#sasha inky mystery
little-fox-artist · 5 months
I've redrawn Sasha Swingskirt. The rest, I've felt very little motivation to color.
With the hat:
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Without the hat:
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buttercup-the-cat · 2 months
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Sasha swingskirt 🎶 I decided to draw her
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sirensea14 · 4 months
Smol IM doodles again but with more cartoony characteristics
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Also, Lily
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I do not like her but im trying to do otherwise lol Im doing small steps to draw her
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butimnogirlstoy · 1 month
Inky Mystery Cuphead re-design/AU!
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This is mostly for my own viewing, and bc I wanna make an Inky Mystery AU <3
I wish I colored this, but just know that the white of his pants is actually red, except for the patch that says POW; it's probably yellow or smth
I had fun drawing him, especially his eyes which I'm really proud of <3
Maybe I'll do Mugman next? I already like Bendy and Boris's designs, but the cup-brother's designs bothered me. They belong in QFTIM and should STAY in QFTIM. Inky Mystery is better every day, and so should the designs. Maybe I'll upload art of what I thought certain characters looked like, bc oh boy, Demitri, Sasha Swingskirt, Holly May, and the detective's cannon designs were a treat to look at.
Ofc, story belongs to @theinkymystery , @thisanimatedphantom and @mercowe - go follow 'em!
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ceruleanmusings · 3 months
Big Time Girlfriends - Carlos & Sammi
this isn't one of my favorite episodes but it does have my fav btr song in it! (boyfriend is one of their best, i will die on that hill!) but carlos' plotline always bothered me (james' and logan's plot really bothered me as well but that's another rant post for a different day) so this is what i came up with to make it a little better. enjoy! @witchofinterest @myloveforhergoeson @raging-violets @partiallypearl
Red, gold, and white lights spun and flashed from nearby attractions, begging passersby to take their shot at winning the large, stuffed prizes hanging off stalls. Beneath the inky black sky wafts of thick, heavy fried-scented air hovered over the milling crowds, luring in kids begging for treats to hold in their sticky hands. Excited shrieks and screams punched through the mechanical whooshes and grinding from nearby thrill rides and attractions, but Sammi blocked all the background noise out. Her eyes remained focused on the basketball hoop in front of her, the tip of her tongue sticking out the corner of her mouth.
She eased out a breath, her fingers gripping the small rubber ball. The bumps and grooves pressed into the pads of her fingers; her pulse jumped faintly in her fingertip. You got this; you can do it! Pulling her tongue back into her mouth, her mouth formed a line, her muscles tensed, and she shot the basketball out of her hands with a little hop. It arced through the air…and bounced off the rim.
“Aw, man!” she groaned, her nose wrinkling and her arms falling to the side.
“Close but no cigar,” the stall attendant said, his mustached mouth stretching into a Cheshire cat grin. Sammi’s lip curled in as she suppressed the urge to rip his sharpie-marker mustache off his face. Really, did he have to say it every time she missed the shot? Twenty times was twenty times too much. And that mustache was so outdated! “Come on, try again. I’m sure you’ll get it this time.” He tossed the ball to her. She caught it and tossed it back, shaking her head.
“Thanks, but no thanks.” Besides, she already dropped thirty-five dollars on the dumb game. She couldn’t justify spending any more, no matter how much she wanted that giant stuffed bunny.
“Just try one more. I hate to see pretty girls walk away empty handed.” He flashed a smile, popping the ball atop his finger. With a push, he spun it along the tip. The colors flashed by in a bright smear against the golden tint of the booth’s bulb lights. “Waddya say?” She wanted to say where he could shove that basketball, and it wasn’t going to be through a netted hoop.
Instead she drew herself up, lifted her chin, and held his gaze. "I hate to see desperate guys." He blinked and she lifted her eyebrows, waiting for his one-track mind to switch gears and catch up. She'd said all she needed to say. When it finally did, she smirked as he jerked upright, fumbling the ball in his hands. Brushing her hair over her shoulder, she turned and sauntered off, pausing to add, "By the way, get used to pretty girls walking away from you! That's the only direction they'll be heading!"
Man, did that feel good. Nothing quite beat the exhilaration and satisfaction of putting guys like that in their place. Honestly. She was pretty, she knew that, she made sure others knew that, but that didn't mean she could fold and roll over just because someone else acknowledged it. Where was the effort in men nowadays? Not that she'd give in a chance otherwise, she was already happily taken.
Carlos, however, looked as if his happiness had been taken away from him, judging by the long look on his face anyway. It was a stark one-eighty from the cloud he'd seemed to be riding on for the past couple days. Hands on her popped hips, Sammi glanced around. Where was that Sasha girl anyway? The two were glued at the hip in the van ride over to the fair. It was almost disgusting how much they giggled and batted their eyes at one another. Where was they mystery? Where was the chase? Where was the effort?
"Okay, what's wrong?" Sammi peered down at Carlos from the other side of the picnic table he slouched over. Two corndogs sat in his hands.
"Me and Sasha broke up," he said.
"Sasha and I," Sammi automatically corrected. She couldn't help it. The world would be better if people were on point at all times. Speech couldn't slip through the cracks; annunciation and word choice went a long way when it came to molding people's perception.
Carlos looked up at her, eyebrows furrowing. "You were dating her too?"
Sammi brought her hand up to the side of her head. This boy. Easing a sigh, she carefully sat on the other bench, scooping her skirt beneath her thighs and crossed one leg over the other. The bright lights nearby illuminated her heels as if she were bathed in a spotlight. She grinned. She knew she picked the right shoes; her sisters didn't know what they were talking about when they tried to talk her out of them. She was a 10 at all times, from her head to her feet. Literally. She couldn't afford anything else.
"Why did you break up?" Sammi asked.
"She doesn't like corndogs. Actually, she hates corndogs."
"I love corndogs. We wouldn't work."
Sammi snorted. "Is that the only reason?"
This made Carlos sit up straight, eyes blazing. "Is a big reason!" She hummed. Why couldn't he apply that energy to his dance rehearsals? Or anything not gross?
"So any girl you want to be with has to like corndogs? No matter what?"
"I can't just give them up!" He took a hearty bite out of one as if to prove her point. Her nose wrinkled at his following sigh, showing a glob of chewed hot dog and cornmeal mush. Plucking a napkin out a canister with two fingers, she held it out to him. The least he could do was cover his mouth.
"Why would you have to?" she asked calmly.
"I mean...isn't that the point? To have a girlfriend that likes what I like?"
"The point of a girlfriend is to have someone you like around and to spend time with." Well, there was more to it than that but he was just dipping his toes into the dating water. He'd splash and flail too much if he dove in headfirst. "They don't need to like everything you like." She jerked her thumb over her shoulder. "Jo doesn't like hockey but Kendall's still into her. In fact, I remember all of you clamoring over each other like idiots when Jo moved into the Palm Woods. Would you have dumped her if she chose you because of that?"
Carlos blinked. "I guess."
"Wow," Sammi said following a scoff. "Rude much?"
"I mean...wouldn't it be easier if we liked the same thing?"
"Maybe. But then you wouldn't have anything to talk about. Too much of the same is boring." Carlos made a noise. "Take it from me. My boyfriend's a farmhand. Literally. His family works on a cattle farm, provides meat and produce and stuff. He's very into agriculture and the environment. I'm...not so into it." The mud, the sweat, the smell, the mud? Not her idea of a good time, thank you very much. "But Jay? He puts his heart and soul into it. And he has so much passion for it. He wants to make the world better, more sustainable. I don't get it but I get that it's him and I like him. Warts and all." She paused. Did he have warts? Her mind reeled back, remembering all the expanses of his skin she'd been able to touch. His nice, tanned, strong, smooth skin... She frowned, whipped out her phone, and quickly sent a text. If he had any blemishes she needed him to take care of it right away. "My point is, differences are okay. It makes things fun."
"Yeah but..."
"But what?"
"They make it all look...so easy." He motioned with the bite-size of his corndog to the others nearby. Kendall trying to win Jo a stuffed animal from a skeeball game, Camille dragging Logan by the hand towards some dance game, and James.... Sammi blinked, leaning forward. Why was James carrying a plant? But then she pushed the thought away. She didn't want to touch that one. "They've had girlfriends. Or at least girls interested in them. Especially James. I just don't get it. It's like they know some...some secret code or something."
Sammi's head tipped back as she laughed, good and hard. "Carlos, c'mon, the rest of them aren't that perfect! Kendall's clearly got jealousy issues; honestly, I don't get how Jo's just fine with that but whatever." She waved her hand, batting them away. "And James kissed Logan's girlfriend so he's not winning points there. And Logan's kinda possessive. They don't know what they're doin' either and from my point of view, you're the one comin' out great."
"What do you mean?"
"I saw you runnin' around the Palm Woods with that girl"—she didn't earn the right to be called her name anymore—"she may have been set up by Uncle Gustavo—which I will have a conversation with him about—but you were very sweet and kind and were willing to make a lot of compromises for her happiness. Any girl who actually ends up your girlfriend would be very lucky. Don't sell yourself short."
"Really?" His dark puppy dog eyes almost made her coo at him.
"Yeah." Her shoulders bounced in a light shrug. When he wasn't being so...uncouth, he had some good qualities the right person would appreciate. That Girl certainly wasn't one of them if she could willingly go along with Uncle Gustavo's stupid boy-brained plan.
"Thanks. You know, your boyfriends very lucky."
"I know," she said with a smirk. Then her eyes dropped to the uneaten corndog in his other hand and she took it from him, teeth sinking into the cornmeal in a satisfying bite. "What?" she asked when he gaped at her. "I love corndogs." Holding her hand in front of her mouth as she chewed, she continued, "You should try the korean kind though. Some have cheese in them and some have cereal coating. They're super good. "
He snapped his jaw shut and twisted the stick of his corndog around in his fingers. "Do you...um...I mean, if you weren't dating him...do you think we...would you have—?"
Reaching across the table, Sammi patted his hand. "You wouldn't be able to handle me, Carlos," she said.
He grinned. "Yeah, maybe not."
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So was Felix trying to find Bendy and Boris while they were still on the run in your cat dad AU? Did he find them? Did he ever run into the cupbros?
Yes, no, and no.
See Felix was out doing research on where Wilson could be when all the inky mystery stuff went down. Boris was staying with Bendy at the time in Sillyvision, so Felix would do weekly calls to Bendy's to check up on his kids. So when they didn't pick up, Felix got a worried feeling in the pit of his gut and called Sasha to see if they were just hanging out with her.
She had to break the news to him about Wilson, and Bendy and Boris having to rush out of town.
As upsetting as it was to learn that Wilson was gone, Felix would be more worried about his sons when he gets to Sillyvision and sees the wrecked state of Bendy's apartment. He'd collect all of Bendy's belongings and go searching for his boys. Nearly having a stroke when he finds out they're WANTED.
He doesn't find them until they're finally arrested. He shows up at the jails to make sure they're both okay and would be there for the trial.
He doesn't meet the Cupbros until AFTER they're (sorta) friends with his sons. He was told by his boys that they were hunted by assassins while on the run (he also didn't see Cuphead burst into the restaurant and start shooting like a madman since he was in the back), but he doesn't know they were Cuphead and Mugman at first.
Bendy and Boris were planning on telling him, honest, they were, but considering how things started to change between them and the cup bros, and also because their poor dad would be worried and stressed enough about them already, they find themselves struggling to tell the truth.
That and they're a LITTLE worried Felix might kill Cuphead and Mugman. Cuphead laughed at first when they warned him and Mugman to keep everything a secret, though his laughter stopped with how Bendy and Boris looked 100% serious.
Unfortunately for all of them, it's kinda impossible to keep something like that a secret from Felix for long. XD
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herestarstudio · 4 years
IM!Cuphead and Sasha: 'sweatdrops'
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bunnis-stuff · 4 years
New art galore!!!🎨
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Inky mystery art (like all the other ones that I've posted previously, so far the lot of this have been character studies) to be more exact; characters in order: Demitasse &Cannikin(Cuphead and Mugman's parents), Red, Betty boop, Swingskirt sisters-Sasha and Sally, Jeremy Fairfax, Aspen& Canola(Holly's parents), and lastly Vicious
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lo-fi-charming · 4 years
(updated: 11/17) I wanna do a better job of advertising my TMA fic on here, so I’m just gonna make a sort of “masterpost” with very quick’n’easy descriptions/links to them, something easy to update and reblog as time goes on.
As of 11/7, I’ve tried trimming down this list, so you’ll mostly see more recent/ongoing projects or favorites of mine. I’ve broken 100 TMA fic on ao3 so I really can’t put all of them on here @w@ Please check out my page if you’re interested in finding more!
tangled weeds in concrete cracks (series) // Jon &/ Daisy, Jon/Martin | 52k (ongoing) | a series of fics featuring jon and daisy in a nonromantic D/s relationship, focusing on their gradual development as friends and individuals. Rated M/E.
(NEW) stay with me / your heart to sea // Jon/Elias | 3.1k (ongoing) | a selkie fic! jon and elias have been married for a very, very long time. but lately, jon’s gaze has been drifting towards the sea. Rated E.
the taste of midnight // Jon/Martin | 46k | jon is a magic user who utilizes his abilities to make potions. martin is a courier to delivers jon’s things and brings him supplies. when strange things begin to happen, the two end up becoming friends and work together to solve the problem.
the beast of the new moon // Jon &/ Daisy | 21k | a fairytale story about a wizard, a princess, and a beast.
(NEW) bow your head // Jon/Daisy | 1.3k | daisy struggles to submit to a hungry jon.
fistfuls of wildflowers // Jon/Daisy | 8.3k (ongoing) | a collection of smaller works centered on jon and daisy. Mixed ratings.
(NEW) i will keep you balanced and steady // Jon/Martin/Daisy | 4.5k (ongoing) | a collection of smaller works centered on jon, martin, and daisy. Mixed ratings.
three for three // Jon/Martin/Tim/Sasha | 6k | no entities AU, written for the tma winter exchange! somehow, sasha, tim, and martin manage to convince jon to try a tentative polyamorous relationship. this leads to some new discoveries about their seemingly stuffy boss.
i saw he had silk woven into his hair // Jon/Martin | 7.7k | my web!jon and web!martin au.
shoulder to shoulder // Peter/Martin | 6k | no entities AU where martin is hired by peter to be his PA, and their relationship slowly develops from there.
keep on turning pages // Jon/Martin | 3.9k | martin suffers from chronic hanahaki, growing flowers for the important people in his life.
starting on the middle ground // Jon/Martin | 2.6k | jon and martin have The Talk, but not the one jon expects.
moss on a stone // Jon/Martin | 1.4k | for the valentine’s day exchange! jon and martin settle into their new life in the scottish highlands.
it’s okay, have a bite // Jon/Elias | 1.1k | elias convinces jon to take a break from work in order to eat lunch.
(more M- & E-rated fics under the cut)
the swift will come in the spring (series) // Jon/Daisy, Jon/Martin, eventual Jon/Martin/Daisy, (one-sided) Daisy/Basira | 21k (ongoing) | after rescuing daisy from the buried, jon gets his first heat in a long time, and martin - who gave him a mating bite right before the Unknowing - isn’t around to help him through it. but someone else is.
(NEW) inky black, rose gold // Jon/Martin | 8.7k | commissioned fic! martin finds a fancy, mysterious pen that leads to him writing rather erotic poetry. due to Spooky Reasons, he’s not the only one affected by his raunchy prose.
lipstick and gloss (series) // Jon/Daisy, possible J/M/D | 8.2k | a developing series centered around jon and daisy having an established relationship, with the other archive assistants learning about daisy (and martin getting extra involved in ways he doesn’t intend to).
(NEW) prove her point // Jon/Martin/Daisy | 5.1k | Martin has an interesting encounter with Jon and his girlfriend when she comes to the archives for an unexpected visit.
(NEW) the inevitable consequence // Jon/Daisy | 2.3k | jon and daisy attempt to work through some of his traumas using unconventional means.
sweetheart’s delight // Martin(/Sasha/Tim/Jon) | 6.1k | sexy leitner week entry! martin finds a page from a cookbook that turns him into a lovey-dovey slime that keeps absorbing his friends.
the shadow of a dream // Jon/Martin | 13k (hiatus, see series) | martin starts having some rather... interesting dreams. when jon finds out, his curiosity propels their relationship into new territory.
follow my lead // Daisy/Basira | 3k | basira helps satiate daisy’s hunt cravings with a chase.
off-the-clock assistance // Jon/Martin | 5.3k | a/b/o fic where (omega) jon goes into heat staying late in the archives; (beta) martin helps him through it.
wearing your permissions, waiting quiet for me // Jon/Daisy | 4k | sexy leitner week entry! jon accidentally finds a cursed webpage, which leads to the purchase of equally cursed lingerie that attracts hunters... 
consolation // Daisy/Elias | 1.7k | a commissioned fic. daisy is frustrated by a failed hunt, and elias offers himself up as consolation.
two makes thread // Jon/Peter | 5.4k | an arranged marriage fic! commissioned by (and gifted to) a friend~ jon and peter have to figure some things out on the night of their wedding.
tell me i’m your archivist // Jon/Daisy | 5.9k | commissioned fic. jon becomes the Archivist much faster than anticipated. they find the only thing more unexpected than becoming a monster are the consequences of such a transformation. such as... nesting. and, apparently, heats.
a bitch is a female dog // Jon/Martin/Daisy | 4.3k | martin comes over to help daisy take care of her dog.
the new girlfriend // Jon/Daisy, one-sided(?) Jon/Martin | 3.4k | martin and jon have been roommates since uni. it’s only when jon gets a new girlfriend that things start to get... complicated.
hot honey // Jon/Martin/Daisy | 4.3k | written for the pollinate your faves (sex pollen) event week. daisy encounters an unusual plant. jon and martin deal with the after-effects.
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I kind of accidentally burned myself out with Inky Mystery stuff so I won't be posting anything today either 😔
I can still talk about stuff! Soooo...I'm gonna talk about that Cyberpunk idea again because fuck it. And I know I said I would reblog the original post to add to it but like we here now so-
Some ideas:
• Cuphead me boy, has anxiety. Particularly social anxiety stimmig from trauma caused by a lot bad shit that's happened to him over the years. His only way of combating this through wearing that helmet I was talking about in my post originally. It helps him keep his cool. He can get overwhelmed pretty easily when he doesn't have his helmet on.
• Holly in this universe is more of a runaway. She didn't get into college or anything, but she is still pretty smart. She actually meets the Bbros long before the beginning of the story takes place and they've been friends since. She was in the same town as them and was only there to make some cash and then leave. She met them at Sasha's club.
Holly carries a whip with her which is loosely inspired by Lucy from FairyTail because I love her character so much. Anyways, the whip is more like a chain that can extend. It is magical and has a few runes on it to help her in combat. She reads. A lot.
• Felix still has the book thing going on, but alongside that there is the whole zany problem which has far greater consequences than before. It is hinted at in Inky Mystery that zanies aren't well liked to an extent. In this universe, this is taken up a notch to be that zanies are discriminated against alongside magic users. Also he's like...probably pan or something I haven't fully decided yet.
• The year this takes place in is 2020 because I want the questers to say poggers and shout memes.
• I'm probably gonna do Colly cause I'm biased af
• I dont know what I'm gonna do for Fanny mainly because I've only written about an abusive relationship like, two times so...yeah...I have a severe problem with writing a lot of angst and I know I can get carried away sometimes...
• Boris will say fuck at some point in the story
• Everybody will cuss and it will be glorious
• Like Chef Linguini said, "The Cupbros can cook."
• As I iterated before, the cups in this universe have the ability to use their magic but don't usually so as not to draw attention to themselves. This means the cupbros are actually familiar with melee and other weapons like guns. Cuphead as scythe that he carries with him and it glows and stuff and is pretty cool. Mugman, my baby, carries daggers.
• Cuphead is actually a fucking dork in this universe
• Cuphead will pet every living creature he comes into contact with
• Cuphead will get a pet, mark my words
•Mugs and Cala are still a based couple
• 🦀🦀🦀Boris is twelve again!!!🦀🦀🦀
Okay that's it, that's literally all I can think of currently
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little-fox-artist · 1 year
Inky Mystery fanart dump. (Most of them are old)
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haberdashing · 5 years
Once Upon A Dream
Jon reliving other people’s statements in nightmare form leads to an unexpected discovery.
on AO3
Jon was living through someone else’s nightmare again.
He wasn’t sure if that was literally true, wasn’t sure if the other people featured in these nightmares necessarily had dreams that matched his own. They sometimes featured people who weren’t around anymore, people who were already dead, so they couldn’t all be other peoples’ nightmares, could they? Unless even after death, whatever this was, whatever he was now, lingered on...
But he wasn’t going to think about that, not unless he had to, and certainly not right now, because the more relevant bit at the moment was that he was living through a new nightmare, and he wasn’t sure how that was possible.
Alright, so he knew how new nightmares, new dreams tinged in fear that both was and was not his own, generally entered his usual line-up. Jon would never admit it, and had managed to halfway convince even himself that it was a coincidence, but he knew, he knew that it was more than mere coincidence that all the nightmares he’d been having lately lined up nicely with statements he’d read or taken, that new ones only appeared when he had gone through another statement recently. But this nightmare was new to him, this person was new to him, and Jon couldn’t seem to remember the statement that must be the connection he was missing.
So Jon watched events play out, focused on every detail to try to put the pieces together. That was all he could do, after all. He’d learned that time and time again, that he couldn’t interfere with the horrific events happening in the dreams, couldn’t intervene, couldn’t communicate; all he could do was stand there in the background and watch.
The woman looked to be about Jon’s age, or perhaps a bit younger. Thin wire-frame glasses outlined deep brown eyes, with her skin a few shades lighter and free of any blemishes Jon could see. She had straight black hair that fell down past her shoulders and onto her chest, with a few braids and ribbons and clips helping to break up what would otherwise be simply a sea of inky black locks. Her clothes were fairly proper-looking, business casual or thereabouts, and Jon initially thought that they almost looked like the sort of thing he’d wear before looking closer and deciding that no, he probably couldn’t pull off that long, lacy green skirt as well as the mystery woman did. Her blouse, though, black and white with a diamond-shaped pattern on it, really wouldn’t look too out of place in Jon’s closet, though given how tall she was, it’d probably be far too large on him.
Their surroundings were dimly-lit, but appeared to be an old, abandoned pub, complete with a still-intact bar. On the far end of the room from where the woman was currently standing was a vaguely-humanoid shape that let out a low groan, which Jon presumed was the subject of the statement he still couldn’t recall.
Then the woman walked closer to the source of the groan, and the worms came into view, silvery and wriggling, and Jon knew those worms, still had the marks from them covering his skin, but that just deepened the mystery. The woman wasn’t Harriet Lee--Jon had been through Timothy Hodge’s statement slash nightmare enough to know that much--and she certainly wasn’t Jane Prentiss, so what options were left?
Another victim, or near-miss, for Prentiss? But he’d been over those files time and time again and couldn’t remember such a person cropping up, and the figure in the corner didn’t look to be Prentiss anyway. Oh, the worms were the same, there was no doubt about that, but Jon knew her form well enough, and the build wasn’t right, looked more masculine than feminine, as much as such gendered features could be assigned to what had become little more than a flesh hive.
The woman let out a gasp, and the worms made their way towards her, and she tried to stamp on them individually but it wasn’t enough, of course it wasn’t enough, and Jon could feel her fear, feel the terror that engulfed her as the worms crawled ever closer, ready and willing to turn her into yet another flesh hive...
It’s not until she grabbed the fire extinguisher and turned it on the worms that Jon realized who he’s looking at, realized why he doesn’t recognize her.
He already knew that Sasha James isn’t really the figure that still comes to mind when he thinks of the name, that of a short woman with a blonde bob and a face full of freckles, but he’d never been able to see what she actually looked like. But it seemed that now, after his confrontation with what was Not Sasha but had taken her place nonetheless, he’d gotten that chance after all.
After the worms all died, before going over to check the wallet of what was once Timothy Hodge, Sasha looked over at Jon. It isn’t the first time that someone’s looked over at him during one of these dreams, the action coming to a halt as he watches them and they watch him back, wide eyes filled with fear at being forever trapped in the worst experience of their life while Jon just stands there and watches. There’s some of that wide-eyed fear in Sasha’s eyes too, and that stung more than a bit, but there’s something more in her gaze, something more positive, something that looks a little like hope.
Then the action resumed, and Sasha finished going through the motions of checking the wallet and leaving the abandoned pub, and soon enough Jon’s whisked away to another nightmare, another statement, with Sasha’s name still on his lips.
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sirensea14 · 10 months
Doodles for tonight
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Finally some space for my to-do-fanart list xD
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yodawgiherd · 6 years
EM White Day -2 : Flowers/Sneaking Out
I know its technically late, but i do hope that i will be forgiven.
You guys wanted a continuation and I (almost) always listen to the comments, cause they make me feel validated. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ So here you go. Enjoy!
There was a sound coming from the window. And another one. And one right after. Not understanding what the hell was going on, Mikasa sat up on the bed, annoyed, putting down the book she was reading to try and investigate. Was it raining outside? But her theory got debunked as soon as she neared the glass, because a small rock landed square in the middle, bouncing off with the same annoying sound she kept hearing. Well, mystery solved. Not raining, just some dumbass throwing pebbles at her window. Swearing to whatever dark god was listening that if she opens and gets hit by a piece of gravel, she will literally climb down the tree and kick the hooligan’s ass, Mikasa clicked the latch and leaned out, squinting into the darkness. It was pretty damn late.
“Miki! Hey, Mikasa, down here!”
If she could pick one person in the whole world that would throw rocks at her house after midnight, it would most likely be her dorky boyfriend. And, lo and behold, the guess would be correct.
“Eren!”, she hissed down, “What the hell are you doing?”
“Waking you up.”
Even in the dark, she could almost see the smug smile on his face.
“I wasn’t sleeping you ass. What do you want?”
The smile only widened.
“Come down and I’ll tell you.”
Theoretically, she could say no, close the window and go back to the book. Then again, theories didn’t stand well when faced with reality, and while Eren’s plans could range from goofy to straight up illegal, they were always fun. But she wouldn’t make it that easy on him, especially not after he so rudely interrupted her reading. Mikasa was just getting to the juicy part, damn it.
“You do realize that your rock assault could have woken my parents, or much worse, my brother up.”
Down below, Eren shrugged.
“So what?”
“Playing the tough guy now, huh?”, leaning on the windowsill, Mikasa went on, “I do remember that the last time he almost walked in on us, you basically had a heart attack.”
“Let me remind you that he’s a marine, is insanely overprotective of you, and he was just about to catch me with my hand down his little sister’s pants. Literally.”
“I don’t need reminding, I was there.”
Oh, teasing was fun, but Eren didn’t have the time to just stand there and listen to Mikasa pulling out all the embarrassing moments she had on him. With the sheer amount of them, they could very well spend the whole night like this, and that just wouldn’t do.
“Listen babe, you can sit on that sill the whole night, smirking down at me, or you can get your ass down here, and let me show you why I even bothered coming in the first place.”
Weighing the pros and cons, Mikasa decided to just dump the logic and follow Eren’s call, as it was sometimes needed in their relationship. He wasn’t very good at explaining things, but his plans worked out. Well, most of the time. So, she climbed out, getting a firm hold on the tree and slid down, jumping the last few feet to land in front of her boyfriend, dusting herself off. On his part, all Eren could do was stand and stare, because no matter how many times he saw her do this, the grace she displayed while doing such a mundane task as climbing down a tree was amazing.
“Cat got your tongue?”, she asked, not yet abandoning her teasing tone.
“I don’t know.”, with a smirk, Eren put his hands around her waist, pulling her flush against him, “Wanna check if I still have it?”
Giggling, Mikasa accepted the offered kiss, and she made extra sure to double check if his tongue was still intact. It would be damn shame to lose it, especially when he could use it so well during kissing and…well, other intimate activities.
“Was your grand plan just standing here and making out?”, she asked after a few minutes, when Eren didn’t seem to have any intention of going anywhere. And while this was nice and all, she didn’t see the point of going out for this, couldn’t he just climb up into her room as he usually did?
“Erm, no, of course not.”, reluctantly letting go of her, Eren took a step back, breathing in the cold night air to calm himself down. They were dating for like what, three months, but still, every time they kissed his whole mind just went completely blank. This is how it must feel to chew a 5 gum™.
“Come on, let’s go.”
With that, he took her hand in his and together they started walking, hopefully to where Eren wanted them to be. Mikasa loved the guy, but his sense of direction was pretty terrible.
“So where are we going?”, she queried, but all Eren did was grin.
“Wait and see.”
With nothing better to do, Mikasa allowed herself to be led, watching as they passed different houses and roads, getting closer to their goal. Just as she was about to try tickling the plan out of Eren, he stopped, apparently very satisfied with himself.
“We are here.”
But where was here? Upon closer inspection, Mikasa deduced that this must be some kind of garden, judging from the flower beds she could see through the bars, and the trees that loomed all around them. Curiosity sated, a new question arose.
“How do we get in?”
“Oh right….”, hopeful, Eren checked the gate, but he would be lying if he said that he was surprised to find it locked. Damn, he never thought about this. Putting on a brave face, he turned towards his smirking girlfriend, shrugging. “We climb over, what else?”
Before he could offer his help to the lady, as it’s expected, Mikasa approached the metal, and with a rustle of clothing and few quick moves, she was on the other side, blinking at Eren through the barrier.
“You coming?”
Shaking his head, he followed, with a lot more grunting and much slower, but in the end managed to cross, straightening to see that Mikasa was already ahead, inspecting the flowers.
“It’s pretty here.”, she informed him when he joined her, “How did you find out about this place?”
“Mom works here.”, taking her hand in his again, he gently tugged at it to get Mikasa to follow, leading her to the place he saw earlier. Hopefully it was still there.
It was. A patch of grass surrounded by rose bushes, all the colors she could dream of. Red, white, yellow, even some black ones, peeking from the green.
“Oh my god, it’s beautiful.”, coming closer, Mikasa leaned in to see better, an expression of childlike wonder on her face. And Eren couldn’t help but feel relieved. Jackpot. To be honest, he did feel a bit anxious, because Mikasa didn’t seem much like a flower type of a girl, but he took a slight gamble and won. Watching her, fascinated by the beauty of the roses, Eren was very glad that he risked it. Just seeing the way she looked, surrounded by the flowers, made it completely worth it.
When Mikasa wanted to take a breather, and they sat together on the grass, Eren was quick to offer his lap for her to rest her head in, and offer she accepted readily. With the weather being nice for once, the ground was reasonably dry and pleasantly warm, allowing her to lie down without the fear of catching a cold.
“You know, I was half thinking that you drew me out just to have sex somewhere public again.”, she spoke into the night, shuffling on the ground to be a bit more comfortable.
Originally, that was the other part of his plan, but with her so peacefully resting, it would be rude to try and rouse her just to get some. Well, this felt nice too, not going to lie. Sort of.
“What do you think I am, some kind of a pervert?”
Mikasa just snorted, choosing not to answer. Silence stretched above them like a blanket, with the stars providing just enough light to paint the scene in an intimate glow, as Eren dragged his fingers through her hair, gently. The color of her locks was so similar to the inky midnight sky, he was just about to comment on that, but Mikasa spoke first, not giving him the chance to.
“Eren,”, she asked, suddenly serious for a change, “do you think that we are going to make it?”
If he could see the future, he would tell her. About all the ups and downs their relationship will have through the rest of the high school and college, how they will almost break up over a stupid misunderstanding but return to each other just two days after the incident, the separation too painful to bear. How stressful it will be the first year after school, them almost never having time to spend it together, their jobs too demanding, so they will leave notes for each other on the fridge, always ending them with a little heart. How beautiful she will look at their wedding, the stunning visage forever burned into his brain, the happiest day of his life. How her first pregnancy will be completely unplanned, and she will spend a week at Sasha’s unsure of what to do, lying long hours in the bed, hands pressed against her stomach with tears streaming down her face until she will have no more left. Eren would tell her all about the fear that he felt, during the later stages of her pregnancy, jumping at shadows when he deemed them even a little bit dangerous to his wife. How their first child, a daughter, will help Armin through his depression, shining light into his world that seemed like nothing but darkness to him. How Mikasa will handle her next children with stoic calmness, already knowing what to expect, but he will still stress himself, endlessly fuzzing over her, making sure that Mikasa has everything she needs. And that, a lifetime later, he will press a kiss to her hair, streaked with gray, and murmur “We made it.”, making her laugh and swat his shoulder playfully, while their grandkids all around them will loudly demand their attention.
Alas, Eren was no oracle, so all he did was shrug, smoothing the strands of hair behind Mikasa’s ears.
“I don’t know.”, he replied, “But when you are with me, nothing is impossible.”
And for now, that was more than enough for them.
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jlpat82 · 6 years
Not Our Home
Chapter 3
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"Elise, I'm telling you, he is real. I've seen him, and I've talked to him. Look." I glanced around the empty stockroom and pulled a vial out of my pocket.
"What is that?" She asked, as I handed it to her. She shook the vial and watched the brown powder bounce back and forth.
"It's soil, dirt, earth. It's from outside." I told her excitedly. She glanced at me wide eyed, ducking her head just lightly.
"It's what?!" She almost shrieked, I shushed her and looked around panic stricken someone heard her. "Sorry, but what do you mean it's soil. This is forbidden, punishable by death if they catch you with it."
"I know."
"I know you know but I don't think you understand. This isn't like one of your other many trinkets. This is a contamination breech. This, this tiny bit of soil, could be down fall of our entire existence. And here you are happy as lark showing it to me, and if I don't report it that's death for me." She pushed it back into my hand, I felt like I had just been kicked. I trusted Elise with my life, she knew about my underground lifestyle. She knew everything there was to know about me.
"Look, I'm sorry, I just thought." I trailed off.
"That being said, that's kinda awesome." She gave me a wicked smile, I let out a deep sigh of relief. "I wonder what else is out there."
"A whole world we know nothing about." I exclaimed full of excitement.
The day seemed to pass by slowly. Every hour was agonizingly slow, very little product came in for us to stock and we had very few customers in the building.
I watched the clock my last hour, the minutes slowly ticked by. Finally the clock struck six and we could leave. I rushed to my locker grabbing my things quickly. Elise sprinted to catch up with me.
"So are you going to come with me?" I turned to look at her, apprehension filled me.
"Jules, I love that this is happening to you and I'll listen to every word you tell me but I just can't. I can't take the risk of getting caught on this one." I nodded, I knew where she was coming from. She had other people that depended on her well being, the risk was too high for her.
"I understand. Have a safe ride home." I turned and just about sprinted out the sidedoor, not going to lie I was disappointed. I could understand her fears, her worries, if my life was different then maybe I wouldn't do what I doing but it wasn't.
The tube was utter darkness, there was no moon out to guide my way. I ran my hand against the cold plexiglass wall to guide me. I listened to my foot steps echo as I walked home. I was deep in thought, wondering what it would be like to cross paths with menacing creature that the watcher had described. Would I be fast enough to escape? Would I be cunning and be able to outsmart them?
It was then at this point it dawned on me, I could hear another set of foot prints. It was walking a few steps faster coming from behind me. Could it be the watcher? I turned my head slightly to hear better, and I heard foot steps coming from ahead of me.
I reached into my pocket, only to releaize that my pepper spray must have fallen out when I stumbled the other night. I slinked, backing up to the tube side, my heart thumped hard in my chest. The foot steps were close as the sound of metal on plastic started to get louder.
If I stood not moving, whatever they were dragging against the wall would surely find me. If I dropped in a crouching position, there was still the possibility of being caught by the metal and then I would be at a disadvantage. I was screwed, I was maybe halfway through tube, and no way to get help.
I reminded myself to breathe easy, as my heart threaten to burst from my chest. Two on one, and I had little doubt what was in the tubes with me. They had me at disadvantage, if it was who I feared they lived their whole life's in the darkest parts of the underground. I crossed my fingers I was wrong.
I heard one scrape past on the opposite side of me as the other was quickly approaching. I stepped forward quietly, and turned placing my back against the other wall. I heard a the scratching noise pass by just where I had be standing seconds earlier. The foots step began to quiet down as they got farther away.
I felt a sense of relief wash over me, only to be filled dread knowing they hadn't left the tube. Surely they had heard me enter the tube, as I hadn't heard them exit. I was stuck in here, with two people I couldn't see. They had weapons and I had, I had my brain. I would trade that for my pepper spray in a flash.
I slipped off my heavy work shoes, and left them on the side of the tube that the person going away from my building had walked. Hoping if for what ever reason it came back this way the individual would be tripped. I cautiously continued walking the direction of my home. Without my shoes it was deathly quiet, I could only hear my own breath.
I felt something brush up against my arm, it was cool and sharp. In an instant, I heard the individual start to turn, I dropped down. I listened as metal connected with the plexie, I brought my elbow up as I stood, it connect with air. I missed.
However the blinding pain in my ribs told me that whoever it was did connect with me, I dropped to the ground. Attempting to remember how to breathe again when I felt a sharp pain hit me in the ribs again.
"Eh, we got us a girl this time!" I heard him yell down the tube. I pushed myself to my feet as I threw a half ass punch in the inky black night, holding my side. Nothing again as it struck out into the air.
Pain exploded across my cheek and I fell to the ground. I guess I can safely say that the violence in the tubes wasn't just a rumor. I could hear the second set of foot prints rapidly approach.
"Ain't she something, you got her good too. Busted her cheek wide open." I felt something touch my stinging cheek. "She'll still fetch for a good price."
Great, it was just as bad as I thought it would be, they were underlings. They were the worst of the worst in the underground network. These people had no morals and would do anything for quick buck. Ruthless killers, if you happen to have a bounty on your head. They are also quite adept at being able to see in little to no light. I had picked the wrong night to take the tubes home.
"Think she's carrying any?" I felt hands on me in an instant searching my pockets first, looking for money. Then one of them got handsy and started to cop a feel. I lashed out kicking, landing it somewhere on one of them.
He howled in pain as his fiend of a friend started laughing. Something scuffled toward me, he landed another blow on the side of head.
"Watch out, Roy. She's a feisty one." His friend got out between laughs, an earthy smell filled my senses.
"Boys, I think you best to leave the girl alone." That voice, I knew it. Visions of him sitting on my couch, I knew it was time to make my escape.
"Back off, yulo. This is our paycheck." A remark echoes through the air. I was crawling away when the scuffle broke out behind me as I crawled to my knees. Pain coursed through my side as pulled up.
I pushed myself to my feet and ran the rest of the way through the tube, I found the door just as I heard screams echo from the darkness behind me. I didn't stop running till I was in my apartment, slamming the door behind me once again.
"Julianne, what are the clothes in the bathroom? You had a boy over and..." She came around the corner and saw me. "What happened?"
"I was cornered by underlings in the tube." I winced as Sasha came up to me and touched my cheek. "As for clothes I can totally explain."
"Well, let's clean you up first." She led me to the bathroom, Sasha poured some alcohol on to the towel and pressed to my bleeding cheek. It stung to the high heavens. "I would say sorry but, it's your own fault taking those things at night. You're lucky you got away, very few escape underlings, and you of all people know that. So how did you do it?"
"The watcher, he showed up." I winced, as she bandaged my cheek.
"If you would stop, I'll explain." I said pulling away, she crossed her arms waiting. "The man from the outside of the tubes, he was here last night. Those are his clothes, I was going to throw them in the wash but someone would of seen me. So I hand washed them and hung them up to dry. After I was jumped in the tube he showed up again. That's how I got away."
"So your mystery man saved your skin?" She asked, giving me a look that said she wasn't believing me. "How'ed he get in then?"
"I don't know!" I almost yelled. "You can not believe me all you want, but these are his clothes."
I frantically searched my pockets for the vial of dirt to show her. It was gone, I became more panicked at the realization that one of the underlings must have pocketed it thinking it was drugs. If they knew what they had I was in bigger trouble then I was in already.
"Oh no, it's gone. Shit." My voice was high and tense.
"What's gone?"
"The dirt, it was in a small glass bottle, it's soil from outside and they must have taken it." I ran to the door.
"You are not going back out there!" She argued following me. I turned to face her at the door as I was opening it.
"I have to get it back!" I stepped out while still facing my sister and ran right into the watcher. I stumbled back clutching my side as pain seared through it, he caught my arm before I fell back on my butt.
"Are you okay?" Concern in his face.
"Uh, yeah. I think so." I winced, holding the ribs that had been kicked.
"No, you're not. You're hurt." He walked in and closed the door behind himself. Shielding his eyes he walked me to the kitchen. He pointed to the table. "Sit."
I did as I was told, I watched him walk over and turn the lamp on. He flipped the over head light off, my sister stood by the door her jaw gaping open in shock. He came back to me and attempted to lift my shirt up. I fought to push it back down, his face became stern.
"Let me see your ribs." He ordered, something in his voice told me not the argue. I took my shirt off, heat rose to my face.
He placed his large hands on the light blue purple bruise starting to form. I looked at him, he wasn't this close before. His skin was pale, and his face held the scruff of a five-o-clock shadow. Blood was lightly smeared on the his cheek but I didn't see any wound. His hands were also covered in someone else's blood I presumed.
He smelled of earth and the coppery smell of blood, a whirlwind of other scents I didn't recognize. He pressed lightly on the spot, I pulled away as a sharp pain followed. He reached around pulled me back toward him.
"Stop moving." He mumbled, I flushed up as he pressed his hot hand against my side again. Instinctively I pulled away, my face knotted with confusion and pain. He put his hands on the table, looking back up at me from under his brow. "If you don't stop moving I can't fix your rib."
"It hurts when you press on it." I replied softly, making eye contact. They looked golden this evening with ivy flecks streaking through them.
"You have a broken rib, I know it hurts but it will keep hurting if I don't set it." He reached back around, pulling me back towards him.
"How do you know she has a broken rib?" Oh look, Sasha finally found her voice, I thought.
"I can feel it." He placed his hand on my side again. Slowly his hand started to heat up as he applied gentle pressure at first.
"How can you set it? Doctors can't even set them, they just tape you up and send you home." She bulked at him.
"Cause, I'm not a doctor. I'm genetically modified." He replied cooly, his hand became very hot, and the pressure started to hurt immensely. I managed to stay still, not to pulling away this time. "Good girl."
"What are you doing?" My sister asked again, watching in horror as she could see the pain through soar through my face.
"Fixing her rib." I saw him roll his eyes this time.
"Yeah, I got that but how?" He looked up at me again, I could see the annoyance on his face. A sudden wave of pain hit me like brick, knocking the breath from my body. I became light headed, he was quick to reach around and keep me in place.
"It's almost over, kid. Just hold on a bit longer." He murmured, heat spread out in my side as I felt a crawling sensation. "I pushed the bone back into place and  now I'm accelerating the bone growth."
"How can you do that? That's impossible." She admonished, the crawling sensation eased up. My side was warm, and he removed his hands from me.
"All done, kid. Just take easy the next day or two." He told me me softly, and smiled while I took slow deep breaths. I pulled my shirt back on as he turned to face my sister. "What part of genetically modified didn't you hear? I'm not like any of you, I can see, hear, smell, and do things you can't. Example, I can tell you broke five of the small bones in your left foot, probably around the age the seven. It was never set right, it gives you problems after you get off of work because swells and hurts."
"You're right. We were pretending to fly in our bedroom, Sasha jumped off the top bunk and land on a toy house. The doctors said nothing could be done and taped her foot." I replied sliding off the table clutching my tender side. Sasha's eyes widened as she brought her hand to her mouth. "What happened to the underlings?"
"The what?" He asked, turning to me.
"The guys that attacked me."
"They won't be bothering you, or anyone else, any more." His voice was cold and flat. His face was stone, no emotion this golden eyes changed to bronze in an instant as he looked over his should to me. In my gut I knew, being on the wrong side of this man was a very deadly place to be.
"Who are you?" Sasha whispered.
"They called me Reaper." He walked slowly to the door. I rushed past him, not ready for him leave. I wanted to know more, I had to know more. I slammed my body against the door and pain burned through my ribs. "Damn it, kid, I told you to take it easy."
I slid down the door, the pain was unbearable this time. It was hard to catch my breath, Reaper lifted me off the ground. Shaking his head he took me back to the kitchen and laid me on the table. Placing his hand on my side again, he look me in eye the storm in those eyes had vanished and they were golden again.
"You're lucky you didn't break them again. You can only fix someone's bones so many times." His eyes were tired, not like ready to sleep tired. Tired in away when you've seen the world collapse and die, and every one you is know and have care about has left his earth. Where fighting for your life is a daily struggle, I could of been reading to much into it but I could only imagine. "No more slamming yourself into stationary objects, I have to go. The lights are killing my head and the walls are closing in around me. You need to go to sleep."
With that he turned and left, I didn't move from the table. I watched him as he closed the door behind himself. The room was quiet, I slowly sat up and looked around. My sister seemed as confused as I was.
"Well, you finally brought a boy home, I think we should celebrate."
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