… it’s different. But the same. Like I am.
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serenofroses · 6 months
Satele Shan as miraluka or Sarkhai would be a cool near human concept.
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Queer Star Wars Characters (Round 2): SWTOR Romance Options Match 2
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Kira Carsen| Identity: playersexual | Media: SWTOR
Kira Carsen was born to Sith parents on Drommund Kass and given Sith training, but fled the Empire when she discovered she was a Child of the Emperor- a group of people who the Sith Emperor could possess. She was found on Nar Shaddaa and recruited in the Jedi Order as teenager (that was allowed back then). She eventually became the padawan of the young Jedi Knight player character. Her past was eventually revealed, and the Jedi Knight helped her break her connection to the Emperor. 
When the Jedi Knight went missing, Scourge and Kira Carsen began to search for the Emperor’s original body, to kill it. This rendered them comatose for a year, and after they recovered they joined up with the Commander of the Eternal Alliance (who could be the Jedi Knight) to destroy the last remaining traces of the Emperor’s spirit (we promise for real this time). 
In the base game, a male Jedi Knight can romance and even marry Kira. When the Jedi Knight reunites with her in the Onslaught expansion, he can reaffirm his romance with Kira. For female Jedi Knights, they can begin a romance with Kira- who only realized her feelings for the Jedi Knight when she disappeared. 
Nadia Grell | Identity: playsexual | Media: SWTOR
Nadia Grell is a companion of the Jedi Consular class storyline. She was the daughter of the senator for Sarkhai. The Sarkhai species isn’t normally force sensitive, so she wasn’t recruited by the Jedi as a child. Her father took her with him on his diplomatic missions to find someone who could help with her strange powers. After her father’s death, she became the padawan of the Jedi Consular. She also represented her homeplanet as a senator (in Legends, the Jedi Order and Republic are organizations that realistically changed over thousands of years). 
After the Jedi Consular went missing, she led their allies in trying to find them. She also became a Jedi Knight and resigned as a senator. She eventually gave up on finding her master and joined Gnost-Dural’s hidden Jedi conclave on Ossus. There she would encounter the Commander of the Eternal Alliance, and if the Commander was the Jedi Consular, she joins the Alliance.
In the base game, she could be romanced by a male Jedi Consular. When she reunites with her master, she can reaffirm her romance or begin a romance with a Jedi Consular of either gender.
(Apologies for any errors in the summary, this is one of the few characters in this poll I have no personal experience with.)
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shynmighty · 1 year
🌹💜💅🏻 for Chrysander and Aecenith 😍💛 for Taijax?
Hooray, questions for my babies!!! 🥰🥰🥰
Okay, let's start with Chrysander and Aecenith!
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🌹 = How would your muse react to romantic gestures, expected or not?
Chrysander: LOVES. IT. Whether it's a small thing or a grand gesture, he eats it up and will declare it's the best thing that ever happened to him. Unexpected or not, he will be DELIGHTED.
Aecenith: Is a little more reserved. She appreciates them, but is the type who secretly wonders what the catch is... at least until she's comfortable in the relationship. And she definitely prefers something expected. She doesn't like being caught off guard. But again, she's a lot more chill once she's in a firmly established relationship. She may even get a bit competitive about it and try to one-up her partner with romantic gestures of her own.
💜 = Does your muse date others based on their appearance or personality, or both?
Chrysander: There's not a lot of rhyme or reason to the people he's attracted to... sometimes it might be their looks, sometimes their personality, or a mixture of both. But he only acts on it if he feels very strongly about the person.
Aecenith: She can be a bit superficial, but she's almost exclusively attracted to Mandalorians (girl's got a type) and they are pretty hot to begin with. Looks tend to spark her interest, though.
💅🏻 = Does your muse always try to look their best around their partner, or are they comfortable wearing anything around them?
Chrysander: Oh yes. He already spends an inordinate amount of time on his hair, so he spends even more time preening to impress his partner. He might relax a bit once the relationship is well established. But only a bit.
Aecenith: She wears a helmet 90% of the time, so... no. She basically assumes whoever she's with will be okay with helmet hair and minimal (to no) makeup from the get-go.
...And now for Taijax!
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😍 = Does your muse have any crushes? If so, who are they? 
At the moment... no. But that might change when he meets a certain young lady from Sarkhai down the road!
Taijax is a little bit flaky, so sometimes it takes a while to catch his attention. And he isn't the type to have "big feelings" right away, but once they sneak up on him he's hooked.
💛 = In what ways does your muse express their love to their partner? 
He's very fond of being on the giving side of romantic gestures. And he has very classic sensibilities about courtship, so there will be quite a few flowers. Expect candy. And original Taijax poetry (which may vary in quality, but always comes directly from the heart!)
Thanks so much for the ask!!!! 💖
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korant-legacy · 4 years
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I've been trying to do more full bodies lately using a lot of references.
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loststormtrooper · 6 years
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I’d post this on my Fayne blog but that got flagged during that NSFW purge... 
Featuring the amazing artwork of @rina-monster that she’s done for me over the years :) I love them all
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Finding a potential army on Voss, or Jedi Consular babysitting two young eager learners (Nadia and Gaden-Ko)
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c4tto626 · 7 years
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“to see faithfully”
nadia grell for @wewillnotbow! my favorite sarkhai padawan! i love her <3
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seventh-line · 2 years
Your Headcannon Of SWTOR Female Companions being mothers?
Ooh yeah let’s do all companions for parenting styles. I’ll start with Pub side and Imp and Xpacs can be the next posts.
Swtor Companions: As Parents (Pub)
Kira is a pretty chill mom. So long as her kids don’t do anything she wouldn’t do. Which come to think of it… scratch that. One of the more “They’ll figure it out” types.
Soooooooooo embarrassing to his kids. Doc is just an old man to his kids now, despite how hard he tries.
Scourge is kinda hard when it comes to his kids. He’s the type of dad where he’ll start yelling if you don’t understand the math homework after he (horribly) explained it to you.
Another laid back parent. Iresso thinks it’s very important to provide a mostly normal life for his kids as much as possible. Having a Jedi parent can’t be easy.
Nadia is very excited about her kids! She documents everything they do in her very own parent journal, and would love to teach them all about Sarkhai culture, and just other cultures in general.
Zenith left to get milk.
Corso thought it would be fun. Don’t get him wrong, it is, but to his woe, he has discovered child rearing is more than just the picture perfect moments. He does love his kids so much.
You might think Risha’s kids will be spoiled brats. Well, they are spoiled, but she also beats some humility and sense into them. She makes sure her kids are practical as well as well provided for.
Akaavi teach her young ones how to fight from an early age. She will often use lessons from life to teach her children, and they’ll be raised with a deep connection to their Mandalorian culture.
Jorgan needs a break. Someone get this man a few beers. His kids are climbing all over him. They broke the headboard of the bed. There is no sleep. There is no break. There is only screaming. There is only broken furniture.
Dorne is very strict in her mothering. It’ll be up to you to let’s the scamps get away with stuff and be more lenient. She does set high expectations for their children, which is a problem. No matter what though, she will support them and love them in all they do.
Oh, also, I guess I’m taking requests now, so yay?
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jarael · 3 years
(This MIGHT turn into a multi chapter fic.  Dunno.)
Brontes woke up to find the sun pouring through her window.  She had never been to Coruscant before; it would have been one of the last steps in the Dread Masters’ plan to terrorize the galaxy.  Her daughter’s apartment was surprisingly roomy.  She hadn’t expected much for a Jedi Master.
She threw on her plush red robe and shuffled downstairs to make herself a cup of caf.  She could hear an ongoing, angry, frustrated conversation as she neared the kitchen.
“...of all the people in the galaxy!  Why does she have to stay here?”  The angry voice was male, but it was not relaxed and deep like Felix’s, nor snobbish like Cedrax’s.  Since the voice spoke Basic, it was definitely not Ursulina’s Trandoshan friend.  This must have been Zenith, whom Brontes had heard about but not met.
“Because imprisonment would only aggravate her rehabilitation, Zenith, especially if she had been sent back to Belsavis.”  Ursulina, as Barsen’thor and a member of the Jedi Council, had been used to intense arguments and debates, both from her peers and her enemies.  But the Dread War had exhausted her, like many others.  She was also arguing with an ally and a friend, something she did not enjoy. 
“Belsavis is for people like her, Ursulina,” Zenith insisted.  “She needs to be put away where she’ll never hurt people again.”
“And the cycle will continue.  Do you not remember what Darth Lachris did to your fellow Balmorrans?  I’m not asking you to befriend my mother.  I’m asking you to tolerate her.  You don’t have to spend time with her.  You know you are free to do what you want to.”
“My mother.”  The words...Brontes didn’t know what to make of them.  She hadn’t heard Ursulina refer to her as “mother” since the latter was a little girl.  Now she was fully grown, married, and a mother through adoption. 
Zenith said something in Twi’leki, then stormed off.  There was a bit of silence before Ursulina spoke.  “You can come out now.”  She had a bit of a laugh in her voice.
Brontes entered the living room, flashing her daughter an awkward smile.  “I see I’m popular with your friends.”
“Zenith has been through a lot.  If I may be blunt, I don’t blame him for worrying about our arrangement.  Did you sleep well?”
“I...guess.  I still have a lot of vivid dreams.  And I don’t sleep for more than a few hours at a time.”
“Satele did warn me about this.  We can look into it.  Do you want some caf?”
Brontes nodded, following Ursulina into the kitchen.  Seated at the table were Felix and Nadia.  Both tensed up slightly when they saw the former Dread Master, but they also smiled at her.
“Zenith is fuming in his room,” Felix addressed his wife Ursulina, planting a kiss on her cheek.  “He’ll be fine.”
“I know, Felix, but--”
“And I know how you worry about other people.  I don’t need the Force for that.”  He turned back to Brontes, unsure of how to address her.  He decided a short bow would suffice.  “Ma’am.”
Nadia followed suit, a bit more nervous than the soldier.  The Sarkhai was very curious, but also more than smart enough to know to choose her questions carefully.  She decided to sit back down while her master and Felix talked.
Brontes accepted the caf from Ursulina and stood by the refrigerator.  She was adjusting and nervous too.  She just hoped things would work out.
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baraste-legacy · 2 years
Is Nadia technically a human?
I wasn’t sure, and every time I checked I only found her referred to as human. But right now I’ve seen her described as a Sarkhai of the planet Sarkhai in Wookieepedia, which I don’t remember saying so before (I might misremember, though). I’ll try getting something definite from swtor.com itself tomorrow, and correct all my reblogs about her if needed 🤔
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