copperbadge · 3 years
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Post office bounty!
I have quite a few of these waiting to get written up, because the post office gave me ALL MY HOLIDAY CARDS two weeks after the holidays were over, so there are more in the pipeline eventually. If you don’t want to see them, since most of them will be about this length, you can block “post office bounty” as a tag.
In the meantime: So much glitter in my life right now.
Clockwise from top left, the lovely cardinal is from @nightshadezombie, thank you for your greetings both to me and the Cryptids :) @nowordsforthis sent me the geometric card which reads “I survived 2020 and all I got was this lousy holiday card”, which I love, and so does Cap :D
@bookfanatic sent me a delightful red panda, one of my favorite critters, and thank you for the good wishes! Below that you can see a row of pets from the family of @algaegirl17 (the rest of the faces were Humans, so I hid them) and thank you for letting me know via ask it was coming! 
The kitty in snow comes from C. in MA, thank you for the good wishes and tell Umple and Mungo thanks too! The skycars, meanwhile (oh how I wanted to take skycars at Disney this year!) are from Daniel, and I think you should know your Tarot has been shown off a lot this year :) The lovely wrapped-gift is from @geekgirl76, thank you for the belated Chanukah wishes (everything was belated this year so I don’t mind in the least, lol) and lastly the snowflakes in the center are from @sarsypan. You are not wrong about what a weird year it’s been.
Thanks everyone for the cards! They did cheer up a rough January. 
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sarsypan · 5 years
My Grandma, to the cat: No, you're not having any more. You've had your diet food and that's it now. Not that it seems to be doing you much good.
My Grandma, five minutes later: Oh go on, lets put a slice of pork in your bowl.
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silvanoir · 6 years
sarsypan  replied to your  post:  Are you ever… not hungry … but desperately want to...                
   If you like the taste of licorice, you can get licorice root? An old fashioned sweetshop near me used to sell it.    
Ah, thanks but sorry, I could never stand the taste of licorice.  I don’t like peppermint either.  I’ll figure out something, eventually.  I hope I don’t have to resort to chomping down on raw carrots like Bugs Bunny.  I ate a lot of popcorn for a while.  But what I really want is something to crunch on but not swallow.
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@sarsypan 1) that looks so neat! I’m happy you went and got them done! 😊 how does it feel being the coolest kid on the block 😎? (srsly how does it feel? ive never been neither the coolest nor lived on a block) 2) thx. I grabbed a few Muse ones and have been listening to How Far We’ve Come - Matchbox 20 p obsessively
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respectablegeek · 7 years
The small world of tumblr
Wherein @lostastrophysicist and I continue to be confused whenever we see reblogs between @sarsypan and @lil-miss-choc, given we both know them in rl and know there is no other link than us...
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calysto1395 · 8 years
sarsypan said: Godspeed in your fine work (I’m loving it, even if no one else is :) )
*finger guns* 
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northernpansy · 10 years
sarsypan replied to your post:because i have horrendous fine motor skills my...
…You mean there are people who don’t do that?
idk robot people maybe
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lizlaw-coleslaw · 11 years
Week 2 of swimming with Sarsypan and we're definitely improving!
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sarsypan · 6 years
is a thing that I am trying. Again.
Maybe I will get further this time?
Though I am cheating and using something I already had about 1700~ words for.
I am writing sort of but not quite fanfic for @lostastrophysicist‘s many stories.
Like - I did not create this world and most of the inhabitants, but she used the setting as an RPG for us in school and I accidentally rolled up a character whose stats made them plot important. So now she’s a fairly pivotal point in a decent-sized chunk of my friend’s little world.
And she lives in my head.
So I’m writing her perspective on the re-written bit of that old RPG that lostastrphysicist wrote a while ago, that will spin off into adventures at school! While all of the other characters go off and have actual adventures, because you are 14 and children shouldn’t have to worry about saving the world. You get to sit in a warded building and learn to read.
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rules: tag seven people you want to get to know better
tagged by @totalabsenceofhope​
Relationship status: Single
Favorite color: I’m currently rlly vibin w lavender and electric purple but neon pink is a classic
Three favorite foods: chocolate chip muffins, garlic bread, the general taste of pesto
Last song I listened to: The Fair Folk by Heather Dale
Last movie I watched: Atomic Blonde (probably)
Top three favorite TV shows: The Good Place, Due South, Atlantis
Top three favorite bands/artists: The Oh Hellos, Heather Dale, Hozier
Books I’m currently reading: I’m perpetually reading Good Omens
@braveremus @sarsypan @raeonthearoace @mori-esque @ticktockparadox @frenchfriedhoe @sokkathemeatandscarcasmguy
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lostastrophysicist · 10 years
Well, I wasn't expecting to find that in a folk playlist...
Have a song about tea everyone.
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northernpansy · 12 years
sarsypan replied to your post: I can’t stop imagining Richard Hammond and James...
„,omg, that would work and I don’t want that to work because it’s the *top gear guys* but it would be hilarious and clarkson should be shadwell.
ahjkSLaghyda YES
all is Top Gear now
no regrets
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copperbadge · 6 years
Answers Miscellaneous
peoriarhetoriapeoria replied to your link “Aluminum Egg Wedger”
This is the sort of thing that belongs in a church kitchen, when so many egg salad-like things are produced.
Oh my god the second you said “church kitchen” I had a visceral sense-memory of my childhood church’s kitchen and this would have fit into it PERFECTLY, with the giant coffee urns and the random hand-operated meat grinder inexplicably clamped to one steel prep counter. 
sourassin replied to your link “Aluminum Egg Wedger”
It's some sort of torture device, surely? Very Eggdar Allen Poe...
hellenhighwater replied to your link “Aluminum Egg Wedger”
Sam, when did you get a mandoline cutter? What are you planning on slicing? They're so great! I've only lost minor parts of my fingers to mine! ...maybe I, too, should be shopping for gloves....
I AM GOING TO SLICE EVERYTHING. :D Actually I’m not sure. I am definitely going to make potato chips, and I have a dehydrator now (thank you, Free Stuff Table, I will miss you greatly) so I’m thinking I’m gonna make fruit chips for snackin’ on, and beyond that the sky’s the limit. Mum gave me the mandoline for Christmas and also said “Log onto our Prime account and buy yourself some mandoline gloves to wear so you don’t lose a fingertip” and I was doing my research before purchasing. 
terrie01 replied to your post “sarsypan: So I keep seeing pictures of @copperbadge‘s epic tarot...”
Somehow, in my last move, I lost my decks. I mean, I only had three, but I liked them, and had toyed with collecting more for the art. :( Gonna have to rehunt up some, I think.
Aw no, that’s such a shame! On the plus, second-hand decks are usually pretty easy to come by, so you could build up your collection again relatively inexpensive. Or now is a good time to contemplate making one of your own! 
mr-chatterboxs-column replied to your post “Answers About Taxes”
Berea is definitely a very cool place -- one of my close friends went there, and I grew up using their brooms (my family is from the Louisville area; among a lot of other beautiful products the students make, they have really great Shaker-style wooden brooms)
I now have an inexplicable desire for a Berea-made broom....
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sarsypan · 6 years
I am in a letter writing mood.
....guess my Grandmas are getting letters.
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askcharles-xavier · 12 years
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sarsypan · 6 years
Me: So, we're only a few days away from Empire, better start getting ready.
Brain: Okay! That means Marcher Growbag on repeat right?
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