#sass & bide
genderless-girl · 10 months
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yo0narchive · 5 months
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Sass & Bide SS 2010
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a-state-of-bliss · 2 years
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Sass & Bide Spr/Sum 2013
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judith-orshalimian · 8 months
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Sass & Bide Fall/Winter 2015-16 Details!
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bejustlikethem · 10 months
Miley Cyrus
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Sass & Bide Party Trick Sequin Dress
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scarypage · 2 years
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stylemachines-world · 7 months
Fashion Trend Watch: The Ombre Effect
As the fashion weeks unfold across the globe and regions transition into their respective seasons, one trend consistently captures the spotlight with its versatile appeal: the ombre effect. This gradient marvel, seamlessly blending one hue into another, transcends fleeting fashion trends, securing its place in the style staple. Its ability to reinvent itself season after season ensures ombre…
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theoriginaldresslove · 10 months
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tulipsforyourlips · 5 months
✧˖°. i found you ✧˖°. (3)
|| the sandman x dead boy detectives ||
SUMMARY: You run the dead boys detective agency along with your two best friends. And somehow two ghosts and a living girl make it work. Until you dream one night, of dream himself.
PAIRING: dream of the endless x fem!reader
WC: 3K+
WARNINGS: none i can think of
PART 3✧˖°.
"What the fuck." Your heart beat thunderously in your ribcage. "Are you stalking me?"
The goth guy paid no heed to your question. "I am Dream."
You just stared at him. "Oh okay and I am a nightmare?"
He only became more stern if that was even possible. He took a step forward.
"Don't. I'll call the police," you threatened.
He continued on without paying any heed to your threat. Who the fuck does he think he is?
"I am King of Dreams-"
"Dude-I told you not working."
"Stop talking.” His voice was low but the words were sharp.
But you weren't going to turn down your sass because of a man? Cmon.
"I am Dream-"
"I think I got that bit.”
An imperceptible flare of his nostrils made you zip your mouth. Wow you really got under his skin.
"I am Dream of the Endless and you mortal, have been chosen for a destiny greater than your cause.”
You gawked at him and broke into a chuckle, "o-okay Dream, Wait." You straightened. "Did you say the Endless? Like Death?"
You didn't know much about the Endless but you for sure knew Death was one. He did not answer your question but he did not deny your claim, so you assumed it an affirmative from him.
"How do I know?"
"Know what?"
"That you are infact one of the Endless and not a serial killer concocting stories to trap his victim."
He stepped closer and this time you let him. "Oh I do concoct stories.” He brought his hand to his mouth and blew...sand particles?
However you had no time to asses that for certain because the next second you were suspended in the cosmos, your body pulling in all directions, vivid images clashed in your mind, touring you through the entire world and all in a blip of a second. You grabbed the rim of your bedstand as your mind spiraled, reeling itself back to reality. 
"Woah," you breathed out.
Had you just disrespected an Endless? And called him a stalker? You cringed.
"We will meet again," Dream said as he swooped his cloak over his head.
"Wait." He halted his actions.
"Why me?"
A flicker of emotion fired in his eyes, so brief you labeled it as your imagination.
"Goodnight mortal.”
You woke up with a start. And clutched your head in your hands, stupid dream. You glanced at your alarm clock and then realized it was broken, that you broke it and instead looked at the digits glowing on your phone screen, 5:00 am. Sleep would not come to you now, you knew that much so you put on your slippers and made your way to the kitchen, padding softly so as to not make any sound. You put on the stove and boiled the milk for some coffee, allowing your thoughts till now kept at bay to flood your mind. Okay so that was a dream, explains some stuff. But then those blurs in your dream, and you were sure you had seen him at the corridor yesterday. Unless you had watched a movie starring him and now you saw the actor everywhere. Nah that wasn’t true. But what about your dream? Ever since you were seventeen, you had dreamed only of that place with the mountains and the river. Or maybe before, it wasn't like you remembered anything before that, before your life here, with Edwin and Charles. Is something burning? Oh no. The milk was overflowing, dripping down the slab onto the floor.
"Fuck," you cursed.
How the heck did this even happen? You were staring right into the pot. You grabbed for a cloth, dabbing the milk away. The vessel was tarred black with the burnt milk inside. You couldn't do one bloody job properly.
"Turn around!"
You did, hands up in the air, heart beating exponentially fast yet again. Edwin was in his pajamas, a quizzical look adorning his face. The ghosts didn’t really need sleep but they still liked to bide the time away by resting when there were no immediate cases in need of solving. 
"Hazel?" he furrowed his brows and then examined the mess you were standing in. "What are you doing? I thought you were a thief or a ghost hunter or something.”
"Ghost hunters exist?" You were genuinely surprised.
"Dunno," he shrugged. "It's 5 in the morning, how are you up?"
"A dream.”
"A nightmare?"
"Not exactly.”
"A different one?"
You nodded. Edwin was taken aback at that. He knew about your dream, and that it was the only thing you ever dreamed about. Hell he knew everything about you. Both of them did. They were your only family.
The sun was slowly starting to emerge from underneath the cover of the dark. Edwin approached you at your place on the couch, two coffee mugs in his hand, steam ascending from them. He handed you your mug and took his place beside you.
You took a sip of your coffee. "Mmm.”
"Passable eh?" He teased.
"Yeah." You threw your head backwards.
A comfortable silence enveloped you both, your shoulders touching and knees budging each other.
"You want to talk about it?"
It took you a second to realize the context, "No." You shook your head. "It's nothing.”
"Okay." He didn't probe further and you were thankful for that.
You felt someone watching you and you glanced at the window, only to find a crow? a raven? looking back.
You both turned your head to the source where a jealous Charles stood. "Are you having coffee without me?" He was acting like you both were cheating on him.
"Oi calm your horses, its not like your body requires coffee."
"And I care why? Everything is not about survival loser." He flicked your forehead.
"Ouch.” You sent him a glare.
"Okay I don't have the energy nor the patience to sit through this." Edwin got up. "You two, be ready in fifteen. Cases await us."
The moon was beginning to appear in the sky and the wind blew some mischievous strands of your hair across your face as you stapled the posters in your hands on the poles around you. A boy was missing, and your client was sure it had to do with some supernatural activity. It paid well so the agency didn't question it further. While the both of them were searching the location of his disappearance for clues, you were seeking more information about him. The wind knocked some papers out of your hand, and you bent down to pick them up. Your body jerked back when you straightened up.
Hand on your heart, you exclaimed, "Jeez!"
The goth guy from your dream stood before you.
"You seriously need to stop doing that," you gritted out.
And then suddenly your mind clicked and the words left you before you could stop them. "Wait you are real?"
Ever so slightly, Dream's face morphed into a question mark.
Okay so that definitely wasn't a dream, it was real. Very real apparently you realized as you assessed the man, no Endless standing before you.
"You need to come with me," he said oblivious to the raging commotion happening inside your mind.
You didn't reply, instead widened your eyes for an elaboration.
"To the Dreaming, my realm.”
"I can't, I am on a case.”
"Your friends can manage without you," he stated as a matter of fact.
You scoffed, "first of all that's rude, secondly-"
But before you could finish, sand, yeah sand for sure, began to swirl around you, gaining more motion until it enwrapped your entire body and when you next opened your eyes, you were in the Dreaming.
"Holy mother of god," you breathed as your eyes took in the throne room, the magnificence of it all, the colours shimmering in the glass pane, the cosmos swirling above you, the vastness of where you stood. You felt trivial, a bug in the path of a jogger.
"Lucienne I would like you to meet somebody," Dream's voice rasped and you revolved your head to face the woman his words were directed to.
A woman with skin like chocolate, sporting fashionable coattails and wearing spectacles that made her look infinitely wise or perhaps the glasses were just an addition to her preexistent wisdom met your eyes.
She bowed her head. “Greetings your lady."
You returned her gesture. "Hello Lucienne."
"Lucienne is my most trusted advisor and the sole librarian of this realm," the Endless spoke.
"Wow, I wonder what the library of the dreaming would look like.”
She peered at you in bafflement for a moment before quickly collecting herself.
"It would be my honour to show you sometime.”
"The honour would be all mine, Lucienne,” you smiled.
"Lord Morpheus," she called to the Endless.
Morpheus? Who the heck is Morpheus?
"Um who is Morpheus?" You decided to voice your curiosity.
A knowing glance passed between the two.
"It's another name I am called by.”
"Lucienne go on,”
"There were further abruptions reported earlier around the house of mystery and..."
You were no longer paying attention to Lucienne's speech as your gaze travelled along the enormous cracks dividing the ground.
"Sorry to interrupt but is this part of the decor?" You asked the both of them.
"No," Morpheus sighed, "and that precisely is why you are here.”
"You don't have construction crew around here?"
Morpheus clenched his jaw, "We have Mervin, however this problem does not concern him. It runs deeper than you can comprehend.”
"Then help me comprehend," you said.
Morpheus eyes' pierced into yours, "All in time mortal."
Your legs dangled below you from where you sat in the library. As promised, Lucienne had shown you around and to say you were mesmerized beyond your wits would be a brutal understatement. You were in the dreaming, an entirely different realm, sitting in its library that towered even after you stretched your neck to its capacity, and were going through books that no mortal would have ever had the luxury of touching or even knowing that such pieces exist. Not to mention, having spoken with an Endless. An Endless? The king of Dreams himself. For a second you feared if you were dreaming again. But the old pinch sufficed to make you believe the opposite. But why? How? Your mind was a muddling mess. Guaranteed you had your fair share of weirdness working with the dead boy detectives but this was something entirely else. The librarian had introduced you to Mervin, who to your astonishment was actually a pumpkin head. You were after all in the realm of the dreams, if anything was possible, it was here. A sudden caw pulled you from your spiraling. A crow perched on your shoulders. No a raven? Was this…the raven from before? The one you had glanced in the living room's window?
"Hi kid, I am Matthew."
You weren't as taken aback as you thought you would be at the talking raven. You were slowly getting used to all the craziness.
"Hi Matthew, I am Hazel.”
"Pretty name.”
"Flattery doesn't work on me, just for your information," you stated, your gaze fixed on the words in the book propped open on your lap. "It might serve the goth guy you work for stalker.” You narrowed your eyes at the raven.
"Ooh, a feisty mortal, nice you and I would get along very well.”
And you both did. It would have been just minutes chatting away with Mathew but as your laughs erupted in the silence around you, you felt you had known the guy forever, the raven, oh the raven that had been a guy once.
"Matthew," Dream's cold tone quieted you both. “Leave us alone.”
"Yes boss," the raven obeyed.
"Accompany me,” Dream said as he turned away expecting you to follow behind.
You fell in with him, a question on your lips when the gates to the palace opened. The question forgotten, your mouth parted in amazement as you stared at the vast expanse of gardens before you. You exited the palace steps, incredulity lingering on your face as you inhaled the sheer exquisiteness of the place you were in.
Dream ushered his head in a direction. "Come," and continued that way.
You jogged to match up his pace.
"What do you know about the Endless?" He asked.
"Very little," you admitted, "I mean I know there are seven of them, Death being one and now you apparently, but I'm afraid that's about all the knowledge I have."
"It is still more than what humans generally know about us."
"Well it's the courtesy of my friends.”
"Ah, your ghost friends," he disclosed.
You stopped in your tracks. "You know?"
"That they are ghosts?" He walked on.
"Yeah I just wondered- I figured you didn't know and that's why you didn't tell Death.”
"Oh Death knows," he revealed the information with a glint in his eye, as if he was enjoying your reaction.
"What?" You cried. Gathering yourself, you said, "Then why doesn't she..go after them? Bring them to the sunless lands and whatever?" You joined him.
"Death has her reasons. She is far kinder than you know.”
"I, I don't know what to say."
Morpheus did not try to continue the conversation. You both walked in silence for some time. Questions ran rampant inside your head, but never left your lips.
"Ask," he said not tearing his eyes away from the path.
You didn't even realize he had sensed your hesitation. Questions grappled with each other to be released first and in that brawl you muttered the stupidest of them all. "How many names do you have?"
If Morpheus was surprised at the choice of your question, he didn't show it. "Many.”
Wow okay that was one elaborate answer if you heard any. Did it pain him to speak?
Just as you had accepted that's all you would get from him, he spoke, "Dream, Morpheus, Oneiros and Sandman to name a few.”
"The Sandman? As in the fable Sandman?"
"Tell me mortal, do I look like a fable to you?"
"Fair point," you mused.
Taking the opportunity of his answering mood, you exploited your luck further. "Can the mortals visit the dreaming anytime? I mean how does this even work?"
"Yes, whenever a mortal sleeps, he enters my realm where I contain the unconscious of the entire world.”
"That sounds…tough.”
"Does this mean I am sleeping right now?" You queried further.
"Exceptionally, no. I brought you here. Your soul and your body are both intact at the present and there is no trace of you in the waking world."
Your mouth opened once more to ask him another question, when his raspy voice cut through the air. “You get one more.”
The ego of this man, fine you insolent arse.
"Do you ever get lonely?"
If you were paying rapt attention you would have noticed the falter in his steps but your eyes were trained on his face.
"No," he answered.
"Seriously? Not ever?"
"You have run out of your questions and your friends must be waiting for you." He turned his body towards you. 
But before he could procure his pouch of sand from his cloak, the ground gave a sudden croak beneath you. Followed by a deafening cracking as the very ground you stood upon began parting into two.
"What the-," you started.
Dream grabbed your elbow and pulled his cloak over you both. The universe itself seemed to wrap around you and in the next moment you were in the waking world. He released his hold on your elbow as if your touch had burned him. He would probably need to wash his hands after touching a mortal.
"Stay here," he ordered.
Before you could object, he had vanished. You waited in the clearing, the stack of posters on the ground and the moon bathing you in its light. You were gone for more than half a day but only a few hours had passed back here. Times moves differently here, Lucienne's words entered your mind. After waiting another 10 minutes, you got up from your position on the ground, collected the posters in your hand, and began to make your way back to the apartment. He wasn't coming back.
Just as you were out the woods, Morpheus' voice reached your ears. "I told you to stay there.”
You turned back. Moonlight filtering through the trees illuminated his pale skin to ghastly pale. He looked beautiful. What? Shut up brain.
"I thought you weren't coming back."
Morpheus didn't say anything to that. This guy really needed to work on his communication skills.
"What was back there?"
"The realm is collapsing, at the rate of the damage we have very little time."
"For what?"
"To prevent it from happening.”
"Rest tonight mortal. We begin tomorrow." And with those obscure words he was gone in a blur.
You opened the door to the apartment and were immediately met with yelling. "Where the fuck were you?"
"You just totally vanished!"
"We searched for you everywhere!"
"Why weren't you answering your phone?"
"We were worried!"
Charles and Edwin's frenzied voices overlapped each other.
"Guys guys stop!"
They both fell silent.
"I am sorry I-I had to be somewhere on an urgent business and my phone died down."
"Next time the very least you can do is inform us beforehand," Edwin chided you.
"I swear the situation was out of my control, I promise it won't happen again."
Edwin's features softened and he asked, "Are you alright?"
You exhaled, "Yep I am aces."
"Get your own catchphrases," Charles muttered behind you and draped his arms around your neck from the back. "We are just glad you are back safe and in one piece.”
You leaned against his frame. "You can't even lie properly.”
"Hey sod off.” He broke apart the embrace.
You laughed at his tantrums.
"Anyways you wouldn't believe the adventure we had today. It was brills. Turns out the missing boy was actually..."
Yeah you wouldn't believe the adventure I had today either.  We begin tomorrow, the words scraped against the walls of your mind.
A/N: phew the stage is set. so lmk ur thoughts<3 i would love to hear em!! 
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wulvercazz · 15 days
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🎃Halloween Town, Act 7: Siren Calls🧜🏻
Back to Masterpost👻
Tags: Cunnilingus, Hypno, Suspension Extra Tags: Bondage, X-ray
Rukia is only ever interested in her siren powers when they can come in handy; like having the Halloween Prince do her biding. Sure, Ichigo's her best friend. All she has to do is ask nicely and nine times out of ten Ichigo will eventually comply. Because he's a people-pleaser, the big softie, despite whatever grumpy excuses he may try and give you. But there's something so thrilling about having the heir to the crown treating her like royalty; without all the usual sass and bite that follows the prince around.
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chapter vii – gust & flame
Eris Vanserra x Reader
Eris Vanserra has been a prisoner in his own home since the day he was born. He has done what he had to in order to survive and protect the few he loves. And he is playing the long game. Waiting, waiting, and waiting for the right time to make his move, to usurp his wicked father and become High Lord of Autumn Court. But things become even more complicated when a human girl drops into his life. Perhaps Eris can wait no longer to take his throne.
Word Count: 2,900+
Warnings: torture, abuse, spoilers for entire ACOTAR series
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When Eris winnowed back to Autumn Court, he felt as though he was going to vomit. To see Y/N reaching out for him – ever so subtly – and then not being able to respond in a manner she deserved…
It felt worse than all of other the terrible, dreadful things Eris had done in his past. 
For hundreds of years, he was able to ignore the guilt and pain of wearing his mask. But as soon as his mate appeared, Eris had never felt like a worse male. 
“General,” a voice stepped out from the shadows of the woods. 
Eris' most trusted sentries knew this was where he would winnow upon his return.  
But Eris now saw the distress in the male's gaze. 
“What is it, Cormac?” He snapped. 
“High Lord Beron…he arrived to the camp unexpectedly.”
Eris swore internally. “When did he arrive?”
“Just an hour ago,” Cormac answered swiftly. “We informed him that you wished to scout an area – and that you requested to do so alone, to not be slowed down.”
Smart. It was just vague and realistic enough that perhaps Beron would buy it. 
Cormac whistled and Eris heard the sound of his hounds sprinting to their master. 
Two horses also came trotting behind the pack of dogs. Yes, Eris could travel faster by winnowing. But to scout an area meant to slowly observe on horseback. His men were trained well in deceiving their High Lord to protect their true master, Eris. 
“We had no idea when to expect you back, so it felt as though it was the only excuse which would bide us time until you returned,” Cormac explained as both of them mounted their horses. 
“You did well, Cormac.” Eris answered, looking at his sentry. “But we both know that it will most likely not be enough.”
And then he dug his heels into his steed and raced back to camp. His hounds followed after their master with a nervous energy. 
It would take a few hours to return to camp. By then, it would be early morning. 
Eris immediately recognized his father’s most loyal guards lingering about the camp. Despite Beron’s level of power, he still held a close circle around him at all times, readying for an attack on him that almost never happened.
But there was a part of Eris that felt glee, knowing his father constantly lived in fear. 
Eris jumped off his mount and walked with purpose to where he assumed his father waited for him. 
Beron waited in a newly produced tent. Bigger than Eris’ or any others at the camp. Typical that his father demanded such an unnecessary extravagance for only just visiting. 
As soon as Eris’ entered the tent, Beron turned from the war table he stood in front of. 
Tension immediately filled the room. All the males became quiet and waited for their High Lord reign terror.
“And where have you been lazying about?” Beron growled. 
Eris stood straighter, head slightly bowed, with his hands politely held behind his back. “I thought my men had informed you: I was scouting an area a few miles out.” 
There was no attitude or sass in his response. But even Eris’ most believable lies seemed to infuriate Beron for no reason. It was as though the High Lord hated to fail at finding something in his son worth punishing. 
“Your orders were to insure our armies are ready for battle, shall it arrive at any moment,” Beron hissed. 
“Yes,” Eris responded. “And I had confirmed already that they are.” He cleared his throat. “But my duty is also to protect our borders. And my men reported suspicious activity in the south-east woods.” 
“And?” Beron barked as he stepped into Eris’ space. “Are your sentries so ill-equipped that you do not trust them to manage such duties without you?”
Eris ground his teeth and took in a deep breath. “I thought you would prefer I risk one life over a dozen. We cannot afford to lose our numbers. And seeing as you have many other sons to replace me as heir, I imagined you would not care if my life was lost.” 
The next second, Eris was brought to his knees with a power he could not supersede. Next, a whip of flame wrapped itself around his neck, both choking and burning his flesh. Eris could not help but hiss at the pain. 
“You dare belittle me in front of my own army?” Beron hissed, dipping his face so it was only inches from Eris. 
But the High Lord wasn’t expecting an answer clearly, for Eris was being choked so harshly that not even a sound could escape his throat. 
The soldiers around them shifted their weight and tensed. Some averted their eyes, but others knew better and didn’t break eye contact with the scene before them. 
Everyone in Autumn Court was familiar with these punishments. They were so obviously a message from their High Lord. If he would administer such tortures to his own son, his own heir…everyone else could easily imagine what Beron would do to them. 
“I expect you to follow the orders I give,” Beron continued. “And if I question your actions, you are simply to reply with an apology and an admission to what a useless son you are to me and this court. Am I understood?” 
Eris’ eyes watered with the pain of the flames skewering his neck. 
Most days, he would take the pain and submit to his father. This game was long and felt never ending. But Eris knew the close came with making Beron believe his heir was far too scared to ever even think about usurping him. 
But then Y/N’s face flashed in Eris’ mind... 
She was so strong. He might not know her – not truly. But from the short moments he has spent with her, he knew that she was brave and resilient and stood up for those weaker than herself. She had saved the other women and children who had been captured with her that day in his forest. She had risked her own life to save a child that was not her own. She looked into Eris’ eyes as she told him her family and coven had been taken from her, yet she continued to fight for her own life after everything had been taken from her. 
“Am I understood!?” Beron repeated his question in a shout now. 
And he loosened his whip of flames just enough so that Eris’ could speak. 
“You…made me… the g-general of your armies for a reason,” Eris gasped. “I stand by my decisions.” 
But those were not the words to speak. 
Beron’s eyes flashed with disbelief, but only for a second. Then it was replaced with an evil glint and his lips formed into something resembling a smile. 
“Yes, my armies.” Then Beron’s whip of fire didn’t just wrap his son’s neck, it now wrapped around his entire torso as well, making it impossible for Eris to move at all. 
Beron sneered. “And I believe you need reminding…son.”
Y/N was eating breakfast with Azriel, Cassian, and Nesta when she felt it. 
She had a giant scoop of oatmeal halfway to her mouth when she dropped it and the spoon clattered to the table.
Y/N hissed and both her hands flung to grasp her neck, as if it were burning. 
“Are you alright, Y/N?” Nest rushed out, with a surprising amount of concern. 
“I…don’t know,” Y/N whispered. “Suddenly, I just felt this…this burning.”
But when she pulled her hands away to look down at them, they were not engulfed in flames like she had expected. 
“Something – No – Someone is in pain,” she gasped. 
Y/N was so preoccupied with the feeling, that she missed Nesta and Cassian sharing a knowing look. Azriel shared the same realization as them, but he wasn’t look at them. Instead, his concerned gaze never left Y/N. He was his usual stoic self, but it was clear that his eyes were filled with concern. 
“Y/N?” Nesta asked seriously. 
She was finally distracted from the phantom pain and looked up at the three of them, all sitting across the table from them. 
“I have been wanting to show you something for awhile now,” Nesta continued. Her eyes flicked to Cassian, and he gave her a nod of approval. “A place for people like us…” 
“People like us?” Y/N repeated. 
Nesta nodded, “If I simply showed you, you would understand.” 
“This is where the three of you so frequently go off to?” Y/N asked, still confused and trying to figure out what the phenomenon she just felt was. 
Nesta nodded, also throwing in a forced but sympathetic smile as they all stood from the table.  
Cassian walked alongside his mate.
But Azriel waited for Y/N to follow. His frame was stiff with concern and his shadows seemed to be hovering closer to her than himself. 
It was clear that Y/N's and Eris' bond was abnormally strong. Y/N being human made it even stranger. She seemed to be oblivious to having a mate, yet felt Eris' pain more than any other mates the Inner Circle knew – not even Rhysand and Feyre's.
Y/N’s hand was preoccupied with ghosting over her neck, wondering how those flames could’ve felt so real. 
Had she finally started to go insane? 
Y/N silently followed the two Illyrians and Nesta up a set of stairs. 
It wasn’t until the wind greeted Y/N so kindly that she finally looked around to where she had been taken. 
There were female fae – some High Fae, some not – standing and sitting around stretching. As soon as they glanced at Cassian and Azriel, some perked up, tightening their posture. Others stopped conversation completely. 
Two of them, one with bright red hair and the other with dark skin, waved brightly at Nesta, who lingered at Y/N’s side. 
“Valkyries,” Nesta explained to her in a quiet voice. 
“I-I-I don't know what the means?” Y/N asked.  
“A group of female warriors who became extinct 500 years ago during the War,” Nesta explained darkly. 
“Extinct?” Y/N repeated. “Then what am I looking at?” 
“A resurrection of the females who came before us,” Nesta shrugged. Then she fully faced Y/N and smirked. “Ask your wind, why don’t you?”
Y/N glared at her, but still did as she suggested. Closing her eyes, the wind answered all her unasked questions. “These females,” Y/N murmured swiftly, “have suffered…greatly. They are here to remember their strength, their courage.”
Y/N’s eyes fluttered open. “You wish for me to train with you?”
Nesta smirked, nothing but genuine now. “Yes. Cassian said your coven used to.”
Y/N’s jaw dropped and she looked at the female fae warming up now. “Yes, b-b-but nothing like this.” 
Nesta gripped her shoulder with one hand encouragingly. “You saved my nephew, Y/N. Therefore, I know there is strength inside you…same as us all.” 
“But I am just…a...a mortal,” Y/N quickly reminded her. 
Nesta’s eyes narrowed and she crossed her arms. “Feyre was just a mortal when she broke a 50-year curse that no other fae could destroy.” 
Y/N had no rebuttal to that. She had heard the story of Feyre's journey from mortal savior to High Lady fae. It seemed something of legends and it left Y/N in awe that she had befriended the hero such a story.
“Just watch today, if that makes you more comfortable,” Nesta shrugged. “But you have just as much of a right to be here as any fae.” 
And Y/N did just that. 
She found the wall right at the entrance of the training ring and leaned against it. Eventually, she slid down and sat, watching the training drills closely. 
She noticed how Cassian and Azriel were patient, but stern with their training. The females did not fear them, but admired and respected the two Illyrians. 
It wasn’t until they broke off into groups and a handful of females grabbed bows that Y/N perked up. 
The wind snatched at her face, urging her to stand. 
Y/N did so, on shaky legs. 
Aware of the other groups doing different drills, she moved silently until she joined those practicing archery. 
Azriel was giving a loose lesson of how to handle the bow as he eyed Y/N’s silent entrance. He made eye contact, but didn’t stop his talking. When he was finished, he tilted his head slightly and looked at Y/N almost with suspicion. 
“Care to try?” Azriel asked Y/N, offering her the bow. 
Y/N eyed it a moment before confidently taking it from the Illyrian’s grasp. 
Then, in one fell swoop, Y/N had snatched up an arrow, raised the bow, and fired it off. 
The small group gasped, impressed to see that Y/N’s arrow had landed perfectly in the center of the target. 
Y/N turned to see that Nesta and Cassian had paused their training to watch as well. Cassian had a proud smirk on his lips. Nesta was smiling brighter than Y/N had ever seen in the short time she’d known her. 
When Y/N turned back to the group, she found Azriel watching her with amusement, but also silently questioning her hidden skill. 
Y/N bowed her head, suddenly remembering why she had this skill at all. “My mother used to say a woman’s greatest strength was knowing how to attack from the shadows.” 
Azriel realized it made sense. If Y/N grew up in a coven, always on the run, they did not have the strength to fight the evil men who so often hunted them. If they could safely defend themselves at a distance, archery was their best bet. 
“And the wind?” Azriel asked, once the other females had started practicing. 
Y/N smirked. “My shots are more powerful. And I rarely ever miss.”
“You have quite the friend and ally on your side,” Azriel hummed as he crossed his arms to observe the Valkyrie pupils. 
“I asked the House for a bow and arrow, but she wouldn’t give me them,” Y/N mumbled, remembering how she begged the sentient home for a weapon those first days here. 
“Perhaps she worried you would be a threat to us all,” Azriel teased. 
After the archery, Y/N joined the rest of the training. Despite her earlier concerns, none the drills were something that a human couldn’t also execute. And Nesta was right to believe that her past training with her coven gave her somewhat of an advantage. 
The other females were kind and treated Y/N as an equal, not seeming to be deterred at all by the fact that she was a mortal. Y/N assumed they would find out sooner rather than later that she was also a witch. But for some reason, she didn’t think that would deter them either. 
After training, Y/N spoke with the two that had greeted Nesta so brightly: Gwyn and Emerie. Y/N had noticed the latter’s wings immediately. But it didn’t take long for her to also see that they didn’t seem to be functional in the same way that Azriel's and Cassian’s were. 
Through casual conversation during their post-training stretching, Emerie had mentioned owning her own clothier ship in Windhaven.
And it had sparked an idea for Y/N. 
Eris could hardly winnow back to the Forest House he was weak. 
This was not the worst beating he had received from his father. But it had not reached this level of violence in quite some time. 
Beron was stressed, that much was clear. And he would continue to take it out on those closest to him until he got what he wanted. 
Eris already had a steaming bath waiting for him in his personal quarters, a small miracle that his servants had provided him. 
With a snap of his fingers, he had lit the dozens of candles that surrounded the drop-in tub that could fit a small family. 
Some of his injuries would fully heal. Others, were so harrowing that Eris knew they would scar. It wouldn’t be the first time that his father left a permeant mark on his body – and it wouldn’t be the last. 
Eris had only been soaking in the tub for 10 minutes when he heard the spark of magic right next to his face. 
A note. 
Without even looking at it, Eris knew it was from Rhysand. No one else dared communicate with him in such a way. 
Eris’ nostrils flared as he reached for the letter. 
Even this small movement shot pain through his entire body. 
Not that I truly care, but Y/N felt something today. I assume it was your pain. If forcing you to stay for dinner exposed you in any way…that I am sorry for. 
Eris frowned at the words. Y/N had felt his pain? Cauldron. He hoped it was just a slight echo of his sensations, nothing like what he felt when she and Nyx had been attacked. 
But if his pain became her pain…Eris would find some way – any way – to sever their bond. Anything to keep her away from his own suffering. 
That was why Eris surprised himself by producing a quill from nothing and writing a response on the back of the note. 
Is she alright? Has she been hurt because of it?
There was no use in hiding that he had been tortured. Eris was well aware that Rhysand and his inner circle had all made the correct assumptions about the abuse Beron executed in his court. Most High Lords knew to a degree – some even witnessed it for themselves. 
All that mattered was that Y/N had not also been hurt because of him. 
Rhysand’s response was swift: 
Azriel and Cassian said she felt it at breakfast. I believe she was mostly scared and confused. But she is fine. No injuries sustained. 
Eris didn’t respond. What more was there to say? 
Hopefully people are still engaged and caring about this fic. I know it's slow and steady. But I hope you'll find it worth it in the end.
What do you think Y/N's idea was after talking to Emerie?
How do you feel about Y/N training with the Valkyries?
chapter viii
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yo0narchive · 5 months
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Sass & Bide SS 2006
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beardedjoel · 1 year
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Part One of the Signs of a Lifetime Series
Pairing: Din Djarin x OC / fem!Reader
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: smut, mild violence, language
A/N: i wasn’t sure about posting this but I’ve been working on this OC nonstop for ages now and love her dearly, so I hope you enjoy her story! 
entire story is posted on AO3 if you wanna show me some love there!
Bounty hunter Alya Kesyk was completely unprepared for the day she met the Mandalorian. She wasn’t looking to make any new friends, let alone change the entire landscape of her life going forward.
As a loner for the last decade, the last thing she expects is to meet someone who captivates her like this, and eventually changes her for the better.
Story begins pre-season one and may continue into the main story of the show.
Alya Kesyk was completely unprepared for the day she met the Mandalorian. She wasn’t looking to make any new friends, let alone change the entire landscape of her life going forward. It was just another day on the job for her as she swirled the dark liquid in her glass and peered around the moderately crowded cantina she was sitting in. The main bartop may not be the most inconspicuous place to be seated with plenty of more private booths lining the walls and corners of the room, but it gave her the best view of her surroundings. Over the years she had mastered the look of someone simultaneously not suspicious and not to be fucked with, which typically led to her remaining unbothered by other patrons when she was on a job. The ones that tested those waters with her found out quickly that they had made the wrong choice.
Alya took a sip of her drink as the main doors of the tavern slid open. She felt a bit of the cooler air from outside breeze past her as she turned with a deliberately passé look to see who had entered. Her facade almost faltered as she beheld the man covered completely in armor that entered. She could have sworn that the room quieted at the sight, even stilled a bit with new tension. A Mandalorian .
She wasn’t sure if this meant trouble just yet, but Alya turned her attention away from the door while keeping her ears open. The last thing she needed was any kind of scene caused by some drunk, aggressive asshole who might try to pick a fight with a Mandalorian and mess up her chances of finishing this job. She had been biding her time and gathering any last intel or movements on her quarry before moving in on him, and would be damned if anybody screwed this up for her.
The Mandalorian slowly sauntered up towards the bar, seemingly unfazed by the extra attention placed on him as he had entered the room. Alya figured that he was used to it by now - Mandalorians weren’t the most common sight after all, and they were perceived as dangerous to the average person. They were raised to be fighters, warriors, and absolutely not to be messed with. Even she found herself slightly unnerved by the genuine strength radiating off of him, but it was met with equal intrigue about who he was. He had on a shiny, pure beskar helmet that looked rather new compared to his other armor pieces - scratched up mismatched red-brown plates covering the rest of him. The Mandalorian seated himself with just one bar stool between them, and Alya felt her hair stand up slightly when her instincts told her something was off. No, not off, just… electric . The prickling beginning in her nerves was interrupted when the Mandalorian suddenly inclined his helmeted head towards her and spoke.
“You a local?” he said, his voice modulated to hell but with a quality that Alya instantly found herself attracted to. Focus , she hissed to herself in her mind.
“Depends on who wants to know,” she replied with a casual sip of her drink and a slight smirk. The alcohol warmed her throat, giving her that little bit of extra courage to sass this dangerous man with at least two weapons visible that she could count. She realized her suspicions upon first seeing him were correct and he was looking for intel on the exact bounty she was here to hunt.
She could have sworn she heard an exasperated scoff through his modulator. “Me” he said flatly. Alya silently praised herself that she had passed off looking like enough of a local for him to even ask, not that she had ever doubted herself. Something about him filled her with an instinct to trust, so she decided to go against everything she typically stood for on this strange whim that was stirring within her.
“I’m not local, but I sense we might have… mutual interests here” Alya peered over at him and the Mandalorian’s head seemed to look over at her more quickly than he had been moving before. It was impossible to read him through the helmet, but she sensed he was taken aback.
“Oh? And just what exactly do you think that would be?” he said while turning his body more fully towards Alya.
She discreetly pulled the bounty puck out of her pocket to show him and then slipped it right back in a few moments later, looking back up at her new companion with searching eyes. He made a sort of amused chuckle noise through the modulator in response but didn’t say anything.
“If my assumption that you’re a Guild member as well is correct, which I know it is, then I have a proposition for you.” Alya tried to keep her tone steady, detached but she felt her heart rate pick up a little.
“I’m listening,” Mando leaned even closer to her. She could see her reflection a bit better in the helmet and smoothed the few loose strands of her pulled back red hair behind her ears slightly.
“I’m thinking of a collaboration of sorts. Don’t ask me why. This is a high profile bounty which means good money for me, and not to mention I was here first and should be taking one hundred percent of the reward, but for some reason I find myself feeling generous today.” Alya held out her hands, palms open, and shrugged slightly. Something had absolutely struck her senseless about this mysterious man, and maybe her sudden urge to share a bounty for fuck’s sake was just to keep him around a bit longer. “You help me wrangle this guy up, we split the bounty, and then neither one of us leaves here empty handed.”
She watched Mando ponder for several moments, and began to worry she had said the wrong thing, pissed off the wrong asshole today. She had a bad habit of doing that, didn’t she, she wondered to herself.
Alya quickly glanced up at where she assumed his eyes would be under the helmet and felt the corner of her mouth turn up slightly. “It’s a deal, then” she said, holding out her hand. She was surprised when Mando took it and shook her hand, her fingertips poking out of her fingerless leather gloves touched his gloved hands. While there was no skin to skin contact she found it electrifying all the same.
“Alright, tell me what you've got, we can compare notes,” Mando implored her, folding his hands together.
“The quarry has been hiding out here on Canto Bright long enough to actually secure a job somehow. And you’ll never guess where he works.”
The small chuckle came through the modulator again, quickly becoming music to Alya’s ears. “So you know the quarry works here, and you’re just… drinking at the bar?”
Now it was Alya’s turn to laugh. “Even bounty hunters deserve a break, don’t we? I’m actually scoping the place out instead of going in guns blazing, but maybe that’s not your personal style?” she teased back.
“Hmm. Fair enough,” he replied, crossing his arms. “So, how did you know?”
“Know what?” Alya raised her eyebrow slightly, looking at him.
“What I was here for. That I’m with the Guild.”
Alya smirked slightly. “I… had a feeling.”
“You’re just that smart, huh?” The Mandalorian’s voice sounded amused as he taunted her.
“Actually, yes.” Alya crossed her arms indignantly. “This isn’t exactly my first trip around the galaxy, y’know. It’s not every day that a Mandalorian just walks into the cantina where you happen to be getting a quarry asking questions, so I put the pieces together.”
“I can see that… clever girl,” he replied with a tantalizing tone that made Alya’s hair on the back of her neck stand up slightly. He seemed to have leaned closer to her as she was speaking, and she studied him carefully, taking in all the details of his armor. She simply raised her eyebrows, looking at him confidently.
“Are we gonna catch this guy, or what?” Alya pressed, and Mando laughed heartily at her aggressiveness.
After giving themselves another ten minutes to quickly make their plan, and for Alya to finish her drink, they were standing up from the bar and slowly walking towards the door to the tavern’s kitchen. Alya felt unbelievably powerful walking next to this mass of metal armor, having all the eyes in the room darting between the two of them and the patrons likely wondering what they were up to. They reached the door and stood on either side of it, holding off for a moment. Alya gave a slight nod to the Mandalorian to signal she was ready, and he returned it before they burst through the door together, blasters out.
The quarry knew within an instant, had likely been looking over his shoulder for weeks just waiting for this to happen. He turned and ran, his sudden momentum causing him to push metal bowls and utensils off the counters, falling with a loud clang that momentarily disarmed Alya. She snapped out of it quickly and realized he was likely heading for some employee entrance to escape. The Mandalorian called out after him and began sprinting, Alya following closely behind. Damn, he was fast, she thought, watching with amazement at his graceful speed despite all that heavy armor.
The chase went on longer than some Alya had encountered with her quarries as they weaved through a few streets and narrowly avoided groups of people jumping out of their way, but he was no match with both her and Mando chasing after him. She pushed her body, feeling the familiar pump of her legs and steady breaths she had done so many times in her self-training, and managed to push ahead of the Mandalorian at the last second and tackle the bounty to the ground, placing her thighs on either side of his body and holding his arms down. Mando halted in front of them with his blaster trained and ready to shoot. While his weapon was pointed at the quarry, he seemed to be staring at her for a few extra moments under that helmet before turning his attention back to the work at hand. She felt a small shiver at the prospect of his eyes lingering on her that she tried to quickly ignore.
“You just had to choose the hard way, didn’t you?” Alya said, sighing hard, as Mando handed her a pair of cuffs. She quickly slapped them onto the squirming man underneath her and stood up, stepping over him before letting Mando pull the bounty to his feet. Their catch made the usual grumbles at attempting to make a deal with them, offering them more than the bounty was worth, and other bullshit that they’d both heard so many times they lost count. Mando shoved him forward and they began their walk back to their ships.
Alya felt the usual high that came after chasing and catching a quarry, and having someone who understood the work by her side the entire time had been unexpectedly fun. She was used to working alone, and had been for almost ten years now, but found herself considering the idea of a partner in a positive light for the first time in a long time. Feeling self conscious, she tried to suppress her smile since she couldn't read the Mandalorian’s mood at all under his helmet.
"If you try anything --" they both started to say to the bounty at the same time, and then quickly looked at each other. Alya let out a laugh, and joked, "You stole my line.”
"I could say the same thing.” Mando put his free hand on his hip, holding onto the bounty with the other.
"Alright, so which one of us is turning the quarry in?" Alya pondered for a moment before adding, "Or we could head there together? Might make things less complicated."
"I can go. I have to make a drop anyway," Mando offered, seeming to ignore her suggestion of going there as a team.
They were mostly silent with Alya feeling a bundle of nerves, much to her dismay, as they brought the quarry the rest of the way up to Mando's ship - a Razor Crest . So very him, she thought fondly. She tried not to cringe as he got frozen in carbonite, but was impressed that Mando had the technology as she hadn’t even thought to look into that for her own ship. Her bounties had to ride along in a small holding cell and typically annoyed the hell out of her until she could turn them in.
As they stood somewhat awkwardly outside of Mando’s ship afterwards, Alya suddenly realized she had no idea how it would even work to split the bounty, since Mando was the one to take him on his ship. She also noticed at that same moment she didn’t like the idea of them splitting up so soon, feeling her heart sink slightly at the notion of it.
"So take him to Nevarro, get the credits, and have him leave half for me next time I'm there to collect from Greef?" Alya confirmed with the Mandalorian, trying to hide the disappointment from her voice. Maybe it had been taking it too far to think he would consider continuing on together. She tried to remind herself that she’d worked more than well enough on her own for years.
The Mandalorian nodded his head in response. “You trust me not to take it all for myself?” His tone sounded light, but he had a good point considering they had just met a few hours earlier.
“Should I have a reason not to?” Alya raised her eyebrows, genuinely surprised by his returning her sarcastic energy. This was not the impression of Mandalorians she’d gathered from all the things she’d heard about their culture.
“I’m a man of my word. Don’t worry,” he said with conviction, putting Alya at ease. She hadn’t truly thought about it until he brought it up - she had put an inherent trust in him, which she almost never did with anyone. How strange it felt to do that so automatically with Mando, she thought to herself.
"Good.” She bit her lip slightly, uneasy at the words she knew were about to come out of her mouth. “I know it was unconventional, but I did enjoy this for a change of pace. Having a... teammate, or partner, or whatever the hell." Mando remained silent, so she went on, feeling like she may be daring just a bit too much to say what she was thinking, but figured to hell with it. She probably had a low chance of seeing this guy again with the entire galaxy out there.
"I can say I do hope we run into each other again sometime." Alya offered a half smile his way. She had no idea what was driving her to be so open, so bold with this virtual stranger, but she tended to follow her gut most of the time, and this was no exception.
After a few more moments of silence, Mando answered, "Me too.” She smiled in return, hoping he was doing the same underneath that helmet. “You’re a hell of a bounty hunter, freckles. It’s not every day I find another Guild member at the same… level of expertise as me,” he added a moment later.
“Oh really? That full of ourselves, are we?” She put a hand on her hip and tilted her head. She actively tried to forget the nickname for her he had just thrown out there like it was a completely normal, everyday experience between the two of them.
“No, I…” he stammered for a moment, “I just meant… more about you. You were impressive out there.”
“Don’t worry, Mando, I was just fucking with you.” Alya said, giving him a quick wink. He let out a small, relieved laugh and Alya felt her heart skip a beat at the sound. She silently cursed herself - she had a hard and fast rule not to get attached to anyone or anything. Ever. And yet...
"Let me, uh, walk you to your ship," Mando seemed to blurt out, sounding as uncomfortable as she had heard him thus far.
"Okay, yeah." Alya said, filling him in on what landing bay her ship was in as they set off.
They walked in silence for a few moments, their hands dangerously close. Alya wasn't sure if it was just in her head, or if the tension between them was palpable to him too.
"Do you know where you're heading after making this drop?" Alya asked into the silence.
"Likely just some more Guild business. Guess I’ll see what comes up.”
He hadn't asked her about her next whereabouts and seemed very keen on them not dropping this quarry together so she finally accepted that he definitely didn't want any company going forward. It was probably just as well, she thought.
"Through here, it'll be quicker," Mando steered them into an alleyway to the right of them, touching her arm in the process. A slight buzzing went through Alya's head and she couldn't be sure if it was still the alcohol from earlier tonight or the feel of his glove on her bare forearm. She took a small breath to steady herself and followed his lead down the alley. As much as it made her cringe, her desperation to know her new companion better, to see more of him was taking over. One last shot , she thought, to try and see him again sometime.
"Uh look, if you don't want any company to drop the quarry, then maybe -" Alya started, but was cut off when Mando suddenly whirled towards her, backing her into the nearest wall behind her. His large, powerful form came at her so fast that she felt unsteady on her feet for a moment, looking up at him with wide eyes.
"And what is it that you want?" his modulated voice was lower, filled with something new, something more that she hadn't heard yet. Desire? His body pushed closer to hers and she realized she had forgotten how to breathe normally.
"I - I -" she struggled to form words, her head spinning. His sudden change in demeanor and tone had shaken her typically calm and collected mask. She was reeling - just a moment ago, he’d seemed like he never wanted to see her again, and now he was doing this? She simply looked up at him, blinking, trying to convey with her eyes and expression what she couldn't with words. Him. She wanted him.
He seemed to read it loud and clear, because the next thing she knew, his entire body was against hers, and he quickly pulled off his gloves before reaching up to grab the back of her head and taking a handful of hair. He used his other hand to tilt her head up so that she was looking where Alya assumed his eyes were under the helmet.
"Hmm? Is this what you want?" Mando pulled slightly on the hair he was holding and then reached the other hand to begin toying with her belt.
Alya felt her senses come back to her enough to hastily breathe out a yes. Mando quickly started undoing the buckle on Alya's pants, and taking his lead she reached for his as well. He stopped abruptly and grabbed her wrist, stopping her, and shook his head.
"No. Just you.” He said in a low voice. Alya nodded slightly, still in complete shock, her breath picking up as he continued undoing her belt and unbuttoned her pants. Her breathing hitched as he reached his hand under her waistband, sliding it down.
"Fuck," she said through gritted teeth as he moved his hand lower. She knew he could feel how wet she had already been because of him, and he made a satisfied noise at that fact as his fingers slid past her clit and felt it. Alya reached up and gripped the back of his neck and shoulders, wishing more than anything this damn helmet wasn't between them but she didn't dare try pulling it off.
He started stroking her clit slowly at first, but quickly increased the intensity as Alya let out a small moan. She grabbed at anything she could on him, finding his armor in the way but she clung onto it nonetheless.
"Do you have any idea how fucking sexy you were back there?” He murmured close to her ear, “I couldn’t wait to get you alone.”
“You have me,” she whispered through her panting as she somehow moved her body even closer to him with the little space that was left. Mando simply made a noise of what she assumed was approval as he slipped his fingers inside her, continuing to expertly circle her clit as he pushed the other fingers in and out of her at the most perfect, toe-curling rhythm.
“Maker, you feel so good,” he said, and she could hear his breathing quickening through the modulator. The fact that he seemed just as turned on by this nearly sent Alya over the edge. He leaned his head closer to her neck, trying to get as close as possible. “So good…” he murmured again, in her ear this time.
For a few moments there were just panting breaths between the two of them, Alya’s eyes half closed with desire. She could already feel the pleasure building in her core at just how fucking incredible his fingers felt, and he snaked his free hand down through her hair, trailing her back, and finally landing on her ass. He gave a short groan as he squeezed her ass, his body pressed so close there was barely room for his hand in between them.
Alya suddenly felt pleasure bursting through her, and while she had been trying to keep quiet in this very public alley, her moaning and panting were coming out at a completely uncontrollable volume. She tried to reach a free hand to cover her mouth or bite down on her fist, but Mando reached her face first with his and cupped the side of her cheek. He pulled his head back from where it was buried close to the side of her head and used his hand to tilt her head up, intently watching the waves of pleasure come over her face. He continued to plunge his fingers into her, letting her ride out her climax onto his hand. Alya felt her knees go weak as she came down from the height of her orgasm and tipped her head back against the wall behind her. Mando still had her head in his hand and she leaned her face into it, breathing heavily.
“Beautiful girl,” he said quietly, stroking her cheek, and she thought she could almost feel his eyes on her through the helmet, taking in the slight sheen of sweat on her face and her disheveled hair. He pulled his hand out from her pants and began to gently rebutton them and work on her belt when a loud beep interrupted them.
“Wh-“ Alya began to ask, still half delirious, and she heard Mando let out an exasperated sigh.
“Shit, it’s my comm signal, I set it up to alert me if anything or anyone is getting suspiciously close to my ship. And on a planet like this I don’t think that can be good news,” Mando explained. Alya felt her heart sink, but she nodded and gave a convincing half smile.
“You know I get it. How valuable our ships are to us. Go,” she said, inclining her head in the direction they’d come from.
“I… I’ll make it up to you,” he said, slowly backing his way through the alley, still facing her.
“I know,” Alya said, watching as he reached the street off the alleyway and reluctantly turned and started walking out of sight.
She stood, stunned for several moments, taking a few deep breaths and trying to understand the events of the evening. The only thing clear to her right now was that she didn’t think her life could be the same again now that he had entered it.
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judith-orshalimian · 8 months
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Sass & Bide FallWinter 2015-16 Details!
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bejustlikethem · 9 months
Kylie Jenner
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Sass & Bide Out with the Old Dress
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echoes-of-silence · 1 month
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Safira Belle Schumacher Zahid.
Born in Denmark, Safira Schumacher Zahid is the only daughter of Zayan Mohamed Zahid, a Palestinian real estate developer, and Sarah Schumacher, a Dutch model, reality TV personality and interior designer. Through his father, Zahid claims descent from Daher Al Omer, prince of Nazareth and sheikh of Galilee. Zayan Zahid was also a skier and participated in the 1992 Winter Olympics in Jordanian colors. A stunning figure who embodies the glamor and elegance of high society, born in Denmark on August 5, two thousand and one, Safira is the owner of the largest bikini brand in the world, called Versiani Swim.
Along with Joan Smalls, Safira was also the face of Karl Lagerfeld's limited edition clothing line available in North America titled "Love From Paris". Schumacher has also appeared in editorials for Glamor Magazine and Italian Vogue. In September, she attended New York Fashion Week, going to Tommy Hilfiger, Prabal Gurung, Jeremy Scott, Tory Burch and Matty Bovan. Then he traveled to London, where he hosted the pre-London Fashion Week Party at Stradivarius and did a show for Julien Macdonald, then in Milan, walking for Dolce & Gabbana, and also in Paris, walking for Elie Saab.
Safira has also appeared in advertising for Prabal Gurung's sportswear collection. She later participated in campaigns for Guess's holiday collection and Australian record label Sass & bide. Safira Belle Schumacher Zahid is a German model, influencer and businesswoman. She was featured in campaigns for major brands such as Guess, Miu Miu, Jimmy Choo, Tommy Hilfiger and others. Schumacher has more than 14 Vogue covers and currently only works as a model and photographs in his spare time, but in his years on the catwalk he walked for Versace, Bottega Veneta, Off-White, Tommy Hilfiger and Moschino. Later, Safira Schumacher was photographed and filmed for a UGG shoe campaign, alongside supermodel Rosie Huntington-Whiteley.
Already in the fashion business, Schumacher began modeling at the age of 10, when he began posing for the covers of children's magazines and advertising dresses that were made especially by his mother Sarah. Safira's first modeling job was for the Rocker Babes with Twist campaign for Forever 21. In 2014, Safira Belle signed a contract with the modeling agency IMG Models. After appearing in Balmain's advertising campaign, she walks for Tom Ford, Diane von Fürstenberg, Tommy Hilfiger and Jeremy Scott. In December 2014, Belle was on the cover of Jalouse Magazine and was part of Love Magazine's Love Advent.
Safira Belle developed a fervent passion for two arts from an early age: literature and fashion. When she turned eighteen, the brunette began her studies at the University of Southern Denmark, studying fashion. Safira has always been passionate about dancing, just like her biological mother and started teaching ballet classes to children aged three to six years old during her break from studies. She always had her parents' help with everything financially, however, since she was a child she always wanted to have her own independence. She has also been horse riding since she was three years old, a passion that her mother passed on to her and she participated in horse riding when she was little.
Safira Belle Schumacher inaugurated the "Feeding Hopes in Senegal and Beyond" project in 2019, which targets a nongovernmental organization (NGO) committed to providing food support and sustainable development for regions of Senegal, Africa and similar countries facing severe food and economic shortages. The initiative seeks not only to provide food, but also to empower local communities through agricultural projects and educational programs, aiming at the long-term socioeconomic development of these regions. Feeding Hope in Senegal and Beyond', an initiative born from the desire to make a difference in the lives of those facing serious food and economic needs.
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