#sasaki to pi-chan
animenekos · 4 months
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Sasaki to Pi-chan; Sasaki and Peeps - Episode 8
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crehador · 6 months
sound on + wait for it
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hatsumishinogu · 1 year
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Sasaki to Pi-chan Vol.7 (light novel)
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beneaththetangles · 2 years
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Reader’s Coffin: Junji Ito’s Black Paradox, Zombie Makeout Club, and Kaiu Shirai x Posuka Demizu: Beyond The Promised Neverland
Welcome to a special Reader’s Corner—or should we say, Reader’s Coffin! As Halloween looms, we dive not only into the usual fray, but also the unusual: series with titles like MonsTABOO and Zombie Makeout Club; a collection of one-shots from a series that is perhaps best described as horror, The Promised Neverland; and a classic work newly released in North American by Junji Ito. Did we enjoy the macabre and spookiness of it all? Scroll down into our crypt to find out!
Black Paradox • Formerly, the Fallen Daughter of the Duke (Vol. 2) • Kaiu Shirai x Posuka Demizu: Beyond The Promised Neverland • MonsTABOO (Vol. 2) • My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, As I Expected (Vol. 14.5) • Sasaki and Peeps: That Time I Got Dragged into a Psychic Battle in Modern Times While Trying to Enjoy a Relaxing Time in Another World ~ Looks Like Magical Girls are on Deck ~ (Vol. 1) • Zombie Makeout Club
Black Paradox, One-shot Manga
Have you ever tried to describe a Junji Ito story to someone? It’s not an easy task. Take Black Paradox, for instance—is it a horror story? Cautionary tale? A philosophical take on the nature of humanity and the soul? Are we supposed to sympathize with the group of four main characters who originally assemble to commit suicide together, or are they villains as much as later character who takes advantage of the mystical situation they happen upon? A final few frames cause the reader to wonder what we should ultimately think of the story, which veers from horror toward sci-fi as it progresses. However one describes Black Paradox and the four deeply flawed characters it focuses on, there’s no doubt that (as is true with so many of Ito’s works) this is a masterpiece. Grotesque enough to get readers in the spooky mood, but thoughtful enough to read (and reread!) in any season, Black Paradox is discomforting, enthralling, and creepy, and it’s also one of the best reads of the year. ~ Twwk
Black Paradox is published by VIZ Media.
My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, As I Expected, Light Novel Vol. 14.5
When I reviewed volume 14 of My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, As I Expected, I noted that it was the concluding book of this wonderful series. But I was wrong. I’d forgotten about this slim, actual final volume (maybe—more on that below) consisting of side stories that complete the main storyline. Some Oregairu fan I am! And even at less than 150 pages long, there’s a lot to enjoy here, though less so in the first half, which features four side stories of varying quality and importance to the main tale, including an adaptation of the Fes. FINAL event and a short Irohas / I LOHAS collaboration chapter. The final part, though, which fills the other half of the volume, shows the service club trio in their third year, now with Komachi attending their high school and Iroha continuing to ask for the group’s assistance. Komachi and Iroha play a major role in the chapter (we even get to read a section from Iroha’s point of view!), though the emphasis is really on wrapping up this tale for the service club. These last few pages really feel like the closing I wish we had received from volume 14, and so despite the oddity of having a half-volume after a more traditional concluding work, I’m glad for it. I’m not sure if we’ll receive official translations of any of the additional works that have spun out since this was released in Japan, including “Shin” (which continues the story) and “Ketsu” (the alternate Yui timeline)—and judging by the reactions across the fan community, we may not want them—but if the final chapter of 14.5 is how Oregairu more or less concludes, then I’m walking away a happy fan indeed. ~ Twwk
My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, As I Expected is published by Yen Press.
READ: My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, As I Expected Reviews (Vol. 7.5 // Vol. 8 // Vol. 9 // Vol. 10 // Vol. 10.5 // Vol. 11 // Vol. 12 // Vol. 13 // Vol. 14) and Light Novel Club (Vol. 1)
Sasaki and Peeps: That Time I Got Dragged into a Psychic Battle in Modern Times While Trying to Enjoy a Relaxing Time in Another World ~ Looks Like Magical Girls are on Deck ~, Manga Vol. 1
Sasaki is a lonely corporate drone closing in fast on his forties when he decides to take the plunge and…adopt a pet! He can’t afford a cat or a dog though—the initial payout is too high—so he settles for a (suspiciously?) cheap Java sparrow that just happens to be able to talk. Which is cute, right? And perfectly normal too…right? Once Sasaki gets his new feathered friend home, though, it turns out that the sparrow can say an awful lot more than just “Pick me!” and is in fact a powerful mage reincarnated from another world. The two form a contract, and—hey presto!—cue the world-hopping shenanigans! What follows is part lesson in comparative economics and trade, as Sasaki and Peeps (or Piercarlo, as he calls himself) play carpetbagger between worlds, and part isekai slice-of-life, as Sasaki sets his sights on making enough money to finance extended vacations in both the other world and Japan. Temporal mechanics and magical training montages fill out the bill, while the Psychic Battle and Magical Girl of the subtitle don’t show up until the final two pages. But there is also another girl, a middle-schooler neighbor who is always huddled against the cold outside her apartment door… The tone of the volume is light-hearted and informative, and the dynamic between the two main characters reminds me of Pinky and The Brain, if Pinky was a bit cleverer and The Brain more stable and less evil—so far at least (I wouldn’t put it past Peeps to have a nefarious hidden agenda). The volume sets this tale up as an antidote to manga readers’ isekai-fatigue, claiming to be a refreshing new take on the genre, but apart from a modest degree of self-awareness, I can’t say that it’s hit that note yet. If anything, it seems to be replicating the usual mix of tropes, including disappointing traces of lolicon. Although there is nothing untoward with the neighbor girl in the manga itself, a bonus short story from the author of the original light novel at the end of vol. 1 has a palpable Lolita vibe to it. So, we’ll just have to wait and see where Sasaki and Peeps goes with things. Here’s hoping it stays cute and gets a little more creative too. ~ claire
Sasaki and Peeps is published by Yen Press.
MonsTABOO, Manga Vol. 2
At the conclusion of volume one of MonsTABOO, the “middle-schooler-paired-with-familiar” manga that mixes in some adult elements, it appeared that the story might move into a gaming direction, in which the characters find themselves involved in a competition to knock off one another. Volume two dives fully into this storyline as Maruka and her groan-up familiar, Mochizuki, are drawn into a mobile app in which players can earn money as they kill off other groan-ups. Of course, Maruka wants to protect her “boyfriend” (and he her), but they’re drawn into the game anyway, as players from other schools engage them in combat and one university student takes a particular interest in Maruka. If volume one was intriguing because of the uniqueness of Mochizuki’s character design and relationship with the oddball Maruka, volume two is entertaining because of multiple other engaging elements. It reads like a high-paced but well-plotted film, non-stop in both the action scenes and the relationship and school life panels. The new characters are also a lot of fun, with some who are rivals now showing signs of becoming allies in the future. Of course, part of the engagement in this series, also, is the “taboo” elements, which are mostly related to the creepy relationships between the middle school girls and their sometimes much-older groan-ups. It feeds the entire tone of the series. While I find this volume to be a lot of fun, readers should weigh this difficult material when deciding whether to dive in. ~ Twwk
MonsTABOO is published by Yen Press.
READ: MonsTABOO Vol. 1 Review
Kaiu Shirai x Posuka Demizu: Beyond The Promised Neverland, One-Shot Manga Collection
Honestly, I was surprised when I heard that this compilation volume was going to be released in English a few months back. But I’m glad, as it gave me the opportunity to briefly talk about the one-shots that I hadn’t had the time to in the last two years. First, reading the behind-the-scene omakes sheds light on how and why the stories came about (especially Spirit Photographer Saburo Kono, We Were Born, and DC3, whose initial drafts were actually created by Kaiu Shirai before The Promised Neverland was published in Weekly Shonen Jump). Next, there’s also a deeper appreciation for Posuka Demizu and her drawing skills that bring each of these stories to life, a fact which Shirai constantly emphasizes in the omakes. Third, given how well-received it has been in the past few years since its release, I’m glad that the Poppy’s Wish one-shot (the first story which the now famous Shirai-Demizu duo worked on together) finally got its official English translation. Then there’s the TPN post-canon chapter, “Dreams Come True,” which I’m guessing was the main pull for getting this book licensed in English in the first place. Knowing the struggle it took for them to get their happy ending in the main series, it was fun to see the Grace Field kids each get the chance to do the things they wished to do back in the GF House. It does feel a bit bittersweet near the end, though, considering what Emma had to give up to bring them to the human world. Reading it also makes me wish that the TPN side-stories previously published, plus the ones Shirai once said would come out in the future, would also get the same treatment and be released in their own volume. Finally, there’s the “Takashi and Poppy” bonus chapter, which surprisingly ties in all the stories in this volume together and shows how much some of the characters have grown from their previous struggles. Overall, I would say this collection is worth picking up, regardless of whether or not you were a fan of TPN before. ~ thathilomgirl
Kaiu Shirai x Posuka Demizu: Beyond The Promised Neverland is published by Viz and releases on November 8th.
Formerly, the Fallen Daughter of the Duke, Manga Vol. 2
I tend to not read book blurbs before I start reading, but I think this would have been a good time to do so. Volume two of Formerly, the Fallen Daughter of the Duke continues where the previous volume ended. Vik and Claire’s earlier plans have come to pass, with Claire now officially enrolled in the magic academy and learning how to grow her magical abilities. When she’s not learning new skills, she is at home fulfilling her role as governess by teaching Isabelle. In between, she continues to “hang out” with Vik, but she wonders if her visits with him are about to end as Vik will soon have to choose a fiancée. I didn’t find this volume quite as exciting as the first volume: I’m not sure why, because I continue to really, really love Claire’s character. She is so admirable and strong, and I have enjoyed seeing her offered a chance at the academy to develop her magic. I think I came in with different expectations because one of my favorite parts in the previous volume was Claire becoming a governess. While she still is, and we see some of that, this volume does focus more on Claire being at the academy. For some reason, I wasn’t quite as excited about that as I thought I would be, even though I still found it a good read. Even if I feel this volume went in a slightly different direction than I expected, I am very much looking forward to seeing what happens next, especially regarding who Vik will choose as his future fiancée. ~ Laura A. Grace
Formerly, the Fallen Daughter of the Duke is published by TokyoPop.
READ: Formerly, the Fallen Daughter of the Duke Vol. 1 Review
Zombie Makeout Club, Manga Vol. 1
Zombie Makeout Club is a popular apparel brand that I would describe as “punk meets macabre.” This OEL manga release of the same name features a collection of webtoons that are an extension of the property, and which are also developed by its creator, Peter Richardson. It’s pretty much what you’d expect from such a project: full of creativity and artistry, but roughly crafted. For instance, the panels themselves each resemble creative designs that could easily translate to a sweatshirt or sticker (though perhaps gorier than the rest of the brand—”DEATHWISH,” the main story, is full of gore and splatter violence) as they show a zombie adventure story. After committing suicide, Yume is resurrected as part of an experiment mixing “science and the occult.” She’ll team with her also-deceased sister and another ally to try to fight back and escape this living hell, where “escape” means permanent death. “DEATHWISH” isn’t easy to follow; I never quite knew what was going on or who most of the characters were (sometimes confusing them for one another), and the resolution didn’t particularly feel like an ending. But I think it’s a solid beginning and an expression of the talent that Richardson possesses. There’s a reason that fans gobble up his work and buy his clothing from major retailers—the character designs are appealing, some sort of mix of cyberpunk, manga, and Ilya Kuvshinov-style artwork, and they capture a certain mood that engages youth. I think we’ll be seeing more from Richardson, and I’m eager to see him mature as a storyteller and mangaka as he continues to perfect his art. ~ Twwk
Zombie Makeout Club is published by ABLAZE. It releases digitally on November 9th and on paperback November 22nd.
“Reader’s Corner” is our way of embracing the wonderful world of manga, light novels, and visual novels, creative works intimately related to anime but with a magic all their own. Each week, our writers provide their thoughts on the works they’re reading—both those recently released as we keep you informed of newly published works, and those older titles that you might find as magical (or in some cases, reprehensible) as we do.
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entrehormigones · 3 months
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jujumin-translates · 6 months
Event | Xmas PARK CARNIVAL | EP: Christmas is Just Around the Corner
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Izumi: Ah, Sakuya-kun and Banri-kun, you’re finally back. Now everyone’s here.
Banri: Sorry for makin’ ya wait.
Sakuya: We got you a chocolate drink, Muku-kun.
Muku: Thank you! Uwaah, it smells so good and looks so delicious…!
Banri: Whoa, there’s a lot of stuff on the table.
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Banri: Roast chicken, meat pies, cakes… did y’all buy all of this…?
Tasuku: No, nothing like that. Some of the staff prepared it for us.
Izumi: It looks like they all went out of their way to get everything ready for us.
Sakuya: Seems like it! Thank you so much for preparing this all.
Sasaki: No, no, it’s nothing! Think of it as a thank you for all of your help this time.
Sasaki: We’ll be doing a few more performances of the show tomorrow, and we look forward to continuing to work with you.
Izumi: Likewise.
Guy: Shall we take a moment to have a toast then?
Tenma: Yeah. Plus I’m hungry.
Masumi: Here, a drink for you, Director.
Izumi: Thanks. Well then, good work on opening day, guys! Cheers!
Sakuya: Good work, everyone. Cheers!
Banri: Cheers.
Tenma: Mh, this meat pie is really good.
Muku: Uwaah, this chocolate drink is so sweet and yummy…!
Guy: This over here utilizes spices well and is delicious.
*Phone rings*
Masumi: …Who’s phone is ringing?
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Muku: Sorry, that’s mine! …Ah! Kazu-kun and the others are video-calling me!
Tenma: It’s around noon in Japan right now, isn’t it?
Tasuku: Yeah, that sounds about right.
Muku: Hi, Kazu-kun!
Kazunari: “Ah, good work today, Mukkun~! How are things over there?”
Muku: The opening day of the show went really well, and we’re having a Christmas party right now!
Kazunari: “For realsies!? That’s like totes awesome!”
Kazunari: “We miss you lots over here, Mukkun~.”
Citron: “Ooh, are you video-calling Muku and the others?”
Sakuya: Citron-san!
Citron: “I am missing you very much too, Sakuya. You have been gone forever and ever, uwaahh!”
Citron: “Tsuzuru also misses Masumi so much that he’s been sobbing for days.”
Masumi: Yeah, that’s a complete lie.
Sakuya: Fufu, we’re bringing lots of souvenirs back for you guys, so please wait a bit longer for them!
Citron: “Yaay~! Thank you, I’ll be a good boy and wait then ♪ Do your best with the show, Director, and everyone!”
Izumi: Yeah, thanks!
Kazunari: “BTDubs, TsumuTsumu and Azu went out for tea together since Tax and GuyGuy aren’t here.”
Tasuku: They do that whether we’re there or not.
Guy: Well, that’s okay then.
Kazunari: “Ah, Yukki and Hyodle, c’mere for a sec! We’re talking to the guys in America right now.”
Kazunari: “Here, aren’t you missing TenTen so much too, Yukki?”
Yuki: “Hah? I’m doing great. I can actually focus on my work for once.”
Tenma: Hey, what the hell…!
Yuki: “...What was with that reaction? Do you actually want me to say I miss you? Gross.”
Banri: He’s not gonna admit it~.
Tenma: It’s not funny!
Juza: “...Muku, it’s cold over there, ain’t it? Make sure you don’t catch a cold.”
Muku: Yeah, thanks, Ju-chan!
Izumi: (Muku-kun and Juza-kun’s conversation is heartwarming as usual…)
Banri: Ugh, why do I have to look at his face over the phone?
Juza: “Haah? You’re the one who looked in the first place.”
Banri: You’re the one who came into my view without me askin’.
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Sakuya: Ahwah, Banri-kun, Juza-kun, calm down.
Banri: You better not have made a mess on my side of the room just ‘cause I wasn’t there. I ain’t forgivin’ ya if I find candy wrappers ‘n shit all over the place.
Juza: “Stop draggin’ everyone over there down with ya.”
Banri: The fuck…!?
Tasuku: Ugh, here they go…
Masumi: Even across the ocean, they’re still the same.
Muku: Awahhwah…!
Izumi: How about you hang up now, Muku-kun!
Guy: That would be for the best.
Muku: R-Right! Bye, everyone!
[ ⇠ Previous Part ]
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nijigasakilove · 6 months
Finally a pet anime I can relate to! I’ve never liked dogs or cats, but growing up I had several pet parakeets and love birds! They’re such majestic and beautiful animals so seeing this type of set up is refreshing. It’s kind of like Roukin8 but with a pet and a middle aged guy instead of Mitsuha and her devilish schemes lol
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Wow, isekai through pet is probably one of the most unique ways I’ve seen it done. Being able to go back and forth between worlds, which we’ve seen done a few times recently is nice, but doing it with your faithful companion is even cooler. Smart idea to sell stuff to the nobles in the other world. If you don’t want to quit your dead end job that’s one way to make extra money.
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Hmm, the introduction of Hoshizaki and the paranormal investigation bureau section of the government was cool. I wonder what Hoshizaki would’ve done if Sasaki wasn’t there to save her though!
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Sasaki got the promotion he was looking for, but not in the way he was expecting. Definitely cooler than the office job that hadn’t given him a raise in years.. Connecting magic across two worlds and bringing in the whole psychic ability thing on earth is a cool way to make this story standout more. I doubt Pi-chan is the first to cross over between worlds and it’ll be interesting to see how magic developed on earth
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Man, in 48 mins Sasaki already got two waifus in Hoshizaki and Yandere school girl. Both really cute. Knew something was up with school girl when she was waiting on him after he got back late. Always a sucker for a good yandere so looking forward to more of her. Hopefully we get to see she and Hoshizaki interact at some point soon
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Speaking of Hoshizaki, Takahashi Rie been on a roll lately, another good performance from her. But that’s not it, the seiyuu list in this one is immense with performances from Yuuki Aoi, Akarin, Minase Inori and Tomita Miyu!
The hour long premiere for this show was perfect because it had quite a few twists that wouldn’t have been as good as separate episodes. I thought we were just gonna be doing a kind of slice of life roukin8 style show with Sasaki making money by trading in the other world, but we got a lot more to this story than that. Ending scene with his boss suggests there’s more to this than meets the eye. Interest is piqued.
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littleeyesofpallas · 6 months
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Sasaki to Pi-Chan[佐々木とピーちゃん] Sasaki and P-chan
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conflagrate · 6 months
Winter 2024 Anime + TV Season
I can’t believe it’s another year, another season!
Thanks to the Hollywood strikes I watched a fair amount of anime this past autumn~
Top shows
1. Sousou no Frieren 2. Kusuriya no Hitorigoto 3. Atarashii Joshi wa Dotennen =. Seijo no Maryoku S2 5. Jujutsu Kaisen S2
Shows completed: 10 Continuing: 2
New year new season new batch of shows to bitch about-
Must Watch: Dungeon Meshi, Yojitsu S3, Hikari no O S2, Yami Shibai S12 [FOOOKK WHY!!!!] (4)
Sounds Interesting! Hope It Doesn’t Suck!: Pon no Michi, Yubisaki to Renren, Gekai Elise, Metallic Rouge, Snack Basue, Meiji Gekken:1874 (6)
3episode Taste Test Needed: Sasaki to Pi-chan, Momochi-san’chi no Ayakashi Oji, Kekkon Yubiwa Monogatari, Dosanko Gal, 30sai made Dotei da, Gekkan Moso Kagaku, Bucchigiri, Ishura, Majo to Yaju, AraFou Onsen Mania (10)
Do I Have To…? (No I Don’t): Mato Seihei no Slave, Maho Shojo ni Akogarete, Kyujitsu no Warumono-san, Hime-sama, Fomon no Jikan desu, Oroka na Tenshi, Sengoku Yoko
Sequel/Spinoff Hell: Jaku Chara Tomozaki-kun S2, Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu S2, Mashle S2, Kingdom S5, Ao no Exorcist: Shimane Illuminati-hen, Shin no Nakama S2, HIGH CARD S2, Tsukimichi S2, Synduality Noir S2 (I give up I don’t wanna sit through another season of this tripe), Shaman King Flowers, Cardfight Vanguard Divinez
Light Novel/Isekai/Villainess/Mecha Hell: Isekai de Mofumofu, Sokushi Cheat, Chiyu Mahou, Ore dake Level Up na Ken, Saikyo Tank, Loop 7-kaime, Nozomanu Fushi no Bokensha, Akuyaku Reijo Level 99, Bang Bang Bravern, Saijaku Tamer
Idol/Vtuber/AI/Musical Hell: NONE! WOW! HALLELUJAH!
Continuing: Sousou no Frieren, Kusuriya no Hitorigoto
Expected Load: 8-9
Looks manageable!
TV & Streaming
I’ve actually been watching precious little TV over the quarter thanks to the strikes and the increased amount of palatable anime…and because I spent the last 3 months overly obssessed with PDJP3. MY HEART STILL HURTS COS MY OSHI DIDN’T DEBUT LEAVE ME ALONE
Disney+/Hulu: Loki S2, Culprits*, Murder At The End of The World* Netflix: Bodies Apple TV: Slow Horses S3, Lessons In Chemistry Amazon Prime: Reacher S2* BBC: Boiling Point, Time series 2, Vigil S2 Others: Kinou Nani Tabeta S2, The Irrational (NBC) Gameshows: Only Connect Reality: Produce 101 Japan The Girls
Total series completed: 9Full-length films watched: 18
Strike’s over and shows are cranking up production for a super-truncated half-order season so I’ll be there to check out my favourite shows as they return to air in Jan/Feb…
CBS: NCIS S21, NCIS: Hawai’i S3, Tracker? Netflix: The Brothers Sun?, The Tourist S2 [also BBC], 3 Body Problem?, The Gentlemen? Disney+/Hulu: Death and Other Details Apple TV:Criminal Record, Masters of the Air?, The New Look?, Constellation, Manhunt? Amazon Prime: Expats HBO: True Detective: Night Country?, The Regime? Others: The Irrational (NBC), Will Trent (ABC), Mr Bates vs the Post Office? (ITV), Truelove? (Channel 4), Sexy Beast? (Paramount+)
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teragames · 11 months
Confirman la fecha de estreno de "Sasaki and Peeps"
Confirman la fecha de estreno del anime "Sasaki and Peeps" (@sasaki_pichan) para el próximo año (2024).
La serie de novelas Sasaki and Peeps(Sasaki to Pi-chan) del autor Buncololi, con ilustraciones de Kantoku, recibirá una adaptación al anime que se estrenará en el 2024, según un nuevo arte visual revelado en un reciente evento de MF Bunko de Kadokawa.  También se dio a conocer que Akari Kito (Nezuko en Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba) y Rie Takahashi (Megumin en KONOSUBA) se sumarán al reparto…
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animenekos · 6 months
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Sasaki to Pi-chan; Sasaki and Peeps - Episode 1
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crehador · 5 months
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madoka girls could've saved themselves a lot of trouble with this one simple trick
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hatsumishinogu · 7 months
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Sasaki to Pi-chan Vol.8 (light novel)
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yukikinomiya · 5 years
SOLIDEMO / 君がくれたもの(CODE-V cover)
Recently I’ve been mostly listening to Generations, RMPG, Flower or Dream so that I sometimes forget about my other precious Jpop bands especially the group which started everything :) And I’m crying because they covered a song from another Jpop group Code-V (they stopped their activities recently) with whom they are really good friends and hung out often. This is definitely one of my favourite covers since all of them have parts and not only the 4 main vocalists :) They have gotten so much better over the years and their voices have improved so much. I have to admit I was totally surprised by Tomoya’s and Keiichi’s voices because it’s rare to hear them solo and OMG they have gotten really really good.
And the stylist definitely did a good work with their recent outfits. I love them in suits but streetstyle suits them so much better. They look awesome in it.
Since I’m sick in bed I can at least make it a Solidemo day starting with one of the most hilarious things they did a few years ago for Sunshine City :D
My first post about Solidemo :)
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recentanimenews · 3 years
Anime NYC 2021, Day Two
If the first day was defined by the lines outside, the 2nd day was defined by the lines INSIDE. My schedule for the day had to be adjusted a bit as it became clear that if you wanted to go to a panel, you’d better line up early. The afternoon was filled with staffers screaming “The Fate panel is full!”. Despite this, I was able to attend four excellent panels, and will regale you all with my experiences.
We start off with Yen Press, who had quite a few announcements, which I suspect are May and June 2022-ish. The Geek Ex-Hitman is a Shonen Ace Plus title about a sinister hitman who sees a cute anime figurine and decides to just abandon his entire life and move to Japan to get more. It was described as along the lines of The Way of the Househusband. The Other World’s Economy Depends on the Bean Counter (Isekai no Sata wa Shachiku Shidai) is from Enterbrain’s B’s Log Comic, and combines Isekai with BL. Nights with a Cat (Yoru wa Neko to Issho) is a Comic Walker title that is exactly what it sounds – cat manga. These are the sort of sketchy biographical titles you used to see at the back of seinen magazines but you know they’d never get licensed. Now they are.
After some giveaways, we got the manga version of Chitose-kun Is in the Ramune Bottle (Chitose-kun wa Ramune Bin no Naka), whose light novel has been announced by Yen On already (and will have a digital release as well, I checked). It runs in Square enix’s Manga Up!. Hi, I’m a Witch and My Crush Wants Me to Make a Love Potion (Doumo, Suki na Hito ni Horegusuri o Irai Sareta Majo desu) comes from Kadokawa’s Flos Comic and will be familiar to Cross Infinite World fans, as they’ve been putting out the novels. See You Tomorrow at the Food Court (Food Court de, Mata Ashita) is a 1-volume title from Comic Newtype about two unlikely friends who meet up every day to eat. This one interested me the most of the manga announced. And because its spinoffs are almost as endless as Cells at Work, we get Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka☆Magica Gaiden: Another Story. It’s a spinoff.
Light novels! There were… well, let’s call it 2 1/2 announcements. The Bride of Demise (Shuuen no Hanayome) is a dark fantasy from the creator of Torture Princess, a series I find compelling if depressing. Sasaki and Pi-chan (Sasaki to Pi-chan: Isekai de Slow Life o Tanoshi Mou Toshitara, Gendai de Inou Battle ni Makikomareta Ken – Mahou Shoujo Up o Hajimeta You Desu) has a subtitle from hell but looks quite interesting, about a pet bird who turns out to be from another world and the business of selling isekai’d stuff with the salaryman who owns him. An the reason I said 2 1/2 announcements is the third is that No Game No Life 11 will be coming out over here in chapter installments! The prologue hits digitally November 25th.
The next panel was Dark Horse Comics. They didn’t have any new manga announcements, but did have a fun panel where they reminded everyone how old the company is and how far manga has come since the late 1980s. I remember buying some of those 32-page floppy manga comics, and wish You’re Under Arrest could come back out, despite the bad art at the start. They also mentioned the fact that Japan, of course, imports Western Comics and translates them to Japanese. Adam Warren’s versions of Bubblegum Crisis and Dirty Pair can be seen in stores there translated. They also talked about artists who are well known for Western comics but are clearly manga-inspired, like Wendy Pini with Elfquest.
Speaking of the blend of east and west, Shigeru Mizuki was a huge fan of Hellboy, and wrote blurbs for its Japanese release. And of course Monkey Punch’s Lupin III is famously influenced by the Mad Magazine work of Mort Drucker and Sergio Aragones. And the creator of Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt does doujinshi for Umbrella Academy, which sounds hella cool, not gonna lie. There were a few announcements that were at least new to me. Yoshitaka Amano has two new artbooks that recently came out, and this also led to a discussion of the Vampire Hinter D omnibuses also being released. Good for fans of that author. They are also quite happy with Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!, and the third volume is out next month.
After that I was supposed to meet up with Erica Friedman for a late lunch, but Zack Davisson got to her first, so instead I went to the Localization panel, which also had Carl Horn, Mari Moromoto, and Lynzee Loveridge. In other words, an all-star lineup. It was a very good panel, and the audience actually managed to be engaged and polite about it, which if nothing else shows you the panel did not happen on Twitter. Indeed, Twitter harassment of translators was mentioned at the panel, with Caleb Cook’s being a particularly painful example. The panel had a lot to talk about, but I think what came up most often is that a lot of “correct/wrong” answers depend on the material, the publisher, and the editor. Sometimes end notes are frowned upon, sometimes they’re beloved.
Erica mentioned that the ideal localization for her should be a seamless reading experience. The goal is not to see the mechanics of translation under the hood. There’s also slang – Zack avoids it, but it’s usually there in the Japanese, and Mari uses it. It can date a title, but it also means that the words don’t just lie flat on the page. Naturally, Squid Game also came up, and the kerfuffle over what turned out to be closed-captioning titles. Sometimes it’s not even something the translators can help, as they get overruled by editors, Japanese creators, etc. (I remember how ADV, way back in the day, had to fight tooth and nail to not make Ryo “Joe” Saeba in the City Hunter anime.)
We also got a reminder that Japan can see things differently than we do here. When Scarlet Johannsen was cast in Ghost in the Shell, there was a lot of pushback here. Meanwhile, Japan was like “OMG TOP HOLLYWOOD STAR!!!”. They’re far less stressed in Japan about things that we here in North America freak out over. Mostly as fans still tend to prefer titles be translated as “literally” as possible, usually meaning “I Like ‘Em Big and Stilted” (with apologies to Julie Brown). It was an excellent panel that I am happy I attended, and afterwards I was about to pass out, so I had a very late lunch and then decompressed for an hour or two. This con has 50K people, and even extroverts can get overwhelmed by it.
The last panel I did before I gave in and went back to the hotel (sorry, Manga Magazines panel, I am not 23 anymore) was J-Novel Club, with Sam Pinansky and Kristi Fernandez giving us 10 new titles – all light novels. We started off with Housekeeping Mage from Another World: Making Your Adventures Feel Like Home (Kasei Madoushi no Isekai Seikatsu: Boukenchuu no Kasei Fugyou Uketamawarimasu!), a J-Novel Heart title about an isekai’d woman (though that rapidly becomes unimportant, a with a lot of isekai titles where they clearly want to write fantasy but know what sells) and the adventurer who loves her.
Fantasy Inbound is a title that may have a lot of hardcore fans saying “but what about Campione!?, as it’s by the same author. It’s a story where the isekai comes to OUR world… and things do not go well. After the apocalypse, can a student survivor and an elf girl try to salvage something? Prison Life Is Easy for a Villainess (Konyaku Haki kara Hajimaru Akuyaku Reijou no Kangoku Slow Life) is a short two-volume series where the villainess happily accepts her ex throwing her in prison… because she STILL has all the power. I’ve actually recommended this as a license request, it’s supposed to be hilarious.
To Another World… with Land Mines! (Isekai Teni, Jirai Tsuki) has a class transported to another world and all getting cool powers, but our hero seems to be one of the few people taking it seriously as a real-life (and possible death) matter. Forget Being the Villainess, I Want to Be an Adventurer! (Tensei Reijou wa Boukensha wo Kokorozasu) is what it sounds like a villainess title where the heroine tries to avoid her fate by doing something else. My Stepmom’s Daughter Is My Ex: Why Can’t We Move On? (Mamahaha no Tsurego ga Motokano datta) is a high school romance… well, ex-romance about a middle-school couple who broke up but are now siblings.
Magic Knight of the Old Ways (Furuki Okite No Mahou Kishi) is similar to Fantasy Unbound, as fans will say “But what about Akashic Records of Bastard Magical Instructor?”. Indeed, they may be doubly annoyed as this seems to have a similar premise of magic knights teaches a group of students. Saint? No, I’m Just a Passing Beast Tamer! (Seijo-sama? Iie, Toorisugari no Mamonotsukai desu!) is a series about a chosen one who decides she’d much rather pet furry animals, from the creator of Woof Woof Story: I Told You to Turn Me Into a Pampered Pooch, Not Fenrir!.
My Quiet Blacksmith Life in Another World (Kajiya de Hajimeru Isekai Slow Life) is a slowlife isekai about a guy who (no surprise) finds out he’s super powerful, and also that the cat he asked for is a catgirl. Like most slow life titles, the goal is to keep having it and not get dragged back in. The most surprising announcement (well, almost) came next, with When Supernatural Battles Became Commonplace (Inou-Battle wa Nichijou-kei no Naka de), an older LN series from the writer of Are You Okay With a Slightly Older Girlfriend? and the artist for The Devil Is a Part-Timer!. What if you got super-awesome powers to help save the world… and nothing happened and you’re still going to school like normal?
Finally, the surprise announcement came via a very familiar voice. We’re getting Slayers in audiobook form, read by the legendary Lisa Ortiz herself! I’m interested in seeing how this goes, as I think Lina in the anime and Lina in the light novel are two very different beasts. In any case, it was a very fun panel but I was wiped, so I went back to the hotel to… well, type this all up. But I am going to go get a late supper now, I promise! And there’s still SUNDAY, SUNDAY, SUNDAY! Though give the lines from today, I think I will limit myself to two panels.
By: Sean Gaffney
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uncoverthesecrets · 4 years
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀Jorōgumo ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀じょろうぐも
𝑬𝒍 𝒅𝒊́𝒂 𝒆𝒏 𝒒𝒖𝒆 𝒕𝒐𝒅𝒐 𝒄𝒂𝒎𝒃𝒊𝒐́, 𝑺𝒆𝒖𝒍𝒈𝒊 𝒋𝒂𝒎𝒂́𝒔 𝒊𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒐́ 𝒔𝒆𝒓 𝒍𝒂 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒂 𝒅𝒆 𝒔𝒖 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒊𝒂 𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒄𝒊𝒐́𝒏. Tinturas de naranja y rojo adornaban el atardecer de Japón, el Sol estaba a punto de esconderse y la noche pronto llegaría al pueblo nipón. La coronación del emperador Legasu, que tomaría lugar ese día, marcaba el inicio del periodo Edo en Japón, época donde la gente contaba historias de extraños demonios llamados 𝘠𝘰𝘬𝘢𝘪. De acuerdo a las leyendas de ese entonces, estos seres eran algún tipo de animal que podía tomar la forma de un humano, engañando a personas reales para caer en sus redes.  ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ …  « Tonterías… » Pensó Seulgi sin prestarle atención a las voces femeninas en el fondo. Para ella los 𝘠𝘰𝘬𝘢𝘪 no eran más que relatos ficticios hechos para espantar a los niños. Los adultos evitaban que los infantes se alejaran de la provincia de Narusawa gracias a las últimas desapariciones cerca del bosque de Aokigahara. Los aldeanos murmuraban y murmuraban, inventando cosas “extrañas”, argumentaban que se trataba de un 𝘠𝘰𝘬𝘢𝘪 que comía humanos. Sin embargo, para la princesa, solo se trataba de algún animal suelto.  Los emperadores de provincias vecinas empezaron a llegar al palacio de Narusawa para la coronación de su padre. Seulgi los observaba desde la ventana, pérdida en su propia cabeza, ansiosa por ver a esa persona, dueña de sus suspiros y deseos.  Una voz chillona la llamó, buscando regresar su mente a la Tierra.
—Ah… ¿Qué ocurre?
—¡Hime!  Aplaudió una de las sirvientas frente a su cara. Seulgi dio un salto pequeño y sacudió su rostro un poco, volviendo a sus sentidos. Sintió una incómoda presión en su vientre que no había estado ahí anteriormente. Miró abajo, una cinta gruesa y blanca adornaba el kimono de seda rojo y floreado. 
—¡Auch! ¿Qué pasa? —Replicó disgustada por la tensión en su abdomen.
— Hime, tengo que apretar el listón. ¿Ha estado comiendo demasiado verdad? El nudo no está bien apretado, necesito que meta el estómago. 
—Oh, disculpa. Estaba pensando en… 
—¡Nada! ¡Mete el estómago ya! 
  Seulgi respiró hondo y cerró los ojos, sabía que iba a doler. La sirvienta, que sostenía cada orilla de la tela, jaló con fuerza. La princesa soltó una bocanada, llevó una de sus manos a su vientre y tragó saliva. Se había cortado un poco su respiración, pero el moño ponía todo el vestuario en su lugar y un poco de aire no afectaría su día, ¿verdad?  —La coronación ya va empezar Hime —Indicó la mujer, acomodando la corona en su cabeza. —¿Esta lista?  —Sí. —La pelinegra rotó despacio sobre sus talones, las piedras de oro que colgaban de su corona chocaron suavemente una contra la otra, emitiendo sonidos similares a los de una campana, sobreponiendo la elegancia de su andar y adornando su belleza admirable. Admiraba su reflejo en el cristal, detallando a la perfección cada centímetro de su kimono y asintió. —Hora de deslumbrar a los invitados.  Mintió, aquel pensamiento que la distraía más temprano no era la fiesta ni los cuentos de los aldeanos. Ella tampoco se sentía lista y todo se reducía a una simple razón: Hikari, la princesa de la provincia vecina. Su andar era el más elegante que había visto, la fineza y encanto con el que hablaba y se desenvolvía encantó a Seulgi desde el primer momento que hablaron y entre sus sueños más sucios, también detallaba la hermosa figura y suave piel bajo la tela de sus vestidos… ¡Oh! Sus mejillas comenzaron a acalorarse. Tampoco debía dejar a su imaginación volar tanto.  Claro, nadie sabía de su pequeño secreto. Si tan solo una persona se enteraba de la atracción que sentía por la otra princesa, la asesinarían a sangre fría...
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ …
La amable sonrisa de la princesa saludaba a cada invitado que se hincaba frente a sus pies, mostrándose calmada. Por dentro, estaba impaciente, sus ojos buscaban entre la multitud a la única persona que quería ver. Quería encontrarla y escabullirse a un lugar donde solo ellas dos pudieran estar, disfrutar de su presencia y tal vez, solo tal vez… Del sabor de sus labios. Los minutos se convirtieron en una hora, ¿acaso no vendría? ¿A qué hora llegaría?  Con la inquietud carcomiendo su interior, decidió preguntarle a la sirvienta. —Sasaki…Sabes si Hi-
Un revuelo de mariposas invadió su estómago al escuchar su nombre. Esa voz que era como el aguijón de una abeja inyectándose en el dulce néctar de una flor. Sonrío amplio, divisando su rostro afilado entre los samurais.  —¡Hika-hime! —Extendió sus manos, tomando las impropias entre sus palmas, percibiendo la calidez de su tacto y suavidad de su piel. —¿Cómo estás? ¡Hace tanto que no te veo! ¿Te gustaría ir adentro conmigo? ¿Podemos padre?  Miles de preguntas provenientes de Seulgi inundaron a la princesa de la provincia vecina. Hikari, un tanto confusa, solo asintió rápidamente. 
—Claro… —Carraspeó su garganta y contestó con suavidad, esbozó una media sonrisa y asintió. —Tengo algo importante que decirte. —Acotó la otra princesa.  — Además… El festival todavía no nos necesita, ¿verdad?  Legasu, el pronto emperador, frunció el ceño por un instante, estaba dudoso, pero al tratarse de una amiga muy querida de su hija, accedió.  —Está bien, pero no tarden mucho. Seulgi…Necesita estar presente. « Tengo algo importante que decirte…» El corazón de Seulgi latió con fuerza, aquellas palabras llegaron a sacudir todo su interior, ni siquiera pronunció una palabra cuando su padre ya las había dejado ir a otro rincón del palacio sin sospecha alguna. Pasó saliva e hizo una reverencia ante el emperador antes de ser jalada por Hikari al interior del palacio. Dos risueñas voces inundaron los pasillos del palacio.  —¿Podemos ir a tu habitación? No me gustaría que nadie nos escuche…
—Claro, sígueme, por aquí… —Seulgi volvió a entrelazar sus dedos con los otros, disimulando la emoción que sentía por compartir tiempo a solas con su preciada compañera. Llegaron en menos de cinco minutos y la guío adentro de su habitación. 
—Tú habitación es muy linda. Inclusive más grande que la mía, hime. —Halagó la mayor, observando cada detalle de madera refinada tallada a mano, soltando el agarre de Seulgi y tomando asiento en la cama. 
—¡Gracias! —Contestó emocionada, imitando su movimiento y tomando asiento en el colchón. —Pero…No me digas princesa…Somos tú y yo…Nadie nos va a decir nada, ¿no crees? 
—Tienes razón… —Asintió con un rastro de nervios en su voz, Hikari no dejaba de jugar con la tela de su kimono. Seulgi notó que su actitud no era normal, estaba nerviosa y hasta temblaba un poco, definitivamente actuaba raro. Frunció el ceño y acercó su mano a la impropia, acariciando la palma de ella con la yema de su pulgar. 
—¿Qué pasa? Te noto nerviosa. ¿Qué es lo que tenías que decirme? —Más que emocionada, Seulgi ahora estaba preocupada por la persona que significaba el mundo para ella. Es importante decir que estaban a centímetros de la otra, buscando complicidad en el silencio entre ellas y los gritos en sus mentes.  Las lágrimas rodaron de sus mejillas de Hikari, estaba cabizbaja, pero al escucharla, levantó su rostro y relamió sus labios, llevando su mano libre a la mejilla de Seulgi. El corazón de la pelinegra comenzó a latir con fuerza nuevamente, ¿qué le tenía que decir? —Y-yo… —La voz de Hikari se rompió en llanto, no podía formular aquella frase. 
La tensión entre ellas era inevitable, al menos para Seulgi. 
—Yo… —Repitió Seugi, intrigada por escuchar el final de esa frase.
—Estoy enamorada de ti, Seulgi-chan. 
 El peso de mil hombres se esfumó de los hombros de Seulgi, ¿acaso estaba soñando? Boquiabierta, no apartó la mirada de la contraria, que le miraba con ojos vidriosos, esperando por su respuesta. Su corazón latía con fuerza y su cerebro trataba de procesar aquella información, ¿qué tenía que hacer ahora? Las palabras no salían de su garganta por más que trataba de formular una oración.
  —Hikari… —Susurró, sin poder creer lo que pasaba.
El silencio invadió la habitación por un instante. Seulgí suspiró, relamió sus labios y bajó la mirada a los labios carmesí de su compañera.  «¿Debería hacerlo? ¿Demostrarle lo que siento con un beso?»  Elevó un poco sus comisuras y entreabrió su boca, acortó la distancia entre ambas y murmuró despacio sobre los labios opuestos. 
—Yo también, hace, muchisímo...  Sin dejarla emitir sonido alguno, Seulgi cerró la distancia entre sus labios. Una sensación de calidez indescriptible invadió su corazón, aquello que solo sucedía en sus sueños más locos era verdad y no una fantasía más. Sus nervios crecieron cuando los labios de Hikari le correspondieron y comenzaron a moverse contra los suyos, pasando de un simple beso a una necesidad de probarse y hasta un punto, satisfacerse.  Despacio, Hikari recostó a Seulgi y una de sus manos de deslizó bajo su kimono sin romper aquel beso que se volvió desesperado. Acarició la fina curva de su pecho y un leve quejido escapó de la boca impropia, Seulgi, aunque no lo quería aceptar, estaba disfrutando de aquellas caricias.
Al sentir que la respiración hacía falta, se separó unos centímetros, sonriente, acunando el rostro de Hikari en sus manos. Pero no la vio feliz como ella. ¿Acaso había cometido un error? Ahora el pánico la llenó de miedo, soltó su rostro y se enderezó sobre la cama, acomodando la tela de su kimono arrugado. Exaltada, buscaba las palabras para disculparse por su impulso inútil.  —Hi-Hikari, yo no quería, perdón... Me dejé llevar por mis ganas de besarte, no fue mi intención-
—Estoy comprometida, Seulgi. —interrumpió abruptamente, sus ojos parecían dos dagas encajándose en su piel con tan solo mirarla. Había dolor y tristeza en ellos.  Seulgí empalideció y cualquier rastro de amor por su mayor desapareció en un instante. Un golpe resonó en la habitación y la princesa de mayor edad cayó al suelo, tumbando su corona. La marca de una mano roja adornaba la mejilla de Hikari. El pecho de Seulgi subía y bajaba, estaba enfurecida y no podía creer lo que acababa de pasar. ¿Por qué le dijo lo que sentía si de todos modos no llegaría a ni un lado?  —Seul...  —¡Vete! ¡No te quiero ver! —gritó enfurecida y a este punto no esperaría a que ella se largara.  Seulgi se dio la media vuelta y azotó la puerta, dejando a una persona desalmada y con el corazón roto atrás. Las lágrimas inundaron su rostro y en su pecho invadieron los sentimientos de rabia, frustración, enojo y tristeza. Antes de que Hikari la pudiera alcanzar, bajó por el pasillo y doblo a la izquierda para salir al jardín trasero, justo hacia una parcela que casi nadie conocía. Las emociones nublaron todo su raciocinio y su manera de actuar dejó de ser normal.  Tenía que escapar, correr a algún lado donde no la vieran destrozada.  «Maldita...»  Miró a su izquierda y derecha, no había nadie. Llevó sus manos a su cabello para quitarse la incómoda corona y después desnudo el apretado moño que adornaba su vientre. Se movió bruscamente hasta quitarse el kimono y lo dejó caer al suelo.  —¿Quién está ahí?  Levantó la mirada, aterrada. Juró que nadie podría estar ahí. ¿Acaso los guardianes no estaban con el emperador por su ceremonia? Tenía que salir de ahí y rápido. Bajó los pequeños escalones de madera aún con sus zapatillas, se escabulló por el sendero de la izquierda, corriendo sin mirar atrás con miles de pensamientos pasando por su cabeza. El corazón se le podría salir del pecho por lo agitada que se sentía. Bajaba por las pequeñas colinas y el campo libre ahora eran árboles como pinos y la tierra, frondosa y suave, ahora eran pequeñas montañas con hoyos de por medio. Se dio cuenta cuando una de sus zapatillas se atoró en el suelo y tropezó. Gritó y cayó al suelo, boca abajo. Sintió un ardor reafirmante en su brazo y masculló por el golpe. Seulgi volteó a su derecha despacio, el pequeño vestido blanco que usaba bajo el kimono se rasgó con una rama, raspando su hombro. Aquello que goteaba era... ¿Sangre?  ¿A dónde había ido? ¿Cuánto tiempo corrió?  Todos los rincones del lugar se veían igual, solo había árboles y más árboles, tal vez uno que otro tronco visible en el atardecer. Pero, en Narusawa solo había un lugar con una montaña tan alta que se podía apreciar en cualquier horizonte y punto de Japón. Esa montaña... Era el monte Fuji y cerca del Monte Fuji...  Estaba el bosque de Aokigahara.  Pequeños ruidos de la naturaleza, como búhos y tal vez una que otra ardilla correteando es lo único que se escuchaba. El Sol estaba a punto de meterse y el clima comenzaba a refrescarse. Las hojas se sacudieron un poco y un pequeño escalofrío recorrió su espalda. Por primera vez en toda la agitación de su mente, pudo pensar.  ¿Por qué Hikari le dijo eso? No lo entendía y no creía entenderlo jamás. Seguro todos la estarían buscando, pero ahora mismo, era lo último que le importaba. Necesitaba pensar, suspiró y cerró los ojos. Sus pies se movían solos, por inercia caminaba sin rumbo alguno y cada rincón del bosque era igual, hasta que un sonido diferente resaltó entre la naturaleza, ¿era el sonido de un río?  Seulgi se abrazó asimisma al sentir más frío, tendría que encontrar un lugar donde dormir pronto. Continúo caminando y caminando, el sonido de agua cayendo se hizo más fuerte, el camino, antes lleno de árboles, se fue despejando. Avanzaba despacio y con cautela, topándose con una cascada en medio de la nada. Aprovechó para quitarse aquellos zapatos incómodos, caminó hacia el pequeño lago, dejando que sus pies se mojaran después de un largo tiempo corriendo.  Aprovechando la soledad en aquel lugar, Seulgi se deshizo del pequeño vestido blanco dejándolo reposar sobre una piedra. La pelinegra no tardó en sumergirse en el lago. El agua llegaba hasta la altura de sus hombros y se sentía muy bien, decidió nadar un poco, pero de repente sus pies se enredaron en algo extraño. Esto era un lago, no un océano. ¿Qué era? Trató de liberarse, pero mientras más movía sus pies, menos podía moverse. Comenzó a hiperventilar, ¿qué la estaba sosteniendo? De repente, el sonido de una 𝘣𝘪𝘸𝘢 provino de algún lugar en el lago, Seulgi levantó la mirada, asustada. Aquella cálida melodía inundo sus oídos, al parecer venía de la cueva atrás de la cascada. Vio una delgada figura acercarse con aquel instrumento en manos. Era una mujer de tez blanca, figura pequeña y a lo que percibió, belleza sin igualar.  —¿Quién eres? —Preguntó Seulgi, asustada.  Jorōgumo sonrió ladinamente, caminó hasta la orilla del camino de piedra, dejando ver su forma humana. Cruzó miradas con la princesa y entreabrió los labios, lista para atrapar a su siguiente presa.  —Joohyun. ¿Qué te trae por aquí?   ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ … 
  ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀« 𝙄'𝙢 𝙖 𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚 𝙢𝙤𝙣𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧 »

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