#sat in class this morning thinking abt them......my best friends <3
rolilith · 2 years
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i miss them
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magical-grrrl-mavis · 4 years
Sibling AU
because apparently this is a thing I've got on my mind now. (Probs won't be writing it any time soon but I have a primal need to info dump, and maybe I'll inspire someone else.)
Eda Clawthorn - Canon Eda: She's Eda. She loves all 3 Noceda girls but is closest to Luz
King - Canon King: He's King. 
Lucia Noceda - Beta Luz: Her weirdness is sorta toned down compared to Canon Luz. She's a bit more angsty. Reeeaaaally needs to smile more. Absolute D E L I N Q U E N T.  Get’s into trouble on purpose, be gay do C R I M E. Feral. Totally down to help with Eda’s less honorable schemes. Tries to seem more “over it” and grown up but is secretly just as enthusiastic as Luz. She's more closed off, her life’s been a bit harder. Very protective of Luz and Laia, DO NOT fuck with them in front of her.  Ready and willing to throw down. Deeeeeefinitely not hopelessly in love with Amelia. Age 17
Luz Noceda - Canon Luz. You know her, you love her. Age 14
Laia Noceda - Pilot Luz: Just as weird as Luz but a bit more laid back and shy. Doesn’t like putting herself out there quite as much as Luz, but gets dragged into her schemes a lot. Huge nerdy bookworm but perfectly capable of being flirty. Actually pretty confident with Anna. Too precious for this world. Is babey. Sits back and observes her sisters antics bc she's actually got a little sense. Age 13
Amelia Blight - Beta Amity: Cold but F E R A L. Doesn't even try to be the little miss perfect anymore but will pretend in front of parents. C H A R I S M A. Will fuck you up. Sorta pyromaniac but not like crazy, just good w/ fire magic and feels calm when she watches flames. Will burn you to ash if you hurt Amity or Anna. Rolls eyes at the twins antics. “You were going to do WHAT with Amity’s diary!?” Lotta internalized shit from her treatment by her parents. THIS CLOSE to burning down Blight manor. “If I have zero friends nobody can hurt me”. Lucia really throws a wrench in that plan. Toooootally not madly in love with Lucia. Natural greenhead but constantly dyes her roots brown as a form of small rebellion and solidarity with Amity and Anna. Age 17
Edric Blight - Canon Edric: You know him. Age 16
Emira Blight - Canon Emira: You know her. Age 16
Amity Blight - Canon Amity: Our girl! Age 14
Anna Blight - pilot Amity: Is babey. Loves books. Shy and tries to stick silently to the background. Just so sweet and precious. PROTECC HER. Tries to do the right thing. Like, ALL her siblings do their best to protect her from her parents. Not good with people at all. Age 13.
Winona Park - Beta Willow: You've seen Dana’s drawing of her. This shady bitch. She knows all your secrets. She will use them against you. Likes a little trouble but doesn't get caught. Ever. By the time you figure out what rule she broke she's already won the game. Don't. Touch. Willow. T R O U B L E. Loner until Lucia came along. Just does not care about anything. Doesn't even try in school  but is still almost as good as Amelia. Not quite as powerful as Willow but still powerful. “What happens if I press this button.” Age 17
Willow Park - Canon Willow: You know her, stronk cinnamon roll. Age 14
Gus Porter - Canon Gus: Boy needs more character development. Age 12
(Story might not go quite like I'm describing it here but it's pretty close.)
Eda was going to eat King when they first met, they tell it like it's just some cute story.
Camilia was going to send both Luz and Laia to normal-person-camp but didn’t even try with Lucia bc she's clearly a lost cause. Lucia waited for the bus with them though, and she and Laia both followed Luz through the portal. Luz was the one who decided to stay on the isles, Laia just agreed bc she also hated the idea of camp, and being a witch sounded fun. Lucia agreed bc “well I'm not leaving my fucking siblings in another dimension on their own” but also was jumping up and down inside at the idea of being a witch.
Lucia and Laia were just vibing at the owl house during Witches Before Wizards because nobody told them shit.
Luz and Laia both went to the school in I Was a Teenage Abomination, Lucia didn’t bc “school? Why would I willingly go to school?” so she wandered off to town to do GOD knows what. Laia just hid in the bottom of the pot, but wandered off, Anna helped save her and get her out in the end. Later, at the covention, Laia gave Anna the “thanks pal” drawing.
Luz and Laia were both captivated by Eda’s magic lesson in Intrudor, Lucia was just hanging back with her arms crossed like she didn't care but inside she was going “I'm gonna be a witch! I'm gonna be a witch!”. Luz discovered the light glyph but Lucia came up with the idea of sticking it on the wall.
At the covention, Lucia saw Amelia and was actually gonna go over and be flirty bc Hot Witch Girl, but then she overheard her talking to Amity about her fighting Luz and instantly big sister mode. They got into a fist fight out back over “my sister’s better than yours.” their relationship after that is just Lucia constantly antagonizing Amelia and almost getting burned. Anna just stayed by the sidelines at the covention and Laia didn't see her until the very end, talked a bit and gave her the drawing b4 being dragged out by Eda.
Laia helped w/ the moonlight conjuring, but Lucia heard "night market" and sneaked off there. She didn't see Eda'z predicament but did run into Winona, who was making trouble and just being generally shady. Lucia helped her out with the shady business because why not and they were instantly friends, their friendship has a lot of Lucia going “you scare me sometimes.”
Laia went to the Library with Luz, she saw Anna just hanging out reading in the corner and immediately went over and sat by her. They were in Amity’s hideout sitting real close reading when Luz and the twins walked in, they left immediately, Anna red as a tomato.
The second Eda said body swap Lucia scooped Laia up and noped on out. It sounded fun to Lucia but for some reason she didn't feel comfortable subjecting Laia to that.
Laia and Lucia went with Eda when she talked to Bump abt enrolling them and just sat back and watched Eda clean up all her messes. Lucia was impressed.
Laia was just as excited to go to Hexside as Luz. But Lucia hated school, even magic school. She only decided to go to keep an eye on her sisters and fuck with Amelia.
Neither Laia note Lucia were interested in going to the Grudgby match. Laia stayed home and read (on the couch. She was so engrossed in her book she missed king walking out with half-transformed Eda) and Lucia went to hang out with Winona.
Laia and Anna worked together on a book for the writing contest. It won. Lucia wrote one too but it git rejected for being too graphic. It made one of the judges who read it start seeing a therapist.
All three went to the knee. Lucia went along with Eda'z crazy teaching because it seemed hysterical to her crackheaded mind, she missed the whole Slitherbeast thing bc she was off with moss in her ears, dirt over her eyes and pine needle mulch in her nose. Laia was incredibly disappointed that Anna wasn't there with the other blights. She didn't even try to stop Luz from stealing the wand bc she knew she wouldn't listen. She was just as impatient as Luz, just not rash. They figured out the ice glyph together.
Lucia chose the bard track in First Day bc she wants to be in a band. Laia couldn't choose just like Luz and got stuck in the Oracle Coven. Lucia got caught just like Luz and ended up in the detention track, Barkus was a bit more wary about her. She helped fight the basalisk I guess. Laia just stayed in class. Both Luz and Laia got to be in every track, Lucia chose only Bard, Beast Keeping and Illusion.
When Luz and co were shrunk at the carnival, Laia was off hanging out with Anna, and Lucia was doing something crackheaded with Winona. (Seriously, you could write such good fluff fics about Anna and Laia, and insane crack fics about Lucia and Winona.)
Idfk what Laia and Lucia were up top in Understanding Willow
Anna and Laia went to Grom together. They're such unassuming people that the only people who noticed were Eda and King bc they helped Laia get ready, and Amelia. Who had very mixed feelings bc 1- that's Lucia's sister, but 2- she actually kinda likes Laia and Luz.
Lucia begged Luz to let her take over as Grom queen but no dice. She ran to help too when Luz ran off but was too slow, she didn't get there until the very end of the dance.
Look, Laia is too much of a bookworm to care about sports and Lucia just thinks their stupid, so neither of them watched Luz play in Wing it like Witches.
Eda made cloaks for all 3 girls. Lucia and Laia were in the wrong year to go on the field trip to the emperor's palace. After school Laia went to the library with Anna and Lucia went to hang out with Winona. Laia and Anna fell asleep reading in Amity's secret room and Lucia and Winona lost track of time hanging out, neither got home until the next morning, and they found Luz crying on the floor.
Imagine with me, all 3 noceda girls breaking into the conformatorium to save Eda. All three wailing on Belos, Laia with a fuck ton of glyph papers, Luz with Eda's staff and some glyphs, and Lucia with a red aluminum bat covered in glyphs. They don't beat him but they do a lot more damage than just chiping his mask.
Imagine all 3 sisters agreeing silently to destroy the portal. For Eda.
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sickficsforthesoul · 3 years
here's a prompt ?(or whateverits called): not a request ! also  ، ¿ ¡ ૮₍ 𖦹 ˕ ×` ₎ა ! ?·*·  anon or 🧛🏻‍♀️ anon(emoji form) .  : the sickie hates today so much. they had to go to school bc it was a important practice match they had to be in. but they got a stomach bug yay! good 4 them !! they woke up feeling like shit , they knew they were sick. they wanted to stay in bed . praying to any god that they weren't gonna be sick. they fell asleep again saying just to rest for a few more minutes (well it ended up being 30 minutes ) now they only had 30 minutes to get to school, they knew they actually had to wake up. running out of bed to get there clothes and change as fast as they could (they dont shower in the morning and they were to lazy to brush their teeth) rushing out of bed that fast made them all dizzy . great . now they're stomach hurts. yep they were gonna vomit. they knew they couldn't make it to the bathroom . so they found a place that could store it , they rushed finding something in their room . they searched their desk. feeling the vomit rising up. shutting their mouth bc they dont want their desk getting vomit on it. it was so strong it went in their nose. they couldnt hold it in anymore. throwing up in their desk  wetting all the papers. homeworks . they were gonna get in trouble at school. they had no hw anymore . well they were gonna be late to practice if they cleaned it up.so they ignored it. gagging at the smell of it. they finally finished their daily routine . they skipped breakfast (just like most of the times). they grabbed a mask and went to school . playing games on their phone to distract themselves.  sadly that didnt work . they got all dizzy , they put their phone. feeling too dizzy they nearly tripped . they countied waking to school. remembering they only had 5 minutes left they had to continue walking faster. they started running. while running they were thinking abt how they got sick. :: I prob  got sick from some1 in my class. yeah. they threw up in the classroom and they sat near me. they were probably coughing alot.. ew.. :: they arrived at school. going into the volleyball ball gym changing room. no1 was there . they were probably practicing.  suddenly they felt their stomach growl. it hurts so much. why today they ask. they wrapped their arms around them and it hurts so bad. when it kinda stop they had the courage to change into their volleyball club uniform and go to the gym. while walking there they started coughing.having a coughing fit made every1 look at them . they hated that . they really dont like  being the center of attention.  some1 from their team asked "hey you ok?" they just said yeah. the coach said to run 4 laps around the gym. uh how much they hated running. they only did 1 and a half.(END PT 1) they couldn't handle 4 laps. while some1 was running they saw them hiding (so no1 can see them slacking off) they asked "um?? what's wrong ? ud probably get in trouble if coach finds out.  I'm already on my 3rd lap . ig in  3 mins its over. r u just gonna stay here? and also if u act like this it the match . you'll get in big trouble. they just said "ok". when the coach said ok! they went back in the gym and prepared the net. they started a sneezing fit which caught som1 to give them tissue. they eventually stopped . they're nose is so stuffy they can barely breathe.  they really want 1 more tissue but they don't have any , they ended up using their arm as a tissue. well atleast only 1 person saw. every1 was practicing.  it was gonna end it 10 mins . they're shocked how they went so far. when they setted the ball they suddenly felt they're stomach grumble. they cant just suddenly go to the bathroom.  they had to wait. uh they started feeling nauseous and they silently stared gagging.  then came the wet coughs , they could feel the vomit loudly.  end . pt1
(contin.) they had to fake spike? idk . they didnt have the power to do so. obviously they looked like they were faking it. they're team lost, they honestly didnt care . then some1 hit then on their back saying to,work hard. some vomit came up . they swallowed it . they thought it tasted so bad. they started coughing really loudly.  every1 was looking (they had to rush to the bathroom but since every1 was looking they didn't want to make a scene so they didnt ) they waited till every1 wrnt to they changing room /club room.  finally every1 besides 1 person who was a benched player went to the toilet . oh no. they cant wait that there was vomit coming up they wanted to wait for at least 2 mins , but they couldn't only 36 seconds.  they started to vomit .  in their hands . dripping on the gyms floor. they couldn't make it into a stall so they threw up in the bathroom floor. threw up already half of what they had. they heard the doors unlocking from the bathroom (it was the benched player) they rushed into a stall so he couldn't see them  . they walked out and saw vomit.  they didnt care , they walked out like nothing happened. they were still vomiting , they didn't have enough strength to propt themselves up to puke inside the toilet,  they just ended  up throwing up on the floor . they thought they were done after dry heaving for 2 minutes.  getting up to go to the changing room to change into their uniform.  they didnt tie their tie properly but they dont care. going into their classroom late. like 10 minutes late. they got scolded for wearing their tie wrong and being late.also not bringing hw. yay good for them this class they didnt do anything. so they just fell asleep /WITH THEIR MASK ON!// pt2done
while waiting they double bagged the plastic bags to prevent in from seeping thru. one the bus came. the sickie regretted going on already feeling dizzy once they sat down , they sat at the back where no1 sits (although that would make them more dizzer, but they didnt know that) after 5 minutes of the ride (there was some traffic. normally itd take 10 minutes. but since there is traffic they didnt how long they'd have to wait.) "[caretakers name]...while wet coughing.mm candy." they rushed to give the candy. it soothed their throat for 5 minutes until making them dizzy . lying down on the caretaker,while they play with their hair. they fell asleep. after 20 minutes (still in traffic) they woke up to the bus driving. they woke up and asked for water. they drank the water in small sips. they didnt vomit. the they drank it quickly before spitting it out. then coughing. they nearly threw up. swallowing it . asking while coughing for the 'bag'. they grabbed it and held on it and tried getting it out bc they were very nauseous. they couldn't. until the bus continued moving. they're grip to it was very weak. the bus suddenly moving made their stomach growl. and letting of their bag to hold on their stomach. the care taker asked "what's wrong ???? you let go... r u gonna ..." "no. stop.u will make me.stop.talking abt it"(they hated vomit so much thinking abt it makes them gag) the sickie was shaking. they messed up dropping the bag and it flew away. they caretaker getting their jacket just incase yk they vomit. after the bus stops again. a couple and a 2 ppl (4 alltogether)decided to sit in the back. their stomach hurts so much... they started crying. the bus started moving more . 2 more stops till their stop. they gagged. letting go of their hand on their face. "I'm gonna-" the caretaker getting the jacket and hugging the sickie to cover them . they threw up on the caretaker. the couple moved away in disgust whilst the 2 other ppl stayed. just on their phone. "ppl r looking...." "I want to leave.. " "''dont worry , no1 is looking'' the care taker grabbed their bag looking for a (idk the word but it's like a towel but not , you stick it on some1 face and it cools them down) they place it on the sickie. they sickie just dry heaving at this point. they said "sorry.." it's ok. - ¿ ¡ ૮₍ 𖦹 ˕ ×` ₎ა ! ? / 🧛🏻‍♀️ , which haikyuu character do you think this is? also very bad prompt :). again,not a request.
This sounds a lot like Kunimi to me, but I'm also getting Kita, Ennoshita, and Jin (Soekawa) from this. Maybe Yamaguchi too.
For Kunimi, his primary caretaker is the sweet but helpless Kindaichi. Kindaichi really means well, but he's terrible at taking care of sick people, so he just makes everything worse for Kunimi in the end. The rest of Seijoh ends up helping eventually, but it's just Kindaichi for a while, and he does not handle that well. Kunimi basically takes care of himself while Kindaichi stands in a corner muttering apologies. After this incident, Kindaichi resolves to be a better caretaker and starts doing research and taking first aid classes later on.
Kita's primary caretaker is Aran. He's much more competent than Kindaichi and takes good care of Kita for as long as the captain needs it. There isn't much to say after the incident because Aran handles everything so well.
Ennoshita is stuck with the other benched 2nd years (Kinoshita and Narita). They're okay caregivers but nothing special. Ennoshita is the most nurturing of their trio, and with him out of commission, Kinoshita and Narita do their best to help their friend. Ennoshita still has to do some things for himself, but Kinoshita and Narita can at least know the basics of taking care of someone, so Ennoshita still has it better than Kunimi.
Jin gets two caretakers too because why not. His caretakers are Reon and Semi. Both are very experienced with taking care of others and are the unofficial team parents, so Jin has it very good. He recovers pretty quickly thanks to the excellent care he receives from Semi and Reon.
Yamaguchi's primary caretaker is obviously Tsukishima. Daichi and Suga try to help too, but Yamaguchi gets panicked by anyone who isn't Tsuki, so Tsuki has to deal with basically everything. Tsuki also ends up calling Akiteru for help because he's just so out of his depth caring for another person. Akiteru, on the other hand, took care of Tsuki for years and is a wonderful caregiver. Yamaguchi recovers well with the comforting presence of his best friend and the lovely caretaking of Akiteru.
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sunflowerhae · 4 years
-> you’re mesmerized ✉
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-> love! triangle (Jeno, Renjun, OC)
-> ♡ ☾ ✓
playlist• heather, conan gray/Something, The Beatles/ flowers in december, Mazzy Star/ A BOY IS A GUN*, Tyler the Creator/ love again, nct dream/ soft universe, AURORA/ butterflies, kacy musgraves•
──────── ❝ 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭 ❞
•December 3rd plays in your mind as u and Jeno stand by his locker on the first day back to school from winter break.
•although it was a month ago, u still remember it like it was yesterday
•u and Jeno had gone to the fair in your town
•the last one of the year. They called it the winter festival
•but ur friend group had a tradition of going together.
•everything was going fine, until you and Jeno had broken off from the group to look at the phat christmas tree.
•you had forgotten a sweater, and Jeno was more than willing to give u his, along w one of his famous eye smiles
•u swore up and down (In ur own head) that that was the day you knew you liked (loved) him
•Jeno couldn’t stop staring at you in it. And when u turned to him, all he said was
•”it looks even better on you than me.”
•and then he kissed u
•so this is love
•you thought something would happen when you went back to school that Monday.
•but nothing came. Just Jeno refusing to meet ur eyes
•or talk to u://
•Jaemin said it was because he was scared and that you just needed to be patient
•u accepted it, and waited for the day he kissed u once more
•by Christmas break, y’all were back to being best buds™️
•and you thought maybe when Y’all returned for school, he would have worked up enough nerve to seal the deal w you
•but on that first day back
•in front of his locker
•Jeno locked eyes on the new girl, heather, for the first time
•the way he looked was absolutely beautiful.
•he had wide, open eyes
•and he couldn’t stop staring at her as she walked by and Laughed at something her tour guide said to her.
•yeah, he looked absolutely mesmerized
•but it wasn’t directed at you
•and you knew you lost him
•by lunch, heather was in your group
•turns out Jeno had history with her. And he wasn’t as “scared” as Jaemin said he was at making moves
•all the boys loved her, and while you really wanted to hate her
•u couldn’t deny that she was an absolute angel
•she had an eye smile, like Jeno
•and dimples
•and long, beautiful eyelashes
•and a beautiful laugh
•and she could keep up w haechans jokes, and chenji so easily called her noona, something they never did w you
•Jaemin tried flirting w her, but Jeno looked so protective over her, that Jaemin turned to you and shrugged while wrapping his arm around u
•u wanted to throw up when heather politely asked u and Jaemin how long u had been together
•and Jaemin threw his arm off u, and made gagging noises while the rest of the table laughed
•heather got red, and mumbled an apology to you while bowing.
•You wanted to hate her, you wanted to yell at her. But then, ppl would know that you liked Jeno. Jeno would know. And that was too embarrassing
•so you smiled at her, laughed, and shook your head while holding up a hand
•”Jaemin and me? Please, I’d rather die a lonely virgin with 50 cats”
•Heather laughed, and scooted closer to you, and said “it’ll be so nice to have a girl friend!”
•yes, u wanted to throw up.
•but u just wrapped your arm around her, like Jaemin did to u
•and reassured her that you two were already getting married, while she laughed
•over the course of the next two weeks, she spent more and more time with ur group
•and in three weeks, it was no longer just you and jeno by his locker every morning, but you, Jeno, and heather
•you and her were talking about how terrible the lunch food was
•when Jeno came up, and wrapped his arm around her shoulder Before giving her a kiss on her forehead, to which she blushed furiously for
•your mind went back to four nights ago, when heather scream texted u (“JSNSISHEVRB”) that Jeno had drove over to her house with milkshakes, took her to a park, and asked her to be his gf
•u cried all night, four nights ago
•after he says hello to u, y’all three talk for a while before the bell rings.
•Jeno and heather start walking towards class, talking about some random thing, while u walk slower in the back, basic third wheel style
•you couldn’t stop staring at their interlocked hands.
•u felt bad. Because heather had easily become ur best girl friend
•but u loved her boyfriend
•and u lowkey wanted her to die
•u felt like this wasn’t fair.
•u had known Jeno far longer than she did
•why did she get him?
•your thoughts silently went on like this for three more months after this incident.
•May 1st.
•every 1st, your group developed a routine of going to this cafe, just down the street from haechans house
•you would all order milkshakes and fries and sometimes burgers or onion rings
•and you would all just have a good time
•you were feeling a lil down today
•heather had told u that her and Jeno kissed for the first time, and said they loved each other
•to make literally all matters worse, she was wearing the sweater Jeno had let u wear, all those months ago
•the pain in ur heart had numbed. It didn’t hurt so bad anymore everytime you saw them w interlocked hands, or w his arm around her, like now, where they sat across from you in the half circle booth.
•you couldn’t stop looking as ur usual waiter, Jane, came up.
•”hey y’all, I hope you don’t mind, but we have a new worker that needs training, and since y’all are so sweet, I figured he could practice on you? Is that okay?” Her sweet southern bell accent made it hard to say no, not that your group of friends would anyway.
•u actually knew Jane quite well. She was in ur grade, and sat next to you in art.
•u loved her honestly
•u also loved how the blush on Haechan’s face increased, and he couldn’t look up to meet the sweet red heads eyes, which were actively looking at the young boy
•ah, young love
•u made a mental note to talk Haechan up to her tomorrow in art (which you texted Haechan under the table, and he looked up at u in surprise with a smile on his face)
•when u looked away from Haechan, up to the new waiter standing in front of you with a shaky voice and nervous eye
•u felt like the air was sucked out of u
•oh my God that’s the most beautiful boy I’ve ever seen
•you knew u looked mesmerized
•wide eyes, open mouth
•u looked like jeno, three months ago
•jeno saw this
•he didn’t say anything, but he saw it
•tbh, jeno did like u on december 3rd
•and he was going to tell u he liked u on the first day back, after break
•but heather was,,
•the one thing he ever needed
•his soulmate, he thinks
•that didn’t mean he still didn’t care for u
•but when u so willingly befriended heather, he thought u were okay
•so he never questioned it
•but the way you looked at the waiter,,
•he thought you looked mesmerizing
•so he was going to help u, bc u deserved it
•when the waiter got around the table and finally turned to you to ask for ur drink, he locked eyes on u and
•my man dropped his pencil pad
•he got so red, and went to pick it up, but halted when you started giggling at him
•he sent a smile ur way, then went to reach to get the pad
•renjun had liked u since freshman year
•he hated biology, but ur beautiful smile and the way you threw your head back when you laughed made it waayyyy more bearable
•he had never talked to you, and barely saw you when sophomore year came around
•but that didn’t mean he didn’t think abt u
•u were literally always on his mind
•he was so excited for Advanced Art 3 this year
•he had heard there was a lot of portrait drawings
•and he had gotten marked down before for drawing you for assignments when he wasn’t supposed to (not by much doe because they were THAT good)
•so he was excited to freely be able to draw u
•but bruh when he walked in and u were
•ugh he was sad
•not that sad tho bc
•u were THERE
•he saw u a lot with the only other girl in ur friend group, so he felt too embarrassed to say hi
•but he promises his bsf, mark, that he would have if u were alone,,,
•all the damn time
•(mark don’t believe him doe, i agree)
•he had never looked directly into ur eyes
•which is why everytime he drew u, he felt like the eyes were wrong
•so wrong
•but he couldn’t place what it was
•but having u look into his eyes now
•my god he was so excited to go home and draw u
•but u,,,u were not excited
•bc wtf just happened
•u,,at the time,,didn’t know u had just met the loyl
•bc u had only ever really liked jeno before
•u decided to push that shit D O W N
•but jeno
•he was like “nah”
•he had said that he wanted to pay, and before anyone could argue (k like anyone would argue) he grabbed the bill and shuffled heather out of the seat so he could get out
•he grabbed her hand and walked towards the cash register, where jane was standing
•when u saw them holding hands it,,weirdly didn’t bother u
•all u could think abt was that beautiful waiters smile
•jeno and heather walked up to jane nd were like
•”jane, 🅱️ls get our waiter, we have to play cupid.”
•renjun: comes out from the kitchen
•jeno: “y/n, the girl sitting over there? yeah, this is her number”
•jeno: slides over the bill, w ur # written on it (he put it in the section that said “Tip_______” bc he thought he was funny. like, ur tip is a whole ass gf)
•renjun: blush
•jeno: “just tell her who u are bc she doesn’t know we’re doing this but we can tell y’all like each other uwu”
•renjun: huh *sweat*
•jeno: “mkay byeyeeeee”
•renjun indeed did text u that night
•and mark coached him through what to say
•so naturally, renjun looked like a fucking idiot
•but u thought it was cute uwu
•and u were sharpening ur ax to literally murder jeno uwu ❤️✨🌙😌
•when renjun asked u if u wanted to go on a date uwu
•and u were like “ummmm yeth”
•u agreed y’all would over the weekend
•but yet
•when u walked into art the next day and bumped into a rando
•and looked up
•and you and renjun locked eyes
•u had a feeling y’all would be hanging out sooner than the weekend
•the thought had u smiling wide while you said hello
──────── ❝ end ❞
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lnarizakis · 4 years
a two-player game (2 lives left!) | k. kenma
2 lives left! | a two-player game: kozume kenma x f! reader 
SHOCK: — — — — — 5/5
ADVICE-GIVING: — — — — 4/5
IN LOVE: — — — — — 5/5
SHOCK: — 1/5
OBLIVIOUSNESS: — — — — 4/5
ADVICE-GIVING: — — — 3/5
FRIENDLINESS: — — — — — 5/5
IN LOVE: — — — — — 5/5
(U/N): hello? u still there?
(U/N): hellooooo
(U/N): afk much? haha
(U/N): u didnt finish what u were sYing\
Kenma stared at his screen, wondering what he should say. His mind wandered, thinking about the fact that (Y/N) was somewhere out there, in the comforts of her own home, sitting and playing the same game he was playing. He thought about how she was probably sitting cross-legged, or slouched, or her back completely straight as she probably wore headphones over her ears, or earbuds tucked in the confines of her ears, or blasted the game soundtrack through the speakers of her computer. Kenma sighed, as he slouched back in his chair. A blush crept over his face. He was talking to his crush over a video game. It was practically like texting her. Kenma began to type once more.
applepi: yea im still here
applepi: so abt my crush
No, no, no! What was he doing? He couldn’t possibly tell his crush about his crush! Why? Why would he do that?! He immediately typed in a “never mind.” Despite some protests from the other person, the two pretended to forget that ever happened.
All throughout the weekend, Kenma sulked and sulked. There was no particular reason, but he just felt so uncomfortable knowing that he told his crush that he had a crush on someone. There was also the factor that (Y/N) didn’t seem quite interested in what he had to say about his predicament, unlike past times where he could talk about anything he wanted and she would gladly contribute all she had to offer to help the poor boy out.
And so the terrible weekend had ended. It was a nice break for Kenma, being away from everything and everyone; he immersed himself in the virtual world as he let go of all of his worries. But now he had to face reality once more - he had to face (Y/N), the terrible final boss. He had so many more enemies he had to defeat (his teammates, according to Kenma), but the powerful weapon of ignoring them always beat them in the end.
He wanted to stay in his bad mood for the entire school day. It was his plan, and it was a really good plan, but (Y/N) just had to ruin it.
Kenma sat at his desk in his classroom that morning they returned from the weekend. He stared at the nothingness that lay before him on his desk until he heard the sweet sound of (Y/N)’s voice when she came through the door to the classroom. He heard her laugh as she greeted those around her a good morning. He relished in the music as she walked towards her desk.
“Good morning, Kenma-kun!” (Y/N) chirped, as she sat down. Kenma jumped at the sudden words, and he felt warmth everywhere, especially in his cheeks. He smiled at the sound of her greeting, and said one back. God, no one could make him feel the way she makes him feel when he’s around her. He took a deep breath, knowing that his unrequited love consumed his whole heart. Ah, if he were only as smooth as Kuroo was and knew his way with words.
Kenma frowned; from a mile away, one could tell he was clearly in a bad mood. He hung his head down low, as he was reminded of (Y/N)’s date last weekend.
“Kenma-kun, are you okay? Is there something wrong?” (Y/N) asked, her voice laced with concern. Her eyes studied his face, discontentment written all over it. She wondered what she should do; if only she could consult applepi in this situation. The setter faced (Y/N) and he smiled.
“Ah, it’s nothing, (Y/N)-san, please don’t worry,” he murmured, hoping that she would get the feeling that he would like to be left alone.
And so for the rest of the time they sat next to each other during class, (Y/N) thought about everything that applepi had advised her to do with every problem that she had:
(U/N): help!!! i cant decide between buying a sword or a dagger from this shopkeeper
applepi: hm get a sword bc u will get more gold out of the enemy
(U/N): theres this one friend i have & i feel like she rlly hates me??/?
applepi: are you only focusing on the small details?
applepi: look at the big picture & notice her behavior around u,
applepi: is it different from when shes around other ppl?
(U/N): do u think its weird that talking to u feels like an escape from reality?
applepi: no i feel the same.
applepi: i think that talking to someone u barely know is a good way to let loose bc they dont know who u r
(U/N): how do you get rid of the feeling of missing someone?
applepi: i talk to them thru text as if they were sitting right next to me
applepi: like how im talking to u right now
(Y/N) looked down at her notes to see that she had written nothing compared to all the complicated words written on the blackboard. She had been staring at the blackboard daydreaming about how she had fallen in love with her internet best friend. (Y/N) thought it was silly, really; it was stupid how she had fallen in love over text on a screen. But those words, all of those words that some guy out there named “applepi” had accompanied her throughout her best and her worst times. She could stay up all night to see them up as well, fighting away enemies to clear the level. From in-game items to wise words of advice, (Y/N) owed so much to this person.
And Kenma had no idea that his crush liked him back.
(Y/N) was a very friendly person; everybody in the volleyball club could see that. It seemed to Kenma, of course, that (Y/N) was the friendliest with Kuroo Tetsuro, the captain. All throughout practice they would constantly make jokes with each other, teasing and pushing each other around. It hurt Kenma; it really did. But (Y/N) did not know that.
In fact, after that dreaded date over the weekend, (Y/N) and Kuroo promised to each other that they would not go out on a second date. They realized that they were better off as friends, for Kuroo could sense in (Y/N)’s eyes and her words that she had the ability to break Kenma out of his shell, even further than Hinata had done. She also told off Kuroo, telling him that she couldn’t date someone who had such weird bed-head hair, much to his disdain. He couldn’t get rid of it! And besides… she already had someone in her heart.
But the point of the matter is: Kenma was taking this completely the wrong way. He watched with jealous eyes as Kuroo and (Y/N) shared playful banter. Her beautiful laugh rang in Kenma’s ears for all the wrong reasons.
As they practiced serving, Kuroo used this as an opportunity to try out his jump serves. He was consistent, but the one time he hit it into the net, (Y/N), who was watching for stray balls, called out to him, teased him to no end. The other teammates laughed on, especially Haiba Lev, whose serves were just as bad. Kenma mentally cursed at Kuroo, for stealing away (Y/N). He could never possibly curse at him for real; everyone would be in shock at his sudden outburst and ask him what was wrong. (Y/N) would ask him what was wrong. And if that happened… he would freeze up and definitely lose another life.
When they began practicing receiving, Taketora called out to Yaku to try out Karasuno’s libero’s “Rolling Thunder,” or whatever it was called, to which Kuroo made a sarcastic remark that Yaku could never pull off something as flashy as that. (Y/N) laughed, despite not knowing what the “Rolling Thunder” move was. Once again, Kenma mentally told off Kuroo to stop saying funny things that (Y/N) could laugh at. His jokes were the ones that made (Y/N) laugh; he knows this because she laughed at all the jokes he made over their chat in their video game.
During their water break, Kuroo and (Y/N) played a little chasing game as she playfully refused to hand him his water bottle. She tossed his bottle to Taketora, who then threw it to Fukunaga, handing it over to Yaku. Kuroo chased the libero around, who passed it on to Inuoka. He gave a hearty laugh as he tossed it to Lev. Silly, clumsy Lev called out to Kenma as the tall boy threw it to Kenma, who with his slow reaction did not catch it in time. The lid of the bottle flew open, and water poured out everywhere. Everyone else watched in shock, but the initial shock passed by them as they all began laughing.
Kenma thought they were all laughing at him.
The same ordeals continued even after the water break, and after a millennia later, the practice ended. Kenma, along with everyone else, helped clean up after practice. They also cleaned up the little water spill, which (Y/N) thanked Kenma for helping clean up.
Kenma changed his clothes in the club room. He was the only one inside, as Kuroo and (Y/N) were outside waiting for him. He could hear their laughter through the doors. Then they suddenly went silent. Kenma groaned, knowing that they were probably making out or something, as he buttoned his uniform back up.
He opened the door, and to his surprise, Kuroo and (Y/N) were actually not exploring each others’ mouths with their tongues. Instead, he opened the door to see a smirking Kuroo and a very, very flustered (Y/N). She gasped slightly when she caught sight of Kenma and she turned her flustered face away from his prying eyes. Poor Kenma thought that he had accidentally caught them making out and they pulled away right as he opened the door.
And so he walked away, leaving them in the dust.
He thought he heard her call out, “Kenma-kun, wait!”
hello! thank you for reading! next part is the last part, so please comment if you want me to tag you on the last part! whatchu guys think so far? lemme know! i also take requests too........... B)
taglist (comment/ask to be added!): @i-bitch-you-bitch @cadememe @animefan7420 (wont let me tag u :( !!!!) @issalilmessy
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mxrcayong · 4 years
let it unfold - chapter eight
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chapter eight
“Hey, you’re finally back!” One of Katie’s TA friends exclaimed, running to give her a hug as she sat in the break room with a cup of coffee the day after she arrived. “How was Canada?” Everyone knew she left; they just didn’t know who she left with and the reason behind leaving.
Katie smiled sadly, stirring her cup of coffee. “It was amazing, Jun. I loved every bit of it.”
Seo-jun, or Jun, is one of her best friends in Korea. She was also a TA but she’s acting as a TA until she gets promoted as she has finished university a few years prior while Katie had extended her study-abroad years for this. “Okay, cut the shit-” She said bluntly, sitting on the seat next to her, “what’s up?”
Katie just shrugged, not knowing how to answer. She tells Irene basically everything – except the identity of her closest friends. Seo-jun is her confidant, who even offered to let Katie live with her if she didn’t have a place. She was the one who convinced her, besides the boys, to stay longer in Korea.
“Okay, so when you’re upset with a student, you look madder than you do now.” Katie’s head bolted up, almost shocked to how Irene is reading her like a book right now. “When you’re upset with the job, you just look frustrated. When you’re stressed about work, you bounce your legs.”
“Am I that predictable?” Katie interrupted her reading.
Jun gave her a look with disbelief, “Hun, going to Canada was the most unpredictable thing I ever heard that you do.” Before Katie could pipe up, Jun continued “And getting new orders in your typical places isn’t as unpredictable as you think.”
Katie chuckled, rolling her eyes. “Just get to the point.”
“I’ve never seen you just stare sadly. So this is a new problem.” Jun furrowed her brows, “Oh my Gosh, is this a boy? Did you meet a boy in Canada?”
The younger girl shrugged and admitted defeat. “Something like that.”
“Okay spill!” But the class bell rung and the two TA’s had classes to go to. “You better tell me after school.”
Katie had only 3 more classes of teaching until she has a free block, while Jun had about five. She looked at her phone, which she hides in the desk, to see notifications from Mark – who now has a different contact name. It was her idea during their trip; and her name on his phone was ‘the funky bunch’, much to his contempt.
markymark: angellll how do you do the drawing message again
markymark: nvm I found out
markymark sent a digital touch message
markymark: the boys keep asking abt the trip and they want to know if something happened
markymark: should I tell them
markymark: wait accept my game request first you still haven’t accepted it for the last month but now that you’re my girlfriend, you have to
markymark: oh speaking abt that, I wont be able to see you for a bit x have to catch up on work
markymark: I love you so much, angel.
She rolled her eyes, but her heart hurt. She doesn’t want to be a secret but dating him – she knew she had to be. There was a reason she always ignored any inkling of feeling she had for him prior to Canada; because she knew nothing could happen.
Well, she guesses not never.
But she always thought the feelings would always be minor or one-sided that she didn’t have to weigh the pros and cons of dating an idol. While contemplating and thinking, she accepted his stupid game request that made her smile.
thefunkybunch: my love, i have a lot of work coming up as well x lets just text for the next few days? I love you so much – never forget that.
With that, since her workday was done, Katie decided to go home and talk to Jun later. She left her a simple text saying; talk to you abt this tomorrow? Just want to sleep, still jetlagged haha – which isn’t a lie, but she knows with these thoughts in her head, she wouldn’t be able to have a restful sleep.
Katie has managed to avoid this conversation with Jun for the next week through the simple method of distraction; inviting her to a homecooked meal, talking about work, talking about her engagement – just any conversation other than Mark.
But today; she could hardly get out of bed. She knows Mark and her were supposed to text for the next few days but they organized their first proper date night for yesterday and he cancelled last minute. Texts have come from random useless texts throughout the day to a text once every seven or so hours. What did I do wrong?
To be fair, she isn’t trying either; but she never had to. It always flowed naturally. But his responses have been a single word or something difficult to respond to.
She hates calling in sick to work; especially after her month off, but now she just felt weak and tired, dejected. She can’t teach in this mood; her students are young and can be stressful – she can’t risk taking out her moods out on them.
Life as normal actually ended up being more abnormal than before. Not because her and Mark were more like a couple; in fact, their new relationship status could be identified as acquaintances by anyone who can see their texts.
katie: hey jun…do you think you can come over? I’m ready to talk about what happened in canada.
“So, you guys kissed and almost had sex?” Jun clarified, making tea in an apartment that’s practically her second home. “Okay, so mystery guy and you came back and just stopped talking?”
Katie sighed, sipping the green tea – which she loved, but she would always remember Mark hated. “I mean, we talked more couple-y for a few days, but like, now it’s like he’s just texting me ‘yes’ or ‘nos’ and goodnights or good mornings.” She sighed, her head slamming into her dining table. “It’s just like…maybe I was right then; maybe he was just bored and just asked me because I was there.”
“Hun, you said you were close to one of his best friends?”
“Well, he’s both our best friends and he actually introduced us.”
Jun shrugged, “Ask him what’s going on.”
“But I don’t know if he knows about the relationship and if Ma-he wants to know.” Katie noted, feeling trapped.
Jun’s heart leaped at the hint of the name. “Well, then, I know you said his work likes single men, but he shouldn’t hide you from his friends.” She sighed, “If Matthew,” Jun raised her eyebrows, trying to see if she guessed the name correctly but was greeted by a shaking head and rolling eyes, “loved you and said those things about you, he wouldn’t be hiding you from people he cares about.” Before Katie could interject and defend Mark, Jun jumped in again – “Also! The friend is a mutual friend right? Why does Mac” another head shake “take claim on him?”
Somehow, Katie found herself texting Johnny, asking to call.
And somehow, after that call, Katie had her mind set. She read the texts prior;
markymark: goodnight my angel
markymark: i pinky promise that I love you always
funkybunch: I pinky promise that I love you more always
She sighed as she typed up this message. She can stop at any moment, but this is whats best for him. He needs this. He can find better. He can be happier. Katie knows that if she doesn’t set him free, he’d be too kind to hide the burden she is on him.
thefunkybunch: I think we need to break up.
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youryuri-x · 3 years
₍ᐢ. ̞.ᐢ₎ ʕ•̫͡•ʔ ₍ᐢ._.ᐢ₎ ᐢ..ᐢ
Today has been up and down
Up and down up and down. It hasn't stopped. Not since morning...all i wanted was for you to have the best birthday.for you to be happy on your birthday. I wished and I manifested. And I'm so so happy to hear have had the the happy birthday you deserve.
Aw you looked so cute today...your birthday sash that was completely adorable on you and odlysuited you really well...i thought you looked so so good in it...every day I look at you.
Hehe you really did look like 'the king of the day' , or whatever it said on that sash...
I take a moment (it many) to take in your beauty. I'm always shocked at how much of an immense amount of beauty you posses...its like every day your beauty gets more and more ethereal...
You always just radiate this aura that attracts me so much...whether it's through your beauty or through anything you do...its just wow.
And today your aura was such a beautiful one. It was almost like you were glowing with the birthday fever of happiness and excitement, and as soon as you were in my presence I felt it too.
Seeing your 15 year old self for the first time was....wow.i
was feeling pretty on edge so when you came over to me as calm and as loving and cuddly as ever it made me so happy. That you stiw had time for me on your special day...it was such a huge comfort for me that you still cared about me even though it was your day...your perfect your perfect your perfect...
I said happy birthday to you and then you said it back hehe. It was rly cute and gave off the kinda clumsy almost shy vibes.... I've never seen that vibe comimg from you before...or maybe it was just me that noticed that.
But yes the highlight of my day personally was that moment.when you came over to me excited and in a lil clumsy shy tizz, and I told you happy birthday and you said it back to me. That was one of the most cute things I've ever seen you do irl...i wanna hear you do it again....
The rest of that lesson, which was English went by.
I got the plesure of being able to look at my birthday boy being happy out of the corner of my eye while trying to write something down about lady macbeth or whatever.but ngl I was definitely more focused on you.
English is that lesson of the day where I can look at your side profile for 50 minutes streight. And I love your side profile just watching you talk to someone or look at the bird or my personal favourite thing to watch is you running your hands through your hair, and from the side I get the best veiw.
I swear most of what I do in English is watch you like your something very very interesting on the TV lol.
But your side profile...its like a ethereal painting of an angel...so beautiful...and also kinds hot at the same time...
But yes you are compleatly mesmerising to watch...so interesting...i physically can't take my eyes off you.
I try and look somewhere else but my eyes wonder their gazr to look back at you. And I don't blame them. Your beautiful so beautiful. My eyes just can't miss such beauty.theh are drawn to your beauty like a moth to a flame...
Sorry if I sound creepy...i probably am..its just that my eyes can't stop looking at you...
You make English lessons such a treat to my eyes..and to my imagination. My current favourite fantasy is of me biting your neck like some sort of vampire lol >~<
I can't help thinking it. Ik it probably sounds weird but your neck just seems to be calling me to take a lil bite.... (sorry im weird asf)
But then the bell rang desrupting my vampire ass fantasies and snapping me back into the real world where I needed to get to physics, and biting your neck unfortunately wasn't my main concern...
I got to the class sat down and..wellt thought about you ngl. Just in a general way. Panicked that everyone else had got you better stuff for your birthday, and that I haddnt done enough, since I was the one with the honour of being your girlfriend.
And I mean your basically a god so it's a pretty big honor...
I between these thoughts I was doing the actual work that needed doing, and turning round to cheak the clock despite having a watch on.
Anything to see a glimpse of you, the light of my life in a dull 50 minute gray morbidity that is also known as Pysics.
The main event in physics was when you walked to the front of the class, allowing my eyes to take in your whole immage. I basically held by breath and just focused on you till I started subconsciously fiddling with my stapler again and gazing at you, basically drooling under my mask and then...
I stapled my mf finger. Your mf beautiful self made me staple my finger. It diddnt really hurt, until it started pissing out blood. I put a plaster on it and it was fine, but it shows how much of a klutz I am, and also how much of a sucker for you I also am...
Then it was breaktime. I gave you your present, and told you not to open it in front of me. Ngl it was a selfish asf thing to say...i was really self conscious...beacuse I knew everyone had got you great presents, especially after you told me that naci had made such an effort for you...
[Ngl I envy naci. She what I want to look like. Be like. I mean she has my old best friend and knows you I should stop lol. But just if your ever reading this, I've been envious of her ever since I've first saw her. Life isn't fair why can't I look like her?! I swear you'd be with her if I wasn't there...shes just wow. I wanna me her yknow lol? 🥺😩😩]
But yes I was really self conscious, and feeling in my full on jelous moody people hate mood, especially for the people who you were friends with...
It was probably down to the 3 hours of sleep I'd been getting for the last week each night, and the fact I'd been on the edge. But I feel really bad for saying that... I should have just lrt you open them...
Ngl I wish I'd have been able to see you put on a smile when you opened it. Put on the bracelet I made for you...too late now, but ig this will be a lesson to future me...
I swear allot of the time I use these blogs for getting better. Like being better to you cuz I read through my mistakes and I try to be better. That's why I'm making a note of these things lol.
Then I went with Angel beacuse I knew if I stuck around I could be a harard, being a jelous sleep deprived slightly Yandere aspie girl, I just decided to remove myself, cuz I was feeling like a big angry self concous raincloud and wanted to stay out of your way to give you the best day possible lol.
So then it was biology a lesson of looking at your extreamly attractive back profile....
And half listening to miss heart go on about the heart, ofc. All i knew was my heart circulates my blood around my body for you. Cuz your the one who makes it beat. And you make it beat fast.
I was watching you..ehehe I sound creepy. I pretty much am ngl. Sorry...i don't wanna make you uncomfy but I csnt help it.
I usually see you and fin pissing about during bio, but this time you squeezed his thigh. It made me pretty angry. That you would do this in my full view. It made me god damn angry, ngl. I mf wanted to lean over the best and squeeze your thigh, just so you'd know I'd seen. But ofc I diddnt do that. I'm too introverted. Doesn't stop me from getting angry and kinda hurt about it.
I mean im usually pretty sensitive about stuff like that. When your too close to someone when you know I'm around, watching or could see it. I try and egnore it with you and Sam. I don't like being angry and sensitive, especially not to you.
But sometimes it feels like I need to set some boundaries. Cuz you clearly dont see that there are boundaries of getting a lil too close to someone in the full view of your jelous asf possessive gf!!
Despite her not saying a word about it ever to you, trying to hint it to you, hoping you'd look back on these times and realise how they make me feel you haven't stopped. Ngl it doesn't bother me in the long term at all. I've got used to it. I got used to it with Sam pretty quick. But I always feel a lil uneasy when your too close for comfort or too flirty with someone else where I can see it even if it is just for a joke.
It makes me more uncomfortable becuase then it's like wtf are you like behind my back? If you think it's ok to do that in front of me? Everytime I think about I start crying ngl tears and all. I like to think I'm special to you and get special treatment I have no idea tho.
Your a charming guy with little boundaries. I don't expect much loyalty...i don't need loyalty I just your affection and love . Sorry for mentioning this if you ever see this pls think over what I've said.
That type of stuff really hurts me. When you do it in front of my eyes the thought thya your doing worse behind my back, even if it isn't serious, even if it's just for a joke.
I'm a sensitive little shit in reality, and I actually cried over your Instagram post becuase my insecure selfish ass was getting uncomfortable abt the video of you and naci >~<
Idk it just diddnt sit right with me that you put it on your ig where I could see. Idk if your seeing what I mean. Put yourself in my shoes about it...
But yes sorry.
Bio ended at it was lunch. I tried sitting with the group and it drained me I needed dto be be somewhere else where I could sink into the world of my mind, and the way I do that is through tumblr. Making sense and note of the things in my head.
I sat by jake. We diddnt really talk there was no need neither us us wanted a conversation I just felt comfortable cuz I knew I wasn't comoleatly alone. Jake was there so I spent lunch manifesting you a happy birthday. Obsessing over you and getting jelous. Being pulled into short depressive random states
Thinking about you. Listening to a capella ariana grande until I felt selfish enough to crawl back into people territory, to get some attention. I wasn't quite on jakes level yet I still needed some degree of people. I pushed down all my negative emotions and watched you lie on the grass for a few minutes, before you went, left me and I cried, becuase my self worth had randomly dropped, and I was thinking about the whole thing I explained earlier. I put on a smile and no one noticed. It made me feel numb. But then I saw how much fun you were having and was happy for the rest of the day, had an emotional high during French cuz I knew you were happy and that's all that mattered.
It was end of the day and time to get on the bus. One of the busses had crashed into my grandads car, the embarrasment of the family (according to my mum) and everyone was talking abt it lol.
I talked to a year 9 who knew kally and ened up giving me a hot spot so I could text you. I heard you liked what I'd got you so I ended on a possitive note.
I did two hours studding with my mum and did an orp with you. I was a lil off then tho I'm so sorry. I'm selfish. So selfish. But I gotta tell you how I feel. I can't hold it in anymore. What I've explained here is the only thing I'll shit talk you for
But yes. I' You've had the birthday you deserve. The birthday you really deserve and it makes m e feel so happy that you've got that. You've finally seen how much you matter to people. How many friends you have. How many people like and love you and I'm so glad you've seen that. Seen the amazing person you are x
. Sorry for being a whiny bitch. In a way I almost hope you see this...
But yes for one last time happy birthday my love x
0 notes
seablu · 7 years
Do 1-50 ho
1: what is your name and does it mean anything?my name is olivia, it just means olive
2: how long have you known your best friend?15 years! wow omg
3: what position do you normally sleep in?on my side cuddling a pillow usually
4: were you a part of any “clique” in high school?only at one school, i was totally in the super angsty kids club that sat against the wall (aka “the emo wall” or “the wall of shame”) at lunch and played guitars.
5: who was your favorite teacher in high school and why?ms. komori! i didn’t have the option to take japanese at my first 3 high schools, so when i got to my 4th one my senior year, i was in a freshman class she was teaching. they were awful to her but she still tried her absolute best to teach them and make sure they knew she cared about them as individuals. she talked a lot about the importance of mental health and self care & always made sure her class was a safe space for everyone, always had food in case anyone hadn’t eaten, made sure to ask if she wasn’t sure if somebody was okay.. basically she was just a literal angel always. that was so long wow,,, yeah i love her
6: do you wish to travel a lot?yes, 100%
7: did you participate in any sports while in school?not really, but marching band did kinda feel like a sport sometimes lol
8: show a sample of your handwriting:i would, but i am on a plane and i have no pen
9: have you ever given blood?no! i always wanted to, but they always told me i didn’t weigh enough
10: do you like the way that you grew up?not really but i’m still lucky
11: do you like your siblings? why or why not?my brother doesn’t really have a personality yet so idk
12: how did you meet your best friend and why did you become friends?our dads were both pilots for eagle at the time & we were three, and they decided to get us together so they took us to chuck e cheese. honestly i have no idea how we became best friends cause she stole my tokens and i’m pretty sure I punched her?? but i haven’t seen her since the deep end of my scene phase in 9th grade and she’s finally coming to see me IN 4 DAYS
13: name one movie that made you cry.gran torino ooh shite
14: do you prefer to read poetry, write poetry, or neither?both
15: things about someone that you find attractive?literally everything abt the person that sent me this ask
16: what song are you currently listening to?general tso what by jank
17: Have you ever broken a bone? If so, how?my nose, once by flip-turning directly into the wall during my big freestyle relay at state (i still won) and once again at a concert. i was watching emmure from barricade and some fucker behind me literally threw a crowdsurfer, and he landed right on me, so my face went directly into the metal barricade & re-broke my nose. i then went straight to the pit and got punched to top it all off! (i had 2 black eyes at school for like a week and a half & all my teachers thought someone was beating me)
18: a random memory from you childhood:i forced my parents to let me dress up as bob the builder for halloween when i was four
19: where did you grow up?ft. worth texas & ardmore oklahoma
20: what was the last thing you watched on tv?the office
21: do you think you’d make a good parent?yes but i have to get all the crazy out of my system first
22: would you like to meet any of your tumblr friends in person?no bc i don’t have any
22: what was the last dream you remember having?i went back to one of my old high schools to watch a football game and there were only 3 people in the marching band
23: when is your birthday?july 23rd, exactly one week from today!
24: how many pillows do you sleep with?two or three
25: do you wear glasses? If so, how long have you been wearing glasses?i was prescribed some last year but i lost them a few months ago, i only really needed them cause they were supposed to help with my migraines but they didn’t anyway
26: what color is your hair?dark brown
27: name 5 facts about your appearance:i’m short & tiny, i have really pale skin, my hands are oddly big, i have a few freckles in summer & i have 0 hips
28: what is your favorite soda?this peach soda i tried overseas oh my goodness gracious
29: what is a strange talent that you have?idk i can play the french horn
30: how’s the weather right now?looks real dry over new mexico rn
31: why did one of your friendships end?because he made me very uncomfortable & did a lot of really creepy, inappropriate things i won’t go into on the internet
32: who do you miss right now? the person that sent this ask
33: why did your last relationship end?bc i found out he didn’t love me at all and was just using me.
34: are you still figuring out who you are?absolutely
35: have you ever been admitted to a hospital? why?quite a few times, yeah. a variety of reasons but the most recent time was because i had a super violent bug and needed to be put on an IV
36: what is your favorite restaurant?i don’t think i have one
37: what is word that you always seem to spell wrong?annihilate
38: would ever adopt kids?absolutely
39: what is your favorite kind of pizza?classic pepperoni
40: what was your first thought when you woke up this morning?i was in a hotel room with my family and my half asleep mind thought my mom’s snoring was a weedeater
41: when was the last time you got really really happy and why?earlier this month when i stayed a few days with @manilla-folder cause i’ve missed him for so long and he’s my favorite person in the world
42: what’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?someone dared me to eat a fish eye in japan and i did it.
43: how do you start a conversation?.. i usually do not
44: what’s a band you’ve been obsessed with lately?the japanese house
45: do you come from a family “of money?”not really, nope
46: do you have a bucket list?yes
47: what is your favorite series of books?i don’t have one, all my favorites are novels
48: when was the last time you laughed so hard your stomach hurt?one of the days when i was laying around with @manilla-folder , i don't even remember what he said but oh my god he was so funny and i couldn’t breathe
49: where do you go when you’re sad?to my bed or on long drives
50: 5 random facts about yourself:i love outer space, i can’t do a backflip, my cat is missing one of his front teeth, i want to live in japan one day, and my favorite color is light pink.
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mellifxuous · 7 years
OKAY FIRST DAY OVER BUT ILL PROBABLY MAKE ANOTHER POST AT THE END OF THE WEEEEK. SO im gonna switch out of my act prep class bc i really want that ap study lab and i know thers one during that period so it should b an easy switch AND I got the math teacher that sucks and everyones tellin me to switch out but i have a lotta chingus in that class so i think ill stay for this semester and if it gets rlly bad ill switch out for second semes. I GOT JULIAN FUCKIN LEEEE IN MY APUSH CLASS LMAO ITS GONNA BE A GOOD YEAR😩😩 aND me jessica and alex have all our ap classes together so I HAVE AN AP STUDY GrOuP. ALSO JUSTIN STAMARIA IS IN MY AP ENG CLASS AMD WE SAT NEXT TO EACH OTHER AND WE TALKED A LOT AND I THINK WE GOOD FRIENDS NOW YALL THIS YEAR IS RLLY LOOKIN UP. And i passed justin olsen in the hall and we looked at each other and he gave me that head👏🏼👏🏼 nod👏🏼👏🏼 thanks justin ma boi😩 OHHDUDHSHS AND ME AND MY UTAH SQUAD ARE ALL TAKING APUSH SO WE CAN HAVE THOSE SKYPE STUDY DATES IM SO EXCITED I MISS THEM AND ITLL HELP US A LOT BC WE ALL HAVE DIFF TEACHERS SO THEYLL TEACH US DIFFERENTLY AND WE CAN SHARE WHAT WE LEARNEDED I BET WE ALL GET 4S ON THE AP TESTYST. OH and im switching out of my painting class for ap design and marcelas doin it with me so i alredy have a friend in that class amd its the same period so its also an easy switch yeeyeyeyeye. I got lunch w jade for B days and im so excited also erica is finally here and i showed her to her classes this morn and im rlly excited shes gonna have such a fun highschool time. I got like 3 classes w ariana and i think we culd be better friends this year bc we wont be hanging out that much after school its just gonna stay in school except for tevakanui days. Psych is gonna be such a fun class the teacher is so chill and thers gonna be a lotta jokes told in there i can tell. I got physics w kristen and biz and seth but seth is switchin out to ap (lame) and the teacher said there would be a lot of group stuff so im excited to work w kristen and her friend anika. HOW DID I NOT KNOW ANIKA SHES FRIENDS W A LOTTA MY FRIENDS AND SHES REALLY PRETTY AND NICE WTF. And after school i wend to mcdo w erica and jade and it was rlly chill and fun im glad we did it. N while we were waiting for my mom to pick us up erica introduced her new friend to us and he started a streak w me so i think we friends now plus we had a mini convo on sc about how dumb remmington is SO i think i made 2 friends today wooooottt. U know i think this may be the best year of highschool i got some cute dudes in my classes FOR ONCE OHMYGOD I NEVER GET THE CUTE DUDES BUT ANYWAY if god was rlly listenin mayb he’ll send one my way on his free time #LIVINONAPRAYER AND YOU KNOW WHAT. ITHINK. I THINK IM FINALLY 100% OVER JON. I POSTED ON MY STORY TODAY WITHOUT SECOND GUESSING IF I SHULD POST IT BC JON WOULD SEE ANDDDD I LOOKED AT HIS STORY AND JUST WENT ‘stfu jon’ BC I HATE HIM AND I CAN FIND SOMEONE BETTRRR. Egeheh but watch december roll around and idk we’ll see im thinkin about just ignoring him if he tries to contact me. BUT FR i think this year is actually going to be the best one but i dont wanna jinx it so FINGERS CROSSED. idkk why but whenever i think about junior year being the best i think abt allisons post where she was like '12/13 and the best one yet’ and she was like holdin jons hand or smthn but u couldnt see idk it just reminds me of that BuT i dont wanna be allison 2.0 bc im pretty sure thats what i am to jon we’re jus wayy to similar so im lowkey prayin junior year wont be the best bc i dont wanna be like allison but i also want junior year to be the very best bc i can feel its gonna be lit. Idk fcuk allison im gonna make junior year the best. AND PLEASE JESUSY SEND ME A SIGN WEN UR REDY TO SEND A BOIJ MY WAyyyYyyy
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yuorgorblin · 8 years
answer all
1: is there a boy/girl in your life? yessir ;)2: think of the last person who hurt you; do you forgive them? i do3: what do you think of when you hear the word “meow?” my kitties4: what’s something you really want right now? my boyfriend5: are you afraid of falling in love? not anymore6: do you like the beach? usually7: have you ever slept on a couch with someone else? not that i can remember8: what’s the background on your cell? a picture of me & my boyfriend hnnn9: name the last four beds you were sat on? mine, my parents’, my little brother’s, and my older brother’s10: do you like your phone? can’t complain11: honestly, are things going the way you planned? not at all but i love it12: who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts? a girl in my english class13: would you rather have a poodle or a rottweiler? rottweiler14: which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain? emotional15: would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum? art museum ahhhh16: are you tired? right now no i’ve had like 5 cups of coffee today17: how long have you known your 1st phone contact? since last year18: are they a relative? nope19: would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes? not at all20: when did you last talk to the last person you shared a kiss with? in person, monday. over text, like 30 seconds ago lmao21: if you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today? not today no22: would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Y E S23: how many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now? none24: is there a certain quote you live by? not really25: what’s on your mind? him hnnnnnn26: do you have any tattoos? i have a stick & poke bee on my left wrist that my bf named denzel so that’s fun27: what is your favorite color? lavender28: next time you will kiss someone on the lips? hopefully this sunday29: who are you texting? my bf hnnnnnnn30: think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a couch? no :c31: have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right? yes32: do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to? yes33: do you think anyone has feelings for you? oh boy i hope so if not this would be rly awkward34: has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes? yes c:35: say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you? i would cry??????36: were you single on valentines day? last valentines day yes37: are you friends with the last person you kissed? yes c:38: what do your friends call you? becca39: has anyone upset you in the last week? yes40: have you ever cried over a text? yes41: where’s your last bruise located? does a hickey count ;) if it does then my collar bone42: what is it from? whaT DO YOU THIN K43: last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad? anytime i’m not w/ my boyfriend ?????44: who was the last person you were on the phone with? my friend45: do you have a favourite pair of shoes? ye46: do you wear hats if your having a bad hair day? nope47: would you ever go bald if it was the style? nah48: do you make supper for your family? i do occasionally49: does your bedroom have a door? yes50: top 3 web-pages? netflix tumblr and probably google drive rip51: do you know anyone who hates shopping? not really?52: does anything on your body hurt? my stomach kinda does :/53: are goodbyes hard for you? sometimes54: what was the last beverage you spilled on yourself? water55: how is your hair? a mess, as always56: what do you usually do first in the morning? shower57: do you think two people can last forever? yes58: think back to january 2007, were you single? yea i was like 1059: green or purple grapes? purple 60: when’s the next time you will give someone a big hug? next time i see either my best friend or my bf61: do you wish you were somewhere else right now? always62: when will be the next time you text someone? when he replies so like. in a minute?63: where will you be 5 hours from now? at home 64: what were you doing at 8 this morning. learning about the fascinating subject of economics 65: this time last year, can you remember who you liked? not rly 66: is there one person in your life that can always make you smile? y e s67: did you kiss or hug anyone today? i hugged my best friend c:68: what was your last thought before you went to bed last night? the last one i can remember was a memory of hanging out with my bf monday evening69: have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? haven’t we all?70: how many windows are open on your computer? just one71: how many fingers do you have? ........ten? wtf72: what is your ringtone? idk my phone is always on vibrate73: how old will you be in 5 months? still 1774: where is your mum right now? down in the kitchen75: why aren’t you with the person you were first in love with or almost in love? she’s dead76: have you held hands with somebody in the past three days? yes c:77: are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago? not really78: do you remember who you had a crush on in year 7? no 79: is there anyone you know with the name mike? yea some dude that works for my dad80: have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms? no rip :c81: how many people have you liked in the past three months? two kind of :/82: has anyone seen you in your underwear in the last 3 days? no rip83: will you talk to the person you like tonight? of course84: you’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with? no one i wouldn’t do that? although if it was drunk and crying over dogs it would be my bf for sure85: if your bf/gf was into drugs would you care? yea :c86: what was the most eventful thing that happened last time you went to see a movie? it was the first time i hung out with my now bf87: who was your last received call from? my friend88: if someone gave you $1,000 to burn a butterfly over a candle, would you? yea man it’s $1000 89: what is something you wish you had more of? time with my boyfriend hnnnn90: have you ever trusted someone too much? yes91: do you sleep with your window open? no it’s c o l d92: do you get along with girls? usually93: are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth? i don’t think so?94: does sex mean love? not always95: you’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem? HELL NO96: have you ever kissed anyone with a lip ring? no 97: did you sleep alone this week? my kittens slept with me98: everybody has somebody that makes them happy, do you? yes c:99: do you believe in love at first sight? no100: who was the last person that you pinky promise? kind of my boyfriend
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