#saturday is laundry day
drawnecromancy · 2 years
i am so tired i don't know if i'll manage to do an actual update more than a single page in break of dawn this month. and it sucks.
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tinajoweiss · 1 year
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quicksilversquared · 18 days
The nice thing about this house is that it has a laundry room.
The not-so-nice thing about this house is that the only way to access the laundry room most of the time is via the landlady's room, and she will sometimes randomly come home in the middle of me doing laundry and ofc shuts the door (as one does). And goes to bed. And I'm just sitting there like ma'am I need my laundry back
(it can be accessed, in theory, from the outside of the house as well, but she never remembers to undo the deadbolt and screen door latch when she comes back, so...useless, essentially)
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lifemod17 · 2 months
Modern day telekinesis where I can doom scroll and yell in the tags without having to use my hands
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every-sanji · 2 months
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asktaskforce141 · 3 months
If I had to pick one of you to be my roommate it be ghost because he's not loud and I wouldn't have to make small talk definitely the best roommate I could ask for - ❤️
A fellow quiet soul like myself, yeah? We'll split the rent payment 50/50, mate. Also, no touching the thermostat. 👀 Gladly taking that roommate application now...
- 141's resident Ghost 💀
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barkingangelbaby · 3 months
i was thinking that i haven't done anything today but bitch!! we literally went to three stores this morning, i knocked out most of the dishes (doing the dishes is my mortal enemy i hate having pruney hands/using gloves didn't work out well/we don't have a dishwasher/i've used them less than 10 times my entire life), did a few loads of laundry, made us coffee + lunch + snacks, made a few books.. like... bitch we have not done nothing today...
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jenevawashere · 5 months
I took a personal day to try and get normal life stuff done. I got the first thing on my list done before lunch. The rest of the stuff wasn't done until after dinner. THERE WERE ONLY THREE THINGS ON MY TO DO LIST!!!
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mari-beau · 8 months
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tinajoweiss · 1 year
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rainingincale · 1 year
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kurthorton-moving · 1 year
just woke up and im Exhausted but its grocery day
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nomaishuttle · 1 year
hi guys
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Month 4, day 27, decided to give Knell a Rheddig mask to see how it looks and, uh, as it turns out, I made her head too tall XD I also need to get more references for the mask, because I think I didn't a few details quite right. Namely the shape and curve of the beak and the eye motifs. But that's okay! This is a learning process, and the mask is in its own group so I can hide the whole thing without losing it lol
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grinchwrapsupreme · 1 year
life is a constant cycle of "if i do my physio will i have time to shower?" "if i shower will i have time to cook food?" "if i cook food will i have time to wash dishes?" "if i wash dishes will i have time to do laundry?" "if i do laundry will i have time to clean my house?" "if i clean my house will i have time to eat?" "if i do the things necessary for living will i have time to do my hobbies?" and between it all is Working A Job and having to replace things as they break without being able to buy anything you actually want
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verbjectives · 2 years
The complex's laundry room has been off for two weeks I have no fucking idea what happened there but thank God the closest laundromat is only a few blocks away
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