#sato's students
femd-archive · 2 months
Ken Sato into breastsucking? I can see him sucking breast when we're napping and he lays beside us whispering if it's okay to breastsuck us (it's okay if u don't wanna do it btw 🙃)
kenji already loves cuddling with u so much, nuzzling his face on your neck or your chest as he hugs your waist and his legs are thrown over yours, double points if u run your fingers through his hair
though one day, as u were cuddling watching a movie, he keeps on playing with the collar of your shirt, taking a peak of your tits once in a while. and of course u notice, but u decided to play dumb so he would ask for it
"baby?" he finally calls u and, suppresing a smile, u look down at him.
"could i..." he hesitates, a faint blush spreading on his cheeks. a few seconds pass in silence before kenji looks up at u again, those puppy eyes staring into your soul. "could i suck your tits?" he whispers, his fingers caressing the fat of your hips.
u chuckle as your hand reaches his hair, running your fingers along it. "you're so cute" u leave a kiss on his forehead before agreeing. "yeah baby, of course"
kenji watches as u lift your shirt up, revealing your breasts covered with your bra. his hands are fast to push the cups down, leaving a kiss on top of the areola before taking your nipple in his mouth, making u sigh at the feeling of his warm tongue around u.
his body relaxes in your arms once again, and u see how he closes his eyes as he wraps his arm around your waist and snuggles closer as he keeps on sucking. 100% sure he's gonna help u with the wet mess between your legs later ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
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gladosluver · 20 days
textposts as ooc trio convos
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"WHAT IS THE CONTEXT OF X" to be fair these dont even make sense with the context either LMFOAO. also why is it eating my links
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deadheaddaisy · 18 days
Lookie lookie, it's Encouraging Malcolm training Hoshi on phase pistols and reassuring her all the way.
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queer-devil · 1 year
There were at least 2,401 deaths on Hopes Peak’s campus. The 8 students who died in the THH killing game, Junko, Mukuro, Jin, the 14 student council members, Chiaki, Natsumi, Sato, the four Steering Council members, Yasuke, a PE teacher apparently, Yuto, Madarai brothers, Ultimate Botanist, Ultimate Secretary, and the 2,356 reserve course students.
Edit: Was watching a dgr 2 play through and realized that there were 2,357 reserve course students in total, which also includes Hajime who lived so it’s 2,356 now
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Let’s get his ass!!
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Yeah, we can't just go in. We'll scare him off.
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Fortunately, I know just what to ask him.
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Alright, then we can come up from behind and nab him. You guys ready?
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Let's do this!
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*Matsuda glances around, then moves quietly*
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E-Excuse me...? Doctor...?
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I have a really important question about-
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I'm not a doctor, lady. Talk to someone inside.
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Please? It's a really important question, about my son's mental health...there's something really wrong and nobody returns my calls.
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*Sigh* What is it?
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Well...he got involved with some really shady people, and they gave him something that really damaged his mind...
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What, drugs?
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Some bullshit theory about the multiverse, actually.
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Bullshit enough that it killed him in one timeline...but you wouldn't know anything about that, would you?
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...Who the hell a-
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*Matsuda pitches forward and collapses into the grass*
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Hell yeah! That got him!
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You hit him with a cane!
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Sure did. Now c'mon, let's get him to the car.
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There's plenty of room in the trunk.
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problamticsideanna · 3 months
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mha-ship-of-the-day · 3 months
The Ship of the Day is:
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Izuku Midoriya x Rikido Sato
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spockvarietyhour · 2 years
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of course Hoshi-goodie-two-shoes-Sato was never called to the principal's office. And Archer immediately dials it back, (and it turns out it was for passing a note in class).
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thenewfuture · 1 year
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The most Mikan entrance ever.
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Wa-Wait hold on, don't assume Kyoji did anything! He was trying to help her up!
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Wait... he was...
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Yes I was, before you walk in - she tripped and fell like this...
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Which I'm rather curious how she did it though?
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*walks over and checks the bandage knot* ...
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I think she tie it around herself actually.
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Whoa wait, are you serious? So your saying that she did that to get attention?
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*looks at the knot* Oh... actually now looking at it, yeah it does seem she tied it around her leg on purpose.
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Wa-Wait so... so are you saying that she trip over herself on purpose?!
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N-No tha-that isn't true at all...!
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I-I ju-just... It just ha-happen, okay?! I-I didn't knoooow!
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Aww, so it was on purpose... that's super boring then, boo...
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Yeah and uh, sorry for accusing of sexual assault there... my bad...
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It's fine, I'm rather use to bad luck anyway but even then; Mikan - I would recommend that if you plan to work on the infirmary can you not trip over yourself like that?
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I-Indeed, I know your ne-new here but you need to not do that.
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Or when we are asleep? I know you want attention but there are ways to get it ya know...
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You seem like your a masocist, huh? Anyway let's untie you and then clean up...
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a-tale-never-told · 10 months
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I honestly wouldn't blame her for getting pissed. What Nagito said earlier was uncalled for, dude. But at least it would be nowhere near as bad compared to the absolute roasting he would get if that was Chiaki's mom he was talking to.
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Pardon me, but why are we bringing Chaiki's mother into this?
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Have you ever heard of a person who goes by the name of Harumi Nanami?
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No, I have not? Is she highly famous or something? Because I know that Chiaki comes from a rich family, but I never understood how she reached that level of success at all. Care to elaborate on that fact?
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Well, let's just say that in 1980, an infamous murder happened at the Takamatsu Junior High School in Toyko. It began like any other normal school day, but the homeroom teacher for Class 2-B, Mizuki Yumiko didn't show up for class that day.
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S-So what happened to her? Did they ever find where she was?
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Eventually, they did, just... not in the way everyone was expecting. She was found dismembered, with her body parts placed into separate trash bags near the school incinerator, most likely to dispose of the evidence as quickly as possible.
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Oh my goodness...
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The police were stumped on how to conduct the investigation, even when one of the bags was opened and discovered by two students. One of the students managed to piece together who exactly committed the murder and led the police to the killer, a disgruntled former student of Mizuki.
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That quick?! I would've expected an investigation to take months to piece together, yet she solved that in just a few seconds!. How is that even conceivably possible?!
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Trust me, I have no idea how she did it, but within a day after solving the murder case, Harumi became the police's best forensics investigator, despite being a woman. In fact, she's probably the main reason why the police force hasn't utterly collapsed on itself due to the political and societal backlash it's been getting since the '60s.
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My underlying theory is that they're keeping her within the confines of law enforcement simply because of her unique and incredibly talented abilities as a forensics expert. After all, not many people can hold the claim of having solved and deduced 450 cases before in the span of four to five years.
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F-Four hundred and fifty?! B-But that's unrealistically impossible!!
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Nope, it's entirely realistic and believable for someone like her to accomplish that. She even formed a crew of some of the most well-renowned, highly skilled, and accomplished members in the law enforcement world, consisting of the police commissioner's son, his best friend, a lawyer, and the heir to the Kirigiri Clan, under her leadership.
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She's so well respected in fact that she even received two medals from not only the Prime Minister but also the Purple Heart from United States President Ronald Reagan himself, alongside Class 49, due to her contributions to fighting for the free world and her severe crackdown on narcotics and drug trafficking, despite her being from the Reserve Course.
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You're joking, right? This can't be real. It can't! There's absolutely no possibility that one person managed to accomplish the record of 450 CASES in the span of a decade, but also got awarded two highly prestigious medals by the Prime Minister and by Ronald Regan of all people! And being from the Reserve Course no less!! I'm... speechless right now.
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I mean, that's why they call her names like "The Terror Of Toyko" for a reason, I guess? But she's really an incredible person and kindhearted as well from what Chiaki described of her.
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Now, I bring this all up due to this simple fact: With a reputation as infamous and highly feared among multiple crime syndicates and criminals the world over as Harumi, whilst still being a member of the Reserve Course, you would think somebody would learn how to give respect to talentless people coming from the Reserve Course, but Nagito unfortunately doesn't understand that.
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So what you're basically saying is that Harumi is most likely going to absolutely murder Komaeda the moment he utters even a single sentence about his beliefs on talent and the Reserve Course to her, correct?
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Yep! I don't think she'll resort to murder, as that isn't what it appears like from a distance as well as considering her position in law enforcement, but considering Komaeda's statements earlier, she's going to be less than pleased if she meets him in person. Picking a fight with someone as insecure as Hajime is already low for your reputation, but picking a brawl with someone who has incredibly close ties to the legendary Class 49?
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Yeah, Nagito's basically screwed himself over at this point. There's no doubt about it, it's just a matter of time before he'll eventually get his comeuppance.
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femd-archive · 2 months
Mother feed us more ken sato fic
hello ~ i uploaded a kenji fic a few hours ago! → ♡♡♡
but since we're in the topic of mother, may i say...kenji with a mommy kink?
like, imagine you just had made him cum from a handjob. his mind is all fuzzy, head throwed on the pillows and his thighs are shaking as some ropes of cum are still sprouting from his tip
you smile at the sight of him. the daily arrogant kenji is longer gone as he has marks of tears on his cheeks and lets out small whines as your hands keep roaming along his sensitive body.
finally letting his sensitive dick alone, you scoot closer to him, leaving a kiss on his forehead and then his lips. "did that felt good, love?" you ask, caressing his chest comfortingly.
he lets out a shaky breath, sending a shaky smile at your way. "yeah...thank you mommy" it slipped so naturally out of his lips.
you got shocked for a second, before smiling at the cute new nickname. kenji notices your smirk, and he soon realize.
"n-no, no no! i meant—"
"it's okay baby, mommy will take care of you" you tease him, pecking his lips before cuddling him in your arms.
kenji rolls his eyes playfully, with a small smile on his lips, and resigns himself, snuggling closer to you. it may have been an accident, but he had to admit that he felt good calling you that, and your reaction had calmed his anxiety when he fell into panic.
to be honest, he was excited to explore this new side of him with you! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
(when he falls into a deep subspace, the only thing that comes out of his lips is mommy >ᴗ<)
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[taglist] @vinegarjello
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gladosluver · 13 days
gonna post the rest later cuz i forgot i had a stockpile of these and they wouldnt fit into one post. im gonna take a nap first tho. anyways i 💜 dr3
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i'll only stop with the kotomi-asukasei gay beef if PEOPLE STOP FUELING IT LMAO every single one of these screenshots has been from a convo i've been in 😔😔 im always at the scene of the crime. and nobody say "of course"
sato sprites + natsumi sprites + everyone else
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wool-string · 2 years
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Bullying still happens in Ajin school
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khonaker · 1 year
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So, not only does the new event in My Hero Ultimate Impact showcase these two showcasing great teamwork and then holding their own against Bakugou and Kirishima, the game went a step further and gave us some crumbs!
Thank you, Ultimate Impact. 🥹
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We’re all only human.
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Yes, exactly.
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You feeling a little better, sweetheart?
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Yeah, I am. Thank you.
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Kotoko-chan, has Hajime been taking care of you too?
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Well, I've been staying with Mom and we have everything we really need at the school, but Papa does help sometimes.
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The three of us had a really nice Valentine's Day!
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Hold up. I've got a question. When you say "Papa," you mean Hajime, right?
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But, I thought Hibiki-chan was Hajime's girlfriend.
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Oh yeah, she is! I have five moms and two dads!
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...Yeah, this is what was hard to explain. Hajime has several partners.
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My God, my grandson's a whore.
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Agh! *sniff* Ah no, I snotted all over myself!
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*Snickering while she gives Kotoko a tissue*
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It's unusual, yes, but we make it work.
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