#save rhinos
anotherhumansthings · 11 days
This video makes me laugh because why are you yelling at a rhino like it's your neighbour's pet😂
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arthistoryanimalia · 5 months
For #SaveTheRhinoDay 🦏:
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René Lalique (French, 1860-1945)
1. Rhinocéros paperweight, Model 1195, 1931 frosted glass, L 11.5 x H 8.5 cm
2. Original plaster model, 1931 H 8.3 x W 11.5 x D 2.5 cm
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movedtodykedvonte · 1 year
No cause the moment they discover Spidey is barely in his 20s, like hasn’t even reached it, their perspective changes wildly.
This isn’t some annoying dude fucking with them anymore, this is a kid with a sense of justice and they respect the bravery it takes to come out here as a child and fight the likes of them. Even if they find it incredibly dumb and overly self-sacrificial. They don’t throw their punches but they miss more. Their plans are just as dire but straight forward, easier to thwart. Not intentionally, just the subconscious thought and agreement they don’t want to be the one specifically responsible for death of a child. 
Like imagine in battle Spidey sacrifices himself and they all just gotta be like “Yeah we did it!” for like the news only for the inside of their heads to be like “That is a child.”
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funnywildlife · 2 years
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#RhinoFriday shout out from conservation #wildographydudette & @wildfocusexpeditions tour leader @jamitarrisphotography * #SaveRhinos #WorthMoreAlive * Follow & support conservation organisations like @savingthesurvivors who treat victims of poaching and help help communities to live harmony with wildlife. #donate from $5 https://www.savingthesurvivors.org/donate #Wildography #SavingTheSurvivors #Save #wildlifephotography #jamitarrisphotography #cute #savetherhino #babyanimals #rhino #conservation https://www.instagram.com/p/CnXB01SsZF8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Victory! 🐘
Canada has officially banned the elephant ivory and rhino horn trade, which includes the import of hunting trophies containing these parts!
@HSI_Canada has been at the forefront of the battle to protect these endangered species, working with Environment and Climate Change Canada to ensure these measures pass.
We also want to thank YOU and the tens of thousands of supporters who signed our action alerts to help make this happen.
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punkymaysnark · 7 months
Nah just thinking about what happened to the passenger pigeon pisses me off.
If we just left them the fuck alone they'd probably still be here. We'd have pretty yellow-bellied pigeons. But nooooooo, since they dared poop on our awesome coal factories, we're going to mow them all down within a century. We're going to come up with devices designed to kill as many pigeons as possible. Then we're going to eat them like chicken wings. When the last pigeon drops dead, oh well!
17th century humans were the devil's toe jam.
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not-souleaterpost · 7 months
The suprisingly bad plot of Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
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So I played this little fun Jet Set Radio clone (don't worry, it ties into the iceberg, so I wasnt technically procrastinating with video games-)
And the thing that stuck out besides the expected and fun is how the story was bad. In a surprising way - not as "oh I didnt expect it to suck so much!!!" But nah, what I mean is that it failed in a interesting way.
So what do I mean?
Well lets start with the whole setup "Oh yeah, you get your head chopper of and are actually just a random scrap metal robot controling a should-be lifeless body."
This is weird enough, but the fact that there is that much head switching and body stitching is just strange, you wouldnt really expect that from a skating game - hell it makes the casual light-bulb eye-switching from Naruto look tame in comparison.
Still, one could guess that its just a quirky thing (or more disturbingly that some of the developers gets off from it, like not the weirdest thing that exist) - just some funny detail to get attention and stand out.
But not, this thing actually is the crux of the whole "theme" and "charachter arc"
And its weird that this kind of game trys that, like if mario struggled with alcholism as a framing decice for generic platformer #64. Cause why do something that is overly ambitious and will fail?
Like this game sadly failed - the whole search for "roots" just felt kinda unatural and as if the people were living in a different world from you (like ok I get it the society literally is that much weirder, but I mean in a sense of just procecing information and emotions differently than a standard human would)
Just the fact that the charachters feel empty and you dont really connect with them or their relationships makes everything hollow - yet its weird that they tried at all - cause yeah in the end in Jet Set Radio, nobody gives a shit about that stuff, we just wanna ride the line with carefull cartoon charicatures.
Yet still the story decided to introduce plot twist, thematic foils, villians with pseudo-arcs, drama etc.
But somehow it doesnt get how at the same time it just doesnt work on a basic level - like after its revealed that not only that Faux guy killed Felix for a petty reason but also is about to kill all other Graffiti pals, its kinda irellevant that his "big secret" was "Oh your dad kept you out of trouble"
Yet the game plays that up as some final all revealing shocker, and even gives Faux a death mirroring Felix initial fall.
Also the whole arc of Felix is both weird and at the same time something that seems to be trying to say something - from starting as some random smart hair-dryer, to it being revealed that he secretly was a legendary skater with amnesia, and the whole "you are both now"-
I get kinda that they tried to say "look he died partly because of his arrogance and not letting others be close may sparked Faux's psychopathy", but still at the end it just doesnt click, you know what Im saying - the first thing after coming to life with no memory is "Oh I wanna paint the city, yeah why not and find my original head even if its not really mine" and then "Oh I guess I learned the power of friendship, even if we interacted minimally and in the end only the final thematic attack showed the use of bonds"
Like yeah, it showed literally moments how without other people he would be dead but still it was so subdued that its weird to do a whole story like that.
Especially a story as whacky as it - with a evil skater head taking over the police and brainwashing everyone to do his biding while becoming a giant centipede monster.
But the weirdest part is that it even had the whole meta-commentary about how yeah it IS a rip-off and one cant escape that, but like, we are totally something new too guys!
But guess the only really clever writting was the set up of that weirdo with angel wings actually having a absurd but believable reason for overhearing everything lol.
Yet other things just go nowhere - the sniper kinda disapears from the story, there are obvious times where you are just sent in circles for padding, etc.
And that last thing is kinda what leads me to my attempt to reverse engineer the story -
I would guess they started with the wacky desing of the main guy and someone though "but why do he be having that crazy head thou?"
And from that it sparked the idea, well he lost the head - and that connected with the whole "identity" thing especially when they had to think if they were making something creative or just puppetering the corpse of a dead, head-team less corpse of a faux legendary franchise (I dunno why I said faux, I like JSR, but I had to tie in the names)
The details came later, hence why DJ Cybers Mask is supposedly Felix's, even though it doesnt fit the latter - cause yeah the charachter designs werent made like that originally.
And thats why there is some weird padding and moments - cause of budget reasons some things had to be stretched, or maybe some things had to be used in a way to maximise what one has done and to not throw away some cool concepts, even if they clash.
Also, Im not knocking this associative way of coming up with storys, just speculating if thats how it all came together.
Still, the fact that the story isnt just "Yeah we are rebels and here are police, lets fight!" without any of the before mentioned window dressing is surprising.
And, being non-generic is a positive surprise, no matter the execution - so see, this "essay" wasnt shitting on this game afterall.
(also contrast for a simmilar story that is unsurprisingly bad - Gravity Rush - but I'll save that for another time, man I wish that games creative direction was done by someone else, cause the gameplay itself has moments of being more fun than a lot of things...)
Oh also the proof that this all relates back to the Soul Eater iceberg - see what I found (sadly not first, cause I googled and some redditor noticed 2 months ago, alas if I played this game way back I would have had this eternal glory, not shame😔):
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And if you say: That's it? I expected more!:
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rabbitcruiser · 5 months
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Save The Rhino Day
Save the Rhino Day, celebrated globally on May 1, is a day centered around raising awareness of the rhino’s plight in the world, and highlighting ways to help this incredible animal. This day is especially important given the current devastating statistics — on average, one rhino is poached somewhere in the world every 22 hours. On this day, various animal rights organizations, non-profit companies, zoos, animal activists, and other concerned groups provide opportunities to encourage more rhino conservation efforts from people around the world.
History of Save The Rhino Day
To trace the origins of the Rhinoceros, we’d have to go back some millennia — almost 56 million years ago, to be precise. That’s when the first ancestors of the modern Rhinos roamed the planet. They were more horse-like in structure and had no horns. Old rhino bones found from this period in North America show a gradual evolution from this old horse-like structure into one more aligned with today’s rhino. Over these years, there were three distinct species that scientists think might be the ancestors of today’s rhinos. One of these was called the ‘running rhino,’ which was adapted for speed.
Another was more aquatic and resembled today’s hippopotamus. The last, most direct ancestors to the modern rhinoceros appeared approximately 25 million years ago and had multiple sub-species in their families. Of these, the wooly rhinoceros was one of the largest subspecies, weighing in at almost four times the size of the average African elephant, and boasting one-meter-long horns. This species inhabited a large area, from Siberia to the British Isles. These plant-eaters lived alongside the wooly mammoths, and have been found fossilized in ice and in cave paintings made during that period.
These rhinos only lived in Asia initially but began traveling to other places around 25 million years ago. Over time, these rhino ancestors roamed the continents, primarily living in Eurasia (Europe and Asia combined) and North America. However, the American rhinos went extinct sometime between 5.4 and 2.4 million years ago.
Rhinos have also featured in many Asian and African legends — they are the fire-stamping heroes in many stories from Burma, India, and Malaysia. According to these stories, rhinos appeared every time a fire was lit in the forest and would stamp out the flames. So popular is this tale that it even featured in a popular 1980 South-African movie named “The Gods Must Be Crazy.”
Unfortunately, these once-abundant creatures have lost out to human activity. Hunting, and now, poaching and habitat loss, have drastically reduced the number of rhinos across the world. Rhino horns are also integral to traditional medicine in many parts of Asia, with people believing it has mystical powers. Since 2007, there has been a sharp increase in poaching activity and illegal trade of rhino horns, to the extent that many subspecies of rhinos have been declared extinct and the entire rhino population is listed as ‘endangered’.
Save The Rhino Day timeline
A Symbol of Queer Identity
Two Boston artists, Daniel Thaxton and Bernie Toale create a lavender rhinoceros as a symbol to increase awareness of gays and lesbians and put it in a series of subway posters.
No More Black Rhinos
The Western Black Rhino — which used to live in Cameroon, Chad, the Central African Republic, Sudan, and South Sudan — is declared extinct because of excessive poaching.
A Ray of Hope
For the very first time, a Sumatran rhino — the smallest of the rhino family — is born in captivity in the Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary in Indonesia; this miracle repeats in 2016, and then in 2022.
A Sad Farewell
The world bids goodbye to the last known male northern white rhino; only two females survive to this day.
Save The Rhino Day FAQs
What day is World Rhino Day?
On September 22 each year, the global community celebrates the rhinoceros and explains what people can do to help them.
How many rhino species are there?
At present, there are five species of rhinos in the world — the white rhino and the black rhino (both found in Africa), and the Indian, Javan, and Sumatran (all found in Asia).
Are rhinos endangered?
The black, Javan, and Sumatran rhinos are still listed as ‘critically endangered,’ while the entire species is classified as ‘endangered.’
How to Observe Save The Rhino Day
Learn about the rhinoceros: Uncover more interesting information about this magnificent animal. Watch documentaries featuring the rhino, read books and other literature about them, and discover more studies and research that show just how the rhino lives.
Visit a rhino: Why not go see a rhinoceros in real life? Check out rhinos at a local zoo or plan a trip to visit rhinos in the wild.
Help save the rhino: Research the efforts various groups make towards saving the rhino, and check out what you can do to help. These could include online volunteering services, donations of funds, and more.
5 Fun Facts About The Rhinoceros
The rhino communication method: Rhinos make funny sounds — like snorting, sneeze-like sounds, and even honking — and use their bodily waste to 'speak' to other rhinos.
They don't have 20-20 vision: Rhino eyesight is notoriously poor, so much so that if an animal only 100 feet away — in an open space, too — stood motionless, the rhino wouldn't be able to spot them.
How the white rhino got its name: This rhino isn't actually white — English explorers mistook the Afrikaans 'wyd,' which refers to the huge girth of this animal, as 'white' and the name stuck.
Their horns are like our nails: Rhino horns are made up almost entirely of keratin, which is also the protein found in human hair and nails.
And still, people steal their horns: Even as rhino horns are proven to have no health benefits, signs in museums — like the National Museum of Scotland — notify visitors that the horn on display is a replica, as the real one has been stolen.
Why Save The Rhino Day is Important
It helps increase awareness: Rhinos are becoming increasingly rare in the wild, and only continuous efforts to raise awareness, like celebrating Save The Rhino Day, can help this endangered species. Do your bit today to support rhinos.
Creating safe havens for rhinos: The spike in awareness such days provide also subsequently raises the amount of help being offered to save the rhinos. These increased efforts could help secure various safe and protected spaces for the rhino to survive and thrive.
Building a rhino-loving community: Conservation efforts have had a significant impact in the past — various subspecies of rhinos have seen their numbers gradually increase over the years as a result of these activities. After these celebrations, we are left with a passionate and motivated global community that wants to see the rhinoceros flourish in the decades to come.
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subby-sab · 5 months
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Today is 1st of May.
Today is May Day / International Labour Day, Worthy Wage Day, Save The Rhino Day, National Mantra Day.
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reasonablyneurotic · 1 year
I need to start drawing the one who grips Faust she has been carrying me since day one
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djhenryhall · 1 year
The Plight of South Africa's Rhinoceros
While the bond between a rhinoceros mother and calf is nothing short of extraordinary, these gentle giants face an existential threat - rhino poaching.
Rhino mother and calf Our guide alerted us to the dire Rhino poaching crisis and emphasized the importance of removing location (latitude and longitude) data before sharing any content on social media. As the sun dipped towards the horizon, we deliberately paused for a cherished ‘sundowner’—a delightful African bush happy hour. The guides were busy arranging beverages and snacks, and it was at…
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storybounded · 1 year
I changed my icon first and foremost BECAUSE YEESH GET IT OFF THIS BLOG bEFORE IT FLAGS ME AGAIN
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arthistoryanimalia · 5 months
For #SaveTheRhinoDay 🦏:
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Rhinoceros, c.1900
House of Fabergé / Peter Carl Fabergé (Russian, 1846-1920)
spotted red jasper, H 2 3/8 × W 4 5/8 × D 1 5/8 in. (6.1 × 11.8 × 4.2 cm)
Acquired by Henry Walters, 1900, by purchase [from the factory]
The Walters Art Museum 27.480
"Represented is the Indian rhinoceros, an animal found east of the Caspian Sea. Fabergé did not establish a hardstone studio until 1908, so this piece must have been produced outside the firm, perhaps in Karl Woerffel's lapidary (gem and precious stone) works in St. Petersburg or at the Haus Stern factory in Idar-Oberstein, Germany."
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phaeodesign3333 · 2 years
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save the chubby unicorns
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ollieworm · 1 day
Hi slayers. This December I’ll be doing a charity run with Save The Rhino and helping raise money for them. All the money they receive goes straight to conservation efforts, from keeping rhinos safe to reducing illegal horn trade. Please if you can, consider donating! Even a reblog is helpful :)
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On World Rhino Day, we celebrate these remarkable creatures — ‘the last living dinosaurs,’ as Daphne Sheldrick called them — and highlight the threats they face.
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Dame Daphne Marjorie Sheldrick, DBE (née Jenkins; 4 June 1934 – 12 April 2018) was a Kenyan of British descent, author, conservationist and expert in animal husbandry, particularly the raising and reintegrating of orphaned elephants into the wild for over 30 years.
She was the founder of the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust.
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