#satu watches house
mehumiljonaari · 1 year
the way house is making heart eyes at wilson because he realised he's being manipulated...
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pearljen-blog · 1 year
Renovations with Joel Miller - 05
Chapter  05 - Camping with Joel Miller
You go on a hike and camping trip with Joel as your official first date. 
This chapter is mainly smut, so please only read on if you are comfortable with it.
When I write this, I have the video game version of Joel in my mind, but can be changed to the HBO version if preferred. Taking place pre outbreak in Austin Texas.
Pairing: Joel Miller x afab reader
Warnings: This is my first published story, which in itself should be a warning / Reader is afab and has medium - long hair/ swearing / Smut! This is 18 + only
Warnings: This is 18+ content. Please do not interact with this content if you are under the age or do not generally like smutty content. Adult themes and language used below the cut.
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‘Beautiful hike.’ You pick up the conversation again. 
He looks at you and you can feel his eyes wandering up and down your whole body. ‘Yeah, beautiful indeed.’ 
With that you feel your body moving, slowly starting to close the distance between you and him and finally kneel next to him. Your hands linger over his chest until you are half draped over him. Your gaze meet, but not a word is spoken between you. Joel takes a strand of your hair and tucks it behind your ear. You smile softly and he pulls you down into a gentle kiss. 
Brian and Matt are finally gone.
You paid your dues; you brought them to the airport on time and you said goodbye. Neither one of you were willing to discuss the argument with Joel, and they didn’t know that Joel was still working for you. You would fill them in eventually. 
At the end of the day, your mind what set on Brian not being allowed to ruin this for you.
Joel and Tommy show up again on Tuesday morning, just like Joel promised. They were already around when you came back from the airport. 
You meet them upstairs, unsure what the mood would be like. When you approach closer you see Tommy first on the stairwell. 
‘Hey.’ You say unsure. 
‘Hey Y/N.’ Tommy smiles at you, kind of like he was expecting something. 
You are unsure whether he’s just being friendly or trying to indicate something. 
‘All good?’ You simply offer. 
More smiling. 
‘What’s up Tommy? What did you hear?’ 
‘I had my brother asking me last night to babysit my niece next weekend. Something important came up. Would you know anything about that?’ 
‘I don’t know…’. You look down and purposely confused. ‘Keep talking.’ 
Joel finally walks in to break the awkward conversation. ‘Don’t listen to him. He’s just being a dick.’ 
‘Oh, am I now? Careful what you say, I can be busy this weekend real quick.’
Joel is looking at you, apologizing without saying anything. He walks past you but catches your shoulder with a soft touch. A look from him can send shocks down your spine. His touch, however quick and soft, can keep you dead in your tracks without any warning. You try and play it off, and hope to god, none of them realise.
At the end of the workday, Joel comes over to you and takes you aside for a second.
‘Hey, got a minute?’
‘For you always…’. He smiles at your response.
‘How did it go with your brother?’ 
‘Ehm well… As it is tradition in our family, we just ignore each other and avoid the elephant in the room.’ You look at Joel but he’s not yet responding. 
‘We didn’t really talk about it and I’m not sure we will. This is not the first time he walked all over my feelings.’ 
‘I’m sure he means well at the end of the day. Sorry to hear you couldn’t rectify things.’ 
‘It’s ok. I will give him a call eventually. See if the mood shifted.’ 
There is a small pause, where both of you just look at the ground. Joel eventually leans on the side of the house, with is arms crossed. 
‘Listen about the weekend.. I asked Tommy to watch Sarah. Should be fine, as long as we come back Sunday reasonably early.’ 
You nod and smile in agreement.
‘Yeah, sounds good. Any idea where to go? You know the area much better than me.’
‘Around here actually. I can pick you up on Saturday and show you some of the trails we explored back in the days.’
‘Sounds like a plan. Really looking forward to it.’
‘Yeah me too.’
Joel quickly touches your arm and walks to the car to finish packing for the day. You realise that these soft little touches are his way of showing affection. There’s not a lot of words, and he never gives hugs or otherwise indicates closeness. But he keeps finding these seconds of touching you ever so gently; just for a brief second.
Saturday is fast approaching, and you are seriously counting the hours. That feeling in the bottom of your stomach keeps coming up, whenever you allow yourself to keep thinking about the possibilities. Spending the day with Joel. Spending the night with Joel. You find it increasingly hard to concentrate on work, or any other activity for that matter. This man has completely clouded your mind.
You also took the opportunity to send a text to your brother, not quite ready for a phone call.
The Miller brothers are still working on the house. I have asked them to stay on. Let me know when you’re free to chat.
To be honest, you don’t really expect your brother to apologies or talk things out like grownups. Any talk at this point would just lead to another argument. But your intentions of a conversation between the two of you are now laid out to him and you don’t regret your decision.
You are happy that both Joel and Tommy continue to work on your house and the mood hasn’t suffered. It’s been nearly two months now since they started working on the property and the progress has been amazing.
Joel texted you the night before.
I will try and be at your place at around 9am.
At 9:30 you saw Joel pulling up to your driveway. You were packed and ready to go and keeping busy in the makeshift kitchen at your place until he arrived. 
When you meet him outside, you weren’t even sure about the proper greeting. You know he’s not into hugs, so you just casually cross the distance to his car. 
He’s looking at you with a smirk on his face when he gets out of the car, but doesn’t approach you directly. Instead, he’s opening the back door behind the driver’s seat. 
‘The trunk is full, so best if you put your items on the backseat. Should be enough space.’ 
Joel keeps holding onto the car door and leans on the vehicle slightly. You wonder if he’s equally as nervous as you are.
‘Yeah, let me get my stuff. It’s not much for the one night.’
You start walking back inside but can see him following slightly behind you. 
‘You said you have a tent and sleeping bags right? I have some as well but will leave them here otherwise. To be honest I’m not sure the last time these were washed.’ You look over your shoulder and give him an apologetic look. 
‘Leave them here, we won’t need them.’ 
‘Well, if I freeze to death this will be on you.’ You jokingly reply. 
‘I’ll be sure to keep you warm sweetheart.’ 
There it was again; that feeling in the pit of your stomach. You don’t allow yourself to face Joel all the way, but you realise he’s looking right at you, one hand at the back of his neck. 
‘I count on it.’ Is all you reply when you finally gain control over yourself again. 
When you are settled and ready to go, you get yourself comfortable on the passenger seat. The drive over is mainly occupied by you asking questions about Sarah and the hike he has planned. It’s only about a half hour drive until you are at your destination. Joel is taking some extra time to find parking, seeing that you are planning to leave the car overnight. 
‘There are several options here. A smaller round, which is nice but a bit too short I believe. There’s an 8-mile hike and one a little longer. Both are great, but the first one has better views. Great for camping as well.’ 
‘Great! I’m just happy to finally hear some of your hiking recommendations. You promised me some when we initially met.’ You tease him. 
‘Ah yeah I did. Well now you get the private tour hun. Follow me.’ 
You both hit the trail with your backpacks on and get into an easy and enjoyable pace. Joel carrying the heavier load, including the tent and some other small items you’ll need tonight. 
‘There’s a stretch later on where it goes uphill for a bit. But there’s a nice place to build camp. Really worth it.’ 
‘Whatever you say Miller.’ 
‘Well, that’s good to know.’ 
Joel is still somewhat hesitant to share anything about his life but a lot more relaxed than usually. He tells you about the real last holiday he’s been on in Mexico with Sarah when she was 8. That he was born in Arlington Texas, but his parents moved to Luling when Tommy was born. How he used to ride motorcycles but hasn’t touched one in nearly 10 years. 
You share a little more about yourself as well and feel yourself agreeing to the few sentiments you get from Joel. At some point you finally feel brave enough to ask Joel about something that’s been in the back of your mind for weeks now. 
‘Joel can I ask you something?’ 
‘What is it?’ 
‘I hope I’m not overstepping something here, but I wonder where Sarah’s mother is, and what part she has in your life?’ 
‘She’s not around. Nothing to worry about.’ 
There is no follow up or further explanation from Joel. She’s not around. Is she dead you wonder. Is she living in a different state? 
‘I’m only asking because I don’t want to step into something unresolved. I would at least like to know what..’ 
‘She’s not around!’ Joel cuts you off before you can finish your sentence. 
He holds in place and gives you as serious of a look as you have only seen with your brother around. You’re not sure how to respond. Obviously, you have hit a sore nerve here, and you stop pushing immediately. 
‘I understand.’ Is all you reply quietly. Joel nods and continues walking like nothing happened. 
The mood feels strained for a bit until Joel breaks the silence. 
‘Not much further now, we can build the tent and explore some more. It’s early still.’ 
‘I trust you Joel.’ 
You continue your walk and feel both of you relax into a better rhythm again. The landscape is beautiful. You appreciate walking in the shadow a bit, after every other bend, as the sun is punishing outside. Joel is able to point out points of interest once in a while, but you can hear the lack of confidence in voice. Clearly, it’s been a few years since he’s last been here. 
After roughly two hours of hiking, you find a spot that feels safe and secure enough to build the tent. Building the tent and moving your things inside is surprisingly straight forward. You enjoy the banter around it; teasing Joel when he can’t get the last pole in place. Overall, you believe this seems to be where he’s most content and in his element. Out in nature and working with is hands. 
You decide to walk for another hour or so before you feel tired enough and in need of some rest. When you return to the tent, you can feel the butterflies coming up again in your stomach. Unsure on how you’ll spend the next 12 hours together. 
‘Do you mind if I skip in quickly and chance? I got really sweaty at some point.’ You ask to break the tension. 
‘Of course not, go ahead.’ 
You move inside the tent and start unpacking your backpack slightly. You brought some spare clothing just for this scenario; either getting dirty or too sweaty. When you are done changing, you call out to Joel. 
‘I’m good. You can come in if you need to.’ 
Joel opens the zipper of the tent and throws his backpack in first, before he crawls in after. It’s getting crowded inside the tent immediately and you’re not sure where to direct your gaze. He’s unpacking roughly and asks if  you’re hungry. You were snacking throughout the walk so you decline for now. 
‘By the way, I packed some of this. Not sure if you’re a fan of it, but thought I’d offer.’ You say and hand him a hip flask. He takes it from you and smells it. 
‘Oh yeah. I’m a fan.’ He smiles and takes a small sip before handing it back to you. You take a sip yourself and feel the burn down your throat and the warmth in your belly. 
While you are sitting with your legs crossed, Joel has lied down completely on one of the sleeping mats. Slightly propped up on his backpack and pillow and one leg cocked. He’s looking absolutely delicious this way and you can’t keep you eyes off him anymore. 
‘Beautiful hike.’ You pick up the conversation again. 
He looks at you and you can feel his eyes wandering up and down your whole body. ‘Yeah, beautiful indeed.’ 
With that you feel your body moving, slowly starting to close the distance between you and him and finally kneel next to him. Your hands linger over his chest until you are half draped over him. Your gaze meet, but not a word is spoken between you. Joel takes a strand of your hair and tucks it behind your ear. You smile softly and he pulls you down into a gentle kiss. 
The kiss is long and slow; both of you enjoying the closeness. Soon enough though, you can feel Joel’s hands all around your body and pulling you even closer. The intensity of the kiss and his movements increasing exponentially. Your upper body is completely draped over him, and you have slipped one leg over his thigh. 
Both of his hands are trailing up you lower back under your shirt. You take the forward approach and take your shirt off to toss it to the side. His hands immediately go back to touching you, this time moving to your torse and up to your covered boobs. He helps you to take of your bra as well, and his hands are right back on you. You can feel his hardening cock though his pants between your draped over leg. Just like last time, he’s making no excuses and takes in your body with hungry eyes. 
You push up his shirt but he won’t take it all the way off just yet. Amazed still by his broad chest and strong arms, you can’t help yourself from roaming your hands over him. You can feel your cunt squeezing just from touching him, still fully clothed. You’re senses are exploring all of Joel.. His ridged body, his manly smell, his harsh grip up and down your body. 
‘I’m a little nervous.’ You admit, and slightly sitting up. It’s true, and likely the reason you left his house last time. 
‘It’s ok babe.’ He simply looks at you, backing off slightly with the intensity and softly touching your skin. 
When you nod, he takes the initiative and starts unbuckling his belt, still lying down. You can’t control your gaze following his hands down to his crotch and you bite your bottom lip in response. After opening his belt and pants slightly, he sits up with you and holds your face in his hand softly. 
‘I believe this is what you want as well. But tell me no anytime pretty.’ 
‘Oh no, I want this. Believe me, I do.’ You look at him reassuringly and grab onto his elbow to confirm. 
To proof your point, and with a wave of confidence that his sweet nicknames are instilling in you, you sneak one of your hands up to his crotch and into his pants. His face moves slightly, but you both never break eye contact. You slowly push him back down to the mat and take position between his legs. You can feel the stiffness, not just in his cock but through his whole body and you are now on your own personal mission to allow this man to fully relax. 
Slowly you guide his pants further down, until his underpants and tip of his hard cock are showing. His visible girth is a surprise to you, and you’re not hiding your reaction.
You scootch all the way down between his legs and give Joel one more doe eyed look to confirm your intentions. Then you take out his cock fully and start running your hand up and down slowly. The girth making it nearly impossible to grab your hand fully around him. 
Your face moving but inches away from his hard dick. You slowly start taking the tip into your mouth and you close your eyes because your own desire is burning deep inside you. Your hand still wrapped around him, you start bobbing your head further down, coating his cock in your own spit to ease the friction. When you look up and make eye contact for a second you see Joel’s eyes completely fixed on you, though slightly squinting and jaw tight. Your face is now moving up and down in regular strides, without feeling uncomfortable. 
He takes one of his hands, and softly brings it near your ear to guide your movements. He’s not pushing you, but rather looks for a way to be closer and to touch you as well. You could spend the rest of your life going down on this man and never get bored of it. 
After a while, he moves your head up gently and lifts you off his cock. You are surprised but follow his movement regardless. 
‘Take off your pants.’ 
You do as indicated and move away between his legs to utilize the small space of the tent better. You start taking of your leggings, awkwardly as it is  in a confined space where you can’t stand up. When you are done, taking off your pants and underwear you move back closer to him, unsure of what exactly he has in mind. 
‘Sit on my face pretty. Want to taste you.’
You can see the smirk on his face and move in to kiss him first. Quickly and less gentle this time. When you pull away you start moving around to face away from him. One of your legs lifts over his head and for the first time you realise that you are completely naked, while Joel has only dropped his pants to free his cock. 
Once you are settled with your dripping heat over is face, his hands move to your bare ass and push you down further. You are sitting on his face, upright, but in a potential 69 position. The moment his face collides with your cunt, you jolt in excitement and only stay in place because of Joel’s hard grip on you. You can feel him rumbling underneath you and the vibration is causing another wave of arousal washing over you, which you are sure Joel can taste as well. 
He starts kissing around your lips, slowly grazing your clit. You are still getting used to the overwhelming feeling of having him between your legs, pushing you down onto his face. His tongue slowly prodding your entrance and tasting your juices. Your pulse is through the roof, and you slowly start leaning down to take his cock back into your hand. Your movements are slow, very slow. Careful not to disrupt Joel’s precise intrusion with his tongue. 
You move your head back down to take him into your mouth, but you are only half paying attention to your work. Way too occupied by him licking you juices and clit while kneading your ass. When he lets go of one of your cheeks, you also feel him moving away from your entrance. You flex your core slightly, unsure if he wants you to move up. That’s until you feel him pushing one of his fingers inside you. You clench at the intrusion and moan loudly involuntarily, your head now resting on his thigh. 
‘Jesus Christ.’ Is all you here coming from underneath you. 
Joel slowly starts pumping his finger in and out of you, causing your moans to increase. At the same time, you start grinding down onto him in the same rhythm he is setting. He takes his finger out, just to immediately slip back in with two fingers this time. 
‘Joel please…’ You moan your way through each word, while he opens you up. 
You try and give him equal attention, but by now you only give him a sloppy hand job. He’s taken full ownership of your body by fucking you with his fingers and all you can do is melt around him. You sit nearly all the way up again, destined on finding your high while riding his face. He’s kissing your entrance and side of your thighs and you can feel him grazing your clit. When you indicate the jolt of pleasure he’s bringing you with his action, he stays focused on this area and starts to prod your flower with rhythmic strokes. You are sure your moans and calls of his name can be heard from anywhere along the trail at this point. 
You can feel the fire burning in your lower stomach and between your thighs and you grip onto any part you can touch of Joel just to feel him even closer. Your cunt is messy and swollen and you can hear the juices from his fingers pumping in and out of you. The sounds and that feeling turn you on even more. Joel remains as hungry as ever underneath you, and every once in a while you can feel his rumble echo through your pussy. Until finally… The feeling becomes too much for a second and it snaps and throws you over the edge completely. You spasm around his fingers buried inside of you and a loud moan gets stuck in your throat. You ride out the feeling until it becomes physically too much and you have to push Joel’s face and hands away roughly. 
You lift off his face ever so slightly and apologise for being so harsh when he just made you feel so incredibly good. There are slight aftershocks pulsing through you, and you keep twitching for some time after. 
‘It’s ok hun.’ He hums under neath you. ‘This is one pretty view.’ 
You chuckle at his response and start lifting your leg to move off of him. You are all out of energy, so you lie down next to him, one hand on his still covered belly. 
‘Jees, this was amazing Joel. I promise I make it worth your while, just give me a second.’ 
He takes your hand from his belly and moves it to his lips to kiss it softly. His lips and face still wet from your release. ‘Take all the time you need. We have all night and I intend to take full advantage of you.’ 
The thought makes you clench your thighs again right there and then. He’s not even been inside you yet, but you know he won’t leave your mind anytime soon. 
You move up slightly to kiss him again; tasting yourself on his beautiful face. Trailing a hand around his beard and exposed neck. The both of you make out like this for a few minutes until his hands are all over your body again, squeezing and palming your ass. You make a mental note that this seems to get him off like nothing else. 
‘Tell me how I can make you happy Joel.’ 
You move up to look him in the eyes. He made you come so hard and with no expectations, you are willing to offer your body to him to take the same from you. 
He follows you up to tower over you and you can feel his hand on your lower back. 
‘Bend over baby.’ 
You follow his orders and get adjusted on your knees in front of him. Joel gets in position behind you, taking his cock in one hand and your ass in the other. You arch your back slightly, indicating your willingness to offer him whatever he needs from you. 
You suddenly feel both of his hands on your ass cheeks, slightly pulling them apart. There is a moan from behind you, not a sound you have heard before from him and a finger softly sliding from in between your ass, all the way down to your cunt. You can feel your walls squeezing from the filthy images in your mind. Him spreading you open, seeing and touching all your most intimate parts and you can hear the enjoyment from his moans. 
His hand moves back to his cock and you can feel it being lined up with your pussy. The anticipation makes you snap back into reality and you suddenly remember to warn him. 
‘Joel I don’t take the pill.’ 
He stills slightly and replies. ‘I will pull out babe.’ 
When you don’t resist his plan, he starts coating his cock in your juices, dragging it along your cunt several times, close enough to break into you each time. During one of his slides, he does finally put his tip in with no warning ahead. You enjoy and welcome the intrusion but immediately remember just how thick Joel is. He pushes in slightly more until he feels resistance for the first time. He holds onto your hips and starts pulling out slightly before moving in again. A little further this time. Your cunt gives way to him a little more, but you can feel the stretch right away. Your moans are laced with pleasure and pain, and you try your best to keep your hips in place. He repeats the same motion again and tries to breach a bit further each time. 
‘Fuck Joel!’ You hiss at him. 
‘Right here baby. Doing great.’
By the fourth time he’s deep inside of you and you can feel him pushing your walls to it’s limit. It is equally the most vulnerable and fulfilled you have felt in a long time. You are completely at his mercy from now on as Joel has his way with you. 
He starts moving slowly in and out of you. Once you both are steady and confident with the rhythm, you can feel him getting more eager soon after. His grip on you and his thrusts are deep and powerful. He’s not rushing things, but he’s nearly pulling all the way out each time before plunging back into you. You have never been fucked like this before and as much as you try and accommodate him, you have to adjust your stance every so often to keep up. 
Joel is taking all of you, giving you no choice but to give yourself to him. Your body is inviting him and him only, and your mind has crumbled to a willing mess.  His cock feels like a gift send from the gods, moulded for your pleasure. And Joel… he known and fucks you even harder than before. He has one knee bend on the ground and the other foot placed firmly in front of him to gain more leverage. 
Sounds coming from the both of you are just unintelligible words and moans. Mostly yours, but by now even Joel cannot control or hide the noises coming out of his mouth. You feel him so deep inside you, and his grip is still holding you in place by your hips. Joel is relentless and fucks you like you are his to use. 
‘Fuck Y/N. Goddamit.’ 
Suddenly his thrusts become sloppy, and you can feel him lose his steady unforgiving rhythm. When suddenly he pulls out and moves up to come all over your back and ass. He exhales with one long grunt and falters nearly immediately behind you. 
It takes you a few seconds to realise where you are and what just happened. Your mind went completely blind for a second, before Joel finished all over you. You hear him settle behind you and you turn your face around to get a look at him. He gives you a wink before lying down next to you. You are still bend over on your knees until Joel pulls you softly into him, making you nestle right next to him on your belly. 
‘Are you ok?’ 
‘Yeah well just about.’ You joke. ‘You fuck like it’s the end of the world.’ 
‘I really hope that’s a compliment Y/N.’ 
‘Yes, yes it is Joel.’ You play with his shirt over his chest, trailing an imaginary line. He’s softly brushing up and down your arm and you can feel goosebumps popping up right away.
 ‘Are you still playing guitar?’ 
‘Not as much anymore to be honest. Sometimes at the weekend, but even then, it’s mostly work.’ 
‘Will you play something for me some day?’ 
You hear a small huff coming from Joel before he replies. ‘If you really want me to put you through that, yeah sure hun. Maybe I can dust off some old Pearl Jam stuff.’ 
‘Yes, I really want you to put me through that. Please.’ You reply and give him a small kiss to his neck. 
You lie together like this for a little while, enjoying the closeness and comfort between each other. You underestimated how affectionate and cuddly Joel actually is. At least in private he’s a lot more touchy and showers you with sweet nicknames. When he pulls you closer into him, you lean into his advances but remind him of his cum still dribbling down your back. 
‘Careful, I still have your artwork on my back.’ 
‘Oh yeah?’
Joel pulls you by the hip to move you over slightly, just so he can get a better look at your behind. Though mostly dried, part of his juices have travelled down between your ass. He makes no excuse when he pulls your cheeks apart again to get a better look. You can feel his cock spring into action immediately and it brings you absolute joy, knowing the effect you have on this man. 
‘Goddam beautiful.’
He’s kneading one of your ass cheeks now and you can feel yourself getting excited as well. You burry your face into his neck, deeply inhaling his scent and enjoying the rough touches over your skin. 
‘Joel I want you inside of me.’ 
He turns over from you and leads you with him. ‘Anything you want baby.’ 
You push him down again fully, taking control of the situation, because there is nothing you want more in the world right now than having this man underneath and inside of you. Once he’s lying down again and fully at your mercy, you situate yourself on top of him. You grind your wet heat over his lower abdomen and feel his stiff cock hitting your ass. Both your hands have a firm grip on his chest, while you are chasing the beginning of your high, without him even being inside of you.  Joel is looking at you with lustful eyes and letting you take full control. 
‘Take off your shirt.’ You say while halfway already moving it off him. You want to see and feel all of this man tonight. Joel obliges and removes it completely before throwing it to the side of the tent. 
When you feel your dipping cunt clenching around nothing, you start taking his cock into your hands and hover slightly over him. You line up his cock with your hole and slowly, very slowly, lower yourself onto him. Several moans and calls of his name echo through the tent. Joel has a firm grip on your thighs and looks at you with dark eyes. 
Once he’s fully inside of you, you need a second to adjust your position above him slightly, accommodating his size and thickness inside of you. He’s even deeper inside you now and you feel like any movement will throw you over the edge immediately. When you open your eyes and meet his gaze, you can see that he’s just as lost in the moment as you are. There is only the two of you right now, tangled in lust and desire for each other. The world outside this tent has disappeared. 
You slowly start moving up and down his cock. Small movements at first before you have enough strength to increase your pace and take more of him each time. Your cunt is already gushing, and the juices are visible all over him. Each thrust is hitting your clit on your downward movement, and you know you won’t last long this way. 
Underneath you, you can feel Joel panting along with you, now holding you by your waist and accommodating your rhythm. He pushes both of his feet to the ground and slowly starts grinding into you in offset movements. You can feel him getting faster and faster and though you love him pounding into you, just like he did 20 minutes ago, you need him to remain still and allow you to get yourself off on him. 
‘Joel.. let me… just relax.. please.’ 
Your words are interrupted by each trust inside of you and laced with your moans. You push him down gently and indicate your intentions to stay in full control. The rhythm slows down again and you continue your softer movements on top of him. Joel takes the hint and relaxes underneath you. Letting you use his body as you wish, and softly touching you to indicate his approval. His hands roaming your breasts and thighs again. 
‘I’m close..’ You moan and call his name. Your cunt is throbbing, with nerves firing on all ends. Each trust back down onto him is bringing you unbelievably close to the breaking point. You grab onto his chest, unsure if you are possibly hurting him at this point. Your build up is so immense, you are not sure you’ll have enough energy to make it all the way. Your body is now moving on its own, knowing exactly what it needs to claim it’s release. 
When it snaps.. Your release washes all over you and through your cunt. You need to close your eyes, while you are being flooded with all emotions all at once. You squeeze around him and can feel your own release dribbling out of you, covering Joel’s cock and thighs. It takes you a few seconds to be transported back into reality and you continue to squeeze him every few seconds until the aftershocks finally pass. Only then do you let go of his chest, which is now showing clearly visible marks from your hold. 
Joel is still holding onto you and smiling when you do open your eyes. He’s gazing right at you, and you share a deep and intimate look. Saying lots in this moment, without either one of you opening your mouth. 
He slowly guides you off him and back next to him. Your body is still flushed and warm, but you are equally shivering after the comedown. Joel is softly cuddling you and trailing kisses down your neck and shoulders. 
‘That was amazing Joel.’ 
‘Hmmmmm. Felt amazing sweetheart.. you squeezing me like this.’ 
His words get you slightly aroused again, especially with his touches lingering all over your body. You can see that he’s still hard and now increasing the attack of kisses on your naked body. Groping you harder now. You want to get him off as well but are not sure you will ever be able to stand up again. 
‘Hmmmm.’ He simply replies and moves you fully on your belly again, with a grip on your waist. 
You try and get onto all fours but are visible still shaken up. Joel is taking notice of your state and helps you stay in position, by placing one of his arms underneath your body. He’s wasting no time, and you can feel him lining up with your entrance again. You are still completely wet, with your juices sprayed all down your thighs. 
Joe pushes in quickly and with little resistance this time. Immediately bottoming out and then starts fucking you in harsh, deep thrusts. You are giving him the last drops of energy you have left, just by remaining in this position he seems to love so much and letting him take you whichever way he wants. You know this is for his own release, and you are willing to present yourself to him to grand him the same holy experience you just had. He’s pounding into you, still holding you up partially and you are clutching onto the mat underneath you, to keep what little control you have left over your body. When he’s close, he grunts and then pulls out of you to come all over your lower back again. There is an immediate silence right after his release. 
Joel remains seated behind you for a second, while you try and remember how to breath. He must clearly enjoy the view of your fucked out body, dripping with his cum. Eventually he gets up, and grabs a towel from his side of the tent to clean himself and your back gently. You take the towel from him to pull it between your legs as well, knowing that you are still completely covered in your own juices from before.
You both fall into the makeshift beds next to each other, sharing some of that drink you brought with you. The evening is still relatively light, and you both enjoy the view to the outside orange and pink sky when you open the tent slightly. The atmosphere lingers on for a little longer and you get lost between talks of your life before you met each other, and sessions of sweet kisses and touches in between.
Eventually you fall asleep next to each other soundly.
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adowbaldwin · 4 months
Can I have some Domenico x Becca?
Gerbert tries to kill the twins but underestimates them. They kill him and drag his body at the Congregation. That's the first time Domenico sees Becca and he falls for her right then and there. Now he has to woo her 🤭 and that proves more difficult than he anticipated
*I cant remember if the twins scents are mentioned, and i cant find it anywhere! So i've improvised!
she smelt - God it wafted down the corridor. Honey, gold and blood. Oo the blood it was sweet, metalic and the honey-
Domenico shuffled awkwardly as he watched her wipe the blood from her forehead. Small strappy top that showed her breasts
fuck fuck fuck
he wanted her. His cock wanted her. His heart wanted her.
"Well" she snapped "aren't you supposed to escort us to the chambers? her face was impassive. She tapped her foot impatiently until, the man who she knew to be Domenico, finally opened their cell to walk them to the congregation room.
the unfortunate circumstances the twins had found themselves in were, to no surprise, because of Gerbert. After Domenico reclaimed his city Gerberts power weaned and faded until he was just an unfortunate corpse with good fashion sense with nothing to offer anyone. His only role was the congregation and that had faded into the void of pointlessness. No-one ever listened to him, not even Phoebe (the newly appointed De Clermont lead) (who Domenico really liked but never let on) (because pride) (but he much preferred her English directness to Diana's smarmy American bleh) (Diana also beat Domenico at chess once and he is salty)
But that's not the reason he wants to fuck her daughter and most definitely not the reason he prefers Phoebe (who did not beat Domenico at chess)
He'd never mated. But he knew once Rebecca started speaking in that chamber, the command of the room she held - God she was only something of her mid twenties and already sounded like a well seasoned politician. Definitely Baldwins influence.
"and that's how we found ourselves where we were" She had everyone eating out of her hands. Putty. Completely putty. Even Satu, famed enemy and all that - she was loving it.
Gerbert was dead - he'd set upon the twins in an alley way. By the looks of the blood on them both they had both got him back as good as they could give it. The congregation meeting was held, a Vampire from Switzerland was the stand in for Gerbert - Eric Northman.
"What?" Her apartment was covered in roses "the fuck"
Her doorman had warned there were some deliveries, but this?
"Good evening"
"WHAT THE FUCK" she launched her purse at the intruder "WHY ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE"
Domenico dodged the purse "Delivering flowers" he retorted in a defensive tone "Don't women like flowers" he jested. He knew he might have over stepped a line but he knew he needed to make a big gesture
she blinked in disbelief "Flowers yes" she snapped "A STANGER IN MY HOUSE NO"
He winced "You're yelling again. And I own the apartment building"
"What - eh?" she threw her hands up in despair "I own the apartment asshat - now can you explain why you're here before I unalive you like I did your BFF Gerbert" she crossed her arms over her chest accusingly
"I want to take you on a date" he replied simply, ignoring her threat
Her eyes flickered over him for a second. He was hot "A date?" she stepped closer to him, standing close enough she could put her hand on his chest "Is that what you wanted when you were eye fucking me at the congregation meeting?"
he swallowed the lump in his throat "Well-"
"I think" she started to push him towards the sofa stopping just as the back of his knees touched the grey cushions "You need to earn a date first"
The things they did to each other that night were probably illegal in some countries but ultimately he'd most certainly earned a date.
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sloggervlogger · 1 year
Introducing The Gorilla Troop From The Krefeld Zoo In Germany (more info in the description) by SloggerVlogger Meet the Gorillas from the Krefeld Zoo in Germany! A new troop to the channel. Putting a name to their faces in this introduction video. The new Thursday series. There will be another four videos and then another Gorilla troop that I haven't filmed will follow this series. The troop of seven gorillas live in the area called the Gorilla Garden. Meet Silverback Gorilla Kidogo, Gorilla Oya, Muna and son Santu. Gorilla Miliki and sons Pepe, Bobóto. Kidogo was born on November 15th 2000 at the Givskud Zoo in Denmark. Gorilla Oya was born on June 9th 1988 at the Zoo Zürich Switzerland. Gorilla Muna was born on March 6th 1989 at the Zoo Basel Switzerland. Her son Santu was born on July 14th 2021. Miliki was born on February 20th 2006 at La Vallée des Singes in France. Her son Pepe was born on May 6th 2015 and Bobóto on December 21st 2018. Both were born at Krefeld Zoo in Germany. @feliciacraite Guessed correctly on my community page who the Silverback is. 😁 Filmed through a tire, little Satu is watching Dad Kidogo. Mother Muna is coming up right behind Dad and after her son glances up at her, she picks him up and they have some lunch. Gorilla Oya is next up, the first thing you notice is her stiff finger. Quite a common injury in Gorillas it seems. Kera in Bristol and the little Aaarde at Chessington Zoo have the same injuries. Oya enjoys the bark of a stick and later a German turnip (Kohlrabi). Miliki has her food stuck in her teeth and she's trying to get it out. Pepe is munching on his food. He kind of reminds me a bit of a younger Lope. Last but not least Gorilla youngster Bobóto. As it was just a brief visit I didn't get the chance to film too much of the troop. When I was there, the outside had been shut off and they were building the new outdoor habitat for the great apes. I was a bit too early as they are planning to open the new habitat on Gorilla Day on the 24th of September 2023. You can have a quick look at the outside on my other channel, the travel channel in a hyper-lapse walkthrough of the zoo at: https://youtu.be/SVG-9jLGDkE #KrefeldZoo #Gorillas #Introduction You might have heard about the Krefeld Zoo in the news when they had the awful tragedy on New Year's Eve, December 31, 2019. A fire broke out due to Chinese lanterns and 30 animals lost their lives including Gorillas, Chimpanzees, Orangutans, silvery marmosets, white-faced sakis endangered golden-lion tamarins, fruit bats, reptiles and birds. A horrendously sad day that many of us never forget. The firefighters managed to prevent the flames from spreading from the ape house to the Gorilla garden. This is where Silverback Kidogo had his troop of seven are housed. Tambo (Muna's first son) moved in September 2020 to Zoo Safari de Thoiry. via YouTube https://youtu.be/JkoPGrBXpJo
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critcit · 1 year
Miss Misery
Aku pergi ke psikolog hari selasa kemarin dan psikolog itu bilang, "Kamu sedang mengalami quarter life crisis (QLC)".
Aku pergi sebab seminggu belakangan, di antara waktu aku menulis puisi ini, jam tidurku sedang berantakan dan aku melihat hidupku acak-acakan. Jam tidurku terbalik, kerja gak betul, skripsi gak jalan, banyak menangis, sakit--dan lainnya dan lainnya.
Aku tidak bercerita terlalu banyak, tapi waktu sebentar itu pun cukup. Mungkin, di satu sisi ucapan psikolog itu seperti menegasikan apa-apa yang aku lalui dan kadang bisa aku bicarakan berlarut-larut dan bolak-balik ketika konsultasi. Tapi aku menerima ucapan itu dengan perasaan, "Iya, aku memang sedang melewati krisis. Cukup begitu. Tidak perlu penjelasan lebih dalam dan tidak perlu digali-gali. Itu cukup; menjadi alasan untuk terus berjalan dan menjalani hari".
Psikolog itu bilang kalau ada tiga langkah yang bisa kulakukan:
1. Tentukan tujuan.
2. Pilih dan jalani tujuan itu dengan mantab.
3. Kembangkan diri dan/atau adaptasi diri dalam mencapai tujuan itu.
Masalahnya, kan QLC itu krisis sebab tidak tau mesti menentukan tujuan/melakukan apa ya? *tertawa getir*
Aku kemudian meminta tolong untuk dibantu membuat keputusan soal sesuatu. Psikolog itu kemudian malah menyanggah dengan bilang, "Kamu perlu cari bantuan dari orang lain--" aku membatin kan ini yang sedang saya lakukan, mbak???
Sepulang dari sesi konsultasi itu aku mengingat ucapan itu dan teringat film Good Will Hunting (1997). Terutama adegan saat Chuckie (Ben Affleck) berbicara kepada sahabatnya, Will (Matt Damon), "Look, you're my best friend, so don't took it the wrong way. But, in 20 years if you're still living here, coming over my house to watch The Patriots game, still working construction, I'll fucking kill you. ... Because tomorrow I'm gonna wake up and I'll be 50 and I'll still be doing this shit. That's alright. That's fine. You're sitting in a winning lottery ticket. ... I'd do fucking anything to have that. ... It'd be an insult if you're still here in 20 years. Hanging around is a fucking waste of your time".
Ternyata maksudnya aku perlu mencari bantuan dari orang dekat yang bisa kuajak berdiskusi dan memantapkan pilihanku. "Bagaimanapun, psikolog cuma bisa mengarahkan, tidak bisa memutuskan," ucap psikolog itu.
Aku teringat adegan itu sebab di film tersebut, Will merupakan tokoh yang genius, tapi punya masalah dengan sikapnya. Seorang profesor yang menemukannya kemudian mencoba menolongnya dengan mengarahkan dia ke banyak psikolog/psikiater--yang semuanya berakhir dengan gagal (mereka menyerah). Hingga akhirnya dia bertemu karakter psikolog, Sean yang diperankan oleh Robin Williams.
Sesi konsultasi itu kemudian berjalan lancar dan mereka menjadi akrab. Tapi, biarpun Will telah menjalani banyak sesi konsultasi dan mulai terbuka soal dirinya, banyak orang (terutama dari comment section di youtube) yang bilang kalau yang mengubah Will tetap ucapan dari sahabatnya, Chuckie, dan bukan sebab bantuan Sean secara langsung.
Film itu berkesan buatku, apalagi mengetahui kalau Matt Damon dan Ben Affleck menulis cerita itu dan berkeliling Hollywood agar ceritanya bisa diproduksi jadi film. Mereka pun akhirnya memerankan peran utama di film itu. Terlebih ketika aku menyadari kalau Casey Affleck (adik Ben Affleck) ikut menjadi bagian dari cast (aku tau dan suka film-film indie-festival yang diperankan oleh Cassey Affleck).
Beberapa waktu belakangan aku berefleksi dan seolah sampai pada kesimpulan kalau aku mencoba mengambil jalan pintas dengan pergi ke psikolog. Di antara ingar-bingar kesadaran akan kesehatan mental, aku lupa kalau bantuan paling pertama harusnya datang dari orang terdekat dan bukan dari psikolog. Bukan menegasikan peran para profesional praktisi kesehatan mental, tapi mau sebagus dan sebanyak apapun profesional yang kutemui kalau bukan aku yang mulai berubah dan mencoba terbuka dengan orang terdekat, sepertinya tidak akan banyak perubahan berarti yang akan kualami. Sebab nyatanya banyak dari hal-perihal yang kubawa ke profesional itu melibatkan orang-orang terdekatku.
Aku jadi teringat seorang psikolog sampai pernah bilang, "Kayanya masalahnya ada di kamu," waktu aku berbicara soal relasiku dengan orang lain. Entah itu salah ucap atau jujur atau apapun, tapi aku tertawa mengingat itu dan ya, betul, kalau bukan aku yang mencoba berubah bagaimana bisa?
Aku jadi paham kenapa seorang psikolog pernah kekeh bilang kalau kebingunganku berakar dari orang terdekatku. Sebab banyak dari kebingunganku saat ini melibatkan mereka, tapi aku tidak mendiskusikan itu dengan mereka; bahkan sekadar berbagi pun tidak. Sementara, aku terlalu fokus pada orang lain yang tidak ada andilnya dalam kebingunganku.
Kalau aku memang harus membuat keputusan, aku kira yang perlu aku lakukan dan jadikan prioritas sekarang adalah memperbaiki dan menjalin kedekatan dan keterbukaan dengan orang-orang terdekatku terlebih dahulu dibanding dengan orang lain. Mumpung masih bisa; mumpung mereka masih ada; sambil berharap pelan-pelan aku dapat menemukan jawaban atas kebingungan-kebingunganku.
Terakhir, mari tutup tulisan ini dengan adegan pamungkas dari Good Will Hunting.
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ridloaulia · 24 days
Are we Watching Indonesian Democracy or Houses from Game of Thrones?
Melihat secara konseptual mengapa banyak masyarakat marah dengan partai politik di Indonesia.
Mungkin sudah banyak pengamat politik (bahkan yang tersohor dari luar negeri) menamakan demokrasi Indonesia sebagai Procedural Democracy. Saya coba uraikan salah satu poinnya berkenaan dengan kondisi kepartaian di Indonesia saat ini.
Berbeda dengan substantive democracy, demokrasi procedural memandang bahwa proses electoral menjadi nilai tertinggi dalam mendapatkan legitimasi. Seperti Namanya, procedural, maka di dalamnya memungkinkan banyak aspek-aspek yang justru agak sedikit kontra dengan nilai dasar dari demokrasi, salah satunya adalah kondisi kepartaian di Indonesia. Pada dasarnya, kehadiran partai adalah tanda terbesar dari sebuah negara yang menganut demokrasi. Partai adalah satu dari beberapa poin syarat sebuah negara dapat dikatakan menganut demokrasi. Kenapa seperti itu? Karena dalam konsep demokrasi rakyat memegang kekuasaan paling tinggi, sementara partai politik berfungsi sebagai tempat rakyat secara sah mempertarungkan kekuasaan. Partai politik pada dasarnya adalah sebuah “asosiasi” dari rakyat yang memiliki ide, gagasan, dan memiliki kekuatan untuk bertarung secara sah dalam posisi electoral. Maka saya tidak setuju dengan beberapa suara masyarakat (atau mahasiswa) yang berteriak “bubarkan saja partai”, atau melihat partai politik sebagai entitas elit yang kontra dengan masyarakat. Padahal dalam konsepnya, partai politiklah yang justru menjadi suara akumulatif masyarakat. Rakyat, pada dasarnya, membutuhkan partai politik untuk digdaya dalam negara demokrasi.
Meski begitu, saya memahami mengapa banyak masyarakat yang marah kepada partai politik saat ini. Terlebih lagi angka golput meningkat tajam setelah pilpres 2019 yang menunjukan ketidakpercayaan masyarakat terhadap calon yang dianggapnya “disandera partai” politik, yang padahal, partai politik adalah akumulasi dari suara dan keinginan rakyat. Alasan mendasar yang membuat partai Indonesia banyak tidak disukai masyarakat adalah karena, mereka-semua-sama-saja. Coba jelaskan apa perbedaan antara satu partai dengan partai yang lain? Gagasan utama mereka selalu sama. Bahkan Ketika penyampaian visi, tak jarang kita melihat mereka sama saja. Perbedaan baru terlihat di ranah kebijakan praktikal yang lingkupnya kecil. Ketika ditanya kebijakan tersebut dating dari mana, mereka membawa “ini suara rakyat”, rakyat yang mana? “rakyat Indonesia”, yang mana? Membingungkan. Membingungka karena semua berada pada spektrum ideologi yang sama. Setidaknya hanya ada dua ideologi di Indonesia, Nasionalis dan Islamis. Ini juga ditunjukan oleh table penelitian Burhanuddin:
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Minimnya ideologi di Indonesia ini membuat kondisi partai politik kita sebenarnya sama saja. Ini juga menjelaskan mengapa berkoalisi antara parpol sangatlah mudah, bahkan dengan parpol yang awalnya bermusuhan. Ini juga sekaligus menjelaskan kenapa Jokowi bisa selalu berkata “saya sependapat dengan pak Prabowo” di momen debat presiden 2019. Bayangkan, sependapat dengan lawan politik di panggung debat presiden! Alamak. No, bukan berarti politik harus selalu bermusuhan. Namun demokrasi yang baik adalah yang dapat memberikan banyak alternatif opsi untuk kehidupan yang lebih baik. Jika sama-sama saja, buat apa kita memilih?
Alih-alih menawarkan opsi beragam untuk kehidupan yang lebih baik, saya mulai melihat partai-partai kita seperti Houses dari Game of Thrones. Dalam series favorit saya itu, ada beragam houses mulai dari Targeryen, Lannister, Stark, Baratheon, Greyjoy, Tyrell, Martyl dan lainnya. Mereka tidak didasarkan atas ideologi yang berbeda, satu-satunya yang menjadi pembeda dari setiap house adalah garis keturunannya saja. Lalu kemudian mereka bertarung untuk mendapatkan the Throne. Mereka mudah untuk bekerja sama ataupun mengkhianati house lain jika itu mendekatkan mereka kepada The Throne. (terlihat sama seperti partai Indonesia, bukan?)
Bahkan di Indonesia, partai pun banyak dibentuk dari garis keturunan. Perbedaan antara partai hanyalah siapa elitnya. Jadi sejatinya mereka tidak berasal dari “suara rakyat”, tapi dari elit yang ingin mendapatkan kekuasaan.
Berbeda dengan Indonesia, ideologi partai di negara negara Eropa dan Amerika sangatlah beragam. Mulai dari yang paling ekstreme konservatif, sampai ekstreme progresif. Mulai dari yang ekstrim agamis sampai yang ekstrim sekularisme. Kemauan mereka untuk berbeda, menghasilkan perdebatan yang memberikan banyak opsi untuk kehidupan. Contohnya debat pillpres di Amerika Serikat, Trump dari democrat yang konservatif tegas ingin menutup jalur imigran. Sementara biden dari liberalis yang progresif mendukung kedatangan imigran. Masyarakat diminta memilih mana yang lebih baik. Sangatlah jelas. Ada satu angin segar yang saya kira cukup baik untuk demokrasi kita saat pilpres 2024, yaitu pertentangan antara pro IKN dan kontra IKN. Sayangnya setelah pilpres berakhir, menjadi ambigu partai mana yang dulu menolak karena semuanya akhirnya setuju. Ya beginilah jika partai kita bukan dilandasi oleh ideologi dan idealisme yang kuat. Yang penting adalah mencapai kemenangan, bukan menciptakan gagasan yang kuat.
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elmobsub · 1 year
Komponen Hardware User Interface Apple iWatch yang Rentan Mengalami Kerusakan
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Meskipun Apple Watch dirancang dengan kualitas dan tahan lama, ada beberapa komponen hardware yang dapat rentan terhadap kerusakan. Beberapa komponen yang mungkin rentan rusak pada Apple Watch meliputi:
Layar Sentuh - Apple Watch menggunakan teknologi layar sentuh yang responsif untuk memberikan pengalaman pengguna yang interaktif. Kerusakan pada Touch Screen Apple Watch dapat menyebabkan layar tidak meresponse semua perintah pada saat disentuh.
Layar LCD - Layar Apple Watch terbuat dari kaca atau bahan keramik yang rentan terhadap goresan dan retak. Jika terjatuh atau terkena benturan keras, layar dapat pecah atau rusak.
Baterai - Seiring waktu, baterai Apple Watch dapat mengalami penurunan kapasitas dan daya tahan. Pengisian yang tidak tepat atau kondisi yang buruk juga dapat mempengaruhi kinerja baterai.
Digital Crown - Digital Crown adalah salah satu komponen utama Apple Watch yang sering digunakan untuk melakukan navigasi dan zoom pada layar. Jika Digital Crown mengalami kerusakan atau berfungsi tidak semestinya, pengguna mungkin mengalami kesulitan dalam menggunakan perangkat.
Karet Strap - Karet strap Apple Watch dapat mengalami keausan atau kerusakan, terutama jika terkena kelembapan atau digunakan dalam kondisi yang ekstrem. Gesper pengikat juga dapat mengalami kerusakan atau kehilangan kekuatan pegangan.
Sensor - Sensor-sensor pada Apple Watch, seperti sensor detak jantung atau sensor GPS, dapat mengalami masalah atau kerusakan, yang dapat memengaruhi akurasi dan fungsi fitur-fitur kesehatan dan kebugaran.
Sistem Chip: Apple Watch dilengkapi dengan sistem chip khusus yang dirancang oleh Apple, seperti Apple S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, atau S7, tergantung pada modelnya. Sistem chip ini bertanggung jawab untuk menjalankan berbagai tugas dan fungsi pada perangkat.
Konektivitas - Komponen konektivitas seperti Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, atau chip eSIM pada model seluler dapat mengalami masalah koneksi atau kegagalan, yang dapat membatasi kemampuan perangkat untuk terhubung dengan perangkat lain atau jaringan.
Pelindung air - Beberapa model Apple Watch dilengkapi dengan fitur tahan air, namun perlu diingat bahwa mereka tidak sepenuhnya bebas risiko terhadap air. Jika segel pelindung rusak atau terbuka, air dapat masuk dan merusak komponen internal.
Pengisian magnetik atau pengisi daya nirkabel - Jika pengisi daya magnetik atau pengisi daya nirkabel yang digunakan untuk mengisi baterai Apple Watch mengalami masalah atau rusak, anda dapat memperoleh pengganti yang kompatibel.
Housing - Housing Apple Watch biasanya terbuat dari bahan yang kuat dan tahan lama, seperti aluminium, stainless steel, atau keramik, tergantung pada model dan edisi tertentu. Housing Apple Watch dapat berbeda tergantung pada model, ukuran, dan edisi Apple Watch. Berikut adalah beberapa contoh housing Apple Watch yang umum:
Aluminium: Model Apple Watch yang lebih terjangkau sering menggunakan housing aluminium. Aluminium yang digunakan pada Apple Watch memiliki sifat yang ringan dan tahan terhadap korosi. Housing aluminium sering memiliki berbagai pilihan warna.
Stainless Steel: Apple Watch dengan housing stainless steel memiliki tampilan yang lebih premium dan tahan lama. Stainless steel memberikan kesan yang elegan dan tahan lama terhadap goresan. Apple Watch dengan housing stainless steel biasanya termasuk dalam edisi yang lebih mahal.
Keramik: Beberapa model Apple Watch terbaru menawarkan housing keramik yang sangat tahan terhadap goresan dan korosi. Housing keramik memberikan tampilan yang mewah dan memiliki daya tahan yang tinggi.
Titanium: Beberapa edisi Apple Watch juga dilengkapi dengan housing titanium, yang menggabungkan kekuatan, ringan, dan tampilan yang menarik. Housing titanium memberikan tampilan yang eksklusif dan kokoh.
Pengisian Dock - Pengisian Dock adalah aksesori yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk menempatkan Apple Watch mereka saat mengisi daya. Pengisian dock biasanya dirancang dengan desain yang kompatibel dengan magnet pada bagian belakang Apple Watch, sehingga perangkat tetap berada pada posisi yang tepat saat diisi daya.
Pelindung Layar - Pelindung layar adalah lapisan tipis yang ditempatkan di atas layar Apple Watch untuk melindungi dari goresan, noda, atau kerusakan lainnya. Pelindung layar dapat terbuat dari berbagai bahan, seperti kaca tempered atau film pelindung.
Storage - Apple Watch memiliki penyimpanan internal yang dapat digunakan untuk menyimpan musik, aplikasi, dan data pengguna. Kapasitas penyimpanan bervariasi tergantung pada modelnya, mulai dari 8 GB hingga 32 GB.
Mikrofon dan Speaker: Apple Watch dilengkapi dengan mikrofon dan speaker terintegrasi yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk melakukan panggilan telepon, mengirim pesan suara, dan mendengarkan suara atau audio.
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13thwitch · 1 year
@jarviinen said: ❝ you’re everything they say, aren’t you? ❞
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She doesn't have high hopes for the Congregation; any interaction between them so far has been a letdown or a terror or some combination of the two. The vampires won't deal with her—we have had enough of witches for this century, one had responded, or so she was told. The daemons have too much on their plates to bother with witch business, though again, all of this is secondhand.
And as for the witches... Sidonie von Brocken was a nightmare, curt and rude and generally unpleasant beyond all measure; Janet Gowdie was, frankly, curious to a degree that left Rowan feeling more frightened than she was before she asked for help; and Diana Bishop was an absolute fucking horror show, as pleasant as she might have been under other circumstances, with words crawling under her skin like living ink and the kind of piercing gaze that made Rowan feel as though all of her secrets were on full display.
It's not her, Diana had explained, in the brief time they interacted. She'd flown out to Venice at Diana's suggestion, determined to be seen rather than brushed aside or swept under a rug. Real ignorance would be exhausting, but willful ignorance of what the Mayfairs have been doing is, frankly, intolerable. It's the Mayfairs. They're strange, to say the least. The sheer volume of inbreeding and isolation has left their witches with waning power for centuries; only the désignée has any luck with magic over the last twelve generations, as if she (or he, in Julien's case) were siphoning the power from the rest of the family.
"Well," Diana had said thoughtfully, correcting herself, "thirteen generations, now." And then, with a hard, angry look towards the other witch Rowan hadn't yet met, she added, "Satu is your best bet here." Whatever bad blood existed between the women, it left Rowan feeling uneasy, though she was at once at ease with Satu. They're close to the same age, offputting in the same way that no doubt had Satu facing teasing just as merciless as the teasing Rowan experienced in grade school. Scary. Possessed. Haunted. Yes; there's certainly something haunted to her. Something haunting, too.
They're back in New Orleans, now, and Rowan has cleared as many of the cousins out of the house as she could, though they aren't happy about it. Satu is stretched out on the coffee table, ignoring the couch beside her, watching as Rowan opens her eyes and lowers her hands. The necklace clatters to the floor between them, and Satu speaks, eyes fixed on Rowan's, something not unlike wonder in her tone.
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"Guess so." Wish I wasn't. Not that Rowan's had much of a say in anything that's happened to her recently, especially considering her family. Not for the first time, she wishes she stayed in San Francisco. "But I don't want it. I don't want any of it. I'm sick of being used. I'm sick of being manipulated. And I'm sick of just being... the désignée or Deirdre's daughter or Lasher's chosen. I'm not a person anymore. Do you get how fucked that is?" Her voice is rising with agitation, and Rowan lifts an arm, wipes the back of her hand over her own startling eyes as she shifts them away from Satu. "All I wanted was answers. Not any of this."
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mehumiljonaari · 1 year
he's such a bitch, I'm obsessed
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hourlyanin · 2 years
it's only 2 hours left before the 2022 end. after went through a lot of things, i cant believe i was be able to be here today. it has never been easy since forever, but im so proud of myself for endure it all well. so many things happened this year.
start from January 2022, it was the first time of me as a senior high school student going to school with full capacity since the pandemic start. i had a very hard that time. i used to cry on the way of going to school. i was tiring and i feel so bad for my dad. for made him to go through this kind of situation.
"if i were smart enough, dad wouldnt be this tired"
it might be difficult to me but honestly it was worth to be remembered. i made a lot of memory there, with my fellow mipa satu friends. it was a short time yet im so happy for meeting them. spatsa will always be missed
2. move to the February 2022, it was the month when i moved the new school which closest than before from house. smale. it was February 14th. the valentine days. i didnt celebrate it but it was the day when i feel so loved by God. i still can believe what's happening. i was screaming like insane even though i was puasa that time. "i have never felt this happy in my life" said me that time.
but just after one day after move the new school, i got sick. i was trying to adjusting myself in the new environment while enduring my pain on my stomache. it was a very difficult but thanks god Roschan helped me a lot that time
3. March 2022, finally moved to the new school. it was tough either because right after i went to school for the first time, my fellow friends whom i just met got a covid. i was tested for it but thanks god the result is negative. my school back to PJJ once again but on February 26th march my school announced that student are allowed to back to school again. when the first time i entered the class it felt so strange. i was so afraid that people wont accept me. i had a lot of bad thoughts which kill me inside. but thanks god i met a lot of nice person there. they welcomed and treat me so well hence i didnt feel lonely anymore. it was also the day when i finally met chan for the first time. he greeted me first.
4. April 2022, i had been spending a lot time talking with can in this period. we are getting close and closer than before. we used to share everything and here i am start to catch a feeling with him. i was hestitate at first but i made the first move and stuff then. it was a frustarting and fun phase at the same time but i enjoy it all. really
5. May 2022, we ended up together and celebrate our first Eid together. it was also the month of our first date. we went to Kota Kasablanka and watch a Doctor Strange. it was so awkward we cant even talk properly that time. we were too shy and afraid to make each others felt uncomfortable. we ate on Es Teler 77 either
6. June 2022, we are getting more comfortable. we went to mall and spend a good time there. it was the month when you kissed my cheek for the first time hehe. i was running because of shy
7. July 2022, i didnt remember it well but this month is one of worst one. we hurt each others and it caused a misunderstanding between us. we almost lose each others but our urge to stay together is bigger than it.
8. August 2022, i was sick right before ur birthday. i was caught fever because of exhausted that time but i forced myself not to miss ur birthday even though my condition didnt well. i was not going to school but you constantly said you miss me and want to see me. that things made me want to get better asap. i want to say happy birthday to you as a person than anyone
9. September 2022,
10. October 2022
11. November 2022
12 December 2022
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Inilah Buah Melon Karya Petani Milenial dari Kudus, Rangga (Laguna Green House) yang Laris Manis dan Jadi Primadona Pasar Nasional Buah melon menjadi salah satu buah yang sangat enak disantap apalagi di saat cuaca panas. Buah yang satu ini juga sangat mudah didapatkan di mana saja. Juga dapat disajikan menjadi berbagai macam bentuk olahan, seperti jus, sop buah dan lainnya. Selain rasanya yang dinilai enak, buah melon juga memiliki kandungan yang banyak sekali manfaat untuk tubuh. Kandungan air di dalam melon yang tinggi dapat membantu tubuh mengalami dehidrasi dikarenakan kekurangan cairan di bawah terik matahari. Di Kabupaten Kudus, Jawa tengah ada seorang petani milenial sukses yang sangat inspiratif yang bernam Rangga. Di usia yang ke-24 tahun, Rangga mendirikan usaha Laguna Green House, dan memproduksi buah melon sebagai komoditas utama. Uniknya, Rangga menanam melon memakai sistem hidroponik dengan pengaplikasian teknologi. sehingga buah melon yang dihasilkan mampu memiliki ukuran, warna, dan rasa melon bisa di atur. Dengan kerja kerasnya, Kini Rangga menjadi pemasok melon premium dengan kapasitas produksi 3,7-4 ton melon per 20 hari. Harga jual melon premium itu rata-rata Rp 40.000. Omzet Rangga dari perniagaan melon premium Rp 148 juta-Rp 160 juta per 20 hari. Menariknya lagi, Rangga ini tidak punya latar belakang pertanian. Dia adalah lulusan arsitek dari Singapura, dan memilih pulang ke Tanah Air untuk bertani. Anak muda sekarang tidak malu jadi petani. Salut! . Source : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PnUmFEzECA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Informasi Seputar pertanian, Silahkan Kunjungi Website kami : https://ift.tt/VJbhvcj https://ift.tt/yC6YSot --------------- #Kudus #LagunaGreenHouse #RanggaSantoso #Melon #PetaniMilenial #TeknologiPertanian #rawatani #petanimuda #petanisukses #urbanfarming #gardeningideas #gardening #hidroponik #hidroponikindonesia #kisahsukses #melonhidroponik
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wclfy-jina · 2 years
origin stories - mina
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“nayeon, no! i told you not to do that!”
despite the rise in her voice, jeongyeon wasn't actually angry, and nayeon knew that. a little frustrated? maybe. annoyed? kinda. but angry? far from that.
after being adopted by jeongyeon and jihyo, nayeon had settled into her new home pretty quickly, which meant after a few months, she had already gotten very comfortable. perhaps even a little too comfortable. comfortable enough to know that even if she caused some mischief every now and then, her owners would still love her. that even if she knocked down a potted plant or chewed up some parts of the furniture, she'd still get all the pets and cuddles and treats she could ask for.
both jeongyeon and jihyo had grown incredibly fond of nayeon in no time. they gave her one of their spare bedrooms so she'd have space all to herself, but the bunny hybrid ended up being attached by the hip to them whenever they were home. she'd sit on the kitchen counter to watch jeongyeon cook, and snuggle up on jihyo's bed as she studied at her table. the more they grew to love the hybrid, naturally, the more they pampered her with gifts and attention and affection, although they never meant to spoil her.
nayeon had chewed up one of the armchairs once, and both jihyo and jeongyeon gave her a good scolding after they found out. but nayeon looked so sad and guilty afterwards, that the two of them couldn't help but go soft on her. ever since then, nayeon knew she could get away with pretty much anything.
that's how they ended up with a brat of a bunny hybrid in their hands.
nayeon would never do anything to greatly upset her owners of course, she just enjoyed messing with them from time to time. such as at that very moment.
jeongyeon sighed as she cleaned up the leaves that nayeon had chewed up and plucked out from one of the plants in the living room. “i'm beginning to think you have much more energy than jihyo and i can keep up with,” she said as she looked at nayeon, who put on an innocent grin, causing jeongyeon to shake her head. as she stood up to throw the leaf pieces away, an idea came to mind. “how about we get you a friend?”
“a friend?” nayeon questioned, tilting her head curiously. “yeah, a friend. as in, another hybrid for you to play with when jihyo and i can't play with you. so you won't resort to destroying the furniture,” jeongyeon explained, laughing when she saw nayeon scrunch up her nose slightly at the idea. “what's this i hear about another hybrid?” jihyo asked as she emerged from the hallway that led to the bedrooms, an eyebrow raised as she eyed jeongyeon suspiciously. “i was thinking that we could adopt another hybrid to help keep nayeon in check,” jeongyeon told her. “what do you say?”
“keep nayeon in check? what if they end up adding to her energy and encouraging her mischief instead?”
“then we'll have to adopt a calmer one. maybe a cat hybrid? i heard they're generally calm.”
“i'm not sure about this, jeong...nayeon is already a handful. can we handle another hybrid?” jihyo asked doubtfully, her eyebrows furrowed. “i'm positive that we can!” jeongyeon grinned. “hey, no way!” nayeon squeaked in protest after having enough of the conversation, pouting slightly as her ears drooped. “i don't want another hybrid in the house, i love it being just us.” jeongyeon exchanged a glance with jihyo before looking at nayeon again. “it could be a good thing for all three of us,” she began to reason, but nayeon vigorously shook her head. “nope! i'm not sharing you two!”
after that evening, jihyo and jeongyeon never brought up the topic of adopting another hybrid again, much to nayeon's satisfaction. little did the bunny hybrid know, that her two owners were discussing the matter privately, without her knowing.
after roughly a week, they finally decided that they were going to adopt another hybrid. ideally, a calmer one to balance out the energy that nayeon brought to the house. they told nayeon that they were going out to run some errands one saturday morning, before they left to a local hybrid shelter. upon arriving, they told a staff member that they were looking for a calmer hybrid to take home, and he led them to the cat hybrid section.
“this one's new to the shelter,” he stated as he led them past cage after cage of cat hybrids. “he's very friendly but very calm too.” jeongyeon and jihyo looked around as they walked, at the numerous hybrids who meowed and pressed themselves up against the front of their cages in hopes of getting the two potential adopters' attention. however, before they even reached the hybrid that the employee was talking about, jeongyeon halted in her tracks, gently grabbing jihyo's arm to stop her as well. raising an eyebrow curiously, the latter followed the former's gaze to see what had caught her eye.
curled up in the back corner of the cage right next to the two girls, was a cat hybrid, with large black ears and a matching long and sleek black tail. while the other hybrids did all they could to draw attention to themselves, this one didn't appear to be bothered. instead, she kept to herself, purring just loud enough to be audible as she cuddled a small teddy bear. there was something about her that was drawing both jihyo and jeongyeon to her.
“oh, that one?” the man asked as he walked back to the two, noticing their interest in the black cat hybrid. “she's calm alright, but she isn't very friendly or affectionate. quiet little thing, doesn't like to play with the other hybrids much either,” he told them.
“she was dropped off here, about a year ago? almost a year ago? somewhere along those lines. no one's really interested in such a passive hybrid so she's been here in this shelter ever since.”
hearing that, jeongyeon and jihyo wordlessly exchanged a look, knowing exactly what the other was thinking, because they each were thinking the exact same thing. “can we talk to her?” jihyo asked the staff member.
as she drove back to the house, jihyo glanced in the rearview mirror, smiling to herself when she saw the sweet black cat hybrid purring while jeongyeon stroked her hair in the backseat. once she was let out of her cage, the two's conversation with the hybrid didn't last very long. all they did was introduce themselves, ask her if she had a name—she did, it's mina—asked her if she'd be okay living with another hybrid—an energetic bunny hybrid, to be exact—and finally, they asked her if she wanted to come home with them. mina was, just as the shelter employee had warned them, rather quiet initially, only politely answering their questions, until it had dawned on her that she was being adopted. her eyes had lit up and she couldn't help the excited purr that rumbled in her throat. “you want to adopt me?” she had asked, sounding doubtful in spite of her own purring. “are you sure?”
“of course, sweetheart,” jihyo had assured her, her smile wide and welcoming. “we think you'd be perfect for us,” jeongyeon had added.
after filling in the paperwork and paying extra to speed up their application approval, enabling them to take mina home immediately, they were then happily bringing mina back home with them, the cat hybrid purring with joy throughout the entire journey as she reveled in head pets and chin scratches from jeongyeon, who had insisted on sitting in the backseat to accompany mina. arriving back home, jihyo went inside first while jeongyeon waited outside with mina, intending to inform nayeon about her new friend before actually introducing them.
“nayeon! we're home!” jihyo announced as she walked in, almost immediately hearing the thumping of nayeon's footsteps as she ran out of her room and to the front door. the bunny hybrid greeted her with a wide smile, which fell as soon as she caught a foreign scent on jihyo. “were you...with another hybrid?” she asked while narrowing her eyes suspiciously, her ears involuntarily twitching. jihyo let out a nervous chuckle. “yeah, about that...remember when jeongyeon suggested getting you a playmate? we, uh, already got her.”
hearing the news, nayeon's eyes widened, her jaw dropped, and her ears drooped. “you adopted another hybrid? after i told you not to?!” she questioned in disbelief, a whine in the tone of her voice as she pouted. “how could you?”
it was then when the front door opened, and jeongyeon walked in with mina tailing right behind her. the cat hybrid looked around half curiously and half nervously, her tail low and ears upright as she took in her new surroundings, before her gaze fell on nayeon. curious cat eyes met those of a taken aback bunny. “nayeon, meet mina,” jeongyeon introduced them. “mina, nayeon is the bunny hybrid we told you about.”
nayeon flinched when mina took a step closer to her, causing the cat hybrid's ears to flatten against her head in alarm as she quickly hid behind jeongyeon and jihyo to distance herself from the bunny. nayeon noticed this and, because she felt bad, took the initiative to lessen the space between herself and the cat hybrid. “um, hi? i'm nayeon,” she reintroduced herself hesitantly, her ears standing upright in surprise when she was met with a soft smile and gentle purring in response. “it's nice to meet you, nayeon. i'm mina. i can't wait to be friends with you!”
as mina brushed past nayeon to curiously explore her new home, gently nuzzling against her as she did so, the latter's gaze followed the former before she turned to her two owners, who looked at her expectantly. “i love her,” nayeon said while deadpanning. “i'm gonna protect her from anything and everything.”
at nayeon's reaction, jihyo sighed in relief, while jeongyeon let out an amused chuckle. “why don't you go show her around then?” jeongyeon suggested, rewarding nayeon with a scratch behind one of her ears before the bunny hybrid scurried off towards mina, eager to show her new friend around the house.
“we made the right choice, didn't we?” jihyo asked, crossing her arms over her chest while she watched nayeon guide mina around the living room. jeongyeon wasn't sure if jihyo meant their decision to adopt mina specifically, or their decision to get another hybrid in general. but either way, she couldn't agree more. “we did,” she replied with a small nod, the two girls smiling widely. “we definitely did.”
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this got wayyy longer than i intended it to be,,
i got carried away and i am not sorry for it at all
minayeon my beloved 💕
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kitharion · 2 years
Tagged by @neoncomets 🥰
Relationship Satus: Polyam with a long-term nesting partner! Covid kinda killed the ‘cule but that’s okay
Favorite Color: tbh the older I get the less I have particular colors I’m really drawn to… right now it’s pastel pink/dusty rose and dark wood grain. Maybe silver?
Favorite Food: spaghetti my beloved. Also this shepherds pie I just took out of the oven
Song stuck in my head: I’ve been on a Quiet Company kick, so various lines from the We All Are Where We Belong album. Currently it’s “I hope you love me when you know me well” from the track “Are You A Mirror (…Or A Window?)”
Last thing I googled: “naan dough recipe” I’ve been watching a lot of The Great British Bake Off and they made yeast-free naan for the technical and I had a hankering. Remembered three recipes in that my nesting partner used to make industrial sized naan batches and probably already has one lol
Time: 17:17 on 10 June 2022. I’m procrastinating getting ready for work.
Dream trip: literally any. I want to travel so badly. Unfortunately there is both a global pandemic and also I’m poor. Top of the list though are a backpacking trip around the ring of Kerry in Ireland, and probably a trip to Harajuku Japan and/or Guangzhou City, China because I’ve been on a fashion kick
Something I want: for my cat to stop trying to sharpen his claws on my dining chairs and for my house to be clean. Both are attainable if I can work on them.
I will tag @sophisticat42 @peachthatdrinkslemonade @aiyaria @cleverclara @knowtrueliving 💕
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Happy Lowman x Tig Trager daughter!Reader
@forest-rav3n​ asked: 32 and 40 smut with Happy pretty please
32. Bring that pretty ass over here.
40. What if I put chocolate on you?
Word count: 3.2k
WARNINGS: NSFW and smut and Happy being the daddiest
Thanks to my lovely beta reader @CHIBSYTELFORD 💘
Author comments: I hope you all enjoy. The gif isn’t mine.
Tag list: @starrynite7114​ @chibsytelford​ @dazzledamazon​ @mara-mpou​ @sammskellington​ @gemini0410​ @1-800-imagines​ @briana-mishell24​ @trulysuccubus​💥 (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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It's too cold outside of the bar that your skin bristles, but you actually can't feel it because of the alcohol running through your blood. It's another friday night in which you end up so drunk you can't even talk properly. Having a puff of your cigar, you let the smoke go out by your nose. You're tired and all you want is a warm bed to die. But you also know that your father would kick your pretty ass, if he find you in that mood. So, Happy is the one who always takes care of you. And, by the way you have to call him, he knows how much you drunk.
You know that he is sitting right now on his sofa, waiting for your call and praying like never before, till de phone rings. And you know he's rubbing his face with a hand, splitting a snort and shaking his head. You know him well. He's not a man who is always talking, nor commenting. He speaks through his gestures, you've been studying him over the years.
“I'm co—cold. Can you come?”. You say after some seconds in silence.
“I hate Fridays”.
“But I kno—know you love Satu—Saturdays”. You say chattering teeth, trying not to laugh before he hangs up the call.
You text your friends, inside the bar yet, to tell them that you're leaving. Probably they'll continue the party till dawn, but you have had a long week. Some beer and some shots have been enough for you. When you feel how everything starts to turn around your position, you decide to rest your back against the facade. You can see some men whispering about you, believing that they have found an easy prey. Bikers, no MC. Maybe nomads that they're passing, so they probably don't know who you are.
Happy's bike roars enraged, just in time,  stopping next to you. The man gets up without looking at you, but the other bikers, offering you your own SAMCRO jacket. Warm and comfy. Throwing the cigar away, you turn to them. Now they know you're part of the club, but not in a ‘bitch’ way, but in a ‘family’ one. Charmin running through your veins. You show them your middle finger and also your tongue in a clear derision, before sitting up behind Happy. Helmet on, he starts the engine.
You don't need to do it, but your arms are surrounding his abdomen, with your left cheek resting on his back. Fresh air feels good now that you find yourself better with your hoodie, on your way back home. Happy drives without hurry, taking his time 'cause he truly loves having you by his back, riddin' by night as if the world were his, and yours too. You could call whoever you want. Even Chibs would leave anything he could be doing, to take you home. Or Juice, who is your best friend and partner in crime since ever. But you feel secure with Happy, and he's the only one that doesn't reproach you if you drunk too much, or if you should stop doing it.
You could swear that you fall asleep, at least, some minutes on the road till you two arrive to his house. Parking the bike in the yard next to the garage, Happy helps you to get off of the bike. You feel somewhat better, but still feel the dizziness stir your stomach. The man places an arm in your waist, holding one of your hands with his free over his shoulders, walking inside the small house to take you to the bed. The next mission it's find a shirt and change your clothes. 
Sitting on the edge of his bed, he bends down in front of you leaving a shirt by your side. First, he takes off your sneakers, getting you up with your hands on his shoulders to lift up the tight black dress keeping your gaze a little upset.
“I wanna lose my virginity with you”. Whispering as if it was a secret, he rolls his eyes.
“Don' start with your foolishness”.
“I'm serious... I trust you to do i...”
Before you can say anything, he holds you between his arms, forcing you to walk towards the bathroom turning on the lights. You don't know what the hell is going on, till he opens the shower faucet, pushing you into it without prior notice. Your yells and curses flood the house, while you fight to get out of the cold water falling all over your body. You want to kill him, 'cause you know he's enjoying it.
Closing the faucet, he offers you a towel, holding it shivering with cold, he gives you a petty smile before turning to bring you the shirt.
“I'll be at the sofa, sleep in my bed, love. I'm gonna text Tig to tell him you're here”.
A heavy sigh escapes from your lips, closing your eyes for a second. You're drunk, but you were also talking serious. Your father is so different, he doesn't care about sex as something special. He could fuck whoever he has in front of him. He doesn't care about the age, about the nationality, about the body... Sometimes you think he needs help. But you're on your twenties and, even if you don't feel ashamed, you wanted to find someone appropriate to have your first time. And you know that Happy is the best option. So, you're gonna try the next morning.
┅┅ ┅ ┅ ┅┅
The smell of hot coffee and french toasts wakes you up. But the hangover keeps you in bed for some seconds. You roll under the sheets, sinking your nose on the pillow. Yes, you love that smell too. Barefoot and with your hair made a mess, you walk slowly dragging the feet on the floor. You cough for a moment, knowing that maybe you smoke too much last night, and feeling dry your throat. Water. You could kill wildly for a bottle of water. Opie jumps off of the couch when he sees you, moving his tail, to leave some dearly licks on your legs till you pat his head softly.
“Mornin'”. Happy says, serving the last dish on the table.
You can't say nothing. Absolutely nothing. Now you're ashamed. So you sit on a chair in front of him, having a sip of your mug with a gasp. It feels like you're recovering life with that drink. Stretching your right hand, you take a toast with some chocolate on it, giving it a big bite. You're hungry and you can't help but eat it faster than you should.
Happy is judging you, in silence, as he always does. With his elbows nailed on the table and his coffee between his hands, he's staring at you over the edge of his mug. You're not looking at him, but you know he's trying to figure out if you remember something about last night.
“I was talking serious”. At the exact moment your words go out, he spits the coffee he was drinking to some point above the floor.
“You have the same mental illness as your father. Is it hereditary, some Trager family shit?”
Rolling your eyes, you lie your back on the chair.
“I wanna do it with someone I trust in”.
“Ask Juice”.
“I don' wan' someone who's gonna cry while he's fucking me, 'cause I chose him to lose my virginity”. You're indignant, pissed off and talking so fast, that those facts provokes Happy's laugh. 
“I'm not going to do it, (Y/N)”. He sentences, even if you know he's not sure about what he's doing. You can see it in the way he stretches his ring finger for a second.
“C'mon, Happy! Why not?”
“'Cause you're a kid, and your father's gonna kill me”.
“He fucks chicks younger than me”.
Good point. He nods with pursed lips, because you're right and any other arguments will be invalidated. But he also shakes his head again.
“Your father is sick and needs help, I'm not and I don't. You can't even get me hard”.
Has it sounded like a challenge? You raise an eyebrow. Happy is remembering that he should watch his words, before saying any other stupidity. You drag your chair back, with your hands supported against the table. He knows he's fucked. With narrowed eyes, you walk towards him, so slow like a lion studying his prey. Your left hand touring the board wood. He swallows, putting his gaze away from you, fighting against his desires. 
“Don't”. He says, stopping you by his hand on your abdomen.
But it's not enough, so you ignore him sitting on his lap, facing each other. Happy snorts rubbing his face with both hands, looking for the strength he's losing by big steps. You get comfy above his legs, letting your hands travel from his chest up to his neck.
“Please, don't”. He asks you again, almost supplicating.
“Just one time”. Your lips are so close to his, that you can touch them in a soft caress.
Without him expecting it, you grab one of his hands, guiding it behind your shirt feeling the heat that emanates from your tights. Spreading your legs a little more, his fingers meet your wetness. A slight gasp escapes from his parted lips, with his eyes on yours. You're playing with fire, but never a burn felt so good.
Placing your lips on his in a slow kiss, tasting his mouth, Happy slices his middle finger in your tightness making you moan almost in a whisper.
“Shit, love...” He mutters moving it with soft moves. 
With your hands on his chest, starting a new kiss more needy, you dance your hips against his finger, fucking it to show him that you really want to do it with him.
“You want me to stop?” You ask then between gasps. He can't even talk and you like to play with Happy's mind.
So, you do. Behind his confused gaze, you get up from him with the clear intention of walk back to your chair.
“Bring that pretty ass over here”. He growls grabbing your left wrist pushing you into his lap again, you can't help but laughing at the man. “I can't promise I'll careful”.
“I know”.
“Sit on the table, I wanna taste you”. He demands, and you takes it as a command putting away the dishes and the coffees.
He places your legs on his shoulders, licking his lips while you take of your shirt to throw it and getting naked to his own pleasure. He doesn't need words, seeing how his eyes get darker because of the lust running over your bodies. His tongue toures your entrance, catching between his lips your clit to suck it softly. One of your hands, now on his head presses him to it, growling a moan when you feel how Happy slices two fingers inside you without expecting. This whole thing feels better than you could have imagined.
With his free hand, he pushes you to lie over the table, pinching one of your nipples when he gets you at his mercy. The name of the Son' is stuck in your throat, because of the moves his tongue does sucking and licking your clit and his fingers throwing you faster than it. Arching your back, you fit your legs somewhat better, feeling his saliva filling you.
“Shit, Happy... Fuck me...” You beg squirming on the table.
You know that you said the corrects words, when he gets up of the chair and you're allow to see the huge lump in his pants. You also know that it's gonna hurt, but it's gonna worth it. With a hand on your nape, pulling down your legs till his body is between them, he kisses you filthy. Happy is pretty hard. Happy is hating you so much, 'cause he respect you, but you taste so good. 
Your tongues finally meet inside your mouth and it's the best thing you ever savor. You're desperate for feeling him, putting a hand on his lump, caressing it tightly and provoking some moans on the man. He doesn't want to wait. He wanna makes you enjoy, and this morning it's all about you. But you know that, later, he's gonna lose his mind at all when your lips would being fucked by his cock.
“You want my dick, uh?”
“Yes”. You answer not being capable of break the needy kiss between both.
“Say it”. He demands surrounding your throat with a hand, and using that scratchy voice that makes you shake in a good way.
“I want your dick, Happy... please”. You repeat touching his lips with yours, almost begging him again.
“Good girl”. He smiles softly, before holding you in his arms, to walk towards the bed. If he'll not be careful, at least you're gonna have some comfort.
He lays you there, getting undressed hurriedly, to spread your legs with both hands. At this point, you can't think clearly. You thought that could be more difficult ask him, or that you're insecurities would float in your head. But you want to do it, you're sure, you're convinced, and Happy looks delighted with the idea that you chose him over the rest of the friends you could trust in. Maybe you two will die when your father knows, but again: it's gonna worth it.
The Son' lays on top of you, placing your legs tangled on his, grabbing his cock to  your entrance, rubbing your clit tightly with his reddened glans. He's not going to ask you if you wanna continue, feeling the heat of your wetness calling him. Catching out your breath with the first pound, Happy presses your lips with his, pushing you into the limit. The way his cock has to break through your tightness makes you feel burning and stinging. But he doesn't make a move. He's not the kind of lovely man in sex, at least that's what you heard about him, but you know he's gonna have some patience at first.
So, when you feel that he can continue, you bite his lower lip to give him green light. Pulling back his waist, he pounds you deeper making you moan. You start to feel the pleasure running all over your body with every thrust, faster and harder than the last. Forehead against forehead, your nails scratch his back provoking him more than one growl fill of enjoyment. 
“Shit, love... How can you be like this wet?” He mutters with shaky breath, licking your lips. 
“Fuck me harder, daddy”. You joke on him, surrounding his waist with a leg, to pushing him deeper.
Happy chuckles when he's sure that you feel comfortable, turning your wishes into commands for him. The headboard hits the wall with every blow of his hard dick against you, and his name echoing throughout the room between your gasps and moans. And you can see how proud and triumphant he feels.
With a hand wrapping your throat, forcing you to leave him some space on your neck, the man bites your skin making you arch your back with a heavy sigh in your lips. You know that it's gonna cost you a lot of make up to cover the bruise he's doing, so as not to piss off your father and prevent him from finding out.
“Happy, I wan—wanna cum... don't stop, please... fuck, Happy”. You says as you can with trembling voice, closing your eyes tight.
“Do it, love... Cum for daddy, c'mon...”
His arms wrap your body, pounding you faster with your gasps getting loud, supplicants for more. The Son' keeps your gaze, wanting to see your face when the orgasm runs your back bristling your skin, shaking your legs placed around his hips. Your body hitting the mattress harder.
“Holy fuck, Happy!” 
Sinking your face on his neck, when it takes your breath away, even if he doesn't stop, nor does it slow down each thrust. You're not using a condom, but you don't want him to pull it out and you let him know by turning on the bed, putting yourself on top of him. 
“Good girl... ride me, love... ride me”. Happy squeezes your ass, while your hips dance over him.
With your weight resting on your palms, above his chest, his fingers are nailed on your tights pushing you somewhat deeper till his breathing becomes more constant and restless. You look for his lips, bowing down to him. Happy's hands runs over your back, kissing you desperately, drowning a pleasant growl against your tongue. You feel how he fills you warmly, with your shaky legs nailed on the bed and your moans meeting each other, somewhat lower and exhausted.
“'Am gonna... tell you something”. He whispers caressing the mess your hair is with both hands, pulling it to your back, trying to recover the air that is lacking in the lungs. “If you think that 'am gonna let someone else fuck you, or touch you, or kiss you... You're fucking wrong, love. Because if someone else tries it, I'm gonna bury him alive”.
You know well he's talking serious. Happy doesn't do those kind of ‘warnings’, nor does it say the things you would like to hear. You nod in silence, 'cause you don't have any choice, and you also don't want any other. Wheezing, you fall by his side feeling a little empty, to get comfy lying in the bed. 
“And my father?”
“Tig fucks chicks younger than you”. He repeats your own words, making you laugh before hold you into his arms. “We should take a shower and make an appearance at the club”.
Snorting, you're not even sure if you're allowed to walk.
“What if next time I put some chocolate on you...?” You ask joking, placing a hand behind the pillow, closer to him.
“Tonigh', you mean...?
┅┅ ┅ ┅ ┅┅
Before you can find some words to defend yourselves, your father's right fist goes straight Happy's nose making him wobble. Chibs and Bobby grabbing Tig, while Juice and you tries to help the other.
“Did he force you?! Did he hurt you?!”
“Dad, stop! I asked him!”
The silence floods the Sons' clubhouse, seeing how a strange grin is drawn on your father's face. Juice goes for some ice to bring the ex-nomad, while the older is waiting for an explanation.
“I just... felt that I need to lose it. And I asked Happy, 'cause I trust him. That's all! How the fuck you can think that he... raped me or something like that?”
“Why didn't you ask...? I don' know! The fucking Juice!”
“'Am bloody sure he would cry fuckin' your daughter, fo' choosin' him”. Chibs, the voice of wisdom has talked, helping Happy to get up and grab the ice against his bleeding nose.
“Man!” The aforementioned replies.
“And now what? Do you intend to make it a habit?” Tig can't believe that his best friend fucked his daughter.
“Who cares, Alexander? He takes care of the kid!” The Sons' president palm his shoulders to play down, pushing him to the bar to serve him a drink.
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My Entire Life
Summary: When you say you can’t imagine life without each other it becomes clear to everyone that becoming a couple is only a matter of time. Who knew falling in love with your best friend was something that was going to happen.
Words: 1762
AN: Exposition time is over. It's time to start playing around with the plot.
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Chapter 2: Distance
Y/N’s task was simple. Watch Hop while his mom picked up the cake and Leon from the train station. It was just gonna be a small birthday party for hop who was turning 7.
Hop was a good kid. In a few ways, he was a lot like Leon growing up. His nose was already in books trying to learn about Pokémon. In fact, he was using a lot of the same books Leon had Y/N quiz him on. It was quite cute.
“I’m gonna win against Lee one day.” Hop spoke after rewatching one of Leon’s past matches.
“You know I told Leon I was gonna beat him too.” Y/N said leaving her phone open on whatever news site that popped up in her recommendations.
“Why didn’t you?” He sat on the couch looking ready for the most exciting story.
“He’s just a strong trainer. It’s like he traded his sense of direction for being an amazing strategist.” She spoke highly of her friend. “It’s like any time I thought I had him backed in a corner, I would lose faster than it took to snap my fingers.” 
“Was it like that with everyone?”
Y/N frowned. “Kinda. Depending on who you were.” She debated on continuing with her thought. Sonia and Leon were rivals at one point. She hadn’t got the answer to what had happened that made her so upset at Leon that she dropped out. It was probably best not to bring it up. They wouldn’t talk for a year, even now they weren’t close. 
“He was good at befriending different Pokémon.” She hoped Hop wouldn’t be annoyed at the subject change. 
 “Like how?”
“Well, sometimes it would be like you and your Wooloo. Creating an inseparable bond built on mutual trust.” Y/N smiled at a memory. “That it's not about having the strongest Pokémon. It’s about-”
“Having a partner you can trust in. Understanding where their limits lie and knowing when you are going too far for them. Knowing when you can push you and your Pokémon into being the best version you can be.” Leon finished as he walked over to the couch where Y/N and Hop sat. 
Leon sat down in the middle between Y/N and Hop. Hop had a huge smile on his face. “Lee you made it!”
Leon pulled Hop into a hug. “I would never miss your birthday. We are going to do whatever you want to do today.”
Y/N fought a frown from appearing on her face. Leon missed her birthday twice. He’s missed their annual Halloween movie night. Every movie they talked about seeing in theaters. Game nights with both of their families. Testing out terrible ice cream flavor combinations. The Halloween costume competition. The yearly ‘drink as many different hot chocolate types till you’re sick’ day. 
Y/N forced a smile and took a breath. “I’m gonna go grab Hop’s present from my house. Don’t have too much fun without me.”
“We won’t.” They spoke together.
Y/N grabbed her jacket and walked out of the house. The moment she stepped outside, tears started forming. "Honestly who said all because you're champion now that you can't come home and hang out with us anymore." She wiped her eyes with the bottom of your sleeve. "It's not right to leave us behind like that."
Y/N called Leon. It was late at night and his last match ended over an hour ago. It was probably safe to call him and actually have Leon pick up. The after-match interviews had to be over by now.
The phone rang a few times. "Hey Y/N. How’s it going?" 
“Pretty good. I'm turning 17 in a few days. Me and Sonia are supposed to go out to eat with Nessa on Saturday. It’d be nice if you could come with us.” She told him, making it sound more like a question. It would be nice since Leon and Sonia had gone back to being friends like normal again. Even if their friendship now included some occasionally awkward moments.
“You said Saturday?” Y/N sat up straighter in her desk chair.
“Yeah. You know I haven't seen you in months and I’m getting tired of being stuck only being able to hear your voice on the phone.” Y/N wouldn’t admit she was begging but she was.
“Let me pull up the calendar real quick. I’m putting you on speaker.” Leon began to scroll through his schedule.
Y/N smiled even though she hadn’t got an answer yet. “While you do that, You want to hear what happened while I was at the store?”
“There was a guy who saw my lock screen of the two of us in the Wild Area. He called me one of your rabid fangirls. Claimed I photoshopped the photo.” Y/N laughed. “I almost started messing with him but it was my turn to pay in line.”
Leon shook his head. “You get that happening to you a lot?” He spoke with concern. He hadn’t said it allowed yet but he was nervous about accidentally bringing his friends and family into the spotlight.
“Yeah. It really doesn’t bother me. Not like anyone has said anything that’s actually hurtful.”
“What time are you three going out to eat?” He asked.
“Around 5 then I think we were planning to also go see a movie.” Y/N looked over at her Drifloon and the Mimikyu she got during the gym challenge. Even they looked excited in suspense of possibly seeing Leon again.
“I have a night shoot for an ad at 6.” Leon sounded like he was already getting ready to apologize.  
“It’s okay. It was last minute. I’ll talk later. Mimi keeps pulling on my leg. Have a good night.” She looked away from her Mimikyu that was on the other side of the room.
“Goodbye. I’l-” Y/N hung up quickly.
She looked back to Mimi who looked like the definition of offended. “I’m sorry. I needed an excuse.” 
Y/N got up from her desk and flopped onto her bed. “It's just every year he misses my birthday now. We’re supposed to be best friends.” She pulled a pillow over her face and screamed. “I get it, he's the champion and he has things to do. But it doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt.” Y/N spoke into the pillow.
Drifloon and Mimi looked back and forth at each other and Y/N. Both of her Pokemon were a bit worried.
Y/N dropped the pillow on the floor and laid on her back. “It’s just so unfair. You know I always try to make time for him whenever he comes back to Postwick. Even if I was already busy and had plans. I’ve canceled a date for him before.”
Drifloon moved over to the light switch and bumped up against it turning off the light.
“I just miss him. So much.” It wasn’t long till her anger turned into tears. She curled into a ball trying to give herself a hug.
Mimi got up on the bed and sat next to her trainer. She rubbed her head against Y/N. It wasn’t the first time something like this had happened in the past 4 years. 
Leon laid in bed at his apartment in Wyndon. He couldn’t sleep. At least there was nothing scheduled to do in the morning. He rolled over and grabbed his phone, checking the time to see it was 1 am. He got maybe an hour or two of sleep at most. 
Maybe he could, no that’d be too rude. But she probably was still up. She does have a habit of staying up late. She’s usually editing late at night though, she would be so focused. It also means she’d be wide awake. Leon tapped the back of his phone for a minute continuing his internal debate.
He sat up, giving in to his boredom he called Y/N.
One ring. Two rings. Three rin- “Leon, why on earth are you calling me so late?” She was clearly very awake at least. 
“I couldn’t sleep. I figured you would still be up.” He pulled a blanket around himself. The cold of the room bothered him more than he would have thought.
"Well, I'm glad it's that and not you being lost. Still, you never call this late. Is something wrong?”
“No nothing’s wrong. I just can’t sleep and thought maybe if I just talk to someone long enough my brain would finally give into sleep.”
Y/N laughed. “Okay. Well, what do you want to talk about then?”
“Welp I didn’t think that far ahead.” He looked up at the ceiling of his room.  “Um, are you working on anything right now?”
“I am but it’s more of a personal project." I'll post it once I'm done editing it."
"Can't wait to see it. What is it?"
"It's just some photos I took earlier this week for Halloween. I think it’s my best work this year.” He could hear the excitement in her voice.
“Do I at least get a hint of what you’re dressed up as?”
“No, You might try and top my costume. You can’t win everything.” 
“Well, I think I’ve won enough to have this cape at least.” He laid back, leaning against the headboard.
“Bleh. Are you sure you can’t get rid of that damned cape?”
“What’s wrong with the cape?” Leon laughed through the question.
“You’re right. Throw out the entire outfit and put something on that has actual fashion sense.”
He laughed more. “I didn’t know you hated it so much.”
“Loathe is the correct word.”
“Damn.”  He laughed. “Well I’m sorry to disappoint you but I can’t get rid of it.”
“The day I don’t have to see you in that sorry cape anymore is going to be great.”
“It’s gonna be a long time till that happens.” A smile went across his face. “How’s the editing going now?”
“It’s done. I’m just going to post it then go to bed.”
“I guess I’ll let you go then. Good night.”
“Good night.” 
He hung up the phone and pulled the blanket off of himself, placing it back where it was supposed to lie on the bed. He opened up an app on his phone to see Y/N had already posted the photo that appeared on top of his timeline. He liked the photo and left a short comment before getting to try and go back to sleep.
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lebensmoode · 4 years
Pengen cerita.
Selama tinggal di Tebing, gue jadi tau tontonan apa aja yang adek gue suka puterin di yutub. Salah satunya yang bikin gue jadi sering nimbrung nonton juga (karena dia nontonnya di TV ruang tengah) adalah channelnya mbak Sunny a.k.a SunnydahyeIn.
Buat kalian yg suka mantengin beauty vlogger plus korean stuff pasti tau siapa beliau. I once watched her content but it was looong ago, jadi cuma ngeliat satu ato dua video beliau doang trus tau kalo waktu itu mbaknya lagi hits juga trus oh yaudah gitu. Ternyataaa adek gue ngikutin hampir semua video mbaknya, trus gue pun sekarang jadi tertular.
Sampai lah kemaren gue muterin video di atas, dan perasaan gue tuh... apa ya... I felt like i got energized out of nowhere. I don’t know that watching her channel will give me kind of positive vibes, jadi semacam bahan bakar untuk menjalani hidup yang lebih bodoamat optimis dan bermakna gitu. Gak tau ya kalo viewers lain ngeliatnya gimana but that’s my pov. Ada beberapa hal yang gue amat senangi dari video-video mbak Sunny dan yang gue bisa ambil pelajaran juga dari situ.
Pertama, she is such a great giver. Keknya hampir gak ada di video beliau tuh yang dia gak beliin sesuatu untuk temennya ato orang-orang di sekitarnya. Tiap jumpa sama kengkawan pasti mba Sunny bawain macem macem entah itu makanan, skinker, ato barang favorit si orang tersebut. Or else, dia yang kadang traktir makan. Pokoknya everyday seems like her thanksgiving day. Dan melihat reaksi orang-orang yang dapat pemberian dari beliau bikin gue jadi ikutan seneeeng. Beberapa bahkan balas ngasih sesuatu juga buat mbaknya. Haaaa it hits me hard about sharing to others so i learn a lot from this.
Kedua, intro dulu, mbak Sunny nih sering menghadirkan temen-temennya di konten videonya. Yang suka muncul tuh mbak Jini who is a model dan Nara who came from North Korea. Dan mereka bertiga dijuluki “Spicy Girls” sama pacarnya mba Sunny. Nah especially in the video above, the girls were having photoshoots in a house yang estetik nan lucu banget parah you must go see it gaes. Watching them traveling together, stopping by the cafe for a morning coffee, setting cameras and stuffs they needed, walking down the street together, wearing cute dresses, customes, and makeups, having big dinner at the end of the day — it all makes me realize one thing: that the world is so damn wide and iridescent and i got to do what i love to do just like the girls do with their own. Hepi banget liat mereka sibuk sama hal hal yang mereka sukai, sibuk sama orang-orang yang juga peduli satu sama lain, sibuk bergerak, berproses, dan menghasilkan sesuatu.
Ada keselip pandangan jelek dari gue awalnya tentang fisik, pas tengok temen-temennya mba Sunny yang kuyus kuyus dan berdada kecil, gue jadi merasa "yeeay i got many korean friends". Buluk banget kan pikiran aing? Then it turns out to be... Wa, they had fun and did their stuff without worrying anything about their body. So why did you worry? Stop thinking that nobody would accept your being skinny. Do your fckg things and live your fckg life like nobody cares. And voila! 2 minggu belakangan di mana gue memang sedang enjoy-enjoy nya menikmati hidup tuh langsung merasa kaya didukung sama semesta untuk keep going and keep doing that. Geez. Panjang.
Ketiga, it is about the partnership yang ditunjukkan mba Sunny dan mas pacar, Chris. I notice that their relationship, in my opinion, is so healthy. Kenapa gue bilang sehat? Dari segi bahasa, karena mereka datang dari negara yang berbeda (mbak Sunny bisa bahasa korea, indonesia, dan inggris dan mas Chris  berbahasa jepang dan inggris), the fact that they learn each other languages is so positive and super fun. Dari segi karir, oh man... this guy is very supportive to what his woman is doing. Dari yang masnya jadi ikutan bikin konten, sampe buat channel yutub juga, trus jadi temenan sama temen-temen mbak Sunny juga, kebawa-bawa jadi kameramen dan pemberi kuis. Dan pas mereka lagi off, they give each other time to get back with their own business. They appreciate and support each other in the best way they can, instead of terlihat kayak mencampuri kerjaan satu sama lain, they show me more about how having a partner can become so helpful and fun cause you are not working it all alone. They don't mingle with each other's affairs but they cooperate.
Keren gak sih? Another reason is that, based on what my eyes capture, they seem to enjoy being themselves and keep it while they are together. Mungkin ada pasangan yg berpikirnya oh gue pacaran sama lu dengan harapan lu bisa perbaiki sisi gue yg minderan, atau oh gue mau sama lu karna keknya lu bisa memaklumi dan tahan sama kegilaan, kecemasan dan overthinking gue. Nah, i don't see that on them. Sendiri sendiri aja udah bersinar dengan masing-masing company. Dan pas mereka jadi partner, they shine even brighter.
Setidaknya itu yang gue liat dari videonya. Kalo misal di balik layar ceritanya beda ya monmaap it’s out of my sight jadi gak bisa menyimpulkan apapun.
Gue pikir dengan melihat konten yg isinya tentang kosmetik, skinker, ciwi ciwi cantik, produk yang mahal, kehidupan orang kaya yang hedon tuh bakal bikin gue insekyur, julid, iri, dengki. Makanya selama ini aing nontonnya cuma yg berhubungan dengan kesukaan dan hiburan untuk meredam overthinking, kayak konten tentang Running Man, Day6, kelucuan membernya, lagu-lagu covernya, pokoknya yang bersifat menemani dan mengalihkan fokus, bukan yang memicu perang pikiran wkwk.
Tapi hamdalah sekarang pikiran dan hatinya udah lebih terbuka, legowo dan nrimo (aamiin). Ketika gue mutusin untuk ngelakuin hal-hal yang bikin gue merasa hidup, bikin mood naik, bikin yang lain sedikit terbantu, berdoa dan serahin sisanya sama Yang Maha Kuasa, trus bersikap bodoamat dengan kehidupan orang lain di sosmed, jujur gue merasa lebih ringan. Kek baru aja ngebungkus semua sampah sampah bushuk di dalam diri gue trus gue buang jauh jauh. So when i see and find out something new, alih-alih merasa minder dan gak berguna dan hidupnya paling nelangsa dari semua orang, gue mengolah itu lewat sudut pandang lain and it turns out to be something that i can use to grow. Kitiw.
P.S. Tulisanku akhir-akhir ini sering banget campur sari antara bahasa indonesia dan bahasa inggris. Dan yang mensponsorinya adalah channel mba Sunnyyy. Soalnya dia kebanyakan ngomong bahasa inggris di konten yutubnya bersama mas pacar. It’s another good thing, right? Ehe
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