#saturn in virgo
astroloverblog · 2 years
Saturn in the signs pt.1
Saturn in Aries:
You probably feel that you are more capable than those around you, hence you may end up doing all the work others telling you what to do. Having this placement can make you self-sacrificing. The lesson you have to learn in your life is to take charge of your own destiny, stand up for what you believe in and start loving yourself. If you create enough self discipline you could get great success. Because personal goals are that important to you, teamwork might get blocked. The stress that comes from trying to achieve too much could make you prone to headaches. Their often thoughtless and unscrupulous/risky actions bring them numerous rivals and enemies. If Saturn is poorly aspected, fate is not kind to these people. Getting ahead is very difficult, which creates strong inner tensions. As a result of their assertiveness, these people also find it difficult to fit into the community. Many struggles and worries are the result. Might also struggle with loved ones, having unstable relationships. Marriage also harbors potential for conflict and is a problem in many cases. As a result, you could be a very capable leader who knows what needs to be done and isn't afraid to go out and make things happen no matter what the cost or how long it takes. Consequently, you run the risk of interfering in the affairs of others and trying to influence them. You may just be ignoring them and trying to get them to follow your ideas instead of their ideas. Obstacles, disappointments and constraints may stand in the way of your unconventional, confident commitment. Impatience can undo all your efforts so be as careful as possible in implementing your plans. You’re determined, self-confident to arrogance and able to remain humble. Success brings diligence and efficiency, contemplation and discretion. Over the years, you get used to creative work. The people around you consider you a self-centered and unwilling person, headstrong and willful, prone to sadness and melancholy. But perhaps the development of aggression, cruelty and ruthlessness, sometimes leading to destructive behavior and tragic consequences. There is a great desire for meaningful, goal-oriented activity. Likely business creation and efficiency. Versatile interests, great opportunities, great functionality and consistency in approaching the solution of big and small problems. Such a person, despite your tyrannical nature, always has many connections in society. You are easily excited by new ideas, strict on yourself and on others, readily springs into action in the presence of an external impulse of sufficient strength. Many people love your creative restlessness. For such a person is very dangerous loneliness, the lack of a field of free action and immersion in revolution and rebellion - you will almost certainly be evil under these circumstances. Only alone depends on the development of numerous skills and strengthening of the character. You might have difficulty realizing that those around you are entitled to independent conduct and personal judgment. Using the energy properly, you can display wonders of endurance through the combination of initiative and discipline. In this case, you innate enthusiasm and resourcefulness is shown positively and constructively. Due to the many subconscious fears, such a person often feels an need for security. It is possible to communicate with a jealous partner or the development of a "paternal complex". With negative character development, it is possible to generate impatience, superficiality, a tendency to self-justification and blaming others in all difficulties and misfortunes that catch your eye due to your own miscalculations, mistakes and inaccuracies. Such a person should constantly learn tact and cooperation with people. Often a good emotional discharge is brought on by physical activity. A determined person, easy to climb, easily angered, and surprisingly surly in situations where others are forced to disagree with.
Saturn in Taurus:
You are a tireless worker and have patience, caution, determination, discipline, organizing ability and can go the distance when those around you fall. Hard work is your forte. Your feelings are serious, well-controlled and not easily changed, although at times it may be hard for you to forgive and forget. Loyalty and money is a important thing to you. You may be stubborn and materialistic but you can also be a methodical realist. You desire a stable social status, the feeling to be adored and accepted by society. If the saturn is bad aspected, then jealousy might be a thing. You take things slowly, but with thought and perseverance. Outwardly outgoing and reserved, they are polite and kind with other people, which greatly increases their chances of success in life. The will of these people is extremely tough and persistent. Failure only spurs them on to redouble their efforts. The desired goals in life are usually achieved through hard work and discipline. You tend to associate your sense of security very closely with having possessions and money, and overdoing it could make you stingy and unhappy for temporary. Because then you keep thinking about what might happen tomorrow and whether you will have enough money to pay for everything. You should consider your personal values ​​and learn what real security is. You take your feelings seriously and know how to control them. Saturn in Taurus dramatically increases a person's responsibility in the circumstances and situations in which this sign is active. In the negative version of Saturn in Taurus there is an extreme lack of trust in any constructive session, feeling the enmity of the material world, mystical depression, anger and crystallization in a complete alienation from the world. This person will never really be comfortable. With a negative development of nature, you’re inclined to do everything only on your own. Form tape type, prone to intrigues even for the sake of small profits and basically incapable of any cooperation. In the positive development of this placement, there can be artistic interests. This person becomes wise pragmatist, has enviable patience and rare exposure. Wisdom might be the key you need in life. You’re realistic and thrifty, reliable and solid, constantly striving for property, showing a rigid, unyielding will and working virtuously in the methodical plan. You’re very afraid of fate, because you suspect the movement of the deep energies of karma in your own soul, but you do not tend to study yourself. You show enviable patience in building projects and consistent implementation of real programs. You are able to give up personal pleasures in favor of an unrelenting movement toward future security. Because a person is always characterized by a "far-sightedness", you might shy away from extravagance and unfoundedness in thoughts, in speech and in deeds. The picture of thinking is extremely realistic, the art of living is extremely practical. Such a person thinks consistently, weighing all the pros and cons. In conversation you’re polite and friendly, in cooperation honest and conscientious. There is a certain reluctance that is associated with the fear of losing the chance of gaining personal benefit through over-informing others. Perhaps the development of self-will and resentment, over-materialistic thinking and feelings of cold, sadness and darkness, cruelty and recklessness, over-ambitiousness and ostentatious arrogance to implement in one's goals, plans and intentions. You’re inclined to take collective norms and do not represent your point of view. You have developed a high sense of duty and the gift of self-organization. Always feeling strict self-discipline from myself and others, firmly convinced that the path I have taken is the right one. Your seriousness is manifested outwardly in the form of patient work in the field of wealth creation, as well as a rare stability and solidity in difficult situations. You possess fantastic resilience and an enviable firmness of character and convictions.
Saturn in Gemini:
This is a good position for Saturn, but you may need to develop faith in the future. The will to learn new things can be very helpful for claiming success. The lesson you have to learn in your life is learning how to trust yourself and your intuition. Avoid self-doubting and don’t get too pessimistic. Your mindset is practical and logical. You might find things like science, physics as well as mathematics or mechanical engineering interesting. Don’t get too attached to details, or else you’ll loose the big picture. You’re very flexible especially when it comes to new situations. The quick grasping intellect of these people enables them to penetrate quickly and deeply into the most diverse problems and to solve them. Your particularly profound thinking motivates you to delve deeper and deeper into things. Many researchers and inventors can be found under this placement. Your lungs need a lot of oxygen, so it's best for you to sleep in a well-ventilated room. If you want to be successful at something, it is important that you discipline your mind and learn to think and act methodically. The complete lack of confidence in the reliability of the coming Gemini and outgoing information from them and stability in communication Saturn does not make them their life is sweet, but compensatory measures bring such fruits that the envy of most particularly harmonious Gemini are through Saturn not easier, especially in youth. It is helpful in overcoming the obstacles, insufficiently adaptable, anxious and prone to depression. In the positive development of this person's placement they can become smart, quick and able to do several things at once. You have a cultivated mind, can work well with numbers and usually show enviable skill in work that requires intelligent hands and a good head, for example in business or as a magician. Such a person is zealous in his studies, likes to solve the contradictions and solve problems. You’re reserved, conscientious and have an amazing talent in the field of literature and the exact sciences. Contacts bring you real pleasure, because you feel a constant need for communication. This placement is great when it comes to learning a new language. He is big on advertising and extremely successful in propaganda campaigns. Such a person is in a good mood more often than in a bad mood, you’re smart and skill full both in work and in communication, but tend not to notice your fatigue and therefore often leads to exhaustion from overwork and overexertion. Such a person can adapt to any situation. You’re systematic and logically consistent, and therefore, being self-acquired, being able to think through real-life problems to the end. It generally refers to the type of successful "problem solvers" who combine literary, technical, and artistic skills. A particularly successful career is possible in the areas of teaching, science and technology. This person loves to learn - and learns throughout life. However, it often shows disrespect for others, which is why you can be considered as flighty, moody and a argumentative person. When you have taken on too many duties and responsibilities, you can quickly become overwhelmed and health risks. Sometimes shyness arises, combined with an exaggerated responsibility for expressing one's thoughts in words. This is a very resourceful and skillful in all people, ignoring the frequent fear and sadness. You show interest in modern and progressive thinking, you like deep reflections and studies complicated questions.
Saturn in Cancer:
Because you might feel unloved at times, you can get moody and fearful or even overdramatic. Your unconscious fear of being hurt by others can cause you to withdraw from too close an emotional involvement with others. Might lack empathy. Family life is always difficult, as is the relationship with parents. Its important that you accept yourself and let others know how you feel. In relationships you might not be able to give warmth, because you always seem to hide your emotions to your partner. Thats mostly the reason why you feel lonely or unloved. Abandonment and the future are definitely one of your biggest fears. If the Saturn is bad aspected, this could mean your hypersensitive. Since the free expression is getting blocked, you might isolate or alienate yourself from family members. When it comes to partnership, family or career, you have the ability to give emotional security. The will of these people is tough and strong, but often unbalanced on the mental level. Own goals and plans are vehemently pursued, but their emotional conflict makes them divided internally. This often results in worries and difficulties in fate. You can be so busy protecting yourself from hurt that you don't see the hurt of others. It is important to keep your appetite under control, otherwise you may develop health problems. This person enjoys working at home, managing and cleaning the premises. It is persistent, direct, frank, in the course of performance of tasks often there is a surprising difference and the periods of a recession of enthusiasm. Negative development of this placement creates a type of person who is untrustworthy, tends to evade and procrastinate, and blames others. Such a person comes into contact with great difficulties, tends to isolate and become isolated. He often turns out to be lazy and idle, often complains to everyone, is extremely unhappy with life and extremely sensitive even to minor troubles. With positive character development, this is a diligent and conscientious worker who works best alone. Such a person is distinguished by restraint in the expression of feelings, seriousness in the perception of life, a clear sense of duty, frugality and a tendency to cling to what has already been achieved and formed. Such a person needs guarantees that one receives when buying a house or a job, although you may not have a high, but permanent social status. You might seem a bit cold emotionally, as if alienated from real life. Sometimes you overemphasizes the role of tradition and show cruelty in dealing with subordinates. The material interests of such a person are more often associated with the desire to grow to a quiet, comfortable old age. In the course of fate, slowness and inhibition are clearly expressed, which often leads to the formation of constant deep dissatisfaction with life. Develops increased sensitivity, excessive receptivity, and acute crushability. There are very serious problems in understanding the ideals of this person and the life and the parents and ancestors. At the same time, a painful dependence on the past. Thirst at home, garden, garden and real estate in general is very strong. Perhaps a hobby in the field of applied and decorative arts. The ability to self-organize is difficult to recognize. Discipline to such a person is not easy. Strong emotional vulnerability of feelings are combined with external coolness, dryness and strength. Almost constantly this person is in a defensive position, mysterious, suspicious and cautious. Perhaps the development of a tendency to replace real life with dreams about them, which is why it cannot be a question of satisfaction with what has been achieved. But a person perfectly understands all your hidden desires and quickly feels like physically the weight and value of material acquisitions. You cling wholeheartedly to existing property, at the deepest level of psychic life, and therefore applies very deeply to the breaking of ties with property or the destruction of the latter.
Saturn in Leo:
You’re proud but insecure, and this combination can limit your opportunities. You may feel that you had to grow up too fast and were prevented from having that carefree time we all deserve. You need love, but may not know how to go about giving or receiving it, thus you may isolate yourself from others. Saturn don’t feels well in this sign because leo is known for his ego. People with this placement are either humble and loving or battling their ego. One strives upwards with great activity and wants to attain a powerful position in life. These people demand attention and respect. Your personal ambition drives you constantly. It gives enormous willpower, capable of removing all resistance and obstacles. The interests of others are usually ignored. People tend towards self-aggrandizement and arrogance. On the other hand, they are reliable, outgoing and warm in their affection for others. Qualities which in turn are favorable for relationships in love and friendships. Stop overthinking cause others are not worth your time, you have better things to do in life. You creatively approaches the decision of a power problem, in particular the clarification of questions of justification of rights, structuring and delimitation of restrictions. Such a person longs for a firm, stable and constant power. You care a lot about your looks. You take yourself very seriously and is able to efficiently perfect matter and finance. You try not to substitute primitive individualism for a meaningful approach to reality, as you subconsciously know that looping about yourself will unleash your creativity and deprive you of rich opportunities. Such a person feels a tremendous reserve of strength and talent for the depths of your own soul, and your psychological complexes are most often associated with the impossibility of full disclosure of inner gifts in the current situation. It is difficult for you in general to manifest your abilities creatively, it is not easy to recognize yourself, it is very difficult to realize your potential. Even in the presence of great talent, you can forever remain "high hopes". You prefer everything to your own ideas, a brilliant autodidact who does not ask for help but can do everything himself. You try to translate your unfulfilled dreams and unfulfilled plans into your own children and quickly force them into their educational tyranny. So you subconsciously try to compensate for the failures in your life by demonstrating your children's outstanding multi-faceted talents. These people usually show a deep and abiding interest in the problems of creativity and the task of developing people's skills. You might be very hardy and independent but sometimes tend to overdo others, especially children. You’re often rejected by society, like dying to focus on small, but concrete, tangible achievements, instead of respecting a person for not yet revealed, but in potency great talent. The main thing for such a person is refusal to dictate, paying attention to promoting the development of the talents of others and the deepest humility - not only in dealing with colleagues, but also in dealing with children. Such a person openly rushes to power, recognition and fame. You tend to neglect the pleasures of life in order to achieve set goals. Your passions are strong, irritability is great, and jealousy knows no bounds. You are a bright person who doesn't often get the chance to be successful in every respect.
Saturn in Virgo:
Life can be stressful or unlucky sometimes. You can be really perfectionistic and there can be a fear of criticism and making mistakes. Getting things done is not your best strength. There may be a desire for solitude. Its common for these people to feel like they are not good enough, especially if saturn is bad aspected. You have a really good sense of organisation and analytical abilities. Don’t overwork yourself and stop worrying over the smallest things that aren’t even necessary. This connection is unfavorable for love and marriage. Due to their strongly developed intellectual orientation, these people mostly neglect the emotional level. The feelings are sometimes deep but never passionate. Thinking is concentrated and goes deep. These people are never superficial, but shaped by a very serious view of life. Your expectations can be low, if you want to change your low self esteem than start setting your standards higher. This placement is good for someone wanting to be a psychologist, therapist or anything in this way. You’re characterised by a deep sense of personal responsibility, a critical attitude towards mastering the new and the ability to delve deep into the essence of the topics covered. The person can be totally focused on work and like to outsmart their commitments. Subordinates see you as a serious and aloof leader. The intellect is concentrated and perceptive, the person is chaste and reserved in all manifestations. Discretion and prudence can be combined with a desire for high spirituality. In the worst case, unhealthy pragmatism, persistent distrust and blandness develop. The mind clearly rules over feelings. In work, such a person shows sober analysis, considerable greed and attention to details and trifles. You’re aware of the secret of self-discipline, self-restraint and self-restraint. The inclination to a strict way of life can reach extreme manifestations of asceticism and fanaticism. This person is hidden, cautious, vigilant and always doubts everything. The character is stubborn and power-hungry, but personal initiative and enterprise are small. You’re as great as a performer, because a worker inspires trust among others. Success in business and in literary theater criticism is possible. Careful detailed elaboration of specific internal difficulties is used to gain stable confidence in one's actions. Very strong sense of duty, patience and perseverance in attention to detail. Sometimes this person gives more importance to details than the main idea and follows the main line of development. Through patience and obedience one can successfully learn from the experiences of others. Works itself well and looks wondrous in the surrounding working ability. The most important wish in life is to become a master, a professional in your field. Excessive attention to a smaller one can cause psychological overload and expressed in nervous exhaustion and sustained internal dissatisfaction. Outside of work a person feels his own uselessness, retirement can die of boredom. In general, the attitude towards work is biased and extremely interested. Orderliness can go to the extreme. Such a person feels uncomfortable in an unstable, extreme situation. For the flowering of all their abilities there is a comfortable home and no complaints from neighbors and employees. Feelings are clearly suppressed by the mind, the mind is analytical, algorithmic., but such a person can serve as an excellent connoisseur of the practical usefulness of technical inventions and commercial proposals - you feel useless and unnecessary things in your heart. Everyone regards this person as a clear, moral and hardworking pragmatist.
@ 2022 Copyright astrolover
part. 2: >>click here<<
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l3xistentialism · 1 year
Saturn ♄ in the Signs Keywords
♄: time, maturity, obstacles, challenges, distance, barriers & boundaries, discipline, effort  
♈︎: obstacles early in life, challenges with getting things started, takes a lot to motivate them, self-sufficient & self-reliant, impatient, expects things quickly
♉︎: ages like a fine wine, obstacles come from stubbornness, long-practiced creative pursuits, materialistic, need patience to find success  
♊︎: struggles with communication/speech, delayed understanding, difficulties with being adaptable, takes time to adjust and be more open minded
♋︎: abandonment issues, difficulties with their mother/maternal figures, defenseless, grow to care for themselves and others as they mature
♌︎: difficulties taking the lead, dependent on others, beholden to outside opinions, distances themselves from attention/the spotlight, keeps true feelings hidden
♍︎: perfectionism an obstacle rather than a strength, may be inexperienced/guarded, fears keep them from experiencing life fully, methodical & detail-oriented, health a persistent struggle
♎︎: struggles with decision making, success in mediation/counseling, prefer traditional forms of connecting & communicating, obstacles require a measured approach  
♏︎: difficulties with secrets/hidden actions, sexual repression & hang-ups, success in investigative careers, latent occult abilities, distrustful & suspicious, hard to get close to
♐︎: obstacles come from high ambitions, striving for greatness & recognition, need self-control & discipline, success in foreign affairs & athletic pursuits, challenges are embraced
♑︎: achieve success the old-fashioned way, struggles with accepting failure or defeat, old souls with old bones, take time to warm up, disciplined & independent
♒︎: struggles with carving their own identity, nerves & anxiety create obstacles, success found in unconventional lanes, through time comes self-acceptance
♓︎: struggles to ground themselves & their beliefs, can be easily swayed/gullible, difficulties come through picking one lane, success in spiritual and creative pursuits
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astrojulia · 1 year
hi! can u make a post about saturn rx in leo in the first house? thank u^^
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Saturn Retrograde in the Natal Chart
~ Saturn Rx through the houses and signs analysis
Every planet when it is retrograde works differently than its direct placement. It's not TOTALLY different and so you can read and look up its normal placement, you just need to make a few changes, Saturn Rx (Retrograde) has the following things to look out for:
You may find it difficult to assert yourself, and people may not see you as an authority figure or someone mature enough to handle more elaborate tasks. This could impact your confidence and anger management.
You may not have been taught an accurate sense of what the rules are, or how much responsibility you have to take on in order to be considered responsible. Discipline may have been vague, and you may not have known when to stop yourself, or when is it enough.
You may not know your own limits, and have trouble setting boundaries, especially in the house and sign where Saturn is retrograde.
You may not have a clear understanding of what you can or cannot do.
“There is something missing in the relationship with the father that impacts the life — divorce, hard working and not with the family, on the road at lot, killed in a war or died early — with Neptune, he is preoccupied or ambivalent.”[lynnkoiner]
If you have retrograde Saturn in your chart, you may experience sadness, depression, loneliness, fatigue, or a lack of motivation. Disrespect from parents or other authority figures may also hold you back. Retrograde Saturn focuses on whatever is hindering your productivity and success, which could be an ongoing problem that requires attention.
⌦ .。.:*♡ Spiritual/Karmic meaning: Many see Retrograde Planets as info of your past life and something you need to do now. In terms of the spiritual and karmic meaning, retrograde planets can provide insight into your past life and the lessons you need to learn in this one. If you have Saturn retrograde in your natal chart, it signifies a problem with self-discipline or avoidance of responsibility in a past life. Due to illness, immaturity, or disrespect, you may have neglected to take care of your loved ones. Some lessons or extra effort will be required in this life to pay off and leave behind this karmic debt. It is important to learn these lessons to avoid having to go through the difficult cycle again.
⌦ .。.:*♡ Saturn Rx in the houses and signs:The position and aspect of retrograde Saturn can show the areas of life, personality traits, and behaviors that require extra development. Ideally, Saturn is disciplined, responsible, stable, respectful, and reliable. A healthy Saturn is hardworking and dedicated. The goal is to be strong enough, both physically and emotionally, to deal with life's difficulties and take responsibility for oneself and one's family. Depending on where Saturn is retrograde in your chart, you may need to focus on developing specific skills or traits to become more successful and fulfilled.
⌦ .。.:*♡ Sources and Inspirations:Whoever reads this post will see that it's very similar to posts about Saturn but very negative, and well, this is the focus of this post, talking about the positive parts you can see in other posts. So the focus is on what Rx can do and what to work with. The inspirations for this post were few since it is specific, they were this one and this one, the template for this post is from sparklypalace on deviantart and poohsources on tumblr.
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This placement can indicate a significant difficulty with self-esteem and saying 'no.' With Saturn Rx in a fire sign and house, issues related to fire can be stuck. There may be a fear of expressing oneself, speaking up a little louder, running, or indulging in carnal pleasures. You might be too afraid to step up and face life. You may not feel welcome in anything that showcases your creativity or deviates from tradition; you want to be like Picasso, but the world expects you to be like Da Vinci. First and foremost, any issues with Saturn are usually resolved with time, as our superego (that voice that dictates how we should behave in society) realizes that it doesn't need to be so restrictive because, deep down, nobody cares. With this aspect in mind, I think a lot about tattoos and body transformations as a means of freeing oneself and putting art on one's own body. Generally, it can be challenging to assert oneself as someone with their own unique tastes, and working with creativity without expecting the result to be worthy of a museum can be helpful.
Saturn Retrograde through the zodiac signs
✧. ┊ Aries and aspecting Mars: individuals may struggle with asserting themselves and expressing their needs and desires. They may lack confidence and have difficulty managing their anger, which can lead to conflicts and challenges in personal and professional relationships. They swallow their wills and feelings so much and end up locking themselves up. It's important for these individuals to work on building their self-esteem and learning healthy ways to express their emotions.
✧. ┊ Taurus and aspecting Venus: it can bring up issues related to finances, material possessions, and self-worth. It seems that everything they do in life forces them to step out of their comfort zone so that they never really feel comfortable (especially in the house where the Saturn is). Additionally, they may struggle with valuing themselves and their abilities, which can impact their personal and professional lives. They often question whether who they are has the makings of an honorable and valuable person. It's important for these individuals to work on building their self-worth and learning healthy financial habits.
✧. ┊ Gemini and aspecting Mercury: individuals may struggle with expressing themselves effectively. They may have difficulty making decisions and may feel overwhelmed by the amount of information they need to process. It's important for these individuals to work on developing their communication skills and learning to trust their instincts.
✧. ┊ Cancer and aspecting Moon: individuals may struggle with expressing their emotions and nurturing themselves and others. They may have difficulty with family relationships and may feel like they don't have a solid foundation in their personal lives. It's important for these individuals to work on developing healthy emotional habits and creating a supportive network of loved ones.
✧. ┊ Leo and aspecting Sun: individuals may struggle with self-expression, creativity, and leadership. They may feel like they don't have the confidence or skills to take on leadership roles or express themselves creatively. It's important for these individuals to work on building their self-confidence and developing their creative abilities.
✧. ┊ Virgo and aspecting Mercury: individuals may struggle with organization, analysis, and perfectionism. They may have difficulty staying focused and may feel overwhelmed by the amount of work they need to do. It's important for these individuals to work on developing healthy organizational habits and learning to prioritize their tasks. They may also benefit from working on letting go of their need for perfection and embracing their imperfections.
✧. ┊ Libra and aspecting Venus: Individuals with Saturn Retrograde in Libra may experience difficulties in maintaining relationships, particularly with romantic partners. They may struggle to find balance and harmony, which can result in issues with compromise and conflict resolution. These individuals may have a fear of abandonment and may struggle to express their needs and desires. It is important for them to learn how to communicate effectively and define their own boundaries to maintain healthy relationships.
✧. ┊ Scorpio and aspecting Pluto: Saturn Retrograde in Scorpio can lead to difficulties in trust, intimacy, and power dynamics. These individuals may struggle with trust issues and have difficulty forming deep emotional connections with others. They may also have a fear of vulnerability and struggle with expressing their own emotions. These individuals may have a tendency to manipulate others or feel manipulated by others, leading to power struggles in relationships. It is important for them to work on developing trust and emotional intimacy with others to cultivate healthy relationships.
✧. ┊ Sagittarius and aspecting Jupiter: Individuals with Saturn Retrograde in Sagittarius may struggle with belief systems, philosophy, and adventure. They may have difficulty finding their own identity and may feel trapped by societal or cultural expectations. These individuals may also have a fear of failure or a lack of direction in life. It is important for them to explore their own beliefs and values to find their true path in life.
✧. ┊ Capricorn and aspecting Saturn (sorry,not possible 😅): Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn can lead to difficulties with authority, responsibility, and ambition. These individuals may have a fear of failure and struggle with taking risks in life. They may also have difficulty with authority figures, either feeling intimidated by them or feeling the need to constantly challenge them. These individuals may also struggle with finding balance between their personal and professional lives. It is important for them to work on developing self-confidence and a sense of direction to achieve their goals.
✧. ┊ Aquarius and aspecting Uranus: Individuals with Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius may have difficulty with individuality, innovation, and detachment. They may feel pressure to conform to societal norms or struggle to find their own unique identity. These individuals may also have difficulty with emotional expression and forming deep connections with others. They may feel disconnected from others or struggle to fit in with their peers. It is important for them to embrace their individuality and work on developing emotional intimacy with others to cultivate healthy relationships.
✧. ┊ Pisces and aspecting Neptune: Saturn Retrograde in Pisces can lead to difficulties with boundaries, empathy, and spirituality. These individuals may struggle with setting boundaries and may feel overwhelmed by the emotions of others. They may also struggle with developing their own spirituality or may feel disconnected from their own intuition. These individuals may have a tendency to isolate themselves or feel like they are constantly giving to others without receiving in return. It is important for them to work on developing healthy boundaries and learning how to prioritize their own needs and emotions.
Saturn Retrograde through the houses
✧. ┊ 1st House: With Saturn Retrograde in the 1st house, you might find yourself struggling with self-image, self-worth, and self-esteem. Maybe you've always felt like you don't quite fit in, or that you're not good enough. You might try to make up for this by taking on too much responsibility for others. When Saturn goes direct, you might build up walls to protect yourself, but during retrograde, you might have trouble saying no.
✧. ┊ 2nd House: If you have Saturn Retrograde in the 2nd house, you might find yourself having a tough time with money, material possessions, and self-worth. Maybe you've been taught that you have to work really hard to get what you want, or you've seen your parents struggle financially. During retrograde, you might feel like you're responsible for other people's finances, and have a hard time setting boundaries.
✧. ┊ 3rd House: Saturn Retrograde in the 3rd house can make communication, learning, and decision-making difficult for you. Maybe you get really anxious in school, and it affects your ability to learn and express yourself. You might have trouble hearing correctly when you're nervous. But opening up about your struggles can help you form closer relationships with others.
✧. ┊ 4th House: With Saturn Retrograde in the 4th house, you might struggle with emotional expression, nurturing, and family relationships. Maybe you have a hard time connecting with your parents, but you still feel like you need to take care of them. You might take on too much responsibility to try to bond with your family, even if it's not good for you. Sometimes, it's necessary to set boundaries and distance yourself from your family to become your own person.
✧. ┊ 5th House: If you have Saturn Retrograde in the 5th house, you might have trouble with self-expression, creativity, and leadership. You might find it difficult to say no to your children, especially if they're your firstborn. Expressing your emotions might also be tough for you, which can lead to misunderstandings. When it comes to gambling or speculation, you're not likely to have much success unless you're well-aspected.
✧. ┊ 6th House: Saturn Retrograde in the 6th house can cause issues with organization, analysis, and perfectionism. You might be a perfectionist at work because you have a hard time setting boundaries. This can lead to bosses and coworkers taking advantage of you. This placement isn't great for being a boss yourself, since you might struggle with similar boundary-setting and perfectionism issues.
✧. ┊ 7th house: You might run into some trouble with your relationships. It can be tough to find a good balance and harmony with your partner, and you might feel like you're having some issues with being a parent. If this sounds like you, it's important to set some boundaries and learn how to say "no" to avoid getting into any sticky situations.
✧. ┊ 8th house: Trust and intimacy might be tough for you. You might find it hard to get on the same page as your partner when it comes to money, and you should be careful about tying yourself down legally until you really understand your financial situation. It could be helpful to look at your partner dad's attitude towards money to get some insight into their own finances.
✧. ┊ 9th house: You might find yourself struggling with your beliefs and sense of adventure. If you grew up in a really religious environment, you might feel like you're having trouble breaking away and finding your own identity. Try to challenge those old beliefs and create your own value system. You might also find yourself changing your mind about what you want to study in school or where you want to go, but it's important to keep questioning and finding your own path.
✧. ┊ 10th house: You might have a hard time with responsibility and boundaries at work. It can be tough to say "no" and take control of your own career, but it's important to define your own boundaries and responsibilities to achieve success. You might find that you have a bit of a struggle with authority figures, particularly your dad, but once you figure out your own attitude towards responsibility, you'll be in a better spot.
✧. ┊ 11th house: You feel like they're struggling to express their own personality and might feel a little disconnected from their friends. You might feel like you don't quite fit in with your own age group, and it can be tough to find a sense of belonging. When Saturn is transiting, you might be looking for a way to feel more connected to a group, but when it's retrograde, you might find yourself feeling a little intimidated by people your own age.
✧. ┊ 12th house: You might struggle with setting boundaries and connecting with other people. It can be tough to develop your own spirituality and empathize with others. You might feel a little bit isolated, but finding a job where you can work independently might be helpful for creating a sense of security.
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pallastrology · 6 months
jupiter vs. saturn: virgo
they are more maternal. virgo is a sign that, while not known for being affectionate, has a lot of love to give. with jupiter's warm, expansive nature in virgo, the native is quite motherly. they're the type to show their love through things like making sure their loved ones are eating well, checking they got home safely, nudging them to go and book that doctor's appointment or catch up on their schoolwork. they may not say 'i love you' much, but they show it often.
they are more suited to leadership roles. this maternal quality that jupiter in virgo has makes them well-suited to management roles in life. at home, they manage their household and family, and in work, they manage accounts, appointments, or their team. they can find it very difficult to switch off because they're constantly trying to fix situations and people. it's part of the virgo curse, getting so wrapped up in trying to fix that they can forget to just be.
they are more suited to teaching. when i think of jupiter in virgo, i think of my secondary school english teacher. she was a lovely lady; she didn't miss a beat and was a harsh critic, but never cruel or callous, and had a way of tailoring assignments to each pupil so as to help them find their voice. jupiter in virgo is quite a natural teacher, with a surprisingly good sense of humour and a sharp eye.
they are more reserved. virgo is never a party animal, but while jupiter is a little better with people, saturn in virgo thrives alone. they need peace and quiet to focus and to get in touch with themselves, which, in turn, allows them to do their best work. the native is often quite sensitive, prone to anxieties and stress-induced health issues, and it's important that they learn to manage their stress levels and engage with a meaningful self-care routine.
they are more patient. saturn in virgo is a placement of dedication and devotion, and as well as their impressive work ethic and attention to detail, they possess an almost immeasurable patience. the native, when they are calm enough to understand where they want to go, is able to effectively plan and then chip away at their goals, analysing and adapting their methods as they go.
they are more distracted by work. one of the biggest difficulties saturn in virgo faces is balancing their tendency towards burying themselves in work. they can sometimes be defined, or even define themselves, by their work, and it can become something of a comfort blanket for the native. this doesn't seem like that much of a problem, but sometimes they don't know who they are outside of work.
they are both cautious. virgo is known for being risk-averse and thoughtful. in jupiter, this isn't quite as pervasive, and we tend to see that 'mother hen' quality where they worry and peck at others, compared to how they go through their own life. conversely, saturn in virgo sometimes looks calmer and more distant on the surface, but the decisions and directions that they take are carefully chosen after intense, sometimes agonising analysis.
they are diligent. the anxiety of virgo makes our natives hardworking and dedicated individuals. they care deeply about the 'little things' in life, which aren't really so little. in fact, virgo is one of the signs that truly understand the meaning and empowerment that can be found in the mundane; in jupiter, the little details of life are expanded upon, respected, shared and taught. in saturn, the mundane is built upon, with the native finding strength and drive to achieve great things through it.
they are both grounded. earth signs in general are known for their feet being planted firmly on the ground, but with jupiter and saturn in virgo, the natives are guided by the elements. when i think of jupiter, i think of a language teacher, breaking the language down into its building blocks and demonstrating how to create poetry out of letters and sounds. when i think of saturn, i think of a writer, taking the unformed feelings and experiences of a person and shaping them, transforming them into an almost-universally understood concept through a novel.
they are skilled. carrying my last point through here, virgo placements are posited towards learning and building. they work best with the tangible, things they can see and hear and touch; but as a mutable sign, virgo is a little better equipped to take ephemeral concepts and form them into something material. they both tend toward construction in that sense, with jupiter needing to understand in order to share and teach, and saturn needing to understand so they can make something of themselves and from the intangible. our natives are very much guided by the concept of 'a labour of love'.
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loveemagicpeace · 2 years
🪐Saturn retrograde and karmic stuff🪐
🪐Saturn went retrograde on June 4 in Aquarius. Saturn goes direct on October 22. Saturn represent authority,rules, limits, hard work, maturity, responsibility, dignity, formal, serious, structure & order, discipline and also karma.
🌼In any house you have saturn you will experience the most opportunities during the saturn retrograde. Saturn's transit will help you gain more experience, opportunity and stability in that area. 🌊A lot of karmic things can also happen during this time. You can meet person for a reason, relationships that are destined, dreams can come true and goals. It’s time for us to think deeply about our future and what energy we want to keep in our lives. It’s a great time to decide who and what you want to invest your energy and time in. Relationships can thrive and grow during this transit if you’re able and willing to put in the work. People can come back with an apology& people who hurt you will now get your karma (this is especially meant for those who are Capricorns rising or Aquarius rising ) because Saturn is their ruling planet and their karma is transferred to others more powerfully.
🍒The most will be affected capricorn & aquarius. And they will experience the biggest glow up. Look in which house you have Capricorn and Aquarius because in this house you will experience the most innovations and changes. For ex.: Saturn in 7th house transit- you will gain a lot through relationships, a new karmic relationship might happen and people who don’t suit you, you can remove them from life. A lot of justice can be shown. Capricorn in 10th house in birth chart- lots of job opportunities, careers, you can also get a public reputation.
🫧Saturn in signs and karma 🫧
🪐 This is meant for signs in saturn in natal chart in general.And only for karma others will get if they hurt you.Saturn is planet of karma and represents karma in each house and sign in a different way. Saturn protects you from the bad, while others who wish you ill or do bad things to you are affected by karma. How they get karma and what you gain I will told in the following posts. 🎨Fun Fact- people who have capricorn in their big three will automatically have more power, which means that people who done bad things to them karma will hit them 10 times more.
👑Saturn in Aries -the people who will hurt you will not be able to go any further but will stuck in their life. Their self-esteem will become lower. They will not be an able to find themselves and enjoy themselves. Their self-awareness will diminish, they may not be an able to go anywhere alone or they will always be subordinate to the opinion of others. They will feel lost. They can lose energy to life, passion. They will see you doing good and they will wish they could be so good too. They will miss your energy, the confidence you gave them, and your boldness &courage!!💕You will shine and enjoy life in the meantime. Gained a lot on his self-image, appearance, style. You will become a better and different person.
👛Saturn in Taurus- people will lose their self-image and will struggle with self-value. They will no longer enjoy the things they love to do. People will become uglier. They will lose their appetite for food and will for music. Loss of money and material values. Their well-being will be constantly the same, they will not be an able to go out of their comfort zone + they will miss the security you gave them. 🧞While you will experience great brilliance in the field of money and sel-value.
🍃Saturn in Gemini- complete loss of contact with you. And they will miss you and your friendship. They will not find any person who will understand them as well as you. They will come across people who will not give them enough attention. Their thinking will get worse and they will be constantly confused. Their sociability will get lower. 🧚🏽‍♂️While your sociability will increase and you will have better communication skills.
🪴Saturn in Cancer- they will lose the feeling of home, warmth. Maybe you were the one who helped them get along with their family and now they won't have it anymore. Maybe they will start to feel lonely, lose security, well-being, privacy. They may lose a lot of people they were close to. Their mood will constantly changing. They will miss how much you cared for them and how you nurtured them! 🌼While you find your safety and comfort. And gained a lot on yourself and understanding.
🌶Saturn in Leo- people will lose attention and visibility. They will lose their pride and light in life. They will seek attention from other people because they will not get it from you anymore. They will lose focus, inspiration and become very insecure about themselves. They will miss the self-confidence and the light you gave! They will miss how much they were noticed with you and how you put them at the forefront.👄While you will shine and glow and have more self-confidence & spotlight.
🛁Saturn in Virgo- people will lose their focus, they will become self-critical, they will feel imperfect and in everything they do they will think that it is not enough. Many times they will be nervous, anxious and want you to help them. They will lose their sense of detail and things. They will miss how they were noticed by you, your details and compliments you gave them! 🫧While you will become more perfect and satisfied with yourself.
💋Saturn in Libra- people will lose focus, balance, harmony. They will lose aesthetics, beauty. By no means will they be able to be neutral or look at things from a different angle. They will become indecisive in small things, decisions will mark them. People will become unfair to them. They will miss your harmony and your investment in the relationship & how your beauty. 🍓While you will shine in relationships, beauty and fairness world.
🫀Saturn in Scoprio- people will constantly betray them, deceive them. They will feel like they cannot transform through life. They will lose trust in themselves and others. Emotionally, they will feel terrible and will constantly looking for someone to understand them. They will miss your depth and understanding. 🌊While you are going to experience a great transformation.
🎸Saturn in Sagittarius- people will lose their sanity, joy, happiness. They will no longer see meaning in the things they saw before. They will lose their way. They will not find happiness anywhere and the more they look for it, the less it will be. They will not find entertainment in anything and they will feel dead from the inside. They will miss your optimism, joy and fun. 🍒While you enjoy and shine in happiness.
💍Saturn in Capricorn- since saturn rules capricorn this is greater karma. They will lose their reputation and come to a lower position, respect from other people. They will experience humiliation, they will have to work hard to achieve anything. They will become very immature and they will have many lessons. They will miss your stability and support! 🎨While you will be rewarded.
🛼Saturn in Aquarius- people will lose friends, freedom, or they won’t have to find it in themselves at all. They will lose their uniqueness. They will feel like they don’t belong anywhere. They will have a hard time finding their voice in themselves or their role. Lots of unexpected situations and rebellion people will be around them. They will miss your friendship.🥑While you will have a lot of friends and support.
🧚🏼‍♀️Saturn in Pisces - people will lose their subconscious and contact with reality. They will become confused and dreamy. They will not know how to find their dreams. They may fall into bad habits and cannot get rid of them.Their creativity will become poor. They will have dreams about you every night. 🦋While you will sleep peacefully and achieve your dreams.
🎸Comment if you want saturn in houses🎸
🍓If you are interested in how Saturn retrograde will affect you this time-> link is in my bio💕or contact me on ig: bekylibra☀️
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elminx · 1 year
My toxic trait is that I forget that other people don't want to better themselves as much as I do.
(Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn in Virgo)
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astrosolutions · 1 year
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Saturn in the 6th house of a birth chart is a significant placement in astrology. The 6th house is associated with work, health, and daily routines, while Saturn represents discipline, responsibility, and hard work. When Saturn is in this house, it indicates a strong focus on achieving success through diligent work and routine. This placement can also bring challenges and obstacles in the areas of work and health, but ultimately offers an opportunity for growth and self-discipline. Individuals with this placement may excel in careers related to service, health, or technology. Overall, Saturn in the 6th house emphasizes the importance of hard work, perseverance, and discipline in achieving success and well-being.
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Why is Saturn in the zodiac sign so Impactful?
Saturn is the second-biggest planet in our nearby planetary group, which is joined by 50+ satellites of its own. According to the standards of Vedic Soothsaying and Zero Numerology, Saturn is likewise a critical planet in everybody's life which runs the tenth house and eleventh place of Kal Purush Kundali. In Unremarkable Soothsaying, Saturn is answerable for a majority rules system, general society, and the government assistance of general society at large. On June 5, Saturn is turning retrograde in its own sign, i.e., Aquarius, where it would be until July 12.
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Saturn in Aries Impact and Traits
Saturn retrograde will give mixed results to the people of this zodiac sign. You will get the job of your choice accompanied by fame and name. The people who are associated with politics will win the elections. This retrograde will cause some financial problems for you. It is advisable not to invest in anything as you will land in trouble. The effect of Saturn can be seen even in your married life. Fights would be there with your partner, which would lead to tensions and misunderstandings. But there would be auspicious work at home.
Saturn in TaurusImpact and Traits
Saturn, its movement would bring in some positive results. Some of your jobs that kept pending for a long will get completed. You would start a new work, but it would not be successful easily as their movements will go on slowly. At this time, it is advisable to remain alert to your family atmosphere. At home, the health of either your mother or another elderly woman would create a problem. You may have to face delays in the completion of some work. You need to keep calm and not worry a lot; Saturn will give you positive results.
Saturn in Gemini Impact and Traits
The movement of Saturn in the retrograde might affect your workplace. It would bring hindrance in your work or some problem in your job. A sort of negative vibes may be generated; at home that might lead to disagreements with your elder brother. To create a good atmosphere in the office, you will have to do your work with dedication and honesty. Due to the movement of Saturn, you might intend to change the job again and again. It will even stop you from doing any religious work. You may not feel comfortable sitting and praying at the place where you used to do it. You may even not get time to do puja. It is better to be calm to deal with a situation.
Saturn in CancerImpact and Traits
Many problems may arise in many facets of your life due to the movement of Saturn. There are chances that some of you might face an accident. You might get hurt and bruised. Along with your health, it is advisable to take care of the health of your father. There might be an effect on the economic conditions, or there may be a decrease in your income. Many of your work that was on the verge of completion would delay. It is not the proper time to make big decisions. It is advisable to put a stay on such decisions. It is also necessary to keep control of the expenses. Time to be alert; otherwise, this may bring bad results for you. 
Saturn in Leo Impact and Traits
The movement of Saturn will bring many good results for the profession that you are following. Along with the good results in professional life, you will be successful in work associated with foreign or might even get a chance to settle outside. With success, you will become proud, and it will bring a downfall in your social image. A piece of advice is to keep control of your achievements and behave nicely. The people waiting to get a job in a foreign country would get it. Others who are waiting for change will get an opportunity to do that.
Saturn in Virgo Impact and Traits
Saturn's movement is bringing a good time for you. It would be a time when you would progress and would achieve great heights. This movement would give the students who sat in the competitive exams a chance to get a job, and people already working would get good opportunities. You would win in the conversation that had been going on for a long. There are chances that the court verdict will come in your favour, and you will achieve victory over your enemies. Financial conditions and social progress would be there.  
Saturn in Libra Impact and Traits
On June 4, Saturn is moving into your fifth house. It will create profitable opportunities for you. This movement will certainly provide good results in child prosperity, education, and job. For many of you, it would not only be a chance to profit accompanied by the removal of all the obstacles from the path. Students appearing in the competitive exams this time will be very blissful. It is advised to the students to work hard for the competitive exams and should achieve their goals.
Saturn in ScorpioI mpact and Traits
The movement of Saturn in your sign will not bring not very good results. You will not have to face any inaccurate consequences. There would be a delay in the work, but it will be completed. To complete your job, you would have to work many times. There may be chances that you may feel lazy about doing work or the delay in finishing work might create anger and gloominess in you. Apart from it, the father's illness will be a matter of concern. Your enemies will stand against you and will try to hurt you. But this condition is not to worry about a lot as you will certainly get good results, though those results will come after some delay.
Saturn in Sagittarius Impact and Traits
As the planet of expansion, growth and luck, Jupiter is what gives Sagittarius a carefree and optimistic outlook on life. Also, as a planet of wisdom, that further enhances this zodiac sign’s curious nature about exploring every piece of themselves, others and the world. Jupiter is all about “going big” and not being limited, which is why many Sagittarians end up being eternal sojourners eager to attain never-ending wisdom.
Saturn in Capricorn Impact and Traits
A piece of advice during this movement of Saturn is to be careful. It will bring a negative effect on your career. There might be chances that you will have to face difficulties in your career. Your anger and habit of talking bitterly with others might cause problems for you. There are chances that you may lose money. Your wife might suffer from some health issues. Some disagreements with your partner and losses might occur in your business done in partnership. It is advisable to be patient and control your emotions. 
Saturn in Aquarius Impact and Traits
This movement of Saturn might not bring good results for you. The movement of Saturn will bring problems to your personal life. There are chances that your marriage will be over. There will be many misunderstandings in your personal life. Stop yourself from investing in any of the places. Don't plan for the marriage during this period. Be righteous in your behavior towards your relatives. For some people, the movement of Saturn according to their horoscope might bring good results for you. A piece of advice is to check on your wife's health. 
Saturn in Pisces Impact and Traits
A bag of mixed results waits for the people of this zodiac sign. Some people may face health issues, economic loss, social shame, and fights in the family. No pessimistic results can be there if the planet Saturn is on the progressive side of your horoscope. To bring harmony, you need to respect elders and be polite to all the family members. You will have to be polite and helpful to your neighbors to create a harmonious atmosphere.  
Talk to expert astrologers to know all about Your Personal Zodiac Sign on Saturn Planet.
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sokosmic · 4 months
Astro Observations #8
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📧 Scorpio placements love to probe people for information. This is actually something that comes very natural to them and is often an unconscious behavior. Often the Scorpio doesn't even have to do anything. People tend to reveal themselves willingly and unwillingly. This is the nature of Pluto. It naturally uncovers whatever is hidden. Planets in the 8th House can behave this way as well.
📧 The sign in your 3rd House can give clues about the type of work you may be involved in. Because a theme of the 3rd House includes short distance trips, such as your day-to-day commute, the sign ruling this house often goes hand-in-hand with your work. For instance, I have Leo in the 3H. Leo rules government (source: the rulership book by rex e. bills). I have worked in government for almost 20 yrs.
📧 Mutable Signs/Placements move on their own time. Even if they are punctual, their desire to do things when they want takes priority. It's the nature of scattered energy.
📧 Saturn in the 4th House can indicate karma with the mother or native's family. This placement often requires a lot of obligation to the mother/family . The native feels bound by the obligations and often wishes to escape, but may also feel a sense of duty and embrace their role as the glue in the family. Capricorn ruling the 4th House may also manifest this way.
📧 A 1st House Lilith may attract unsolicited sexual energy. These people have a very natural sex appeal that they may or may not be aware of. And it may not be because of what you would identify as things that are overtly sexy
📧 I've noticed a theme among women with Capricorn in 5th House or Ruler of the 10th in the 4th House is they are often stay at home mothers.
📧 People with Pluto square Mercury have a real tendency to try and tear you down with their words. This isn't always the case, but if threatened or feel they need to gain the upper hand in a conversation, they are very likely to lash out with viscous words. Mars square Mercury can behave similarly, but they are usually the folks that tend to cut others off in conversation.
📧 Cancer placements would much rather purchase you an item than to share that item of their own. It's not that they are necessarily stingy, they just like the security of knowing something belongs to them and exactly when they may need to replace it.
📧 Mars in Libra people can be big procrastinators because they have a tendency towards indecisiveness. These are people who sometimes ride the fence because Libra energy can see all sides.
📧 If you've ever had a terrible experience with a supervisor that goes overboard with micro-managing, it is very likely they are Pluto in Virgo generation. These folks thrive off of getting down to the details, and having some sort of control over outcomes, so nothing goes unnoticed...including EVERYTHING you do lol.
📧 People with Cancer in the 6th House or Aquarius Risings may be annoyingly anal, but in a kinda good way, about taking care of their coworkers or things in the workplace. They may tend to stress over things being out of place or generally keeping up with how things should be "taken care of" in the work environment. This stress can lead to gut and stomach issues, such as ulcers or indigestion. Their daily routines often involves them taking care of things to ensure security for themselves and others.
📧 My studies have shown that the North Node sign and placement, often correlates to the native's Life Path number!
📧 Pisces Mercury / Pisces 3rd House folks are some of the most difficult people [for me] to understand at times! Their minds and mode of communication can be very abstract, which isn't hard to follow (especially if you are Mutable/Mercurial like me), but at times it's like you think they are saying one thing, but their theory isn't translating into a relatable, concrete concept. And there's nothing wrong with that. Pisces Mercury people are HIGHLY creative and artistic. These are your fashionistas, makeup artists, musicians, and poets. They also make great actors.
📧 Moon in Gemini folks can be some of the best storytellers! They use lots of funny words and phrases to express their emotions through their stories. They often get a bad rap for switching up often, but to me, they have an impressive way of intertwining emotions and intellect. If I had to describe them in 2 words, it would be plot twist lol.
📧 Neptune in the 5th House can cause pregnancies to be elusive or deceptive in some form, such as false signs of pregnancy or having difficulty carrying pregnancies to term.
These are my observations and opinions. Take what resonates and leave what doesn't!
-So.Kosmic 👽💜💫
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occultwaters · 1 month
Astro Observations I
💜 Earth sun + water moon = masked vulnerability. I’m especially looking at you Capricorn sun and Scorpio moon.
💙 Virgo Venus aesthetic is either soft or the complete opposite.
💜Leo placements really don’t have to try for attention. Especially big 3. They really stick out!
💙Ya’ll think cancer mars have explosive anger, have you met Saturn ruled Mars? Capricorn and Aquarius Mars anger can be extremely explosive.
💜Quincunx aspects (inconjunctions) in astrology need to be talked about more.
💙Lilith in the 12th house in the ascendent sign will always unconsciously embody Lilith energy until they realise and learn to work with it.
💜Mars + Jupiter conjunction = sporty children. These people can also easily become argumentative.
💙Need tips on how to style your outfit? Bag a Taurus/Libra venus.
💜Neptunians are so ethereal like please. Especially when Neptunes makes aspect to the ascendent.
💙Water dominants 🤝 clinical daydreaming + zoning out mid sentence.
💜Having water and earth placements is very good if you want to get involved in the arts. Water provides the imagination and earth the drive to bring it into reality.
💙You can really spot a scorpio from a mile away. The aura and the eyes.
💜Moon in 5th house can indicate unplanned pregnancy so be careful.
💙Saturn in 2nd house. Money and self worth are such big lessons for you. How often do you feel like your possessions are either limited or being controlled?
💜Pluto in 10th house are always judged by society regardless of what they do, so they just stopped caring. They’re always caught up in some scandal.
💙Another note about Pluto in 10th, usually the way they blow up is through Plutonian things. Such as occult practitioners, even serial killers etc. These roles bring in the most recognition and attention for them.
© 2024 occultwaters. All rights reserved.
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punksocks · 5 months
Astrology Observations No.26
(Just based on my opinions, only take what resonates)
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-Aquarius mars can denote a career around trends, tech, and social media. It can also denote your career taking off during times of social progress or spearheading social progress. (John Boyega’s career took off when he became the face of a much more diverse Star Wars, and a lot of his most celebrated roles have a social consciousness to them, pretty great if I do say so myself)
-Virgo venus gets the reputation of being picky in relationships (and they are) but I feel like Sagittarius Venus can be more fickle. Virgo Venus natives have a set of standards and attributes they’re looking for, but Sagittarius Venus natives will put you on a pedestal then knock you off of it when you do something they don’t like.
-Underdeveloped Gemini Venus will ghost you in the middle of a crisis (man Pisces Venus too, but they may feel bad about it lol)
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-When it comes to a sense of justice, I feel as though (developed) Scorpio moons give everyone a run for their money
-I feel like Aquarius in big 3 (sun, moon, rising) can often find themselves being forced to be humanitarian/being made to work toward the greater good in some situations (to lend others money, to take care of friends/family, to befriend someone lonely, etc.) I feel like these placements often can be forced to give more of themselves than they are comfortable with (developed ones will often find a great sense of joy in connecting with others through care though)
-On the other hand I feel like Leo in the big 3 can find themselves being forced to pay attention to themselves/become the center of attention (elevated at a job for their hard work, given unexpected attention for a talent, etc.) With Leo placements I notice that in their home life or childhood they may not receive the attention they need, but early on they get attention from outsiders. So they end up going through this arch of getting more comfortable with their sense of self and being in the spotlight.
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-Aries placements can often be the first in their family to do something (go to college, start a business, etc) without more long term oriented placements things like businesses may not last though
-Virgo/Gemini/3rd/6th house placements and having an absolute weakness for stationary lol (I have a 3rd house Stellium and I have to force myself not to buy a sketchbook or notebook every time I’m out, with a 40% success rate lol)
-I always expect Libra placements (especially sun/Asc/Venus/mars) to have a very blonde/fair/delicate features naturally but a lot of Libras have this gothic look, like raven hair ivory skin classic beauty (and a lot of PoC I follow with Libra placements can be much darker skinned, which is also a beautifully classic look)
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-I think Jupiter and Saturn count towards your personality, but since they’re slower moving planets I view them as the bridge between the asc/sun/moon/mercury/Venus/mars placements that really directly define your personality and the generational planets that show up in traits across people in your age range (but effect everyone differently because of house placements and aspects)
-Do a lot of people get sick during Scorpio season? Or is it just me ?? (During the last week of Scorpio season like 6 people I knew got sick at the same time and I had a medical thing, wtf it’s uncanny)
-I think Neptune in Capricorn is a big reason that depression became such a focal point for younger millennials and elder gen z- well that and late stage capitalism but yknow. (Capricorns being prone to depression, and Neptune ruling over mental illness)
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-You may show more of the traits of the sign in your 12th house when inebriated (like sun in 12th may be more outgoing when they drink, moon in 12th may be more introverted/emotional, mercury in 12th may be more chatty and inquisitive, Venus in 12th may be more charming/romantic, mars in 12th may be more aggressive/antagonistic/s*xual)
-Mars in 12th/Pisces mars may find that unresolved tension sits on their subconscious and makes it hard for them to do other tasks
-Cancer over the houses can show where you feel at home (cancer in the 4th is super loyal to their family/mother, cancer in the 7th means you feel at home with a nurturing partner, cancer in the 9th means you feel at home abroad and traveling and with other communities or with religion, cancer in 11th means you feel super at home with your friends.)
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neptxn3 · 18 days
Astrology Observations II
。:゚૮ ˶ˆ ﻌ ˆ˶ ა ゚:。
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Disclaimer, these are observations I have made through personal experience and thorough research, observations also vary depending on other natal placements involved
doesn’t resonate ≠ untrue 
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♅ Virgos tend to represent the trad wife far more than people assume taurus does, and that’s because Virgos ability to uphold their life (at least on the outside) tend to attract men who want a wife that can keep them on track
Some Virgo women tend to also attract gay men unfortunately 😭, again I think Virgos just seem like the perfect trad Wife and it will attract closeted men like flies. This isn’t to say all your partners will be closeted but the ones who are overly aggressive on your role in the relationship might be.
♅ Gemini moon children develop QUICKLY. These are usually the kids who weird you out with their extensive knowledge and self awareness that seemingly comes out of nowhere. The mercury influence allows them to digest many topics which in turn has Gemini moon children mentally developing at a faster pace than their peers
I’ve also observed Gemini moons are those annoying kids in your class that are a lot smarter and a bit condescending to others intelligence, not because that’s just the way they are, but their mercurial moon needs constant stimulation, and with a combination of their rapid growth you’ll see them climbing academic ranks which in turn can make them dislike school if they are not progressing at a speed they like. 
♅ Scorpio moons have a tendency to see the worst in every situation/person which can be a nasty habit, but this isn’t out of judgment, rather they don’t like to give people the benefit of the doubt. They don’t like to be screwed over and their best bet is to think of the worst scenario possible. 
♅ Aquarius Venus who are flaky in relationships and constantly cheat will eventually have karma handed back to them, usually in the form of being in their mid 40’s still single.
Aquarius Venus flaky reputation does stem from the fact that it is a Saturn influenced placement, as well as being fixed. It’s not that they hate any type of restriction to their freedom but rather to what extent you restrict them to. They can and will jump quickly into relationships but if they see any glimpse of possessive or controlling attributes they will leave. Again because it’s fixed and Saturn influenced Aquarius Venus knows once it settles down that’s it, they’re not going anywhere, that’s why they’re so scattered to find the right person who fits their criteria. 
♅ Moon/Sun harshly aspecting Neptune is the embodiment of “I hate my Mom/Dad, but I love her/him too”. Neptune harshly aspecting these planets can cause a huge wall of misunderstanding between parent and child, but Neptune blurs the lines so deep that the individual sees them “through rose colored glasses” and if incapable of harboring hate. I would even say there could be nights where these people will look back and remember their past relationships (Neptune = Dreams)
♅ 10h placements can sometimes struggle maintaining relationships due to the very contradicting nature of the Midheaven and ascendant. Usually people will perceive them to be very different from who they actually are.
This is also why they struggle with their self esteem (the natural square to the ascendant). Sometimes they feel like they need to keep up an image to satisfy others and that isn’t someone who they truly are 🥲
In synastry this also points to partners trying to change who they are/make choices for them because they think it’s “for the best” or “what’s good for them”. 
♅ Every Virgo rising I’ve met always gives me a small lesson on why astrology isn’t real but follow up with a “but can you read my chart I want to see if it’s true 👀”. I truly believe it’s the 12h Leo which makes them secretly a little self centered (hence the interest for things like astrology to attempt and figure themselves out) but the mercurial ascendant will always make them skeptical 😭
♅ Saturn conjunct Jupiter natives is a dangerous fire sometimes. I’ve noticed if they haven’t learned to balance this aspect in their chart, the people around them can suffer their warm and cold attitude. It’s almost as if one second you could be hysterically laughing in class together, and the next second they immediately stop and ask you to be serious and finish your work. WHERE DID THE VIBE GOOO?? The key here is moderation in whichever sign/house this is in
♅ Whoever said Neptune in hard aspect to Venus needs to practice saying positive affirmations (especially to Venus related topics) to themselves in the mirror was SO correct. Neptune indeed does reflect lies to you and reaffirming yourself in the mirror breaks that spell. I don’t think I’ve felt so beautiful since I started doing this. 
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astrojulia · 1 year
Hi! Thanks for your time and effort in creating your informational posts. Do you have anything about Saturn returns? My kid adult is coming up to his Saturn return and I can see he's feeling life is a little bit heavier. He's a Pisces so he's in his feels anyway but I was hoping I could ease the burden a bit by understanding more about it. I didn't know about Saturn returns until well past my own, and I remember that time as such a crisis. Thanks, Ms. Julia!
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All about Saturn Return
I always write for people who don't know anything about the subject, so feel free to skip this part.
First we need to know what is the Saturn Return, a planet return is when the planet returns to have the same sign that is in your birth chart, for example, Solar Return and Venus Return is normally each one year, Saturn's return is already every 28 to 30 years. But of course the Saturn Return is the most talked about of them all. And yeah, just a reminder, it normally takes 2 - 3 years to end your Saturn Return.
While it may sound intimidating, the Saturn Return can be a time of growth and transformation. Saturn is often associated with qualities like discipline, hard work, responsibility, and maturity, so this period can bring about important life changes and challenges. Therefore, even if for many this event is a very difficult part, for a small part it is something very good, because above all Saturn is about harvest.
Saturn's Return forces you to review four points in your life, so if you haven't questioned yourself about these matters and haven't done something about them, you will be even more challenged, which are them:
To be responsible for your own decisions, whether they are big or small, without looking for culprits;
Accept that life has its own pace and there are times when the only thing we can do is wait;
Faced your own shadow and knowing how you are anything but perfect or an “angel on this cursed land”;
Waked up from living a “fake” life;
Or making an analogy to better understand all this… I don't know if this exists in all countries, but adapt it to where you live, but I like to relate the Saturn Return to a large income tax return, every year those who work need to prove how much they earn and what they are spending it's equivalent to what you're saying what you earn... with that you need to have several documents as well as invoices... Those who keep all these files find it very easy to make such a statement... but who leaves it for the last minute…May even pay a fine.
During the first Saturn Return, which occurs in your late twenties, you may face issues related to your own identity and an area of your life like family, your house and career. It can be a time of self-discovery and introspection, where you face your fears, take responsibility for your choices, and make important decisions about your future. That's why you hear about the thirties crisis, people starting a college "out of nothing", ending marriages... It's a time to reap what you sowed.
The second Saturn Return, which occurs in your late fifties or early sixties, is another opportunity for reflection and re-evaluation. This can be a time to take stock of your life, align with your true values, and make changes that bring you closer to your life purpose. Just as it can be a period where you need to see how you are going to take care of your life, many have much older and weakened parents who need care, so it is a time to evaluate what needs to be done to continue with the best way possible to live, if the first Saturn Return was successful, this one will be even more successful (because Saturn likes old things you know).
Now here's the part that gets interesting... Saturn Return is an astrological event that has a lot of hype, but digging about this subject... I found that there's not as much information as I'd like, so we'll have parts that will be A LOT of my theory, so feel free to comment.
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Saturn Placements
The star of our show, where Saturn is will be where you will be charged.
Saturn has already offered you more than 20 years of tests on the subject, because where your Saturn is in the Natal Chart is already an area that, even if you love it very much, you have a lot of difficulty
It’s a even funny thing to think but since you want to be soo good about where your Saturn is, is like everything you do to achieve is never good enough. But when you reach the age of 28/30, the moment of truth comes, how hard did you work to achieve your long term dreams? The signs speak of the greatest fears that need to be faced and the houses show where this battlefield will be.
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° Sun Placements in Saturn Return
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° Moon Placements in Saturn Return
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° Mercury Placements in Saturn Return (draft)
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° Venus Placements in Saturn Return (draft)
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° Mars Placements in Saturn Return (draft)
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Saturn Return: Saturn in Different Zodiac Signs
Saturn in Fire Signs
Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) are known for their passion, creativity, and independent spirit. When Saturn is in a fire sign, its return may bring up issues related to self-expression, creativity, and personal goals.
A Saturn return in Aries can bring a much-needed dose of discipline to this impulsive sign, helping Aries natives to see their projects through to completion. In Leo, a Saturn return may focus on issues related to children, relationships, and creative self-expression. A Saturn return in Sagittarius may push you to reexamine your beliefs and philosophies and move beyond fanaticism.
However, Saturn's restrictive energy may also limit your creativity, pleasure, and moral compass during this time.
Saturn Return in Aries by house
The first house Saturn return in Aries is said to be the purest expression of a Saturn return in Aries, as the symbolism of Aries overlaps quite a bit with the symbolism of the first house. This return could involve becoming aware of physical aging and limitations of the physical body. However, it could also be a time to reinvent how the world sees you and try a new look, a name change, or a physical modification.
In the second house, having Saturn, the planet of restriction and limitation, could show that money does not come easily. However, Aries in the second house could show that one has the ability to get money quickly, even though they might be inclined to spend it just as quickly. A second house Saturn return in Aries could push one to get their finances in order and unlearn impulsive spending habits. It could also be an opportunity to accept one's own financial style and succeed on their own terms.
The third house is involved with communication, and having Saturn in this house could be associated with feeling like it is hard to communicate with others and make oneself understood. Aries in the third house might tend to think and talk fast, interrupting others often. At a third house Saturn return in Aries, one may need to make an intentional effort to learn how to listen to others. It could also be a time to address any aggressive communication tendencies and face the consequences of getting into fights.
In the fourth house, having Saturn could reflect feelings like one did not get the nurturing they need growing up, while Aries in this house might show that family dynamics include aggression or impulsivity. A fourth house Saturn return in Aries could push one to acknowledge how these dynamics have hurt them and seek more stability. Alternatively, one might want to claim the aggressive or impulsive tendencies from their heritage as their own and put their own spin on them.
The fifth house is associated with creativity and children, and a fifth house Saturn return in Aries could involve defining maturity on one's own terms instead of letting someone else tell them what is necessary to be an adult. Saturn in the fifth house might tend toward one’s inner child being overly serious, but Aries has a reputation for being a bit immature. This return could be an opportunity to balance the two and find a new understanding of what it means to be a mature adult.
The sixth house focuses on routine responsibilities and health, and having Saturn here can be associated with health problems or a very focused approach to staying healthy. Aries in the sixth house could show an impulsive approach to health, and a sixth house Saturn return in Aries could push one to get more serious about physically taking care of themselves. It could also give permission to listen to one's own intuition about how their body works best.
The seventh house is associated with significant one-on-one relationships, and having Saturn here suggests taking such relationships seriously. A seventh house Saturn return in Aries could manifest in working out the boundaries of significant relationships and finding more independence in them. It could also be a time for marriages or divorces.
The eighth house is linked with intense experiences like death and sexual intimacy, as well as sharing finances or property. Having Saturn here in one's birth chart can cause either an inability to get away from such difficult matters or a fear of approaching them. With impulsive Aries in the eighth house, one might experience heavy eighth house matters as seeming to blow up out of nowhere and out of their control. An eighth house Saturn return in Aries may encourage one to confront these issues proactively and deal with them before they deal with them.
The ninth house is associated with the systems of beliefs that make up society, like philosophies, legal codes, and religious doctrines, as well as higher education. A ninth house Saturn return in Aries might be an opportunity to pursue topics on one's own terms, like through independent study or a personal spiritual quest. It could also be a time to go back to school with newfound patience and perspective.
The tenth house is involved with matters of career and status, and having Saturn here could suggest that one's public role in the world is a source of concern. A tenth house Saturn return in Aries could push one to find a career that fits them better and provides more freedom. It could also be a time to confront the limits of one's body, especially if one's career involves risk or physical exertion.
The eleventh house is associated with friendships and community groups, and having Saturn here could mean that finding a peer group is an important focus of one's life. An eleventh house Saturn return in Aries could involve balancing individualism with social connections and finding ways to have things one's own way while also having others in their life.
Lastly, the twelfth house is associated with secrets and things that are out of view, and having Saturn here is a hidden structure or agenda running one's life that even they may not be aware of. A twelfth house Saturn return in Aries could push one to sit still and sort through the confusing matters of the twelfth house. It could involve trying walking meditation, long enough to figure out what is going on inside and gain insights.
Saturn Return in Leo by house
Saturn Return in Leo in the first house can affect a person's physical body and identity. Having Saturn in the first house could cause individuals to present themselves in a serious and dignified way, while also struggling with physical health issues. Similarly, Leo in the first house could make individuals flamboyant and artistic, but when paired with Saturn Return, they may feel like they need to tone down their personality to get a high-status job.
In the second house, Saturn Return in Leo can impact a person's financial situation and possessions. Individuals with Saturn in the second house may struggle to earn money, but they may have a disciplined attitude towards spending. Leo in the second house may tend to spend a lot on having fun, which can lead to overspending. Saturn Return in Leo in the second house can help individuals develop a budget and spend wisely.
The impact of Saturn Return in Leo in the third house is associated with communication. Saturn in the third house can make it challenging for individuals to communicate with others effectively. Leo in the third house can make individuals dramatic and self-absorbed in their communication style. Saturn Return in Leo in the third house can push individuals to become aware of their communication style and learn to express themselves within healthy boundaries.
In the fourth house, Saturn Return in Leo can affect home and family matters. Individuals with Saturn in the fourth house may feel like they did not get the nurturing they needed while growing up. Leo in the fourth house may reflect a family that is overly concerned with issues of status. Saturn Return in Leo in the fourth house can give individuals the confidence to move forward on a controversial path, and parents may grudgingly admit that perhaps they are on to something.
Saturn Return in Leo in the fifth house is associated with children and creativity. Individuals may feel like they need to become parents to be a proper adult. Leo in the fifth house may push individuals to pursue a creative career. Saturn Return in Leo in the fifth house can give individuals the discipline needed to make a go of it.
In the sixth house, Saturn Return in Leo can impact routine responsibilities, like day-to-day work and maintaining health. Individuals may be very focused on getting recognition for their work. Saturn Return in Leo can help individuals find recognition, but if they are not appreciated at work, they may need to find a job that suits them better.
Saturn Return in Leo in the seventh house is associated with significant one-on-one relationships, like marriage. Individuals with Saturn in the seventh house may take such relationships very seriously. Saturn Return can be associated with marriages or divorces, and a seventh house Saturn Return might be especially likely to go in this direction. Leo in the seventh house may tend to be concerned with the status part of relationship status, leading to the need to learn to follow one's own heart regardless of what others think.
In the eighth house, Saturn Return in Leo is linked with intense experiences, like death and sexual intimacy. Leo in the eighth house may tend to overshare about private matters. Saturn Return in Leo can push individuals to develop better boundaries around private matters.
Saturn Return in Leo in the ninth house is associated with systems of beliefs like philosophies, legal codes, and religious doctrines. Academia tends to be structured in a way that Leo in the ninth house would love, so a ninth house Saturn Return in Leo could involve finally getting a degree or going back to school. However, individuals may have better results if they pursue an academic path that is a true expression of their passion rather than one that they think will impress others.
In the tenth house, Saturn Return in Leo is involved with matters of career and status. Individuals may achieve prominence in their profession with hard work, but it may also be hard to feel like they have ever done enough. Saturn Return in Leo can drive individuals to examine what motivates their ambition and pursue a path that actually works for them personally.
Saturn Return in Leo in the eleventh house is associated with friendships and community groups. Individuals may find that their commitments to groups and organizations become overwhelming for them. Saturn Return in Leo can push individuals to drop commitments that they are not passionate about.
Finally, Saturn Return in Leo in the twelfth house is associated with secrets and things that are out of view. Individuals with Leo in the twelfth house may find it hard to access the flamboyant, creative energy of Leo. Saturn Return in Leo can give individuals an opportunity to acknowledge their potential in this regard and learn to be honest about their hidden side.
Saturn Return in Sagittarius by house
The first house is associated with one's physical body and identity, and having Saturn in this house can result in a serious and dignified personal presentation, as well as potential struggles with physical health. If Sagittarius is present in the first house, one may identify themselves with a religious or political commitment, and a Saturn Return in Sagittarius could cause one to question their identity without these beliefs. This house also relates to travel or contact with different cultures, and a Saturn Return in Sagittarius could lead to an emphasis on embracing one's unique cultural identity.
The second house relates to personal finance and possessions, and having Saturn in this house generally suggests that money does not come easily. Sagittarius in the second house may indicate a strong philosophy guiding spending and saving habits, but it is important to confront unrealistic views regarding money or possessions during a Saturn Return in Sagittarius. Pleasure may also become complicated, and one may need to correct imbalances related to entertainment spending and necessities during this time.
The third house is associated with communication, and having Saturn in this house can result in difficulty communicating and feeling understood. If Sagittarius is present in this house, one may find it hard to express deep thoughts in small talk and may be tempted to share unsolicited advice or divisive opinions. During a Saturn Return in Sagittarius, one may learn to stand up for themselves in conversation and acknowledge reasonable boundaries about what they can and cannot say.
The fourth house focuses on home and family matters, and having Saturn in this house can reflect a lack of nurturing during childhood. If Sagittarius is present in the fourth house, one may have emigrated from one country to another or have parents from different cultures. A Saturn Return in Sagittarius could be a time to explore cultural heritage and confront whether the beliefs one was raised with are truly fitting.
The fifth house is associated with children and creativity, and a Saturn Return in Sagittarius may lead to becoming a parent or feeling like one must become a parent to be a proper adult. Sagittarius in the fifth house also relates to pleasure and risk-taking, and a Saturn Return may prompt one to tone down excessive behavior or allow more pleasure into their life. If one is a parent during this time, they may need to balance their own preferences with other important factors.
The sixth house relates to routine responsibilities such as work and health, and having Saturn in this house can lead to a focus on maintaining good health or potential health problems. Sagittarius in the sixth house suggests an idealistic approach to habits and routines, and a Saturn Return in Sagittarius may result in finding new inspiration for organizing one's life. One may also desire work with meaning, and a Saturn Return may prompt a change from a frustrating job or finding purpose in their current work.
The seventh house is associated with relationships, and having Saturn in this house indicates a serious approach to significant one-on-one relationships like marriage. A Saturn Return in Sagittarius may lead to marriage or divorce, and Sagittarius in the seventh house suggests a desire for a partner with intellectual depth or cultural background. One may need to change beliefs about relationships to maintain a comfortable connection.
The eighth house invoeighth houselves intense experiences like death and sexual intimacy, as well as shared finances and property. Having Saturn in this house can indicate difficulty with such matters, and Sagittarius in the eighth house may lead to bold exploration of intimidating experiences. A Saturn Return in Sagittarius may prompt bringing one's belief system in alignment with profound experiences, and one may need to ensure they are not taken advantage of in financial or property matters.
The ninth house is associated with beliefs, higher education, and travel to different cultures. Having Saturn in this house may suggest a dogmatic approach to societal structures or difficulty with such structures. A Saturn Return in Sagittarius may involve questioning or clarifying beliefs, or finishing a degree or returning to school.
The tenth house relates to career and status, and having Saturn in this house suggests concern with one's public role in the world. Sagittarius in the tenth house may lead to a desire for a career with freedom and opportunities to learn. A Saturn Return in Sagittarius may prompt finding a better fit for one's job and examining beliefs about authority figures.
The eleventh house is associated with friendships and community groups, and having Saturn in this house may indicate a focus on finding a peer group. A Saturn Return in Sagittarius may lead to discovering true friends and examining one's own role in any loneliness experienced.
The twelfth house relates to secrets and hidden agendas, and having Saturn in this house suggests a hidden structure or agenda running one's life. Sagittarius in the twelfth house may involve hiding a thoughtful and joyful part of oneself, and a Saturn Return in Sagittarius may prompt acknowledging this hidden part. A great use of this time may be traveling alone to get to know oneself better.
Saturn in Earth Signs
Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) are known for their practicality, stability, and hard work. When Saturn is in an earth sign, its return may push you out of your comfort zone and encourage you to take risks.
A Saturn return in Taurus may bring up themes related to money, resources, and values. In Virgo, a Saturn return may force you to confront issues related to your health, career, and daily lifestyle. Saturn is very comfortable in Capricorn, its home sign, but even here, it can stir up themes related to career, family, order, duty, stability, and responsibility.
Saturn's energy can help you build a solid foundation for your future, but it may also feel restrictive or limiting at times.
Saturn Return in Taurus by house
In the first house, the physical body and identity are influenced by Saturn's presence, leading to a more serious and dignified presentation. With Taurus in this house, a desire for beauty could become all-consuming, especially during the Saturn return when one becomes aware of aging. However, this period could also provide an opportunity to focus on physical health and discover new ways to enhance one's current self.
In the second house, Saturn's influence on finances and possessions could lead to limited resources, but also a disciplined attitude towards what money is available. Taurus in this house is comfortable with financial affairs and has a practical approach to financial security. However, the Saturn return could trigger a shift in priorities, requiring a careful consideration of financial habits that no longer work.
The third house is associated with communication, and Saturn's presence here could make it challenging to express oneself effectively. Taurus, on the other hand, is associated with the voice, making this physical aspect of communication especially significant. During a third house Saturn return in Taurus, one may become aware of how physical quirks, such as an unusual voice or awkward body language, interfere with effective communication. This period could offer an opportunity to work on these issues and gain deeper psychological insights into how one communicates.
The fourth house is linked to home and family matters, and with Saturn's influence, one may feel a lack of nurturing during childhood. Taurus in this house desires a secure and cozy home, and during a Saturn return, one could feel an intense pull to buy the perfect house. However, one should be careful not to become obsessive about remodeling or house-hunting. Instead, this period could provide an opportunity to explore family origins and address any suppressed issues that could affect future foundations.
In the fifth house, children and creativity are associated with Saturn's return, and one may feel the pressure to become a parent to be considered a proper adult. Taurus in this house could make one a nurturing parent, but the Saturn return could also bring financial concerns to the forefront. Additionally, changes in one's body may affect how they approach attracting partners, requiring an adjustment of strategies.
The sixth house focuses on routine responsibilities, and Saturn here may indicate health problems or a strong focus on staying healthy. Taurus in this house is a reliable worker, but during the Saturn return, one may realize that their commitment to a job isn't appreciated. This could lead to changes in routine and a search for a better fit.
The seventh house is associated with significant one-on-one relationships, and Saturn's presence here suggests that one takes these relationships seriously. A Saturn return in Taurus could lead to a change in relationship status, but Taurus in this house may prioritize security over the right partner. This period could bring up the question of whether one has sacrificed too much for a relationship to work.
The eighth house is linked to intense experiences such as death, sexual intimacy, and sharing finances or property. A Saturn return in Taurus could emphasize the financial side of this house, leading to achieving financial goals or sudden financial struggles. Taurus's desire for things to be predictable and touchable could make it challenging to accept experiences that don't fit those norms.
The ninth house is associated with systems of beliefs, legal codes, religious doctrines, and higher education. Saturn's presence here could make one a dogmatic enforcer or someone continually blocked by these structures. Taurus in this house values belonging to a religious tradition, but during a Saturn return, one may be challenged to articulate their reasons for being there.
The tenth house is involved in matters of career and status, and Saturn's presence here could indicate a concern with one's public role. Taurus in this house may prioritize financial stability in their career choice. During a Saturn return, this could lead to solidifying one's commitment to a good fit or making changes if financial stability has tied them to a job they hate.
The eleventh house is associated with friendships and community groups, and Saturn's presence here could make finding a peer group an important focus. Taurus in this house may have stable friendships, and during a Saturn return, one may find their longtime commitment rewarded. However, if one has been loyal to friends without considering compatibility, this period could bring up a need to confront these relationships.
The twelfth house is associated with secrets and hidden structures, and Saturn's presence here could indicate a hidden agenda running one's life. Taurus in this house could desire security but may struggle with the more mystical experiences associated with this house. During a Saturn return, becoming open to mystery could be necessary.
Saturn Return in Virgo by house
The first house is associated with an individual's physical body and identity. With Saturn in the first house, individuals may present themselves in a serious and dignified manner, while also struggling with physical body issues. Additionally, their Saturn return in Virgo may push them to prioritize their physical health and well-being.
The second house is linked to money and possessions. With Saturn in this house, individuals may face challenges in acquiring wealth, but may have a disciplined attitude towards whatever money they do have. With Virgo in the second house, individuals may be very careful with their money, but their Saturn return may push them to confront any fears or anxieties around money and scarcity.
The third house involves communication and the way individuals express themselves. With Saturn in this house, individuals may find it challenging to communicate with others and make themselves understood. With Virgo in the third house, individuals may be precise and hold themselves and others to high standards in communication. However, their Saturn return may show them the limits of this approach and push them to become more attentive to things unsaid.
The fourth house is associated with home and family matters. With Saturn here, individuals may have felt like they did not receive the nurturing they needed growing up. With Virgo in this house, individuals may examine whether the financial lessons they learned from their family are still serving them. Additionally, their Saturn return may present an opportunity to learn domestic skills and develop routines that work for them.
The fifth house is linked to creativity and children. With Saturn in this house, individuals may feel pressure to become a parent in order to be considered a proper adult. With Virgo in this house, individuals may refine their artistic or creative skills with meticulous attention to detail. However, their Saturn return may push them to confront any perfectionistic tendencies and examine the limits of their creative abilities.
The sixth house is associated with routine responsibilities, such as maintaining one's health and work. With Saturn in this house, individuals may be very focused on staying healthy and may face health problems. With Virgo in this house, individuals may believe that putting in effort gets results, but their Saturn return may push them to confront whether their efforts are actually getting them the results they desire or whether they need to make changes.
The seventh house is linked to significant one-on-one relationships, such as marriage. With Saturn in this house, individuals may take such relationships very seriously. With Virgo in this house, individuals may look for a practical partner to balance out their dreamy nature. Their Saturn return may test how well they are handling this dynamic in their relationships and may push them to learn to take care of themselves more instead of relying too heavily on their partner.
The eighth house is associated with intense experiences such as sexual intimacy or death. With Saturn in this house, individuals may have an inability to get away from such difficult matters or a fear of approaching them. With Virgo in the eighth house, individuals may be very good at handling the technical details of complicated financial agreements. However, their Saturn return may push them to examine any assumptions they hold around mystical experiences and let go of some of their need for control.
The ninth house is linked to societal structures such as religion, philosophy, and higher education. With Saturn in this house, individuals may be either an especially dogmatic enforcer of such structures or someone who seems to be continually blocked by them. With Virgo in this house, individuals may be devoted to the rules of whatever system they are affiliated with, but their Saturn return may show them the consequences of enforcing rules in an overly rigid way.
The tenth house is associated with career and status. With Saturn in this house, individuals may feel that their public role in the world is a source of concern for them. With Virgo in this house, individuals may enjoy a career that allows them to use specific technical skills. Their Saturn return may provide recognition for their progress, but may also push them to confront any frustration with an overly critical authority figure.
The eleventh house is linked to friendships and community groups. With Saturn in this house, individuals may feel shut out of social connections early on in life, but may find commitments to groups and organizations overwhelming later on. With Virgo in this house, individuals may be drawn to volunteering for causes or organizations that matter to them. Their Saturn return may present challenges if their focused effort contributes to their organization achieving a success so big that it puts them out of a job.
The twelfth house is associated with secrets and hidden anxieties. With Saturn in this house, individuals may have a hidden structure or agenda running their life that even they may not be aware of. With Virgo in the twelfth house, individuals may keep a lot of worries to themselves. Their Saturn return may make it harder than usual to keep a lid on their anxieties, but may also provide an opportunity for reflection and self-organization.
Saturn Return in Capricorn by house
In the first house, Saturn's placement is associated with an individual's physical body and their identity. With Saturn in the first house, individuals may present themselves in a serious and dignified way, but may also struggle with a problem involving their physical body. Capricorn in the first house could have a similar effect of making individuals look wise beyond their years, allowing them to grow into the image they portray at their first house Saturn return in Capricorn. However, individuals might find that getting old is a bit different from what they expected once they get to this critical point, and having new insights that change their identity in some way could be jarring. Nevertheless, being adaptable can make them stronger.
In the second house, Saturn's placement focuses on money and possessions. In general, having Saturn in the second house could show that money does not come easily to individuals, but they might have a disciplined attitude toward whatever money they do have. With Capricorn in the second house, individuals may be careful about their finances, and their second house Saturn return in Capricorn could be a time when their saving pays off, allowing them to afford a major purchase they have been eyeing. However, they might also tend to think they have less money than they actually do. If their attitude toward their finances tends to fixate on scarcity, they may run the risk of making their fears come true at their second house Saturn return in Capricorn. Being grateful for whatever they have can help them expand their resources.
In the third house, Saturn's placement is involved with communication. Having Saturn in the third house, regardless of its sign, can be associated with feeling like it is hard for individuals to communicate with the people around them and make themselves understood. If they have Capricorn in their third house, they may be a person of few words. This might be at least partly due to an ability to clearly see the main points of any subject. Their third house Saturn return in Capricorn could be a time when they really hit their stride in explaining things to others. They might also be overly focused on being proper in their communication, to the point they are unable to express things that really matter to them. Another potential danger in this approach is that they could miss out on something important that someone else is trying to tell them because they don’t present their case in quite the right way. A situation of this sort could be significant at their third house Saturn return in Capricorn.
In the fourth house, Saturn's placement focuses on home and family matters. In general, having Saturn in the fourth house can reflect that individuals felt like they did not get the nurturing they need growing up. With Capricorn in the fourth house, their family may have prioritized ambition over an emotional connection. Their fourth house Saturn return in Capricorn could make them very aware of the soft skills they missed learning on their climb to the top. That said, Capricorn in the fourth house can also indicate a family that has a basically secure structure, even if it is not always the warmest family. Their fourth house Saturn return in Capricorn may nudge them to help their family when they need it – or their family might turn out to support them in some way.
In the fifth house, Saturn's placement is associated with children and creativity. Some people become parents at their Saturn returns, and a fifth house Saturn return could be especially likely to go in this direction. Individuals might feel like they have to become a parent in order to be a proper adult. Capricorn in the fifth house could make a serious effort to bring order to something chaotic, like children or the creative process. While this might sound like a doomed quest, they could potentially succeed in implementing their artistic vision at their fifth house Saturn return in Capricorn. If they are raising or working closely with children at their fifth house Saturn return in Capricorn, they may be challenged to weigh their idea of how things should go against what the children in front of them actually show them that they need. A truly sound structure must pass the test of messy reality.
In the sixth house, Saturn's placement focuses on an individual's routine responsibilities, like the day-to-day part of their work and what they must do to maintain their health. Saturn in the sixth house can be associated with health problems, but it might just show that individuals are very focused on staying healthy even if they don’t have an illness to be concerned about. With Capricorn in the sixth house, individuals may push themselves hard for productivity in their work and daily routines. Their focused effort could bring them to a significant achievement at their sixth house Saturn return in Capricorn, but they might also experience burnout if they have been pursuing their goals in a way that is not sustainable. Alternately, they might have a tendency to slack off, especially if they were burned by a parent or other authority figure who pushed them too hard when they were growing up. In this case, their sixth house Saturn return in Capricorn could help them find their own rhythm for getting things done.
In the seventh house, Saturn's placement is associated with significant one-on-one relationships including but not limited to marriage. Having Saturn here natally can suggest that individuals take such relationships very seriously. Saturn returns can be associated with marriages or divorces, and a seventh house Saturn return might be especially likely to go in this direction of changing their relationship status. If they have Capricorn in their seventh house, they may want a partner who can bring stability to their life. At their seventh house Saturn return in Capricorn, rushing into marriage for the sake of settling down could be tempting. Marrying now might not be wrong, but they should be aware of what they are doing and why. If they’ve already been in a committed relationship for some time, though, their seventh house Saturn return in Capricorn could be a time when they question whether they are getting all of the security they need from their relationship. They might feel like they have to choose between emotional warmth and financial stability. Perhaps they can ultimately have some of both, but they may need to develop the courage to ask for it out loud.
In the eighth house, Saturn's placement is linked with intense experiences like death and sexual intimacy. Boundaries tend to blur in these extreme situations, so the eighth house also handles situations of sharing finances or property. It can even take in paranormal experiences where the basic structures of the physical world do not perform as expected. Having Saturn here in an individual's birth chart can cause either an inability to get away from such difficult matters or a fear of approaching them. With Capricorn in their eighth house, individuals may have a practical attitude toward the financial commitments they make with others. However, it might be hard for them to acknowledge how emotional they really feel about their money and their possessions. If there is a major imbalance here, their eighth house Saturn return in Capricorn could bring it out. Also, Capricorn in the eighth house could potentially be refreshingly pragmatic about death. In that case, they might as well use the energy of their eighth house Saturn return in Capricorn to plan things like their will. They may even be called upon to handle someone else’s estate.
In the ninth house, Saturn's placement is associated with the systems of beliefs that make up society, like philosophies, legal codes, and religious doctrines. It is also linked to higher education. A person with Saturn in the ninth house, in general, might be either an especially dogmatic enforcer of such structures or someone who seems to be continually blocked by them. The organized nature of Capricorn overall fits well with the vibe of the ninth house. Individuals could achieve an academic degree they have been working toward at their ninth house Saturn return in Capricorn. Their academic journey might tend to emphasize effort and professional ambition rather than passion, and this is fine as long as it works for them. A potential problem with Capricorn in the ninth house could be a tendency to emphasize the letter of the law over the spirit of the law. If they do this, they might get called on it at their ninth house Saturn return in Capricorn. They should embrace opportunities to restructure their thinking in a way that makes it stronger.
In the tenth house, Saturn's placement is involved with matters of career and status. Having Saturn in the tenth house natally could suggest that an individual's public role in the world is a source of concern for them. With hard work, they may achieve prominence in their profession, but it may also be hard to feel like they have ever done enough. The symbolism of the sign of Capricorn overlaps substantially with the symbolism of the tenth house, so a tenth house Saturn return in Capricorn could have a double dose of the basic Saturn return in Capricorn themes. Professional ambition could definitely be a huge focus of a tenth house Saturn return in Capricorn. They may be able to achieve a career goal they have been working toward for a long time. However, any goal they achieve at their tenth house Saturn return in Capricorn might have to truly be their goal. If they were pushed into a particular career by a parent or other authority figure, they may wind up questioning it at their tenth house Saturn return in Capricorn.
In the eleventh house, Saturn's placement is associated with friendships and community groups. In general, having Saturn in the eleventh house could mean that finding a peer group is an important focus of an individual's life. Early on, they may feel shut out of social connections, like they do not come easily to them. Once they hit their stride, though, they may find that their commitments to groups and organizations become overwhelming for them. With Capricorn in their eleventh house, they could be drawn to friends who are ambitious and going places in life. In a best-case scenario, they might find at their eleventh house Saturn return in Capricorn that their friends are able to cheer them on as they pursue their goals. However, if they feel obligated to put up a good front for their friends, they may feel isolated at their eleventh house Saturn return in Capricorn. Most journeys toward success include both ups and downs, and relationships where they can’t be honest about their challenges might not last.
In the twelfth house, Saturn's placement is associated with secrets and things that are out of view. Saturn represents structure, so Saturn in the twelfth house is a hidden structure, a hidden agenda running an individual's life that even they may not be aware of. If they have Capricorn in their twelfth house, they might secretly be more traditional than the image they portray to others. This could especially be the case if they also have Aquarius Rising, as many people with Capricorn in the twelfth house do. At their twelfth house Saturn return in Capricorn, circumstances may push them to become more honest with themselves and others about the full complexity of their personality. On the plus side, they might discover they are more practical and organized than they think they are.
Saturn in Air Signs
Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) are known for their intellectual curiosity, communication skills, and social savvy. When Saturn is in an air sign, its return may challenge your thinking, communication style, and relationships.
A Saturn return in Gemini may push you to find emotional and mental balance by connecting to your truth. Saturn's exaltation in Libra makes this placement more harmonious, but it can still bring up issues related to partnership, finances, and independence. In Aquarius, Saturn may encourage you to question conventional wisdom and embrace your individuality.
Saturn's energy can help you refine your thinking and communication skills, but it may also create obstacles in your relationships or career.
Saturn Return in Gemini by house
In the first house, Saturn return in Gemini may lead to a wardrobe makeover or health issues. People with Saturn in the first house tend to present themselves in a serious and dignified manner. However, individuals with Gemini in the first house can tend to look younger than they are, and this may result in an awkward combination with Saturn in the first house. A first house Saturn return in Gemini may lead to purging one's wardrobe for a makeover. Individuals may also discover a health problem during this period, and the mental aspect of Gemini can be powerful.
In the second house, Saturn return in Gemini may test whether an individual has spread themselves too thin or needs a side hustle. The second house is associated with money and possessions, and having Saturn in the second house may indicate that money does not come easily to an individual. However, individuals with Gemini in the second house may be associated with multiple income streams, and they may be able to keep track of complicated financial arrangements. A second house Saturn return in Gemini may push individuals to simplify their lives by picking one income stream and getting better at it.
In the third house, the symbolism overlaps quite a bit with that of the sign of Gemini. A third house Saturn return in Gemini may push individuals to confront some of their basic strategies for interacting with others. They may start to notice things that seem small, like whether they interrupt or are interrupted by others in conversation. However, working on these issues could help individuals develop more fulfilling connections.
In the fourth house, Saturn return in Gemini may push individuals to look at whether their home life worked well for them growing up. The fourth house is associated with home and family matters, and having Saturn in the fourth house may reflect that an individual did not get the nurturing they needed growing up. Gemini in the fourth house could reflect that there was a lot of activity and conversation in an individual's family life when they were growing up. A fourth house Saturn return in Gemini may push individuals to nurture themselves and build a home life that suits their needs.
In the fifth house, Saturn return in Gemini may involve becoming a parent or dealing with childhood memories. The fifth house is associated with children and creativity, and some people become parents during their Saturn returns. A fifth house Saturn return could make individuals feel like they have to become a parent to be a proper adult. Individuals with Gemini in the fifth house may have common childhood experiences like learning to get along with siblings and attending school. A fifth house Saturn return in Gemini may push individuals to make things better for their children than they experienced in their childhood.
In the sixth house, Saturn return in Gemini may help individuals nail down their system for getting things done. The sixth house focuses on routine responsibilities like work and maintaining health, and individuals with Gemini in the sixth house may be great at multitasking. A sixth house Saturn return in Gemini may be a time when individuals really nail down their system for getting things done, and they might even become the next organizational guru.
In the seventh house, Saturn return in Gemini may lead to changing relationship status or finding a mate who is versatile enough to keep up with them. The seventh house is associated with significant one-on-one relationships including marriage, and having Saturn here natally can suggest that such relationships are taken very seriously. A seventh house Saturn return in Gemini may be a time when individuals find a mate who is versatile enough to keep up with them. However, individuals may also struggle with dynamics similar to sibling rivalry in their adult relationships.
In the eighth house, Saturn return in Gemini may involve developing the courage to speak up about something they have shame about or having stronger boundaries in how they share resources with others. The eighth house is linked with intense experiences like death and sexual intimacy. Individuals with Saturn here in their birth chart may find it challenging to approach difficult matters. A twelfth house Saturn return in Gemini could involve developing the courage to speak up about something they have shame about, which may help others as well as themselves. Alternatively, it may push individuals to have stronger boundaries in how they share resources with others.
In the ninth house, Saturn return in Gemini may involve confronting political or religious turmoil. The ninth house is associated with the systems of beliefs that make up society, like philosophies and religious doctrines. Individuals with Saturn in the ninth house may be either an especially dogmatic enforcer of such structures or someone who seems to be continually blocked by them. A ninth house Saturn return in Gemini may be a time when individuals confront the political or religious turmoil they grew up with.
In the tenth house, Saturn return in Gemini may push individuals to become more consistent. The tenth house is involved with matters of career and status. Having Saturn in the tenth house natally could suggest that an individual's public role in the world is a source of concern for them. With hard work, they may achieve prominence in their profession, but it may also be hard to feel like they have ever done enough. Individuals with Gemini in the tenth house could excel in a career that involves communicating and interacting with others.
In the eleventh house, Saturn return in Gemini may push individuals to identify who their real friends are. The eleventh house is associated with friendships and community groups. Individuals with Saturn in the eleventh house may feel shut out of social connections, but they may find their commitments to groups and organizations overwhelming. Individuals with Gemini in the eleventh house may have a social life that is broad but not necessarily deep. An eleventh house Saturn return in Gemini may push individuals to identify who their real friends are when the going gets tough.
In the twelfth house, Saturn return in Gemini may involve airing a personal or family secret or developing stronger boundaries in the way they talk with people. The twelfth house is associated with secrets and things that are out of view. Individuals with Saturn here in their birth chart may have a hidden agenda running their life that even they may not be aware of. A twelfth house Saturn return in Gemini may be a time when individuals finally get the courage to air a personal or family secret that has been holding them back, or it may push individuals to develop stronger boundaries in the way they talk with people, especially if they have been careless with the secrets of others in the years leading up to their Saturn return.
Saturn Return in Libra by house
In the first house, the Saturn Return in Libra may involve presenting oneself in a serious and dignified way. Those with this placement may become more aware of their physical body and identity, and may feel that they need to take better care of themselves. They may also struggle with physical issues, and this placement can be a time of learning to take care of oneself.
In the second house, the Saturn Return in Libra may involve learning to advocate for oneself financially. Those with this placement may find it difficult to make money, but they may have a disciplined attitude toward whatever money they do have. They may also have a desire to make others happy, but they will need to learn to prioritize their own needs when it comes to financial issues.
In the third house, the Saturn Return in Libra may involve finding a balance between expressing oneself and maintaining harmony with others. Those with this placement may struggle with communicating with those around them and making themselves understood. They may also feel inhibited in what they say, leading to a desire to avoid hurting anyone's feelings. This placement can be a time of learning to find a point of balance where they can express what really matters as respectfully as they can, even if not everyone is happy in the moment.
In the fourth house, the Saturn Return in Libra may involve dealing with family tension or finding comfort at home. Those with this placement may have felt like they did not get the nurturing they needed growing up or may have grown up in a family that put a priority on looking good. This placement can be a time of discovering what makes them comfortable and arranging their current home life accordingly.
In the fifth house, the Saturn Return in Libra may involve changing one's approach to romance or becoming a parent. Those with this placement may be too focused on the physical appearance of prospective partners and need to pay more attention to other qualities. They may also feel like they have to become a parent in order to be a proper adult. This placement can be a time of learning to change their approach to romance or parenthood and finding a balance between their own desires and the needs of others.
In the sixth house, the Saturn Return in Libra may involve discovering a routine that works or becoming more grounded in reality. Those with this placement may have been pursuing a routine in an overly rigid way and need to allow their real needs to assert themselves. They may also consider physical beauty to be an important marker of their physical health and spend a lot of time maintaining their appearance. This placement can be a time of discovering a way of arranging their routine that truly works for them, grounded in reality.
In the seventh house, the Saturn Return in Libra may involve facing gaps between ideal and actual relationships. Those with this placement may take significant one-on-one relationships very seriously and may struggle with gaps between their ideal relationship and how it actually functions in the real world. This placement is often associated with marriages or divorces and can be a time of significant change in one's relationship status.
In the eighth house, the Saturn Return in Libra may involve negotiating shared resources or facing trouble with unrealistic ideals. Those with this placement may be optimistic and assume the best in people, leading to trouble if others do not share the same ideals. This placement can be a time of negotiating shared resources or facing trouble with unrealistic ideals when it comes to one's finances or possessions.
In the ninth house, the Saturn Return in Libra may involve facing legal or philosophical issues. Those with this placement may become gloomy about the realization that life does not seem to be fair or may need to decide what they must accept as unchangeable and what they can work on to make the world a more just place. This placement can be a time of facing legal or philosophical issues related to one's beliefs or higher education.
In the tenth house, the Saturn Return in Libra may involve achieving career goals or dealing with dysfunctional authority. Those with this placement may feel like their public role in the world is a source of concern and may struggle with feeling like they have not done enough. They may also be drawn to a career that gives them an opportunity to put things in order and make them look good. This placement can be a time of achieving career goals or dealing with dysfunctional authority when it comes to one's public role.
In the eleventh house, the Saturn Return in Libra may involve confronting unfair dynamics in friendships or deepening commitment to groups. Those with this placement may feel shut out of social connections early on but may find that their commitments to groups and organizations become overwhelming later in life. This placement can be a time of deepening commitment to a friend group or organization, or confronting unfair dynamics in friendships or other group commitments.
In the twelfth house, the Saturn Return in Libra may involve getting in touch with a sensitive side or facing secrecy in close relationships. Those with this placement may have a hidden agenda running their life that even they may not be aware of, and this placement is often associated with secrets and things that are out of view. This placement can be a time of getting in touch with a sensitive side or facing secrecy in close relationships and learning to be honest with oneself about the problems caused by trying to make everybody happy.
Saturn Return in Aquarius by house
The first house is associated with an individual's physical body and identity. Having Saturn in the first house can cause an individual to present themselves in a serious and dignified way, leading to a struggle with a problem involving their physical body. However, if Aquarius is present in this house, an individual may enjoy having a unique appearance, but this could become problematic when trying to achieve certain goals. This house's impact suggests a need for individuals to balance their individuality with their goals, finding ways to express themselves while working towards their aspirations.
The second house is linked with money and possessions. Having Saturn in the second house can indicate that money does not come easily, leading to a disciplined attitude towards whatever finances an individual has. On the other hand, if Aquarius is present in this house, an individual may have a logical attitude towards their resources and may be willing to try experimental investments. This house's impact suggests that individuals need to balance their logical approach to finances with a grounded sense of reality, finding ways to make sound investments while not getting carried away by their innovative ideas.
The third house is associated with communication. Having Saturn in the third house can cause difficulty in making oneself understood. If Aquarius is present in this house, an individual may be comfortable using technology to communicate, which could lead to oversharing. This house's impact suggests that individuals need to develop better communication skills, finding ways to express themselves clearly while being mindful of what they share with others.
The fourth house deals with home and family matters. Having Saturn in the fourth house can make an individual feel they did not get enough nurturing during their upbringing. However, if Aquarius is present in this house, an individual may come from a quirky and independent family. This house's impact suggests that individuals need to acknowledge the nurturing they lacked in their upbringing, finding ways to embrace their roots while also developing healthy boundaries.
The fifth house is associated with children and creativity. Having Saturn in the fifth house can make an individual feel they need to become a parent to be a proper adult. If Aquarius is present in this house, an individual may not be satisfied with traditional ways of dating, mating, and having children, leading to a desire to innovate. This house's impact suggests that individuals need to balance their desire for creativity and individuality with their responsibilities as parents, finding ways to express themselves while also nurturing their children.
The sixth house focuses on routine responsibilities and staying healthy. Having Saturn in the sixth house can indicate a disciplined attitude towards one's routine and health. If Aquarius is present in this house, an individual may have a clear idea of how things like their routine and diet should function, which could lead to dogmatic behavior. This house's impact suggests that individuals need to find a balance between their innovative ideas for health and routine while also being mindful of their bodies' needs and limitations.
The seventh house deals with significant one-on-one relationships. Having Saturn in the seventh house can suggest taking these relationships seriously. If Aquarius is present in this house, an individual may prefer to organize their relationships on their own terms. This house's impact suggests that individuals need to work on their communication skills, finding ways to express their unique views while also ensuring their partners are on the same page.
The eighth house is linked with intense experiences such as death and sexual intimacy. Having Saturn in the eighth house can cause fear or an inability to approach such experiences. If Aquarius is present in this house, an individual may have a desire to share their finances or property with others in the name of universal brotherhood. This house's impact suggests that individuals need to find a balance between their desire to share and their need for privacy, finding ways to express their ideals while also being mindful of potential exploitation.
The ninth house is associated with beliefs and higher education. Having Saturn in the ninth house can make an individual dogmatic or blocked by societal structures. If Aquarius is present in this house, an individual may have a gift for tracing societal ills to flaws in philosophical underpinnings. This house's impact suggests that individuals need to find a balance between their desire for change and their respect for established structures, finding ways to express their ideas while also being mindful of others' beliefs.
The tenth house deals with career and public status. Having Saturn in the tenth house can suggest concern for one's public role in the world. If Aquarius is present in this house, an individual may be drawn to a career involving innovation and technology. This house's impact suggests that individuals need to find a balance between their desire to innovate and their need to adhere to established structures, finding ways to express their unique ideas while also being mindful of their responsibilities.
The eleventh house is associated with friendships and community groups. Having Saturn in the eleventh house can mean finding a peer group is an important focus. If Aquarius is present in this house, an individual may fall out with a bad crowd that discourages their individuality or solidify their commitment to a community that shares their vision for improving the world. This house's impact suggests that individuals need to find a balance between their desire for acceptance and their need for individuality, finding ways to express themselves while also finding like-minded individuals.
The twelfth house deals with secrets and things that are out of view. Having Saturn in the twelfth house can indicate a hidden agenda running an individual's life. If Aquarius is present in this house, an individual may conceal their unique quirks, but may need to open up to build select groups that understand them. This house's impact suggests that individuals need to find ways to express themselves even in the face of potential criticism or rejection, finding like-minded individuals who understand and accept them.
Saturn in Water Signs
Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) are known for their emotional depth, intuition, and sensitivity. When Saturn is in a water sign, its return may challenge you to confront your fears, deepen your emotional maturity, and face your shadows.
A Saturn return in Cancer may manifest as emotional heaviness or the need to build better boundaries. In Scorpio, a Saturn return can be a time of transformation and spiritual rebirth. In Pisces, Saturn may push you to question your beliefs and find a path to living out your dreams.
Saturn's energy can be intense in water signs, but it can also help you develop greater emotional resilience and spiritual depth.
Saturn Return in Cancer by house
The first house is associated with an individual's physical body and identity, and Saturn Return in Cancer in this house can bring about opportunities to formalize one's role as a caregiver. People with Saturn in the first house tend to present themselves in a serious and dignified way, and those with Cancer in the first house are often seen as good at taking care of others. However, at the time of the Saturn Return, it is important to set boundaries and prevent others from taking advantage of one's kindness.
The second house is related to money and possessions. For someone with Saturn in the second house, money does not come easily, but they may have a disciplined attitude toward whatever money they do have. Having Cancer in the second house may lead to seeking emotional security through material possessions. Saturn Return in Cancer in this house can challenge this habit and push individuals to find security in other ways. If someone has been able to handle money in an emotionally balanced way, this Saturn Return can bring financial stability, which can help them achieve their goals.
The third house is associated with communication. Those with Saturn in the third house may find it hard to communicate with the people around them and make themselves understood. With Cancer in the third house, emotions could be a big part of communication. Combined with the blockages that Saturn in the third house can bring, this could come out as being afraid to say anything because you might hurt someone's feelings. At the time of the Saturn Return in Cancer in the third house, it is important to become more conscious of how emotions are used in communication.
The fourth house is related to home and family matters. Those with Saturn in the fourth house may have felt like they did not get the nurturing they needed growing up. With Saturn in Cancer, in general, the vibes are similar. A Saturn Return in Cancer in the fourth house could be an opportunity to examine childhood emotional wounds. This Saturn Return can also bring an opportunity to buy a home or settle down in a stable residence.
The fifth house is linked with children and creativity. For someone with Saturn in the fifth house, a fifth house Saturn Return in Cancer could push them to negotiate boundaries between self-care and caring for others if the possibility of having children is on their mind. This Saturn Return can also help them be more honest about what they want in dating and romance.
The sixth house is associated with daily responsibilities and health. If someone has Cancer in the sixth house, they may be drawn to a job that provides security or a nurturing environment even if it has other drawbacks. Saturn Return in Cancer in this house may bring attention to the bargains made for security and nurturing environments. It can also affect habits like diet and exercise and encourage one to nurture themselves more kindly.
The seventh house is related to significant relationships. Saturn Return in Cancer in the seventh house can push individuals to look at what they have given in exchange for security in relationships. They may also need to learn to open up emotionally in their relationships, even though they might feel like revealing their emotions would threaten the stability of their relationships.
The eighth house is linked with intense experiences like death and sexual intimacy. With Saturn in the eighth house, individuals may have an inability to get away from such difficult matters or a fear of approaching them. Cancer in the eighth house might tend to be emotional about heavy stuff, but Saturn there could block the release of emotions. At the time of the Saturn Return in Cancer in the eighth house, it is important to feel the feelings about significant events and trauma in order to move forward.
The ninth house is associated with beliefs and travel. With Cancer in the ninth house, individuals might be sentimentally attached to a religious or political affiliation that they associate with their family heritage. Saturn Return in Cancer in this house could push individuals to confront whether their beliefs work for them personally and try out new approaches.
The tenth house is related to career and status. If someone has Cancer in the tenth house, they may be drawn to a profession where they help or nurture others. Saturn Return in Cancer in this house may bring opportunities to find a profession that involves helping or nurturing others. The hard part about the helping professions is often knowing when to stop helping, and at the time of the Saturn Return in Cancer in the tenth house, individuals might learn important lessons about professional boundaries.
The eleventh house is associated with friendships and community groups. With Saturn in the eleventh house, individuals may feel shut out of social connections, like they do not come easily to them. Once they hit their stride, though, their commitments to groups and organizations may become overwhelming for them. A Saturn Return in Cancer in the eleventh house can help them discover whether their commitments to these groups are a good fit for them.
The twelfth house is associated with secrets and things that are out of view. Those with Saturn in the twelfth house may have a hidden agenda running their life that they may not be aware of. With Cancer in the twelfth house, they might tend to hide their sensitivity. At the time of the Saturn Return in Cancer in the twelfth house, it is important to become aware of emotional triggers and achieve powerful insights.
Saturn Return in Scorpio by house
The first house is associated with a person's physical body and identity. With Scorpio in the first house, a person may have trouble viewing an illness or injury as just a random occurrence. Instead, they may feel compelled to look for deeper meanings in any physical challenges they experience at this time. The presence of Saturn in the first house may also cause a person to present themselves in a serious and dignified way.
In the second house, Scorpio's influence may cause a person to view their money and possessions not only as ends in themselves but also as the means to the end of getting what they want emotionally. This can lead to issues with control and manipulation in relationships. During the second house Saturn Return in Scorpio, a person may be forced to confront these issues and consider whether they are sabotaging themselves financially because they secretly think people will be more sympathetic to them if they are in need.
The third house is associated with communication, and having Saturn in this house can make it hard for a person to communicate with others and make themselves understood. With Scorpio in the third house, a person may either love or hate shallow small talk. Getting stuck at either extreme of that spectrum could lead to feelings of loneliness at the third house Saturn Return in Scorpio. A person may need to work to balance their need for depth with the limitations of the connections that others are able to give them.
The fourth house is focused on home and family matters. With Scorpio in the fourth house, intense emotions may have been a prominent part of a person's home life while they were growing up. The presence of Saturn in this house can complicate matters and tend to suppress open emotional displays. During the fourth house Saturn Return in Scorpio, a person may be pushed to consider whether the strategies they learned in their upbringing for coping with emotions are still working for them. If there was a family secret that couldn't be discussed openly, they may need to finally deal with it.
The fifth house is associated with children and creativity. With Scorpio in the fifth house, a person may feel like they have to become a parent to be a proper adult. However, Scorpio tends to like to control things, and children tend to resist being controlled. During the fifth house Saturn Return in Scorpio, a person may need to consider whether they are pushing their child in a particular direction in an attempt to meet their own emotional needs.
The sixth house focuses on routine responsibilities and health, and the presence of Saturn in this house can be associated with health problems or a focus on staying healthy. With Scorpio in the sixth house, a person may be capable of precision and insight in their work, and they could use these qualities to accomplish something significant at their sixth house Saturn return in Scorpio. However, they might also want their work to be meaningful, and they could reach their limit with a job that seems to be pointless.
The seventh house is associated with significant one-on-one relationships, including but not limited to marriage. With Scorpio in the seventh house, a person may crave relationships with people who bring intensity to their life. However, the presence of Saturn in this house can complicate matters, and a person might realize that an exciting partner is not well suited to bring them the security they also want. During the seventh house Saturn Return in Scorpio, a person may feel like they have to choose once and for all between intensity and safety in a significant relationship.
The eighth house is linked with intense experiences like death and sexual intimacy. With Scorpio in the eighth house, a person may be tempted to fight against a change that they know on some level is necessary. However, relinquishing control could show them possibilities they would not have thought of on their own during the eighth house Saturn Return in Scorpio.
The ninth house is associated with the systems of beliefs that make up society, like philosophies, legal codes, and religious doctrines. With brooding Scorpio in the ninth house, a person's view of the world may tend to emphasize the dark side of life. During the ninth house Saturn Return in Scorpio, a person may be challenged to learn what they need to learn from difficult situations without getting destroyed by them.
The tenth house is involved with matters of career and status. With Scorpio in the tenth house, a person may be drawn to a career where they get to solve difficult problems. However, the presence of Saturn in this house can make it hard for a person to feel like they have ever done enough. During the tenth house Saturn Return in Scorpio, a person may have to balance their desire for security with their desire to feel like they are making a difference.
The eleventh house is associated with friendships and community groups. With Saturn in the eleventh house, a person may feel shut out of social connections early on. With Scorpio in the eleventh house, a person may be deeply loyal to their friends and other associations. During the eleventh house Saturn Return in Scorpio, a person may need to be honest with themselves about whether others are as committed to them as they are to those connections.
The twelfth house is associated with secrets and things that are out of view. With Saturn in the twelfth house, a person may have a hidden structure or hidden agenda running their life that they may not even be aware of. With Scorpio in the twelfth house, a person's secrets could be successfully hidden even from themselves. During the twelfth house Saturn Return in Scorpio, a person may be forced to confront a deeply repressed trauma or realize that they need to make more space for rest and contemplation in their life.
Saturn Return in Pisces by house
The first house is associated with an individual's physical body and identity. With Saturn in the first house, individuals may feel a struggle with a problem involving their physical body. Pisces in the first house could cause individuals to appear dreamy and imaginative, but this could cause them to struggle with finding a sense of self. This house's impact suggests that individuals need to balance their individuality with their identity, finding ways to express themselves while also being grounded in reality.
The second house is linked with money and possessions. Having Saturn in the second house can indicate that money does not come easily to individuals, leading to a disciplined attitude towards whatever finances they have. If Pisces is present in this house, individuals may struggle with being realistic about their finances, leading to an emotional attachment to possessions. This house's impact suggests that individuals need to balance their emotional attachment to possessions with a grounded sense of reality, finding ways to make sound investments while also being mindful of their finances.
The third house is associated with communication. Having Saturn in the third house can indicate difficulty in making oneself understood. If Pisces is present in this house, individuals may have a talent for creative communication, but may struggle with being understood by others. This house's impact suggests that individuals need to develop better communication skills, finding ways to express themselves clearly while also being mindful of others' perspectives.
The fourth house deals with home and family matters. Having Saturn in the fourth house can indicate that individuals did not receive the nurturing they needed growing up. If Pisces is present in this house, individuals may have grown up in a chaotic or artistic environment. This house's impact suggests that individuals need to acknowledge the nurturing they missed out on while also developing healthy boundaries.
The fifth house is associated with children and creativity. Having Saturn in the fifth house can cause individuals to feel they need to become a parent to be a proper adult. If Pisces is present in this house, individuals may struggle with making practical decisions about their creative endeavors. This house's impact suggests that individuals need to balance their desire for creative expression with practical considerations, finding ways to express themselves while also being mindful of their responsibilities.
The sixth house focuses on routine responsibilities and staying healthy. Having Saturn in the sixth house can indicate a disciplined attitude towards one's routine and health. If Pisces is present in this house, individuals may struggle with being realistic about their health, leading to a tendency to avoid facing responsibilities. This house's impact suggests that individuals need to balance their creative approach to routine and health with a grounded sense of reality, finding ways to make healthy choices while also being mindful of their limitations.
The seventh house deals with significant one-on-one relationships. Having Saturn in the seventh house can suggest taking these relationships very seriously. If Pisces is present in this house, individuals may struggle with being realistic about their relationships, leading to an emotional attachment to their partners. This house's impact suggests that individuals need to work on their communication skills, finding ways to express their unique views while also ensuring their partners are on the same page.
The eighth house is linked with intense experiences such as death and sexual intimacy. Having Saturn in the eighth house can cause fear or an inability to approach such experiences. If Pisces is present in this house, individuals may struggle with being realistic about their finances and shared property, leading to an emotional attachment to possessions. This house's impact suggests that individuals need to balance their emotional attachment to possessions with a grounded sense of reality, finding ways to express their ideals while also being mindful of potential exploitation.
The ninth house is associated with beliefs and higher education. Having Saturn in the ninth house can make individuals dogmatic or blocked by societal structures. If Pisces is present in this house, individuals may struggle with being realistic about their beliefs, leading to an emotional attachment to their ideas. This house's impact suggests that individuals need to find a balance between their desire for change and their respect for established structures, finding ways to express their ideas while also being mindful of others' beliefs.
The tenth house deals with career and public status. Having Saturn in the tenth house can suggest concern for one's public role in the world. If Pisces is present in this house, individuals may struggle with being realistic about their career goals, leading to an emotional attachment to their professional aspirations. This house's impact suggests that individuals need to find a balance between their emotional attachment to their career goals and a grounded sense of reality, finding ways to express their unique ideas while also being mindful of their responsibilities.
The eleventh house is associated with friendships and community groups. Having Saturn in the eleventh house can mean finding a peer group is an important focus. If Pisces is present in this house, individuals may struggle with being realistic about their goals for community involvement, leading to an emotional attachment to their vision for a better world. This house's impact suggests that individuals need to find a balance between their desire for acceptance and their need for individuality, finding ways to express themselves while also finding like-minded individuals.
The twelfth house deals with secrets and things that are out of view. Having Saturn in the twelfth house can indicate a hidden agenda running an individual's life. If Pisces is present in this house, individuals may struggle with being realistic about their need for privacy, leading to an emotional attachment to their hidden parts. This house's impact suggests that individuals need to find ways to express themselves even in the face of potential criticism or rejection, finding like-minded individuals who understand and accept them.
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Sailor Saturn Render
Ultimate Guide to Surviving Saturn Return
Retorno de Saturno: Descubra a idade crítica da sua vida - Marcelo Levi
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Saturn Return
Saturn Return in the houses
Saturn Return by element
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harmoonix · 9 months
🌴 ☙ Lovely astrology notes ☙🌴
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☙ Your Jupiter Sign can describe some traits your husband might have (This applies only if you attracted to men)
Aries Jupiter - Loves to give you the attention you need and shares loves and intimacy
Taurus Jupiter - Loves to get touchy with you they love physical touch and gentle touching
Gemini Jupiter - Would spend hours talking with you about how your day is, how you're doing, and how much you can mean to them
Cancer Jupiter: Loves to comfort you when you need it and to support you
Leo Jupiter: Loves to talk about about how proud they are of you
Virgo Jupiter: Someone who can take care of you or you support you when you have it low
Libra Jupiter: Loves to take you on romantic dates and to tell you how much they love you
Scorpio Jupiter: Would give you the moon, they would love to hug you all day long
Sagittarius Jupiter: To take you in amazing trips/adventures and to make memories together
Capricorn Jupiter: Loves to hangout with you and to give you assurance about how much you mean to them
Aquarius Jupiter: Would make you their best friend and treat you like a lover in the same, they can talk with their friends a lot about you
Pisces Jupiter: Would love to create an connection with you and to be bounded in love but also spiritually
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☙ Jupiter trine/sextile/conjunct Ascendant can make the native thick, or just giving them very thick legs/thighs (Of course you need to eat healthy and etc to have a nice body) 👄
☙ Virgo Moons/Moon in Virgo Degrees (6°, 18°) prioritize their health a lot, they are always concerning about their health also about how healthy they eat 💭
Sullys stick together. That was our greatest weakness, and our great strength.
☙ Libra Moon/Moon in Libra Degrees (7°, 19°) are the people who fall very easily in love without thinking "What if they are wrong person for me" and just realizing at the end/when the things get low, be aware of the people around you 💗
☙ Moon trine/sextile Venus can make the native an hopeless romantic, someone who can offer anything for their partners and loving them unconditionally
☙ Pisces Moon/Moon in Pisces Degrees (12°, 24°) can be spiritual gifted, aswell as very intuitive. Can also have signs in their dreams, they can be also psychic 🪄
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☙ Pluto aspecting Neptune (all aspects) can have a sort of spiritual awakening at some point or just a type of rebirthing of how they evolve spiritually
☙ Asteroid Valentine [447] in Libra/in 7th house or at Libra Degrees (7°, 19°) makes the native to be gifted with a good love life and possibly even marriage life but only if they find the right partner who can give them all the love they need (I love the love asteroids in Libra because they are connected so much, some asteroids even feel at home in Libra💅🏼)
☙ Asteroid Valentine [447] in Sagittarius/in the 9th house or at Sagittarius Degrees (9°,21°) makes the native to be very curious when they get into a relationship, they can travel with their specific person a lotttt and to enjoy their presence, you can feel free with them (Honestly any love asteroids in Sagittarius are chefs kiss💋)
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☙ Asteroid Valentine [447] in Virgo/in the 6th house or at Virgo Degrees (6°, 18°) can find that perfectionist partner who can be good at literally everything 😍, also their partners can be like teachers and teach them a lot of things
☙ Asteroid Valentine [447] trine/sextile/conjunct the MC can make the people to see you and your specific person as the perfect couple, a couple is very in love with eachother and very affectionate
☙ Asteroid Valentine in Aries/1st house or at Aries Degrees (1°, 13°, 25°) makes the native to be attracted physically like a magnet 🧲 to people, they can attract partners easily and partners with good personalities/dominant figures/brave etc
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(Love this gif so much seeing Neytiri as a mom makes my heart melt, trying to not CRY everytime I see this scene)
☙ Venus Degrees over your Sun Sign (2°,7°,14°, 19°, 26°) can give your an alluring beauty that many people can find it very attractive, because of Taurus & Libra energy you also tend to be very romantic
☙ Saturn in the 7th house is not for the weak, Saturn gives lessons and challenges, yes he can do that but it always comes with good things aswell, they can have success in finding a very good relationship and a serious one who can last forever (Saturn loves to be in the 7th house idk what astrologer woke up and said "Wait Saturn doesn't like it here") 👽...
☙ Saturn in the 5th house is a very strong placements for those who want to have a good relationship and kids, Saturn might give you that but it can come later in life or after you just learned some lessons about those topics, the right partner will come for you, don't you worry.
☙ Venus/Juno combined with Saturnian Degrees (10°, 11°, 22°, 23°) can have karmic relationships/partners or just relationships that can have a lot lessons
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☙ Juno in Taurus or 2nd house might get "Princess Treatment" or very spoiled by their partners 🛍️🛍️ this placement can also be "Material Girl"
☙ Sagittarius + Libra placements especially in big 6 (Sun, Moon, Rising, Venus, Mars, Mercury) in a chart can make someone very outgoing and fun to be around with, they love to hangout so much and just to go and have fun
☙ Capricorn + Scorpio placements in big 6 (Sun, Moon, Rising, Venus, Mars, Mercury) can make someone very loyal and serious about what they want in life, they are very good at hiding their feelings from the world so no one can know them
☙ Aquarius + Pisces placements in big 6 can make someone very creative, intuitive, misterious and very humanitarian, they love to help others (even animals if they can), having this love for the world is something they are born with
☙ Leo + Aries placements in a chart can make someone very hot tempered, someone who's emotion's can be felt very intense and yet someone who can be dramatic sometimes, they are a good combo for confidence boost
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☙ Taurus and Cancer placements in a chart can make someone very nurturing, someone who can make other people feel better with their words, aswell as very sensitive and caring with the people they love
☙ Virgo and Gemini placements in a chart can make the native to be seen as someone who is very intelligent and with a lot of logic, wise, curious and talktive yet shy sometimes, they love to make deep conversations and chats
☙ AIR moon + FIRE rising in a chart can make the person very expressive and logical, they think at every situation possible when something doesn't go as planed, they are extremely fun to be around
☙ EARTH moon + EARTH rising in a chart makes the person very intuitive and grounding, they are very generous with people and EXTREMELY KIND like omg they are so kind with literally everyone + someone who has a lot of respect for others
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(Couldn't find an gif of this so I needed to take a photo 🥹🥹 so sweet I love them so much)
☙ WATER moon + AIR rising makes the person to be very creative, someone with a lot of dreams and possibly someone who is always with their head in the clouds, they have this special aesthetic and an creative eye for a lot of things
☙ FIRE moon + WATER rising can make the native very honest and trusty, they are so curious about everything around them hearing "What's that","How that works". "How you make this" is so cute because they tend to be this energetic person who can send a lot of good vibes to people
☙ Can we talk about how Moon and Mercury aspects are literally having the most cutest voices ever??? They can possess singing abilities aswell like gurl go sing TITANIC and you will have success
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🙂 How can I describe this... I love avatar so much that I made another post based on the movie 😭 I love it so much give it a chance to watch in case the gifs make you to wonder about it 🫶🏼
🤍☀️ Anyway while writing I felt this post was a bit long I entered in many subjects and i described many placements and my theories about some aswell ☀️🤍 Hope you will like it as much as I did while processing this post 🫶🏼☀️🤍
☀️🤍🫶🏼Have a blessed day full of light and warm energy ☀️🤍🫶🏼
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lunaa007 · 2 months
Astrology observations #3
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These are my personal observations and should be taken in the context of the whole chart, never isolated 😊
Some of this is 18+, no minors allowed
♦️Mars-Uranus aspects can indicate a liking for risky activities and extreme sports, like motorcycling or base jumping. They can even like to put themselves in danger as they need the adrenaline. Routine is super boring for them, they need to try new things very often. They should be careful to release this nervous energy with sports, work they're passionate about or things like that or it can backfire. This aspect can be tempered down with Saturn aspects or a lot of earth energy in the chart.
♦️Venus square mars aspect: can often be mean to the person they like, classic "if he pulled your hair it's because he likes you" stuff. Can be very passionate, might have difficulty to separate feelings from lust. They might have talent for artistic sports like dancing or ice skating. For women, they might like a more sporty fashion style.
♦️Sun-saturn aspects: especially for harsh ones, this can really change the expression of the sun sign. I know someone with sun and several planets in Leo, but they are all square to Saturn and you could never tell she's a Leo; she is very reserved, shy and restrained in life. But as with all Saturn aspects this can change with age, the personality coming through more and more while keeping an amazing sense of discipline, wisdom and grounding.
♦️Moon-uranus aspects: with harsh aspects (conjunction, square, opposition), the mother might have been emotionally cold during the childhood, and she might have been a bit erratic and unpredictable. This could have showed up as frequently moving places, or having a mother considered weird or crazy by society. With soft aspects like trine or sextile this could show up as an untraditional family, maybe having two fathers or two mothers, or parents very into technology, but this was not hard on the person and it helped them develop their individuality and independence.
♦️Taurus mercury: these people can learn much slower than other people (this does not mean they are not as intelligent, their rhythm is just different). At school they might have felt behind their schoolmates or felt like they didn't have enough time to finish their exams/homework. It is important that they don't feel bad about this and take the time they need to do their work. This might be less strong with Uranus influence on mercury. ♦️ Aquarius moon natals and their need to always read and watch self-development content without ever actually feeling their feelings 🙃
♦️ Venus conjunct moon: these people are so kind, they have such a big heart and do not wish harm on anyone, please stay mindful of who has access to you as many people might want to be in contact with this energy but sometimes also energy vampires.
♦️ Mercury conjunct/square pluto and their dark humor! I have this in my chart and one of my colleagues actually said to me three days after she started: "your jokes can be really dark sometimes" 😂 it gets worse when I'm tired as I don't filter my jokes so much before saying them. These aspects might also think a lot about death and dark themes, they can be the type to think "what happens if I die tomorrow", or "I could die if I do this" but not in a worried way, just thinking rationally about what is possible.
♦️ Leo mars women and their secret backup plan of becoming a stripper or an exotic dancer 💃 these women often have a talent for dancing, and performing can make them feel desired and confident.
♦️ Aries moon/mars placements and their road rage! Both my parents have these placements and my god the number of stressful rides to school I had when I was a child 😂 this can also apply to the other fire mars.
♦️ Lilith conjunct ascendant: these people often provoke reactions everywhere they go, they rarely go unnoticed whether it is positive reactions or negative. The women with this aspect might get sexualised a lot, and the men with this aspect might attract animosity from other men. ♦️ Sun-jupiter and moon-jupiter aspects: they might always see the bright side of things, "it will get better", "this is temporary", seeing the glass half-full. A lot of optimism, faith in a higher meaning, maybe too optimistic sometimes and too trusting that things will unfold in the right way.
♦️Mars square pluto women often attract creepy men on the street, interactions with aggressive men might be unfortunately common. It is important to not repress their anger and channel their power in something like martial arts.
♦️Gemini moon/IC: they might love to talk with their loved ones at home, a lot of communication and learning in their private life. If they live alone they might be a lot on the phone or always have music or tv or radio on.
♦️Mercury square saturn: they might doubt their intellectual abilities when young, their learning style might not fit the classic school system. It is important that they are encouraged by their family, and with time they will gain confidence and master the learning techniques that fit them best.
♦️Mars in virgo might care too much about pleasing their partner in bed and have a hard time receiving pleasure without giving anything. They might also feel self-conscious if they do not feel "clean" like not fresh out of the shower. It is important for them to practice letting go of their thoughts and doubts and be present in their body. They deserve pleasure as much as everybody else!
♦️ Jupiter in the 2nd house might have a very good self-esteem, if the moon and venus are not too afflicted. And if it is the case it helps the native deal with the harder aspects.
♦️ That's why it is so dangerous to interpret an  aspect in isolation of the rest of the chart, a challenging aspect might be very beneficial in a chart and less in another one. For instance moon conjunct saturn might be more challenging for a Capricorn moon which is already quite controled and closed off, but in the sign of Aries it might help the native tame their impulsivity and control better their emotions. 
♦️ Or moon square Uranus might be beneficial for a Capricorn moon or a Taurus moon as it might help them break out of their routine and become more adaptable and flexible to change.
Thank you for reading!
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geovanag · 2 months
Composite Chart #2
🌿 Rising in Composite Part 1 🌿
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The Composite chart, which is effective after meeting a person and is formed by calculating the common points of the positions in the charts of the two people, is the chart that many astrologers (and me too) often use. One of the things you need to know at a basic level is what sign your ascendant is in and what it means. (In one of my previous posts I talked about what houses can mean in general, if you want to read it: #1 ) Let's now examine what the rising between Aries and Virgo mean, the identity of the relationship and how the relationship visibly looks from the outside…
》Aries Rising《
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There's a strong drive to initiate new experiences and ventures together.
Both individuals may value their independence and individuality within the relationship.
A competitive spirit may be present.
There's a direct and assertive communication style within the relationship. Both individuals are likely to express their needs and desires openly and assertively.
Aries Ascendant can signify a love for physical activity and exercise. Engaging in physical activities together can strengthen the bond between the partners.
》Taurus Rising《
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Both individuals value reliability and consistency in their partnership.
There's an inclination towards creating a comfortable and harmonious home environment together. Both partners may prioritize material comforts and may work together to build a solid financial foundation.
Both partners are grounded in reality and prefer to take a pragmatic approach to handling day-to-day affairs.
They are willing to invest time and effort into nurturing the relationship and overcoming any difficulties that arise.
Both partners may enjoy indulging in good food, luxurious surroundings, and other sensory experiences together.
》Gemini Rising《
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Relationship may involve a lot of social interaction and networking.
The individuals may enjoy teasing each other, engaging in witty banter, and finding joy in the small pleasures of life.
The individuals to express themselves in diverse ways within the relationship.
The individuals may enjoy a dynamic and versatile partnership that fosters mutual growth, understanding, and appreciation for each other's unique qualities.
They may share a curiosity for knowledge, enjoy engaging in deep conversations, and have a mutual appreciation for each other's intellect.
》Cancer Rising《
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They may feel a strong emotional bond and a sense of closeness to each other, with an intuitive understanding of each other's feelings and needs.
Relationship may center around domestic life and familial connections. They may prioritize spending time together at home, creating a sense of warmth and security within their shared space.
They may form a close-knit unit, offering each other emotional support and security in times of need.
The individuals are likely to be caring, compassionate, and empathetic towards each other's needs.
There may be a strong intuitive connection between the individuals, allowing them to understand each other's feelings without the need for words.
》Leo Rising《
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They may enjoy being in the spotlight together and may attract attention wherever they go.
The relationship may be characterized by acts of generosity, kindness, and warmth, as the individuals strive to make each other feel special and valued.
They may enjoy celebrating each other's achievements and milestones, fostering a sense of mutual admiration and respect.
The individuals may take on leadership roles within the relationship.However, you should keep in mind that there is one feature to watch out for. Because in this leadership role, frictions/discussions will be inevitable.
Inspiring each other to shine brightly and embrace life with enthusiasm and zest.
》Virgo Rising《
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The individuals may pay close attention to the finer points of their interactions, striving for perfection and efficiency in their communication and activities.
They offering practical assistance and guidance to help each other grow and succeed.
The individuals may be down-to-earth.
They may work together harmoniously, supporting each other's goals and aspirations while maintaining a grounded and realistic approach to life.
Part 2 🌿 is coming soon...
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